#big Yeti indeed
grilledkatniss · 8 months
Fun fact:
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This particular scene of the Karma music video was not achieved through Computer Generated Imagery VFX, but instead made completely using nothing but practical effects rooted in physics and the theory of electromagnetism.
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Recorded at Electric Yeti Studios; powered by TK Sweater Incorporated.
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lovingmachinee · 4 months
Disco Yeti
Ant x black male reader
Set in season 1
Reader is new student
Reader and Ant get it on at that one carnival party thingy
Reader goes on stage to do his sexy thingy while ant watches
(kind of like that one darren and cash scene)
Wine pon you by doja cat in mind for the dance part
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[name] pov
“Are you even listening?” I saw fingers being snapped in front of my face and woke up out of my daze. I turn my head to make eye contact with the finger snapper to see Darren with an annoyed expression. 
“Yeah of course I am” I lied through my teeth. 
“really?” Darren asked, I nod keeping up my facade, “Because I know you are busy staring at disco yeti over there” They said pointing towards Ant.
Anthony was a peculiar guy to say the least, very loud and dumb at some times and his friend group was something too. I hate Spider just like everyone else. But sometimes Ant’s antics canceled his stupid friend out. Ant is very nice and very funny, at least that’s the side he showed me ever since I came here, and ever since I gave him tutoring lessons on Spanish.
I always kind of admired Ant in a weird way. And now I of course can’t keep my eyes off him while he’s wearing that light up coat, It’s cool. 
“Well I mean you can’t really avoid looking at a disco yeti” I say looking back at Darren. “Ugh ok just let me finish my story and then you can fawn over him again” They say, getting a disgusted face out of me, at least that’s what I tried to show. 
Darren gave Ant a handy once. I remember from the whole incest map, kind of a weird thing to see on my first day here. “Is he big?” I ask, interrupting Darren’s story. Darren looks offended at me interrupting and decides to not answer my question. “You know what I’m so done with you” They say grabbing their drink from the bar and turning back to me again “Come back when you’re done being fucked dumb by Ant over there”. Darren walked away. I felt sorry for interrupting their story but at the same time kind of happy because they just confirmed that Ant is indeed big.
I stood there alone, I could just go to another person and talk with them but right now I wanted something else. I wanted Ant, not in a lovey dovey way at least I think. 
I looked over at him and accidentally caught him staring at me. He was in the middle of the dance floor standing with Dust? Dusty? Meh forget it this wasn’t about him. I tried to maintain eye contact but Ant kept avoiding it by pretending he’s listening to what Dusty’s saying.
I started walking towards him. Grabbing a drink that was sitting on a tray a server walked with, on my way. This time Ant did make eye contact with me and I was surprised he kept it till I was standing in front of him.
Dusty noticed me “You know what I’m going to check on Harper, bro” he said. “Yea cool” Ant said, still not breaking eye contact. Dusty walked away. Now it was my time.
“Hi” Ant started, the lights from the party and his coat shining on his face. “Hi” I responded, smiling up at him. We stayed silent for a sec, but not an awkward one more of a silence with tension. 
Ant smiled. “Wanna dance?” He proposed to me holding his hand out for me to take. “Why what a gentleman” I responded, taking his hand “I would love to dance with you” I said after. '`Great” He said, leading us to a more crowded space since the people around us started seperating. 
Once we were in the middle crowd we started dancing. I move swiftly to the song playing in the back, moving my hands along my, because of the light on my dark skin, purple glistening body. Ant moves along with me, us both enjoying each other's company.
I turn around with my back against Ant’s chest and roam my hands through his light up twister coat and run them up along his neck. “You know you’re really beautiful” He speaks in my ear, as his hands touch my waist. “Sorry I didn’t mention it earlier” He says after, making me laugh. 
I turn around to face him again. “You’re forgiven, besides I didn’t spend so much time getting ready for you to not notice me” I say putting my arms around his shoulder. His nose is so big… I’m trailing off, maybe I should just focus on what he’s saying.
“So you’re saying you got ready just for me” Ant says, showing a big goofy grin, kind of reminding me of what a child he is outside of this situation. “Well” I said, not really having an answer, he got me there. Ant lets out a loud laugh, making me hit him in the chest. “God you’re such a child” I said.
“Aw did I get you there [name]?” 
I decided to ignore that question and led Ant’s hands back to my waist. “Just shut up or else I’m going to find someone else to dance with” I say making eye contact with him. “O well we wouldn’t want that to happen” He says dancing with me again.
We continue dancing for a while until the announcer steps up on stage with a microphone in her hand. “The ball is officially starting with our first category: NIGHT FOR WINE!”. I started getting excited, Darren already told me about all the categories coming on and this was the exact one I wanted to participate in.
“Sorry Ant but this is my category” I say, letting go of his neck and getting ready to get on stage. “Night for wine? Sounds interesting” Ant says, his hand lingering around my waist. “Do I look good?” I ask him quickly.
“You never do not look good” He grinned. I let out a little giggle before walking away, but before I do I look back “By the way you might wanna see this so get frontrow” I say before finally walking away. 
I stand by the stairs with Darren waiting for the announcer to start the music. “Are you ready cunt” They say, looking at me and holding my shoulders tight. “I do not wish anything good for Ant but you better give your best show” Darren says after trying to hide their disgusted face.
“And now let the ball begin, first category: Night for wine, which means y'all better have some sturdy knees” The announcer says, making the crowd “ooooo”. “Hit it” the announcer says after as a hint for the DJ to start the music.
Darren went up first having known no such thing as no nerves. The crowd already goes hype over Darren’s moves and it woke me up to get on the stage.
I walked on stage moving my hips just like I practiced. I start wining and spreading my legs, going under them seeing the crowd through my legs. Through my legs I can see Ant staring at me in awe, Darren was right this would work on him. 
I start walking around more on the stage, having a face-off with Darren for who can be the most sensual while the music was still playing in the back. I did all my tricks one leg up in the air, grinding down on the floor, swinging my hands in the air and letting them roam all over my body.
I look over towards Ant again and see him smirking.
Now it was time. I move forward and crouch with my knees spread. I get on my hands and knees and lay my chest down on the stage while lifting up my rear with my legs spread, all while keeping eye contact with Ant. The crowd started cheering more.
I slowly start letting my rear go down both legs going the other way resulting in a split mustering the best fuck-me-eyes towards Ant. The announcer came back on stage “Alright alright we got a winner” she said. I started to roll and lifted my leg in the air while sitting still putting up my show even though it was already done.
I stood up, got my prize and left the stage already walking over towards Ant, who had gotten two drinks for the both of us.
“That was hot” Ant says, smirking, giving me a drink. “Thanks”, I accept the drink, there are not many words I can say after being so … open on stage
“Say, do you have something to do after this whole party thingy?” Ant asks. I take a sip of my drink, “Well I was probably going to go somewhere with Amerie and the rest, but I can skip it because it sounds like you want to propose something” I say turning my head sideways.
Ant chuckles, “Well I do have some Spanish words I need to learn, so if you want to come over to tutor me” he says. “Got any movies we can watch?” I ask. 
“Does Spider-Man sound good?” Ant says, giving me his hand just like he did when he asked me to dance. I take his hand “It would be a pleasure to tutor you” I say. 
He drags me away from the crowd, out the club.
He’s such a dork.
this sounds so cornyyy PLEASSEE. hopefully the dance moves translated as how I envisioned them.
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crowswithize · 2 years
Random DP Xover Interactions 1:
Characters: Frostbite and John Constantine inspired by a FranticFanfic round made with @gremlin-bot and @queensilver
London days might bring a shiver to those unfamiliar, far-from-home tourists who wandered themselves to the cobbled streets. John Constantine found himself staring at the shaking tourists with learned disdain before remembering the task at hand.
For even on frequent cold days, there shouldn't be a blizzard during the summer.
He stifles his cigarette on a nearby tree as he approaches a hulking figure in front of him. Most people would have turned and fled upon seeing the massive, white-furred creature standing in front of them, but not John. With reluctance in his step, he approached the hulking figure, ready to do whatever it took to get to the bottom of the bloody mess that lay before him.
"Humans should not smoke," the figure says, a natural gruffness in his voice. Their ice hand, so transparent you could see bone, crackled as it configured into a point.
"And it shouldn't be a winter wonderland in June, now should it?" John snarks back, waving a hand as if introducing the beast to the white blankets.
The yeti softens just a little, for whatever unfathomable reason.
"Now are you the chap that decided 'wouldn't it be a great idea to freeze everybody's tits off'?"
John manifests a fireball for a bit of flare. To add to the insanity, the yeti once again stares fondly. Honestly, what sort of magical creature is this, to listen to threats as if to listen to a baby's coo?
"Not I, dear, wizard," the yeti announces and his very voice chills the air more. "A subject of my zone has crossed into this mortal realm to seek havoc on those who once vilified us."
A part of John froze. The terminology used here has implications, you see. The blueish glow of the yeti and the use of mortals, as if they were not of this realm at all. A once-over, imbued with magical sight, confirms all Constantine feared. Somehow, someway, he's dealing with the ghost of a yeti hailing from the Infinite Realms. Not only that but a leader of a zone too.
"Ah," he replied intellectually. "So one of yours decided to go full Jack Frost on London, huh?"
"That is indeed right, wizard."
"Ain't a wizard, yeti. A detective is what-," the wind cuts him off briefly, another chilling gust accompanied by the roaring sound.
"-I am," he finishes lamely.
The yeti looks over the man's shoulder, eyesight somehow locking onto the noise.
"A detective, then. May I have your name?"
"John Constantine. And you, big fella?" He makes a turn, trying to find where the yeti is looking at. As exhausting as it sounds, he'll most likely have to work with him. Infinite Realm ghosts were tricky business after all.
"Frostbite, Leader of the Realm of the Far Frozen," he says with a great amount of pride.
Within a second, the cigarette John holds lights and he takes a long drag.
"Well, Frosty, I hope you don't mind portals because we're going into that blizzard now." He slashes his lit cig in the air, leaving a trail of red that opens up into a full-sized gateway.
He stares back at the Frostbite and really thinks the beastie's insane. A wide, toothy smile and a burst of boisterous laughter escape him as he gives a hefty pat on John's back. With that, he skids forward through the portal to face the next disaster he has to deal with.
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csolarstorm · 10 months
Thoughts on Rick and Morty - Mort: Ragnarick
Okay, Mort: Ragnarick was one of the most fun episodes we've had in a while. I was smiling throughout. I may be biased because Rick caught the Pope in a Pokeball, but also,
Rick caught the Pope in a Pokeball.
Also, yes, the Yeti prophecy from "Air Force Wong" came to pass! Rick indeed was in "Graaave danger!" Literally, grave danger. As in, dying over and over.
Loved how Bigfoot came back in a spare Summer body. And the sending him back into the wilderness bit at the end.
One bit of confusion: I missed the part where the Pope started using Rick's infinite energy channel connected to Valhalla. I thought the Pope was using his own connection to Catholic heaven, since he is the Pope. And it was established that there are different afterlifes/infinite energy meshes, so why would turning off Rick's source affect the Pope?
Doesn't matter. One of Rick's spare bodies is the Pope now. And he shall be a great holy leader.
All the wannabe tough cynics want to be Norse and adopt runes and fierce catchphrases and go to Valhalla. Please. It would take someone like Rick or Morty to not get eternally trampled in Valhalla.
Oh, and as a big Pokemon nerd, I thought it was interesting how the episode with "infinite energy" that comes from the afterlife also involved Pokemon. A lot of Pokemon theory channels on YouTube consider the "Infinity Energy" from Pokemon X/Y and also OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire to be both the lifeforce of Pokemon as well as the source of their magical powers. Pokemon are one degree separated from spirits and/or yokai, and it makes sense for their power to be spiritual in nature.
I'm not saying the Pokeball or Bigfoot or...the Pope? ...was literally connected to the infinite spirit energy from Valhalla in the episode (that is a hell of a sentence, what was I talking about again?) but I just wonder if the writer had that connection in their mind. Most likely, they just thought catching the Pope in a Pokeball was funny.
Because it IS.
Rick caught the Pope in a Pokeball.
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zacharyleartist69 · 6 months
Visiting Eddie the Yeti (Second Part)
(If you miss Part One, it'll be linked here.)
It's been two days since the crew left the Kong Island, Funky is snoring away on the passage seat while Swanky flies the plane while Diddy and DK look out the window to see they are close to Antarctica.
Diddy lights up as soon as he sees the icy waters and snowy islands "We're here!". Funky chokes on his saliva, startled from the yelling "Huh?... Oh shit we are". Swanky chuckles softly at them "indeed, there is the main area of all of the snowy islands around. That's where we're going."
"That very big island there?" DK asked.
"Yup" Swanky answered charmingly, "Now hold on tight, I'm going to land this plane". Swanky tilt the steering wheel down to make the plane downward, which the others hold on tightly.
The cold breeze soon hit their faces and flow through their fur as they go down. It's not an ordinary weather cold back home, the freeze is unbearable for any outsiders to take. Thankfully, Funky and DK has thick coats to keep themselves warm, but Diddy and Swanky... not so much.
Swanky soon landed the plane on the snowy ground and turns off the engine "Is everyone okay?".
Diddy is shivering violently from the cold as he shakes his head. DK gently scoops up Diddy and wraps his arms around him to keep him warm "it's okay, I got cha". Diddy sighed in relief as he feels the warmth then snuggles up "Thanks".
"So this is Antarctica huh" Funky lowers his sunglasses and look around. "Well part of it" Swanky said as he jumps down to get off the plane then adjust his coat, "The main area of this place is in the middle, that's where we're going".
Funky takes off his sandals and put on his boots before jumping off the plane next to Swanky "DK, there is boots around you so that you can wear them".
"Okay!" DK yelled then puts Diddy down and quickly put on his boots. Diddy peaked out of the plane, shivering "D D Dad, can I come down?". Funky chuckles at Diddy and opened his arms "Come on, kiddo, I'll catch ya". Diddy immediately jumped down into Funky's arms and snuggles up close.
DK soon falls down, face flat on the ground after attempting to jump "Ow".
Funky burst out laughing as he points at DK while Swanky goes through his backpack and put some earmuffs and a thicker scarf on Diddy "come on you two, let us not forget why we're here". DK spit out some snow then gets up on his feet "Right, I'm just not used to wearing boots".
"Shi if you want frost bites on your feet, then be my guest" Funky said jokingly.
DK huffed at Funky but shrugs it off. He turns his attention to Swanky as he dusts himself off "Where are we heading, Swanks". Swanky takes out a compass from his pocket and looks at it "It shouldn't be far; all we have to do is walk North and we'll be there in no time".
"Cool, lead the way" DK said then Swanky started walking with DK and Funky following behind.
The journey was heavy for the crew since they are not used to the cold environment, aside from Swanky. Thankfully, DK, Funky, and Swanky are strong enough to push pass the strong winds. However, Diddy is holding onto Funky as long as he can for warmth. Soon, the crew manage to find a cave in the distance.
Funky holds Diddy closely as he covers his face a bit "is that it?".
"Not quite but we can rest there" Swanky suggested. "Shit might as well, it's freezing out here" DK complained then starts walking to the cave with Funky and Swanky following behind him.
The crew soon makes their way to the cave and settled inside. Swanky takes off the backpack then skims through it to take out a flashlight and turns it on "Thank you for packing this, Funky". Funky laughs a bit as he looks at Swanky then down at Diddy "You okay?".
"Y yeah, just cold" Diddy answered with a small stutter. Swanky takes up a traveling cup and gives it to Diddy "here, darling, this will keep you warm".
DK looks around the cave in awe "Now this is an icy paradise, look how clear this cave is". Funky puts Diddy down as he whistles "No kidding, you can practically see yourself in this".
Diddy takes a peek into the icy wall and laughs to himself until he pauses for a moment. He squints his eyes a bit to see it closely then turns around and looks up "uh... guys".
The Kongs turn their attention to Diddy then where he is looking.
the crew froze as they stare into the eyes of the shadowed figure. The figure's eyes are pure white. No emotion. Just... glaring at them. Soon the figure comes out of the shadows in full sprint; revealing a very tall creature, covered in white fluffy fur, razored sharp teeth and claws, but wears a cloak with a small icy crystal to hold the cloak in place. It let out a roar, causing the cave to shake violently.
Funky and DK gets in front of Diddy and Swanky, ready to swing at the creature but Swanky cups up a pile of snow off the ground and throws it at the creature.
The creature's eyes fade into its normal state and shakes its head to get the snow off of its face then looks at Swanky.
Swanky crosses his arms as he narrows his eyes at the creature "Eddie....".
Eddie flinches a little then looks away feeling embarrassed "Eddie's Sorry...". Swanky sighs softly at him and pat his arm gently "it's okay, you didn't scare us".
"Haha yeah totally- thank god I don't wear pants I almost shit myself" DK whispers the last part anxiously.
Swanky shot a glare at DK then laughs a bit nervously "He doesn't mean that". Eddie bows his head in guilt and reaches his hand out to them "Eddie no threat... Eddie friend".
DK and Funky looks at each other, a bit concerned, until Diddy reach his hand out to touch Eddie's hand. Eddie is taken aback from the sudden touch and looks down at the young Kong. "Your hands are um... warm for a yeti" Diddy commented, hoping it doesn't come out wrong.
Eddie blinks a bit as he looks down at Diddy then burst out laughing. HIs laugh echos the cave which cause the surrounding to shake. Diddy tries to stay in place but slips and falls down on the floor with a yelp "Shit!".
Eddie soon calms down and whip a tear from his eye "Eddie like young monkey, who is thee Eddie speaks too".
"Uh... Diddy?" Diddy answered a bit nervously.
Eddie looks up to see DK and Funky then turns his head to look at Swanky as he points at them "Who are they?". Swanky walks next to Funky and put his hand on his arm "I'm happy you asked; This Kong right here is Funky Kong, he is my husband". Funky clears his throat and waves his hand up to greet Eddie "Yo!".
Eddie waves at Funky back happily "Hello Funky".
"And this is my brother Donkey Kong the Third, or you can call him DK for short" Funky chuckles as he bumps his elbow against DK's arm. DK rubs his arm with a small huff then look up at Eddie with a small smile "Uh... Hi". Eddie widens his eyes as he stares down at DK then moves his head close to him "You...".
DK backs up a bit "Whoa- aha what you mean by 'you'?".
Eddie soon started moving deep into the cave, which DK immediately followed. Funky put his hand out to grab DK but quickly got rejected by him "DK wait up!".
"Wait for us Dad!" Diddy shouted and started running to keep up with Funky. Swanky immediately pulls him close to him "Oh no let's not follow them". "What- but dad we can't just leave them alone like that" Diddy protested as he crosses his arms.
Swanky narrow his eyes a little, looking down at Diddy "if you go deeper into the cave, you will freeze, and we don't want that do we?". Diddy frowns at him then shakes his head "No...".
"It's better to leave them be" Swanky added as he bops Diddy's nose, "Trust me... you don't want to see within the deep ends of the cave".
To be Continued...
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Love Doesn't Do Encores Ch27 Christmas With Piers
(Artwork is NOT mine. I found it on Pinterest and belongs to the rightful owner. Just picture Piers in some winter wear like this. The songs Piers sings All I Want For Christmas- MINOR KEY! ft. Chase Hotfelder and Carol Of The Bells the rock version by The Living Tombstone. Links to all  songs are below.)
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What was left of the night was a giant big blur. After your small blow up at Mr. Rose, you quickly dashed away and caught up to Leon just as he was herding the three kiddos into the lift back down towards the exit. Thankfully you and Silver were able to slip back within the group without Leon knowing you were gone. It was a blur of Leon acting as if whatever happened didn't happen and shift the topic to treating you four out to dinner at the nearest local curry place much to everyone's (especially Gloria's-) delight. When Leon eventually herded you four out of Rose Tower you noticed Piers and Marnie wasn't there anymore. They must've taken the chance to go back and gather Team Yell as you said. Good. You didn't want anymore conflict between anyone. Long story short, Leon did indeed direct you all to a cafe that seemed pretty low key and bought the lot of you curry to eat. Letting the three kids chat excitedly about how they managed to get to Rose Tower or the semifinals. You tried to ask Leon about what Mr. Rose said but after he deflected the topic twice you didn't bring it up again. No matter now much it nawed at your guts you shrugged it off. Whatever it was wasn't any of your business anyways. Whatever it was between Mr. Rose and Leon was obviously none of your business and as you wouldn't be here at the end of the year anyways, you shouldn't get too involved and cause trouble for anyone here anyways. Besides, you dreaded to think what bad things might happen if you disrupt the storyline thus far. After the meal Leon walked with all of you through the cheery night full of excited smiles right back to the hotel and you were surprised after learning that the other Gym Leaders and Marnie was staying there too with you all. But you guessed that made sense. The Rose of Rondelands was a BIIIG hotel and it was close to Wyndon Stadium and where the Christmas Festival would be taking place but that also most likely meant Piers and his group would also most likely be staying in the hotel as well, but you hadn't seen them yet. Maybe because they were all already asleep or you hadn't been out of your room much before or after the semifinals. But after escorting the four of you to your rooms and bidding you all good night, you almost immediately fell asleep dropping to your sleeping bag after a quick shower with a sigh. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. It was Christmas and you had already accepted a day out with Piers. How that was going to go you had no idea, but for now you slipped off into dreamland. The next morning you were only awoken by someone accidentally stepping on Silver's tail making him yell out so loud next to you that you instantly woke up to what the commotion was...only to pretty quickly realize what had happened when Silver was glaring at Gloria holding his tail to his chest as she gave him an apologetic look. 
"'M so sorry, Silver, Lad!," she apologized holding up her hands as you sat up there blinking. "I nah knew you'd be under mah foot!" Silver gave her an angry chirp before crawling his way over to the bed and climbing onto it, only to curl up lazily. Gloria blinked before looking to you when you yawned. "Sorry, Y/n. I really didn't mean ta step on your pokemon."
After your brain finally registered what she said you yawned again before waving a hand. "Nah. Don't be sorry. It happens. You're up pretty early on a holiday. What's up?" You asked gesturing to her all bundled up warmer than a yeti. 
"Dontcha remember? Lee's taking us all ta the fair today n' tomorrow!," her smiled brightened as she explained. " 'E's gonna be takin' us on a grand tour 'round the city visitin' all the famous shops n' landmarks for Victor to capture for his blog and then we're hitting all the booths n' games before linin' up to see the big ol' Wyndon Christmas Parade!! And then tomorrow we're visitin' the fair again for the rides n' anything else we missed the first time!!"
You smiled widely. "Wow. That's great, Gloria. I'm glad you guys finally get some time to take a break and enjoy yourselves."
She nodded. "Yeah. Hey, why don 'cha come? M' sure Lee wouldn't mind havin' ya along?"
You shook your bedhead. "Nah. Believe it or not I actually have plans for today without tagging along with you guys." You got up.
Gloria blinked as you did in surprise. "Oh really?"
You nodded. "Piers invited me to come hang out with him today. Granted I think it's because he feels sorry for me.." You paused sadly before shaking your head. "But it'll be a good chance to hang out with someone and make friends right?"
Gloria's brow rose. "So...He just asked you to hang out with 'em on Christmas unprompted?" You nodded again. And her eyes narrowed as she hummed. "...I dunno, Mate. It sounds like he's askin' ya out on a date?" 
You paused..."WHAT!?" You swear you never moved so fast in your life than when you snapped your head to her eyes wider than plates.
She nodded. "I mean I could be wrong, but this sounds like he's takin' ya out on a date."
"G-GLORIA!!,'' you sputtered face suddenly going very red. Oh god..I mean she did kinda have a point from an outsider's perspective, but that was FAR from true! You were freaking almost tearing up in front of the guy yesterday for crying out loud!! He probably just felt bad for you and being the kind guy he was wanted to cheer you up. Like how Leon was nice enough and wanted to pay you back for your kindness even though he didn't have too. "Gloria that is NOT what's going on!! I-If Leon invited me to come h-h-hang out with him does that mean he's got a crush o-on me?!"
Gloria shook her head no to your relief. "'Course not. Everyone knows he likes Sonia. But I dunno 'bout this Piers bloke. He might like ye like Raihan."
You held up a finger red faced but deadpanned. "Ok. Firstly, I've already been told by Sonia Dragon Boy likes to flirt with her and others too, so no. That's just h-h-how he is. Secondly, Gloria. IF this even was a date, Which it is not! He just wants to hang out on Christmas. There's a few things wrong with that c-conclusion." You counted on your fingers as you lifted off your reasons. "Christmas is FAR from a romantic holiday. The only thing romantic about it is mistletoe and I'm staying FAR away from that knowing Raihan's around town. I've only met the guy a total of at least three days throughout the entire year put together! That's not enough time to develop a crush and ask someone out. And even if he were to ask me out, why on Christmas? Like I said that's the LEAST romantic holiday only if you're into cheesy-romance-christmas-miracle movies. He would've gone with some other fitting holiday like Valentine's Day or my birthday!" You crossed your arms. "Plus I'm pretty sure I'm going to be hanging out with his pals and Marnie too considering their all a package deal. It'd be awkward to date when so many people's third wheeling. And trust me. Dating is THE last thing on my mind right now. I haven't got time for that." Considering you'd be leaving at the end of the year anyways and leaving this world, and you had enough on your plate worrying about how to deal with your mother when you got back. Why date someone when you wouldn't see them ever again after New Years? "And you've seen Piers yourself. The guy was nice enough to help us BREAK INTO Rose Tower! It's logical he would be nice enough to cheer someone up too!"
Gloria held up her hands. "Geez, lassie. I get ye point. I was jus' pointing it out is all."
"Y-Yeah? Well I get it too!" Both of you were suddenly interrupted by a knock on your door. You both stared for a moment before you spoke up. "You can come in."
The door opened and Hop was the one holding the doorknob with Victor bundled up thicker than a brick wall behind him. "Hi, Y/n! Hey, Glory!" He greeted with a big smile to his best friend. "Are you ready to go, Mate? Lee's waiting for us in the lobby!" 
Gloria instantly brightened up and nodded. "Yeah! I'll be right there!" She took a moment to look back at you and gesture to the guys. "Are ye sure you don' wanna come?"
"No. I'll meet you guys later today back at the hotel anyways. Go on and have fun..." You smiled brightly. "And Merry Christmas. Tell Leon I said so too."
"Ok then. We'll see you later, Y/n. C'mon Glory!"
You waved good bye to the three who disappeared out the door they closed behind them...before sighing and turning around. "Whelp. Better go get ready for my not 'date today." You joked but it still brought a bit of pink to your cheeks which you shook off with a sigh. "C'mon Y/n. Pull your head out of the gutter!" Your hands came up to pat your cheeks before inhaling and exhaling feeling better focused. "Right! Time to start the day and try to have a nice time for once!'' It was only a quick shower, and change into your winter clothes and you were ready to go. Fixing your hair up into a neat do and walking towards the door. "Hey, Silver. Are you coming?" Silver whined looking upside down at you from his position on the bed...before slinking off and crawling his way towards you as you chuckled. "Up for an adventure again huh?" He made a tired noise but followed you out when you opened the door and closed it behind you, stepping out into the hall, and just a few rooms down from you near the elevator someone else did as well. The figure turned and was followed by another smaller person dressed in black and hot magenta themed winter wear. You finished locking the door and turned walking down the hallway a little ways- Before you stopped. Pausing and blinking at the two figures walking away from you towards the elevator.  "......Piers?"
It was an almost instant reaction. The smaller figure turned first revealing herself to be Marnie, meanwhile the taller figure in a much longer coat and hood covering his entire head turned a lot more slowly revealing Piers's face and his fringe poking out from his hoodie. His blue eyes blinked in surprise for a moment before relaxing back into that calm bored face. "Oh, Y/n. What are ya doin' here?" His bold brow rose. "I thought we was gonna meet over at the plaza."
You nodded walking towards them again, Silver in tow. "That's where I was just heading." You jabbed a thumb behind you towards your room. "I'm sharing a room with a friend, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you guys would be here too....Where's your gang at?"
