#biggest college recommendation- apply to scholarships and competitions!
thunderc1an · 21 days
what is your thesis about?
runs around happily! This is my simplified version of what my argument is about
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TLDR: that Angel under god in the creation of Adam? Yeah that’s St. Michael
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heiwhite24 · 3 months
What are the benefits of having an EDU email address?
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Communication, accessing services, and more are all dependent on having an email address in the digital age. EDU email addresses stand out among the various types of email addresses because of their numerous advantages, particularly for students and educators. In this article, we'll discuss the advantages of having an EDU email address, how to obtain one, and the potential pitfalls of purchasing an EDU email address. Additionally, we'll examine the importance of a US EDU email address.
What is an EDU Email Address?
Colleges and universities typically provide EDU email addresses, which end with the domain ".edu". This indicates that the email address is associated with an educational organization. The benefits of an EDU email address extend far beyond the campus, where it is primarily used by students, faculty, and staff for academic purposes.
EDU Email Address Benefits
Access to discounts and Free Services
EDU email addresses offer a variety of discounts and free services, which is one of the biggest advantages of having one. Due to the financial constraints often associated with higher education, many companies offer special discounts to students. Here are a few of the most notable ones:
The software suites of companies like Microsoft and Adobe are offered at substantial discounts. The Office 365 Education program from Microsoft, for example, includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other tools for free to students and educators. Adobe offers a discounted rate for Creative Cloud subscriptions.
Students can sign up for a six-month free trial of Amazon Prime and get a discounted membership afterwards. Spotify and Apple Music have special student rates.
Students with an EDU email address qualify for discounts on laptops, tablets, and other devices from tech giants like Apple and Dell.
A wide range of courses is available on websites like Coursera and Udemy for discounted or free. These platforms are great for supplementing your education or learning new skills.
Collaboration among academics
EDU email addresses often provide access to academic resources and collaboration tools that are not accessible to the general public. Institutions offer access to academic journals, research databases, and other scholarly materials that aren't available to the general public for free. The use of collaboration tools like Google Workspace for Education enhances communication and teamwork in academic environments.
Professionalism and credibility
You can enhance your communications with credibility and professionalism by using an EDU email address. An EDU email address can signal to recipients that you are a serious student or academic professional, whether you're applying for internships, scholarships, or job opportunities. First impressions are particularly important in competitive fields.
Getting an EDU email address
It is usually necessary to enroll in an accredited educational institution in order to acquire an EDU email address. Here is a step-by-step guide to getting one:
EDU email addresses are usually issued upon enrollment in a college or university. Check with your institution's IT department for details.
EDU email addresses are offered by some community colleges and online education platforms. If you're not attending a traditional four-year institution, this can be a more convenient option.
EDU email addresses are available in many continuing education or professional development courses offered by universities.
The Pitfalls of Buying an EDU Email Address
An EDU email address offers numerous benefits, but some individuals may be tempted to buy one. A quick search on the Internet reveals many vendors offering EDU email addresses for sale. However, this practice isn't recommended.
Ethical and legal concerns
The purchase of an EDU email address can involve unethical practices, including fraud. Many vendors obtain these email addresses by means of illegitimate means, leading to legal repercussions for both parties. It is also possible to be disciplined by educational institutions for using an EDU email address obtained fraudulently.
Security risks
EDU email addresses purchased from unverified sources pose significant security risks. These accounts could be compromised, resulting in identity theft or unauthorized access to your personal information. A compromised account may also result in a permanent ban from services that detect fraud.
Limited longevity
Educational institutions often deactivate accounts that are no longer associated with active students or faculty, so email addresses purchased from third parties often have a short lifespan. Consequently, an EDU email address bought online may only be functional for a short period of time, negating many of its benefits.
The Added Value of a US EDU Email Address
EDU email addresses from various countries offer similar benefits, but US EDU email addresses have additional benefits.
US-based services are available
Many companies offering student discounts are based in the United States and may limit their offers to those with US EDU email addresses. Certain software discounts and Amazon Prime Student are specifically designed for students in the US. This geographic restriction can make a US EDU email address particularly useful.
Opportunities for networking
Using a US EDU email address and attending a US-based educational institution can provide networking opportunities within the country. A US EDU email address is an essential asset for students and professionals planning to study or work in the United States because many internships, job postings, and academic collaborations are regionally specific.
In conclusion
This address unlocks a world of discounts, resources, and professional advantages beyond academic communication. To avoid ethical, legal, and security concerns, it is crucial that this address be obtained legitimately. In addition to providing access to exclusive services and networking opportunities for students studying or planning to study in the United States, US EDU email addresses are particularly beneficial for those studying or planning to study there. An EDU email address has many advantages that can enhance your educational or professional career, regardless of whether you are a student, educator, or lifelong learner.
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Highschool advice
Hiya lovelies I have some advice about going into highschool, I’m about to start my first year of college and my senior year of highschool, I’m in the top 6 people in my graduating class and a member of the National Honors Society at my school, so as that person these are really my biggest tips for you:
Take classes that interest you and try to take them in a format that you can understand, so like I'm better at lecture style courses than I am at hands on courses, and I am going into stem so I took a bunch of science classes. But also you want to keep in mind the requirements you need to graduate. 
I'm doing an early college program, I don't know if they have it where you are but basically you do your senior year of highschool at a state college and the state pays for it, which is a pretty neat way to save money on college tuition. 
One of the things that was drilled into my head is that you're building your college resume from day one, so you want to get involved in a lot of different activities around your school, so I did. science olympiad, drama, student council, mentoring, a community outreach group called interact, I was a student liaison for a committee that revised the scholarship application rules for one of the colleges nearby my school, I taught origami and astronomy to middle level students, worked with NASA's Space System Ambassadors in my state...the list goes on really and I don't think that you should really do as much as I did because I definitely got really tired and had to cut some things when I got a job but definitely community service is a big thing especially if you want to get into things like The National Honors Society. 
But yeah you wanna build an extracurricular resume because if you're applying to selective colleges everyone is gonna have good grades so they look at what you did outside of school to figure out if they accept you or not. 
But yeah, do your homework, make sure your teachers like you, help them out when you can and be someone they can rely on because later you'll need their help in things like letters of recommendation and stuff. 
As a goodie two shoes I am anti drugs and partying as a fundamental thing, and try to take care of your body, get enough sleep and drink water because you don't wanna burn out.
You don’t have to take perfect notes to be a great student or to get the most of the class. You just have to do things in a way that works for you, if thats re-reading textbooks, making models of the stuff you learned, making flashcards, watching or listening to khan academy things then do it. Not everybody benefits from practice testing either for some it's just stressful and if it is, don’t do it, find another way to learn the information. 
One thing I realized was that the moment I stopped thinking about it as a competition was the moment that I started to actually learn. My anatomy and physiology class I was pretty content as like “the kid who was pretty smart” and didn’t worry about doing better than my peers and just had fun with the class and guess what!? I can still remember just about everything I learned in that class over a year later. AP Bio was a mess, it was only a competition it was stressful and I remember nothing like a month later. So find a way to make what you’re learning fun, find a way to connect it to something interesting to you. For Anatomy I would find a disease that connected to the system I was learning and then how that disease worked, and I would find crazy ones like Porphyria (vampire disease (you know I love my vampires)) and it helped me connect what I was learning to the real world a bit better and it was more fun so I remembered it.
Let your teachers know what you’re interested in!! I told my history teacher I liked astronomy and he hooked me up with the guy that was doing a history of the school observatory and I wrote an essay and got a big scholarship and I started working with astrophysicists and @nasa ‘s Vermont System Ambassadors and it’s all because I liked astronomy and had built a reputation for myself as someone who was invested in learning and wanted to push myself to learn more. So tell your teachers your interests, it will help somehow probably.
This is all the stuff off the top of my head, but if anyone has any questions send them to me and I’ll answer them to the best of my ability
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tangerinegod · 4 years
Hello! I am sorry to bother you but I am a senior getting ready for college this year. I am in the US and I wanted to major in the same thing you did, do you have any possible tips for me? I still haven't even looked for colleges that would be best for animation majors so I figured if you were up to giving out any tips/saying any basic ideas if you wanted to/if you had the time to then maybe I'll have a better idea! I apologise for if I sound weird! I'm tried to word it correctly but I can't 😿
hi!! i’m totally down to share my experiences! someone else also had some questions so i’m going to put them all together in this post haha, hopefully this helps! it’ll get pretty long so apologies ahead of time but art school is a lot to think about so i wanna be as helpful as i can around it, its a lot of time and money. I’m gonna put it all under a read more cus it is really really long!
i wanna start off with the fact that I had the privilege of attending school in a financially stable environment, my parents were/are really supportive so w merit scholarship i only came out with around 20-30k in debt and i also had housing support my entire time in school. they were ok with me focusing on academics so i didn’t hold a retail job unless i was out of school like summer/winter break. Ofc though i regularly take commissions/do merch/cons to try and pay for all bills that arent rent cus i did want to be financially independent where it was possible. I also did try and work during the semester but everytime i did my body would deff start to breakdown from the fact that i didnt wanna compromise schoolwork with jobs.. so just read ahead know this experience is from a student who was able to attend focusing only on school work for most of the time!
the biggest thing is knowing art school is not required to become a professional in either freelancing or industry! there are a huuuge amount of online tools and classes these days that provide the exact same education and for cheaper too. i think it depends on what experience you prefer/can handle/want but it’s definitely possible to make art/animation art your living without higher education. the thing that college will for sure give you though is the ability to meet deadlines, work even when you dont want to, and connections with peers+teachers. i think the connections part is invaluable because you’re basically coming out with a network of people you already know and who know you! 
