#big hero 6 romance
atruehiro · 4 months
Not quite back yet, but just wanted to pop in to say Hiro and Megan's friendship is still one of my fave things in the series.
Hiro deserves a friend his own age that isn't a rival or painfully forced romance, and out of the three teenage girls the show introduced, Megan had the least amount of forced romance tropes. And she also brought some much needed normality to Hiro's life.
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chaotictoon · 2 years
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Cartoon girls + edwardian era
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m1ster1e · 2 months
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paper airplanes.
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tadashi hamada x reader
★You finally get to attend your dream school at SFIT in San Fransokyo. It seemed like a dream come true with a wide city to explore and new friends at your side. But they always say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover and boy did San Fransokyo have the most deceiving appearance
tw-depression, injuries, vigilantism. characters are all college aged adults (minus hiro). san fransokyo looks cute but is basically gotham. angst, fluff, romance.
afab! reader plus she/her pronouns!!
chapter [2]
Chapter 1: Arrival
The train hummed beneath you, a steady rhythm that matched the fluttering excitement in your chest. As the countryside blurred past the window, you took a deep breath, feeling the mingled thrill and nerves of embarking on this new chapter of your life. You watched as the landscape shifted from rolling hills to the sprawling urban tapestry of San Fransokyo, a city that promised both opportunity and adventure.
With each passing mile, the anticipation grew. The train curved around the bay, revealing the gleaming skyscrapers and the iconic red bridge, a striking contrast of old and new. The city's unique blend of futuristic technology and rich cultural heritage seemed to beckon you forward.
As the train approached the station, you gathered your belongings, your heart pounding with a mix of eagerness and uncertainty. You stepped onto the platform, the air filled with the sounds and scents of San Fransokyo—bustling crowds, distant traffic, and the faint aroma of street food.
Stepping off the train, you were immediately enveloped by the vibrant energy of the station. The air buzzed with the sounds of announcements, chattering crowds, and the distant hum of trains coming and going. You navigated through the bustling terminal, weaving past hurried commuters and travelers, your suitcase rolling steadily behind you.
Following the signs, you made your way to the exit, emerging onto the busy streets of San Fransokyo. The city stretched out before you, an awe-inspiring mix of towering skyscrapers and charming historical buildings. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze alongside intricate architectural details, and the scent of street food mingled with the fresh ocean air.
You pulled out your phone and checked the GPS, spotting the bus stop a few blocks away. With a determined grip on your luggage, you walked down the bustling sidewalk, taking in the sights and sounds of your new home. The streets were alive with activity—vendors calling out their wares, children laughing as they played, and people going about their daily routines.
At the bus stop, you joined a small group of people waiting. As you stood there, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and nervous anticipation. The bus arrived with a gentle hiss, and you boarded, finding a seat near the window. You watched the cityscape glide by, each moment bringing you closer to the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and the start of an incredible journey.
As the bus rumbled through the streets of San Fransokyo, you gazed out the window, taking in the bustling cityscape. The tall buildings, each with its unique architecture, towered above you. The streets were alive with the movement of people, bicycles, and cars, creating a vibrant tapestry of urban life. You watched as the bus wound through the city, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation build inside you.
The bus made a few more stops, gradually emptying out as you neared your destination. With each passing minute, your anticipation grew. You kept glancing at your phone, watching the GPS as the little dot moved closer to SFIT. Finally, the bus pulled to a stop at the SFIT campus, marked by a large stone sign with the letters "SFIT" elegantly lit from below.
You grabbed your suitcase and bags, thanking the driver as you stepped off the bus. The moment your feet hit the pavement, you were struck by the grandeur of the campus. The buildings were sleek and modern, with large windows that gleamed in the sunlight. Students were scattered across the green lawns, some chatting in groups, others hurrying to their next classes.
Taking a deep breath, you began to walk toward the main entrance, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. You pulled out your phone again, this time to find the way to your residence hall. The GPS pointed you in the right direction, but the campus was large, and you found yourself wandering a bit, trying to make sense of the layout.
As you stood at a crossroads, looking between your phone and the various paths, a voice interrupted your thoughts. "Need some help?"
You turned to see a young man with dark hair and a friendly smile. He was wearing a black hoodie with the SFIT logo. "Yeah, I think I'm a little lost," you admitted with a sheepish smile. "I'm trying to find my residence hall."
He chuckled. "Don't worry, happens to everyone on their first day. Which hall are you looking for?"
You told him the name, and he nodded. "That's not too far from here. I'm heading in that direction; I can show you the way."
Relieved, you followed him as he led the way. "I'm Tadashi, by the way," he said, extending a hand.
You introduced yourself and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Tadashi. Thanks for helping me out."
"No problem," he replied. "What are you studying?"
"Computer science (and minor/second degree/focus)," you said, glancing around as you walked. The campus was even more beautiful up close, with art installations and well-maintained gardens. "I've always been fascinated by technology."
