#Avatar fanclan
signfromeywa · 26 days
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My 3 own Fanclans!!
The Alitawe, the Yekape, the Zeynuma!
This is only a preview! I am working on a website for my clans and there will be so much more informations about: culture, clothes, village and how they will interact with each other!
These 3 Clans living together in one Basin, with one Tree of souls. They are allies, helping each other and balancing each other out. Together they are a whole. Celebrate together, exchange things and learn from each other.
(I want to open my clans to the community later, so everyone can make a character for it 😊)
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nin3kyuu · 2 months
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Today in fanclan mixed babies we have: Tikari! Daughter of Tä'rek and Syulang (@buzzkillchainsaw oc) Her mom is very nice lady of the Syorkilvan clan and her dad... UH, we don't have a lot to say about him...
More insight of her parents here! >:3
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knarme-art · 2 months
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Wowiee I can't believe I finished this (characters are from my Kxayltirey fanclan and sort of my main Avatar OCs)
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lizlecter · 19 days
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some sultux oc's of mine, they belong to the fan clan created by my friend @colbunnii <3
see info about the clan here :3
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evitirey · 29 days
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ok so this was a beast to draw and research good GORD. this one requires a glossary so i'll be putting the entire text under a read more bar, meet me there?
I think most of us in the Avatar fandom have some range of obscure knowledge (or who knows maybe the knowledge is less obscure to everyone else and I'm the silly one) but here's a handful of words I had to learn for this: Chinampa: small, stationary, artificial island built on a freshwater lake for agricultural purposes. Chinampan was the ancient name for the southwestern region of the Valley of Mexico, the region of Xochimilco, and it was there that the technique was—and is still—most widely used. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Conuco: A portion of earth that the native Tainos of the Caribbean would grow their crops on. (More on that later)
Winnow: In the western world, to remove (something, such as chaff) by a current of air. I specifically based theirs off of a video that @aketchjoywinnie on tiktok posted of her culture's winnows. She is from Uganda and I love her videos whenever they come across my fyp. In this case it is more of a woven basket/plate that is used for food.
As for the drawing:
The Ro'atni have 2 forms of 'floating' gardens. The first and most productive are their chinampas; kind of important to the context is that the Ro'atni were originally a river people, but a portion of their river gave way to an oxbow lake. The young lake has turned into their gardens. The chinampas are made by their swimmers who usually chose their lifestyle very young, as their bodies adjust and grow to adapt underwater better; their strakes go from soft, unobtrusive cartilage to actual strakes, smaller than the reef people's. They dive under water and plant the reedy plants that they then weave together into a roughly rectangular box. Each chinampa is a labor of love that normally takes years to make (though if they feel the next season will not be fruitful they can and will build some quickly). The base layer of the chinampas is essentially a refuse pile. Their compost, their unusable bones, any trash (which is much less than most modern societies) is thrown into the woven reed "basket" to form the solid base along with base stones. The middle layer, still submerged in water, is a combination of compost, mulch, manure, night soil and gravel.
As the compost decomposes, they churn the dirt and build it up over the years until they build above the water level; once the dirt remains relatively dry on a sunny day, and they can dig without immediately hitting mud, they begin to build the conucos on top of the chinampas.
The Conucos are logs stacked up and packed with earth, the shape keeps plants that need dryer soil out of the water, and retains water when the lake starts drying down during the dry season. As the logs decompose they leave behind air pockets for the roots to take up as well as the necessary microorganisms. Most of the weeds are allowed to grow to an extent - once they begin to choke out the plants they want, they will be cut down. The Ro'atni believe that even the most annoying creatures (weeds) have a place in the balance of life. If they're uprooted, they're tossed on shore where they continue to grow. To combat the growth of weeds, they plant a groundcover berry-producing vine that functions as a nitrogen fixer as well as food.
The second form of floating gardens tend to be used for children to learn, as they operate on the principles of aquaponics. The winnow pads are sometimes made specifically for the purpose, but often they're made from a winnow that has reached the end of its life. If it is no longer buoyant, it is tossed into the bottom of a new chinampa. If it is buoyant, then small anchors are tied to the bottom, and a fast growing plant is placed on the winnow to take advantage of the nutrition in the water. Often seedlings for the chinampas are grown this way and transplanted once they're big enough.
