#best way to investment Money in India
mirtoken · 2 years
Best Future of crypto currency in India
Cryptocurrencies have become a popular investment option in recent years, and India is no exception. With the growth of digital currencies and blockchain technology, more and more investors in India are considering investing in cryptocurrencies as a way to diversify their portfolios and potentially earn high returns. One platform that has gained popularity in the Indian market is MIR-Token.com, which offers a range of crypto investment options. In this article, we will explore the benefits of crypto investment in India with MIR-Token.com.
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Diversification is a key strategy in any investment portfolio. It is important to spread risk across different assets to minimize losses and maximize returns. One of the benefits of crypto investment with MIR-Token.com is that it allows investors to diversify their portfolios beyond traditional assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.
With MIR-Token.com, investors can access a range of digital currencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many others. This diversity of crypto assets allows investors to spread their risk across different currencies, minimizing the impact of any single currency's performance on their overall investment.
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High Returns
Crypto investment can offer high returns compared to traditional investments. While it is true that the crypto market can be volatile, it is also true that many investors have made significant gains through crypto investment. For example, Bitcoin's price has increased from less than $1 in 2010 to over $50,000 in 2021, representing a huge return for early investors.
MIR-Token.com offers investors the potential for high returns through its crypto investment options. With its user-friendly platform and a wide range of digital currencies, MIR-Token.com enables investors to access the crypto market and take advantage of potential growth.
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Low Fees
One of the benefits of crypto investment with MIR-Token.com is its low fees. Traditional investment options such as mutual funds and stocks often come with high fees, which can eat into investors' returns. In contrast, MIR-Token.com charges low fees for its crypto investment services.
This low fee structure is possible because crypto investment is a decentralized market, meaning there are no intermediaries such as brokers or middlemen. As a result, investors can save on fees and keep more of their returns.
Security is a key concern for any investor, especially when it comes to digital currencies. The crypto market has been plagued by security breaches and hacking attacks in the past, leading to the loss of millions of dollars. However, MIR-Token.com takes security seriously and employs various measures to protect investors' assets.
MIR-Token.com uses advanced encryption and security protocols to ensure that investors' funds and personal information are secure. The platform also offers two-factor authentication and other security features to prevent unauthorized access to investors' accounts.
Ease of Use
One of the benefits of crypto investment with MIR-Token.com is its ease of use. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, even for investors who are new to the world of digital currencies. MIR-Token.com offers a simple and intuitive interface that allows investors to buy, sell, and trade digital currencies with ease.
Additionally, MIR-Token.com offers a range of educational resources to help investors learn more about crypto investment and the crypto market. These resources include articles, videos, and tutorials, which can help investors make informed investment decisions.
Liquidity is another benefit of crypto investment with MIR-Token.com. In traditional investments such as real estate or mutual funds, it can be difficult to access funds quickly in case of an emergency. However, crypto investments are highly liquid, meaning they can be bought and sold quickly.
With MIR-Token.com, investors can buy and sell digital currencies at any time, giving them the
Read more:-
Crypto currency in India
Crypto investment in India
Mining investment in India
best way to investment Money in India
best crypto exchange in  India
crypto market in India
crypto currency trading strategies,in India
Mining in India
Best Future of crypto currency in India
Crypto investment benefits in India
Source:- https://mirtoken.blogspot.com/2023/02/best-future-of-crypto-currency-in-india.html
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jiraafinvestments · 2 years
How to balance risks and rewards?
Evolving meanings of investments and risks
Older millennials and baby boomers expressing their fear and lack of taste for anything other than govt bonds, FDs and gold is not a new thing. Of course, the purpose and meaning of “investments” have evolved with time from ensuring survival to running after high yield.
Doing anything out of the ordinary, in any walk of life, was akin to taking risks a few decades ago. Doing something that others didn’t involve themselves in with money or investments meant the same as flushing them down the drain for nothing. But today, people have understood the fact that more risks mean they have the opportunity to earn more rewards as well.
Balancing risks and rewards
If we ask ourselves the fundamental question of ‘why we invest?’, we will find that it’s normally to be capable of buying a house or kid’s education or for a comfortable retirement life. But, there’s no free lunch available for anyone. We get more than what we give only if we are ready to take some weight of the risks on our shoulders. Most applicable in the world of finance.
It makes no sense to take risks when the outcome doesn’t justify the risks involved. Why take the chance of putting one’s hard-earned money at risk?
Risk not taken = lost opportunity?
It’s basically a trade-off between risk and the opportunity to earn that above-average returns. But, if one considers the outcomes of avoiding an investment that offers higher returns but carries more risk and going ahead with the investment while being aware of the risks involved, the difference will be quite apparent.
In case of things going south, there will be an opportunity cost:
One will lose out on the less-risky returns that could have been made during the time it takes to recover the lost investment.
If you find this article interesting keep reading here How to balance risks and rewards?
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
While perhaps it's too early to call it a "masterstroke", Joe Biden stepping aside for Kamala Harris will probably turn out much better than any Democrat would have predicted a month ago.
Kamala Harris will likely be the next president of the United States – and that’s overall good news if you care about democracy, justice and equality. Joe Biden’s decision on Sunday to bow out of the presidential race clears the path for the country to elect its first woman and first woman of color as president.
For people who need a historical reminder...
[M]ost people in this country typically choose the Democratic nominee for president over the Republican nominee time and time again. With the sole exception of 2004, in every presidential election since 1992, the Democratic nominee has won the popular vote (Biden bested Donald Trump by 7m votes in 2020).
Now for more recent events.
If, in fact, support for Democrats among people of color is the principal problem, then putting Harris at the top of the ticket is a master stroke. The enthusiasm for electing the first woman of color as president will likely be a thunderclap across the country that consolidates the support of voters of color, and, equally important, motivates them to turn out in large numbers at the polls, much as they did for Barack Obama in 2008. The challenge the party will face in November is holding the support of Democratic-leaning and other “gettable” whites, especially given the electorate’s tortured history in embracing supremely qualified female candidates such as Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams. (The primary difference between Abrams, who lost in Georgia, and Senator Raphael Warnock, who won, is gender.) Sexism, misogyny and sexist attitudes about who should be the leader of the free world are real and Democrats will have to work hard to address that challenge. One critical step to solidifying the Democratic base is for all political leaders to quickly and forcefully endorse and embrace Harris’s candidacy. Mathematically, it is likely – and certainly possible, if massive investments are made in getting out the vote of people of color and young people as soon as possible – that the gains for Democrats will offset any losses among whites worried about a woman (and one of color, no less) occupying the Oval Office and becoming our nation’s commander in chief.
We shouldn't forget that the VP's mom was born in India. A number of people in the growing South Asian community in the US who may not be especially interested in politics will be tempted to pause their disinterest and vote for Kamala. India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have all had female prime ministers – so there's not exactly a taboo about women in power.
