#beta 1.7.3 world
mining obsidian rn. if you even care
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dogboy-at-your-door · 7 months
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Been playing beta recently. Here's some world progress over the course of the week I've been playing. Finally working on a bigger base
Decided the most fun the game gets is seeing the mark left on a world rather than any kind of progression. I enjoy the quarries and deforestation more than I ever would a tunnel bore or tree farm. Beta just seems easier to get into playing. Less worry about being "set up" to do things, more drive to just start doing it
World started 2/21/24
Posted 2/28/24
Maybe I'll make weekly updates a thing?
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danielt1985 · 6 months
Learning To Love Minecraft Again (A Thread)
Written by Daniel T. Gaming
I've been recently falling in love with Minecraft again. After so long of not playing it. I decided to pick it back up & play it again, and It has been one of my favorite things to play in SO long. However, I did a few things to spruce up my newly found interest.
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1. A Fresh Client I had decided to switch over from the tradition Minecraft launcher to the ATLauncher, a mod-eccentric client. And while it may look a tad confusing, it's actually very handy. I am now able to save as many different versions of Minecraft I wanted without my save files or mods controlling one another, unlike the official Minecraft launcher. on top of that, the official launcher also installs a bunch of useless Xbox junk because, well, Microsoft.
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2. Bringing Back The Old With the ATLauncher's ability to save as many versions of Minecraft with their own dedicated files & saves, I am now safely able to play older versions of Minecraft as my heart desires.
Right now, I'm playing 2 different versions, Beta 1.7.3 (A version regarded by a LOT of people as one of the best versions of Minecraft to play today), and Release 1.5.2 (The first ever version of the game I EVER played back in 2012). I will still pick up & play Release 1.20 cuz I do like a lot of the new decor pieces & things, but if I ever just want to play a standard game of Minecraft, I have these 2 versions to keep me occupied.
There's also the old legacy versions from Consoles that people are coming back to, but I haven't gotten to those yet, but planned on them soon.
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3. Making My Own Goals
My mind has always saw that "Beating the Ender Dragon" was the ultimate goal of Minecraft, and that once it's done, it's done. And while a part of me still feels that way, I'm slowly moving away from that, because that mindset has literally KILLED so many of my past Minecraft maps, and I deeply regret it.
So I started to make my own goals & my own rules. My current survival map never had a bulk smelting machine, so I added one. I never got to refine my mine & make it more like an actual mineshaft, so I got to go & do that.
I don't just want to make Minecraft a point A -> B kinda game. I want to make it a game about creating as much stuff as you can. There are people in this world who have been able to build worlds that have taken them over a DECADE to finish... so why not give yourself that same level of encouragement?
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4. Playing With Friends I recently managed to get a personal Minecraft server going on an old PC. And playing with my friends has been an AMAZING experience. It's actually pretty cheap to run a server nowadays, and Bedrock editions now have general multiplayer support, so playing with friends is now becoming even EASIER than ever before.
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5. Modding Makes The Difference Although I haven't got to do this one yet, I *am* planning on it, as it's been talked about by a LOT of people. There are actually a handful of mods out there that are not just for entertainment, but for bringing fresh vanilla-eccentric changes to Minecraft to keep its charm that it had in its early stages. Two that I have heard of are ReIndev & Better Than Adventure. Both of which actually run off of Beta 1.7.3 too, so that's neat!
I think personally, what these two mods are doing are GREAT, and I cannot wait to play them.
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6. Making It Personal
Personally, I've been handling the game on a more personal level, and not too personal to where it's overbearing, but I mean as in I like to just do traditional fan things that I've done long ago. Watch Minecraft videos, pull out the old Minecraft merch I had from when I was young, listen to the soundtrack, etc.
I haven't felt this attached to Minecraft in SO long, but I am glad it's coming back. I might make this whole thing into a video, but until then, I wanted to make this thread to tell you all how I managed to finally get back in touch with Minecraft.
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cobalt-fernsby-blog · 7 months
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Just started a new Beta 1.7.3 world thought I’d share my progress as my first post on tumblr
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c-x-3 · 10 months
My favorite genre of horror/arg video is the kind that is titled and thumbnailed like a completely normal YouTube video, so it’s completely possible to stumble into it by genuine accident. I saw a Minecraft video the other day called “The Last Beta Player”. I went in expecting it to be a video essay. It was actually a horror let’s play about a man being haunted on his world in Beta 1.7.3 and it genuinely scared the hell out of me at several points.