Now for the plants they grow; I only had the mental bandwidth to name ONE plant, and I welcome any professional Na'vi speakers to correct me on it lol. So, they grow: Furina'ngrr: Primarily this plant functions as a starchy tuber, but it also grows "beans" (in the way that a coffee bean is a bean but its actually a berry) with a soft outer fruit that the entire clan uses to produce a bright red stain/dye. Combined with red ochre and animal fat, it creates a thick, water resistant body paint that they use both to ward off bugs and to paint pretty patterns and symbols on their skin; certain ones are protective symbols. The fruit can be peeled off of the bean and the beans can be eaten; they're more often replanted to avoid genetic monocropping. They only ripen every 2 years more or less, so the elder gardeners know to stagger their crop growth to accommodate for it. The root however is the main crop from these plants. It is ground into a pulp, seasoned and wrapped in leaves, then either boiled or cooked in a firepit. It's dumpling-like in the firepit, and more like a mochi if its boiled. It can also be fried and baked depending on preparation. The roots can be replanted and this is the quickest way to propagate the plant. They also store for a long time in a root cellar like environment. This is their first source of starch.
Reed-maize: Many different kinds of reeds can be used to create chinampas, but reed-maize is the favored choice; even after their cultivation the reeds remain for a good while before decomposing, giving the gardeners time to grow their replacements, replant them around the chinampas and weave them in again. The reed-maize grow seed pods that can be harvested; they usually require a good strike to release their seeds, which is an adaptation to release their seeds during windy season when the fluffy seeds can fly far away. These were a gift from the Sa'anre side of the clan, and comes originally from the swamps and deltas they traverse; in the oxbow lake the wind is only strong enough during typhoon-like weather to open the seedpods. The seeds release from the pods wrapped in tightly coiled fibers that spring open as they fly out; the fibers carry them on the wind. So the gardeners beat the seed pods open only inside of the hometree or where large structures have been built to catch them. The fibers are hand-ginned off of the seeds, and the seeds are then winnowed free of chaff. The fiber can be processed into cloth, but its very time consuming so they often trade it out to other clans. Other uses are compost mulch, or bedding for their fishing companions. The seeds range in color from soft oranges to gray-blues; an act of love is to separate the specific color seed your child/mate/parent loves most and to make them ground cakes from the singular color. It's extremely time intensive to sort, then grind these seeds separate from all the rest. Normally however, they are stored as grain alongside the furina'ngrr. The grain can then either be processed into flour, "grits", or eaten with minimal preparation. Boiled, they taste both earthy and floral.
Oh my gosh almost done guys lets go. Together with dried and powdered meat, the clan makes a type of pemmican out of their crops; dried roots, dried meat, dried berries and fat are mixed with reed-maize flour, then dried down and stored in their root cellar caves. Their stores are for the long rainy season when hunting is difficult and flooding is common. They have also experienced famine before so they prepare for it again at all times.
Mothers sometimes make the little pemmican cakes into cute shapes for their young ones!
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iammadsdemons · 15 days
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Mizu and his friend kasi where wondering around playing accident got into some trouble thankfully baba is always nearby
Yes that’s Lyle, he seemed the easiest to draw at the time.
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knarme-stray · 6 months
Stunbat Lore!
@bluedaddysgirl and I have been designing these creatures that accompany their Txepìva na'vi. Here is our earlier thread on 'viperhounds', domesticated and extremely diverse 'dogs' of these volcanic plains dwelling clans!
...And here is @bluedaddysgirl's original thread on our second creature, the Stunbat!
I happened to make new edits and whole illustrations when I was re-formatting the contents of the original Stunbat posts for Twitter/X, so here's an updated version of the Stunbat thread!
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Link to the Twitter thread; https://x.com/knarme/status/1773035137699135920?s=20
Credits; The Txepìva na'vi, their volcanic plains biome, the illustrations on the 'last page' & and all the text is by @bluedaddysgirl
The basket illustrations and Stunbat lore are collaborations between myself @straydaddy and @bluedaddysgirl.
The designs of the Stunbats and Viperhounds and the rest of the illustrations are by me, @straydaddy
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villainsimpqueen · 2 months
Ivonyok Lore!
Here is my Ivonyok (Cave Na'vi ) Lore!
