#best toys for staffy
happystaffyco · 10 months
The Importance of Selecting the Right Staffy Chew Toys
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Selecting the best toys for Staffy dogs goes beyond simply keeping them entertained. It plays a crucial role in their overall development and happiness. Staffies have a natural instinct to chew, which helps keep their teeth and gums healthy. Moreover, engaging chew toys can prevent destructive behavior and anxiety, making them essential for both your pets well-being and your peace of mind.
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hilsonologist · 1 year
just my hcs for the dogs they would get!
TF141 + könig
gn!reader, fluff, no warnings really, adopt dont shop y’all !! , gifs not mine! can u tell im a dog person
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cavalier king charles spaniel!
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- didn’t plan on getting a dog until he came home and found you with a little cavalier pup in your lap
- a sweet girl with an old lady name like marjorie
- wasn’t super affectionate towards her until he was napping like an old man in his recliner and she curled up on his lap
- he woke up and acted annoyed, looked around to see if you were there then looked back at her and couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he pet her.
- life changed
- this dog is precious to him
- only the best brands of food, most reputable groomers, always has her favorite treats stocked up, wouldn’t trust anyone to watch her.
- you thought you loved this dog? john loves her 10 times more.
- christmas cards with your dog
- wedding pics with your dog
- she was def in your wedding
- the dog is queen of the house and you’re both totally fine with that
- your guys’ child tbh
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a blue staffordshire bull terrier
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- wanted to get you a guard dog, you insisted on adopting from a shelter
- was looking for a big mean scary looking dog but said he didn’t like their ‘attitudes’ (leave it to simon.)
- almost left empty handed but a little staffy caught your eye.
- stole your heart immediately the little guy was wagging his tail and sitting patiently at the kennel door. when the shelter staff explained he was a rescue from dog fights and had some temperament issues so he wasn’t easily adoptable he stole ghost’s heart.
- saw himself in the dog
- needless to say you took home that little staffy
- surprisingly patient with the pup and his behavioral issues
- he nipped at ghost once out of nerves and you prepared for the worst but ghost backed off to give him space instead
- invests in a lot of training for him, will switch trainers if he finds their methods are too hard on your pup
- i think the dog would bring you two closer and let him open up more, especially as the training goes on and there’s noticeable progress
- brings out a different side of ghost tbh, much more vulnerable and happy. not a care in the world when he’s with that dog
- remembers the adoption date and literally takes the dog for a day out, a (pup friendly) meal, a run around the park, a new toy, and finally a fancy ass treat when you’re all back home together
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2 scottish terriers
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- would not choose to own a dog per say, he basically is one doesn’t need another
- you already had dogs when you started dating and he would never ask you to get rid of them, they were your babies and you made that clear when you blabbered about them non stop your first date
- never saw himself settling down so seriously so he didn’t think much of it
- now he lives with two dogs, scottish terriers funny enough
- acts like he doesn’t like them
- calls them tweedledee and tweedledum
- definitely frantically researches if the dogs can have a bite of his dinner and gives them some if they can. not because the food is bad but because its so good he wants them to experience it too
- new dog toys keep appearing that you didn’t buy but soap insists it wasn’t him
- gets jealous when they’re on your lap getting all your attention
- you have to pet him too
- you went on a trip once and he stayed with the dogs, when you came back they were all sleeping in your bed
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- no rhyme or reason for this one he just gives me a dalmatian vibe
- would probably have a male dog named pongo like from 101 dalmatians
- got the dog before you met i think
- loves playing fetch with him
- takes the dog on runs regularly
- absolutely dresses him up for halloween
- brags about your dog a lot
- probably has a pic of you and the dog sleeping as his lock screen or something
- pls take pics of the dog to send to him while he’s deployed or to show him when he gets home
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- you guys adopted him together a little after you first were engaged
- he named it zerstörer ( destroyer )
- runt of the litter
- definitely buys him little shirts
- “zerstörer nein!! drop my mask!!”
- has lost many masks to zerstörer
- this dog is a menace but könig loves him
- zerstörer runs your house like an evil monarch
- “mein schatz you can’t be mad at him…he is so little and cute…”
- pray you don’t have kids bc you guys will be walked all over by them könig is a sucker
- actually gets upset when someone calls him a wiener dog
- “nein. zerstörer is no wiener.😒😒”
- carrying him around all sassy like
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greenfinchwriter · 2 months
I hope we get Mojo the dog in season 3 of IWTV. And get to see smol mortal Lestat coo over a litter of Mastiff puppies and adore his hunting dogs and horse. Then rip our hearts out during the wolf hunt because he loses his animal companions, his friends, in the process. Make it brutal, Rolin! But then please give my darling brat prince a dog or five in modern day. They/he can be his band's mascot(s)😁🥹
Please go wild with your own ideas, headcanons etc!!
I'm torn between OG Mojo the German Shepherd and any kind of Mastiff,or a Pyrenean Mastiff (not considered a molosser/"true" mastiff but beautiful herding dogs nonetheless) or Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Of those I think I'd love a Mastiff type best because it's such an adorable callback to his mortal days. A big,brave,regal,happy,slobbery furbuddy he can cuddle with and vent to - it'll be good for his mental health,and he'll have company while Louis figures himself,and the future of their relationship out - and once he's done they can be immortal gay disaster dog dads together😜😅💖💖💖
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https-harlow · 2 years
What if Jack surprises Y/N with her dream puppy (staffy) even tho he said he only loved his family dog and didn't want to have some other dog rn but he wants to show her that he is serious about starting a family of their own and just moving forward with their relationship. Thank you
You had begged Jack to get a dog for practically as long as you lived together, but Jack always said no, claiming you were both too busy for the responsibility of a puppy. Plus, he never really thought about loving a dog as much as he loved the dog he grew up with.