"Great choice," Tadashi said enthusiastically. "I'm in the robotics program. If you ever need help or have any questions, feel free to ask."
You thanked him again, feeling a sense of warmth at his friendliness. As you approached your residence hall, you couldn't help but feel that this was the start of something special. Tadashi pointed out the building, and you saw other students moving in, carrying boxes and chatting with their new roommates.
"Here we are," Tadashi said, stopping in front of the entrance. "Welcome to SFIT. I hope you have an amazing time here."
"Thanks, Tadashi. I appreciate it," you said, giving him a grateful smile.
"Anytime," he replied, giving you a wave as he continued on his way. You watched him go, then turned to face your new home. Taking a deep breath, you picked up your bags and stepped inside, ready to begin this exciting new chapter of your life.
The commons of your residence hall was almost overwhelming, overlooking the first floor was a large wooden mezzanine with a sleek chandelier in the center. The commons itself was filled with worn furniture in colors of red, yellow, and blue and in the center were two ping pong tables. The corner of the room had a row of computers next to a set of vending machines meant for any student who needed to get work done but didn't have the want or need to leave the dorms. In the left there was a check-in booth being overlooked by an exhausted looking RA. The booth was built into the front of an office where the residence hall director was organizing paperwork. The wall was plastered with hand painted posters instructing students to pick up their keys from the RA and sign up for their floors group messaging system.
You made your way to the elevator, suitcase in tow, and pressed the button for the second floor. The doors opened with a soft ding, and you stepped inside, the space offering a momentary respite from the bustling activity of the commons. As the elevator ascended, you felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness about meeting your new roommate.
The doors opened, revealing a hallway lined with doors, each leading to different dorms. You followed the signs to your assigned room, the wheels of your suitcase rolling softly on the carpeted floor. Arriving at your door, you took a deep breath and used the key provided by the RA to unlock it.
Pushing the door open, you stepped into a cozy living area with a small kitchenette on one side. The dorm was simple but welcoming, with a sofa, a coffee table, and a few chairs arranged around a low table. Two doors led off the main room to the individual bedrooms. You noticed that one of the bedrooms already had the door slightly ajar, indicating that your roommate had already moved in.
You rolled your suitcase into the open bedroom, taking in the sight of your new space. The room was modest, with a bed, a desk, and a dresser alongside a built in closet, but it had a large window that let in plenty of natural light. You set your bags down and took a moment to absorb the reality of this new chapter in your life, feeling a blend of excitement and trepidation for the adventures ahead.
As you began unpacking and organizing your room, there was a knock at the door. You opened it to see a smiling face.
"Hi! You must be my new roommate. I'm Lily," she said warmly, extending a hand.
You smiled back and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Lily. I'm (y/n)."
Lily stepped into the room, looking around with a friendly curiosity. "Need any help with unpacking?" she offered.
"Sure, that would be great," you replied, feeling a sense of relief at her welcoming demeanor.
As you continued to unpack together, Lily chatted about the campus, classes, and all the fun things to do in San Fransokyo. Her energy was infectious and you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of comfort and belonging in this new chapter of your life.
As you were finishing up decorating your shared living area, Lily peaked her head out of the bathroom which she was working on as well. "Hey! I was thinking of checking out this new coffee place called the Lucky Cat Cafe tomorrow. It's supposed to be really cozy and has great reviews. Do you want to come with me?"
You agreed and Lily nodded enthusiastically. "Great! We can get to know each other a bit more while we're there. It'll be a nice way to start the weekend."
After making plans for the following morning, you both went to your separate rooms to get cleaned up and settle in for the night. You went to bed with the anticipation of exploring the city and enjoying your first full day as an SFIT student.
Ya'll don't even know how long this took me to put out I've been wanting to write this for YEARS lolol. I know it's really short but I'm just trying to lay out the scene yknow, also sorry that 1.) It severely lacked Tadashi but we will get there and 2.) I made you a comp sci major I am SO sorry but it matters trust (that's also why I gave you the minor or second major option in case you feel that it really doesn't align with you, just trying to make things fit in a stem school). Expect the second chapter relatively soon?? I know where I want this whole thing to go I just have to convert it to words, and also expect this to be long and angsty.
Anyway, see ya'll soon!
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the-evil-lovable-simp · 7 months
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apotheosphorus · 1 year
14 year old me going mooney-eyed over hiro hamada was the gateway drug to simping for ali hazelwoods stem nerd man love interest romances fuck
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sammyam12345678 · 5 months
Hirobel: Perfect Song Part 1
Good morning, afternoon, or evening to anyone reading my post! Thank you for taking the time out of your day or night to read my post.
