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mraloksingh · 2 years ago
Positive Thought
Positive Life...
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tatertitsalad · 2 months ago
Bouillon is meat tea
Stew is a form of cereal
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synderesis08 · 5 months ago
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a light from within
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mikyit · 1 year ago
--> Have we created a #society 👩‍👨‍👧‍👧 that’s too complex to survive ⁉️ #Human #societies evolved from simple to complex over #millennia 📅, experiencing slow #change ⚡ until recent centuries when #technology 🤖🛰️ accelerated our evolution. 💡 - Over the past two centuries,#technological advancements have transformed society at an unprecedented pace. 🧔 Adam Frank explores how this increasingly quick pace of #TechnoSocial evolution raises questions about humanity's ability to adapt.
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renovatio06 · 1 year ago
Why zero-point energy is a scam | Big Think
zero point energy graphic depiction, credit: Big Think, Ana Kova Source: Why zero-point energy is a scam – Big Think Thanks, Don Lincoln! Always better to listen to those who are in the know and learn from them than the fraudsters and self-proclaimed experts…
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beeboomachine · 6 months ago
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i want to feel that you want me
i want your hand sliding up my dress
put your kisses in my cleavage
pull the sleeve off my shoulder
i want to feel that you want me
please whisper in my ear that you want me
i want to feel your smile as you bite my neck
my pulses amuse you, my moans please you, my whimpers empower you
i want to hear you laugh at how easy i am
i want you to tease me while you make me squirm in pleasure
i want to feel that you want me
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learnspells · 11 months ago
ʚїɞ - "Tomorrow is a day for celebrating your mother?"
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"Could that apply to a woman who watched you grow up and raised you even if she doesn't call herself that? Like a master?"
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beeboomachine · 2 years ago
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{From my poem Love With All Your Heart (02/16/23)}
[Image ID: white text on black background that reads "If I could live forever, I would tell every blade of grass 'I love you'" End ID]
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kuldipsir · 2 years ago
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Classroom Questions: Overcoming Fears for Success
Education is the foundation of personal and professional growth, but for many, the thought of classroom questions can be anxiety-inducing. Whether you’re a student facing a teacher’s inquiry or an educator encouraging student participation, overcoming these fears is crucial for success. In this article, we’ll delve into effective strategies to conquer classroom question anxieties and pave the way for a successful educational journey.
Classroom Questions: Overcoming Fears for Success - (shikshashala.com)
#Public #speaking #anxiety, #Student #confidence, #Fear #of #failure, #Classroom #participation, #Educational #success, #Self-esteem #in #school, #Overcoming #fear, #Student #empowerment, #Confidence-building #strategies, #Classroom #engagement, #Fear #of #asking #questions, #Student #self-assurance, #Effective #learning, #Fear #management, #Student #empowerment, #Classroom #communication, #Boosting #student #confidence, #Fearless #learning, #Classroom #interaction, #Student #success, #Encouraging #questions, #Classroom #anxiety, #Building #student #confidence, #Active #classroom #participation, #Student #achievement
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green2stayecomarketing · 2 years ago
#Sustainability ♻️ #IndependentMedia🗞️🎙️🖥️ #WhoShouldGovern👥 #SWD 🕸️ #G2S🌿 Thankyou (Under 2hr Video) The World's Biggest Problem? Powerful psychopaths| Brian Klaas #BigThink #BountyNews ⛵ *Update #THENEWECONOMY 💲 https://youtu.be/3eBN_9rMoVI
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horizon-verizon · 8 months ago
The showrunners just continue to steal from TV Daenerys’s characterization and final storyline to improve their Rhaenyra (a self righteous Targaryen woman with delusions of grandeur ? Groundbreaking), but she remains completely boring and forgettable. Dust in the wind.