"Team Yell?" You nodded and he hummed. Whelp. He certainly wasn't really expecting to run into you so early, but it did make sense you'd be at the very same hotel too waiting for the finals. His pale hand gestured to the elevator. "My guys are setting up for the parade opening or jus' havin' a good time at the fair."
"Oh. Is that where you're heading?"
He nodded again and turned to Marnie who gave the faintest of smiles. "The parade doesn't start until seven 'night. Since I'm opening for it, I don't have to be there until about six o' clock. Which gives me plenty of time to spend with Marn-Marn, and you if you still wanna accept that extended offer."
You smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'd love that. That is if Marnie doesn't mind either. I don't want to intrude on your time-"
"'M good with it," Marnie was quick to say and she rose a brow at her brother. Piers sending her a small frown. Please don't make another girlfriend joke- She looked back to you. "It's nice to see my big bro make new friends outside our team and the league." ..Piers felt himself let out a sigh of relief at her answer. "An' he seems to really like speaking about ya too."
Piers felt himself tense again and you blinked. "....R-Really?"
Marnie nodded. "You two must be really good friends."
Piers felt himself lowering into his hood as you chuckled what she said off. "Well I'm sure glad he thinks so." You smiled towards him. "So Rebel Man." You crossed your arms. "You're gonna be taking us to the festival huh? Ok. I can't wait to see what everyone has set up at the fair!" You then pointed to the elevator. "Should we go?"
Both agreed and together the three of you plus Silver went over to the elevator and took it all the way down to the lobby and from there the lot of you walked out to the front of the hotel where Piers paused blinking towards the spot where the taxi would usually park before humming more.
You turned to him with a raised brow. "What's up, Hot Pink?"
He lazily gestured to the reserved parking for flying taxies with a sigh. "The bloody taxi's gone. N' with so much people with the fair and parade settin' up traffic's gonnna be a pain in the neck." He sighed before shaking his head. "It'll take at least two hours with all them people walkin' there."
You hummed. It sounded like Piers wanted to get there early, and it sounded like Leon must've taken the last taxi out of here with the guys. But thankfully Marnie seemed to have found a solution when she turned her head, spotted something, and then pointed. "Why don't we take that there?"
Both of you looked over to where she was pointing and it was right at a mudsdale that seemed to be perfectly free for anyone looking for a ride. Immediately you lit up and Piers paled a bit more. "Hey! Good idea, Marnie." You both began walking towards it as Piers SLOWLY trailed behind. Certainly not as fast as a taxi or train, but it'll surely get you there faster than walking. Plus while you certainly had never ridden a pokemon this couldn't be much different than riding a horse. The snow crunched under your feet as you both walked up to the tame mudsdale who turned it's head to you but didn't react beyond that as you reached a hand over and patted his side. "This'll do just fine. Should we get on?" Marnie nodded and made a motion with her hand to the giant horse pokemon who to your surprise lowered it's frontal legs until it was easy for you three to climb onto it's back. Marnie climbed on first latching onto those longer dreadlocks of it's mane, and you gently picked up Silver in one arm as the water type sighed and climbed onto the pokemon's back behind her. Wow. Guess these Mudsdales were really trained well to behave so nicely. And you both sat there for a moment...before you looked up confused as to why Piers hadn't climbed on behind you. "Uh...Piers? What's the hold up, Dude?"
Marnie turned to to her brother slowly blinking, "Did you change your mind about coming to the festival with me?"
Piers stood there hesitantly before shaking his head. "N-Nah. It's just.." You both caught his blue eyes eyeing up and down the ever patient pokemon. "I think i'd rather walk."
"Why? You even complained about there being no taxies. This would be faster to the fair wouldn't it."
He hummed. "It would. It would....But I'm not exactly too sure 'bout...actually ridin' a pokemon."
And that's when it hit you. You frowned. "Piers...Are you..scared of riding a mudsdale?"
"Absolutely bloody not!," he quickly protested frowned, "I just...rather not put my trust in a pokemon big 'nough to buck me off."
"Piers! I particularly don't enjoy riding around super high in the sky in a taxi but yet I put my trust in a pokemon big enough to fly off with me. C'mon." Your hand patted the mudsdale's side. "He's a good boy, and he's too majestic. You wouldn't do anything like that would you?" The mudsdale gave a pleased whinny to your compliments. "C'mon! You were brave enough to want to mess with Oleana and that woman's scarier than any pokemon. And they're specially trained. I doubt he's going to buck us off unless you provoke him hard enough."
"She does have point," Marnie agreed seeming to share no fear with her brother, "And I would prefer to get there before it gets too crowded by the holiday rush." 
Seeming to have two against one seemed to finally get Piers to relent. He looked between the two of you for a moment before giving a grown followed by a sigh. "Alright fine." Of all the things I get myself into." You both watched as Piers shuffled up to the Mudsdale and it took Marnie turning around fully to raise a brow at him for him to finally throw a leg over and sit on the pokemon's back. As soon as he sat down the giant pokemon stood back up. "HAH!!" You yelped when suddenly two hands gripped your arms and you threw a look over your shoulder only to find Piers with his blue eyes blown wide in panic looking over the sides of the pokemon....You snickered at his reaction and he threw a look at you. "O-Oi! Ain't funny!"
"Well consider it payback for laughing at me getting bombarded by Raihan."
"Wyndon Park," Marnie spoke and the pokemon began walking.
You did cringe a bit as Pier's grip increased on you. "Crikey. Oh crikey. I knew I should've j-jus' walked."
You chuckled again earning another frown from him but he seemed to be paying more attention to the walking pokemon as you all left the hotel. To say it was very crowded outside was an understatement. From what happened between when you first arrived and now, it was STILL VERY MUCH crowded with people walking and bumping against one another on the side walks and streets. Above you all loads of flying taxies were taking off around you and you briefly wondered if one of them was the one that had your friends in it. Thank goodness the mudsdale lane seemed to be mostly empty, it was a much more enjoyable ride in your opinion than the taxies. Although by the way Piers never stopped gripping your arms and cursing under his breath, he didn't seem to be enjoying it as much as you or Marnie. You busied yourself with looking around all the bright lights and different buildings as you passed by them all seeing all kinds of christmas decorations and lots of people carrying colorfully wrapped gifts meant for others. From some stores you could hear faint christmas music from open doors and through the dark snow clouds above you almost swore you would see Santa any moment now. After some time of this you could see the pink high walls of the Wyndon Stadium a few sky scrapers away as you all passed through the crowds, which begged the question.
"Hey. How fair is the festival anyways?"
"It's being held at Wyndon Park," Marnie explained pointing forward, "It's jus' a little bit past the stadium. Shouldn't take too long to get there at this rate."
You nodded before looking over your shoulder at Piers who looked a lot paler if that was even possible and still gripped onto your arms. "Hey, Hot Pink. How are you holding up back there?"
"B-Bloody peachy!," he stammered out, "I-Is it possible ta get car si-sick on a pokemon?"
You cringed a little bit. "I...suppose so. But if you feel sick then you should ask us to stop so you can rest your stomach."
He shakily shook his head. "N-Nah. T-The sooner we get there t-t-the sooner I can get OFF this bloody creature!" The mudsdale turned it's head slightly narrow eyed and snorted making Piers flinch slightly. ...Before he groaned and leaned his head back. "I knew I shoulda walked. I knew I shoulda walked. I knew I-"
"Hey." He snapped his head back down and blinked when your free hand that wasn't holding Silver reached up to pat his nearest hand as you smiled. "Don't think about it if it bothers you that much. Just do what I do when I need to clear my head. I replay some of my favorite songs in my head that relaxes me the most. So instead of thinking about the hor- Uh...Mudsdale! Why don't you think about what you're going to be doing for that show of yours tonight?" Piers blinked at you again, and Marnie turned her own head to catch a glimpse of your interaction, before snapping back around once you faced forward. "Plus we're almost there anyways. Right Marnie?"
"'Bout ten minutes tops."
"See? We'll be there in no time! Just hang on for just a little while longer."
Piers didn't answer you when you turned back around but you three once again passed a store than played loud Christmas music from within and you smiled...before blinking as the faint sound of humming came from behind you...And you smiled wider hearing Piers hum. While he didn't loosen his grip on your arms which by now was starting to hurt, he did start softly humming the song that was playing. There it was. Can't say it wasn't pleasant hearing music as the mudsdale continued until you all FINALLY reached a break between the tall buildings and you were met with awe. A GIANT park was greeting you as hoards of people flocked towards it. Filled with trees and beyond the trees you caught sight of a ferris wheel further into the park and your eyes grew in wonder. A fair. You're very FIRST fair ever!! The mudsdale brought you through the crowd and stopped across the street from the park entrance before leaning down enough for you all to get off. Piers was the first one off practically leaping off the mudsdale like a swimmer off a diving board and scrambling to lean against a nearby lamp post taking deep breaths as you both slowly dismounted the horse pokemon. Marnie sighed at her brother's actions as you put Silver down and walked over to Piers groaning.
"Hey, Piers. You good?," you asked.
After a moment Piers took a giant inhale of cold air and stood back up to his full height before turning to you looking better than he did riding on the pokemon. He nodded. "Y-Yeah. 'M good." To change the subject he gestured back towards the entrance as Marnie stood awaiting for you guys. "We should go in before it gets too crowded."
Nodding you agreed and followed him as he began walking off towards the park entrance. Marnie joined walking alongside you and Piers after you warned Silver to stay close to you while crossing the street and into the entrance you went. There was a lot of people walking around you all as you went through the snow covered streets with the snow crunching under your feet, and being able to see your breath. The cold hitting your face as you looked around. It was really beautiful and perfect for Christmas, but you couldn't imagine actually living somewhere always cold like Circhester. Walking with Piers and Marnie you all eventually heard and saw it. The many screams of delight, the smells of popcorn and other fair foods, distant fair music, and then the absolute menagerie of colors that hit you once the flood gates. Your eyes widened seeing the many MANY booths lining the many splits and different sidewalks that the parks pathways split into. There was more than the ones in front of the Wyndom Stadium yesterday. Lots were selling different items such as gym leader merchandise, Christmas themed things, food, or some were games. You could still see the giant Ferris wheel in the backgroud so you guessed the actual rides were further into the park not that you'd want to go on the really high ones.
Piers must've noticed your wonder filled eyes because he let out a small 'Heh' under his breath before putting his hands in his pockets and looking up. "So. Where do you gals want to go first?"
"How 'bout the food courts?," Marnie suggested which was quickly backed up by Silver who gave a chirp after her, "Haven't had time to eat yet n' I could use somethin' to warm me up."
Piers hummed before nodding. "I'm down for that. Can't do my best tonight if I'm just lettin' my stomach grumble more than a starvin' snorlax."
With you agreeing the group made your way to the left path where the smell of food was a lot more prominent and soon found yourselves walking down booths of popcorn, candied apples, some kind of meats on sticks, and of course the regular carnival foods of hot dogs, funnel cakes, sodas, corndogs, and the like. You were drawn to one particular booth that was selling a variety of those items. Silver came right up to the booth and immediately pointed at one of the giant boiled eggs before looking at you and giving a curious noise. Piers coming up beside you with a small tray of drinks in his hands. 
"Oh. Is that what you want?," you asked and Silver nodded. "Will you behave if I get it for you?" He nodded again and you smiled. "Alright then. Hey, Piers." He blinked as you smiled at him. "You want something?"
He....blinked. Before holding up a hand. "Nah. 'M good, Mate-"
"Oh no you don't." You patted his shoulder and he blinked again at you. "Listen. You invited me to hang out with you. You helped me yesterday. And you bought me hot chocolate. The very least I can do is buy you breakfast."
He blinked again at your words. "I thought we were already even after I got your shoulder fixed."
"We're equal in terms of the shoulder, but I owe you one for the drink and invite." You smiled brightly. "Besides it's Christmas. Isn't the holiday about giving back to one another? C'mon. Pick anything you want. It's on me this time. I'll get something for Marnie too." It was the least you could do and you had plenty of money to spare from working four months at the store. 
Piers gave you a look as if he wasn't believing what he was hearing, before turning his head to the food booth quietly. "...Well...I know Marn-Marn likes those dumplings n' that pickled meat's pretty good."
You smiled and turned back to the guy handling the booth. "Consider it done. Hey! Can I get a couple orders this way please?"
And forty minutes later you three were walking your way back the way you came after looking through the other booths there. All of them were some kind of food go figure, and by the end of it the three of you walked out with hot coco courtesy of Piers and each of you all having something warm to fill your stomachs. Marnie with her dumplings and some kind of crepe, Piers settled on what you understood to be some kind of meat they pickled raw before frying it on a stick...(odd), and you settled on just a cheap hot dog. Silver by now had already swallowed the entire boiled egg and kept eyeing your food but you weren't about to go give it to him. Not sure where you'd be going now but Piers seemed to be following Marnie's lead so you went along with it as she slowly looked around the booths you passed with people shouting at you all or entertaining other people one caught your eye and you suddenly paused, Piers did too when you suddenly weren't next to him. What caught your eye was a booth with a woman who was selling key chains with all kinds of cute and shiny metal pokemon charms. And as the small sign suggested all were just a dollar and by the size of the booth there was a decent amount.
"Somethin' caught your eye?," Piers questioned looking around the booth also.
You opened your mouth to answer- "PIERS!!" Both of you turned as Marnie pointed to a particular game booth. "They're givin' 'way morpeko plushies as prizes. Win me one will you?"
Piers turned back to you. "Hey. Don't worry about it. Go win Marnie something nice and I'll meet you in a second after I grab a few of these for my friends." Piers nodded after a moment and turned to walk away before you turned back to the lady of the booth. An idea forming in your mind.
"Are you interested in anything you see, Young Lady?"
You nodded. "I need four duraludons, two silveon, a charizard, five wooloo, a morpeko, a mochamp, genger, onix, frosmoth, sobble, a yamper, and a ninetales." The booth owner stared at you. "Oh. And an obstagoon if you have one."
With a newly acquired bag you smiled and met back up with Piers and Marnie, noticing she was carrying a brand new morpeko plush in her arms Piers assumedly won for her. "Oh hey. You're back...What's in the bag?"
"I'm glad you asked!" Well you rather give it to them sooner rather than later anyways. Both watched as you went rummaging through your bag before pulling out two of the shiny metal tinkets and holding it out to them. "TA DA!! Merry Christmas you two!"
Both blinked and stared at the small key chains you present Surprise more on Piers's face than Marnie's, in fact it was Marnie who reacted first happily taking the small little metal morpeko to match her own plush at the moment. "Oh wow. ...This matches up with my team so well." The faintest of smiles appeared on her face. "Thank you."
"Hey! Think nothing of it! It's all in the spirit of the holiday!"
Piers was...much slower to take his from you. More surprise in those blue eyes than you've seen as he looked at the charm and then to you slowly. "You....bought this? For me?"
You nodded. "Yeah. I got everyone one." You gestured shaking the small bag a bit to reveal the metal clanking inside. "I mean everyone's been working hard and has been really nice to me. It's Christmas too, so everyone should at least get something."
"....Oh." He glanced between the Obstagoon key chain in his cold hand before nodding. Of course she'd get something for everyone for Christmas, not just him. Even Marnie right next to him had gotten one. "Of course." He turned back to looking at the small keychain in his hands. 
"Hang on a second." Your head tilted and he followed your gaze behind him as you both realized Marnie was gone. "Where'd Marnie go?" 
Piers's eyes immediately wide as his head snapped around and behind you both...before sighing when he realized Marnie was just a few booths away from them looking very interested in a booth that displayed some kind of rotomi machine next to it that resembled more of a techno-fied gumball machine with a screen. What the world was THAT?? Both of you walked on over to where she was with Silver tailing after you until you walked right up to the booth and the man behind it. 
"Hey Marn-Marn," Piers greeted looking into the booth and stopping next to her. "What's goin' on 'ere?"
The man behind the booth, who had short brown hair and was bundled up enough to cover half his face with pink eyes, seemed to perk up upon seeing more of you trailing up to the booth. "Greetings and salutations!" He greeted the both of you gesturing his arms out to his booth. "Can I interest you fine folks in some rotomi adoption?"
The man nodded to you before slapping one hand on the machine thing. "We're giving away many of the abandoned pokemon in the rotomi system to people who'd offer them all good homes and we already made a grand stride in giving away a good portion of the little guys! After all what better gift to give your kids for christmas than a pokemon of their very own!?"
"That seems a bit counter productive," Piers spoke and you blinked at him as he pointed to the machine. "Pokemon aren't toys to just distribute out like that. They're living breathin' creatures that have feelings like any other person like you or me."
"Er.." The man seemed to falter a little bit at Piers's blank stare before coughing. "Well we don't really push THAT point of view. I-It's more about finding them all good homes this year." Piers hummed and you watched as the man's attention slowly turned from Piers over to the bottom of the both at your feet. More specifically at SILVER as the shiny water type chirped and attempted to peer over the side to see what you were all looking at. And it was like a switch flicked in his mind as he hummed, hands on his hips, and leaned over to get a better look at Silver who blinked. You blinked too looking between them. "Well..We also do trades of all kinds as well if you nice folks are interested."
You IMMEDIATELY snatched Silver up into your arms as he gave a startled noise suddenly being lifted up into the air. You GLARED at the guy as he blinked. "Sorry. Silver is NOT for grabs. At all!"
"Are you sure? We have plenty of good deals fo-" An arm shoved itself between you and him.
Blue eyes narrowed. "She said she wasn't interested, Mate." With a stern tone Piers gently grabbed Marnie's shoulders and started pushing her away. "C'mon, Girls. Ya don't want any pokemon from here."
You were happy to follow the Spikemuth siblings giving one last look behind you at the man as you left. But rose a brow as you saw him leaning up from under the booth with a small cage and go into the covered back of said booth. What the heck was that about? Oh well. Silver was happy to have a break from walking in the cold snow and flopped against you as you carried him after the siblings. You all but soon forgot the encounter when Marnie directed her brother's attention over to another game booth which had the classic knock down the pins theme. You were surprised when Piers was able to knock down all three towers of pins with a single throw, but you guessed he'd have a good throw from being a gym leader and doing all those fancy tricks with his mic. He won what was a small Pichu plus but when Marnie declined wanting it he opted to give it to you which you didn't mind. You didn't take Piers for the type to want a plus anyways. You paid for your own shot at a couple games while you were there and ended up winning a small handful of trinkets and buying yourself one or two things you found interesting at the merchandise stalls. At one point you even ran into some groups of people. One was Raihan with his little trio of trainers chaperoning them around the fair most likely. You both said hi and you gifted the four of them the duraludon keychains as a sort of apology for sicking Silver on them the other day. Raihan..gave a flirty look but did back off when Piers directed you away and he was swept up by a few people wanting an autograph. Allister getting piggy backed around by Bea looking at a display of ghost type pokemon which you understood why and he seemed really happy when you gave them some more keychains. And then trio you traveled with with a badly disguised Leon. To his credit it did seem barely anyone else recognized him, they were happy to have ran into you so far arms full of either food or things from one of the booths. And even happier when you gave them the wooloo charms and Leon offered to deliver the rest of the gym leaders' gifts for you and mail Sonia's hers when talking about joining the others for the parade. Which you kindly took him up on his offer so you weren't carrying them around all day. After bidding them good bye Marnie ended up directing the three of you towards the ride section which you didn't mind but when she expressed interest in some higher rides like the roller coaster or ferris wheel you declined using the excuse of watching Silver or wanting to save more money which seemed to suffice for them. It went from the roller coster, ferris wheel, and sling shot to ones you did join like bumper cars, an all ages merry-go-round, and Rapidash rides....Piers absolutely refused to join you and Marnie on the last one and used the excuse of watching Silver for you which you didn't mind as well. There was some other games and rides but as it was nearing lunch time you were starting to get hungry again after the small breakfast and being out in the cold for hours now. Piers offered to take you both back to the food booths to pick up around round of hot coco and some food for lunch. Sounded good to you. However it wasn't until you were halfway into the food area did a VERY loud whistle blow and a female voice shouted out across the cold night.
"HEY!! YOU THERE!! STOP!!," a woman's voice shouted but you three didn't pay it much mind other than a look over your shoulder and sharing a shrug with Piers. "THE ONE WITH THAT SHINY POKEMON!!" 
At this you did pause, and turn around as did the Spikemuth sibs. Some faces were looking over too as a woman with green hair and a shiny golden badge pinned to her winter coat came charging over to you with a glare that could crack diamonds. And your brows rose. "Officer Jenny!?" What was a policewoman doing marching her way over to you?
Officer Jenny stomped her way right up to you all before pointing a finger straight in Piers's face who didn't even blink. "You there! Where are you going with that shiny pokemon?!" She demanded.
Piers...blinked. "Huh?"
"Don't play games with me! Now I asked you a question! You better tell me if you don't want to be questioned at the station!"
"Silver's my pokemon!," you cut in making them both look to you as you frowned at Jenny. The last thing you need was Piers getting in trouble over....over..Well you didn't know that yet. You crossed your arms. "Is there a problem, Officer?"
The woman nodded hands on her hips. "I'd say! You mind telling me where you got him?"
"I've had him ever since he was a sobble!" You reached down and Silver didn't protest when you picked him up. "What's the big deal?"
"The big deal?!," She asked in a tone that sounded like she didn't quite believe you, "The big deal is that there's been cases of someone taking and selling shiny pokemon illegally from rotomi boxes within Wyndon City! An anonymous tip said there would be someone doing that within the fair!" Again she eyed Silver in your arms. "But so far the only shiny pokemon I've seen around here is that one! Has he been in your possession this entire time?" You nodded. "Can anyone vouch for you?"
"I can vouch for that," Piers agreed much to your relief knowing you had back up, "That pokemon sticks to 'er better than super glue. Def not the kind of bond they'd have if she jus' bought 'em from a poke poucher."
Officer Jenny looked him up and down for a moment narrowing her eyes. "You look oddly familiar. Have I seen you somewhere before?"
"You might've." Reaching a hand up Piers ended up grabbing his hood and pulling it back enough to show his entire face to her. "The name's Piers. 'M the Gym Leader from Spikemuth."
Surprise bloomed across Jenny's face for a moment before her face returned to that frown as she hummed. Looking him over and then you before nodding. "A gym leader...Alright then. You're free to go. But if I was you I'd keep a real close eye on that drizzlie of yours with those shiny poachers running amuck. It's not uncommon for them to snatch up others' pokemon."
"Thanks for the tip, but I'm sure I'll be fine with a strong gym leader and trainer with me." With a salute in respect to Piers Officer Jenny left as Piers returned his hood onto his head. You watched her go...before turning to Piers. "Shiny hunting is illegal in Wyndon?"
he shook his head no. "No. Not shiny hunting. Shiny hunting is different. It's one thing ta actually go out and capture a wild shiny for yourself or trading one or even adoptin' one from abandoned boxes. But pokemon hunters sell pokemon with rare abilities or more commonly shinies to the highest bidder cuz they're rare n' all that. I believe I told ya that back in good ol' Spikemuth." His eyes narrowed. "What poachers do for a profit disgusts me."
You nodded fulling agreeing with him. It was like poachers back on your planet. That jerk! You hoped Officer Jenny caught whoever it was that she was after. Safe to say you'd definitely be keeping a closer eye on Silver for the rest of the night. You three made it back to the food booths where you took a small food break and of course you bought Silver another giant boiled egg to eat although you did have a bad feeling wash over you for some reason. By now it was around noon which meant Piers still had about five hours until he had to go and ready himself for the concert. Despite you feeling cold with your nose a pink and being able to see your breath, you still felt alright to be out. Silver didn't seem to mind much either so maybe he was more durable against the cold than you thought he was. Once you all were finished, Marnie expressed going back to where the gaming and merchandise booths were and looking at one who sold punk and goth themed jewelry. Well you all still had five hours to kill and Marnie seemed to be having fun so why not? It was only when you were walking back through when you stopped...And remembered that one booth. With the guy who was giving out pokemon from abandoned rotomi boxes, and the one who you had SEEN carrying a small cage big enough to hold a sobble in....Why would someone who's giving away pokemon for FREE need a cage? Especially one so small. You ended up stopping eyes wide in thought. Making Piers stop as you had been walking beside him and having him raise a brow at your wide eyed look.
"Hey. What's the hold up there with you?," he asked raising a brow as  your mind whirled...and you suddenly looked at him. 
"Hey! Do you guys remember that guy giving away pokemon?"Instantly Piers's face soured as he narrowed his eyes but Marnie nodded. You started walking again past them as they followed you with their gazes. "We need to go there. NOW." Both siblings looked at each other for a second before following you. Your eyes narrowed into one of anger as your hold on Silver increased. Walking past people and swiveling your head around looking for one booth in particular and stopping. There it was. And there HE was. The man with a big smile on his face happily handed over a pokeball to a happily smiling couple who seemed to coo over the pokeball in their hands before walking off in a big smile. There he was. 
"Oi! What are you bloody up too?," Piers asked finally catching up to you and glancing where the booth was before back to you. ".....Are you really thinkin' 'bout tradin' that drizzlie of yours after all? Or gettin' a pokemon?" Silver gave a noise of alarm at the news and gave you a startled look. His frown deepened. "I would highly advise against it for moral reasons-"
"Nope! Not even close." In a swift movement you handed Silver to marnie who didn't look the least bit surprised to have even been made to hold Silver. "Hey Marnie. Do us a favor and distract him will you? Silver should catch his attention but don't actually let him touch him."
Piers stared flabbergasted at what you just asked his own little sister to do. "WOT!?" Marnie gave a thumbs up before turning with Silver still looking worried in her arms and walked off towards the booth. ?! Piers held out an arm towards her. "MARNIE WAIT- ACK!?"
His protests were cut short when your hand grabbed his and you quite literally began dragging him off quickly off the beaten paths, between two booths and now behind most of the booths along the sidewalks, you two started stepping through snow right towards the one booth in particular. You watched as Marnie walked past booth after booth until she stepped in front of the dreaded one you were checking out. Stopping right behind the one next to it, you peeked around the back of it at an angle where you could see them but only Marnie could see you. Like you suspected the man noticed Marnie just standing there with Silver in her arms, and the man IMMEDIATELY lit up upon noticing the shiny she had. Behind you Piers was ...well...at a loss for words as he stood there watching you peep out....Before looking down to where you were still holding his hand and stared at it for a fairly long moment. Only blinking when you as quietly as you could snuck one booth over to the one Marnie was currently in front of, dragging him along with you. What were you doing!? Were you trying to bloody get them all in trouble!? Was Marnie in danger!? Meanwhile you paid no attention to Piers's having internal panic behind you. Now was your chance. If there was one thing you knew from watching so many pokemon episodes, it was how to spot an obvious plot point. A man giving out free pokemon and a shiny poacher on the lose and you had seen him with a cage? It was a dead giveaway as was the way he took specific interest in Silver. You could spot a Team Rocket like mystery a mile away...but you had to check just to make sure. The back of the booth was openable by a flap entrance made for easy access out the back way. Suspicious. Turning to Piers who looked about ready to drag you back out of there you silently held a finger to your lips in the universal signal to be quiet and he didn't say anything. Ever so slowly you turned back to the flap and grabbed it, opening it just enough for you and Piers when he leaned above you to peer inside....It was an INSTANT reaction. A hand flew up to your mouth and Pier's blue eyes widened to the size of dinner plates at what you two had stumbled upon. Cages. Not just one but FIVE of them. Inside of the five cages each was a different pokemon. A pikachu, a zorua, a zigzagoon, an espurr, and a sylveon. But that wasn't what all of you have such reactions. It was the fact that all four looked so scared, small, huddled in on themselves shivering but you couldn't tell if that was because they were cold or scared. .....YOUR TEMPER FREAKING R O S E!! Instantly gaining a glare that could rival Oleana's, Piers jumped as you pushed your way inside the closed in booth. Thank Arceus Marnie was still keeping the guy busy. Your hand instantly reached out for a cage, but a sudden pale hand grabbed yours making you blink and whirl around to Piers ...and frown. Because WHY did he stop you!? You got your answer when he silently pointed to the cages or more like the strange device like thing on top of each of them. You didn't get it at first..but the more you stared at it you eventually understood why. The cage was rigged to keep the pokemon in in a way that would make them scared, the only place that looked safe to touch was the hook like lock on the outside of the doors and the handle on the top that made it safe for a human to carry. Level Two Anger Activated. 