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Most of this art is made by @nin3kyuu
To the Lore!
Ivonyok Clan Overview
Physical Features
Body Structure
- Two arms, two legs, two queues, and two long tails with a bulby end.
- Four ears in a butterfly shape.
Vision and Perception
- Limited vision, relying on echolocation and tail sensors to navigate.
- Acute hearing for detecting faint sounds through caves.
Appearance and Clothing
- Mostly nude with dark blue or purple skin and bioluminescent markings.
- Wear sacred silks for specific occasions.
Social Bonds
Platonic Mate Bond
- Formed in adolescence, fulfilling companionship, emotional, and sometimes sexual needs.
- Adopt children of a deceased platonic mate.
Mate Bond
- Equivalent to marriage, involving lifelong emotional and spiritual connections.
Beliefs and Spirituality
Ewya's Heart
- Believe cave systems are the heart of Ewya, the source of all Na'vi souls.
Origins of Other Na'vi Clans
1. Swimmers: Originated from Ivonyok adapting to ocean life.
2. Sun Chasers: Originated from Ivonyok chasing sunlight to the surface.
3. Sky Climbers: Originated from Ivonyok climbing to high mountains.
4. Sand Dancers: Originated from Ivonyok adapting to desert life.
5. Night Seers: Originated from Ivonyok discovering the night sky.
6. Ash Breathers: Banished Na'vi living in volcanic regions.
- Souls begin in the Ivonyok clan, reincarnating into other clans to learn their ways.
- Ghost Walkers are reborn Ivonyok achieving peace after sudden death.
Clan Structure
- Spiritual leader, healer, and ritual practitioner.
- Leader responsible for clan welfare and protection.
- Titles passed to chosen heirs.
- Create sacred silk clothing.
- Collect food and ingredients.
- Craft alcoholic beverages, holding high status as well as Hallucinogenic snacks.
Important Animals
- Archulugans: Giant spider-like creatures for silk.
- KaliWayans: Bioluminescent scorpions in thermal vents.
- Pafnemipa: Blind weasel-like moles as mounts.
- Toruktsyìp: Glow worms for illumination.
- Tidal Pools: Clean water sources.
- Mushroom Forests: Food sources.
- Root Forests: Used for funerals and spiritual connections.
- Thermal Vents: Sauna-like rituals and fermentation.
Living Arrangements
- Dens made using queues, with offspring pods suspended from ceilings.
- Water-filled stone bowls catch hatching offspring.
Way of Life
- Lead peaceful lives, enjoying pleasures while maintaining balance.
- Emphasize spirituality, strong social bonds, and respect for each other’s sensory perceptions.
- Value actions and behavior over physical appearance, cherishing deep emotional connections.
Clan Status?-
-Open clan. Any one can make a Ivonyok oc or Mix child of the Ivonyok.
You must Tag me in your posts! @villainsimpqueen Please do not steal my ideas i am more than willing to help you brainstorm fanclan ideas/lore.
-Mind You! Mix children may form mutations due to their Ivonyok parents having more Limbs and body Structure than other Na'vi.
-The Ivonyok is based on the idea of being All Na'vi great ancestor before the Na'vi clans seprated and Evoluved to the modern Na'vi we Know now.
-This is like if us mordern humans had bred with a prehistoric Human species, their would be mutations, those mutations however are free game & Up to imaginations.
Can be skin colors, markings, extra limbs (Queues, tails, ears, eyes)
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furiouspersonakitten · 3 months
Wanna ship my oc with someone else's oc i crave an interaction like that i think
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jazyararts · 13 days
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Just a new Navi oc, what shall we name him peeps 🤷🏾‍♀️
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choclodox · 1 year
Change Is Who We Are
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Chapter 1 - Encounter
Word Count: 4023
(next chapter)
“Aunt Nikea, when will the Night People come see us?”
“They will someday, and when they do, it will be beautiful. But I am afraid that it is a day I will not live to see.”
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The sun was taking the light with it as it started to set behind Polyphemus. Oliver had just started a fire to keep himself warm for the night. Tomahawk, his banshee, was perched in the nearby canopy of the island’s small forest, snacking on some fish he had caught earlier. As Oliver stared into the flames, he was reminded of the events from two nights ago.