The YouTube horror scene is one of my favorites man.
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deathenfield · 1 year
I feel like something has been lost with Minecraft over the years and I do not know if it's the nostalgia talking. I don't mean any gameplay features or anything, there was a vibe about that I felt was lost by the time they started adding more and more content to the game.
Before villagers and endermen and hunger bars, back when Minecraft was still in beta, there was this loneliness out there you couldn't articulate, but expressed itself in many ways. You were alone, this meant the entire world was in your hands to create. You were alone, and outside of zombies and pigs there was no sapient being other than you, building only for yourself. You were alone, and while you're building your fort, the music chimes in - not exciting or motivating, but calm, almost sad - as if emphasizing and recognizing your solitude. You were alone, but you swear there's something peeking at you from the edge of the fog, making you unsure if you were really alone. You were alone, you were home, but at the same time it feels like whatever was your home is lost and you have to start anew.
It was calming, saddening, scary at times. I've seen people say that old Minecraft has a liminal aspect to it. The old chunky lighting, the dark winding gray tunnels that generated odd noises at rare moments, the low render distance fog that envelops everything in a blue haze. But it was also the old terrain generation that created weird spikes and cliffs and grottos and floating islands amidst of the smooth landscape. The random quirks that made you question if something other than you was in the game. The vibe was almost fantastical even though on it's surface everything was so simple. Is it any wonder that people saw fantasy elements in that game, or urban legends like Herobrine?
But now there's hunger and experience points, villagers and pillagers, endermen and piglins, ancient temples underground and underwater, bastions and mansions and end cities. There's traders and llamas, polar bears and axolotls, telescopes and archeology. Overpowered enchantments and farms for everything. A billion different blocks and building techniques. Final bosses and hidden lore. 50 different types of biomes and terrain generation that tries more and more to emulate reality. The calm, Ghibli-esque serenity of old Minecraft has faded and has been replaced with endless content.
I'll admit this is an "old man yelling at clouds" moment for me, I recognize that the liminal, fantastic elements of old Minecraft mainly come from nostalgia. However, it's so difficult to get into the current version of Minecraft for me. There's too much to do, too much set out for you, yet somehow none of it feels exciting. What was once a homestead turned into an endless sprawling landscape of two billion features that don't really seem to enhance anything about the game. It's like coming back to your childhood house and seeing it turned into mansion. It's bigger and better in every way but the core of what made it feel like home was destroyed in the process.
I might just be talking out my ass, but Minecraft just doesn't feel the same anymore, it hasn't for a long time. There's a community of people who play Beta 1.7.3 and yeah, they get what I mean. That's when the vibe was the strongest. That's when it felt most like Minecraft to me.
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spiritfactory · 3 months
Minecraft is not a horror game.
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I recently began a new beta 1.7.3 Minecraft world, and it's been fun. It's nostalgic, even if I don't remember growing up with the version; it's challenging; it's simple; it's... eerie. Surprisingly, it's eerie. Creepy, even.
In-between expanding my house, gathering wood, or trying to find diamonds, I can't help but look over my shoulder from time to time. There's something about the loneliness, the bizarre world generation, the fog. My world feels haunted. I feel pursued.
I was a fanatic for Minecraft myths when I was a kid, probably due in part to being an avid player of the legacy Xbox 360 Edition. Herobrine sure enjoyed haunting those. Obviously, as I've grown older, I've become a bit more sensible, and these superstitions no longer get to me, but I just can't shake this paranoia. I had been exploring a cave, trying to find lapis for a build. Bridging over a perilous lava pit, I turn a corner and there's this... staircase? It's embedded in the ceiling, and I just see two creepers looking down at me. I had heard these unidentifiable footsteps earlier, so I suppose that's where they came from.
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The creepers jump off into the lava below and I complete the staircase, walking up to this section of the cave to find none other than lapis ore. How bizarre. I'd been searching for about 10 minutes at that point and only just now I find any, with this strange generation that leads me directly to it... like I'm being lured.