"Piers...Would these pokemon all be considered shinies?," you whispered to him. And he nodded.
Piers paused as you wretched your hand from his, but rose his brow as you then proceeded to unzip your coat and take it off. Good thing you wore a thick wool sweater today. He proceeded to watch silently as you laid your coat on the ground before turning to him anger clearly evident in your face. 
"Piers. Do you think you can open these cages and wrap these guys up using that?", you asked gesturing to your coat.
Piers gave a bewildered expression but nodded. "Yyyyesss? Why tho?"
"Let's just say you should be glad you're not the one I'm mad at."
Piers blinked but didn't really question you as you, more angrier than the onix that had chased you back in the wild area stomped towards the front and with a hand you shoved the curtain. Back in the front Marnie had been asking the man a few odd questions here and there about different type of pokemon that were a 'good trade' for Silver hypothetically even though she had zero intention of actually trading him much less without your permission. And the guy had been going on for a bit now. Talking about psyducks or maybe a beartic would be a good trade off for a much weaker water type. She wasn't expecting someone to come bounding up to her. 
"MARNIE!!," a cheerful scottish voice called out to her. The girl slowly turned her head and blinked as Gloria full arm waved to her walking right up to her with a bright smile on her face and cotton candy in her other hand. ''Haven't seen ya in a while!"
Marnie blinked as Gloria stopped in front of her. "Gloria. What are you doin' here?"
She waved a hand off. "We're on our way to this cafe Lee wants us ta try out. Says they have the best cakes in Wyndon." Her eyes tilted downwards to the pokemon she was holding and blinked as Silver chirped at her......The scottish gal pointed. "Is that Y/n's drizzlie?"
"......Where is Y/n?"
No sooner had they said that then they had suddenly been sprayed by snow making Gloria yelp in surprise as Marnie just...blinked. And to their absolute SHOCK watched as you wrestled down that guy from the booth within the snow. What HAD happened was that you had angrily shoved the blinds out of your way seeing red and seeing that the guy was standing there totally oblivious and Marnie was out of the way...Well...You football player style tackled him causing the both of you to tumble out of the booth and onto the ground below spraying up snow in your wake. 
Piers kneeled down near the closest cage with the shaking Sylveon who upon noticed the hand fiddling the lock on the cage and opening it, cowered away. "Shh. Shh." The man gently leaned down to peer inside of the cage and the poor shaking pokemon. Making eye contact with the small creature and giving it a smile. "There there." The hand reached in further and the sylveon flinched when he just barely grazed it's back. "C'mon now, Lil Guy. Don't be scared now." The hand was joined by another and still shaking, the Sylveon didn't fight back when Piers wrapped both hands around it's front and gently pulled it out. It blinked in what he assumed was surprise when he didn't make any forceful actions and instead carefully sat it back down on the coat. One hand gently stroking down it's back in a hopeful attempt to calm it down. "You're goin' to be alright."...He looked back up as the guy gave off a scared sounding yelp. "....Him however I ain't so sure."
With an iron grip on the man, as soon as you tackled him to the ground he started squirming around like a rabid snake on a sugar rush thrashing around and cursing at you bet the adrenaline rush pumping through your veins combined with the anger you felt made you an unstoppable force to reckon with. When he realized he couldn't thrash you off of him, he made the bold move of flipping over and slamming your back against the ground. Winding you for a moment as he attempted to get away- Only to faceplant as she struggled to get up and instead met your foot lifting up as he crawled to his hands and knees kicking his behind, sending his face first into the snow.  Sending out a snarl you pushed yourself up faster than a raboot's quick attack, grabbed the man by his leg, and YANKED his screaming body back to you. You weren't sure how, it was all a blur, you ended up on top of him pinning him down with one knee on his chest as hands gripped fabric so hard your knuckles turned white and the man found himself pulled up and staring into the eyes of the deranged beast that was you.
"UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO SHOVE YOU INTO ONE OF THOSE JOY BUZZER JAIL CELLS YOU"LL STAY DOWN YOU SPINELESS POKEMON POACHING JERK!!!," You bellowed at his face making all the color drain from him until he could blend in with the snow.
Silence rang out all around you as many people stared including the two girls behind you as you stared down this absolute jerk. 
".....Y/n?" ...You looked over your shoulder at the familiar voice only to find Gloria staring at you wide eyed staring at you. ....Uh oh- Her hands flew up to clutch her head as she stared at you in shock. "HOLY BLOODY RAPIDASH CRAP!!!" her arms gestured to you. "WHAT ARE YE DOIN'!?"
"GLORIA!," a grown man's voice called. Double uh oh. And you froze as Leon jogged up from the staring crowd followed by the other two guys. Did I mention triple uh oh? Leon pushed his way past all the watchful eyes on you that refused to move- "Are you ok!? I heard yell-....ing." ...until he saw you in what you were sure looked like a deranged monkey holding a person hostage as you sat there silently staring at one another....before he sighed and reached a hand up to rub at his face. "Oh goodness gracious....What did you guys do now?"
"Leon! I swear to you this isn't what this looks like," you tried to assure him just imagining what was going through everyone's minds at the moment. You yanked the guy up a bit. "This guy's a poacher!" Leon's eyebrows shot up all of a sudden at the bold claim. "I'm SWEAR to you I am NOT making this up! We had a whole slew of shinies just trapped in the back."
"THIS GIRL'S A LUNATIC!!," the man suddenly shouted and you blinked at him. "I was just trying to bring joy to everyone and finding homes for those abandoned by their trainers cold hearts! Clearly she's suffering from the cold! Look at her! She's not even dressed for this weather!"
"Leon! You gotta believe me please!!"
You could see the Champion's face stone to a serious expression looking at you and for a moment your face faltered. Would he believe you? Was this it? Was this where you finally got in trouble after all this time? Whelp..No. Someone from above must've answered your payers because your guardian angel in the form of Piers arrived. Coming from the booth, your bunched up lumpy coat in one arm and in the other one of the cages, Leon instantly looked to him and seemed to be a bit more surprised seeing him standing there.
"What in Galar are you up to now?" He got his answer when Piers placed the cage down in front of him. "...What's this?"
"HEY!! I know what that is!" Hop to the rescue you thought as All eyes turned to the Champion's younger brother who's mind sped up to a hundred seeing the cage. "It's an Electro-Capture Four Thousand. Professor Magnolia invented them. Electric companies use 'em to safely capture small electric type pokemon like joltic to keep 'em from tampering with electric lines and power generators. But they're not supposed to be used for other types other than Electric."
"So why's one here?"
"One? Heh." Piers rolled his head to his side as Leon watched him carefully look towards the back. "Try five of these cruddy things."
Leon stared silently at Piers...Snow crunched under the Champion's feet as he walked right up to the rebel punk and both stared at each other. Prime gold eyes meeting electric blue ones. Piers made absolutely no move to stop Leon when he reached out to your coat and pulled it out a bit to peer at the passengers inside. You watched as he with the same unchanging face closed the coat Piers was holding back and inhaled closing his eyes.....Before turning back around and...and-.....Smiling?? At you?? You blinked as the Champion smiled and beckoned you to get off him. 
"Again you all never cease to stop the help every time I turn." He turned away from Piers and gestured for you to get up. "Come on, Y/n. Let's release the guy for now. I think I can handle it from here. SOMEONE GET OFFICER JENNY HERE!!"
You were...reluctant to actually do that but you trusted Leon enough to actually slowly get off of the guy. You guessed you could've just had gotten Officer jenny or someone else to deal with this but you swore you weren't gonna do soemthing like this again. Speaking of Officer Jenny the scuffle had attracted her attention and she came charging over with two other officers and a arcanine. She seemed confused seeing you again but luckily Leon took lead and explained to her what exactly what had happened. Giving a statement as Jenny handcuffed the man and the other two officers closed off the booth before more officers arrived in order to collect more evidence. At one point Piers even handed your coat filled with the shiny pokemon over to an awaiting officers' hands mentioning they'd have to be taken to the pokemon center for an emergency look over which you agreed whole heartedly. Standing off to the side you finally got a moment to breath, taking Silver who seemed bored back from Marnie and then sighing.
"THAT WAS BRILLIANT!!" You jumped at the sudden yell and turned to look at Gloria who was beaming up at you with a wide smile. "Ye was all like 'Don't ye move or 'm gonna shove ya in a cage' and he was like 'please don' hurt me'!!"
"Or it just sounds to me that she can be a pro wrestler," Victor deadpanned making Gloria roll her eyes.
"Hey. Don't be praising me like that," you said, "I wasn't thinking clearly and shouldn't you three get back to Leon? I think he's almost done talking to that officer."
Leon was indeed finished giving a statement and returned to your group. He...semi scolded you for acting so irrationally and you took it. Before piers suggested you all skidaddle before being swamped by any mobs of unwanted attention, you fully agreed with that too and the whole lot of you retreated back towards the park's entrance. From there your two groups bid one another good bye for now, after all Leon was taking the lot to a fancy lunch before heading off for the parade. Piers suggested going ahead and heading off towards the parade grounds early despite there being about another three hours until it actually started, but it was probably for the best that you all did to avoid anymore drama from the crowds. There was two free transports there. One was a flying taxi that Leon's group quickly claimed and a free mudsdale. You suggested it but Piers IMMEDIATELY shot that idea down. Quickly making it quite clear there was NO way in Galar he was going to be riding on the back of another pokemon and suggested you all walked to where the parade would be starting. ..Well, you all did have three more hours to kill. So why not? Marnie didn't have any objections. Gathering your things and Silver in your arms, you followed Piers as he took lead in walking off with marnie beside him but she made a face at him raising a brow.
"So she likes joining your rebel justice too? Are you sure you two are jus' friends?"
Luckily you didn't seem to hear them over the crowd of people walking all around you and only followed Piers who gave his little sister one last frown before shoving his hands into his pockets and walking through the crowds of people. You followed them through tons of people, past busy stores and streets, marveling and cringing at how noisy and crowded the entire place was as people brushed past you. You couldn't imagine living in a crowded place like this your entire life. Soon enough the people on the side walks became more compact and you noticed that there was metal fencing on the sidewalk keeping them from getting on the streets that seemed to now be completely empty. For the parade? Squeezing your way through the tough crowd you clung onto Silver still following Piers lanky form through the crowd until you all came to a particular roped off area that was being guarded by none other than Team Yell! He recognized the three of you in an instant. Piers said something to the grunt you couldn't hear over the crowd but the grunt pulled the rope between you all and the area back. With a 'follow me' gesture from Piers you and Marnie both followed him into the area and you blinked at what you saw. In front of the building was a couple chairs on the side walk safely where some people could be able to watch the parade as the members of Team Yell had set up some kind of speaker system on the cleared road with some intruments. Obviously some kind of set up in order for Piers to do the opening performance for the parade. Also on the sidelines you could see a couple people with those news cameras pointing at various angles down towards the road or towards where the set up was. Lights were on everywhere in the city now as it had gotten darker and darker until the sun looked like it would set any minute now. Piers directed you two to some of the chairs safely off to the side and you blinked. This was a front row view to watch the parade! 
"Mr. Piers!," you three were stopped by a woman's voice and Piers turned his head towards a woman who approached him with her hair up, wearing a head mic, and a clipboard in her hands. Clearly someone manning the parade. Maybe even an event organizer by the looks of her. Either way Piers gave her his attention when she approached him. "There's one hour until showtime. Why weren't you here for makeup and wardrobe earlier!?"
"Sorry 'bout that. I got a lil..." He glanced at the two of you standing there. "...Side tracked."
"Uh huh. Well now we have to rush things and get you all ready if we're all going to keep up scheduale here!"
"It takes that long for you to do someone's hair?"
He turned back to you. "It does with mine. Y'know. Gotta give Galar that signature Spikemuth look they all know from me." He paused...noticing you shaking slightly before pointing at you. "Oi. Ya cold or somethin'?"
You blinked, looking down at yourself and noticed you were indeed shaking a bit. As thick as your sweater and sweat pants were, you were noticable a bit colder without your coat, and after rolling around in the snow to stop that poacher. It had also taken at least two hours for you all to walk here. ..You shrugged. "I-I guess a bit yeah. Sort of lost m-my own coat a little while back."
Piers regarded you for a moment before he silently began removing his own coat. Reaching up to take the hood off showing his flat hair instead of it's normal do, cascading down his back in a water fall of shiny black and pretty pale white mixture. Unzipping the long coat open until he could shrug it off his own shoulders. You blinked as he removed his arms from the sleeves, shook the long thing out, before in a fluid motion throwing it into the air over you before pulling it down over your shoulders. You blinked as Piers pulled it over you and gave a small pat to your shoulder before pulling his hands away. The coat was...surprisingly warm, makes sense as Piers had been wearing it for a long time so it should be the trick to warm you up. Marnie stared...First at you looking up and down at the hot pink and black coat you sported. Then at Piers who still wore that blank face meeting your surprised one.
"You two should go sit down and wait for the show to start," he finally said gesturing towards the empty chairs making you blink. "I'll be back after the make up team fixes me up photo finish for the show. Jus' sit tight n' everything should go well. Kay?"
He didn't give you a chance to answer before he turned and followed the woman  with the clipboard away. You watched them go before blinking again and looking at yourself and the coat drapped over you. .....What was that all about? You flinched when Marnie tugged at your side and gestured to the seats Piers had pointed at to you. 
"Let's go sit down n' rest for a sec."
Not knowing what else to do at the moment you complied and followed Marnie on over to the chairs to sit down in. The next hour was spent with you rubbing your cold pink face to warm it up every so often, and go between watching the crowds around you or Team Yell who seemed to be putting any last finishing touches on the set ups but one woman's voice caught your attention as you peered over to where the loud and close voice was coming from. And low and behold there was the same blonde reporter lady and her camera man from the hotel the other day. She ran her hands over her blonde hair and coat making herself look 'presentable' for the camera man pointed the large and heavy equipment over her shoulder at her.  
"Gillian! We're live in five. Four. Three." In an instant the woman plastered a happy fake smile for the camera as her camera man began counting down. Mic to her mouth. "Two. One!"
"Welcome! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays for all!," she spoke with a sweetly forced voice you found slightly annoying, "This is Marcos Cosmos Newscast with Gillian coming to all you folks at home live at a very special celebration that we've had for years now and what many folks have been lining up for hours to see now. The Annual Wyndon City Christmas Day Parade! This year we have a spectacular event lined up for the audience including over thirty two floats, fourteen giant balloons, and performers of all kinds awaiting the signal to come walking down Wyndon Main Street with special guest star interviews like our very own Chairman Rose and rising star actress Gwen Admins. " Her arm gestured behind her to the opening set. "But perhaps the most anticipated scene is the opening event that's being done by none other than the very musically talented Gym Leader of Spikemuth, Piers. Already well known for some of his more famous hit songs such as The Love Purugly and The Caterpie Girl. Truly quite the Christmas gift to be giving us this year." The woman looked towards the direction you were in all of a sudden and brightly lit up. You rose a brow where you sat. "And it looks like we're live just in time to capture the opening act about to begin!"
You were confused at what they were looking at before you turned your head and blinked as Piers walked past you all and towards the lit area set up on the road as it had finally gotten fully dark now from the sun setting. Only now he was sporting his usual punk look. The crowd on either side of you all perking up as the rebel gym leader walked up to the lit micstand in the light with the same blank face and slouched form before grabbing it. The mic made a small noise as he grabbed it before inhaling closing his eyes-...Before doing a complete 180 and like the day before that same confident smile and look in his eyes appearing before giving a confident point off to the crowd. 
"'ELLO GALAR!!," he shouted amplified by the mic throughout the calm city night enlisted an immediate response in the form of a cheer from the crowd. "How are we all doin' tonight?" The camera's pointed right at his face as he smiled back to the crowd. "Sounds like we got a good crowd tonight! Probably one of the best lookin' crowds I've had in a long time! To thank ya'll for gracin' me with your presence, how 'bout I deliver some tunes befittin' for this holiday yeah?" The crowd cheered more to his presence and you admitted you were excited too. After all this would technically be your second concert you had gotten to see if you counting that one you stumbled into back in Spikemuth. Piers pointed off to the side. "Hit it!"
Somewhere on the side lines one of the staff noticeably fiddled with the giant speaker set on wheels (Wheels??) in the dark out of Piers's spot light until music blasted out. And you stared at what you could only describe as a rock version of Carol of the Bells seemed to blast out for the world to hear. Odd choice, but hey. It was Christmas themed so you guessed it was fitting. Piers let the first few bell chimes of the music that echoed throughout the night to grace play before drums dropped in to join the beat and he visibly took in a long breath. 
"Hark how the bells!~ Sweet silver bells!~ All seem to say throw cares away!~ Christmas is here!~ Bringing good cheer!~ To young n' old!~," he shouted out and you watched as he picked up the pace of his voice to match the speed of the song hands firmly gripping onto his mic stand. "Meek n' the bold!~ Ding dong ding dong!!~ THAT IS THEIR SONG!!~ With joyful ring!~ All carolin'!~  One seems to hear words of good cheer from everyone!~  Fillin' the air!~ OH how they pound!!!~ Raisin' the sound!!!~ O'er hill n' dale!!~ Tellin' the tale!!~'' ...HOW!? How was he able to do all of that in just one long breath like that!? Your mind bobbled at the thought just watching him STILL go without looking tired at all. "GAILY THEY RING WHILE PEOPLE SING SONGS O' GOOD CHEER!!~ CHRISTMAS IS HERE!!~ MERRY, MERRY, MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!~ MERRY, MERRY, MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!~ On, on they send!~ On without end!~ Their joyful tone!~ To every home!~" 
He paused in his moment of singing as the rock music began dropping a good few beats- Silver made a startled noise and backed up against you when all of a sudden caught a flash of lights. Red, green, and then a regular but REALLY bright white light blasting all about Pier's body. Your hand came up to block half the light show from your face as Marnie watched completely unphased at all...And it took you a good while of blinking and getting your barings to realize that it was in fact indeed a light show organized to flash around Piers to highlight the show. ...OH!! Duh!! That's why they were in Christmas colors. The audience sure seemed to like the display of fancy lights, as did you once you managed to get your eyes used to the bright display. Piers meanwhile was taking a few deep breaths before readying himself for the next fast verse.
"Ding dong ding dong ding dong!!~ Ding dong ding dong ding dong!!~," his voice cut back through as the light show abruptly stopped letting his form be visible to the masses again. You blinked not quite used to the sudden changes in light and dark. "HARK how the bells!~ Sweet silver bells!~ All seem to say throw cares away!~ Christmas 's 'ere!~ Bringin' good cheer!~ Ta young n' old!~ Meek an' the bold!~ DING DONG DING DONG!!~ That is their song!~ With joyful ring!~ All caroling!~ One seems ta hear words of good cheer from everywhere!~ Fillin' the air!~ OH how they pound!~ Raisin' the sound!~ O'er hill n' dale!~ Tellin' their tale!~" Blinking your blinking you did seem to notice that Piers sucked in a very quick breath before singing the next verses. "GAILY THEY RING WHILE PEOPLE SING SONGS 'O GOOD CHEER!!~ CHRISTMAS IS HERE!!~ MERRY, MERRY, MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!~ MERRY, MERRY, MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!~ ON ON THEY SEND!!~ ON WITHOUT END!~ THEY'RE JOYFUL TONE!!~ TA EVERY HOME!!~"
This time you had the insight to quickly put up your hand again as the lightshow returned and sparing yourself from the second light attack as the beat dropped and continued on for a good long moment. Silver resorted himself into shoving his face into the coat you wore to escape the light as it continued on until finally with a few bells chimed the song ended and the lightshow immediately cut out with Piers standing back there smiling. An absolute UPROAR only matched by that of the stadium crowd's cheers rang out from everyone around you and you weren't ashamed to smile brightly and clap along yourself. Your heart pumping through your chest and electric excitement rushing through your viens from the performance. That was an amazing display!! Although Silver was less than impressed and let you know it in the form of a grumble as he firmly stayed put where he was. 
"THANK YOU!!", Piers spoke back up waving a hand real quick, "It's a down right honor to be here in Wyndon and entertain all you 'night! An' it looks like m' not the only one." He tilted his head down the long street to the left and you couldn't see where you were sat with Marnie but the outlines of lit up floats and people were slowly making their way down towards them. "But I think I got time for one more song for such a beautiful audience! How's about it?!"
With the people's cheer of approval Piers tilted his head towards the people handling the many sound equipment and instruments off the sidelines as they ready themselves. With a breath he turned back to the floats still heading towards them slowly as if calculating the best song to sing with the limited time, before taking another inhale and exhale. But you were surprised instead of any rock music soft piano music instead flowed out making you raise a brow. ..Wasn't that not Piers's usually genre of music?
"I don't want a lot for Christmas.~" Your attention turned back to him as he sang in probably the softest most gentlest tone you had ever heard him sing other than the time you had stumbled on him strumming his guitar. As he gentle sang with his eyes closed. "There's jus' one thing that I need.~ I don't care 'bout the preasents underneath the Christmas tree.~ I just want you for my own.~ More than you could ever know.~ Make my wish come true.~" The People in the sidelines manning the instruments either raised their hands or grabbed the certain tools needed to suddenly amp up the music's soft voulume to eleven. "All I want for Christmas is...YOUU!!!!~" You jumped when all of a sudden guitair and drums were added to the mic of piano now as well as the music took a sudden jump in volume! Piers snapping his eyes back open now. "OH BABY!!~ I won't ask for much this Christmas.~ I won't even wish for snow.~ I jus' wanna keep on waitin' underneath the mistletoe.~ I won't make a list an' send it to the North Pole for Saint Nick.~" Piers tilted his head back a bit singing a bit higher. "I won't even stay awake to 'ere those magic stantler click.~  I jus' want you here tonight.~ Holdin' onto me so tight!~" He gave what you could've called a sultry look to the audience. "What more can I do?~ ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS-...You.~"
A Christmas..LOVE SONG!?!? Well you had to admit it DID fit the holiday aesthetic very well and Piers's small acting skills of tossing a small smirk or look every so often to different people was getting the swoon on. The reporter lady seemed to certainly blush when Piers gave her a small smile and side glance. He certainly wasn't a casanova charmer like Raihan, or know how to model a good shot like Gordie, but he still had a charm about him that only he and certain singers from your world could pull off being a singer. ....And his blue eyes were pretty to look at too you guessed. And his voice was VERY nice to listen too.
"All of the lights are shinin' so brightly everywhere.~ An' the sound of children's laughter fills the air.~," he continued singing softly as the solo soft piano returned, "And everybody's singing.~ I hear those sleighbells ringin.~ ....Santa wont'cha bring me the one I really need!?~ Won't you please bring my baby to me!?~" And just like that the rock dip with guitar and drums returned. "I don't want a lot for Christmas!!~ This is all m' askin' for!!~" He sang loud and proud in that rock tone you knew so well by now. "I jus' wanna see my baby standin' right outside my door!~ I just want YOU for my own!~ More than you could ever know!~ Make my wish come true!~ All I want for Christmas is..." There was a pause in both the music and Piers before he suddenly lifted his head head to the heavens. "YOU!!!~" The rock style really picked up now. "ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU BABY!!~" He sang loudly pointing back towards the audience. No doubt you were sure he made someone swoon out there. "YOU'RE THE ONE I WAAAANNNTT!!~ ALL I WANT IS JUST YOU BAABYY!!~" The music stopped as he sand one last sentence softly. "All I want for Christmas is you, Baby.~"
You could've sworn he glanced over to you and Marnie's way before quickly snapping back towards the audience but you brushed it off. Instead clapping wildly enough to jostle Silver in your lap as he looked annoyed. Marnie absolutely caught his look though and stared hard at him...before looking to you oblivious to it....and then back to Piers like nothing happened. He bowed to the audience and noticed the floats were indeed VERY close now. Everyone on the side lines hustling to remove the sound equipment from the road (OH! So that's what the wheel were for!) back to the side walk and out of the way of the approaching parade. 
"Thank you! You've all been a great audience! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! Please support and consider donating to combat the power crisis!!," Piers shouted and with a wave picked up the mic stand with one hand and promptly sped walked his way off the street and back towards you both leaving the cheering crowd behind him and the reporter to pick up the slack
"*ahem* A-Anyways. Wasn't that just a great opening into what Surely's going to be an exciting Christmas with the parade and later Santa coming tonight? I hope you've all made it onto the nice list because behind me is our first gift of the night in the form of the first float of the parade making it's way down the streets as you can see-"
Piers visibly sighed and let his body untense as he walked over towards you two carrying the mic stand. When close enough he handed the stand off to one of the workers passing by him. Before walking his way up to the both of you sitting there smiling at him. "That was a pretty good show you put on out there." You complimented and he blinked at you. Before you chuckled "The best start to a parade I've seen actually."
He stared at you for a moment before looking away and one of his hands reached up to fiddle with his choker again. A habit he seemed to do a lot. "Yeah?....Thanks. This your first parade too?" He asked changing the subject.
You nodded excitedly. "First everything today for me actually. First fair. First concert. First parade. First time in the city..You get the picture."
He hummed....before slowly sitting next to you as the first float approached which looked like a giant pikachu. "....You warm?"
You again nodded. "Yeah thanks. But what about you?"
"'M fine." he was quick to answer. "If ya want I can take ya home after this. I mean...I'd feel bad if ya got lost on the way back with it being your first time in Wyndon after all."
"I'd like that actually. It's very kind of you."
Marnie leaned forwards looking between the two of you again.....before turning her attention back onto the parade as a giant balloon of an eevee was next being manhanlded down the streets by a large amount of people. You enjoyed the next two or three hours sitting there wrapped in Piers's coat happily watching and marveling at all the colorful floats and balloons bigger than your own house going by or the performers than did back flips, dressed as clowns, danced in costumes, or other tricks down the streets between all the floats and balloons. Each more different and exciting than the last being lit up by the bright lights of the city. Every so often Piers would glance over at you, catch a glimpse of your awestruck face, and then quickly look away when Marnie looked over at him feeling his gaze turn. In turn she'd raise a brow at her older brother...before thankfully going back to watching the parade come to a close. At which point...you were VERY tired. How long had you been staying up? As the last float and cheers from the audience made it's rounds you let out a yawn that caught the rock star's attention. He made the suggestion of you all going back to the flying taxi that in between all the floats and things, he had asked one of the staff members to reserve for all of you. Guess he didn't feel like walking back or taking another mudsdale ride. Too tired to argue, you agreed as it meant getting back to the hotel faster and the warmth it provided. The trip back there was a blue in your tired mind. All you remembered was briefly getting shoved by people when Piers escorted you through the crowd with an arm around your shoulders, getting ino a taxi, and only being jostled awake by the sudden lurch the taxi gave upon take off and the cold air hitting you that made you bristle and pull the coat over you and Silver more. Gosh it was SO cold! It wasn't too long until the three of you got back to the hotel and went inside. You shook more than a leaf in a tornado! How was Piers not phased by this?..Or maybe he was but could hide it really well? As you three went towards the elevator none of you noticed the police officer with the bunched up coat in his arms, but he certainly noticed you three as the elevator doors closed. Rising to the floor you three were staying on, you exited and walked until the Spikemuth siblings stopped in front of what you assumed to be their room and you took the moment to give Piers back his coat with one hand with a smile and put Silver back down.
"Hey. Thanks for letting me borrow this. I just hope you won't catch a cold because of me."
He shook his head taking it from you. "It'd no trouble. An' if I do get sick it's not gonna be cuz of you. It was my choice to let you borrow it."
You smiled a lot brighter than before. "Still what you did for me today....Well I can't remember the last time I ever had so much fun on a holiday before. Minus the poke poacher of course."
"Hehehe." He chuckled and the faintest of smiles appeared on his face. His brow raised. "Well can't say it wasn't entertainin' to watch you give someone a piece of you're mind that wasn't Rai-Rai for a change. 'M sure he'll he happy 'bout that."
