#fuck rennick >:(
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inky-ash · 7 months ago
Caz swimming away while mutant Rennick drowns . Because in all honesty . That cheapskate fucker had it coming .
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All my crewdeck homies hate Rennick
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beebear55 · 3 months ago
still wakes the deep au posting lets get it
basically they drill like normal and head back to the mainland only to find everything is shit and theres ghoulies. oh no
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and now doodles/relationships jeje
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brodie/raffs stick together 24/7. brodie does not allow raffs to go on scouting/scavenging missions without him, raffs doesnt wanna go on those missions At All. But alas
Also brodie is not the greatest at protecting him
Innes and Muir are. Having suchh a time. theyre both also always together because nobody wants to seperate them (they both have one half of a brain cell and dont function without eachother) and theyre just “DUDE DID YOU SEE THAT” “SEE WHAT” 24/7
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trots is in charge of organizing the missions bc nobody trusts rennick and addair to not send the people they dont like (caz) to die. Trots accidentally keeps sending gibbo on every other mission
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finlay is the first person to kill a zombie. She picks up a big hunk of Pipe and starts bashing bitches. She then replaces it with a bat she wraps in barbed wire. She’s great. Also gives herself a lil buzz and will not beat the butch allegations about it
Addair is having the worst time because Nobody likes him and he fears they will just leave him to die about that. They wont but he has very low standards for them so. Also everytime he gets upset he “leaves” for 5 minutes and then runs back in and goes “IM JUST AN OLD MAAANN DONT LEAVE ME TO DIE PLEASE” nobody is amused
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Rennick is constantly upset about no longer being In Charge and Roper likes bothering him about it. Rennick keeps going “well I THINK—“ and roper goes “who? Asked you”
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Alex, Sunil and Davros are on the night watch since its safer than going on missions. sunil is terrified and alex and davros are nonchalant as hell. Also nobody is Actually watching (which spells disaster)
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Caz and Roy both have lots of braincells but get nothing done together. They cancel eachother out. Sorry.
Caz makes sure they raid a bunch of hospitals for insulin and threatens anyone who suggests leaving roy behind <3 and roy rations/makes the food obviously
Scooby and Caz are also A Duo to me. Scooby and Caz were both into zombie rpgs/shooters when they were younger and they are not taking this apocalypse as seriously as they should about it
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honeybeebabs · 8 months ago
Can we have a moment of silence to mourn the losses of the crew on the Biera D. oil rig?
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marythekumquat · 5 months ago
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“Me and Addair wrote this song five minutes ago.”
If y’all don’t know, Tenacious D is one of my favorite things ever. This is the shit I bring at midnight.
Rennick and Addair about to explode your MINDS.
Here’s the glorious reference.
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horror-enthusiast-xemi · 6 months ago
Toxic yaoi be upon ye
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f0x3dm4x · 3 months ago
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Im sorry but did anyone else come across this like-
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wazzappp · 5 months ago
here's another tidbit of an idea for the potential swtd au other anon thought up
Robbie willingly succumbing to mutation to fight something off to protect Gabe
He wouldnt even be able!! To allow himself to properly freak out!!! Because he would be too busy comforting Gabe and convincing him that hes okay!!! FUCK!!!!
He pulls Gabe close with arms that have tendrils on them now and in the middle of trying to convince him everything's okay he starts purring because FUCK IT i will ALWAYS ADD PURRING in ANY AND EVERY CONTEXT RAGGHHHHHH
fuck i need to figure out what mutations to give him where you guys are casting some godamn spells on me aghhhhhh
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chuthulhu-plays · 8 months ago
I generally watch LPs of horror games bc I'm too anxious to actually play them but a lot of them have FANTASTIC stories, so sometimes I just binge-watch KrinxTV for background noise. Been watching a lot of playthroughs of Still Wakes The Deep because it's such a delight to hear Scottish voice actors get work and I thought I'd address some questions I keep seeing Let's Players ask:
--Adair is a member of the National Front as you can find out from posters in his cabin, a Neo-Fascist British political party that’s been going since the sixties. While it often preaches British ethnic unity, in practice that often means “everybody in the UK should be exactly like East End Londerners” and features plentiful disdain for Scottish, Irish, and Welsh folk, alongside those perceived as “not British”. No wonder the wanker eats alone in the canteen.