Little did you know, Jack was planning on surprising you for your anniversary with a puppy, finding the perfect one, he knew you always talked about wanting a staffie, so he spent hours and hours researching and finding one to adopt. 
He had a plan on how to surprise you, he just had to get it all work out the way he wanted it to. For your anniversary date he picked a place for dinner that was near the local animal shelter you always begged him to go in. After dinner you were walking around the city, just enjoying each other’s company when you walked by the animal shelter.
“Baby, can we go look?” You asked and Jack sighed, pretending that this isn’t exactly what he wanted to happen. 
“Fine, only because it’s our anniversary.” Jack said, and you smiled, leading him into the animal shelter, going to the front desk before being led back to where they had the puppies. 
“Jack, look they have a staffie!” You said excitedly, pointing to the dog, the one Jack had adopted. 
“Let me guess, you want to go play with it?” Jack asked and you nodded, walking over to one of the employees.
“Is there any way we could see the staffie?” You asked.
“Oh, I’m sorry, the staffie has already been adopted.” She told you, and you sighed softly but nodded. Jack made sure the whole staff was in on your surprise.
“That’s okay, thank you.” You smiled softly but Jack could see the disappointment on your face. 
“We can play with him at home.” Jack told you, making you look at him.
“What?” You asked, confused.
“I adopted the staffie.” Jack said and you smiled, immediately hugging Jack.
“Are you serious? Because if you’re kidding, I’m never going to forgive you.” You said and Jack laughed.
“Of course, I’m serious. I want you to know how serious I am about you, I want to start a family with you one day, and what better way to start that family then with a puppy.” Jack explained as the employee went to grab the dog for you.
Once she brought the dog over you took it from her, the dog immediately smelling you and Jack.
“We need to go get food, bowls, a bed, treats and toys.” You told Jack and he smiled. 
“I got all of that at home.” Jack told you and you smiled again.
“You’re the best. Thank you.” You told him, kissing him softly.
“You’re welcome.” Jack kissed the top of your head while you pet the puppy, getting ready to take him home.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑴𝒂𝒄𝑮𝒚𝒗𝒆𝒓 & 𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒐𝒚: 𝑨 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍
Paid story for @alohomorasomnium. Word Count: 3k Warnings: swears, implied past domestic violence/abuse (slight details), stalking
You were on the road for two hours before Opie pulled off the dirt road, and down the hill into a small town that had a few shops open. The motel was at the end of the gravel road. It was a slightly odd area, but nothing made you feel uncomfortable. In fact,…it was the opposite. Something about the place set you to ease. The balmy air, the smell of food cooking…the quietness.
Opie slowed down and stopped in the almost empty parking lot, except for a beat-up old green truck. He told you to wait by the bike while he arranged a room. Before Opie stalked off he said he’d make sure there were two beds. And your heart cracked a little, but you just smiled and nodded.
You were fine with whatever he was comfortable with. You never ever wanted to make him uncomfortable, but you also didn’t want to push the limits. He didn’t need to help you. But he was…he has been. And he never asked anything from you.
  Maybe you reminded him of someone? A sister, mother, best friend, old girlfriend? And so, he felt compelled to help…those thoughts had been spinning around your head for weeks. Trying to figure out just why he was being so helpful; going out of his way to make sure you were safe.
  How could a biker be such, such an … angel?  
The sun was gently falling from its place in the sky, making room for the glowing moon. It was waning tonight, and you watched as your thoughts changed with the sky. You started to worry about everything. Your pets, your job, your home… your life.
But as soon as you saw the tall biker exit the building all that pent up anxiety shifted into nothingness. It dissipated as soon as you locked eyes, and he walked over to you. Lifting the bags over his shoulders, he gave you the key and told you the room number.
  There was something intimate about walking towards a shared room together. One that neither of you had been in.
Unlocking number six, you twisted the handle and opened the door to a clean room.
           With one bed.
Opie grinned but it didn’t reach his eyes, as you both looked at the bed.
“I specifically told them two beds, I can go and get a room change – there barely seems to be that many people here.”
But you stopped him, “no no really. It’s fine. This is great. I don’t mind – oh but if you do-“
   “Oh, I  don’t mind! I just thought you wanted your own bed. I – I could sleep on the floor?”
“Now you’re being ridiculous, just sleep next to me. I’m not that bad, am I?”
   “No, Kaelie, you’re not. You’re actually… pretty fucking beautiful.”
And then there was a beat of awkward silence because did Opie really say that out loud? You knew he did because his cheeks were red and took the beanie off his head and started rubbing the back of his neck.
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Tig had informed  your work that you would be gone for a while. Not too long that they’d have to find a replacement, but long enough that it was noteworthy.
Usually a boss would ask why, but when a biker said you weren’t coming into work – well you weren’t coming in and that was the end of that.
Bella, Bea and Dobby were a bit hesitant to stay at Tig’s. He had one dog, a staffy who wasn’t used to the company of other animals. So, they were kept apart from Tig’s boy. But as guests, they were given the best places to sit and sleep on. Tig even went out of his way to find cat toys and things that Bea and Dobby may like. A part of him wanted them to have the best stay so they didn’t want to leave (to make him look good).
You were given updates by Tig whenever he could – because he knew how anxious you would be about them. Especially your Bella, who had been your protector for a while. Even during your time with Dalton. She had been a surprise by him – a gift. A pathetic excuse as a sorry for ruining all your makeup because ‘you kept leaving it everywhere.’
