#bias list; tw
kijeu · 1 month
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HAN JISUNG ⟡ 221009 sbs inkigayo - case 143
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hongjoongpresent · 5 months
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Somin in every performance video - ring the alarm
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traumainpyjamas · 1 year
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YUTA \\ NCT 127 엔시티 127 'Fact Check (불가사의; 不可思議)' Performance Video
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 year
Sorry but if you write a magic reveal fic and
Arthur accepts Merlin’s magic with no fuss
Gwaine accepts Merlin’s magic with no fuss
Percival accepts Merlin’s magic with no fuss
Elyan is vilified because he hates magic so much and he’s just not good enough to overlook his bias, unlike Arthur and the other knights (most of whom explicitly hate magic)
Leon accepts Merlin’s magic with no fuss
Then you probably have a racism problem.
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Bias list:
Junhan [xdh] ❤️
Lee know [Skz] ❤️
Jeongin [Skz]
Hanjin [Tws] ❤️
Yeongeun [RQ]
Yeji [Itzy] ❤️
Yuqi [gidle] ❤️
Niki [Enha]
Lisa [BP]
Lucas [solo] ❤️
Bias wreckers:
Ode [xdh]
Gaon [xdh]
Hyunjin [Skz]
Bangchan [Skz]
Itzy minus Yeji [OT4 bias wreckers cuz like have u seen them??]
Minnie [gidle]
Jennie [BP]
Arem [RQ]
Heeseung [Enha]
Shinyu [TWS]
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samaspic31 · 11 months
You can’t make this shit up you click on an article about how hamas hostages were treated (for the sake of checking yourself on bias and with the intention to verify it with multiple sources) and the headline will be « return from the horrors of hamas » and then the text is actually « they treated me rather well just didn’t have much food and i was in danger due to Israeli airstrikes” You know the shit the government claims necessary to rescue them. This world is bullshit
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[Image ID in alt text]
The people reblogging the post this is from really need to understand what exactly this post is saying. Because while some may share it with good intentions, trying to help support the people of Palestine, this part of the post is calling for genocide.
"Erase the Israeli occupation" which parts? That's answered in the next bit: "decolonise the entire land". Bit tricky to decolonise a land from the ethnic group indigenous to it, tbh. And yes, Jews are indigenous to the Levant, whether you call it Israel or Palestine or the Middle-East or whatever other names people come up with these days.
The foundations of Judaism sprang from the transition of the Canaanites to a monotheistic religion. (As far as I can discern from my own personal research, and if this is incorrect then please reach out, I would rather be corrected than spread even more misinformation into the pot.)
Please note, I am not naming the deity which this group worshipped as I am aware that Jewish people typically prefer such names to be unwritten - there are resources which can explain this further, and the Wikipedia page I mention at the end of the next paragraph gives details of this.
But the key thing to note here is that the people who first settled the land were the Canaanites. There was then a period in which Ancient Egypt controlled the land, before it returned to the control of the Jewish people. (Source: Wikipedia, specifically the Jerusalem page, sub-section: History of Jerusalem. I'm not sure I like the word control in this paragraph, but I can't figure out a better word to use in its place.)
And even if you put aside the entire issue of indigineity, where are the people of Israel going to go? Where are you going to send them? You can't just say "Go back where you came from", because 1) there are Israelis who were born in Israel, and 2) nearly every single Israeli citizen that wasn't born in Israel, i.e. refugees, came to Israel because they were threatened with death in the countries they previously lived in!
So are those people just supposed to smile and eat a bullet? Or maybe you'll send them somewhere else? Okay, where? Because no matter what piece of land you send them to, some country is going to have to give up that piece of land first. And then you haven't solved anything, you've just shoved it into a different corner of the room and pretended it's all fine.
You cannot solve this by saying Israel should just go away. I don't know how to solve it, I can only hope that there is a peaceful solution for Israelis and Palestinians alike, and soon. But both groups of people live there. Neither group can just be moved somewhere else - the countries surrounding the Levant have acted to exterminate Jewish people, thus creating the refugees I mentioned previously, and refused to take in Palestinian refugees, and nowhere else is going to take either group in - and neither group should be moved, frankly. Forced relocation is wrong no matter who it happens to.
So that only leaves the total extermination of one group if you truly will never accept a two-state solution. If a two-state solution is truly unacceptable to you, then either you are arguing for the genocide of Palestinians, or the genocide of Israelis. Because both groups live on that land, and neither group is going to just magically disappear.
Palestinian and Israeli left-wing activists alike are all saying to us that a two-state solution is the best - some even go further and say "only" - chance for peace in the Levant. So the rest of us should amplify their voices, and put pressure on our own politicians to help make that happen.
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odxrilove · 7 months
i had to update my carrd too so i thought why not just change themes yk
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hellsitegenetics · 8 months
asks are open! check here before sending :) (updated 8/7/24) consider helping me pay to finish my education!