--Neeps and Tatties=turnips and potatoes, mashed, drenched in butter or sauce. Fills your belly, keeps you warm, probably makes you sink like a stone because it’s so heavy.
--Cranachan=a dessert made of raspberries, honey, cream and oats, absolutely delicious
--Rennick calls Caz a “wee ned prick”. Ned is apocryphally said to stand for “non-educated delinquent” and is basically just a way of calling someone an uneducated, lower-class criminal
--A lot of things said by and about Roy indicate that he’s a teetotaller who went through AA and specifically became Catholic and is making an effort at converting Caz.
--I think it’s entertaining how Scottish nicknames often follow a pattern of shortening/rejiggering that I also see a lot with Australian nicknames—Cameron becomes Caz, Rafferty becomes Raffs, etc. Trots is an unusual one but is almost certainly a reference to him being a communist, presumably a Trotskyist. Gibbo is also an unusual one in that it’s just very silly. There’s a kind of indignity implied in being killed by a guy called Gibbo.
--A few times on the radio you hear the Shipping Forecast, a type of weather report aimed at specifically reporting weather conditions out on the ocean, and is also famous for the report being read in such a calm, soothing tone that some folk use it as a sleep aid.
--All the yellow paint for interactable things is very video gamey, yes, but is also in line with old British health and safety standards, and yellow paint on things like emergency ladders or on the edges of stairs that are trip hazards is a thing ou can still see in some older buildings.
--Caz keeps saying he’s “good with the leccy”; leccy=electricity. Caz is implied to be quite a wee guy who can get through a lot of tight spaces, and my uncle swears blind that electricians used to refuse to take on apprentices over a certain size because they only wanted to train wee guys who could get up into the tight spaces that a lot of older buildings are full of. On that note, “wee man” is a term of endearment, generally, and isn’t exclusively applied to short guys.
--Finlay saying of Gibbo that “he’s no right” is INCREDIBLY OMINOUS. It sounds mild but “he’s no right, that boy” is what older folk say about a child who’s been found disembowelling cats for fun or someone they strongly suspect is a pedophile. It’s not something you’d say about a friend who’s just acting a bit unusually.
– “Great minds united over a Buckie”--Buckfast, or Buckie, is a caffienated tonic wine that’s cheap, widely accessible, and is a bit like rocket fuel for bad decisions.
– “Ya roaster” tbh I don’t really know where it comes from, calling someone a roaster, but I’ve always felt like it has a vibe of telling them they’re huffing their own farts.
--Scunnert/scunnered--buggered, screwed, utterly fucked, etc
– “You’re the jammiest bastart on this rig” Someone who is jammy is someone who has incredible luck that is implied to be related to their sheer confidence or willingness to engage in risky behaviour. Walking along the street and finding a pound coin isn’t jammy; crossing the road confident that the cars won’t hit you and stopping in the middle to pick up a pound coin before making it unscathed to the other side is jammy as all hell.
--Barlinnie is the biggest prison in Scotland, and largely hosts violent offenders—it’s where Caz would definitely go for hospitalizing a man.
--Weans are children (contraction of wee yins/wee ones). I thought this one was contextually obvious but apparently not.
--”One spark and the whole thing’ll go up”—this is referring to the wee spark of flame in the lighter used to blow up the rig, but is also kind of a pun because electricians are often called sparks or sparkies, and in the end it’s Caz who blows up the rig.
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rubus-yunnion · 5 months ago
"I am the fucking king."
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Happy Rennick Thursday!! Almost done with everything, just need to answer my inbox again later on, then finally draw Raffs, Roper and Suze tomorrow. I'm excited to finish this week off with a bang, and although there were some stressful moments here and there, I still managed to do it. Enjoy this weeks Rennick drawing!!
