#beverage ideas at marriage
coconutmr · 2 years
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flwerswrld · 2 months
relationship headcannons ୨୧ | hsr men
cw: lowercase intended, tooth rottingly fluffy, slight crack if u squint, gender neutral!reader, established relationship for all characters, grumpy x sunshine if you squint (caelus), sick!reader (dan heng), dan heng being a worrywart, marriage #4lifers >_< (welt), flustered geppie, ooc for probably all of them...😞 whoopsies i haven't written fanfic in like 4-5 yrs
character/s included: caelus, dan heng, welt, gepard landau
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caelus ♡
- biiiiig cuddler :3
- like this man is ON YOU.
- march has multiple photos of you two attached to the hip (one where u guys were literally HANDCUFFED to each other. caelus wanted to try the idea out, might write a whole other fic just on that)
- literally anything could remind him of you
- he sees a bag of chips? oh, they're y/n's fav, oh i'm thinking of my partner now, oh how i love my partner :3
- ^ literally his thought process
- adding to the last point, he'll find or buy random things to give to you because he thought you'd like it/it reminded him of you
"caelus, are these... cat keychains?" you ask, the gift random, but definitely not unwelcomed, conveyed by the growing smile on your face. "they reminded me of us." he replies, his shoulders moving up and down in a noncommittal shrug. "i'm the orange cat, and you're the black cat."
well... now that you look at it, the keychains do remind you of you and caelus' relationship dynamic. the ginger cat— a tabby, it seems, is laying on the black cat's belly affectionately, the aforementioned feline having an annoyed frown on its face.
"it's cute." pressing a kiss to his cheek, your then soft smile grows into something more joyful. "thank you for the sweet gift, caelus."
and caelus swore to the aeons themselves that he was having heart palpitations from the feeling of your lips on his cheek.
dan heng ♡
- way less affectionate compared to how caelus is, not because he doesn't love you, but because he's more reserved
- doesn't mean he doesn't cuddle, he loves it when you and him have a nice snuggle sesh after a stressful day (but shhhh don't tell him i told you, it's supposed to be a secret 🤫)
"you're sure you don't need more tea?"
- prefers to show you his affections through acts of service rather than words or physical touch
- he's so dorky ugh i want him so bad
"dan heng, i'll be fine—" another coughing fit ensued, the hacking so intense dan heng backs away. "yep, more tea for you." he mumbles under his breath. "and more soup."
he reminds me of a mother hen... you think, sipping on your mug of tea that your lovely boyfriend had made for you. the beverage is hot and relaxing, feeling like a smoldering fire was in your belly whenever you swallow it.
"you know..." you start when he comes back inside your room, looking at your boyfriend with a hint of a smirk on your face. "you remind me of a mother hen, sometimes."
and you almost laugh at the disgruntled expression that appears on his stupidly handsome face. "i do not act like a mother hen—"
"oh, come on! you know you do, babe!"
with his cheeks turning a shade of light pink at the nickname, he sighs. "you can call me whatever you want, just drink your tea, for the love of aeons." he replied begrudgingly. "then give me a kiss!" you shoot back, weakly puckering your lips. "then i'll drink my tea, eat my soup, and then take a niiiiiice long nap."
dan heng stands there for a second, weighing his options. on one hand, he gets to kiss his partner — whom he loves very dearly he might add — to get them to eat their soup and drink the tea he had prepared for them. the only problem is that they're sick.
oh, fuck it.
pressing a kiss to your lips, he sighs into it, pulling away after a few seconds. "there. better now?" he asks.
he got sick two days later, but to him it was worth it.
welt ♡
- this man KNOWS how to treat someone right. i just know it in the deepest parts of my soul.
- shows you the animations that he made when he worked as an animator (it probably has 12 episodes, only 1 season, and ended on a cliffhanger 😞)
- HE DRAWS YOU. IDC. his sketchbook is full of drawings of you, random things he sees while out on his travels with you and the express, and other random doodles
- loves sightseeing with you. every time you go to a new planet you guys take pictures together at every tourist spot
- slow dancing w/ him to frank sinatra... it'd be so cute??? STOP STOP EVERYONE SHUT UP FOR 2 SECONDS. ☹️☹️
you felt like life was perfect right now.
with all the drama on penacony being over, you and welt finally had some free time to just chill out and take a breather.
"this is so nice..." you mumble to yourself, the metal of your ring softly pressing against the skin of your finger as your hands rest on welt's shoulders. "slow dancing is so romantic, don't you think?" welt asks, smiling down at you as frank sinatra records play in the background.
"are you trying to seduce me, mr. yang? even after years of marriage?" you ask, smiling when he spins you around slowly to the soft voice of frank sinatra, and the romantic melodies of the instruments. "and what if i am, mx yang?" he leans down in your ear to mumble, his tone teasing, maybe a bit... mischievous?
when the record stops spinning, welt holds you close to him, heat radiating off of him like a radiator. "hm, you're warm." you mumble, letting out a yawn. "like a heater."
hearing your husband let out a little chuckle, he smiles down at you. "you say this every time we hug."
"is it romantic, though?"
there was a pregnant pause, as if welt was deciding on what to say.
"do you want me to be honest or nice...?"
gepard landau ♡
- he's soooo protective ik it :[ like he's always keeping an eye on you while he's on patrol to make sure you're safe (not in a stalker way, just looking out for you bc he cares (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠))
- gets you something on every holiday, even if it doesn't count as a ‘holiday’. for every valentine's day he buys you chocolates and a cute little teddy bear 🥹🥹 he's so cute
- bc he's so busy with belobog duties(??), he doesn't have much time for dates
- so for the time he does have off, he'll spend with you!! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
- serval is also you and gepard's biggest supporter, and lowkey played matchmaker with you two so you guys could get together
"aww, geppie! this is so cute!" you say, smiling at the rose bouquet and chocolates he had gotten you for valentine's day.
"serval actually suggested for me to buy you them..." the blonde replied, a mixed pile of mush and flustered mumblings underneath his breath. "she said your favourite flowers are roses, so i tried to find the best ones in belobog for you."
you actually think your heart is going to explode. or that you're going to squeeze your boyfriend to death from his cuteness.
and that's exactly what you do, making a mental note to thank serval the next time you see her.
"gepard, you're the best!" you exclaim, leaning your head onto his chest.
"don't mention it, y/n..." he mumbles, praying to qilpoth that you can't hear the relentless beating of his heart, the thumpity thump of it so profound he can feel it in his ears. "it's my duty as your boyfriend to give you gifts."
you also make another mental note: to wife this man up as soon as possible.
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sunnami · 2 months
deleted draft/scene - watch me, don’t touch me, love me, don’t hurt me.
legitimately cannot write anything at the moment, so please have this for a bit T-T
“LILY, DARLING! That dress looks utterly divine! Is that Charmeuse silk? The purple simply brings out the color in your eyes! And your skin, my love! Just glowing! Tell me—have you been trying those snail facials? I hear they’re all the rage nowadays.”
Amidst the Yule Ball festivities, a crowd gathers in the corner of the icy ballroom; far beyond the ages of awkward teenage hand-holding, and an acquired taste for Firewhiskey rather than fruit punch. In the middle of it all—is you. Obnoxiously catching everyone’s attention, whether they like it or not. But even the Dementors in Azkaban would find themselves drawn to your shrilling voice and careless display of wealth; like a bee to a field of flowers. Your gown is dripping in black, hand-woven gothic lace, and drapes of ruffled, yellow satin skirts. It is a testament to your House—the cete of badgers. A pear cut, Canary Diamond necklace sits atop your neck. The capelet around your shoulders is of black velvet and gold trimmings. 
(Always the belle of the ball, but Sirius Black wonders if there’s anything in your head at all.)
(“Bloody hell.” Marlene grabs the flask of whiskey from Sirius’s hands and pours the burning liquid down her throat. “I’m going to need more of this if I plan on surviving the night. Surely there are more important matters to discuss than French designers and our frilly dresses. It’s like I’m back in sixth-year all over again.”
Sirius shakes the now-empty container in amusement. “And you thought stealing my stash was the best idea? Do you know how hard it was to sneak this in with Minnie glaring down my shoulders? I swear that woman treats me like I’m still fourteen.”)
“We work in the same castle, Lily flower, but it’s a pity we don’t run into each other much,” You say liltingly, lipstick staining the rim of your champagne glass. “Why, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were deliberately avoiding me!”
Lily flashes you a constrained smile. “On the contrary, I’ve been rather busy these days helping Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary. My responsibility, after all, is first and foremost—the children.” She raises a brow at you contemptuously. “Not all of us have the luxury of skipping work for tea and gossip.”
You hum, lips quirked in amusement. “Oh? That’s a shame. Narcissa and I would love for you to join us one day.” 
“Perhaps when I’ve no longer important things to do,” says Lily in a saccharine-sweet tone. 
You grow bored of toying with Lily—to her relief—and decide to throw a bone at Rita Skeeter. The bloodthirsty journalist preys hungrily at your every word—and you’re more than willing to satiate the irritable, little pest. You have nobles from pure-blooded families kissing at your feet for a moment of your time; entertaining a crowd like this takes no effort. (Except for the Marauders, you find. They’re the section that plays out of tune in the orchestra you’re conducting.) 
“You wouldn’t believe it, Rita darling, of all the people I come upon in Rome—it’s Vittoria Zabini!” You throw your head back in laughter as Rita’s eyes grow wide as a bug’s. “On a honeymoon, no less!” You wink at Rita. “This makes her fourth one now, I believe.” 
As predicted, Rita greedily whips out her Quick-Quotes Quill. “Riveting.” She pushes her glasses upwards with a quirk of her lips. “We may have tomorrow’s front page at our hands.” 
Lily hides a scoff by taking a sip of her sparkling beverage. “Surely we have more important news for the wizarding world than an innocent woman’s marriage.” 
You gasp melodramatically. “But this is Vittoria Zabini! Haven’t you ever wondered why her husbands mysteriously disappear after months of marriage?”
“Not even once!” Lily slams her glass down onto the round, draped table; nostrils flaring and chest heaving. “Sorry.” She dabs a napkin at her lips with a heavy exhale. “Please excuse me. I’ve just lost my appetite.” 
“Poor dear,” You mutter as the red-headed beauty makes for the group of Gryffindors a few feet away. She instantly collapses into James’s arms, no doubt complaining about your charming personality. There’s an odd ache in your heart as you watch the McKinnon girl pat her back comfortingly; Remus Lupin taking Lily’s hands and easing her anger. You’ve never felt a camaraderie such as theirs. Always the Gryffindors, and their flagrant displays of loyalty and whatnot. 
How repulsive. 
this was one of the first ever drafts for the fic! and no, the yule ball scene won’t be like this, it’ll be quite better, i hope. ;0
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sansaorgana · 3 months
Hi! Please take your time with everything's that's going on for you at the moment and if you don't want to write this that's absolutely fine!!
Today marks the 1 year anniversary of me getting out of an abusive relationship that lasted 6 years so it's been ups and downs today with celebrating and grief. If it's okay, can you maybe write a Buck fic where he's there for the reader (his girlfriend) whose in a similar situation? I've spent the day binge watching MOTA and I just want a cuddle from Buck aha
I completely get it if you don't want to write this because I know its pretty heavy stuff and I hope everything gets better for you soon! Enjoy that bottle of wine!!!
hi, darling! thank you for your request and I'm terribly sorry you had to wait so long because I have just checked and you sent it to me in the beginning of April 🤧 it is a quite heavy topic indeed and I hope I did it justice... Buck and Reader are married here but she had a husband before – I thought this sort of situation would suit this time period the most 💝
my requests are currently closed 🙅🏻‍♀️
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Buck’s day started as usual – getting ready for work in the morning as he shaved his face, combed his hair and put the clothes on that you had ironed for him on the evening before. He walked downstairs to have breakfast and spotted a plate of scrambled eggs with bacon and a toast already waiting for him with a cup of coffee. He smiled to himself and approached you standing by the window to give you a kiss on the cheek before sitting down by the table to eat. From the corner of his eye he noticed that you were quite nostalgic and sad this morning but he didn’t want to push you into telling him what was wrong because perhaps the answer was “nothing” and you were just tired.
However, you were unusually quiet, staring out of the window with a cup of your own coffee in your hand as you watched the birds outside on the tree’s benches but the beverage was long forgotten in your hand. Buck hadn’t seen you sipping on it at all and he was sure it was cold now.
“Is everything alright, love?” He asked as he raised his eyebrows at you.
“Yeah, yeah,” you nodded your head with a shy smile but the look you gave him was brief and unusually unfocused as if you were trying to avoid his gaze.
Buck decided not to push you, especially now when he was before work. He decided to ask you more in the evening if your mood would still be so odd. However, when he was finishing his scrambled eggs, you suddenly opened your mouth again.
“You know, today’s the day… It’s the anniversary of my divorce with… With him,” you sighed and finally took a sip of your cold coffee.
Buck’s shoulders stiffened at those words. He had no idea about the anniversary taking place today out of all days and every mention of your ex-husband felt like a punch in the guts. Not because he was jealous or something – he had no reasons to be and he knew that – but because he was aware what that man had been like and how he had been treating you.
You had been already divorced when you had met Buck and some people had been warning him about getting into a relationship with a woman “with the past” but Buck had known better. He had known you and he had known “your past” from you. He couldn’t blame you for falling in love and he couldn’t blame you for leaving a man like that son of a bitch. He hadn’t known how to appreciate a woman like you, he had been taking advantage of your love and devotion.
Buck was not like that. He was patient with you, he was understanding, he was protective. He had promised to take care of you, to help you heal as you were helping him to heal after the war. It was a peaceful and cosy marriage that had lasted about a year now but he knew that the demons of your past would sometimes show up. Just like his did – they liked to come back in sudden anxiety attacks or unreasonable fear of loud things like the fireworks on the Fourth of July. They liked to come back in dreams, too – nightmares, actually.
You always knew how to comfort him, how to calm him down, to make him feel safe again. But now he felt awkward and helpless when it was his time to do the same for you. He didn’t know how to react properly. Should he congratulate you? Or tell you to forget about it? Both options seemed kind of wrong.
“I see,” he only cleared his throat awkwardly before taking the last sip of coffee and standing up to approach you. He kissed your cheek again and rubbed your shoulder in a comforting manner. “I gotta go now… Do you want to go out somewhere nice in the evening?” He furrowed his brow. “Like a restaurant? You wouldn’t have to cook today.”
“I…” You hesitated. “I don’t know. It would feel like celebrating and even though I have reasons to… I don’t want to think of him at all. I want this day to be normal,” you looked at him and he nodded before pecking your lips and wishing you a good day as he left for work.
However, he knew that it was easier said than done. You would still think of your ex-husband all day long. It was inevitable and only natural. Buck felt bad for you and on his way back from work he stopped by the store and contemplated on getting you flowers. Once again he had a dilemma because it would be a nice gesture that would make you smile but on the other hand it would feel like a symbol of congratulations and a celebration. You wanted this day to be usual but you were unusually sad and quiet so he wanted to bring a smile to your face…
Walking back to the store’s entrance door, frustrated, he walked past the alley with the toys and then he stopped at the sight of an adorable teddy bear as he suddenly got an idea. He bought it and took it home, a little nervous of how you would react.
In the meantime, you were growing impatient because he was late and the dinner was getting cold. Staring out of the window, you finally spotted your husband’s car and you went to the hall to greet him.
“You’re late!” You pointed out and Buck smiled at you.
“I’m sorry. I stopped by the store,” he leaned in to kiss your cheek and handed you a teddy bear.
“What is it?” You furrowed your brows at the soft toy in your hands. “It’s adorable but… Why?”
“I was thinking… I mean, it reminded me of you because it’s adorable, let’s start with that,” Buck chuckled. “But also, I thought… I want you to have it so he’s watching over you when I’m out at work or something, you know. And when you’re sad, you can look at him and smile, yeah?” He scratched himself behind his neck awkwardly.
