#biden inauguration
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year ago
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ngdrb · 1 month ago
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ellevandersneed · 1 month ago
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Currently, despite the ceasefire, my friend Mohammed and his family have been unable to return to the North to their home, and are forced to sit idle where they are. They don't have any means of travel, and matters are made worse by Netanyahu refusing to let any displaced Gazans return home yet. Even if they could return, they would have to leave what belongings they have behind and walk the long trek north. Mohammed has asked me to write that he hopes to raise what money he can in order to bring joy back to his family. His hope is to be able to raise more money in order to travel and find a way for his daughters Layan and Sara to continue their education. They have currently managed to raise €77,802 out of their goal of €90,000. The hope is to raise as much as they can in order to be able to find a way to afford to travel. This family has managed to come such a long way and raise so much money, it would be an utter shame for them not to be able to reach their goal. Please lend your aid by sharing and donating what you can.
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wardsutton · 1 month ago
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For today's Boston Globe, the cartoon I'd wished I'd never have to draw:
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thequeenofsastiel · 1 month ago
I never much liked Biden, for many reasons, but honestly the fact that he's about to no longer be president fills me with a dread so profound I can barely handle it.
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mycatownsmeforever · 1 month ago
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Seeing what Musk did on national television during the U.S. Presidential Inauguration radicalized me all over again. This is completely unacceptable. As a country we cannot allow ourselves to be controlled by fascists' and fascist NAZIS at that?! Delete all of your Twitter accounts. Feel free to use my art above to post as your explanation. Leave this man with nothing but the angry mob that will come for him too eventually. Delete your META accounts too. Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. They cannot use us for propaganda if we do not give them access. This is NOT the America that the world deserves. And I resent the men in power that allowed for the worlds richest turned white nationalist into the government system .
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freeshavacado · 1 month ago
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bootleg-nessie · 2 months ago
I can’t wait for all of the content creators slowly returning to TikTok like doomsday cultists going back to work the day after the world was supposed to end
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The wonderful thing about America that I love so deeply is that we can fight for our vision of what that "more perfect union" means. It may feel harder than ever to do so, but that's exactly why we must. If you're waking up this morning frustrated and scared for the future, know that the fight for the America you dream of is not over.
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ngdrb · 1 month ago
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thedialoguedilemma · 1 month ago
President Joe Biden within minutes of the end of his presidency has granted clemency to Leonard Peltier
Leonard Peltier was a Native American rights activist whom the government put in prison nearly 50 years ago was convicted of killing two FBI agents as the FBI-supplied false affidavits, wholesale fabrications, & buried exculpatory evidence.
He is in declining health at 80 years old and will be allowed to spend the rest of his sentence at home.
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maydaykj52 · 1 month ago
Y'know what, since he's about to enter office, I'm gonna just say this now, since no one else will.
We lost because of the intolerance of the Tolerant Left, and if you guys can't see that, we're gonna keep losing.
These people didn't vote for Donald Trump. They voted against us. Against YOU.
They voted against your "If you're not with me, you're the enemy!" mentality. When you called anyone who voted for him racist, sexist, Nazis, pedos, or take any word and slap "phobic" at the end of it.
They voted against having to step around eggshells, either being forced against using preferred pronouns, or risk offending you, being fired from their jobs, or being treated like the scum of the earth. I'm not saying it wouldn't be better if they would just use those pronouns, but when you try to force people to, it makes us look bad.
And finally, you know why Trump's numbers were so good with men? Because unlike his side, our side was demonizing men! Saying that all men were scumbags, their opinions don't matter (ESPECIALLY if they're white). That any man who voted for Trump was a rapist, racist, etc.
You can't make an entire group of people feel like they're evil, and then be surprised when they don't wanna side with you! I know they've done this to us before, but in this case, fighting fire with fire has only burned us all! The difference this time is that it's just burned us more!
Cause y'know who picked up on that, and took advantage of it? Donald Trump, along with all of those dumbass male influencers like Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate! Because even though everything that comes out of their mouths is bullshit, him and those assholes weren't telling those men that they should just smile and nod to people who think they'd rather be in a forest with a wild bear than a man!
Because of our intolerance, we lost EVERYTHING! The house, the senate, we even lost the popular vote, which I didn't think was possible!
I'm not saying I like it, but the truth is that this loss IS ON US!
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in4newz · 11 days ago
Why Biden always give vague response?
Elle, your profile seems to indicate a rather intelligent person. So, I assume you lied. Biden just finished his international trip and gave an amazing speech in Helsinki and received respect and admiration from world leaders. Unlike the orange, indicted loser who went to Helsinki and kissed Putin's dictator ass in front of the whole world and embarrassed our country.
Biden has put through the Covid relief plan, got the vaccine distributed, passed an historic infrastructure bill, negotiated over 350 pieces of bipartisan legislation, and has NO indictments!!!
So, who's not intelligent? Maybe you.
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moose-driving · 1 month ago
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.. They're getting married bro
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onlytiktoks · 2 months ago
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fuckyeahmarxismleninism · 1 month ago
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Oligarchy already rules: Top 0.1% gained $6 trillion under Biden
By Gary Wilson
Donald Trump, along with Biden and many others, represents a capitalist oligarchy that has been concentrating wealth for decades. We have seen how billionaires and mega-millionaires — Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, and Larry Ellison, among them — use their economic power to undermine labor rights, squeeze wages, promote racism and sexism, attack trans rights, and reshape society in their interests. Their alliances and political maneuvers are not abstract threats; they have immediate consequences.
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