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The Bee Movie Script, navy seals copypasta, AM hate monologue, All Star, Yoshikage Kira, Never Gonna Give You Up, man door hand hook car door, Big Bill Hells, FNAF Connection Terminated, JURGEN LEITNER, Eggman's Announcement, Free Bird, Spiders Georg, Weed Smoking Girlfriends, Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, Minos Prime, Steamed Hams, battery acid spaghetti, everyone get unemployed, squidward is nonbinary, What is a man?, fucking military wives, (this list will be updated as we go!)
thank you for reading! as a treat, enjoy this Trichosanthes cucumerina, or Snake Gourd flower.
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booksandabeer · 9 months
Steve-Centric Stucky Fics: 5 Recs + 1 TBR
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As promised, here is the rec list for Steve/Bucky fics with a focus on Steve-centric stories—all of them not EG-compliant, as requested. It's not quite as long as my usual rec lists for two reasons:
(1) I'm still sick and I can barely sit up straight, so please forgive the brevity of the list, and
(2) I deliberately wanted to include exclusively fics that were written in 2022 and 2023 to shine a spotlight on a few of the many wonderful writers and artists who are still creating absolutely fantastic works for the Stucky ship and who deserve to be read just as widely and passionately as older works in the fandom. Recency bias, but make it positive!
So without further ado, here are five Steve-centric Stucky recs and one more fic that I can't wait to get to:
1. say it soft and it's almost like praying by Somanywords | 41K, M
Author's summary: Natasha says, “Look, whatever the truth is about you, we have no way of really knowing the Winter Soldier's intentions. He’s not all there, he’s not who you remember. He’s a hot mess, Steve.”
“Why does everyone think that?” Steve says, and he’s nearly yelling, but not quite, because he doesn’t need to, not when they’re so close. “Why does everyone keep saying he’s a mess—have you seen me?" 
Post-CA:TWS canon divergent. I literally finished this fic about 15 minutes ago, so I haven't even left a comment yet. I'm still processing, you could say. The author tagged this with "just another post catws fic (but by me)"—and yes, that's what you get. All the usual ingredients are here, but the joy of TWS canon divergence is of course in the endless possibilities of how these well-known ingredients are used, re-arranged, and re-imagined as something new, exciting, and often much more satisfying than in canon. This fic excels at all three and is an absolute joy from start to finish.
2. Daybreak by BonkyBornes, art by PottersPink | 9K, NR
Author's summary: They called it project Rebirth because the person was supposed to be reborn, like a phoenix from the ashes. Steve was supposed to be the phoenix. He was supposed to rise from the ashes of his old body, he was supposed to leave behind his deafness and his limp and the scoliosis that bent his entire body to the left. He was supposed to leave behind everything that held him back.
In the end, the only thing that left was the only thing that mattered.
Shrinkyclinks canon-divergent AU. What if Project Rebirth didn't go right...but it didn't go entirely wrong either? A story about ghosts but not a ghost story. Or maybe something else entirely? Steve fights his body and time and the memories that keep haunting him. Beautifully written, with gorgeous art by PottersPink that perfectly complements the story.
3. Exhale by seapigeon, art by dudewhereismypie | 15K, M
Author's summary: After the Chitauri invasion, Steve parts ways with SHIELD, unsure if he can trust an agency that tried to deceive him and built weapons from the Tesseract.
He finds himself alone in an unfamiliar future, penniless, not even legally alive. Fortunately, he knows how to survive. Steve Rogers is used to getting by on his own.
The thing is, he doesn't have to.
Shrunkyclunks. Post-Avengers canon divergent. A fic that asks the question: What if, after the battle of New York, Steve had told SHIELD a polite but firm 'No'? Follow him as he strikes out on his own, finds an apartment, a job, and friends, figures out life in the 21st century...and of course falls in love!
4. Preberseeschießen by Ginny_Potter | 6K, T
Author's summary: Bucky breathes out and shoots. The bullet hits water… and there it is, the zapping sound of paper tearing.
The light turns on and off three times. Third circle. Just a lick out of bullseye. The Howlies explode in cheers.
Or, the Howling Commandos play a shooting game with the Austrian Resistance and Steve has lots of unresolved feelings about himself, his new body, and his changing relationship with Bucky. In other words, comrades are comrades, angst looms, and Steve feels.
Wartime fic. Would you like to read some excellent gay angst full of yearning and unresolved tension, peppered with interesting and wonderfully specific historical details and Howlies camaraderie? Would you like to get your heart crushed a little? Yes? Here you go. And if this makes you feel too sad by the end of it and you crave a bit of a happier resolution, just jump straight into a fistfull of dollars (5K, E) by the same author, which is not intended as a companion piece or even set in the same universe, but it works just as if it were. (Look at me sneaking in extra recs.)