Your heart swelled in your chest at his words as the corners of your eyes pricked with tears. Despite your words from the morning that you didn’t want to think of your abusive ex-husband, he had been occupying your thoughts all day long. And you wished you had asked Buck to call his work and tell them he was sick, just to stay with you. But you would feel guilty if you did that. So, you spent most of the day dwelling on the past and trying to fight back the bad memories. And now, your husband’s sweet gesture meant the world to you.
You wiped your wet cheeks and threw your arms around his neck to hold him close.
“Thank you…” You whispered. “Thank you so much, I love you.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart. The most in the whole world,” Buck rubbed your back and kissed your temple.
“Go wash your hands and eat dinner now because it’s getting cold,” you took a step back and caressed his hair to fix the reckless hair strand.
You went to the kitchen, too and you sat the teddy bear on the window sill by the kitchen sink. He would watch over you every day as you cooked, baked or washed the dishes. You couldn’t stop smiling widely at it and Buck’s heart was growing in his chest out of happiness at the sight.
Sometimes he fantasised about finding your ex-husband – wherever he was now – and teaching him a lesson or two. Not even about killing him, no; dying would be too easy for that bastard. But he knew it was not worth it. He knew you wanted to let go of the past and your ex-husband was not worth going to jail for either. But seeing you, Buck couldn’t believe that someone had wanted to hurt something so lovely and pure. He just couldn’t comprehend how anyone could want to cause pain to his wife.
When he was done with his dinner, he washed the dishes in silence, not even letting you know that he had already finished because you’d insist on cleaning since he was “tired after work”. He didn’t want to interrupt you reading a magazine in the living room, so he washed the dishes himself and only then he joined you on the sofa.
“You’re done now, baby?” You looked up at him and put the magazine away to stand up.
“Stay,” Buck put his hand on your thigh. “I’ve already washed the dishes.”
“Oh, baby, you shouldn’t have! You’re so tired after work,” you pointed out with a pout.
“I’m completely fine,” he chuckled. “Come here,” he invited you to sit on his lap, so you happily did as you crossed your hands behind his neck and he pulled you closer. “Are you happy, darling?” He asked, more seriously now.
The question left you speechless for a moment but you knew where he was coming from. The bittersweet anniversary of your divorce had been occupying his mind as well for the whole day – not only yours.
“I am,” you nodded your head and bit on your lower lip. “The happiest,” you assured him. “Being your wife makes me feel happy, safe, proud and fulfilled. And I would tell you if something was wrong. Like we have promised each other to be honest and open,” you caressed his hair and leaned in to rub your nose with his. “And one day I’m going to have more wedding anniversaries with you than I have ever had with him and I’m going to forget his face and his voice completely and I can’t wait for that day. But perhaps I had to survive him to be able to meet you,” you shrugged your arms. “And just because of that, I can’t regret anything from my past because everything has been leading me to you.”
Buck only nodded at that before joining your lips together in a sweet kiss. He knew what you were talking about because he would go to ten more wars and survive ten more captive camps if it meant that he would end up as your husband.
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hajoon-iz-won · 7 months
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Best First Time Ever!
PAIRINGS: non-idol Heeseung x reader
SUMMARY: Y/N, a twenty-year-old girl, was determined to have her best first time ever at a club. She had grown up in a small town with conservative parents who didn't seem to care about her dating life or losing her virginity. Now, she thought it was easier to find someone to feel good with for a night at a club than trying to maintain an actual relationship.
smut, fluff, 18+ mdni
Dom!Heeseung, Sub!reader, gentle domHeeseung, fingering, size kink, breeding kink, reader loses her virginity, dirty talk, mentions of alcohol and getting drunk, pet names(baby, sweetheart, angel), creampie, aftercare
Word Count: 6.1k
Today would have been the day. Y/N was resolved that today would have been the day. It wasn't like she did this kind of thing frequently — no, she was undeniably more calm concentrating on in her dorm than in clearly clubs and hitting the dance floor with outsiders. In any case, she'd had enough of being prodded by her friends and roommate. "Twenty years of age, you're truly still a virgin? ” She had recently never felt like it made a difference, and zeroing in on her examinations had forever been the need. Among that and working, she hadn't actually had a lot of chance to zero in on dating, considerably less losing her virginity. In any case, presently… ?
Indeed, she guessed it was far more straightforward to simply track down somebody to feel quite a bit better with for a night at a club than need to disrupt her timetable by attempting to keep a genuine relationship. Indeed, even still, she was somewhat anxious. "Goodness, come on, you will be fine. You look perfect; it'll benefit you to get out for an evening!" Her closest friend offered her a smile and an energetic wink, the blonde lady throwing a simple arm around the more youthful young lady's shoulder. "I endeavored to make you look this great; I'll be cursed assuming I let you back down of flaunting my craftsmanship," Gaeun prodded, directing Y/N towards the entry of the club. "Plus, would you say you are truly having the college experience in the event that you don't look at a club no less than once? I'd prefer not to see my dearest friend denied of such a significant encounter! “ A low moan got away from Y/N, a hand moving upwards to card through dull dark red locks, emerald eyes looking at her companions faces. "I'm here, right? I'm not going to chicken out. I just. Do you have a peculiar outlook on being here? I don't actually have the foggiest idea acceptable behavior in places like this," she conceded. Not that that was actually her issue; she'd be quick to concede that she had grown up extraordinarily protected. Regardless, she realized she was the cliché illustration of that modest community young lady, having experienced childhood with a little ranch with her conservative mother and father.
It wasn't so much that they had been purposefully attempting to conceal the world from her possibly; she just questioned they had a lot of interest in cooperating with such things themselves, so how could they teach their sweet young lady on it? Also, sex? God, sex was, obviously, not discussed. Sex was marriage, and marriage alone, they had demanded, and she would have no need to be familiar with it up to that point. No doubt, as though. Culture shock was likely the most ideal way to depict what she had felt after leaving that modest community interestingly. Her college was situated in a major city, all things considered, many miles from the solace of her home and family. Furthermore, things were… So unique here.
Indeed, even now, two years in the wake of disappearing for school, she still now and again winds up attempting to change. This, however, wanted to beat a major wall for her. "I guarantee we'll have a great time," Gaeun guaranteed, snatching her hand and pulling her inside. "This is my #1 club in the city. It generally has the best music, the beverages are modest, and there aren't a lot of wet blankets." The principal thing Y/N saw as they moved toward the entryways and she was accordingly pulled inside was the music. It was difficult to make out what it was precisely at the volume it was at, however there was a profound, beating bass that appeared to vibrate through her, resonating in a consistent heartbeat she'd up until recently never experienced. Emerald eyes went wide in shock at it, however it was nowhere near unsavory. “See? I told you, it's great, right? Come on." Another little pull, and Y/N wound up moving no sweat, energetic expectation and fervor for something new and exciting getting comfortable her bones, far offsetting her anxiety. The lights were darkened, countered by brilliant hued strobes that illuminated the room in dynamic, moving examples, creating weird shaded areas on bodies moving and moving together to the beat on the dance floor. The music droned, stronger now than when they'd originally entered, and she wound up more charmed than she suspected it would be. In the event that she could just allow herself to unwind… All things considered, this really seemed to be loads of tomfoolery.
After an hour, Y/N had concluded she most certainly owed Gaeun for hauling her out. She was having a great time, body influencing against others to the profound, thundering bass of the music generally around her, liquor in her veins, and disposing of any excess uneasiness. Gaeun had vanished into the group some time prior, immovably pulling on the hand of a man she had met at the bar while getting them drinks, leaving Y/N all alone to partake in the music. Her head felt light even as she advanced toward the bar, rapidly requesting another fruity beverage. They were delightful, and she was satisfied that she could scarcely taste the nibble of liquor in them, something she'd been watchful about. The pleasantness of peach moved on her tongue as she roosted at the bar, tasting at her beverage joyfully.
“You might want to slow down there, sweetheart.” The voice was deep and rumbling, amusement coloring its tone as a large man moved to slide onto the stool beside her. “You don’t look like you frequent places like this, not if the way you’re drinking is any indication. That’ll hit you like a truck—it tastes good, but it’s dangerous as hell if you aren’t looking to get completely drunk.” The stranger hummed, chocolate eyes glittering with amusement.
The man was certainly older than her; that was the first thing Y/N noticed as hazy green eyes raked over him. Salt and pepper black and gray hair. At least 6 feet tall to her small-statured five foot five. A firm, chiseled jawline that looked like it could have been sculpted by a damned artist. Actually, the rest of him looked like it might have been too—the tight black t-shirt and denim jeans did nothing to hide broad shoulders and a muscular chest.
For a moment, her mouth damn near watered. God, he was handsome. How it was that the other women here weren’t flocking around him, she would never understand. But she certainly wasn’t going to complain, even if she made a face at him, sticking out her tongue. “Is it really that obvious? “
“Absurdly so. Might as well be written on your face.” He chuckled. “So, I know it’s cliché, but I gotta ask. What’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone at the bar? It seems you should be with someone, dancing and having a good time.”
A giggle escaped her, covering her pink, freckled cheeks with a hand to hide it. “You’re right, that definitely was cliché. Lucky you, you’re right about me being new to all this, so I haven’t heard it a thousand times. I’m with my friend. She’s…” A vague wave of her hand towards the crowd of bodies. “Somewhere in there? She made a new “friend,” and they’re dancing. I just wanted another one of these,” she explained, holding up her drink. “And what about you? A handsome man like yourself, you didn’t come here with someone? What did little old me do to get attention?”
She immediately wanted to cringe and groan. Way to go, Y/N; that was definitely not smooth. He’s going to think you’re an idiot. And I mean, you came here looking for a good time. Well, here’s a guy way out of your league who might just be interested if you could play it cool for half a second.
The stranger laughed, a deep rumbling sound that reverberated through her almost as easily as the music did, the pink on her cheeks deepening. “Nah, I came alone. Name’s Heeseung. And when you’re done with that drink, I’d love to take you out on the floor for a dance, if you wanted mind.” He rolled his eyes, clearly amused. “Come on now, sweetheart. Surely you know how pretty you are, huh? I got eyes in my head. Was a little amazed you weren’t surrounded by men. Clear down the block.”
“Y/N.” She returned, offering her hand, before raising a brow. “Well, aren’t you a sweet talker? Hmmm. You know what they say, Heeseung, flattery will get you everywhere.” She teased, finishing up her drink before standing, wibbling only slightly. “A dance sounds great.”
He didn't hesitate to reach out and steady her, curling her hand within his much larger one as he led her towards the dance floor. “Well damn, it looks like a lucky night for chivalry.” He teased her back, drawing her against that broad chest as they began to sway. “So, Miss Y/N, what would you normally be doing on a night like tonight, if not being too pretty for words at a dingy bar?”
She couldn’t resist snorting in amusement, rolling her eyes up at him. “Silly. I’d typically be in my dorm studying, I suppose. I’m a student at the university. Biology major, nothing too interesting, I’m afraid.” A rueful smile settled on her lips, even as she melted into him, one arm draping around his neck. God, she felt so damned tiny against him, something deep and primal screaming at her about how safe and strong being in his arms felt. Yes, he was definitely perfect for her intended foray into adventure.
“Nothing too interesting, she says, like understanding science isn’t an incredible feat,” he shot back, a playful smile on his lips. “I ain’t anything so clever or fancy. I’m a firefighter. It is tough, dirty work, but it needs to be done. At the very least, I get to come home each night feeling like I’ve made some kind of difference,” he admitted, even as he drew her closer. “Have to admit, this isn’t my usual kind of scene either; the loud noise bothers me sometimes. But tonight? Well, damn, tonight I’m glad I came.”
“I’m glad I did too,” she admitted, her free hand settling on his chest. “Handsome and a firefighter? Gotta say, you’re ticking my boxes left and right here.” Y/N teased, leaning up on her toes to brush her lips along his jaw, the alcohol thrumming in her veins long since waving goodbye to any inhibitions she might have. He was strong, gorgeous, and seemingly kind. She wanted him to take her apart. She wasn’t even fully sure of what that meant, but God, her body knew on instinct alone that it had to be him.
“Glad to hear it, sweetheart.” He chuckled. “How many more boxes do you think it would take for me to check off before you let me kiss you?” Heeseung questioned, already cupping her jaw and guiding her gaze upwards to meet his own.
“Not even one.” It was all the warning she gave before she was leaning up on her toes, capturing his lips with her own. At least she knew how to do it—she’d kissed boys in high school and shared fleeting things with guys back home behind her family’s barn. Kissing Heeseung, though… It felt different and sent sparks of electricity rushing through her in a way the guys back home never had.
He didn't even question it. Immediately, he was drawing her closer, one hand sliding under her rear to lift her towards him as he leaned to meet her in kind. His tongue brushed along her lower lip, a silent bid for entry before he was pressing inside to taste her. Fuck, she tasted so sweet, like the peach and mango from the drink she had been sipping only moments before, with the slightest bite of vodka still on her tongue. He guided her slowly into the kiss and showed her how to move against him. He was all too happy to deepen it, to take the time to explore every inch of her, guiding her hips against his own from his hold on her. “Well, thank God, sweetheart.” He groaned against her lips. “Because I thought I was going to lose my mind if I didn’t get to do that soon.”
A soft moan escaped her, her”lips parting without hesitation as he deepened the kiss. It was as though she were running on autopilot, her body knowing exactly what it was that she was aching for, even if she herself didn’t, and it sought it out readily.
Why hadn’t she been allowing herself these delights sooner?
“Heeseung…” she mewled, her fingers tangling in raven locks and tugging as she melted into him, pressing against him more completely. “Please… It feels so good,” she admitted breathlessly, chasing his lips with her own the moment he drew back for breath, greedy for another. “If I asked really nicely, would you take me home and kiss me until I can’t think straight?” She questioned, her voice soft and needy. “Because I’d really like to be able to feel a little more than is appropriate for a dance floor in a dingy club.”
Heeseung raised a brow at her, her lips curving upward in amusement. Forward little thing, wasn’t she? “I think we can certainly arrange that, sweetheart. Why don’t we get your things? You can text your friend; I’ll even give you my address to give her so she knows your safe,” he offered, leaning down to nuzzle into her throat teasingly, suckling at smooth caramel skin until violet began to blossom beneath his touch. “Because frankly, I think I’d like to do a lot more than a dance floor allows for too.”
“Deal.” She agreed, grabbing his hand and tugging him towards the coat check. A moment later, she was typing out a text to Gaeun with the details of where she’d be and not to worry, letting Heeseung draw her into his side all too contentedly. He was strong, he was warm, and he was broad. It was as though she fit perfectly against him, as though she had been made to be there.
“I called us a cab while you were texting your friend,” he told her, brushing a kiss on her head and waving down the taxi when it appeared.
Ten minutes later, he was helping her out of the car, leading her to the front step of a cozy-looking white house. She wobbled slightly on her feet, leaning against him for support, even as she clutched at his sleeve. Maybe he was right, and that last drink was a mistake, she mused, all too happy to let him guide her inside.
She wasted no time in pouncing, pressing his larger frame to the door with renewed fervor once it had closed, stealing his lips with her own in a greedy kiss. “Fuck….. can’t tell you how good kissing you feels.” She admitted, her arms winding around his neck, her body pressing against him once more. “Girl could get addicted if she’s not careful.”
Heeseung growled low against her lips, shifting them until her back pressed to the wall, legs under her thighs lifting her, and guiding her legs around his hips as he met each kiss in kind. “You’re one to talk, sweetheart. Such a sweet little thing, you have no idea.” His tongue once more invaded her mouth, taking control with ease, even as she rolled her hips against him feverishly, instinctively telling her to seek out the sweet friction she was missing out on currently. Her head felt hot; it felt like the world was spinning, like she was burning alive in the best way possible, like she couldn’t get a grip on anything.
Y/N woke up in a strange room, nestled down in a bed that was far too comfortable to be her dorm bed. The blankets were soft on her skin, and early morning light cast rays against the bottom of the bed as she sat up, rubbing at her eyes tiredly. Just what in the hell happened last night? Emerald eyes glanced down, widening in surprise. Okay, so the shirt she was in definitely wasn’t hers. For a moment, panic welled up inside of her, glancing around her surroundings frantically until she noticed what lay on the nightstand—a glass of water, two painkillers, and a note.
