mindibindi · 23 days
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From my linguistics text
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ykw I really cannot leave the levant behind LIKEVHJYJTU b7abak north africa ya salam bas bSara7a mesh 2adr 5ali esham chhhutyhty ya3ani bas lsma3o raja3t 😭😭 idk
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idiotsonlyevent · 6 months
started thinking about how germa's language must have changed after they lost the rights(?) to their own land. because that was like three centuries ago right? in that time, how many lexical items did they lose relating to native plants and animals just due to obsolescence? did they have to come up with a ton of new ones for fish and other sea-related terminology, assuming they didn't already have them? or did they borrow words from 'common'/'general north blue'?
also how does judge's 'no women' policy(?) play it? bc there's a TON of gendered language in one piece. so, if there were at one point meaningful differences in men's and women's speech, were those stratifications systematically erased (maybe via something like the académie française?) or was it a slow and 'natural' process?
how does class play into it? how differently do the servants speak compared to the vinsmokes and the clones? could there be gender differences in how the servants speak, but not anyone else? does reiju have to use a different variety of language to talk about herself + her body because the words that she SHOULD be using are either no longer common enough to be recognized or have been forcibly suppressed?
like, imagining some potential dialectal differences here:
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this is a 'simple' option; i'm thinking teaching the clones a conlang, or maybe like a simplified version of NG to start and they acquire the rest naturally thanks to The Power of Input?? or maybe theyre getting input while theyre in those tubes and they walk out able to speak idk.
also, i can't decide if i prefer bidialectal vinsmokes who speak both NG and AG or bidialectal servants; both make for interesting options but i think i ultimately lean towards the former bc that 'ensures' that the servants can't communicate with the clones. or maybe the vinsmokes just speak a 'middle' variety that is mutually intelligible to both NG and AG speakers, but NG and AG aren't mutually intelligible??? 🤔🤔 much to think about
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hedgehoghavoc · 6 months
Some language + speech patterns headcanons off the top of the head....
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Bidialectal - sometimes slips into their British accent (thanks moms).
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Speaks languages roughly comparable to Sanskrit, Classical Malay, and Old Norse among others, along with a startling amount of Aussie slang.
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Came prepackaged with several languages, including one nobody is familiar with. She's almost definitely the only speaker left alive.
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Embarrassingly extensive knowledge of several fantasy and scifi conlangs.
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whovianderson · 11 months
Would you catch me up on GA? I only see her happy w/ PM, know that she lives in England, is good (but distant) friends w/ DD, maybe wrote a book? and is a quirky queen.
Anything I'm missing? :DDDD
This ask brought me so much joy, THANK YOU!! There’s nothing I like more than talking about ✨her✨. However, disclaimer: I’m a relatively new fan and I don’t know everything, so anyone can feel free to correct me if I get things wrong. (I also don’t want to patronise you by stating the obvious!)
Firstly, it’s not confirmed that she’s with Peter Morgan right now. They broke up in 2020, and the only reason to believe they’re together again is one paparazzi photo of them holding hands. (Call me delusional, but I’d like to believe she’s single, because… we all know why!!! /hj)
A bit of background, she’s American-British (she moved between both countries as a child), which is why she’s bidialectal and can naturally switch between both accents. You’re right that she lives in the UK now though.
As for her and David Duchovny, where to start… It’s all but confirmed - partly thanks to Julianna Margulies!! - that David and Gillian slept together while filming The X-Files. They were also the opposite of subtle, for example kissing each other at awards shows. When Gillian is asked about their relationship, she only digs herself further into a hole, either by avoiding the question or, in one instance, even confirming that there is “more than a friend attraction” between them. However, the fallout from them sleeping together created a lot of tension. As a consequence, there was a period where their relationship deteriorated to the point that they could barely be in each other’s company. Fortunately since then they have managed to rebuild their relationship, and are now friendly, if distant as you say. (Like, she keeps tagging him in posts on social media and getting no response!)
She has co-written a few books: the science fiction series The Earthend Saga, and the self-help book We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere. She’s working on another involving submissions from women about their sexual fantasies and stories.
In terms of where she’s at now, she has just wrapped on filming the adaptation of The Salt Path with Jason Isaacs as her costar. The next project of hers to be released that I’m anticipating is Sex Education season four. She has also recently launched her own brand of soft drinks called G-Spot (yes, really), which are available at Harvey Nichols.
I struggle to know what to include when answering open-ended questions like this, so if you have anything else specific that you want to know, please do send me another ask or message me privately!
For now, here are some random facts about her:
• although stating that she is heterosexual a couple of times, she has dated women in the past, and is not opposed to the idea of doing so again: “I could be with a woman next year”, and "to me a relationship is about loving another human being; their gender is irrelevant” being two quotes.
• she’s a huge activist, supporting lots of different causes from indigenous rights to feminism. She is also a dedicated spokesperson for the Neurofibromatosis Network, because her brother died of neurofibromatosis.
• she started a trend called penis of the day/yoni of the day, where people send her pictures of things they encounter in their everyday lives that resemble genitalia!
If you want to gather some more knowledge of the absolute queen that is Gillian Anderson AND have a laugh while doing it, I highly recommend this YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@nuggetlovesgilliananderson.
But honestly the most important thing to know about her is that she’s my wife, so…
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
Jobs, Postdoctoral Fellow in Language Sciences, Virginia Tech
ICYMI: Virginia Tech is seeking applicants for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Language Sciences Program, based in the Department of English, for the 2023-2024 academic year with the possibility of renewal. The position is to work primarily with Dr. Abby Walker on projects related to intelligibility (broadly construed), bidialectalism, and/or human-computer interaction. In addition to conducting research, the successful candidate will help manage undergraduate research assistants, teach one undergraduate http://dlvr.it/SpCW3q
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annabelle--cane · 6 years
i cant believe you're really a voice actor marina - 🗡
tbh at this point I feel like any accent I do is Fake
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seventh--fonon · 2 years
this got long, so fresh post about Houston and language.