And even though TV Daenerys is radically and entirely different from her book counterpart (as much as I love Emilia Clarke), TV Daenerys’ daddy didn’t tell her she’s special, unlike Rhaenyra, Daenerys realized she’s special when she brought back dragons from extinction and walked out of fire utterly unharmed, please can people stop compare her to any of the mid characters from HOTD ??
Speak it again, anon, bc what?! It's quite obvious that they are trying to inject as much a literal magic layer of significance in Rhaenyra's story as magic was in Dany's Or they are trying to make Rhaenyra more "important" in the Targ lineage & "interesting" to those who loved Dany (which is most of the fandom, lets' bfr) to promote the show. And yet at every turn they have also excused D&D's atrocious illogical writing of Daenerys' core traits and convictions behind the ol' "GRRM has not finished his series".
We know that there are only 2 books left of this series and Dany is still very NOT like her show counterpart's more...demanding isn't the right word but for now, we'll go with it. Based on this fact alone, people are so much more willing to believe that Dany will turn a 180 somewhere in these last 2 bks and destroy KL or do something akin to Mad!Aerys "bc Targs are crazy and she seeks to be a white savior while profiting from slaves". That this extreme turn for her will not happen for someone like Jon Snow who literally came back from the dead after nearly all under his command killed him. That they don't feel it rather be Cersei, not Dany, who'd blow up KL despite all the comparisons and actions she has similar to Aerys in the text, word for word verbatim. No it has to be Dany, bec she is a "foreign invader" come to ruin the good town of Westeros with her slave-owning ways.
Ryan Condal recently said as much about the D&D defense on BigThink:
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Besides, there were a lot other instances where it's clear the real reason why they demolished her was to move on from the project and they just didn't like Dany. Go on over to ozymalek/PhoenixAshes' Youtube and search through to see how they broke it all down.
And yes, Dany actually showed/has very good reason to believe her singularity and even this pseudo-religious quality from her revitalizing dragons, effectively patching up a lot of the magical balance of the world by doing so.
What's also pretty cool is that bk!her still doesn't think of herself as a "god" the way Euron Greyjoy is kinda heading towards/is already at.
So it's so fucking weird how they are trying to re-capitalize on Dany's effect and show!character (and before that, her nonviolenet ADwD arc about the pits) for their false version of Rhaenyra bc apparently we can tolerate and even like ambitious, vengeful, cruel, or just selfish men like Euron, Robert B, Robb (not evil, but went to war for his own ends and his armies also raped indiscriminately), TYWIN [Rains of Castamere, everything else], etc. BUT a woman who has even just the mere self-concern to want to claim back a throne that was DEFINITIVELY usurped?! Nah, apparently, that's too much. She's unsympatheziable.
For a woman, she HAS to be "unselfish", trying to prove a point to men--dead or alive--of her strength 24/7, but unable to settle with an idea of her own "strength" or worthiness, and thus eventually be lead into semi-unintentionally building some strange "cult" around dragons from Westerosi religiosity to feel in control & for people to sympathize with her. She HAS to--as one Twitter user said--have a problem with her gender identity so as to attribute "womanly" stuff as "weak" to want the same things as what a man are granted.
If the audience is stupid, does that mean you should be as well and perpetuate MORE sexist stereotypes/frameworks? No; HotD is for the money and comes form a place of ignorant "women guide violent men" narrative, no matter much it claims it is "feminist" or how lore-knowledgeable Condal says he is.
We all know this is a media company and Condal is more businessman than creator and that you need sorta both a business/production sense as well as a creative spirit for TV/film. Problem is that Condal is inevitably and attempting to build an ethos and ethical narrative while also treating the org stories and GoT as material to re-market through his own "vision" of what he'd personally like to see as a ASoIaF story.
Just bc this is a huge media company doesn't mean whatever they say is "God" for the actual story they were tasked to adapt! You can enjoy that and still recognize nothing about it or most of it informs the orig story or "proves" anything of it WITHOUT bringing up good reasoning and comparisons as to how-why!