I get a bit freaked out from the coincidence and decide that, now that I have lapis, "I should leave." I say this out loud to myself only to then stumble across a diamond ore vein. The first one I break? A lava pool right under it. Thankfully, I had the sense not to mine downwards. Was the cave trying to kill me?
There's this interesting combination of factors that leads to beta Minecraft being a way creepier experience than modern. It's partially the mechanics, like having no natural health regeneration or sprinting, and it's also partially the atmosphere created from a lack of villagers or the dense fog that I've already mentioned. Sometimes, the game purposefully wants to unsettle you. Cave sounds and music discs.
I find this fascinating, personally. Minecraft's "horror legacy" hasn't truly ended either, even if I find modern more dull in that regard. Mods like "Cave Dweller" and etc. serve to flesh out the tense atmosphere by providing a real threat to be afraid of. Most of us know by now that a lot of these don't work. It's easy to just plop a boat below the Cave Dweller to render it completely harmless. My theory? Horror is born partially from limitations.
The survival horror genre is built almost entirely on limiting the amount of resources you have at your disposal. Minecraft, as a sandbox, gives its players too many options for dispatching threats. One of the easiest ways to deal with the Cave Dweller is to nerdpole (pillar up) or, alternatively, use a boat: The equivalent to bashing its knees in with a baseball bat. This is not effective horror (pfft)
Why is beta creepy then? Well, extending the previous logic, it's because of how limited you are as a player, but...
Horror is not simply the creature in the darkness. It is also the darkness itself. There would be no Herobrine without the fog he resides in, the fog you later disturb. Best get inside before night falls.
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luigi-mcdingle · 6 months
a while back, out of sheer morbid curiosity, i went back to beta version 1.7.3 of minecraft (the earliest version i could find new records of people playing) yknow, to see what was different and if it was still any good that far back it was. um. not? i mean i guess i see the appeal but i couldn't play without the ability to sprint, no end, no enchanting, no hunger? but that's just me, again i see the appeal then, again out of morbid curiosity, i upgraded to version 1.0.0, expecting a similar experience i now have 142 hours on my 1.0.0 world. | v
this version of minecraft is, compared to today's vision of minecraft, simple so many things we tend to take for granted aren't there, like stained glass, hoppers, maps, item frames, villages, horses, stone walls... you get the point
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i didn't expect to put more than an hour or so into this world before going back to my heavily-modded 1.16.5 world or making a new 1.20 world, but something about it just kept me entranced there were simple goals and simple ways to reach it, but the basic gameplay was just so fun
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i've always thought modern minecraft was kinda bloated, and this really cemented that feeling; we didn't need frogs or ocean monuments or horses or redstone comparators or any of the stuff that has been added since that time
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yeah, it'd be nice for some of the modern quality of life features to be available like pressing ctrl to sprint or sheep being able to regrow their wool, but it's not needed minecraft became popular because the concept is perfect as is; your imagination really fuels things before i realized i was having so much fun, i was doing things i had never done before in my thousands of hours of minecraft, like building functional mob grinders, mining out slime chunks, and making elaborate redstone contraptions
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(the walls of the lower room in this pic ^ are made of mushroom blocks... that i had to manually push into the room one by one with pistons because silk touch only gave solid brown mushroom blocks, no red ones) when i decided i was getting bored of this world, i went to good ol curseforge and downloaded about a hundred mods for 1.16.5 and played that... for maybe five hours, then i went right back to 1.0.0. yeah, i know, those are kinda polar opposites in terms of content and bloat, but it says something, right?
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(yes that's the animal crossing train station) the one thing i ended up doing in this world that i had never done, that i honestly thought id never do, was go to the end and kill the enderdragon. yeah, in thousands of hours playing this game, i never once beat it. id always make a world, dick around for a while, then stop playing and eventually come back and start the whole process again... that or id play on multiplayer servers. remember mineplex? i should ramble about that one day...
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i had known about the ending poem, especially since the whole thing with it becoming public domain (have you read the author's blog post about that situation? where he talks about how he took a bunch of shrooms in the woods and God told him what to write, and the end poem was the result?) but i never read it because... well, i just never felt like it, really. reading it for the first time after my long playthrough of this simple, fun version of minecraft that i so quickly grew to love so much was... something else. id say you should read the poem (it's available online, obviously) but it really doesn't work nearly as well without the experience of a full minecraft playthrough backing it up.