A few months ago, I wrote a mini-essay on how "Brooklyn Baby" by Lana Del Rey is the perfect ship song for Isabela and Elsa. After I posted my mini-essay, I started thinking of a perfect ship song for Hiro and Mirabel. I thought they would both be Swifties, and favor Taylor Swift's "Taylor Swift", "Fearless" and "Speak Now" albums. As such, I think these songs would be perfect for them:
"Our Song" by Taylor Swift from her debut album
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"Fearless" by Taylor Swift from her Fearless album
"Love Story" by Taylor Swift from her Fearless album
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"You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift from her Fearless album
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"Mine" by Taylor Swift from her Speak Now album
Overall, I think all of those songs would be good fits for a Hirobel fic.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day or night to read my post. Have a good day or night!
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liyah-munson · 2 years
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These types of girlfriends 🪷🎀💓🛍️🌷💞🖤🔪🕷️💀
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music-in-my-veins14 · 3 months
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Might I suggest a personal guilty pleasure?
Characters: Honey Lemon x Jamison "Junkrat" Fawks Fandoms: Disney's Big Hero 6 | Overwatch Relationship: Romantic (Initially platonic)
Both have an affinity for explosions, and I think Honey Lemon's sweet, friendly and patient demeanor would balance out Junkrat's more wild and impulsive personality.
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Characters: Honey Lemon x Jamison Fawkes/Junkrat
Fandoms: Big Hero 6 | Overwatch
Relationship: Platonic/Romantic
Submitted by Anonymous!
I was a little worried because I've not seen Big Hero 6 yet (another on my watchlist) and was concerned about her age... But we're safe!! She's 19!! This ship can SAAAAAAAIL!!!!
Also, I love that Junkrat looks so much like a villain but is an actual good guy. SCREW STEREOTYPES, MORE JUNKRATS!!! (I also love him for his wild nature and explosives, but shhhhh)
In regard to the idea of the two, based from what you said, it sounds so sweet!!! Imagine she shows him kindness, even despite his personality (which I assume makes people dislike I'm in his reality), and he's just, so lost on what to do. Boy be blushin 🤭
And then she uses explosives and lights up his world like nobody else
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drama-glob · 2 years
Our Time Together
It's Valentine's Day in San Fransokyo and all Globby and Felony Carl want to do is spend it together as much as possible, but each has responsibilities and even the best laid plans can go awry. How will this day go and what does each have in store for this romantic occasion?
New FelonyGlob story I posted that I hope you’ll enjoy. ^_^ Just spreading the love. <3<3<3
@enbydemirainbowbigfoot Thank you for the stories you’ve gifted me. Now it’s my turn to gift this to you. <3
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44969125
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caffeinewitchcraft · 4 months
Everything I've Ever Written (on Tumblr)
I have been writing online since 2016. As a result, I have quite the few short stories listed below! They're all from different parts in my writing journey and I hope you enjoy.
If you'd like to read what I currently put out, please consider supporting me on Patreon (X)
Cinderella Doesn't Believe in Fairy Tales
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Part 4 / Part 5 /Part 6
Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Destiny Universe
You Are the Demon King
The Hero and Hope (part 1) (part 2)
Being Villagers
Heroes and Villains
Therapist for Villains
Juniper and Discus
Self Destruct Villain (flash fiction)
Dandelion (A Villain Story)
You Help Kill Heroes
You are the Shark Hero
Mist into a Tempest
The Civilian and the Reluctant Hero
No Heroes Here
The Spoiler (humor, flash fiction)
You are Legacy
Hero in Title
Dark Lord's Former Coworker
One Minute
The Fae:
You Become Powerful
Your Friend Takes Your Name
Larkin and Yvette
Debt Must Be Repaid (humor flash fiction)
Going to the Hill
The Fae are Free
When They Don't Know (submitted to elsewhereuniversity)
The Chosen One
The Chosen One's Parents
Fate and Mercy and Dead Girls
Amulet to Save Her
Hero's Apprentice (Flash fiction)
The Aftermath of the Chosen One
Wizards Stole My Brother
You are the Chosen One's Knight
The Chosen One is a History Major
You are the Most Powerful Magic User
Time Restarts and She Remembers
Better the Witch than the Kid
It Was in a Name
The Good Witch of Hawthorne
Berthe the Green Witch
Cursed Mold (flash fiction)
Love isn't Enough
I Can't Believe it's not Proper Adjudication
Devil Deals
The Devil You Know
The Ritual
They Summoned Her on Halloween (flash fiction)
Fairytale Retellings
Ariel and Ursula (age appropriate)
The Gods
Zeus' Son
Faith in Technology
Six Red Bulls and Persistence
The Sound of Silence
Emmaline and the Apartment
Humans are Vengeful
Humans Know War (that's why we have diplomacy)
Criminals Forced to Live on as AI (flash fiction)
Misc Fantasy
Wind-Speaker and Her Wife
You Will Become
The Sirens and Leona (flash fiction)
Eldritch Princess (flash fiction)
Princess Maria and the Dragon
Princess Maria is Kidnapped
Immortals are Afraid of Change
Fiona the Dragon
A Violently Won War
Meta Stories
An Abstract Concept
Narrative Town
Narrative Town: Uncle Ralph
Princess Phaedra Breaks
You are a Horror Movie Villain
Ghost Stories
Malevolent Spirits
Your House is Haunted by an Anime Pillow
Don't Open the Door
Grandma's House
Who Is? (flash fiction)
A Face (flash fiction)
You Choose Your Fate in Hell
Time Paradox (flash fiction)
You are an Assassin
Multiple Dimension Serial Killer (flash fiction)
An Exercise in Mary Sue
She Comes Back from the Hospital (tw eating disorder)
Roses and Evil (mental health flash fiction)
Big Brother
A Conversation About Anger
Punching Depression
Two Sides (flash fiction)
Immortal Serial Killer in Prison
Theater Romance (flash fiction)
The Lady and the Knight (flash fiction)
Different (flash fiction)
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leviathanleva · 5 months
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem Reader
Description: Cooper Howard was not a kind man, he cared for nobody, but himself. Then he found you, a lost little dove, barefoot and crying, torn dress and big innocent eyes staring at him like he was a hero. He knew you’d be a burden, he knew you couldn’t survive in the wasteland, he was doing you a favor.