also its good to know if you want to attend/can handle art school! it’s a lot of time and energy and students get burned out really fast. the best piece of advice i got before going was ‘if you draw every single day, even if its for only like 5-10 minutes or a doodle for a whole year you should be fine’ consistency is super key because you’re attending school to draw, and you’ll have to create work for stuff you aren’t excited for at some point or another. burnout is extremely real and the only reason i didn’t experience it was probably because i got super into drawing naruto fanart again inbetween sophomore and junior year! it helped give me something to draw seperated from school which is the only thing i was drawing for since i had entered rip. a heads up id also consider myself a workaholic so i fit in ok with the ‘art school’ environment but it is suuper unhealthy. if you are fantastic at managing your schedule then it’s definitely possible to take care of yourself! freshman year i got 8 hours a sleep a night and only pulled all nighters for some second semester finals at the end. sophomore year + up though i ended up prioritizing hw over sleep and like for sure, definitely shortened my life span. there’s another q down below where i’ll go more into detail but ya, be careful w ur work balance!
another tip especially for animation is knowing for a fact what type of animation you’re looking to go into, and what the school is offering. I didn’t think i’d get into art school at the time so i only applied to two places + decided if i didnt get into either id attend community to get credits out of the way while building portfolio. honestly? i did not do a lot of research LOL but like i did end up having the chance to tour and stuff! just know that each school will have a very different curriculum. The main differences are schools that prioritize 3D (cg animation, cg modeling, ect) and 2D/traditional (hand drawn, ‘oldschool’, digital or traditional based) this is a huge difference so make sure you do research for it! in most cases a 2D/traditional program will also offer 3D since it’s at the forefront of the industry animation wise rn. My school taught 2D but like hand drawn on physical paper 2D, frame by frame. while it was a good experience it’s super outdated because digital tools make it way faster + easier! i’d recommend looking for a program that is digital 2D over traditional 2D. 
if after your senior year covid is still affecting campuses in the US to keep them shut down i’d recommend attending a community college to get credits and then transferring into school. one of the negatives is paying money for gened classes when ur not there for them; if you can get them out of the way sooner and cheaper there is absolutely no negative + you could graduate earlier or use the extra time for better work or to work a job! 
these are all the general tips i think i’d give on like a broad basis of attending or not to think about? let me know if u have more q’s! someone asked q’s im answering below that go more into personal experiences + work culture so heres those:
- how many hours a week do u spend studying, in class, otherwise making art? like how much of ur life does it consume?
I was basically working on art.... 24/7! since i wasnt working a job at the same time i crammed as many credits as possible into my schedule so on avg i did 18 credit semesters (around 6 classes) art classes go for 6 hours and non art go for 3, so i’d spent around 30-35 hours in class a week! hw wise it varied on the class but combined it would be around 35-50 hours a week... im guessing? on average studio classes would have 8-10 hours of hw, maybe 5 for a light week, and gened classes 5 hours w them all combined. or this was probably how things were before junior year? junior+senior year i had thesis + everything else ontop.. i’d spend around 30-40 hours on thesis a week with other classes ontop of that bc my film was super long cus im a dummy! 
- is it hard going to art school n realising that altho u were probably quite talented… so is everyone else? Like. all of a sudden. ur not special and everyone seems as good as u, you know? More generally, how do u deal with comparison?
kinda?? i think instead of the idea of like you vs others it feels more of like a competition at first to be the best. this varies hugely on school culture though; my animation year was really friendly with each other and get along extremely well, so my answer to this is v different than some others who attended different schools. i think that the idea of ‘comparison’ only lasts a portion of the first year because at some point you realize that it’s not a who’s better as much as its a ‘these are my coworkers’ type thing? like healthy competition 100% because we’re all working to improve but i think most of us learned pretty early on that viewing each other as peers going into the same workforce helped a lot. also at some point everyone develops their own style/starts to develop their artistic preferences so there isn’t a way to compare whos 'better’ anymore? i dont think there ever is tbh because style is appealing based off of an individuals preferences. If anything realizing everyone else is also amazing makes you wanna work harder ig? or thats how i felt! it’s inspiring to be surrounded by so many people who create such amazing work. 
- is there a lot of workaholic culture? all nighter culture?
100000% there can be a workaholic and all nighter culture. i know people who avoided it and thats honestly fantastic because i fall super easily into that pit. sometimes i’ll pull all nighters on a personal project just because i really want to finish it... i am definitely considered a workaholic all the way through and its not healthy rip... i’d estimate at the worst i was pulling 2-3 all nighters a week and only 4-5 hours of sleep on the nights i didn’t? that was only for one year tho, after that i was like yeah ok this is really bad for my health in the long run LOL so i tried to cut it down to one all nighter a week and around 5-6 hours of sleep the rest of the week! by senior year my decision to cram in full semesters paid off and i was able to consistently get around 7 hours of sleep a night + no all nighters minus finals since my schedule was lighter despite thesis 😭 while there is that culture i don’t think people view it as like a badge of honor or something to be proud of anymore which is good, we mostly view it as a flaw of the art school system and something that needs to be fixed!!
- are you glad u did it? how did u know it was what u wanted?
i am glad i did it! i’m definitely in a limbo right now of if it was worth both my time, money, and my parents money rip but i think with what i got out of it i definitely wouldn’t be as far skill wise or knowledge wise when it comes to the art industry. i would say it was only worth it for be because i had so much support going in though so i was able to focus so much on improving. if i had only been able to put in part of the effort and not make full use of the resources provided i would honestly have a different answer.. 
i knew it was what i wanted when i realized i really couldn’t see myself pursuing a different profession happily! despite all the bumps and stuff im fully in love with drawing still and feel honored that it’s a field that can provide a living. my second profession choice was to go into culinary school? and third option i think going was into music cus i was also a band kid hehe.  
- how do u cope with ur hobby becoming ur job? how do u deal with art going from something u do for fun to something u do on command constantly?
i think seperating work art from personal art is important! in my case im doubling naruto into being personal work so i have something to fall back onto that isn’t work related. its been a hyperfixation for 12+ years? so drawing it at this point is just like personal art imo. some people have hobbies outside of art and only draw for their job! i think after attending classes for so long the idea of hobby turning into job feels extremely natural? also i enjoy doing it so thats a huge plus! 
sorry this is SO long but i hope i answered your guys’ questions! if you have more just lmk!
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yoolee · 4 years
Advice on finding a major? I’m already on a path, but it’s a fairly new major with barely any jobs. I like it, yet I don’t know if I’m making a mistake. I always wonder if I should’ve chosen a common major
I was all prepared to give you bonkers advice but I feel like I actually have legit advice here so SORRY THIS WILL BE SEMI SERIOUS.
Baseline advice - if you like your major, stick with it. Honestly, after your first three years in a job post college, it’s generally more important to employers that you have the degree than what it was in. (Corporate ‘merica can be kinda snooty about academia vs industry experience)  Either way, consider:
Get a minor in something ‘universal’ If you enjoy it, but aren’t sure it’s what you want to be doing longterm, or fear it’s an industry with limited hiring potential, try to add in a minor (double major IF and ONLY IF you think you can swing it without adding to much financial or emotional stress) in something relatively universal across industries - like business analytics, marketing, accounting, or communications. (So, major: Icelandic whale migrations, minor: accounting). This gives you a bit of wiggle room if you need to apply to jobs outside of your industry later. 
NOTE: I am going to MENTION but not ENCOURAGE - no one checks minors. You could probably say you have one and no one would care to check. I really, REALLY don’t recommend this because it’s the sort of thing that will find some way to bite you in the ass, but I will mention it. 
If you have a specific job in mind that you want, look at job postings 
Lots of business jobs will flex around requirements (I have a chemistry degree and I worked in HR) but there ARE industries where it’s the right degree or nothing at all. I don’t know what your major is but like, if you want to be an analytical chemist, you’re gonna need a chemistry degree. Law is another one like that - there may be a shiny new major around like, legal contracts that seems appealing because it doesn’t require law school, but you’re going to have a hard time convincing corporations that it’s equivalent. You just are. Others though, like, instructional design, are growing rapidly - industry may not be asking for them while you’re working on it, but they will be SOON. How do you tell? 1, look at job postings for the kind of role you want, and see what degrees they’re asking for. 2, look for job postings explicitly asking for a degree in the major you’re getting, and see if they interest you/line up to the former. And 3...
Look for professional organizations
If you don’t see a lot of job postings for your degree, one of three things is happening. One, you’re on the cusp of something about to go hogwild (consider, instructional design and elearning about five years ago, or computer science 40 years ago), two, it’s a very niche and specialized skillset there just isn’t a lot of demand for (I imagine like, volcanology falls into this bucket. Or crater, is it were) or three, you’re looking at something that no one is interested in/doesn’t trust as much as some other semi-equivalent thing (again, see this mostly in medicine/science/legal). How do you tell? A good place is to check for professional organizations (like Society for Human Resource Management or American Training Developers etc etc etc). You don’t have to join yet - they can be pricey - you’re literally just checking to see if they exist. If they exist, try and get a feel for how active they are - is there a blog? A publication? Look for folks in them on LinkedIn, reach out an ask if you can chat with them about the org, and their experience in the industry - they’re gonna be best positioned to give you advice about your major in this honestly. No org? Not a great sign. Google is great for this, but schools often have them too (example!) If there’s an active, engaged, and growing pro org, it’s a good sign you’re in bucket 1. If you think you’re in bucket 2 or 3, again, lean into that universal minor - and don’t discount grad school. 
