#big picture (everything else) vs small picture (me)
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mbrainspaz · 4 months ago
world politics are in the blender and so are countless human lives but for me this week I think getting my library copy of the new percy jackson book would stave off the darkness. Please library gods
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onceinawhilemoon · 8 months ago
The World Hinges on Small Details: Jon vs. Sherlock and The Hand-Me-Down Quest
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This quest intrigues me so much. It not only raises questions about Jon's “nature”, but also gives us a glimpse of where Sherlock's focus on the small details, and therefore his struggle to see the big picture, came from.
If you're as intrigued by this quest as I am, read ahead, but before we continue, I highly encourage you to go read @spiteful-crow ‘s wonderful writeup on Jon and Sherlock and the Jungian concepts of “anima” and “persona” (here) if you haven't already. Not only does it explain a lot about them and what/who Jon is, but that analysis also serves as a pretty solid basis for most of this one, and it will help make it make sense, I hope!
Under the cut we go-
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Quick recap of The Hand-Me-Down quest: Jon notices a first of three riddles engraved on top of a monument called “The Silver Hand” in Old City, and convinces Sherlock to solve them, saying that the riddles lead to a lost treasure. Sherlock is bewildered by how Jon was able to guess that something was on top of the monument in the first place but goes along with it. Eventually, instead of the treasure, they find a magnifying glass that belonged to Violet, buried under a rock. Sherlock is so confused by the discovery and has no clue as to how the glass made it there. Neither he nor Jon seem to remember ever burying it there.
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The third riddle stands out the most here, as the last two lines of it read “you may find only one small detail, but that doesn't mean that you have failed.”
Upong finding this riddle, Jon commends Sherlock on his admirable ability to notice the details. This evokes Sherlock's memory of one of his mother’s core teachings:
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S: “In such moments I often recall Mother's voice teaching us of the importance of the smaller details. The world hangs on small hinges, Jon.”
J: “Even the most chaotic miracle becomes sequential when you take a closer look. I remember.”
Sherlock’s keen eye for detail is something almost everyone he meets praises him for, and it's an inherited trait from his mother, who was an authenticator and a truth seeker, she taught him that "the truth lies in the details." Consequently, his struggle with seeing the big picture due to focusing too much on the details sometimes stems from his mother's teachings, which he clearly holds in very high regard. She was also the source of his strong moral stance against lies and obfuscation of truth. He was closer to his mother than his brother, even during her worst days. It's no surprise that Violet had a huge and deep influence on Sherlock-she shaped all of his moral views, many of which are being challenged by what he's discovering on Cordona.
The title of the quest, the quest being strongly tied to Violet and her teachings, specifically the third riddle, and of course the magnifying glass, all lead me to believe that Sherlock put the glass there and made up those riddles and the silver hand treasure, inspired by his mother, the monument, and the pirate it was erected in honor of.
Maybe it was also a ritual like burying Siger’s “skull” to help Sherlock process things and move on. Maybe it was to help him process and reconcile with the negative feelings associated with Violet's abusive nature or with her death, or maybe it was simply just child's play. But, as with everything else, after the pond incident™, his memories of Violet and most of his time on Cordona were suppressed and lost to time, including the magnifying glass and the “ritual”. And since Jon seems to remember or at least seems to have a gut feeling about the past and those lost memories, he recalled the riddles and the legend about the treasure, which, interestingly, can be considered as the “creative” aspects of the ritual. Jon may not have remembered the magnifying glass itself but remembered the steps to get there because Sherlock created them with his help. I do believe he is Sherlock's creativity and imagination personified. I've written a (much shorter, thankfully!) theory about that and how I think it's tied to Sherlock calling him his "anima" (here) if you're interested.
And maybe it was something more, if you think of Jon as a Tulpa or one of Carl Jung's thoughtforms (like Philemon, who Jung described as a "guru" possessing of transcendental knowledge and wisdom) this quest could be an example in which these concepts are explored. Jon does act as a guide in the game. He also seems to notice things before Sherlock does sometimes, and points out things that Sherlock has no way of knowing or verifying with empirical evidence at the time, sometimes even despite his physical limitations, like the “engraving” on top of the Silver Hand monument.
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I personally don't think there was ever an engraving on top of the monument. I think the idea was for the first riddle to be memorized by Sherlock while the rest to be written down and hidden. This, I think, makes the whole “ritual” much more personal and special to Sherlock. Of course, after what happened, he forgot everything, and Jon was left to remember the first riddle and made it look like he read it on the monument to entice Sherlock to solve it and remember, just like how he invented the fiction that the skull belonged to Sherlock's father.
Then there's their conversation after discovering the glass, which I think perfectly captures the “rational” vs “irrational” parts of Sherlock, or the "persona" vs. the "anima" :
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Jon, the “irrational” and creative part that wants to believe in magic and miracles, tells him that sometimes he just needs to let things happen, that some things can't be explained and we should let them be, and Sherlock, the "rational" part that strives for logic and objective truths, has a hard time accepting that, because to him, everything needs to have a logical explanation and a tangible root in reality.
J: “The whole world is one big unresolved chaotic miracle" - That's the part of Violet's teaching that Jon chooses to follow. Jon finds beauty in leaving mysteries unsolved, in the “who knows?” which leaves the door wide open for imagination, in non-linear thinking which leads to originality and uniqueness. He thrives in chaos.
S: “But they will become sequential if you take a closer look" - And that's the part that Sherlock wants to follow. He finds stability in order. He sees the need to investigate to uncover what's hidden and verify facts with evidence to restore structure into the world.
The two parts are both sides of the same coin. They shouldn't be separated because they balance each other out and make up one whole. Thanks to this balance, Sherlock eventually concedes and lets this particular mystery remain unsolved. It must have been freeing for him to just leave it to "fate" and focus on the beautiful feelings that this strange experience has evoked-him feeling closer to his mother by remembering her wisdom and honoring her legacy.
Which makes me wonder how differently Sherlock would have faced the horrors in The Awakened if Jon was still with him to hold his hand and remind him that it's okay if things didn't make sense, that sometimes you just need to let things happen and free your psyche from the weight of fervently searching for logical explanations. Some things are just meant to not make sense, just like that magnifying glass.
Then there's the title of the quest.
“The Hand-Me-Down” I think, refers either to the magnifying glass itself, being a precious heirloom inherited from Violet which later becomes Sherlock Holmes’ signature crime solving instrument, or the mindset of “the world hinges on small details“, also passed on from Violet and the reason why Sherlock is so keen on the details that he sometimes struggles to consider them within a broader perspective-the big picture-which can cause him to tunnel vision on isolated facts and possibly risk making ill-informed decisions. A notable example is concluding that “Richter tried to save my mother; therefore, he was an innocent man who was wrongly accused,” while disregarding the fact Richter and his medical malpractice caused his mother to deteriorate in the first place.
Finally, there's what Jon wrote in his diary after discovering the glass:
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“But when Sherry looked at me through that glass, I was suddenly struck by terror. For a brief moment, it felt as if I weren't there at all, his gaze passing through me and over the horizon.”
Jon rarely gets “deep” in his journal, so this line stuck with me. Jon is pretty aware of his “non”-existence and even seems pretty in peace with it, so why would he be struck by terror at the idea of him “not being there at all”?
The choice of words in “his gaze passing through me and over the horizon” signifies the future; Jon is terrified of a future in which Sherlock doesn't see him anymore; when he favors his rational and mature side so much, that it ends up consuming him and severing Jon, his anima, his irrational and creative part that clings to his childhood, from the whole. If Sherlock stops seeing Jon, only then does Jon truly cease to exist.
I think this means that at this point in the story, deep down in his unconsciousness, Sherlock knew that when he leaves Cordona this time, he'll be leaving Jon with it, and this gut feeling, this terror at being fractured and fragmented, possibly with no way of ever getting mended, manifests through Jon as he constantly tries to alert Sherlock to the danger of the situation, that once he steps through the threshold, there's no turning back.
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autisticsupervillain · 1 month ago
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters....
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Steven Universe vs Karkat Vantas!
Picture by @velvetvessel-powerscaler-edition
Steven Universe after the end of Future. Karkat Vantas after Act 7. Dubiously canon materials are ignored for Homestuck.
Diplomatic contact between Earth C and the newly reformed Homeworld Empire has been strained at best due to the extensive cultural differences between gems and trolls. At one point, a fight breaks out between a gem and a troll over the term "Diamond". The troll was talking about how much she loves her moirail but to the Gem her verbage sounded like a Diamond supremacist. Both Steven and Karkat, who only know of the other by reputation and are coincidentally passing by, intervene to break the fight up. Steven wants the troll to apologize for "starting the fight" while Karkat wants to get the Troll away from the scene so she can find her moirail and calm down. The argument escalates because neither side clarifies what they mean by "Diamond."
"Okay, guys, let's just calm down. Uhhh, you! You should apologize for starting it."
"Excuse me? First of all, language. Second of all, I want nothing to do with them! No one needs them! I've had enough of the Diamonds in my life..."
"What? No, I would never... well... I kinda did that one time but that's not what I-"
"Hey, leave them out of this! Are you like this to everyone? I heard you were better than that."
"I. Don't. Need. Them!"
Analysis: Steven Universe
Countless years ago, long before the advent of human history, the small, insignificant planet of Earth was discovered by an alien race known as the Gems. The Homeworld Empire would have mercilessly sucked the planet dry, if it were not for the second thoughts of their leader Pink Diamond. Unable to convince her fellow matriarchs of the error of their ways, Pink instead waged a war against herself using the pseudonym Rose Quartz.
This…. is not her story.
This is the story of the son she left behind. This is the story of Steven Quartz Universe.
Growing up mostly unaware of his now dead mother’s dark past, Steven was raised by his homeless father Greg Universe and trained by the three remaining Crystal Gems Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl. In his youth he’d mostly lazily hang around Beach City and go on missions to subdue Corrupted Gems, or Gems who were forcibly turned into monsters by the Diamonds corruption blast as the fled Earth. However, after Steven would inadvertently lead Homeworld back to Earth, the young boy would be forced to confront the lies his mother left behind and stand against the Homeworld Empire.
Thankfully, Steven develops a wide plethora of powers abd abilities to protect his friends and family. Inheriting all the powers of his mother, Steven can create a pink shield that can manifest in a variety of different ways. It can appear as a small frisbe and a body encompassing bubble, even growing spikes to ward off aggressive adversaries. He can also bubble his fists to increase their punching power. These shields are made if hard light, much like a Gem’s physical body is, which would likely explain how customizable they are.
Similarly, he can summon bubbles to contain objects, sending them home for later use. It should be noted that, while this has a sealing affect on poofed gems (that’s what it’s called when a gem’s physical form is temporarily destroyed), organic beings seem unaffected by it and can break free of these bubbles with ease.
In regards to his movement options, Steven can levitate, controlling the speed at which he falls to the ground in a manner basically synonymous with flight, even being capable of halting his own momentum.
His half gem physiology also grants him a rather bizarre biology. For example, he cam voluntarily shapeshift his own body, even influencing his own age, though this appears to be the one ability he has yet to truly master, as it is often subconsciously influenced by his own image of himself and can easily spiral wildly out of control. His, uh, body fluids also seem to be similarly affected. Don’t worry, it’s not as gross as it sounds.
For example, his spit csn heal the injuries of others, healing Connie’s eye sight and fixing Lapis’s broken gemstone. His tears, meanwhile, can resurrect dead animals and people as unaging pink “zombies” with special powers, such as hair that contains a pocket dimension and a voice that can create portals. The most bizarre trait of his, erm, fluids, is his ability to make plants sentient by licking their seeds, creating an army of Watermelon Stevens fiercely loyal to and protective of him. In great enough numbers, these creations can overpower the Crystal Gems and even threaten the dangerous fusion Malachite with just stone age era technology.
Plus, when knocked out, he can telepathically communicate with and even possess other beings from astronomical distances away. He can even communicate with the Diamonds, despite their diamond auras initially warding him off. Being half diamond himself, Steven should have a similar aura and, thus, similar resistance. Hell, given his aura outright overpowered theirs, his resistance should be stronger.
He can fuse with other Gems to become stronger and, uniquely, can fuse with humans. In fact, Steven can do a lot of things that Gems can’t. His half human biology grants him an immunity to weapons designed specifically to counter gems, causing them to merely harm him at worst or harmlessly tickle him at best. But, this resistance has limits as certain weapons like the Rejuvenator can nullify his powers. Still, he doesn't need to resist an attack to deal with it, as his regeneration is so good that he can heal from broken bones and cracked skulls so fast that he never even notices them.
Similarly, Steven is supremely tough and fast, capable of moving fast enough to appear as a blur in eyes of normal humans long before he mastered his powers. As a teenager, he can fight some of the toughest of the Crystal Gems foes, such as Spinel and Jssper, single handedly and fight them blow for blow. As a near adult, he's tapped into his full Diamond potential.
With Steven’s Pink Mode transformations, Steven can channel his full Diamond potential, going from competing with Jasper to actively stomping her. What’s more, if Steven is seperated from his gem, any buffer between him and his full power is completely removed.
