#big fan of flutes
Can we just appreciate how good the background music of CQL is? I see almost no appreciation posts about this but gods if it isn't some of the best instrumentals I have heard...shoutouts to Ren Sheng Ruo Zhi Ru Chu Jian and Bu Hui for being by absolute favourites off the background music album (consolation going to An Xi here)!
Lin Hai as a composer too, I-- cannot stress how much appreciation he deserves. For his other works too, not just this album, but this album also works just so well for the show itself, for the strange combinations of emotions they make you feel. :)))
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obsob · 9 months
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once more around the sun!! :3
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splattsy · 1 year
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pallases · 7 months
love how hugo’s like courfeyrac is just like tholomyes if tholomyes didn’t FUCKING SUCK
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shannonsketches · 10 months
every once in a while someone will address my theories as if I think Ganondorf is some good and wholesome misunderstood meow meow while I'm over here drawing him threatening a ten year old with death over a magic flute
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lhrry · 2 years
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musicalsiphonophore · 3 months
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sparrowlucero · 8 months
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Little alien "birds", about the size of button quails. They speak with a very melodic cantor, the holes along their "neck" forming a sort of biological flute that can produce a wide range of sounds. Human speech tends to sound confusing and garbled to them unless it's musical; they're big fans of sensible human media like Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats and Hamilton, though the really avant garde among them might even be into deep cuts like Glee and Phineas and Ferb
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lizzobetumblin · 6 months
Melissa hated her feelings. 
She buried them in a chest in the 5th grade (along with her ability to express them). Other peoples' feelings on the other hand was her forte. She could process, decipher and regurgitate other peoples emotions effortlessly. This gift could’ve taken her through college, all the way to a degree in psychology. Distinguished Dr. Jefferson with a PhD and a cozy office and impressive roster of high-profile, weallthy clients was a shiny idea. Fate would have a different hand for Melissa her talents were exhausted on mediating family fights, friend group drama, and charming her way out of confronting her own feelings. 
“Feelings.” Even saying it out loud to herself seemed silly. Something reserved for ‘cry babies’ and water signs. Typical Sunday nights started tame, reading or writing fan-fiction and drinking cranapple juice. And then like clock work her father would yell her name, 
‘MELISSA!!!’ Emotionless, she’d get up dust off her Winnie the Pooh shorts and make her way downstairs. On the long walk down the hall to the stairs leading to the living room brawl, she’d go through her check list: 
1.) Don’t cry.   
 2.) Stay neutral; Deescalate
3.)Don’t take anything personal. This isn’t about you
She padded down the carpeted stairs in her old soft socks to see her mother tightlipped and tear streaked thinking, 
‘she broke rule number 1’. Her father, Michael was proud and angry, his big belly filled with self righteousness. She knew he would be unyielding in his resolve and at this point her only option was to deescalate.
 ‘Rule number 2’. Then her sister the water sign and calamity for the evening sat on the floor nearly fetal, face red and raw with emotion. 
‘Its not your fault’ Melissa wanted to say ‘You just didn’t follow the rules… you’re loved.’ But she couldn’t say that because she’d be breaking rule number 3. It wasn’t about how Melissa felt. Even though she felt like screaming,
Instead, she decide to hear every one out. She decided to help. To calm her dragon of a father down. To be a translator for her emotional sister. To not take it personal. To stay neutral. To not cry. 
9 years later, at her fathers funeral she still never broke the rules. She played her flute and spoke at his memorial. She was present for her mother because it wasn’t about her. When other peoples' emotions bubbled up she stayed neutral. She sat through both services and she did not cry. It wasn’t until she excused herself to make a phone call outside did she collapse onto the stairs of the funeral home and weep alone in the cold Detroit snow. 
It’s okay to break the rules sometimes, she reminded herself. As long as no one else sees it.
Traumas began to compact on Melissa, as they do. Humans tend to collect traumas like pebbles on a long hike. We toss them into our backpacks and keep moving forward. Some hikers would falter, but Melissa was built for this. She’d carried the stones of her family’s traumas uphill for years. She was strong. 
When men began to befriend and reject her, saying ‘you’re too good for me’ but not too good to make them feel good. She carried that. 
When childhood friends began to cut off the strings of her heart, saying ‘We can’t be friends anymore’. She carried that.
When her family separated like dandelion seeds, it seemed like they’d never be together again. Melissa slept on so many couches, floors and car seats sometimes she didn’t know if she’d see them again. 
She carried that. 
Dying was never an option though sometimes she didn’t mind the thought of it. Peace and warmth were two things she’d desperately yearned and hadn’t felt fully since the womb. Then one night in the pitch black of the hot, sweaty, roach-infested studio in southeast Houston she slept in she wondered:
‘Why can’t I break the rules?’ She’d seen everyone else in her life break them like popsicle sticks. And she didn’t just want to break the rules, she wanted to break them boldly and loudly and annoyingly and honestly and sloppily like every one else gets to do. It was in that moment, tucked in a thin jacket inside of an 8-foot high instrument cubby in the inky darkness—it hit her. 
‘Is my suffering for a high purpose? Or is my suffering trying to kill me?’ 
She cried. 
She escalated. 
She took it personal. 
But it wasn’t enough. She wanted to scream in a microphone in a sea of shadowy faces. She drank whiskey and wove her pain into rock music. 
‘Music is my boyfriend’ she declared. The only man that kept his baggage to hisself. And it healed her. It gave her voice reason and purpose. 
The pebble-laden hike became lighter with time. The incline eventually evened out to flat, beautiful landscapes where the breeze finally met her back. She knew it wasn’t gonna be easy or sunshine but even the rain cleansed her and it was beautiful too. 
Somewhere in the rain she decided rules were meant to be built and broken. Like trust and love and friendships and families. Because every thing deserves the opportunity to change and grow. 
So... She broke rule number 1 on stage while singing a beautiful song. Dr. Jefferson (PhD) screamed for her to stop but she didn’t listen and the tears flowed like rivers of emotion down her cheeks. 
Rule number 2 was broken when she grew older and saw the injustices of the world. Marching with hundreds in protest she realized not everything needs to be pacified. 
And one day when she finally fell in love, she broke rule number 3. No matter how much training she’d done she couldn't help but take every thing her lover said and did personal. But it was ok. Because in all her resistance she realized breaking rules was her power. 
Melissa began to fall for her feelings. Her feelings gave life purpose. They weren’t always logical, as feelings seldom are. They were sloppy and embarrassing and rude and so fucking uncomfortable. But they were hers. And they were real. And when she sat alone sipping wine, staring at the moon…They were the only ones still by her side. Ready to break the rules for her because they loved her. 
And she finally loved them back. 
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thef1diary · 6 months
Little Big Fan | Fourteen
— Little Big Champion
Series Masterlist
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wc: 1.9k
Note: we're gonna pretend that Max won the championship in the race, and the sprint race didn't exist for the purpose of the plot.
"Holy shit," you murmur as the car rolls to a stop right beside Max's private jet. "Shit," your daughter repeats which earns a laugh from Max.
You shake your head and tell her, "don't say that." Luckily, she'd been so focused on the plane that she'd forgotten to wonder why. Other times, even after being given a response, she would persistently demand for the explanation, usually with "why, mama?" multiple times.
You turned your head to look at Max, who was already smiling due to your reaction. "You do know that you're about to ruin every other plane experience for me now, right?" You ask with a little chuckle and Max, being Max, nods. "Yeah, and you do know that we'll be flying private for most of the races," he said, adding, "or vacations."
"Is this your plane, Maxy?" Isabella asked, slightly leaning over your lap to look out the window as it gave her a better view of the aircraft. "It's ours, princess."
Your attention remained fixed on Isabella's expression as she took in all of the details inside the plane. Max was used to the luxurious life after travelling to so many nations in this plane. To you and Isabella, however, it was a whole new experience, and you couldn't help but feel both delighted and comforted that this would eventually become your new normal. Max hasn't hesitated to spoil you or Isabella thus far, and he has no intentions to stop, especially now that he's become addicted to the joy he feels when he does something for you or Isabella.
Once you were settled in, you were welcomed with a glass of champagne for you and Max, and apple juice for Isabella—served in a champagne flute to prevent her from feeling excluded.
This time, it was a much smoother experience for your daughter, especially during takeoff which she was very nervous about based on the last time she had flown.
Isabella was out like a light once the jet was in the air, and she was able to sleep peacefully because flying private had far fewer people than flying commercial. You and Max had moved to the opposite end of the plane to chat freely, but you could still keep an eye on Isabella in case she awoke.
The flight consisted of only Max, Isabella, and you, with a few crew members present. When you saw the lack of his team, you asked about it. "I might've told them to fly commercial," he said with a shrug.
"And they're going to hate me before I even meet them properly," you responded. While you had met a few people that were a part of his team, Max would be reintroducing you as his girlfriend.
He shook his head, "no they won't. I had to make sure that your first private flight experience was the best of the best, and that wouldn't be possible with them around."
You were in a completely new country, new paddock and new track but it still felt familiar since you had Max by your side. A few other drivers had come up to you and your daughter, having recognized you from the last time you were Max's guest at a race.
"I know RedBull is your favourite team, but what about McLaren?" Lando asked Isabella, who pressed a finger against her cheek to pretend to think for a moment. "I like RedBull, Ferrari, and then McLaren," she counted on her fingers.
Lando's jaw dropped, placing a hand to his chest in mock hurt, "third?" Isabella giggled, "out of ten, Lando."
"But still, what will it take for McLaren to be first?" Max interjected before she could respond to Lando's question. "Stop bothering my Bella, you're not her favourite." He was pleased to be her favourite, both on and off the track. Perhaps second to you off track because you were her mother, but he'd still consider it a win.
Lando approached the three of you a few minutes earlier, immediately sparking up a conversation with Isabella after hearing all the good things about her through Max. Lando was one of the very few people Max had told about you during the short break between races. It was strange to see Lando clad in the opposing team colours near the rival team's garage, but he had to know the two people who owned Max's heart—which were exactly the words Max had told him, albeit Lando found those words a tad too sappy.
Ignoring Max's comment even though he looked up to acknowledge him, he asked Isabella another question. "What about your favourite driver, and don't say Max."
Max looked at you with an expression that said, "are you going to let this happen?" You laughed, looking at the Brit and commenting, "I don't think you'll be happy with the answer, Lando."
"Maxy is my favourite but Charlie too," Isabella stated right after your words earning a gasp from Max and Lando. "Charles?" Max asked, surprised as well.
Max never really thought about it and certainly didn't think Charles would be her second favourite driver. He was aware that Isabella would undoubtedly have other favourites than him but just not as good as him.
"Yes, Charlie," Isabella confirmed, and at the same time the driver walked past them, stopping once he heard his name.
"Ah, hello Bella," he held his hand up for a high-five. He playfully removed the cap she already had on—which was the one Max gifted—to replace it with the one he had on his head; Ferrari.
Max leaned closer to you and whispered, "there are too many non-redbull drivers here." Hiding your laugh behind your hand, you responded, "you can't tell them to leave though, we're not in the garage." He raised his eyebrow, "why not?"
"Just look at Bella," you said, nudging your head towards the scene in front of you two. Her eyes lit up as she giggled at the two drivers who spoke to her. Lando placed his McLaren cap on her head, on top of Charles' cap already on her head in an attempt to outshine the Ferrari driver.
That earned a smile from Max, "I'm glad she's comfortable here, not many kids are." You nodded, "well she will be growing up around the tracks, either to watch you or if she decides to be like you."
Max's head snapped in your direction, "what do you mean be like me? She wants to race?" Around you, he was always expressive, so you could see the glint of hope that was beginning to form in his eyes. Again, you nodded, "she might've mentioned it once or twice but if you can't tell I barely know anything about the sport and even less about karting."
"I can help, please let me take her karting," Max immediately requested, because the prospect of Isabella starting karting, especially under his coaching and guidance, was nothing short of a dream.
"I think she would love that, but let me tell you now that it's already scary enough seeing you race so I'm not sure how I would handle it if Isabella has even a fraction of your talent," you stated firmly, earning a sharp nod in understanding from him.
Max grinned as he observed your daughter incorporating Charles and Lando into her imaginary activities. This time, the two professional drivers were passengers while she was playing the role of a race car driver.
"Oi, lovebirds, join us," Lando made a disgusted expression as he witnessed you and Max cuddled together, but he secretly enjoyed seeing the two of you together—not that he would ever tell Max.
Dropping the conversation for now, you and Max joined in on the little game until the drivers were needed by their various team members.
He did it; Max won the race and the world championship title yet again, for the third time in a row. As a result of his competitiveness and success as a driver, the title had already been determined with five races remaining in the season.
Behind the row of team members—mainly from RedBull and McLaren—you stood among them in parc fermé with a tight grasp on your daughter's hand waiting for Max to park the car in the spot reserved for the race winner.
Cheers and claps could be heard loudly as he stood on top of the car for a moment, throwing his hands up in celebration. With his helmet still on, he rushed towards the team standing behind the barricades, earning praises and applauses from each person he neared.
Amongst the crowd, he spotted you, and while you couldn't see his full face, you knew from the way his eyes crinkled around the corners that he adorned a wide smile on his face.
Max stood right in front of you, but yet it was still too far as a few people were blocking his view of you. Gesturing with his hands, he asked for you to be brought closer and you obliged as soon as you were given space.
He removed his helmet and balaclava which allowed you to see his beautiful face, still adorning a smile on his face but only fondness in his eyes remained as he continued looking at you.
Shoving the balaclava inside the helmet, he held it in one hand to the side while grasping the back of your head with the other. The noises around you seemed to fade away as soon as his lips touched yours, leaving you with only the immense hammering of your heart.
Parting away, you rested your forehead against his for a moment. “Congratulations, baby,” you spoke, loud enough to be heard amongst the crowd that you couldn’t care less about in this moment.
The audience begins to disperse, gathering around the podium for the upcoming celebrations. Max receives a pat on the back, indicating that it is time to go to the cooldown room, but his gaze never shifts away from you.
He knew he couldn't leave without placing another kiss on your lips, so he gave in to his desires by closing his eyes, silencing the world around him once more to focus on the delicate sensation of your lips pressing against his.
Max truly felt like a champion, because not only did he win the world driver's championship of this season but he also had you right by his side to experience the thrill of winning it all. He may have won two other championships in the previous years, but this one felt completely different; much better.
Inevitably, he's pulled away from you by someone from his team. "Go get that trophy, champion," you state, wanting to see him hold the race winning trophy now, and even the championship trophy during the gala.
Right before turning around, he focused on your daughter, messing with Isabella's hair again until she slapped his hands away. She still had a really big smile on her face, having seen Max win the race and the championship at the same time.
You still held Isabella's hand as you began the short walk towards the podium, but she squeezed it tighter to grab your attention. Your smile plummeted and dread instantly filled your heart as you heard your daughter's words, "mama look, it's daddy," she pointed at him with her free hand.
Taglist: @xjval @mrsmaybank13 @cherry-piee @urfavnoirette @solphin @burningcupcakefire @nessacarty1 @dreamsarebig @omgsuperstarg @wonnou @fanficweasley @redbullgirly @llando4norris @randomgirlnumber13 @dark-night-sky-99 @chanshintien @leilanixx @gisellesprettylies @peachiicherries @monsieurbacteria6 @67-angelofthelordme-67 @arian-directioner @distancedss @morenofilm @sachaa-ff @lighttsoutlewis @teamnovalak @casperlikej @sadg3 @d3kstar @lewisvinga @lpab @queenofmanydreams @honethatty12 @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @its-avalon-08 @yourbane @oconswrld @noneofyourfbusinessworld @ssrcsm @softtina @hockeyboysarehot @formulaal @namgification @tallrock35 @bloodyymaryyy @formulanni @ellouisa17 @phantomxoxo @samantha-chicago
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seospicybin · 10 months
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Changbin x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle masterlist
Synopsis: You and Changbin become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (14,5k words)
Author's note: I chose Changbin because it's cuffing season and now we got a reason to get a big boy, I want a big boy oh.... ifykyk
"Oh, this is so beautiful!" You sigh in amazement at the beautiful view of the beach.
You turn your head to the beautiful blond girl you're holding hands with, Sabine and it feels nice to be the first one to enter the villa with her.
"Oh, my Gosh!" She gasps, looking as amazed as you.
There are two small round tables with bottles of chilled wine inside the bucket of ice. Sabine takes one bottle and manages to pop it open without hassle.
You hurriedly take two champagne flutes and hold them as she pours the bubbly wine, she squeals as she almost overfills them.
"Cheers!" You both exclaim with your glasses clinking against each other.
Sabine gasps after taking a long sip and looks at you, "You're really pretty," she says.
Who doesn't like hearing a compliment especially when it comes from a beautiful person?
"You too," you say back with a cheeky smile.
"I see that you pierced your nipple," she says, easily spotting your pierced nipple through your blue bikini.
"Yes. I like them," you show her the piercings you have on both of your ears.
"That's really cool!"
