detdomchik · 5 months
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Commission with Biera 👉🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 I DID IT IN ONE DAY kkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuhhhhhhhhhhh
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djdjdjmk · 1 year
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The more the merrier au - Arabasta + Skypiea cast of the crew.
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niiwa-angel · 8 months
Alright guys, I had a project in one of my classes about a figure for change. Basically, write an essay explain how this person stands up for their community. I chose JK Rowling and included Beira's Place, as well as Lumos, her contribution to helping women flee Afghanistan after the Taliban took it, and Book Aid International. Still, female only crisis center, in this climate? I'm excited/nervous for the feedback.
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dagcutie · 1 year
museum and drunk???
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lunifoxysblog · 8 months
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🇪🇦Qué pasó si fuera Adán que tú biera el lugar de Lilith se que pueda ser algo estaño pero puede ser interesante en verdad cabía en la historia como los personajes la historia y objetivos los que quieren hacer la historia puede decir su ideas o los que piensan que pasarían los Lee créditos el dibujo 🇺🇲What happened if it were Adam that you took Lilith's place, I know it may be a bit boring, but it could be interesting, it really fits into the story, how the characters, the story, and the objectives, those who want to make the story, can say their ideas, or those who think that Read credits would pass the drawing
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honeybeebabs · 3 months
Can we have a moment of silence to mourn the losses of the crew on the Biera D. oil rig?
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robinchan-hananomi · 8 months
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Time for my favorite early One Piece movie. Actually of all the movies up until strong world, this is my favorite.
So, first nice to see you Drake and Navarone because the G8 are one of the few fillers I really enjoy.
So the Strawhats have just recently left Alabasta. As they eat Nami, Sanji, and Zoro begin to really asses their money situation. Nami, Zoro, and Robin all notice a strange interaction with the bartender and realize there is something going on. After talking to him, he shows them to a passage where they can enter a dangerous race (it’s Stampede without all the cameos!!!)
While integrating into the festivities, we learn from Robin that this is a race that happens every few years on this island. Luffy also manages to offend a bounty hunter named Shuraiya Bascùd. In a move very reminiscent of Jaya we have Shuraiya and Luffy begin a fight and practically roping everyone into it. It leads us to meeting a former marine, Gasparde, who Luffy takes an immediate dislike to.
While all this is going on we meet a child called ‘Badger’. They work on Gasparde’s ship with their grandpa Biera, who is sick. Badger begs to be allowed to go hunt a pirate to get the bounty for medicine and Gasparde allows it.
The next day the race begins and the Strawhats have a very eventful start. As things calm down Zoro is sent to check the ship. Badger attacks Zoro but Zoro knocks the kid out. When they wake up, they are surrounded by all the Strawhats. After declaring their intention to kill the group and realizing they really can’t the child asks for death, enraging Nami. Later Sanji tries to comfort the child, explaining they have all had a difficult time. Usopp and Luffy express surprise at Sanji caring so much for a strange boy, something Sanji agrees is strange.
Meanwhile Shuraiya is on Gaspard’s ship. He meets Biera and explains that he became a bounty hunter in order to find and kill Gaspard for killing his parents and little sister eight years ago. Biera remembers that day, remembering that he saved the sister and she is alive, but before he can explain that Shuraiya is gone. The bounty hunter confronts Gaspard and they fight.
Luffy and the others finally catch up with the rest of the race. They learn that all the eternal poses to the real end has been swapped out with ones to Naverone. Enraged, they use Chopper’s nose to find Gaspard. They arrive to see he had defeated Shuraiya. While Luffy knocks Shuraiya out and takes on Gaspard, Zoro carries Badger to find their grandpa. The grandpa is glad that the child is safe and asks Zoro to look after the child just a bit longer as he has some stuff to do in the boiler room. Sanji meanwhile wants to help Luffy but Zoro reminds him that Luffy will not be happy. So Sanji finds a more subtle way to help, getting Luffy something he can use to counter Gaspard’s devil fruit.
A cyclone begins to approach and the Strawhats are forced to leave. Luffy, Gaspard, the unconscious Shuraiya, and Biera who gave Sanji the impression that he is remaining behind to die are all left and the child is enraged by this. To keep the peace, Zoro knocks the child unconscious and the strawhats, minus Chopper who knew, learn it isn’t a boy like they thought but a little girl.
Luffy ends up winning of course and Biera saves Luffy and Shuraiya. He then explains to Shuraiya that the child is Adelle, his little sister. They reunite with the rest of the crew and head to the finish line, but Drake shows up and they are forced to flee. As Shuraiya, Adelle, and Biera watch the Strawhats leave, we learn that Shuraiya intends to care for them all and give up bounty hunting.
I love this movie. The race is so fun and I really love the crew dynamics, especially Zoro and Nami’s friendship. Zoro knocks out a young girl twice in this movie because Zoro says ‘screw you’re gender or age stereotypes, if you point a gun at me I’m knocking your ass out’, which is very on character for him. Zoro will fight anyone. He just doesn’t care to overpower those who are weaker than him. And Sanji unconsciously realizing the child is a girl and trying to help her was cute too.
