#bex OC posting
obscuremechala · 13 days
oc designs i will be tweaking entirely be upon ye
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four of the main ensemble and there's still more to go, these guys take up a lot of my brain's bandwidth
bex tries to explain the lore under the cut bc this post is kinda on the long side ? idk
so this story takes place on a rather isolated mining planetoid named Melien, under the jurisdiction of an offworld company, Unilacht Co. Excavation Division, hailing from a planet inhabited by sentient robots called mechala. Due to [circumstances kept vague to uninformed personnel], this branch of Unilacht operations has also been tasked with the mission to build a substantial army--using whatever means necessary.
However, the reclusiveness and secrecy of the Unilacht Co. Excavation Division's overseers has frustrated a good amount of their personnel. Currently a substantial number of their mechanicized soldiers and personnel have joined a rebellion effort started by the former Unilachti Command Administrator (who has since been recaptured, but the movement continues in his absence).
Enceladus, Maltrion, and Meo were all part of the same defection cohort (joined the rebellion at the same time). Virion joined them a bit later under some interesting circumstances. All of them are not fond of the Unilacht for vastly different reasons, but all have their own deeply personal reasons to resist the rule of the Unilacht.
ok now im motivated to do a lot more drawing/stuff with these guys while i revamp the plot for the 45th time be prepared for more oc shenanigans *looks at smudged ink on wrist* all 5 people who voted on the poll. appreciate you :thumbsup:
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thetavolution · 4 months
I wasn't tagged for these, but I wanted to talk about this haha. So this is from the BG3 Wedding Season Tag Game!
Food - What kind of food and drink is being served at the reception? Is there a lush feast or simple fare? Is there a wedding cake or some other kind of traditional wedding food?
Gale and Tessa / Gale and Vaira
Gale would dominate the food. He just would. He wouldn't be able to cook for the wedding because he's too busy getting married, but he would carefully decide who is in charge of the food. It'd be his favorite chef in Waterdeep. If we're in the universe where he's marrying Tessa, he'd also bring in a chef from her hometown. He would do his research on who is the best because Tessa would have no idea.
It would be a lush feast and that is perfectly curated to their taste. Gale is less concerned with traditional foods and more about what sounds good, and what their friends would enjoy. His mother, Morena, would 100% take over wine duty. I feel it in my bones.
The Dekarios family most likely has their family dishes that have to be at every function. While I subscribe to the thought that he's an only child, I do believe he has a lot of extended family. He'd also count on his aunt insisting on cooking that eel pie she always brings. She's convinced the whole family asks for it. (They do not.)
Tessa has a few dishes she'd want. She'd be grateful that Gale took care of the chefs. She also comes from a large family. (She's one of 6 kids with plenty of cousins.) The wedding would be huge and she also knows her dad would insist on bringing moonshine. Although she would go back and forth on actually inviting dear ol' dad to the wedding. Gale would support her either way despite fearing he'd ruin the wedding. It's up in the air if he would actually ruin the wedding.
Vaira would just want a lot of protein and she would trust Gale's judgement on the food. She doesn't know anything about food on Faerûn and gith only really eat if they have to. Gale would help her gain an appreciation for food though.
The wedding cake would be magical. It would be layered with several flavors rather than just one. People would have options. It would be oh so slightly enchanted. Since it's made ahead of time, Gale was probably more hands on with the cake. There'd be a perfect replica of him and his partner on top, of course. I think he'd be delighted and a little freaked out how much it looked like them.
There would also be so much alcohol at this wedding.
People will talk about the food at this wedding for years to come. The wedding industry in Waterdeep will hear the phrase "I want food as good as that Dekarios wedding, except for that eel pie" for decades.
Wyll and Minty / Wyll and Lamia
Wyll would lean into the traditional wedding foods and what you'd find in Baldur's Gate. He would also want traditional foods from the culture of whoever he was marrying. He wants the wedding to feel like home for both of them. Yes, he has dignitaries to impress, but his spouse's happiness is more important.
They would also have the traditional Baldurian wedding cake. Right now, I'm influenced by historical British royalty for the upper echelon of Baldur's Gate. They often had an 8-tiered fruit cake for weddings back then. I've tried the recipe for one of these older cakes and they're honestly not half-bad.
