#bez tebe
ashmp3 · 9 months
rnb excellence this was their timberland slay trulyyyy
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propalitet · 1 year
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out
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luciawithoutj · 2 months
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This took way longer then I expected. Character is by @laeheaps and inspired by musiv video he did for Joker Out which you should definitely go check out if you haven't yet (it is illegal not following Nico).
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napravi kafu
oko 12
imam mnogo da ti pričam
kako je bilo teško
bez tebe
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mitamicah · 2 months
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šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noči bez tebe radio?
I freaking love this song 😭💜📞
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stellarsage · 2 months
Draga, šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months
Šta bih ja [updated lyrics SERBIAN+ENGLISH]
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Šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?
U ovom gradu nemam kuće ni adrese U ovom gradu nemam nikog koga znam U ovom gradu svakakva se čuda dese Gužva, buka, haos, a ja sasvim sam
U ovom gradu mene žene strašno vole Kažu da sam tako sladak i drag U ovom gradu ne mogu da mi odole Dok na oči mi pada mrak
A ja samo čekam i žudim Za trenutkom kad ćeš zvati Da ti kažem da za tobom plače, tuguje i pati I treperi srce moje kad ti čuje glas
Draga, šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?
Ovom gradu ko da nigde nema kraja Sedam dana traje ko godina U ovom gradu samo internet još spaja me Sa licem kojeg volim ja
A ja samo čekam i žudim Za trenutkom kad ćeš zvati Da ti kažem da za tobom plače, tuguje i pati I treperi srce moje kad ti čuje glas
Draga, šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?
Šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio? --- [ENG TRANSLATION]
What would I do in this black night without you?
In this city I have no home nor address In this city I have no one I know In this city all sorts of miracles happen Crowd, noise, chaos, but I'm all alone
In this city women really love me They say I'm so cute and kind In this city they can't resist me While darkness falls over my eyes
But I'm just waiting for and craving The moment when you'll call To tell you that, because of you, my heart cries, grieves and suffers And trembles when it hears your voice
Darling, what would I do in this black night without you?
This city seems to have no end Seven days seem to last a year In this city only the internet still connects me With the face that I love
But I'm just waiting for and craving The moment when you'll call To tell you that, because of you, my heart cries, grieves and suffers And trembles when it hears your voice
Darling, what would I do in this black night without you?
What would I do in this black night without you? Translation by @moonlvster Listen to Šta bih ja on all the streaming platforms
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autoantonyms · 2 months
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Šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Tips to write for Nikolai (useful phrases)
Masterlist Tips to write for König (useful phrases)
AN: This guide is not meant to encourage you to start loving Russian language or culture. As much as I personally love Nikolai, I'll absolutely understand, there are people out there, that may feel bad, seeing him in CoD franchise, because of everything going on right now. This is not a call to start loving him, not a call to start describing this character as an absolute angel (he is not and never was). If seeing such a guide makes you feel bad - I'm genuinely sorry, and I'm open to a dialogue to make it better.
I tried to cover the most commonly used themes. However, it's impossible to make it short, yet all-covering. So please don't hesitate to come into my DMs with 'hey, I want Nikolai to say this thing in my fic - could you translate it in Russian for me?'. I'm always super-happy to help!
These are not my HCs, about what would Nik say, just some usefull phrases!
And the last one: Russian language uses Cyrillic letters. But I personally love to, at least try to hear, how other languages sound. So I provided translations (Cyrilic) and transliterations (Latin).