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Gunfire and screaming filled his ears. His squad mates were getting picked off one by one. If he thought the first encounter with the Sullies in the forest was brutal, then this was more than a rude awakening.
By the time he turned around after hearing Prager call his name, Oliver saw his teammate get impaled with a spear. Not even a second later, Sully had dropped from a staircase overhead and landed right in front of the private. He raised his gun to take aim, but before Oliver could fire, a dead body was being hurled at him with full force. 
Sully’s wrathful glare was the last thing Oliver saw before he stumbled backwards against the railing. He tried to stop himself from falling over, but he did anyway after losing his footing and banging his head against the railing.
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It couldn’t have been more than 15 minutes. Flashing lights overwhelmed his vision and made his head spin. Oliver wearily lifted a hand to push himself up, but the second he did, his body slipped forward.
The sudden slide was enough to speed up his recovery and make him grab the railing before he could fall any further. His eyes widened upon realizing that the ship was beginning to capsize: If he didn’t move fast, he’d be taken with it.
He could save himself from drowning by running across the deck and jumping overboard, but that was risky if not impossible after such a hard hit to the head. Opting for the only option he could, Oliver steadied himself, shook his head to ward off the double-vision, and ran for his life.
Hauling his ass to the boat’s edge while dodging the debris falling in his path was hard enough, but between a brutal concussion, the AR on his back, and flames nipping at his heels, Oliver was starting to wonder if he would even live to see morning. He tossed his AR to the side. It wasn’t ideal, but at least he still had his WASP revolver. 
He didn’t have a second to lose once he was at the rail: one of the catwalks above had just collapsed and was about to cut off his escape route. As he gracelessly leapt over the railing, Oliver could swear that a few hairs on the tip of his tail were singed by the surge of sparks. 
The landing into the water was simple enough. He just crossed his arms, straightened his legs, and closed his eyes. It was the cold shock of the water and darkness that caught him off guard.
Even with a Na’vi body that gave him better night vision, he couldn’t see a thing when he was underwater and struggling to remember which way was up. It’d been a while since he had done any actual swimming. In fact, this was his first time ever as a recom. But he couldn’t afford to panic. Not right now. 
Oliver sacrificed a breath of air to see what direction the bubbles would flow and figured out that he was facing sideways. His lungs were burning and screaming for air; his arms and legs felt like they were about to give out, and right when he thought he wouldn’t make it in time, he gave one last kick and breached the surface. The gasp he let out could be heard for miles. 
The private panted as he regained his strength. He looked around and found a floating crate as if it were a Godsend. He eagerly doggy paddled his way toward it, and as soon as he latched on, the current suddenly changed.
He was far away enough that he didn’t have to worry about being pulled toward the scene, but in the distance, Oliver could see that the ship, engulfed in flames, had fully capsized and was now sinking. 
He pressed his hand to his throat comm.
“Z-dog, you read?”
“Lyle? Colonel?”
He tried again, but he noticed that the comm wasn’t sitting correctly against his throat. Oliver tore it off and held it to the fire’s light to see what was wrong with the damn thing.
The backing of one of the buttons was dislodged and had allowed water to drown the comm’s inner workings: 
”Dammit!” he cursed.
The private couldn’t even start paddling toward the wreckage; the oil spill had been set ablaze, separating him from the ship. Oliver could only watch helplessly as the vessel fell below the surface.
His head started buzzing now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off. He didn’t want to accept that there was nothing left he could do, that he might be the sole survivor while all of his friends died in the fire. His ears fell back as he pressed his forehead to the crate. 
His thoughts were interrupted when a screech came from above. Oliver only had a few seconds to look up before Tomahawk tried to land on the crate next to his rider.
“Tomahawk, no!” he yelled. The crate swayed beneath them from the unbalanced weight, and the banshee let out a startled squawk as he tried to steady himself. As close as the two of them were, even Oliver had to admit that Tomahawk wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
Once they both balanced themselves on the crate, and now that Tomahawk had calmed down, Oliver was able to lean over and grab onto his saddle. It was an awkward process to climb onto Tomahawk’s back while trying not to topple back into the water, but the private couldn’t afford for his banshee to take off while he was still stuck in the ocean.
Once he was secure on the seat, he queued up with Tomahawk and took off for the sky. Oliver made one last circle around the wreckage, and as far as he could see, there was no sign of survivors in the wreckage. No sign of life.