Minty would want traditional Kara-Tur foods, like Shan sao fruit stew, roast duck, shark fin soup, fish, prawns, rice, and noodles to represent longevity. Wyll would have actual chefs from Kara-Tur come in to help make everything more authentic. He'd also get advice from Minty's mother. Minty's mom would be the one to make sure they have red twill cakes alongside the traditional wedding cake.
Lamia would just want anything she thinks tastes good. I wish I had more to say for her, but I honestly don't think she'd have a lot of thoughts on the food. She'd just ask for a couple of dishes and let the Ravengards figure out the rest.
Lae'zel and Laura
Lae'zel does not care. Just make sure there's meat and plenty of food.
Laura would want more of an outdoor, picnic-like affair. There'd be homemade bread, fruits, apple butter, soup, Shepherd's pie, and the like. It'd all be rustic.
Instead of cake, Laura would have a pie table with homemade pies and tarts of all kinds. She'd make everything herself and it'd be a very small affair. Lae'zel would be able to tolerate it because it was an intimate affair.
Halsin and Ingrid / Halsin and Paloma
Halsin wouldn't have a wedding per se. It'd be something different. I do headcanon that he wants to settle down in his own way. I think his days of just going his own way are over and now he wants a partner by his side. He's still poly! He's just less "we're just two ships passing in the night" about it. He wants a family to call his own.
But weddings are still too traditional and feel too much like he is staking a claim in a person. He is happy to celebrate his relationship with his community though, and to openly show his love. You could argue that's what a wedding is, but sometimes how you frame it is important.
Halsin and Ingrid would throw a simple party where they would plant a tree together. They would be able to watch it age together. Then they would just have a nice outdoor gathering with friends, food, and drink. (Although Halsin would not imbibe.)
Fun fact: I created Ingrid long before I played BG3 and knew anything about Halsin, but even back then her favorite food was Russian honey cake.
Needless to say, their event would have honey cake.
Paloma and Halsin would have something more concrete. It would be a simple commitment ceremony of sorts. Just in an openly committing to take care of each other and love each other as a family. This is also partially due to the fact Halsin would become a step-dad. This ceremony would also be about giving the kids a sense of stability.
Paloma would want to make sure everyone was well fed, of course. It'd be more like a large potluck or you could compare it to a barn raising wedding. People would bring casseroles, soups, vegetables, fruits, and tarts. If you're thinking of a cottagecore inspired picnic, that's basically it. Paloma would also make goat cheese, honey, and fruit crostinis.
And yes, there would still be honey cake and a honey pear tart.
Astarion and Bex / Astarion and Lamia
Astarion would just need blood, but he'd still have so many opinions on food. He would want the best of the best, real highfalutin stuff. Astarion would want elven food. I like the idea of him trying to get in touch with the life he lost out on and using his wedding as part of that.
He would want the most elaborate and rich wedding cake you've ever seen. Whatever is popular for weddings, he will not be doing. His wedding is too special to be just like every other wedding you've been to. He'd pull some shit like Bonaparte did on his wedding day where he got a pastry chef to make a unique cake. Astarion might even put aside his pride to get a recommendation of pastry chefs from Gale, of all people.
Astarion would totally be a bridezilla. This is important, okay? He's finally found family and belonging. And it's a day where he gets to really matter. So you better make his stupid, giant wedding cake (dessert?) just right.
Both Bex and Lamia would be the chill ones. In Lamia's case, that's a terrifying prospect.
Bex, who has worked as a professional cook, would have a lot of thoughts on food. Sometimes, she and Astarion be on the same page. Other times, they would not. Bex would be annoyed because Astarion doesn't even remember how some stuff tastes, but insists on having it because of optics.
They're the kind of couple that you can watch go at it over stupid shit and then they're over it in the next five minutes, as if it never happened. Outside of the food, Bex would sort of let Astarion have his way though. She's not persnickety about weddings in general.
Lamia just wants to be the center of attention, but she's so much trashier than Astarion. They would argue about her terrible, terrible taste in everything.
Lamia would suggest simple, filling foods. It would drive Astarion up a wall because, I'm sorry, is this a wedding for basic bitches? No, no, no, we're having the best. Lamia wouldn't care that much about the food, but suggesting "peasant food" to rile him up would amuse her.
They would also have to make sure Lamia's bestie, Allie, just gets a ton of meat. I don't even think they'd have to cook it for her.