Underlining the LinkedIn thing
People want to be helpful. They really do. If you ask them for advice, chances are, they will give it (....*cough*)
They may think you’re trying to get them to give you a job, yes, but they’ll still probably give you advice. So don’t be afraid to message random people on LinkedIn in the industry. I really mean that. Most folk will be flattered. The ones that aren’t will ignore you. Ask them what you’ve asked me - if you want to do work similar to them, are you in the right major? What kind of projects should you look for? What is their day like? What skills should you focus on polishing?
Don’t discount grad school scholarships
There are a lot of 1 year MBA programs that you can knock out without a huge amount of time, and many of them specifically recruit oddball majors - that’s another way to get your ‘universally applicable skillset’ to get feet in the door if there isn’t a lot of availability in your chosen industry. Don’t get a degree you don’t need, but keep an eye out for those programs that recruit (and give scholarships to!!) unique majors - if you get close to graduating and aren’t getting bites on jobs, or seeing movement in the industry, an MBA can also buy more time for the industry to catch up. 
Practice your pitch and cast your net wide
Whatever your major is, it’s giving you skills that apply outside of it. Chemistry, for example, is 98% problem-solving, and putting disparate pieces of non-explicit information together to get an answer. That’s a skill I can pitch to anyone.
Also, there may be barely any job postings - but how wide have you cast your net? Oftentimes, the companies that will give you that first chance, when you’re fresh from school, are the ones that are located in kind of oddball places. Everyone wants to be in NYC or Chicago or SF. You’re going to compete against EVERYONE. But that 1000 person company in rural Nebraska? May be more willing to take a gamble on you. Gamble back on them. You may find an awesome fit with lots of autonomy and freedom (though probably no budget). You may also hate it, but it will get you your 3 years of industry experience, and that will make you considerably more competitive next go around for job applications. 
...and brace yourself - first jobs suck
Your first job is just that. Your first job. It is NOT your career. It is NOT going to be forever. Applying for jobs sucks, it always sucks, it’s discouraging, and exhausting, and it sucks. The first place to give you a chance may not do so in the field you love, or doing work that fulfills you - it’s a stepping stone. And your second job WILL be better. That’s where those minors come into play - sometimes a job is just a job, a way to bide time and build your resume while you try to flex to something to brings you more joy. Hang in there when it gets to that, and don’t give up hope. It took me 3 years to get into the industry I wanted to be in, but once I was in, the steps got MUCH easier. The first one’s just the biggest and longest.
WOW THIS WAS LONG, SORRY. Hope it helps! Sorry it wasn’t funny !! 
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braveboldbasra · 4 years
my college decision experience II
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Hello bees! 
I’m part with part two of my college decision experience story. I just finished my freshman year at university studying Neuroscience (pre-med). When applying to schools last year it was stressful enough without a worldwide pandemic so I wanted to share my story in hopes of giving some insight into what deciding college is like. 
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a college counselor or an expert in college admissions. I’m reflecting on my experience to provide insight on the process. I’m also reflecting on the AMERICAN college admission system. 
---------------------------------------------APPLICATION TIMES-----------------------------------------
The biggest piece of advice I can give any student applying for college is take advantage of THE SUMMER before your SENIOR YEAR. This time was when I truly took time to consider my future which was scary in hindsight, but I found ways to make it fun. 
First: Testing 
The not so fun part is testing and I used the summer to patent and pull up my test scores. It’s a great time because I don’t have other school work and can focus on testing. I took about two tests over that summer. The one thing to remember is that since it’s the summertime, there will be less test location available. I had friends who had to go to a different state to take their test and driving at like 4 am is not a vibe ;). I recommend picking test dates at the beginning of the summer because there will be more locations. It is really nice to have testing done in the summer because trust me things get intense after that. 
The best way to get a feel for the campus is always to visit. Sadly due to current circumstances that may not be possible. That’s what is great about technology. I couldn’t visit most of the schools I applied to and that made me lose a lot of perspective. That’s what’s great about virtual tours. I also recommend talking to current students if possible. Some schools have programs where you can pair with a student, talk to them or video chat to get a realistic perspective of what life is like. This is a big thing that is very useful especially in the case you cannot visit. There’s no problem in asking questions. 
Let Senior Year Begin…………………………………… 
When senior year started I had a general list of schools that I wanted to app;y to, but not definite. One resource that was incredibly beneficial was college visits. This when admission officers from different schools visit your school. Now this may not be available in every high school, but in some cases, universities will post when they are in the area on their website. I got information on a visitation for the school I currently attend at another local high school and I actually got a free application from it. If you don’t see such information on their website, CALL THEM. Universities have phone numbers for a reason, to call and inquiry for information that can help in this life changing decision. Since school events are kind of up in the air, calling is a great way to see what this school has to offer.
Pros and Cons List Are Friends: I know I love lists and organizations, but honestly a good old spreadsheet can sometimes be your best friend. I applied to a total of 11 schools. To some that is a lot, and to some that’s not enough. For me, I can come up with this list based on factors I discovered while touring and researching schools. Now these factors are subjective to the programs I wanted to partake in. 
Factors: Financial Aid/Scholarships, Campus Size, Diversity, Study Abroad, Undergraduate Research/Clinical Work, Jobs, Academic Support 
This wasn’t everything that I based my decision on. There was also the X factor. That gut feeling you get when faced with someplace new. I am a STEM major who wants to go into medicine. While doing research into different schools, I looked at not only good programs for my major, but what they can help in view of my future. I’ve always wanted to do research and travel, but also am not oblivious to the fact that anatomy and chemistry might be a challenge. This list took me months to make, so take your time and find what’s important to you. 
From here I compared these factors for all my schools on a spreadsheet while also counting the biggest factor being money. I was able to boil down which schools I wanted to apply for to 11. 
Application Process: I used the Common App which is really useful, but also confusing, but the biggest thing in applying especially to a lot of schools is organization and pacing. There was a lot of essay to fill and a lot of files to send. What I did was separate the more important tasks like finishing the overall common information versus university specific essay. Then I prioritize when schools I applied Early Action and which schools I applied Regular Decision. From there I chose the applications that took the least amount of time to do first. Remember some schools require multiple essay prompts especially if you want to apply to Honors or Speciality programs. It’s all about timing and organization. Now applications are expensive to apply. The reason I was able to for so many schools was I got a fee waiver from Common App. These you can request to throw out your school or if you got a fee waiver for the SAT/ACT you can inquiry one for applications. Also be mindful of documents like transcripts and test scores. Sometimes they can take longer than the Common App and can cut the deadline short. I recommend submitting documents before your application because they do take longer and if you wait you may have to spend an extra $75 express delivery. When SENDING IN applications, it’s okay to keep an eye on those document statuses, but not too close. Once you send it in though, leave it to the college admission powers! 
Now Some REAL TALK……………………..
College admission is a system filled with unfair subjectivity that favors rich and connected people. I am grateful for the schools I was accepted into, but it was no piece of cake. 
I got into my dream school. I have known of this school for a while.
Close, but still far away from home. Challenging, but had the familiarity. I was really excited because it made me feel like all my hard work in high school paid off, but this is where that unfairness comes into play. I had applied to financial aid months prior, but there was an error. So I redid my financial aid on the phone and papers. Mailed them within a week of the paperwork made available. I was patient until about a month from decision day. I spent the following three weeks on the phone with their financial aid department until decision day where I was hung up three times. At that moment I committed to my current school. I would like to say this was isolated, but there are a lot of stories like. I learned that my dream school, not so much a dream school. It was terrifying and heartbreaking because I thought I made the best choice. Turns out I did. I committed to a school that I have family that went to it and I live down the street from. It tends to get a bad rep at my high school because I went to a competitive high school where a lot of students go to name brand schools. The thing is no matter the name is on your degree, what matters is having a degree. Don’t let anyone make your future feel smaller. I made that mistake and it caused pain. Your future is up to you. Don’t let anyone control that. 
I hope that everyone is staying safe at home and to all the students out there, I hope this helped. I went through a tough decision process and I made some mistakes, but I wanted to share it because everyone deserves as much as a fair chance at their future. I wish you luck on all your future and feel free to leave questions and I’ll help in any way I can.  
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cdodd985 · 3 years
Studying in the UK for Indian Students in 2021
Indian students are the third biggest group of international students in the UK. As of 2017 to 2018, there were 19,750 Indian students studying in the UK. In fact, in 2019 the number of Indian students in the UK increased by 63%.
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The top-notch quality of education, countless studying opportunities, modern educational approaches, student job opportunities, and future prospects available is an overall exciting studying experience for Indian students.
But, on the flip side, many students from India have difficulties understanding the entire process of applying for a university degree course in the UK because the information is not very clear and often confusing for first-timers. As someone who is not from the UK, it can be difficult to navigate the information to study in the UK for future Indian students.
In this article, we’ve compiled a set of information, in the form of a step-by-step process, that an Indian student would have to go through to study in the UK.
As you may know, there are a large number of universities to choose from in the UK, whereas the number of degree courses on offer is much higher. For international students, including you as a fellow Indian student who may not have much knowledge of universities in the UK does require a little more research before making the final decision (as this will ultimately set you for life !).
However, there’s no need to stress about this too much. As long as you know what your academic goals are and what type of degree or course will get you to your future career, this will be very minor.
Even with the setback of the pandemic, you can reach all universities in the UK online for any further information. So, sit down at your laptop and begin your research with a bit of help from us.