The now emotionless and remorseless Gem Steven is all of Steven’s power without an ounce of his humanity or restraint. He's capable of nearly blowing Yellow, Blue, and White Diamond away just by screaming and can effortlessly deflect attacks from all three. This is especially impressive when you consider the Diamonds are the strongest gems in existence. Together, three of the Diamonds could light up the entire night sky from Homeworld to Earth all the way in another galaxy. To create that much illumination, each of the Diamonds would individually be exerting an energy equivalent to 3 TeraFoe and speeds of upwards of 50 Quadrillion C. And Steven at his strongest can consistently overpower all three.
However, Gem Steven runs the serious risk of killing Steven’s human half, due to his gemstone not being connected to his body, so it’s unlikely he’ll use it willingly. In fact, Steven is highly unlikely to use his most dangerous powers in combat.
Steven’s greatest strength, as well as his greatest weakness, is his empathy. He’ll always sacrifice his physical and mental health to protect others, which has caused him serious problems. This tendency, plus his constant exposure to life threatening trauma, as caused him to develop a severe case of PTSD, which can make his powers go haywire if not properly checked in. At it’s worst, it can even forcibly transform him into a giant unstoppable monster.
But, despite all his weaknesses, Steven managed to save Earth and Homeworld. He succeeded where his mother failed and made the Diamonds change their minds. Because he’s not his mother. He’s more. He’s Steven Quartz Universe.
Analysis: Karkat Vantas
Ask yourself one very important question. A question that has plagued nearly all of mankind since its very inception. What does God, our omnipotent creator, look like?
Stop thinking, because you're wrong. Our God is just an internet troll from another universe who wears a massive sweater, pulls his pants up to his chest, and has a love for dumb rom coms.
Meet Karkat Vantas, a mutant blooded alien troll from the distant planet of Alternia. Born as a mutant with bright red blood, Karkat had no place in Alternia's dystopic blood-based caste system and, as such, his very existence was a crime punishable by death. As such, Karkat has lived his entire life in constant fear and paranoia that one day his blood would be discovered and he would be killed. Growing up as a born outlaw in a murderous dystopia did not do well for Karkat's psyche, resulting in him growing up into an abrasive asshole who was fully convinced he would die at any moment.
Little did he know until his 13th birthday (or 6.5th birthday going off Alternia's time measurement system), he had inherited a destiny, regarding both the future of his race and the future of his very universe.
See, Karkat wasn't any mutant. He was a direct descendant of the Signless. A troll who, many centuries ago, had rebelled in the name of trolls of every caste, seeking to bring peace to the horrific, bloodthirsty dystopia. He was executed for his efforts, but not before his genetic information was copied.... by Karkat himself. Technically.
Karkat's other destiny was his destiny as a SBURB Player. He and all his friends were destined to play a video game called SGRUB, which would bring about the end of their world. The game, if played right, would allow Karkat and friends to become the gods of the new world, but in order for that to happen at all, the game had to allow Karkat to ensure his own existence through time traveling clone science fuckery. It's complicated.
This gave Karkat a golden opportunity to both escape his horrible situation and rule as the leader of a pantheon of gods over his own personal universe. Namely, our universe. He kindly assures us that it would've been a horrific and brutal regime, but it never really got off the ground, as Karkat's victory was stolen from him at the last second by an invincible time demon and Karkat would up having to work with the humans he had intended to enslave for the sake of survival.
This is because Karkat is not even half the conquer he wants to be. He isn't even really the leader of his team. Despite all his bluster of being a God born from a superior warrior race, Karkat is a loud mouthed weakling when measured up to nearly anyone else on his team. He has no special powers, he's physically the weakest out of everyone, and he isn't even an actual God.
What Karkat does have... is heart. Much to his chagrin, Karkat's special power is basically friendship. As a Blood Player, Karkat is supernaturally predisposed to being really good at making friends and maintaining friendships... which turned out to be the very thing he needed to succeed as well as he did.
See, all of Karkat's friends have a very deep, bloody history. As in, "these people are personally responsible for the most traumatic and horrifying events in my life. Events that shape who I am as a person to this day" deep. They've killed each other before and they would again. However, thanks to Karkat's influence, they're able to not only work together but actually almost get along. Karkat had a genocidal highblood supremacist counting him as one of his best friends, that's how potent this guy's friendship power inexplicably is.
A lot of this can be chalked up to the Blood Aspect, sure, but a lot of it can also be chalked up to who Karkat is under all the paranoia and anger. He gets people, he understands their character flaws, their failings, their fears, and he sympathizes with them. He gets, probably better than anyone else, that everyone around him is effectively a terrified kid with boatloads of trauma. That's the real reason he could never by the bloodthirsty tyrant he dreamed of. It's not who he is, at his foundation. It just took a long time and a lot of bonding with the humans he supposedly despised for him to realize that.
That said, Karkat is only physically unimpressive by the standards of the literal gods that surround him. He's still a SBURB Player and he still grew up on an inhospitable hell planet. As such, he is much stronger than your ordinary human.
In fact, Karkat has a shockingly good scaling chain if you're willing to dig in deep. He survived getting carried to Alternia on the back of a meteor as a freshly hatched infant, he's at least comparable to other lowblood trolls, who can move spaceships at near light speed, and he's stronger than most of the Trolls from Beforus. It's a major plot point that the Alpha Trolls from Beforus were incapable of beating SGRUB outright, and that Alternian Trolls were specifically set up to be much stronger to avoid the same mistake. While exceptions such as Aranea and debatably Meenah exist, this sentiment would include Trolls like Damara, who can smash planets together.
At most, Karkat should be comparable to the likes of a Pre-God Tier Roxy, who can survive inside of a Dreambubble that Calliope turned into a Black Hole. A Dark Pocket so powerful, not even information could escape. This would put Karo as being capable of withstanding energy equivalent to 18 TeraFoe.
And, at worst, Karkat can keep up with Sprites, who can travel to Prospit and Derse within 11 seconds. Given the sheer bonkers huge scope of the Incipisphere, this would put the characters at 77 quintillions of times faster than light.
From this point, Karkat has been getting stronger all of his life. Everyone and everything in Homestuck has an Echeladder, a video game style leveling system that continues to make them stronger as they accomplish random things throughout their life, ranging from opening a fridge to winning a fight.
On top of this, Karkat is certainly a much more skilled fighter than your average human being. His team was able to take in the armies of the Kingdom of Derse, which has been warring with its opposite Kingdom of Prospite for as long as its home reality has existed. Despite that, Karkat found himself being flat out disappointed by how easy they were to fight against, with only the King proving to be enough of a challenge to rally the whole team.
As with all Homestuck characters, Karkat also has a sylladex, a hammerspace inventory system where he can store objects much too big to carry on his person, allowing him to pull out his handy twin sickles whenever he needs them. Really, the fact that most of his friends can knock him out cold with a love tap says more about them than it does about him.
Despite that though, Karkat is still not a fighter and he possesses bad luck to a literally superhuman degree. In fact, his luck is so horrible that it completely counters out luck based superpowers, allowing him to beat Clover, whose luck is so supernaturally good that it made him completely untouchable to everyone else on the battlefield except for Karkat. Turning all your negatives into a positive. If that isn't just Karkat's entire character arc.
Karkat is not the conquerer he so desperately wanted to be. But he is a leader and he is a friend, and in the hands of a Blood Player, those two titles are far more powerful than a warrior ever could be.
Throwdown Breakdown:
Alright, a surprisingly close bout. The fight between the two traumatized heroes who inherited their ancestors baggage and struggled under the weight of not being able to live up to their example. Ultimately, they made it through be learning to be their own people and survive by their own terms, largely through more nonviolent means. Though this left them saddled with severe self loathing, survivor's guilt, and a saviors complex a mile long.
It's probably very shocking to see how high I power scaled both of these characters, but I do think it works as a decent high end for what people in their league have shown to accomplish. On Steven’s side, we have the Diamond's shattering Homeworld just by being born, Crystal Gems surviving planet sized black holes casually, and numerous characters, such as Lapis, easily being able to make the trip between Homeworld and Earth. On Karkat's side, we have John's dreamself tanking the explosion that vaporized Prospit's moon, John pre-God Tier creating a storm with planet destroying levels of kinetic energy, and numerous characters being able to travel interplanetary distances within the Incipisphere.
As such, these two are on more or less even footing attack potency wise. Both of them are comfortably within the Terafoe range, just scratching their heads on the floor to Multi-Solar System Level. Skill wise, I'd also consider them both to be comparable. While neither of them are dedicated fighters by any metric, this doesn't mean they're bad at fighting. Steven has been fighting mutated Gem monsters since he was a kid, Karkat has been surviving on the hellpit Alternia all his life. Karkat faced off against the armies of Derse, who had been waring against Prospit for their entire history, while Steven has fought the Homeworld Empire, who have been conquering their galaxy and beyond for eons.
But, Steven has the better skillset by a mile. Steven doesn’t have any luck powers to cancel out, so bad luck is nothing but a detriment to Karkat, and while the Echeladder and the hammerspace inventory are cool, they aren't as immediately applicable as Steven’s arsenal. Healing and shields give him a clear edge in longevity while flight and life creation gives Steven mobility and battlefield control that Karkat can't really cancel out. It's a dominant category for Steven across the board. Karkat, meanwhile, is effectively just a guy with some sickles by comparison.
Ultimately, however, the deciding factor here is stats. While the two are equal in attack potency, the gap in speed for Karkat is massive. Karkat is decisively 1,540 times faster than Steven. This means, he'd be able to land hits on Steven before the hybrid can even appropriately react. While Steven has options to wait Karkat out, he can't do much to land any blows back in turn and Karkat himself has stayed awake for over a month straight before. A lot better than any stamina feats Steven has shown.
Not helping is that Steven's shields are air tight. He's been at risk of suffocating inside of them before. He can't turtle in there forever and he'd have to lower his guard eventually to give Karkat an opening.
Fortunately, this fight isn't likely to end with a death in character. Hell, the very sight of Steven’s red blood would likely send Karkat into a panic mode on the spot that ends the fight right there. Steven's not gonna punch a guy whose clearly having a panic attack right in front of him. But as far as the actual fight is concerned, Karkat shockingly has the tools he needs to get the win.
Though, if this incident leads to them bonding over their trauma and becoming friends, does that mean the ~ATH curse would cause Steven to die? Does that count as a win? Hey, a traumatized Karkat is an alive Karkat at least. Usually the power of friendship doesn't backfire that hard for Steven.
In conclusion, Karkat technically wins. But, regardless of any fatalities, neither of them would see it that way.
This Throwdown's Winner is....
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Karkat Vantas! (By technicality)
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shv2 · 7 months ago
Long post, any commentary welcome
Okay confession time: I disliked Wander for years and now I'm realising that the only problem I have with him is that he is not called out on his bullshit/mistakes when it's really important.
I just feel like he is only shown as being in the wrong about small things. "He wants to help too much, even if people don't want it! He ignores his health to help others!"
But these are laughably small. Remindes me of when a person makes a character but they don't want to gives them any actual flaws so it's just "They are too kind/smart/etc".
Main problem (for me) is that Wander actually has big, intresting flaws with his character. But they are not explored. I cannot treat the episode about him trying to help people that are fine when. Everything else. I'm going to give 2 main examples that give me the most discomfort. You can skip if you understand.
1. Constant invasion of boundaries, to the point where "when he is a villain he deserves it" doesn't personally work for me. The entire fremergency episode.. Also the one where he and hater sang on stage. Why is he so weird about unconsious/not fully there Hater. He immediately makes him do/say things (in public or even on camera) that he would not say usually. Imagine someone you know is drunk so you take them in a public place to act like you are close while your buddy is filming that. I get Hater is a villain but damn... I'm not asking for a big callout or anything, can we at least not do the "it's so sad that he has to return :(" thing in the end.. Wander overstepping everyone's boundaries is so consistent it's a character trait, but it's mostly played for laughs/ignored/endorsed. It's not only villains... I remember this one animatic (scrapped/after credit scene, don't remember) where he pets Sylvia and his hand goes down to her tail so she has to physically stop him. Also a lot of other minor stuff, but.. I feel like this is more glaring than "oh he's just too sweet and kind".
2. The entire dominator.. Thing. Wander sees a trolley problem with the entire galaxy vs dominator (+hater stops being a villain), and decides he wants to save everyone. No matter how right you think he was, he did not achieve what he wanted. Dominator did not change. Hater did, but not complitely. But innocent people died. We can't just ignore that Hater has the power to stop Dominator, and one of the main reasons he didn't was because Wander was helping him out with Dominator. Look at Hater's face when Dominator laughs at his confession. He's not even surprised. He would 100% give up sooner if Wander wasn't hyping him up so much. Wander actually made sure that the only person capable of defeating Dominator was peaceful towards her for as long as he could. How many people lost their homes/died while him and Hater were busy with their crap? Again, I know this is a children's show. And yes, Wander is presented as being wrong, but un a really weird way. It's more about Dominator than her victims. It's more "Not everyone wants to change/be your friend/some people are just enemies" etc. The show shows (haha) that Wander was wrong, but the consequences are not in the picture. There are 2 elements to what happened: "Wander made the wrong call and many wrong decisions, AND many people died/lost their homes because of his decisions". The show only talks about the first part. It almost makes it look like if Dominator actually agreed to become friends, everything else would become okay.