Viktor and Barcus
God, could these two not give less of a fuck. They care, but only in the sense of "is it good? Cool." Barcus would have some Underdark favorites at the wedding though. They would have deep rothé steak because it is a special occasion.
Overall, they'd have simple, but good food. Gale would have opinions, but he'd really only tell his spouse about it. Astarion would gossip with Shadowheart by how basic it is, unlike his wedding.
Elyse and Rolan
Rolan isn't a bridezilla... but he's pushing it. He is a perfectionist through and through. Everything has to be the best. He's also a little insufferable after Lorroakan. I say this about him with love.
Lia and Cal would constantly make fun of him (lovingly) and Elyse would be the more laidback one. I also think Rolan would also really want to show off to Elyse's fancy pants family even though she wouldn't care about what they think.
Rolan had nothing growing up and now can have anything he wants. He would ask for the best of the best. It'd be based on what he read about in books growing up. Books full of royals and aristocrats stuffing their faces with rich foods. Of course, he'd also make sure that Elyse, Lia, and Cal's favorites were present. He's not totally blinded by his perfectionism.
But it'd be a huge feast nonetheless. There'd be things like venison, roasted pig, poached duck, lobster, fruits, cheeses, breads, and a plethora of vegetables.
They wouldn't have a wedding cake. Since one of Elyse's favorite foods is croquembouche, they would decide to do that instead. Of course, there will be other sweets for guests to choose from. Rolan has thought of everything.
I find food fascinating and could talk forever. That lead to this. I'm always open to random food asks although I do not foresee anyone taking me up on that.
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bexisanidiot · 1 month
Bee on my school ipad
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I did this with my left and right hand😭
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On the right in my left hand😭🫠
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bluejay-in-write · 2 years
"Where it all started"
"Leverage Legacy" Snippet (699 words)
This is the first of my snippets/writing that I will post unedited and out of order with no context because of my new year's resolution to post everything I write no matter how good or bad it is or if it's in order or not! 😄
To give some context tho this is from my leverage fic pending title being Leverage Legacy where there's a new generation leverage team four years after the end of Leverage Redemption hope you guys enjoy!
Bex paused in surprise as her phone lit up with a number that she hadn't seen in years. There was only one reason that number would be calling her. Running with a group of thieves for a time made Bex realize that there were no such things as coincidences.
Bex picked up her phone before it could get to the final ring and held it to her ear.
Bex hoped she didn't sound as breathless as she felt and above all she hoped that this was truly her. Life loved to play cruel tricks.
Breanna’s voice rang clear in her ear, sounding slightly unsure herself, if Bex still knew how to read her right.
Both of the women paused, uncertain of how to move forward.
“I'm surprised you heard the news with the isolation and everything,” Bex teased, falling back on their old friendship to try and pave the way.
“I wasn't isolating myself. I–I was just taking a step back from everything after…Well you know,” Breanna replied, her breathing sounding almost non-existent on the other line.
Bex wished she could see the other woman's face although she didn't know if it would do much to help.
“Four years is quite long for a step back.” Bex said, trying her best to hide the bitterness under her tongue. “Anyway you're here now and that's what matters,” She continued before Breanna could continue what would most likely turn into an argument.
She didn't want to fight during the first conversation they had in years.
“So how did you find out about what's going on? I thought you weren't in the game anymore?” Breanna asked, taking the life line for what it was.
“I'm not. And it's not like I was ever a major player in the first place,” Bex stated easily, pausing when she thought she heard a sound at the other end before continuing on, “But after the main team fell apart I made sure to keep an eye on things just in case. It seems my hyper vigilance paid off.”
“Paranoia is more like it,” Breanna scoffed with a teasing edge.
She always used to say that Bex was even more paranoid than her and that was one thing they never agreed on.
“You're one to talk? Learning from Alec “I'm always watching you” Hardison,” Bex shot back, feeling like they were finally in rhythm again.
“Please don't say his name,” Breanna choked and Bex wanted nothing more than to reach out and comfort her old friend after Bex’s obvious misstep.
“I'm sorry…I should have known better.”
“No. I'm not some fragile thing that needs to be protected. I wasn't then and I'm sure as hell not now. It's just…” Breanna’s heated statement trailing off into nothingness.
“I know. I understand.”
And Bex did understand as much as she could anyways.
“Anyways the problem at hand,” Breanna prodded, sounding more put together.