5. Not In The Answer But The Question by aimmyarrowshigh, art by PottersPink | 27K, T
Author's summary: It rankles that his drink was made before he even got a chance to order it. What if he wanted a change? What if he were adventurous and bold? What if he tried something new?
Or, Steve Rogers shakes up his gray daily routine in 2014 by going back home to Vinegar Hill. To his surprise, the Jewish deli he used to frequent with Arnie is still standing.
And Steve's whole life changes again.
Shrunkyclunks. Post-Avengers canon divergent. A lost and lonely Steve tries to figure out who he was, is and most importantly, wants to be in this new century he's found himself in that is both terrifying and full of possibilities. Told in vignettes (I did not count, but I believe all of them are exactly 100 word drabbles) that perfectly illustrate the fragmented mind and life of its protagonist and his experience of constantly shifting and adjusting between past and present. A story about identity, memory, self-acceptance, and finding the courage to love and let yourself be loved. And food. So much amazing food!
+ 1 TBR: Operation: Gros Michel by SquadOfCats | 358K, E
Author's summary: “It starts with bananas. Of course, it's not really about the bananas. Just like a camel isn't bothered by one single straw, just like a dam doesn't break because of one extra drop. Obviously, Steve's mental breakdown isn't about bananas.”
Steve is overwhelmed and hanging by a thread, doing his best to take care of Bucky while still deeply traumatized himself. He finally has a breakdown over the stupidest of things: bananas. So Bucky takes care of him.
In which Steve learns to surf, Bucky becomes a gardener, and they both begin to heal.
Post-CA:TWS canon divergent. No, I did not make a mistake, the word count for this story really does come in at an impressive (or intimidating, you decide) 358,225 words! Which is the only reason why I haven't read it yet. I do want to make time for this asap because the snippets I've read so far were very intriguing and everything I've heard about it from people who have finished it, sounds absolutely amazing. So, this is the wild card pick!
Happy reading! <3
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jae-bummer · 2 years
My Hospital Bed or Yours?
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Prompt: I feel like this could fit him really well - Changkyun and #15
15) You hurt yourself and your bias is in the hospital bed adjacent.
Prompt list can be found HERE.
Pairing: Monsta X Changkyun x Reader
Genre: Fluff
TW: Hospital setting. Mentions of fractures/appendicitis.
"Appendicitis," you muttered. "You're telling me it's appendicitis?"
"Unfortunately," your doctor sighed, tapping the side of your hospital bed.
"Well, I don't want it to be appendicitis," you grumbled, crossing your arms, only to cringe in pain from the movement.
"I certainly didn't want that either," the doctor chuckled. "But unfortunately, this is what it is."
"Sooo what's the next steps?"
"We'll have you stay the night and get you ready for surgery tomorrow morning," he nodded.
"Can't you just give me some antibiotics and I can go home?" you groaned.
"Not if you want to be back here in 6-8 weeks to try again."
You leaned your head back on the pillow and whined. "I don't like the hospital."
"I won't take that personally," the doctor chuckled. "I'll be back to check on you in a bit."
With that, your doctor sidestepped around the side of your privacy curtain and began talking to the patient who was in the room with you.
"How are we feeling today, Mr. Im?"
"Same as yesterday," a deep voice croaked. "My butt is numb and my leg is itchy."
"Would it be helpful if the nurse brought you a few more pillows to make yourself a bit more comfortable?"
"Comfort is an illusion here," he muttered bitterly. "I would however like my pudding cup at your earliest convenience."
The doctor let out a surprised laugh. "I'll have someone get right on that."
You heard the physician's steps exit the room and begin to retreat down the hallway. After a moment of silence, the voice on the other side of the curtain cleared its throat. "So, what are you in here for?"
"Appendicitis," you said weakly, but you guessed he had probably already heard that bit. "You?"
"Leg fracture," he sighed. "I'm currently in traction."
"In traction?"
"You know, where they put your leg into a tiny hammock and make it stay there for the rest of eternity?"
"Traction," you repeated. "Got it."
The silence lulled on for another moment. "Whatcha wearing?"
"I'm sorry?" you gasped, hardly believing your ears.
"Don't sound so scandalized," he laughed. "My vote is your hospital gown matches mine. Is it hideous?"
You looked down, furrowing your brow. "I mean...it's not the first thing I would pick to wear."
"Push the curtain back. Let's compare," he said. You could tell from the sudden fluttery motion of the fabric between you that he was attempting to grab at it with his fingertips.
You chewed on your lip, trying to decide if this was a good idea or not. You could just ignore the stranger, whoever he was. Surely he would stop trying to talk to you after some point. Then again, you would be stuck in a room with him for the next day or two. If you decided to stay silent, how awkward could things get?
"I'll make it worth your while," he tried again. "Half of this pudding cup could be yours."
"Fuck it," you thought before narrowing your eyes and focusing on the small pull stick that controlled the curtain. Trying to move as slowly and comfortably as possibly, you grabbed it and pushed it as hard as you could toward the opposite end of the curtain track.
