#better call Saul headcannons
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cherrybean · 7 months ago
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Lalos favorite places to have sex (Headcannons)😵‍💫
i apologize for being MIA for so long and not updating the fics 😭 i have been having really bad writers block (and depressed💀) and also looking for work before the new semester 🥲
🤍here is a little treat for the mean time🤍
i am hoping to update the last smuts by next week 🫶🏽
- One of his favorite places would be his car 😫
- Idk what it is but anytime you were in the car with him you guys would always end up in the back seat with your face into the leather seats or giving him road head ;)
- If not the car his second favorite place would definitely be in the bedroom
- Sounds very vanilla but I think the bedroom because Lalo can comfortably put you in different positions and doesn’t run the risk of someone catching you…although that’s another story😏
- Feel like lalo is a little freak and would be into some exhibitionist type to sex where you could possibly be get caught
- The back of the restaurant while he has to place a hand over your mouth so you don’t make too much noise
- “Shhh princesa, we don’t want Ignacio to hear us now do we?”
- Lalo would love to tease you so while he’d be overlooking Nacho counting the money to make sure no one is short he’d slip a hand up your skirt
- This is so random, but the holding/questioning room when he gets arrested 😭
- Hear me out 😫🙏🏽 the way both of you wouldn’t be able to hold off being away from each other for more than two days…lalo would pay off the guard just to let you guys do unthinkable things in that room
- His house in Chihuaha
- I think this would be his top place other than his car just because he can dominate you and you can be as loud as you want without having neighbors hearing you
- “Let me hear you muñequita, I know that’s not how loud you can get for me”
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pinalamanca · 7 months ago
Tuco x Nacho Head canon:
"I was good to him! I was good!"
"it's going to be like a lesson to myself! You never, never trust the people that you love!"
What if Ignacio Varga met Tuco when they were teenagers, becoming friends following a fight or something? But in a secret, rebellious act against his uncle, Tuco slowly becomes partners with Nacho. In more ways than one.
And what if there was actually a point in time back then, before Tuco Salamanca got into Crank and Meth, that Nacho returned these feelings? Nacho slowly watches his friend turn into pretty much a monster, with little help or concern from the man's family and Abuelita.
When Mike asks Nacho about the hit in 'Gloves Off', Ignacio Varga seems very conflicted but already resigned to the fact to take Tuco out. However he can. This is why he is so ready to switch over to the plan about putting Tuco in prison. In their business, Nacho believed up until that point that that was the only solution?
Nacho spent years working with Tuco, maybe even a near decade. He is the shoulder for the Salamanca to come to when things get tough. The one who Tuco can trust with the matters of his life.
And for Nacho to see a man who is maybe his first, crumble to addiction and to Hector Salamancas plans and circumstances. Family pressures. While Tuco grows crueler himself as he becomes sicker. Unable to truly be honest about a part of himself. Maybe this is why partly Nacho shows such disdain for the rest of the Salamancas later? They left Tuco and him to rot. No one to handle things.
What if in the first quote, Tuco is also referring to Nacho, other than Gonzo?
How he had given him everything? And had still been stabbed in the back by the man? The man that Tuco loves?
Maybe this is why he shows such contempt for Jesse, he is taking his pent up feelings about Nacho out on him. Jesse, who is a handsome younger man about Nacho and Tuco's age when theyd started. Somewhat childish, a joker. Possibly like how Nacho could have been? But Jesse is also grating to Tuco's comparison of Nacho, whom had been molded into who we see in Better Call Saul over years.
And in Better Call Saul, as Nacho's days approach the uncertain end of Tuco's jail time. Nacho heard through Hector that he'd gotten a lighter sentence for Mike. As well as Tuco's eventual release. Nacho grows uncomfortable and solemn. Depressed. His plans are not going the way he thought. Nacho knows it isnt going to last, his freedom and what there is left of it. Sooner or later, Tuco will get out and be on the lookout for who put him in. Nacho knows this very well. The clock is ticking. So, he decides to seize the day. Planning to escape to possibly Manitoba l? (At one point in the series, we see Nacho's picture on a Manitoba Drivers license.)