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thesleepyfable · 7 months ago
~ SWTD: Still Here AU Part 1 ~
Trots' Reflection:
A first of many chapters I have planned for the Still Here AU. This turned out to be much longer than I expected, so that might be the case for future chapters. If you enjoyed this, then thank you, and let me know if you want Muir or Gibbo's chapter next. Rennick's chapter will be released last.
Part 2:
'Oh fuck. Is that...Trots? Jesus Christ.'
Caz stared in horror at what his friend had become. From the waist down, Trots was just an amalgamation of flesh that spouted tendrils to keep his balance whilst his uniform had been torn to near shreds, leaving only pieces hanging from his arms and upper chest.
Is this why Gibbo didn't want to be looked at? He couldn't blame the poor bastard.
With his eyes wide and the muscles in his neck twitching, Caz knew this was only one way to get back to Roy.
He gave himself a moment to calm down before turning the torch off and quietly opening the door. Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he had to hold in a gag from the rank smell that struck his nose. He couldn't afford to be spotted, but the noises from Trots' cries of pain and repeating of words carried an echo throughout the room. Caz, for a moment, thought Trots had already seen him and was playing the long game to lure him further. To make himself smaller and quieter, he crouched and awkwardly tip-toed over broken glass and anything that could make a sound.
An open cupboard gave him a moment to breathe again. It only took 10 seconds, but it felt like an eternity for the leccy. He peered out and saw Trots at a better, or in this case, worse angle. 'What the fuck...?' Caz noticed Trots' legs below the knee hanging against the growth. Every few seconds they would twitch, but The Shape had them firmly in place. And whenever they tried to move, Caz noticed Trots made a groan in agony. There was nothing to be done and Caz knew that.
Thinking quickly, he grabbed a Cadal mug by his feet and aimed it towards the other side of the room. He shuffled some of his body from his hiding spot and tossed it over the small pile of laundry machines before quickly tucking himself back in.
Trots reared his head with a curious 'chirp' and took the bait. No longer distracted by the strange light, he crawled along the floor, clearly in pain, as the tendrils latched and detached themselves from anything they could reach. Caz came out of hiding and slowly crept for the stairs. Just up here, and he'll be back with Roy. Then they can make a new plan to -
Trots' voice made Caz stand still. He slowly looked back with a mix of shock and confusion across his face. Trots' cadence was different. It didn't sound altered by The Shape trying to copy his speech patterns. It was him.
'What the fuck is this?' Trots stared at his reflection in pure shock. His heart raced and his stomach sank as he tried to make out what he was seeing. 'Is that me? But, how - I'm...' Caz slowly followed his voice and glanced at Trots, who was holding a door with all the strength he had. At any moment he could rip it off its hinges. He saw Caz's reflection and turned to him - eyes wide and mouth dry - gesturing to the grotesque mass. 'Caz. What - what happened to me?!' Panic was now, and rightfully, starting to set in.
'Trots? Are you - Okay, okay, just calm down.'
'Calm down? Caz, I look like I've been put through a fuckin' blender!'
'Alright, alright. I'm sorry. Fuck sake.'
A small pause lingered for Trots. He wasn't one for swearing or raising his voice. Even The Shape couldn't replicate that. A tendril moved to close the machine door. It must have been subconsciously because Trots' body and breath shivered, and his eyes squinted.
But that was good, wasn't it? He could control the mass now.
'How ye' feeling?' Caz asked, unable to take the silence.
'Better,' Trots answered with an exhausted tone. 'My mind felt like it was being pulled all over the shop.' It was a strange and painful sensation. He could compare it to being in a coma. He was aware of what was going around him, but couldn't react. His mind and body were on auto-pilot yet he couldn't focus enough to fight back until he saw his reflection. Then it was like a fog had been lifted.
'I'm sorry wee man.'
'For what?'
'I heard ya through the door. I tried getting to ya, but it wouldn't budge. Do you remember what happened?'