"I did them myself," you proudly tell her.
Sabine gasps at that, "You're wild!"
Well, it's something you often hear people say about you, that you're wild and probably have been that way ever since you knew boys.
YOU: I'm the main character of my life, not a secondary one. I have a lot to give [winks] so bring me men, bring me women, bring me whatever. I hate rules and I do not follow them. I'm a little crazy [laughs] I'm not here to fall in love. I'm here to have fun.
"Wait, I'm picking up an accent here," you notice that Sabine is carrying an accent in the way she speaks.
She swallows her wine before saying, "I'm French."
"Oh, la la!" You playfully say with a nudge on her shoulder.
Sabine has that blue eyes that slowly drowns you in them and she knows how to use them as a form of seduction.
"Stop staring at me like that, you're so hot," you tell her while fanning yourself.
She laughs in satisfaction, "I got the feeling that you're open to anything."
You allow yourself to look at her small, heart-shaped face and her ski slope nose with a nose ring on the left nostril, there's no doubt that you can easily vibe with her.
"I am," you shortly confirm.
She gives you the eyes again and flashes you a flirty smile, "We're going to have so much fun then," she raises her glass for another toast.
If they leave you two alone for another minute, you're sure you would be kissing her already but fortunately, the next guest enters the villa.
"Okay, he's cute," Sabine comments while holding her glass close to her mouth.
First, this guy is so tall and he has that dirty blond hair that he keeps brushed to the back.
"Hello," he greets both of you with a bright smile.
He stands between the two of you to introduce himself, "I'm Oliver."
"I'm Sabine," she introduces herself as they exchange a quick hug.
As he turns to hug you, you hurriedly introduce yourself to him. You hand him a glass next and Sabine fills it for him.
"Where are you from?" Sabine asks.
"Guess where I'm from!" He dares you with a sly smile.
His distinct accent is not hard to guess, "Australia?"
"Yeah, but I've been living in the US," he adds, then takes a sip of his drink.
"My ex is Australian so I know," you mindlessly share.
That gets Oliver's head turned at you, "So, you're into Australians?"
"Sometimes, yeah," you give him a vague answer just to amuse him.
That seems to work wonderfully as he has his eyes on you until he realizes that he has another girl to pay attention to.
"You guys look gorgeous by the way," he says as he takes a step back just to check out the two of you.
"Oh, thank you!" Sabine says with a bashful smile.
"Anyway, what are you looking for in this show?" You ask him out of curiosity.
"I'm here to have a damn good time, honestly," he answers with a grin.
"Yes! Cheers to that!" Sabine says, initiating another toast by lifting her glass in the air.
YOU: They're so hot. I can definitely have a good threesome with them [laughs]
Changbin has no pressure whatsoever to be the last one to enter the villa.
He has so many things to offer more than just his looks. He's a confident man, he knows what he wants, and a great conversationist. A fair warning though, those good qualities are followed by a short fuse. Let's hope no one is having intentions to spark that fuse.
Changbin takes pride in being dominant but he balances it with his loyalty. He may be a casual dater but he never cheated on his partners or led them on when he has no interest in taking the relationship further.
In other words, whoever gets to be with him is lucky.
With the mindset that he owns this show already, Changbin steps into the villa, walking in confident strides that match his smoldering eyes.
If he thinks that he's it, then everyone would believe that he is it and Changbin feels like he owns this place already.
His presence demands attention and all eyes are on him, looking at him with eyes that are either curious or impressed.
"Hello there, big boy!" One of the girls greets him rather enthusiastically.
She introduces herself right away to him with a cheek kiss, "I'm Niamh."
"Changbin," he tells her his name and proceeds to introduce himself to the other guests.
All of the males are taller and more good-looking than him but he has all the girls' attention on him. See? It's not about looks, it's about how he carries himself.
"I'm just going to be honest, you're so my type," the other girl says to him.
"Yeah?" Changbin asks with a cocky smile.
"Yeah," she answers.
He believes her name is Riley and she is a gorgeous brunette with legs for days.
"Come over here then and have a drink with me," he says, leading her to the other table and popping a new bottle of champagne open.
CHANGBIN: I have a strong personality. I need someone to match me, I like them wild just so I can tame them [smiles] A look can say it all [flexes biceps] I put my whole body in the game so there's no reason to look at me and not want me right? [seductively smiles]
You didn't believe in love at first sight but today, when you saw those five guys walking into the villa, you fell in love five times in one day.
The last guy though, ooh, he exudes a strong aura, a charisma that you rarely find in men. Not to mention, he's big and muscular, you feel the urge to climb him like he was a tree.
Not wanting to make it obvious, you turn your body to the girl standing next to you, a Brazilian hottie, Rita.
"My god, he's delicious," you quietly whisper to her with an overwhelmed sigh.
Rita's eyes automatically search for the one you're talking about, "Who is?"
You glance at where he's standing, "Changbin."
"Who is Changbin?" She innocently asks.
You snicker in response and put your arm around her arm, it's convenient because she has a petite yet toned body.
"You're just one clueless baby, aren't you?"
For now, he's occupied by Riley as she keeps filling his glass with more wine but you can see that he's not that interested in her.
Frankly, you have more to offer to him.
YOU: Changbin... The things I want to do to that man. Ugh! [groans]
The first stop on the tour of the villa is the bedroom and everyone is excited at the number of beds in the room. There are ten of them and only six beds in the room, everyone has to pair up or they can choose to sleep alone on the bed.
Changbin has a plan to get himself a bed partner soon but he doesn't want to be hasty about it. He considers himself lucky that he's been getting the eyes from a couple of girls but he's curious about one girl and that's you.
Frankly, you're just as attractive as the others but you have this charm that inexplicably attracts him, making him want to get to know you more.
He sees you sitting at the end of a bed and decides to sit next to you.
"Where are you going to sleep?" He asks.
You lean back on the bed with your hands propped against the mattress, "I don't know," you answer with a cheeky smile.
"Where do you think should I sleep?" You ask him back with your eyes staring deeply into his eyes.
This level of confidence, not only that he likes it, Changbin feels the need to match it.
"On these big arms," he answers while showing off his big, toned arms.
Catching you ogling at them, he uses it to his advantage to let you touch him, "Want to touch it?"
"I wouldn't say no to that," you answer with a sly smile.
Changbin quickly pumps his arm for a while to present you with his glorious biceps, "You can touch them now," he says.
Your hand flies to feel his muscles, "Oh, wow, that's hard," you say in awe.
"Is that hard enough for you?"
You let out a chuckle, "For now, yeah."
"I can pump it again for you," he jokingly offers.
Your hand glides up his arm and rests it on his shoulder, "Or I can pump it for you next time," you make a lewd joke.
He has to admit that you know how to make him hot and bothered and he's not the type that easily gets hot and bothered.
CHANGBIN: I'm going to keep my options open but I got a head start so now I just have to maintain it.
"So girls, if you have to pick one right now without thinking too much, who would you pick?" Niamh asks with a thick Irish accent.
The girls are all gathered in the firepit to talk about the boys and which one of them they fancy. Sabine gets to be the first to reveal her answer, she turns her head to look at the boys who are hanging out in the cabana.
"I don't know... can I just let them pick me?" Sabine says with a giggle.
That's easy for her to say since she's the most popular girl in the retreat, you bet half of the boys are talking about her right now.
"How about you, Rita?"
Rita is busy playing with her hair to pay attention to the conversation going around the space, "What?"
She happens to sit next to you so you put your hand on her knee to keep her engaged, "Is there anyone you fancy?"
"Oh, I like Liam," she says.
Nico is dark and tall and has a gorgeous smile, you can see why Rita is attracted to him. They would make a cute pair with their height difference.
"Oh, yeah, Liam is one hella piece of chocolate," you nod in agreement.
Rita breaks into laughter at your words, "I bet he'll melt in my mouth," she cheekily says.
Niamh looks at the girl sitting at the end of the sofa, "Riley?"
"I want to keep my options open but I got my eyes on Changbin," she answers.
Welp, there goes your competition.
"You're not upset, right?" Riley thinks you wouldn't catch her throwing a glance at you but she's wrong to think that you'd feel threatened.
"Not at all," you calmly answer.
"Well, he's really hot," Riley shamelessly adds with a laugh.
"He is hot. Who disagrees?" You respond with a coy shrug.
YOU: If she feels like it, just do it. I'll do whatever I want but if someone tries to cut me off then... [blows kisses] bye-bye baby.
Everyone's head turns to see Liam calling for them from across the swimming pool with the rest of the boys.
"Come, join us!" He says, inviting everyone for an impromptu pool party.
Not long after everyone gets into the water, they scatter to get some move on and you decide to wade your way to the side of the pool.
You have time to get your moves later and if someone snatched your guy away, it would be alright with you, you're here to have fun anyway.
Talking about fun, you see that you're about to get some.
It's hard not to notice that Changbin is making his way to you, his hands are wading in the water as he gets closer to you. With a hand pushed against the wall of the pool next to you, that leaves not much space between your bodies.
Changbin doesn't say anything but looks at you with a smile plastered on his face.
"You look shorter from a distance but you're actually quite tall," you tell him, even though he's only a couple of inches taller than you but men like it whenever a girl compliments their physique.
"Well, I'm huge," he simply says and he probably thinks you won't notice that he slowly closing the gap between your bodies.
Your eyes automatically look at the beads of water trickling down his arms and chest, you don't even try to keep it subtle while doing it.
"Yeah, I can see that," you tell him.
Changbin seems to like being ogled on, his mouth curls into a cocky smirk and it looks so damn attractive on him.
You look at him and brush your wet hair to the back, "How about me?"
"Very hot," he answers without a beat.
The way he eagerly answers you tell how much he's been waiting for you to ask him that, and you can't help but chuckle at it.
"A bit aggressive, okay..." you respond with a nod.
He rests another hand against the wall of the pool, caging you in between while closing another inch of space between your bodies.
"Why not?"
"Well, you could say I'm cute," you answer with your head tilted to the side while maintaining eye contact with him.
His hand moves to your side, holding you by your ribcage with his thumb teasing the elastic band of your bikini top.
"You're cute, you're gorgeous, you have good energy," he compliments you as he steals another inch to get closer to you.
"And you're really hot," he finishes with a flirty smile.
It's in the eyes and the words he said, he knows how to combine those two and turn them into a weapon.
You gently push him away but seeing how big he is, of course, it's a useless effort.
"You're bad, you're a smooth talker," you tell him with giggles.
He puts on a triumphant smile, "You can make me good," he says.
You look away to collect some senses into your head, not wanting to fall into his trap just yet. It's still early, you still want to explore your options.
"Not sure about that but do whatever you want," you tell him with a light head shake.
There comes the sly smirk on his face again, "So, I can do whatever I want, huh?" He says.
You keep your hand on his chest to stop him from coming closer, "Do whatever you want in your personal space," you correct your first remark.
There's no winning against him, Changbin takes another step to close the remaining gap between your bodies, "Well, I'm in your personal space now," he says with his face mere inches away from yours.
Your hand on his chest fails to stop him so you may as well use it to feel his firm muscles. You can feel you're slowly cracking under his intense, lustful gaze. You quickly look to the side and have nothing to say back to him.
He pushes his body against you and you can feel the heat his body emits even though you are both soaked in water. He then leans into the side of your face and whispers, "We're in a shared space now so what's going to happen?"
Changbin knows how to play this game, his eye, his words, and now his whole body is pushed against you, they're all moving under one powerful command and that is to conquer you.
He makes you forget about your surroundings and everyone can see what he's doing to you. You dare yourself to look at him and place your hands on his chest.
Still, you have nothing to say to him knowing that he'll use it against you.
"Come on," he says, getting bolder by putting his arm around your waist.
"Just a kiss," he mutters with his hot breath fanning your neck, not hesitating to kiss your neck afterward.
Oh, fuck, he's so confident and aggressive, the next thing you know, he'll be preying on you. You find it hard to resist him and can only lowly laugh at his persistence but what's the fun of giving him what he wants? This cocky boy needs to learn a little patience.
At once, you push him stronger than before, sending him a few steps back, and that way, you can escape him.
Changbin hits the water and it splashes over you, "Come back!"
You're only laughing at him as you're heading to the steps and before getting out of the pool, you look over your shoulder at Changbin, "Later!."
YOU: I can tell that this guy is going to give me a hard time.
Changbin wouldn't say that he failed, it's just that, you're a little tricky to win over.
He gets it that maybe it's just day one and you want to keep your options open, but he doesn't want to waste time.
Changbin dries himself off with a towel and then sits on the empty lounger.
"I see that you made your move, man," Liam says, sitting on the lounger next to him.
Changbin tosses his towel away and sits with his hands clasped in front of him, "Yeah, but you saw everything, she's acting like—"
"Just let it go, you know, go with the flow, let the gears spin," Liam cooly suggests.
If Liam still wants to go with the flow then that's his choice, but Changbin doesn't see why he should wait when he already knows what he wants and he wants you, there's no one else that catches his interest like you.
He can see that you have quite a fiery personality, you're passionate and forthright, and there's nothing fake about you. He senses that you're a little wild but he knows what to do about it.
"Frankly, I would hook up with all of the girls, they're all attractive," Changbin gives his honest opinion.
Liam nods in approval, his dark curly hair bouncing along with him.
"But she's the one that I can connect with more than the other," Changbin continues as he takes his water tumbler to take a sip.
"Yeah, you make a good match," Liam comments.
Changbin swallows his water before continuing to talk, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand after.
"I want to know whether it's mutual or not," Changbin says.
"Yeah, yeah," Liam nodding along to his words.
"If it's not then that's the way it is," Changbin finishes then takes another sip of water.
"Then go for it, man! Take control of the game!" Liam encourages him.
It doesn't get to him that he has indeed lost control of the situation. Liam is right and he knows exactly what to do.
Changbin should get back on his feet and call you to the game.
CHANGBIN: It's time to take control of the game [smirks]
Taking advantage of the empty dressing room, you decide to be the first one to shower and put on a new pair of bikini. After drying your hair, you think of putting on something over your bikini.
You're standing in front of your closet as you try to settle on your choice of clothing. Hearing footsteps coming toward you, you close the door of your closet to see who it is.
Knowing his personality, Changbin wouldn't stop until he gets what he wants so you kind of expect that he'll come for you again, but not this soon.
He leans the side of his body against the closet and looks at you, giving you the eyes without saying anything.
"Stop looking at me like that," you tell him with a chuckle.
He stays quiet but crosses his arms on his chest as his smile grows wider on his face.
You turn to face him and ask, "What do you want?"
"What do I want?" He asks you back because he knows that you know.
"Okay, you don't need to say it," you tell him and you can't escape him again, not this time.
He leans in close and sweetly asks, "Can I do it?"
You subtly roll your eyes at him, "Do you even have to—"
With or without your permission, he's going to kiss you anyway so you lean in first and let him do the rest.
The kiss is intense, like you can feel how much he wants it and at the same time, he wants to show you what he is capable of. He puts his arms around you before resting his back against the closet. With the strength he has, you're sure you can't easily escape him this time.
But boy, he knows how to kiss, he knows how to make you dizzy with the way he uses both his plush lips and slick tongue. He makes you feel like breathing isn't necessary, you just want to keep kissing him until you turn blue.
Driven by the desire, you find yourself pushing him against the wall and opening your mouth for him, a moan or two escapes your mouth in between kisses.
When your lungs feel like catching fire, you let go of the kiss but not without sucking on his lower lip first.
Changbin smirks, liking what you're doing to him and you expect no less than that.
You have him caged between your arms now as you catch your breath, looking at him with filthy thoughts in your head and you bet he thinks the same things too.
"I know what you're doing to me," he says.
Well, great minds think alike.
"Mmh? Yeah?" You let your breath brush his cheek.
You crack a laugh at how he stifles a breath as you put your whole weight against him, pressing onto his crotch.
"Are you laughing? How about I throw you onto that table, mmh?" He taunts you but that only gets you excited.
"Shh..." You shush him and press another kiss on his lips to shut him up.
You feel his hand glides down to your ass and fondles it as he deepens the kiss. It's so quiet in the room that you can only hear the smooching sounds of your kisses, it's good that no one comes into the dressing room and interrupts the two of you.
Changbin lets go of your lips to drag his mouth down your neck and kisses you there. You drop your hands around his shoulders, allowing him to bury his head in the crook of your neck.
With one slobbering kiss on the column of your neck, Changbin finally lets go.
"I'd better go," he says.
You giggle because not only that he doing the opposite of what he said, but he tightens his arms around you.
"I'm getting excited," he continues with a heavy sigh.
The growing bulge inside his swimming trunk is apparent and you can feel it without having to look at it, "Yeah, I feel it," you tell him.
Truthfully, you don't feel sorry for turning him on but you do feel bad for not taking responsibility for it. You take a step back to put a space between your bodies yet Changbin pulls you by the elbow to place a long peck on your lips and smiles when he pulls away.
It seems like you're already trapped in his charms but what's there to lose? You win big here.