The burst of movement maybe moved the fabric only four feet or so, but it was enough to expose your roommate.
You were shocked by the man you had uncovered. He was smirking mischievously at you, the smile reaching all the way up to his eyes. His hair was black, long, and disheveled, but it suited him. His tan skin had no pallor to it, which was a surprise considering he had been stuck in the hospital room since who knows when.
"Well hello to you too," he grinned, watching you as you took him in.
"Sorry," you squeaked, shaking your head. "I just...I... you weren't what I was expecting. That's all."
"Midsize, dark, and handsome?"
"I...well...midsize?" you fumbled.
"Yeah, I'm nowhere near "conventionally tall" so don't get your hopes up whenever they let me out of this hospital bed," he chuckled. "The adage of "tall, dark, and handsome" didn't quite work."
"Got it," you said quietly, your eyes still roaming his face.
"I'm Changkyun, if you were wondering. And my hypothesis has been confirmed," he nodded. "We are in matching hospital gowns. I've got to tell you, washed out mint is really your color."
"Thanks?" you pushed out. Was this guy for real? "I'm Y/N."
You allowed yourself to finally look away from him and face forward. Taking a deep breath of air through your nose, you slowly blew it from your mouth.
"I was eavesdropping and heard you have surgery tomorrow," Changkyun offered. "That's a bummer."
"Yeah," you said shortly, closing your eyes. You didn't want to even recognize that you were stuck in a hospital bed right now, let alone going in for a procedure.
"You okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. "Sorry if I'm making things worse. I can shut up."
"Please," you said quietly. "And thank you."
After several beats of silence, he cleared his throat again. "It's okay to be scared."
"I'm not scared," you grumbled.
"Didn't say you were. Just saying it was totally okay if you decided to be."
You groaned, opened your eyes again, and turned to face him.
"I'm freaked out," you said quietly, admitting it more to yourself than this stranger.
"That's a synonym for "scared"," he whispered back with a small smile. You couldn't help yourself as you let out a laugh that hurt entirely too much. "Don't think on it too much though. Everything will go great and then they'll wheel you right back here."
"I can hardly wait."
"I can tell," he grinned. "Seriously though, if you don't have anyone else to be here for you, I'm as good a choice as any."
"Oh?" You quirked up your brows. "How so?"
"Well, for starters, I am an A+ cuddler."
"Who said I wanted to cuddle?"
"That's comfort 101, baby," he hummed. "Plus, I'm cute, you're cute, according to science, that makes sense."
You couldn't help but smile. "You're absolutely ridiculous. Do you realize that?"
Changkyun attempted to sit up a bit. "I do in fact live in my head 87% of the time, so i have some idea. Back to the topic at hand though, my hospital bed or yours?"
You choked out a laugh and instantly regretted it as your insides throbbed.
"Sorry," he winced. "You can tell me to shut up again."
"Please don't," you said quietly. This man was absolutely wild, but he was turning your discomfort into something else entirely. You could appreciate that. "You're an excellent distraction."
"You know what else is an excellent distraction? Kissing," he said confidently. "I've heard it works wonders."
It was your turn to sit up now. With wide eyes, you tried to find words. "I don't even know you."
"You could."
Shaking your head. "I think your pain medication is doing the talking right now."
"Is not!" he gasped indignantly. "I know beauty when I see it, and I want your face on my face!"
"Yep," you nodded. "Definitely the medication."
"I will tell them to stop these pills right now and prove to you these are my stone-cold sober thoughts!" he whisper-yelled.
"You're telling me, you just enjoy kissing strangers?"
"If they're beautiful."
You felt heat travel with alarming speed up your neck and to your ears. You knew you weren't at your visual best right now, so any compliment came across well. "You're a flirt, Mr. Im."
"But," he said tapping his chin. "Is the flirting working?"
"I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of knowing."
"Oh, just wait until I get freedom to move again," he gasped. "I am so hopping on one foot over there and suffocating you with unwarranted affection."
"And what if I'm discharged before you are?"
"I'll bar the door with my hospital bed if you don't leave me your number," he said simply.
"And then what?"
"Then we ride my electric wheelchair off into the sunset."
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hongjoongpresent · 6 months
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Somin in every performance video - gunshot
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the-olympics-olympics · 3 months
Weird Olympic Moments Tournament
To celebrate (?) the Paris 2024 Olympic Games starting in a few weeks, I thought I'd run another Olympic-themed poll tournament. This time, we're diving into history and getting to know some of the stranger, lesser-known stories of the Games.
Polls will run for a week, and the tournament should last until around early September if I'm doing my math right. The first polls will begin Monday, July 15th.
At the end, we'll award a gold, silver, and bronze to the top three.