Every time I rewatched the show I was thinking "Oh, yeah, this guy let countless people die because he wanted to solve the situation 100% ethically and gets away with it. Oh, he is very touchy without consent. Oh, he doesn't listen to his best friend and almost gets her killed. Oh, oh. Fuck this guy".
Now I think that it would be fine if it was adressed. There is no need to reduce/ignore his mistakes. Half of the main cast are villains (I personally consider (Wander, Sylvia, Hater and Peepers the main 4, people still love them. I love them! Not only that, we have Brad Starlight that satirises traditional heroes. Why doesn't the show apply at least some critical thinking towards Wander? Also, Sylvia is a hero too! She was a bounty hunter, she has anger management problems (where she is implied to hurt people in the way that a family friendly show can show (ep about the race)), she often "learns her lesson" if Wander is right.
Another thing.
Episodes where Wander is wrong are weirdly disconnected from the rest of the show in my opinion. At least it feels like it. It feels like tonal whiplash. One episode, Wander does something wrong - it's fine/haha funny. Other episode, Wander is W R O N G and needs to learn his lesson, also everything is extremely more on the nose. Try watching "The Fremergency Fronfract" right after "The Helper". Throughout 8 years I saw several people that had an opinion that these episodes felt really out of character for Wander, and I can understand where they are coming from. In my opinion, it's not Wander as a character, it's the lens through which we see him. Swapping from uncritical acceptance to critique feels unnatural to me.
Thinking of alternative scenarios/fanfiction makes me like Wander so much more. I think I can actually appreciate the guy so much more now. Everything I wrote was prompted by RWBY (+rewritten), because main team has the same problems Wander has times 1000.
I do hope that in season 3 they planned to explore Wander more (I remember seeing some tweets about it being the case), but I think that there is no way to adress this in season 3 without making it disconnect in many ways in some way from season 1 and 2.
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indigochromatic · 7 months ago
I sent this ask to someone else but I'd like to ask more systems - may I ask what your opinion is on subjective reality within systems? Systems that don't have consistency in the headspace, or a consistent timeline, consistent memories...that sort of thing. I'm struggling a bit with that now and it's really freaking me out :( so I'd love to hear your take, if you'd be willing
Hey there! Yeah for sure, we'll take a crack at this. First, though: Content warning for discussions of reality, subjective reality, unreality, etc. If too much that stuff makes your brain unhappy, maybe skim or skip this one.
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling a bit rn, Anon. It's not fun to feel like you don't have "solid ground to stand on", and having to deal with not having a consensus about your autobiographical narrative can be really frustrating and scary.
Lemme try to come at this from a couple angles. First off, I'll say something about how we think of big-picture philosophy, which is that everyone has a subjective reality to some extent. There's a reason it's called "consensus reality" not "objective reality", and that's because no two people on earth are having the exact same experience. Perception is biased, memories slowly alter every time they're recalled, interpretation differs wildly depending on context. The human brain isn't an accurate recording device, it's a pile of synapses telling stories to itself in the dark.
So what do we do with that? Philosophically, that's a big question, and I'm not gonna pretend I have all that figured out. Learn to yourselves stories that give your life meaning and purpose. Practically speaking, though? That'll depend on what you're struggling with specifically, and what you're hoping to change.
For example, let's take memory consistency. The two of us have generally pretty consistent memories (e.g. we agree on what events happened rather than having conflicting memories about it), but we also have a shit memory overall--we've described it like we're living in a sliding window of 2-8 days, and everything else is kind of a mess since around 2019-2020. We also have ADHD, so that doesn't help either. What do we do? Honestly, just super basic stuff like "keep a calendar notebook that we write stuff down in to keep track of it, and don't worry if it's not perfect or fully complete", "set alarm reminders for non-routine things we don't want to miss, like medical appointments or phone calls with friends", and "check in with each other when we can, to ask if we're missing anything (and just to say hey)". We also know our memory is affected by our overall dissociation levels, so just generally trying to take care of ourselves and slowly improve our life situation is pretty likely to help, too.
On headspace consistency, though--I'm actually a little confused by what you're asking. Are you worried because your headspace isn't static and changes a lot? Anon, with love, that shit is so common, I wouldn't be worried about it in the slightest. Our headspace is a whole mess, for instance--not only is it different based on whether you're in "my mind" vs "L's mind", even the small handful of semi-consistent places and/or 'themes' change around all the time, not just day-to-day like the weather but also evolving over time, especially as we learn more and process more stuff and experience more things. Hell, my exomemories don't even all have a consistent continuity. And even the "semi-consistent" aspects of our headspace basically exists in a sort of...Schrodinger's Headspace superposition, most of the time? For example, there's a whole, like, Hades/The Spirit Realm in there--except when it doesn't exist, or when it's wrapped into some other part of headspace, or retroactively never existed, or was all just symbolic anyways, or is personified in one of my facets instead, or...well, you get the idea. If you're looking to create a bit more solidity in your headspace, it's usually possible to develop more 'concrete' headspace locations by practicing visualization over time--this can be guided meditation stuff, writing about it, collecting a moodboard of images, constructing a model of it in minecraft or another "virtual space-builder" game/program/whatever, etc. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen overnight, this stuff can take a bit of practice to solidify.
Timeline consistency: yeah. That one can be especially hard to avoid when you have between-system-member amnesia in general, and/or multiple periods over your life where there were different main fronters. We're not experts on this front, but a lot of it, as far as we can tell, tends to come down to just...trusting each other, as a system. You've all got pieces of the puzzle, and some folks' pieces are written in map coordinates while other folks have cryptic, symbolic riddles--they're all important pieces, even when they conflict. And sometimes you have to kinda let go of trying to ever Perfectly Reconstruct Exactly What Happened, and focus more on what you want your life to look like now and moving forward. Not sure if that system member's exomemories are 'purely symbolic/emotional' or have some basis in physical events? Ask them how they want to deal with it, and what support they want. Sometimes the narrative is more important than the events, because the events themselves are gone. They're over. What we carry with us--everyone, systems and singlets--is the narrative we've told ourselves about the events, and that's the part that grows and changes with us throughout our lives.
Anyways, that's my take on it. Hopefully this gets at a bit of what you were asking about, Anon? Feel free to toss us followup questions if you want, thanks for the opportunity to talk about all this a little. -S
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moomingitz · 10 months ago
Been thinking about this recently, when it comes to how people have view games in the Sonic franchise and their expectations of them even all the way back in the 2000s. I honestly believe the price the games originally retailed for has a lot to do with it. I'm saying this as someone who came in late to play the most prominent "dark age" Sonic games, and the games that came after them. And I'm only referring to the console games here, not the handheld ones.
The first time I played Sonic 06 was back in 2013. I bought it brand new and still sealed for $10, and I did it because I wanted to get an actual informed opinion of the game, and as a strange curiosity in general. The game is definitely unfinished and very buggy. However, I did get some enjoyment from it(even if not for the intended reasons), I actually liked the cutscenes for most of the part, and I do see some redeeming qualities underneath it's scuffed to hell surface. But, again, I only paid $10 for it, so not really a loss for me. But when it originally came out, it was not only $60, it was also this big grand anniversary game, meant to be a drastic new direction and refresh of the franchise, and it was released on then-next gen consoles. So I think you can start to see a more full picture of what I'm trying to get at, here.
Same thing also applies to the games that I think are good, or at least better. Sonic 06 wasn't the only Sonic game I played for the first time around that time. Before 06, I bought and played Colors in late 2012 for around $15. While I still believe that it's a good game, it's very short and doesn't have much else to do after you beat the main story. I don't think it has enough content to justify the price it originally retailed for.
The lack of a significant amount of content offered outside of the base games is honestly why I miss games like Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Whether these games have actually aged well or not, there was so much you could do on the side. I would play these games religiously growing up, wanting to find and unlock everything I could do. I even %100 completed SA2 at one point. Sonic Adventure gives you hub worlds to explore and mess around in, and the Gamecube port even gives you the Gamegear games to unlock. In SA2 you could unlock costumes/skins for characters in 2 Player VS. mode and unlock other characters to play in it, among other things you could also unlock by completing missions and getting emblems. SA2 even had a timed boss rush. And, of course, both games had the Chao gardens.
It might be something of a meme to demand the Chao Gardens make a return. But fans, me included, want them back for a very good reason. Not only is it fun and relaxing to raise Chao and customize them to your liking, but the Chao gardens incentivize you to replay stages in order to find things like certain small animals to use for your Chao, or to scrounge up rings to buy things at the market.
As someone who played both Sonic Adventure games, when both their Dreamcast and following Gamecube ports originally came out, I really do feel like both the base games, and the amount of content provided outside of them, made them worth the price tag they had during their initial releases. The only games that have been able to scratch that kind of itch for me afterward is Unleashed and Generations. And before anyone asks; I can't comment on Frontiers gameplay wise because I still haven't played it yet.
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irlcats-bracket · 2 years ago
Bracket 3 Semifinals 1
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Pricetag & Bandit vs Simon
also named price in another submission
shes fat shes a terrible bitch and shes the love of submitter's life. they dont technically know her breed but she looks like a calico kinda. white and black and brown all over. their favorite spot to kiss her is the little brown diamond on top of her head, but she has all kinds of pretty markings. she'll cuddle submitter but not their parents and hisses at anyone else. hence the bitch. its SO funny. she doesnt "meow" so much as she chirps and yells. u touch her n its the worlds loudest MRAP. submitter leaves for work and they go "bye price!" and she goes "meep" and they say "i love you!" and she goes "mow" and it always makes them smile because she rarely does it to anyone else. shes so fat. she has a big ol premidorial pouch because shes 100% indoor and u can hear her claws go clicclicclic on the floor because shes so heavy. she likes to climb on peoples back. she chases moths but no other bugs and likes to make friends with neighborhood critters. she hates bellyrubs from everyone but submitter. if they leave their door open at night she creeps in and lays in the worst possible spot and makes it impossible to sleep. she makes the best bread loaf. shes so fucking round. SPHEREICAL. submitter love her more then anything ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (here submitter said that i can shrink it if i want to but no fucking way i am shrinking things abt a cat aside from their name maybe)
shes named after a canadian hockey player. submitter hates hockey. thanks uncle C dhsbdjjsjsjsjs
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how could you possibly vote against this face 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 shes the roundest, bitchiest cat in the whole world and shes my best friend. stealer of cream cheese and hearts.
heres a small collection of price pictures where i think she looks exceptionally round
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vote for price orb. shes practically a perfect circle. what more could you want
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also look how polite she is
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submitter's sweet baby boy. He passed away recently, and submitter misses him dearly. He was the softest cat they'd ever pet, and that's not just them being biased. His fur was silk. He was the friendliest cat too, and when he heard new voices he was always up to come meet people. He also enjoyed being around people, and you could always find him in a room with the family. He enjoyed terrorizing the family dog whenevr he got riled up (dont worry, she enojoyed it too), and he loved to bother submitter's parents when they started working from home. Any call submitter had with their folks, he would always make a background appearance, yelling quite loudly. He also had some of the loudest snoring theyve ever heard, and they're so lucky to have a small audio recording of him sleeping. Submitter had him since they were 8, and he was nearly 17 years old when he passed away. Submitter tries to sleep with a crook in their knee so if he's ever lonely, he can come cuddle.
he's two years old but still looks like he's six months old. he also recently cost his father and submitter 4k because he likes to eat random stuff off the ground :) luckily he's adorable, loves to beat them all up in the morning to wake us up, and his little meows sound like, "ba-hoo!"
he is scared of everything that is not his mom, dad, or brother. everything else is to be treated as an very scary, dangerous enemy
he once cost us over 4,000 dollars in vet bills because he loves to try to eat random stuff off the ground. my fiancé and i both work minimum wage so you can imagine how happy we were
he went missing for 15 hours once because he pushed through a window screen and jumped. he is the last cat who would ever willingly go outside so wtf simon ....
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he is a gremlin who thinks the world revolves around him (it does)
he loves letting me dress him up in hats, dresses, and shirts!
he loves to lick my fiancés face at 5am and will dig up the covers to get to him
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he helps himself to any glass of water left out, even if you're also drinking it
he doesn't understand why people aren't always willing to share their food with him- he wants some!! give him a lil taste!
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he also sat like this once ?
anyways i reached the mobile photo limit i hope you like my boy!!
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lailuhhh · 1 year ago
Trick or treat!!!
Okay okay okay so like
I don’t think I’ve gone into detail but new series idea called Mac vs Mother Nature where it’s literally Mac nearly being taken out by natural disasters and I like need ideas
I’ve already got earthquake, tsunami, and tornado. Even small things like animal attacks or allergies because that would be silly amongst the big things
Like I don’t have anything written for any of them and it’s literally just the words MAC VS MOTHER NATURE in my notes and that makes me remember everything
But PLEASE listen to Owl City’s The Tornado and picture Mac hiding in a storm drain, alone, while everyone else is safe in a tornado shelter and imagine Jack going completely feral because phones don’t work, coms don’t work, there’s a literal tornado outside, and he had no idea where Mac is and can’t find him the first day of searching and he’s running himself into the ground with worry because Mac’s not there Mac’s not there Mac’s not there— he doesn’t even take into account his own injuries because Mac’s. Not. There. and I dunno maybe he passes out and wakes up in the hospital and Is Mac There? Who knows at this point. Maybe Mac is literally up on the wind lol
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ashboy-3 · 2 years ago
Nice to Meet You
Written for DannyMay day 5 Prompt: 10 min vs 1 hour Fandom: Danny Phantom Charcters: Jack, Maddie, Danny, OC Words: 2242 Summary: It's time for Danny to move into college and meet his roommate.