One way to measure enthusiasm for Kamala is to look at how much money is being raised by ActBlue. Not all the money ActBlue raises goes to the national ticket. I donated to a US Senate campaign in June via ActBlue. BUT the timing of recent donations leaves little doubt what the cause of the recent spike is.
For context, first some recent weekly totals (source)...
Week of June 30 through July 6 — $65,220,920
Week of July 7 through July 13 — $48,669,913
Week of July 14 through July 20 — $61,349,601
As of Noon today (CDT): Week of July 21 through July 27th — $150,042,360 and the third day of the week is just a little over half over. In the previous hour alone, roughly $2.44 million was raised.
These are small donations, not like the $45 million per month promised by multi-billionaire Elon Putz to Trump. So grassroots Dems are stoked and are out for a win.
ActBlue is fairly no-nonsense, it's not exactly Amazon in layout. So people are not drawn there by flashy graphics.
Kamala Harris — Donate via ActBlue
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What kind of relationship do you think Karma has with his parents ?
In canon: in the manga itself I believe his parents are only mentioned twice - chapters 37 and 89. In 37 (my TL from Japanese) Karma recognises the henna that Sugaya did on himself, and says his parents are crazy about India and come back with a henna tattoo every time they go on a trip. In 89, all he says is he likes his name because he inherited his parents' weird taste. Karma is 14 when both conversations take place.
He doesn't seem upset or bothered by particularly the chapter 37 mention, however... Maybe it's best if I fully translate what it says in roll call book:
"His parents make a killing as daytraders, they're both free spirits and weirdos. They spend more than half of a year away travelling. They have the regular saying 'you can fulfill anything you set your mind on if you don't bend your heart', and even when they're not at home, this is strongly reflected in Karma's personality."
So we basically have confirmation that Karma's parents willfully leave their 14 year old (and most likely this started when he was much younger) son home alone most of the time.
We also have the detail that Nagisa's the only one who's been to his house which is "strange because of his parent's hobbies" (roll call book) and that it often smells like Indian incense (graduation album).
Now let's unpack what day trading actually involves. It's not really a 'job', they basically just trade stocks over and over each day. This isn't the same as investing long term in companies you think will grow, it's keeping a constant eye on market movements and quick profits. If they're making a lot of money, enough to pay private school fees and maintain a lifestyle in an expensive area of Japan ar least, then they're reasonably good at it. This means basically constantly monitoring and analysing the stock market movements in any given day.
Their trips can't be mistaken with business travel then. The vocabulary used also implies it's more a trip for pleasure.
This is where the direclty canon stuff ends and I'll add my own opinion on this.
Karma has never said or implied anything about being upset with this. It's definitely implied that he looks up to his parents in some way - he enjoys that he inherited their weird taste at least, and he clearly takes their teachings to heart. Then again I feel like a lot of 14 year old boys would have an absolute field day if regularly left alone without parental supervision.
That being said, I can't help but feel like their relationship must be a little strained, especially if they're just straight up not there. Also their son being suspended from school for attacking another student, and then wrecking a teacher's office, isn't enough to make them think they should keep a closer eye on him?
I think it's definitely possible he has a bit of a lowkey complex about it. You could read his distrust of teachers as an authority thing, but I think it could be a variation of abandonment issues. I also think that's part of why he struggled with friendships and letting people get close to him in general.
It's also very interesting to me that despite taking his parents' words to heart, he chose a career in the civil service. Kind of seems like the antithesis of them. Honestly they give me the vibe of hypocritical hippies, as in acting like they're all anti establishment yet clearly fully engage with and profit from capitalism.
So yeah, I think strained, especially as an adult when interactions happen less naturally. I feel like they wouldn't even really 'know' each other.
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sea-owl · 1 year
In the isekai Portia au, where the Spouses remember but the Bridgertons, it's implied that Kate had a bad relationship with her family at the end and that's what pushed her to become a villainess. Her father couldn't look at her because she was a reminder of the wife he lost, her stepmother was kind but focused on little Edwina and everyone around her compared her constantly to her perfect sister. It'll drive anyone mad, and It's understandable Kate developed some resentment.
What if Kate, when she reincarnates, instead of staying with her family anyway, she decides to leave before things get bad? She doesn't want to repeat her actions, but can't stand another lifetime of feeling left aside and sacrificing herself for her family's happiness. She arranges everything for Edwina to find a good match and guarantees them both a cosy life, and starts to look for ways to move out. Then it comes to her ears that some Baroness Featherington is looking for a governess for her young children and Kate takes the opportunity. She makes sure Mary and Edwina are settled, and once everything is done, she packs her stuff and leaves.
Her new life in the Featherington residence is better than she expected. Lady Portia is a very busy woman but has still taken under her wing children that aren't even hers and raises them along with her daughters. She can't always be with them, so that's what Kate is for. Teach them, guide them, look after them. She meets Duke Simon, a regular visitor of the Featheringtons, and they become best friends. Things are going well for her.
Until Portia tells her that they'll be housing the Sharma family for a while because the daughter is about to announce her engagement and Mary needs assistance. And if the situation wasn't awkward enough for Kate, when she meets her sister's bethroted it's even worse. It's no other than Viscount Bridgerton, the man that started all her problems in the past life and caused her death
Drama ensues
I like this, let me tweak it a little bit to fit a little better with the rest of the au. @lyramundana since spouses remembering was your addition to the au I think you might want to see this.
Kate was young when she left India, only 18. Governesses were not usually hired that young but she had some hope. Lady Featherington, who was a long distance associate of her father's, had a reputation of taking in those who needed it among her staff and some rumored even her wards. There was only enough money for one of them, and Kate refused to let the past repeat itself so she chose to take herself out of the picture. Even if things were good now she knows they won't last.
Kate tried not to wrinkle her nose at the tea, English tea was never as good as the tea back home.
"You are a bit young for the position," Lady Featherington said, her eyes looking over Kate's qualifications.
"But I am well qualified-" Kate started.
"Of that I have no doubt," Lady Featherington said, her voice gentle. Then the conversation took a turn. "Tell me Ms. Sharma, if you were to start a business what would be your trade?"
Kate glanced down at the tea again. "Tea, I can't stand the way English prepare their tea." She blushed realizing she just insulted the offered drink from her potential employer.
Lady Featherington laughed. "I see. Very well Ms. Sharma you will be instructing my youngest two, Lucy and Felicity, on writing, reading, and arithmetic, but when Simon comes to instruct the older ones on business you shall join them. He will help you on getting started with your tea business. I will help with funding and eventually we will make you a woman of independent means."