But he couldn’t pull the fucking trigger...
[MDNI, Romance, Fluff, Smut, Angst, Blood and Injury, Violence, Use of Chems, Smoking, Alcohol Use, Mention of Suicide, Toxic Relationship, Graphic Depiction of Gore, Death (not of any major character), Ghoul Trafficking, Reference to Cannibalism, 18+]
Arc |
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Arc ||
Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20
Arc |||
Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30
[If you are uncomfortable with Tumblr's format, you can find this story on AO3]
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overwatch ratings based on how they would date
did this a while ago but spent too much time on it for it to not be posted. this is just a personal opinion and personal ratings based off lore and bias tbh. this will be updated with every hero (if I remember to lol)
D.VA: 6/10. Caring and loving, fun gaming dates, but gets recognized a lot, and if it came down to it she’d choose her job to protect south korea over her lover
Doomfist: 4/10. He’d be a gentleman but probably only in it for sex or to be a sugar daddy. He’d treat his “lover” with respect tho so not a total loss i guess.
Junker Queen: 7/10. After the shit she’s been thru i think she doesnt really want a partner cuz shes afraid they’re just using her to get to the throne or that she’ll lose them. She’s protective and caring but also a bit overprotective to the point where it’s like okay calm down. Also might get into a few fights but eh.
Orisa: 0/10. she thinks it would be cute to be in a relationship but knows she cant be in one due to being the “protector of numbani”. so no.
Ramattra: 8/10. Deadass depends if it’s an omnic or not. If his lover is an omnic he will cherish them and take care of them, knowing that they’re one of the few things he loves in this life. If it’s a human then theres some. Problems. He doesnt open up easily and while he’s still protective and caring he can sometimes get very distant towards them because he fears that they only got close to him to use him or kill him.
Reinhardt: 9/10: Perfect gentleman. Treats you with respect and love, and cherishes you no matter what. -1 is because he can be really loud sometimes even when he doesnt mean to be
Roadhog: 5/10. I think of him as aroace but he would try and give it a shot just to feel what it’s like. Hes very quiet but also very calm. He would listen to his lover and do his best to help them, but he moves around a lot thanks to junkrat now and might cut off communication with you just to keep you safe when he's on the run
Sigma: 5/10. A real gentleman, would treat his lover with respect and kindness and love. Only downside is when he has one of his mind breaks and breakdowns. He forgets who he is and just focuses on violence. Also his control of gravity in that state is very fucky so if he’s having a breakdown his lover might get throw to the ground. He feels like jackshit afterwards and probably realizes it’s best not to have someone he cares about so close to him
Wrecking Ball: 0/10 no. he would simply not even if he wanted to. Aroace hampter 
Winston: maybe a 1/10. i feel like he doesnt want a romantic relationship with anybody and just wants friends (aroace monke)
Zarya: 6/10. Protective and caring but would focus too much on her job. would also pick her country over her lover if it did come down to it
Mauga: 8/10: Would treat his lover right and give them anything they asked for. Free beach house, gifts, and a loving, protective, obsessive bf. -2 because slight yandere vibes and can get too possesive-
Ashe: 6/10. Partners in crime kinda thing but if you’re not really into that stuff she’s probably not that into you. She has BOB watching you when she cant during a fight but shes always next to you when she can be.
Bastion: 0/10. Dude just wants to live in the woods with his bird he doesnt want that stuff.
Cassidy: 8/10. Southern sweetheart. Treats his partner with love and respect. Only downside is that he’d be out a lot doing his job, but he would let somebody else do it to be with you if it’s a special occasion or if he really wants to stay with you.
Echo: 2/10. Not big on romance but would try it out for science. Sadly in the end it’s not real love so. Oof
Genji: 9/10. Probably doesn’t want a relationship at first because of his body but he gets used to it and opens up his heart. Honestly very good boyfriend would be there to listen and help you with stuff. -1 cuz he might be out doing overwatch stuff a lot and also might not be the most exciting person to be around if you're a hyper person.