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all this talk and im not really sure what my point in all this is. i guess it's something along the lines of "you don't need everything to enjoy life. limitation breeds creativity, and simplicity can bring happiness." or something. i dunno, it's fuckin' minecraft. maybe try making a new world. and having fun.
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oh yeah, also i never really got that "creepy feeling" most people seem to get in these older versions of minecraft. i got a little creeped out while strip mining but that's just me not liking corridors.
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kickabytes · 1 year
I’m just gonna self proclaim myself as a Minecraft Boomer. I started playing in Early 2012 and I still prefer those versions compared to today’s versions.  Not that there’s anything wrong with what Minecraft is currently, its just more or less a different game compared to when I first watched and played it. The game is more Adventure game with Survival and Sandbox elements (when not including Creative mode) these days compared to 2012 when it was more, Sandbox game with Survival elements.  Heck I downloaded the BetaCraft launcher to play the 2011 and older versions to see how they were and I found that I enjoy the Pre 1.8 Beta (Beta 1.7.3 and older) versions more.  I liked the feeling of being alone in a strange world, there was no objective besides survive and build to your hearts content, you made your own. While you can still do those things today, it isn’t the same when there is a definite end and actual objectives for you todo.  The vibes that Modern Minecraft and Pre-Release Minecraft have are totally different and that... that’s fine. Its been a decade and while I do miss the vibe of the older MC I grew up with, modern MC is other people’s childhood now and people still enjoy it plenty, heck with all the stuff with it I’ve seen pretty large leaps in the modding community too. As of late the community that prefers Beta and Alpha have revived the modding community and new mods are being developed for those versions as well as finding and archiving mods from that era. I find it cool that MC is a game that caters to multiple communities and is enjoyable for a wide variety of people. It has a long history and while I no longer enjoy where Minecraft is headed, I’ll still be keeping an eye on it from time to time just to see where its headed next. This post went places but its what happens when I get going. In short, I’m a boomer that prefers older MC but can appreciate what modern MC does and is doing even if I don’t personally enjoy it anymore.
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nikibogwater · 2 years
One time I showed a friend what Minecraft looked like when I was a kid, and she said it was super ugly, so here’s a picture of my house in my Beta 1.7.3 world just to spite her.
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It’s so beautiful. 😌
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momett · 2 years
Minecraft beta 1.7.3 is probably one of the best versions like, of all time
no inventory bloat from the 10 different kinds of stone in newer versions, no hunger meter, old school combat and world generation, simply vibes
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dogboy-at-your-door · 7 months
Hi, I'm a dog.
I have an aversion to modern Minecraft. I've been playing the game since 2012 and have loved it on-and-off, keeping up with updates and it's hills and valleys of relevancy.
Recently (early 2024) I've realized that the biggest joy I get from the game happens when I'm leaving a mark on the world, in the form of changed landscape and reshaping the world in my image instead of building megabases or huge efficient farms. I prefer Minecraft the sandbox, not Minecraft the survival game, so Beta 1.7.3 is my new home.
This blog will be for posting about old Minecraft, not necessarily Beta. Feel free to ask questions or talk to me about stuff!
Original posts tagged "hi doggy", rbs tagged rb.
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edwardos · 2 years
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The last Sunday of this month marks the end of Monty Home’s original two year world run, which was on Beta 1.7.3 Minecraft with at most Alpha terrain requiring no client mods for changes to gameplay. We are moving on to a mint world inside the mod Better Than Adventure on the same port soon. It will be called Monty Cabin. Here are some pictures of the final day with my friend, the one other person who plays on it.
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pasunspring · 23 days
ya voy a tener my comfy minecraft beta 1.7.3 world despues de muchos intentos
lo voy a hacer, estoy seguro
es q no tengo las ganas de jugar hermano
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sailor-moon39 · 6 months
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This is my beta 1.7.3 world in minecraft!
Any ideas on what I could build in this lake? Already planning to put a bridge but I want to put something else in addition to it.
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