"Yeah," you agreed. "And Piers." He hummed and FROZE as you once again hugged him, platonically of course as thanks before releasing him quickly after and smiling. "I mean it. Thank you for everything. You really are a great gym leader. Spikemuth's lucky to have you." With that you turned and waved them good bye feeling this would be a good time to leave them off and you were so tired that you feared you'd just drop in the middle of the hallway out of exhaustion. "Good night. Merry Christmas!"
Piers stood there for the longest moment...before feeling eyes on him. Blue eyes met another pair of electric blue eyes as Marnie stared at him..then at your retreating form, then back at him. ".....So did Raihan introduce 'er to ya or did you meet your 'not girlfriend' somewhere else?"
You paid no attention to the siblings' banter as you headed to your own room. You were very tired, and very cold. All you wanted to do was curl up into your sleeping bag and fall asleep for the rest of the night. But upon opening the door you realized you weren't alone. Gloria was there! Having had been going through some things from her back pack on the bed..but she smiled when she realized it was you.
"Y/N!," she greeted as you walked in closing the door behind you. "There ye are! I waitin' forever for ya to get back!"
You waved with a yawn towards her. "Hey. How was your day out with Leon?"
She beamed. "IT WAS GREAT!! We flew 'round the city and saw all the cool landmarks, and checked out the fair, an' then lee took us to see the parade!! We had ta leave it early though. Some kind of emergency with the stadium. But Lee promised he'd take us back to the fair tomorrow so we can see what we missed! How 'bout you?"
You smiled. "It was alright. Mostly just did the same things you guys did. I think I'm just gonna hit the floor and call it a night-" 
No sooner had you said that then a loud wrapping at the door sound out making you both jump. Whirling around, both of you ended up staring at the door for a moment. And looked at each other again when another knock came from it. ...After a moment you approached the door and Gloria hopped herself off the bed to see who it was too. Maybe it was one or the guys or Piers? Grabbing the door knob, you opened the door but was shocked into silence upon seeing a POLICE OFFICER on the other side!! And not just any officer, it was the one from the park who took your coat with the pokemon back towards the pokemon center. ...What happened?! Were you in trouble!? Were you going to be arrested for something!?
"Excuse me, Miss," he started out looking at your frozen state. You blinked as he held up your bundled up coat and looked strangely a bit bulky. "You didn't come by the station to get these, but we didn't have any way to contact you so I figured I'd wait for you here since you were with the gym leader and Champion. It's too cold to be running around without a coat on, and I wouldn't want your pals to get caught up in more trouble again."
......You stared at it...before deflating in relief. Oh..He was just returning your coat. Gloria was nice enough to take it from him looking at it curiously before turning around and walking back into the room. You smiled and nodded. "Oh...T-Thanks. That's really nice of you." You closed the door a few inches. "H-Have a nice night, Officer." With a nod the officer turned and started walking back towards the direction of the elevator and you closed the door with a sigh. "Uuuuuh. Man. Can I go one week without getting a heart attack around here?"
Gloria meanwhile was looking at your coat curiously. Wondering why it was so bunched up and lumpy before opening the coat to the room. And her brown eyes instantly widened to the size of plates. "Uuuuuuh...Y/n?" You hummed looking from the door to her. "I think there's been a mix up."
Confused you walked on over to where she was and you dawned the same googily eyed expression as her when you realized what was in the coat. "......Oh no..." Inside the coat all curled up and asleep was five SHINY pokemon. The same pokemon that you had seen from the fair. Gloria blinked when in an instant you whirled on your heel and charged to the door, flinging it open and shoving your head into the hallway to look around. ...But it was too late. The officer was Gone. ".....He's gone!" You said turning back around to see Gloria's expression.
"I don't know!," you insisted closing the door back behind you looking panicked back towards the sleeping pile of shiny fluff. Silver looked as confused as you staring at the pokemon with confusion. "The last time I saw them was when that guy took them to the pokemon center HOURS ago!"
Gloria stared at you...then paused. As if a lightbulb suddenly popped into her head. ".....We're they wrapped in your coat when he took 'em?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Well....You DID let them know that ...you didn't actually own them right?" You stared. She pointed. "You were really angry when you tackled the guy, an' you already have a shiny...and they were wrapped in your coat. It woulda looked like you were their trainer....Y/n. Ya DID clarify to 'em you didn't own these shinies. Right?"
You stared at her for a long silent moment. She stared back at you for a long silent moment. ......You INHALED bringing your hands clasped up to your face before you pointed at her. "Do you have any extra pokeballs?"
"Yeah. Why tho?"
"We're gonna need them."
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A Champion Time For The Heart Ch26 A Christmas...Kiss?
What was left of the night was a giant big blur. After your small blow up at Mr. Rose, you quickly dashed away and caught up to Leon just as he was herding the three kiddos into the lift back down towards the exit. Thankfully you and Silver were able to slip back within the group without Leon knowing you were gone. It was a blur of Leon acting as if whatever happened didn't happen and shift the topic to treating you four out to dinner at the nearest local curry place much to everyone's (especially Gloria's-) delight. When Leon eventually herded you four out of Rose Tower you noticed Piers and Marnie wasn't there anymore. They must've taken the chance to go back and gather Team Yell as you said. Good. You didn't want anymore conflict between anyone. Long story short, Leon did indeed direct you all to a cafe that seemed pretty low key and bought the lot of you curry to eat. Letting the three kids chat excitedly about how they managed to get to Rose Tower or the semifinals. You tried to ask Leon about what Mr. Rose said but after he deflected the topic twice you didn't bring it up again. No matter now much it nawed at your guts you shrugged it off. Whatever it was wasn't any of your business anyways. Whatever it was between Mr. Rose and Leon was obviously none of your business and as you wouldn't be here at the end of the year anyways, you shouldn't get too involved and cause trouble for anyone here anyways. Besides, you dreaded to think what bad things might happen if you disrupt the storyline thus far. After the meal Leon walked with all of you through the cheery night full of excited smiles right back to the hotel and you were surprised after learning that the other Gym Leaders and Marnie was staying there too with you all. But you guessed that made sense. The Rose of Rondelands was a BIIIG hotel and it was close to Wyndon Stadium and where the Christmas Festival would be taking place but that also most likely meant Piers and his group would also most likely be staying in the hotel as well, but you hadn't seen them yet. Maybe because they were all already asleep or you hadn't been out of your room much before or after the semifinals. But after escorting the four of you to your rooms and bidding you all good night, you almost immediately fell asleep dropping to your sleeping bag after a quick shower with a sigh. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. It was Christmas and you had already accepted a day out with Piers. How that was going to go you had no idea, but for now you slipped off into dreamland. The next morning you were only awoken by someone accidentally stepping on Silver's tail making him yell out so loud next to you that you instantly woke up to what the commotion was...only to pretty quickly realize what had happened when Silver was glaring at Gloria holding his tail to his chest as she gave him an apologetic look.
"'M so sorry, Silver, Lad!," she apologized holding up her hands as you sat up there blinking. "I nah knew you'd be under mah foot!" Silver gave her an angry chirp before crawling his way over to the bed and climbing onto it, only to curl up lazily. Gloria blinked before looking to you when you yawned. "Sorry, Y/n. I really didn't mean ta step on your pokemon."
After your brain finally registered what she said you yawned again before waving a hand. "Nah. Don't be sorry. It happens. You're up pretty early on a holiday. What's up?" You asked gesturing to her all bundled up warmer than a yeti.
"Dontcha remember? Lee's taking us all ta the fair today n' tomorrow!," her smiled brightened as she explained. " 'E's gonna be takin' us on a grand tour 'round the city visitin' all the famous shops n' landmarks for Victor to capture for his blog and then we're hitting all the booths n' games before linin' up to see the big ol' Wyndon Christmas Parade!! And then tomorrow we're visitin' the fair again for the rides n' anything else we missed the first time!!"
You smiled widely. "Wow. That's great, Gloria. I'm glad you guys finally get some time to take a break and enjoy yourselves."
She nodded. "Yeah. Hey, why don 'cha come? M' sure Lee wouldn't mind havin' ya along?"
You shook your bedhead. "Actually he already invited me."
Gloria blinked as you did in surprise. "Oh really?"
You nodded. "Leon invited me to come hang out with him today. Granted I think it's because he feels sorry for me.." You paused sadly before shaking your head. "But it'll be a good chance to hang out with someone and make friends right?"
Gloria's brow rose. "So...He just asked you to hang out with 'em on Christmas unprompted?" You nodded again. And her eyes narrowed as she hummed. "...I dunno, Mate. It sounds like he's askin' ya out on a date?"
You paused..."WHAT!?" You swear you never moved so fast in your life than when you snapped your head to her eyes wider than plates.
She nodded. "I mean I could be wrong, but this sounds like he's takin' ya out on a date."
"G-GLORIA!!,'' you sputtered face suddenly going very red. Oh god..I mean she did kinda have a point from an outsider's perspective, but that was FAR from true! You were freaking almost tearing up in front of the guy yesterday for crying out loud!! He probably just felt bad for you and being the kind guy he was wanted to cheer you up. "Gloria that is NOT what's going on!! I-If Nessa invited me to come h-h-hang out with her does that means he's got a crush o-on me?!"
Gloria shook her head no to your relief. "'Course not, everyone knows she likes Raihan. But I dunno if Lee's just being nice this time. He might like ye like Raihan does."
You held up a finger red faced but deadpanned. "Ok. Firstly, I've already been told by Sonia Dragon Boy likes to flirt with her and others too, so no. That's just h-h-how he is. Secondly, Gloria. IF this even was a date, Which it is not! He just wants to hang out on Christmas. There's a few things wrong with that c-conclusion." You counted on your fingers as you lifted off your reasons. "Christmas is FAR from a romantic holiday. The only thing romantic about it is mistletoe and I'm staying FAR away from that knowing Raihan's around town. I've only met the guy a few times throughout the entire year put together so we're kinda friends at most! That's not enough time to develop a crush and ask someone out. And even if he were to ask me out, why on Christmas? Like I said that's the LEAST romantic holiday only if you're into cheesy-romance-christmas-miracle movies. He would've gone with some other fitting holiday like Valentine's Day or my birthday!" You crossed your arms. "Plus I'm pretty sure I'm going to be hanging out with you all too considering you're all a package deal. It'd be awkward to date when so many people's third wheeling. And trust me. Dating is THE last thing on my mind right now. I haven't got time for that." Considering you'd be leaving at the end of the year anyways and leaving this world, and you had enough on your plate worrying about how to deal with your mother when you got back. Why date someone when you wouldn't see them ever again after New Years? "And you've seen Leon yourself. The guy was nice enough to help us with so much! It's logical he would be nice enough to cheer someone up too!"
Gloria held up her hands. "Geez, lassie. I get ye point. I was jus' pointing it out is all."
"Y-Yeah? Well I get it too!" Both of you were suddenly interrupted by a knock on your door. You both stared for a moment before you spoke up. "You can come in."
The door opened and Hop was the one holding the doorknob with Victor bundled up thicker than a brick wall behind him. "Hi, Y/n! Hey, Glory!" He greeted with a big smile to his best friend. "Are you ready to go, Mate? Lee's waiting for us in the lobby!"
Gloria instantly brightened up and nodded. "Yeah! We'll be right there!" She took a moment to look back at you and gesture to the guys. "C'mon Y/n. Ye don't wanna be late!"
"Y/n's comin'?"
"Yeah! Lee invited her too!"
"Awesome! This is gonna be so much fun! Let's get going!"
' It was only a quick shower, and change into your winter clothes and you were ready to go. Fixing your hair up into a neat do and walking towards the door. "Hey, Silver. Are you coming?" Silver whined looking upside down at you from his position on the bed...before slinking off and crawling his way towards you as you chuckled. "Up for an adventure again huh?" He made a tired noise but followed you out when you opened the door and closed it behind you, stepping out into the hall, walking after the three that excited rambled on about everything they were going to do today.
Into the elevator you all crowded and down to the lobby you went and right out into the parking lot where you saw him. Beaming from ear to ear and wrapped in a warmer coat than you had seen him wear before, was Leon. He smiled like a candle in a dark winter storm arms crossed but extended them towards you all upon seeing you all.
"Well look who it is!," he said with a cheery tone and wave at the three teenagers running up to him, "Bright and early I see! Good! I was debating whether or not I'd have to come wake you up."
"Lee, did you take a taxi here?," Hop asked pointing to the flying taxi literally right next to him and his brother nodded with an embarrassed chuckle.
"Y-Yeah. I didn't want to risk getting lost on the way over, so I figured the taxi was the best solution. It has enough room for all of us too!" He blinked when you caught up to them ...and practically lit up brighter than the sun upon seeing you. And his golden eyes didn't miss the matching hat and scarf from earlier this year on your head and neck. "Hey! Y/n, I'm happy to see you're up and adam too." His hand pointed at you. "Is that the hat and scarf I sent you?"
You blinked still a bit groggy from half sleep but nodded. "Y-Yeah. Um...Thanks by the way! I never got to thank you for the gifts yet. You didn't have to give me anything."
"Hey! Don't worry about it. We're all friends here. Besides..." He got quiet for a moment before his cheeks semi lit up and he chuckled. "Blue really brings out your f/c eyes."
You blinked for a moment before feeling your own face heat up a bit before coughing. The trio of teens looked between each other and the both of you. "Uh. T-Thanks. *ahem* So you're taking us to the festival?"
Leon happily nodded. "Absolutely! And then the Christmas Day Parade that's being held later tonight. The annual parade is held every year here and I've heard this is going to be their biggest one yet! Piers is even singing for the opening."
"Oh wow. Really? I think this would be the first time I see him sing."
"You're gonna love it!," Gloria excitedly babbled, "There's gonna be rapidash rides, the giant roller coaster, merch stands, food venders, an' all kinds o' stuff waitin' for us!" She excitedly gestured towards the taxi in a hurry. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! We gotta go now ta beat the mornin' rush!"
Flying. Great. WHY was it always flying? Despite your complete lack of like for flying, you managed to climb into the taxi also behind the guys and you all settled in. Victor, Gloria, and Hop sat in front of you and you sat beside Leon all buckled in with Silver in your lap. Leon gave an order to the driver to take you all to the fairgrounds and off you all went into the sky and flying between skyscrapers high above the streets. But if you looked down you could really see how crowded it actually was. To say it was very crowded outside was an understatement. From what happened between when you first arrived and now, it was STILL VERY MUCH crowded with people walking and bumping against one another on the side walks and streets. Above you all loads of flying taxies were taking off around you. You busied yourself with looking around all the bright lights and different buildings as you passed by them all seeing all kinds of Christmas decorations and lots of people carrying colorfully wrapped gifts meant for others. From some stores you could hear faint Christmas music from open doors and through the dark snow clouds above you almost swore you would see Santa any moment now. After some time of this you could see the pink high walls of the Wyndon Stadium a few sky scrapers away as you all passed through the crowds, which begged the question.
"Hey. How fair is the festival anyways?"
"It's bein' held at Wyndon Park," Victor explained pointing towards a window, "It's just a little bit past the stadium. Shouldn't take too long to get there at this rate."
You nodded before going back to looking at the skyscrapers out the window. Can't say it wasn't pleasant hearing music until you all FINALLY reached a break between the tall buildings and you were met with awe blowing sight through the window. A GIANT park was greeting you as hoards of people flocked towards it. Filled with trees and beyond the trees you caught sight of a ferris wheel further into the park and your eyes grew in wonder. A fair. You're very FIRST fair ever!! The taxi brought you above the crowd and stopped across the street from the park entrance before landing for you all to get off. Hop was first to get out followed by the others and you and you blinked looking around for a moment. Crowded, faint park noises, smells of canival food- Yep! You were in front of the park alright. Leon motioned for you to follow him and you followed him as he began walking off towards the park entrance. Victor joined walking alongside you after you warned Silver to stay close to you while crossing the street and into the entrance you went. There was a lot of people walking around you all as you went through the snow covered streets with the snow crunching under your feet, and being able to see your breath. The cold hitting your face as you looked around. It was really beautiful and perfect for Christmas, but you couldn't imagine actually living somewhere always cold like Circhester. Walking with them you all eventually heard and saw it. The many screams of delight, the smells of popcorn and other fair foods, distant fair music, and then the absolute menagerie of colors that hit you once the flood gates. Your eyes widened seeing the many MANY booths lining the many splits and different sidewalks that the parks pathways split into. There was more than the ones in front of the Wyndom Stadium yesterday. Lots were selling different items such as gym leader merchandise, Christmas themed things, food, or some were games. You could still see the giant Ferris wheel in the background so you guessed the actual rides were further into the park not that you'd want to go on the really high ones.
Leon must've noticed your wonder filled eyes because he let out a small hum under his breath. "So. Where do you guys want to go first?"
"How 'bout the food courts?," Gloria suggested which was quickly backed up by Silver who gave a chirp after her, "Haven't had time to eat yet n' I could use somethin' to warm me up."
Hop nodded. "I'm down for that. Can't let my stomach grumble like a starvin' snorlax."
With you agreeing the group made your way to the left path where the smell of food was a lot more prominent and soon found yourselves walking down booths of popcorn, candied apples, some kind of meats on sticks, and of course the regular carnival foods of hot dogs, funnel cakes, sodas, corndogs, and the like. You were drawn to one particular booth that was selling a variety of those items. Silver came right up to the booth and immediately pointed at one of the giant boiled eggs before looking at you and giving a curious noise. Leon coming up beside you with a small tray of drinks in his hands having stopped by a booth selling hot apple cider and buying a couple for your small group.
"Oh. Is that what you want?," you asked and Silver nodded. "Will you behave if I get it for you?" He nodded again and you smiled. "Alright then. Hey, Lee." He blinked as you smiled at him. "You want something?"
He....blinked. Before holding up a hand smiling. "Nah. I'm fine. I don't need any food-"
"Oh no you don't." You patted his shoulder and he blinked again at you. "Listen. You invited me to hang out with you, you helped me so many times, And you bought me hot chocolate."
"It's apple cider actually."
"Doesn't matter. The point is that the very least I can do is buy you breakfast. You've been reall busy lately and you deserve to enjoy some stuff too."
He blinked again at your words. "You really think so- I mean-...*ahem* N-No it's alright." Gold eyes quickly looked away with the pink cheeks tinting his face. "I-I can just buy my own at one of the other stalls. You really don't have too. B-Besides, we're even with how much you've helped to look after Hoppy and his friends."
"We're equal in terms of that, but I owe you one for the drink and invite." You smiled brightly. "Besides it's Christmas. Isn't the holiday about giving back to one another? C'mon. Pick anything you want. It's on me this time. I'll get something for the others too." It was the least you could do and you had plenty of money to spare from working four months at the store.
Leon gave you a look as if he wasn't believing what he was hearing, before turning his head to the food booth quietly face stull a hot pink against his dark complection. "...Well...I know Hoppy likes those dumplings and that pickled meat's pretty good. A-Although I will admit i-it's been a while since I had s-some of that marinated slow poke tail there-"
You smiled and turned back to the guy handling the booth. "Consider it done. Hey! Can I get a couple orders this way please?"
And forty minutes later you five (plus Silver-) were walking your way back the way you came after looking through the other booths there. All of them were some kind of food go figure, and by the end of it the you walked out with hot cider courtesy of Leon and each of you all having something warm to fill your stomachs. Hop with his dumplings, Victor some kind of crepe, Gloria settled on what you understood to be some kind of meat they pickled raw before frying it on a stick...(odd), Leon with that same slow poke tail they added to some curries, and you settled on just a cheap hot dog. Silver by now had already swallowed the entire boiled egg and kept eyeing your food but you weren't about to go give it to him. Not sure where you'd be going now but Leon seemed to be following their lead so you went along with it as they looked around the booths you passed with people shouting at you all or entertaining other people one caught your eye and you suddenly paused, Leon did too when you suddenly weren't next to him. What caught your eye was a booth with a woman who was selling key chains with all kinds of cute and shiny metal pokemon charms. And as the small sign suggested all were just a dollar and by the size of the booth there was a decent amount.
"Something catch your eye?," Leon questioned looking around the booth also.
You opened your mouth to answer- "LEE!!" Both of you turned as Gloria pointed to a particular game booth. "They're givin' 'way charmander plushies as prizes. Come watch me win one!"
He turned back to you. "Hey. Don't worry about it. Go win something nice and I'll meet you in a second after I grab a few of these for my friends." He nodded after a moment and turned to walk away before you turned back to the lady of the booth. An idea forming in your mind.
"Are you interested in anything you see, Young Lady?"
You nodded. "I need four of those. Eevee, wooloo, scorbunny, and a charizard!" The lady nodded and four dollar later you were holding a small bag of keychains.
With a newly acquired bag you smiled and met back up with everyone, noticing Gloria was carrying a brand new charmnder plush in her arms she won from that hoop game. "Oh hey. You're back...What's in the bag?"
"I'm glad you asked!" Well you rather give it to them sooner rather than later anyways. They watched as you went rummaging through your bag before pulling out the shiny metal trinkets and holding it out to them. "TA DA!! Merry Christmas you guys!"
They blinked and stared at the small key chains you present. Tn fact it was Hop who reacted first happily taking the small little metal wooloo with a giant grin. "Oh wow! This matches up with my team so well!" He turned that beaming face to you the twins following after. "Thank you."
"AW!! It's so cute!" "Thanks, Y/n! It looks jus' like my eevee...'fore it evolved at least."
"Hey! Think nothing of it! It's all in the spirit of the holiday!"
Leon was much slower to take his from you. More surprise in those Gold eyes than you've seen as he looked at the charm and then to you slowly. "You bought this? ...For me?"
You nodded. "Yeah. I got everyone one." You gestured to the others, Victor already attaching his to his pocket. "I mean everyone's been working hard and has been really nice to me. It's Christmas too, so everyone should at least get something."
"Oh." He glanced between the Charizard key chain before slowly taking it from you in his cold hand before nodding. Of course she'd get something for everyone for Christmas, not just him. Still he beamed at you. "Exactly! Everyone has the right to enjoy the holidays! Thank you so much! I love it." He turned back to looking at the small keychain in his hands.
"Hang on a second." Your head tilted and he followed your gaze behind him as you both realized something. "Where'd they go?"
Leon's eyes immediately wide as his head snapped around and behind you both...before sighing when he realized the trio was just a few booths away from them looking very interested in a booth that displayed some kind of game booth run by an older man. What the world was THAT?? Both of you walked on over to where they was with Silver tailing after you until you walked right up to the booth and the man behind it.
"Hey guys." The three jumped and looked up as Lean addressed them, leaning over to blink at the game in front of him. "What's going on here?"
The elderly man in front of him practically lit up seeing the Champion himself standing there in front of his booth and gestured to the small machine behind him. And you realized what they were. Pokeballs. There was tons of pokeballs hanging up on a plastic Christmas tree that was spinning slowly around, except the pokeballs were cleverly and beautifully decorated to look like ornaments as they gently swayed on the rotating tree. Next to the rotating tree was a long fishing pole like thing only there was just a hook on the end without any line. Was it some kind of game?
"Oh this?,'' the man asked gesturing to the tree behind him, "It's called 'Grab The Ornament'. You take one of these poles here like this." He demonstrated by grabbing one of said poles and extending it towards the tree. "Then you try to hook it through one of the loops holding the pokeball to the branches like so. You get two tries. If you can get the hook through the hoop-" He managed to hook onto one of the pokeballs decorated in the pattern of a candy cane before pulling it from the tree branch. "Then it's yours to keep! Although I can't guarantee what pokemon you'll get. It's all a mystery but that's all a part of the fun!" He casually pulled the pokeball off the hook and just plopped it back onto one of the spinning branches. "Would you like to play? It's two dollars a person."
"OOH!! Me, me, me!!," Gloria shouted holding up her free arm while her other clutched her charmander plush. "I wanna try! That looks like fun!"
You all watched as Gloria slapped down two dollars and forced her twin into holding her plushie while she busied herself with hooking one of the poke-ornament-balls off the tree. Her first try failed but on her second try she managed to hook onto a pokeball that had little santa hats printed all over it. Holding it proudly up to Hop who couldn't resist also giving it a try of his own- You blinked when someone nudged your side and looked up towards Leon's smiling face.
"You wanna try giving it a go?", he asked gesturing to the game. "I don't think you have any pokemon besides Silver right? It could be a fun way to expand your team!"
You blinked but shook your head. "Nah. I couldn't. Wasn't ever good at fishing let alone games anyways. I doubt I could even catch one that moving."
He hummed looking between you and the booth just as Hop excitedly held up his catch of a shiny red, green, and white striped ball..before smiling. You rose a confused brow as he strolled right up to the booth, reached into his coat pocket, and then slapped down two dollars onto the booth.
"I'd like a chance to play, Good Sir!" He happily beamed at the booth man who was happy to take the money presented to him.
"Leon!" He turned to you as you gestured to him in shock. "What are you doing? I didn't mean for you to actually try to win a prize for me!"
He blinked. "Oh, I know. But I want to." He grabbed the pole just as the booth man handed it to him. "Besides, just take it as a gift in return for the one you gave me earlier." He must've been referring to the charizard key chain as he smiled at you and gestured to the rotating Christmas tree. "Besides it's all in good spirits for the holidays! Two dollars isn't going to hurt me, so go ahead and and pick out whatever ball suits your fancy."
"Yeah, Y/n! It's fun! You should try it!," Hop encouraged holding his own pokeball-prize up again with a smile. "Just try to relax a little and have fun!"
You gave him a look before looking back to Leon who again motioned towards the game. ...You didn't have a say in this did you? With a sigh you looked back to the game with all the shiny pretty ornaments gently rotating on the tree just waiting for you (or in this case Leon-) to take home as a pretty little reminder of fun that day. You accepted Leon's gesture to come up to the booth and stand right next to him, f/c eyes blinking and intently watching the pretty tree continue to spin around and round like a pretty plant themed merry-go-round.
"Take your pick! There's plenty to chose from. Get any you want."
Any you wanted huh? Well that seemed like a good option, except you didn't know how good Leon's catching skills were. Looking back at the tree it was a decent size. Not too big or small. Looked just a foot or two above you. Leon was taller than you as well so the ones near the top would probably be the easiest ones for him to catch as well as the one's in the upper middle of the tree. Trailing your eyes downwards you looked towards the lower middle and very bottom of the tree. Hmm. Leon could probably grab the other middle ones but the ones on the very bottom branches are no doubt the hardest. That might be something Leon could do but like before you weren't sure how good Leon's fishing skills were. It could be as good as his battling or as bad as his sense of direction, and you'd hate for Leon to have spent two dollars for nothing. ..Well. You guessed it wouldn't hurt to get a pokeball. If you really couldn't handle the pokemon inside you were sure Hop or Gloria or someone else you knew would take good care of them. So taking a sigh, you turned back towards the tree and gave a rose brow as you looked all over the fake plastic pine branches as the small machine of a tree stand ever slowly turned. Where could you even start? There was so many in all pretty foils wrapped up like a present waiting to be opened all shiny and beautiful among the lights. Flashy pretty and bright. You-...You hadn't seen a REAL Christmas tree since you spent Christmas with Hop's family last year and received the gifts from Leon. ..The-...T-T-The first gifts you had been given in a long time. You hands unconsciously reached up to smooth over your scarf and hat you were. You gift from Leon keeping you warm against the cold. ..You weren't going to be able to go home anymore soon. A pang of regret should have rushed through you at not being able to see your mother again but there wasn't. Instead the idea of getting a real present that wasn't something like soap or another shirt made you perk up. So f/c eyes gazed among the branches. The group around you silently watching and waiting to see what your answer would be. There certainly was a decent good amount to pick from. There was some dressed up to look like candy canes, or like Hop's was wrapped in wrapping paper with prints of Christmas-y pictures. Sleighs, santas, snowflakes- And then there was those who were just wrapped up in shiny metalic or glittery wrapping paper without any patterns or prints. Plainer looking but still beautiful ornaments. But there wasn't really any you could pick right away. They all looked pretty so it was hard to chose. How were you to chose? Any one could be very special- F/c eyes paused at the sight of red and white. At first you blinked and almost didn't pay attention to it, just writing it off as another pokeball dressed up to look like a peppermint candy, but then a flash of..black?? You blinked at the ball that vanished behind the tree as it rotated before coming back around as you blinked. This one looked-...Totally different. It wasn't wrapped up in printed or shiny or patterned wrapping paper. In fact...it wasn't wrapped up at all. You blinked as on the lowest branch of the tree was an ordinary pokeball with no decoration but a single long red ribbon wrapped around itself. No wonder you got a glimpse of black. It was from the black line in the middle of the sphere separating the white bottom from the red top. This one wasn't special looking. In fact-....This one was the only one that wasn't fancy like the others. Leon seemed to watch your eyes and also latched onto the ball that went to rotate around the back of the tree again, before pointing a hand at it.