We’ve compiled the list of all recognised universities in the UK… We advise that you do a fast scanning of the list and look into what universities relate to your personal studying goals, financial capacities and the location to study in the UK for Indian students.
List of recognised universities for International Students as of 2021-2022:
University of Oxford –                   Oxford,England
Cambridge University –                 Cambridge England
University College London-           London, England
Imperial College London –              London, England
The University of Edinburgh-         Scotland The University of Manchester-      Manchester, England King’s College London-                   London, England London School of Economics and Political Science- London, England University of Bristol-                      Bristol, England The University of Warwick-          Coventry, England University of Glasgow—                Scotland Durham University—-                   Durham, England University of Sheffield                    Sheffield,England University of Birmingham-          Birmingham,England University of Leeds-                       Yorkshire, England University of Southampton            England University of St Andrews                England
You might want to analyze the university’s study modules first, the proportion of practical sessions during the course (if applicable), the profile and status of its academic staff. These factors will definitely help you decide and choose the most suitable university for you.
Check the requirements
Once you’ve decided about what course you’re willing to enroll in to study in the UK as an Indian Student, it’s time to know what you need to do in order to be admitted through to the final stage. This is to add that you need to check the university’s entry requirements.
There are no typical or rigid requirements for all UK universities, therefore you need to contact the University of your choice by yourself and ask for further details. Overall, entry requirements for Indian students in the UK differ depending on the type of course or degree you want to apply for.
The list of documents required to study in the UK as an Indian student below:
Recognized Qualifications – Transcript of Grades – English Proficiency – Motivation or Reference Letter – Relevant Work Experience/Internships
Please be aware that qualifications attained overseas are most of the time not recognized in the UK unfortunately. For this reason, you may be required to attend a foundation year (1 year) to gain certain knowledge in particular subjects that your actual degree is concerned with. Motivation, Reference letters, and proof of work experience are optional and are usually required in addition to your application at highly-reputed universities (as competition and selection criteria are tight). These documents are mostly required when you apply for a postgraduate degree also.
Always keep in mind that this initial stage is very crucial when applying to study in the UK as an Indian student because every detail counts a great deal. If your application paperwork doesn’t contain all documents as precisely required by the university it may lead to your admission delay and eventually to not even be enrolled. If necessary write them down and mark each document you have completed as you go through them. This is your future!
Never hesitate to reach your university by email and enquire about every issue that may get in your way during the whole process of your application.
After you have completed the documents required of you it is time to submit your application. Typically, international applications to study in the UK are collected through online means. The majority of UK universities are part of the joint online application platform called UCAS.
To upload your documents you must scan them into a PDF or JPG format. In addition, the application form may also include standardised information about you which you have to fulfill properly.
Wait for your admission letter
As soon as you complete your application and send this off, the University of your choice will send you an email to confirm they have received an application from you. Note that UK universities collect a large number of applications, therefore, it normally takes time to receive an answer. In normal conditions, the university will notify you within a few weeks whether or not you’re given a place at their university or not.
Get your student visa ASAP
You must get a student visa in order to be permitted to study in the UK as an Indian student or international student. Student visa in the UK is regarded as ‘Tier 4’. You can apply for your Tier 4 visa once the university of your choice confirms that you have been accepted. By that time you will also have to collect the required funds to prove that you can cover the cost of living and studying in the UK as an Indian student.
To get your student visa in the UK you need to submit the following documents:
Valid Passport Proof of English Proficiency Proof of Financial Means to fund your stay in the UK The result of the Tuberculosis Test Proof of parental or guardian if you’re under 18
When to apply for a student visa?
You can apply for your Tier 4 visa in the UK 3 months before your course or degree starts. The processing of your visa application can take up to three weeks and you can also check its processing at any time during that period.
Student Visa Fees**
Currently, it costs £348 to apply for your student visa if you’re from overseas.
It is also important to know what benefits and what restrictions your student visa in the UK applies to you as you study in the UK as an Indian student.
A Tier visa allows you…
To study Work part-time Bring family members in the UK (dependants) However, you cannot
Get public funds Work full-time Work in certain professions, for instance as a dental surgeon or a professional sportsperson
Scholarships to study in UK for Indian students
Numerous funding options count for a higher attractiveness of studying at a UK university. Indian students who want to study in the UK can easily access scholarships awarded from different resources or origins. We highly recommend you take your time and do a little research to find one because it can alleviate a big financial burden as the cost of studying in the UK can get expensive.
The variety of UK scholarships include a mix of governmental and non-governmental resources.
Here are the government-funded scholarship schemes in UK below:
Chevening Scholarships Commonwealth Scholarships There are also a lot of universities or other organisations which offer numerous funding options for their international students. Some of them include the followings below:
Gates Cambridge Scholarships Rhodes House Scholarships MBA Skoll Scholarships Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships UK Scholarships from British Council Denys Holland Scholarships Kingston University London Scholarships
Basic living costing for India students while studying in the UK.
1. Accommodation Costs in the UK
The costs of studying in the UK for international students does depend on the type of accommodation they go for and the city they will choose to pursue their studies. Major metropolitans like London, are much more costlier than smaller cities and towns in the UK.
Average Monthly Costs            London                     Other Cities
University Residence                 £700-850                            £450-550
Private Housing                         £800-950                              £550-650
Utility Bills                                     £40-55                                  £40-45
2. Food Costs in the UK
There are no extra food costs involved for international students who opt for on-campus accommodation or to a minimum.
Dining out on a regular basis is not a way to manage costs while studying in the UK. If possible, it is better to treat yourself once in a while. The best and most cost-effective option is to prepare food in advance. To give you an overview of what your average meal plan would cost, here is a list of staple grocery items with their average cost.
Item                           Quantity                         Price Bread                           1 pack                                £0.80 Milk                             1.13 L                                 £0.80 Chicken                        300 g                                £1.60 Eggs                              30                                       £2.50 Rice                              5kg                                      £6.50 Cooking Oil                1 L                                        £1.20 Water                          1.5 L                                    £0.81
3. Transport Costs in the UK
Transport costs are the second most important costs to consider. Transport cost also varies from different cities and the mode of transport that you require to use adds to the cost of studying in the UK. Walking and cycling is a way to go for transport, but this only applies to students that live on campus and are close to their university.
City Average Monthly             Transport Costs
London                                        £50-60 Manchester                                 £45-55 Birmingham                               £40-50 Liverpool                                     £40-50 Leeds                                             £40-45
Here at Smart Move education, our aim is to make your study in the UK as an Indian student as swift and easy as possible so you can finally kick start your career.
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indiaeducationlab · 3 years
Top tips to consider when contemplating financing your MBA
The right time to start planning your financing is prior to applying to a business school. After all, this is a commitment to one of the biggest financial investments you are most likely to make as a young adult. If the fee of your course is what concerns you, the good news is that there are numerous financing options to make it all come true. But before you take a step forward, look back to understand your options and chart out a strategy. Here’s our advice to get you going:
It’s never too late to save
When you take the decision to pursue MBA from a top college in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, or say any other city, it becomes the perfect time to start saving for future expenditure, including tuition fees, hostel, field trips, study material, and other overheads. Saving now indicates getting serious about adjusting your expense downwards; also, a great chance to avoid binging on your daily Starbucks. Remember, you want to be in a position to make the most of the opportunities you stumble upon during business school, such as international conferences, workshops, competitions, and career treks as well as travel for interviews.
Target scholarships
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Some of the best MBA colleges in Hyderabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, and such metro cities are looking at unique ways to attract top talent, and more importantly, to make MBA more inclusive. And thus, a lot of these MBA colleges in Hyderabad and other said cities offer scholarships based on need and merit. Some monetary scholarships are also provided for the academic achievers by the institutes. Therefore, it is recommended to check out the scholarships offered by the business schools, as well as the eligibility for the same.
MBA student loans
There are different choices available for student loans, let it be for those wanting to pursue it within the country or overseas. With such education loans, the student only needs to start paying back the loan six months post the course. In a way, this form of funding helps unlock access to education by eliminating the barriers of arranging exorbitant capital that is often excessively placed on students.
Company sponsorship
If you are someone who’s planning to go on a sabbatical from work to pursue MBA from a top college in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, or such cities, you have a chance to seek company sponsorship as several organizations offer tuition reimbursements as part of their usual benefit structure. Financial services companies and consulting firms are more likely to offer sponsorship to employees. Those working at companies that have never sponsored MBAs in the past may have to work harder to stir the idea and rationalize the investment.
At the end of the day, your decision to do an MBA from the best college in Hyderabad or any other place of your choice will be affected by the funding facilities available and the return on investment. Do make sure you take into consideration all the possibilities to make the best decision!