After many hours on Wikipedia and the IOC website, here's the list of moments I came up with:
Horse vaulting
Pigeon racing
Sarajevo venues damaged in war
Mayor of Montreal says "The Olympics can no more lose money than a man can have a baby," then proceeds to host one of the most financially disastrous Games in history
George Eyser wins six medals after being run over by a train
Solo synchronized swimming
Crowd gets pooped on by 25,000 pigeons
Flame is taken to top of Mount Everest
Margaret Abbot dies without knowing she made history as the first US woman to win gold
Brazilian team has to sell coffee to afford the trip to Los Angeles
A teenager's "dumb idea" becomes Olympic tradition (athletes marching together in closing ceremony)
St. Louis experiments with "purposeful dehydration", denies water to marathon runners
Kanakuri Shizō takes 54 years to finish his race
Mt. Vesuvius moves the Olympics to London
They stop doing the Olympic salute for some reason
IOC President compares a terrorist attack to a vote to ban a racist country
The Olympics goes 88 years without letting women run marathons
Olympic flame transmitted via satellite
Northern Rhodesia declares independence during Olympics, changes name to Zambia
Vancouver 2010 cauldron malfunction
Montreal 1976 stadium is finally paid off in 2006
The curse of the Beijing 2008 mascots
Everest climbers get gold medals
Sochi snowflake malfunction
They hold the Olympics in 1906, then later say it doesn't count
Colorado kicks the Olympics out
Flame hidden from view after anti-gay law
Summer Olympics held during Winter
Haiti and Liechtenstein discover they had the same flag
Riot at the 1924 rugby match
McDonald's gives out more Big Macs than they expected
Chamonix 1924 retroactively named the Winter Olympics
Doves burned during cauldron lighting
Torchbearer takes olympic flame down a ski jump
Medals made of e-waste
Shooter aims for wrong target, loses gold
Olympic torch passed on International Space Station
Alien addresses crowd
Figure skating debuts at Summer Olympics
Olympics held on two different continents
Rio organizers lose key to stadium gate
Baron de Coubertin wins a gold medal under false identity
1960 winter games held in city named for an ethnic slur
Obstacle Swimming
North Korea considered to co-host 1988
Housing complex for American soldiers during the occupation of Japan becomes the Olympic village
Torch design changed mid-relay
Cauldron lit by flaming arrow
Last three seconds of basketball final replayed three times until results changed
St. Louis threatens to hold their own Olympics if they don't get named host city
Fatso the Fat-Arsed Wombat
Balloon racing
Delirious man carried over finish line by coaches, wins marathon
Summer Olympics held in November and December
Olympics postponed for COVID
Blue screen of death appears during opening ceremony
Marathon runner attacked by priest
Guy kicks referee in the face and (maybe) ends up on a stamp
Jet pack flies over stadium
Centennial games not awarded to a very confident Athens
LA 84 gets in trouble for commercializing the torch relay
Olympic flame relit with cigarette lighter
Rower stops for ducks
Nazi propaganda becomes Olympic tradition (torch relay)
Did I miss a great weird moment? Send it to me in an ask and I might do a round 2 or something!
I chose the moments based on my own personal bias (lol)
Heads up that there is one that involves the death of animals, but I will tag any polls with that #tw animal death
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else tagged, and how to tag it!
Also, a disclaimer that I'm tired and scatterbrained and I work full time, so if this gets a little disorganized I apologize. Shouldn't be too bad though.
Let the games begin, and whatnot
@tournament-announcer :)
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angelicadamposting · 4 months
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Benji Ray ૮• - •ა | Assistant to Dr. Howie
art by @ mr.artzy.shrimp on instagram 
TW/CW :: mentions of s*icide, mentions of tr4nsph*bia, depression, unhealthy/toxic dynamics, uhh Stockholm syndrome(?), medical(?), perhaps more..?
Basic Info
Real Name: Benjamin Ray Preferred Name: Benjamin or Benji  Species: Puppy-Cat Demon / Sinner (Formerly Human) Sin: Pride / Sloth / etc (not of the main 7) Physical Age: 25 Birth Date: September 21, 1961 Zodiac: Virgo Death Year: 1986 Cause Of Death: S*icide Height: 5’6 MBTI: ISFJ Pronouns & Gender: He/Him - Trans Man  Sexuality: Pansexual (Identified as Straight and was closeted before death) Romantic Interest(s): Dr. Howard / Howie (oc belonging to @ lucifersxgf on insta)
Short Facts
He was a stressed-out med student before his death & arrival in Hell
His right eye was a 'gift' from a practice ocular transplant by Dr. Howard.
Approached Dr. Howard initially as a patient, seeking gender-affirming surgery. However, being incapable of affording the procedure, Howard suggested a contract.
He is overly intelligent for someone as quiet and timid as he is.
He has a posh British accent
He's considered Dr Howard's 'favorite lab rat,' or 'test subject.'
Comes off as cold, detached, and quiet around other 'patients.'