You couldn’t help but fall in love with Bella, even though you tried to. As you were the one picking up her poops and cleaning her piss. Dalton was extra angry if he saw, or even smelt any. That was one thing that made it extra difficult; Dalton allowed you to have an animal in the house but there could be no traces of the animal.
So Bella lived outside, but you made outside an absolute wonderland for her. You set up an area where she would be dry if the nights got too wet, and a big bed where she could nuzzle up into. You nearly cried every night, sliding the back to closed and hearing her cry for you.
Dalton had said to just get those big kennel things (which were cages) and leave her in there. He had said, “it’s not like she has a mind of her own. Being in a cage is nothing. She’s fine.”
  And it was then that you realised you had to get away from this man. But every time he had done something wrong; pulled your hair too hard, or slapped your face, or gave you insults in front of people, he would come back with more gifts. The last two were Bea and Dobby. One in honor of your favourite franchise that ever existed.
  Dalton had no time watching the movies or reading the books with you. He took absolute zero interest. And it had taken you some time to realise it, but Dalton was not the man for you.
 Hell, your family took a bit of convincing since Dalton made the perfect boyfriend. But you were adamant on showing how he truly was.
You had a plan, and it went smoothly (although you got a few bruises and bumps from it) but your family was finally able to see how he truly was. And then your life completely turned around.
  Because then there was Charming.
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Other stalkers donned black clothing, particularly black hoodies that they pulled over their head. But not Dalton. He knew that image was everything, and if people saw him wearing that, he would be suspicious.
So, here he was, in a white shirt and jeans, brown boots and a watch that glinted in the sun. His face peered into your house, and using the key he’d made for himself, Dalton unlocked the back door and walked in.
The cameras Dalton had set up two weeks ago were gone, and his nose flared. Clutching his fists, he was about to punch the wall when he stopped mid thrust, and let logic wash over him.
     Will this help?
Or will this hinder?
The voice, your voice, Kaelie’s voice had whispered in his head.
It will hinder he whispered back,  and instantly let go of his fist.
     And I don’t want any my possessions broken. 
No, you wouldn’t want them damaged. I’ll be respectful. I just want you back.
The Prospect that had been stationed at your place had noticed the disruption. With his gun out, he walked around the back to find it opened.
    Without hesitation, he got out his phone and called Jax. “He’s here.” From a place hidden place, the Prospect waited and watched at this psychopath.
Dalton’s hearing was usually impeccable, but having all your things at his hands was overwhelming. It was like a child in a lolly store with unlimited money. His joy was written on his face as he looked at your things. The knitting you had done, and still been doing. The bowls for the animals. Although Dalton and Bella never got along, neither did the cats. But in his mind they were just warming up to him. But none of your most beloved items were in your room … your jewellery and favourite pyjamas weren’t there.
But … your underwear was… and opening a drawer, he pulled out the only pair of red lacy underwear that you owned and pressed it to his nose.
Taking a huge breath in, Dalton shuddered, he imagined you here before him and he instantly became hard. But he couldn’t let himself become this uncontrolled. It wasn’t apart of the plan. But he did end up pocketing the underwear.
 And when he went out into the loungeroom, your favourite knitted blanket wasn’t there either.
 Think Dalton, think…
You had been staying at the biker’s place, but he had already looked into the house and none of your belongings were there either. Well, from what he could see through the darkened home.
Huffing, the six-foot man looked in one of your hallway mirrors and fixed his hair.
Everyone loved Dalton.
That’s what his mother would say all the time. And those usually uplifting words were accompanied by a slap. Or a pulled ear, and then rough words being spoken just under her breath so no one else could hear it.
To the world, Dalton was his mother’s pride and joy, and at home, he was her mirror. An extension of herself. A cruel reminder of all the things she never accomplished; so she pushed Dalton, pushed and pushed for badges and A’s, and trophies and awards.
  He achieved them. No matter the cost. Dalton always met his mother’s expectations, because when he didn’t…well, that trauma was what led him here.
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You walked around the room, inspecting it, trying to find something that was unclean or downright dirty. But you found nothing. You pulled back doors and wandered about the small space, and everything was up to shape. But in complete honestly you just wanted the bathroom clean, if that could be accomplished then you had no qualms.
But all was well when you opened the cream-coloured door. The large glass barrier was without any smudges or fingerprints. The toilet was next, and god, surprisingly clean as well. You couldn’t wait to have a shower.
For such a cheap motel, they did do it up quite nicely. It certainly wasn’t the Ritz, but you had a bathroom with a shower and a bath, as well as … one bed … that could vibrate!
When you found that out, your curiosity got the best of you, and you immediately picked it up and started pressing buttons. There weren’t any clear instructions but when you saw the big red button. As soon as you pressed it, you heard the vibrations of the bed.
Opie, who had sat on the edge of the bed, one hand on his head, bent over, started to shake. From side to side he went, his beanie nearly coming off his head as you turned up the remote. Then up and down, for a moment he just sat facing forwards, it wasn’t until you looked up that you realised he was on the bed.
    “Oh shit,” you said with a slight gasp.
    “What the fuck,” he said, turning around. You started laughing and then couldn’t stop. The image would be implanted in your head forever.
   You laughed through your words, unable to conceal your joy, “I- I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were – on the bed-“ and then you heard the most beautiful noise. Opie started laughing as well. It was a deep chuckle, earthy and low.
  Your words came out just above a whisper, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh.”