Hanzo: 6/10. Can’t see him getting in a relationship after everything thats happened but if he did he’d be kinda bad at it but you could tell that he’s trying his best.
Junkrat: 5/10. I love him but i cant really see him *staying* in a relationship for long. He doesn’t know how to stop sometimes and can get really annoying really quick but he loves making things for his lover and would do his best to keep them away from the dangerous bombs. He loves them a lot but doesn’t know how to turn the love down. Really clingy so if youre into that cool.
Mei: 9/10. Absolute sweetheart. Loves you to bits and takes you out to her favorite restaurants and stuff. -1 cuz you had to have a long distance relationship due to her being in Antarctica and the fact she slept for years with no communication with her lover-
Phara: 4/10. Cares about her job more but would be an okay girlfriend, doing the basics.
Reaper: 1/10. He’s done with love and would probably just just be a sugar daddy or just be there for sex. Even if he did find himself feeling something he’d ignore it and move on
Sojourn:5/10. Not interested in dating or finding love but if it finds her she’ll go for it. Pretty nice girlfriend, makes sure to take care of her lover but does focus on her job a lot more sometimes.
Soldier:76: 0/10. Not interested and has made sure to break off any past relationships. Doesn’t want the people he cares about to get hurt. So he still cares but doesnt go see them.
Somba: 7/10. Would be a pretty good girlfriend if she wanted to have a relationship. She keeps all people she cares about far away and unaware of her deeds at Talon. So a long distance relationship until she can take some time off to go see her lover and vibe.
Symmetra: 3/10. Doesn’t know how to even start a relationship and doesn’t really want to. Her job is important to her so she wouldn’t want distractions from it.
Torbjorn: 6/10. His wife and him had a few children and have been married for a while so he’s probably got the whole love thing covered.
Tracer: 9/10. Probably one of the best on this list. She’s loving and caring and makes sure to spend a lot of time with her partner. 
Widowmaker: 3/10. Last partner she had was um. killed by her so. +3 if you could break down her walls and see the real her but very low chance
Venture: 8.5/10: Would talk to you about rocks, fossils, and everything else they can think about. They’d even let you name rocks around the house. -2 cuz they’ll talk your ear off about rocks n stuff while also bouncing around everywhere. They can also be gone for long periods of time but always makes sure to call. If you can deal with the infodumping and adhd then 9.5/10 for you 
Ana: 5/10. She doesn’t want a relationship but she’d be very loving and caring to her lover.
Baptiste: 8/10. Great boyfriend, lovers needs always come first and he’s very open and always has an ear out to listen. -2 because he’s constantly on the run and the relationship could get stressed.
Brigitte: 5/10. Mostly focused on her work but would make a pretty good girlfriend if she finds the right person. The relationship would mostly be a test one because she lowkey doesn’t understand it.
Kiriko: 4/10. Would love to be in a relationship but protecting her home is more important than finding love to her.
Lucio: 9/10. Actual sweetheart. Would make music for you and would cancel shows last second if something came up and you needed something. If you need anything he’ll be there to help.
Mercy: 8/10. She’s really focused on her work but no matter what would take time to come stay with you for a while. -2 because sometimes too focused on work and sometimes doesnt have time to see you for a long time.
Moira: 0/10. Not looking for a relationship and would probably lie just to get you strapped to a table and butchered.
Zenyatta: 7/10. Would make a decent boyfriend but he can’t have relationships due to being a monk. He’d be there to listen and to give advice when you needed it.
Lifeweaver: 9/10. Perfect boyfriend in every way. Like no competition. -1 cuz he's on the run from multiple governments so he won't be able to talk all the time or be with you much to his dismay. multiple texts a day tho
Illari: 4/10. Tbh I can't see her getting into a relationship after everything. She's too scared that something will happen with her powers again and hurt her lover
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twig-tea · 8 days
It is such a wild time to be watching QL, there is SO MUCH every day. And a lot of it is really good?!
Today I watched EIGHT different shows, and of them, I was really happy with the episode for all but one. Here are a few words about the ones I had a good time with today:
Addicted Heroin Thailand crossed the first hurdle of adaptation by including the kidnapping scene. Looks like they're continuing to stay true to the source. I appreciated that this scene in particular retained the emotional core while toning down the SA threat (though Hero's desire is still very much present). This is a solid adaptation so far!
Reverse 4 U is using the powers so well, and I am loving the sister relationship, especially how they tease one another around their powers. It's also building to the relationship turn between Four and Wa in a believable way, which I'm really enjoying.
Peaceful Property is delightful and as @lurkingshan already articulated so well, I love what is being set up re: inequality. Plus this show is just so funny! it's balancing these two threads really well and doing a good job maintaining the haunting-of-the-week energy so far.