Trots nodded. 'Aye. It just shot through the window and latched onto my leg. It felt like someone had taken a knife and was stabbing me over and fuckin' over again. And,' he scoffed. 'Now I'm here.'
'Well, I'm not leaving ya here, pal. I'm gonna to fetch Roy. He's in the pantry.'
'What about the others?'
'Brodie's with Raffs. Poor bastard was shaken after his dive. Finlay and Douglas are looking for Gibbo in engineering, and I spoke to O'Connor. He's with Bruce and Fergus.' He'll leave out Innes. 'Of course that bastard Rennick is still kicking. Probably tucked away all nice and cosy in his office.' He took a quick glance to the stairs. 'So, you with me?'
The pair moved in silence. The only thing breaking that was either the stairs echoing with Caz's footsteps or Trots letting out a groan of pain. Both of the men knew The Shape wasn't done with him yet. Trots could control his mind, body and soul, but this thing was slowly mutating him to survive. Who knew what he'd look like by the end of it.
A part of the wall had collapsed from the tendrils. A shooting pain ran through Caz and Trots' head as they approached. 'It's trying to lure us in, Caz.'
'Just ignore it, mate. Here, help me push it back.' Caz can easily slip through the smaller space, but Trots certainly wasn't. He wedged himself halfway between the wall and used his shoulder the push. The wall behind him was used as a base for his feet. 'Come on, Trots.' It wasn't going to budge by itself.
Using all the tendrils and his shoulder, Trots could feel the wall slowly move back. Caz began to slide to the other side, giving Trots room to follow and to an area where the wall wasn't leaning as much. The Shape was stubborn. It was oddly strong for something that looked like ribbons.
'I thought you were a boxer,' Trots bantered with a smirk.
'Yeah. A boxer,' Caz retorted. 'Not a heavy weight lifter, ya prick.'
Both men suddenly burst out laughing, which must have attracted Roy who awkwardly stood at the canteen door. He had noticed Trots and began to go through the same emotions as Caz, frozen in place.
'Erm, Caz.' He got their attention, and the pair turned to him, still stifling laughs.
'Oh, hey Roy. Give us a hand, will ya?'
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bodegadulac · 2 months ago
What did you think of the first phase of the WCU?
Hmmm, you know what. I'm reviewing it.
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First of all Dragon from 2008, the movie that started it all.
I liked:
●Seeing her origin, how newfoundland fell and her sheer sense of powerlessness before triggering.
●The evolution from her first crude suit to a more regined dragon armor.
●I liked RDJ as Collin, i was very happed they picked up his stinger for the sequel.
●Teacher was a pretty good villain, hapoy they didn't kill him off.
What i didn't like:
●Gwynnet Paltrow's character was unnecesary, why would dragon need a secretary???
●It doesn't get how to make you feel stakes when the protag is an IA
●Terrence Howard as Rennick is just there, and how they changed the actor in the next film left a sour taste.
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Then you have Lung: Dragon of Kyushu.
What can i say that hasn't been said yet? I was skeptic for them reimagining Lung as a hero but it just works.
I like how it set up Leviathan as the overarching villain of the phase, i like how it has that runaway vibe with Kenta running from the Yangban.
The CGI of his fight against Seven was pasable, and the post credit scene with Zero planning to hunt him down went nowhere. But idc, it was overall pretty good. 9/10
I would have killed for another Lung movie.
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The ugly duckling of Phase 1, Dragon 2.
I honestly liked it more than the first one, Saint and the dragon slayers are an actual threat that works.
Dragons own issues with her nature are explored in a neat way.
I liked the teacher plot twist at the end, that he had been manipulating saint.
And please tell me the scene of Dragon and Armsmaster killing the Dragonslayers didn't fuck.
8/10, fun watch.
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Theo my beloved. Golem fucked so much man.
A coming of age story about a young man leaving his nazi family behind.
It kind of gets completely interrumpted by the Slaughterhouse nine tbh.
Like i get you are building up a cinematic universe but having some guy show up, say "i will come back on a couple years and kill everybody and thats on you" and fuck off wasn't terribly great.