Kate didn't know what to say and was not sure of what just happened. "Lady Featherington I-"
"I like to make good investments Ms. Sharma," Lady Featherington said. "Like the others I believe you will be a good one too."
What Kate doesn't know is that Portia also has knowledge of the before, and she truly did believe Kate could do it. Like her other little villains she deserved a second chance as well. She also knew Kate's pride and with her being older than the others when she got them wouldn't accept help without putting in some sort of work. So a compromise.
The next day Portia introduced her to the rest, and Kate is quickly welcomed. They honestly treat her more as an equal or an an older sister than a member of their staff. With time she basically becomes another ward without the official papers. Especially when she joins them for Simon's lessons. Kate is astounded that Simon is actually a duke. They quickly become best friends.
Over the next few years Kate begins her tea business. Experimenting and mixing new teas for different pallets. She is prouder the more her business grows. She is happy, especially since Portia avoids London like the plague so she had no worries of running into the god awful Bridgerton.
Over time Kate learns the others were like her, villains in a past life to different members of the Bridgertons who got a second chance and was not willing to mess that up. They were also thankful Portia avoids London as they rather not have London seasons themselves.
Then one year on the verge of one London season Portia announces that they will be spending it in London and that those old enough will be entering society. "Kate, Prudence, Philippa, Sophie, Phillip, and Michael that all means you. You all need to learn to navigate business around London."
A collective groan is heard around the table. None of them want to go. There is so much of a higher chance of running into the Bridgertons if they go, they don't want that kind of trouble for themselves! But they're also not gonna disobey Portia like that.
"I also have a friend who will be arriving tomorrow. She and her daughter will be staying with us during the season. I will be assisting her with some business deals here in England before her daughter debuts."
What Portia doesn't say is that the friend is Lady Mary Sharma, who has been friends with Portia before she married her husband and she has been in contact with since Kate showed up on her doorstep. Mary had written to her frantic that her oldest daughter had left for England on her own. Portia had reassured her and sent updates to Mary about Kate. Now that Portia is forcing the kids to learn how to navigate London she asked Mary if she wanted to see Kate in her first season? Mary jumped on the chance, she was absolutely going to be there for her daughter's first season she'll fight anyone who tires to stop her.
Portia invited Mary to the country estate first before going to London. She suspected the Sharma family will have to work some things out first.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
What You Want is an S Curve
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Excerpt from Bill McKibben's Substack, "The Crucial Years."
Regular readers of this column know that I think we’re engaged in the most desperate race in human history—a race between a rapidly unraveling climate, and a rapid buildout of renewable energy. The outcome of that race will determine just how many people die, how many cities drown, how many species survive. Pretty much everything else—efforts to restore corals, say, or worries about how exactly we’ll power long-haul aircraft—is noise at the margins; the decisive question is how those two curves, of destruction and construction, will cross. Oh, and the relevant time frame is the next half-decade, the last five or six “crucial years.”
So even amidst all the desperate news from climate science, I have some legitimately good numbers to update you on this morning. They come from the veteran energy analyst Kingsmill Bond and colleagues at the Rocky Mountain Institute, and they demonstrate that the world has moved on to the steep part of the S curve, which will sweep us from minimal reliance on renewable energy to—we must hope and pray— minimal dependence on fossil fuel. The angle of that curve may prove to be the most significant geometry of our time on earth, competing only with the slope of the Keeling Curve which documents the growing accumulation of co2 in the atmosphere above Mauna Loa.
It seems pretty clear, according to Bond’s team, that last year or this we will hit peak fossil fuel demand on this planet—the advent of cheap solar and wind and batteries, combined with rapidly developing technologies like heat pumps and EVs, has finally caught up with the surging human demand for energy even as more Asian economies enter periods of rapid growth: the question is whether we’ll plateau out at current levels of fossil fuel use for a decade or more, or whether we can make fossil fuel use decline enough to begin to matter to the atmosphere. 
And the numbers in the new report give at least some reason for hope: sun and wind are now growing faster than any other energy sources in history, and they are coming online faster that anyone had predicted, even in the last few years. In the last decade, “solar generation has grown 12 times, battery storage by 180 times, and EV sales by 100 times.” This charge has been led by China, where “solar generation up 37 times and EV sales up 700 time.” and which as a result is “poised to be the first major electrostate.” Europe, and indeed the whole OECD group, are now seeing rapid growth too, and the best news is that there are increasing signs that countries like India and Vietnam, where growth in demand will be fastest over the rest of the decade, are figuring out how to electrify their economies. Fossil fuel for generating electricity has peaked in Thailand, South Africa, and in all of Latin America.
Solar power in particular is about to become the most common way to produce electricity on this planet, and batteries will this year pass pumped-hydro as the biggest source of energy storage; the supply chain seems to be in place to continue this kind of hectic growth, as there are enough factories under construction to produce the stuff we need, and investment capital is increasingly underwriting cleantech (though a treacherously large supply of money continues to flow to fossil fuels). Pick your metric—the number of cleantech patents, the energy density of batteries, the size of wind turbine rotors—and we’re seeing rapid and continuing progress; the price of solar power is expected to drop by half again in the course of the decade, reinforcing all these trends. The adoption curves for cleantech look like the adoption curves for color tv, or cellphones—that is to say, from nothing to ubiquitous in a matter of years. 
A big reason for the ongoing change—and for ongoing optimism—is the simple efficiency of the technologies now ascendant.
A second report from Bond’s Rocky Mountain Institute, this one published last week, focused on these numbers, and they’re equally astounding. By their calculations, we waste more than half of the energy we use:
Out of the 606 EJ (an exajoule is roughly the annual energy consumption of New York City) of primary energy that entered the global energy system in 2019, some 33% (196 EJ) was lost on the supply side due to energy production and transportation losses before it ever reached a consumer. Another 30% (183 EJ) was lost on the demand side turning final energy into useful energy. That means that of the 606 EJ we put into our energy system per annum, only 227 EJ ended up providing useful energy, like heating a home or moving a truck. That is only 37% efficient overall.
We’ve invested mostly in increasing the volume of energy we use, not its efficiency—because that was what made big money for Big Oil. But cleantech is inherently more efficient: when you burn fossil fuel to make power, you lose two-thirds of the power to heat, which simply doesn’t happen with wind and sun. An EV translates 80-90% of the power it uses into propulsion, compared with well less than half for a car that runs on gas. A gas boiler is 85 percent efficient, which isn’t bad—but a heat pump is 300% efficient, because its main “fuel source” is the ambient heat of the atmosphere, which it translates into heating and cooling for your home. That means that the higher upfront costs of these technologies quickly translate into serious savings. And these kind of numbers bend curves fast
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Turning Brain Dr. Preeti Tyagi: The Best Physiology Mobile App for Medical Students
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Turning Brain Dr. Preeti Tyagi: The Best Physiology Mobile App for Medical Students
If you are going to join MBBS 1st year Dr. Preeti Tyagi Turning Brain lectures are a must for you!