Love is like a poison had an incredible first episode, I love the effects and cutaways in this show, and the way it is making fun of its protagonist is so much fun. Ryoma is a dork with main character syndrome and I am obsessed with him. Curious how they're going to turn around this setup into a romance!
I Saw You In My Dream was a baller episode, @my-rose-tinted-glasses wrote about how great it is to see a conversation like this between friends as well as between lovers; all of the conversations in this episode were good (between both couples, between the besties, and between the parents). I really appreciate how, as many folks have said, everyone in a relationship in this episode wants to have sex, and the barriers to having sex are real and discussed openly. Big fan of everything in this ep. We've really departed from the dreams, which I think we need to get back to, but this ep was worth the deviation.
The On1y One continues to be incredible; Thank you in particular to Faiza (@usertoxicyaoi) who has been giffing like mad to capture every important conversation in this episode which was so many of them. The one about moving to the dorms together made me misty fr. I love when youths who did not get a chance to have a childhood get to blow bubbles.
Unlock Your Love also started today, I really enjoyed the very pulpy and trope-filled previous show this team put together (Lucky My Love) so I've been excited for this. We have a workplace GL filled with canon bisexuals, a grumpy/sunshine dynamic with a history from college, and a playgirl. I'm so seated.
I don't usually do a roundup post like this but it just hit me how much good television I got to watch today, and how rare it is that I have this good a time with almost everything I'm watching, and I needed to capture the moment.
Tomorrow, all 6 episodes of A Time of Fever drop on iQIYI, as well as How to Make a Million Before Grandma Dies on Netflix, and that's in addition to the episodes of The Onl1y one, The Two of Us, Monster Next Door, Twilight Out of Focus, and probably Seoul Blues that will be dropping too.
I'm really having trouble keeping up with everything airing, everything I want to write about it, and everything being said about the shows on tumblr. It's the best possible problem to have!
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the-evil-lovable-simp · 7 months
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thinemoonshine · 7 months
𓆰𝓈𝑜𝒾𝓁, 𝓈𝓊𝓃𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓈𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓊𝒹𝑒 ♡𓆪
cha hyun su x female reader genre: romance, angst, fluff type: series (but can be read as oneshot) word count: 2,702
⚠ mentions of self-harm and suicide ⚠
part 4 of series ◄◄ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ part 6 of series
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ synopsis: things have gotten worse. monsters rapidly increased, green home was destroyed and the military came to supposedly 'help them' or as what (y/n) actually believes, 'collect cha hyun su' as part of their 'special infected search' mission. this caused their separation and to add to that, a series of unfortunate events follow- challenging (y/n)'s already wavering tenacity to stay alive... and the presence of a 'guardian angel' may just rekindle or extinguish her flame ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
It's been a while since the remaining surviving residents of Green Home Mansion Apartment and others have been living in the stadium. (y/n) is one of the former, alive, yet day by day, she feels less so- and knowing this kills her. She talks less each day, eats less, feels less and even moves less- slowly beginning to be a puppet on strings. The routine never changes; wake up, cut and bleed to prove her identity as human, eat and drink whatever there is to eat- none at all at some times, suffer insanely long hours of boredom then go back to sleep. Wake up and it's the same thing all over again.
Although, there is one thing (y/n) looks forward to; hanging out with Eunyu, Eunhyuk's younger sister whom she's somewhat close with due to their close age. Well, not really 'hanging out' but more of following her to the secret exit in the stadium and watching her leave. (y/n) will then wait around, praying that Eunyu will be safe and turning out relieved and joyful when she would come back alive. This small scenario that happens daily is what keeps her... feeling, in a way. To hope, to be relieved, to celebrate.
Eunyu doesn't share the same sentiments as her, obviously, since she finds her outings as 'failures' at the inability to find her brother who she believes (or chooses to, at least) is alive. But, she does feel grateful and sincerely... happy, to return to someone waiting for her. As cold as Eunyu seems, she is actually quite cordial towards (y/n) than she is with anyone else.
"How was today's trip?" (y/n) tails after Eunyu as she slips back into the stadium with dirt and soil all over her skin and clothes.
"Boring," the latter answers languidly as she strides- not sparing the other a glance. "But, he came again."
(y/n) pauses slightly at this but resumes her steps quickly again. "...Your hero?"
"Eunhyuk," her friend replies almost immediately and (y/n) feels the added weight in the air around them. Eunyu's told her about the 'guardian angel' that saves her whenever she gets in trouble outside and although it does make sense that they could be Eunhyuk who became a neo-human, at the same time... it sounds impossible. Just like the idea of Hyun Su coming back.
(y/n) only smiles at Eunyu, not saying anything further and just like that, another day passes.
Once again, she wakes up, cuts and bleeds, eats, drinks, and waits long insufferable hour—
"I want to leave," (y/n) says under her breath as she stands in front of the secret exit.
Huh. It seems today, the winds have changed.
