#besties 4 lyfe
illyrilex · 6 months
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Inspired by the photo below, I spun a little scenario in which King and Mary are at an event having a candid convo (as besties do), but get interrupted by a photographer, so King decides to troll said photographer with what she later says is her best impression of Benimaru.
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naavispider · 1 year
I'm very curious what exactly Quaritch was telling Lyle about Spider. I see it like these two teenagers in high school talking about a crutch like:
L: busy with his shit Ahh cool boss, you got it 👏
That is exactly their vibe, yes!! The are such teenage girls and they don’t even know it 😭
Quaritch is incapable of stopping himself from spilling everything to Lyle, who is his designated hype girl. Lyle can sometimes get tired of his bestie’s antics, BUT he provides the best advice and is just Quaritch’s ROCK. Lyle knows it, Quaritch knows it, everybody knows it - including spider after their first meeting 😂
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Hen and Chimney's relationship is so important and special and wonderful I love them so much
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deesi-academia · 1 year
me and my 0 note posts are like this 🤞🤞
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goblinmatriarch · 2 years
Flufftober Day 15
Fandom: Marvel, specifically my girl Madisynn
Madisynn stumbled as she exited the portal. These heels were not working on this craggy rock. They had been much more effective in the fire dimension. All that obsidian, or whatever. Very smooth, good for heels.
She scanned the area before taking a sip of her drink because she had learned a thing or two when that lava monster had snuck up on her after the last time she’d been ported to another dimension. Thank god that goat had been there, or things might have gotten really ugly. As it was, she was delighted to find that the bottomless screwdriver she had ordered at brunch was literally bottomless in these other dimensions. Even when she’d spilled it running from that one really angry demon, it had been full the next time she’d looked.
She wandered forward idly, wondering if there was anything to, like, actually do in this dimension, or if it was all depressing, poorly-lit rocks and gloomy clouds and…she guessed, rubble? It looked like a lot of rubble.
Her toes clanged hard against something heavy and metal, and she bent over, clutching her right foot in one hand while she teetered precariously on one heel and cursed her choice of open-toed sandals for what was clearly shaping into a platform boots kind of situation.
Once the sharp agony in her foot had dulled to a throb, she stood on both feet, then used the uninjured one to nudge the metal thing over. It looked like…a hand? Like a big robot hand. It had clearly used to have jewels in it. Madisynn could tell because of how she was always losing the rhinestones off her jewellery, and it always left those empty sockets. She had started to kind of like them for their own sake, after a while. You can’t keep the rhinestones forever, but those weird metal circles are still pretty cool.
She regarded it for a moment, sipping her drink, then bent down to pick it up. The robot or whatever’s hand it was didn’t look like they were anywhere around, and it might make a cool glove. She slipped it on over her hand and, okay, well, it was way too big, but it would look fly as hell fist pumping above the crowd at an EDM show.
A portal whooshed into being on a big rocky hill of rubble over to her left – this place seriously needed a decorator or something, just to, like, have different backgrounds for selfies, at least. Oh my god, had she even taken a selfie in that last dimension? What a freaking waste; all that lava would have made for such a good BeReal. 
She put that thought on hold in case she needed to make a run for it. She also took another fortifying sip of vodka and orange juice. The figure coalesced into a broad, barrel-chested man in some, like, super-intense robes, with a perma-frown and a little moustache.
“Wongers!” Madisynn squealed in delight. “You’re here, too?” She widened her eyes in dramatic excitement. “Oh my god, are you going to, like, visit me every time I travel between dimensions?” She held up the dope-ass glove she’d found and asked, “Do you like my new bling?” His eyes widened in shock, but he didn’t otherwise react, and he sure as hell didn’t compliment her, so she sipped her drink again, then asked, “Did you come find me, or is it, like, fate?”
Wong had frozen when he had seen her, probably just absolutely struck still with delight or something, but at that, he raised his hands in protest. 
“It’s not fate, Madisynn,” he said in that gruff way of his that she now knew was covering a big old soft centre. “It’s coincidence. An accident.”
“Ummm,” she said, really drawing it out before taking another sip of her screwdriver and smacking her lips. “Accidents don’t, like, happen accidentally, Wongers.” She staggered over to him, but in, like, a sexy way, and flung an arm around his shoulders. “You and me, bestie; we’re meant to be.”
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ilygengar · 2 years
tbh i can't believe i'm finally going to experience prom with the person i would have ended up going with the first time despite our boarding school's best efforts
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criticalcrux · 2 years
semplicementerojuro asked:
[Text] Loooooove, I miss you so my good friend!!!
[Text] I hope you are doing great
[Text] should I come over and visit this weekend? Anything good we can do together?
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[Text] Eyyy! Rose, ain't that the damnest thing, I was just thinking about you too!
[Text] Miss you too, man, miss you too. I'm not doing too badly lately, how about yourself? Feeling better lately? Hope so.
[Text] We def gotta get together soon. Hmu when you're around this side of town!
[Text] Oh yeah! Tons to do. We can head to an anime night market! It's a newer kinda thing lately, indie sellers set up small stands and kiosks, they sell all the best merch, and there's food! Like I said, man hmu!