In the competitive world of medical education, finding the right resources can make a significant difference in a student's success. The Turning Brain app, featuring lectures by Dr. Preeti Tyagi, is recognized as the best physiology mobile app for medical students. This app has quickly become a favorite among MBBS students, especially those in their first year, offering a reliable and convenient way to study medical physiology.
Learn from the Best Physiology Faculty in India
Dr. Preeti Tyagi, widely regarded as one of the best physiology faculty in India, leads the educational content on the Turning Brain app. Her lectures are known for their clarity and depth, breaking down complex physiological concepts into simple, easy-to-understand lessons. The app covers all essential topics, ensuring students receive comprehensive knowledge that aligns perfectly with their curriculum.
Best Mobile Application for MBBS 1st Year Students
For MBBS 1st year students, having access to high-quality educational resources is crucial. The Turning Brain app is the best mobile application for MBBS 1st year students due to its targeted content and user-friendly design. Dr. Preeti Tyagi’s lectures are specifically tailored to meet the needs of first-year medical students, helping them build a strong foundation in physiology.
Interactive and Engaging Features
The Turning Brain app goes beyond just video lectures. It includes interactive features like quizzes, flashcards, and practice questions that help students engage with the material more effectively. These tools make learning more dynamic and help reinforce key concepts, making it the best physiology mobile app for medical students who want to excel in their studies.
Study Anytime, Anywhere
One of the biggest advantages of the Turning Brain app is its flexibility. Medical students have demanding schedules, and it’s not always possible to attend every lecture in person. With this app, students can watch Dr. Preeti Tyagi’s lectures anytime and anywhere, whether they’re on the move, between classes, or studying late at night. This makes it a top choice for students who need a flexible study tool.
High-Quality Content and Regular Updates
The Turning Brain app ensures that all lectures are delivered in high-definition video and audio, providing a clear and distraction-free learning experience. Moreover, the app is regularly updated with new content, ensuring that students have access to the latest information in medical physiology.
Affordable and Accessible
Education is an investment, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. The Turning Brain app offers various subscription plans, making it an affordable option for students. Compared to the cost of traditional coaching classes or buying multiple textbooks, this app provides excellent value for money, making top-quality education accessible to a broader audience.
The Turning Brain app, with lectures by Dr. Preeti Tyagi, stands out as the best physiology mobile app for medical students, especially those in their first year. With content from one of the top physiology faculty in India, interactive features, and the convenience of learning at your own pace, this app is an essential tool for anyone serious about mastering medical physiology. Download the Turning Brain app today and take the first step toward academic excellence in your medical career.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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October 20, 2023
OCT 21, 2023
Last night, President Joe Biden spoke to the nation from the Oval Office to shore up U.S. support for Ukraine and Israel. “[H]istory has taught us that when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction.  They keep going, and the cost and the threats to America and to the world keep rising,” he said. 
“[I]f we walk away and let Putin erase Ukraine’s independence, would-be aggressors around the world would be emboldened to try the same,” he said. “The risk of conflict and chaos could spread in other parts of the world—in the Indo-Pacific… [and] especially in the Middle East.” 
Biden noted that Russian president Vladimir Putin has suggested he might like to take part of Poland, while one of his top advisors has called three other NATO allies, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, Russia’s “Baltic provinces.” Russian aggression there would draw the U.S. into war. 
Iran is supporting Russia in Ukraine, he noted, and “it’s supporting Hamas and other terrorist groups” in the Middle East. 
“The United States and our partners across the region are working to build a better future for the Middle East, one where the Middle East is more stable, better connected to its neighbors, and—through innovative projects like the India–Middle East–Europe rail corridor that I announced this year at the summit of the world’s biggest economies—more predictable markets, more employment, less rage, less grievances, less war when connected. It…would benefit the people of the Middle East, and it would benefit us.”
Biden explained that he was sending to Congress “an urgent budget request to fund America’s national security needs, to support our critical partners, including Israel and Ukraine. It’s a smart investment that’s going to pay dividends for American security for generations, help us keep American troops out of harm’s way, help us build a world that is safer, more peaceful, and more prosperous for our children and grandchildren,” he said. 
That money, he said, would harden the Iron Dome that protects Israel’s skies after the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas that took more than 1,300 lives. But he also said that the U.S. “remains committed to the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and to self-determination. The actions of Hamas terrorists don’t take that right away” 
He explained that he had discussed with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu “the critical need for Israel to operate by the laws of war. That means protecting civilians in combat as best as they can. The people of Gaza urgently need food, water, and medicine.” Biden secured an agreement for such relief when he visited Israel on Wednesday, but so far the route from Egypt has not opened, at least in part because Israel and Egypt can’t agree on a way to inspect the trucks to make sure they are not carrying weapons. 
Ethan Bronner and Henry Meyer of Bloomberg reported yesterday that President Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin have pressured Israel more deeply than any recent administration, demanding they adjust their planned ground assault on Gaza to minimize civilian casualties and think about what happens when the assault is over. U.S. officials are worried that Israel’s response to the October 7 attack could prompt Hezbollah to join the war, scuttling the administration’s attempt to stabilize the region and drawing the U.S. further into the conflict. 
But Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition partners who have backed further settlements in the West Bank are eager to exact revenge on the Palestinians there, killing at least seven in the last week. U.S. officials told Thomas Friedman of the New York Times that “the representatives of those settlers in the cabinet are withholding tax money owed the Palestinian Authority [that exercises authority over the West Bank], making it harder for it to keep the West Bank as under control as it has been since the start of the Hamas war.” Netanyahu, who has been charged with corruption and fraud, needs those partners in order to remain prime minister and thus stay out of jail.
Meanwhile, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is worsening as Israel has launched extensive airstrikes, killing what U.N. observers estimate to be more than 2,800 Palestinians, including several relatives of former representative Justin Amash (Libertarian-Michigan) who had been sheltering in a church. It has also driven about a million people of the 2.3 million in Gaza from their homes. Hospitals are closed, and food and water are scarce. 
Foreign policy journalist Laura Rozen of Diplomatic gave Biden credit for his attempt to calm the region, support Israel, and protect Palestinian civilians but was, she said, “very worried” that the conflict would drag out and “inflame & destabilize [the] region & spark blowback & it will be very very ugly.” The U.S. had not been able to get “a single truck of aid into Gaza, much less set up a quasi-safe zone…five days after it thought it had a deal to do so.” It is not helping that X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter, is amplifying disinformation about the crisis. 