But the final fight against Hookwolf as a middlepoint between the nazi family subplot and the slaughterhouse 9 subplot worked.
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I don't like flashback movies in big cinematic universes. Sometimes they feel like they don't mean a thing on the long term because most characters are dead so they won't affect that comes later.
Miss Millitia: the first ward shutted me up.
Hanah is a fucking great protagonist, all of the first wards are great.
I loved her bromance with mouse protector, i cried when she died.
What the fuck is Hugo Weaving playing Allfather????
Overall i feel like this is the best out of the Phase.
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It all came to it. Protectorate from 2012.
Leviathan was pretty built up from Lung and Dragon so it felt like it worked. Jack felt pretty tacked on tbh.
I like how it sets up Scion as this cameo total force of good that can't affect the plot. Wonder what they will do with him.
I didn't like that Collin set a fucking nuke towards new york. I hope there are consecuences for this in the future.
Liked how director Armstrong got to assemble the tram through the movies.
I don't know how to feel about Blue Flechette, apparently her first costume in the comics was like that? Idk.
Scarlett Johansen as Queen aka Emily Piggot from the PRT was cool.
Honestly that what Protectorate is. Cool.
Even if that bastard Jack escaped at the end of the movie.
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finlay-papers · 4 months ago
CAZ HCS⁉️ 😨😨
(Nobody saw I posted this accidentally.)
(NSFW hcs coming soon, be fucking ready.)
— He's 51 during the events of the game, met Suze when they were teens, and met Roy through a friend of a friend of Suze's during their younger adult years
— He worked as an electrician on mainland, he did know a few things on oil rigs beforehand from mainland workers and the crew seen in-game (Roy mainly), before even thinking of agreeing to come along to escape the pigs
— Roy was his wingman, wholeheartedly, and the best man, hence why Caz, and Suze, chose Roy to be their daughters' godfather
— Caz is very numb in specific parts of his body, fingers and legs mainly, due to both being a former boxer and being all over electricity
— Caz has curly hair, not extremely curly but it's curly, and reaches to his shoulders due to not having legal time to get a haircut, and because Suze seems to like it longer
— On more biographical information, his eyes are green-hazel with speckles of gold
— Aside from Roy, Caz is decently close with the others on the crew, aside from Rennick and Addair, of course
— He has an odd fear of most things engineering, hence why he complained about needing to fix the fuse, and really anything he had to do lower and lower on the rig
— Due to the numbness in most of his body, he has multiple scars and gained multiple during the events of the game
— He has a little trinket box with jewelry in it, serving to keep papers of whatever sort in place and jewelry intact
— He stayed by Finlays side till she was entirely death, pulse and breathing gone, because he didn't want her to die alone, unlike everybody else and himself.
— He has two beauty marks on his philtrum
— He has prominent acne surrounding his cheek and lesser reddened acne on his forehead/temples
NSFW hcs before 2025... 😈🙏
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marythekumquat · 5 months ago
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Time for some Spooktober stuff, and who else but the scariest mf in the game. This is a deleted line that I absolutely love. Thank you @zeondraws for finding all these lines that I now need to gush over. Rennick has the most babygirl lil titter when he says it, too. It’s fucking hilarious.
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keymanwritez · 5 months ago
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Still wakes the deep headcanons !