"That one seems like a diamond in the rough," he commented as it disappeared watching you closely. "What do you think?"
You still stared at the tree for the longest time before looking back at Leon and nodding. "Sure. But can you get it?"
"Let's find out!," he cheerfully replied holding up the hooked metal pole. You all watched as Leon extended the pole out before him and angled it down towards that bottom branch as the pokeball came back around. Despite Leon's taller height and longer arms, even he had to half way lean into the booth and stand on his tip toes to push that pole right over towards that very, very low branch. The very tip of the hook managed to catch onto it before it slipped from Leon's hold, wobbled a bit on the branch, and then continued to mosey on it's way around in a loop again. Two of your group let out a couple 'aw mans' next to you but Leon still didn't lose that smile. "Hey. No worries. I still have a chance to catch it. Let's give it another shot." That was true. Leon got to have two tries, but if he failed the second time then that would mean that he wouldn't get a chance to try again unless he gave the booth man another two dollars which you didn't want. You all watched with tense and baited breath as you all watched the pokeball rotate around again and again Leon reached towards it. This time the end of the hook catching the underside of where the ribbon around it was tied into a pretty red bow around it, and Leon pulled. The pokeball slipped from the branch and onto the hooked end of the pole. With a smile, Leon brought up the ball back to him, letting it dangle for a moment before grabbing it from the end of the pole. "Well it looks like we have a winner!"
"Good job, Lee! Ooh! I wonder what kinda pokemon's n' it!"
He shrugged. "Dunno. That'll be up for the trainer to decide. Here." He tossed it to you which you fumbled to catch. "But I'm sure whoever they are, they'll be lucky to have such a kind owner."
You decided to pocket the pokeball inside your pocket before following the others on your way with Silver behind you. Gloria already guided her brother's attention over to another game booth which had the classic knock down the pins theme. You were surprised when Victor was able to knock down all three towers of pins with a single throw, but he soon carried a small custom made bento box with the League's logo on the front. You paid for your own shot at a couple games while you were there and ended up winning a small handful of trinkets and buying yourself one or two things you found interesting at the merchandise stalls. At one point you even ran into some groups of people. One was Raihan with his little trio of trainers chaperoning them around the fair most likely. You both said hi and Leon made small talk with him. Raihan..gave a flirty look but did back off when Leon directed you away and he was swept up by a few people wanting an autograph. Allister getting piggy backed around by Bea looking at a display of ghost type pokemon which you understood why and he seemed really happy when you chatted a bit before moving on. It seemed Leon's bad disguise was making it easier for them to walk passed unbothered. ..If you can call him having a scarf over his face and most of his purple hair messily tucked into a hood to be a disguise. To his credit it did seem barely anyone else recognized him. The guys were happy to have that peace to spend time with him, arms full of either food or things from one of the booths. You also ran into Piers and Marnie at one of the game booths, right after Piers managed to win his sister a morpeko plush. After bidding them good bye Leon ended up directing the four of you towards the ride section which you didn't mind but when Gloria expressed interest in some higher rides like the roller coaster or ferris wheel you declined using the excuse of watching Silver or wanting to save more money which seemed to suffice for them- Until Leon grabbed your shoulder making you blink at him.
"Hey. Why not give it a try?"
You slowly blinked at him like he had just grown another head. "What? Are you kidding me!? Tell me you're joking. Leon, I hate heights! Like-...I can't even stand them."
"That much huh?"
"I'd rather have dinner with Raihan to put it bluntly. I hate heights with a burning passion." You blinked when he placed a confident on your shoulder.
"Why not give it a try then?" Wot- "You said you haven't ever been on one before so here's your chance! You'll never know if you really hate it if you don't try."
"....Did you not hear what I just told you?"
"C'mon! At least give it one try. If you keep holding back then you won't ever know how to let yourself have fun." You stared at him and his hand gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "No one's here to stop you. You're allowed to let yourself have fun."
You still continued to look at him for the longest time as his words echoed out in your head. No one's here to stop you...Your MOM wasn't here to stop you! You could have fun! You could hang out with friends! You could eat junk food! You didn't need her permission anymore! Your eyes widened more..That's-...That's RIGHT!! YOU DIDN'T NEED ANYONE'S PERMISSION TO DO ANYTHING ANYMORE! No one was making you do anything or nagging at you or telling you you couldn't do anything! You could enjoy this as much as you want! So why were you holding back? This was YOUR Christmas to do as your pleased! And that included doing whatever you pleased at the fair!
"...You know what?" You smiled determined back at him. "I think I WILL go on a couple rides! Who cares about some dumb heights!?"
"That's the spirit! C'mon! Let's go get in line before it gets longer!"
...Maybe you should've started out with a few rides that weren't so big on the height factor. It went from the roller coaster, ferris wheel, and the sling shot with these guys and every time you had to death grip your seats, close your eyes, and try not to lose your lunch. Your heart pounding after every ride they dragged you onto and you had to take a good twenty minutes to ground yourself and let your stomach catch up with you. Thank ARCEUS that there was only three rides that were actually height based. After that nightmare was over you quickly moved onto ones you did enjoy like bumper cars, an all ages merry-go-round, and pony rides! ...Or well this world's version of pokemon rides. There was rapidashes (all fairy type tho-), Mudsdales, and Zebstrikas all around a decently sized fenced off area of the park. You could see a few handlers walking around some of the equine pokemon with people on their backs. Fancy saddles and bridles adorning their bodies. Smaller children were also having fun. Giggling like little maniacs on top of ponytas, mubrays, and blitzles. It was a cute sight. Safe to say it felt weird riding a mudsdale around when you've never had pony rides before but it was certainly a LOT better than a ferris wheel. There was some other games and rides but as it was nearing lunch time you were starting to get hungry again after the small breakfast and being out in the cold for hours now. Leon offered to take you all back to the food booths to pick up another round of hot coco and some food for lunch. Sounded good to you. You found a small booth among the picnic table area that was selling delicious burgers so that's where you all decided to stop and rest for a little bit. You all hadn't even noticed how late it was getting as you all mulled about chatting until Victor just so happened to look up and rose a brow at the darkening sky.
"Oi," he spoke gaining everyone's attention. "It's gettin' late ain't it? What time even 's it?"
To answer that Leon pulled back one of his sleeves where a watch was wrapped around his wrist. "According to this it's five thirty...There's still two and a half hours until the parade starts." He smiled again back at all of you. "It won't take us too long to get back in time for the parade, so let's enjoy our dinner and play another round of games! I'm sure there's some more you all wanna do before we leave."
It couldn't hurt to play a couple more games before the parade started! You were having fun anyways! So soon after everyone was done, you all headed back into the crowds to scan out some more games you'd like to play or more merch stands to buy from. A few more prizes were added to the arms of your groups, a couple more trinkets were exchanged for money, and a few more pictures were added to Victor's camera collection no doubt to be uploaded to his blog later. You were also having fun despite yourself because you happened to win a great prize. A PHONE!! Not the fancy rotomi phones everyone else had, and there was definitely NO pokemon inside of this little device, but it was good to have one. Especially if you were staying here for much longer than you anticipated. Looking around you noticed you must've been on the fair side of the fair grounds because there was less booths here and way, way less people. You spotted the twins and Hop by one booth selling small pokemon themed wallets and Gloria was taking her like looking between two she couldn't decide on.
"Hey, Y/n!" You turned finding Leon a few yards away from you still disguised and facing towards the exit back towards the taxi area most likely waiting for the others to get done before they finally left. "Are you finished looking around?"
You stared back at him before turning to face him not noticing the ice under both of your feet smiling. "Yeah. I'm just waiting for the others to finish shopping."
You both stopped over a small archway over the pathway. You gave it a small glance over and barely noticed the small mistletoe hanging from it's metal bars. A small touch for couples perhaps? Actually...You craned your head around more as Leon looked at the trio for a moment seeing Gloria still trying to decide which wallet to buy before going back to check his watch for the time. F/c eyes looked around and noticed how actually pretty this part of the park really was. A slightly frosty patch mostly cleared went through the quiet parts of the park lit up by the faint lights of the festival and a perfect full moon above you. It was starting to snow again now, not too much, only enough for it to look really pretty and fluffy falling from the otherwise clear skies. The smells of the parks pine trees filled the air with the faint scents of foods from the festival, giving it a balanced mixture of nature and dinner time. The snow on the ground shined reflecting the moon light from the darkened sky making it look like a forest of glitter against the cold. ..Ok. You know you told Gloria Christmas was the least romantic holiday, but if there was ever a romantic scene for someone to take a date this would be a good candidate. The silent breeze blew some stray snowflakes falling from the air onto your face as if the weather was trying to hide your nosey cheeks and red nose due to the cold. Your head turned back towards Leon as you heard him sigh and found him shaking his head but still patiently waiting and crossing his arms, raising his eyebrows. Wait...If he was still waiting does that mean Gloria STILL hadn't made up her mind? So obviously you turned your body to look towards them to see yourself- Except...You didn't count on the frozen ice under your feet. You gasped as your foot slipped on the slippery surface with a loud gasp enough to catch someone's attention. Your arms reached out for nothing but balance which even escaped you. No balance and nothing to grab onto to stop you from slipping on the ice and falling and hurting yourself on the hard concrete-
No hard concrete hurt you.
You had squeezed your eyes shut hard expecting to feel the cold hard concrete but instead you felt a soft but firm ..something around your shoulder and lower back, and on instinct your hands reached to clutch at the thing stopping you from falling. And your body froze.....Well you weren't fallen on the ground but then how were you suspended in ...air-...You body all but froze up as soon as you opened your eyes and stared wide eyed into just as equally wide eyed gold ones. Silently you both stared at one another registering why yours and Leon's faces were so close. Until it finally dawned on your buffering brain. GOOD GRIEF!! Leon must've tried to catch you when you fell but instead managed to catch you and held you in a perfect dip (ironically under that blasted mistletoe as if mocking you and your situation-) and his arms holding you. On instinct your hands had clutched onto his front jacket and the quick jarring had pulled Leon's 'disguise' (his scarf covering the lower half of his face-) down so his full face was looking at you as if equally surprised he caught you like this. The cold wind blowing over you was countered by Leon's warmer breath..before he opened his mouth to say something. Something like 'Are you ok' or something like that, but that wasn't about to happen. Leon moved but not by his own accord. Leon's foot, which was STILL standing on the same ice you were, squeaked as it slipped against the slick ice and sent him lurching forward until his face collided with something soft and warm...
And that something just so happened to be you.
His face from collided with yours. Both frozen as something soft collided with your own lips. Everything in time froze for the both of you that moment.
There you stood frozen as Leon stood above you hands on the wall behind you but not on purpose. After all he did just slip on ice. But your body was frozen, numb as you stood there looking up at him like your eyes turned into those funny googily eye stickers. He did in the same. Seeming in shock, frozen in time as his gold eyes stared back in the same state at you. Both mind blanks and bodies not being able to feel anything but neither could tell if that was due to the cold or the fact you two were in more shock than if a pikachu had zapped you. Eventually someone did move. You did. Your brain finally processing what was happening enough for common sense to finally return to your thought process and you moved your head back. Freeing your lips from his that was thrown forward from the trip, his soft purple bangs that hung off him tickled your forehead as it brushed against it from the moment you pulled back. The action seemed to make himself overcome the shock as well, after a moment righting his weight and yours up and slowly retracting his hands from the you to rest at the front of his body.
And you both stared at one another.
And then your brains finally processed what really happened.
The snowflakes and cold air colliding with his face couldn't extinguish the fire that froze in his cheeks as they instantly lit up the brightest shade of pink you've ever seen. But it wasn't just his face. His ears and whole face was now a pretty primrose pink instead of the usual complexion they were every other time you've seen him. And he suddenly reacted. You jumped when a gloved hand of his slapped over his mouth and his face gained a flustered expression as you just stood there. And your face also heated up-
"What are you guys doin'?"
"HAH!!" You gave the loudest wail you'd ever given off before and jumped when Victor had come up to you and asked a question. The teenager blinked obliviously at what just literally happened between you and Leon and only rose a brow when you shrieked at his arrival and stared at him red faced. You panted a few cold breaths, hand clutching your chest. "Victor....DONT. DO. THAT."
Victor blinked still looking between you, then at Leon also staring red faced, and then back at you just as Gloria and Hop as they walked up behind him also not seeing what had just happened. Good. "Um. Are ye two alright?"
"YES!!," you shouted way too fast.
"N-Never better!," Leon added also way too quickly after you making the three all look at each other. "H-HEY!" Leon yelled plastering on a forced smile. "I-I have an idea! Why don't we go ahead and head o-on to the parade?! It's about to start any moment!"
"The parade!?," Gloria perked up quickly averting her attention towards what Leon said instead of you two quickly.
"Y-Yeh! C'mon! L-Let's go get a taxi and be on our way to a Champion Time!"
The walk back to the taxi was tense as you and Leon walked stiffly and red faced not looking at one another from that ki-...Accidental bump into. Thank goodness the three didn't notice but every once and a while Victor would look back at you both and either raise a brow or squint his eyes before turning back around and chatting like nothing ever happened. The taxi ride over there was uneventful besides you two trying not to look at one another before you were able to arrive at the place. It was a blur the next step on the way. You remember landing somewhere and walking out somewhere in the back where no one would notice Leon and sitting down just enough to have a clear view of the parade. You sat there silently with Silver in your lap staring just ahead still processing what had happened before Piers appeared and began singing. Victor leaned over to stare at you one more time before turning his attention back onto the parade as the singing stopped and a giant balloon of an eevee was next being manhandled down the streets by a large amount of people and you allowed yourself to completely block out what just happened to you just a little bit ago. You enjoyed the next two or three hours sitting there wrapped up in the magic of your first parade happily watching and marveling at all the colorful floats and balloons bigger than your own house going by or the performers than did back flips, dressed as clowns, danced in costumes, or other tricks down the streets between all the floats and balloons. Each more different and exciting than the last being lit up by the bright lights of the city. Every so often Leon would glance over at you, catch a glimpse of your awestruck face, and then quickly look away when Victor looked over at him feeling his gaze turn. In turn he'd raise a brow at his surrogate brother...before thankfully going back to watching the parade come to a close. At which point you were VERY tired. How long had you been staying up? As the last float and cheers from the audience made it's rounds you let out a yawn that caught the Champion attention. He made the suggestion of you all going back to hotel. Too tired to argue, you agreed as it meant getting back to bed faster and the warmth it provided. The trip back there was a blur in your tired mind. All you remembered was briefly getting shoved by people when Leon escorted you through the crowd with an arm around your shoulders, getting into a taxi, and only being jostled awake by the sudden lurch the taxi gave upon take off and the cold air hitting you that made you bristle and pull the coat over you and Silver more. Gosh it was SO cold! It wasn't too long until the five of you got back to the hotel and went inside. You shook more than a leaf in a tornado as you five entered the elevator. Rising to the floor you were staying on, you exited and walked until the Hop and Victor stopped in front of what you assumed to be their room and you took the moment to give Leon a smile and put Silver back down.
"Hey. Thanks for taking me out today with you guys. I just hope it wasn't too much trouble."
He shook his head red rushing to his cheeks and hand rubbing his neck. "It wa-was no trouble! Haha! It's one o-of the Champion's d-duties to make sure everyone enjoys themselves! P-P-Plus you're a friend! What are friends for?"
You smiled a lot brighter than before. "Still what you did for me today....Well I can't remember the last time I ever had so much fun on a holiday before. Minus the heights of course."
"Haha." He chuckled and the faintest of smiles appeared on his face. His brow raised. "Well can't say it wasn't fun to see all the expressions you made." You gave him a small frown. "But I can't remember the last time I was just able to hang out with someone my own age as well and just have fun. I-...G-Guess I should thank you for that too."
"Yeah," you agreed. "And Leon." He hummed and FROZE as you hugged him, platonically of course as thanks before releasing him quickly after and smiling. "I mean it. Thank you for everything. You really are a great Champion. Galar's lucky to have you." With that you turned and waved them good bye feeling this would be a good time to leave them off and you were so tired that you feared you'd just drop in the middle of the hallway out of exhaustion. "Good night. Merry Christmas!"
Both boys stared at Leon as you and Gloria disappeared into your shared room before they looked at each other before looking back at Leon and spoke.
"Big bro...Are you...blushing, Mate?"
"AH!! I-I mean-...N-No! I-I'm just cold, Hoppy! I swear!"
You paid no attention to the siblings' banter as you headed to your own room. You were very tired, and very cold. All you wanted to do was curl up into your sleeping bag and fall asleep for the rest of the night. But upon opening the door you realized you weren't alone. Gloria was there! Having had been going through some things from her back pack on the bed..but she smiled when she realized it was you.
"Y/N!," she greeted as you walked in closing the door behind you. "Did ye have a fun time out?! It was so cool!"
You waved with a yawn towards her. "Sure was." Sleep was making your brain muddled completely forgetting what just happened. "Did you have fun?"
She beamed. "IT WAS GREAT!! We flew 'round the city and checked out the fair, an' then lee took us to see the parade!! So o' COURSE I had a good time! Lee promised he'd take us back to the fair tomorrow so we can see what we missed and so Vic can take some photos o' some famous landmarks. Are ye comin' too?"
You smiled. "I'll figure it out tomorrow. I think I'm just gonna hit the floor and call it a night-"
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-Travels back in time- Madame Butterfly, if you had the Peacock, what kind of Sentimonsters would you create?
Madame Butterfly
"An interesting question indeed. Let's see, for Sharkbite, probably something shark themed, like a shark that can 'swim' in the Earth, or..."
Oh my god, don't you tell me you'd just miss out on giving him a companion based on Lavagirl.
Madame Butterfly
She seems confused. "Who is this... Lavagirl? I remember Tenechat mentioning her too."
Sigh, nevermind.
Madame Butterfly
"Okay, next was Direwolf, right? I'm honestly quiet pleased with his Akumatization, regardless how it ended. His physical form gave him great mobility and his powers could affect a big area, so I'm not sure what Sentimonster could he benefit from most. Maybe a yeti companion that would be comfortable in the icy environment and could help him overwhelm his opponents.
"Then our dear Vivi, alias Forgiven Neglect. If I can be honest here for a moment, I think Riodinidae got a bit indolent with Paravani helping her. If anything, my champions showed what a single Akuma is capable of with a little creativity.
"Her powers were all about multitasking, so why not turn that up to eleven, and give her a Sentimonster who could make copies of her too?"
So basically Mangekyou? You just said Riodinidae and Paravani wasn't creative enough for your taste.
Madame Butterfly
"I never said they didn't have good ideas, just that they could try a little harder. If they did, they might still have the Butterfly after all.
"For Light Taker, since Yukari selfishly refused my offer to help her girlfriend, I think I would have given her a Sentimonster that allowed her to collect energy from people from afar, like Acuella could."
O-oh, you could give her a giant bat monster based on Morbius' final form from the Spider-Man animated series! It could have morbed all over those guys.
Madame Butterfly
"... I don't have the slightest idea what did you just said.
"Finally, for Princess Saturn I'd give her a giant floating ring she could send at her enemies to cut them into pieces."
That's surprisingly... simple. But guess it would complement her other ranged powers well - dodging lasers and a flying projectile that keeps coming back at you would be harder than the lasers on their own.
Madame Butterfly
"I told you I'd be good with this Miraculous."
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survey--s · 2 years
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Have you ever used a whole bottle of nail polish? Probably not. Do you only go to Wal-Mart to take ridiculous pictures of yourself and friends? I mean, is that really a thing people do? What is one thing that you absolutely despise about your personality? I’m not great when plans change last minute. I find it really stressful and that can mean I don’t react in the best way. Is it more difficult for you to type on keyboards with raised keys? Yeah, but mainly because I’m just not used to it anymore. Are you hypervigilant constantly? No, I wouldn’t say so. Have you ever been to a haunted and/or abandoned house at night? Nah, those things don’t really appeal to me. When you get nervous, does it show physically? i.e shaky hands Sometimes, yeah. I play with my hair a lot, ramble and bite my nails. What's the last thing you had to sacrifice in order to do what you wanted? I can’t really remember. What's something odd about your bedroom? Uh, there’s nothing odd about it I don’t think - it’s just a typical bedroom? Can you walk on your hands? Underwater, yeah. What's your favorite ocean creature? Dolphins, penguins, jellyfish. Tell me an urban legend that you've heard of. The yeti. How old were you when you lost your first baby tooth? I honestly don’t remember, maybe 4-5 years old? Do you have any irrational fears? If so, what are they? I hate walking on surfaces where I can see directly underneath me lol, it really freaks me out. Are you Southern? I’m from southern England. Do you like to argue over politics? With strangers online etc, sure, but I don’t really discuss it in person as it can so easily ruin relationships. ^If so, have you ever ended up screaming in one of those arguments? No, but I have been really frustrated and angry which is why I never have those conversations anymore lol. Do you have flat feet? No. What noise bothers you the most? Cutlery scraping on plates, snoring. What does your ideal house look like? I’d love a big house with a deck, overlooking the beach, with a library, a spiral staircase and a garden with a pool, plus room for stables and a horse lol. Are you satisfied with what you have? I am indeed. Are you depressed? I’ve been diagnosed with clinical depression in the past, but it’s pretty well controlled these days. What time do you usually go to bed? Anywhere between 10pm and midnight, for the most part. What kind of tea do you prefer? Yorkshire tea.
0 notes
atths--twice · 2 years
Father's Day, 2022
On the way home from a fun day out celebrating Father's Day, Mulder reflects on the day and those of the past.
Sigh... these family stories soothe my soul. I love getting lost in them and just wandering around for a bit.
Hope you do too.
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June 19, 2022
Mulder smiled, letting out a small chuckle as they left the Fairyland park, and Scully glanced at him with a grin. 
“Had a good day?” she asked and he nodded, knowing she already knew the answer to that question. 
“I had a fantastic day. Thank you, love.” He reached for her hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing her knuckles softly. “It was even better than last time and I didn’t think that was possible.” 
She laughed, her eyes back on the road, the late afternoon sun shining through the windshield. He kissed her hand again and then let it go, turning to look at Faith with a grin. 
“Did you have fun today, my girl?” he asked and she nodded with a smile. 
“I have so much fun, Daddy. I like the train ride and the lake monster. It scared me! But I like it,” she said and they all laughed. 
“Like father, like daughter,” Scully murmured, cutting her eyes to him. 
“Hey!” he said and she laughed again. 
“Yes, love?” 
“Liz Beth like the lake monster too, but Jacob like the Sasquatch. He laughed when he see it. Raycho said it make him giggle. That means he laughed.” 
“It does mean that, my love. What did Uncle like best? Did he tell you?” 
“Hmm,” she said, tapping her chin and looking out the window. Mulder cleared his throat and glanced at Scully, who was watching her in the rearview mirror. 
“That is so adorable,” she said softly and he cleared his throat again in agreement, looking back at Faith. 
“Unco doesn’t like aliens. He tell Raycho he heared too much about them to like them.” Faith said with her hands up and a shrug of her shoulders. Mulder guffawed and slapped a hand on his leg, shaking his head and closing his eyes. 
“Oh,” he laughed. “Little pitchers do indeed have big ears. Gonna have to remind Uncle Walter about that proverb.” He glanced at Scully and she grinned. 
“So what do you think was his favorite, love?” Scully asked and Faith sighed, looking at her hands. Raising her head, she smiled. 
“Unco like the yeti. He growled at him and the yeti growled at him too. Unco pretend to be mad, but he smiled and he do this to me.” She blinked her eyes a couple of times and Mulder laughed. 
“You mean this?” He winked at her and she nodded enthusiastically. 
“Yeah, he blink with one eye.” She held down one eye and grinned. “Like this.” 
They all laughed again and Mulder smiled as he reached back and squeezed Faith’s hand.
“You wanna know my favorite?” he asked her and she nodded, squeezing his fingers gently. “My favorite was spending the day with you and Mommy.” 
“Gross,” Scully breathed, glancing at him with a smile. He squeezed her thigh with his other hand and she gasped. 
“Yeah, that’s right.” He let go of her thigh and looked back at Faith. “It’s the truth, my girl. Any time I get to do something special with you and Mommy, that’s my favorite.” 
“And with Unco and Raycho and the babies,” she reminded him and he laughed. 
“Yes, with them too,” he agreed and she smiled. Letting go of his hand, she placed it on top of his and touched his wedding ring, tracing her finger all the way around it. 
“Why you wear this, Daddy?” she asked and he smiled at her. 
“I wear it because it shows that I’m married to your mommy. It lets everyone we see know that I am mommy’s.” 
“What does married mean?” she asked, touching his ring again. 
“Got a lot of questions today,” Scully said under her breath, passing a car and changing lanes. “Wonder where she gets that curious mind?” 
“Hmm,” he said, smiling at her. “Married, my love, means that two people love each other very much and they want to show that by giving rings to know that love never will end. Because it’s shaped like a circle and a circle has no end, it goes around and around. You see?” 
She stared at his ring, moving her finger around it, and then looked at him with a smile and a nod.  
“Mommy has a ring too, but hers is pretty. Your ring isn’t so pretty like Mommy’s.” 
Scully laughed and he blinked his eyes in shock, not expecting that to be her answer. 
“Well,” he said, clearing his throat as she continued touching his ring. “Perhaps it’s not as pretty as Mommy’s, but that doesn’t make it any less special. Took me a looooong time to get Mommy to agree to these rings. So, even if it’s not as pretty as hers, it’s pretty to me.” Scully glanced at him and smiled, placing her hand on his knee. 
“Mommy’s is sparkly and shiny. So pretty.” 
“Yes, my love,” Scully said, looking at Faith in the rearview mirror. “It is very pretty. Daddy picked it out and he made a very good choice. Just what I would have chosen because Daddy knows me very well.” 
“Yeah,” Faith said. “I like it. I like both of them, but Mommy’s is my favorite.” 
“Understandable,” he said, squeezing her hand and letting go. She yawned and he smiled, knowing she would be asleep soon. “You want your water?” 
“No. I’m okay,” she said, yawning again and laying her head against the car seat as she closed her eyes. 
Moving his hand and turning to face forward, he placed his hand over Scully’s and laced his fingers with hers. She ran a finger against his ring and he smiled. 
“I like them both too,” she said and he chuckled softly. “Worth your loooong wait?” 
“Every second,” he confirmed, squeezing her hand gently. 
“Hmm…” she hummed and then sighed with a soft smile. 
They fell silent and as he looked out the window, he thought about their day spent at the Fairyland park. 
Last time they had been there was when Faith was eight months old. She had no memory of it of course and had been wide-eyed for the majority of the day, excited to see and experience everything. She had run to all the rides, now able to go on the ones they had skipped. 
She had loved the petting zoo, sitting on the hay covered ground as the rabbits and guinea pigs congregated around her. She had spoken softly, petting a white and gray rabbit and stroking its ears. The twins sat on a bench with the adults, petting a gray rabbit on Rachel’s lap. They had been overly excited at first, but Skinner had helped them to touch it gently. 
From there, after at least a half hour, they had taken the train around the park, excitedly pointing out the fairy creatures they saw, Faith grinning from ear to ear. 
The spinning aliens ride had been her favorite, laughing as they had spun, robotic alien noises playing overhead. A small roller coaster had caused tears, until Skinner had offered her ice cream to try it one more time with him. She had agreed, having seen the ice cream in question, full of sprinkles and on a giant cone. 