You hadn’t meant to say that, you were only thinking it and then suddenly the words came out. Opie looked up at you from where he sat on the bed. He just blinked at you.
There was silence for a beat.
  And then Opie looked away from you, then back at you and said, “I’m just going to run out and get a few things.”
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You groaned as you let the hot water wash over you. You found showers safe, an easy way to escape what was going on in life. And that didn’t go over well with your water bill. But you couldn’t help it, you just got lost in the feeling. It was like … water was your element. It made you feel alive, it made you feel clean and ready. You hated the amenities that motels, even hotels, had. The soap bars often led your body to that squeaky cleanliness which was really just drying out your skin. And they usually had those stupid two in one shampoo and condition which left your hair as frazzled as you felt.
You had specific body washes you liked. But you didn’t have the room to pack things like that. You were told only the essentials. Two extra pair of outfits, socks, underwear, medications, and that was supposed to be it. But you had shoved in your knitting needles and some wool.
You told yourself you would only bring it out when you really needed to. But half an hour later, after flicking through shitty show after shitty show, you sheepishly brought out your wool and needles and started to knit.
In Opie’s absence, you wandered over to the window and looked outside. Night had surpassed dusk and taken hold over the whole sky. It was navy blue in some areas, but a lot of the outside was shrouded in trees; making you feel small.
You looked down at what you were wearing and suddenly felt too drab. You had gotten ready for bed without thinking. No undergarments, no bra, and you were wearing an oversized shirt that had cats on it and long black trackpants.
  Fuck? Fuck! You thought and pulled at your shirt. What am I supposed to do? I-I oh! I’ll stay underneath the covers, and when he isn’t looking I’ll … do everything else until the morning. No, no then he’d definitely think I’m weird.
While Opie was gone, you hastily chucked your bag onto the floor and opened it, scattering the contents over the bed. Where was a g-string? Surely you were in some sort of mind to pack that? But then you realised you hadn’t even brought the one over from your house to Opie’s house. God, I’m gonna buy more fucking g-strings, you thought.
And then another haunting thought rolled about in your head.
Opie is going to see me first thing in the morning. FIRST THING. As in as soon as he opens his eyes … it’s ME who he’s going to see. And yes, we lived together… But we had separate bedrooms, so I was got to brush my hair and use my own bathroom before seeing him.
The scenario played out in your head, and it hit you just how many barriers this situation bulldozed down. And in the middle of the night, what if he wakes up and I’m snoring like a chainsaw? Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts. Maddening.
What if he stops helping me because he no longer desires, or … likes me?
  Then you found a large black hoodie and you shoved that over your heard, getting your glasses caught in the process.
  “Fuck,” you whispered, hair getting caught as well.
Your stomach twisted in knots. And then there was a knock at the door. Opie had been gone for about an hour, not long enough to make you worry but the thoughts started to creep in just as he walked through the door.
With hands full of plastic bags, he held snacks but more excitedly, he brought Mexican food. Shrugging the jumper down, you smelt it before you saw it.
   “You didn’t-“ you said with a growing smile. Getting up, you forgot about your needles and wool and walked over to the looming man. He had closed the door and locked it.
“I saw one down the block, and I know how much you like it…”
A blush crawled onto your face, as did a smile.
“So, what else do we have in those bags.”
   “Not a whole lot, but I thought if you got bored while we … motel-hopped, you could amuse yourself with-“
And then he pulled out the most glorious set of books.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  “The last one only came out a year ago. I think I saw you reading a few of these and I know you didn’t bring any with you…oh and ugh, I got you this too-“ And the tall, muscled, bearded biker held out wool so you could knit. The wool was a deep navy, like the night sky.
You nearly cried from the joy of it all.
 He had been listening to you, watching you…noticing you. Just as you noticed him and how he liked his coffee and what his favourite bands are.
   “You didn’t need to do this, I can, I’ll pay you back-“ you went to get your purse, but he lightly grabbed your arm. It felt small in his hands, and you looked up at him. Into those dark blue eyes. If you looked closely, one could see a smattering of freckles over the bridge of his nose. But his beard hid them.
  “Please, Kaelie. Don’t, there’s no need.”
“Opie, it wouldn’t have been cheap, and I don’t want you seeing me … as a burden.”
    “I couldn’t ever see you that way,” he said almost chuckling, but once he saw your face, his small smile dropped.
 Your eyes dropped to the floor and for a moment, you closed them. Just making sure you weren’t in a dream.
“I don’t understand, Opie-“ You started to speak, but he silently walked up in front of you and gently grasped your head in his hands.
      “Just let me look after you.”
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 days
🐶📷🎶 for the Tarlos asks!
🐶 What are TK and Carlos' favorite dog breeds? Which one do they get if they eventually get a dog of their own?
I can see Carlos wanting a "real dog" - like a German shepherd or maybe a staffie or some other average size breed (like Labrador size-ish). But probably also something fluffy like Buttercup because you can't tell me he wouldn't love cuddling a big fluffy beast when TK is at work.
TK would pick the saddest looking little bundle of misery at the shelter (adopt, don't shop, people) and go "I want that one" and just love it and spoil it and give it the best food/treats/toys money can buy. No matter the breed or size. If it's a tiny chihuahua it's coming home with them, if it's a Great Dane Carlos better make sure there is room in the Camaro for a crate - and they'll have to invest in a bigger bed because the "baby" sleeps in bed with them.
📷 Walk us through the different photo albums TK and Carlos keep on their phones.