“I don't know exactly what's going on but what I do know is that leverage teams have been dropping like flies. I reached out for intel from the team in Italy for a case and got nothing but radio silence,” Bex began, pausing for a moment as Breanna swore under her breath. “I don't know who's taking them out but everyone is on guard and sticking together until someone manages to figure out the problem.”
“That sounds like a good plan but we're going to need a better one if we're going to figure out who or what is doing this and how to stop it,” Brianna stated, sounding a bit more like her old self.
“I'll be honest with you, ever since Sophie, well you know…there's never been anyone else to take up the mantle and there has been a loss of confidence ever since. Currently Leverage international is a shaky stack of cards and one more blow from this mysterious source and it just might all collapse for good,” Bex explained cautiously.
“I won't let them. They will not destroy what my brother worked so hard to build.”
“So what's the plan?”
“Meet me at the old place, New Orleans, where it all started,” Breanna said before hanging up with a click.
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pillars-of-alt · 2 years
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no thoughts just rattling her around in my brain
[Image description: a messy digital sketch of a woman from the shoulders up against a white background. She has thick, curly dark brown hair with grey and white streaks. She has pale, desaturated skin with freckles and green eyes with dark circles underneath. Her expression is pensive and angry and she looks tired. Above her head there is a written note saying “my poor little meow-meow” with an arrow pointing to her.”
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writinginslowmotion · 2 years
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“So,” Julie prompted as she leaned in and placed her elbows on her knees. “Spill the beans. What’s he like?”
Bex, who was in the middle of stirring a pot of homemade soup, set the ladle down and raised an eyebrow.
“You know who,” her friend teased, blue eyes sparkling with mischief. 
“I’m talking about Noah!” Julie kicked one flip flop off, aiming her foot in Bex’s direction. 
Bex shrugged noncommittally. 
“He’s okay, I guess.”
“He’s hot!”
“Sure,” Bex conceded. “He’s also annoying as hell.”
Bex and Noah had been engaged in the are-they-aren’t-they dance for six months, before finally taking the plunge and becoming exclusive. Bex still didn’t talk much about their relationship–she just wasn’t that kind of person–so the other girls were in the dark about the details. None of them had pushed the issue, either, not wanting to incur Bex’s wrath.
But Julie was persistent, and also fearless. She told the other girls that she was willing to take one for the team and find out all the dirty details, which she would then share with them, naturally.
Julie scrunched her mouth up and raised an eyebrow.
“With a body like that, he can be as annoying as he wants.”
Bex rolled her eyes.“You are annoying,” she replied, but Julie caught a glimpse of a fond smile and crinkled eyes.
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faerune · 2 years
for argella! 💋🙈🥞🎁🏳️
What’s their signature look, if any? Do they have a gesture or piece of jewelry or something else that acts as a calling card for them? The Argella Look is a structured black linen dress embroidered with golden thread in styles of like branches, thorns, leaves, antlers, etc. She's got quite a few rings on her hand including the big onyx one gifted to her by Aemond when they were bethrothed. Her hair is probably up in a crown braid or down but held back by simple braids too! It would definitely be noticed if she didn't dress like this because it's very Her.
What’s the worst thing they’ve ever seen? Do they tend to be a bystander or do they intervene? Argella intervenes when it's safe for her to which sadly means a lot of the things she wish she could say something about gets swept under the rug. She saw quite a bit during the Dance including her father uhhhhh stabbed in the neck by her hand, the Riverlands burned by Aemond, Aemond and Daemon and their dragons falling from the sky above God's Eye which is just insane.
What’s their comfort food? Oh boy, probably like a good hearty soup with beans and tomato and beans. Well-seasoned with some kind of gamey meat (maybe one of her own kills from a hunt!).
What kind of gifts do they like to give? To receive? Well-thought gifts and grandiose acts of affection for both giving and recieving She's not impressed by jewelry, gowns, or just expensive things that are plainly someone just being like oh...I guess she'll like this it costs a lot of money. Argella prides herself for doing the same for other people.
What is their breaking point? When do they feel like they have to give up, if ever? Holding her newborn daughter in her arms who has her father's eyes, realizing she is alone in the world and nameless, vulnerable, having lost everyone she has ever cared for (Rhaenyra, Luke + Jace, Aemond, her father to some extent...) only left to live with what the Dance made her see and do. That her quest for power and what is "rightful" has brought her nothing. That Aemond will never get to hold their daughter. Argella will never be able to introduce Rhaenyra to her daughter. That she is nothing but this girl's mother and she will fail at this too.