I can obviously only speak to my own experiences, but I knew perhaps one (1) person who spoke a variety of Texan English in my entire time growing up there, and it was a friend's grandfather (?) who lived on an actual ranch. maybe I heard it here and there in small towns, but definitely not where I lived. my dad's whole family is from the area; even his parents didn't sound particularly Texan (and they must have been born around the 1920s!).
putting my linguist hat on, due to dialect leveling in large cities, I would wager that a younger person born and raised in the Houston area is pretty unlikely to acquire a Texan variety of English; even someone who was raised in a rural area for a bit and then moved to Houston is probably going to bidialectal, if even that. they likely wouldn't use the Texas persona in all environments; they'd codeswitch.
not to mention the influence of language attitudes. I didn't even start saying "y'all" until I left Texas, and that was because it became a gay thing, not because it was Texas thing. it was pretty strongly ingrained in me that "sounding Texan" = "bad". I guess it's nice to see people romanticizing the variety a bit, but at the same time, their descriptions still tend to perpetuate those same negative language attitudes (e.g. referring to the variety as "lazy", "unclear", "incorrect/bad/improper", and so on).
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frostbittenbucky · 3 years
Bruce has bidialectalism from growing up around Alfred, but when out in public he speaks in a more posh American dialect
He only uses his natural dialect at home around his children and close friends. Doing so made Dick and Damian more comfortable with their accents
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Brain responses to contrastive and noncontrastive morphosyntactic structures in African American English and Mainstream American English: ERP evidence for the neural indices of dialect
Recent research has shown that distinct event-related potential (ERP) signatures are associated with switching between languages compared to switching between dialects or registers (e.g., Khamis-Dakwar & Froud, 2007; Moreno, Federmeier & Kutas, 2002). The current investigation builds on these findings to examine whether contrastive and noncontrastive morphosyntactic features in English elicit differing neural responses in bidialectal speakers of African American English (AAE) and Mainstream American English (MAE), compared to monodialectal speakers of MAE. Event-related potentials (ERPs) and behavioral responses (response types and reaction time) to grammaticality judgments targeting a contrasting morphosyntactic feature between MAE and AAE are presented as evidence of dual-language representation in bidialectal speakers. Results from 30 participants (15 monodialectal; 15 bidialectal) support the notion that bidialectal populations demonstrate distinct neurophysiological profiles from monolingual groups as indicated by a significantly greater P600 amplitude from 500ms – 800ms time window in the monodialectal group, when listening to sentences containing contrasting features. Such evidence can support the development of linguistically informed educational curriculums and clinical approaches from speech-language pathologists, by elucidating the differing underlying processes of language between monodialectal and bidialectal speakers of American English.
Garcia, Felicidad M. 2017. "Brain Responses to Contrastive and Noncontrastive Morphosyntactic Structures in African American English and Mainstream American English: ERP Evidence for the Neural Indices of Dialect." Order No. 10271185, Columbia University. https://search.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/brain-responses-contrastive-noncontrastive/docview/1898766917/se-2?accountid=9900.
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maryflowerw · 3 years
Didnt the boys said they are from Hamsphire in the video or did we all watch the same video?? Also to your anon who said F and O have english accent meaning they are already Marks... WELL BUDDY I've got to tell you, those boys are already showing signs of being bidialectal
I didn't watch the video but apparently that's what they said.
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urmomsstuntdouble · 4 years
so i dont actually know what sicilian sounds like but in writing it’s definitely a bit different from tuscan, and im wondering how this might play out in a hetalia context. because there’s a lot of dialects that exist within italy (as there are for any country really) and a lot of people are bidialectical, which i think is due to education gaps- because schools taught/teach in tuscan, but when education and literacy rates are low, who cares? anyway what im trying to get at here is romano’s sicilian accent is gorgeous and, like austria, is a bitch who refuses to speak anything other than sicilian when he’s with the other italians
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stardustviolet · 3 years
Malcolm is bidialectal. He has both a British and American accent. The team find out.
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gillovny1013 · 7 years
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Gillian:  I didn’t really base her on anybody.  Um…but she’s British so, uh, she has a British accent.
Interviewer:  Now we see, we’ve actually seen you on the red carpet in the UK and you actually had the British accent.  Are you like a chameleon, whenever you go around to different countries you just take on the….?  
Gillian:  No, I would but then I’d be talking in an Australian accent right now.  You know people are obsessed with this.  This is a really fascinating thing I’m finding cause people are completely obsessed with uh, what accent I have at any particular time.  And there is a really clear answer for it which is that I grew up in England and that was my first language, so to speak, and I live there now, and um….when I’m in the UK it’s really hard for me not to fall into the rhythm of that accent.  
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mulderspice · 3 years
whats even more baffling is how they ignore the bidialecticality?!,#*×?",
wat ...
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
Jobs, Postdoctoral Fellow in Language Sciences, Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech is seeking applicants for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Language Sciences Program, based in the Department of English, for the 2023-2024 academic year with the possibility of renewal. The position is to work primarily with Dr. Abby Walker on projects related to intelligibility (broadly construed), bidialectalism, and/or human-computer interaction. In addition to conducting research, the successful candidate will help manage undergraduate research assistants, teach one undergraduate http://dlvr.it/Sp8TqT
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