TW: swearing
Basic words, you may need for everyday chit-chat
Hello - Здравствуй Zdravstvui
Hi - Привет Privet
Good morning \ day \ evening - Доброе утро \ добрый день \ добрый вечер Dobroe utro \ dobryi den' \ dobryi vecher
Goodbye (untill next time) - До свидания Do svidaniia
Bye - Пока Poka
Thank you - Спасибо Spasibo
You are welcome - Пожалуйста Pozhaluista
Yes \ yes of course - Да \ Конечно Da \ Konechno
No - Нет Net
Genderless (can be used, referring to both men and women, depending on relationship dynamic):
Angel - Ангел Angel
My soul - Душа моя Dusha moia
Treasure - Сокровище Sokrovishche
Sun \ little sun - Солнце \ Солнышко Solntse \ Solnyshko
My joy - Радость моя Radost' moia
Love - Любовь Liubov'
My light - Мой свет Moi svet
My happiness - Счастье моё Schast'e moe
Dream - Мечта Mechta
Little cloud - Облачко Oblachko
Little fire - Огонёк Ogonek
Precious - Прелесть Prelest'
Heart - Сердце Serdtse
Little tiger - Тигрёнок Tigrenok
Wonder - Чудо Chudo
Feminine and masculine versions of petnames (Here you can add 'my' moia for feminine, moi for masculine versions of names)
Priceless - Бесценная \ Бесценный Bestsennaia \ Bestsennyi
Divine - Божественная \ Божественный Bozhestvennaia \ Bozhestvennyi
Peerless - Бесподобная \ Бесподобный Bespodobnaia \ Bespodobnyi
Gorgeous - Великолепная \ Великолепный Velikolepnaia \ Velikolepnyi
Delightful - Восхитительная \ Восхитительный Voskhititel'naia \ Voskhititel'nyi
Darling - Дорогая \ Дорогой Dorogaia \ Dorogoi
Precious - Драгоценная \ Драгоценный Dragotsennaia \ Dragotsennyi
The only one - Единственная \ Единственный Edinstvennaia \ Edinstvennyi
Desired - Желанная \ Желанный Zhelannaia \ Zhelannyi
Golden - Золотая \ Золотой Zolotaia \ Zolotoi
Affectionate - Ласковая \ Ласковый Laskovaia \ Laskovyi
Beloved - Любимая \ Любимый Liubimaia \ Liubimyi
Sweetheart - Милая \ Милый Milaia \ Milyi
Tender - Нежная \ Нежный Nezhnaia \ Nezhnyi
The one, I can't stop looking at (lovingly) - Ненаглядная \ Ненаглядный Nenagliadnaia \ Nenagliadnyi
Incredible - Невероятная \ Невероятный Neveroiatnaia \ Neveroiatnyi
Charming - Очаровательная \ Очаровательный Ocharovatel'naia \ Ocharovatel'nyi
Dear (often said to someone, you consider your family) - Родная \ Родной Rodnaia \ Rodnoi
Sweet - Сладкая \ Сладкий Sladkaia \ Sladkii
Good one - Хорошая \ Хороший Khoroshaia \ Khoroshii
Love confessions and stuff around that
I love you. - Я люблю тебя. Ia liubliu tebia.
I like you. - Ты мне нравишься. Ty mne nravish'sia.
I fell in love with you at first sight. - Я влюбился (if man says it) \ влюбилась (if woman) в тебя с первого взгляда. Ia vliubilsia \ vliubilas' v tebia s pervogo vzgliada.
I can not live without you. - Я не могу без тебя жить. Ia ne mogu bez tebia zhit'.
You drive me crazy. - Я схожу по тебе с ума. Ia skhozhu po tebe s uma.
I wanna be with you. - Я хочу быть с тобой. Ia hochu byt' s toboi.
I think about you constantly. - Я постоянно думаю о тебе. Ia postoianno dumaiu o tebe.
You are my only one. - Ты мой (if the partner is masculine) \ моя (if the partner is feminine) единственный\ая. Ty moi \ moia edinstvennyi\aia.
I really need you. - Ты мне очень нужна (f partner) \ нужен (m partner). Ty mne ochen' nuzhna \ nuzhen.
We were meant for each other. - Мы созданы друг для друга. My sozdany drug dlia druga.
I'm ready to do anything for you. - Я готов/а на все ради тебя. Ia gotov/a na vse radi tebia.
I'm never giving you to somebody. - Я тебя никому не отдам. Ia tebia nikomu ne otdam.
Dirty talking
I want you. - Я хочу тебя. Ia hochu tebia.