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belenstar · 1 year
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ayer ise el dibujo y oy dia lo termine ise una forma creepy que se biera raisel, pero o no quien la inotiso poniendola asi.
(los unicos amigos nuca se tienen que olvidar que son tus amigos)
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ranmaradio · 1 year
Ranma 1/2 Fighting Songs Karuta: Shampoo - Kanashimi no Biera (Sad Farewell)
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Another NPC from the Darleigh Region! This time, a witch called Biera with her faithful dire-dog familiar Cridhe. Witches in my campaign are very much modeled after those from Terry Pratchett's Discworld, a beloved series and world. If you aren't familiar, they are basically caregivers of a community or series of villages/area. They can do magic, but they deal much more in practical medicine and psychology.
Very excited to introduce them both to my players!
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th0w · 13 days
nunka tube ke dejar q me bieras yorar, eres la persona q menos kiero q me vea asi
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ricnoblin · 1 month
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cursi4do · 6 months
ojala biera sido yo en esta sekundaria yamada bida el k gime hasta atras a mitad d klasee T-T
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bierkanocoty · 6 months
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Umiesz ściągać jakieś fajne dzwoneczki na telefon? W wersjach roboczych wisi wiadomość "Ola, stary chce spędzać ze mną czas". Wszędzie to piszę i nie przestaję o tym myśleć, bo chociaż już mniej mnie to zaskakuje, dalej to raczej zjawisko niż codzienność. Znaczy płynnie przechodzi jedno drugie, jak mniej płynnie ostatnio ja się przepoczwarzam. I odpowiadając sobie na wcześniej zadane (oczywiste) pytanie, problemy nie zniknęły magicznie wraz z pojawieniem się słońca, ale mam więcej możliwości miłego spędzania czasu np. przejażdżka tramwajem w ciepły wieczór, czytanie książki w parku na trawie, spacer albo coś innego, co gwarantuje ciepło na skórze i przyjemny gwar. Niedługo pewnie zaduch. Jestem w stanie napięcia z kilkoma osobami teraz chyba (dokładnie osoby w liczbie: dwa, ale to duże dwa a nie małe na palcach jednej ręki, bo to dwie ręce), ale staram się oddychać i nie panikować. Jedna relacja nie jest pod moją kontrolą, bo i niepewności nie są moje, a druga cóż, jest zajebiście intensywna, ale przez to nagromadziło się dużo małych niepowodzeń, co się nie powiodły w jednym kulminacyjnym miejscu. Plotę trochę bzdury, bo pies leży pod drzwiami, chyba chcę wyjść z pokoju i ja też powinnam, bo głodna. Do miasta z ojcem tramwajem. Z tatą już w zasadzie i ta córka to ja. Złapała mnie nostalgia, bo znowu segreguję stare zdjęcia. Chciałabym zrobić album z moimi ulubionymi albo najważniejszymi. I mam w sobie znowu słowa do powiedzenia jakbym chciała opisać każdy szczegół, bo potem może być za późno. Biera, zawsze będzie na coś za późno, a z głodu można umrzeć. Nici się tworzą i połykam haczyki, które ktoś kiedyś zastawił. Ciśnienie u starego jakby się wczoraj urodził, to chyba dobrze, mówię. Ja się urodziłam w tym miesiącu i się faktycznie rodzę kurwa. I nie ma takiej drugiej, i nikt mi nie powie, co powinnam zrobić. Ok, ale ja też nie wiem. Zawsze.
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sakuravulpes · 1 year
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✎ ( sponsor ღ DollHolic ) ՞₊˚๑
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★⸝⸝ Tsuki // Biera Static 3
ღ All of the new Tsuki poses are adorable, in the fatpack you will get the animated and the static ones, including curved and mirrored.
✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ
✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ UNA ) ՞₊˚๑
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★⸝⸝ UNA. Asuka Fatpack @ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ
ღ This outfit by UNA is incredible, inspired by the Evangelion plug suits and you can get individual colors as you saw them on the show or everything as fatpack! Now it's updated for Reborn and it's the one I'm wearing, it looks flawless, I love it.
✤ ᴍᴀɪɴsᴛᴏʀᴇ
✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
Lyanna ღ
✎ ( outfit & hair ) ՞₊˚๑
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★⸝⸝ bonbon - rei hair (colours)
✎ ( extras ) ՞₊˚๑
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★⸝⸝ {Agape}. E-Girl Makeup
★⸝⸝ ~Little Foxy B.~ Brake Eyeshadow Set 1 (LeL EvoX)
★⸝⸝ [ODIO] 0520 LIPSTICK - Lelutka Evo x
★⸝⸝ {S0NG} Dorthy Eyes - FP
★⸝⸝ Gloom. - Calin Skin - Velour
★⸝⸝ LeLUTKA Prim Head 3.1
✎ ( location ) ՞₊˚๑
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★⸝⸝ ANTINATURAL[+] Deathracer / Death Storage RARE backdrop at @Sunny Photo Studio
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yuhhighness · 4 years
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Styling: Faou Biera
Mua: Eryka Silva
Shot & edit: Goldiie
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