Keeps the work space clean, but his room is a mess.
Died 1 year before graduating with his doctorate in Medical Sciences
Bought his Crocs in Hell the moment they came out, wanting to be comfortable and laid back while at work but still refusing to wear open-toed shoes.
Believes at this point, even if the contract didn't exist, he'd choose to work for Dr. Howie.
Attention (duh)
Assisting Dr. Howard
Studying / Research
Sleeping In
Following A Schedule
Laughing Gas / Nitrous Oxide
Sweaters / Anything with Long Sleeves
Feeling Useful / Making Himself Useful
Closed Spaces / Enclosed Areas
Flower Pressing
Planning & Making Lists
Comics (esp before his death)
Maths & Sciences
Sketching (Scientific Models, Realistic Anatomy)
Sewing / Needlepoint
Crocs / Comfortable Shoes & Clothes
Body Odor
Being Alone
Being Touched (without permission, or in general)
Wide Open Spaces
Cold Weather / Overpowered AC Units
Specific Textures (Wool, Mushy Foods, or Velcro)
Open Windows
Fitted / Tight Clothes
The 'Great' Outdoors
Personality Traits 
Positive – Private, Analytical, Intelligent, Professional, Appreciative, Introverted, Curious, Loyal, Observant, Studious, Organized (mostly...), Efficient
Negative – Skittish, Anxious/Nervous, Irrational, Timid, Compulsive, Self Destructive, Morbid, Callous, Needy, Perfectionist, Gullible, Insecure
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Benjamin wasn't popular or well-liked in school, being often just left out - never directly bullied, oddly enough. It was like he was more invisible than a target for the bullies in primary school... or even into secondary school. He mainly stuck to himself, or students in the same academic clubs as him.
It was in secondary school, around 9th year, that he began to truly acknowledge the feelings he'd been struggling with regarding his identity and presentation. Despite being able to admit it to himself, he'd stay in the closet for much longer. His parents weren't particularly conservative, but they were comfortable with how things were... Benjamin was afraid of disappointing them or never being understood downright. So he continued to let them call him by the name they had given him at birth, and see him as their 'daughter.'
Benji enrolled in a top medical university and began attending shortly after his secondary school graduation, moving up north and across the country to study and 'make his parents proud.' And... It was during his time in uni that he began to explore his identity, changing his presentation to how he felt more comfortable. Meeting people who were surprisingly more open-minded. Sure, there were still bigots, especially for the time - but, the few friends he made... helped make things easier. Easier, sure, but not easy enough to tell his parents on the other side of the UK.
The first four years of university were a breeze for the young man as he explored his identity and interests to his fullest ability. Feeling actually free for once... Until the workload began to wear him down. The phone calls from his parents, asking how school was and when he'd come back home to visit... began to make him more nervous. His happiness began to wane as his studies shifted from bookwork and shadowing to actually getting to work with living patients. And yet, he kept pushing onward. Telling his parents white lies of 'soon I will visit,' while waiting until he had the guts to tell them about his gender expression and identity.
After the syllabus shifted again, pulling Benjamin from following actual doctors and working in the nearby hospital and pushing him back into bookwork... His stress skyrocketed again. He was in his 7th year of med school, his parents breathing down his throat and still unaware of his identity, the workload became too much and began to cause his homework to pile up. Unfinished assignments became more frequent, and his grades slipped as a result. After 25 years of working himself to the bone, he had finally and officially burnt himself out. His professors noticing and reaching out to offer assistance didn't serve as positive encouragement but rather made him feel as though he was disappointing everyone in his life.
He spiraled, feeling lower than ever and that's when his parents arrived on campus. A surprise visit, they claimed, tired of waiting on their child to reach out or come visit. When they knocked on his dorm room door and saw an exhausted boy open it instead of the bright daughter they sent off to school, they were horrified. And soon, he'd learn that they would no longer be paying for his schooling. One year before finally getting his degree, he could no longer afford to continue to attain it. He took out loans, thinking that'd be the answer to his problems... But no, it wasn't. In fact, it only made him realize he'd be paying for this for the rest of his life and caused him to spiral even further into an existential crisis.
The existential crisis led to an overall crisis and a plan towards ending it all. Irrational, sure, but thought out. In his mind at the time, his parents hated him and cut him off, the medical degree he'd spent so long working towards felt so far away all over again, and the concept of being in debt because of his choices or even just identity broke him. The young man would gather a specific concoction of chemicals, knowing just what to do to put himself to sleep - for good.
Timeline In Hell
1986: Arrival. Once waking up in Hell, Benji was not happy to find out that there even was a Hell. But nonetheless, he chose to 'make the most of it.' Moved to the medical district of the pride ring, seeking odd jobs and making enough money for his rent for the shoddy apartment he'd gotten.