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This is where the Ten minutes starts.
“You sure you don’t need us to come with you?” Maddie asked her only son as he was packing his essentials into a duffel bag and backpack.
“No Mom. We already sent everything else ahead in the mail. I can fly there easily,” Danny grabbed his favorite hoodie and put it in the duffel bag, following a Fenton thermos.
“Oh okay, sweetie. You know I worry,” Maddie hugged her half-ghost child.
“Yeah I know, but I promise I’ll be fine. You and Dad built this awesome bracelet that hides my ecto signature so I can fly the whole way and the GIW can’t find me. That’s really all that I’m worried about.” Danny said as he waved his wrist that held a black and ecto green bracelet. It was cleverly disguised as a simple rope bracelet with a small ghost charm in the middle of it. That charm was the key to hiding his ecto signature from those who might be trying to find him for very bad reasons.
Once he was done packing he looked up to see his mom’s face still free of worry. Sighing he sat down on his bed, letting her join him. “I’ll be fine. It’s just college.” Danny smiled grabbing her hands.
“I know I should worry. You’ve already accomplished so much! Saving the world, becoming a prince of the realms, and graduating high school all on your own. I shouldn’t worry,” a few tears were about to come out of her eyes.
“I didn’t do any of that alone. I had Jazz, Sam, Tucker, and even Ellie. I had Clockwork, Frostbite, Ember, Dora, and all the ghosts. I had a big support system helping me and they still help me to this day. I wouldn’t be anywhere without all of them. Even my enemies. I’m grateful for everyone in my life who has challenged me and helped me get here.” Danny told her, as he looked at the pictures of his friends and family, the last things he has to pack.
“Oh, you’re right. You will be coming to visit right?” she asked, standing up to carefully pick up each picture as she smiled at how happy her son was in all of them.
“Of course I will. Jazz still came to visit when she left for college,” Danny pointed out.
“Jazz didn’t have as many responsibilities as you do,” Maddie also pointed out.
This is where the ten minutes ended (Words 401). This is where the next fifty minutes start.
“She was still going for a hard course,” Danny voiced for Jazz.
“Oh I know she did and we knew she was going to do excellent. Maybe I am worrying to much,” Maddie thought as her husband entered the room.
“Of course you are! Our Danny has got this! If he needs anything he knows to call us!” Jack smiled.
“Thanks, Dad!” Danny smiled.
“Now here’s some vials of ectoplasm to keep you going in California, call us when you need replacements. This is for the trip there,” Jack gave him a case of twenty vials of pure ectoplasm and a water bottle filled with ectoplasm.
“Thanks, Dad. I really should get going,” Danny said as he looked at his complicated watch that was on the opposite wrist of his bracelet, his right wrist, and put the vials in the duffle bag while the water bottle went into the backpack pocket.
“Call us as soon as you get there!” Maddie demanded with one more tight hug.
“I promise Mom. As soon as I find my dorm and settle in I’ll give you a call,” Danny smiled.
“Make sure you stay invisible-”
“Unless I’m above the clouds. I know Dad,” Danny gave Jack just as tight of a hug, before taking a deep breath and grabbing the two bags, the weight practically nothing for him after training with Frostbite and the other ghost for over two years now.
“Bye, Danny!” Maddie yelled as she saw her son flying away outside of his bedroom window.
“He’ll be okay Mads,” Jack gave his wife a comforting hug.
“I don’t doubt it,” Maddie smiled.
It took half a day of flying at his top speed but Danny was able to make it to California without stopping, but he was dead tired on his feet by the time he arrived. Making sure to turn back human where no one could see he found a desk that clearly said freshman here for info.
“Hi there! Freshman?” a girl with short blond hair asked.
“Uh yeah. Daniel Fenton.”
“Daniel? Nice to meet you! I’m Christy! I’m a senior here, have been for three years, but let’s see. . .aha! Here you are! Your dorm building is Castle 2, it’s going to be this building right here,” she handed him a map of the school, circling the building and where they currently are. “You are going to be on floor three room 313. If you have any trouble finding what you need to know just look for someone wearing one of the Freshman shirts like I have on. We’re all over campus. This is a list of activities that we are putting on for the freshman the week before school to help get you introduced to others on campus. This is a log of when all the separate tours are starting, they all start at student services, this building here. This is a calender of not only the school semester, but also the main events that have already been planned along with a list of the clubs, the fees, and when they meet. Oh almost forgot! When you get to castle 2 at the entrance their will be another freshman worker, she should have your dorm keys! Have a great day!”
“Thanks!” Danny smiled back as saw the building was a short two minute walk. Just as Christy said their was another person with the same shirt, just a different color sitting at the entrance.
“Hey there! This your dorm room?” the guy asked.
“Yep! Name’s Daniel Fenton?” 
“Daniel let’s see found ya. My name’s Jack I’ll be your RA so if you have any problems or anything you can knock on my door. I’m in room 225. Here are your keys and student ID! Enjoy your freshman year and if you ever need to find me I’m normally doing homework at the local coffee shop after four!”
“Thanks, man and you can call me Danny.” Danny held out his hand, which Jack gladly shook.
“Nice to meet you, Danny!”
Danny walked up to the third floor, finding room 313, and unlocked it.
“Oh my shit!” a person who was in the room already jumped up and yelled when they saw Danny enter the room.
“Sorry man! Didn’t know there was already someone in here,” Danny was quick to apologize, he really didn’t mean to frighten his roommate.
“No, it’s my fault. I knew I had a roommate, but it didn’t occur to me when I saw the key turning. Name’s Parker. Pronouns they/them.” Parker said, holding out their hand.
“Danny. he/him/thing/gremlin,” Danny took the hand as Parker laughed.
“I’ll keep note of that. So I’m a freshman. I’m an English major, yeah don’t yell at me. I’m doing multiple languages, the school only offers English and Spanish as official majors though,” Parker rolled their eyes, as he jumped on his bed to lie down, he was already moved in. Danny looked over and saw that his stuff had already arrived and the school was kind enough to move it in for him.
“Do you like languages?” Danny asked.
“Hell yeah. I hope to be a translator for as many languages as I can. This school is the one in California that offered the most. I’m taking the normal English and Spanish classes for my major. I’m also going to take ASL, Latin, Russian, French, Japanese, and Chinese.”
“Damn! I thought that I knew a lot of languages,” Danny laughed.
“I don’t know that many actually. I only know some Spanish and I’m fluent in Italian. Everything else I just know a few phrases here and there. I’m also going to be joining all of the language clubs so theirs more to learn. What languages do you know?”
“I know Esperanto, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian, Old Norse-. Sorry nothing that’s really helpful. Their kinda all dead languages,” Danny rubbed his neck as he walked fully in the room, shutting the door behind him to put his bags down on his bed. Seeing that he was given his own closet and furniture.
“No dude that’s awesome! Where did you learn those?” Parker asked, amazement in their eyes, Danny suddenly remembered the grueling training he had and still has to go through the become king. Memorizing every dead language that is spoken within the realms. He also speaks ghostly speak, but that one can’t be explained.
“I had a few friends teach me. I know people who needed to learn all of these languages and so to help them I would learn it with or for them for easier communication.” Danny shrugged.
“Man hook me up with your friends. Well, at least we have Latin in common. Are you going to take the course?”
“Ah maybe. I’m a science major, astrophysics to be exact. I don’t think language will exactly be helping me a lot,” Danny shrugged, opening the box that he knew had his bedding stuff in it. Smiling as he set up his bed as talked with Parker.
“Man, and I thought my major was going to be hard.”
“It’s not that hard. I come from a family of scientists so the vocabulary isn’t exactly foreign to me, but if you ever need help with your language classes I’m a quick learned,” Danny smiled, happy that his bed was made. He still had plenty to unpack but he was to tired to worry about it right now.
“Do you mind if I leave the boxes here for now? I’m tired as the dead,” Danny laughed at his own inside joke.
“Nah I don’t mind. Did you drive?”
“I flew. It was a long flight. I don’t think it was supposed to be that long, but delays,” Danny shrugged.
“Alright. I’ll leave for some coffee, while you get some sleep. We can work out dorm rules and shit later,” Parker suggested.
“Oh shit yeah! Don’t let me forget dude. Although I’m pretty easy. Just respect my privacy and don’t fuck with my stuff,” Danny shrugged, grabbing a baggy long sleeve shirt and sweat pants from his bag, happy that their dorm room had a shared bathroom.
“No arguments here. Want anything while I’m out?” Parker asked.
“Nah. If I need anything I can get it later,” Danny waved him off as he walked in the bathroom to change, hearing the dorm room door open and close indicating Parker’s absence.
Although Danny was super tired he wanted to unpack the ghost supplies from his bag as quickly as possible. Grabbing his water bottle, the ecto one and not the one filled with normal water, he put them both on his side table, the ecto one was marked with a piece of green tape and had danger written on it in black sharpie. It made Danny laugh. He then proceeds to put the vials in the top drawer of his dresser, only unpacking enough clothes to hide the vials, should someone accidentally go looking. 
He repeated the process with the other drawers in his dresser, making sure to cover up anything that could be considered weird.
Now that he was done putting away his important items he could nap peacefully. Setting an alarm to go off in time for the latest freshman tour he let his mind fall into peaceful sleep.
Danny awoke to his alarm going off beeping like crazy, he was very grateful he grew out of throwing or blasting his alarms.
“Hey dude your alarm is going off,” Parker said, when Danny opened his eyes he could see his roommate sitting at his desk.
“Yeah I know. I wanted to catch the last freshman tour,” Danny yawned, grabbing his favorite black and green ghost hoodie to change into. . .maybe letting Sam revamp his whole wardrobe to be ghost themed wasan’t the best idea, but he can’t deny that he didn’t vibe with it.
“Oh shit I was going to catch that,” Parker groaned.
“I don’t mind you tagging along. Might as well get used to each other,” Danny shrugged as he came out of the bathroom.
“Bet,” Parker agreed, quickly turning off his laptop and grabbing a brown shoulder bag.
The two walked together as they headed towards student services learning alot about each other, or at least the basic things that new roommates should know about each other.
“Man this campus is bigger then I thought,” Parker groaned as they finally made it to student services.
“It wasan’t that long of a walk,” Danny laughed.
“Says you! I’m not a sports guy!” Parker groaned, ready to flop on the ground.
“Neither am I, but I like to keep in shape,” Danny patted Parker on the back comfortingly as he continued to laugh.
The two went on the tour, making sure to mark the buildings that they would need know on their own maps before being let go, deciding that the best way to end the night was a trip to Denny’s for some late night milkshakes.
“Yeah,” Danny thought. “College to going to be awesome!”
(Work was completed under the time limit with 5:42 left to complete. words written in this time was 1841. The total amount of words for the work is 2242.)
Since this is the intro fic for Parker and I couldn’t think of a description during the challenge. Parker has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with a rounded face. Their a little on the heavier side, but that changes as he starts to exercise more. They like to wear button up shirts that have goofy patterns with jeans. Their hair is cut in a mullet with the sides shaved down. They have their ears pierced.
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kylesvariouslistsandstuff · 2 years ago
Spidey, Sony, Etc.
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The numbers are in.
SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE opened with a truly spectacular $120m. This makes it one of the biggest domestic opening weekends for an animated feature in North America, only behind... CGI LION KING ($191m), INCREDIBLES 2 ($182m), SUPER MARIO BROS. ($146m), FINDING DORY ($135m), FROZEN II ($130m), SHREK THE THIRD ($122m), and TOY STORY 4 ($120.9m).
That's also $85m more than what INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE opened with. Like I said in an earlier post, this joins the leagues of films like TERMINATOR 2, AUSTIN POWERS 2, SHREK 2, INCREDIBLES 2, and a few others... Where the original did either well enough or was a small sleeper hit, and the sequel just straight up exploded. Really shows what kind of staying power the first film had after its initial run... And I knew it way back when, too, because the first SPIDER-VERSE had incredible legs. It wall-crawled its way to $190m domestic off of that okay $35m opening, a rare 5x multiplier! I predicted around $90m for the opening weekend at the end of this past year, but I'm happy to be way off on that...
So... Sony Pictures Animation has a few films laid out, some of which are theatrical, some of them aren't (such as K-POP: DEMON HUNTERS, which is being directed by Maggie Kang and Chris Appelhans). SPIDER-MAN: BEYOND THE SPIDER-VERSE is the only movie with a concrete release date, which is currently March 29, 2024.
In the works are the aforementioned DEMON HUNTERS, a SPIDER-VERSE movie lead by female characters, along with a 2D Genndy Tartakovsky-directed raunchy dog comedy called FIXED, an animated GHOSTBUSTERS movie that's reportedly circling 2025, an adaptation of the graphic novel BUBBLE, TUT from HAIR LOVE director Matthew A. Cherry, TAO from director Emily Dean, and another Tartakovsky project called BLACK KNIGHT.