YOU: I can't say it was bad because it wasn't. It was so fucking good [groans] I want more!
Excitement and jitters are mixed into one in the dressing room as everyone gets ready for tonight.
The excitement comes from everyone getting so hyped up for the first party in the villa while the jitters come from not knowing what the first quest will be.
"What do you think the first quest is?" Niamh asks while coloring her pale cheeks with pink blush.
You cluelessly shake your head, "I have no idea," you answer.
"As long as I don't have to hunt or skin animals, I'm good," Riley says with a laugh.
As for yourself, you feel good about tonight. You put on your best outfit, put make-up on and a thick coat of red lipstick.
The boys are already waiting as you and the other girls are coming to join them by the pool, everyone takes a drink served on the table along with trays of bite-sized food.
Everyone raises their glasses in the air to propose a toast.
"To a good time!" Liam leads the toast.
"To a good time!" Everyone repeats.
Sabine adds a high-pitched scream at the end of the toast as she clinks her glass with yours, sending the sweety alcoholic drink sloshing out of the glass and trickling down your wrist.
You laugh it off and sip your drink at the same time the music starts playing, kicking off the party with an upbeat song.
"Got you!" Someone says, holding you from the back.
From the size of his arms, you can tell who it is. You immediately turn around to face him and put your glass away, "be careful," you warn about the little incident you had earlier with your drink.
Ignoring your warning, Changbin takes your hand and places an open-mouthed kiss on your wrist, from there, he continues his trail of kisses upward, along your arm and stopping at your shoulder.
You giggle as he places a final kiss on your neck, "Put your drink away and dance with me," you say.
He obeys right away, putting his drink on the table nearby and back to putting his hands on your waist. The two of you dance with your foreheads pressed in the middle and your bodies slowly swaying against the fast-paced music.
It's either the weather or the proximity or the intensity of his stare, you find yourself feeling hot inside and out. You can feel a thin layer of sweat forming on your forehead.
Changbin drops his head into your neck and you feel him inhaling your scent.
"Do you like how I smell?" You playfully ask him.
He smiles against your neck and nods, "Smells heavenly."
You place a kiss on his jaw and get a quick sniff of his perfume. He smells of musk and citrus which is something that quite captures him as a person.
"You smell good too," you tell him with a smile.
The hand resting on the arch of your back moves up to the nape of your neck and you can easily guess what he's going to do next.
The second he starts leaning in, you close your eyes and feel his lips on yours the next second. The tongue that pries open your mouth, the hand taking a fistful of your hair and the other one that grips your waist only proves that his kiss is never just a kiss, it's passionate, deep, and hungry, and it consumes you whole.
Ultimately, he does it to show everyone that you're his.
You have to push him by the chest to stop kissing you as you're running out of breath, "I need to breathe, don't you think?"
Changbin responds with a shameless grin and draws you close again, not letting you get away from him.
You wipe the lipstick mark on his lips with your thumb only for him to kiss you again. You roll your eyes at him in response to that.
"It looks good on me so leave it," he coyly says to you.
You manage to dodge away as he's about to kiss you again and laugh at him while he pouts at you.
Changbin sure has a distinct charm that you rarely find in a guy.
You lean in this time and place a long peck on his plump lips, slowly forgetting about your surroundings and that you're filming a TV show.
The lights suddenly off in the villa and the music abruptly stops, everyone turns their heads to the source of lights remaining in the vicinity.
The staff leads everyone to the beach and not long after, you see a boat coming ashore. As everyone else is cheering, you feel a little nervous about it.
"Do you think it's the first quest?" Niamh asks from next to you.
The quests! It only sinks into you now that the show tells you that the guests have to do a series of quests to win the show.
After registering everything, you gasp in surprise, "Oh, my God!"
Someone is getting off the boat and you assume he's the host of the show, he takes a stand on the small platform propped on the sand.
"Welcome to Love Quest!" He starts.
Everyone is cheering and applauding, then Oliver comes out of nowhere and puts his arm around your shoulder, his cheeks are blushed from drinking.
"What do you think we'll do?" He asks the same question with Rita.
"No idea," you honestly tell him.
The host takes a look at everyone with a cryptic smile on his face, "What do you think the first quest is?"
"I don't know but I'll probably shit my pants," Riley answers with a laugh.
"Well, are you ready for it?" The host turns on his feet to look at the boat.
"Yes!" Everyone answers in unison, followed by more claps and cheers.
"Time to find out your first quest!"
Two people are carrying a box down the boat, from the way they carefully place it next to the host with a loud thud, you can tell how heavy it is.
The host holds the handle of the lid of the box and keeps his cryptic smile on his face.
"This is your first quest..."
YOU: Oh, my God! What is about to happen?
Changbin has no idea why everyone is shocked to see a cone rising out of the box.
It must have something to do with the quest right? But why does everyone have to be this devastated? It's just—
Standing next to him, Sabine asks, "Is this what I think it is?"
"What?" Changbin cluelessly asks her back because he's confused still.
"Oh, my God!" Sabine turns panic with her hand flying to cover her mouth.
He looks around and everyone is having similar reactions as Sabine, except him, he's the only one being utterly confused.
Changbin helps Sabine steadies herself and asks, "What? Tell me! What?"
Sabine turns her head at him to finally answer him, "This is too hot to handle."
What is that? He asks himself, going deeper into the pit of confusion. He's more curious as to why everyone is acting like it's the end of the world.
Then the cone chimes and lights up, startling him because he thinks that it's just an air freshener or a portable speaker, not an AI talking robot.
"As you can see, this is no longer Love Quest," Lana begins.
He looks to the side and notices you with your mouth hanging open.
"This is Too Hot To Handle," he cone announces.
"No!" Sabine groans, grabbing at Changbin's arm.
"That means no fun, ever!" She emphasizes every word with deep sorrow.
"You have been specially selected because all of you are having meaningless flings over genuine relationships."
"That's rude!" Niamh shouts at the cone.
While Oliver grins and agrees right away, "Not wrong at all!"
"Since your arrival, I have been gathering data on your wild behavior but from now on, you must adhere to my retreat rules."
Next to Sabine, Changbin sees Liam put his hands on each side of his head, looking upset. He catches him looking, then says, "Oh man, I didn't get to rub one out to like, you know, say goodbye."
Changbin has no idea what it's got to do with the rules or maybe...
"No kissing."
What? Changbin has kissed you so many times only to be told that he can't do it again?
"No heavy petting."
It starts to dawn on him why everyone reacted the way they were when the cone popped out of the box.
"No sex."
He gets why everyone acts like it's the end of the world because it's far worse than that.
"The rules also apply to self-gratification."
"Shit! Fuck!" Changbin curses out of reflex at the mention of it.
Not only that he can't do physical things to other people, he can't even touch his own body. Does that even make sense?
Sabine hits her head at Changbin's arm, "We're fucked!"
"As part of your social development, I have allocated a prize of $200,000," Lana announces.
"That changes everything," Liam comments
There's money on the line now and that motivates everyone to follow the rule and some people are cheering in excitement.
Well, the money sounds good but to earn it by refraining from any sexual practices for a month? That's kind of impossible for Changbin.
"Surely, we can spend a few grand," Oliver says with his arm around you.
Changbin allows him for now as he seems a little tipsy.
"No, man, no!" Liam quickly shuts him off, putting an end to his rebellious ideas.
"But we got 200k of them," Oliver says with a subtle grin.
Liam lightly shakes his head at him, "Oh, no, you're going to mess this up for all of us," he says, sensing troubles in what Oliver said.
Looking at Sabine, Changbin believes that Oliver is going to have a hard time not touching her. Then he looks at you and realizes that it's going to be hell for him too.
"Welcome to your long, hard, sexless summer!"
CHANGBIN: It's too late to back out right? [Clicks tongue] Guess we're going to go with it [sighs]
"That was a bad party," you groan, taking off your strappy heels as it's hard to walk on the sand in them.
Rita links her arm with you to walk back to the villa together, "How much do you think a kiss costs?"
"Two to three grand, I guess?" You wildly guess.
You're familiar with the show but never stayed long to pay attention to how the show works except that it doesn't allow you to get all kinds of sexual with each other which is going to be difficult for you.
All these times, you do things as you please and that includes kissing or even sex. It's so easy for you to do it with anyone because you keep things casual, with no attachments whatsoever which makes it easier.
Now that the fun is being taken away from you, you have no idea how you're going to do it. It becomes harder later that you're sharing a bed with a man that you are physically attracted to.
Seriously though, what have you done that makes you deserve this?
You're not the only one moaning and groaning in complaint about these sudden rules in the villa, the girls can't stop talking as they remove their make-up to get ready for bed. Your bedtime routine takes double the time as you can't help but join in on the chat with the girls.
"Which one do you think is going to be first to rule break?" Riley asks while brushing her long brown hair as she speaks.
"Not me," Niamh immediately answers.
You glance at Sabine who's giggling in response to Riley's question, "Sabine..."
Sabine puts her hand under her chin, "I think we should kiss each other and be the first to break the rules," she gives her opinion.
"That's not a bad idea," Rita agrees with her.
"No, I think we should make the boys sweat a bit," Riley offers another idea.
"I like that more, yes," you agree with her.
"But Oliver is so hot and I'm sharing the bed with him," Sabine whines at you.
You shrug because you have no answer to that, you're in the same predicament as her.
"Sabine, no, honey, you can do it!" Niamh encourages her
You sense that Niamh is going to be the protector of the prize money and you can't blame her for that, it's a lot of money, and you would love to win it.
However, the possibility for you to win that money is close to zero.
"Something about being told not to do something, you know," Riley says, now braiding her hair in one big pigtail.
"I know, right?" Sabine gasps.
For you, rules are something you are never good at following because they are meant to be broken anyway so why bother following them in the first place?
YOU: Now that I can't have it, I want it more [bites lips]
It's been an eventful day and he's looking forward to ending it.
Changbin sees that you're stepping into the room and heading straight to his bed, this is the part he's been looking forward to, he wants to end this day with you.
It sucks that he has Lana's rules to follow but that doesn't stop him from feeling ecstatic to share the bed with you. Especially with you dressed in a short night dress that barely covers your ass.
Oh, it's going to be a long, agonizing night for him to try not to touch you.
A smile dances on your face as you crawl on the bed and sit next to him with your back facing the room, you innocently rest your hand on his thigh like it wouldn't affect him.
"Is this what you're wearing to bed?" You ask him, pinching the hem of his black boxer.
"Yeah," he simply answers, looking at his sleeping attire of a boxer and a black t-shirt.
Changbin tries to look at your face but the plunging neckline of your night dress keeps distracting him, he can also see your nipples poking through the thin fabric.
However, his hand remains steady on your thigh, fingers lightly rubbing the skin to feel how smooth it is.
It's getting a little noisy in the bedroom with everyone talking all at once, or they're simply as excited to share beds.
You look over your shoulder for a while then put your leg between his as you look back at him, "I think it's going to be so weird to have sex in front of people," you suddenly say out of nowhere.
Changbin is half listening when his eyes are busy listing over your body, "Yeah..."
"Not that we're going to," you quickly add with low giggles.
Your hand glides up to his stomach and slipping it under his t-shirt, it's like you know that's his sensitive area.
"Just saying..." you add with a playful grin.
Now that you hinted at it, he can't help but imagine it, and without waiting for his brain to send the command, his hand moves up to your waist and grips it.
"Because you know, you get going..." you slightly grind on his thigh and pretend to moan to show it to him.
"And you know, like, it's going to be so loud," you finish talking with a sly smile on your face, knowing what you just did to him and what it does to him.
Changbin's imagination is getting vivid and he bites his lower lip to suppress the urge to kiss you. He plays with the lace fabric of the hem of your night dress, "Is that how you do it?"
You tip your head to the side, "What? Fast and loud?"
"If we do it fast, I'm not sure you can keep up with me," he says with a daring smirk, fueling his filthy mind with his own words.
You prop your hands against the mattress to hover above him and then mutter, "I just want you to throw me around."
Then you put your body on top of him which he gladly embraces, he can feel your body slowly molding into his and it feels so intimate to feel each other's bodies like this as he puts his arms around you to keep you close.
You feel soft and small against him, Changbin gets the urge to protect and take care of you but at the same time, he wants to rip your clothes off and make you cry out of pleasure.
And he never met someone that made him feel that way until today.
CHANGBIN: She makes me horny as hell, makes me want to get down and dirty right there with her.
Maybe both of you were mentally drained from the revelation that this is not Love Quest anymore and not much happened before you both went to sleep last night.
Through the curtains, you can see that it's already bright outside but the lights aren't on yet.
Changbin's arm is draped around your waist and you clutch it close to your chest, snuggling yourself close to his body.
"Oh?" You lowly gasp, feeling something poking behind you.
You feel tempted to touch it or at least, take a look at it but you refrain, you decide to tease him by rubbing your ass against his morning wood.
It doesn't take long for him to realize what you've been doing to him, he lays his hand flat on your stomach to stop you but you're relentlessly continuing to do it.
"Stop it," he scolds into your ear but you pick up the playful cadence in his sleepy voice.
Ignoring him, you arch your back more and keep teasing him. This time, Changbin firmly grips at your waist to stop you.
"You're going to get me in trouble," he mutters.
You decide to obey him and pull at his arm, wanting him to hold you close again.
Changbin puts away the hair covering your neck then places a long kiss there, he places another kiss on your shoulder blade before cuddling you again.
"Mmh..." he delightfully hums, "I can get used to this."
And you can't think of a better place to wake up to than next to him, it feels warm and snug in his arms and you don't think you'd get it from anyone else but him.
Then the lights are on and the cone chimes, waking up everyone from their slumber.
"Good morning, everyone!" Lana greets.
It's not ideal to start the day hearing the cone talking but then again, you're here under her authority.
"Morning," you sleepily answer.
You lay on your back but Changbin clings to you, burying his head in your neck with his hand resting across your chest.
"Get ready for some fun in the sun but the only way you're going to get wet is getting into the pool."
Lana is a robot but she surely masters sheer sarcasm and you admire her for that, she's not one to mess with.
"Is there any way we can turn her off?" Oliver asks with a gruff voice.
That shifts everyone's attention to his shared bed with Sabine and you notice the subtle smile on her face, "Looking so smug there," you tease her.
Sabine softly chuckles and brushes her hair to the back, not saying anything but resting her head on Oliver's shoulder.
They seem suspicious that Niamh can't help herself but ask, "What's going on, guys?"
"Nothing," Oliver answers for both of them, sweeping his hair to the side.
What everyone is doing is not your business so you choose to mind yours, hugging Changbin and feeling the muscles on his back.
"What are your plans for today?" You ask.
After a moment, he finally answers, "Working out."
"After that?"
"After that?"
"And what time are we going to break the rules?" You playfully ask him but you're curious if you both have the same thoughts about it.
Changbin lifts his head to look at you to see if you are serious or not, then cracks a laugh.
"Tonight?" You ask again.
Not getting an answer, you slip your hand into his soft curls and ask again, "Tonight at 8, mmh?"
He looks at you again and you both burst into laughter at the same time. He overlaps your body with his and nuzzles his nose into your neck.
"What do you think we should do, mmh?" You tease him more with a gentle ruffle on his hair, "Kiss? Handy? Sex? Anal?"
Changbin breaks into laughter again and he has the kind of laugh that is infectious, making anyone who hears it laugh along with him.
Jokes aside, you get the feeling that Changbin hesitates to break the rules, you can't tell if is it because of you or if he has his reasons.
Well, there's always a way to find out.
YOU: If he wants to come up to me, he can get some talk, he can get some actions [smirks] I'm up for anything.
Changbin is feeling refreshed after taking a shower.
He worked out a little late into the afternoon because of the big breakfast he had this morning, he felt the need to lose the extra weight he gained and turned them into muscles.
He almost bumps into Liam as he enters the dressing room, not knowing that there are people in there.
"What's up, man?" Nico asks who happens to be there as well, playing with the girls' make-up brushes.
"Not much," Changbin shortly replies as he opens his closet.
Not long after, Oliver comes into the room, grinning ear to ear. He just stands in front of everyone but not saying anything.
Changbin smells trouble from him, "Looking smug. Where have you been?"
"Just had some alone time," he talks almost inaudibly.
"With Sabine?" Nico asks for confirmation.
Oliver starts pacing around the room still slyly smiling, it's like he waits for someone to catch up on it.
"Oh, don't tell me you kissed!" Liam says with a defeated sigh.
Changbin can tell the answer right away from the smile plastered on his face, "It's true," he confirms for anyone.
Liam calls Changbin and even though he's only dressed with a towel around his waist, he helps Liam corner Oliver and forces him to confess.
"Why are you guys so big?" Oliver asks both of them, looking slightly intimidated by their sizes.
"What did you do?" Liam asks him again.
Oliver holds his hands up and nods, "Yeah, we had a little kiss."
"Oh, no, it's only day two, bro!" Nico says from behind Changbin.
With his hands up, Oliver starts to explain, "We had a moment, okay?"