The U.S. and governments in Europe have pressured Israel not to go into Gaza while diplomats in Qatar try to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas. Today, Hamas released two dual U.S. citizens who had been held hostage in Gaza. 
In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) took a different tack, noting that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (believed to be the group responsible for the hospital explosion in Gaza) received more than $130 million in cryptocurrency in the past two years, and researchers believe this is just a fraction of the total. Cryptocurrency funds crime and terror, they wrote: more than $20 billion in illicit transactions last year “that we know of.”
Those exchanges are currently unregulated, and Warren and Marshall have introduced the bipartisan Digital Asset Anti–Money Laundering Act to bring digital assets under the same rules that regulate traditional payment systems.
Today the administration asked Congress for a little over $105 billion in funding for national security. The package would devote $61.4 billion to support Ukraine (some of it to replenish U.S. stockpiles after sending weapons to Ukraine); $14.3 billion to Israel for air and missile defense systems; $9.15 billion for humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Gaza, and other places; $7.4 billion for initiatives in the Indo-Pacific; and $14 billion for more agents at the southwestern border, new machines to detect fentanyl, and more courts to process asylum cases. 
But Congress is currently unable to act. Seventeen days after the extremists in the House Republican conference ousted then-speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the Republican civil war continues to paralyze the House. After key Trump ally Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) lost a second round of balloting on Wednesday, his allies apparently spent Thursday threatening the colleagues who didn’t vote for him. 
Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) explained: “So far I've had four death threats. I've been evicted from my office in Colorado…because the landlord is mad with my voting record on the Speaker issue. And everybody in the conference is getting this…. Family members have been approached and threatened, all kinds of things are going on….”
The threats simply hardened Jordan’s opposition. He lost a third ballot today, with 25 Republicans voting against him, and in a secret ballot the Republicans took privately over whether to keep him as their nominee for speaker, only 86 voted for Jordan, with 112 against. The House recessed for the weekend, despite the mounting crises that need to be addressed.
Having a key lieutenant in the House speaker’s chair, where he could, among other things, smear Biden by pushing to impeach him in the months before the election, would have been a huge boost for Trump. That Republicans refused to get behind Jordan even when he forced them into a public vote and then threatened them, much as Trump threatened them to line up behind him in the past, suggests they are starting to fear Trump less than they have for years.
Three plea deals in the past two days have intensified Trump’s legal troubles. Two of his own lawyers, Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, have pleaded guilty to some of the charges brought by Fulton County, Georgia, district attorney Fani Willis in the racketeering case against Trump and 17 others.
Yesterday, Powell pleaded guilty to trying to tamper with voting machines. In exchange for a lenient sentence, she will have to testify against others. As she was the person Trump considered tapping as a special counsel to investigate alleged voter fraud, she was at a key meeting with Trump allies Rudy Giuliani, former national security advisor Michael Flynn, and former Overstock chief executive officer Patrick Byrne.
Powell’s unexpected jump to the prosecution side—she was lying about the election just this week—put pressure on others, and today Chesebro also flipped. He was allegedly the one who designed the false electors scheme, although he has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to file false documents. In exchange for a lenient sentence, he has to turn over any evidence he has and testify truthfully against others in the case, including Trump. 
In Michigan, a Republican man charged with participating in the false-elector plot also entered into a cooperation agreement yesterday, meaning he will talk to investigators and, if necessary, testify. 
Finally, today, Judge Arthur Engoron, who is overseeing the fraud case against Trump and the Trump Organization, fined Trump $5,000 for violating the gag order he had imposed on October 3. Trump told Engoron that day he had taken down a social media post disparaging one of Engoron’s law clerks, but it remained up on his campaign website.
Engoron warned Trump that “future violations, whether intentional or unintentional, will subject the violator to far more severe sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, steeper financial penalties, holding Donald Trump in contempt of court, and possibly imprisoning him pursuant to New York Judiciary Law.”
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stylesavingssavvy · 6 months
Global Brands Expanding Their Market in India: A Gateway to Cultural Fusion. 
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In today's world, the reach of international brands into new markets has become a common catch. One such brand that has caught the attention of many international brands is REDFYND. India is a country rich in heritage and has a diversified customer base, so fashion and beauty are always top priorities. REDFYND is a platform that has more than 100 brands listed on it, including Nykaa, Ajio, Myntra, etc. Starting from sarees,  black saree trousers, shirts, jackets, and lehengas to all the beauty and fashion-related products. They are not only working to add more and more brands to the platform but also to make the lives of users easier by bringing a variety of products to one platform and allowing users to save time and money. 
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Rise of E-commerce in India 
With the rise of technology and an increased internet user base, e-commerce websites have noticed a huge rise in India. REDFYND is leading from the front in this digital revolution, giving the option of more than 2 million products to its Indian consumer base with just a click of a single button. REDFYND has become a one-stop solution for shoppers interested in quality products at competitive prices. 
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Cultural Sensitivity and Localization  
Global brands understand the meaning of expanding their brand in India. REDFYND understands its user base and is also working to onboard local premium brands on its platform so that users can get a taste of all the local fashion and beauty related to their cultural background. By providing quality products, cashback reward programs, and engaging marketing campaigns, brands like REDFYND are creating a loyal and repeat customer base. Apart from this, REDFYND also engages with its users through social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Quora, Medium, Tumblr, etc., keeping them posted about all the deals and cashback reward programs that are currently live on the website. REDFYND users can also reach out to their brands with any insightful feedback to enhance their offerings. 
In a nutshell, the widening of global brands in India and vice versa represents a unique opportunity for cultural diversity and exchange. All the local traditions are getting more and more popular with a wide range of people, and in return, brands can grow their businesses in different parts of the country and globally as well. Due to this, the future relationship between Indian brands and global brands looks promising. 
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Challenges and opportunities 
While Indian brands are growing day by day, it's not an easy piece of cake as there are challenges lined up. Regulatory challenges as well as the adaptability of the new brands among consumers, local brands, and the brands that are present for the long run are some examples of the challenges faced by brands for expansion in India. Understanding market dynamics and investing at the right time with the right resources can help brands grow rapidly. 
Moreover, the fusion of Indian brands with foreign brands is the best way to grow and benefit one another by sharing cross-cultural diversity. This exchange not only helps the marketplace but also gives the consumer a wide variety of products and services. 
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fijojoseph123 · 9 months
"Embracing a Lifelong Experience: A Journey with LifelongOnline"
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Are you tired of compromising on quality when it comes to household and kitchen appliances, or electronic gadgets? Look no further than LifelongOnline – a brand that has revolutionized the way we experience home essentials.
Overall LifelongOnline Brand: LifelongOnline stands tall as a beacon of excellence in the realm of home appliances and electronic gadgets. Their commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction sets them apart, making them a trusted choice for households across the nation.