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inkybinkyboink · 2 years ago
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@salenrooz​ BET YO
im a SUCKER for scent headcanons i dont even care if its weird
jimmy/saul: k so separated the two for obvious reasons. saul absolutely smells like the worst male cologne in existence. like it’s so strong to the point where it just smells like chemicals. jimmy on the other hand? idk he looks like a clean linen bastard. like it would make sense if it was like the opposite right? like i feel like he doesnt smell like anything, like he smells like fresh laundry and the nail salon he has his office in yknow?
kim: ok ok ok so. kim grew up in what im assuming to be wasn’t the super cleanest house? like pet smells, cigarette smoke, dirty dishes and takeout boxes left on the counter. and i feel like when kim grew up she wanted to become her own person and that includes the way you smell. so i feel like she smells like rose petals, the muted smell of like,,an office filled with paperwork, you know what im talking about, please you have to, and cigarette smoke, because no matter how hard she tries, a part of her will always be stuck in the past.
mike: bruh ok uh like clean laundry, but more muted??? like an old man who lives alone, and he sits in his chair all day watching movies, but he also smells like motor oil and gunpowder and soil. kaylee always thinks it’s just because he goes on hunting trips, and no one ever thinks that it could possibly be because he’s out working for a drug kingpin every day.
howard: like lavender and burts bees hand salve. please i know thats weirdly specific but i dont know what else nails the whole “living natural” more than burts bees and lavender. also slightly like chlorine. though, near the end, maybe more like restless sleep, coffee, and salt.
gus: heres the thing. it depends. i think gus has become very very good at catering himself differently depending on who he’s around. so, if he’s just “gus the los pollos restaurant owner” probably just like old spice shampoo and deodorant. simple. humble. but if he’s “gustavo fring drug kingpin visiting madrigal hq/ cartel connections” then he’s probably wearing just the right amount of cologne, like bergamot or teakwood, something citrus-y.
nacho: like motor oil and leather from working in his dad’s shop, but i feel when he’s at home or if it’s like just him it’s a lot of floral scents, mostly from the girls, but also partly his own doing. not that he uses perfume necessarily, but he’ll light a candle to get the weed smell out of the air and it’s almost always some type of flower. usually rose, or gardenia or something not too overpowering, but still nice. mostly he just smells good, but like,,,not in a comforting way, in a hot way. yknow?
lalo: it’s been like. 2 months and im not over how this bitch would smell. ive said it once and ill say it again, i have and will never meet lalo salamanca because he isn’t real, but the way he smells gives me dysphoria bc you know it’s really good and vv masculine. his grandfather used to burn palo santo because he claimed it helped with headaches. lalo never saw any merit to the claim, but he liked the smell, so when his grandfather passed away he nicked the rest of the burning wood and now his own house just kind of constantly smells like palo santo. has a tendency to use really woodsy scents when it comes to like shampoo and stuff, and he usually smells like spices or cooking oil or something. good god i love him i wanna give him a hug.
chuck: i felt bad leaving him out. chuck smells like plastic and gasoline and like,,,a library in a really weird way. im not saying its good or bad, im just saying it is. kind of probably constantly smells like somethings burning but its not. its just the wires he recklessly tore out of the wall. 
skyler white: there needed to b more women in this post ok brba and bcs are really bad for the bechdel test and it makes me mad!!! anyways, i think skyler would smell good yo! like god dude idk like she smells comforting in the same sense that your mom was comforting as a kid, and she smelled like home yknow? 
lydia rodarte-quayle: the same paper scent kim has but stronger. also like herbal teas and cinnamon. and coffee. shes not one to like douse herself in perfume or whatever, but i dont think shes beyond indulging in an expensive fragrance yknow what i mean? lydia smells good but also you can tell she’s rich when she walks by you.