I'm all yours. - Я вся твоя \ весь твой. Ia vsia tvoia \ ves' tvoi.
Your body drives me crazy. - Твоё тело сводит меня с ума. Tvoe telo svodit menia s uma.
I want to feel your touch all over. - Хочу чувствовать твои руки везде. Hochu chuvstvovat' tvoi ruki vezde.
You can do anything you want today. - Тебе сегодня можно всё. Tebe segodnia mozhno vse.
Take me the way, you want to. - Возьми меня, как ты хочешь. Voz'mi menia, kak ty khochesh'.
I want to make you moan. - Хочу заставить тебя стонать. Hochu zastavit' tebia stonat'.
Give yourself to me completely. - Отдайся мне весь (to m partner)\ вся (to f partner), без остатка. Otdaisia mne ves' \ vsia, bez ostatka.
Show me, that I belong to you only. - Покажи мне, что я только твоя \ твой. Pokazhi mne, chto ia tol'ko tvoia \ tvoi.
What do you want to do to me? - Что ты хочешь со мной сделать? Chto ty hochesh' so mnoi sdelat'?
Don't stop. - Не останавливайся. Ne ostanavlivaisia.
I want to taste you. - Хочу попробовать тебя на вкус. Hochu poprobovat' tebia na vkus.
Fuck (as an interjection) - Блять Bliat'
Fuck off - Отъебись Ot"ebis' (to one person), отъебитесь ot"ebites' (to a group of people)
Bloody hell - Ёбаный пиздец (NOT used during sex!!) Ebanyi pizdets
Bastard - Сволочь (applied to any gender) Svoloch'
Motherfucker - Ублюдок \ уебан Ubliudok \ ueban
Son of a bitch - Сукин сын Sukin syn
Asshole - Жопа \ задница. Zhopa \ zadnitsa.
Cunt \ Pussy - Пизда (This and next one can in theory be used in bed, but i really strongly recommend you to NOT) Pizda
Cock \ Dick - Хуй Hui
Cultural extras to get in the mood
I sometimes meet this take, that Russian, as well as German language, sounds menacing or harsh. And as much as I understand, that it is subjective perception, I have something to add: you can modulate Russian speech as well as any other. You can sound like softest softie, coo and purr in Russian, if you want. Here is a good example: a guy just reads a poem, but you try and tell me, he is not straight seducing you.
Very nice perspective on how non-tourist Russia looks like. The guy travels to places, that still look and feel like USSR and somehow manages to survive. Don't mind him rambling, how good was soviet life - he doesn't mean it, he just says whatever people, he meets, would love to hear.
Another good channel to explore non-tourist Ru and some extreme weathers. Don't worry, there are no jumpscares and nothing scary happens on the videos.
Russian winter is a tricky one, because -40 С in Yakutsk can sometimes feel softer as -20 in Moscow. Humidity and wind are the keys.
No, vodka is not the only alcohol option) You can write a Ru character, that despises vodka and it will be 100% legit.
If you need domestic and interior references to Nikolais youth in soviet Ru - I can recommend HBOs Chernobyl series. An accuracy and attention to domestic details there is so great that it gets uncanny sometimes.
Stefan Kapičić does very tender and smooth version of Slavic accent. And he is 100% right to do so - it works good both for his character and the audience. If you want to hear heavier versions of Russian accent - here is a little funny video.
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tenjenedvadesete · 5 months
Koga ljubiš ovih dana?
Spava li mirno,
Zna li ti tajne i strahove?
Da l' te pokriva noću,
Briše li ti suze s lica,
Govori li ti da će biti bolje?
Da l' zna kako voliš slano
Više od slatkog,
I sluti li da će
Kad jednom prođe sve,
Ostati bez tebe jer,
Ko je još vidio vjetar
Da se veže.
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alexvacice · 15 days
nenech si od korporací nalhávat, že jako konzument nemáš moc. bez tebe nemaj zisk
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osetivajb · 22 days
Zar sam stvarno prošla?