Much of the characterization/writing/plot decisions he makes are not about feminism or making the characters palatable for others but to--like with a lot of censorship--just make it so that as many people as possible are watching and are comfortable with the most popular but incorrect ideas of what ASoIaF & feminism or sexism is about, etc.. those of which have already been in fandom and larger life/online circulation for YEARS.
Therefore, there is much superficiality as well as what could have been fleshed out and nuanced ideas or directions the current writing HotD has AS WELL AS Condal's/Hess' own biases written into the very fabric of this show that mark it as just ASoIaF "fanfiction" instead of a strict "adaptation". I know people get annoyed with the fanfic allegations, but if you have an "adaptation" that no longer has most-to-any of the core ideas, themes, characterizations, EVENTS, etc. as its original, you call that a fanfic, not an adaptation. Just bc it came from a prestige major studio/company and had a lot of money thrown at it, doesn't make it actually an adaptation.
If the author themselves--even though they should know better bc look what happened with Dany, Euron, Cersei-Jaime, etc.--say something is egregiously wrong with how they written a certain thing in the show, it is not actually using the orig lore and therefore it is more fanfic than adaptation:
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Dany--unlike any other Targ, which includes Rhaenyra--has a relationship with 3 separate dragons even though she will only ride one. Vermithor should NOT have been as "docile" with Rhaenyra as they were in the show (saw another clip online, still haven't watched the episode). There is still a reason why Jace tried to get her out TWICE, why Viserys was upset at Aemond for going down to the Dragonpit alone, why Rhaena nearly died trying to bond with some, , why Nettles approach and SUCCESS with Sheepstealer is so amazing, why Baelon bumping a dragon on the nose gave him the moniker "Baelon the Brave", etc. Dragons are damned dangerous to anyone who aren't their rider! And Rhaenyra's "specialness" was evident in the plethora and rise of dragon eggs....you want to show her as such? Have dialogue about the trajectory of dragon eggs laid compared to now vs 40/30/20/10 yrs ago!
Yes, most of the Targ women are connected and esp through magic and fertility & expressed "Targaryen woman's strength" and agency in unique but still related ways. But as rhaenin-time once said:
HotD thinks it's somehow an improvement to insist that actually, no, they're all just (by circumstance) variations of a "generic targ girl" template.
You could have even have Rhaenyra stumble on something a GoT character later finds but not have her go into that deep about it bc she's focused on the war/usurpation if you really want to stick with the whole oversimplified "distracted by selfish stuff" going on. Point is, Rhaenyra's significance was meager compared to Dany's SPECIFICALLY when we talk about active and participatory spiritutality/magic. Passively and more subtly, Rhaenyra dying spelled the end of dragons...so be subtle about it and stop with the whole "religious cult" nonsense that really is just a continuation of the whole Dany-is-a-facist nonsense we got in the final season of GoT. "Targ madness" and all that.
Of course they won't bc this is Condal's "vision", but hey, got things off my chest.
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deltamothsblog · 3 months ago
Did You Know?
You can use the [B] button to BigThink™, but be careful!
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somerabbitholes · 1 year ago
the more i think of it, the more i kinda see we don't have a lot of literary/misc/ others publications in Indian/Indian context, or maybe i'm just woefully unaware of them. I'm talking the likes of Aeon, BigThink, MITPress, The Nation etc. etc. do we have such publications available? Do you know of them?
you're right, we don't match in numbers at all, but i like to think they're growing. here's what i know: asian review of books, paper planes, the paperclip. other than these, i like the literary/culture sections in open, the hindu, scroll
always on the lookout for more, naturally
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fapper · 23 days ago
Cosplaying as a sophisticated person by going to the opera tonight and tomorrow #bigthinker #sexhaver #virgin
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renovatio06 · 2 years ago
Is the Universe a quantum fluctuation? | Big Think
Perhaps the whole Universe is the result of a vacuum fluctuation, originating from what we could call quantum nothingness.  Big Think, always a great read: Is the Universe a quantum fluctuation?
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