She turns back into the stadium before exhaling a long breath and leaving a small folded note beside her foot for Eunyu. The latter left earlier, which is perfect because she would've never let her leave. But she'll be wondering where (y/n) is when she returns. The note will suffice.
"I'll be back... I think," (y/n) casually says, not caring for her fate at this point, and leaves without another look.
The sky's turn darker and the winds have picked up. Yet, (y/n) still remains wandering aimlessly. She's met with a couple of monsters, some small and hiding was enough to cover her; some big but non-violent. She got lucky. So lucky that she feels it's ridiculous.
All this fortune is making her more greedy; more hopeful for change, for growth, for... for Hyun Su. But all those is only going to make her feel more lonely, more longing and more... miserable. As selfish and ungrateful as it sounds, there just seems to be nothing left to live for. No one to miss, no one to look forward to.
"Just like me... No one will miss me-" (y/n) trails off as her head raises to look at the tall building beside her. "-if I was gone..."
She blinks and suddenly, she finds herself on the rooftop- looking down at the grassy ground that's a number of levels beneath her. She wonders if Eunyu's read the letter yet. And wonders if her guardian angel made sure of her returning safely.
But what she wonders most... is whether that guardian angel would treat her the same way as they do with Eunyu. If they really are Eunhyuk, he'd save her, right? Maybe? Probably. But she'll never know if she never tries.
And so, her foot lifts off the cement roof and soon, she's free falling with the beautiful view of the starry sky and the cold night air tickling her skin like a million feathers. Strangely, she feels at peace. The unknown of tomorrow- or the next few seconds, fills her with anticipation.
She throws her arms out as her eyes close, letting gravity do its job— until she's captured and crushed against a broad chest before a loud tumble follows.
She landed... alive?
(y/n)'s eyes widen when she realizes this and she quickly props herself up- stumbling slightly at the feeling of ribs against her palms and she gasps at the human figure below her.
Well, if only not for the wing sticking out his right shoulder where there's meant to be an arm. But even with it covering his face from it being used to shield around them, she can guess who it is. Who else can it be?
"You! You're back! Lee Eunhyuk!" She exclaims with genuine shock but relieved and glad for most. A bright smile stretches on her face as she properly sits up—overlooking the fact that her 'cushion' is in fact, a human abdomen—and puts one hand on the large wing to push it away. "Eunyu was right all along! You're—"
Her breath stops and smile drops. What once were upturned, crescent eyes sparkling with glee are now rounded with deep obscurity as they slice between his dark, glossy ones that stare up at her with soft endearment, yet a strange, brittle coldness.
"Cha Hyun Su?" She squeaks out, barely able to speak from the shock and emotions spiraling inside her; both the good and bad.
The other says nothing, nor does his mien express anything as he sits up with his hand hovering her back- just an inch away from touching.
"It's you... All this time, the one that's been saving Eunyu was you," (y/n) completes the puzzle but is again, met with silence as he shifts her away to the grass beside them before standing up.
She watches his wide back becoming smaller and the befuddlement within her quickly boils into something else. And her hands curl to fists.
"Ya, Cha Hyun Su! Where were you?? All this time, I thought you were at a shelter, or-or a lab being experimented on but turns out you've been... been here?? Out and about, wherever this is!" (y/n) shouts, furious and overall, betrayed, that he's never once bothered to visit her. To see her. Tell her that he survived.
Despite her roars, the other is unfazed as he continues to walk away but his choice to remain on land despite his ability to fly is enough to tell (y/n) that he's listening to her.
So, she does what she does best: follow.
"Hey! Talk to me!" She demands and spins him around by the arm when she catches up.
"What? What do you possibly want me to say?" He snaps and his frigid attitude takes her aback. Even the look in his eye as he stares her down, it's... unwelcoming. The fire in her is diminished by the raging waves of desolation that drowns her. She could've escaped this feeling. She could've been free minutes ago if Hyun Su didn't save her.
But now, seeing him act like this, act like a complete stranger towards her, everything became worse. They haven't seen each other for nearly a year but is that enough reason to treat her like one? There was something between them— (y/n) believes there is something between them but maybe, she's wrong. Maybe, it's just her.
He's the only light for her in this cruel, dark world; the only breath of fresh air and the thought of never being able to see him again was worse than being dead. But to Hyun Su... just what is she?
"You should've left me to die."
At this, his brows twitch and jaw tightens. "What?"
"You shouldn't have saved me! I'm dying anyways and all I wanted was to make it quicker! Is that too much of me to even ask for??"
Her thread finally, snaps.
Hyun Su grapples her shoulders- his wing now back to its original form. "You're dying? What do you mean?"
The panic in his voice makes her scoff. Just before, he wouldn't even spare a glance.
"What's it to you?" (y/n) hisses and shakes his hands off. "I could've died any day before this but would you have known? No. You don't bother to know. You don't care. Even saving me today, it was just some sort of 'human conscience,' wasn't it? You couldn't live with yourself if you let me die, knowing that you could've saved me- so you did. But even then, you wouldn't have bat an eye if I ended up dying somewhere out of your territory."