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mandowifey · 2 years ago
Do you have any funny head canons for Lalo? Not even funny per se but just weird shit he might do?
Nora I'm gonna smooch you.
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Lalo 'Eduardo' Salamanca - Funny Headcannons
Warnings: General NSFW talk, Lalo needs his own warning tbh. Dark humor! Morbid humor! a lot of implied psychological manipulation. Cartel boy does Cartel shit. You know how it goes.
Lalo has a lot of strange and somewhat funny quirks.
First and foremost, the fact that he refuses to sleep longer than an hour or two at a time is wild. You need your sleep, which he does understand, but he also can't sit still so you often wake up in an empty bed.
He'd have your sleep schedule memorized, though. Knows about when you get tired, when you wake up, the times you stir to go to the bathroom, etc. Of course, he doesn't tell you that, but you find it uncanny that he can anticipate when you need to lay down or when to have breakfast ready in the morning.
Another weird thing Lalo does is zoning out. Sometimes, you can talk to him, and he's empty eyed, staring at the window, motionless. It's uncanny to you because you have no idea what's going on inside his head. But then he'd blink, and the light would return to him and he'd smile at you and encourage you to continue talking.
The guy has a thing about pushing peoples buttons.
He just... he craves being a menace - mostly because no one can really do anything to stop him. Lalo often smiles or grins when someone is getting worked up/flustered when he's prodding at their nerves.
Unfortunately, that means you catch the receiving end of it too.
Lalo can't help it! He loves watching you get riled up and red-faced. He thinks you shouting is adorable, and the hard, angry fucking afterwards is sublime. Lalo sports your claw marks like trophies, calls you his little wild cat.
Another thing he does that's weird is mirroring. Lalo is good at adapting and charming folks, sometimes he mirrors you to get what he wants.
Not in the mood for sex? Well, that's okay! How about we lay in bed and laugh? What's this? His hand is between your legs while he cracks jokes in your ear. Weird, guess you changed your mind.
Not a weird HC but he's intentionally withdrawn.
He keeps a lot of stuff to himself, making it difficult to discern if he's really upset or not.
Another weird thing is he likes to watch you shower.
He'd sit on the sink or lean against it, while pulling the door open to watch you quietly. Sometimes it seems like he's admiring you and others he looks almost angry.
You know he see's you as a weakness.
He's protective, always thinking 10 steps ahead.
You are his, after all.
Lalo is a gift giver. He likes to buy you stuff you mention off handedly. It's eerie sometimes because he gets you things you didn't realize you even wanted.
Like he's bringing home a dress you glanced at while shopping with him, and now there it is, in your hands. Meanwhile, he's smiling ear to ear and kissing your head, asking if you like it and watching your reaction.
Lalo is weird in the sense he's not extremely physical. The guy is similar to a cat. He'll pat your back, ruffle your hair or tap your chin, but he doesn't do many hugs or kisses. Even when you two are alone.
Though he would definitely not mind you laying against him, asleep, while he watched the fire pit and let his thoughts wander.
However, when the mood strikes him?
Lord he's on you.
Mouth on yours, devouring you, kissing and biting. Can't keep his hands off of you, groping and squeezing and just all over you.
Lalo isn't super weird, but he has those little mannerisms you find charming!
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tragicstarz · 8 months ago
I love how when Gus told David the sommelier to call him his first name rather than “Mr.Fring” he told him to use Gustavo instead of Gus because Gus is his fabricated personality; his cartel and business name. Gustavo is who he actually is on a deeper level. UGHH I LOVE HIM
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arfiend · 3 months ago
If you think about it, The Armorer and Rosalina have a lot in common
- new character added into a long running series
- adding a new take on a classic troupe/archetype found in said series (mandalorian and princess)
- protective of their adopted children
- leads the main character and works as a center point for the story
- creates new shit for the main character to use
- high royalty
- can fly (but one requires a jetpack to do so)
- space
- probably know how to cook methamphetamine
- cryptic ass mf
- ace aro, but regularly headcannoned as bi and lesbian
- refuses to show part of or all of their face
- made a large amount of people realize their trans
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remainboldbronyboy317 · 2 years ago
Posting for the first time in five years to show off my Claire's Accessories Kim Wexler drawing iykyk
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thekimspoblog · 2 years ago
Gemstone Ministries officiated the second wedding, actually.