Changbin walks back to his closet to start putting clothes on and sees Liam is still towering over Oliver, "Is that the only thing you did?"
"Yeah," Oliver answers.
Liam then looks around the room to see every there, the boys are all here except for Shane.
"Now if any of us do any rule breaks, I'd appreciate it if you just... fess up," he says to everyone.
Oliver nods in agreement with a winning grin for successfully becoming the first one to break the rules in the retreat.
It's getting interesting now that the first rule break has occurred and it's only about time other people start doing it too.
Changbin wonders if he should do something about his appointment at 8 tonight.
CHANGBIN: Is it going to be my turn? [Smirks] I might do something tonight. We'll see.
It's only about time that someone broke the rules and you're right to put your money on Sabine.
However, you didn't expect that it was going to happen this soon, Sabine and Oliver did it in less than twenty-four hours after Lana's sex ban.
"You think everyone is mad at me?" Sabine nervously asks you.
Everyone shouldn't act like they're going to be perfect going forward, the retreat has only just begun so there's no guarantee that there'll be saints left at the end of the retreat.
"You know I was just waiting for someone to do it," you honestly tell her.
Sabine pauses applying her lip liner and cracks a laugh, "Yeah?"
"Yeah, me and my man have a plan now," you jokingly say.
"What are your plans?"
"We're going to give each other head," you joke.
The actual plan is not very far from it, you're going to look so good tonight that Changbin can't resist you. You check yourself in the full-length mirror in the dressing room and are satisfied with what you see.
"I look so hot," you praise yourself, turning around to see the back view.
Rita comes and puts her arm around your waist, posing together in front of the mirror with you.
"We look hot!"
The night is warm with the scent of the sea clinging in the air. You grab a drink before stepping out of the villa to prepare you for tonight.
"Looking gorgeous," Shane compliments as you meet him by the pool.
You take a moment to look and search for something you can compliment on him "I like the shirt," you say with a quick pull at the collar of his shirt.
"We're kind of matching, you see?"
You're wearing a white top with a black leather skirt while he wears blue jeans with a striped blue and white shirt, the similarities are almost nonexistent but hey, he's just trying to shoot his shot.
"Yeah, we kind of do," you say to him.
Let's see if Shane got game so you stop by the terrace to give him the chance to play.
"Have you ever dated an English guy?" He asks out of the blue.
A bit too strong for an opener but okay, "Nah," you answer.
He takes a step closer, then asks, "Never?"
You look him in the eyes to see if he would flinch, "Yeah."
He coyly sips his drink to stall and continues talking after, "Would you like to?"
A solid 7 out of 10, could be better. You laugh it off and let him die to know the answer.
"You know everyone is attracted to you, right?"
"No, not everyone, I believe," you play humble like how good girls play.
Shane takes another step closer and leans the side of his body against the pillar, "This is good. We should talk more," he says with a flirty smile.
"Well, I'm open to getting to know everyone," you tell him, making sure that you mean it generally, not specifically with him.
Shane runs his hand through his hair, sending it disheveled, even so, it makes him look attractive.
"I think you went in with Changbin so quick," Shane comments.
You nod and admit that it's true, "Yeah."
He then slyly smiles at you, "So, you know—"
Before you can finish listening to Shane talking, someone has his arms around you and without warning, carrying you with him.
Thankfully, you manage to not spill the drink you're holding once Changbin puts you down. He pats the small space left on the small sofa facing the sea view.
You sit with your legs hanging between his and his arm around you, this way you can put your full focus on him. You like seeing the glints in his brown eyes and your eyes flick to his small mouth with its pair of plush lips, looking so inviting as he licks them after taking a sip of your drink.
"What were you talking about?"
Changbin tries to sound cool about this but you sense a hint of jealousy in his words.
"Talking about you, actually," you honestly tell him.
He's wearing this tight white top that showcases his sculpted muscles and makes you unconsciously roam your hand on his clothed body.
You lose track of the conversation and innocently mutter, "You're so big..."
Changbin smiles at your words, looking thoroughly happy to hear them, and wants to hear more of it.
"What about it?"
You use your fingers to play with the opening of his top, teasing the skin there, "I like that you're big," you shamelessly admit.
It's impressive how he doesn't flinch as you stare him dead in the eyes. He remains calm with his hand playing with the thin strap of your top.
You lean in close and lower your voice as you say, "Makes me wonder if you're big somewhere else too."
Men like it when you're being straightforward like that and it seems to work on Changbin too.
YOU: He is so hot. It's going to be really hard to keep my hands to myself.
Everyone else can look as much as they want but they can only dream of getting it on with you.
Changbin feels like he won big to have you sitting close to him, looking damn attractive in your leather skirt and you're deeply staring into his eyes and your legs are slowly rubbing his inner thigh.
Oh, he knows what you're doing and he sure as hell knows that he's in trouble. The sexual chemistry is there and it's electrifying, awakening every cell in his body.
He looks away for a moment to take a grip on the situation and tries to restart a conversation. Then he looks at your face and how beautiful you are, your nose, your eyes... which reminds him to compliment them.
"You have beautiful eyes," he says.
You snort and put away your drink, "Your eyes are nowhere looking at my eyes," you point out.
That's right, he was looking at your lips when he said it, how they tantalize him.
You put your hand around his neck and gently massage the back of his head, "What are you thinking, mmh?"
There's no way of denying it so Changbin resorts to playing pensive, "Why don't you take a guess?
You're playing with the zipper on the front of his chest, "Uhm... food?" You wildly guess.
He laughs then nods, "That's a pretty good guess."
"No, wait," you take back your answer and take another guess, "it was tits."
You sure know how to amuse him and other than that, make him feel aroused with every little thing you do, including now, when you fix your hair from being blown by the wind.
Changbin has been thinking about it and knowing that someone has broken the rules making it easier for him to decide.
It's his turn to break the rules now but before that, he looks around, making sure the coast is clear, he sees that everyone else is gathered in the firepit.
Changbin looks back at you, then his hand reaches for your chin to bring your head close to his so he can kiss you. He likes how eager you are to receive his kiss and return it in such eagerness.
He holds you by the jaw, his thumb pulling at your lower lip to make you open your mouth for him so he can kiss you deeper, harder.
He wants to keep going and get drunk in your sweet, sweet kiss. He's tugging your lower lip between his teeth before pulling away.
Once he breaks the kiss, he looks at you at your parted mouth and your lips wet from the kisses, you're smiling when you open your eyes.
All of sudden, you throw your arms around him and mutter, "That was a good kiss."
He plants a kiss on your shoulder and another one on your neck, "I know."
You sit back on the sofa to get your drink and secretly look at where everyone is gathering, "Did they notice?" You ask him.
He throws his head back to look behind him and shakes his head, "I don't think so."
Breaking the rules is not as bad as he thought it would be, it was easy and strangely fun, he's sure it's coming from the rush of doing it without getting caught by anyone.
Changbin can only hope he doesn't get addicted to the rush.
CHANGBIN: So it happens, my first rule break. I knew it was wrong but I still wanted to do it so... [shrugs]
Despite the strong wind blowing your way, it doesn't help keeping you away from sweating.
You use the back of your hand to dab at the thin layer of sweat forming on your forehead but you feel like your make-up is fading away with the night.
Putting your empty glass away, you break away from Changbin's cuddle.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
You get up from the sofa and fix your skirt, "I'm going to fix my make-up quick," you answer.
He takes your hand, not letting you go, "You can do it later."
You smile at him, "I'll be quick," you say.
On the way to the dressing room, Rita joined you and it just happens that she seems to have the urge to tell you something.
"Now that Riley has given up on your man, she's going for Liam," Rita informs.
You sit on your chair and unzip your make-up pouch, "Really?"
Rita leans against the vanity table and crosses her arms in front of her, "So I was there with there with Liam then Riley joined in and she won't stop talking," she grumbles.
Riley does seem like the talkative type and you can imagine her butting in between Rita and Liam, talking non-stop.
"She keeps going on and on..." Rita complaints.
You feel bad for Rita but can't help but laugh. You gently powder your nose and make sure its
"Is Liam the only one or is there anyone else you fancy?" You ask out of curiosity, taking out a tube of lip gloss out of your pouch next.
Rita gets quiet and rolls her eyes as she thinks of an answer, "I was the first to call dibs on Liam," she innocently says.
You snicker because she makes it sound like it's a child's play, "What about Nico?"
"Nico? Hmm..." Rita has an adorable habit of pinching her cheek when she thinks.
You shift on your chair to look at her, "But you know, if you want to see how things go with Liam, then go for it," you suggest.
"I'm going to do that," she says while bobbing her head in agreement.
"Then get your cute butt there," You encourage her because you don't want her to overthink things when she should just do what she wants.
She squeals in response and takes a hairbrush from her table to fix her hair, "I believe Riley is still talking when I get there," she says with a dramatic eye roll.
As she turns around to leave, you land a gentle slap on her butt, "Go get your man!"
Now that Rita left the room, you can put on a fresh coat of lip gloss on your lips and take a quick look in the mirror only to find Changbin is checking you out in the doorway.
"You told me you'd be quick," he whines.
You laugh at how he's fussing like a toddler, "I was about to walk out—"
You get cut off as he comes crashing his body against yours, hugging you so tight with his hands feeling your clothed body.
It's obvious that he's horny. You hold him back and let him bury his head in your neck, "We're going back out there or stay here?"
Changbin doesn't say anything but looks at you, his eyes are looking at your lips and filled with so much want. You kind of have guessed that he would be coming back for more because honestly, one kiss is never enough.
"You can throw me onto the table if you want," you jokingly say with a flirty smile on.
With smoldering eyes and a smirk on his face, he lifts you by the waist to sit you on the table, that way he can be at the same eye level with you.
You loop your hands around his neck and pull him close, "And now we can kiss," you whisper with your face only inches away from him.
And just like that, he caves in and kisses you. This time his kiss has intensity to it and for a moment, you feel like he's devouring you whole which is turning you on.
Changbin slides his hand down your leg and lifts it, wrapping it around his waist to close the gap between your bodies.
His other hand is angling your head slightly to the side just so he can kiss deeper, skillfully using his tongue to make you feel the slightest bit lightheaded.
A moan slips out of your mouth as he squeezes the back of your thigh. You feel faint not only because it's one of the sensitive parts of your body but also because of how close his hand is to where you want him the most.
Then the sound of heels clicking against the floor shatters the tension in the room and the two of you abruptly stop kissing.
Your head turns in the direction of the doorway and see Sabine grinning at both of you.
 "I caught you rulebreaking!" She says in a sing-song voice.
"Shit!" Changbin quietly mutters as he looks away from her.
Sabine walks to her closet, "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone!" She says while switching the shoes she's wearing with sandals.
After she leaves the room, Changbin pulls you into a hug and nuzzles his head in your neck.
You jokingly pull his head close, "Okay, now, come back."
He breaks into laughter and kisses you on the cheek to compensate for not being able to give you what you want.
It's already hard to get him to rulebreak and it would take a long time for him to fall into the temptations again.
YOU: [Snickers] I don't know what's wrong with us. I don't know why we're doing it again [laughs]
Changbin jumps onto his bed, feeling so tired but inside, he's feeling euphoric.
"What's going on, big boy?" Nico asks from the next bed.
Changbin pretends to look exhausted and stretches his arms out, "I didn't do much tonight," he lies.
He knows he can't be the only one breaking the rules tonight but it's safe for him to keep a calm expression to avoid suspicion.
When he looks at the boys, he notices the smugness on their faces and they probably can see it on him too. For now, he saves the worries about the money for tomorrow.
Changbin stops thinking altogether when you climb onto the bed, wearing a white tank top and tight shorts. If only he was alone with you... oh, he's scared to even try to imagine it.
You sit cross-legged on the bed facing him, looking so beautiful even with a bare face, "Isn't it hot to sleep with a t-shirt on?"
"You can just tell me if you want me to sleep naked," he says with a mischievous smile.
"You know, I always sleep naked," you share then sips water from your tumbler.
He puts his hand on your knee "Then why aren't you?"
You put on a daring glare at him, "Do you want me to? Cause I would," you say.
If there's anything he learned from being around for these past two days is that he shouldn't challenge you because, in the end, he'll end up losing to you.
When the lights are out, he puts his arm out so you can rest your head on it but instead of that, you overlap his body with yours.
"I'm not sleepy yet," you whisper into his ear.
"Anything you want to do?" He asks and regrets it the second after he says it. He shouldn't give you ideas or worse is letting himself open to your ideas.
"A lot," you answer with a hot kiss on his neck.
Changbin feels threatened as you start placing kisses around his face, his heart skips when you get too close to his lips but he sulks when you don't do it.
You have your hand slipped under his t-shirt, splaying it on his stomach and feeling his skin there. You lean in close, rubbing your nose against his and teasing his lips with the warm breath you let out of your parted mouth.
"Want to rule break again?" You ask with your thumb swiping his lower lip.
Oh, Changbin is being put in a predicament once again. You best believe that he wants to do and will do whatever it is you want because that's what he wants too.
However, he promised himself that he wouldn't do another rule break for the rest of the night.
He hates to say no to you so he tries to lay it as gently as he can so he softly caresses your head, then takes the hand holding his face to kiss the inside of your hand.
"That's enough of a rule break for today," he murmurs with an apologetic smile.
Even in the dark, he can see you softly smile at him and nod, "Okay."
It's not about the compliance, you can be a little wayward to him but Changbin likes that you know when to hold back. Yes, he takes pride in being dominant but that doesn't mean he can force you to do what he says, you are your own person after all.
You sweetly kiss him on the cheek and mutter, "Goodnight, Changbin."
He plants a kiss on your jaw in return and mutters back, "Goodnight, angel."
For someone who has known him for a couple of days, you understand him well and that says something.
CHANGBIN: A kiss with her is always too good but it's bad because it's making me hornier [chuckles]
The day starts with Lana's morning greeting.
For a second, you thought Lana was about to announce the rule breaks right after everyone woke up and that would be so cruel of her but you're glad she didn't.
Changbin nuzzles his nose against your neck before placing a soft kiss on your shoulder. You open your eyes and see him smiling at you.
"How was your sleep?" You croak, putting your hand under his t-shirt to feel the skin on his back.
He kisses you on the arm and softly sighs, "I got bit by mosquitoes last night."
"That was me. Sorry," you joke.
That amuses him so much, that he laughs with his head buried in your neck and playfully biting at your shoulder.
When he stops, you look at him and say, "I'm not sorry actually."
With freshly showered hair, you're doing your make-up with Rita while Niamh is also dressing the other part of the room. You look at Rita whose hair is flying around her head as she's drying it.
"So, how did it go?"
Rita turns off her hairdryer, "What?"
"With Liam last night?"
"I don't know. He's been very vague about it," Rita answers, sounding as confused as her answer.
You put down your eyebrow pencil and look at her, "He probably wants to keep his options open for—"
The melodic chime coming from the cone in the corner of the room interrupted you from talking and your heart starts to sink, knowing that you committed a couple of rule breaks yesterday.
"Hello, girls!" Lana greets.
Niamh pops her head from behind the room where everyone is using to change their clothes.
"Hey, Lana..." you answer with sheer enthusiasm.
"Please gather everyone in the cabana," she orders.
You exchange a horrified look with Rita and grimace at the horror looming over you the second you hear Lana's voice.
"Sure, babe," Rita is replying to her this time.
You know exactly what's going to happen in the cabana and it's none other than the time to get publicly shamed by a talking cone.
There's only one seat left on the small wooden sofa at one side of the room and you sit there, having no one there to help you calm down.
"Okay, guys, who kissed who?" Nico asks everyone.
Niamh couldn't be faster responding to it, "I didn't kiss anyone," she says.
"Me too," Rita says.
As if it would help take everyone's suspicion off you, you're avoiding their eyes and trying to act calm. You are calm until Sabine places her hand on your knee.
"Babe? Did you kiss?"
That's so sly of her to ask you that when she walked in on you and Changbin kissing in the dressing room. You scrunch your nose and decide to lie, "Nah, I didn't."
Sabine slyly smiles at your answer and lets it go as the cone chimes in the middle of the table.
YOU: I know for sure that Changbin and I kissed twice but I'm not saying a word. I'm hoping Lana didn't see [snorts]
"Hello, everyone!"
Changbin tries to remain calm but he can't quite control his body, his heart is racing and his palms are starting to sweat. He can only hope that he's putting on a good poker face.
"What's happening, Lana?" Shane asks from the other end of the sofa.
"You were brought here to form deeper emotional connections and were given rules to adhere to."
Lana is an artificial intelligence but Changbin can hear the displease in her voice and she sounds upset.
"This is tense," Nico says with a heavy sigh.
"Yeah..." Oliver says.
"Despite this, your flagrant disregard for the rules has resulted in a deduction of..."
Changbin knows he takes part in that deduction and he can feel the guilt starting to seep into his mind.
Everyone collectively gasps at the announcement of how much money has been lost from the prize fund and it's only the third day now.
