#big blue octopus
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fishenjoyer1 · 4 months ago
Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the day octopus!
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The day octopus, also known as the big blue octopus, and scientific name Octopus cyanea is a well known Indopacific cephalopod. Found in the Indian and Pacific ocean, this octopus can be found as far North as Hawaii to as far South as the Solomon islands, and found from the Hawaiian islands to as far East as the Red Sea and East coast of Africa. These octopi in particular are known for their color changing abilities. The name big blue comes from this color changing ability in fact, as sacs of pigments under the skin can be contracted at will to better match the surrounding environment for camouflage, and courting of mates. This color changing can also be used for communication between octopi, transmitting information of predators and prey nearby.
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The diet of the octopus is made up of fish, crabs, and mollusks. This octopus in particular is diurnal, spending its time awake and active during the day, as opposed to the majority of other cephalopods of which are nocturnal. Small prey is eaten immediately when hunting, but larger prey ,such as adult crabs, must be taken back to the den of the octopi. The prey taken to this den are then killed, with crabs being killed with a  single venomous bite, and mollusks being killed by strategic drilling into their shells. These shells and hard carapaces are then discarded around the mouth of the den. These dens are regularly constructed and abandoned, with each octopus spending only around 35 days in each den before moving to find another. This is due to the fact that these octopi are heavily predated on by seals (especially monk seals!), whales, eels, and sharks. To protect from these predators, other than the creation and moving of dens, these octopi have the ability to squirt ink at hunters. Concealing the water so they can get away, along with rare cases of them attacking with their sharp beaks.
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Breeding and reproduction can take place year round in the day octopus. Once they reach their sexual maturity, at a size of 8cm, with females larger than males, these octopi will search out another octopus. Males will mate with multiple females at a time, attempting to avoid the females cannibalistic tendencies as long as possible. After the mating however, the sucker on the male octopus begins expanding, continuing to do so as the octopi declines and eventually dies. The female however will survive a few months longer, remaining beside her eggs no matter what. She will slowly die for lack of food and exhaustion as she guards over her eggs until they hatch. These eggs hatch into planktonic larvae, which float in the current unable to swim for the first few weeks of their lives. After that they'll survive anywhere from 12-15 months, able to reach a maximum size of 22cm, and living through only one mating season.
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That's the day octopus, everyone! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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pulsethebabyoctopus · 1 year ago
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spiderin-space · 12 days ago
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Concepts n things for upcoming fics
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Round 3 Side A Match 5: Who's the best character?
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gremlinsbooty · 1 year ago
Megurine Anniversary countdown. (Chinese New Year style since its coming soon) 🎆🏮
This is sort of design if she had a chinese voicebank + symbol of the year when she was released (2009 - Year of the Cow/Ox).
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monicracar · 2 years ago
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As usual, I made celebratory art for getting to top 5% big run. This time it is Tardigrizz giving my octo F the reward since I’m playin the game in simplified Chinese. I also made a drawing for my gf @lensinne since this is her first time doing big run using English version
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smiles-ocs · 1 year ago
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Sea monsters for Castor and Ronan’s story. A Leviathan, Kraken, and an aspidochelone.
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twipsai · 2 years ago
we are NOT gonna be weird about shiver winning half time by .7% ok? we are NOT gonna be angry about it and we are gonna have FUN because splatfest is supposed to be fun no matter who wins or loses OK
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hazyla · 5 months ago
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First time I finished a crotchet attempt! Want to shout out my sister who is the only reason I could get through a very confusing octopus making tutorial. Turns out yarn size makes a very noticeable difference.
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rxttenfish · 9 months ago
tbh when it comes to the redesign, if the other ROs can have scars, they ABSOLUTELY have some pretty gnarly scars from miranda.
not even because of her being particularly aggressive either! when she came up to land and began to first realize she can actually get close to people and be affectionate with them for the first time in her life, she had no context on how careful she had to be with landfolk or how rough she couldnt be. adding onto that was that her experience with merfolk were restricted to bellanda too, and she had a habit of just... accidentally grabbing too hard or using her claws or teeth carelessly or just moving without fully checking where everyones limbs are. its just the issue that a playbite for merfolk can be serious lacerations in someone else, and it took... a bit.
which is why now miranda is so constantly careful and hyperaware of how delicately she has to touch everything, because she realized Very Abruptly that she was not like all of her new friends.