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His stomach turned from the guilt, so he turned his eyes to the night sky. It reminded him of the night he first arrived on Pandora, back when he was human.
The officers barked at them to run straight into the compound and not to stop until they were inside. He’d only jogged a few yards when he glanced up. The sheer number of stars and the clarity of the other moons made him stop dead in his tracks. It was so much different than looking at it through a satellite station’s windows.
Oliver had only known what a night sky looked like from textbooks and the internet; Earth’s atmosphere was so polluted with smog that you could barely see the moon. It didn’t help either that he grew up in the city where the light pollution was bad too. Granted, the moon was practically gone ever since the RDA obliterated it to harvest its metal.
A nearby corporal snapped him out of his thoughts.  
“Quit the gawking and hurry the fuck up!”
That was how Oliver met Lyle. Good times.
The guy was a certified asshole, but surprisingly enough, turned out to be a great friend. And it was through Lyle that Oliver met his other closest friends, like Z-dog, Fike, Ja, and Prager. They were lucky that they all got to be friends in this life too. Even if it was short lived.
Tomahawk’s shrieks erupted from the canopy. Oliver’s head snapped upwards to see what was going on when he was snatched from the sands and lifted into the air.
He craned his neck to see what it was that grabbed him, but he couldn’t get a good look with the limited range of movement. The private struggled to reach for his WASP, but the animal held his arms too tight for him to move.
It dumped him onto one of the enormous trees’ limbs where he continued to tumble from the momentum. He managed to grab the moss in time before he fell over the edge and fell the long way back to the ground.
Sensing that the animal had left, Oliver scrambled to his feet and drew his WASP from its holster. His breathing was quick but calm. He remembered what Spider had taught him and the other recoms about using their new heightened senses. Something about when you see nothing, you see everything, right? 
Oliver flicked his ears in different directions and dropped into a crouch. His eyes couldn’t see anything disturbing the bioluminescent foliage, and his ears weren’t sensing anything behind him. He also couldn’t feel any vibrations in the tree limb through his feet to tell him there was something else walking nearby. His nose, however, told a different story. 
There was a new scent coming from behind him. Something about it was very particular. It was almost… familiar?
Apparently, his sense of smell was more sensitive that the rest of the squad’s, and that made things even more uncomfortable for him than they already were. It creeped him out to be able to smell someone’s emotions because of the way hormones worked . Oliver had asked one of the doctors about it when the recoms had to get a routine check up; They said that it was normal and “not to worry about it.” It didn’t make him feel any less of a freak, though. 
But he knew that whatever it was he sensed, it was behind him and drawing nearer by the second—
A hand grabbed the barrel of his WASP and a foot slammed into his gut. The kick was so hard that Oliver probably would’ve thrown up if he’d had a chance to eat earlier. He felt his gun get pulled out of his hand and fell square on his ass.
He looked up to see a Na’vi woman staring down at him. She was about his age (late 20s, early 30s), but it was hard to tell because of the strange way she dressed.
The RDA had given the rundown on all of Pandora’s Na’vi races regardless of whether or not the recoms would ever run into them. They’d seen pictures and watched videos for two weeks straight, but Oliver didn’t remember any mentions of the kind of Na’vi he was looking at right now.
The biggest difference was the clothing. She was wearing a long black clock that went down to her ankles. She also had one of those visors that he’d seen Na’vi warriors wear when they rode their banshees, but this one had black insect wings that covered the entire top half of her face. Only her big glowing eyes could shine through. Then there were the ears. Hers were so much bigger, and they each had tufts at the end that bounced as she adjusted her ears’ positions. Oliver noticed that her left one was mangled and scarred to the point where it flopped over slightly.
Yeah…if these guys had been in the lecture, he would’ve remembered.
His eyes widened when he heard a blade unsheath from under her cloak. Before he could blink, she was pointing a knife at him. Nope…not a knife, a machete.
He jumped to his feet and drew his knife. The Na’vi woman’s scarred ear twitched in annoyance, and, while maintaining eye contact with him, turned her machete to Oliver’s campfire in the distance. There, he could see a pack of viperwolves fighting over and munching away on the fish he had worked so hard to catch. Great. Now he didn’t have anything to eat for tomorrow’s flight to the next island.