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commander-krios · 7 months
BG3 Juniper/Rolan Masterlist
A masterlist of all fic, art, and headcanons/other stuff for Rolan x f!Tav (she/her, Juniper: afab tiefling bard/wild magic sorcerer).
Juniper's Main Tag Juniper x Rolan Tag Juniper x Rolan Playlist The Wizard of Ramazith's Tower AO3 Series
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Long Rest: G, 2k, Gifts/Flirting/Developing Relationships/Act 2 Spoilers
Nights Like This: T, 3k, Abuse/Healing/First Kiss/Act 3 Spoilers
Better Judgment: [ch1] [ch2] [ch3]; M, 10k, Post-Lorroakan/Fluff/Sexual Tension/Act 3 Spoilers
Juniper's Kitty Catastrophe: T, 8k, Pranks/Post-Canon/Friendship/Love/Cats
With Devotion And A Little Luck: T, 5k, Marriage Proposal/Fluff/Post-Canon
The Things We Do For Love: T, 2.5k, Polyamory/Post-Canon/Multiple Tavs
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Neverwinter Headcanons (Juniper/Rolan)
Get to Know Your Tav
Amorous OC Asks 1
Amorous OC Asks 2
Juniper Romance Ask
Juniper Voice Ask
Juniper Tent Ask
Juniper Animal Ask
OC Questionnaire
Juniper Love Language Ask
Juniper Close Relationship Ask
BG3 Backstory Bash
Juniper Marriage Ask
Juniper Body Type Ask
Unusual OC Associations
5 Songs, 4 Outfits
Juniper Tav Worksheet
Juniper 9 Random Facts
The NSFW Alphabet
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Commissioned/Gifted Art
Vicious Mockery (qwiqwiaqwi)
Rolan/Kitty Juniper (thegoblinwitchqueen)
WildThunderForge (mudd-art)
Juniper Portrait (jbnonsense)
Sleepy Time Rolan/Juniper (valkblue)
Juniper OC Kiss Week (finchmarie)
Valentine's Day Smoochy Juni/Rolan (nekrokatart)
Mistletoe Smooch (commander-sarahs-art)
Juni Headshot (catesbeeart)
Juni/Rolan (chaoticcomposition)
Juniper/Rolan Tower (riense)
Juniper Silly Portrait (antivanbrandy)
Juniper Bust Commission (thebunnybutts)
Juniper/Rolan Song (sacherali)
Rolan/Juniper cozy (redreart)
Rolan and Arabella (thegoblinwitchqueen)
Juni/Rolan Flushed Smooch (thegoblinwitchqueen)
Juniper sketch portrait (dilfbuck)
Juniper/Rolan NSFW (amouswolf)
Juniper Closeup Portrait (xanthouransong)
Juniper/Rolan Flower (artmadval)
Bard Juni Portrait (barbwillbrb)
Juni/Rolan Tending Wounds (mostwantedpotato404)
Juniper/Rackal (barbwillbrb)
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Other Juni/Rolan
Bard Tav Text Posts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Tav/Rolan Text Posts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Rolan Text Posts 1 /
George Taylor cameo
Other Tiefling-centric Fics
Sweet Like Sugar: Bex/Danis, G, 2k, Celebrations/Post-Canon/Romance
A Divine Dream: Dammon/Rolan, T, 5k, Ballroom Dancing/Post-Canon/Romance
Everything: Dammon/Rolan, T, 3k, Romance/Fluff/Post-Canon
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Thought I'd take a break from fandom and post one of my original designs for once! I call this gal "Hayley," after the lead singer of Paramore. She was originally a Barbie Fashionista #140 "Kira" doll (before photo is a stock photo from Amazon).
If you're like me and like knowing the components of a custom and the story behind them, here they are under the cut:
Base doll: Fashionista 140 Kira Hair: rerooted in 12 inch Kanekalon in a blend of pink, purple, light green, and blue Face: partially repainted with acrylic paint for both makeup and piercings Clothes: skirt from Looks Model 10, sweater from Ken Fashionista 191, stockings made from scrap fabric by me Shoes: her original boots, repainted Necklace: an actual random necklace I had
Ever had a design go from least favorite to one of your favorites with a makeover? Fashionista 140 Kira sat in my "stock box" for a long time...the awful proportions, the ugly dress, the glue seepage hair, the pixilated face screening that couldn't even be removed with acetone...I disliked her so much that I ended up using her as a test dummy for different paints and sealants! Likewise, I ended up with some kanekalon hair that had a truly fried texture that I needed to use up.