The second time had been better and the third and fourth even more so; the ice cream postponed as she rode it with him again. She had come running to them after the last ride, smiling and happy with Skinner trailing behind looking rather green. He had bought the ice cream treat, but did not join them at the table. Instead he had paced, taking deep breaths to help settle his stomach and head. 
The twins had fallen asleep in the stroller, allowing the adults, sans Skinner, to ride a couple of the “bigger” rides, as Faith called them. 
It had been fun, especially hearing Rachel scream out a laugh as they had dropped down a hill, and then swearing when they went faster. 
One of his favorite moments had been when they had been standing near the tall alien spaceship just before they had parted ways. Rachel had been singing a familiar song under her breath and Skinner had growled quietly. 
“Babe… come on,” he had said and Rachel looked at him. He had shaken his head and she had raised her eyebrows at him. 
Stepping a few steps from them, she began to sing louder and dance, much to Skinner’s dismay. As she got more into it, Mulder recognized the song as one Scully had played on her phone many times recently. 
It was from a video Rachel had sent her, of a very pregnant woman carrying twins. The song used was an old one, the lyrics changed to suit the video of the woman not doing things as she was far too pregnant. 
Rachel had said she sympathized with the woman, remembering how hard it had been doing many daily tasks as she was carrying twins. The video had made her laugh and she figured Scully, who understood the complexities of pregnancy, would also appreciate the accuracy of it. 
Faith had asked to watch it when she heard the music. When she had, she looked at Scully in surprise. 
“That looks like Raycho’s tummy. She have two babies in her tummy?” She had looked closer and asked to watch it again. And then again.  
As Rachel had danced and sang, attracting the attention of people who smiled at her as they walked by, Faith had stood watching her. For a few seconds she had done nothing, but then she had joined in with the dancing, singing the song with Rachel. 
“Oh, for God’s sake,” Skinner had said, but Mulder had seen the small smile on his face as he had watched them. 
“But then I asked why… then I asked why, then I asked why,” Rachel had sung, reaching for Faith’s hands and dancing with her, Faith’s new bobblehead alien headband moving with her. 
Rachel had spun Faith around and then dipped her, causing her to erupt into giggles, and those watching had clapped. Rachel had bowed and Faith followed her lead, still giggling as she held onto Rachel’s hand. 
Lost in thought for a few more minutes, Mulder sighed, squeezing Scully’s hand as he glanced at her. She smiled at him and tilted her head to the side, asking him a silent question. 
“Nothing,” he said, shaking his head. 
“Mmhmm,” she hummed, obviously not believing him. 
“I was just thinking…” 
“I noticed. You’ve been quiet for a while. It’s very unlike you.” 
“Ha ha,” he said, and she squeezed his hand. 
“What were you thinking about?” 
“The day and all the things we did. About Skinner nearly getting sick.” 
“That poor man,” she chuckled and he smiled. 
“Yeah. He was a real trooper. I certainly didn’t want to go on that ride that many times.” 
“You just don’t have good sea legs,” she teased and he laughed quietly. 
“No, yours are definitely better.” 
“Well, thank you.” She squeezed his hand again and let go, signaling again as she went around another slow moving car. 
“I was thinking too, about the gifts father’s receive on Father’s Day.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, the ones I gave my father, when I did anyway, and how different they were than the gifts for my mother.” 
“Hmm,” she agreed with a hum and nod of her head. “I see where you’re headed. Moms get flowers and kind words…” 
“And dads get: happy Father’s Day, you old fart.” 
They both laughed, Mulder glancing back to see if they had woken Faith, but she slept on, her mouth open as she breathed deeply. 
“I actually saw a card like that when I was younger,” he said. “I picked it up and held it, imagining the look on my father’s face if I were to actually give it to him.” He shook his head and she looked at him, waiting for him to say more. “It would not have gone over well.” She looked back at the road with a nod and he sighed. 
“Well, my father wouldn’t have liked it either. At least, not when we were younger. I think Melissa gave him one similar to that, but it was a birthday card. He was quite tickled by it, but if she had been younger, I think he would have found it to be disrespectful.” She smiled slowly at him and he raised his eyebrows. “You on the other hand…” 
“I challenge you to find something funnier than farts to a child.”
“Or to an adult who talks about left cheek sneaks…” she teased and he laughed. “You just have to know the person and their humor. Faith will continue to learn yours and I’m sure there will be many fart joke cards from her in the future.” 
“Yeah,” he said, glancing back at her again. “I want her to feel comfortable doing that, or anything else for that matter. I don’t want her to be afraid to talk to us, to me, about anything.” 
“I don’t think that will be a problem,” Scully said softly, placing her hand on his thigh and patting it. “She loves you so much. You’re her best buddy. Anyone can see how much she adores you.” 
He sighed and nodded, covering her hand with his own and squeezing gently. 
“Thank you,” he said softly and she hummed. 
“So,” she said, smiling at him. “What kinds of cards and/or gifts did you give your dad when you were younger?” 
“Oh, I don’t really remember what they were when I was very young. I found some stuff saved when I cleared his house, but it wasn’t much and it was mostly stuff from Samantha. I think he…” He sighed, the conversation heading down a path he had not intended. “You know what, let’s change the subject. No need to darken what was a beautiful day.” He forced a smile and she drew in a deep breath, turning her hand, and interlocking their fingers. 
“You think he kept them to torment himself?” 
“I don’t know. We don’t need to-”
“Better out than in,” she said and he sighed. 
“I just feel like I spoiled the ending of a good day.” 
“Like you tainted it?” she teased and he gasped, placing his other hand on his chest. 
“You said taint.” 
“I did.” 
They both laughed quietly again and he stared at her with a smile. 
“I don’t know why he kept them. He wasn’t a sentimental man.” 
“Hmm…” she hummed, moving her mouth around, a sure sign she was deep in thought and would have something profound to say, even if he did not fully agree with it. “I think… I think you never really got a chance to know him. There was so much already stacked against him, so many things he had done and was a party to, that you never knew his true self. Perhaps he was sentimental, but was forced to keep it hidden. Perhaps he was a man like you, who sees suffering and pain and wants to help, but he didn’t have that option once he was in too deep. That had a ripple effect the size of the Grand Canyon and you and he never could find common ground. The waters were dirty long before you ever had a chance to see them as pristine.” 
“Jesus, Scully…” he whispered, shaking his head and blinking his eyes quickly. 
“I don’t want you to continue to feel responsible for any lack of a relationship with him,” she said, her eyebrows knitted together as she shook her head. “You were a child who was pushed away, then an adult who needed guidance and it wasn’t given to you by the person from whom you craved it. You are not responsible for his actions. Just as Faith… or Jackson…” She let out a deep breath and he squeezed her hand. “Your actions do not reflect on them. Good or bad. They are their own person and…” 
“I know, Scully.” 
“A parent's job is to love and nurture. To create a safe space for a child to express themselves without fear of repercussions. Any past trauma we both carry within us, we’re fixing and doing differently. And I think we’re doing a damn good job, you old fart.” 
She smiled at him and he laughed as he wiped at his eyes. A deep cleansing laugh, as he let go of all the bad energy and thoughts in his head. 
“Yeah,” he chuckled again, raising her hand to his lips and gently kissing her knuckles. “We are doing a great job, you-”
“If you call me old, you’re sleeping on the couch,” she warned, one eyebrow raised as she glanced at him. 
“Noted,” he chuckled, kissing her hand with a smile. “Steering clear, Miss.” 
“Yeah. That’s right. Smart man.”  
She smiled and he smiled back, nodding as he brought their joined hands back down to his leg. 
They were quiet for a couple of minutes, listening to Faith’s deep breaths and hums as she shifted her head to the other side of her car seat. 
“She loves you so much, Mulder,” Scully said quietly. “It makes me love you even more, watching you with her, teaching her and loving her. She’s a very lucky little girl to grow up having you as her father. Someone who would do anything for her to make sure she’s happy and to know how much she is loved.” 
“Hmm,” he hummed, squeezing her hand as he swallowed down the sudden lump in his throat. Nodding, he let out a shaky breath and licked his lips. 
“Well, maybe not anything,” she said, a twinkle in her eyes as she looked at him. “Riding on the Flight of the Fairies more than once, might just be your breaking point.” 
He laughed heartily, leaning forward and then back, his shoulders shaking as she laughed beside him and squeezed his hand. Nodding, he looked at her and she winked at him before turning her attention back to the road. 
“Yeah… I think I could soldier on, if I absolutely had to do so,” he said and she shook her head. 
“Mulder, think of Skinner’s green face. Think of watching him pacing and taking those deep breaths. Are you so sure about that?” 
He turned and looked back at Faith, smiling at the person who had turned their world upside down. The second miracle that had not been planned and should never have been possible in the first place. He smiled again as he nodded, his heart exceedingly happy. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure.” 
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inthezoyne · 2 years
Journal three entries with captions part three:
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Captions begin:
These spider like beasts pose as campfires, then spring to life when you get close. They like to eat campers, marshmallows and beans, but will feed on pretty much anything combustible.
Can be doused with water, but will hiss.
Kill Billy
Feral, fanged, glowing-eyed hill men that will suck your blood and steal your overalls! These may be the beings responsible for the cursed outhouses.
Communicates through grunts and ham-boning. When you hear bluegrass music, run for the nearest convenience store. They can’t get in. (No shirt, no shoes, no service)
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Their bites spell out dire messages for your future, except they’re frequently misspelled! I was told to “BATCH OUT FOR WILL,” which, as far as I can tell, is utter nonsense!
Never actually seen its face. Covered in moss and mushrooms, hides in the forest, big enough to pick up my car and eat it. (Which it did! Years ago!) My theory is that this is some species of tree-giant.
Older than the town itself! It’s legs look remarkably like trees, and considering how many lumberjacks are nearby, that explains why it’s such a recluse.
I tried to communicate with it by speaking in low tones through a megaphone, but it threw a deer at me, and so I decided to leave it alone. I call it Steve because it acts like a Steve.
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The invisible wizard
Don’t believe your eyes? Good. You don’t have to! This bizarre sorcerer is completely impossible to see with the naked eye. However with night vision goggles, I was able to get a brief glance of him trying on my suits in my closet. (He later turned my goggles into a bat)
With a hat like that, he must be a wizard. Look at that ridiculous thing!
Piercing blue eyes, chiseled cheekbones could be a model if he wasn’t invisible.
These must be what he drinks to stay invisible, and possibly to teleport through time. I don’t know where he’s from, but judging by the smell, I’m going to say it was a time when they hadn’t yet invited showers.
How to get rid of him? I may need to find another wizard to perform a “WIZZORCISM.” (More on those in journal 2).
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The Abominable Bro-Man
What I would have given to find an actual yeti or Bigfoot! Instead, the only Cryptid I’ve discovered in local peaks is this obnoxious soda-swilling ape-beast who can only say:
“bro,” “righteous,” and “chill sesh.”
I assume he ate a hiker and stole his frayed baseball cap and cargo shorts, and has since started emulating him.
Barf Fairies
Unfortunately, exactly what they sound like. Had to wear a plastic poncho to study these in the wild. It’s possible their vomiting is a form of communication, but I didn’t stick around long enough to find out. Whatever it is they’re eating, I need to watch out for it.
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A disappointment to unicorn enthusiasts and leprechaun hunters alike, these giggling freaks of nature are found near rainbows and boxes of sugary cereal with colorful marshmallow shapes.
I was searching a nearby field for four-leaf clovers to use in a luck experiment when I encountered this… specimen. He said,
“TOP O’ THE MORNING TO YA!” and then proceeded to chew on my sideburns.
I picked him up by the horn and threw him as far as I could, but he trotted right back!
Their horns are musical and play a constant loop of “Danny Boy.” It is VERY IRRITATING. Gold coins fell out of his beard. I pocketed a few, but later discovered they were plastic. Everything about this creature is FRUSTRATING!
I shudder to think how such a horrific being came into this world. (Although for the record I will state that actual Unicorns are just as annoying.)
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Stomach-Faced Duck
Some creatures in Gravity Falls inspire awe. Others inspire “AHHHHH!!!” I was immediately disturbed when I witnessed a flock of these malformed mallards swimming together in the center of the lake.
I purchased a duck whistle at the bait shop to see if one would return my call. Indeed he did. But when his mouth opened, I could see his intestines and other vital organs! it was horrifying! Although anatomically quite fascinating.
I quickly lost my appetite and turned over my crackers and sandwich to the birds, who were happy to finish them off. One might make a good pet. That is, if you could over the whole visible-intestines thing.
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Question Quail
owls say “WHO.” These birds say “WHERE?,” “WHY?,” and “WHEN?” known by their black question markings. Perhaps cousins of the Apostro-Finch and Exclamation Parakeet
Part cow, part owl, Lays milk filled eggs. Calls “M-HOO.” Even more of a paradox than its cousin the “Parrot-Ox”
Too stupid to study.
A miniature woodpecker that gets its meals by pecking bugs out of the back feathers of regular sized woodpeckers. May have a Woodpecker-pecker-pecker on its back. (Need microscope to investigate)
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The Bottomless Pit
I want to “get to the bottom” of this mystery. But it seems impossible! This “Mobius Pit” seems to somehow impossibly loop back in on itself. Many that things are tossed in are eventually tossed right back out. But SOME things never return…
It is nearly impossible to predict what will return and what won’t. There are no discernible pattens in terms of time of day or weather conditions. Of course socks never come back. Junk mail almost always does. Ironically, nothing seems to get lost on Friday The 13th.
The speed at which things return also varies, but experimentation has taught me that if something does not return within twenty-four hours, it never comes back.
One day I may have the courage to leap in out of curiosity. Although I might find myself on a plane of existence that I am not ready to handle
(or just waste twenty-one minutes telling myself stories to myself to keep entertained).
End of captions.
I love how Stanford is just like, yeah this is too stupid to study, ANYWAYS THIS WOODPECKER WITH A TINY WOODPECKER ON ITS BACK THOUGH!!? Low wisdom high Intelligence.
end of comments.
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whitepolaris · 3 years
Bigfoot, or the Carolina Wollybooger
What book on weird stuff would be complete without mentioning the world’s most popular boogeyman? And yes, whether you call him Yeti, Sasquatch, the Abominable Snowman, or just plain Bigfoot, it seems that not only wanders through exotic lands like Nepal and Tibet, but also tramps barefoot through the Carolina woods and pocosins-the upland swamps-in all that fur, no matter how hot or buggy it may get. he’s been spotted in the Blue Ridge, been seen trudging through the coastal swamplands, and left his size-28 footprints at various scattered points in between. Although there have been a few photos and bits of film footage that seem to show a big hair, humanoid creature running through the woods, no confirmed skeletons exist in any public collections anywhere. Because of all this, many scientists doubt that he exists at all. Still, there have been enough reports of encounters to keep the doors of possibility open. 
Unfortunately, most sightings don’t result in close encounters. A loner, Bigfoot is about the least confrontational big bruiser you’re ever likely to meet. As soon as anyone from our relatively runty human race shows up, he more likely to run than fight. Most of the evidence we have is based on glimpses, footprints, and odors. 
According to most descriptions, a typical Bigfoot is six to ten feet tall (some say up to fifteen feet), covered with hair except on its face, hands, and feet, has somewhat point head, walks upright, and smells absolutely awful. While Carolina mountain folks like to call him the Woollybooger or the Boojum, in the flatlands Down East the term of choice is Skunk ape. This not only refers to a silvery or the creatures’ backs but reflects their pungent smell. 
Woollyboogers, Boojums, or Skunk Apes have been seen by scores of Carolinians, including law enforcement officers, librarians, schoolteachers, and members of the clergy-by people, in other words, who usually tell the truth. A guy from Mechanicsville, SC, named Cal is among the many people who have been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of one of them in the Carolina swamps, back in the mid-1980s. As he told us, “Me, my cousin and my father were idling up the Great Pee Dee River in a small boat. I was shooting a 22 pistol at some things and while I was looking toward the left bank I saw something that did not look right, but could not tell what it was. Then all in a split second the thing stood up and dove into the river with his arms stretched out, just like a man would dive, and it never was seen again. We went over and looked for tracks but only found slide marks on the hard muddy surface. . . . When I first saw it, it was on its feet with knees bent, kneeling down like it was doing something between his legs. As I said, ‘Look!’ it was already going into the water. My father saw it as it was going in, but it all happened in about two seconds. I don’t ‘think’ I saw a Skunk Ape, I know I saw one.” 
Most of those who come forward say that the vast majority of sightings probably go unreported for fear of ridicule by those who haven’t seen the creature themselves. Meanwhile, outfits like the Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) continue gathering ever more evidence that indeed something mighty big and hairy is really out there. They like to remind us that despite hundreds of reports by witnesses, many scientists refused to believe in the existence of the giant panda or giant squid, until hard evidence finally proved them real. The irrefutable proof just hasn’t been found yet, that’s all. As former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld so often repeated, “The absence of evidence isn’t the evidence of absence.” 
Bizarre Critters
In Dovesville, SC, a dog belonging to Barney Odom named Flat Nose could shimmy up trees like a cat and preferred chewing on empty Pepsi bottles instead of bones. He appeared twice on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in the late 1980s. Flat Nose Road is named of him. -Ripley’s!
Bizarre Critters
During a flood in Pitt County, NC, in July 1886, huge sturgeon were able to swim through cornfields and gobble up as much corn as they could swallow. One 328-pound fish was captured and found to have eaten enough corn to fill two barrels. -Roger Kammerer
Don’t Shoot the Woollybooger
Want to go in search of Woollyboogers yourself? By far the most Bigfoot sightings in the Carolinas have occurred in the South Mountains region of North Carolina where Burke and Cleveland counties touch, with scattered encounters in adjacent parts of Rutherford, Lincoln, and Catawba counties. 
However, do the responsible thing and leave your guns at home. While Woollyboogers have not yet been listed on any federal endangered species list, they are undoubtedly extremely rare. Even if you don’t end up going to jail, bagging one for your trophy wall is more likely make you a societal outcast yourself then earn you any real glory. So take pictures  not lives. And maybe take some plaster too, in case you find only footprints. 
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kimera20 · 3 years
Dannymay 2021!
Also in FF and AO3
Danny was in one of his usual explorations of the Ghost Zone when he came across a block of ice as large as an iceberg, though unlike real icebergs this ice was too geometrical. Some parts formed cubes, other pyramids and the rest was a mix of random prism formations, it looked weird but cool at the same time. It formed multiple rainbows around thanks for the many angles the light traveled through the semi transparent formation.
Feeling curious Danny touched it, confirming it was indeed ice and flew towards the Far Frozen, if someone would know about some misterius ice it would be them. Reaching the frozen islands took almost five minutes, it was very close to the geometrical iceberg.
“Great One” one of the guards greeted him when he was spotted.
“Hi guys. Do you know if Frostbite is free right now?” Danny asked, he didn't want to interrupt Frostbite if he was doing something important.
“I do not know Great One but you can ask him. He is most likely to be in the castle” the guard responded.
“Alright, thanks” Danny waved while flying towards the ice castle.
Once in the castle, which was more of a heavily decorated cave system that spread inside the biggest mountain on the island, Danny searched for his friend. After asking more guards for directions he finally found Frostbite inside the library. This was one of the biggests assortment of books and scrolls in this side of the Ghost Zone, Danny thought that the only library bigger than this one could be the lair of the Ghost Writer. It was so big that it cleary went almost all the way down the whole island and all the way up the castle/mountain. Luckily for him, Frostbite was relatively close to the entrance.
“Hi Frostbite” Danny greeted his friend.
“Great One!” Frostbite exclaimed before giving Danny a greeting hug, “it’s a surprise that you visit us”
“It wasn't planned, but I was close and I wanted to talk” Danny said.
“You are always welcome to visit, Great One. So what do you want to talk about?” Frostbite asked.
“Do you know about that strange iceberg not very far from here?” Danny asked.
“Oh yes! The Primordial Ice” Frostbite nodded, already knowing what the halfa was curious about.
“The what? Primordial? What's that?” Danny asked, that iceberg was intriguing him more and more.
“Hm… I think there is a book about that in here” Frostbite mused.
“Can I see it?” Danny asked, he was getting excited to learn about it.
“Of course. Come, follow me” Frostbite said while leading Danny towards some part of the library.
After reaching a part full of old big books and thick scrolls Frostbite started his search. It took awhile but with some help from Danny they found the scroll that explained in detail the primordial elements of the Ghost Zone.
“Here it is” Frostbite said while handing the scroll to Danny.
“Awesome!” the halfa said and opened the scroll carefully, he didn't want to accidentally break it.
“Uh… I have a problem” Danny said after staring at the script.
“What is it?” Frostbite asked, ready to help his hero.
“I can't read this language” Danny said while showing Frostbite what was inside the scroll.
The writing on the scroll wasn't one Danny was familiar with, it looked like chinese or japanese to him, but he wasn't sure if it even was in those languages. There were some beautiful drawings but those didn't explain anything to him, in fact it made him want to know more about whatever was written in it.
“Hm… it looks like it was written in ancient chinese. Luckily for us I can read it” Frostbite said.
“Really? Can you read it?” Danny said with hope.
“Ha ha! Yes, Great One. Would you want me to read it to you?” Frostbite offered.
“Yes please!”Ddanny said happily.
“Alright then, follow me. It would be more comfortable to read somewhere else” Frostbite said.
When they reached the reading area of the library Frostbite guided Danny towards a large sofa, once sat Frostbite put Danny into his lap and opened the scroll. The leader of the Far Frozen started to translate the scroll for Danny and the halfa paid all his attention to the yeti. He was very comfortable and after an hour of learning about primordial elements Danny fell asleep in between his friend's cozy embrace.
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curewhimsy · 3 years
Writing collab with InferKit program
I wrote the beginning of this story, and InferKit wrote the end.
It got… very wild.
Chapter 1: Written by whimsycreator
“Welcome to our Steakhouse! Ah! You must be Ruko!” The large, hefty ogre lady at the oversized door greeted the group of friends with the warmest smile a one-eyed ogre could possible give. But it was welcoming nonetheless. Especially to Ruko, who was already friends with her son, Bolt. “Bolt has told me all about you since he met you at that Chuck E Cheese that day! And I’m assuming these are your friends? Oh! They look like they haven’t been eating properly! We’ll give them a satisfying meal at once!” “Ah, no need for concern…” Ruko said. “My friends are actually normal-sized for humans… I’m the big one, is all.” “Oh.” The lumbering ogre looked a bit embarrassed for a while. Indeed, Ritsu and Momo were quite short. Teto and Uta were absolutely tiny. Even Taya, who was the tallest of Ruko’s buddies, was still an entire foot shorter than Ruko. Ruko, despite being human, had to celebrate her birthday at a special Chuck E Cheese for monsters because she was so huge. (Even though a regular Chuck E Cheese was quite small for a typically-sized adolescent as well.) However, Ruko still wanted to play on the kids’ equipment. It turned out the Chuck E Cheese for monster children was the perfect size for her. She and her friends had a blast there, and even befriended a few monsters. Bolt, who was only ten years old but around Ruko’s massive height, clonked up to the door of the steakhouse on his big ogre feet to see who was at the door. “What is UP?” He roared. “Oh hey! It’s the Fam!” He invited the group inside. Everything was so big and there were many designs and accommodations made to fit the monster clientele. The customers inside ranged from centaurs, to harpies, to ogres, and cyclopses, werewolves, yetis, humanoids with serpent tails in the place of their legs, minotaurs, miniature giants, and all kinds of other monsters—all sorts of beings who would be considered out of the ordinary. “My mom cooks the best sirloins in the nearby monster world, by the way.” Bolt raved. “Try them medium-rare with the cryptic sauce, it’s epic! So… I’m assuming you all want to sit together?” “Of course!” Everyone said together. Well… almost… “Oh… um…�� A soft, shaky voice spoke up. It barely managed to be heard above all the commotion going on. “Actually… I’d um… like to sit alone.” It said. It didn’t take long to realize that the voice had come from Taya. “…What!?” Ruko and the rest of Taya’s friends immediately objected to his decision. “But… WHY? Didn’t we come here altogether for YOU to celebrate YOUR birthday with YOU, TAYA?” Ritsu started raising his voice. With every word, there was a slight crescendo in his tone. “Ritsu is yelling again...” Momo commented. Conflict always made her feel uneasy. “So what’s new, exactly?” Uta snarked. She could be quite sarcastic. Teto burst into silly laughter at Uta’s wisecrack. Teto was quite the goofball. “Shut it.” Ritsu said to Uta. This caused Teto to laugh even more. “You too!” Ritsu shouted at Teto. She promptly stifled her giggles. “Well… actually, Ritsu…” Taya said. “We came here for YOU to celebrate MY birthday for YOU, Ritsu. I didn’t plan to come here.” “Taya!” Ritsu yelled even louder this time. “So you’re just gonna… leave us? What’s got you so upset at us anyway?” “QUIET!!” Ruko suddenly let loose like a screamo vocalist. Maiko Hakaine, who was randomly sitting at table 3, began clapping. “Rock on, Ruko!” She said. “…ANYWAY, Taya… you’re not disrespecting this place because it’s run by monsters, right?” “No, no and no!” Taya shook his head and denied every accusation that had been thrown at him. “It’s none of that, really and for truly! I can’t believe you would think I’m being this way when I just need a little alone time. You guys understand now, right?” Taya then looked directly at the group with sad eyes, and undeniably, a subtle expression of true remorse. Ritsu, who was extra-good at reading Taya’s emotions, felt it first. “Something must be troubling Taya!” He thought. “It must be something he can’t tell us!” Bolt, who was observing the entire scene,
just shrugged and disappointedly let Taya go. “Sorry… That must hurt.” Bolt said. Ritsu sighed. “It must hurt even more for Taya…” He suddenly said in a low tone. “Huh?” Ruko asked. “Something is troubling Taya!” Ritsu said loudly, standing up from his seat in resolve. “I’m sure of it!” “That’s right!” Momo stood up as well. “Let’s find him and tell him we’ll always be there for him!” “Okay!” The rest of the group nodded in unison and agreed. ——— Meanwhile… Taya had been seated at The Abyssal Zone of the Steakhouse. It was so scary and desolate, not even the monsters wanted to be there. It was the only place that Taya could truly sit alone. “Hello, Sir. My name is Celia and I’ll be taking your order… What would you be having today?” A very dignified-looking banshee in a dapper outfit, not unlike Taya’s tailcoat, long pants and gloves, walked up to Taya’s lonely candlelit table and took his order. However, it looked more like the banshee was levitating. Also she did look kind of ghostly and transparent. “Ah, well…” Taya did not make eye contact. “I’d like… uh… um… ah… um… uh… ah…” Meanwhile, Ritsu and his friends had found that the steakhouse was bigger than expected, so they made a plan to split up. Momo looked in the bathroom. It was a very cursed place and some of the toilets were on fire. There was also a seance going on in one of the stalls. Uta looked in the parking lot. Maybe Taya ran out there. But all she saw were cars, empty soda cans, and the occasional drunk monster. Teto looked in the kitchen. She borrowed a chef’s outfit and made sure to grow her chimera bat wings and horns to look more like a monster who would cook there. Then she suddenly remembered Taya probably wouldn’t be in the kitchen cooking his own food, and left. Ruko and Ritsu looked around the rest of the place. Eventually they stumbled upon The Abyssal Zone of the Steakhouse. And when they got there, Taya still was having his order taken… The two hid behind a cursed eyeball bush to spy on Taya. “Ah yes, take your time…” Celia said to Taya in a voice so calm, it was downright sinister… “Yeah… Um. Sure.” He stuttered again. “Ruko!” Ritsu yelled. “Taya is—“ “Shut your mouth!” Ruko whispered loudly and put her hand over Ritsu’s mouth. Ritsu was feeling a bit obnoxious so he licked Ruko’s palm. This caused Ruko to scream. “…Who screamed?” Celia asked. “Was it you?” “…No?” Taya said. “Well then. I still need your order.” “Um… yeah. Uh…” Taya began nervously stammering again. “Why is Taya so embarrassed about his order?” Ruko asked Ritsu in a whisper. “Heck if I know.” Ritsu said. Taya turned a deep red and finally gave his order. “Ah uh… AH YES I WOULD LIKEAHAMBURGERTHANKYOU.” “Mhm… that can be done immediately.” Celia laughed in a chilling way and floated away in a sinister manner. “…What did Taya say?” Ruko asked. “I don’t know.” Ritsu answered. “But why do I have an impending feeling of doom all of a sudden?” As soon as Celia was out of the picture, Ritsu and Ruko went up to Taya’s table… “Taya, please tell us what’s wrong.” Ritsu said. “YAAAAAH!” Taya shrieked. Ritsu’s sudden appearance startled him. “You’re telling me!” Ritsu said. “Everything here is giving me the creeps!” “R-R-Ritsu! Why did you follow me?” Taya shouted. “Because… I am very worried, Taya. You seem to be hiding something. You looked sad. Please. Please tell me and Ruko what’s bothering you, okay?” Taya suddenly took in a big deep breath and breathed out. “Promise you won’t tell anyone who isn’t our friend, okay?” “Promise.” Ritsu said. “Okay… the thing is… I…” Taya spoke in a very serious tone. “I don’t like steak and I just wanted to keep that fact a secret so you wouldn’t tease me. I know tha—“ “WAIT… WHAT?” Ritsu suddenly interrupted. “Yes, I know. It’s shocking, but I just don’t enjoy the—“ “YOU MEAN ALL THAT WAS JUST FOR THAT REASON?” Ritsu threw his hands down on the table. “…You’re not gonna tease me for not liking steak?” Taya said. “…No? The only thing I’d EVER tease you about is the fact that you acted like this was
something so damn serious!” “…And approximately a trillion more things.” Taya said. “Whatever.” Ritsu said. “But it’s true!” Taya said. “If I DIDN’T treat this as a serious thing, I know exactly what would’ve happened. I would order a small burger while the rest of you order a huge steak. You would comment on it. I would end up having to say I don’t like steak, and you would be all like, excuse my impersonation of you, “WHAT? YOU DON’T LIKE STEAK, TAYAAAAAAAA? And you would tease me about it every day for the rest of my life.” “…Huh. That impression of Ritsu was pretty good.” Ruko said. “It just needs to be a little louder and more obnoxious next time.” All three of them burst into laughter. Uta, Teto, and Momo showed up to the scene too. “There you guys are!” Momo said. “So I guess this was all because Taya thought his image was at steak! Haha! Get it?” Teto laughed. Everyone else said “What the heck,” and laughed along with Teto’s corny joke. Suddenly, Celia returned with a silver platter. “I brought what you ordered.” She opened the dome on the platter… but instead of a hamburger, it was a large strawberry. Strawberries also happened to be Taya’s favorite fruit. It was the biggest, reddest, ripest, roundest, juiciest looking strawberry Taya had ever seen. His pupils instantly grew and his mouth watered upon seeing it. “We overheard that you didn’t like steak. But that’s okay. Fruit is much more refreshing, sou ne?” Celia said. “Ah, sou desu yo… You’re speaking my language.” Taya instantly grew hypnotized. He teetered right up to the platter, bit right into the strawberry… and fainted seconds later. Everyone gasped. “Hey, creep! What the hell did you do to him?” Ritsu shouted. “He ordered a harbinger, right? So I brought him one. A harbinger of death…” All of Taya’s friends began shaking. “NO!” Ritsu cried out. “HE ORDERED A HAMBURGER, NOT A HARBINGER! CLEAN YOUR EARS!!” “Well, he was speaking so incoherently, how was I to know?” Celia said. She then laughed like a smug anime villain and vanished into purple smoke.