Oliver let out a growl of frustration but stopped when he saw something move out of the corner of his eye.
He thought it was nothing at first. Then a light flickered. It flickered again and this time, he could see it was shaped like an eye: the kind you’d see on a moth’s wings. As the light moved closer, Oliver realized that what he had thought was the trunk of the tree all along was actually the animal that had snatched him up earlier. 
It was shaped like a banshee, but it had two extra arms tucked to its chest. Instead of the typical bright colorations and patterns, it had black leathery skin, a smaller body, and much broader wings than Tomahawk. Oliver was going to comment on the lack of glowing freckles until the animal’s antennae bristled, and instantaneously, its body illuminated with thousands of rippling lights. It reared up on its back legs. On its enourmous curved wings, he could see giant pairs of eye-spots staring right back at him.
It was beautiful. It was terrifying.
When he turned his knife towards the animal, he heard another blade behind him leaving the sheath. Thank God this lady was smart enough to put their differences aside to fight off whatever this thing–
A blade’s point gently but warningly poked his back. His eyes widened, and then the animal before them leapt over the two of them. Oliver didn’t know what else to do, so he slowly put his knife back into its sheath. He let out a mental sigh of relief when he felt the machete lower itself from his back, and when he turned around, the banshee-like creature stood behind the woman in a defensive stance. There was a saddle sitting on its shoulders; whatever that thing was called, it was her mount, and she was its rider.
“Ka…ltxì,” Oliver said slowly. It might’ve been an awkward way to start a conversation, but what the hell was he supposed to do? Spider directed all of his Na’vi lessons towards Quaritch most of the time, so his vocabulary was limited.
The woman still had that owl-like stare locked on him when she tilted her head to examine him. It was probably his eyes that were weirding her out. Ever since he woke up on the table, he’d been covering his eyes with sunglasses because of a hiccup with his recom body. His left eye was yellow like it was supposed to be, but the right one was a shade of green for a reason the doctors couldn’t explain. 
“Oeru syaw,” he said, and then pointed at himself. “Um…Oliver. Oliver Mansk. Angya?”
The Na’vi’s banshee cocked its head at him disapprovingly. At least Oliver thought it was meant to be disapproving. It was hard to tell since it didn’t have eyes. Just soft indents on its face where they should’ve been.
Flapping sounds emerged from the darkness as Tomahawk finally came to his rider’s rescue.
“About damn time,” Oliver muttered and rubbed his banshee’s snout. Tomahawk let out a hiss at the Na’vi woman and the strange creature behind her. In return, her banshee’s antennae silently ruffled up, and Tomahawk cowered behind Oliver.
“Are you serious right now?” Oliver groaned. He turned his gaze back at the woman whose expression was now bordering on judgmental. She rolled her eyes and turned to hoist herself onto her banshee’s saddle. That’s when Oliver spotted something odd under the feathers of her cloak’s collar.
“Is that a throat comm?” he asked in plain English. Her eyes widened and she faced him again. The banshee-like creature snaked its head in front of its rider to protect her. Jesus, for an animal that couldn’t see, it could sure read a room.
“Looks like you know English, too,” he scoffed.
She didn’t move. Neither did her banshee. They just kept staring at Oliver and Tomahawk. Well… the woman kept staring. He wasn’t really sure what to call it when the banshee had the whole no-eyes situation.
“In fact, I knew that scent was familiar,” he said. “You’re from the forest, aren’t you?”
The woman’s large ears shot upward, and her eyes screwed up in confusion under her visor. Now that got her attention.
“And there’s no way you could’ve disarmed me the way you did. Not without someone with experience to teach you,” he said. “So I’m willing to bet good money you know Sully too.”
She still wasn’t moving, just watching.
Now, Oliver didn’t want to admit it, but without his gun, he didn’t stand a chance against her. Not when she was holding two machetes and had a freakish-banshee to back her up. He was just going to have to bluff and hope that it scared her off.
“Look, if you just take it easy,” Oliver said. “I won’t tell my squad about you when they get back to our little campsite. They’re gonna be wondering where I am, so you might–”
“For a demon, you’re not very good at lying,” she said. 
Now it was Oliver’s turn to be surprised. He didn't expect her English to be that good. Sure, she had an accent, but she was clearly fluent.