FIXED seems to be far along, if not done, and its first look will be given at Annecy in a matter of days. I'm hoping we get a release date for this picture, and a few others, but at this point, it looks like FIXED will be hitting theaters some time next year. Tartakovsky told a fan on his Instagram that FIXED was aiming for theaters, instead of being a streamer title. K-POP, on the other hand, is a streamer title - which kind of bums me out. The premise sounds so cool and fun, and because it's a post-SPIDER-VERSE Sony Animation movie... I think we'll be in for something really unique and dynamic.
Sony Animation also gave us the Lord and Miller-produced THE MITCHELLS VS. THE MACHINES, a real visual blast and a fun ride from top to bottom, a film that would've looked fantastic on a big screen, but couldn't go there because we were still in the early years of the pandemic. Release it now, and it'd maybe have a chance of making a suitable enough gross. There was also VIVO, WISH DRAGON, and the fourth HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA... SPIDER-VERSE Deux would've shared last year with HOTEL, but it was so gargantuan that it had to move almost a year away... I'm glad they took their time, given what I witnessed this past Friday afternoon.
And it all made sense, really... I was wondering why Sony Animation were so mum on when their future movies were coming out. I was like, "FIXED looks done! Or close to done? Why no date?" ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE, and its followup, were such Herculean efforts. We're hearing more and more about what kind of technical and artistic wizardry real went into this movie, such as the multiple framerates on one single character (Spider-Punk)... It's like, yeah, no wonder... They seemed like all hands on deck movies, and that everything else needed to be put aside for a brief second.
FIXED is an exception, though, as that is/was being animated at Renegade Animation. Some Sony Animation movies aren't done at the Sony Imageworks unit in Vancouver, sometimes other venues work on those movies. WISH DRAGON was a Chinese co-production with a number of studios, and THE STAR was done up at Cinesite. To name a few examples...
Maybe come next week, we'll hear what's up with FIXED and K-POP: DEMON HUNTERS. Keep in mind, Sony Animation also launched a TV series with AGENT KING a little while ago, and YOUNG LOVE - based on HAIR LOVE - is around the corner. The plate is full.
So... Congrats SPIDER-VERSE Two! Makes me wonder how much higher BEYOND will open. Given the various dismayed reactions to the film being over, as opposed to *what happened* in the final 10 minutes, I think it has a chance to get an ENDGAME-style bump. Sometimes, when a sequel opens so big, the third one kinda dips a little... I don't think that will be the case with BEYOND... It could even challenge CGI LION KING for the top opening weekend gross for an animated movie... I'd love to see it.
Also quite neat that the two biggest openings of 2023 are animated movies... MARIO with $146m, and now this with $120m... Right behind is MCU entry GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 with $118m. Which also has a lot of animated characters and animated VFX in it. With the strong reception it has, I can see this easily getting a 3-3.5x multiplier, and making its way to $400m domestic, and perhaps double that worldwide... With that, it would become Sony Animation's highest grossing production, dethroning the live-action/animated SMURFS movie that made around $563m back in 2011. Surreal to think that that film has remained their biggest picture, but if we're going to go with all-animated movies... HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3 would be tops with $528m worldwide.
Most importantly, it's quite beloved already, a film that has blown minds. INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE caught the world by surprise, and this animated Spider-Man movie eventually won a lot of hearts over, hence this opening so big. Like I said before, I feel this is a watershed moment for animated features...
Not dissimilar to how plenty of adult audiences showed up in droves for the early run of Disney Renaissance animated movies. Or how Pixar and early DreamWorks/PDI films scored huge numbers circa the late '90s/early '00s. Or how we saw more blockbuster heavies in the 2010s like TOY STORY 3, FROZEN, and INSIDE OUT. It continues to prove that a lot of the public likes animation quite a bit, and will shell out hard-earned money to see these films in theaters. I know people will say "But it's still Spider-Man, it's Marvel, it's a well-known IP." Yes, that's correct... But plenty of adults could've said "What? Why is there a Spider-Man CARTOON now?" I feel INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE had a lot to prove, and it did, hence those excellent legs. Anyways, yeah, adults show up to cartoons...
Too bad the heads who don't pay the filmmakers, or those who run prestigious centers celebrating film... don't give the medium much respect, can't or absolutely refuse see that...
But the public says otherwise, and that's what matters to me. The popular vote vs. a very biased electoral college.
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yuzu-balignon · 2 years ago
Collections testing phase feedback
Good timezone fine folks !
I figured it was time to send you feedback about my use of collections over the last two weeks. It will of course not be exhaustive and I might come back to add more at a future time. I will cover what I liked the most about it, intended vs emergent uses, and finally some enhancements and suggestions.
Key takeaways
I’ll go into everything into more details. But in my opinion, Collections are a formidable tool, perfectly in line with the Tumblr spirit, and get excited about content on the platform. However, I think they are hard to leverage to advertise Tumblr at medium and large scale.
Overall it’s a great feature with plenty of fun and useful potential, although possibly not for what was envisioned.
1. Overall experience - Highlights
First, setting aside technical considerations : the whole thing is performant and easy to navigate and pretty instinctive. It is well designed and engineered, and integrate smoothly with the rest of Tumblr’s ecosystem. Well done !
I really like that you can mix tags and blogs, it really brings variety to a collection. Although correct me if I’m wrong, it seems that blogs are kinda prioritized over tags ? I’m uncertain about that.
The grid view !!! Listen this is one of my favourite features on Tumblr. I think it allow to grasp the incredible variety of Tumblr in just a glimpse. The option should be everywhere, even on the dash tmho. If you even care.
Back on track, here are other things I like : customisation (picture, description), the explain popup when you share to another user, the random ids to prevent accidental discovery. The fact that tags from the collection are highlighted ! All of this comes together and make me say “yeah I understand why I see that, and why it is relevant to me”
2. Intended VS emergent use
Here I must say I am under an assumption : one of the goal of the feature is to boost Tumblr’s attractivity for non-users, by showcasing them user-curated content. This assumption is based on the labs post (this one), specifically the parts that say “Focus on introducing people [...] or recommending stuff” “think of who you would send […] to”. I understand that this is not the only purpose of the feature, but I tried to pay attention to this during my tests.
What Collections were very good for
Making yourself custom lists of blogs / even tag packs, ie custom timelines. Useful for “curating Tumblr around my many interests”, as said in the above post
Showcasing individual friends : by targeting specifically their interests, I had a few friends consider signing up for Tumblr. Not sure if they will but they were delighted
What Collections were not very good for
Keep up to date with <thing>. Now big grain of salt I should probably test this more, plus it may not be related to collections but to tag indexing, etc etc. But it felt like latest posts were not displayed on Collections, even though they were showing on tag pages
Showcase Tumblr to a group of people. If you don’t have an audience around a very specific topic, I find it hard to make it broad and interesting at the same time. My opinion is that Collections are not the ideal tool for that
To sum it up : I don’t think Collections are a scalable social tool. They work really well for targeted, personalised uses (you, a friend, a small group of people)
It could work if you already have a big platform on another media. (I planned to use it for a fandom event I’m hosting on Twitter+Tumblr, but since it seemed not up to date enough I postponed posting the link)
3. Enhancements
Here are some thoughts I had while using Collections. I know that some of these are already in the pipeline, but hey that's free validation :)
Nothing more than what I already reported ! Maybe the up-to-date part, but I’m not confident enough to call it a bug, maybe just a lack of understanding
Must have / MLP
A save button, to quickly access a collection made by somebody else (because you may not want to follow all these people)
A way to quickly access it from your dash : either a list in the sidebar (like the sideblog list) or as a tab like “For you” and “your tags”
Nice to have
A clone button, so you can create a copy and edit it quickly
A report button, for collections with harmful content (e.g. it could be used to make easier to find illegal content on Tumblr)
A page/article/tooltip to explain a bit what is in a collection mix. Are tags or blogs prioritised ? Is it fully chronological & exhaustive ? It kinda lack transparency on this point
If the goal is “showcase cool content to outside”, then maybe a static collection of posts would be more fitted for 100% predictability. You can technically do that with a sideblog. Also it’s similar to @todayontumblr
Collabs ! I think Collections have a lot of potential as “ask for recommendations”. When Collections are rolled out, you could send asks to a few influential blogs and ask them about a topic. A few examples to illustrate : ask theme developer for a collection for people who want to learn css, ask a vibe blog what tag they follow, ask a gimmick blog for a collection of other gimmick blogs… I intend to do that when more people have access to it !
This post is way too long I am so sorry good luck and thanks for your work <3
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dog99a9 · 2 years ago
Dog vs human
It's been almost 10 days since I started fostering this dog. I'm entirely new to the whole owning a dog thing -- any dog, let alone a rescue dog. So, every single thing that happened, good or bad, felt like a teaching lesson. The last 10 days have really taught me a lot more than all these years dealing with people. No, seriously. Spending time with this little doggy dog made me more human than ever. Let me tell you why.
The first time I saw the fostering program ad for this dog was two months ago. I didn't put too much thought into it other than, huh, what a poor little dog. He did look happy in the pictures, though. But I can't adopt or foster him. I didn't even know how, didn't have the skills. I don't own the place that I currently live in, so any damages caused by the dog would've been incurred by me. And I live alone -- who's gonna help me to take care of the dog if I am not available?
Then days passed and I kept seeing the ad on my social feed. This same dog. Same happy face. No one decided to keep him yet. Days turned to weeks and the ad was still there. A little bit of a background, but this dog is a Shiba and it has a reputation for being an impossible breed to train and to behave nicely. Added to the fact that this is a rescue dog, which means they might have an underlying issue as to why they're abandoned and rescued in the first place.
It really did remind me of myself. The feeling of being unwanted. People would look at you and say "pass" based on their judgment or the lack thereof, though it's perfectly fair to do so. Those days when I just wished that someone would just give me a chance.
So I decided, fuck it, I'm going to be a foster for him. And it's not like it'll last forever. It's just a month -- I can feed him, give him love for a month. Even if they're going to misbehave, I can handle one month of misbehavior. At least I'm proving my point: If I can make someone, anyone, feel less unwanted, I'd consider that a win.
And there I was, signing up and got accepted.
The first day with him was really fun. He seemed relaxed, obedient... barely resembling a rescue dog. It's like someone else's dog who has been with them for a long time. Of course he had the occasional zoomies tendency but I figured it's normal for this kind of dog.
Over the days, he was slowly getting... aggressive. Frequent barks at the smallest noises from outside of my door, unwillingness to listen to any commands, furniture bites, aggressiveness towards any other dogs... One time he went on to bite a smaller dog like it's a rabbit. Luckily the smaller dog was okay.
I felt betrayed. This isn't the dog that was advertised. He'd look all happy in the ad but turned into this house-wrecking tiny goblin that is out of control. And the worst part is I didn't know how to handle it. At all. I'd be sitting on a couch frustrated after yelling "no!" a million times to the very thing I told him not to do. There was one time when I tried to put a harness on him for 2 hours... I tried treats, toys, calming him down, but instead he'd run around, bit the harness, bit my hand, simply escaped the harness.
I'd then lashing it out to the rescue shelter contact person. About how untrainable and uncontrollable this dog is. The person was unfortunately not the best one to deal with this situation as well, as she's suggesting all these generic instructions on how to deal with it, which I've already tried anyway. I was practically begging her to take the dog back because I really couldn't handle it. But the issue is still the same: no one wanted to take the dog. Apparently I was the only one.
As time went by, I started to realize that perhaps I wasn't even looking at this from the right perspective. Let's just pretend that this dog is a human. Lived in a big mansion with a bunch of like-minded people, running around freely. And then having to adapt to a small 8mx8m apartment with just one guy. I guess on the first day he'd feel great, everything is new and all that. But he's got to feel something was off anyway. Everyone around him looked different, the street is loud, so many things he suddenly can't do. He'd be anxious, feeling trapped, frightened. And the boredom... He needed time to adapt, both to me and the environment around him.
So that explains it all. His newly found fear of harness, his barking at the outside noises, his aggressiveness towards other dogs. I mean I remember the first time I arrived here, alone, not knowing anyone and not understanding anything people said. For sure I didn't immediately turn into a model citizen at the time -- it took me some time to adapt, too.
When I look at it from that perspective, I can empathize more with him. I understand his struggles now and that does not even include hist past struggles. It's definitely not easy for him and I should be easier on him, too.
At first I didn't even want him to be on the couch and my bed, but to be fair, one third of my room is my couch and bed, so ruling them out is going to be impossible. I expected him not to be too attached with me, because I hate having to bring him out every time, but how is he supposed to understand that? So I bought a dog fence to really emphasize on that boundary. To add to that, I'm the only he knows around here: I feed him, take him for a walk and play with him, so it makes sense for him to feel a little attached.
Not gonna lie, when I was at my lowest dealing with the problems this dog has caused, I really wished the rescue shelter would've taken him the next day. I'd feel much better without him, or so I thought. I could go back to my usual routine, which isn't 180 degrees better but at least it's my comfort zone.
But as I spend time with him, walking him out, training him, giving him the love he deserves, I think I will be a little sad when the time comes for the rescue shelter to take him back. It's like what everyone said: "We don't deserve dogs". The love that they give back is so pure, so unselfish. Sure they have their impulses, but everyone has that too. It's a matter of how we handle it. That's how some people have peaceful, obedient dogs and some have, well, you know.