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° Very clean, doesn't really like messes and will chew someone out if they mess up his work station
° Has two brothers and one sister
° Never been married
° Likes tea more than coffee
° Okay ish with children, though the messes they bring and when they scream drives him to insanity
° Enjoys having the same scheduled meals each week, gets somewhat upset when it changes
° Cannot handle the smell of ribs, it absolutely will make him gag and throw up
° Has tried so many times to talk to Rennick calmly about safety on the rig and got shut down so many times that he just gave up on doing it calmly
° Enjoys keeping gifts and things hes given on display, he's proud of everything he has
° Used to be a calm person but now is more likely to anger
Infected Trots time 💔
° Sees his family, like his mother, his brothers and his sister etc
° Is tormented by the fact that he doesn't have legs anymore
° most of his pain stems from his lower half due to how corrupted it has become from the shape
° Feels pure anger towards Cadal, more than when he was alive
° Dies in excruciating pain akin to the other infected
° In my recovery au he gets pissed at Rennick a lot more due to him learning how Rennick wanted to leave everyone else and his actions during the crisis
° Recovery: he really cannot stomach a lot of foods, he just can't eat them without vomiting
° Recovery: Hates his body no doubt but also gets irritated at the mess it makes in his words
° One of the strongest on the rig no doubt
° Would've won the dart tournament final if it ever happened, dunno why I think this I just do
° Actually likes the ocean a lot, just doesn't like being on an unsteady and falling apart oil rig
° Talks with Rennick sometimes, They sit down and drink either coffee or alcohol together
° She lets him rant a lot but has no problem telling him when hes wrong about something or a situation
° Still gets pissed when he does stupid or selfish shit though
° Enjoys milk in her coffee and that's about it
° Talks to her son whenever she can, Keeps the letters he sends in a decorated box with photos
° Not a picky eater but doesn't really like canned ravioli, she'll eat it just doesn't like it
° Her and her husband are divorced but not on bad terms
° Hangs with Muir and thinks he's funny as shit, a little too reckless for her though
° Bisexual but doesn't really care about partners at the moment
After the events of the game 💔
° Sometimes would need to take a break due to hearing her son, over and over again
° Hummed the song he was singing to try and calm down
° Despite what it seemed in the game, she was fucking terrified of the shape
° It unsettled her deep in her soul and she finally knew why when the rubble fell on her
° Wanted nothing but her son in the end, to hold him, to hug him, or just to see him
° She knew she would never get to see him again though and that would be a good thing for him
° Recovery: Was confused and then disturbed when she woke in her cot
° Recovery: She was dead and she knew she was, maybe this was purgatory ?
° Recovery: Took a while for her to become comfortable around the infected again
° Recovery: Felt like shit for being distant but couldn't bear to be around the infected or anyone in general
° Recovery: Called her son almost immediately after finding out she wasn't dead
° Love pranks, I think everyone agrees in the fandom XD
° Does not like swimming, never was a fan of it, knows how to though
° Once pulled a prank on Rennick and almost got fired
° Has never grabbed the correct helmet and probably never will
° Enjoys jokes a lot, puns not so much
° Can actually be pretty mellow, especially when he's tired
° Either wakes Innes up with a kiss or a smack on the stomach, either one it just depends on the day
° Once made a paper rose for Innes for Valentine's day
° Hangs out with Finlay sometimes
° Does not like coffee but drinks it to stay up
° Once fell asleep at breakfast and woke up with new eyebrows
° Don't know where I saw it but there was a post that he had a daughter and I liked that idea
° Has two left feet when it comes to dancing, or almost anything tbh
Infected time y'all 💔
° Saw Innes and his daughter
° All he really remembers is feeling alone and being angry at that
° Like they had all left him to fend for himself
° He wanted Innes mainly and was angry at him for leaving
° At one point his vision soloed in on Innes and saw his terrified face
° He was confused
° When he finally got Innes he didn't even realize he had killed him
° He thought that he was just sleeping, he didn't kill anyone else after that
° He just held Innes, his love