(honestly the other ROs who did get bit or clawed are basically over it at this point too. like, it was years ago, and even if they were upset in the moment its hard not to see that miranda clearly didnt want to do that when it happened and has since gotten better about it. hence, why none of them are particularly plussed about when miranda does things that freak other people out, like putting their head in her jaws. yeah yeah, theyve been here, theyve done that, if miranda wanted to hurt them she wouldve done it already, nbd.)
(this is also something that didnt actually happen with the others... scott still can get overexcited and needs to be reminded to pay attention to himself, but also he was already well aware of how to control himself and what was safe by virtue of always having lived around a bunch of different monsters. damien too also figured out pretty early on other peoples limits, as hell is much more open to contacting other people than the merkingdom is. vera had the experience of being raised by the squishier people to begin with.)
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mystic-crochet · 1 year ago
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Octopi, in many different sizes
Possibly one of the first crochet projects I finished, and I've made quite a few of them
Pattern can be found here
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dreamdropsystemarchive · 2 years ago
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bandanad33 · 29 days ago
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What the hell sure tumblr can have my Solace redesign
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atangledfate · 5 months ago
He chose not to respond to Surge though it was obvious he was upset by her desire. But it was her desire, and he couldn't force her to do what she didn't want to do. But he didn't intend to be happy about it and he clearly wanted to be anywhere else but there. He really thought for a moment there, when he saw all those people cheering for her---that she might turn around and change. But he guessed it was to much to ask for.
He kinda winced at her yelling as he was right next to her, and knew you didn't have to yell he figured big moms hearing was 1000x's better then either of them. He gave Rowan a thumbs up as if wishing him luck in his own duty. He turned to Surge finally and shook his head at her with a softer look in his eyes.
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" Yea yellin' not needed we are all right here--- but i get it. You got pay backs to give, and all that... just try not to go to wild we need to get everyone off the ship first... "
He winced at the bright light as they exited out of the shadow void and popped up in front of the massive airship. It really put into perspective how BIG she was, but he was just happy to feel the sun and wind on his face--- but was glad to see the ships defenses were down.
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" While i'd LOVE to crash it... we should probably just move it away from HQ... a little love tap should do the trick eh Mom? Then you can go back with your kids and Surge and i can handle the rest! "
Sonic was stretching as he waited for Mom to get close enough he could bust his way inside!
" then we take out any clean sweep we see--- save any civilians and find clutch! we'll be done by lunch time! sound good? "
Mimic was forced to watch everything unable to move so he'd stopped struggling. Sooner or later these fools would let him free! and when they did he'd kill them both! especially the lemurs! Mimic wanted nothing more then to---what were they doing? what was that? DON'T THEY DARE!!?!
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"Good, because I'm tired of arguing with you." Surge was tired of a lot of things really, though at least she had enough distractions like finding Clutch and throwing him off the airship while she laughs. Not that it was going to be easy with Sonic around, though wouldn't hurt to try. The tenrec kept her distance from Whisper's Wisps, unsure on her standing with them after todays events. The speedster was on some rocky footing with them by returning that energy, though then all this happened.
Surge just turned her attention to the Mother Wisp. "Yo, let's get this show on the road! I'm ready to crack some fucking heads!" The tenrec just wanted to burn off some steam by this point, and what better than knocking around Clutch's security. They'll make perfect punching bags while looking for her main target of her fury. Though the speedster wouldn't be surprised if things were going crazy on that airship.
"You don't need to yell, I'm right here." The Mother Wisp was already annoyed with the Surge, though kept her opinion to herself. "Children, mother will be back in a moment. Don't worry about the scary man. He isn't going anywhere." She could hold her statis several galaxies over if she had to. Not to mention that lemur was here and was sure her children would swarm Mimic if need be. "Watch your footing."
The Mother Wisp began lifting up the platform Sonic and Surge were on as a large portal opened up far above them. She flew out of it, having to close her eyes for a moment from the brightness of the sun. "I almost forgot why I enjoy the Shadow Void. Does every plant have to have such a bright star?" She wasn't a fan of light, though he attention turned to the airship. "It's rather small."
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"They're not shooting at us. Guess the weapons are down, and it's moving course. Maybe you should give it an extra push. What do you think Sonic?" Surge had limited knowledge of this airship, though it used to be one of Eggman's which means someone like Sonic would know all about it and if it was safe to forceable move it.