But this also means that he's not the only one screwed up last night.
"That's the most expensive 25 hours I've ever lived," Oliver says as if he didn't spend some of that money.
"You guys are blowing it," Niamh says with a disappointed look on her face, genuinely pissed at losing money.
"In total, there were five rule breaks," Lana informs.
"Five?" Nico says with a shocked face.
"Anyone want to admit to anything?" Rita says.
Changbin glances at you and he sees that you're also looking at him, exchanging unspoken words through the eyes.
Staying silent is not an option for him, he knows better that he has to own up to his mistakes.
"Changbin and I kissed last night," you get ahead of him.
He feels less nervous to talk now that those words are out, "Yeah, we kissed."
"We had a moment and it was perfect," you add, explaining the things that led to the kiss.
"Just one kiss?" Niamh asks.
It's like something caught in your throat and you abruptly stop talking, it's time for Changbin to take over.
"No, we uh... we kissed again in the dressing room," Changbin admits.
He's expecting shouting or yelling coming at him but they're quiet, he can only hear a few deep sighs.
"Well, there's three more we need to account for," Rita says, leaning back on the sofa and crossing her arms together.
"Sabine?" You call her name loud enough for everyone to hear even though she's sitting next to you.
"What?" Sabine plays dumb.
"We knew about your kiss at the beach," Rita says to her.
Niamh scoots forward on her seat and looks at Sabine, "Is that it?"
Sabine looks at Oliver and everyone knows right away they had more than one kiss.
"Yeah, okay, we kissed twice," Oliver finally confesses with an unapologetic grin on his face.
Oliver's confession is also greeted by more sighs and Changbin feels a lot better now that he's not the only one being scrutinized at the moment.
"One more to go now," Nico mutters, scanning everyone's faces to spot the guilty ones.
"Honesty is the best policy, you guys!" Niamh warns.
Everyone wouldn't let it go until the last culprit comes forward and Changbin just wants to get this over with.
A moment passed in silence until Riley pointed at someone, "I kissed Liam."
"Look at you sitting there all quiet," Changbin mutters at Liam who happens to sit two seats away from him.
Ironic that he was the one who warned everyone to speak out immediately when they messed up yet he's the last one to do it.
"I felt a little something for Riley so I don't regret it," Liam explains.
He notices that you're exchanging looks with Rita as she seems to be upset upon hearing what Liam uttered to everyone.
"The prize fund now stands at $185,000," Lana updates before signing off.
Changbin does the math in his head and is slightly shocked to find out how much he spent but at that moment, last night, the kisses felt worth more than that.
However, everything changes now after hearing how much it costs.
CHANGBIN: $15,000... that's a lot. I'm feeling guilty now.
When Changbin hears that there's going to be a workshop, he hopes it's something that will help him control his urges.
The moment he gets told that he has to pair up with you, he doubts that it would help him much.
"Hello, I'm Billy," The instructor introduces himself, "I'm a sex expert."
"Whoo!" Oliver excitedly reacts.
"How are you all doing?" Billy asks.
"Good!" Everyone answers in unison, sitting on their respective mats for the workshop.
"Today's workshop is about ways you can connect with somebody without sex," Billy announces the lesson for the workshop.
"Breath is a huge thing so when you feel sexual tension, step away and go do your breathing, it'll help you profoundly."
Changbin feels skeptical at first but he knows now that it's possible to keep his impulses in control.
Billy then turns over a picture showing a cuddling position and everyone should do it with their partner. You crawl over to him and sit cross-legged on the space between his legs.
It takes him a moment to study the picture, he puts his arms around you and you intertwine them together in front of you.
"Hand over your heart," Billy reminds him.
He places his clasped hand on your heart and he accidentally brushes your breast in the process.
You lowly giggle in response and look over your shoulder at him, "Over my heart, not my tits."
He presses his mouth close to your ear, "It happens that your tit is close to your heart," he playfully replies.
"Breathe..." Billy instructed as he's he's pacing back and forth observing everyone, "Connect with them on a deeper level."
Changbin does what he said and closes his eyes, breathing in and out, eventually syncing your breathing together. It feels nice, he feels relaxed.
Billy walks up to Sabine and Oliver, "How do you feel in that position?"
"Damn good," Oliver shamelessly answers, making Sabine laughs in embarrassment.
Billy walks back to the front and flips a new picture on the easel, "It's going to get a little bit intimate..."
He then reveals the next position for everyone to see, he's grinning as he says, "I think you guys can handle it."
Changbin applies the lesson right away, inhaling air and exhaling it as he sits on the mat.
Okay, it's getting hard to try not to think about sex when you're sitting on his lap and your legs wrapped around his waist.
"Don't I look good on top of you?" You ask with a sly smile on your face.
He takes a deep breath and puts his hands on each side of your waist, "Yeah," he answers, can't stop his brain from imagining it.
It doesn't get any easier with the way you're looking deep into his eyes and Changbin reckons he should look away.
He pulls you close and rests his head against your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat helping him to calm down.
"How are you guys doing?" Billy asks him.
"We're doing good," you answer for both of you.
After he leaves, you look back at him and put your hands around his neck, "Good, right?"
Changbin bets that you know how good it is for him as you sit right on his crotch. The sexual tension is getting unbearable and breathing doesn't help him as much as it did before.
Thankfully, Billy ends the workshop before it gets dangerous.
"Thank you, all of you beautiful people and I appreciate you for being present with me," he concludes.
Everyone is giving him a round of applause as a token of gratitude for his lesson.
CHANGBIN: It's clear that we have a strong sexual chemistry but I also sense that there's something genuine there.
It's unclear whether Changbin is up to doing something naughty tonight.
Nevertheless, you're putting on a tight dress and a luscious coat of lipstick, you know he can't resist you when you look this good.
Changbin is talking to Nico when you come and put his arm around you, wanting to get his attention. Successfully having him for yourself, you corner him and take him to sit together on the lounger.
"You look good tonight," you compliment, feeling his pecs through his black shirt.
He reacts with a mix of shy and cocky smiles, you don't know how he does that but it looks good on him.
You bring your mouth close to his ear and murmur, "You look so delicious."
Changbin is oddly quiet tonight and you guess you just need to warm him up, showering him with compliments and talking about random things.
"I only noticed it now that you have a dimple," you say.
Changbin smiles again for you to showcase it and you use your finger to poke the dimple on his cheek.
"Your cheek is squishy too," you playfully poking at it while giggling.
"I think my right cheek is more squishy," he disagrees with you, poking his other cheek with his index finger.
He looks so cute doing it and out of nowhere, you feel like biting at his cheek and doing it.
"Why did you do that?"
"Nom nom nom nom," you tease him instead of answering.
Changbin pulls you close and gently bites at your arm to get back at you, sending you laughing uncontrollably.
Now that he's warming up and relaxed, it's time to find out if he plans to do something about the night. You rest your hand on his chest, fiddling with the button of his shirt as you talk.
"What are we going to do tonight, mmh?"
He only smiles at you with his hand caressing your back.
You press your head close to his and lower your voice as you say, "How about you finger me in secret?"
He bursts into laughter and pulls you closer, holding you with his arms around you, but it feels more like he's trying to restrain you.
"We're going to be good tonight," he tells you.
The message is well-received.
You fully understand if he doesn't want to rulebreak tonight and you're alright with it, you don't want to pressure him to do something he doesn't want.
You press a kiss on his cheek and then rest your head on his chest, "Yeah, sure, we can be good."
Also, perhaps he needs a little breather too.
YOU: He doesn't want to rulebreak tonight but who knows about tomorrow? [Raises eyebrow]
Just like Billy said, Changbin get away and do his breathing as the sexual tension is only rising when he's with you.
Most of everyone is gathering in the cabana so he goes there, trying to get his mind distracted by talking to other people than you.
Nico is sipping his drink and silently watching Sabine and Oliver canoodling by the firepit.
"I don't know if Sabine were like flirty with anybody but I kind of want to make Ollie cry," he says to him.
Changbin feels like getting another drink but he stays seated for the drama.
"Do it, man!" He encourages him.
The next thing he knows, the night is getting late and it's time to turn in for the night.
He manages to not rule break today as he planned but it doesn't feel like an achievement at all, if anything, he feels like shit for saying no to kissing you. Now, he has the image of your eyes dimmed when he told you he doesn't want to rulebreak tonight replaying in the back of his head.
It's not dramatic of him to feel ecstatic to see you get on the bed, he barely saw you after you both cuddled on the lounger earlier.
"Where have you been, baby?" He asks you.
You dive right into his arms and rest your head on his chest, "Talking with Rita," you mumble your answer.
He notices that you sound exhausted, "Tired?"
You turn your head to look at him and nod.
The moment the lights turn off, you get off of him to sleep on your side of the bed.
"Goodnight, fam!" Liam says to everyone in the dark.
"Night," a few replying to him.
Changbin doesn't want to assume things but he's scared that the reason why you feel a little distant is because he said no to rulebreak with you.
Then you're shifting on the bed and he sees you trying to take your top off under the duvet, you notice him watching.
"It's hot," you mutter at him, putting your top on the bedside table before laying on your side with your back facing him.
And he can see what you're trying to do to him.
Changbin scoots closer until his chest meets your back, he then traces the curve of your body with his hand, only using his fingertips to touch you.
He feels nothing but miles and miles of silky soft skin.
"Are you ticklish?" He asks, dropping his voice low and sultry.
"No," you answer.
That only encourages him to touch you more, exploring your body while trying to avoid it becoming something sexual. He presses his mouth on the back of your shoulder and softly inhales your scent while his hand caresses your abdomen with his knuckle.
With the way your body slightly shaking, he knows you're holding in your laughter.
"Tickles, mmh?"
"Not really."
Changbin lowers his hand down your waist and keeps going until his hand lands on the softness of the back of your thigh, caressing it with his knuckle.
"How about now?"
You shake your head.
He has no other option but to squeeze the flesh and you jolt on the bed. You take his hand out of the duvet and turn your head to scold him.
Before you can do that, he captures your lips in his. He knows he catches you off guard but you manage to return his kiss.
Changbin pulls away to have you pinned under him before leaning in and kissing you again. You moan as he puts his whole weight on you, sending your breasts squashed between your chests.
He's aware that everyone else in the room can see it but something about doing it in secret makes it inexplicably kinky.
CHANGBIN: If I'm being honest... I want to eat her all up [smirks]
Another day means another session of listening to a talking cone.
Changbin is prepared to face everyone when he comes clean about what he's done with you last night. It's the only rule break he did yesterday and he knows it's not progress but he feels good knowing that he showed a little more restraint than the last time.
Other than that, he's sitting next to you now so he feels reassured, knowing that you have his back.
The cone chimes at the same time he takes your hand and holds it.
"Hello, everyone!"
Everyone gets tensed as soon as Lana talks even though she hasn't said anything but her usual greeting.
"What's up, babes?" Rita replies to her, sounding chipper than usual.
"The rules of my retreat have been broken," She announces.
Here it goes, Changbin says in his head. He takes a deep breath and squeezes at your hand.
"Is there anybody who wants to come clean?"
Changbin clears his throat before speaking, "I want everyone to know that it was me who started it," he begins, taking full responsibility for what he's done.
"It was me, I kissed her last night."
His confession is yet again getting answered by low groans and sighs, he understands that he let them down but... oh, well.
"The kiss has cost the group $3,000."
There goes another $3,000 down the drain and Changbin admits he did wrong for making the same mistake.
"Anyone else wants to fess up?" Niamh asks.
The grin on Oliver's face is unmissable and that means he did something, most likely a bad thing.
"Did you two kiss again?" Liam asks him, pressuring them to talk with laser in his eyes.
Oliver rubs his chin while Sabine can only look at him, waiting for him to speak for both of them. He deeply sighs, then nods, "Yeah, we did."
"Just once?"
Oliver nods again, "Just once, I swear."
Lana confirms by announcing another $3,000 has been deducted from the prize fund.
Changbin feels a lot lighter now after telling the truth and accepting the truth that a chunk of money is gone because of him but it's too early for him to let out a sigh of relief yet.
"They were not the only ones to break the rules," Lana informs.
"My God?" Sabine scoffs.
Changbin is on the hunt for the culprit, he scans for any guilty faces sitting on the sofa and not realizing that you've been fidgeting next to him.
He turns his head at you and wonders if...
You uneasily look at him, then say, "It was me."
CHANGBIN: What the fuck is going on?
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eiightysixbaby · 9 months
…and a happy new year
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word count: 5.5k
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: your first week with eddie since his return to hawkins is pure bliss. you both decide you need to ring in the new year the right way. or, you and eddie can't keep your hands off of each other at nancy's new year's party.
author's note: this is an extra oneshot taking place right after my fic i'll be home for christmas. you don't have to read that fic to understand this, but i'd be extremely grateful if you gave it a chance.
cw: 18+ ONLY — SMUT. established relationship, lots of petname usage, alcohol consumption, eye-fucking basically lol, unprotected piv (he pulls out tho), oral (f receiving), reader's nickname is 'sunny'
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December 31st, 1989.
One week. Seven days. Ten thousand and eighty minutes. Six-hundred-and-four-thousand, eight hundred seconds. That’s how long it had been since you found out Eddie was home, give or take. Six of those days were spent with him as yours, finally all yours after such a long and grueling wait.
It’s New Year’s Eve, now, Christmas having passed quickly. You and Eddie had spent the time between holidays in a cozy, warm haze together. It was surreal when you woke the day after Christmas with him in your bed beside you. It was a week full of sleepovers, reacquainting yourself with the man you’d missed so much, rediscovering your most favorite parts about him. It was him stealing kisses from you basically every single chance he got, getting up in your personal space to press sloppy kisses to your cheek, or lingering pecks to your lips.
Kissing is as far as it had gone, for the meantime. That was fine, you didn’t need or expect anything more just yet, and neither did Eddie. The last thing he wanted to do was get his girl, and then fuck up by rushing things.
At least, it was fine, until right now. Until you decided to wear that outfit to Nancy’s New Year’s party. He was watching you from across the Wheeler’s basement, where you stood with Robin and Max laughing about something. A champagne flute was placed delicately between your fingers, your body relaxed. Your plaid skirt hugged your hips just right before fanning out around your thighs, the neckline of your sweater dipping just low enough to make him fantasize about what lies beneath.
He feels a little bit sick, ogling you like this. You’re so sweet, so soft, and he’s basically panting like a dog where he stands beside Steve.
What he doesn’t know, is that you’ve been eyeing him up, too — albeit more subtly. He just looks so good tonight, in his blue jeans (a rarity for him) and his sweater and that black leather jacket. The jeans might be a little too snug, hugging him perfectly in all of the right places, and you’d be a liar if you said you weren’t staring at his ass each time you could catch a glimpse.
At one point, you finally catch each other trying to gawk. You giggle around your mouthful of sparkling wine, giving him a shy little wave from across the room. His smile is immediate, eyes brightening as if he hadn’t seen you in ages. He’d spent every possible second with you since Christmas. It makes your heart skip a beat, the alcohol no longer the only thing making your face feel warm.
“You guys are disgusting,” Robin teases, her arm automatically slinking around Nancy when the smaller girl comes to stand beside her. Nancy perches on her toes, kissing Robin’s cheek.
“And we aren’t disgusting?” she asks, face scrunching up adorably when Robin laughs.
“Fair enough.”
“We won’t be offended if you abandon us to go canoodle him,” Max smirks, breaking into a laugh when you roll your eyes.
“There will be no canoodling,” you say, but it’s clear none of them believe you. Not like it matters, anyways. They’re just happy for you.
Eddie beats you to it, walking over to you before you can go to him. The television plays in the corner, the news broadcast of the big ball-drop event in New York crackling through the screen. He snakes his arm around you, pulling you into his side. His warmth immediately blankets you, and you look up at him with bright eyes.
“Hi handsome,” you say.
“Hey, sugar. Come here often?” he asks, giving you a sweet-dimpled smile before he leans down to press a kiss to your lips.
It’s still a little surreal, that he’s yours now. That he’s home. That you can kiss him whenever you want; that he does kiss you whenever he wants. You look over Eddie’s shoulder, watching the way Jonathan and Steve pretend to gag from their spots on the worn-out old sofa.
“Hey! I saw that!” you shout at them, giving them a playful middle finger as Eddie leans down again to kiss your head.
His grip on your waist tightens, and it makes you press your thighs together, suddenly antsy. His hand seems to sear an imprint into your skin, permanently a part of you. Your body is hot, growing more eager to have him in ways you haven’t before.
“You look like you need a refill on your drink, sweetheart,” Eddie says, his face tilted downwards at you, tipping his own glass towards yours. “Let’s go get you some more?” he nods in the direction of the staircase, grabbing your hand when you agree.
He leads you up the rickety wooden steps, into the warmth of the kitchen. There’s a large spread of food laid out on the counter, and more alcohol than your group really needs considering there’s only six of you who are of drinking age. The second you’re upstairs, and positive there’s no one else lingering nearby, Eddie has your back pressed against the countertop. His lips capture yours in a passionate kiss, and you can feel the way he smiles into it when you pull him closer.