° He didn't even realize he was going to die until he was
° Tried his best to keep Innes body safe as he died
° Recovery: Was akin to the others confused on why he was back
° Recovery: He couldn't believe he was back, he felt joy and then the realization what he did hit him
° Recovery: He tried to hide somewhere on the deck away from the others
° Recovery: He didn't want anyone to see him due to guilt
° Recovery: Not even Innes
° Recovery: Eventually Innes coaxed him to talk to him and Muir just sobbed and apologized
° Recovery: It took him a long while to adjust to not being able to go inside and his new form but eventually he slowly went back to some of his old self
° Recovery: He doesn't think he'll ever be the same again though, emotionally
° Recovery: Cried on the phone when he was allowed to call his daughter
° Sees Raff as a son of sorts
° I really liked @/lilkumquat27 's au where Brodie had a son but lost him due to cancer so I kinda headcanon that now too-
° Feels odd for viewing Raff's like that but dismisses it a lot
° Likes coffee with chocolate in it [ me too Brodie- ]
° actually enjoys the ocean a lot, loved going swimming in Skye with his family
° He finds one of the best feelings in the world is to eat a warm meal when your cold
° Hangs with Finlay when he can, he finds solitude with her
° Would laugh when he lost against her in the dart tournament if it ever happened
° Not really competitive, doesn't see the point in getting angry over that stuff
° I associate the song ' Everything stays ' from adventure time with him, don't really know why it just seems to fit him
° Loves the moon as well, thinks she's gorgeous at night
In game time 💔
° Was mostly trying to keep a level head
° Threw up after seeing what happened to Raff's in the dive bell
° He actually threw up a lot during the events of the game
° Kept saying in his mind to just keep on going
° Heard his son talking about octopuses and the ocean in his mind
° Just kept going through most of it, only taking short breaks to think things through
° Was terrified but somewhat content when the water and oil started to raise
° That soon disappeared as the phone cut out
° Tried to keep his mind on Skye and his son but couldn't, all he could focus on was the pain of not being able to swim and drowning in the oil
° Recovery: He woke up sputtering, he was so confused and hurt
° Recovery: Finally broke after that and just sobbed
° Recovery: He sobbed for hours before trying to collect himself
° Recovery: Tried to ignore the pit in his stomach but it kept getting bigger and bigger
° Recovery: Hugged Raff's so tight he couldn't breathe, apologized endlessly for letting him go in the dive bell and for what he went through
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I shall make another one with more characters later but these are some of my headcanons for my favorite characters !!!! explodes
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cazmclearyssidechick · 7 months ago
Caz dating hcs !
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🌊 You were there when Suze finally couldn’t take him anymore and divorced him while on Sea, comforting him as much as you could, not knowing that it made him feel some type of way.
🌊 He definitely shows off while playing darts with Finlay and the other men to impress you! ( Then proceeds to lose due to him keep staring at you while throwing at the board. )
🌊 He absolutely argued and had a fit with rennick to make your room close or have you share a room with him, then proceeds to act surprised when it happens.
🌊 If your American or let alone not scottish in general, he’ll flirt with you using scottish slang then laugh at how your face flushed up even though you don’t know what the absolute fuck he said.
“ Aye, you’re a bonnie lad. “ The brunette said, a smirk on his face, you looked over, face immediately dusting red, pausing mid food bite. “ I-…thank you..? “ You said, smiling a bit , turning to everyone else at the table, whom immediately bursted out laughing at how confused you were.
🌊 You sometimes have to pull him away from heated arguments. I mean, that’s exactly how he ended up on the rig. And you’d like his knuckles in one piece. Sometimes you can’t always stop him though.
🌊 On the topic of fighting, he��s the only one he comes too to patch him up, nobody else. Even if he was dying?? You. So along with working on the rig, you’re now a part time nurse! Hooray!
“ Ye’ still upset at me, bonnie? “ He said, tilting his head, you let out a small huff in response as you wrapped bandages around his knuckles, he frowned. “ M’ sorry. “ He mumbled out.