I feel like TK is too chaotic for actual albums - other than how his phone sorts his pictures automatically. He'll take pictures of everything. Carlos looking exceptionally beautiful (just watching TV at home in his oldest and comfiest pjs), pictures from their catan hangs, selfies, some nsfw pics and videos (Nancy learnt the hard way not to scroll through his camera roll), random stuff he comes across when he's at work and sends to Carlos - which can be anything from a cute dog to funny holiday decorations. And every single pride flag he sees in June - no matter how small. He does have every picture of their wedding and some of his mum marked as favourite for easy access.
Carlos is a lot more organised and not really one to take pictures of random stuff - though he's doing it more now than back when he and TK first met. The first time he puts his new uniform on, TK is at work and he sends him a mirror selfie, he gets a string of 😍🥵🔥 back and 5 minutes later a video call request.
i think he has albums for important stuff like birthdays and family events. He definitely has every picture taken at their wedding saved in special album. A few he's taken himself, but mostly from their family and friends. His favourite picture is one of the two of them during their first dance his mum took. it's one where he has his back to the camera but you see TK resting his head against Carlos' and just looking blissfully happy. he uses it as wallpaper and lockscreen on his phone and he just likes to look at it whenever he's having a bad day. It's also one he shows to people asking about his husband or his wedding. That and the post cake smash kiss.
He DEFINITELY has some pics and videos that are meant for TK's eyes only and they're carefully hidden away and will never see the light of day.
🎶 It's time to expose these boys' spotify playlists! What are TK and Carlos' favorite genres, artists, songs, etc.
Oh man - don't get me started on music, we'll be here a while lol
I don't use spotify so the boys don't either - fact.
I think TK has a pretty broad taste. Anything from showtunes to the new Linkin Park - and everything in between. He'll sing along to the latest pop sensation that's on the radio 24/7 or something more underground he'll have discovered on insta or a local band playing in a bar or busking on a street corner. I think he's always looking for something new that catches his attention.
Carlos grew up with Latin music from his parents but his sisters were both BIG into boybands so he still knows practically every Backstreetboys/Nsync song by heart. He generally likes music he can dance to but TK has introduced him to some cool bands too over the years and he likes a bit of rock here and there. Though he's more into indie and singer songwriters with a nice melody than the wall of noise TK sometimes likes to listen to. But if he comes home and sees TK airdrumming along to one of his favourite songs he just enjoys the view of seeing his husband happy and carefree. He has a full album of happy TK on his phone too.
thanks for asking, these were fun!
full list tarlos asks
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starrypawz · 3 months
If it isn't too sore of a subject, I would love to see / hear more about Barney, he is such a handsome guy ❤
If so, what is something you are working on / thinking about working on right now that you enjoy?
So I unintentionally left this ask sitting here for a long time.
But this is Barney, some of you may remember him.
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We adopted him at four months old from an independent animal rescue, he apparently was a pedigree but they wouldn't let us have his papers, story goes he was an unwanted wedding present from a husband to his second wife.
He actually shared my birthday (June 15th) and he made it to around... 14/15 years old I think we adopted him in like 2004/2005. He passed in early 2020 not long before the first lockdowns kicked in which was... weirdly well timed in it's own way.
As it turns out if you adopt a 4 month old puppy you are going to get thrown right into the 'second developmental period' aka 'oh no my dog is being a little shit all of a sudden send help', he was a bitey puppy and still was prone to being bitey throughout his life (mostly on objects thanfully) he managed to bite through several dog leads during this time. He turned out ok even though in hindsight I don't think anyone in my family really knew what we were doing because we'd never owned a dog before and there's stuff I would do differently if I ever own a dog again.
We also got thrown in the deep end and had to take him to the very within the first few days of taking him home as it turns out the rescue sent us home with the wrong food and westies have... sensitive stomachs. Didn't stop him from trying to eat everything however.
There's still chew marks on our living room door frame from him and probably a few of our chairs. He loved soccer/footballs but hated wheeled suitcases. He'd chase squirrels, stalk pigeons and sometimes try and chase rabbits, actually liked cats (at one point he actually had a friend in a local cat) but was terrified of sheep (once there was some local art stuff going on in town, someone put sheep in the church yard, he was not a fan, he would ever since that daytry and run in the other direction if he heard them bleat). He thought he was a lot bigger than he was and had several staffies he was the boss of and at least a couple of rottweilers, he did not like bulldogs very much (I think the wheezing freaked him out) and had beef with border terriers for a long time due to a particularly mean one down park, he had an eternal rival in a basset hound who lived over the road who didn't like him very much, one of his best friends was a mini schnauzer named Odo. He loved carrots, apples and cheese. He loved to swim but was not the biggest fan of a bath and was suspicious of the fountain in our high street.
For a little dog he had a VERY loud bark. He was a very good guard dog really but not the best thing when you live in semi-detached housing with thin walls.
He couldn't be trusted with tennis balls as he would rip them apart and then try and eat them, he loved those pig squeaky toys but would destroy them. Never give a westie anything with stuffing in it.
One year for Christmas I received a giant teddybear and Barney's reaction was to go 'Oh this would make a good dog bed' . Once we had to keep him clean for an entire week after a groomer visit as he was booked in for some professional dog photos at a local petstore, and yes once those were done he did get himself very muddy. He'd look white until snow showed up. His first response to snow was to think 'Can I eat this?' Once my parents were walking him in some woodlands and nearly lost him because he decided to chase after a herd of deer. He jumped in a lake once and sunk and when he came up he was green.
He was a grumpy old man from the start really, but he was also a very good boy.
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howaboutcastiel · 1 year
Does It Show Again?