Možda je muškarcu mnogo lakše ovo da prizna, nego jednoj ženi kao što sam ja. Naglašavam ti ovo kao što sam ja. Jer ti najbolje znaš kakva sam. I sad kao nešto dramim, ne razumem zašto si srećan i šta ona traži pored tebe. Kao da ti lično ja nisam poželela tu sreću i nastavila dalje. Jer prošao si me. Stvarno. Ne želim te više, ali očigledno nije dovoljno. Jer ne želim ni da mi se nikad više ne vratiš. Jel razumeš smisao ove rečenice? Ni ja. Ali svakako ti i ja nikad nismo ni imali smisla. Ni naša ljubav, ako je uopšte bila ljubav. Ni naše danas, koje nikad nije imalo sutra. Ali uvek smo živeli za ono naše juče, kako to, ne znam. Ali živela sam mnogo više to juče sa tobom, nego ovo danas bez tebe. I svako to naše juče mi sada deluje tako daleko. I sva ta naša sećanja, uspomene i trenuci koje smo proveli zajedno mi se podsmevaju danas i govore mi da u mojoj budućnosti ti ne postojiš. Mene nikad niko nije činio tako srećnom kao ti. I niko me nikad nije razumeo. Nikad. I bila sam ubedjena da nikad neće. A onda si došao ti. I razumeo si me. Čak i onda kada ni samu sebe nisam razumela. I samo jednom si bio ljut na mene. One noći kada smo mi prestali da postojimo. I te noći me prvi put nisi razumeo. I znala sam da je to naš kraj. Nisi me uplašio ljut, ali jesi srećan. Sa njom. Ali želim da znaš, ako ikada pročitaš ovo, da je postojao period kada bih radije imala tebe pored sebe nego ove reči. Ali sada su mi i one dovoljne. I želim ti da nikada ne moraš da misliš ovoliko o nečemu, koliko ja mislim o tebi. I da, za mene jeste bila ljubav.
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i nakon dužeg vremena shvatim da više ni miris tvog parfema ne pamtim, a nekad sam bio siguran u to da nema života bez tebe,
a ima ga, i previše.
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pocitenicko · 5 months
Štěpánka: Řekni mi, co tě trápí
Vojta: Ne :3 (Nekomunikuje seriózní problém) ale budu od tebe utíkat bez vysvětlení!! Snad si to nevezmeš osobně :3
Štěpánka: Z čeho máš tu vyrážku?
Vojta: Z tebe (zapomenu říct že z politiky, ale tak hlavně že víš že za to můžeš ty)
Štěpánka: Neviděli jsme se dost dlouho, stýská se ti?
Vojta: Zkoumám jinou ženu!! Ale není to tak jak si myslíš, jenom narozdíl od tebe zapadá do mojí celoživotní hyperfixace!!
Štěpánka: Neříkej mi na veřejnosti těma přezdívkama, je mi to nepříjemné
Vojta: A proč (vesele jí dál říká všema přezdívkama)
Štěpánka: Brečí
Vojta: Yappuje dál, protože se ještě nestihl ohlédnout
Štěpánka: Já se chci rozejít
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bisnes-socks · 2 months
okay welcome to my second šbj ted talk 😌 today we are discussing (i am rambling on about) composition bc wow!!!!!!! the boys done outdid themselves.
i will be making references to my post about jure and the drums, so if you want to read that first it's here.
because like. isn't it funny how in that drum ted talk, which i wrote and posted hours before the animated video came, i talked about how the beginning of the song, the main riff part with its unexpected drum beat and patterns, feels like it's stomping, and then the video came out and the character stomps away (okay walks with attitude) that whole section? ANYWAY
compositionally speaking i think this one is one of the most interesting JO songs bc it has multiple type of beats, vibes and sections, that go together very well, and they've not only composed the changes between these variations in a clever way, they've also written a song that really allows each member to shine. it's a true band song to me and i loooove that.
note: though nothing i say here is like unique to this song, these aren't like rare or unusual tools they use here. i just think that this song highlights many of them really well.