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let’s do it again.
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livingdeadmlm · 3 months ago
Master list Requests:Open!
Smut 🖤
headcannon format 🕸️
Oneshot format🌾
Kinktober 2023🪨
Kinktober 2024🪻
Characters with no links have no fics as of 12/15/2024
Also this is in no way every fic I have written as I went crazy when I made this blog so most Jojo fics are lost to time (and not good)
Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
Low Honor Morgan Priest Reader 🩶🖤🪻🌾
Werewolf Morgan HCs 🕸️
John Marston
Javier Escuella
Charles Smith
Dutch Van der Linde
Kieran Duffy
Sean MacGuire
Obey me!
Pet Play🩶🖤🪻🌾
Tail Play🩶🖤🪨🌾
Breast Worshipping 🩶🖤🪻🌾
House MD
Gregory House
James Wilson
Robert Chase
Eric Forman
Captain Curly
Age Gap🩶🪻🌾
Nathan explosion
Table Sex🩶🖤🪻🌾
Pickles the drummer
Toki Wartooth
Charles offdensen
Blood Play🩶🪻🌾
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Yandere Skwisgaar 🖤🌾
Nudes with Dethklok🩶🖤🪻🕸️🌾
Doing their Makeup before a Show🤍🕸️
After a Long Tour🤍🕸️
Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Saul Goodman
General Dating HCs🤍🩶🕸️
Fake Dating to Lovers🤍🩶🌾
Lingerie 🩶🖤🪻🌾
Cuddle HC's 🤍🌾
Jessie Pinkman
Nacho Varga
Lalo Salamanca
Mortal Kombat
Kung Lao
Dating HCs 🤍🩶🕸️
Face Sitting🩶🖤🌾🕸️
Johnny cage
Face Sitting🩶🖤🪻🌾
Kenshi Takahashi
Liu Kang
American Psycho
Patrick Bateman
Creampie 🩶🖤🪨🌾
Complimenting his beauty
Working with Patrick
Big Businessman Reader
Fight club
Jack/ The narrator
Tyler Durden
Dating HCs 🕸️🩶
Scott pilgrim vs the world/takes off
Scott Pilgrim
Wallace Wells
Lucas Lee
Todd Ingran
Nu Carnival
Oral Fixation Bruce Banner 🩶🪻🌾
Vampire Midas Fortnite🩶🪻🌾
Hol Horse 🌾
Mike Schmidt with an Insomniac Reader🌾
Monster Fucking with Postal Dude🩶🖤🪨🌾
Ryo Asuka with Affectionate Devilman 🤍🕸️
Clingy Reader with Gyro Zeppeli 🌾
Hugging Miles Edgeworth🕸️🤍🌾
Akira Fudo with a himbo bf
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ghouljams · 4 months ago
There's a cod blog running around whining about other creators headcannoning or writing cod characters in a way that doesn't "make sense"/align with their background/canon story. Calling them freaks over it and saying they need therapy...
And I'm just sitting here thinking we were past this bs.
"Oh how dare you write about a pixel in the way you want" like???
When I see someone writing a character in a way I disagree with I simply exit the fic.
Like I said, I think there's a lot of flanderizing of the characters, but that always happens in fandom, the important thing is that people are having fun. That said I do think it's good for people to revisit the source material every once in a while! Personally, I go back and run through gameplay/watch videos on MW2 every couple months, I read over the wiki frequently, I like to make sure I feel like I'm keeping the characters clear in my head, but that doesn't work for everyone!