Summary: Steven is injured and Marc underestimates his strength. Layla doesn’t have cell service. Gus and Fish get a sister. 4.1k words
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Content: angst. Lots of other stuff? This chapter is plot heavy but also feelings heavy. Hurt/comfort? Canon-typical injuries, Layla talks some more about the trafficking ring, with some details that might be upsetting. Marc talks about Randall. FWMS Masterlist. 
They named the dog Nadine. 
As it turned out, Layla was still in love with the staffy she had come across after her impromptu date night with Steven. She had loved the sweet puppy so much that she was convinced she had to have her. After several hours of talking it over with Steven and Marc, she had made a trip to the store to buy everything from food to a kennel to squeaky toys, and then another trip back to the shelter. They charged her next to nothing to adopt the stafford terrier. She had been waiting for months for an owner and no one had chosen her. Well, Layla was happy to give her a home. 
Except, she still had work to do for Taweret. So Layla’s dog quickly became Layla’s and Marc’s and Steven’s dog, and the boys agreed to stay at Layla’s with the pup when she traveled for work. That’s what Marc was meant to be doing now, as Layla was halfway across Europe in a place so removed from cell reception that she hadn’t gotten a word out to him in days. He was meant to come home from dinner with Mrs. Bamford and greet Nadine with a walk and a night-time play session. 
Her little tail wagged frantically as Steven stumbled through the door, covered in blood. 
Making it home was a blur. After Mrs. Bamford had convinced him to evade the police, he had run mindlessly in the direction of central London. He couldn’t exactly catch the bus in the state he was in. Eventually, he managed to hail a cab to Layla’s flat. The driver didn’t ask any questions about his appearance. Just as long as he got paid, Steven supposed. So he handed the man some cash and mumbled out the address of Layla’s apartment complex. It wasn’t until he was settled in the back seat that the adrenaline began to wear off of him. By then, the pain in his body radiated from more than his fists. 
That’s when he discovered that the switchblade hadn’t missed his skin afterall. It wasn’t a deep wound, but it was broad and solid. Steven had pressed against his chest to keep the blood from spilling out onto the leather seats.
Nadine wasn’t very pleased with the way he ignored her. Steven made a B-line for the guest bath, tugging his shirt up over his head. He felt ready to faint at any moment, but he tried his best to focus on his breathing as he rinsed the blood from his hands. Steven was grateful that his hand wasn’t broken, but his knuckles were certainly raw. 
‘I’m sorry.’  Marc’s voice rang desperately. His shame was palpable. ‘I don’t know what came over me.’
“‘S alright,” Steven slurred. He pulled a towel from the cabinet and pressed it firmly to the wound between the ribs on his right side. 
‘Let me deal with that,’ Marc offered. ‘I’m the one who got us into the fight. You shouldn’t be the one in pain.’
Steven shook his head. He leaned back against the wall for support, breathing shallowly. “I don’t mind it so much.”
‘C’mon, man. We got stabbed. I know it hurts like hell.’
“It’s a graze at best.” Even though he felt Marc trying to push his way to the front, Steven stayed put. He had never been in physical pain like this before, Marc had made sure of that. He had always assumed he was too weak for it, and Marc had always assumed Steven couldn’t handle pain like that. 
But Steven felt just fine. 
There was something harrowing about the wide gash in his side. Something calming about the rings of broken skin around his bruised knuckles. Steven might have even leaned into the feeling, except for the black spots that formed in the corner of his eyes when he did. Not to mention how much Marc Spector found his serenity to be disturbing, given the circumstances. Still, Steven was handling the pain just fine, and he had no trouble at all keeping Marc from the front as he continued cleaning his wounds. He had just finished bandaging his non-dominant hand when Nadine ceased her whining at his heels. 
“What is it, sweet girl?” Steven could feel the weakness in his breath as he cooed to the puppy. She only turned her head and left the bathroom, moving to sit patiently at the front door. “I’m sorry. I have to finish this before we go on our walk.”
But Nadine perked her ears and wagged her tail at the door. Steven shook his head, remembering that saying the word walk would only make her more excited. He turned his attention back to his hands, which were swimming in his vision by now. The wound in his side was still bleeding steadily and he was covered in a layer of thin, cold sweat. He kept working as tunnel vision started to creep in. He struggled to unfurl the wrappings that he was trying to put on his other hand. Again, he propped his weight against the wall, swearing. This time, he leaned into the pain, even though it was weakening him. 
There was a scratching metal noise outside, like the rattling of keys against a lock, and Nadine had started whining again. Steven closed his eyes. He needed to focus and get through this, quickly. The door opening registered somewhere in the back of his mind, but the front of it was focused on his hands and his side. He moved his bandaged hand up against his ribs. 
“Hello, gorgeous!” A voice rang from the door, high-pitched and tired and singsong-y. Steven smiled, still not having opened his eyes. Some clattering let him know that Nadine had jumped up into Layla’s arms to greet her. “Are you here by yourself?”
And then a beat of silence. The entryway light wasn’t on, but the one in the bathroom was. The door was still open and Steven was just out of view of the front door. 
When Layla spotted him, he could hear the way she frantically ran to his side. Her voice was dripping with worry and her hands cupped his face. Steven struggled to open his eyes. 
He scoffed lightly. “Not Marc.”
“Steven?” Layla’s eyes flashed across his body, surveying his wounds. “What—Why are you…? What happened to you?”
Layla guided him to sit on the couch. Steven didn’t protest as she did it, not that he had the energy if he wanted to. His breathing had gone from steady to shallow to labored. He hardly had the strength to hold the towel to the wound on his side anymore. 