So, I needed a design that could hide a LOT of issues with the doll and the materials. One that could involve hair that looked bleach-fried, a hair style that could cover holes and bald patches, grungy/messy makeup, and random questionably-fitting fashion. Then, I remembered the mid-2000s, and with it, scene fashion! Or is it emo? Alas, in high school I was not cool/uncool (depending on your POV) to ever be informed of the difference no matter how much I admired the fashion.
Thus, this girl emerged! I'm so happy with how she turned out; she really went from one of my least favorite designs to one of my favorite original designs of my own.
Tagging those that may want to see my OC designs: @serenityspiral @violetoftheendless (who helped with the name!) and @tryan-a-bex
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creux-art · 2 years
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It took some some time but tumblr finally realised that my account didn’t break their TOS and unbanned it. I’m sure during the years it was locked away I lost most of my following on this platform, so I’d appreciate re-blogs to help give me back some momentum 🙏
Btw the character is Bex (short for Elixiabex) and is an OC of mine :) --- Two alts available to patrons, one of which has her pants body-painted on :3 Consider subbing to gain instant access to the bonus content, as well as 100+ other exclusive posts! Click the image to get there!
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obscuremechala · 5 months
i need to actually post stuff here so instead of a finished art piece im gonna share a design wip i started last night
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chipping at oc designs, this guy's name is maltrion and he's desperately trying to cling to being a normal person when he's anything but
i should share my other designs actually i have a handful now
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thetavolution · 1 month
Tagged by: I was tagged once and then ran amuck
Tagging: Any of you who want to do it!
Rules: Include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. The “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idk).
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Height: 5’6”
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Amazing cook. She did it professionally prior to the tadpoling.
It's near impossible to ruffle her feathers.
Non-judgemental. Even if she's not into something, she generally won't treat you differently for your kinks.
Open communication about boundaries, expectations, and wants.
She's willing to try almost anything once. She also likes to do things that make her lover happy.
She will domme and sub.
She enjoys biting and mild pain. (Astarion gets her used to some bloodplay, but mostly just in the vampire sense.)
As much as she puts up a "I don't care" front, she cares so much. She's just emotionally burnt out. She is devoted and loyal.
While it takes a lot to get her emotionally riled, this can also be annoying when trying to get an honest reaction from her. Trauma has led her to shut down emotionally.
Her sense of self-preservation is broken. She will commit to life threatening events for the bit.
She has a "is that all there is?" attitude toward the world.
She will domme, but she can't take it that seriously. There will be jokes and laughing.
She can't get too intense on pain for herself. (If the other person enjoys pain, she'll match what they want though.)
Girl has trauma and it makes her scared of people. If you just want a one night stand, you won't notice. If you want more, you'll notice.
She relies way too much on alcohol to help numb her pain. She gets better over time. It's just highly concerning until she gets it together. The tadpole incident is probably what helped it from going more downhill and lead to her finding better coping techniques.
She's secretive about her history. It takes a long time before she'll open up about what happened to her before working as a cook. She's made huge mistakes in the past she fears she can't atone for.
She loves discovering new recipes and foods. She carries a notebook with her for saving or jotting down new recipes she comes across.
From a pretty trashy family. They're well-known in Baldur's Gate for it.
Her "life doesn't really matter" attitude is what motivates her to be kind. If life is going to suck and be worthless in the end, all we really have is being nice to each other, as far as she's concerned. Sure, she'll help you out. What the fuck else is she doing with her life, y'know?
You gotta subscribe to ACAB if you wanna roll with her.
She loves the color pink, but also tries not to overdo it because she IS pink.
She likes working out.
She's a bard who has a strong preference for the violin.
She's the kind of person who likes stuff that's so bad-it's-good. In a modern day setting, Troll 2, Hell Comes to Frogtown, and Amsterdamned are in her top 5.