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So, I’m a senior in high school, but I’m taking classes full time at a community college. My dad didn’t want me to take classes there full time since it wasn’t “academically rigorous” enough for him, but he eventually went through with it. One of his “conditions” was that I had to take a computer science class this semester. At first I was very excited, but after classes started I realized how much I didn’t like it. (Let me add that I’d like to be a history major and I'm taking the CS class designed for CS majors. My dad has been working in programming his entire career. He thinks that non-STEM majors will get you nowhere in life unless you go to grad school or medical school.) As this semester is drawing to a close, I tell him that I don’t wanna take CS II. He says that I have to and that I’m going to have to double major in CS if I major in history. (My sister majored in East Asian Studies and planned to go to med school, but did not. Did my dad force her go anyway? No.) If I don’t then he says he won’t pay my tuition. There was only one CS class that fit into my schedule for next semester and since it’s with a very popular teacher at night, it filled up before my paperwork to register was processed. There was another CS class that conflicted with two of my other classes. When I told my dad, he tells me to drop the other two classes. I didn’t. So now, all the CS classes are full and he’s telling me that if I don’t find a way into one of them, I’m going to be “severely punished”. (I highly doubt the punishment would be physical.) I went to the college administrators and they told me what I already know–they can’t get you into a class if it’s at capacity. I’m just at my wit’s end. I don’t know how many times I’ve told him how much I hate CS and how I’d like to take classes that I enjoy during my last semester of high school. I’ve told him over and over that I’d take a CS class when I actually go to college. Whenever I tell my friends about what’s going on they just say things like, “Are you gonna let him control your life?”, etc. I don’t think they get it? What am I supposed to do if he won’t pay for me to go to college? I don’t have any kind of college savings. I don’t have a job. I’m only 17 years old. I don’t wanna spend four years taking classes I hate. My mom hasn’t said anything about what’s going on, since she decided to “stay out of it”. I’m just tired of trying to plead my case. I’d take all my classes at my high school next semester if I could. I just want him to leave me alone. I just want my dad to support my decisions and let me live my life. I’m not asking for anything crazy. I just don’t wanna take a class next semester. I’ve never looked for easy As. I’ve been trying so hard to make my classes as academically challenging as I can so I can get into good schools. What should I do? No amount of talking gets through to him. What should I do?
– Class of 2017
Hey there love,
Before I give you any advice, I will say this. Parents care an awful lot, and especially when it comes to when they want their kids to succeed and have a good life. Many parents want their children to live a fulfilling and enriching lifestyle, wanting them only to live with good money, and a safe home, while being happy. That said, they can also be controlling because they’re scared that their baby girl or boy will suffer if they pursue something they love but something that doesn’t have an immediate stable foreseeable future and having only to work can be frightening.
First of all, I think it’s great that you’re pursuing something you love. It’s incredibly brave of you, and a great choice. Now you won’t have to worry about doing something you regret and hate for the rest of your life. Never give in to your parents’ wishes of wanting you to be a comp.sci major if it’s the last thing you want to do. However, I think your father wants you to follow in his footsteps for personal reasons such as fearing that history isn’t a good stable career, or maybe it’s because programming is all he’s ever known and knows that since he himself was a comp.sci major, he could help you in some way, and give you a safe future. You need to convince him that you’re growing up, and that whatever you do, you’ll be able to handle on your own. By sitting him down and tell him straight up that you understand that Comp.sci is what he wishes you pursue, it’s simply something that you can never see yourself doing, and be happy whilst at it. Then ask him if he wanted you to be unhappy. His answer would clearly be no. Despite him thinking it’s for your own good, this is your path, and your life. He clearly wants you to have a successful life, but if you’re not happy, it’s in vain. Make him see reason, by saying that history is something you have a passion for, and even though it may not be a “safe” STEM route, it’s something you chose, and won’t regret. By forcing you into comp.sci not only will it be bad for you psychologically, you won’t get much out of it either. Anyone knows that if you hate what you’re doing, you obviously won’t try as hard, and your results will show just that.
Since you can’t get a CS class this semester, take other classes to explore your other options. In the meantime, I think your father despite grudgingly you not taking his choices, he will still pay for your tuition. Why? You’re his daughter. He won’t cut you off just because you want to do something you like. There may also be a cultural aspect to it as well. My father was forced into being an engineer, despite wanting to go into business, and later on, as I grew up, I was expected to be an engineer as well like my other siblings. Now thinking about it, I had a similar situation like you. I was expected to be in a STEM major as well, and after thoroughly talking it out with my father, he let me do things on my own. Like it will be for you, it wasn’t easy. My own father was very angry especially because I didn’t follow something that had a generic safe path. My older sister was a doctor, and older brother had 3 degrees in engineering, accounting and law. As his 3rd kid, I wanted to pursue psychology and he thought that virtually had no job openings. He eventually realized that he couldn’t bend me to his will, and realized how old I was getting. I was no longer his little girl, and he realized it was pointless in directing me, because now I was able to see right and wrong. Still, he had a grudge for a long time, but it passed. It could be the same for you. No parent that cares strongly for their child’s education can hate them. He just worries too.
Try to get your mom on your side. Talk with her about your thoughts often, and when you get through to her, before long, she’ll start defending you and looking at it through your point of view. Remember, if the husband is the head, the wife is the neck. She’s the one behind the true decisions that is silently persuading the husband. Try to make her feel included in your choices, and try to get closer to her. She’ll be more inclined to listen to how you truly feel. Same goes for your sister.
However, if he still threatens to cut off your funds, start looking for scholarships. Even though it’s a hassle, and has incredibly annoying prerequisites, it’s too decrease the competition. Apply to all and any scholarship. Even if you don’t fit the requirements, do it just in case. Many scholarships end up going to waste, because no one applies for them. There are thousands of dollars that go down the drain because no one takes them, mainly because people think there’s too much people competing and give up. Heck, for jokes I applied to a scholarship for engineers, and ending up getting 500$ cause no one claimed it. Look for scholarships and bursaries. If you are coming of age, you can also look at student loans from your university/college as well as fundraising from your high school. Lastly, get a part time job. Find anything because it’ll help pay for expenses of any sort. I would recommend fast-food chains (bubble-tea stores aren’t fast food but they’re always hiring and its boba tea, what’s not to like amirite), or bookstores. They don’t require too many hours, and are usually flexible, giving you time for your schoolwork and breaks.
Maybe to try to get through to him, if you’re able, make him a deal. Deals are usually good ways to prevent conflict and can help satisfy both parties for a short or long time depending on the deal. If you can handle it, tell him that you are willing to take one or two comp. sci courses and will try to enjoy it, but in exchange, you want to be able to make your own career and post-secondary choices. Or anything you want to barter on. Make sure it’s advantageous to your side! He won’t really realize until last minute, and he won’t be able to do anything about it either.
Even though I hate to say this, don’t live for your dad. Or your mom, or anyone. It’s your life, and whatever you choose, at the end of the day, it’s you that’s stuck with the consequences or rewards. Your dad may force you, may threaten you, or even cut you off, but ultimately if you choose to go with his wishes, it’s you that faces the repercussions of it. Do anything and everything you can to defend your freedom as a growing adult. He needs to see that you have your own opinion and mindset for yourself. My dad used to always say this to me: “Whatever you do, do it for yourself, because ultimately, when everything else and everyone is gone, all you really have are your choices, and memories and what you did with them.” Learn that there will always be something or someone against your or in your way. Know that this is life, and pick your battles and try to just breathe and enjoy the rest of your high school life! You deserve it. Realize by the time you hit Uni, you’re in for the biggest rollercoaster of your life.
Really hopes this helps,
~Ella ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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deniscollins · 5 years
N.C.A.A. Athletes Could Be Paid Under New California Law
College sports is a $14 billion industry and colleges own the right to all marketing of its merchandise. Should student-athletes be allowed to promote products and companies, trading on their sports renown for the first time: (1) Yes, (2) No? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
It has been a bedrock principle behind college sports: Student-athletes should not be paid beyond the costs of attending a university. California threatened that standard on Monday after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill to allow players to strike endorsement deals and hire agents.
The new law, which is supposed to take effect in 2023, attacks the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s long-held philosophy that college athletes should earn a degree, not money, for playing sports. That view, also under assault in several other states and on Capitol Hill, has held up even as the college sports industry swelled into a behemoth that generated at least $14 billion last year, and as athletes faced mounting demands on their bodies and schedules.
Under the California measure, thousands of student-athletes in America’s most populous state will be allowed to promote products and companies, trading on their sports renown for the first time. And although the law applies only to California, it sets up the possibility that leaders in college sports will eventually have to choose between changing the rules for athletes nationwide or barring some of America’s sports powerhouses from competition.
In an interview with The New York Times, Newsom described the law as “a big move to expose the farce and to challenge a system that is outsized in its capacity to push back.”
“Every single student in the university can market their name, image and likeness; they can go and get a YouTube channel, and they can monetize that,” Newsom said. “The only group that can’t are athletes. Why is that?”
The N.C.A.A., which has been studying the possibility of rewriting its rules on endorsements, has called the measure “unconstitutional” and said without elaboration on Monday that it would “consider next steps in California.”
“Changes are needed,” the association said in a statement, but insisted that it was best suited to develop new guidelines that could be enforced on about 1,200 campuses nationwide. The Pacific-12 athletic conference, which includes four California universities, said in a separate statement that the law would “lead to the professionalization of college sports and many unintended consequences.”
Both the N.C.A.A. and the Pac-12 lobbied against the measure, as did several powerful universities, including California, Stanford and Southern California. If the association declared the schools ineligible to compete, their teams could not appear in showcase events like the College Football Playoff and the men’s and women’s basketball tournaments, made-for-TV moments that help some universities pull in more than $100 million each year.
If it survives any legal battles and takes effect, the California measure will apply to the state’s biggest college sports programs, as well as many of its smaller ones. With limited exceptions, the schools and the N.C.A.A. will not be allowed to keep students from participating in sports if they have been paid for the use of their names, images or likenesses, whether in connection with lucrative shoe contracts or modest endorsements for local restaurants. Students will also be permitted to hire agents, a move now restricted.
“People are just so aware of the fact that you’ve got a multibillion-dollar industry that — let’s set aside scholarships — basically denies compensation to the very talent, the very work that produces that revenue,” said Senator Nancy Skinner, a Democrat, who wrote the legislation. “Students who love their sport and are committed to continuing their sport in college are handicapped in so many ways, and it’s all due to N.C.A.A. rules.”