“You look so gorgeous tonight, you know that?” he murmurs against your ear, nose brushing into your hair. “I mean, you always do, but this outfit…” he drawls. “Baby.”
His hands wander, but don’t push. His words have an edge of scandal, but yet he speaks them so sweetly. It’s a good thing Nancy’s parents and her little sister Holly are out of town, otherwise you’d be playing an extremely dangerous game right now.
Your fingers trail up Eddie’s chest, walking up up up until they reach the neckline of his sweater. You tug on it, bringing his lips to yours and making him groan.
“You’re killing me, sweets,” he says, eyes boggling like a cartoon.
The glass of liquid courage you’d consumed has you feeling bold as you bat your lashes up at him. “I want you so bad…” you hum, placing a kiss to his jawline before slipping out of his grasp and refilling your glass of wine.
He barely lets you get away, hot on your trail with his front pressed to your back as you try not to spill the whole bottle in your hand.
“Baby. I know you’re not gonna say that and then walk away from me,” Eddie says, pitiful as you slip out of his reach once more.
“It’s less than an hour til midnight, Ed. We can’t miss the ball drop,” you reply simply, a wicked smirk on your face that tells him you know exactly what you’re doing. It feels like a little game, drawing out the anticipation longer, and it drives him crazy.
Maybe the alcohol was getting to you, or maybe he really was just ethereal tonight, because your hard-to-get demeanor was almost impossible to uphold. Especially with the way he was about ready to drop to his knees and beg for you.
“Sunny, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he says, grabbing you from behind before you can get away, pulling you against his chest just to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Always so dramatic, Munson,” you giggle, taking a sip of your freshly-poured drink before leading him back down to the basement.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin are in the middle of a riveting game of Twister, Will calling out the moves each of them will have to make. El and Max have resorted to sitting on the floor by the TV, watching the live broadcast beneath a blanket. You and Eddie join Robin, Nance, Jonathan, and Steve where they all sit on the furniture, Eddie letting you take a seat on his lap.
“I can’t believe it’s about to be 1990,” Robin scoffs, far too upset about the matter. “I just like the 80s. Something about the 90s rubs me the wrong way.”
“Well, get used to it Rob, cause it’s about to be the 90s for the next ten years of your life,” Eddie says, shaking his head when she lets out a loud groan.
You try to focus on the conversation that ensues after that, you really do, but you swear you can feel something pressing into your ass. You wiggle a little on Eddie’s lap, testing it, and then you’re sure you feel it. He’s definitely hard right now, and you’re definitely making it worse for him.
You chew at your lip, squishing your legs together as you squirm on top of him. He notices your restlessness, and he knows exactly why you can’t stay still.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” he whispers into your ear, as quiet as possible as everyone else talks around you.
You don’t answer, knowing he’s just setting you up, and you almost yelp when he squeezes your hip with one hand.
“Just gotta wait till after the ball drops, baby,” he purrs, using your words from before against you. “Then we can ring in the new year the right way.”
You end up getting off of Eddie’s lap, because it’s the only way you can even attempt to focus on something that isn’t him. Jonathan had gone to join in on the game of Twister after Mike decided he’d had enough, so you distract yourself by going to watch.
He’s currently got both hands placed on near-opposite sides of the mat, pressing into the different colored circles. His feet are criss-crossed behind him, making him look a bit like a pretzel.
“I’ve had too much to drink,” he giggles when he sees you approach. “This might end badly.” His body wobbles a little as if on cue, but he straightens himself before a collapse.
“Don’t be a quitter,” you laugh. “You need to win this round, Jon! I’ve put all my money on this!” you tease, making him laugh more.
You try to keep your focus on the antics unfolding in front of you, but you can feel Eddie’s eyes on you. Drinking you in, searing two holes through the back of your skull. A shiver runs down your spine at the thought of finally having him, going further than you ever have. You check the clock, noticing it’s only ten minutes away from midnight.
Just ten minutes. You can survive another ten minutes.
At least, you’re convinced you can until a pair of strong arms wrap around your middle and Eddie’s lips press a soft kiss to your neck. You asked for it, you suppose, teasing him in the kitchen. And he’s gonna make sure you’re very worked up, now. He sways your body back and forth, holding you tight. Your head tilts back, resting against his shoulder as you look up at him.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he says, winking down at you.
“If you guys don’t get off of each other, I’m literally going to throw up,” Dustin says, peeking out from behind Lucas where they’re tangled up on the Twister mat.
“Shut it, Henderson, or I’ll knock you over right now,” Eddie threatens, slowly reaching out a hand towards the teen.
“No! NO!” Dustin screeches, making Jonathan laugh so hard he finally topples.
“Okay, I give up,” he resigns. “Shit, it’s almost midnight. I need another drink,” he says, running up the stairs to quickly refill.
Everyone shuffles closer to the television, standing close together as the hands of the clock reach twelve.
“You ready? For our first whole year together?” Eddie says softly, still standing behind you.
“More than ready,” you reply, your whole body filled with an unexplainable amount of affection. You need him.
Before you know it, there’s a countdown on the TV screen from sixty seconds, and everyone watches as the number dwindles. The group counts in unison once it gets down to twenty seconds.
Ten seconds…
Eddie’s grip tightens around your middle. You’re both smiling wide as you count backwards.
Five seconds…
A loud and joyful “Happy New Year!” resounds from the chests of everyone in the room, Steve letting out a loud whistle. Eddie spins you around, planting a kiss on your lips. Your glass in one hand, you wrap the other arm around Eddie’s neck, letting the kiss linger for as long as it can. Your skin is set ablaze where he holds your lower back, and when he finally pulls away his eyes are big and wide.
“I love you, Sunny,” he says, taking you by surprise.
It was the first time he’d said it, in the romantic context at least. And while the love had been felt all week, you’d been waiting to hear it, straight from his mouth.
“I love you, Eddie,” you smile wide, clinking your glass with his before you both take a sip of the alcohol.
You cheers with the rest of the group, everyone happy — even Robin, despite the 80s officially being over.
Eddie lets you slip away to the girls, helping Steve clean up some of the confetti that had been thrown around the room.
“Why are you so happy, sunshine?” Robin asks, noticing the smile that won’t leave your face.
“He just told me he loves me,” you say, looking down at your feet as her and Nancy both squeal.
“Finally!” Nancy squeezes your arm, her big blue eyes squinted in delight.
You feel warm, bubbly, content. This week had felt like a dream, but the best part is that it’s all been real.
Not long after midnight, the teens set up their sleeping bags on the basement floor for their sleepover. Robin and Nancy head up to the latter’s room for the night, Steve and Jonathan opt to sleep in the living room, and you and Eddie get the guest bedroom.
He’s hot on your trail as you ascend the carpeted stairs, letting yourselves into the usually empty room and shutting the door behind you. He presses you, soft against the door before his lips meet yours. He’s gentle, despite how eager he is, his mouth slowly moving against yours. Your lips part, tongue poking out just slightly to meet his. His hands keep a firm hold on your waist, thumbs smoothing over the soft fabric of your skirt, slipping beneath the hem of your sweater and sending goosebumps across your skin.
“I love you so much. God, I love you so much,” he says, mouth against your cheek.
Your nose brushes his face, lips pressing a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I love you,” you reply, and you can’t help but smile.
“What’re you smiling for?” he cocks a brow, lips barely able to stop kissing your face to ask the question.
“I’ve just wanted to hear you say that for so long,” you say, and he pauses. Deep brown eyes search yours, all the love in the world held in his gaze.
“Well I’ll tell you as many times as you’ll hear it, babe,” he grins, his perfectly straight teeth on display, his dimples coming out. “I love you,” a kiss is pressed to your mouth. “I love you,” another on your jawline. “I love you.”
“I need you, Eddie,” you sigh as his mouth makes its way to your neck, sucking oh so softly on the delicate skin. “I’ve needed you all night,” you say, your voice leaning into a bit of a whine.
He chuckles, pressing his front against yours. You can feel his cock pressing against your thigh.
“In case you haven’t noticed, sweetheart, same,” he says, letting his hands fully slip beneath your sweater before taking a pause. “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too soon?”
“I promise I want to. I’ve thought about it all week,” you admit, looking down at the floor in slight embarrassment. He’s having none of that, tilting your chin back up to look at him instantly.
“You just tell me if you want to stop, at any point, ‘kay?” he asks, holding your shoulders.
“I will, Eddie.”
With that, he’s picking you up, placing you down onto the perfectly made bed. You lay back, head sinking into the pillow as he hovers above you, leaning down to kiss you like his life depends on it. Your hands hold his face, not wanting him to go away for even a second. He laughs into the kiss, pulling ever so slightly away.
“I can’t do much of anything if you don’t let me move, sweetness.”
You huff, giving him a dramatic pout as you let him go.
“Can I take this sweater off?” he asks you, smiling when you nod.
Slowly, the material is worked over your head, your arms lifting to allow him to pull it off. His eyes go wide at the sight of your pretty lace bra, holding your tits perfectly. You’re even more stunning than he ever could’ve imagined, and he hasn’t even seen all of you yet. His perfect girl.
His head immediately dips down, kissing your neck, down to your collarbone, his teeth stopping to toy with the pendant on your necklace. He kisses the dip between your breasts, his hands slowly creeping up to slip under the cups of your bra. Fingers squeeze your nipples gently, making a breathy moan leave your mouth.
“Eddie…” you arch your back, and he takes the hint, reaching around to unclasp the garment. He tosses it to the floor, worshiping your tits with his hands and his mouth.
He sucks on one nipple, then the other, tongue laving over the sensitive buds. Your hand finds its way to his hair, embedding your fingers into his soft curls and tugging. He groans when you do, a reaction you weren’t expecting, but it encourages you to continue. Eventually, when he’s decided he’s focused enough on your breasts for now, his mouth continues its descent.
Kisses are trailed down your stomach, below your bellybutton, right to the waistband of your skirt. Your breath hitches when he reaches that spot, your brows furrowing as you look down at him.
“Please keep going,” you whine, and he smirks at the hint of desperation in your voice.
“So eager, huh sweet girl?” he teases gently, fingers already hooking beneath your skirt to pull it down. He discards it just as he had your bra, leaving you in nothing but a pair of panties to match the top piece.
You feel your cheeks get hot. You hadn’t intentionally worn a matching set; you didn’t go into the night expecting anything. But you fear it looks that way now.
Lucky for you, Eddie doesn’t notice; or if he does he doesn’t care. He’s looking at you like he’s never seen anything more precious, more beautiful.
“Baby, holy shit…” he breathes, sinking down to press kisses to your thighs.
You couldn’t count the number of kisses you’ve received tonight if you tried. He’s sure to hit every inch of your skin. His nose brushes against your clit, his hot breath fanning against your core. You know you’re soaking the lace that keeps you covered, and you can feel yourself throb for him. His mouth kisses atop your panties before he presses his tongue flat against them, so close to where you need him most. Separated only by thin fabric.
It’s cruel, the way he teases, his lips kissing over your clit before moving to your inner thighs. His teeth nip at the skin there, making you shiver when he starts to suck.
“Ed, oh my god,” you pant, your legs threatening to close involuntarily, your body so sensitive. He grips your thighs, pushing them apart more forcefully than he’d done anything so far.
“Gotta keep your legs spread wide for me, sweetheart,” he purrs, big eyes glancing up at you.
You nod quickly, feeling your slick start to pool in your panties. “Need your mouth on me, please,” you cry, grateful when you feel him tug your underwear down.
“Such a sweet girl, being so polite,” he says, pulling the lace around your ankles and feet until you’re completely ridden of your last article of clothing.
Eddie tugs off his jacket, followed by his shirt before he leans back down between your legs. He pokes his tongue out tentatively, licking a stripe up your folds. You gasp, hips bucking before his strong grip brings them back down. He buries his face in your pussy, tongue prodding inside of you, lapping up the honey that drips from your center. His nose bumps against your clit, giving you much needed friction. It takes everything in you to not grind against his face, trying keep some composure.
You’d imagined scenarios like this plenty of times, always knew Eddie would be able to make you feel good. But he’s truly unreal, you’ve never felt pleasure like this in your life. It’s been worth the wait to have him, you can say that for certain, your brain fuzzy as he devours you.
You’d think this is his last meal, the way he licks and sucks and moans as he does it. He flicks the tip of his tongue rapidly over your clit, and you have to remind yourself of where you are before a loud whine can escape you. You bite down on your fist, something to muffle your noises, to keep your actions discreet.
Eddie’s relentless, barely coming up for air as his tongue unravels you. When he does pause, he gives you a devious little grin, his chin shiny with your arousal. The sight makes you feral, primal in the way you desire him. And as much as you love the way he eats your cunt, you need more from him.
“Eddie, baby, please—” you pant, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Once you’ve got it, you feel nervous under his intense stare. “I want to have sex,” you say softly. “I need you inside of me. Like, right now.”
“My god, you’re something else,” he breathes, wiping his chin with the back of his hand.
He moves to hover over you, his bare chest on full display. You let your hands run down his pale skin, fingers tracing the outlines of his tattoos. He shivers at your touch, and you can see the tented fabric of his jeans; his cock straining to be near you. His lips are on yours, his tongue working your mouth open for him as you reach down to palm him through the denim. The taste of yourself on his mouth has you throbbing for him, aching. He whimpers when you squeeze the outline of his cock, a sound you weren’t anticipating.
“I think you should take these off,” you suggest, tugging at the waistband of his pants.
“Yeah,” he says, eyes blown out with lust. “Good idea.”
He shimmies out of his tight jeans, his boxers following suit. His cock springs free, and your eyes widen at the sight of it. He’s got the perfect girth, and he’s long. The head is pink and leaking for you already, and there’s a slight curve to his shaft. A vein protrudes from beneath the skin, practically throbbing.
“Oh my god…” you whisper, startling when you realize you said it out loud. He’s grinning like the devil, bending back down to kiss your cheek.
“Like what you see, huh, Sunny?” he asks, smug as ever.
You roll your eyes, playfully shoving him away. “Fuck off,” you giggle, your tone holding no malice.
He does the exact opposite of what you said, invading your space once more to kiss all over your face. You laugh, making him join in with you.
“I do like what I see, for the record,” you tell him honestly, his smile turning shy. “I can’t believe you’re mine. I’m so lucky that, after everything, this is where we are now,” you continue, seeing the way his face completely softens at your sweet words.
“I’m the lucky one, I promise you,” he says. “Do I need to say it again? I love you so fucking much.”
It feels so right hearing him say those words. It feels like you’ve been saying them your whole lives, rather than just starting tonight.
“I love you,” you sigh, his body pressing against yours.
The realization of the line you’re about to cross hits you, but it’s welcomed. You trust Eddie to take care of you more than you’d trust anyone, and your heart pounds in your chest as you think about how much you want him. Your adoration for him is unwavering, and you so badly crave him.
“You ready for me?” he asks, patient as he rubs his thumb along your cheek. “Shit — do you want me to get a condom?”
“Yeah. I’m ready,” you confirm. “Don’t want you to use a condom. Wanna feel every inch of you,” you plead, biting your lip as he curses under his breath.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?” he chuckles, shaking his head of dark brown curls.
“So you’ve said,” you reply, letting him kiss you sweetly before lining himself up properly. You inhale deeply when you feel his tip prod at your entrance.
He makes eye contact with you as he slips inside your wet walls, both of you moaning in unison at the feeling. For him, it’s the way you squeeze around his length, sucking him right in. For you, it’s the overwhelming stretch to accommodate him. It knocks the wind out of you, your eyes rolling back as he sinks in even deeper.
“Oh my god, baby,” Eddie groans, letting his forehead rest on your shoulder.
He doesn’t move once he gets fully sheathed inside, letting you adjust to his size. When you start to get squirmy, he knows you’re ready for more. He thrusts slowly, wanting to take his precious time with you. Wanting to be careful, to make love to you rather than fuck you like a one night stand. He wants to show you how much you mean to him.
The gentle rocking of his hips has your back arching, his cock reaching perfect depths inside of you. He hits the spot your fingers can’t, drawing breathy whines and moans of his name from your pretty lips.
“You have to be quiet, sweet girl,” he shushes, kissing the corner of your mouth. “Don’t want anyone to know what we’re up to.”
“You just feel… s-so good, Eddie. This is everything I wanted,” you whisper, your hands clutching his back tight as he moves just a little bit faster.
The slick glide of his cock in and out, in and out has you seeing stars beneath him. Every inch of him feels divine, and he steals your breath each time he pushes back in. Your nails dig at the skin of his shoulder blades, biting down hard on your lip to keep yourself quiet. His ragged breaths turn you on even more, as does the strained look on his face as he tries desperately not to cry out for you.
“Wanna ride me, baby?” he asks. “I’d love to see the way those pretty tits bounce with you on top,” he purrs, sugary sweetness dripping from his words. He wants to worship you, like the goddess you are.