“Just a home invasion,” he quipped. Layla didn’t find it funny. “At Mrs. Bamfords. Don’t worry, she’s safe. Nothing we couldn’t handle.”
“Let me help you with that.” She gestured to his ribs. The towel covered the wound and the blood streaming from it. 
He shook his head. “I can do it myself. You should go walk Nadine. She’s been cooped up all day.”
“She can wait a little longer,” Layla insisted. “You can barely open your eyes, Steven. Let me patch you up.”
He sighed, leaning back against the cushions. Steven hoped he wasn’t bleeding on the couch. 
Layla didn’t say much as she bandaged his hand, except to point out that his left one was certainly sprained. She made sure he still had relatively free use of his fingers. It was only when she pulled Steven’s hand away from his ribs—laying her eyes on the blood-soaked towel and the wound in his side that was still streaming red—that she found her words again. She tried to keep her voice calm, but she wasn’t used to seeing him bleed. Not without the suit there to heal him. 
“This is going to need stitches.” She tilted his head in her hand, making sure he was listening. “You might want to let Marc take over for this. They aren’t very fun.”
Steven smiled at her, like he found her suggestion amusing. “I can handle it.”
Layla wouldn’t admit what that look and those words made her feel. She just nodded at him. 
“Go ahead and lay down for me, then. I’ll be right back.”
When Layla returned with her needle, thread, and bandages, Steven was sprawled across the couch. His work pants and boots were still on, but his chest was exposed. He kept his eyes open and on her, an adoring expression on his face as she entered the room. The puppy was at his side, her head resting on the couch just beside his face. Layla settled on the floor opposite his chest.
“I can turn on the TV, if you’d like,” she offered to him. “It’ll go easier if you have something to distract you.”
“No, that’s alright,” he replied. He stared at her for a moment. “Tell me about your trip, love.”
She scoffed. “I’m not sure that’s the kind of distraction you want.”
“I’d still like to hear about it,” he shrugged. “You know we get worried when you’re away. Especially when you can’t get to a phone.”
“Yes, I know.” Layla wiped as much blood from the wound as she could. Steven barely flinched. “Every time I get service again, I read the novel Marc sends me while I’m away.”
Steven tilted his head. “You did ask him to open up more. It would help him a lot if it worked both ways.”
“It does work both ways,” she interjected.
He grinned. “Then tell me about your trip.”
Layla folded. Steven was convincing, and he knew he had caught her. That was one thing Marc was never good at—convincing. He usually got his way by throwing punches, which he would never throw at Layla, of course. Steven used his words, and Layla found his method surprisingly effective. But she also found it irritating. She had gotten used to winning arguments with her husband. So, Layla made sure to wait until the first stitch was done before she started her story. 
Not that it made a difference to Steven, of course. 
“I spent the last few days in New Delhi,” she began. “Taweret started by sending me to Munich, but there’s a problem with the higher-ups in the—”she couldn’t bring herself to say the name that they called themselves. 
“In the ring.”
Steven nodded at her, so invested in Layla’s feelings that he appeared to not even notice the needle weaving in and out of his chest. Layla, on the other hand, seemed doubly affected by the combination of the blood and her own recollection of her trip. Steven knew how serious this job was, which was why he pushed her so hard to talk about it. He was afraid of how Layla would be affected if she bottled it up. 
She continued. “So I had to follow the team to India. Anyway, there’s a rival operation there that they wanted to merge with. Or, if they couldn’t merge, they wanted to destroy it. Obviously I wasn’t complaining about that idea. Taweret helped me keep tabs on both rings while my team captured one of the big guys in their rival gang.”
Layla’s hands had stopped moving. Steven looked up at her, seeing the hesitation on her face. 
“You’re not hurting me,” he offered. “You can keep going.”
But he knew that the hesitation was not for the stitches. Layla was struggling with her story. She didn’t say anything else as she wove the next stitch in his side, focusing on keeping her hands from shaking. 
Steven changed his tone to be more gentle, more deliberate. “It’s okay if you’re not ready yet. If something really bad happened, I mean. You don’t have to tell me.”
But Layla shook her head. There was fear in her eyes. “It isn’t that something bad happened.”
“No?” He didn’t understand what was upsetting her. 
She bit her lip. Layla couldn’t look him in the eye. 
“It’s that I did something bad.”
Steven was quick with his response. It was second nature to him, this sort of thing. “We knew this was going to be hard, right? I mean, going undercover was bound to have some tough moments. Some tough decisions. I’m sure that you only did what you had to, love.”
Layla’s face and neck flushed with something akin to shame. Steven reached out weakly to cup her face, but she turned her head away from his touch. She went back to stitching him up, nearly finished now. 
As she continued—hesitantly—her eyes never left his chest. “They wanted information out of him, but he wouldn’t talk. He didn’t think that merging the rings would be a good idea and he was loyal to his own people. He told us to just kill him and be done with it, that he would never betray his operation, and that we would never work together. I thought we were going to shoot him and dump his body somewhere the rivals could see. I could have almost come to terms with that. 
But my boss wasn’t satisfied. 
He wanted to know everything that man knew, and he wanted it as quickly as possible. All the guys on my team, though, they’re hasty. They’re impulsive. Not to mention, they’re not too bright. They wouldn’t have the patience or the wit to get information out of him.”
Steven understood what she was leading up to. 
“But you would.”
She nodded. 