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bexisanidiot · 1 year
Speaking of Bee's fire thingy,
It's usually activated when there's a lot of adrenaline passing through her veins for whatever reason such as stress or anger. And it accidentally happened a lot when she was really young, when your young you don't really know your emotions or how to deal with them so it results in a tantrum.
Bee's tantrums was literal fire. If she threw a tantrum over something she'd burst into flames till someone puts her out with either a fire extinguisher or a large bucket of water.
Yes it got better to control as she got older, plus she doesn't like doing it considering it burns everything it's fucking fire. Yes including her clothes.
She might've had a suit that was fireproof but she didn't like how it felt on her. The jacket she wore on 2005 in Shadow Moses was actually fireproof just incase she burst into flames (I did make it longer but I need to fucking draw it again-).
She probably did burst into flames or she almost did back during the Shadow Moses incident cuz the stress and anger of everyone dying to the same fucking dude with plot armor.
How to know if she's about to burst into flames is that her entire being glows like a light then it's poof fire.
The funniest part is the aftermath, the fireburns out the hair dye and makes her hair puffy, her hair is naturally thick and fluffy (with curls). So when she leaves that fire form she looks like a blow dried fluffy cat😭
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saysike-skedoodles · 3 months
The Trio in The Smiler Queue
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The trio waiting in line to go on The Smiler, what could go wrong?
...Multiple things actually, for one, Bex is scared of rollercoasters, the small ones are enough for her to handle. Secondly, Bex and Stacy have never been on a rollercoaster as intense as The Smiler, so they're both in for a surprise. Thirdly, Silly has already been on this ride multiple times in a row. So you can image Bex and Stacy's reactions when Silly tells them.
I know I just uploaded 2 days ago but I FINALLY got the motivation and energy to work on a piece like this! I've been feeling the case of "Missing Alton Towers Hours" so I used it to make this bit of art. I always wanted to attempt at what I call the "Gumball lighting effect" and that's basically just putting 2D cartoon characters into irl photos and making them fit in. Trust me, it is a LOT harder than it looks. I'm trying to improve in lighting as it is so I found this to be a fun but annoying piece to work on. It's not the best, but for a first attempt at stuff like this I'm proud of it nonetheless. Also I should mention too that the photo used for the background was taken by me!! And yes, I FINALLY GOT TO ALTON TOWERS LAST YEAR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. My phone storage is begging to be put out of its misery from the amount of photos I took while over there but ANYWAYS. BEST 2 DAYS OF MY LIFE I TELL YA. All the rides there were so fun and some even surprised me more. Looking at you Oblivion. You made me nearly black out halfway through the drop. No shade to Oblivion though, bro was still really fun. But I gotta say that Galactica and The Smiler are my favourites, I only was lucky that I got to ride Galactica twice, considering how busy the park was (we went around the time school tours were happening which we didn't know about cuz different school system here) but I still thoroughly enjoyed the rides I managed to get on :]. Also yes it's canon the trio went to Alton Towers, I made these OCs i can do what I like with them and that includes making it canon they've been to a theme park I'm very normal about (not) XD
I think you guys now understand why I'm like this about The Smiler. I'm betting that either the main theme or the "Ha Ha Ha" variation is gonna be my most played track for 2024.
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[all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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monstrsball · 4 months
into the kiddoverse
so, you may have noticed me using this tag a few times. i used to have a post pinned that explained it but i have since migrated that list to a page on my blog so i'm sure a lot of people have missed it.
essentially the kiddoverse is just the au where my and my friends' fankids live!! we've connected all of our little universes and created a volleyball found family. they go camping together and have play dates and babysit for each other etc etc. just a nice support network.
under the cut is just... a list of who the kids are, who their parents are, and which of my friends they belong to. keeping it simple! and as always if you have any questions, my inbox is open.
the kids:
iwaizumi mikio (born 2014): iwaizumi's son! my oc :) i've talked about him a lot here, you can find my mikio specific posts under my single dad!iwa au tag.
miya kanako (born 2014): osamu's daughter, belongs to @osamusbigtits. i've reblogged a lot of posts about her under my 'into the kiddoverse' tag but you can also find the lore for her under bex's single dad osamu tag.
ojiro miharu (born 2014): arankita's daughter!! belongs to @luminouschaotic <3 she was adopted by aran and kita around... 2018? 2019? i think, iirc.
oohira yuna (born 2016): reon's daughter!! belongs to @miiracleboys.
bokuto itsumi (born 2018): bokuaka's daughter!! belongs to @freakurodani. i don't think addie has made a post yet BUT!! i think there is a drawing of her as a baby somewhere on their blog.
bokuto hiroshi (born 2022): bokuaka's son!!
bokuto mitsue (born 2023): bokuaka's youngest daughter!