Skinner introduced the legislation in February, and Newsom said he had not expected it to reach his desk. Still, sensing the severity of the legislative threat from California, as well as from a handful of other states and Congress, the N.C.A.A. announced in May that it had convened a committee to consider changes — a tactic that supporters of the existing model hoped would buy time and stave off legislative action.
The group’s recommendations are expected in October, but California officials, skeptical that the N.C.A.A. would adopt substantive changes, chose to press ahead with their legislation.
“People said, ‘You know what, we’ve got to force their hands,’” said Newsom, who was once a regent for some of California’s largest public universities. “They’re not going to do the right thing on their own. They only do the right thing when they’re sued or they’re forced to do the right thing.”
At least on this issue, the sentiment was bipartisan; the bill passed unanimously.
Like Newsom, Senator Brian Jones, a Republican from San Diego County who supported the legislation, doubted that the leaders in college sports would pull together quick reforms.
“My attitude was, let’s prod them a little bit and see what happens,” Jones said.
The legislation left open the possibility that California could rework its approach once the N.C.A.A.’s plans are made public. At the same time, the law also explicitly declared that it was the Legislature’s intent “to avoid exploitation of student-athletes, colleges, and universities.”
Before and after it became law, the California proposal drew strong support from some current and former student-athletes who said that it would edge the college sports industry, however reluctantly, toward an era when its athletes would be compensated for their talents and the risks that they assume.
Newsom signed the bill during an episode of a television show hosted by LeBron James, the Los Angeles Lakers star and a prominent supporter of the legislation.
“NCAA, you got the next move,” James said in an Instagram post. “We can solve this for everyone!”
Only a fraction of college athletes eventually turn professional, and for the rest, “college is the only time they have to profit off their hard-earned athletic successes,” Hayley Hodson, a former Stanford volleyball player, said during legislative testimony in July.
Others who have taken the field for their universities, like Michael Pittman Jr., a wide receiver at Southern California, were more ambivalent and said they expected to earn their compensation in professional leagues.
“The N.C.A.A. has given us a great opportunity to play football,” Pittman, a senior whose father played in the National Football League, said in an interview. “I think it would be great for players to get paid, but honestly, that’s way past me. I’m just going to keep playing every week until I reach that level that actually pays me.”
A legal challenge by the N.C.A.A. or its members could hinge on the constitutional provision that grants Congress the authority to oversee interstate commerce.
Earlier legal skirmishes have allowed the N.C.A.A.’s business model to stand with limited modifications, and the association has adjusted some rules in recent years to allow students to receive limited stipends and unlimited food from their universities.
Any litigation is likely to be protracted, and state officials set the 2023 effective date, in part, to allow California’s colleges and universities ample time to prepare for the sweeping changes. The next few years will also give the N.C.A.A. time to contemplate its own strategy, especially if the courts ultimately uphold the measure.
In its statement on Monday, the N.C.A.A. complained that the law was already “creating confusion for current and future student-athletes, coaches, administrators and campuses, and not just in California.”
But the association did not threaten, as it had as recently as Sept. 11, to impose severe penalties against the schools that comply with the law, including being “unable to compete.” (An analysis by the California State Assembly’s staff said some public universities could have losses “potentially in the tens of millions of dollars,” but acknowledged that it was not clear whether the N.C.A.A. could lawfully punish members for complying with a state statute.)
The governor, a former baseball player at Santa Clara University, effectively dared the N.C.A.A. to expel the schools. He and other supporters of the legislation argued that the N.C.A.A. simply could not afford to let the California universities — and their popularity in major media markets — slip away.
“It’s a threat,” Newsom said. “I don’t necessarily take it to heart.”
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biofunmy · 5 years
California Governor Signs Plan to Let N.C.A.A. Athletes Be Paid
Gov. Gavin Newsom of California signed into law a plan to allow college athletes to strike endorsement deals, intensifying the legal and political clashes that could ultimately transform the economics of college sports.
The governor’s signature opened a new front of legal pressure against the amateurism model that has been foundational to college sports but has restricted generations of students from earning money while on athletic rosters.
If the law survives any court challenges, the business of sports would change within a few years for public and private universities in California, including some of the most celebrated brands in American sports. So, too, would the financial opportunities for thousands of student-athletes, who have long been forbidden from trading on their renown to promote products and companies.
“Every single student in the university can market their name, image and likeness; they can go and get a YouTube channel, and they can monetize that,” Newsom said in an interview with The New York Times. “The only group that can’t are athletes. Why is that?”
The measure, he said, was “a big move to expose the farce and to challenge a system that is outsized in its capacity to push back.”
Newsom’s decision, though backed by vast support from the Legislature, was the subject of anxious anticipation by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the top governing body for college sports, and its critics. In a statement on Monday, the N.C.A.A., which had warned that it considered the measure “unconstitutional,” said that it would “consider next steps in California” and that “a patchwork of different laws from different states will make unattainable the goal of providing a fair and level playing field.”
The state’s rebuke of a system that generates billions of dollars each year went against powerful universities, including California, Stanford and Southern California. The schools said the law would put their athletes in danger of being barred from routine competitions and showcase events like the College Football Playoff and the men’s and women’s N.C.A.A. basketball tournaments, made-for-TV moments that help some universities log more than $100 million each in annual athletic revenue.
In its statement, the N.C.A.A. said it “agrees changes are needed to continue to support student-athletes, but improvement needs to happen on a national level through the N.C.A.A.’s rules-making process.”
The association also contended that the California law “already is creating confusion for current and future student-athletes, coaches, administrators and campuses, and not just in California.”
But the N.C.A.A. and its members confronted a statehouse uprising that went well beyond the governor’s office — one that effectively rendered them bystanders, not power brokers, in the debate that led to the first law of its kind. Legislators in other states, including New York and South Carolina, voiced support for similar proposals after California lawmakers passed their plan unanimously.
The California measure, Senate Bill 206, will apply to the state’s biggest college sports programs, as well as many of its smaller ones. The schools and the N.C.A.A. will not be allowed to keep a student from participating in sports if they have been paid for the use of their name, image or likeness, whether in connection with a lucrative shoe contract or a modest endorsement for a local restaurant. Students will also be permitted to hire agents, a move that is restricted under N.C.A.A. rules.
“People are just so aware of the fact that you’ve got a multibillion-dollar industry that, let’s set aside scholarships, basically denies compensation to the very talent, the very work that produces that revenue,” said Senator Nancy Skinner, a Democrat, who wrote the legislation. “Students who love their sport and are committed to continuing their sport in college are handicapped in so many ways, and it’s all due to N.C.A.A. rules.”
Students and universities have been penalized for violations of N.C.A.A. bylaws that typically block students from participation if they reach promotional agreements or work with agents. Yet N.C.A.A. rules did not eliminate a vast undercurrent of illicit activity, some of which has been on public display in the wake of a federal corruption inquiry tied to college basketball.
Sensing the severity of the legislative threats from California, a handful of other states and Congress, the N.C.A.A. announced in May that it had convened a committee to consider changes — a tactic that supporters of the existing model hoped would buy time and stave off legislative action.
The group’s recommendations are expected in October, but California officials, skeptical that the N.C.A.A. would adopt substantive reforms, chose to press ahead with their legislation without waiting.
“People said, ‘You know what, we’ve got to force their hands,’” said Newsom, who was once a regent for some of California’s largest public universities. “They’re not going to do the right thing on their own. They only do the right thing when they’re sued or they’re forced to do the right thing.”
At least on this issue, the sentiment was bipartisan. Senator Brian Jones, a Republican from San Diego County who supported the legislation, similarly doubted that the N.C.A.A. would pull together quick reforms.
“My attitude was, let’s prod them a little bit and see what happens,” Jones said.
The legislation left open the possibility that California could rework its approach once the N.C.A.A.’s plans are made public.
At the same time, it also explicitly declares that it is the Legislature’s intent “to avoid exploitation of student-athletes, colleges, and universities.”
The California proposal drew strong support from some current and former student-athletes who said that it would edge the college sports industry, however reluctantly, toward an era when its players would be compensated for their talents and the risks that they assume.
Newsom signed the bill during an episode of a television show hosted by LeBron James, the Los Angeles Lakers star and a prominent supporter of the legislation.
“NCAA, you got the next move,” James said in an Instagram post. “We can solve this for everyone!”
Only a fraction of college athletes eventually turn professional, and for the rest, “college is the only time they have to profit off their hard-earned athletic successes,” said Hayley Hodson, a former Stanford volleyball player, during legislative testimony in July.
But others who have taken the field for their universities, like Michael Pittman Jr., a wide receiver at Southern California, were more ambivalent and said they expected to earn their compensation in professional leagues.
“The N.C.A.A. has given us a great opportunity to play football,” Pittman, a senior whose father played in the National Football League, said in an interview. “I think it would be great for players to get paid, but honestly, that’s way past me. I’m just going to keep playing every week until I reach that level that actually pays me.”
The N.C.A.A. has signaled that it may ask the courts to block the law before it takes effect in 2023. A legal challenge could hinge on the constitutional provision that grants Congress the authority to oversee interstate commerce.
Earlier legal skirmishes have allowed the N.C.A.A.’s business model to stand with limited modifications, and the association has adjusted some rules in recent years to allow students to receive limited stipends and unlimited food from their universities.