Morning Sweetheart;
First off, don’t worry. We didn’t go past kissing last night. That last drink of yours hit you pretty fast, and I wasn’t about to take advantage. Here are some painkillers. I imagine your head is hurting. Your clothes are washed and folded on the dresser. When you’re ready, come on downstairs, darlin’. I should have breakfast ready for you by then.
All at once, it came rushing back to her. The loud, thudding music. She had strong hands on her and a broad waist beneath her legs. Lips met hers feverishly as she stole kiss after kiss. She had suddenly been dizzy and exhausted, barely even able to keep her eyes open. He’d carried her to his room, given her a shirt to wear, and tucked her in for the night.
Well, fuck, that was embarrassing! What was he going to think of her now that she had gotten too drunk off a few fruity drinks to even stay awake? Goddammit… There went her chance to get rid of that stupid virginity too. Gratefully, she reached for the pills and water, popping them back with ease, even as she made a promise to herself to never drink again. It wasn’t worth it if the way her head was feeling right now was anything to go by.
Y/N groaned, dragging a hand down her face and setting the cup back on the nightstand. Okay, time to evaluate—she had options here. She could get dressed, sneak downstairs, and pretend like nothing had ever happened. Or she could stay burrowed in his shirt, go down to see what the breakfast he’d mentioned was, and see if he’d still let her try again. If she were being honest with herself, she would have preferred the second option. He was handsome, kind, and apparently caring enough to tuck a strange girl in his bed because she’d drank too much. She definitely wanted her first time to be with him.
Well. That settled it, then.
She slid out of bed, moving towards the dresser mirror long enough to run her fingers through her hair, making sure crimson curls at least looked presentable before padding down the hallway and a large staircase. The scent of bacon and eggs hit her immediately, making her mouth water as she followed it to where she presumed the kitchen to be. Silently, she walked up behind him, sliding slender arms around his waist from behind, burying her face in the broad expanse of uncovered, muscled back.
“Well, good morning to you too, baby.” He chuckled, glancing over his shoulder at her. “I’m guessing you found the note and painkillers, huh? Poor baby, I bet your head is pounding. Go sit down and get comfy. Breakfast just needs to be plated up. Bacon and eggs will get rid of any hangover you might have, I promise.”
Y/N found herself reluctant to let go, brushing a soft kiss between his shoulder blades before forcing herself to take a step back. “I did. Thank you so much for that, by the way. I’m so sorry I fell asleep; you must think me such an idiot.” She groaned, dragging a tired hand down her face, even as she obediently perched in one of the kitchen chairs. “I promise, I really did want to come home with you. I wanted you. Want you.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that we’re at least still on the same page, princess.” He hummed, plating up her food and setting it in front of her, kissing her head tenderly before taking a seat opposite the girl. “Nah, I don’t think you’re an idiot. You already told me it was your first time out like that. I’m guessing it was your first time drinking too?” A little laugh escaped him at the glum nod of her head, the crimson dancing along freckled caramel cheeks. “It’s alright, baby. You eat up, and if you still want me after you have some food in your stomach, well…The corner of his lips tilted upwards in an amused little smirk. “I’m sure we can figure out what to do about that.”
She paused, her emerald eyes widening and her hand pausing with the fork mid-air as her gaze shot up to meet his. “Really? Even after all that, you still want me?” She questioned, shy hesitation creeping into her voice.
“Mmm. Maybe you just look too good in my shirt, sweetheart. Maybe I haven’t been able to stop thinking about kissing you, feeling you under my hands. Maybe I dreamed about how pretty you’d look coming undone.” Heeseung hummed calmly, as though the admission were nothing at all, though mischief twinkled in his eyes as he lifted his coffee mug to his lips, taking a long sip. “First things first, though. Eat. I promise it’ll make you feel much better.” He cajoled softly.
“Alright, alright.” She agreed, though the crimson on her cheeks remained. Admittedly….. The bacon and eggs looked and smelled utterly delicious. And when she had finished moments later, she had to admit it was already helping her feel a little bit better, her migraine finally beginning to let up.
Y/N paused for a moment before she was sliding out of her seat, padding around the table to slip onto his lap, straddling him carefully, and draping her arms around her neck. Was it far bolder than she normally was? Yes, but God, she ached for this man. Had been aching. “I should probably warn you,” she admitted, even as she instinctively rolled her hips down against him. “I’ve never done this before, so I may not know exactly what I’m doing.”
A low groan escaped him as she rocked against him, the shirt doing little to act as a barrier between them. “Hey, that’s completely okay, sweetheart. I know more than enough for both of us, okay? All I need you to do is tell me if anything is too much.” He dipped his head, lips brushing along her throat, leaving a scatter of dark marks in their wake. God, she looked beautiful with his marks, and he couldn't help but commit each little mewl that fell from her lips to memory.
“Tell you what, baby. Why don’t we start nice and easy, huh? I’ll pick you up, real safe and sound, and carry you upstairs. We can take a nice, hot shower together. I’ll kiss the ever-loving hell out of you and get you feeling nice and relaxed for me, hmm? I promise, I’ll take such good care of you.” He kissed his way back up her jaw, cupping her face as he stole her lips with his own. He could get drunk off kissing her; he knew he could.
“Fuck…” she moaned, tipping her head to grant him access to her throat, her fingers tangling in dark locks and clutching on tightly. “Heeseung, please~! “She mewled, unsure of what exactly it was she was asking for. All she knew was that she needed more, needed everything this man could show her, could give her. It was as though some deep, primal part of her had now awoken and was aching only for him.
She met the kiss in kind, heat pooling once more in her stomach, blinding and hot as it coiled and uncoiled, slick already pooling between her thighs, dampening the soft lace that lay between her legs. Even though this had her delirious from pleasure, how much better would it be when she had him touching her? “Shower sounds good.” She agreed breathlessly. “God, yeah, I want that. I want you to touch me so badly. I want you to teach me. Please, Heeseung? ”
“How on earth can I say no to that?” He picked her up with ease, guiding her legs back around his hips as he made quick work of carrying her up to the bathroom, settling her onto the counter with another feverish kiss. “Good girl. Not much longer now, I promise I’ll give you everything you need. Just be a good girl and wait just a moment longer for me.” He ordered softly, reluctantly drawing back. He set to work, turning on the shower, adjusting the temperature until it was just right before kicking off his own sleep pants and turning back to her.
Her mouth goddamn near watered at the sight of him. Firm, muscled thighs to match the rest of him, and… Oh God, he was already so hard. Surely not all of that would be able to fit inside of her! She took a breath, licking her lips in anticipation, resisting the urge to reach out and touch him just yet.
“Come here, beautiful,” he cajoled, helping her back off the counter before his fingers hooked in the hem of his shirt, tugging soft cotton up and over her head. “So gorgeous. You make me want to absolutely ravish you, baby. Cover you in my marks so no man can touch you but me.” A low, possessive growl escaped him as he drew her close, dipping his head to nip along her collarbone, even as his once large, calloused hand lifted to gently cradle her breast. “So perfect for me, I bet you’ll be an angel coming undone.”
A moan left her as his thumb brushed along her nipple teasingly, pressing her hips against him. The feeling of his cock pressing against her was all at once terrifying and thrilling. Shy fingers moved until they could slide between their bodies, curling around him curiously.
Heeseung couldn’t help but moan, tipping his head against her shoulder and nipping at the soft caramel skin once more. “Fuck….. feels good, baby.” Reluctantly, he drew away from her, kissing her head. “Into the shower, sweetheart. I promise I’ll keep touching you, but at this rate, we’ll never make it in.”
His fingers hooked In the hem of her pants, letting them slide down her thighs, before he caught her hand in his own, guiding her under the hot spray carefully, just to step in behind her. It was no hard task to tug her back to his chest, running his hands smoothly over her skin beneath the hot spray. One hand cupped a supple breast once more, the other sneaking it’s way down over her stomach. “Remember, if anything doesn’t feel good, I need you to tell me, okay? ”
The hand continued Its journey downward, drawing needy whines and mewls from her lips as they slid between her thighs, stroking over slick folds. “You’re already so hot and wet for me, aren’t you, Y/N? ”He groaned, the digits easing inside to stroke over the delicate little nub above her entrance, teasing it with skillful little twists of his fingertips against her.
Oh. Oh, that felt incredible. Her eyes widened, a sharp and needy whine escaping her lips as she leaned back into him, her hips rocking into his touch. “Heeseung, please! “Y/N gasped, reaching out to clutch at the wall for purchase. “Oh God, don’t stop, please.”
It was unlike anything she had ever felt before—hot and sharp, the heat in her stomach coiling even tighter as his fingers slid lower, two easing inside. Her legs trembled, weak in the knees, as he wrapped a strong arm around her waist to steady her.
There’s a good girl… Fuck, you feel so hot and tight around my fingers, sweetheart. I bet you’ll feel even better around my cock.” He crooned, his voice a husky rumble in her ear before his lips were once again finding her throat. It was as though he couldn’t get enough—something deep and possessive urging him to leave more and more marks until it would be impossible to miss them.
God, he ached to bury himself in her right now. But he had to be patient. He wanted her to be nice and relaxed for him, and he wanted her first time to be good to her. It was something special she was offering up to him, and he would be damned if he wasted that. “Come on, sweetheart.” He moaned low against her throat, beginning to thrust the digits into her. It wouldn’t take much, he imagined, if no one had touched her this way, and he wanted to watch her fall apart on his fingers before he took her to his bed.
Heat bubbled within her, blindingly hot and dizzying, as she rocked into his touch, desperate to meet each thrust of his fingers in kind. It felt strange; it felt foreign, but it felt amazing. Even just the two digits stretched her open more than she’d ever had before, and when he curled his fingertips to drag along slick walls, she swore she’d seen stars.
He was definitely the right choice.
A moment later, she found herself tipping over the edge, unable to hold back, as her first orgasm hit her hard and fast. “Heeseung!” The cry was sharp, bouncing off the tiled walls to echo through the room as he continued rocking the digits within her, helping her ride out her high.
“Good girl. That’s my good girl,” he praised, slowly pulling the digits out. He chuckled at her whine, kissing the top of her head. “I know. I know, sweetheart. But I don’t think my fingers are enough, huh? So I’m going to pick you up and carry you to my bed. I’m going to lay you out pretty beneath me, and I’m going to make sure you scream.
He turned her carefully, scooping her up bridal style, stealing kiss after feverish kiss as he stepped out of the shower, careful not to slip. He didn’t care that they were both soaked; the sheets would dry. No, all that mattered right now was burying himself in her, making this pretty little thing his.
Y/N clutched on tightly as she was carried, brushing soft, needy kisses and nips to his neck and shoulders as he held her close. All her inhibitions and nerves melted away into nothing—no, there was only this handsome man and his skillful touch. She had no idea that it could be like this, and it was dizzying how badly she wanted more.
Heeseung laid her out gently, guiding her legs apart before moving between them and stealing her lips in a feverish kiss. He wasted no time—no, he needed her now. His hand gripped himself tight as he guided his aching cock against her folds, sinking home in one firm thrust, burying himself to the hilt within her.
Her moan was lost against his lips, her sharp gasp swallowed down as his tongue once more invaded her mouth, exploring every crevice it could, claiming it as his own as his cock did the same. It was overwhelming, but not bad. She felt so damn full. The stretch burned just a little, but that did nothing to diminish her desire. If anything, it left her feeling even more sensitive, with her arms draping around his neck and her legs hooking around his waist.
“Heeseung… fuck fuck fuck, please!”
It seemed as though he needed to be told twice. His hands cupped her hips and slid under her rear as he began to set a fast, hard pace, using his grip on her to guide her up into each rough, unforgiving thrust. “Fuck baby, you feel so good. All mine now; you know that, don’t you? I’m going to fill you up, sweetheart; I’m going to fill you up with my cum; I’m going to claim you inside and out.” He was unsure where the words came from; he’d never been the possessive type, but something about her drove him wild. She was just so damn perfect for him. “Going to breed you, baby, going to fill you so good your stomach swells, so good everyone knows you’re off limits.”
She didn’t know why the idea of that got to her the way it did. She’d never been interested in even the idea of having kids, and the notion of actually being kept had always been more viewed as a hindrance to her schooling and her future career plans. And yet, the thought of her stomach swelling up with his child and of him actually wanting to keep her was even more intoxicating to her.
“Do it!” She mewled, her fingers tangling in his hair, drawing him back in for another desperate kiss. “Please, fuck, I want that so badly, Heeseung. I want everyone to know I’m yours! God, I need it, I need to be full, please, please, please. I’ll be so good for you, please.”
It was as though he had awakened something deep within her and left her wanting for him alone. Each sharp, hard thrust stole her breath and had her gasping and mewling as she writhed beneath him, unable to do much more than simply hang on for the ride.
“I’m so close, baby girl. Just a little more, and I’ll fill you up.” He promised, kissing her over and over again. If he had his way, he was never letting her go. She was his now, and he’d do everything in his power to convince her to stay. One last sharp, and he was spilling himself inside of her with a sharp growl, stealing her lips in one last domineering kiss as he pressed deep, let his seed fill her completely.
Her body tightened around him, as though trying to milk him for everything he had, the feeling of hot liquid rushing inside of her sending her over the edge once more. Her fingers found his back, her nails clawing and scratching as she scrabbled for purchase to ride out her moans and sobs of delight escaping her lips.
He fucked her through It hard before finally falling beside her, rolling them until he was comfortably on his back, drawing her to lay atop him in a way that let him stay buried in that slick heat, dragging a comforter up over them.
“Feeling good, baby?” he questioned, carding a gentle hand through her hair even as she snuggled all too contentedly into him. God, she was cute…
“So good,” she agreed, her voice breathless and sleepy as she nuzzled into his chest. “Did you really mean it? About keeping me? ”
“I did,” Heeseung promised, surprised to find just how much he meant that. “I know it might be a little bit backwards considering… but I’d really like to try this with you, sweetheart. I hate the idea of you leaving my arms, of you being too far away. Is that alright, baby? I know you have your studies, and I have work, and both those things can be a little crazy. But if you let me, I promise I’ll do such a good job taking care of you.”
“I…” She hesitated for only a moment, biting her lip nervously. It was supposed to only be a one-night stand, just her taking control to lose her virginity and shut up her friends. But if this handsome, strong man who made her feel so fucking good and so incredibly safe actually wanted her… Who was she to say no?
“Alright,” she agreed softly, brushing kisses along his collarbone sleepily. “I can’t promise I’ll be any good at this; I haven’t really dated very much, and school has always been my priority. But if you really want to try this, we can try.” Y/N agreed, her eyes heavy.
Heeseung couldn’t help a fond chuckle, her hand sliding to caress her back sweetly beneath the blanket. She was so damn cute. “There’s my good girl. I’ll help you learn, okay? We’ll figure it out together as we go. Poor little honey, I think that second orgasm really hit you hard. Why don’t you get some sleep, sweetheart? We can figure it all out when…” He paused, glancing down at her. Her eyes were closed, her breathing steady, and her fingers curled against his chest. “Huh. Guess I didn’t need to do much coaxing there.” He murmured to himself, rolling his eyes in amusement.
Content that she was safe and happy, he let his own eyes grow heavy, joining her in sleep a moment later.
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sarahisslytherin · 7 months
summary: you’ve been receiving love letters from a secret admirer and you’re desperate to reveal his identity. contains: benedict being fucking adorable, fluff n' angst! a/n: this one’s a bit angsty and a tad racy. enjoy! PART I
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The idle days leading up to the ball inched past painfully slow. You spent them trying to occupy yourself with silly activities; knitting, painting, writing. This last did little to keep your mind from straying to your admirer, as one’s mind often drifts to the land of romance when writing. You tried to imagine the color of his eyes, the slope of his nose, the feeling you’d experience were you to finally meet at the ball. No, you scolded yourself with a click of the tongue. You would not get your hopes up only to be disappointed.