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Introduction Post
This is Fallon Vacker here. If anyone's unaware, I'm a Telepath and Empath. [OOC: the abilities are part of my personal headcanons; Fallon does NOT have confirmed abilities in canon.] Long ago, I was a Councillor, but nowadays (to my great relief and satisfaction) I am not. I was also once a musician, which I technically still am, though I haven't released anything in...some time.
I've been told by...let's just say several people, that's less embarrassing, isn't it, to be more present in life, though I don't see why. Short of actually leaving my estate Mistmead (which I hate to do because it is extremely stressful and inconvenient), this website, where many of the people I know are active, is the best way to do so. So here I am.
[OOC: Hi! This RP blog is run by @worldsunlikemyown, where my general KOTLC posts are. EDIT: I have moved the main for this account to @main-to-worldsunlikemyown-etc. Any asks, anon or otherwise, are welcome, as are people's OCs (OC relatives, spouses for Fallon etc)! DM this blog if you want a planned-out thread, or just drop an ask if it's casual! Not sure if the RP does this yet, but if they do, I'm entirely open to AUs or canon-verse at any time in the past.
I send RP asks on anon, but I will tag this blog in the ask to identify myself :)
Organisation tags:
#what did i say again -- RPing and in-character posts will be tagged with this
#rp -- RP threads will be tagged with this
#out of daydreams -- ooc posts will be tagged with this
Any blogs I've roleplayed with will be tagged with their urls (eg: if I roleplayed in a thread from the Alden blog, the post in which I reply will be tagged #alden-dedrick-vacker)
#a mysterious individual -- replies made to unidentified anons will be tagged with this
Tags will always be OOC unless stated otherwise
Disclaimer: this IS the first time I'm joining a big roleplay group like this, so please tell me politely if I mess up at any point!
Tagging @kotlc-rp-official to officially kick this off!]
People I know (or should get to know):
Family members: @alden-dedrick-vacker @fitz-avery-vacker @fitzroy-avery-vacker (?) @sparkles-make-anything-better (Biana Vacker) @alvar-not-vacker
Old friends (though I have a feeling that I'm not friends with some of them anymore): @fintan-pyren @bronte-the-inflictor @vespera-neci-foland
Friends of my younger relations: @keefe-sencen @therealsophieelizabethfoster @tam-shade-song @linh--song @dex-the-smart-one
@rex-dizzneeeeeeee @lexicle-the-third (Lex Dizznee) @bexisthecoolest (Bex Dizznee) @the-only-maruca-chebota @flasher-boi-endal (Wylie Endal)
@shut-up-i-will-burn-you (Marella Redek) @im-just-cooler (Stina Heks) @jensi-babbles-lots (Jensi Babblos)
@amy-rose-foster @little-miss-neverseen (Rayni Aria)
Members of the (is it called the Black Swan??): @the-prettiest-ice-cube (Squall) @blurrieidentities (Blur) @prentices-husband (Tiergan Alenefar/Grranite)
@candies-and-sparkles (Livvy Sonden/Physic) @norwegian-trickster-god (Mr. Forkle) @constantly-tinkering
Members of the...Neverseen, yes that's it: @lady-gisela (Gisela Sencen) @ruy-tonio-ignis @trix-up-my-sleeve @brant--redacted @umberthebettershade
Councillors (glad I'm no longer one): @terik-the-councillor @oralie-pretty-in-pink @councillor-kenric-fathdon
Various Elvin adults: @quinlin-sonden @not-a-fan-of-that-boy (Grady Ruewen) @edaline--ruwen @elwin-at-your-service (Elwin Heslege) @magnatetheleto
@thebestsencen (Cassius Sencen)
Other individuals: @igowhereyougo (Sandor) @therarestprattlespin (Silveny) @hunkyhairs-backup (Ro) @iggy-the-imp @king-dimitar
Official organisations: @black-swan-official @neverseen-official @foxfire-official @exillium @thematchmakingoffice
@the-official-matchmaking-office @thecouncil-official @eternalialibrary-official
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