“And instead of raising your knife against my ikran, you could be more appreciative of the fact that I just saved your life,” she added with an annoyed tone. “Those aynantang had been watching you the moment you started cooking those fish.”
Aynantang? Oliver asked himself. She must’ve meant the viperwolves.
“Where is the boy?”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Oliver answered. She tilted her head and frowned as if to say really? 
He sighed, “I don’t know. I got separated from my group. I’m just trying to find my way back home.”
The woman looked to her banshee who still hadn’t shifted its “gaze” from Oliver and Tomahawk. She rolled her eyes again and resumed the process of climbing onto the saddle. The private noticed that this saddle had wider foot holds and that there were straps tied along the creature’s neck in addition.
“Wait, so,” Oliver asked in confusion. “You’re just gonna leave? You’re not gonna kill me?”
“I don’t have to,” the woman deadpanned.
She made a clicking sound that signaled her banshee to leap off the tree limb and into the night. Oliver ran to the edge just in time to catch a glimpse of her banshee’s eye spots just before they disappeared into the night.
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Nikea couldn’t help but silently curse herself after that encounter. She must’ve gotten careless when she and Rini were tracking that pack of demons back in the forest. That or the man was just blessed with better senses than the rest of his friends. 
But no matter, that problem would solve itself: he was ignorant enough to camp on the forest floor where the aynantang and aypalulukan could catch him, and his fate was decided the moment he was chosen by that incredibly dense ikran. 
But Nikea had bigger issues at hand. It didn’t bode well that she found one of these demons so close to Awa’atlu, where Neytiri and her family had taken residence. On the bright side, if Nikea ran into him here, then there was a chance that Spider wasn’t far.
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“Are you listening to yourselves?”
Jake, Neytiri, and Nikea were standing in the Sullys’ family tent as they discussed an important matter. Neytiri was on the far side packing her personal belongings while Jake leaned against one of the posts. Nikea stood with her arms crossed across from Jake trying to talk some sense into him.
“They sent demons after our family!” Neytiri said while packing her things for their journey. “I do not wish to leave either, but it is for the best.”
If the situation wasn’t so grave, Nikea would’ve been laughing.
“I would understand if you wanted to leave your children with another clan while you fight here, but this is ridiculous!”
“It’s the only way to keep this family safe, the clan safe,” Jake said. “Them coming after me is what put the kids in harm’s way.”
“The Sky People threaten your children, and this is how you rise to the occasion?” Nikea asked. “Neytiri, how can you go along with this?”
Neytiri’s unwillingness to take her side was aggravating. She was opposed to leaving the forest too until Jake convinced her otherwise.
“And you,” Nikea continued, turning back to Jake. “Since when do you run from a fight? Even if the Sky People stop looking for you, they will still continue to destroy everything until there is nothing left of this world! The only way to save your family is to drive them out!”
“The war can be won without Jake leading—”
“Of course it can’t,” Nikea spat. “He used to be a warrior of the Sky People! The only reason we won the battle all those years ago was because of his insight!”
“Maybe we’d have a better chance at winning if you’d help us get the Night People on our side!” Jake countered, but he immediately regretted it when Nikea’s eyes widened and she bared her teeth.
“Do not try to blame me or the Alyara for your foolish decisions,” Nikea hissed. “I already explained to you that even if Nakir wasn't their Tsa'hik, they still wouldn't help.”
“They have Spider! Who knows what info they’ll get out of him!” Jake continued, trying to change the subject again. The hair on Nikea’s tail bristled at that remark.
“Spider would die for this clan knowing full well you wouldn’t even try to go back for him,” she hissed. “Everyone knows that boy is incapable of betraying us.”
“Of course he would betray us,” Neytiri said reluctantly packing the last of her clothes. “He is the son of the man who destroyed Kelutral. I’m the one who killed—”
“This animosity between you and the boy is of your making and yours alone, Neytiri!” Nikea replied vehemently. “He is just a child! When will you see that?”
“They can torture him, Nikea,” Jake said, trying to reason with her. “They have ways of picking his brain for all of the answers they want even if he’s not willing to tell them. Hell, they’re probably doing it right now!”
“All the more reason for you to stay!” Nikea exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “If not to rescue him, then to lead the people with a new battle strategy. We can work on finding him as we advance our attacks.”