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
My thoughts on the new audio:
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"You look heavenly" I AM M E L T I N G
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swedenis-h · 1 year
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They’re so me when I
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frankenruth · 5 months
Something something Everyone else in the group has a cool color scheme (mostly green/blue) while Ruth’s is warm. Something something Just for Once is the only song that has just one person singing (like no background vocals no nothing). Something something *slips on a misplaced banana peel and falls down a flight of stairs*
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isforever · 3 months
@hostradio  ♥︎'d  for  a  starter  from  ROSIE  !
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 “oh  ,  come  now  alastor  !”  a  soft  tsk  escapes  her  lips  as  she  studies  her  old  friend  for  a  moment.  the  extermination  is  over,  the  angels  have  retreated.  the  cannibals  have  retreated  back  to  cannibal  town,  and  it's  been  a  fleeting  moment  since  they've  last  met.  the  lady  is  of  course,  thrilled  to  see  him…  but  she's  not  naive.  she  ushers  him  into  her  store,  offering  a  knowing  smile.  “we  both  know  you'd  didn't  travel  all  the  way  to  cannibal town  to  exchange  pleasantries…  what  brings  you  to  my  doorstep,  hm?”
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bigdvmnhero · 1 year
“Yeah, yeah.” Mikey raised his hands, sticking his tongue out. “You got me.”
Three months gone. Three—and only now was he looking a little contrite over it. If he walked out of his little yokai brigade right now, April knew Leo would put it all behind them. It was way more than what any of them would get away with.
Leo sheathed his sword. Seemed to ignore the masked yokai fringing Mikey’s side, mirroring Leo’s own.  “Hey, Mikey.”
“Hey, Leo,” Mikey said, in a small voice. Stared at the ground like it held all the world's secrets. The room watched the two brothers. Even the snow outside quieting for their reunion. Then Mikey rose, lifting his head, and a smile pooled into his eyes—a trickster’s smile, his old one, but behind it something barbed lay in wait. April's body flared in warning. “Bye, Leo.”
Leo bristled. “Wait—“
Light. Beneath their feet, the circular seal pulsed as Mikey's thumb stitched the last of it closed—when had he drawn it? Smoke, like a huge sail, furled into the room. As it cleared, common tools where each of Mikey and his entourage once stood clattered back to earth. Clay pots, spoons, brushes, old fraying books.
The gold glow of the seal bled out of the room. Leo stared at its dull scrawl. A scroll rolled to a stop by his foot.
In the silence, a soldier reached for him, but April gave a sharp jerk of her head.
Don't, she mouthed, then winced at the sound Leo slamming his fist against the ground.
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inquisimer · 6 months
every single one of Léan's friends being like "for the love of the Maker do not support the mages please do not support the mages please we must have order and this is insanity"
and she's just making uwu heart eyes at anders lmfaooooo
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rcsplendent · 1 year
closed  starter            —              bellamy  dubois. ( @effervcscents ! )
"  cut  it  out  —  you're  making  a  scene!  "    laurie  hisses  as  he  practically  drags  bellamy  out  of  the  dining  hall.  they  hadn't  planned  on  telling  their  best  friend  under  these  circumstances,  but  leave  it  to  them  to  accidentally  leave  their  ring  on  during  breakfast.  perhaps  it  was  for  the  best  that  bellamy  noticed  it  (  while  signing  at  him  to  pass  the  maple  syrup  )  —  it  would've  been  quite  the  nightmare  if  one  of  his  siblings  had  seen  it  instead.  he'd  quickly  gotten  up  &  proclaimed  he  needed  to  go  to  the  bathroom  &  that  bellamy  must  go  with  him  (  not  the  most  clever  alibi,  but  it  was  the  best  he  could  come  up  with  ),  &  he  keeps  his  left  hand  shoved  into  his  pocket  as  he  pulls  bell  around  a  corner,  finally  turning  to  face  him.  "  don't  freak  out,  "    he  signs  with  his  right  hand,  a  nervous  glint  in  his  eyes  as  he  pulls  his  left  hand  from  his  pocket,  holding  it  up  with  a  sheepish  grin.   "  he  asked  me  yesterday . . . "
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about to attend a social event. there will be heavy casualties. please pray for me
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nohound · 2 months
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a closed starter as written for @perzyr , from the starter call linked here.
HE SEES HIS FACE REFLECTED IN THE GLOSSY SURFACE OF THE BEAST'S EYE. only moments prior had rickon believed this mountain to be made of stone, steeped in sunlight from the evening before, still warm to the touch. HOW WRONG THE CHILD HAD BEEN, to assume this 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 was anything but scale and tough hide. he'd tried to climb it, you see, slipped and fell right from the dragon's side and down to a mossy bed below. but still, foolishly tried to climb a 𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓷 in the false assumption that it was A HILL, A MOUNTAIN, A RIDGE and now? a beast.
terror should strike his still beating heart, fear should turn his stomach a sickly shade of grey ... and yet as he sees his own 𝖗𝖊𝖉 hair reflected in the dragon's eye, like a single flame at the end of a candle wick, he finds something 𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓮 stirs. anxiety, yes. but acceptance.
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should 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 strike him, at only eight years of age, HE WAS PREPARED TO FACE IT. father in the crypts still haunting his dreams, even so long after the fact, he doesn't find that meeting the 𝓸𝓵𝓭 gods scares him. meeting the undead osha spoke of, however, did.
and so he stands from the mossy bed as the dragon rises, HIS LIVING SHADOW OF FUR AND TEETH, clinging to his back.
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