Besides, there are worse dogs out there. There are dogs who barks all day long, growl and bites their owner, wrecks all their furnitures to the smallest bits -- this tiny dude isn't even close to that. But if I were expecting a perfect dog, then yes he's always going to be far from my standard. That's not what I should've been expecting, anyway. He's a rescue dog from a specific breed in which many references would say not suitable for a first-time owner, who's only been with me for a week and a change. I mean...
So, I've stepped my foot into the pond, I might as well swim in it. I told the shelter it's going to be a month (actually I boasted and telling them 1.5 month but they seem to forget after I complained and all), so I'll stick to it. Good or bad, I'm going to continue my adventure with this little fella. I'm sure I'll learn many more things to come.
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elvisabutler · 2 years ago
good girls clean up their messes
summary: austin didn't used to have a housewife kink and neither did you. funny how life-uh- finds a way to change that. fandom: austin butler rating: m pairing: austin butler x female reader word count: 2100 warnings: housewife kink. unprotected p in v ( though can be read as committed relationship birth control situation ). cleaning kink? minor breeding kink. praise kink. brief mention of the pandemic and how austin was a recluse for a bit. author's note: welcome to day 25 of kinktober, housewife kink with austin butler. this was fun. truly i'd actually have written more but i had this view of cleaning in my head vs anything else. so honestly, anyone asks and i'll write a whole big long thing about it but for now, enjoy this little tiny thing. also thank you @pennyroyalcreep for being the one to ask for this. i had hoped someone would choose austin for this kink vs anyone else so i was pleased as punch about it when you did.
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You were never made to be a housewife, you've told Austin this on more than one occasion. Even when you first met him and were first talking to him, you told him that despite how perhaps you looked it, all warm and inviting, it wasn't your sort of style. Life had a funny way of changing those things sometimes. It started out slow, after all you were the one with a faintly normal nine to five-ish job, he was the one who had to jet across the world half the time. It made sense that you would keep where you were living and he at least- stopped by clean. You weren't a heathen, you knew how to make your house look presentable. The first time Austin had come back from being away for a while was the Elvis press tour and he had been expecting to see the house in some sort of disarray, maybe you hadn't been keeping up with the laundry or maybe their were dishes piled up in the sink. Instead, what greeted him was his girlfriend- the woman he fell in love with when the world went to shit, he became a goddamn recluse for six months, and everyone had let things fall by the wayside- in her pjs doing the dishes with these stupid little green gloves that in your own words- "kept me from getting dirty while cleaning".
All Austin could think about when he saw you that way is making you as dirty as he could. His teeth bit at his lower lip, picturing you taking off those gloves, making a show of it as he just sank to his knees and showed you just how much he appreciated your effort to keep the place clean. In fact, that had been what he decided to do the moment he wrapped his arms around your waist and you had let out a small gasp at his clothed erection.
It got worse after that, with him finding every excuse to just watch you clean and you finding that you didn't mind. You wanted to show Austin how you could keep things going, wanted his praise telling you how good you were, how he had the best girlfriend that he'll marry when he gets just a minute to himself. How you made everything so clean only for him to dirty it up with you. How you clean up the kitchen when the two of you cook knowing fully well he wants to have his dessert on the table, spread out on the tablecloth, chasing your pleasure higher and higher until he has to suck on your clit just so in a way that has you almost breaking the table when you come back down to Earth with a thump.
Bikeriders is- complicated when it comes to him coming home and you hate it, it's led to you having to show him FaceTime videos of the clean bedroom and the dishes and him forcing them to let him take a break because he just wants to eat dinner with his girlfriend. It's led to praise being over text and over the phone with him stroking his cock and you curling your own fingers inside yourself or using that one vibrator Austin hates. You miss him and he misses you just as much if his moans are anything to go by, if his grunts and whispers of your name are anything to go by.
It's a Saturday and you find that there's more than a bit more dust in the house than you'd like, that and you've let the glass door leading out to the backyard remain a little too dirty for your liking. Austin had mentioned the possibility of being able to fly in for the weekend, something about an award or a round table discussion but he hadn't told you when he'd be coming in. You take a chance on him coming in early, choosing to be a little silly and wear a French maid costume you had bought for yourself last Halloween and turn on your cleaning playlist, allowing the mix of electroswing, rock and jazz fly through the air as you got started on your efforts. The door is easy enough, done in about thirty minutes and left to settle before you would go back and see if you missed any spots. Now came the hard part, the dusting that usually would have you sniffling by the end of it but you hoped it would be different this time.
Your wish is granted, just not in the way you planned for it as Austin opens the door to the house and walks in only to find you bent over, no underwear under the costume you're wearing and he has to bite his lip to swallow the groan that threatens to escape him at the image and the knowledge. He knows perfectly well how engrossed you get in your music when you're cleaning, having once snuck up on you and swayed to the beat of the music for what felt like ten minutes- it was only five- before you realized his presence and had abandoned your task. You're near the window you had just cleaned, dusting the bottom part of an end table nearby and Austin drops his bags quietly, allowing himself to sneak up on you until you feel his hands grip your hips. The gasp that leaves you is closer to the breath leaving your body, especially as Austin uses his grip to pull you into a standing position, feeling just how hard you've already made him.
"Hey baby." He murmurs into your ear, kissing the side of your neck and nipping at your earlobe. "No panties and you're dusting in this. You love painting such a pretty picture for me, don't you?"
The voice you have, the one that normally snarks at him leaves your head right in that exact moment knowing fully well you need to use it. Your answer is predictable because of it. "I have to make sure my hardworking man comes home to a nice clean house." You swallow and shake your head a little, ignoring how Austin's hands are sliding up your torso, making their way to your chest. "I've seen how messy his hotel rooms can get."
His laugh vibrates against your back and the noise slips into one ear only to settle in your brain, you missed hearing that laugh in person. "Low blow. Valid, but is that any way to treat me after all this time?"
A giggle leaves your mouth unprompted as you try and focus on dusting once more. "Yeah, maybe just a little."
He hums as an answer to your sass, cupping your breasts as he grinds against you slowly. "Want to fuck you, baby. Want to make a mess of you while you clean."
Your breath quickens just slightly as you grind back against him, allowing you to feel the roughness of the fabric of his pants against your bare ass before you pull away, smoothing down your skirt. "I've still got to dust around the door, Austin."
The noise that comes out of him when you moves sounds like a growl as he pulls you against him again. When he speaks it comes out almost as a whine. "I can just flip up that skirt while you're dusting, baby. Promise I won't make you smudge the nice clean window with your body. Just want to fuck you against the door."
You know your neighbors can likely see what Austin's doing, see how he's slowly pinning you against the door, the front of your body pressed against the cool glass, giving you some relief from how hot just having Austin pressed against you is making you feel. Your answer comes out in a pant.
"Fine. Just, you're doing the top of the door, you tree."
Austin would have laughed at you calling him a tree if he wasn't so distracted with undoing his pants and pulling down his boxers as he flipped up the skirt, exposing your now wet core to the air of the room. Unbidden, a small keen escapes your mouth as he pushes into you without warning. It's not unwelcome, but you hadn't expected him to go all in immediately. Your ass grinds backwards against him as you brace yourself against the door.
"Fuck. So fucking wet for me. You're- Perfect. That's- Got the best girlfriend, cleaning my house, cleaning the dishes, wearing outfits like this. Didn't even have this kink before but god." His words are punctuated by his thrusts, each one causing you to thump against the glass. "My pretty little housewife, doesn't even need to cook but she does. Doesn't need to do all of this but you do this just for me. You going to keep doing it? When I marry you do I get to keep this little housewife?"
"Not a housewife, Aus." You huff out a laugh, focusing on the noises of his cock entering and exiting you, it sounds like there's so much fluid that you swear you'd be surprised if there's not a puddle below your feet when you're done. "Still got my job."
"Doesn't make you any less of one." He growls against the shell of your ear, his hands dipping in between the fabric of the outfit and your skin to squeeze your breast and then your nipple. "You're gonna be my housewife, aren't you? Even when we get married you'll keep the house clean. Even when I give you a baby, you'll do it, won't you."
Your cunt clenches around him at the last part, causing embarrassment to flood your system as he chuckles. "Full of my kid, cleaning my house, making food, being such a good girl. My gorgeous housewife, my fantastic housewife that I don't deserve."
If your head starts to roll back against his shoulder, neither one of you comment on it, instead Austin uses it as a chance to kiss your neck, nipping at it occasionally as he keeps thrusting into you, stealing your breath when he hits just the right angle. One of your hands drifts toward your clit, trying to see if you can come before Austin swats it out of the way.
"No, let me take care of that. Don't want to get that pretty pussy all dirty with dust. Let me reward you, baby." He whispers as he moves to rub it, allowing you to gasp at the sensation. You can see smudges forming from your hands, from your breasts, from your skin against the glass and you find you don't mind just this once. Instead you allow yourself to grind against, his fingers, his ass, just allow yourself to move in whatever way you can to chase your high. Austin's hips are starting to stutter, his thrusts become a little erratic as he feels himself about to come before he pinches your clit in a way that should be painful but has you hitting your head against the glass door lightly, your cunt clenching around his cock, milking it as he comes with a groan against your neck. You stay like that for a few minutes, both of your legs too shaky to move before he pulls out of you, earning a mild sob of distress from your throat.
He turns you around to let himself kiss you, his thigh moving to between your legs just in case you want to rock against it. You do just slightly before you speak. "You made me smudge the glass."
Austin's laugh and smile fill the whole room with sunlight you didn't realize just how much you were missing until that exact moment. He shrugs. "I did, didn't I? Guess I'll just have to watch you clean it again. Oh no, what a tragedy."
You smack him lightly with the duster and point to the top of the door. "Laugh it up, Aus. Do that and I'll think about it."
He moves his thigh, allowing his knee to press against your clit. "My perfect little housewife isn't going to stand for that dirt. I'm getting to watch it."
It's then that you finally move his thigh back, allowing you to walk away from him, hips swaying just so as you walk to pick up the glass cleaner from the floor, exposing your cunt leaking his cum to him. "Maybe. Depends on how nice your housewife is feeling. Get to cleaning, Aus. The clock is ticking."
You both forget about cleaning about fifteen minutes in. Oh well, there was always tomorrow.
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thatshithurted8 · 4 years ago
jeff wittek imagine where the reader and jeff go on vacation together like to vegas or miami???
Summary: Throughout your mini holiday in Miami with your boyfriend Jeff, he realizes just how special you and your relationship are. 
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning: Tooth rotting fluff, mention of alcoholism and Jeff’s accident
A/N This is also inspired by KSI’s song Holiday! 
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I wanna wake up every mornin', feelin' better 'Cause I know you're sleeping by my side And every moment we're together I remember just to keep it all for you and I
Jeff’s brown eyes slowly open, being awoken by a crying baby that was a few rows behind you two. He lets out a yawn before looking over at you who were fast asleep on his shoulder. 
Something that not a lot of people knew was that Jeff hated flying despite being a certified skydiver. Ever since he was younger he was never a fan of flying, only now he was a bit more comfortable with it due to his experience skydiving. Nevertheless his initial nerves after waking up quickly wash away just from being in your presence.
Wanting to capture this seemingly perfect moment, Jeff slowly grabs his phone out of his pocket without disturbing you and takes a quick picture. As he analyzes the picture his heart swells at how at peace and comfortable you looked sleeping on him and in one of his sweaters. The two of you were extremely tired from catching a red eye flight to Miami so no wonder why you both fell asleep. 
Saving the picture Jeff puts his phone away and slowly opens the blind of your window seat. The rising sun shines into your row, the rays illuminating your face making your features and long lashes more prominent. The purpose of the trip to Miami was to watch the Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather fight. In fact you were ecstatic when Jeff told you he got you guys tickets to the event since you grew up watching boxing with your family and you were a huge fan of Mayweather. With that being said you had no idea how close the tickets Jeff got were to the ring. 
Jeff’s breath hitches as he admires you. He was so in love with you and was so excited to see your reaction to being ringside. As Jeff softly moves some stray hairs out of your face he realizes everything he does is for the benefit for not only you, but your relationship as well. It was you two against the world. 
I see that body in the sunlight Feelin' the heat and it feels right I wanna do this for the rest of my life
“I know you guys are dating and all, but you seriously need to stop staring before you sink the boat with your drool.” Mike Maijlak says walking over to Jeff’s side and handing him a La Croix. 
Jeff booked your mini holiday to last a few days before and after the fight which gave you guys the opportunity to explore Miami and let lose. With that being said neither of you were going to turn down Mike’s invite to join him on a yacht to party. So there you were talking and dancing with some girls you knew from LA while sipping on a La Croix. 
Jeff lets out a laugh while opening one of his favourite drinks. “I can’t help it man, just look at her.” He says taking a sip of the bubbly liquid while continuing to admire you from afar. 
The Miami sun that shined onto your skin paired with your infectious laugh, seemingly gave you a golden glow that made you standout. Not only that, but the bikini that you were wearing flattered your body type so well. 
After feeling as if someone was staring at you for the past few minutes you finally turn and look around the boat to find the owner of the eyes that were on you. Quickly your eyes find Jeff’s brown ones and you realize it was just Jeff staring at you the whole time, causing heat to wash over your body at his gaze. 