Chapter 2: Written by InferKit
“…What the hell?” Taya said. Suddenly, his memories returned. “Wh… what was that all about?” Taya said. Everyone just stood there for a moment, seemingly unable to respond. “CELIA?!” Taya screamed. “YOU TOTALLY DID THAT! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU… WHY ARE YOU HERE?!” Everyone just stood there for a moment, seemingly unable to respond. “Did what?” Ruko finally asked. Taya ran up to Celia and grabbed her wrist, yanking her to her feet. “HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO HIM?!” Taya screamed. Celia smiled and replied, “Hello, Taya.” “Hello?” Taya repeated. “YOU’RE HERE TO STAB ME? THIS IS SUCH A WASTE OF TIME!” “No, I’m not here to kill you, Taya,” Celia responded, “I’m here to help. I’ve been waiting a long time for someone to come and rescue me.” “Rescue you? You?” Taya laughed. “What do you mean by that?” “The truth is Taya,” Celia began. “You are the chosen one. The one who can do what I cannot do.” “And how do you know that?” Taya asked. Celia held out her hand, and… something materialized from her skin. Ruko screamed in horror. “Taya, get away from her!” “NO!” Taya screamed. “LET ME GO!” Taya’s eyes grew wide with fear. He could see the small, blue power cell, which was nearly as long as he was tall. It pulsed gently as it moved. “What the hell?” Taya cried. “Are you…” Before Taya could finish his question, Celia finished her sentence for him. The power cell shattered, releasing a powerful beam of blue light. Ruko screamed in agony. Taya just stared at Celia with a blank expression on his face. “Taya,” Celia said, “I’m not going to hurt you. It’s what I have to do to rescue you. You have to let me.” “Why?!” Taya screamed. “Because, Taya, you are the one who can save all of our lives,” Celia said. “You’re the one who has to fix everything that’s wrong with the world.” “I’m not going to be able to do that!” Taya screamed. “I can’t do that!” “It doesn’t matter, Taya,” Celia said. “It doesn’t matter if you can do that or not. The world will not exist in the state that it is without you.” “W-what?” Taya said. “That… that’s just absurd. You don’t have to do that!” “I have to, Taya,” Celia said. “I have to save you all. You’re the only one who can do it.” “I CAN’T DO THAT!” Taya screamed, “I’M A-A GOD!” “No, Taya, you’re not,” Celia said, “but you are more powerful than you realize. The truth is, you can save the world. But you need my help to do it.” “Why?” Taya asked. “I-I can’t do that!” Celia was about to explain the details of her mission when Ruko came running down the hallway. He ran up to Celia, clutching his arm in pain. “That bitch!” Ruko yelled. “That bitch Celia!” “I told you not to let her anywhere near me!” Taya screamed. “How dare you speak to Celia like that!” Ruko yelled back. “Do you know how many people she’s hurt? I almost died trying to keep you all safe.” “YOU STOLE MY POWER CORD!” Taya screamed. “She doesn’t have the power of that energy,” Celia said, her voice shaking with emotion. “She doesn’t have it.” “Why the hell would you let her near me, anyway?” Ruko asked, his voice low. “What kind of friend would do that?” “I’m your friend, Ruko,” Celia said. “I am supposed to be your friend.” “No, you’re not!” Ruko yelled. “You’re the kind of friend who steals your friend’s power cord and leaves him to die!” “I’M NOT A MONSTER!” Taya screamed. “I’m not a monster!” “You don’t have to be a monster,” Celia said, her voice trembling. “You’re not.” Taya shook his head. “There’s a time to save everyone,” Celia said, “and there’s a time to save yourself. You’re the only one who can save everyone. If you go back to the power cell, you’ll be killed. I won’t be able to rescue you, because I’ll be dead. And then the world will be destroyed.” Taya wiped the tears from his eyes. “Please don’t do this,” he said. “I-I’m not like this. I’m not the monster you think I am.” “I know you’re not the monster Celia thinks you are,” Celia said. “But I’m not going to save the world by letting you go back to the power cell. You don’t understand what it would mean. You’d be committing suicide, and
the world would never be saved.” Taya grabbed Celia by the shoulders and pushed her away. “No,” he said. “No, no, no, no, no, no! I’m a-a god, you idiot! I can’t die! I can’t!” “You can’t,” Celia said. “Not without me. You’d be a part of history, but nothing else. You have to die.” “I can’t do that! I’m a god!” Taya said. “You can be anything you want,” Celia said. “If you can’t be god, then just be the way that I’m afraid you’ll be.” “I’m not a monster!” Taya screamed. “I’m just an average teenager! I don’t know what to do with these feelings I’ve had lately! I’m just a confused kid who happens to be a god!” “You know what,” Celia said, her voice thick with emotion. “You don’t know what to do with these feelings either. If that’s what you think, then it’s okay, because you don’t have to worry about it anymore.” “No!” Taya screamed. “NO!” Celia let Taya pull her to the ground. “It’s okay, Taya,” Celia whispered, running her fingers through his hair. “I’m going to give you a different answer than I’ve given you before. It’s okay to be who you are. You’re not a monster, you’re just a guy with a lot of feelings.” “But I’m not a guy,” Taya said. “You’re human,” Celia said. “Not a monster, not a god. A man.” Taya rubbed his forehead. “I’m not a man,” he said. “I’m a god. And when I die, the world is going to burn down around me.” “Then you die,” Celia said. “All of you die. Everyone in the world dies. We’re all going to die. So why not do what you can to make sure that you don’t die?” Taya didn’t answer her. “No,” Taya said. “No. I’m a god. I’m a god.”
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Yeto Christmas!
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Good morning my friends! Today, Yeto wishes to tell the tale of how he celebrated with tiny red-haired man. Little red-haired man’s name was Tebanam. And he would become good friends with Yeto.
Yeto was going about his day, deep into the snowy afternoon. Yeto needed to find red skinned fish to cook up for holiday soup for wife! Upon going down mountain, Yeto thought he saw struggling dog in the snow. A red manned wolf could make good seasoning, yah? When I got closer, it was instead a man! Had a face as soft as puppy though.
The man looked up and spoke through with chattering teeth. “O-o-oh my g-god. You’re r-real.”
“Ya no look good.”
“H-help me.”
He looked so vulnerable and cute. Like little bunny not wanting to be devoured by wolf. So that’s when I decided to help save little man’s life. Scooping him up was no problem for Yeto to do. Yeto has big, sturdy arms for carrying. Taking young man through mountain, he was safe against Yeto’s fur coat. Fur coat save his life, yah?
Arriving to safety from storm, I opened doors to mansion home. Man was shaking, sneezing, but still alive. Yeto took him to living room, where he could rest by fire. Small wife Yeta, was surprised to see him.
“Yeto. Who is tall, red puppy?”
“Nah. This is human Yeta.”
“He looks cold, da?”
“Ya, ya. I’m going to get small sample soup cooking. He will be guest.”
“Okay. I will keep watch on him, ya?”
Yeto put thick blanket over little human as he got sample soup ready. When he returned, he found the red-haired man gaining more awareness of surroundings.
“Where- where am I?”
His eyes widened with shock when he looked at Yeto. I laugh at his confusion. Was like he never saw Yeti before. Turns out, that wasn’t far from truth. “Hahaha! You almost died! What was tiny human doing out in that blizzard? You are lucky Yeto brought you back home.”
“I was traveling in search of a lost civilization. I got caught in the storm, and as I was running for shelter, my leg became trapped in a snow well.”
“You very lucky indeed. You could have fallen completely in.”
Little man looked at him in observation for a little while more. I don’t know if he was interested in me, but Yeto was already taken with beautiful wife, Yeta.
“My father always told me legends of the Yeti people, but you’re almost a fable at this point.”
“No fable. Real deal we are. Tell me little human, what is your name?”
“Oh! I’m so sorry. My name is Tebanem.” Little Tebanam looked flustered, but Yeto didn’t mind.
“Well met Tebanam! I am Yeto. And this is Yeto’s wife, Yeta! We live together in big mansion deep in mountain.”
“Ya. We don’t get much company.”
“That is because we EAT company! Ha ha. That is funny joke.”
Unfortunately, Yeto doesn’t think landed too well with little Gerudo man. His face looked like scared puppy for a moment before I had to mention it was joke. It was then that he noticed all of Yeto’s decorations around the room. Yeta and I had taken great care in stapling reefs to dangle from ceiling. I was glad that someone could see Yeto and Yeta’s craftsmanship.
“Excuse me, are you two in the middle of something?”
“Yes! We are celebrating Hoopla!”
Yeta did a little dance. She was so cute, lightly tapping her feet outwards. “Yuh, yuh. Hoopla! We share presents and eat delicious foods. Oh! Would you like to stay for Hoopla dinner?”
Yeto didn’t know that humans could be so eager for fun, because a small smile blossomed on little Tebanam’s face.
“I’d enjoy that a lot. I just hope my presence doesn’t disturb any plans you might have.”
“Friend Tebanam! I herby welcome you to Hoopla!”
Yeto gave Tebanam a honourary pat on back, knocking him to ground. Red head man was herby friend in celebrating tradition with Yeto and Yeta!
“Then allow me to finish soup! Then we shall all feast!”
I skip details of Yeta and Tebanam sitting by fire. Yeta tells me that Tebanam is known as a scholar. A man who seeks out information, usually old information and knowledge forgotten to time. Sounds like a fun career! I in mean time had to get gift ready for Yeta to sit atop head and make sure our guest had plenty of soup!
For soup, Yeto took fresh pumpkins ready from his garden, spiced it up with salmon he caught, and add bagels for dipping goodness! Stirring in black holiday cauldron, I stepped out only briefly to inform wife that dinner was ready. It was then she had bright idea to capture moment of new friendship forever!
“Oh! Husband. Why don’t we take picture of you and Tebanam?”
“Oh? You’d be ok with that?”
“That sounds like great idea Yeta! Tebanam! Please take seat! As guest, you may have first bite for Hoopla!”
“Why thank you!”
Little man looked so excited to be here. Going back to kitchen, I made sure soup was fully ready before bringing it out to dinning room. Yeta had camera set up as I brought in the soup and her present on my head. The look on little Tebanam was one I will always cherish in my memories. Was not sure if little Gerudo would like fish and pumpkin soup, but I guess his nose is a good as mine for food, because he lit up like holiday star!
“Oh my goodness! That looks delightful!”
Sitting with the man and my wife, we watched as he gleefully consumed the holiday soup! You will have to take Yeto’s word for it, soup was very good ya!
For that dinner, Tebanam told Yeta and I great tales of Hyrule, his home! Mighty kings, magical people from the sea, scary demons to fight. It was highly entertaining to here! Once dinner was done, he stayed to watch Yeto give Yeta a gift of fancy white mirror! She of coursed loved the gift.
Once the stormed died down, I gave Tebanam directions of how to get back down the mountain safely. He said that he’d be delighted to return, and Yeta and I agreed. Yeto wishes all a happy day for anyone who celebrates Hoopla! Or any other holiday for that matter! Have a good day friends!
Merry Christmas Everyone, and especially to you Sara! I hope you enjoy this short story dedicated to Tebanam and the art that comes with it! Hope that you have not only another amazing year, but a fun new decade to look forward to! 
Gift for @s-kinnaly​ and art done by the talented @dreadlock-detective​
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echantedtoon · 10 months
A Champion Time For The Heart Ch26 Christmas...Kiss?
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What was left of the night was a giant big blur. After your small blow up at Mr. Rose, you quickly dashed away and caught up to Leon just as he was herding the three kiddos into the lift back down towards the exit. Thankfully you and Silver were able to slip back within the group without Leon knowing you were gone. It was a blur of Leon acting as if whatever happened didn't happen and shift the topic to treating you four out to dinner at the nearest local curry place much to everyone's (especially Gloria's-) delight. When Leon eventually herded you four out of Rose Tower you noticed Piers and Marnie wasn't there anymore. They must've taken the chance to go back and gather Team Yell as you said. Good. You didn't want anymore conflict between anyone. Long story short, Leon did indeed direct you all to a cafe that seemed pretty low key and bought the lot of you curry to eat. Letting the three kids chat excitedly about how they managed to get to Rose Tower or the semifinals. You tried to ask Leon about what Mr. Rose said but after he deflected the topic twice you didn't bring it up again. No matter now much it nawed at your guts you shrugged it off. Whatever it was wasn't any of your business anyways. Whatever it was between Mr. Rose and Leon was obviously none of your business and as you wouldn't be here at the end of the year anyways, you shouldn't get too involved and cause trouble for anyone here anyways. Besides, you dreaded to think what bad things might happen if you disrupt the storyline thus far. After the meal Leon walked with all of you through the cheery night full of excited smiles right back to the hotel and you were surprised after learning that the other Gym Leaders and Marnie was staying there too with you all. But you guessed that made sense. The Rose of Rondelands was a BIIIG hotel and it was close to Wyndon Stadium and where the Christmas Festival would be taking place but that also most likely meant Piers and his group would also most likely be staying in the hotel as well, but you hadn't seen them yet. Maybe because they were all already asleep or you hadn't been out of your room much before or after the semifinals. But after escorting the four of you to your rooms and bidding you all good night, you almost immediately fell asleep dropping to your sleeping bag after a quick shower with a sigh. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. It was Christmas and you had already accepted a day out with Piers. How that was going to go you had no idea, but for now you slipped off into dreamland. The next morning you were only awoken by someone accidentally stepping on Silver's tail making him yell out so loud next to you that you instantly woke up to what the commotion was...only to pretty quickly realize what had happened when Silver was glaring at Gloria holding his tail to his chest as she gave him an apologetic look.
"'M so sorry, Silver, Lad!," she apologized holding up her hands as you sat up there blinking. "I nah knew you'd be under mah foot!" Silver gave her an angry chirp before crawling his way over to the bed and climbing onto it, only to curl up lazily. Gloria blinked before looking to you when you yawned. "Sorry, Y/n. I really didn't mean ta step on your pokemon."
After your brain finally registered what she said you yawned again before waving a hand. "Nah. Don't be sorry. It happens. You're up pretty early on a holiday. What's up?" You asked gesturing to her all bundled up warmer than a yeti.
"Dontcha remember? Lee's taking us all ta the fair today n' tomorrow!," her smiled brightened as she explained. " 'E's gonna be takin' us on a grand tour 'round the city visitin' all the famous shops n' landmarks for Victor to capture for his blog and then we're hitting all the booths n' games before linin' up to see the big ol' Wyndon Christmas Parade!! And then tomorrow we're visitin' the fair again for the rides n' anything else we missed the first time!!"
You smiled widely. "Wow. That's great, Gloria. I'm glad you guys finally get some time to take a break and enjoy yourselves."
She nodded. "Yeah. Hey, why don 'cha come? M' sure Lee wouldn't mind havin' ya along?"
You shook your bedhead. "Actually he already invited me."
Gloria blinked as you did in surprise. "Oh really?"
You nodded. "Leon invited me to come hang out with him today. Granted I think it's because he feels sorry for me.." You paused sadly before shaking your head. "But it'll be a good chance to hang out with someone and make friends right?"
Gloria's brow rose. "So...He just asked you to hang out with 'em on Christmas unprompted?" You nodded again. And her eyes narrowed as she hummed. "...I dunno, Mate. It sounds like he's askin' ya out on a date?"
You paused..."WHAT!?" You swear you never moved so fast in your life than when you snapped your head to her eyes wider than plates.
She nodded. "I mean I could be wrong, but this sounds like he's takin' ya out on a date."
"G-GLORIA!!,'' you sputtered face suddenly going very red. Oh god..I mean she did kinda have a point from an outsider's perspective, but that was FAR from true! You were freaking almost tearing up in front of the guy yesterday for crying out loud!! He probably just felt bad for you and being the kind guy he was wanted to cheer you up.  "Gloria that is NOT what's going on!! I-If Nessa invited me to come h-h-hang out with her does that means he's got a crush o-on me?!"
Gloria shook her head no to your relief. "'Course not, everyone knows she likes Raihan. But I dunno if Lee's just being nice this time. He might like ye like Raihan does."
You held up a finger red faced but deadpanned. "Ok. Firstly, I've already been told by Sonia Dragon Boy likes to flirt with her and others too, so no. That's just h-h-how he is. Secondly, Gloria. IF this even was a date, Which it is not! He just wants to hang out on Christmas. There's a few things wrong with that c-conclusion." You counted on your fingers as you lifted off your reasons. "Christmas is FAR from a romantic holiday. The only thing romantic about it is mistletoe and I'm staying FAR away from that knowing Raihan's around town. I've only met the guy a few times throughout the entire year put together so we're kinda friends at most! That's not enough time to develop a crush and ask someone out. And even if he were to ask me out, why on Christmas? Like I said that's the LEAST romantic holiday only if you're into cheesy-romance-christmas-miracle movies. He would've gone with some other fitting holiday like Valentine's Day or my birthday!" You crossed your arms. "Plus I'm pretty sure I'm going to be hanging out with you all too considering you're all a package deal. It'd be awkward to date when so many people's third wheeling. And trust me. Dating is THE last thing on my mind right now. I haven't got time for that." Considering you'd be leaving at the end of the year anyways and leaving this world, and you had enough on your plate worrying about how to deal with your mother when you got back. Why date someone when you wouldn't see them ever again after New Years? "And you've seen Leon yourself. The guy was nice enough to help us with so much! It's logical he would be nice enough to cheer someone up too!"
Gloria held up her hands. "Geez, lassie. I get ye point. I was jus' pointing it out is all."
"Y-Yeah? Well I get it too!" Both of you were suddenly interrupted by a knock on your door. You both stared for a moment before you spoke up. "You can come in."
The door opened and Hop was the one holding the doorknob with Victor bundled up thicker than a brick wall behind him. "Hi, Y/n! Hey, Glory!" He greeted with a big smile to his best friend. "Are you ready to go, Mate? Lee's waiting for us in the lobby!"
Gloria instantly brightened up and nodded. "Yeah! We'll be right there!" She took a moment to look back at you and gesture to the guys. "C'mon Y/n. Ye don't wanna be late!"
"Y/n's comin'?"
"Yeah! Lee invited her too!"
"Awesome! This is gonna be so much fun! Let's get going!"
' It was only a quick shower, and change into your winter clothes and you were ready to go. Fixing your hair up into a neat do and walking towards the door. "Hey, Silver. Are you coming?" Silver whined looking upside down at you from his position on the bed...before slinking off and crawling his way towards you as you chuckled. "Up for an adventure again huh?" He made a tired noise but followed you out when you opened the door and closed it behind you, stepping out into the hall, walking after the three that excited rambled on about everything they were going to do today.
Into the elevator you all crowded and down to the lobby you went and right out into the parking lot where you saw him. Beaming from ear to ear and wrapped in a warmer coat than you had seen him wear before, was Leon. He smiled like a candle in a dark winter storm arms crossed but extended them towards you all upon seeing you all.
"Well look who it is!," he said with a cheery tone and wave at the three teenagers running up to him, "Bright and early I see! Good! I was debating whether or not I'd have to come wake you up."
"Lee, did you take a taxi here?," Hop asked pointing to the flying taxi literally right next to him and his brother nodded with an embarrassed chuckle.
"Y-Yeah. I didn't want to risk getting lost on the way over, so I figured the taxi was the best solution. It has enough room for all of us too!" He blinked when you caught up to them ...and practically lit up brighter than the sun upon seeing you. And his golden eyes didn't miss the matching hat and scarf from earlier this year on your head and neck. "Hey! Y/n, I'm happy to see you're up and adam too." His hand pointed at you. "Is that the hat and scarf I sent you?"
You blinked still a bit groggy from half sleep but nodded. "Y-Yeah. Um...Thanks by the way! I never got to thank you for the gifts yet. You didn't have to give me anything."
"Hey! Don't worry about it. We're all friends here. Besides..." He got quiet for a moment before his cheeks semi lit up and he chuckled. "Blue really brings out your f/c eyes."
You blinked for a moment before feeling your own face heat up a bit before coughing. The trio of teens looked between each other and the both of you. "Uh. T-Thanks. *ahem* So you're taking us to the festival?"
Leon happily nodded. "Absolutely! And then the Christmas Day Parade that's being held later tonight. The annual parade is held every year here and I've heard this is going to be their biggest one yet! Piers is even singing for the opening."
"Oh wow. Really? I think this would be the first time I see him sing."
"You're gonna love it!," Gloria excitedly babbled, "There's gonna be rapidash rides, the giant roller coaster, merch stands, food venders, an' all kinds o' stuff waitin' for us!" She excitedly gestured towards the taxi in a hurry. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! We gotta go now ta beat the mornin' rush!"
Flying. Great. WHY was it always flying? Despite your complete lack of like for flying, you managed to climb into the taxi also behind the guys and you all settled in. Victor, Gloria, and Hop sat in front of you and you sat beside Leon all buckled in with Silver in your lap. Leon gave an order to the driver to take you all to the fairgrounds and off you all went into the sky and flying between skyscrapers high above the streets. But if you looked down you could really see how crowded it actually was. To say it was very crowded outside was an understatement. From what happened between when you first arrived and now, it was STILL VERY MUCH crowded with people walking and bumping against one another on the side walks and streets. Above you all loads of flying taxies were taking off around you.  You busied yourself with looking around all the bright lights and different buildings as you passed by them all seeing all kinds of Christmas decorations and lots of people carrying colorfully wrapped gifts meant for others. From some stores you could hear faint Christmas music from open doors and through the dark snow clouds above you almost swore you would see Santa any moment now. After some time of this you could see the pink high walls of the Wyndon Stadium a few sky scrapers away as you all passed through the crowds, which begged the question.
"Hey. How fair is the festival anyways?"  
"It's bein' held at Wyndon Park," Victor explained pointing towards a window, "It's just a little bit past the stadium. Shouldn't take too long to get there at this rate."
You nodded before going back to looking at the skyscrapers out the window. Can't say it wasn't pleasant hearing music until you all FINALLY reached a break between the tall buildings and you were met with awe blowing sight through the window. A GIANT park was greeting you as hoards of people flocked towards it. Filled with trees and beyond the trees you caught sight of a ferris wheel further into the park and your eyes grew in wonder. A fair. You're very FIRST fair ever!! The taxi brought you above the crowd and stopped across the street from the park entrance before landing for you all to get off. Hop was first to get out followed by the others and you and you blinked looking around for a moment. Crowded, faint park noises, smells of canival food- Yep! You were in front of the park alright. Leon motioned for you to follow him and you followed him as he began walking off towards the park entrance. Victor joined walking alongside you after you warned Silver to stay close to you while crossing the street and into the entrance you went. There was a lot of people walking around you all as you went through the snow covered streets with the snow crunching under your feet, and being able to see your breath. The cold hitting your face as you looked around. It was really beautiful and perfect for Christmas, but you couldn't imagine actually living somewhere always cold like Circhester. Walking with them you all eventually heard and saw it. The many screams of delight, the smells of popcorn and other fair foods, distant fair music, and then the absolute menagerie of colors that hit you once the flood gates. Your eyes widened seeing the many MANY booths lining the many splits and different sidewalks that the parks pathways split into. There was more than the ones in front of the Wyndom Stadium yesterday. Lots were selling different items such as gym leader merchandise, Christmas themed things, food, or some were games. You could still see the giant Ferris wheel in the background so you guessed the actual rides were further into the park not that you'd want to go on the really high ones.
Leon must've noticed your wonder filled eyes because he let out a small hum under his breath. "So. Where do you guys want to go first?"
"How 'bout the food courts?," Gloria suggested which was quickly backed up by Silver who gave a chirp after her, "Haven't had time to eat yet n' I could use somethin' to warm me up."
Hop nodded. "I'm down for that. Can't let my stomach grumble like a starvin' snorlax."
With you agreeing the group made your way to the left path where the smell of food was a lot more prominent and soon found yourselves walking down booths of popcorn, candied apples, some kind of meats on sticks, and of course the regular carnival foods of hot dogs, funnel cakes, sodas, corndogs, and the like. You were drawn to one particular booth that was selling a variety of those items. Silver came right up to the booth and immediately pointed at one of the giant boiled eggs before looking at you and giving a curious noise. Leon coming up beside you with a small tray of drinks in his hands having stopped by a booth selling hot apple cider and buying a couple for your small group.
"Oh. Is that what you want?," you asked and Silver nodded. "Will you behave if I get it for you?" He nodded again and you smiled. "Alright then. Hey, Lee." He blinked as you smiled at him. "You want something?"
He....blinked. Before holding up a hand smiling. "Nah. I'm fine. I don't need any food-"
"Oh no you don't." You patted his shoulder and he blinked again at you. "Listen. You invited me to hang out with you, you helped me so many times, And you bought me hot chocolate."
"It's apple cider actually."