I think there are some gross misinterpretations of characters that happen specifically with people who have never engaged with the source material (leaving Gaz out of fics, making Soap stupid, leaving out Ghost's sense of humor...) but that doesn't mean they're freaks, it just means their exposure to the characters is primarily through the fandom. Which is whatever.
I recently explained to Mr. Ghoul what I thought "Better Call Saul" was about and he laughed so hard he ended up crying. So like... even I am subject to getting things so so wrong.
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cherrybean · 9 months ago
What songs that Lalo/Nacho and Lacho would f*ck you to ❤️‍🔥
This is a bit older as i meant to publish this on my birthday haha. Hope you guys enjoy 💗
-Straight up smut/p*rn
-Not much of a plot
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Lalo Salamanca
- “All Mine” Brent Faiyaz
- This man is the definition of a toxic relationship
- If you listen to the lyrics it’s about a toxic situationship in which they have a good connection, mainly sexually (lmao) but you can tell there’s still some deep emotions there
- Lalo would definitely sing the lyrics to you while he’s pounding into you
The music filled the room, as your moans bounced off the walls. Lalo gripped the sides of your mouth as he bucked his hips into yours, filling you up to the brim. “Say it princesa” he’d coo watching as your eyes rolled back into your head. “L-lalo” you pathetically moaned as you tried to concentrate on what he was asking of you, as if you could concentrate on anything else but your your legs hoisted up on his shoulders in a mating press. “Dimelo muñequita” (tell me little doll) Lalo said assertively. “I’m yours” you managed to get out as he continued to pound into you as the headboard started to smack against the wall. His thrusts were relentless as Lalos callused fingers gripped your breasts and he twirled your nipple, causing a small yelp to leave your lips. “Lalo please” you whined as he started to slow down his movements now to follow the rhythm of the song. “But you look so good like this muñequita” Lalo said grinning, “look at my little slut beginning to climax”. To be continued…
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Nacho Varga
- “Wicked Games” The Weeknd
- Feel like he listens to The Weeknd lmaoo
- This song mainly because The Weeknd talks about leaving his girl and messing with someone else…so he’d be messing with you while having his other women at home
Nacho had picked you up after a stressful day of dealing with his boss. You didn’t care as you were parked out in the middle of nowhere as your face was on the cold leather seats as he hit it from the back. The stereo playing music to mask your moans as Nacho dug his hands into your hips. “Nacho right there” you moaned as he had one knee on the leather seat to be able to angle into your perfect spots. Your makeup had been ruined, but it usually was any night he would call you up to meet in his car. With one eyelash on and the other other already on the car seat, all you could do was grip the leather seat with your nails. “Fuck, you feel so good” Nacho would groan as he’d bend over to grip your face forcing you to look back at him. “Look at me hermosa” Nacho said as you felt the tears in your eyes form from the pleasure. To be continued…
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- “Streets” Doja Cat
- Nacho would be the only man Lalo would ever “share you with”
- This would be a one time thing only…or would it ;)
You didn’t expect to be in this situation. One moment you were asking for the aux in the car, the next Lalo was snaking his had up your mini skirt as the rough pad of his fingers found your clothed clit. “Lalo no” you’d whisper not trying to let Nacho, who was driving, know what was going on in the back. You tried to close your thighs around his hand, but knocking Lalo he’d just use his other hand to pry your legs open. You’d try and stifle your moan as Lalo would move your panties to the side to get better access. You couldn’t help but notice that Lalo was holding a conversation with Nacho as if he didn’t have his hand up your skirt.
Tears brimmed in your eyes, gagging on Nachos dick as Lalo lined himself up behind you. “Tell me if it’s too much princesa” Lalo would say before slowing entering you. You couldn’t help but moan causing Nacho to throw his head back as it sent vibrations down his dick causing you to gag more. To be continued…
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inkybinkyboink · 2 years ago
no bc i feel like saul goodman has merch for every age like. yknow how if you go to the bank or something they'll give you their business card or something? i feel like saul has a different thing for each age bracket. anyone under 20 gets a pencil, anyone between 20 and 40 gets a sticker, anyone over 40 gets a business card. you can fight about who gets what in the parking lot but nOT in the lobby. tell me u cant hear saul goodman say "thank you for choosing saul goodman, and please see francesca outside for your complimentary saul goodman pencil"
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iris-honey-bee · 2 months ago
Roleplay partner search!