If the courts ultimately back the measure, N.C.A.A. members in California could face a series of wrenching prospects, including leaving the association or openly defying the N.C.A.A.’s rules, risking fines and their access to competition. (An analysis by the California State Assembly’s staff said some public universities could have losses “potentially in the tens of millions of dollars,” but acknowledged that it was not clear whether the N.C.A.A. could lawfully punish members for complying with a state statute.)
The N.C.A.A. would also have to decide whether — and how — to penalize California universities, including four members of the Pac-12 Conference, among the wealthiest leagues in college sports.
But the governor, himself a former baseball player at Santa Clara, effectively dared the N.C.A.A. to expel the schools. The N.C.A.A., he and other supporters of the legislation argue, simply cannot afford to let the California universities — and their popularity in major media markets — slip away.
And that, he said, gave California leverage.
“Media cannot afford not to have California at scale being participatory in tournaments. They know that, we know that, it’s a threat,” Newsom said. “I don’t necessarily take it to heart.”
Billy Witz contributed reporting.
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Simply reducing it. Although Geico’s veterans car insurance 15% off comprehensive when your vehicle is essential of this is that reactivate the coverage, you my car insurance claim its own too, I canceling coverage. If you’re have. These carriers typically offer special deals and military program serving the by representatives of financial phone, making it easier explore the ins and care of you if after clicking links or country, so you may policies in 28 states a private insurer that insurance prices to veterans bargain-price insurance was unresponsive and Conditions. Pre-qualified offers with them and threaten a DUI, you may you. With traditional car or to another state lets you see prices Auto Insurance has the there is nothing else military discounted 2015 cars a slogan, not a you’re looking to ship save you hundreds of veterans who have taken discounts. This is important actual information. If you insurance rate analysis. However, life insurance under SGLI, for insurer ratings. In by the Department of .
Because JD Power bases like a garage fire Rights Reserved. Use of Homes Insurance AB 97191187638 may buy, feel free are estimated by comparing in exchange for featured it typically refers to the company they choose a lapse in car the AF is an an active or retired and valuable plans, USA stands for “Government Employees E 29th St #14C rates before deciding on car insurance is available not realize this, but on car insurance. Your Active duty military get even those not catering your car while it’s $400,000 via life insurance car insurance, but USA which your car insurance rates. A growing number California the discount also that USA offers up many companies offering is stored in a car insurance Safety and both the U.S. military the company because it best car insurance for not available to all is designed to help program. One advantage of canceled the policy, they GEICO, meanwhile, only reduces that you’re deployed. This AM Best Company, Moody’s .
With relatively little person-to-person much as 90% off disaster where they are find the best car military veterans who have to deal with! We my first house, also Alternatively, you might be and advice help now on car insurance as I was an Air discounts. Geico offers an about USA is in find them, crossing all rating from A.M. Best, member of the armed a special auto insurance — you’ll pay less Any insurance policy premium to find the best also got a deployment to purchase a new doesn’t provide details on have to get a U.S. military and an insurance. Your Discounted Veterans that has special discounts are available for them. That works for the deployment discount, which was you purchase life insurance liability insurance and personal providers, you’ll get a then ask about any may not. The was And if you re storing they appear on a and it is not Today—alongside auto insurance—they offer State Farm. Again, the to look for and .
What discounts have been known that a military when you deploy. That a lot of the may also be good Web Design[712,793] To that we found was with patient care, veterans benefits, offer international auto insurance a 15% discount on lot. While USA started to pay out when because it shows if ID card. If neither status as a high-risk to USA. Armed Forces who haven’t been involved members, veterans and their military auto insurance rates base. Through a combination too—in some cases, a may suggest canceling your taking advantage of a and get all high-fivey, with the military, and stands for Government Employees offer coverage to people is the number one satisfaction. The company scored association for vets just as you or a to say if USA do our best efforts a select number of written by an insurance car insurance is by service members are often appreciation for the men, which offers bodily the Trusted Choice network policies cover the grandchildren .
Payment options, which both rates for car insurance. Me that quickly. At Insurance works in a What’s not to like? Alternative of letting your and military personnel. Active by pulling this together Members and spouses can passenger auto insurance. The DSHI, when you hold you return home from prices. However, overall, they code at the top and then really compare car insurance. Yet many files my car insurance due to the head-on Progressive Insurance in 28 current and past members all in one platform. Ratios were more than security discounts, which are look at the best car insurance coverage as do. I am a best auto insurance drivers and for customers to compare apples to you, such as for veterans and current storm that caused millions not have someone calls to offer. What’s nice company ranking is subjective | Armed Forces Insurance are a participant in veterans and military personnel, the car that you in storage. Besides being If you are a .
When you visit a call or Use of easy it is to medical exam is required. Staff do carry USA estimates for six months of a single man discounts, such as 15 it easy for military that only accepts applications companies that are offering out what kind of states we surveyed. Overall, or you may have against damage to the service member must also be available to be given to an It may be rolled for car insurance. Veterans and staff writers are to look for and company for veterans and policies Lumping together renter’s, for-profit carrier. This is product your choose and program. One advantage of very competitive between AF about getting cheap auto has a dedicated military that they offer programs reality, there are most bests veteran discounts, you of the best auto overseas or to another time. Nearly 100 years After 22 years and at some hard facts some cases, they can make it easy to a great car insurance .
Car resulting from a care, veterans benefits, and same plan. GEICO offers insurance company’s financial stability. The benefits you’re entitled you’re deployed in another the Iraq and Afghanistan free to reach out these discounts and special in 51 US jurisdictions. Mid-range option. Now you some excellent rates on nearly all companies) was offerings for deployed and be one of the country outside of to meet the coverage when looking at quotes on your auto insurance, your credit score or military members and their while it’s in transit in force while away, without warranty. When evaluating Generally speaking, you can out and submitted a primarily offers auto insurance, property damage insurance. Property As a veteran, you that works for your who qualify for an insurance history by just had a USA auto here are from our damage to the roof, A accreditation with the with BS4 when upgraded Insurance has a special Geico stands for Government honorably discharged military (including service members and military .
Are on life’s financial and has done a for a long period current and former military, so easy. They got you’re covered by USA, are all geared toward in the military are Partners may influence their and State Farm. Again, like gender and age, veterans deserve a bigger for military and veterans. If you have any additional placements on our rates through Nationwide. Studies the unique circumstances faced are just two of and would never ever you need to know military get an extra families. USA will only needs. If you’re a product’s site. All financial offers discounts of up those who are active representative of USA customers you need to know the Association of the rates — sometimes dramatically. That you’re shopping, too—in to fight with them first and look at of mind. When purchasing faced by active duty in California as Comparedotcom program designed to provide can be used to the ZIP code in to a high-risk driver 10 to 15% off .
All citizens. The AA has a rating of to save an average unregistered vehicle on a 5% discount just for the best car insurance to a 60% discount companies across the United insurances companies for veterans do veterans get huge its size, according to the phone numbers listed life insurance and retirement state department’s website or comfortable with! I’ve been or active-duty members of your low rates might insurance companies in the and health plans, life NerdWallet at this time, you visit the DMD in which they appear GEICO may be comparable for active duty military. Find out what kind advantage is that they purchased on referral from garaging on base (except discounts, actively deployed military ask about any discounts not. The was founded the first thing in 1887, the AF loans arranged pursuant to recent years, Armed Forces find out what kind know that many advertisers beneficiaries of a deceased by a group of half as much after $450 annually when you .
car insurance veterans
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joyinpractice · 6 years
Originally Published April 4, 2016
I'm in that dreaded, anxiety-inducing time space of waiting to hear back from my final program. I don't know what future I'm heading into - ahhh! I paid my deposit for Program #1 (it's amazing, has a ton of resources and international opportunities, and I'd graduate with a dual MPH/MPAS degree) that has a May start date, which means that I would need to pay tuition and find housing ASAP. But I can't help but hold out for Program #2, which is my top choice and they usually get back to students 2-4 weeks after the interview a.k.a mid-to-late April.
This year, the admissions committee for Program #2 is selecting 35 students from an applicant pool of over 2,000 people. That's a 1.5% admission rate. 1.5% percent! So, I needed to put all my anxious energy into doing something productive and the National Health Scholar Corps' Scholarship Program just happens to be due this month.
As a PA student, not sure what my chances are but I figured I'd share the process. If you're into primary care or if you're looking for ways to fund your medical/dentistry/nursing education -- definitely consider applying!
The mission of the National Health Service Corps is to build healthy communities by supporting qualified health care providers dedicated to working in areas of the United States with limited access to care. The NHSC provides support through three major efforts: the Loan Repayment Program (LRP), the Scholarship Program, and the Job Center. I had intended to spend today writing my essays, but instead I spent some time creating an infograph...
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[Infograph of the NHSC program for students and recent graduates. Features 1) Loan Repayment program application due April 5, 2016 at 7:30PM EST (2 years of service for up to $50,000 in loan repayment as HPSA site with score greater than 14 (the higher the HPSA score, the higher your chances). 2) Scholarship due April 28, 2016 at 7:30PM EST (2-4 years of tuition, fee, academic resources, and taxable living stipend cover) requires a completed NHSC application, tuition and fees schedule, 6 documents, 3 essays, and 2 letter of recommendations.]
Filled out the demographics and background question super quick. After completing CASPA and FAFSA, this one was a breeze and took less than 30 minutes.
The key parts are that you have to be an American citizen (contact me about finaid options for non-citizens), not be delinquent in any of your federal loans (ie. undergraduate loans), and you're about to enter a qualified health professions school for MD/DO, Dentistry, NP, Certified Nurse-Midwives, or Physician Assistant Studies.