"Doesn't matter. The point is that the very least I can do is buy you breakfast. You've been reall busy lately and you deserve to enjoy some stuff too."
He blinked again at your words. "You really think so- I mean-...*ahem* N-No it's alright." Gold eyes quickly looked away with the pink cheeks tinting his face. "I-I can just buy my own at one of the other stalls. You really don't have too. B-Besides, we're even with how much you've helped to look after Hoppy and his friends."
"We're equal in terms of that, but I owe you one for the drink and invite." You smiled brightly. "Besides it's Christmas. Isn't the holiday about giving back to one another? C'mon. Pick anything you want. It's on me this time. I'll get something for the others too." It was the least you could do and you had plenty of money to spare from working four months at the store.
Leon gave you a look as if he wasn't believing what he was hearing, before turning his head to the food booth quietly face stull a hot pink against his dark complection. "...Well...I know Hoppy likes those dumplings and that pickled meat's pretty good. A-Although I will admit i-it's been a while since I had s-some of that marinated slow poke tail there-"
You smiled and turned back to the guy handling the booth. "Consider it done. Hey! Can I get a couple orders this way please?"
And forty minutes later you five (plus Silver-) were walking your way back the way you came after looking through the other booths there. All of them were some kind of food go figure, and by the end of it the you walked out with hot cider courtesy of Leon and each of you all having something warm to fill your stomachs. Hop with his dumplings, Victor some kind of crepe, Gloria settled on what you understood to be some kind of meat they pickled raw before frying it on a stick...(odd), Leon with that same slow poke tail they added to some curries, and you settled on just a cheap hot dog. Silver by now had already swallowed the entire boiled egg and kept eyeing your food but you weren't about to go give it to him. Not sure where you'd be going now but Leon seemed to be following their lead so you went along with it as they looked around the booths you passed with people shouting at you all or entertaining other people one caught your eye and you suddenly paused, Leon did too when you suddenly weren't next to him. What caught your eye was a booth with a woman who was selling key chains with all kinds of cute and shiny metal pokemon charms. And as the small sign suggested all were just a dollar and by the size of the booth there was a decent amount.
"Something catch your eye?," Leon questioned looking around the booth also.
You opened your mouth to answer- "LEE!!" Both of you turned as Gloria pointed to a particular game booth. "They're givin' 'way charmander plushies as prizes. Come watch me win one!"
He turned back to you. "Hey. Don't worry about it. Go win something nice and I'll meet you in a second after I grab a few of these for my friends." He nodded after a moment and turned to walk away before you turned back to the lady of the booth. An idea forming in your mind.
"Are you interested in anything you see, Young Lady?"
You nodded. "I need four of those. Eevee, wooloo, scorbunny, and a charizard!" The lady nodded and four dollar later you were holding a small bag of keychains. 
With a newly acquired bag you smiled and met back up with everyone, noticing Gloria was carrying a brand new charmnder plush in her arms she won from that hoop game. "Oh hey. You're back...What's in the bag?"
"I'm glad you asked!" Well you rather give it to them sooner rather than later anyways. They watched as you went rummaging through your bag before pulling out the shiny metal trinkets and holding it out to them. "TA DA!! Merry Christmas you guys!"
They blinked and stared at the small key chains you present. Tn fact it was Hop who reacted first happily taking the small little metal wooloo with a giant grin. "Oh wow! This matches up with my team so well!" He turned that beaming face to you the twins following after. "Thank you."
"AW!! It's so cute!" "Thanks, Y/n! It looks jus' like my eevee...'fore it evolved at least."
"Hey! Think nothing of it! It's all in the spirit of the holiday!"
Leon was much slower to take his from you. More surprise in those Gold eyes than you've seen as he looked at the charm and then to you slowly. "You bought this? ...For me?"
You nodded. "Yeah. I got everyone one." You gestured to the others, Victor already attaching his to his pocket. "I mean everyone's been working hard and has been really nice to me. It's Christmas too, so everyone should at least get something."
"Oh." He glanced between the Charizard key chain before slowly taking it from you in his cold hand before nodding. Of course she'd get something for everyone for Christmas, not just him. Still he beamed at you. "Exactly! Everyone has the right to enjoy the holidays! Thank you so much! I love it." He turned back to looking at the small keychain in his hands.
"Hang on a second." Your head tilted and he followed your gaze behind him as you both realized something. "Where'd they go?"
Leon's eyes immediately wide as his head snapped around and behind you both...before sighing when he realized the trio was just a few booths away from them looking very interested in a booth that displayed some kind of game booth run by an older man. What the world was THAT?? Both of you walked on over to where they was with Silver tailing after you until you walked right up to the booth and the man behind it.
"Hey guys." The three jumped and looked up as Lean addressed them, leaning over to blink at the game in front of him. "What's going on here?"
The elderly man in front of him practically lit up seeing the Champion himself standing there in front of his booth and gestured to the small machine behind him. And you realized what they were. Pokeballs. There was tons of pokeballs hanging up on a plastic Christmas tree that was spinning slowly around, except the pokeballs were cleverly and beautifully decorated to look like ornaments as they gently swayed on the rotating tree. Next to the rotating tree was a long fishing pole like thing only there was just a hook on the end without any line. Was it some kind of game?
"Oh this?,'' the man asked gesturing to the tree behind him, "It's called 'Grab The Ornament'. You take one of these poles here like this." He demonstrated by grabbing one of said poles and extending it towards the tree. "Then you try to hook it through one of the loops holding the pokeball to the branches like so. You get two tries. If you can get the hook through the hoop-" He managed to hook onto one of the pokeballs decorated in the pattern of a candy cane before pulling it from the tree branch. "Then it's yours to keep! Although I can't guarantee what pokemon you'll get. It's all a mystery but that's all a part of the fun!" He casually pulled the pokeball off the hook and just plopped it back onto one of the spinning branches. "Would you like to play? It's two dollars a person."
"OOH!! Me, me, me!!," Gloria shouted holding up her free arm while her other clutched her charmander plush. "I wanna try! That looks like fun!"
You all watched as Gloria slapped down two dollars and forced her twin into holding her plushie while she busied herself with hooking one of the poke-ornament-balls off the tree. Her first try failed but on her second try she managed to hook onto a pokeball that had little santa hats printed all over it. Holding it proudly up to Hop who couldn't resist also giving it a try of his own- You blinked when someone nudged your side and looked up towards Leon's smiling face.
"You wanna try giving it a go?", he asked gesturing to the game. "I don't think you have any pokemon besides Silver right? It could be a fun way to expand your team!"
You blinked but shook your head. "Nah. I couldn't. Wasn't ever good at fishing let alone games anyways. I doubt I could even catch one that moving."
He hummed looking between you and the booth just as Hop excitedly held up his catch of a shiny red, green, and white striped ball..before smiling. You rose a confused brow as he strolled right up to the booth, reached into his coat pocket, and then slapped down two dollars onto the booth. 
"I'd like a chance to play, Good Sir!" He happily beamed at the booth man who was happy to take the money presented to him. 
"Leon!" He turned to you as you gestured to him in shock. "What are you doing? I didn't mean for you to actually try to win a prize for me!"
He blinked. "Oh, I know. But I want to." He grabbed the pole just as the booth man handed it to him. "Besides, just take it as a gift in return for the one you gave me earlier." He must've been referring to the charizard key chain as he smiled at you and gestured to the rotating Christmas tree. "Besides it's all in good spirits for the holidays! Two dollars isn't going to hurt me, so go ahead and and pick out whatever ball suits your fancy."
"Yeah, Y/n! It's fun! You should try it!," Hop encouraged holding his own pokeball-prize up again with a smile. "Just try to relax a little and have fun!"
You gave him a look before looking back to Leon who again motioned towards the game. ...You didn't have a say in this did you? With a sigh you looked back to the game with all the shiny pretty ornaments gently rotating on the tree just waiting for you (or in this case Leon-) to take home as a pretty little reminder of fun that day. You accepted Leon's gesture to come up to the booth and stand right next to him, f/c eyes blinking and intently watching the pretty tree continue to spin around and round like a pretty plant themed merry-go-round. 
"Take your pick! There's plenty to chose from. Get any you want."
Any you wanted huh? Well that seemed like a good option, except you didn't know how good Leon's catching skills were. Looking back at the tree it was a decent size. Not too big or small. Looked just a foot or two above you. Leon was taller than you as well so the ones near the top would probably be the easiest ones for him to catch as well as the one's in the upper middle of the tree. Trailing your eyes downwards you looked towards the lower middle and very bottom of the tree. Hmm. Leon could probably grab the other middle ones but the ones on the very bottom branches are no doubt the hardest. That might be something Leon could do but like before you weren't sure how good Leon's fishing skills were. It could be as good as his battling or as bad as his sense of direction, and you'd hate for Leon to have spent two dollars for nothing. ..Well. You guessed it wouldn't hurt to get a pokeball. If you really couldn't handle the pokemon inside you were sure Hop or Gloria or someone else you knew would take good care of them. So taking a sigh, you turned back towards the tree and gave a rose brow as you looked all over the fake plastic pine branches as the small machine of a tree stand ever slowly turned. Where could you even start? There was so many in all pretty foils wrapped up like a present waiting to be opened all shiny and beautiful among the lights. Flashy pretty and bright. You-...You hadn't seen a REAL Christmas tree since you spent Christmas with Hop's family last year and received the gifts from Leon. ..The-...T-T-The first gifts you had been given in a long time. You hands unconsciously reached up to smooth over your scarf and hat you were. You gift from Leon keeping you warm against the cold. ..You weren't going to be able to go home anymore soon. A pang of regret should have rushed through you at not being able to see your mother again but there wasn't. Instead the idea of getting a real present that wasn't something like soap or another shirt made you perk up. So f/c eyes gazed among the branches. The group around you silently watching and waiting to see what your answer would be. There certainly was a decent good amount to pick from. There was some dressed up to look like candy canes, or like Hop's was wrapped in wrapping paper with prints of Christmas-y pictures. Sleighs, santas, snowflakes- And then there was those who were just wrapped up in shiny metalic or glittery wrapping paper without any patterns or prints. Plainer looking but still beautiful ornaments. But there wasn't really any you could pick right away. They all looked pretty so it was hard to chose. How were you to chose? Any one could be very special- F/c eyes paused at the sight of red and white. At first you blinked and almost didn't pay attention to it, just writing it off as another pokeball dressed up to look like a peppermint candy, but then a flash of..black?? You blinked at the ball that vanished behind the tree as it rotated before coming back around as you blinked. This one looked-...Totally different. It wasn't wrapped up in printed or shiny or patterned wrapping paper. In fact...it wasn't wrapped up at all. You blinked as on the lowest branch of the tree was an ordinary pokeball with no decoration but a single long red ribbon wrapped around itself. No wonder you got a glimpse of black. It was from the black line in the middle of the sphere separating the white bottom from the red top. This one wasn't special looking. In fact-....This one was the only one that wasn't fancy like the others. Leon seemed to watch your eyes and also latched onto the ball that went to rotate around the back of the tree again, before pointing a hand at it.
"That one seems like a diamond in the rough," he commented as it disappeared watching you closely. "What do you think?" 
You still stared at the tree for the longest time before looking back at Leon and nodding. "Sure. But can you get it?"
"Let's find out!," he cheerfully replied holding up the hooked metal pole. You all watched as Leon extended the pole out before him and angled it down towards that bottom branch as the pokeball came back around. Despite Leon's taller height and longer arms, even he had to half way lean into the booth and stand on his tip toes to push that pole right over towards that very, very low branch. The very tip of the hook managed to catch onto it before it slipped from Leon's hold, wobbled a bit on the branch, and then continued to mosey on it's way around in a loop again. Two of your group let out a couple 'aw mans' next to you but Leon still didn't lose that smile. "Hey. No worries. I still have a chance to catch it. Let's give it another shot." That was true. Leon got to have two tries, but if he failed the second time then that would mean that he wouldn't get a chance to try again unless he gave the booth man another two dollars which you didn't want. You all watched with tense and baited breath as you all watched the pokeball rotate around again and again Leon reached towards it. This time the end of the hook catching the underside of where the ribbon around it was tied into a pretty red bow around it, and Leon pulled. The pokeball slipped from the branch and onto the hooked end of the pole. With a smile, Leon brought up the ball back to him, letting it dangle for a moment before grabbing it from the end of the pole. "Well it looks like we have a winner!"
"Good job, Lee! Ooh! I wonder what kinda pokemon's n' it!"
He shrugged. "Dunno. That'll be up for the trainer to decide. Here." He tossed it to you which you fumbled to catch. "But I'm sure whoever they are, they'll be lucky to have such a kind owner."
You decided to pocket the pokeball inside your pocket before following the others on your way with Silver behind you. Gloria already guided her brother's attention over to another game booth which had the classic knock down the pins theme. You were surprised when Victor was able to knock down all three towers of pins with a single throw, but he soon carried a small custom made bento box with the League's logo on the front. You paid for your own shot at a couple games while you were there and ended up winning a small handful of trinkets and buying yourself one or two things you found interesting at the merchandise stalls. At one point you even ran into some groups of people. One was Raihan with his little trio of trainers chaperoning them around the fair most likely. You both said hi and Leon made small talk with him. Raihan..gave a flirty look but did back off when Leon directed you away and he was swept up by a few people wanting an autograph. Allister getting piggy backed around by Bea looking at a display of ghost type pokemon which you understood why and he seemed really happy when you chatted a bit before moving on. It seemed Leon's bad disguise was making it easier for them to walk passed unbothered. ..If you can call him having a scarf over his face and most of his purple hair messily tucked into a hood to be a disguise. To his credit it did seem barely anyone else recognized him. The guys were happy to have that peace to spend time with him, arms full of either food or things from one of the booths. You also ran into Piers and Marnie at one of the game booths, right after Piers managed to win his sister a morpeko plush. After bidding them good bye Leon ended up directing the four of you towards the ride section which you didn't mind but when Gloria expressed interest in some higher rides like the roller coaster or ferris wheel you declined using the excuse of watching Silver or wanting to save more money which seemed to suffice for them- Until Leon grabbed your shoulder making you blink at him.
"Hey. Why not give it a try?"
You slowly blinked at him like he had just grown another head. "What? Are you kidding me!? Tell me you're joking. Leon, I hate heights! Like-...I can't even stand them."
"That much huh?"
"I'd rather have dinner with Raihan to put it bluntly. I hate heights with a burning passion." You blinked when he placed a confident on your shoulder.
"Why not give it a try then?" Wot- "You said you haven't ever been on one before so here's your chance! You'll never know if you really hate it if you don't try."
"....Did you not hear what I just told you?"
"C'mon! At least give it one try. If you keep holding back then you won't ever know how to let yourself have fun." You stared at him and his hand gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "No one's here to stop you. You're allowed to let yourself have fun."
You still continued to look at him for the longest time as his words echoed out in your head. No one's here to stop you...Your MOM wasn't here to stop you! You could have fun! You could hang out with friends! You could eat junk food! You didn't need her permission anymore! Your eyes widened more..That's-...That's RIGHT!! YOU DIDN'T NEED ANYONE'S PERMISSION TO DO ANYTHING ANYMORE! No one was making you do anything or nagging at you or telling you you couldn't do anything! You could enjoy this as much as you want! So why were you holding back? This was YOUR Christmas to do as your pleased! And that included doing whatever you pleased at the fair!
"...You know what?" You smiled determined back at him. "I think I WILL go on a couple rides! Who cares about some dumb heights!?"
"That's the spirit! C'mon! Let's go get in line before it gets longer!"
...Maybe you should've started out with a few rides that weren't so big on the height factor. It went from the roller coaster, ferris wheel, and the sling shot with these guys and every time you had to death grip your seats, close your eyes, and try not to lose your lunch. Your heart pounding after every ride they dragged you onto and you had to take a good twenty minutes to ground yourself and let your stomach catch up with you. Thank ARCEUS that there was only three rides that were actually height based. After that nightmare was over you quickly moved onto ones you did enjoy like bumper cars, an all ages merry-go-round, and pony rides! ...Or well this world's version of pokemon rides. There was rapidashes (all fairy type tho-), Mudsdales, and Zebstrikas all around a decently sized fenced off area of the park. You could see a few handlers walking around some of the equine pokemon with people on their backs. Fancy saddles and bridles adorning their bodies. Smaller children were also having fun. Giggling like little maniacs on top of ponytas, mubrays, and blitzles. It was a cute sight. Safe to say it felt weird riding a mudsdale around when you've never had pony rides before but it was certainly a LOT better than a ferris wheel. There was some other games and rides but as it was nearing lunch time you were starting to get hungry again after the small breakfast and being out in the cold for hours now. Leon offered to take you all back to the food booths to pick up another round of hot coco and some food for lunch. Sounded good to you. You found a small booth among the picnic table area that was selling delicious burgers so that's where you all decided to stop and rest for a little bit. You all hadn't even noticed how late it was getting as you all mulled about chatting until Victor just so happened to look up and rose a brow at the darkening sky.
"Oi," he spoke gaining everyone's attention. "It's gettin' late ain't it? What time even 's it?"
To answer that Leon pulled back one of his sleeves where a watch was wrapped around his wrist. "According to this it's five thirty...There's still two and a half hours until the parade starts." He smiled again back at all of you. "It won't take us too long to get back in time for the parade, so let's enjoy our dinner and play another round of games! I'm sure there's some more you all wanna do before we leave."
It couldn't hurt to play a couple more games before the parade started! You were having fun anyways! So soon after everyone was done, you all headed back into the crowds to scan out some more games you'd like to play or more merch stands to buy from. A few more prizes were added to the arms of your groups, a couple more trinkets were exchanged for money, and a few more pictures were added to Victor's camera collection no doubt to be uploaded to his blog later. You were also having fun despite yourself because you happened to win a great prize. A PHONE!! Not the fancy rotomi phones everyone else had, and there was definitely NO pokemon inside of this little device, but it was good to have one. Especially if you were staying here for much longer than you anticipated. Looking around you noticed you must've been on the fair side of the fair grounds because there was less booths here and way, way less people. You spotted the twins and Hop by one booth selling small pokemon themed wallets and Gloria was taking her like looking between two she couldn't decide on. 
"Hey, Y/n!" You turned finding Leon a few yards away from you still disguised and facing towards the exit back towards the taxi area most likely waiting for the others to get done before they finally left. "Are you finished looking around?"
You stared back at him before turning to face him not noticing the ice under both of your feet smiling. "Yeah. I'm just waiting for the others to finish shopping." 
You both stopped over a small archway over the pathway. You gave it a small glance over and barely noticed the small mistletoe hanging from it's metal bars. A small touch for couples perhaps? Actually...You craned your head around more as Leon looked at the trio for a moment seeing Gloria still trying to decide which wallet to buy before going back to check his watch for the time. F/c eyes looked around and noticed how actually pretty this part of the park really was. A slightly frosty patch mostly cleared went through the quiet parts of the park lit up by the faint lights of the festival and a perfect full moon above you. It was starting to snow again now, not too much, only enough for it to look really pretty and fluffy falling from the otherwise clear skies. The smells of the parks pine trees filled the air with the faint scents of foods from the festival, giving it a balanced mixture of nature and dinner time. The snow on the ground shined reflecting the moon light from the darkened sky making it look like a forest of glitter against the cold. ..Ok. You know you told Gloria Christmas was the least romantic holiday, but if there was ever a romantic scene for someone to take a date this would be a good candidate. The silent breeze blew some stray snowflakes falling from the air onto your face as if the weather was trying to hide your nosey cheeks and red nose due to the cold. Your head turned back towards Leon as you heard him sigh and found him shaking his head but still patiently waiting and crossing his arms, raising his eyebrows. Wait...If he was still waiting does that mean Gloria STILL hadn't made up her mind? So obviously you turned your body to look towards them to see yourself- Except...You didn't count on the frozen ice under your feet. You gasped as your foot slipped on the slippery surface with a loud gasp enough to catch someone's attention. Your arms reached out for nothing but balance which even escaped you. No balance and nothing to grab onto to stop you from slipping on the ice and falling and hurting yourself on the hard concrete-
No hard concrete hurt you.
You had squeezed your eyes shut hard expecting to feel the cold hard concrete but instead you felt a soft but firm ..something around your shoulder and lower back, and on instinct your hands reached to clutch at the thing stopping you from falling. And your body froze.....Well you weren't fallen on the ground but then how were you suspended in ...air-...You body all but froze up as soon as you opened your eyes and stared wide eyed into just as equally wide eyed gold ones. Silently you both stared at one another registering why yours and Leon's faces were so close. Until it finally dawned on your buffering brain. GOOD GRIEF!! Leon must've tried to catch you when you fell but instead managed to catch you and held you in a perfect dip (ironically under that blasted mistletoe as if mocking you and your situation-) and his arms holding you. On instinct your hands had clutched onto his front jacket and the quick jarring had pulled Leon's 'disguise' (his scarf covering the lower half of his face-) down so his full face was looking at you as if equally surprised he caught you like this. The cold wind blowing over you was countered by Leon's warmer breath..before he opened his mouth to say something. Something like 'Are you ok' or something like that, but that wasn't about to happen. Leon moved but not by his own accord. Leon's foot, which was STILL standing on the same ice you were, squeaked as it slipped against the slick ice and sent him lurching forward until his face collided with something soft and warm...
And that something just so happened to be you.
His face from collided with yours. Both frozen as something soft collided with your own lips. Everything in time froze for the both of you that moment.
There you stood frozen as Leon stood above you hands on the wall behind you but not on purpose. After all he did just slip on ice. But your body was frozen, numb as you stood there looking up at him like your eyes turned into those funny googily eye stickers. He did in the same. Seeming in shock, frozen in time as his gold eyes stared back in the same state at you. Both mind blanks and bodies not being able to feel anything but neither could tell if that was due to the cold or the fact you two were in more shock than if a pikachu had zapped you. Eventually someone did move. You did. Your brain finally processing what was happening enough for common sense to finally return to your thought process and you moved your head back. Freeing your lips from his that was thrown forward from the trip, his soft purple bangs that hung off him tickled your forehead as it brushed against it from the moment you pulled back. The action seemed to make himself overcome the shock as well, after a moment righting his weight and yours up and slowly retracting his hands from the you to rest at the front of his body.
And you both stared at one another.
And then your brains finally processed what really happened.
The snowflakes and cold air colliding with his face couldn't extinguish the fire that froze in his cheeks as they instantly lit up the brightest shade of pink you've ever seen. But it wasn't just his face. His ears and whole face was now a pretty primrose pink instead of the usual complexion they were every other time you've seen him. And he suddenly reacted. You jumped when a gloved hand of his slapped over his mouth and his face gained a flustered expression as you just stood there. And your face also heated up-
"What are you guys doin'?"
"HAH!!" You gave the loudest wail you'd ever given off before and jumped when Victor had come up to you and asked a question. The teenager blinked obliviously at what just literally happened between you and Leon and only rose a brow when you shrieked at his arrival and stared at him red faced. You panted a few cold breaths, hand clutching your chest. "Victor....DONT. DO. THAT."
Victor blinked still looking between you, then at Leon also staring red faced, and then back at you just as Gloria and Hop as they walked up behind him also not seeing what had just happened. Good. "Um. Are ye two alright?"
"YES!!," you shouted way too fast.
"N-Never better!," Leon added also way too quickly after you making the three all look at each other. "H-HEY!" Leon yelled plastering on a forced smile. "I-I have an idea! Why don't we go ahead and head o-on to the parade?! It's about to start any moment!"
"The parade!?," Gloria perked up quickly averting her attention towards what Leon said instead of you two quickly. 
"Y-Yeh! C'mon! L-Let's go get a taxi and be on our way to a Champion Time!"
The walk back to the taxi was tense as you and Leon walked stiffly and red faced not looking at one another from that ki-...Accidental bump into. Thank goodness the three didn't notice but every once and a while Victor would look back at you both and either raise a brow or squint his eyes before turning back around and chatting like nothing ever happened. The taxi ride over there was uneventful besides you two trying not to look at one another before you were able to arrive at the place. It was a blur the next step on the way. You remember landing somewhere and walking out somewhere in the back where no one would notice Leon and sitting down just enough to have a clear view of the parade. You sat there silently with Silver in your lap staring just ahead still processing what had happened before Piers appeared and began singing. Victor leaned over to stare at you one more time before turning his attention back onto the parade as the singing stopped and a giant balloon of an eevee was next being manhandled down the streets by a large amount of people and you allowed yourself to completely block out what just happened to you just a little bit ago. You enjoyed the next two or three hours sitting there wrapped up in the magic of your first parade happily watching and marveling at all the colorful floats and balloons bigger than your own house going by or the performers than did back flips, dressed as clowns, danced in costumes, or other tricks down the streets between all the floats and balloons. Each more different and exciting than the last being lit up by the bright lights of the city. Every so often Leon would glance over at you, catch a glimpse of your awestruck face, and then quickly look away when Victor looked over at him feeling his gaze turn. In turn he'd raise a brow at his surrogate brother...before thankfully going back to watching the parade come to a close. At which point you were VERY tired. How long had you been staying up? As the last float and cheers from the audience made it's rounds you let out a yawn that caught the Champion attention. He made the suggestion of you all going back to hotel. Too tired to argue, you agreed as it meant getting back to bed faster and the warmth it provided. The trip back there was a blur in your tired mind. All you remembered was briefly getting shoved by people when Leon escorted you through the crowd with an arm around your shoulders, getting into a taxi, and only being jostled awake by the sudden lurch the taxi gave upon take off and the cold air hitting you that made you bristle and pull the coat over you and Silver more. Gosh it was SO cold! It wasn't too long until the five of you got back to the hotel and went inside. You shook more than a leaf in a tornado as you five entered the elevator. Rising to the floor you were staying on, you exited and walked until the Hop and Victor stopped in front of what you assumed to be their room and you took the moment to give Leon a smile and put Silver back down.
"Hey. Thanks for taking me out today with you guys. I just hope it wasn't too much trouble."
He shook his head red rushing to his cheeks and hand rubbing his neck. "It wa-was no trouble! Haha! It's one o-of the Champion's d-duties to make sure everyone enjoys themselves! P-P-Plus you're a friend! What are friends for?"
You smiled a lot brighter than before. "Still what you did for me today....Well I can't remember the last time I ever had so much fun on a holiday before. Minus the heights of course."
"Haha." He chuckled and the faintest of smiles appeared on his face. His brow raised. "Well can't say it wasn't fun to see all the expressions you made." You gave him a small frown. "But I can't remember the last time I was just able to hang out with someone my own age as well and just have fun. I-...G-Guess I should thank you for that too."
"Yeah," you agreed. "And Leon." He hummed and FROZE as you hugged him, platonically of course as thanks before releasing him quickly after and smiling. "I mean it. Thank you for everything. You really are a great Champion. Galar's lucky to have you." With that you turned and waved them good bye feeling this would be a good time to leave them off and you were so tired that you feared you'd just drop in the middle of the hallway out of exhaustion. "Good night. Merry Christmas!"
Both boys stared at Leon as you and Gloria disappeared into your shared room before they looked at each other before looking back at Leon and spoke.
"Big bro...Are you...blushing, Mate?"
"AH!! I-I mean-...N-No! I-I'm just cold, Hoppy! I swear!"
You paid no attention to the siblings' banter as you headed to your own room. You were very tired, and very cold. All you wanted to do was curl up into your sleeping bag and fall asleep for the rest of the night. But upon opening the door you realized you weren't alone. Gloria was there! Having had been going through some things from her back pack on the bed..but she smiled when she realized it was you.
"Y/N!," she greeted as you walked in closing the door behind you. "Did ye have a fun time out?! It was so cool!"
You waved with a yawn towards her. "Sure was." Sleep was making your brain muddled completely forgetting what just happened. "Did you have fun?"
She beamed. "IT WAS GREAT!! We flew 'round the city  and checked out the fair, an' then lee took us to see the parade!! So o' COURSE I had a good time! Lee promised he'd take us back to the fair tomorrow so we can see what we missed and so Vic can take some photos o' some famous landmarks. Are ye comin' too?"
You smiled. "I'll figure it out tomorrow. I think I'm just gonna hit the floor and call it a night-"
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