You shoot him a smirk and wink in return before turning back around to continue your conversation. A smirk of his own falls upon Jeff’s face as you do so, along with a light shade of pink on his cheeks. 
“You’re so whipped.” Mike laughs shaking his head, finally speaking up after watching the whole interaction. 
“Well I wanna be whipped for her for the rest of my life then.” Jeff says without realizing how big of a statement that was while his eyes remained on your beautiful figure. 
Oh, I know, I know, you know the vibe I wanna stay with you every night You and me underneath the lights I'm always good when you're by my side I know, you know you're on my mind You really make me come alive I wanna be here for the rest of my life
“Jeff look at my hands I’m literally shaking I can’t believe we’re this close!” You exclaim while glancing between your boyfriend and the boxing ring in front of you. 
“Only the best for you doll.” He says sending you a wink while laughing. For the past hour and a half as you two watched the undercards you continued to gush about your seats making Jeff happy to see you happy. 
Without wasting another second you roughly grab Jeff by his green shirt and pull him in for a passionate kiss. Just before the brunette could immerse himself into it fully you pull away. Some of your lipstick was smudged and Jeff knew without a doubt he had some on his lips, but he didn’t care. In that moment it truly seemed as if you two were the only ones there under the rings bright lights and in an arena full of screaming fans while you two stared into each others eyes lovingly. 
Your attention on your boyfriend is torn away when the already loud arena becomes even louder as Mayweather starts to walk out. Quickly you start to cheer for your favourite boxer while jumping up and down and clapping excitedly. Jeff glances between you and the boxing legend before his gaze finally lands on you. 
You look over at your boyfriend with a smile that was from ear to ear. “It’s Floyd fucking Mayweather!” You exclaim pointing over to the undefeated boxer entering the ring. 
A smile washes over Jeff’s face as he laughs at your excitement. You truly resembled a child in a toy store. Seeing your excitement only made Jeff more excited, causing him to join in on cheering for Mayweather despite being friends with Logan. 
There was no one else Jeff would rather be with to witness the fight and this thought only made him realize he wants to be by your side for the rest of his life. 
Looking for sun rays, needin' them good days Fly me away-away, you're my holiday Cool like the ocean, lost in emotion Fly me away-away, you're my holiday Whenever you're here it's a good time Strawberry shirts in the sunshine Ice-cold drinks 'til the moonlight You're my holiday Whenever you're here it's a good time Strawberry shirts in the sunshine Ice-cold drinks 'til the moonlight You're my holiday
The next few days after the fight was a whirlwind, but in a good way. Despite having a good time underneath the Miami sun and it’s nightlife Jeff wouldn’t be having as good of a time if you weren’t there. You truly made the trip for him, making the sunny days that were good for his mental health even better and the dreary days full of life from your infectious positivity and smile.  
You let out a loud laugh as you and Jeff wrap your arms around each others, mimicking a toast before brining your drink to your lips while your boyfriend did the same. At the same time you two sip at your virgin drinks while maintaining eye contact with each other in the close position. You gulp down the rest of your cold drink despite it being alcohol free before untangling your arm with Jeff’s and ordering another at the outside bar. 
Over the past four years of knowing Jeff the two of you created a special connection that no one in your friend group had with each other. And that was being sober. Jeff turned to alcohol after his break up with his ex girlfriend while you on the other hand turned to it to deal with the death of your mom. To say you were there for each other was an understatement. When the temptation to drink was too much Jeff would call you up and the two of you would go on late night hikes and talk about everything and anything, and vice versa for you. There was always a mutual pining for one another, but neither of you acted on it due to how broken you both were at the time. However, as the years went by your feelings only intensified along with Jeff’s. Though it wasn’t until a few months after Jeff’s accident when he took a leap of faith and finally confessed his feelings to you after realizing how short life truly was.
Jeff places his glass on the bar as well, placing his hand on the small of your back while looking around the crowded club that was partly inside and partly outside. Once you get a refill of your drink you turn around sipping on the paper straw, your back leaning against the bar causing Jeff to redirect his attention back to you. 
“You look beautiful.” He says looking down at you in his arms. 
Heat washes over your face and Jeff’s smile widens at how flustered you still got after all this time together. He loved showering you in words of affirmation and he meant every thing he said to you. Although, you always look beautiful the way the moonlight reflected off of your skin made you look angelic. It was a great contrast to you earlier in the day at the beach wearing a strawberry printed bikini that made Jeff feel a certain way. 
“Thank you baby you don’t look too bad yourself.” You say placing a soft peck on Jeff’s lips before pulling him towards the dance floor. 
I wanna stay up 'til the mornin' with you talkin' Just to listen to the things you say And every time we're in the middle of the city I imagine us so far away
The two of you sat down in a booth with Mike Majilak and Logan Paul at a random Denny’s that was in between your hotel and the club you four were previously partying at. By now the jet lag and the numerous activities you and Jeff participated in was starting to catch up to you. However, that wasn’t apparent to anyone other than Jeff as you talked the boys ears off while eating. 
“We’ll see you guys later! And once again Y/N text me when you’re free to film an episode of ImPaulsive.” Logan says as him and Mike get out of the booth, placing money on the table and getting ready to leave the restaurant. 
“Of course!” You exclaim before picking up your lemonade and drinking what was left. Jeff bids his goodbyes to the two influencers and once they leave you quickly rest your head on his broad shoulder, letting out a loud sigh. 
“You okay doll?” Jeff asks placing his hand on your thigh. 
“Yea just tired.” You say kissing his neck and placing your hand on his cheek. Similar to Jeff you were able to pick up on the energy of situations and that affected how you acted. So once Mike and Logan left you felt as if you could finally wind down from their partying aura. 
A comforting silence falls upon you two and your eyes slowly flutter close as the rising sun shines in through the Denny’s windows. As cliche as it sounded Jeff felt as if it was only you two in the quiet breakfast place. The brunette rests his head against yours and his eyes follows your lead by shutting close. 
The two of you remain in this position for a few minutes, cherishing not only the first quiet moment of the trip, but also the little moments you two shared. 
Ooh, ooh Ooh, you're my holiday
Scratching at his eyes and stretching Jeff slowly and quietly gets out of bed, the sun filtering in through the hotels curtains and onto your sleeping body. You looked so peaceful and he didn’t want to disturb that. Once you guys returned to your hotel room from a night out partying and a very early breakfast at Denny’s the two of you instantly fell asleep. 
Jeff glances at the analogue clock on the bedside table which read 2:34pm before he slips on a pair of pants and a t-shirt. Making sure to not wake you Jeff grabs his phone, wallet and room key then quietly leaves your shared room. However, before he leaves he makes sure to place a gentle kiss on your forehead and whisper to you how much he loves you. 
Throughout the trip he was constantly reminded of how much he loved you. You helped him through some of the darkest times in his life and after all this time of knowing and being together Jeff finally knew what he had to do. 
Remembering a shop that was a few buildings away from your hotel, Jeff quickly walks over to it wanting to be back before you woke up. The Staten Island native hands become clammy as he approaches the store, his tough guy persona seemingly crashing down with every step he took. 
The bell above the shops door dings as Jeff walks in causing a sales representative to walk over to him with a welcoming smile. 
“Good afternoon how can I help you?” She asks. Jeff takes a look around the quaint shop and all of the glass casings before redirecting his attention back to the worker. 
“Hi uh yea, I was wondering if you guys have any engagement rings?” 
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nim-lock · 4 years ago
Art Career Tips, 2021 Edition
Here’s an edited version of my 2019 answered ask, because... this feels relevant. 
It is a problem of capitalism that folks equate their income as a judgement of their value as people; and let me preface. You are worth so much. You have inherent value in this world. Your income is not a judgement on who you are (plenty of billionaires are actively making the world worse). LARPing self-confidence will go a long way to helping you get paid more for your work, because clients will believe that you know what you are doing, and are a professional. 
& real quick—my own background is that I’ve been living off my art since 2018. I went to art school (Pratt Institute). I work in a publishing/educational materials sphere, and a quarter of my income is my shop. Not all of this information may apply to you, so it is up to you to look through everything with a critical eye, and spot pick what is relevant. 
So there are multiple ways of getting income as an artist; 
Working freelance or full-time on projects
Selling your stuff on a shop
Licensing (charging other companies to use your designs)
This post primarily covers the freelance part; if you’re interested in the other bits there is absolutely info out there on the internet. 
IF you are just starting (skip to next section if not applicable) dream big, draw often (practice helps you get better/more efficient), do your best to take "a bad piece” lightly. You’re gonna RNG this shit. At some point your rate of “good” works will get higher. Watch tutorial videos & read books. A base understanding of “the rules”; anatomy, perspective, composition, color helps you know what the rules are to break them. This adds sophistication to your work. One way you can learn this stuff is by doing “studies”—you’re picking apart things from life, or things other people have done, to see what works, and how it works. 
Trying to turn your interests into a viable career means that you are now a SMALL BUSINESS; it really helps to learn some basic marketing, graphic design, figure out how to write polite customer service emails; etc. You can learn some of this by looking it up, or taking skillshare (not sponsored) classes by qualified folks. Eventually some people may get agents to take care of this for them—however, I do recommend y’all get a basic understanding of what it takes to do it on your own, just so you can know if your agent is doing a good job. 
Making sure your portfolio fits the work you want to get
Here is a beginner portfolio post. 
Research the field you’d like to get into. The amount people work, the time commitment, the process of making the thing, the companies & people who work for them. 
Create work that could fit in to the industry you’re breaking into. For example, if you want to do book cover illustration, you draw a bunch of mockup book covers, that can either be stuff you make up, or redesigns of existing books. If you’re not 100% sure what sort of work is needed for the industry, loop back into the portfolios of artists in a similar line of work as whatever you’re interested in, and analyze the things they have in common. If something looks to be a common project (like a sequence of action images for storyboard artists), then it’s probably something useful for the job. 
CLIENTS HIRE BASED ON HOW WELL THEY THINK YOUR WORK FITS WHAT THEY WANT. If they’re hiring for picture books, they’re gonna want to see picture book art in your portfolio, otherwise they may not want to risk hiring you. Doesn’t have to be 100% the project, but stuff similar enough. If you aren’t hired, it doesn’t mean your work is bad, it just wasn’t the right fit for that specific client. 
If you have many interests, make a different section of your portfolio for each!
Making sure you’re relevant 
Have a social media that’s a little more public-facing, and follow people in the career field you’re interested in. Fellow artists, art directors, editors, social media managers; whoever. Post on your own schedule. 
Interact with their posts every so often, in a non-creepy way. 
If you’ve made any contacts, great! Email these artists, art directors, editors, former professors, etc occasional updates on your work to stay in touch AND make sure that they think about you every so often.
Show up to general art events every once in a while! If you keep showing up to ones in your area (when... not dying from a sneeze is a thing), folks will eventually start to remember you. 
Industry events & conferences can be pricey, so attend/save up for what makes sense for you. Industry meetups are important for networking in person! In addition to meeting people with hiring power, you also connect with your peers in the community. Always bring a portfolio & hand out business cards like candy. 
Active job hunting
Apply to job postings online.
If interested in working with specific people at specific companies, you could send an email “I’d love to work with you, here’s my portfolio/relevant experience”, even if they aren’t actively looking for new hires. Be concise, and include a link to your work AND attached images so the person reading the email can get a quick preview before clicking for more. 
Twitter job postings can be pretty underpaid! Get a copy of the Graphic Artists’ Guild Handbook Pricing & Ethical Guidelines to know your rate. I once had a twitter post job listing email me back saying that other illustrators were charging less, and I quote, “primarily because they’re less experienced and looking for their first commission”. This was not okay! For reference, this was a 64-illustration book. The industry rate of a children’s book (~36 pages) is $10k+, and this company’s budget was apparently $1k. For all of it. 
Congrats you got a job! Now what?
Ask for like, 10% more than they initially offer and see if they say yes. If they do, great! If not, and the price is still OK, great! Often company budgets are slightly higher than they first tell you, and if you get this extra secret money, all the better for you. 
Make sure you sign a contract and the terms aren’t terrible (re: GO GET THE  Graphic Artists’ Guild Handbook Pricing & Ethical Guidelines) 
Be pleasant and easy to work with (Think ‘do no harm but take no shit’)
Communicate with them as much as needed! If something’s going to be late, tell them as soon as you know so they aren’t left wondering or worse, reaching out to ask what’s up. 
And if all goes well, they’ll contact you about more jobs down the line, or refer you to other folks who may need an artist, etc. 
Quick note about online shops/licensing and why they’re so good
It’s work that you do once, that you continuously make money off of. Different products do well in different situations (conventions vs. online, and then further, based on how you market/the specific groups you are marketing to), so products that may not do well initially may get a surge later on. 
Start with things that have low minimum order quantity and are relatively cheap to produce, like prints and stickers. 
If you are not breaking even, go back to some of the earlier portions of this and think about how you could tweak things as a small business. Ease of access is also very important with this; for example, if you only take orders through direct messages, that immediately shuts off all customers who don’t like talking to strangers. 