You were just beginning to paint a landscape when there was a knock at your door. You ushered in your lady’s maid, who once again discreetly placed a ribbon-wrapped envelope upon your desk and let you be. You knew your imagination would surely run wild as an unbridled stallion if you opened that letter. So you put your fine brushes away and started down the stairs. The letter could wait, you tried to convince yourself as you scurried off to the Bridgertons’.
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The heat that afternoon grew more intense by the minute, but Daphne and Eloise insisted on savoring the sunlight by sitting on the garden terrace. You quietly sipped your beverage as you surveyed the garden. The flowers were in full bloom, dashes of pink and white and red standing out against the earthy tones of the greenery. Bees buzzed by and you could hear the chirping of the songbirds if you listened for it. And there, in the center of it all, were Benedict and Colin, fencing with all the grace of two combative children. You snickered whenever Benedict let out the occasional curse, or whenever he bested Colin and wore that ridiculous victory smirk. 
However, the more you watched, the more difficult it became to rid yourself of the suspicion that you were feeling something more than just innocent amusement. Benedict was now covered with a thin sheen of sweat, his muscles tautened with every movement and his ragged breaths drew one of your own from you. You tried to drag your eyes away, focus on your drink, which was doing little to put out the flame you felt brewing within. It wasn’t until Eloise called your attention that you were able to see anything else. 
“Sorry!” you laughed nervously, and noticeably so. “What were you saying?”
“We were saying that we must be going.” Daphne replied. “Simon is here for me and Eloise is off to visit Penelope.” She stood up, gracefully smoothing out her champagne colored dress. “Will you be staying longer?” 
You glanced over at Benedict and Colin, who were striding toward your little group. “Yes, just a bit longer, I think.” Daphne gave you her warm smile and bid you goodbye for the day, Eloise trailing after her as she left. When you turned, the brothers were standing by you. 
“Good heavens!” you shrieked, not expecting their looming presence.
“You’re so easily startled.” Benedict laughed as he took the seat opposite you, where Daphne had been. Colin excused himself and left you both in each other’s company. “Hot, isn’t it?”
“You have no idea.” you remarked as you took another mousy sip of your drink. 
“You seem a bit – fidgety – of late. Are you doing well?” Benedict asked.
“I didn’t know you were such a keen observer.” you smirked.
He gave a sort of knowing chuckle. “You have no idea.”
You smiled, but your expression quickly faded as you recalled the pressures you had been feeling of late to marry. “The truth is I am feeling a bit low. My family wants nothing more than for me to see suitors, to select a person I hardly know and take him as my husband to live out the rest of our miserable days together.” You scanned his face for his reaction.
“Well, that sounds dreadful!” he scoffed. “Call me an idealist, but marriage is not something that can be forced. It should only ever be for love.”
“My thoughts exactly.” you nodded in firm agreement. “Have they started looking at ladies for you as well?”
“For me?” he asked incredulously, which caused you to be taken aback. “No, heavens, no! I do not intend to marry.”
“Never?” you inquired, your slight frown betraying you. “Not even for love?”
“It would have to be a love so strong it could bear any storm, one of those loves the poets write their sonnets about.” he stated with such determined an air you felt you couldn’t question him on the topic any further. “And I suggest you do the same. Do as you wish when you wish it, that’s how I intend to live.”
You couldn’t comprehend how easily he could dismiss something of such paramount importance in your life, so high up on your list of things you must do in order to maintain your social status, or even to simply keep a roof over your head that wasn’t your parents’.
“Well, I’m sure it’s different for men.” you fired back, eyes narrowing as if in some sort of philosophical duel. “Especially when you aren’t the eldest son. Life has no worries for you, it’s all just art and those women you waste away painting.” 
Benedict’s face fell slack. “No, you don’t understand. I didn’t-”
“I don’t understand?” you repeated bitterly as you stood from your seat, Benedict looking up at you with the sorriest of looks. “Do you wish to insult my intelligence as well, old friend? I understand plenty, and I have learned that the world will never be the same for you as it is for me, so I will leave you now to enjoy yet another idle afternoon of your dutiless, reckless life.”
You stormed your way through the house and onto the street, huffing and blowing like a bull ready to charge. How he infuriated you! How mad he drove you! At least your letter awaited you at home, and you would feel peace once again.
tagging: @velvetcloxds @oweninadaydream @holdthegirrrl @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @i-padfootblack-things @dd122004dd
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kittenfangirl20 · 26 days
Sheriff x Outlaw Au
Lucifer sat at his desk with his dusty boots resting on top of it. His gaze landed on the wanted poster of one Adam Kadmon.
Wanted Dead or Alive.
To think that he came close to arresting him once and the guy slipped away by literally throwing dirt in his eye.
Adam could be anywhere, but if he ever came back to this side of Pride Lucifer would deal with him personally.
Adam limped away, his horse dead and arm bleeding. He needed to bandage his arm, get a disguise and lay low for a while.
He had managed to steal enough gold to get by for a while but those thugs would come looking for his head eventually.
Adam knew coming back to Pentagram City was a risky move, having a personal beef with the sheriff alone makes this a foolish idea. But he needed more money and a place to stay for a while.
Help wanted sign at the local bar. With a fake mustache, a different hat, and a name change Adam had himself a job as the new bartender.
Adam: Here's to another new start.
*Adam smirked as he walked into his new job, it was rather easy to trick the owner of the bar to think that he was a man named Jacob who was just looking for a job as a bartender after moving out west, it had helped that he had learn how to make drinks that his first wife Lilith wanted, to say it was a bad marriage was an understatement, whenever he did something she deemed, she would hurt him, to get away from her he had to fake his death*
Bar Owner: You came early, that’s good. I mainly want you to make drinks for the guests and protect the bar from potential robbers.
Adam: Yes sir.
*Adam was already planning on a way to rob the place when he got the chance to, Pentagram City was the best place to rob in spite of the risk, the risk mainly being a very persistent sheriff by the name of Lucifer*
Adam internally: That sheriff has become a real pain in my ass.
*Lucifer wasn’t the only threat he had to keep an eye out for, there were others who wanted his head, they had been hired by Lilith to find him and drag him back home to her, he hated the fact that he was so afraid of his wife, he went behind the bar and started his job, his eyes widened in shock when he saw Sheriff Lucifer walk into his bar*
Adam internally: Don’t draw attention to yourself, you are in disguise, he probably won’t recognize you.
Lucifer: l’ll have a root beer.
Adam: Sure, seems odd to get a non alcoholic beverage at a bar.
Lucifer: I’m on the job, it would be unprofessional if I got drunk on the job. Say, have I met you before.
Adam: I have a face that people say looks like someone they’ve met before. I can assure you that we haven’t met before. I think I would remember meeting a good looking guy like you.
*he handed Lucifer the bottle of root beer while both blushed*
Adam internally: Shit, why did I have to say I found him attractive?
*it was true that Adam did find Lucifer attractive even if he was a thorn in his side*
Lucifer: You’re quite attractive yourself, what is your name?
Adam: Jacob.
*Adam couldn’t help but smile, one of the ways Lilith hurt him was by mocking the fact that he had gained a little bit of weight which made him wonder why she wanted him back if she couldn’t stand looking at him, it was probably because she liked having control over him, Lucifer mainly had his drink and left money for it as well as a tip for Adam, other than that his shift was pretty uneventful, once his shift was over Adam walked out to see Lucifer waiting for him*
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theghoulgirl · 7 months
Twilight/Reader Head-cannons and Thought Ideas (Part I)
This is a quick thought idea and head-cannons that I whipped up. This has a main focus on the Linked Universe Twilight, but can also be read as Twilight Princess Link.
Absolutely did not edit it since I don’t have time, so I apologize for any errors.
If you enjoy, please leave a comment and let me know if you’d like to see something else!
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Twilight loooves to take care of you. His love language is most definitely acts of service. 
Having a generally bad day? He will wrap you up in the coziest blanket, make you a warm beverage, and offer to read the cheesiest romance book out loud to you. 
Working or studying long hours? No worries. He will cook dinner and make sure there are leftovers for you tomorrow. 
If he sees you cooking, he would come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and give you a little peck on the cheek. 
The others would tease him whenever he watches you interact with children. He looks so starstruck and in awe at the sight of you laughing and playing. 
Would absolutely be daydreaming about a life with you.
If you don’t want children? He would be heartbroken, but ultimately respects your decision. After all, if you don’t want to be a parent then why would he force you. 
He could have also had a change of heart after his adventure with Midna, and potentially could have more duties in the castle due to being the Hero. 
Twilight absolutely engages in tickle fights with you, just because he loves to hear you laugh. It’s his favorite sound in the world. 
He also would love to chase you through the woods in a game of one sided tag. 
This has nothing to do with him transforming into a wolf. He just loves to hear you giggle out of nervousness and it gives him a chance to show off his pursuit skills. 
While traveling with the chain, Twilight would offer to share his bedroll with you and cuddle with you to stay warm. 
He would also constantly be asking you if you are alright. Are you hurt? Uncomfortable? Feet in pain from walking? You can ride on Epona for a while. 
If you’ve never learned to ride a horse, he would jump at the opportunity to show you. 
You’re in close proximity with one another and his chest would be up against your back. What else do I need to say?
If you’re an avid reader, this man would build you an entire bookshelf to expand his collection of books so you could add yours as well. But he would only do this if he’s heavily considering asking you for your hand in marriage. 
Merging bookshelves is practically a marriage proposal anyways. 
If you are not from his Hyrule but rather from our dimension, he would try to learn English to the best of his ability considering his Hylian is relatively close in the alphabet. . 
Could see a strong bonding activity between the two of you being renting children books from local libraries so the two of you could learn each others language. 
Twilight, being the gentleman he is, would open doors for you and gently guide you through it by resting his hand on your lower back. He would also walk behind you on stairs and help you dismount from Epona. 
If he senses that you are uncomfortable in a situation, he would whisper in your ear and ask if you would want to escape from it. If you answer yes, he would create an excuse without involving you and lead you away from it.
If you have anxiety, he would ask more frequently to make sure your anxiety isn’t acting up too much. But he would also encourage you to engage in these situations since avoiding social situations/the stressor feeds the anxiety monster. But, if it becomes too much or you ask, he will lead you away. 
He is the type of person to, in private, get to a Sky level of affections. Loves nuzzling you, kissing you periodically and randomly, resting a hand on you. This man is stuck to you like glue in private. 
Contrastingly though, in public he is more reserved. He will still want to hold your hand or rest his hand on your back. But refrains from more intimate signs of affection, such as kissing you on the lips. 
But despite his control over his emotions, he does have the tendency to get jealous. And oh boy when he does get jealous, he will be all over you. Resting his face against your head while you talk, arms wrapped around your waist, and giving the darkest glare to whomever is gaining your attention. 
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bloogers-boogers · 3 months
~Marriage au~ part two (first part) (next)
Adam enjoying himself at a buffet with all the hazbins residents until some guy (journalist) questions the legitimately of his and Lucifer’s marriage.
“Do you want us to fuck in front of you or what?”
“If possible yeah.”
“Adam and I are the sole piece of the product of a force marriage, get what you want from that,” Lucifer gets involved, peeking his head from behind Adam with two beverages in hands.
“So is there any love in your relationship?”
“No,” both men admitted, bluntly.
“So if anyone asks your consort out on a date would you be fine with that, your majesty?”
“Do you want to find out?” Lucifer smiles gently but his eyes said everything the journalist needed to know, to not dare try.
I like the idea of Lucifer feeling uncertain when their marriage is about to end, like he knew it was gonna happen eventually but now there’s this feeling that refuses to let go of Adam. He even finds excuses to lengthen the end date until he finds out why he doesn’t want to let go.
I also like to think that Charlie would make Lucifer take his marriage seriously hahdhashwi just cause I think it would be funny like:
“I refuse to give you some of my ice cream, Adam! You already ate yours!”
And then Charlie gasps in the background, “dad! In a healthy marriage you’re supposed to be able to share with your partner! Learn to share, please.”
“We’re not—! I, arghh, fine. I know this bitch is gonna eat it all in one bite just to spite me,” he grunts frustrated while shoving his ice cream to a smug Adam.
He does in fact eat the entire ice cream just to spite Lucifer.
“Awwe, see? It wasn’t so hard right?”
Lucifer deadpans, “applepie, he didn’t leave me anything!”
“But look, dad, he’s happy,” she gestures at Adam licking his fingers with a soft smile on his face.
Suddenly Lucifer didn’t feel so angry anymore.
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sagephilosophie · 6 months
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Chapter I : Rindou's Lover 「Masterlist」
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꩜ Chapter Tags ▸ NSFW, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Fluff and Smut, Safe Sane and Consensual sex, Love Confessions, First Times, Birthday Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Breeding, Aftercare, Mutual Pining, Rindou being a simp, Some political speech, Ran haitani being a spoiled brat, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence (But only in a one sentence and that's it), Minor Character Death, Bonten arc appearance Haitanis, Arranged Marriage.
꩜ Word Count ▸ 7260
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"Good morning, your grace", Rindou heard that from one of the maids as to get him to start his day, while two others were making way for the sun to shine through his chamber, getting the curtains out of the way. Which woke him up.
The young royal stretched out a bit, before scanning his surroundings, dreamy purple eyes landed on the maids, one already carrying a robe for him, the others standing still untill his movement off the bed to change the sheets and get to cleaning.
He slackly got off the velvet mattress, turning his muscular back to the maid letting her to put the robe on him.
"Are my father and brother up ?"
"His majesty and the prince are in the dining hall waiting for your arrival"
"Have they been waiting for long ?"
"Not at all, your grace", Rindou chanted a 'hum' of approval before sliding off the maid and signaling her to take her leave.
"Good morning, father", Rindou sat by the side of the king at a long rectangular table cornered with empty chairs, only three of them were filled, it had all what a human could think of containing appetizing meals and even far additions for supplies that wouldn't cross a mind; from all the fresh food and beverage found from the best of the best from all inches of the world, and the young duke finds himself distressed; it's a huge waste, yet he maintains grateful toward the fortune he was gifted, promising to use it for the greater good,
"Ran.", It's how he salutes his brother who just stared at him sluggishly, he had no idea how this man ahead of him is meant to be the crown prince with his laziness. Scratch that, how did he win over the entire kingdom effortlessly is what bothered the young duke. But he paid him no mind.
"Good morning, Rindou", the aged king greets back, half focused on his son, struggling to fill the silver plate ahead of him. Father Haitani was once a handsome young monarch desired by all the women across the kingdoms, and debatably, exceeds his sons' charm, alas his god-gifted youth consumed by time left him grey and ailing.
"Say, son," Rindou had an idea where this was going, "any luck of meeting the future mother of my grandchildren....", 'This again...' Rindou thinks, "...while im still alive ?", The king took a bite of his silver plate therefore allowing the royal brothers to begin their breakfast.
He sighs 'why aren't these question addressed to Ran'. It's these little converstation starters like this that gets Rindou's bitterness towards the first born haitani, and his own insecurities, sharpened. The way his brother is free from expectations and observations makes it clear how favored he is.
"No, father, i already told you im more concentrated in my position"
"You know as royals, marriage serve us heirs", his father kept eye talking with his second son and stopped eating, "without future rulers, the kingdom our ancestors worked hard to build will turn into ashes"
Rindou hated it, when his father will turn a blind eye to his hard work into improving their land and serving the poeple, overlooking the positive outcome of his role as a duke, Only to give him more unnecessary missions that'll only harm him and do nothing for his or the others' sake.
"The family i'll make will not be any necessary addition for the monarchy, isn't that Ran's duties ?"
"Your brother is already meant to marry from a nearby kingdom, his future and ours have already been secured thanks to his early decision", the younger Haitani felt his blood boiling to the indirect comparison the King is making, "but then how about you, son ?"
Rindou found himself slaming the corner of the table that was infront of him while getting up. There have been a rigid silence for a while with the Duke composing his breath and sanity, whilst his father's eyes are piercing through him.
"I'll take my leave now, i have some arrangements today, now if you excuse me", forcing himself back to his unruffled nature, he excused himself out of the dining hall.
He had better places to be.
Right near his beloved princess.
Rindou sat on the moving carriage, relying on counting the decreasing time until they reach his destination, but the orchestrated action was eventually forgotten by the royal, eyes fixed on his territory slowly pass out of his sight.