the first details i want to talk about are certain melodies/chromatic ascensions or decensions. i am unfortunately not physically in a place where i could check exact notes, pitches, keys or anything, so i'm going by ear and i do not have perfect pitch sooo let me live.
but have you noticed that the riff section ends in the guitar doing pretty much the exact opposite as the vocal descension? not after every round of the riff, but before bojan starts singing again. the guitar ascends, chromatically, it goes up note at a time. i don't know if it's the exact same notes in reverse, but the effect is the same but in reverse. now, that ascension does not end on a note that would be as satisfying to end on, no. it creates a sort of tension: we have to go somewhere after this note, we can't stay suspended here. 
but you know how the line "šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?" goes down at the end? the singing melody descends, chromatically, and it's very satisfying for their listener bc it follows the scale that we're used to in most western music. it ends on a note where it feels good to either keep going, to a new section, as the song does at first, or end it there, as the song also does in the end.
and i'd argue that in the beginning, that bit, the melodic descension down to where the whole band kicks in and starts stomping away, highlights the mood of that section and the purpose it serves in the song. like i keep saying, that part sort of stomps, and it's like.. the part of the song that chugs forward. it has this feeling of going up and down (a good vibe to jump or nod your head to, or walk or stomp to, no?) but it also has this feeling of going forward. the descending melody kind of sends it on its way and we're all going with it.
and that tension carries the verse, which does not have the same forward drive as the riff part. but we have been, melodically, brought to a place, with that guitar ascending, where we want to hear more. so we stay there, with the verse. and where does the verse ultimately take us? back to the stomping riff, to chug forward again. without the riff bits the verses would feel like they're left suspended in tension.
and does it feel like the line "šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?" is either longer or shorter than you expected, or it has an unexpected rhythm to it, especially for it's place in the song? 
because these little moments that are rhytmically unexpected, like the "šta bih ja..." line, and the drum syncopation, where a hi-hat crash comes a beat later than you expect in the riff section, they create moments that pique your interest as a listener. 
well, it does have an unexpected rhythm and an unexpected time signature. Two bars of 4 and one bar of 2, with the vocal line overlapping with the 1 of the next bar, if i counted right. (disclaimer: if i got it wrong i learned to count as a dancer, not as a musician lmao). and i think that all of that also plays super well into everything i talked about before, and also everything i talked about regarding the drums in the riff section. 
and they're small enough decorations that we're not venturing off into like prog or jazz territory, the song remains in a poprock world compositionally speaking, and the tempo doesn't change until the faster section in the end, which makes it all easy and pleasant to listen, but they change things up just enough to keep the listener super hooked. and then of course the tempo change at the end, at least, will challenge anyone just absentmindedly tapping their foot along like it's backround music, to really pay attention. and i just think it's very clever.
and then the "a ja samo čekam.." part is also an interesting part, bc as i said in my first ted talk, it switches between a more aggressive straight forward beat and a more groovy beat, and that's super clever, bc like. if it was just the aggression through the entire part, it would most likely get a bit exhausting and a bit too much for the composition. so by alternating between the aggression and the downright dance-vibe of the groovy beat, the composition creates progression. so that even the most aggressive bit of the song isn't just... screaming into a pillow, it's going somewhere. shoutout (shautaut) to the bassline in these bits as well!! the bass actually provides a lot of melodic components in that section, bc the vocal line is super one note. it's smart to elevate the bass like that.
and THEN!! the faster bit at the end!! suddenly we're going all arctic monkeys aren't we, and i love it, give me all the straightforward 2010's brit rock vibes and i will eat it up. and this part is like.. releasing everything. all of the tension that has built up, we've kind of reached where we've been stomping off to, and it's time to let loose. and so they do. and then collect it all together with a final "šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio?" and this time we end on that satisfying final note and we're here, we're a little out of breath, but we've arrived and we've got all the jitters out and we're done. excellent way to end the song.
and this is getting extremely long now so i think we have also reached the end of the ted talk thank you goodbye.
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vse-kar-vem · 5 months
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