“Do you have a death wish?” Neytiri growled. She tossed the now fully packed bag at Nikea’s feet. “Being within seeing-eye-distance of their settlements could get you kill—”
“What if it had been one of your children?” Nikea shouted. “Don’t either of you at least care that they took him? Enough to even try to find him?” 
Jake sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Neytiri had nothing to say while her tail whipped behind her.
The silence that followed spoke volumes, and Nikea shook her head.
“You shame yourselves.”
Nikea turned to leave the tent and then paused at the tent’s entrance.
“The Sky People do not have outposts in the Eastern Seas,” Nikea said. “The Metkayina clan is in the center of that region. It will make it harder for you to be found. I have only ever been to the southern islands, but from what I have heard, Tonowari is a tough Olo’eyktan—their Tsa’hik Ronal is even tougher. I will have the route ready for you by sunrise.”
“You’re not coming with us? To guide us there?” Neytiri asked incredulously. She put her hands on Nikea’s shoulders, silently begging her to change her mind.
“So you can manipulate me into staying there once we arrive?” Nikea asked. She swatted Neytiri’s hands away.
“If there is a chance that Spider is alive, then I intend to bring him home,” Nikea stated. “Someone has to be able to say that they tried.”
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          Kaltxì = Hello oeru syaw = I am called Angya = You Aynantang =Viperwolves Aypalulukan = Thanators Ayram alusìng = Hallelujah Mountains
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signfromeywa · 15 days
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I worked on the map for my Clans! The area is called: "Eywa'tsngal" and means Eywas cup.
The climate zone is Temperate, so they have seasons: a mild winter and not so hot summer :) they never have snow.
Later on I will do close ups from each area! With precise description and information about each point of interest on the map 😊 everything will be visible later on my website! :3 I hope you are interested.
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nin3kyuu · 3 months
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"𝙻𝚘𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚡𝚎 𝚝𝚎 𝙼𝚊'𝚕𝚞𝚔 𝚃𝚢𝚊𝚜𝚊𝚖'𝚒𝚝𝚎, 𝚍𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚊"
A healer, a nurturer, a listener of Eywa and... Ni'nätya's mom.
Today in "This will fuck up my hand any further and I shouldn't be drawing" I BRING TO YOUUUUU, the remake of Ni'nätya's mom portrait :D as a sea na'vi, the first member of the Raizkit I'm introducing to you guys!
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knarme-art · 2 months
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Admit it... Your na'vi/recom/avatar characters flying some ikran is like. One of the most peak things to see in art but also one of the most painstaking tasks to draw... Especially with multiple characters!
Still.... Sketching me up some Commander and Kxasi flying scenarios....
Associated headcanon:
Because Kxasi makes Commander's life slightly more interesting than usual, and has some learning difficulty issues in group training... Commander who has taken an interest and liking in this n00b gives him personal lessons which is a really unusually soft gesture of him to do with anyone...
Kxasi does not know it's special, but when he learns of that, he feels very smug and important about it.... Babygirl.. Imagine getting so personally tailored special attention from someone whose in-person time with anyone is like... Incredibly restricted due to how completely closed-off from other people they are.
Like bro you are the Chosen One.
Commander just kind of hovers over him as he watches Kxasi practice some air acrobatics in the more challenging notches within the Kxaylian floating mountains, feeling protective, and really bizarrely also sort of affectionate.
A fellow Kxaylian outskirts dweller, trying to make it here in the centre where most people got their spots via nepotism instead of real skill... Yes, Commander roots for Kxasi deeply, and respects his efforts.
(and yes characters are nonbinary transmasculine butch lesbians and I mostly use he/him pronouns for both)
(both characters are adults, Kxasi is around 23 and Commander is like 39 when they meet!)
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professional-yapper · 7 months
writing the lore for my fanclan, inspired by my recent fic, Aonung x Albino! Reader, and bro, these guys are kind of fucked up. Like every other Na'vi tribe is fine asf but these guys just creepy. If i met them irl i'd drop dead of fear. Wish i could draw them but i unfortunately cannot draw to save my life x
Anyways having a whale of a time writing all about them. lmk if you guys wanna read what i've got x
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evitirey · 1 month
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a little wip of the next one; im going over the floating gardens the Ro'atni perfected
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