It'll be an understatement to say he loved his land, Rindou had a tender spot for his homeland, he and his brother have been raised with a mutual aim, to rule the Roppongi kingdom and keep the legacy everlasting.
That very thought kept the flame inside the Duke to burn brighter and it have been lightning up the darkest points of the crown.
Neither commoners nor nobility could deny how well his job is done, Rindou have been an example of a true hardworking leader, thanks to his formulated plannings - and most importantly, determination - he had developed his domain into a powerful estate, just like how he envisioned, yet there was always room for improvement in Rindou's side.
The younger Haitani takes his duties by heart, he adores the Roppongi kingdom and its wonders, and the day he was entitled as a duke, have made an oath to himself and all the active participants in progressing their empire, that he'll dedicate his life for his land and only use his authorities to benefit the nation.
Rindou had to admit he have felt undesrving of his privileges at first, yet over time he overcame that thought by understanding that without his power and title, he wouldn't have had the opportunity to protect and serve his poeple, even from those who are misusing their authorities.
However, there is one person Rindou can't do anything about, the one thing getting in the way of Rindou's hard work; Who is none other than his older brother.
Ran was the humanized image of the corrupt politician Rindou swore to never be. He wanted the power just for the sake of having the power, for his own selfish schemes.
For their whole life, Ran have been the pampered one, getting the title of the crown prince right at his feet just for being a first born, and that title have gained him respect across the kingdom, and by time, his ego have been taking over the entirety of the dry land. The older Haitani, got credit for stuff that never happened, for his nonexistent duties and sacrifices, yet for his surely capturing charm.
The younger have never called his vision of his brother jealousy, but rather bitterness for all his undeserved received attention, he would have paid him no mind only if he wasn't there to get in the way of his plans, and make dumb decisions with no second thoughts, and all the cleaning up his brother has to do afterwards.
Whilst Ran aims for the title of a royal, Rindou aim for the title of a royal.
That's when the Shibuya kingdom comes in handy. After some time of Ran's recklessness, their father had came to a fateful decision to make an agreement with nearby kingdoms and unify their power, it comes with the benefit of decisions looked into more thoroughly and a faster way to solve issues, the more the better.
Shibuya kingdom have been one of - if not - the biggest economical, agricultural, political, and soldierly turfs. There have been a time where Rindou even saw them as rivals, but even with the great power the Roppongi kingdom holds, they were no match to them.
By the younger Haitani's 15th month of October, introductions were made between the nobel successors, at the day of the agreement. He still remembers the details from that day very thoroughly.
The reigning monarchs sat at the overhead tower of Shibuya kingdom's palace, where their meeting takes place. Shifting all the way down from the tower spire to the lush garden, where the 4 youngsters can be located.
"Ran get up... at least introduce yourself...", whisper-yelled Rindou, fed up with the situations his brother keeps him in.
The crown prince took a look at the foreign visages, and had a nearby bench replace a bed to nap on. And now there is an awkward aura pressing the blonde too tight for his liking.
He tilted his head cautiously from where Ran was seated, taking a subsequent look at the Kantou kingdom prince now climbing a tree to - as Rindou concluded - catch a bird, and the Shibuya kingdom princess, inactive in the bird-catching event but gazing.
At a moment of comfort, Rindou approached her, "Looks like we're the only stable ones around", That got a giggle out of her, "actually Haru have never been so...", she took an additional look at Haru who was now fighting for his life with a furious bird pecking his head, "...tranquil."
It was now Rindou's turn to giggle, "then we're in the same condition", attention back at his slumbering brother.
"he isn't so bad, you must've not met Manjiro"
"Eh? The Tokyo empire prince? You met him? Woah i've only heard of him..."
"that's because he spends most of his time sleeping and eating"
"Better than sleeping and beating up guards"
"Heh he will get along with Keisuke then"
Rindou felt relief running through him again once he got ahold of how smoothly the converstation was going.
Then it clicked,
"oh excuse my manners, princess...", he faintly bowed and grabbed her hand delicately, like a priceless jewel, keeping his lips from touching the flesh yet having it thinly distanced for his fair share of satisfaction, his right hand on his chest lightly, "Haitani Rindou.", dreamy dripping eyes dropped shut at the contact of his lips and the back of her hand, devouring the slow moment.
He had no idea where that confidence came from that moment, he could've never managed to to pull that greeting in a normal circumstance. Maybe it has been the sense of security he felt that had his hesitancy long forgotten, just for a moment. After the introduction was done, the first thing he did afterward was looking back at the princess,
In her behalf, she found herself put on edge. As a princess she have been tought the etiquette well to be the representation of grace and elegance, this is far from her first royal greeting, and it still flusterated her, which caught her off guard far more than how Rindou did, yet as a princess the best immediate action to take was to compose herself,
"(Name), pleasure to meet you"
"The pleasure is mine"
Rindou straightened himself once more, the once pleasant aura have eased to both of their displeasure. And rindou tensed when he got a look at the strained - and still composed - (name) gazing down, as to not meet his eyes. And Rindou had to do something about the awkwardness,
"Ahem you know... im glad we got to talk"
Silence fell again,
"well... my birthday, it's tomorrow... and...", now she was observing him, a source of ease found its way back in her veins, while additional fluster reached Rindou's behalf,
"if you would like... to come to my party?", Was a muffled murmer, too faint, too shy, voiced with fear of obvious nervousness exposed - if he were to be heard - but the pink nose and cheeks tint already gave it off.
"I'd love to".
The carriage made it's stop at a lavish palace Rindou remembers by heart. The guards stood on parallel lines, saluting the Duke.
He took slow steps towards the open massive door welcoming his arrival, the intent was to reach for the meetings tower, that's what got him invited in to begin with.
But Rindou knew - he just knew - he couldn't trust his conscious not taking him to the garden. It's laughable, really. The same Rindou, who despised the existence of anyone that got some audacity standing in the face of his ancestors' heritage and threaten to terminate it, is more than capable of betraying his time and schedule, even his mind and body - where's the extra voice denying this coming from anymore ? he doesn't know and wouldn't listen anyway - just to get a little bit near.
It have been true, Rindou did predict his beliefs and values to get lost somewhere in his memories when getting closer to her was inevitable.
"Princess!", yes, his self betrayed him and chose its real owner than the morals he valued so much, but Rindou still trusted his heart when it told him she'll be in here.
It's times like this that teach him to trust his guts more often.
"Ha?", (name) was shining from Rindou's vision, she barely got a reason to make a sound, he would've found her and there would've been no logic to explain how, "Oh, Rin? greetings"
"Good day, Princess," by the aid of heaven was he able to look unfazed, it's being wondered in his head if his mother was being legit when telling him heaven favoured lovers, "i haven't interrupted your morning walk, have i ?"
"Not at all, it's always a delight having you here", the smallest bits of comfort she gives, purify Rindou and the unsettling gloom he carries. "do you have any business here?"
Rindou was well aware of the reputation he made for himself, and it have been beneficial for most times when dealing with entrepreneurs, that he isn't playing when it came to work, but having it reach to his sweetheart princess - even if she was being genuine - got his heart uncontrollably aching. She seemingly noticed his sudden tensing though, and had her way to ease it up, "Care for a walk? If you're free"
'"of course, Princess, there are still some time until the meeting anyway"
(Name) drew her attention back ahead of her and lead the way to a nonexistent temporary destination, and Rindou plaintly followed after.
He looked at her with so much admiration in his eyes, how he had appeared so calm and collected was still an enigma even for Rindou, yet have never been so grateful for the unknown source.
Over the decade of familiarity between both royals, something magical made a home out of his soul.
The Shibuya kingdom was on top of its game in everything, including their monarchs. The princess have been well loved and admired all across her kingdom, she got the charm, in the term his brother could never reach.
He was aware of the strict instructions and guides majority of princesses - including ones from an important force like Shibuya kingdom - were required to receive, but she had natural gifts; serenity and composure. They certainly are principal values that emphasizes a princess from a commoner, however that was just her thing no one could've done it better, it was an unallied geniune charisma assisted further with the etiquette toturing.
Her elegance, her grandeur, her neatness, her ingenuity, Rindou have fallen in no time. He barely caught track of the time the passion bloomed, too bewitched by the mystique of... her, just her.
Despite the allure he has been captured in, Rindou still kept a miniature soundness of mind to refrain him from - more likely than not - recklessness.
He is aware that she's not his.
He is well aware she is meant to bond with Sanzu, not him.
He is aware.
His soul isn't.
Rindou, in spite of his youth, has been to war, has killed a man coldheartedly alongside his brother, has resolved to violence more often than a heard-it-all pass-by could assume. Never in his life had he thought sounds of four words could've broke him the day it did, it was too sudden, too mindblowing, yet too obvious, and Rindou felt humiliated by his own self for being pity, for getting his hopes too high as if he was ever favored.
That night he shed tears, the possibilty of Rindou allowing emotions to exit its shell has became an urban legend by villagers and commoners, all they ever spoke about was the fearless Duke who formed a rivalry with his weakness, but that night he cried an ocean.
He still think of that night and doubts the devotion of his memories, the last tears that have been shed before that day were a little Rindou's, who can barely say his name, fighting the soil between him and his mother with the small hands to feel her warmth.
He wasn't that little Rindou anymore, his hands don't search for warmth, it searches for weapons to slay whoever disrespects his land. But that little Rindou never died, there were no corpse or a funeral for the little one, he was buried alive in the current Rindou still itching for tenderness every now and then.
"I'm courted to Haru" (name) informed him that day, it was the day she came of age and were informed herself.
Her relationship with Sanzu have been less than lovers more than friends, there were no hard feelings involved and throughout their lives, she got plenty of time to get comfortable and befriend the other, however there have been no spark and it showed no sign of showing up, ever, well nothing that could be found in a life partner, not the marital type atleast.
Rindou found her hesitance to be more of an issue than a good sign, he values the flame she started inside him, but he valued her far more, and she tops whatever could come in mind to him. And have been the supportive friend she needed for comfort.
He wanted her. Not just a want. He's not completed without her. She was the main priority.
Rindou cooperated with the idea of (name) never being with him, she seemsd to surrender for the Haru deal herself - tho it's not like she had a choice -, his soul never did.
It still gone to heaven and back feeling her presence. He was too weak and helpless and didn't even feel like doing anything about it.
Rindou stopped with the alert of getting too far from the tower, having the princess stopping at the same level with him silently but showingly questioning the decision of stopping.
"Well," the shaking of his voice have made him innerly curse himself, "I appreciate you inviting me for this walk, princess, but i have to be in the tower... i wish you a pleasant day."
The brothers were standing in the spacious balcony facing the far mountains, only gazed at by Rindou, having Ran's back and elbows facing it.
"Do you get me now, Rinny ? They just can't get the cake recipe right and it ruins my mood so i had to punch the- hey Rindou are you listening ?"
Rindou hadn't registered a single sound his brother was making.
He was complaining to the mountains with his eyes, he couldn't his weaknesses to slip into an unwanted ear, it was a language made for him and the mountains.
Rindou was getting hopeless, of himself, never of his princess. He was getting hopeless that he'll ever forget her when he had to.
Over the decade of pure admiration, and the one sided emotional rollercoaster, Rindou was on the state he willingly wanted to avoid thinking of accuring, where he couldn't keep up with the unspoken stress anymore, where he hated himself for falling in love.
And he felt like he was betraying his mom for blaming love for the humans' issues.
His mother never missed a day of telling him how love was beautiful, whereas human nature is ugly, and the ugliness of humans made love - that only treated the humankind with pleasure and a reason to keep going - the supposed culprit.
"Rindou...", the older man shook his closest family's shoulders lightly to grab his lost attention, "talk to me..."
It worked and snapped the younger royal out of his gloom, "sorry... you were saying?"
"That's not important right now, what is it with you?"
"It's nothing, Ran, im just tired of the meeting that's all"
"Rindou... im your brother, i know you better than anyone else and i know you are distressed of something bigger than a meeting", Ran now facing his brother's side, had a softer tone, one that reminds Rindou that this isn't just a pampered prince, but his brother that'll always have his back, and Rindou can't help the small lip twitch imitating a smile in his face.
"I was thinking of mom...", Rindou took a pause from the mountain converstation lowering his pupils to meet his feet, "i guess i missed her"
Ran let out a soft knowing chuckle and got back to his previous position, "you have always been like this little brother"
Rindou turned his attention to his brother from surprise, "like what?"
"Acting tough and big and that you got everything under control", a teasing grin found it's way to Ran's face, "when you're really just a whiny baby~"
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME YOU ARSEHOLE", Rindou tried to punch his brother's arm but the older one ran away laughing playfully, and unknown to him he was smiling as well.
It was true, Rindou really needed to stop making everything his responsibility and start admiting he had a limit, and a side of him that needed to be spoilt and pampered, even if it hurted his pride to admit it.
And he wanted to surrender to that side just this once.
"Sorry to interrupt, Your royal highness", one of the maids entered the princess' chamber mid the gossip of her ladies-in-waiting were transferring to her - who is not participating - and curtsied , "his grace, duke Rindou of Roppongi, is outside the chamber, demanding to see you"
A short stretch of time passed before the ladies-in-waiting swap the orientation of their gossip to each other, very clearly agitated to interrogate themselves what would he possibly want to see her for at this hour, (name) wouldn't have known what to answer them herself.
"Tell him to wait for a moment and then he could come in", the maid courtsied one more time and then gone out.
"Would you like to change into a more represantable attire, my lady ?"
"My lady, should i get the blue gown ? It's the quickest to put on"
"Don't listen to them, my lady, i suggest the purple gown"
The ladies-in-waiting began debating what should she wear in the presence of - according to them - a male outsider.
"Thanks for the suggestion, ladies, but he's no stranger it'll be alright, you could take your leave now", she politely shrugged them off.
They gave each other a few glances then got up and curtsied, perfectly timed with Rindou's entrance, curtseying to him as well and quietly leaving, the guards securing the door from outside,
Leaving only (name) and Rindou.
The princess remained seated down and looking up to him with a polite smile, while he's motionless by the door, gentle eyes following hers, smile warming up the frost of October, and she could've sworn there was faint pink painted in his cheeks,
"Rin, what a surprise...", at the - now exactly - decade of your meeting, never had Rindou been to her chamber, in fact he's never been to any chamber, only to the meeting tower or walking down the general area, not to mention having a nobelman in a nobel lady's bed chamber is quite scandalous - not that either of them agree with the judgements that accure from it - and been avoided by almost everyone for the sake of their reputation, so er astonishment have been explanatory, "are there any special occasions for the visit ?"
"Oh nothing serious, princess, i apologize if i got you worried"
"Oh not at all... im just quite curious what the reason may be is all"
"Well...", averting her eyes and looking down for the first time since he came in. Notwithstanding his silky mauve hair was falling over the violet orbs on the stocks of tilting his head downward, the pink flush got apparent and clear. Rindou took an unhurried breath, composing his now tense form. His brother was right, he was just trying to act tough, but he's a coward innerly, making a fool of himself at the moment, but there is no turning back, "...my birthday is tomorrow... and i thought... if you'd like to come... ?"
Protacted silence.
Rindou was panicking too much to even look at her expressions, it felt as if she stopped breathing, no sounds were coming from her direction in any way.
And he was about to apologize and leave but...
"I'd love to."
"How beautiful...", the carriage interior contained the bewildered princess, having never perceived a prepossessing sight as the one shifting by her in-motion window.
In a sort of a same condition as Rindou, she haven't stepped foot in his territory, she had no motive to. From the uncountable dry lands (name) has traveled through from the Tokyo empire, the Roppongi kingdom haven't made it to the list for two reason; first, the concernily occupied schedule assigned to her as a working royal barely got her a breathing space for visits to relatives or friends - since the kingdoms she have ever been to was for her deals, and Rindou was in charge of all matters surrounding his land to even give her a thing to do there - and her break was utilised for complete rest behind the walls of her castle.
Second, she didn't trust herself near Rindou.
Rindou was a riddle on her behalf, not him as a person, but the chemical reaction he causes.