Product Quality: When it comes to LifelongOnline, quality is non-negotiable. Each product is crafted with precision, ensuring not just functionality, but an elevated user experience. It's a testament to their dedication to delivering top-notch appliances that stand the test of time.
Durability: Longevity is at the heart of LifelongOnline products. Built to withstand the rigors of daily life, these appliances and gadgets are not just tools; they are companions that stay with you for the long haul, adding value to your home.
Customer Support: LifelongOnline understands the importance of a seamless customer experience. Their support team goes above and beyond to address queries and concerns, making sure every customer feels heard and valued. It's this commitment to service that fosters trust and loyalty.
Value for Money: Investing in LifelongOnline is not just a purchase; it's a wise investment. The perfect blend of affordability and quality ensures that you get the best value for your hard-earned money. Say goodbye to compromises and hello to satisfaction.
Huge Range: Variety is the spice of life, and LifelongOnline embodies this philosophy. Their extensive range of products caters to diverse needs, ensuring there's something for everyone. From kitchen essentials to cutting-edge gadgets, LifelongOnline has you covered.
User-Friendly Usage: In a world where complexity can be overwhelming, LifelongOnline products shine with their user-friendly design. Intuitive interfaces and easy operation make these appliances a joy to use, simplifying your daily tasks.
Pan India Delivery and Service: LifelongOnline doesn't just stop at providing exceptional products; they extend their excellence to delivery and service. With a pan-India network, you can trust that your LifelongOnline experience will be seamless, no matter where you are.
In conclusion, LifelongOnline isn't just a brand; it's a lifestyle. Using their products is not just a choice; it's a statement of confidence in quality, durability, and unmatched service. Join the community of satisfied users who proudly endorse LifelongOnline, and elevate your home experience today!
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swarajpro · 10 months
Exploring Peer-to-Peer Investments Through a P2P Lending Platform in Jabalpur
In today's fast-changing financial world, investors continually seek avenues to grow their finances while being mindful of risks. However, many individuals primarily focus on mutual funds and stocks for investment, unaware of the broader spectrum of available options. Let's explore the challenges investors face and learn how a P2P lending platform in Jabalpur helps them with the best investment opportunities.
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Understanding Investor Challenges in Alternate Investment Avenues
As people try to make more money from their investments, they face problems because they don’t know about different ways to invest.
High Barriers to Entry:Investing in assets like real estate demands substantial capital, thus limiting access for many investors to diversify their portfolios effectively.
Opaque Investment Processes:Traditional investment structures can be complex and difficult to comprehend, making it challenging for investors to understand underlying risks and potential returns.
Lack of Information:Not having enough details about where to invest can make it tough to choose the right option. This might make people hesitant to invest at all.
Low Returns:Sometimes, the money invested doesn't grow much, offering lower profits compared to what people expected.
Limited Diversification:Investors might not have enough different types of investments. This lack of variety can make their money more at risk if one investment doesn’t do well.
Lack of Personalised Recommendations:Generic investment advice fails to cater to individual financial goals, risk appetites, and investment horizons, impacting the relevance of investment decisions.
The Potential of P2P Investments in India
Mutual funds are a reliable investment avenue today, but there are more such promising asset classes unexplored by investors. Swaraj FinPro, the best mutual funds investment services in Jabalpur, offers investments in one such asset class with Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, backed by RBI guidelines where individuals can lend their money on higher interest while other individuals borrow funds from multiple investors through a digital platform. This transformative approach creates a marketplace connecting borrowers and lenders, facilitating secured personal loans while managing the loan life cycle to provide monthly returns to lenders. Here are the benefits of P2P lending platforms for investors:
Higher Potential Returns
P2P lending platforms typically yield higher interest rate to investors, compared to conventional savings accounts and investors can potentially benefit from higher returns up to 12%*.
Diversification Opportunities
By investing across a variety of borrowers on P2P platforms, investors can spread their risk and potentially increase returns by diversifying their investments.
Accessibility and Specific Advantages
P2P lending provides access to investments previously unavailable through traditional channels. Investors can participate with smaller investment amounts, diversify portfolios, and select the tenure.
Passive Income
P2P lending allows investors to earn interest regularly, providing a potential source of passive income.
Potential for Higher Yields
As investors can choose the tenure and interest rates they are willing to accept for lending, there's potential for higher yields based on their risk appetite.
Tailoring Investments for Investors
Swaraj FinPro empowers investors in Jabalpur and pan India to explore P2P lending as an accessible, reliable, and potentially lucrative avenue for diversification and growth within their investment portfolios. P2P lending works well because it's clear, gives different choices, and doesn’t lock your money away for too long.
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jiraafinvestments · 2 years
Why invest in Alternative Investments?
Many investors believe that investments are limited to stocks, mutual funds, bonds, etc. While these traditional investments work for many, a very niche set of investors knows that there’s a lot more potential with Alternative Investments.
What are Alternative Investments? Why don’t many investment education channels talk about them? What are the benefits of alternative investments? And how can a beginner invest in alternative investments?
Benefits of alternative investments:
Alternate offer higher returns
When we invest in anything, we often look at its past performance and rate of return. Thus, many investors get drawn to the potential returns offered by alternative assets. While returns can never be guaranteed, be it traditional or non-traditional assets, alternative assets show the potential to offer higher returns. We have all heard high risk equals high returns, the same is the case with alternative investments.
Less Volatility
Traditional markets have high volatility and long drawdowns like the 1914 and 2008 crashes. Unlike the traditional methods, alternative investments rely more on the strength of each specific investment, and rarely on broad market trends. Thus, alternative assets potentially reduce the overall risk of a portfolio.
Broader diversification
With little to no correlation to traditional asset classes, alternatives can be a beneficial way to diversify the portfolio.
Easier to beat inflation
Most investments, like fixed deposits, seldom manage to beat the inflation rate. Broadening your portfolio with alternative assets is a great way to potentially receive higher returns. When we speak of the benefits of alternative investments, we cannot speak about the Yale endowment model.
If you find this article interesting you can continue here
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addwebsolution · 1 year
How Much Does It Cost to Develop an eCommerce Mobile App
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By 2027, the total annual revenue of the eCommerce industry will reach a staggering USD 5.56 trillion. To put that into perspective, it is more than the GDP of the UK. And that will grow as more people prefer to buy products and services online.
This has encouraged small and large businesses to actively participate in doing more commerce business. We know this because we have worked on many eCommerce app development projects. One of the most common questions is about the eCommerce mobile app development cost.
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‘How much is it to develop an eCommerce mobile app?’
We will answer it in this post and a few essential factors you need to know about before hiring eCommerce app developers.
Factors That Influence eCommerce App Costs
Let’s look at the factors that decide the cost of eCommerce app development in 2023.