“ Do you promise to keep your hands to yourself ? “ You asked, raising a brow, turning your gaze back up at him, his brows furrowed as he looked away before sighing softly, looking back. “…Promise. “
You snorted at how hesitant he was, kissing his forehead. “ Love you. “ You replied, he rolled his eyes. “ Yeah yeah, love you too. “
That’s all I got for now chat 🧍🏾‍♀️( Send me requests ‼️ (masc + gen neutral only , no fems 🤫🧏🏾‍♀️ , also I��m sorry if some scottish is wrong i’m african-american lol )
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viisforvalentine · 6 months ago
Do you happen to have any headcannons regarding O'Connor and his friends? They live rent free in my head right now
Gotta admit, i do really hope they release maybe like a dlc or a short part two game that just focuses on the crew and their lives, because O'Connor and Gibbo, despite having only a few lines actually seem like they have lots of cool lore! Especially Gibbo (him talking about beasts, flashing lights etc)
Anyways! Heres a few headcanons of Gibbo, O'Connor, Trots, Finlay and Caz! **SPOILERS!!**
- i think lots of people think Mary is O'Connors wife, but I actually think hes talking about his daughter! Someone on the SWTD reddit said the ones who turn into The Shape are sort of traumatized or broken in some way, and the shape seems to lure/sedate its victims by making it think someone they care about is talking to them, so my mind immediately goes to O'Connor had a wife who either died or left and Mary is all he has. Poor guy :(
- I feel like he would be the type to go up to Trots when they first meet and ask if he can "see how blind" Trots is by trying on his glasses lol (he means well though!!)
- Poor man has night terrors like nobodies business. I like to think hes had night terrors the week leading up to what happens in the game about The Shape, but in very vague ways. Has probably told Trots or Gibbo about them as a joke.
- Again, a lot of people on reddit speculate that people who are traumatized or broken, I think his father left him or maybe just isnt a very great guy, since he tells Caz to tell his mom he'll be home soon, and since his ramblings sometimes sound like something an angry/neglectful father would say to a kid. I think Gibbo def gives off mamas boy vibes
- BIG. OLE. SOFTIE!!!! Definitely is the one who hung up all the christmas decor, and helped Dobbie with decorating their shared cabin.
- Definitely has seen some weird shit that Rennick has told him to stuff down, the "flashing lights" in the ocean, creatures that come up that he chalks up to being weird sea creatures so he can sleep peacefully at night
- I feel like in a weird way, he would survive the explosion and make his way to the main land, maybe to see his mom again or to try an find help
- I personally fucking adore Trots, he feels like the dad friend of the crew, the type that goes up to the crew when Rennick is up their asses and tells them to stand up for what they think is right.
- Always making passive aggressive comments around Rennick, Caz and Roy are always having to break the two up when they get into heavily heated arguements
- In his infected form, i think it shows a lot about the stresses he has as a union person and as a person in general. He feels like hes always having to clean up peoples messes, make sure things are working the way he should be, I feel like he puts on a composed face infront of everybody but is heavily stressed by his duties to keep everyone from getting killed
- I think he likes melancholy music :] soft and sad tunes that you can take a nap to while it rains outside
- Can throw back shots like nobodies business, Caz and Muir are constantly doing drinking games with her and she always wins (though the hangover afterwards for her is more of a lose than anything)
- Constantly messing with Addair by getting into political battles and not giving him any satisfaction in seeing her get angry or anything, will sometimes just throw in random hyper-exaggerated takes to see him get mad
- As we seen from the paper, an absolute fucking wizard at darts, like, to the point where if shes drunk as all hell shes still able to hit multiple middles in a row
- Has nightmares too, but about her son. I cant imagine how hard it was for her to make it past the Shape hearing her son singing and calling out to her :((
- I feel like shes also pretty close with Roy, goes out for smoke breaks with him and stuff like that
- Double jointed. Maybe im just projecting onto him but the way his legs hurt from like THE SMALLEST OF FALLS is some double jointed problems shit. That being said, he totally does that bending-finger-back party trick for the crew, Trots tries to warn him against doing it but the look of disgust and suprise on the crews face will always make him do it again lol
- Was accidentally the first person to find out about Muir and Innes's relationship. He caught them kissing in the mud room, ever since then hes tried to be like,,,, overly accepting to the point where every time Innes and Muir are walking together he gives them a thumbs up like a dork
- Keeps his hair long despite Rennick and Addairs comments because Suize likes it that way (you cannot tell me Caz doesnt like getting his hair pulled lmao he is WHIPPED for that lady)
- I like to think his afterlife is him haunting his house, i know that may sound shitty but i want that man to be able to watch his weans grow up :(((
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