Royal pedagogy was told to be stern, sombre, unsympathetic, rigorous, every common unrelentless term a rational living creature could think of. She went through it, she managed to accomplish the perfection of the princess definition. It took blood, sweat, and tears but it gave off, and she was prepared to survive the world.
Then Rindou happened, that not the top of the range tuition of composure and control prepared her enough for this man.
Ever since the night their fates collided, there was an implicit urge to deny the liking she has taken on the duke, it have been unreasonable at the time, but by age the motives of her denial grew larger; Her courtship to Sanzu - who was far from a romantic interest - have already been agreed upon by the higher ups.
Further than that, Rindou have already made a reputation for himself as the fierce duke who've made it crystal clear his land and occupation were his prime consideration, contrary of his brother and the masses of the nobelmen over the eras, the hypothesis of marriage and affairs was made known to be less of a concern for him.
All the doors were shut. She had your hands tied. There weren't any solutions left for her but to ignore the sellout of her chemical structure, but it was just... unachievable.
Every single time (name) thinks she surpassed her little crush, without a fail, Rindou's image shows up leaving her euphoric and lovestruck.
Only god knows how they survived meeting each other in person for so long.
That said, back to the current state, the carriage made its stop at the centre of the estate, where the castle is built, it doesn't equalize the size of her home but it sure is as beautiful as the land surrounding it.
(Name) was just as mesmerized with the haitanis' palace as she has been with their unfurled fields, too captivated with the allure of her field of vision, her lady-in-waiting - whose been assigned to travel alongside her - took over the errand of reviving her mindfulness by slightly shaking her - putting in mind (name)' social role -, which seemingly worked.
Now attentive, she finally sensed the rows of maids and guards by the gate still having their heads low - under the definition of respect -, the gate was allegedly open beforehand, expecting her arrival. Taking the first steps towards the entrance, she allowed the maid to escort her somewhere - she wasn't informed of yet - that locates in the back of the castle, where they're taking her.
The further they take her, the clearer it gets that she's being escorted to a garden. It was decorated and set ready for the rendezvous that she weren't all sure what's it about either.
The closer the view the clearer it gets to see the handsome dressed up duke, sitting in the chair ahead of the sizeable table that's stocked with a sweet course. His arms were crossed and his leg was restless, solicitude transparent on his attractive features, it lightened up - however - at the sight of the princess, and his little joyous smile unintentionally caused hers.
He, like an excited child got up from the chair quick, hitting his leg against the table in the process but he barely cared and came closer to her, excusing the maids and her lady-in-waiting out with a hand gesture not even staring at them once, his eyes couldn't leave hers and it'll be misleading to say he was solely participating at the current adoration match.
The rest of the women surrounding them understood almost immediately and took their leave along with the guards spread around the garden, and within mere minutes she was alone with Rindou, staring at each other chastly.
"Ahem please take a seat, princess", Rindou was the first to break the silence, extending a hand that she took gladly to escort and move the chair for her before moving to his seat across from her.
His usual stern yet playful demeanor was replaced - as she noticed - by this uncoordinated timidness completely out of character for a fierce leader like Rindou. Unknown to the princess before him, that this is Rindou finally coming out from the dark of his disguise by making less effort to hide his too obvious crush on her.
"You have no idea how delighted i am that you came", started the now blushing mess of a Duke. If she didn't have his handsome features printed in her memories, (name) would've mistaken this man for another.
This Rindou was less - if isn't at all - the supposedly gonna-be controlling terrible husband like the rest of them royals out there, and more of a softie who is keeping his eyes into one direction as long as she's in it.
"I'm delighted to be invited", she answered after observing the strange behavior coming from him. It wasn't exactly strange to be fair, but surprising, "um... do you perhaps have an issue that needed to be discussed"
"Not at all, princess, you could say i wanted to spend quality time with you, just the two of us", Rindou reached for the tea pot to pour you both some.
That was... a shock.
Not what he said... exactly.
But the fact he said that.
Alright, who is this and where is Rindou ??
(Name) was speechless. "...umm... i see.", she went on to drink her tea to keep the silence appropriate. She looked up to Rin, in a position of a lover; he held the cup of tea in one hand, and the other supported his slightly leaning head as he stared at her.
His lavender orbs were contagious, they were lovestruck and had her lovestruck, it was a disease meant to infect only both of them. Dangerous thoughts got to her head...
'What if he likes me?'
In the procedures of brushing off her truth of loving Haitani, figuring the obvious was a lost choice as well.
Rindou isn't acting strange... maybe.
What happened is that she opened her eyes.
The silence lasted for a while, and it could be guessed how awkward its been.
"The weather is nice, would you like to have a walk ?", Rindou finally blurted out, as a solution for the awkwardness and she wouldn't miss out on that so she got up following him.
The walk couldn't make their silence less awkward, it couldn't stop the red from spreading all over their faces either. It felt as if they were moving in circles, which was a probability, but neither royal would notice, they were currently detached from their surroundings, all they hear are their doubts of the future.
Rindou for instance thought he had a plan - but it was a miscalculation, a rush of adrenaline if you must call it - up until the reality slapped him like no fool could ever muster up the courage to.
Too many thoughts crossed his mind at once, his brain was getting heavy with doubts.
'She doesn't like me'
'She's betrothed to someone else'
'She doesn't like me!!'
'Where is this going ?'
'What to do now ?'
'Mama get up!'
He stopped his tracks.
'Mama get up! Get up Mama i'm scared....'
'Why doesn't she answer me ??!!!'
'She is gone'
'No...... Mama is here I SAW HER!!!!!!'
'She is not coming back'
'WHAT DID YOU DO???!!!!'
'I said enough.'
'Get over it......
(Name) concerningly called for the crying man. 'Huh' thought Rindou. Oh. He's done it, what he ought to leave dead- had woke up... he allowed that little Rindou to rise from the dead for a delicate moment, just that moment. Afterall, that slap had killed the little boy in him, making him the ruthless man he is today, making the small child into his enemy, a frail weak crybaby... what he promised to never become again... Love was beautiful whereas the human nature is ugly, and the ugliness of humans made love the supposed culprit, just like his mother always told him, but just as he got in contact with little Rindou had he realised, he's been the living embodiment of that. He gave in to human nature, became as ugly as his father. He never forgave his father, neither for beating his mother to death, nor for turning him into - as Rindou calls it - a serious jester. The way he was acting was comedic, hilarious even, he knew what his reputation in the empire never mentioned, his truth, as a fearless coward, a brave quitter. Couldn't get any more ironic.
"Are you feeling alri-" "I love you."
Her heartbeats were racing, so was her blood, and so were her thoughts, she had frozen in shock trying to compose her ragged breathing, her mouth and eyes were wide open, her vision got blurry yet what's left of her consciousness could still dig his hopeful hooded eyes and, oh, have they always been so seductive ?
In the meantime, the man of the moment mistook the stillness for rejection and terror, a pout found the way to his thin lips, before they were pecked by his princess.
The Peck turned passionate kissing, a kiss of deprivation, of desperation, of a fantasy, a daydream always meant to be - as if it was a glimpse of the future - forever and ever, in love.
The kiss got heated red was his face, red were her swollen lips, red they saw. Their hands moved eagrly; through her clothed back, and his smoking hot visage.
They know what their fate is suggesting.
And Rindou voiced it, in his husky voice, "Join me in my bed...please..."
The maids lifted the cloth tightening up her body, leaving it to lose balance and slide off her skin, that flowy nightgown she was left with was no shield to the breeze running up her body.
He was staring at her by the doorframe and it felt too pleasurable to be a beginning that hasn't started yet, he was already satisfied in all senses by getting to be around her, however he wanted to keep going, to feel their virgin love unvail is what he was gonna keep going for, and that would get him witnessing heaven alive.
Just then, Rindou walked in looking less formal than what the princess has gotten used to but somehow never lost his allure, he was barely wrapped in the poet shirt he had on nor did the black loose pants make him look any less enticing.
He gave a look at the maids who understood almost immediately curtsying then leaving them alone for the privacy of the night, and once the door closed she was hit with the reality of the situation, she couldn't look anywhere but Rindou's shining violet eyes, his face was being pecked by the light of the moon that was left to observe their love and be the witness of their union.
Rindou made his way to where (name) was standing quietly, holding her breath, and her fingers close to each other, like a prayer; praying he'd devour her entirely.
His cold hand brushed all over her hot skin gently before lifting her head to meet him for another kiss, starting lovingly and leaving them wanting more, more, more...
The Duke lifted her bridal style, laying her on the bed and getting on top of her without enough force to strangle her but close enough for their needy liking.
Puppy kisses were thrown here and there, small giggles filling the space, but it wasn't quite... what they were here for.... so Rindou's left hand paved the way under her nightgown stopping down her lower thigh to stroke a bit before finally getting to her vagina. The princess let out a few breaths - she didn't know was holding - when he started teasing her entrance with his fingers, rubbing his thumb in circles while his index and middle finger slowly and steadily prepped her, more and more breathy sounds left her throat as he was full on thrusting both fingers in and out relentlessly.
Rindou was so turned on right now with, one, the sight of his lover, and two, the sight of his lover shifting and moaning while getting closer and closer to her first orgasm. He almost came just by his field of vision, but the night was still long.
The princess on the other hand could't think of her surroundings while getting close to the edge, (name) was told bedding as a married couple was only for the husband's pleasure, the nobleladies visiting her whole life spoke of only the worst stories of wedding nights that can be told. Never have breaking sexual propaganda felt so good, a man that's not her husband nor fiancé digging deep into her sweet spot reaching her orgasm before he could even think of his.
And just as she thought it was no longer possible, Rindou's fingers picked up pace practically splashing her juices on the velvet sheets she was gripping on fo dear life, seeing stars as her climax was approaching, when Rindou's hand got gooey and her brain got back in her head.
"That was... incredible", the princess told her duke panting.
Rindou kissed her cheek facing him and replied, "it's just the start, my lady", (name) was about to say something but he beat her to it going down between her legs, spreading them and kissing his way dangerously close to her vagina, "let me keep showing you the pleasure you deserve" Rindou gave her exposed clitoris an open mouthed kiss and her breath hitched again, her voice cracking the moment kisses turned into licks.
Even since the fated day where her courtship to Sanzu was announced, she received various advices concerning the wedding night on how to satisfy the Kantou prince, this - however - she was not prepared for. Keeping that in mind as Rindou was feasting on her honeypot like a starving man, having her moaning lustily as she came, toes curling and legs above his shoulders.
Looking down beyond her raised nightgown, was a lustful expression from the Roppongi kingdom duke, white was on his mouth, chin, and cheeks, licking his lips while maintaining eye contact, enough to get any woman on her knees. And oh... how handsome that man is... it's a scene like this, that automatically leave one wondering; how's a man like this not considred the charming one between the brothers ?
Society long forgotten, as he got up towring over her. Shibuya kingdom long forgotten, as he took his top off exposing his well built abs and muscular arms. Sanzu long forgotten, as he lowered down his pants, still keeping eye contact, never taking his eyes off her, consumming each reaction. And that damned lustful look on his face.
With pants gone, his penis was exposed; he was a terrifying 8 incher, rather girthy, red and hot, nowhere to hide he needed the princess. Now.
She gulped at the sight, and fear struck her, Moving backwards within the king sized bed.
"What's wrong, love?"
"No no... that's um... that's not-... that will hurt..."
Rindou moved closer to kiss her forehead lovingly, "i'll make sure it doesn't... i'll be with you through every minute"
She smiled at him and in a swift move, he got her back in a laying position, hands above her head intertwined - really, really tightly - with his own, legs hugging his waist ; it wasn't exactly a comfortable position but they were too lost in each other's eyes to give it much thought.
Rindou gave his dick a stroke before lining it up at her entrance, "one, two...", he pushed in, "...three."
Letting out a sigh at the smooth feeling inside her walls, Rin was quick to draw his attention back at his beloved, visibly uncomfortable at the foreign stretch. With his free hand, He kept playing with her hair soothingly, the other still supporting her own, as he gives her some time to adjust.
"Shhhh... shh... shh shh my darling sweetheart... you're doing it... you're doing great..."
"Mmmh-", she gave him a pleased hum and leaned into his free hand. Upon taking her signal, he locks lips with her and starts moving, slowly and steadily.
The princess yelped at the sensation, breaking the kiss, as Rindou let out a low, dark grunt pulling her back into the kiss that got filthy real quick.
They couldn't even keep track of the time, slow movements turned rough in and out thrusting, sounds of skin slapping echoing in the chamber, (name) wailed at the eager and hungry-like pace Rindou was going at. Both of their passion sounds were too loud to hear the bed creaking and the slamming of their hips, as not even the love bites could contain it.
"Fuuuuuck~", Rindou groaning in total ecstasy, still pounding into the fucked out princess like there's no tomorrow.
"Ah... A-Ah... Oh.... Hah... R-Rin... p-please...", (name) plead with a sweet weak cry, instead she received another kiss leaving her drool dripping.
"Hah.... ah... ahh.... I'm- i'm cumming...", Rindou hugged his princess tight as his eyes close shut and face heated up.
In one final thrust, they came at the same time, contently staying in the same position; cuddling and taking long, shaky breaths after the mind blowing sex.
Rindou picked up his bride-to-be to his private bath, washing her up himself as she let the warm water run down her body.
"You make me happy princess..."
His voice was music to her ears, reassuring her with the sweetest words.
"You're beautiful..."
"Yes, dear?"
They couldn't be together, her marriage to Sanzu is scheduled three days to come. It's too late now to save her true love story, isn't it ? She had already accepted it the day prior to Rindou's visit, she had already accepted her fate.... why did it have to get so beautiful at this timing ?
"I love you"
"I love you back, my love."
A/N : Let me know what you think <3 likes and reblogs are highly appreciated :)
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coconutmr · 2 years
Experience a Royal Destination Wedding in Jaisalmer with Mr. Coconut
Founded in 1156, Jaisalmer is a popular city for destination weddings which is also known as the “Golden City of India”. The city gets its name due to the yellow Jaisalmer stone and the golden sand that comes from the Thar Desert. Did you know? According to some recent reports, it is believed that Jaisalmer was submerged under the sea (around 50 million years ago). From forts to stunning temples, scrumptious food and markets, Jaisalmer has something for everyone. This makes Jaisalmer a popular tourist location and an ideal venue for your destination wedding!
Why Should You Plan Your Destination Wedding in Jaisalmer?
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Jaisalmer is well-known for a variety of tourist attractions and activities like:
• Jain Temples – Beautiful architecture, interconnected temples & more
• Sand Dunes – Serene Ambience, Relaxing Activities & more
• Markets – Sadar Bazaar, Bhatia Bazaar, Pansari Bazaar & more
• Forts – Patwonki Haveli, Jaisalmer Fort & more
• Wildlife Experiences – Desert Jeep Safari, Desert National Park & more
• Adventure – Parasailing, Quad Biking, Paramotoring & more
Top Destination Wedding Venues in Jaisalmer
Here are some beautiful venues where you can experience a memorable destination wedding:
• Hotel Jaisalkot
• Killa Bhawan
• Jaisalmer Marriott Resort & Spa
• Hotel Rang Mahal
• Hotel Hayat Jaisalmer
• Desert Tulip Hotel & Resort
• Suryagarh Resort & Spa
Add a Personalized Touch to Your Wedding with Mr. Coconut
Mr. Coconut is one of the leading companies in India specializing in offering beautifully crafted carved coconuts that can be served in events like weddings and marriage ceremonies such as Haldi, Sangeet, Barat Swagat, Mehendi and more! The CEO of Mr. Coconut came up with this brilliant idea when he realized that at most weddings, sugary or carbonated drinks were served. This poses a serious threat to health in the long run. That’s why Mr. Coconut came up with the idea of personalized coconuts! The team embosses personalized designs, logos or photos of the couple that add a royal touch to your weddings and ceremonies.