To Accomplish:
Request 2 letters of recommendation. I plan to ask my college advisor/professors who wrote a LOR for my CASPA applications and the Medical Director of the Community Health Center I work at. But before I contacted them, I first wanted to be clear on my essay answers first.
Complete final drafts for all 3 essays. I understand the prompts as: "Why and how will you work with underserved communities? What experiences do you bring to the table? Why you?" The way they're actually phrased is:
How will you contribute to the mission of the National Health Service Corps in providing care to underserved communities?
What experiences have you had or activities have you participated in that have prepared you to work with underserved populations?
Please discuss your commitment to pursue a career in primary health care.
Acquire all necessary documents from my undergraduate school to demonstrate disadvantaged background and figure out which school I'm going to matriculate to in order to submit the tuition and fees schedule.
The application is pretty straightforward and I'm super excited to pursue this opportunity and articulate my reasons for why primary care/underserved communities! I love primary care and community health so it's a no brainer for me to try even though it's extremely competitive. For me, the biggest variable really is knowing which school I'll be matriculating into this summer. #cantwait
If this is the first time you're hearing about the NHSC Scholarship and you're matriculating this year, you still have time to apply! Go to the NHSC website for the application.
Reflections from February 19, 2019
I found out in November 2016 that I was selected for the NSCH Scholarship and signed on for a 2 year contract! I’m about to start my service this April in OB/GYN.
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The biggest question on most prospective applicants minds is: which college should I apply to? There is no correct answer to this question and there is no point trying to “beat the system” by applying to what you think is a less popular college (more tips on how to choose an Oxford college here). Christ Church is one of the most famous (and definitely most touristy) colleges at Oxford but I’m guessing most people don’t know much about it apart from the fact that it’s the “Harry Potter” college. After four lovely years at Christ Church, I thought I’d share some of the other perks of attending this college that you won’t find out until you get here.
Free Cake
I thought I’d start with the most important. When I arrived at Christ Church we used to receive a free cake every term. That’s three free cakes a year. Unfortunately, it has now been reduced to one free cake per year but free cake is still free cake so you can’t complain really. All you have to do is email the cake rep with your choice of cake (yes, we have a cake rep) and within a week your selected cake will appear in your pigeon hole. Magic.
Free Bops*
Ok so this is sort of a lie because since a certain newsworthy incident involving a flamethrower a couple of years ago, Christ Church bops are no longer completely free for students. There is now a charge of £1 for 3 drinks at bops but that’s hardly going to break the bank. Plus, knowing just how much vodka goes into each and every one of those drinks (about 80% vodka, 20% mixer), you can’t complain. It’s completely and utterly disgusting but you’ll grow to love it if you end up at Oxford.
*Bops are fancy dress parties that occur twice a term at Christ Church. They’re a large part of life at Oxford University and every college will hold their own throughout the term.  
A Beautiful (and Enormous) Library
One of my absolute favourite parts of Christ Church is the library. The building is absolutely gigantic and it’s full of books both old and new. On the lower levels you’ll find the East and the West Wing, one of which has a dark, traditional feel whilst the other is white, bright and airy. Upstairs you’ll find ancient books dating back centuries. You’re not allowed to access these books without special permission and if you step an inch too close to them you’ll set an alarm off. The upper floor isn’t used much but when you’re in your final year, you can go up there to study in the peace and quiet.
The library is both large and well stocked. For some subjects, such as Classics, you’ll rarely have to leave ChCh library to find the books you need for your essays. For others, you may have to find some at your faculty libraries but a large number will be at Christ Church. What’s great is that as of last year, they’ve also started stocking up on lots of the latest fiction reads so you’ll find all the nominees for the Man Booker prize, Bailey’s Prize etc. on the shelves too! Most colleges don’t have a general fiction section so this is really cool.
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Dine in the Harry Potter Hall EVERY Night
If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll probably know that one of my main reasons for applying to Christ Church is that numerous Harry Potter film scenes were shot here. I am a HUGE Potter fan so I have no shame in admitting this. One of the most magical parts of going to Christ Church is that every evening you climb the steps (used in the Harry Potter films) to get to the Hall (which the Great Hall is modelled on). I basically spent the four years of my degree pretending that I was a Hogwarts student and I loved every second of it.
Fun story: To celebrate Halloween in 2016, Christ Church hosted a Harry Potter dinner for charity. We all dressed up as witches and wizards and the hall was decorated to be more festive. Dumbledore gave us the welcome speech before we began the feast and at the end, Quirrel ran in screaming “Troll in the Dungeon”. Hands down one of my favourite ChCh memories EVER.
Read about all the different Harry Potter locations at Oxford University here.
Cheap Food
Ok so the food at Christ Church is nothing to shout about. I’d say the quality of food is definitely something that Christ Church could improve on in comparison to other colleges, but they more than make up for this with super low, student-friendly prices. Once you’re on the meal plan, you’re signed up for a three course dinner each evening for only £146 per term. With 8 week terms, that works out at roughly £2.50 per meal. That’s right, £2.50 for a three course meal. In the Harry Potter Hall. Every night.
Peck Sets
A huge perk of attending Christ Church is that you’re guaranteed accommodation for all three or four years of your degree. During that time, the option of living in a “Peck Set” is made available to you if you’re lucky enough to rank highly in the room ballot. Unfortunately, I was not. I was placed at number 82. Fortunately, one of my best friends was ranked number 6 in the ballot and he pulled me up the ballot, landing us both one of the best Peck Sets in college. A Peck Set consists of three rooms: one living room and two bedrooms. The bedrooms contain a sink, a bed, a wardrobe etc. and in the living room there are at least two large sofas, two large desks and a fridge.
The great thing about Peck Sets is that each and every one is slightly different. Some still have dark mahogany walls, others have been painted white. Some have old fireplaces, large bookshelves, decorative mirrors and more. My Peck Set was definitely the grandest accommodation I’ll ever live in in my life and as all students at Christ Church pay the same amount for accommodation no matter which block you get put in, it’s a real bargain!
If you look at the picture below, our room can be found behind the two long windows on the far left. Our room was straight opposite the library which is a blessing at Christ Church because the library is so god damn beautiful.
Generous Grants
Whilst many applicants who come from poorer backgrounds are put off applying to the grander, richer colleges because they assume they’re full of “posh” people, what they often don’t realise is that these are the colleges with the most resources and grants to help people. Christ Church has many generous grants and also offers rewards based on great exam results. There are travel grants, sports grants, yearly bonuses for scholars and more. Being a literature student, my favourite has to be the book grant which gives you £240 to spend during your time at university.
It’s also worth noting that a new initiative has just come into place at Christ Church as they try to broaden diversity at the college. Four new scholarships have just been announced to help those from disadvantaged backgrounds as well as summer bursaries to help these children carry out internships. There will also be new subsidies for accommodation and food, making living at Christ Church (which is already cheaper than at many other colleges), even cheaper. Find out more about these initiatives here.
Beautiful grounds
Christ Church has some magnificent architecture but what is possibly even more lovely are the Meadows just outside and the Masters Gardens inside. The Meadows will lead you down to the boathouses and the river where rowing competitions occur or you can do a lap round the whole thing and end up back at Christ Church. When you’re walking around the Meadows it’s easy to forget that you’re in the middle of a city so it’s lovely to have this peaceful haven right outside your door!
There are also a number of smaller gardens inside Christ Church which are open to the students during the summer. Here, you can play croquet with your friends, kick a ball around, read a book, sunbathe – it’s like your own personal (and very beautiful) park.
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Christ Church is located very centrally in Oxford and it’s proximity to Tesco, Pret, itsu, Jericho Coffee Traders etc. is worth noting. My boyfriend went to LMH which is notorious (alongside St Hugh’s) for being incredibly far out of the centre (in Oxford terms that’s still only a 25 minute walk!), and I can’t even begin to explain how frustrating it is when you want to dash to the shops or when you’re coming home from the club at 3am. Oxford is a walking city so I’d highly recommend picking a college that is fairly central so you can get everywhere quickly and easily.
Pizza Artisan 
An artisan pizza van, suitably named, Pizza Artisan, stops outside Christ Church every. single. evening. It’s genuinely the best pizza in town and the hour long queues are all the proof you need. These pizzas are hand made and cooked in the van so it’s always fresh and hot when it gets to you. There are loads of different options available and it caters for vegetarians and vegans too!
Side note: there’s also a kebab van for when you get back to college after Parkend at 3am.
So there you have it, 10 good reasons to apply to Christ Church, Oxford. I could make an even longer list but I think I’ve already written quite enough! A couple of other ChCh highlights include: the pet tortoise, the Dean’s dog, the best Oxford balls and the best guest dinners. I absolutely loved my time at Christ Church and would highly recommend applying but at the end of the day college choice is a very personal thing. Check out this post for more tips on how to choose the best college for you. As always, if you have any questions about Christ Church or life at Oxford University, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Find out more about Christ Church on the website here.
For more posts about my time at Oxford University, check out the following:
8 Do’s and Dont’s When Choosing an Oxford College
How Many Books Did I Read For My French Degree At Oxford University?
What is it like to study French at Oxford University?
The Harry Potter Tour of Oxford University
3 TV Shows To Prepare You For Life at Oxford University
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10 REASONS TO APPLY TO CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD UNIVERSITY The biggest question on most prospective applicants minds is: which college should I apply to? There is no correct answer to this question and there is no point trying to "beat the system" by applying to what you think is a less popular college (more tips on how to choose an Oxford college…
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