Just to intro! My name is Iris! Im 25 and go by she/they. I am still dipping my toe back into the roleplay pool so to speak. I am looking for 21+ partners ideally. I would be okay with 18-20 as well just a preference. No minors under any circumstances! I am interested in 3+ paragraphs per reply in a perfect world! I know things happen and sometimes it’s a little shorter! That’s okay! Semi lit/ novella style. Im not always the best with spelling and grammar but I will try. I am very character and world building centric, I want to create something fun and free and vast with my partners! I want to headcannon and share thoughts and media as well as our main roleplay. Im looking to double up as well. I roleplay on discord! I would prefer to talk more in private about expectations and what not. Smut is a must for me, i don’t want it to be the whole role play but! So here are some interests I want to roleplay. Looking for any pairings. oc x oc, cannon x cannon and probably the most likely and desired oc x cannon. Here are just some fandoms I’m interested in.
Not really into real person fiction, feels weird to me but never be scared to bring anything up! Open discussion is a must!
The bear
Silicon Valley
The office (us and uk)
New girl
Better call Saul and breaking bad
Peep show
Ted Lasso
Red dead redemption
The boys
Bistro huddy (niche I know)
The righteous gemstones
Nobody wants this
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tragicstarz · 8 months ago
In my head cannon I would like to believe that Gus keeps his own personal chickens in his backyard for eggs and he just has little baby chicks running around
I don’t know why I always come back to this like it’s some important great thing I thought up 😭 I just like to imagine Gus being careful with the pollitos
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roleplayfinder · 2 months ago
Just to intro! Im 25 and go by she/they. I am still dipping my toe back into the roleplay pool so to speak. I am looking for 21+ partners ideally. I would be okay with 18-20 as well just a preference. No minors under any circumstances! I am interested in 3+ paragraphs per reply in a perfect world! I know things happen and sometimes it’s a little shorter! That’s okay! Semi lit/ novella style. Im not always the best with spelling and grammar but I will try. I am very character and world building centric, I want to create something fun and free and vast with my partners! I want to headcannon and share thoughts and media as well as our main roleplay. Im looking to double up as well. I roleplay on discord! I would prefer to talk more in private about expectations and what not. Smut is a must for me, i don’t want it to be the whole role play but! So here are some interests I want to roleplay. Looking for any pairings. oc x oc, cannon x cannon and probably the most likely and desired oc x cannon. Here are just some fandoms I’m interested in.
The bear
Silicon Valley
The office (us and uk)
New girl
Better call Saul and breaking bad
Peep show
Ted Lasso
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queenofspook · 1 year ago
Hello friends and foes !
I am seeking out a roleplay partner (s) !
Just to intro I’m Elle! Im 24 and go by she/they. I am still dipping my toe back into the roleplay pool so to speak. I am looking for 21+ partners ideally. I would be okay with 18-20 as well just a preference. No minors under any circumstances! I am interested in 3+ paragraphs per reply in a perfect world! I know things happen and sometimes it’s a little shorter! That’s okay! Semi lit/ novella style. Im not always the best with spelling and grammar but I will try. I am very character and world building centric, I want to create something fun and free and vast with my partners! I want to headcannon and share thoughts and media as well as our main roleplay. Im looking to double up as well. I roleplay on discord! I would prefer to talk more in private about expectations and what not. So here are some interests I want to roleplay. Looking for any pairings. OC x OC, cannon x cannon and probably the most likely and desired OC x CANNON
The bear
Silicon Valley
The office (US)
New girl
Better call Saul/breaking bad
Peep show
Ted Lasso
Red dead redemption
Shoot me a message!
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