You’re nodding eagerly, having already wanted to ask him if you could ride him. He pulls out, making you wince before he flips you over. With him sprawled out on the bed, now, you’re getting a full view of everything.
His cock is wet with your slick, nearly purple in color and clearly so needy. The dark patch of hair at the base is enticing, and you want to nuzzle your face into it. His balls hang heavy between his thighs, and you reach out instinctively to squeeze them.
“Fuck,” he hisses, making you smirk in satisfaction.
It could be a fun game, you think, learning how to touch him; discovering what makes him whine, what makes him twitch. You’re excited by the fact that you have all the time in the world to learn what gets him going. His body is yours to explore, to study and observe. It makes you hot for him all over again.
You straddle him, letting your wet folds glide along his length. Your palms are planted flat on his chest, wiggling your ass on top of him.
“Such a little tease,” he says, looking up at you in awe. “Look so pretty up there.”
You flush, gripping the base of his drooling cock before aligning it with your entrance. Sinking down onto him, a light and pretty whine escapes you. He watches, completely enamored as your expression changes with each inch of him that fills you. You’re the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen, he’s certain of it.
This new angle allows him to go even deeper, and it feels incredible in a different way than the previous position had. Your hands grip onto his sides, his shoulders, anywhere you can reach to ground yourself as you start to rock your hips steadily.
“Eddie…” you moan, trying to keep your voice quiet. He looks blissed out where his head rests on the pillow, his lips parted as he takes shallow breaths.
He begins to do some of the work for you, his hips meeting yours as he starts to rut up into you. You gasp, his cock hitting that perfect spot once again. Your body feels tingly, electrified. Everywhere he touches you you can feel sparks, wishing his hand could be everywhere all at once. He sets a slightly faster pace than he had in missionary, bouncing you perfectly up and down. You lean down, your chest pressing to his as you hold his shoulders for stability. Burying your face into his neck, you start to kiss and suck on the skin there.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you feel so fucking good,” he grunts, the sound of his balls slapping against your skin filling the bedroom.
Desperate for more, you let your hand worm its way between your bodies, starting to rub your swollen clit. There’s barely enough room between the two of you for it to work, but you’ve got it. Eddie, of course can feel it though.
“Whatcha doin’ there, sweetness?” he asks. You don’t need to look at him to hear the grin in his voice.
Your fingers continue their ministrations, pressing into your clit in circles. “Nothin’” you mumble, shy into his shoulder.
“Ah-ah, none of that, shy girl. Look at me,” he commands gently, tilting your chin up with a finger beneath it. He smiles wide when your eyes meet his. “Does that feel good?”
“So good, Eddie,” you breathe, cheeks blazing hot under his taunting stare. He’s smug, of course he is, because he has you so worked up you’re touching yourself to get to your release faster.
“Good. Keep doing that for me, baby, okay?”
“Mhm,” you mumble, wobbly as he picks up the pace of his thrusts. Not too fast, but just enough to tip you over the edge.
The way his cock presses repeatedly into your sweet spot makes you see stars, your fingers moving as fast as they can go over your sensitive bud. Your mouth is agape, no sound coming out as he fucks into you.
“I love being inside of you, baby. Love everything about you,” he murmurs into your ear, kissing the side of your head.
The softness of his words juxtaposed with the absolute filthy way he’s fucking you makes you delirious, your body so desperate for release. You find it harder and harder to stay quiet, whimpers and squeaks leaving your mouth with each thrust he gives you. You’re so close, the tension in the pit of your stomach rising to a head.
“Is my pretty girl gonna cum for me? Gonna cum all over my cock?” Eddie encourages, sensing your quick approach, his honey tone of voice pushing you past your breaking point at last.
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, washing over you in overwhelming waves. You clench hard around him, soaking his cock and the curls at the base of it. Nothing has ever felt better, your mind and body succumbing to sheer pleasure; being pulled right under. He pulls out just in time, ropes of his own cum spurting out over his stomach and chest.
You both breathe heavily, the sounds of each inhale and exhale the only thing filling the space around you. You shakily climb off of Eddie, sitting beside him on the bed. He reaches over, pulling tissues from the box on the bedside table. He cleans you up before he cleans himself, gingerly wiping between your thighs. He kisses you in the midst of it, lips pressed to yours as one hand grips your face.
“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, Sunny,” he whispers. “My fucking dream girl.”
You giggle, unable to hide how smitten you are. “Such a sap, Eds,” you joke, leaning in for another kiss. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and then some,” you say after pulling away, enjoying the way his cheeks flush pink. “In case I haven’t said it enough this week, I’m so fucking happy you’re home.”
“I’m never going anywhere ever again. It’s me and you forever, sweetheart,” he promises, laying back down and pulling you to join him.
Chest to chest, you tilt your chin up to look at him. Your noses are nearly touching, his arms wrapped around your middle; keeping you close and keeping you safe.
“I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you even more.”
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delicatebarness · 3 months
the hard launch
Pairing: Actor!Bucky Barnes x Singer!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky have been secretly dating for a few years, and it's finally time to tell the world.
Warnings: Fluff.
Word Count: 725
Masterlist | Support: Ko-Fi
A/N: I love them. - Please feel free to leave feedback, you know I love hearing your opinions. - B
Tags: @princesscore-angel | @msanimeotaku181
Everything Tags: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick
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The world knew James ‘Bucky’ Barnes as the brooding, captivating actor who brought characters like The Winter Soldier, to life on the big screen. However, the world didn't know that the man behind the character had been holding a secret close to his heart.
To that same world, you were known as the singer-songwriter whose voice melted hearts with lyrics that spoke of hidden sorrows and forbidden love. Your latest album has taken the world by storm. It climbed to the top of the charts, with each song more poignant than the last. Yet, behind your public persona, you lived a secret life: one shared with Bucky Barnes.
You had met Bucky at a charity event– a glitzy Hollywood soirées, filled with flashes toward fake smiles and whispers behind champagne flutes. You had agreed to perform your latest single, your voice called to Bucky like a siren’s call. The pair of you talked, laughed, and exchanged numbers as a professional courtesy. However, as the weeks turned into months, your text messages turned into late-night FaceTime calls, which shortly turned into stolen weekends away.
The relationship was a guarded secret, known only to a select trustworthy few. There were suspicions, of course, throughout the tabloids and your respected fanbases. As things between you and Bucky grew more serious, paparazzi photos of Bucky slipping out of your apartment at odd hours, and mentions of his eyes lit up when your songs played in the background of interviews. 
But, neither one of you confirmed anything, you relished in the intimacy of your private world. 
That was until, your new single, “End of the Line” was about to be released. A heartfelt ballad about a secret love, cherishing stolen moments, and the bittersweet beauty of hiding. You suggested to Bucky that should star in the music video, but at first, he hesitated. 
“Are you sure about this?” he asked you, his brow furrowing as he held your gaze. “This is a big step.” 
Taking his hand, your fingers interlocking with his. “I am, Buck. We’ve been hiding for so long. I want the world to see our love. Plus, the song is ours, it’s about us. Who else could bring it to life the way you can?” 
The way your passion for music mirrored his own for acting, he saw the fire in your eyes. And, he agreed. 
Directed by a close friend to you both, who already knew your secret, the shoot was an exercise in restraint and release. Set in a secluded cabin, surrounded by nature, the scenes were tender. They were filled with longing glances and gentle touches. Your real emotions poured into your performances, the chemistry you shared with Bucky was undeniable and electrifying. The camera captured your unspoken love as you danced in the moonlight, and shared whispered secrets.
During one intimate scene, he whispered, “Are you nervous about how they’ll react?” 
You looked up at him, your eyes shining with unshed tears. “A little, but we’ve come this far together. No matter what happens, we’ll still have us.” 
He brushed a strand of hair from your face as he smiled down at you. “Till the end of the line.” You echoed his words softly back to him. 
Shockwaves were sent through your fanbases when the video was released. The cinematography was stunning and raw, unfiltered emotion haunted the song. Your secret was out, and it captivated the world. Instead of the scandal you had feared, the response was overwhelmingly positive. 
Fans and critics alike praised the authenticity of your love and the bravery you both had shown by sharing something incredibly personal to the world. 
The ‘hard launch’ was a success, and as you stood on stage at your next concert, you sang the song live to a crowd for the first time. The crowd erupted in applause as Bucky appeared on stage behind you. Turning in confusion, your voice trembled slightly with emotion as the love of your life ran toward you. 
The second he reached you, he took your face in his hands and pulled you into a kiss. Right there in front of thousands, sealing your love in the spotlight. He whispered against your lips, “I love you, till the end of the line.” you smiled, repeating the words back to him as tears of joy streamed down your face. 
Masterlist | Support: Ko-Fi
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jokeroutsubs · 4 months
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Joker Out Masterpost for new fans
New fan of Joker Out? Say no more! 
Getting to know a new artist you’ve found can be intimidating if it’s all in another language, so we’ve compiled some of our favourite interviews, articles and lore here! You’ve arrived in a wonderful fanbase, welcome from all of us here at JokerOutSubs! 
If you’d just like a short overview of the band and their history, you can watch this excellent Finnish summary of them that we’ve translated (14m 53s).
But if you want to dive into the details, then check out our timeline, full of videos and articles translated by JokerOutSubs! 
Timeline graphic:
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Timeline in details below the cut 👇
Timeline in details: 
How did the band form? 
Joker Out was formed from two bands, Apokalipsa and Buržuazija. 
Apokalipsa included Bojan Cvjetićanin (vocals), Martin Jurkovič (bass) and Matic Kovačič (drums) 
They gained some traction with young people around Slovenia, particularly with their song 'Mogoče' ('Maybe'), which you can watch on YouTube here.
They came to the attention of Kris Guštin, who was inspired to start learning guitar! He discusses the details in this video (at 9:40). 
Kris then met Jan Peteh, another student of his guitar teacher, and at their teachers advice, they formed the band Buržuazija. 
Bojan attended their second ever gig in 2016, and decided these two excellent guitarists were exactly what had been missing from Apokalipsa, as he wasn’t happy with their current guitarists. He asked them to join, and they accepted
The new lineup (Bojan, Jan, Kris, Martin and Matic) decided to rename themselves Joker Out. The name means nothing, but they thought it sounded good and was the ‘least horrible’ of all the ideas they could think of. 
So, in 2016, Joker Out was officially formed! 
November 2016, Kot srce ki kri poganja: 
Joker Out’s first music video was for their song ‘Kot srce ki kri poganja’ ('Like a heart that pumps blood'), filmed in Jan’s hometown of Vrhnika! We eventually got this song on Spotify on their 2023 album Live from Arena Stožice!
Music video: Kot srce ki kri poganja
English Interview (from 3:37 to 6:05): Joker Out discusses filming the music video
June 2017, Špil Liga:
One of the earliest performances for Joker Out was at Špil Liga, a competition for young bands in Slovenia. They won, and recorded their winning song, Omamljeno telo (intoxicated body) in November as part of the prize. 
Live (33m): Joker Out at Špil liga
Interview (5m): Reflections on Špil Liga in 2023 
c.2017/18, Bojan’s attempt at going solo:
The band took a hiatus c.2017/18, and Bojan considered going solo at that time, even working with a few producers. He eventually realised that he belonged with the band! Hear him tell the story:
Reel (1m 23s): A1 Vajb - Bojan’s fail
2019, A change up for the band:
The band began working with their current producer, Žare Pak, and their videographer Mark Pirc, in 2019 - both of whom have been referred to as the sixth member of the band. This led to a change in their sound and production quality, which culminated in ‘Gola’ ('Naked'), the first of their songs to be a big hit!
Music video: Gola
Zlata piščal ('Golden Flute') - Best New Artist 2019:
Joker Out won their first Zlata piščal award in 2019, for best new artist (one of many they’d go on to win!) This is a kind of Slovenian Grammy! Covid interrupted the proceedings, but you can see their interview for it here (3m 59s)- 
Interview: Joker Out wins a Zlata piščal ('Golden Flute') for Best New Artist 2019
Umazane misli, and a new member: 
During the Covid times, the band began recording their first studio album, 'Umazane misli' ('Dirty thoughts'), which was originally going to be released in March 2020 but was repeatedly delayed until October 2021. The first half was recorded with drummer Matic Kovačič, but the band felt they needed something extra and brought in Jure Maček to help write the arrangements. They loved him so much, he never left! 
Interview (from 10:40 to 11:36): Bojan talks briefly about Jure joining the band
COVID times, and Cvetličarna: 
The band had arranged to do two concerts at Cvetličarna, a very important venue in Slovenia and a big break for them. This was delayed several times due to Covid, but eventually managed to go ahead in October 2021 for the release of their first album. 
Video (1m 14s): Cvetličarna promotional video
Live (1h 28m): Joker Out at Cvetličarna
Interview (34m 55s): Bojan discusses Cvetličarna, its importance, and Covid
Umazane misli album launch: 
'Umazane misli' was extremely well received! The band would go on to win two more Zlata piščal awards, Newcomers of the Year in 2020 and Artist of the Year in 2021.
Interview (37m 08s): Umazane misli album presentation
An acting career for Bojan? 
Around the same time as 'Umazane misli' was released, Bojan began considering an acting career. He acted in two episodes of the series ‘Gospod Professor’ and in another series, which was eventually reworked as a film called ‘Kaj pa Ester’ and released in December 2023. He decided music was his passion though, and he wanted to fully focus on that. 
Interview (from 10:04 to 11:30): Bojan discusses his acting career
Interview (2m 11s): Kaj pa Ester interview
Interview (2m 30s): Kaj pa Ester première
Article: Bojan on Kaj pa Ester
September 2022, Križanke:
The band got straight to work writing their second album, 'Demoni' ('Demons'), and decided to present it in September 2022 at Križanke, another hugely important venue in Slovenia. This whole concert wasn’t recorded, but we have an interesting advertisement they did for it, an interview and a clip of one song live from Križanke! 
Video (5m 4s): Full Joker Out Hotline trailers
Interview (2m 16s): Joker Out with parachutes to Križanke?
Live (4m 7s): 'Novi val' ('New wave') live at Križanke
Interview (44m 35s): Demoni album presentation
Another new member! 
After Križanke at the end of 2022, Martin Jurkovič, one of the founding members of the band, made the decision to leave to focus on his studies.
Video (2m 20s): Martin's departure
Thankfully, he was replaced by the wonderful Nace Jordan, who remains the bassist in the current lineup.
Article: Nace Jordan discusses joining the band
2023, Eurovision:
Joker Out were then internally selected to go to Eurovision 2023, and began recording their Eurovision song, 'Carpe Diem', in Hamburg in December 2022. To learn more, you can watch the Carpe Diem series, a documentary series which followed their entire journey. 
The first episode, recording Carpe Diem, can be found with subtitles in multiple languages by JokerOutSubs!
Video (16m 41s): Carpe Diem Ep. 1 - Hamburg
The band performed their song for the first time live on Misija Liverpool, a televised debut, on the 4th February 2023.
Video (27m): Joker Out performing at Misija Liverpool
There are quite literally hundreds of interviews with Joker Out during the Eurovision era. Here's one from just before the final, that we have translated.
Interview: Joker Out before the final on the 13th May
And a few English interviews that became famous in the fanbase! 
Interview (24m 29s): Eurovanja
Interview (8m 10s): Seize the Day situations
Interview (17m 18s): Tiktok Live
Interview (6m 30s): ‘Never have I ever’
Interview (14m 12s): Madrid Eurovision
Joker Out came 21st at Eurovision, which they were satisfied with.
Interview (1m 36s): Bojan talks about their results
European tour and Sunny Side of London (22nd September)
Luckily, the best was still to come for Joker Out! The rest of 2023 was spent on an extremely successful European tour, and they also released their first English single, 'Sunny Side of London', in September. 
We at JokerOutSubs were also thrilled to interview the band twice on their tour!
Original Interview (15m 25s): JokerOutSubs interview in Tampere
Original Interview (14m 37s): JokerOutSubs interview in Poznań
6th of October 2023, Stožice:
All of this, however, was building up to Stožice. This is the biggest closed venue in Slovenia and Joker Out managed to sell out their October show there - an extremely important milestone for Slovenian artists. 
Interview (15m 4s): Stožice and their whirlwind post Eurovision career
Live: Full concert live-streamed part 1 and part 2
A lovely moment at Stožice was when former members Martin Jurkovič and Matic Kovačič joined the band onstage to perform 'Kot srce ki kri poganja'!
Interview (2m 4s): Martin and Matic discuss the experience
Interview (5m 9s): Joker Out post Stožice impressions
London era and Everybody’s Waiting: 
Joker Out spent the beginning of 2024 in London, where they wrote new music, did live cooking shows on Instagram and met the incredibly talented photographer, Damon Baker, who did a beautiful series of photoshoots with them. They also released their next English single, 'Everybody’s Waiting', in February. 
They sat down with us at JokerOutSubs to discuss all this on the 20th February!