How complex the app is
Developing an eCommerce app like Amazon or Flipkart is a massive task as it involves extensive work and development. And the app is highly complex due to a variety of features.
A few of the elements that make the app complex are:
User account creation.
Payment gateways.
Product catalogues.
The check-out process.
Rewards systems.
EMI payment options.
The more complex the app is, the more expensive the development process is. If you are a small business looking to sell your products, that will cost you less. 
Platforms the app is being developed for 
If you want to develop the app natively for iOS and Android, that will cost you a lot. It will take a lot of time, and you also need to hire different production teams to work on different app iterations.
This is also going to cost you more money.
The best way to avoid such issues is to do the required market research and create an app that caters to your target audience.
Using a cross-platform app development approach is also highly recommended.
Integration and use of third-party APIs 
Creating features natively for your app can increase the overall cost of development, as a developer needs to spend time on it. And that will take more time and money out of your pocket.
Instead, you can integrate third-party APIs to bring all the capabilities and functionalities to your site.
Since they already have working features, you don’t need to worry about their performance.
Whether you want maintenance 
Other factors to consider when building an eCommerce app are regular updates and maintenance. You can enter an AMC contract with the eCommerce development company you are working with if needed.
That’s going to cost you extra. However, you can also do that if you want to have an AMC outside of the existing contract.
Either way, maintenance is a crucial element of any app. And the more complex the app is, the more it will cost you. 
Customization and design requirements 
Suppose you want a highly customized eCommerce mobile app with an impeccably unique design that will take time and cost you more. Developing customized apps right from the ground up is a time-intensive process.
Opting for that will save the time needed to complete the project, which naturally makes the app cost more.
The same thing happens with the design, too. You may use templates or themes available with a few edits. And that brings the cost down.
Where your development partner is located 
If you hire eCommerce app developers in the US or the UK, that’s going to cost a lot of money because they charge higher. On the other hand, choosing a partner from India or the Philippines can cost you a lot less money.
There are several reasons for this, and the biggest reason is that labour in India and the Philippines is more affordable.
Hence, you get impressive value for every dollar you invest in the project. And you can get all these without compromising on the quality.
The app development process 
Yes, that’s right. Depending on the development process, the cost can vary.
Let’s say you are developing a new eCommerce app right from scratch. It takes time to be ideated, planned, and executed meticulously.
This takes a lot of time. 
Instead of that, you can build a clone of an existing app.
And that will cost a lot less as the idea is already there. You must clone the app to fit your products and brand preferences.
Payment gateways 
Payment gateways are essential for accepting online payments. But they will cost a lot as integrating them takes time and effort.
Depending on your business, these options change, such as:
Hosting payment gateway as needed into the app.
Integrating the API.
Setting up alternative payments.
Effectively embed the payment gateways into the app.
Integrating mobile wallets as per your needs.
The Cost of Developing eCommerce Apps
We hope you understand the factors affecting the cost of developing an eCommerce app. This is how we explain the cost to our clients. We educate our clients when they want to know about the project's cost.
Here is a table with the approximate amount for developing an eCommerce app. 
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Benefits of Having an eCommerce App for Your Business
While developing an eCommerce app is a considerable investment, it has the potential to take your business to the next level.
Here are a few advantages of using ecommerce apps.
Ease of use 
It enables your users to buy products and services more conveniently. They can buy your products anywhere—while travelling, from their office, or at home.
And that can make your business more user-friendly, improving your sales.
Customer experience 
Having an ecommerce app improves the overall customer experience. The convenience they can enjoy is unparalleled. And this will positively influence your business. 
Brand awareness 
People will use it more when your business has an excellent eCommerce app. And they will talk about it in their community, friend circles, etc. This is great for your business as it can expand your brand awareness.
A competitive edge 
You can trump your competition with a high-performing and intuitive mobile app to sell your products. As you offer a more convenient way, you can also attract users from your competition
Improved sales 
Selling products and services at the store and from your eCommerce app leads to more sales. And you can also reach more people than you could not previously.
How to Develop an eCommerce App on a Budget?
An intelligent approach and expert eCommerce app development company like AddWeb Solution can help you build an eCommerce app on a budget.
Here is what you can do.
Step 1 
Don’t release the app with all the features at first. Develop only the most important factors first and add more features later if your users need them.
Step 2 
Shopify, WooCommerce, etc., offer many pre-built eCommerce platforms. Use this to save time and money.
Step 3 
You must work with an agency that can offer you affordable services. AddWeb Solution in India is an excellent option to do that.
Step 4 
Instead of using proprietary software programs, develop the app using open-source platforms and technologies. Some of the open-source technologies are even better than their paid counterparts.
Step 5 
You can also reuse the code from your previous app. If you can use some parts of the code, it would reduce the overall development cost for sure.
Step 6 
Many eCommerce app development companies offer multiple engagement options. Opt for a fixed-price agreement option, which ensures more value for your project and reduces costs.
Related Article: VueStorefront Headless Commerce A Modern Solution for eCommerce Challenges
Why Choose Us for eCommerce App Development?
When hiring eCommerce app developers, you must hire a reliable eCommerce mobile app design and development company like us.
And if you are wondering why AddWeb Solution is unique, here are a few reasons.
Our expertise in the industry 
AddWeb Solution is among the most respected agencies offering eCommerce app development services. We have earned that image by working on diverse projects from large and small businesses during the last decade.
This expertise enables us to work on diverse eCommerce app projects innovatively and deliver the best service at all times.
Trained and skilled developers 
You can hire eCommerce app developers confidently from AddWeb Solution. They have the experience and qualifications to do what they are doing. Our practice is to train each of our developers in the latest technologies and frameworks as they are released.
So, you never have to worry about the talent working on your project when you choose AddWeb Solution's eCommerce app development services.
Streamlined development process 
Imagine if you have not planned your app development. The result is a waste of resources in terms of money, time, talent, etc. But that does not happen at AddWeb Solution.
We plan every single project we undertake, eCommerce app development or not.
This helps us deliver the project on time, ensure value to the client's investment, and make it easier for them to quickly take their product to the market.
Advanced eCommerce apps
We believe in creating apps that help your business grow. And technology plays a massive role in that. Having realized this, our team of expert eCommerce app developers always leverage the latest technologies to make your app.
This empowers your app with all the features and advanced functionalities you need to impress your existing and prospective customers.
Multiple QA processes 
Quality means the world to us as an eCommerce development company in India. We have multiple quality assessment processes and tests to keep the apps we develop at the highest echelon of quality.
Regardless of your industry, your app will always comply with industry standards and often exceed the benchmarks of global quality expectations. Son, you don't need to worry about the quality of our apps.
eCommerce apps help sell your products and services and reach more users easily. Most people worldwide use a smartphone, so you can make your app available to them to encourage them to buy from you. This is a marketing strategy that many businesses have used and has proven highly effective. However, when developing an eCommerce mobile app for your business, you must hire eCommerce app developers who can deliver value and quality. And that’s something we can offer you aplenty.