1987: Meeting Dr. Howard, The Revitalization Demon. After living in the medical district for a bit over a year, and making it through his first extermination, Benjamin overheard talk of a doctor with a practice that had been growing substantially - despite a lack of employees. The hospital, and the doctor running it, were becoming known for perfect cosmetic, plastic surgeries, and even gender reassignments. If it was to make you look as you truly desired, Dr. Howard would take advantage of it and promote such successes - urging the denizens of the pride ring to become their true selves. The concept enticed Benji just enough that he visited the hospital, despite being unsure of the price of top surgery but certain he wouldn't leave without getting it done. He spent his life on earth unhappy with his body, dysphoria plaguing his life - he wouldn't allow himself to let the same happen to his already shoddy afterlife in Hell. The man would meet the strange doctor and request his desired procedure, coming fresh from a meeting with a stranger and stitching them up for a few bucks. His coat stained with lingering blood droplets caught the Doctor's eyes, causing him to ask the young sinner about it and learn about his medical experience... and lack of funds. A deal was struck between the two, and in exchange for his top surgery, Benjamin would begin to work as Howard's assistant and personal lab rat for anything he wanted to test out.
1988-1998: Benjamin grew closer to the strange, sadistic doctor - even despite the sinner's odd quirks. He watched as Howard made his way up to Overlord status by having his patients sell their souls to him. And perhaps, as time passed and even if he'd never admit to it, the assistant grew jealous over the attention Dr. Howie gave to his other patients. Even if he was the one who endured the most from him, and even if he couldn't understand why he felt that way.
1999: Open Heart Surgery. Dr. Howard had for once in his life- and afterlife, failed a patient. What should have been a normal, simple heart surgery ended in a patient dying. The doctor was quite used to losing subjects during medical experiments, but an actual normal surgery for a paying customer… He’d never experienced such a blunder. How could he, the demon who oversees most if not all medical operations in the district mess up something as simple as that? Days went by as Howie stewed, festering and unable to take his mind off of the mistake he’d made – trying to figure out where exactly in the procedure he’d failed. He starts to spiral, and Benji sees it, more than that – the patients of the hospital do too. As the overlord began to genuinely lose his damned marbles over this one mistake, he’d begun lashing out at patients instead of just his employees as he usually did. His devoted assistant couldn’t stand to see such an ‘intelligent’ man break down this way, but additionally… he knew how bad for the hospital it’d be if Dr. Howard continued to snap at patients who’d come to him for help. Thus, Benjamin approaches Howard in his office and offers to allow him the opportunity to try again – to attempt the heart surgery on him and figure out where he went wrong. A… true testament to the assistant’s undying loyalty and trust in the doctor.
2003: Keratoplasty. Years passed again, and Benjamin continued to be Howard's preferred subject on anything that wasn't focused on his face... Until one day he decided he'd be so kind, and give a beautiful gift to his loyal assistant. Giving the 'willing' lab rat a brand new eye to match his own. A true testament, in the doctor's eyes, to their contract, to their dynamic and relationship - to their unshakeable, unconventional bond.
2004-Present: Benjamin has continued to dutifully work for Dr. Howard through all of the twists and turns of their morbid 'work' relationship that crossed so many lines, in so many directions.
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tw: I’m horrible at trigger warnings and am not good at wording them, but just know that I discuss a lot of really frustrating and harmful points made by Hetlors and horrible insults directed at Gaylors. Take care of yourselves.
Alright folks the time has arrived to cry and sob and scream about Hetlors, specifically the Swiftologist. His reaction video to the NYT article: https://youtu.be/9Pd9KWKKxfE?si=ByMrJSbyNJOD1T3t
I’m going to go through each of his points and point out the flaws of such points.
*gets out notes*
Okay, so. The first thing he does is call Gaylors conspiracy theorists. Anything Gaylor-related is a conspiracy theory, in his view. Not only that, it’s a conspiracy theory comparable to QAnon and other far-right conspiracy theories, a conspiracy theory with “no merit or factual basis,” a conspiracy theory that is “delusional” and “meth math.” Gaylor theories are “based on misinformation and false beliefs,” according to him.
Whew. This is a very strong reaction. First of all, comparing Gaylor to QAnon is so ridiculous. I mean. Come on. Really? Second, we know that Gaylor theories do have evidence. There is so much, even just within that article. I reblogged just before this a list of all the evidence made in the article. Also, what is the “misinformation” that he mentions? Gaylors just point out the evidence that we have and let people draw their own conclusions. We aren’t misrepresenting anything (most of us, anyway).
Alright let’s continue. Swiftologist then argues that Gaylors have a distrust of the narrative Taylor has created and the “many times she has stated she is not part of the community.” Gaylors apparently do not respect Taylor or her songs and aren’t really Swifties at all—just people who are trying to prove that she is gay.