Add a Royal Touch to Weddings with Beautifully Designed Carved Coconuts
Wedding guests appreciate it when you offer a personalized experience to them. This includes personalized greetings, wedding cards and more! What if you can do the same with the beverages that you serve? Mr. Coconut helps you to do just that! Serve tender coconut water in beautifully engraved coconuts. The coconuts can be customized according to the event and your preferences. You can get the coconuts carved with images of the couple, logos of the event or unique hashtags containing the names of the couple! Your guests will instantly recognize the amount of detail and personalization that you have put into the personalized coconuts. They will even remember this beautiful gesture long after your wedding is done! An Amazing Product Themed Weddings & Wedding Planners Mr. Coconut’s beautifully designed stamp coconuts can be seamlessly used for modern weddings like themed weddings. This may include different types of themes like Punjabi, Hawaiian, South India or Nature-based weddings. Some of the best wedding Planners in India are always on the lookout for new products to add to their services. Mr. Coconuts’ beautifully customized coconuts can be the ideal product bringing the best of health and royalty to Indian weddings!
Read More About it
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sugarbbgrl · 20 days
She (Price x OC)
I officially have an idea for a fic I'd been wanting to write for a while now, I really hope it goes the way I want it to. It's inspired by 'She' by Harry Styles. I've been listening to it on repeat, trying to figure out a way to format it into a story. Feedback is greatly encouraged and appreciated <33
John is in a broken marriage. Candace is his younger daughter's homeroom teacher.
wc: 1414
cw: mentions of infidelity (wife), angst, heartbreak, children (LMAO), mentions of divorce
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John couldn’t exactly pinpoint when things changed. He’d always been a loving father and husband. He and his wife have been together for ten years, meeting through a friend and almost immediately hit it off. They share two lovely daughters together and a beautiful home. He may have been physically absent sometimes, work having been the culprit, but he never missed a daily call with his family. But there’s been a heavy shift in his marriage, he could feel it almost immediately walking into their home.
While John’s kids are more than elated, sharing tight hugs and a few shed tears, John’s wife is distant, nothing more than a tight lipped smile sent his way. He knows it can take a toll on people when their partner isn’t around, but they’d made a promise to each other: for better or for worse.
She barely said a word to him, her back turned to him when they slept, barely even touching him or even looking at him. It’s never been this tense around each other, but now you could cut the tension with a butter knife. She didn’t say goodbye to him once she left for her own job, leaving the task of taking his teenage daughters to school himself, which he didn’t mind, but just leaving like she did wasn’t adding up.
Then it did. He could smell another man’s cologne and her lipstick smeared every so lightly around her lips. His heart shattered, tears welling up in his eyes. He couldn’t even fathom the woman he’s been so in love with committing the sinful act of adultery. Every question swarmed in his mind, the ‘why’s’ and ‘how’s’ coming together in one big jumbled mess. But his wife couldn’t care less, just sneering at John and heading to their shared bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind her.
John slept on the couch that night, getting little to no sleep. He was restless all night, silent sobbing and tossing around on a couch not fit for a man of his stature. Those questions and the sight of his wife in the state she was in plaguing his mind all night. How could she do this to me? He thought to himself. I’ve given her everything and more.
It happened again the next morning; she left without a word. John sniffled and made himself some coffee, hoping the bitter beverage would liven him up some for the sake of his children. He would fake a smile while being home with them, not wanting to worry them more than they must be. He quietly washed himself and changed, barely even taking a peek around the room that was once filled with so much love.
Everything was completely different.
John had been home for a few weeks now, still keeping his bed on the couch, sleep coming only slightly easier. He hadn’t even wanted to discuss what he’d bared witness to. He’d seen more signs since the first night. Missing pieces of clothing, small marks he knew for a fact he didn’t give his wife, and even more avoidance on her part. He knew the conversation would come soon, he just didn’t know how to approach the conversation.
But then one day everything changed. He’d woken up to take his kids to school, the usual routine since he’d been home. He’d take his time getting ready, waiting on his girls to finish getting ready before heading out. It never occurred to him that he hadn’t met their teachers, so he took it upon himself to do so that day, making sure to look his best for the rare occasion.
His oldest daughter’s teacher was an elderly woman, smelling of chanel and lilac. She had a warm smile and wide framed glasses perched on her nose. She spoke in a light tone and welcomed John in a warm, grandmotherly hug. He made sure to explain his work situation and why he’d been absent to meetings, but avoided the brutal details. She understood and sent him off with her contact information.
But then he saw her. His younger daughter’s teacher was drastically different from the previous. About ten years John’s junior, she was radiant. Her hair was midway down her back, bright red with striking hazel eyes, seemingly staring into his soul and learning all of his darkest secrets. She wore a long sundress, the wind picking up the bottom lightly to show a pair of flats on her feet. She smelled warm, like vanilla and jasmine and lips painted a light pink. She was radiant, like sunshine on a cloudy day.
“Oh, you must be Mr. Price!” Her smile was wide when she laid eyes on him, greeting him. “Jenny talks so highly of you! I’m Candace White, her homeroom.”
John looked down at her extended hand, small and delicate like a flower in the meadow. His heart raced as his hand connected with her, his rough palms almost swallowing her soft ones. He was speechless, he hadn’t felt this attracted to someone since he’d first met his wife. His wife. The thought of her soured his tongue and dried his throat, he hadn’t even thought of her all day, deciding all together it'd be better not to think of her under another man.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. White.” John returned the smile, dropping her hand lightly and stuffing his own back into his jean pocket. 
“Miss, I’m not married.” Candace chuckled and clasped her hand together at her front, correcting John’s misuse of the honorific.
“Ah, yes, my apologies Miss Candace.” John brought his hand up to nervously rub the back of his hand on his neck, emphasizing her correction. When did my palms start sweating? He thought to himself, failing to realize his skin had gone so clammy. I hope she hadn’t felt them when she shook my hand.
The sound of the morning bell rang through the school, indicating the start of the school day. Teachers and students alike swarmed to the front doors, doing their best to not be late.
“Well, it was lovely to finally meet you, Mr Price. I’d best get going.” She smiled once more and went to turn away, beginning her journey to the school.
“Wait,” John called out, his hand flying up to grasp her forearm. Her skin was warm, small specs of freckles dotted along her pale skin. “Can I get your number?” John asked, his hand firm against her arm.
Candace’s cheeks warmed, red spreading to her face and a nervous smile toyed at her lips. “Mr. Price-”
“I meant, can I have your contact information in regards to my daughter?” Now it was his turn for his face to flush, not realizing how forward his question was without context.
“Oh, of course.” She beamed, pulling out her phone. “Just give me your number and I’ll shoot you a quick text with my work phone number and email.”
John gave her his number, watching her intently, studying her movements as she typed away at her phone. He watched the way her eyebrows furrowed in slight concentration and the way her teeth pulled at her plump, painted lips.
“There we go.” Candace smiled at John after looking up from her phone, a light ‘ding’ sounding from John’s phone. “Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding Jenny! Bye, now!” She turned to walk away with a small wave, making her way up the stairs. 
John stared at the new message in his phone for a beat, admiring the new contact he has yet to officially add to his list. He knew it was going to be strictly professional, parent-teacher conversations, but the man couldn’t help but let his mind wander. Sweet good morning texts and dates set, his imagination leading himself into the deep end.
He needed to have that conversation with his wife, he wanted a divorce. He couldn’t stand being left out of dry, waiting around for her to finally change her mind. His interaction with another woman has opened his eyes wide, he didn’t deserve this kind of treatment from the woman he loved for ten years. He’d been the best father and husband he knew how to be, she betrayed his and their children’s trust. 
He wanted out, he didn’t care to be second any longer. She gets to have her cake and eat it too, just like John deserves as well. He gets to finally have fun.
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 8 months
Living with Jack Nelson
Warnings: Fluff, angst, references to violence, infidelity, and period-typical sexism.
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Domestic Jack Headcanons
If you were only his lover, he would buy a house to put you in. You’re his mistress, but he’ll treat you well enough. You won’t get to choose much about how the exterior looks or where you’ll live. It’s an open secret that he cheats on his wife regularly, but he’s not such a monster that he’ll put you out for all to see. Your home will be out of Boston, somewhere quiet. Still living in luxury, but it’s a gilded cage. Jack will drop in with a sly smile and a list of things he wants to do to you. If you are his wife, expect a far larger home with a sprawling floorplan. Lots of room to put many, many Irish American babies in there. The only difference between you and a mistress is going to be that the house is bigger and it’s his home too. Jack will truly live in the home he’s built with his wife. With a mistress, that home is just a fancy hotel.
Jack is the sort of guy who needs a genuine “man cave.” A dark room with a fireplace and a radio to update him on the news of the day and if the bets he’s placed on his favorite boxer panned out. It’s quite the juxtaposition, this well-dressed man in a fine house… swearing loudly at a radio over the losing team in a baseball game. You learn by the sounds that slip through the door if it’s a good idea to visit him. When it’s quiet, you slip in with a bottle of whiskey and his favorite shade of lipstick on your lips. He pats his leg, signaling for you to sit on his lap. This is his idea of the perfect evening.
Has absolutely thrown open the doors to your home and shouted: "Honey! I'm home!"
Jack is a big extrovert; he loves having people over to charm. Expect a lot of dinner parties where its mostly people talking over each other as they sip almost-legal beverages. This is Jack at his best. He gets to entertain, chat up his people, and show off his hard-won wealth. All while networking and solidifying connections that’ll put his kids through college. Oh, and he has an excuse to show you off, too. He buys you so much jewelry, so many dresses, it would be wrong not to give you a reason to put them on. Although, his favorite part is usually taking it all off of you. 
Relationship Headcanons
Jack Nelson is a man of his times, meaning: He is very sexist. More so than Luca, Jack is going to expect you to stay home and take care of the kids. You should be more than entertained by all the parties you two host and all the luxury his hard work has given you. He has no interest in being with his kids as babies. Chances are, Jack will be distant with his kids well into their adolescence. Raising them, in his opinion, is your job. Jack may grow to regret that as the years roll by and his children only go to you with their woes and their victories. Some men don’t realize they’ve missed out on fatherhood until their children start families of their own.
When you have fights, Jack tends to buy you things and apologize with some grand gesture. He came from extreme poverty, so to him, giving you things is the best way to show affection. It doesn’t occur to him that he should avoid doing the thing that upset you ever again or talk to you about how you feel. Jack isn’t much of a feeler. He’s a survivor, a conqueror, a provider. Tears are for poets, women, and children. So, if he hurts your feelings, he’ll buy you a diamond necklace and expect the conflict to be resolved. You can’t be passive aggressive with him, he’ll just shrug his shoulders and say, “Women.” If you can grab him by the collar and tell him exactly what you need, progress can be made, slowly.
In order for a marriage to Jack Nelson to “work,” you must be someone who expects and accepts that he cannot be monogamous. There is not a woman alive that Jack is not prepared to charm and bed within two hours of meeting. If you still want to be with him after all that, you must be someone unbothered by an open relationship. Which suits Jack just fine, until you want to play the same games as him. Jack is one who can dish it but he can’t take it. If you were to flirt with someone, be prepared to watch that man lose teeth. Nobody fucks Jack Nelson’s wife but him. Not even Thomas Shelby. 
He loves you so much it scares him sometimes. Jack doesn’t hide how deeply he adores you. You’ve brought a man who despises commitment to bend the knee. You have power over him that no gangster, politician, or Shelby man could ever hold. It’s not enough to keep him faithful in the sexual sense, but you’re the only woman he’s ever loved. Jack will kill for you, at your request or in his own personal sense of justice. Jack has attacked men for bumping into you and not apologizing. Next to his kids, you are the main cause of him going completely feral and beating someone like he used to back in his youth. 
He loves you, as disorderly and emotionally constipated as he is.  
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villainsimpqueen · 2 months
Ivonyok Lore!
Here is my Ivonyok (Cave Na'vi ) Lore!
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Most of this art is made by @nin3kyuu
To the Lore!
Ivonyok Clan Overview
Physical Features
Body Structure
- Two arms, two legs, two queues, and two long tails with a bulby end.
- Four ears in a butterfly shape.
Vision and Perception
- Limited vision, relying on echolocation and tail sensors to navigate.
- Acute hearing for detecting faint sounds through caves.
Appearance and Clothing
- Mostly nude with dark blue or purple skin and bioluminescent markings.
- Wear sacred silks for specific occasions.
Social Bonds
Platonic Mate Bond
- Formed in adolescence, fulfilling companionship, emotional, and sometimes sexual needs.
- Adopt children of a deceased platonic mate.
Mate Bond
- Equivalent to marriage, involving lifelong emotional and spiritual connections.
Beliefs and Spirituality
Ewya's Heart
- Believe cave systems are the heart of Ewya, the source of all Na'vi souls.
Origins of Other Na'vi Clans
1. Swimmers: Originated from Ivonyok adapting to ocean life.
2. Sun Chasers: Originated from Ivonyok chasing sunlight to the surface.
3. Sky Climbers: Originated from Ivonyok climbing to high mountains.
4. Sand Dancers: Originated from Ivonyok adapting to desert life.
5. Night Seers: Originated from Ivonyok discovering the night sky.
6. Ash Breathers: Banished Na'vi living in volcanic regions.
- Souls begin in the Ivonyok clan, reincarnating into other clans to learn their ways.
- Ghost Walkers are reborn Ivonyok achieving peace after sudden death.
Clan Structure
- Spiritual leader, healer, and ritual practitioner.
- Leader responsible for clan welfare and protection.
- Titles passed to chosen heirs.
- Create sacred silk clothing.
- Collect food and ingredients.
- Craft alcoholic beverages, holding high status as well as Hallucinogenic snacks.
Important Animals
- Archulugans: Giant spider-like creatures for silk.
- KaliWayans: Bioluminescent scorpions in thermal vents.
- Pafnemipa: Blind weasel-like moles as mounts.
- Toruktsyìp: Glow worms for illumination.
- Tidal Pools: Clean water sources.
- Mushroom Forests: Food sources.
- Root Forests: Used for funerals and spiritual connections.
- Thermal Vents: Sauna-like rituals and fermentation.
Living Arrangements
- Dens made using queues, with offspring pods suspended from ceilings.
- Water-filled stone bowls catch hatching offspring.
Way of Life
- Lead peaceful lives, enjoying pleasures while maintaining balance.
- Emphasize spirituality, strong social bonds, and respect for each other’s sensory perceptions.
- Value actions and behavior over physical appearance, cherishing deep emotional connections.
Clan Status?-
-Open clan. Any one can make a Ivonyok oc or Mix child of the Ivonyok.
You must Tag me in your posts! @villainsimpqueen Please do not steal my ideas i am more than willing to help you brainstorm fanclan ideas/lore.
-Mind You! Mix children may form mutations due to their Ivonyok parents having more Limbs and body Structure than other Na'vi.
-The Ivonyok is based on the idea of being All Na'vi great ancestor before the Na'vi clans seprated and Evoluved to the modern Na'vi we Know now.
-This is like if us mordern humans had bred with a prehistoric Human species, their would be mutations, those mutations however are free game & Up to imaginations.
Can be skin colors, markings, extra limbs (Queues, tails, ears, eyes)
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weyounthevorta · 10 months
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For @femalehumanoid, who hoped I would write dating profiles for Harriman Gray and the Captain. Here you are my dear. Your wish is my command.
The rest of the Combs characters have had their profiles beefed up a bit as well, with my own spicy take on what it’d be like to be in a relationship with them, and what their ideal date looks like.
Fair warning, some of the descriptions below may be a bit nsfw!
Thy’lek Shran (Star Trek Enterprise)
Pros: Strong sense of justice, good at what he does, sexy, energetic. He’ll fight for what’s right and he’ll protect you with his life. He has a soft side and he’s not afraid to show it.‬
Cons: Hotheaded, a bit rash.
A relationship with him means you’re in it for the long haul. If Shran gets emotionally invested in you, he’s thinking of you as a potential long term mate and possibly as marriage material. He’s a physical being, so he’d be disappointed if there wasn’t a very strong sexual attraction between the two of you.