All these words, they feel like blades through her throat as she speaks them. But if it's the last time she's ever gonna see him, she wants to at least, leave an impression. To haunt him— as much as he's haunted her.
"Well, you don't have worry no more. Because the next time I'll try something, you won't know it," (y/n) declares confidently and glares at him dead in the eye before turning away to leave.
Tears brim the moment her back faces him and she bites her quivering bottom lip from exposing her sobs- but she's soon rendered soundless at the feel of arms wrapping around her figure from behind.
"Please... don't do this again. Please," Hyun Su pleads shakily and only then does she notice the restrained sobs that spill past his lips. "If you do something in the stadium... somewhere I can't see you, I-I can't save you. So, please, (y/n), don't."
The other stays silent, much too busy trying to hold her own cries and she feels his arms tighten.
"I follow Eunyu around, hoping to see you but I never could. But then I saw you one day. I caught a glimpse of you at the stadium's secret exit- sending Eunyu off and then again, I saw you at the exact same place when she came back. It made me happy... seeing you smile whenever she returned, and as much as I wanted to approach Eunyu to ask about you- I couldn't. "I know who she's looking for... and it isn't me. So I— I got afraid that if I revealed myself, and end up shattering her hopes, she'll never come out again and... you won't have any reason to go to the exit- and I won't be able to see you anymore," Hyun Su confesses his true feelings as his embrace on (y/n) remains unwavering- on contrary, it seems to be more and more secure as the seconds pass, but not enough to suffocate her.
Not that she isn't already from the painful strain in her neck to control the tears.
"It's selfish! I-I know that it's selfish! But I couldn't think... I didn't know what else I could do," he continues with the tremor in his voice heightening. "I care. I really do, (y/n)- and it's all my fault that you felt like I didn't. It's all me. So please, please don't. Don't do this again, please."
(y/n) swallows the hurt as his desperation seeps through her heart- thawing the ice that was forming around it like a cocoon, melting her resolve to forget him and never turn back. "You could've approached me."
"...I was scared that you-" He stops suddenly and instead brings his head down to her shoulder, rubbing his eyes against the fabric of her shirt and if it was damp with his tears before, it's drenched with it now. "I'm not the same as I was."
"If you're talking about your wing, your monster side, or whatever else it is, I don't care," (y/n) confidently declares as she spins in his arms, now looking up at him and the sight of his pooled, glossy eyes breaks her heart and simultaneously tickles it. It's a horrible thought, but he's adorable when he gets emotional. "Okay, Cha Hyun Su?”
The flickering of his eyes on hers tells her that he's skeptical and she cups his cheek, surprising him, and only adding to it when she headbutts him.
He blinks fast, confused, and barely affected while the perpetrator is clutching her head from the pain. "Are you okay? Did something break?"
Hyun Su's hands roam around her face and head, worried that she's actually fractured something.
"No, I'm fine! I'm just trying to prove to you that I really don't care. Look, if I was afraid of you would I have attacked you?" (y/n) explains her point between hisses of pain.
Hyun Su shakes his head with large, warm hands still clasping her cheeks. "N-no."
"See? I don't mind. And if I really cared about you being 'changed,' would I still do this?" She curls her fingers around his collar and yanks him down- smashing their lips together and she can feel his little jump of surprise before he slowly succumbs.
His hands slide down to her waist and he presses her against him- sweeping her off her feet quite literally when he lifts her up just to dive in further into the kiss.
The rising intensity is evident from the way his hand travels up her back as he bends forward into the kiss, making her arch and the stretch feels like heaven to her spine. All that boredom slouch sure did some damage.
"(y/n)..." Hyun Su whispers into the kiss when they separate for breath but it doesn't take longer than 5 seconds before he seizes her lips again- overwhelming the other.
With hands against his chest, she gently pushes. "Hyun Su, I can't breathe."
And he quickly glides away. His wing just popped out and now he's about a few metres away. He has a look of panic and is apologetic as he repents on his passionate behaviour.
(y/n) instantly breaks out laughing at his reaction and the sight and sound of her joy remind Hyun Su of how much of an impact she has in his life. In fact, she just might be the reason for everything.
She's the only light for him in this cruel, dark world; the only breath of fresh air and just the thought of never being able to see her again was worse than being dead. She's everything to him- although, he hopes that he isn't hers. Because in the end, he's still a monster and she's a human, she deserves to be with someone better.
But for now, there's no harm in enjoying their time together, is there?
A squeak emits from (y/n) when she's suddenly levitating above the ground and is brought spinning in his hold. Giggles and soft laughter fill the air- fanning away any tension and weight of their shoulders.
"What's this suddenly, huh?" (y/n) titters and Hyun Su smiles up brightly at her.
"I’m just happy that you’re here. Finally, you’re here.”
‘With me.’ copyright © 2024 thinemoonshine all rights reserved
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