We have served numerous businesses looking to expand their reach and sales through dedicated eCommerce mobile apps. We have always served tailored eCommerce development services that exceeded their expectations.
Source: How Much Does It Cost to Develop an eCommerce Mobile App
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bharatinvestshares · 1 year
Best platform to buy unlisted shares is Bharatinvest
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The best way to grow your wealth is through stocks. Investment in the stock market has become a common thing these days. However, several investors find that publicly traded companies appear more than that of their unlisted counterparts. Private equity investments, including unlisted shares, let investors gain a stake in a company before it goes public. It allows them to profit from its rapid growth.
In this article, we will be looking at Bharatinvest. This is one of the most well-known online exchanges for unlisted shares. Read on to learn more about Bharatinvest and the benefits involved in investing at Bharatinvest.
What are Unlisted Shares?
Stock in a company that is not publicly traded is called "unlisted shares." Private investors, venture capitalists, and early staff members may hold stock in a company before it goes public. Investing in unlisted shares may appeal to those looking for greater returns and the chance to support innovative, up-and-coming companies. You can plan to buy sell Swiggy unlisted shares or buy sell Pharmeasy unlisted shares.
Introducing Bharatinvest
Bharatinvest is the most popular website in India for buying and selling shares that are not publicly traded. The platform facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers of unlisted shares in a transparent and secure setting. Due to its simple interface, strong security measures, and extensive investment opportunities, Bharatinvest has become the go-to platform for individuals investigating the unlisted share market.
Why Choose Bharatinvest?
With Bharatinvest, investors have access to unlisted shares from a wide range of industries and stages of development. Investors can use Bharatinvest to put money into various companies, from cutting-edge startups to well-established corporations readying themselves for an IPO.
Verified Listings and Diligent Research:
Each company that wants to be listed on Bharatinvest must pass a rigorous verification process. Due diligence is performed on each company to provide investors with accurate data upon which to base investment decisions. The platform's dedication to thorough research increases confidence in its reliability. You do not have to worry if you plan to buy sell Bira unlisted share.
Transparent and Secure Transactions:
Bharatinvest highly values transparency and trustworthiness in its dealings with other parties. The platform uses state-of-the-art security measures to protect users' personal and financial information. Because Bharatinvest uses escrow accounts to hold investor funds until transactions are finalized, investors can rest assured that their money is safe.
Investor Support and Education:
Bharatinvest understands that investing in unlisted shares may be a new experience for many investors. The platform fills in the informational gaps for investors by providing them with articles, blogs, and the perspectives of industry professionals. You can contact the helpful customer service team anytime with questions or concerns. If you plan to buy sell Capgemini Technology Services unlisted share you can easily invest in Bharatinvest.
Liquidity Options:
The importance of liquidity to investors is something Bharatinvest takes seriously. Unlisted shares can be bought and sold on the secondary market provided by the platform. Because of this feature, investors can get out of their investments whenever they like, keeping the investment fluid and responsive to shifting market conditions.
Conclusion Bharatinvest is the go-to site for savvy traders who want access to the potentially lucrative market for unlisted shares. Bharatinvest is the gold standard of the unlisted share market thanks to its extensive investment options, meticulous research, transparent transactions, and investor-centric approach. With the help of the platform's tools, investors can tap into the value of unlisted shares and profit from the expansion of promising businesses. Start investing in unlisted shares with Bharatinvest and reap the benefits of early-stage investing.
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dizzyduck44 · 1 year
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I have so many issues. So many here. Please read to the end as I promise you this is not an attack on any one country.
Firstly the first two are now Saturday night races to accommodate Ramadan. Arab nations bought into F1 fully knowing it was Sunday races. Knew what was expected of them.
However when the FIA and FOM moved hell and high water to accommodate a Vegas race no fans seem to want, that precedent was done with. Whilst they conveniently forgot that they would NEVER race in Italy over Easter weekend.
Swapping Azerbaijan and Japan is an interesting move. Do they hope it will be less wet in Japan and less windy in Baku?
China, Azerbaijan to Italy made a little bit of sense. Japan to Miami to Azerbaijan makes no sense though. “We can’t have a race there during NFL season”. Well maybe it’s time we accepted Miami is not a viable location for a Grand Prix then? Why not Japan, Malaysia, Azerbaijan. Better track, fans want to go back there, logical commute. China, Turkey, Imola. Also an option.
Canada in the middle of the European season. There were no words, none. In no way do I think we should drop Canada, but not considering the climate restrictions they have for a race, whilst pandering to the three US races who don’t want to be too close together because it will effect ticket sales. Madness.
Drop a US race and insert the European Grand Prix to open the European calander. This will alternate between Portimao, Paul Riccard and a German track of their choosing. Let’s thank them for getting us out the shit and racing during Covid.
We need to go to Africa. We don’t care where. Take us back to South Africa, build a new circuit in Morocco, we don’t care, just take us back to that continent. Take some of the money you are pocketing from the oil rich East and the US circuits and invest in getting a track in Africa. It can follow the Spanish race or be the last race before summer break.
Again don’t want to lose Singapore but it is now sitting in the calendar like billy no mates, can’t it go to the other side of the Americas block? Singapore back to the Middle East? Is that not easier than Europe, Aisa, Americas, Middle East? Also the more night races they add the unique selling point of Singapore dilutes more and more, which is not fair to them. They were the original night race.
In fairness they probably are the best selection of European tracks there is. Yes we could run a 24 race European season with all the tracks available. I hope that in years to come they will curate other regions the same way. Austin, Mexico, Brazil is pretty much a perfect set already.
Why are we still indulging the Qatar madness? I see no need for it other than to give Abu Dhabi a friend. Ditch it. Las Vegas to Abu Dhabi will give you the glamorous finale Liberty want.
I know they are trying but they need to ditch the races that can’t deliver. I do think China’s days are numbered for various reasons. Zandvoort’s popularity post Max will be an interesting watch as well. I can’t see Miami is sustainable long term. My hope is that the spaces will be given to permanent tracks that open up the market, maybe invest in getting the India track back.
There is a way this calendar can flow it’s just requires, ahem, not making as much money 😳
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beststocksbroker · 1 year
Are you looking for a hassle-free and convenient way to invest your hard-earned money? Look no further than Demat accounts! With the rise of technology, investing has become more accessible and straight forward than ever before. But with so many options available, it can be challenging to find the right one for you. That's why we've created this comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the best Demat accounts in India and make informed investment decisions that pay off in the long run. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into Investing Made Easy
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