Rowan decided to lay down, feeling how sore his body was. The lemur looking down to see Shade take a orange marker from his belt. "You want to draw or something?" He never knew that they liked to draw, though they didn't come out of the Shadow Void often.
Shade whistled lowly, their version of mumbling before flying up to Mimic. The Wisp uncapping the marker. "❄︎♒︎♓︎⬧︎ ♓︎⬧︎ ♐︎□︎❒︎ ♌︎♏︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ♋︎ ♌︎♓︎♑︎ 🙰♏︎❒︎🙵📬︎." They would begin to draw on his face, seeming to be less then pleased with all the trouble he's caused not only for Rowan and Tangle, though also hurting other Wisp's.
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emacrow · 17 days ago
Tim doesn't know how he got here.
Sitting in Aquarium's office, holding a sniffling 4 year old little girl named ellen Nightingale on his lap with her head snuggling against his chest, nibbling on a Whale shaped cookie after all they both got lost.
He only looked away for a moment, and Bruce and the batfam dissappear on him while he was anazyling the heavier coffee choices at one of the Aquarium's coffee places.
Only to come out with a combination coffee that cost him 18 dollars more and nearly instinctly kick a teary eyed 4 year old Ellen that lost her mommy and mistook him as him, clinging to his leg out of the blue.
Apparently, Ellen got distracted by a cart vendor holding cute whale cookies while her mommy was talking to her big brother danta about not biting the birthday girl's older sister even if she being rude and now she lost, and she thought he was mummy and she doesn't know what do than the tears came.
Apparently, mommy looked like Tim only mommy had a bunch of pretty white fluffy in her hair and a lighting dancing on her face, but she extremely pretty and single to was Ellen's babbling about.
8 minutes in, a frantic pretty boy with mainly pepper flowing down salt like short hair came in, a 6 year old boy that look like him but white hair coated mainly piggybacking him that spotted him and Ellen, pointing at her.
"I found her first, i get to have The Death Pepper ice cream now!" Shriek out the 6 year old danta.
"Oh, thank ancients! Thank you for bringing her to the office here, mister..?" The supposedly Mummy glance his greenish blue baby-doll eyes at Tim, a strain of Lichtenberg figure spread upward from his neck to the forehead of his face as Ellen leaped into the arms of her mummy.
"Um- Tim Drake, and you are..?" Tim felt his face flush a bit as he stood up to shake hands with him.
"He is mummy, you dumb low-life bottom feeder!" Tiny fist waving as Danta imploded at him.
"Oh, biological speaking, yes. It's hard enough to get them to switch to Daddy, but it stuck onto me. My name is Danny Nightingale, and I appreciate that you found my little girl before I ranshake the entire aquarium like a pirate for buried treasure for her." Danny spoke softly, joking at the end, carefully holding Ellen, who snuggled her face against his chest like she did earlier with Tim.
"Yeah, she cling onto me harder than the octopus from Finding Dory when she thought I was you after I lost my own group." Tim said back, softly joking back while he sipped and choked his coffee as Ellen beamed about how Mister Tim got her two whale cookies with the blue eyes she wanted earlier and quietly failed at mumbling on can they keep him?
"Interesting.. well, she seemed attached to you, and you seem to be reliable enough to distract her from causing mayham. If you ever wanted to babysit for me, you can have my number?" Danny said, pulling out clownfish theme napkin and taking a pen from the office free pen jar.
'Wait, what?' Is what Tim thought to himself after Danny said his goodbyes, Danta sticking his tongue out, and Ellen cutely waving bye-bye as they left.
The napkin he was holding in his hand had an apartment address and a number contact along with a winking face and clumsily childish doodle of snowflakes, fire, and Dory fish next to it.
Bruce and the batfam came in the office seconds later after Tim pocket the contact info.
Might end up with a part 2. Idk yet
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meltedmush · 4 months ago
I keep thinking about with Bingtopus how his demon mark could be like the rings on a blue ring octopus and just glows before latching onto Shizun and stars crying wanting kisses
Also octopuses can squeeze into Itty bitty places cuz no bones except for their beak so maybe Shizun tries to put him in box or something so they can give him nice surprise but he squeezed out and crawled under the door and big old eyes staring at his present super excited.
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