Quick resource that you could look through; it’s the spreadsheet of project organizing that I made a while back 
Licensing is when people pay you for the right to use your work on stuff they need to make, like textbooks or greeting cards. This is generally work you’ve already made that they are paying the right to use for a specified time or limited run of products. This is great because you’ve already done the work. I am not the expert on this. Go find someone else’s info.
“I am not physically capable of working much”/ “I need to pay the bills”
Guess who got a hand injury Sept 2020 that messed me up that entire month! I had a couple jobs going at the time that I was terrified of losing, but they were quite understanding when I told them I needed to heal. So:  Express your needs as early as you know you need them. Also do lots of stretches and rest your hands whenever you feel anything off; this will save your health later. Like, the potential of a couple months of no income was preferable over losing use of my hands for the rest of my life.
This continues to apply if you have any other life situation. Ask for extra time. Ask for clarification. If you tell people ahead of time, folks are often quite understanding. Know how much you are capable of working and do your best not to overdo it. (I am.. bad at this)
Do what MAKES SENSE for your situation. If doing art currently earns you less money than organizing spreadsheets, then do that for now, and whenever you have the energy, break down some of the tips above into actionable tiny chunks, and slowly work at em. 
The original ask I got in 2019 mentioned ‘knowing you’re not good enough yet’. Most artists experience imposter syndrome & self-doubt—the important thing is to do your best, and if anything, attempt to channel the confidence of a mediocre white man. If he can apply to this job/charge hella money for Not Much, then so can you! 
Check out this Art Director tumblr for more advice!
Danichuatico’s Literary Agent guide
Kikidoodle’s Shop Shipping Tutorial
Best of luck!
Once again disclaimer this post is just the ramblings of a man procrastinating on other things that need to be done. I’ve Long Posted my own post so that it turns into mush in my brain if I try to read it, but I wrote this so I should know this content. If you got down here, congrats. Here’s a shrimp drawing.
Tumblr media
Yee Ha. 
My reference post tag My tip jar
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clumsy-hood · 4 years ago
obey me! demon brothers + love languages (giving vs receiving)
prompt: how the demon brothers like to show and receive love
word count: 2,633
a/n: another late night attempt i wrote the night before and found in my notes. i really do appreciate feedback if anyone wants to shoot me a message. obey me, the ikemen otome games, and playchoices have really kept me nice and distracted during the pandemic so if anyone even wants to chat about any of those topics, i have thoughts and would like to hear yours. do this for a broke, bored bitch.
giving: quality time
There is no denying that the Avatar of Pride has a fairly hectic daily schedule—excluding his brothers’ shenanigans, that is still putting it mildly—so it seems best fit he best shows his love for you by simply spending time alone together. No matter if it’s a dinner date at Ristorante Six or spending the night together in his room listening to music, that time is strictly dedicated to you and no one else. You have Lucifer’s undivided attention—unless his brothers nearly destroy the house, then that is an entirely different story. One-on-one time with him may not always be as common as you’d like, but he sure as hell will put in the effort—so much so that if you’ve had scheduled plans for quite some time (ones he can’t afford to miss), he will rush every meeting, speed through paperwork, and all-in-all practically sprint to make it to you on time. 
receiving: acts of service
As much as he’ll go the extra mile to spend so much as a brief moment with you, the way to his heart is doing the little things to make life just a little more bearable for him. Mammon’s plotting to cheat some local low-tier demons? You’re there to redirect his plans to something less potentially chaotic. Lucifer forgot he had to make dinner for the house that night? You’re already on it so long as he helps with cleanup later. Beel ate someone’s food? You’ve already diffused the situation and now the brothers are heading on a snack run. At first, Lucifer was somewhat convinced you were trying to win his brothers’ favors until he realized every little deed or chore completed was to benefit him. Absolutely no ulterior motives planned! It wasn’t until you’d caught him half-asleep and hunched over the desk in his study and offered him a mug of hot tea did he realize how warm and cared for you truly made him feel. The poor guy just isn’t used to be loved and doted on. 
giving: giving gifts
As greedy as he is to spend time with you, Mammon is convinced the best way to show you how much he truly cares for you is to give you anything and everything he can. You are the only person he can never bring himself to steal from—that’s just how special you are to him. In fact, you’re so important to him that every gift—no matter how big or small—given from him was purchased, won, or even made in the most honest ways possible. He sees you eyeballing a toy at a carnival? He’ll spend whatever money his broke ass has left just to win it for you. If you so much as mention in passing that you like a certain jacket, that boy will wait tables at Hell’s Kitchen for however long it takes to buy you what he thinks you deserve. You mean so much to him—a price that can never be paid, it doesn’t even exist—and even though you’re not nearly as materialistic as he tends to be, if he can’t afford to give you the world to see you smile, then he’ll damn well try to earn it some way or another. 
receiving: words of affirmation
Let’s face it, poor Mammon is often the brunt of jokes and insults from his brothers and the occasional low-tier demons, and your small words of kindness leave him a blushing, bumbling mess as he’d be quick to agree and accept your praise. Even if you complimented his hair or told him he had a cute smile in passing, it was as though someone lit sparklers in his chest and he couldn’t help how damn giddy he was. If the Avatar of Greed had a good idea, you were quick to agree and praise him—even defending his choices to his brothers whenever they dismissed or outright ignored him. The sound of your voice had become his favorite thing as though it could be the soundtrack of his day. Though, as much as he enjoyed your compliments and affirmations, you just listening to him vent or complain or even telling you about his day made him feel more heard than he had been for the longest time. And something about that was exciting and confusing all at once, but he knew he never wanted it to end. 
giving: quality time
The Avatar of Envy himself has mentioned that his type is someone he can spend time with—even if that means you both are doing completely different things. So long as you’re in the room with him, he feels completely at ease. It’s honestly one of the best ways he knows how to show how much he trusts you, simply by inviting you into his room and having you make yourself at home there. If you’re trying to read a book, he’ll offer a seat in his room to keep you nearby while he plays his newest game. And Levi loves inviting you to his room for movie nights or binge-watch whatever anime he’s sure you’re going to absolutely love and will keep peeking over at you to gauge your reaction or will occasionally pause it to explain certain plot points. The ultimate show of his affection? The second he invites you to play a video game together—no matter if it’s an RPG, story-driven, or an all-out battle raid—you know you’ve unlocked some type of high-tier level of trust with him and he never wants you to leave. 
receiving: receiving gifts
No matter how often you’d try to reassure Levi you cared for him and didn’t consider him a yucky otaku, your words never seemed to suffice. After plenty of trial and error to show you care, it was after you unknowingly purchased rare Ruri-Chan memorabilia as a gift for him did you realize how he best accepts love. Of course, everything you’d get him anything—even the smallest, most seemingly insignificant thing—he’d become a beet-red, stuttering mess spitting nothing but praise and adoration towards you. Because it means you listened to all the things he loves and went out of your way to show it. No matter if it was preordering a game he had mentioned wanting to play or even picking up a spare treat for him while you were out shopping, he always appreciated knowing you could be out there alone and still thinking of him. 
giving: words of affirmation
Everything the Avatar of Wrath says and does seem to be polished and refined, almost as though he has rehearsed several interactions that may happen to keep his rage at bay. Though, he is quick to realize it is slightly different to do around you. It isn’t that words are difficult for him but expressing them isn’t so much in average verbal praise as it is in written form. Out of all the brothers, he is the most likely to offer books with little notes of paper written inside for you to read, often comparing your relationship to those of fictional characters he has found. I mean, he’s even made you an entire picture book with his own created story starring the two of you just to show how much you truly mean to him. There would never be any doubt how much you truly mean to him, but when speaking those words aloud may come across as more aggressive than intended, it’s the written word where he truly shines in sharing his feeling towards you.
receiving: quality time
As much as he enjoys telling you—or rather, writing to you—how much you mean to him, he has a harder time simply accepting your words for what they are and claims he is not easily swayed with words as his brothers are. Instead, the best way Satan responded to your love and affection was simply from your mere presence. Whether your head rested in his lap while he read his book in his room or the two of you tested different Devildom and human recipes in the kitchen, your general being in the vicinity of him was enough to leave him feeling warm inside. After a suggestion from you, you both would even schedule time aside to take a stroll around RAD and Devildom, just a little adventure here and there where you’d try new restaurants or even pet the random cats you’d find. The demon had a way of coming and going as he’d please—often making acquaintances with those he’d meet—but you were always the one he looked forward to spending time with the most. He could hardly wait for whatever little adventure you’d experience together next.
giving: physical touches
Given that he is the Avatar of Lust, it wouldn’t come across as too much of a surprise that Asmo shows his love and affection through physical touch quite often—so long as you’re comfortable with it, that is. Even though he’d regularly praise you with words, he’d much rather feel your hand pressed to his own or nonchalantly toy with your fingers while you relaxed with one another. If he thought your skin could use a little help, he’d offer hands-on assistance applying his regular regimen to your skin. He has such a gentle touch, if he saw you struggling with your hair in any way—tangles or just struggling to style it?—he’d be quick to offer help and would miraculously make it as painless as possible. And of course, he’d practically shower you in kisses—on your wrist, your lips, your cheeks, your forehead, your tummy, your fingertips, your ear, your neck, your nose, etc. If he could every inch of you with his love—in a less lewd way—he would in a heartbeat.
receiving: words of affirmation
While he’d love you reciprocating his physical love with touches of your own, there is nothing Asmo seems to truly desire from you more than the validation of him, his beauty, and your love for him. You knew the demon was well familiar with past lovers singing praises of his beauty and sexuality, but you had no idea just how much he sought your validation until he’d confessed how much your thoughts of him mattered. It would become a habit to wake up to him tangled beside you, whispering an ‘I love you’, and to be greeted with a gentle kiss. If he was ever overwhelmed or concerned with his overall image, you were quick to cease those worries with reminders about how beautiful he was and what a lovely heart he had as well. The moments you had admitted you loved his soft nature and gentle touch and warm embrace left an odd fluttering feeling in his chest. He knew he loved you, but it seemed he had no idea how much until you’d tell him those three words and gave him your undivided attention.
giving: acts of service
Honestly, Beel was never sure the best way of showing his love for you—he was always worried he’d say the wrong thing or that his hunger would get the best of him. He knew he cared for you and never wanted to cross any boundaries so he figured he’d do little things here and there just to see you smile. If he was excited to try new foods, he’d always get extra just for you. He wasn’t always the best with cooking, but if you mentioned you were homesick for the human world, then he’d ask Barbatos or Luke to help him make human food for you—and some for him to sample. If the Devildom weather left you feeling chillier than usual, he’d offer his jacket—although it was so massive on you, it practically pooled at your feet once he draped it over your shoulders. If you had passed out in the library, Beel wouldn’t hesitate to offer carrying you back to your dorm—or his, per your request. And if he found out you skipped a meal, I swear to Diavolo you are the only one he would ever share snacks with without a second thought. He just wanted you happy, healthy, and in Devildom with him and his brothers. 
receiving: quality time
For all the little things he enjoys doing for you, spending quality time with the Avatar of Gluttony is the best way to his heart—aside from food, that is. Offering to go out with him to Hell’s Kitchen for lunch or inviting him in the kitchen while you make cheeseburgers are the simplest ways to see him grinning wide. Even movie marathons in your room were a treat for him—and not just because he’d have brought a tub of popcorn—but it was an excuse to have you pressed against him and he loved that a little more than the bucket of buttery goodness in his lap. It could be a challenge at times with how packed both your schedules could be—especially if he had several back-to-back Fangol games—but you did your best to make it work. In between classes, you’d meet up and make time for little conversation, offering him a snack if you had anything on you, before going on with your day. If he needed a spotter or someone to record him working out? You were there in a heartbeat. It seemed like a lot of work sometimes to find moments alone together with everyone else around, but he was worth it. Beel would always be worth it. 
giving: quality time
Belphie was never sure the best way to show you how much you meant to him; after all, he was the Avatar of Sloth so he wasn’t as accustomed to offering gifts or doing your chores around the house. But he found the most successful way was to simply spend time with you whenever he could. His brothers often vied for your attention, so if it meant carrying you on his shoulder to take you to the attic room for some one-on-one time then so be it. He did everything he could to stay awake so he could listen to you talk about your day, often nuzzling into your neck and pressing lazy kisses with a sleepy grin. He even tried to make it to more council meetings and RAD classes just so he had an excuse to spend time with you immediately afterward. His absolutely favorite moments would be any time he’d wake up before you or the ones where you’d like curled up against him because he knew he trusted you well enough to sleep on you, but a warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped him wholly, realizing you trusted him enough to do the same.
receiving: physical touches
Similar to his brothers, Belphie could be more than a little greedy for your time and attention—especially any sign of affection—but the best way to show any love was best translated through gentle touches. If you played with his hair and caressed his cheek during a cuddle session, that boy would let out the softest sigh and doze off quickly to sleep. He wouldn’t ever openly admit it out loud but loved the feel of your hand wrapped in his or the way your legs would get all tangled together whenever you were sleeping at night. And your hugs would honestly make his day. If Lucifer was starting to get to him, you’d swoop in with a comforting hug while his heart was practically pounding right out of his chest. Maybe Beel ate the food he was saving? You were quick to salvage his mood with a kiss to the cheek and a squeeze to his arm. He never understood how you could be such a lifeline for him, but somehow a simple touch from you kept him tethered to the rest of the world and left him enjoying being awake. 
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