His idea of a good date involves a good workout. He’s taking you rock climbing, to the gym to be his sparring partner, or to a firing range. You’ll get a good deal of aggression out during the first round of physical activity, and an even greater amount of passion out during the next round. If the date doesn’t end with the two of you naked, drenched in sweat, and fighting to catch your breath on the floor of his quarters, he considers there to be room for improvement.
Anton Mordrid (Doctor Mordrid)
Pros: Fights evil, lives a quiet life. Financially stable. Has a romantic streak. Is an all around sweet guy who will bring you breakfast in bed and read to you. He teaches you wizardry.
Cons: Absolutely tragic sense of style. He may need to leave on interdimentional missions on short notice.
A relationship with him would provide stability and a quiet comfort that few can boast. He’s got boundless knowledge to share with you on countless subjects, and if you love to learn, you’ll love having such a patient, enthusiastic teacher. His favorite part of the day is slipping from his street clothes into his comfies, settling in with hot coffee and a book, and reading to you in his deliciously soft voice. Every time you two retire to the bedroom, you rediscover another subject he has seemingly unlimited knowledge in. He never fails to bring you to completion, stroking your back and murmuring praise as you come down from your peak.
His idea of a good date is a night in with a warm beverage and stimulating conversation. He’s a bit old fashioned, so he doesn’t get intimate until the two of you commit to being exclusive. In the mean time, he’s happy to conclude a date with a sensual over the clothes massage and a steamy makeout session.
Chaz (Dead Man Walking)
Pros: Is objectively very cute. He’d risk his life for yours without question. He works past his fear to achieve his goals. No doubt a snuggler big on showing affection.
Cons: Is a bit whiney, possibly has the plague. Tragic taste in nicknames.
A relationship with him means he has your back, no matter what. He’s the first to come to your defense, the first to jump in when you need help, and he’ll walk through fire to make sure you’re alright. He may complain on the surface, but deep down he’s proud to be needed. He’s small and fragile, so he’d be happiest if you reciprocated, coming to his defense when he needs it, and offering protection when he’s scared or feeling vulnerable.
His idea of a good date is hanging out somewhere clean and safe. He prefers it if you’d come over to his humble lodging and play a board game, play cards, or listen to music together with a glass of wine. He’ll happily have sex with you if you’re the one to initiate it. He thoroughly enjoys it when his partner tops, preferring to be entirely submissive in bed.
Crawford Tillinghast (From Beyond)
Pros: Brilliant scientist and inventor. Submissive and sweet. Romance with him would be chaste and old fashioned. He’d do his best to keep you safe. Cute little guy in a big sweater.
Cons: Sexually repressed. A bad luck magnet. Despite his best efforts, trouble finds him.
A relationship with him would be sweet and oh so charming. He’d show up on your doorstep, holding a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine, and would be content to snuggle on the sofa under a cozy blanket, watching a movie. He’d look at you with his big green eyes, delighted to hear stories about your day, thrilled to tell you all about what he’s working on. Every time the two of you make love, it’s slow and sensual, him looking at you in awe, enraptured and in love. He’s a sexual novice, but his sweet naïveté has an allure you can’t deny.
His idea of a good date is the kind of corny romance you typically see in movies. Carriage rides through the park. Moonlit walks on the beach. Getting serenaded by the violinist at an Italian restaurant. But the way his face softens when you’re happy, the way he lights up when you’re excited, the way he looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, make these dates magical. More than the activities do.
Harriman Gray (Babylon 5, S01E17)
Pros: He’s honorable, ambitious, and gorgeous. He has a wholesome sense of humor. He can use his telepathic abilities to his advantage in bed. He’ll hear your mind when you enjoy something he does, making him the best lover you could imagine.
Cons: He’s on the timid side, which allows stronger personalities to railroad his. He’s not always the most tactful. He tries his best not to invade your privacy with his telepathy but he slips sometimes, opening the door for awkward discoveries.
A relationship with him would require patience, but would be well worth it. He travels a lot for work. When you do see him, he’s very affectionate. He wants to spend all day with you under the warm bedcovers stroking your hair, tangling your limbs together, and sharing stories about your respective days.
His idea of a good date is a romantic candlelight dinner followed up with hours of mind blowing sex, after which you both collapse bonelessly into sleep. The date concludes with him waking you up with breakfast in bed, his hair combed back, in full uniform, carrying your tray, which he’s decorated with a single rose. He leaves you for work with a kiss and a promise to see you again soon.
Andrew Paris (Phantom Empire)
Pros: Strong sex appeal. Wears the tightest pants in existence. He wouldn’t object to spontaneous adventures. He’s impulsive and quirky.
Cons: Anyone who flirts with him is a legit threat. He’s a slutty little strumpet. He’s not secure enough to think anyone would like him for his mind.
A relationship with him would be focused heavily on physical exploration. He’s aware that he’s charismatic and magnetic, and he’s aware that he’s attractive. Part of him wonders if you just want a pretty boy toy, and he’s equal parts happy to fulfill that role and disappointed that people don’t often see the potential for more in him, given he’s an egg head, studying archeology at Miskatonic University.
His idea of a good date is finding a fun bar to check out. Dive bars, sports bars, tiki bars, and local watering holes wherever he travels all amuse him, and he wants to explore them with you. He’d love to end the date with playful, enthusiastic, energetic sex. He has boundless stamina, and wants you desperate for more of what he has to offer in that department.
Bill Knight (Felony)
Pros: Handsome, charismatic crime fighter. Eager to hop in bed with you if you show a smidgeon of kindness toward him. He whimpers very prettily. He’s quick and agile.
Cons: He is a total hazard. You’re in the line of fire if you hang with him. He may break into your house. He’s flown through an absurd number of windows.
A relationship with him would be interesting. He’s persistent. He gets a trifle obsessive about getting what he wants, and what he wants from you is entirely unclear. He may push you outside your comfort zone frequently. Whether that be recruiting you to help him with an FBI case or the fact that you’re only dating because he broke into your house looking for a place to hide and you didn’t have the heart to kick him out.
His idea of a good date may be unconventional or unexpected. He may want to stay in and make love in front of a roaring fire, or he may be in the mood to get beers and chicken wings at the local strip club. The more adventure you’re down with, the more he’ll indulge in with you.
D-Day (Fortress)
Pros: Adorable, good with machines. There’s kindness in him. He will risk his life for his friends. He’s a little guy with a big heart.
Cons: He is easily led into dangerous situations. He needs a dentist. Hes in jail.
A relationship with him, while he’s in prison, would consist of letter writing and conjugal visits. He’d write to you like he’s writing diary entries. He’d tell you about his plans, his dreams, his fears, and his fantasies. He’d look for the mail cart every day, wide eyed and hopeful, and his heart would swell when he finally receives one in return from you. He’d read your letters over and over, imagining he could smell you on the paper. When you came for your bi-annual visits, he’d be so excited he’d be shaking like a leaf, stealing glances up at you shyly. When you were intimate, you’d always marvel afresh at how beautiful his eyes are when you gently remove his glasses from his face. He’d take his time gently and tentatively worshiping every inch of you as you made love. Big, wet tears would stream down his face and heart-rending, whimpering sobs would make his small chest heave as you left him behind again in Fortress prison.
His idea of a good date is heartbreaking in its simplicity. When he gets out of prison, he wants to take you on a real date. Dinner and a movie. He wants to walk you to your door at the end of the evening and, if you want to, kiss each other goodbye.
Weyoun (Star Trek Deep Space 9)
Pros: Ethereal. Obscenely sexy. Knows what he wants and how to get it. If he chooses to be devoted to you, he’ll be loyal unto death. Loves to have fun, loves to explore new things, and loves to tease. Kinky.
Cons: Religious nut. Can’t appreciate art, food, and many simple pleasures. Manipulative.
A relationship with him would likely be largely secret. He wouldn’t want you seen as a vulnerability or weakness. He also wouldn’t want to give the Founders the impression that he wasn’t focused enough on his work. You’d have clandestine meetings. Hurried make out sessions in dark, quiet places. Impromptu, fully clothed, frantic sex against a wall in a quiet corridor. Fingers meeting and intertwining under a conference table. If you’re not careful, you can become his obsession, and he may have a crisis of conscience if he believes he’s worshiping you more than he worships the Founders.
His idea of a good date is sharing a love of play. He adores games, and loves making jokes at people’s expense. He may take you to try a food you’ve both never sampled before, so you can enjoy discovering the new textures and new tastes respectively, followed by gaming tables and some good people watching.
John Reilly (Castle Freak)
Pros: Handsome DILF. He wants to improve his life. Repentant of his sins, affectionate.
Cons: Touch starved, desperate, directionless, alcoholic, and when he falls off the wagon he falls all the way off. He also comes from a family of lunatics so there’s that.
A relationship with him, if you’re lucky, is during a sober period. If it is, you can expect plenty of quiet evenings at home. Him reading a book or grading term papers while you busy yourself with your own tasks or hobbies. You may go to a play on a Friday night that the drama department is showing. You’d go to bed together, have enthusiastic but unimaginative sex, and spoon each other to sleep.
His idea of a good date would be dinner at a favorite restaurant. He needs your support staying away from the drink menu. It’s a great date if it ends in a makeout session during your after dinner walk, you wearing his tweed jacket over your shoulders, and him holding your hand.
James Wilkins (Hunter S07E13)
Pros: Sensual as fuck. He can’t keep his hands off you. Life with him would be a roller coaster ride of sex and danger. He’s the sexiest kind of bad boy. Think tattoos, leather, fast cars, and adrenaline.
Cons: He’s a thief and a murderer. He’s not interested in redemption or in getting his act together. He’s attracted to women more dangerous than he is.
A relationship with him would be mercurial. He’d darken your door and you’d be swept off your feet by his charms, swept up into his latest scheme, and swept into bed. Then when he leaves you can go long stretches without hearing from him. Left to your own devices indefinitely, waiting for him to roar back up your driveway in his black convertible like a summer cyclone.
His idea of a good date would be a trip to a race track or casino. He’d want you both to dress in your finest and act like high rollers for an evening. Gambling, drinking, winning, losing, and topping off the evening with plenty of energetic and inventive sex.
Captain (Spoiler)
Pros: If you’re a masochist, the Captain is the man for you. Sexy and dominant, the Captain will happily tie you down and mercilessly overstimulate you until you’re a mewling puddle.
Cons: Sadistic, obsessive, controlling, and aggressive. He enjoys intimidating his object of focus, and wouldn’t be above getting off on keeping you constantly on your toes.
A relationship with him would be like navigating very treacherous waters. One minute he’s running a gloved hand down your face and calling you his good little pet, the next he’s viciously backhanding you for any number of perceived grievances. You wouldn’t know whether he loved you or merely tolerated you.
His idea of a good date would be to take you to a dark, smoky jazz club. He’d sip a whisky neat, smoke a cigarette, and give you a smoldering gaze across the table as you talked. He’d want to dance with you, his body pressed as close to yours as possible, enjoying the sultry music as he moves seductively against you. The date would conclude sweaty and breathless after he’d given you a dizzying sample of his BDSM proclivities, his strong hands threaded through your hair in an iron grip as he asks you if you liked it, and if you’d like to experience more.
Milton Dammers (The Frighteners)
Pros: Once upon a time he was probably a sweet guy. He wants to rid the world of evil so desperately that he’s sacrificed his own sanity to do it.
Cons: He’s a broken man. He’s completely lost his grip on reality. He’s scarred, scared, troubled, and no you can’t fix him.
A relationship with him would be challenging. He has a lot of deprogramming he needs to complete before it could be a safe partnership for either of you. You’d be tasked with being his unofficial therapist, a shoulder to sob into, and you would need to be merciful and patient as you gently work him past his nonsensical ramblings and bouts of paranoia. If he’s ever intimate with you, it means he’s reached a point in your relationship where he trusts you implicitly. If that trust is ever broken in the smallest degree in any way, you’ll never regain it.
His idea of a good date would be quiet. He’d take you to a rooftop to stand at the edge, observing the city and the stars side by side. There’d be no physical contact. He may or may not share why he’d rather not hold hands. He’d be happy if you’d just consent to be there with him and help his mind find peace.
Herbert West (Reanimator)
Pros: Definitely handsome. On some level he wants to do something great for humankind. He’s capable of affection in his own bizzare way. Life with him would certainly never be dull. Despite his abrasiveness he’s got an undeniable magnetism.
Cons: Morals? Never heard of ‘em. Healthy boundaries are a non starter. His definition of intimacy likely won’t be aligned with yours. He will latch onto you like the codependent, murderous, evil little gremlin he is until one or both of you is dead or in jail.
A relationship with him, to an outside observer, may not look like a relationship at all. Unless of course the observer looked very closely and had a good benchmark for how he treats everyone else. They may spy him gripping your arm or reaching for you when he’s nervous or frightened. They’d perhaps notice him wanting to involve you in parts of his life he turns other people away from. They may notice that he lives with you, if he ever ventures out of your basement. But there would be no dates as folks commonly think of them, and there would be no observable PDA.
His idea of a good date would be an entire evening, well into the wee hours, working by your side. Few words may be spoken, mostly notes said aloud by him to be jotted down by you. But this is his happy place. Doing what he loves with someone he trusts. And he’d never say it aloud, but he wants you there with him, and he wants you to want to be there with him too.
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 2 years
Everyone knew of the Yashiro Commissioner's wife; A beautiful woman with a good head on her shoulders, one who genuinely proved worthy of being married to the Ayato Kamisato himself.
With both of you being betrothed since birth, you've been with each other through thick and thin. You were there even when the Kamisato Clan was on its last edge, having lost the current head of the clan while its next heir is but a young man—your engagement was almost called off then. Still, you were determined to stick by his side as his fiance, and as a future Kamisato that the elders of your clan allowed you to still stick by Ayato.
You were an efficient worker, and extremely charming to boot which was of great help to the young man; with you taking care of communicating with the people whilst he stays behind the scenes to focus on manners of governance—a job that Ayaka started to take on your behalf later on to allow your schedule more space to help her brother with his never-ending work.
And even though most of your time spent with each other was during work, you and Ayato still greatly cared for each other. Perhaps, not in a romantic sense, but the two of you are great friends, at the very least.
Even if romance was out of the equation, you were still very much married to Ayato and is a part of his family—and if the large Kamisato Clan's crest embroidered at the back of your clothing, and the ring placed on your ring finger is not enough proof of that, then his fierce protectiveness of you is; and it is almost enough to woo off anyone who may have any ideas about you.
All of Inazuma knew that the Ayato Kamisato is a force to be reckoned with, and no one would dare go against him in a battle of wits, however, not everyone outside of Inazuma knew that.
One of the duties you've had as the Commissioner's wife is to tend to others on his behalf when his schedule doesn't allow it, and at times, you had to meet people from foreign countries and leave Inazuma for a period of time. You rarely ever see these people you meet ever again once business had been taken care of......
.....Which is why seeing one of the familiar faces in your travels now stand in front of the Kamisato Estate made you lose a bit of your composure and let your surprise shine on your features.
Standing next to your husband, the both of you watch as Thoma leads the unexpected guest towards the two of you who happen to have free time as you have already accomplished the tasks you have set out for the day. With polite smiles plastered on your faces, you remain silent as Ayato welcomes the esteemed guest to his estate, and he didn't fail to notice how the man had his eyes glued on you.
Now sitting with tea distributed amongst the three, you stayed glued to your husband's side. Though you don't doubt Ayato's silver tongue, you still thought it'd be best to stay by him as you knew this man best, having been acquainted with his stubborn attitude during one of your meetings.
"To what do we owe this pleasure?" Not one for small talk, but also not wanting to seem rude, Ayato asks, a cup of tea in his dominant hand as he takes a sip of the warm beverage.
"I'll cut straight to the point, Mr. Yashiro Commissioner," the man spoke—no, spat at him. Venom was laced in his voice, one that you and your husband have grown accustomed to having been in the Yashiro Commission for so long.
"I'm here for one thing and one thing only,"
"We're listening,"
Nothing. nothing in this world would have ever prepared you for the next words to come out of the man's mouth—words that surprised everyone in the room, even your own husband, before he lets out a small smile as if he found the man both ridiculous and amusing.
"I am here to ask for (Y/N) Kamisato's hand in marriage,"
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