Original Interview (59m 13s): JokerOutSubs interview in London
March and April 2024, ‘See you soon’ tour:
The boys then embarked on the ‘See you Soon’ tour, another very successful European tour. They played three new songs live during the tour, two of which we translated from the concert videos of our members!
Live:  First performance of 'Bluza' ('Blouse')
Live: First performance of the hugely popular 'Šta bih ja' ('What would I')
We at JokerOutSubs also interviewed the band a fourth time in Padova!
Original Interview (22m 7s): JokerOutSubs interview in Padova
Now you know a little bit about Joker Out’s history, let’s look a little bit at the members of the band as individuals! 
Who are the members?
Bojan Cvjetićanin - singer
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Charming, charismatic and an all round green flag, deep down we’re all Bojan girlies! See him here on Cosmopolitan's Blind date, Portrait with Coffee and a lovely interview he did for Delo! 
Interview (8m 49s): Cosmopolitan's Blind date
Interview (18m 3s): Portrait with Coffee
Article: “If we believed that we were “kings”, that wouldn’t be us”
Jan Peteh - guitarist
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The mysterious mathematician of the band, Jan and his cat Igor have stolen the hearts of the fanbase. Here he is on Undercover Mathematician and on Metropolitan podcast with ex bassist Martin! 
Interview (3m 26s): Undercover mathematician
Interview (43m 57s): Jan and Martin on Metropolitan podcast
Kris Guštin - guitarist
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Known for his organisational expertise, 'slay pose' and 'cake baking skills,' Kris stays fabulous on and off stage!
Video (1m 5s): NGVOT backstory (Kris’ breakup) at Cvetličarna
Article: Interview with the entire Guštin family
Jure Maček - drummer
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Described consistently by his band mates as ‘čaga’ (party), Jure brings a chaotic energy to Joker Out that we love to see!
Video (41s): Jure’s cheating (in school!) story
Interview (18m 3s): Sunday Chat on Radio 94
Nace Jordan - bassist
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The oldest member of Joker Out, Nace is a genuine sweetheart who fit like a glove into Joker Out despite joining much later! 
Article: "Enriched by a special [Eurovision] experience"
Interview (18m 24s): Interview with JokerOutSubs in Umag
Get to know the whole band! 
They mostly do interviews together, so here are some of our favourites!
Interview (16m 52s): Vičstock Unplugged
Video (7m 3s): Joker Out pre-Križanke Instagram Q&A compilation
Interview (54m 42s): Multisciplinary panel at Bežigrad High School
Article: Joker Out for DELO
Article: Joker Out for Mladina magazine
Interview (6m 42s): Joker Out for RTV SLO
Interview (1h 1m): Joker Out for N1 podkast
We hope you’ve enjoyed learning a bit more about our favourite band! 
If you’d like even MORE translated interviews, articles and Instagram stories, you can find us on Tumblr, X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Spotify under the name JokerOutSubs!
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P.S: If you wish to share this post with new fans, we also provided QR codes!
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willowser · 1 year
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bakugou + strawberries ; 2.7k ੈ‧₊˚ for our meet fruit collab ! ‧₊˚✧ ₊˚
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mina suggests speed-dating.
first as a joke — you think — after the two of you spend too many weekends in a row watching sappy rom-coms on her couch while crying into a bowl of trail mix, and then a second time, and then a third time, after you refuse.
in her last attempt, she pulls out the big ones: her upcoming birthday. it will be so fun!! she tells you, with her big eyes and bigger pout, looking at you as if you'd hung the stars by saying yes. it's a cheap shot, really, because she knows you or anyone would do pretty much anything when it comes to mina the birthday girl.
— and that's how you find yourself here, sitting in too nice of an outfit to be spending your allotted time listening to a man bash his ex-girlfriend.
you might have found him a bit cuter if he wasn't doing that, or if he showed even an ounce of interest in you whatsoever. instead, he's treating this like a therapy session, and you're not getting paid for it.
when the timer rings, you're more than thankful. irritated enough, even, to spin around the room in search of mina — who is happily watching on as two men grapple with each other for who gets to sit across from her next. you suppose being a top hero is good for that, finding someone who is willing to give you their all.
to yourself, you sigh quietly and turn back to the little bowl of strawberries in the center of the small table, the flutes of champagne on either side of it. mina's bottle, you noticed, is almost totally empty; your last date hadn't even looked at yours, nor did he seem to think to offer you a drink.
it's not that you're jealous. really. you wouldn't even say that you're interested in dating right now, finding your job at the agency to be too much of a whirlwind to balance, anyway. you love mina: she's your closest friend, your home away from home, your cheerleader and personal hero — but working for her is nothing short of a full-time job.
sometimes your bed is a little lonely, when she's not staying the night in it after another rom-com evening, but you really can't think that you'd like someone in it, anyway, much less a stranger. it's hard to explain where your time goes, who it goes with; having to share that with someone, you think, would take more emotional energy than you have right now.
and maybe it also sorta, kinda has to do with the fact that the one and only man you're thinking of outside of work — is the same man you see inside of it every single day.
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the very thought of bakugou has your stomach turning, painfully. the image of him in the late afternoons with the sun glowing in his hair, the gentle look he spares you as you wait for the elevator, how he'd looked at you today, when you told him where you and mina were going; you don't know how anyone could make you feel the way he does, at least right now.
the seat across from you is taken up suddenly, then, and you look up into the eyes of someone that looks — nice. a little shy, a little nervous, as they introduce themselves. they decide to pour you a glass of champagne, and they even tell you, openly, voice shaking, how nice you look tonight.
you smile so hard that your cheeks hurt, much to your own surprise.
"i'm actually allergic to strawberries," they tell you with a laugh, gently pushing the bowl closer to you. "that would be a hell of a first date, wouldn't it?"
you agree. "definitely one to remember!"
"well, in that case—" they joke, suddenly leaning forward as if they're going to pull it back towards them, and it's so earnest and sweet that you feel your heartbeat in your throat a bit. "i sound like i'm kissing up to you, but—you have a really nice smile, also."
you have to sit back in your seat, fanning your face dramatically as you both laugh. "wow, i'm not used to someone—"
"time's up, extra."
you blink so hard that your eyes are crossed when you open them, and you look up at the man standing there, waiting for his turn, just as the timer dings and the room comes to life with a bustle. the person across from you only frowns, too timid to say anything in response before they're getting up and casting you a regretful glance. they're barely a foot away before the chair is taken, so aggressively that it scrapes against the floor and shakes the table.
you can't believe what you're seeing. you can't believe bakugou is sitting across from you, right now, ruining everything.
"what—are you doing?" you hiss, though your feelings — with a mind of their own — flutter like butterflies in your stomach at the sight of him.
the scowl he gives you is ugly, as always, but his face is smoother than you remember it being today; freshly shaven, maybe. the cologne he's wearing is strong, woodsy, potent enough that it dizzies you from across the table, that you can only imagine how sweet it smells soaking into the soft skin of his neck. even the shirt he's wearing, you notice, is a button down that you've never seen him in.
"the hell do you mean?" he growls, face pinched as he leans closer, so that his voice doesn't carry as it usually does. "'s'it look like i'm doin'? saving you from some sorry dumbass."
"bakugou," you grit, though the room quiets as everyone takes their seats again, and you have to swallow back your annoyance so you don't draw anymore attention to yourself.
you're not dumb enough to think he'd get away without some people fighting for his attention, too, the same way they did to mina, and — as irritated as you are, suddenly, at his appearance — you're not exactly keen on sharing him, either.
"they were very nice, thank you very much,"
"psh," he rolls his eyes, a muscle in his jaw jumping. "couldn't even look me in the eyes to tell me to fuck off—"
"maybe because they were worried you would blast them through the window—"
"and i would have—"
"oh!" you clench your hands into fists and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to will your anger back down. losing your cool isn't a good look, especially in a room of people that are trying to get to know you. "are you serious right now? why are you here?"
"you really wanna spend our five minutes doin' this?"
and there's something about the way he says it — our five minutes — that has your stomach turning in that horrible way it always does, whenever you bite into the softer parts of him. the look on his face is pensive, nervous if you thought that he was capable of being nervous. his shirt, his shaven cheeks, his alluring cologne; he's here, right now, on a date with you. pushed his way into it, even.
you straighten in your seat and sit back, dropping your eyes to the table, ashamed at the fire you've just thrown at him. "can you at least tell me why you're here in the first place?"
bakugou is silent for long enough that you can't stand not to take him in, how appealing he is to look at, how your heart sings when he looks back. one shake of his head has him sighing and then he's leaning back, too, staring only at the strawberries.
"this is her birthday thing, ain't it?"
"yeah," you murmur in agreement quietly, fiddling with your own fingers in your lap as your nerves harden into bitter disappointment. he's here for the same reasons you are, you tell yourself: for your friend, only.
distantly, you try to remind yourself that this nothing out of the ordinary. that you shouldn't be thinking of him this way, getting so hung-up on someone that's never expressed an interest in you to begin with. there have been a few late night conversations in the stairwell, that ran longer than they should have, that revealed more than they should have — but it doesn't make him yours. not in the way you want it to.
in an attempt to swallow down your own sourness, you reach for a strawberry, picking through them until you find the fattest one, and then bite it to the stem. a little stream of juice sprays out, dripping down over your bottom lip as you scramble for your napkin. you lick after it before patting at your face, spreading the sugar, the sweetness.
bakugou leans across the table so suddenly that you startle, mouth twisted like he's struggling to say what he's about to say. "alright, look—"
the timer rings, horribly, but his ruby stare never dims, never leaves yours and yours never leaves his, either, as if you're both suddenly trapped in a weird limbo of in-between; in-between the quiet moments, in-between the loudest ones, in-between everyone else, together.
and then mina notices.
"oh my god, blasty, you came!" she shouts, springing up from her seat to wave at you both from across the room. her earrings jingle loudly, bracelet beads knocking together as she leans too far to the left, champagne-drunk already. it snaps the moment between you and him, worry filling the gaps as you think about how you're going to get her out of here, once the night is over.
bakugou sinks a little further into his chair, as if it will hide him, before grumbling to himself. cheeks reddening, you realize; strawberry-kissed. he heaves a heavy sigh before digging his fingers into his eyes, deep enough that an ache develops in your own, and he opens his mouth to speak again when someone else approaches the table.
"okay, time to switcheroo!" he sings, grinning too cheerily at you, enough to make you laugh at his enthusiasm.
it darkens bakugou, considerably; "piss off," is all he says, scooting his chair further into the table as if to claim it. he barely gets another word out before the man is starting to protest, and the look he gives him then is awfully viscious: nostrils flared, looking up from beneath his long lashes and furrowed brow, as if this stranger had pissed in your champagne. "i said, fuck off, before i howitzer you through the—"
"okay!" you interrupt, reaching across the table with both hands to close one of bakugou's. his fingers are curled dangerously, and you swear you can see little sizzles of steam slipping between your linked fingers. "let's just—do an extra skip this time, okay? how about you just gives us this one, and you go to the next table?"
the man frowns — which is a bit flattering — but ultimately takes the lifeline you offer, trailing away without another word down to the next table. you can feel the couple on the other side watching you and bakugou now, a little open-mouthed, and your heart quickens at the worry that they're noticing him, that your new five minutes are going to be wasted, too.
—but his hand hasn't moved from yours and his eyes have returned, full to the brim with some emotion you can't read. if you had to guess, you'd say regret, maybe, but you aren't sure how to take that, and so you don't.
you should let him go, literally and figuratively, but the solidity of your logic is no match for the soft beat of butterfly wings in your gut.
"what are you doing?" you ask him again, softly, surely, because you want to hear the answer whatever it is. he either needs to deny you, here and now so you can move on — or he needs to acknowledge the confliction on his face, the soft intertwine of his fingers into yours.
bakugou looks at you now the way he does in the stairwell, the way he does when the sun is painting you warm, too. "i told you," he murmurs, "savin' you from some dumbass."
"but why do you even care?"
another heavy sigh falls from him and you can feel your glass-fragile heart breaking when his hand slips from yours, a little roughly. it surprises you when he grabs the champagne bottle from the center of the table and pours himself a small glass, downing it in one, bitter go before filling up your flute, too.
liquid confidence, maybe; his cheeks darken, noticeably, before he's running a rough hand over his face, still struggling to wash out the words.
"why the hell do you think?" he finally says, though his harsh question lacks the abrasive tone his voice usually has; instead it's gentler, more sincere, bakugou — katsuki — in his rawest form. "why d'you think i do—any of this shit?" one hand waves around to gesture to the span of the dining room, but you know he means more than that, much more. "you think i spend that much time after work just 'cause i have time to waste? jesus."
"i don't know," you say, earning a flat look. "why do you?"
"why do you?"
you take the glass from the center of the table and peer down into it, how it bubbles. maybe you're playing dumb and maybe that's what's really bothering him, but — someone like bakugou deals in absolutes, and you need him to do it now.
the struggle is clear, though, across his face, thickening how he swallows and turning down his lips that much more. you feel a bit bad in the silence, when the timer rings and the muscle in his cheek jumps again.
before anyone can even approach the table, he simply sticks his hand out, and the man beside you was definitely watching on, because he doesn't spare you a glance before going around.
and maybe, you think, decidedly, that's enough.
"because i don't want to go home yet," you tell him honestly, trying to ignore the blood rushing in your ears with his mouth twists and he starts to squirm at your truth. "because i'd rather spend the night with you in a stairwell, than anywhere else."
there's a ludicrous amount of tension that leaves his shoulders then, so much that you didn't notice it until it was gone, and he slumps back into his chair with pink ears, now. the sight makes you smile, widely, as if the sight is a confirmation.
maybe for him, it is.
"yeah, well," he grumbles, eyes dropping to the strawberries before darting away, as if he'd thought of something he shouldn't have. "that's what 'm sayin', too."
"no, you're not!" you laugh, nose crinkling when he side-eyes you with a frown. "you're not hardly saying anything!"
"i'm here, ain't i?" he argues, huffing like a bull. "makin' a damn idiot of myself just to stop you from—"
"—going home with some dumbass?"
"well, yeah!"
"so you want me to be going home with you, then?"
"yeah! no! i mean—" he scowls when you laugh again, lip pulling up over his teeth as if he means to bite into your softest parts, too. the thought is more thrilling that you're willing to admit — at least for now. "quit laughin'!"
but it's not just you; across the dining room, you realize mina's giggling, too, turned around in her seat, ignoring the chatty man that wouldn't shut up about his ex. when bakugou turns around to glare at her, she nearly tips out of her chair by throwing her head too far back, and when he moves to stand up like he needs to help her, all she does is wave at him to turn back around.
and he does, to you, cheeks flaring as he grabs the bottle of champagne again, pouring himself his own glass to glare into. he mutters out another quiet, "jesus" before slamming both his elbows on the table, rudely, and holding his glass up for — what you belatedly realize is — a cheers.
behind him, the afternoon sun has long since set, replaced now by nightfall and stars that shine through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows — but he glows regardless, and the look he gives you is just as warm.
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elenauaurs · 1 month
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I decided to draw my girl, Yorrana as a member of the Lonely Lanterns! Lonely haha what a coincidence
Summon: Is it too late to start regretting participating? I feel this is too much work for me.
Set to home for screen: It's been a while since I've performed or played bass, so forgive me for being a little rusty!
Home Transition 1: I've always loved music, but making it? It never really interested me that much. Still, I'm kinda excited for this competition!
Home Transition 2: In elementary school music lessons were mandatory and everyone had to play the flute. The thing is—I hate flute, so I just pretended to play along... Well, to this day I have no idea how to play one.
Home Transition 3: With all these really skilled people in Lonely Lantern, I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't be a part of this....
Home, after login: Do you want to see me practice? U-uhh... Don't worry, It's nothing! I'm just busy right now.
Groovy (???)
"I was practicing when suddenly Yuu appeared, I was quite startled. They told me they heard me playing bass and gave me a snack before leaving... Did they hear everything? How embarrassing... At least I think I have my first fan, hehe. Oh, the snack was good" ( @lumdays )
"Today I just found out that Alce plays guitar. Honestly, I wasn't surprised, she looks like someone who would play guitar. I wonder if she would agree to play with me... No, forget it." ( @althea-and-alcestris )
"Today I had the opportunity to see Yu practicing. If I had to describe what I felt with one word it would be "yikes". He's so good! When I meet him later, I will definitely praise him" ( @distant-velleity )
"I haven't seen Vizzie play or sing yet, but I heard she's really good. If she really is what they say, I think it's a big problem for us, although I really want to see her. But how exactly do I get close to her...?" ( @twisted-wonderland-shenanigans )
Tag list: @cyanide-latte @oya-oya-okay @theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @boopshoops @br3adtoasty @casp1an-sea @heyhellohihowareyou @rainesol @tixdixl @the-banana-0verlord @u-makemeunpocoloco @cheerleaderman @revolllutionary @nyx-of-night @lumdays @skriblee-ksk (Ask to be put or to be removed!)
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