Okay I really want to know this….WHAT ARE THE MANY TIMES SHE HAS SAID THAT SHE IS NOT PART OF COMMUNITY?! SHOW THEM TO ME! She said that once. *Once*. And that still doesn’t mean she is saying that she is straight. Furthermore, we do trust Taylor. If she says she’s straight, we’ll believe it. I mean we’re the ones looking at all the tiny details of her songs. We’re the ones drawing the connections. Hetlors doesn’t do that, and yet Gaylors are the ones who don’t trust Taylor’s narrative? Like??? What kind of argument is that?
Then he says that Gaylors are trying to out Taylor.
But we aren’t. We really aren’t. We’re just looking at what TAYLOR HERSELF has said and done and connecting the dots. We’re not trying to spy on her personal life or anything like that…we’re literally just looking at her OWN lyrics that SHE put created, knowing what the reaction would be. It’s just. This argument from Hetlors makes me laugh every time.
Okay so THEN he lists a bunch of crazy stuff Gaylors have done. I don’t want to get into them because I agree with the Swiftologist that they were crazy. But, at the same time, it’s not like you can blame the entire Gaylor community for a few Gaylors’ actions and use that to debunk Gaylor theories. That’s just not how it works.
He continues by listing different…logical fallacies you might call them? Different things that are common with conspiracy theories: false pattern recognition, confirmation bias, etc. I won’t get into that right now, but this is a large part of his argument later, so keep that in mind.
He makes a critique of the way the article compares Taylor to Chely Wright. He says it’s a “false equivalency.”
I would say that the author, Anna Marks, was simply pointing out an example of closeting and the effects of staying in the closet on one’s mental and emotional health and an example of coming out and the effects of coming out. I personally don’t think she was saying that Taylor is very similar to Wright…
Then Swiftologist talks about some Gaylor evidence presented in the article. He doesn’t actually give a reason for why they are unconvinced but simply states that it is “so delusional to me that people think this is true.”
He mentions the YNTCD music video and claims that only a straight person could have made it and that it was cringey and even that it portrayed LGBTQ+ in such a stereotypical way that it was “deeply offensive.” I mean. It was definitely cringey. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that only a straight person could have made it. It’s honestly just so odd that he attacks Gaylor theories for their lack of “merit or factual basis,” and yet he literally uses the cringy-ness of a music video to say that Taylor must be straight? I know it was largely a joke, but he was also serious, and for some reason it just bugged me.
Marks talks about how the YNTCD song and music video were mostly perceived as performative allyship but she raises the question of whatever they were genuinely expressing herself. Swiftologist responds to this by saying that this is a false binary (performative allyship vs. Taylor is gay) , but I don’t really think so. If Taylor is straight and she wrote that song and made that video, she probably came at it from a decent place, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t performative. (Honestly if Taylor is straight, a lot of the stuff that she’s done I would consider to be very iffy, so I think Marks raises a good point here.)
Swiftologist then goes on another rant about Gaylors, asking why they don’t just believe Taylor and literally calling them “delusional 9/1 truthers.” Look, I get that he’s upset, but he doesn’t have to insult and name-call and be generally immature. As Taylor would say, why you gotta be so mean?
He continues to simply state that all the evidence provided is not proof and that Gaylor theories are delusional, but he does also say that the Cruel Summer lyrics—“I don’t wanna keep secret just to keep you”—could easily be explained by the fact that Taylor CHEATED ON JOE and/or was desperately avoiding the paparazzi.
Like. Lemme get this straight. He would rather that Taylor be a *cheater* than be gay? He thinks that saying she is a cheater is perfectly fine but saying that she might be gay isn’t. I have no words.
*manages to regain my bearings*
Alright, so then Swiftologist (oh my god I just realized that I could simply call him by his real name, Zach, instead of typing out that long name, but now I’m committed) says that he has an OPEN MIND and is open to different interpretations versus the author of the article, who is a “crazy person,” who is completely close minded, apparently. He says, “point me to one piece of solid evidence in this article.” He then continues with his point about open-mindedness, saying that he agrees that Taylor songs COULD be about women (they probably aren’t, but there is a potential there) and because he believes that it means he is a generous and intellectual and open-minded human being, according to him. But Anna Marks, on the other hand, like all other Gaylors, is *completely* close-minded and has not even THOUGHT of the possibility that Taylor could be straight.
Like jeez. Does Swiftologist not see the hilarity of this argument? I”m seriously starting to lose it.
In fact, I’m going to take a break and continue where I left off in the morning. I don’t even have the energy to revise this so hopefully there are no glaring mistakes.
Thanks so much for anybody who read this! Have a great morning/afternoon/night!
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antiendovents · 8 months
TW Transph*bia
the term "sysmed" is inherently transph*bic u cant compare two separate experiences or compare people who are actually dealing with a real condition and dont want fakers to fake it to actual TRANSPH*BES!!! period
yeah. Comparing being trans and having DID is not only transphobic, but also ableist. Only another bad thing to add to the list of "shitty things endos do and say"
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