Steven thought that there was nothing else to be said, so he didn’t say anything. Layla wasn’t eager to speak up, either. She finished the last stitch on his side, wiping the wound clean one final time before covering it with some antibiotic cream and a layer of bandages. When she picked up the soiled rags and medical supplies and headed toward the laundry, Steven pulled himself up against the cushions in a somewhat-sitting position. Layla came back with a glass of water in her hand, instructing him to sip on it. He grabbed at her, a silent plea for her to sit at his side, and she reluctantly did. 
They sat in silence. Eventually, Nadine moved up onto Layla’s lap and Steven moved to lay his head on her shoulder. He was almost asleep by the time Layla’s voice rang out, small and meek as ever. 
“I was really good at it, Steven.”
He blinked at her a couple of times, his brain foggy from the blood loss and adrenaline crash. “Good at what?”
Her voice broke around the words. “At making him talk.”
Steven had nothing reassuring to say to that. What could he possibly say? He only weakly stroked her hand as she cried into his hair. Whatever was running through her head, it wasn’t a feeling that he could imagine. He didn’t know how to help. 
They were both so tired. Steven and Layla sat still, holding each other weakly until her breathing evened out again. They could have fallen asleep there, enveloped in one another’s pain, if it weren’t for the stafford terrier that hadn’t gotten her walk for the day. 
Nadine hopped down from Layla’s lap, whining and scratching at the front door, and Steven didn’t even have a chance to stand up before Layla was by her side with a leash in hand. 
“We’ll be right back, habibi.”
Steven simply nodded and watched as they walked out the door. 
Marc wasted no time speaking up once they were alone. Steven already had a fair idea of what he was going to say. “I knew something like this was going to happen. That fucking hippo is no better than Khonshu after all.”
“It was Layla’s choice, Marc. Taweret didn’t force her.” Steven took another sip from the glass of water, struggling to swallow it. 
Marc wasn’t convinced. “Khonshu never forced me, either.”
“He was manipulating you. It’s different.” 
But Marc was angry. “No, Steven. This is different. Khonshu only used me for what I already was. A killer. A soldier. Layla isn’t like that. She would never torture someone. Not even some sex-trafficking bastard who deserves it. Layla isn’t like me. She’s too good. Taweret is doing something to her, I’m sure of it.”
Steven shook his head. 
“Maybe you just don’t know your wife as well as you thought.”
Layla was home all week. Marc and Steven had taken the weekend off from Mrs. Bamford’s, and she had happily informed them that the intruder had been arrested without much questioning. After Layla had managed to stitch Steven back together, he had allowed Marc to take the reins and spend some quality time with his wife. Marc needed it, and she needed it, and Steven was happy to spend some time on the inside, or just silently watch from the sidelines as they rebuilt their marriage piece by piece. 
It had been a long time since Marc had had to heal from a fight without the suit. He had forgotten how sore his hands could get. How hard it could be to move around with a row of stitches in his side. Marc tried to hide his discomfort as much as he could—it was his own fault after all, wasn’t it? Did he really even have a right to complain? 
He continued to talk with Layla about the details of her trip. She was getting close to the head of the ring, they both could feel it. But Layla was understandably reluctant to talk to Marc about it. She felt far too guilty about her new and improved role in the whole ordeal. Layla couldn’t bring herself to tell him all the gory responsibilities she had come to adopt. She couldn’t talk to him about the way she had that poor man begging for her to stop. How she had him spilling his guts about everything he knew of the ring he served. 
She especially couldn’t tell him the worst part of it all. How that small part of her, deep down inside, had enjoyed making him suffer. How she was proud of herself for being so good at it. 
And how he hadn’t been the only one. 
Layla wasn’t a fool—she knew everything that those people had done. She knew they deserved everything that they got, and she knew she grew closer to the head of the snake with each monster she cut through. Layla knew that her heinous actions only strengthened the trust that the ring had in her, only gave her more power within the group and more opportunity to peek between the cracks in the operation. None of that justified it, though. She also knew that. Nothing changed the fact that she was hurting people, and that she enjoyed it. 
She was beginning to understand why being an avatar had broken Marc so completely. 
Marc finally found himself able to talk to her. Really, truly talk to her. He’d already shared so much since they first arrived home from Cairo. Now, though, he was almost completely unrestrained. Tiny piece by piece, he had warmed up to her enough to share the parts of his life that he’d hidden from her. The ones he’d hidden from everyone. Marc was finally finding a way to share himself with Layla. 
Some things were harder to share than others. 
“I can’t remember him that well,” Marc explained. “We were so young, you know? I only got bits and pieces anyway, but it was such a long time ago. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like he was ever real.”
Marc was sitting on the floor, the dog in his lap, while Layla sat behind him on the couch and brushed his hair for him. He still couldn’t lift his right arm because of the stitches, and his left hand was sprained too much for fine movement. It was easier to talk to her like this, he supposed. He didn’t have to look her in the eye. 
“I only really remember that day. Everything before it is a blur, but I remember everything about that day. Steven had to explain it to me. I used to just think that it was Randall’s tragedy. That I was just a bystander. A witness who should have saved him. I was the one who did that to him—”
Layla couldn’t help but interject. “You weren’t. It wasn’t your fault—”
“It was an accident, I know.” Marc scoffed. “But I felt responsible. Most of the time, I still feel that way. It’s hard for me to really believe anything else, it’s just been my fault for such a long time. But Steven explained it to me. He—he gave me permission, I guess, to not just be a witness. I was there, too. I was just a kid, too.”
Marc cleared his throat, blinking away tears. 
“And I almost drowned, too.”
“Is that why you can’t go under anymore?” Layla was almost whispering when she asked. 
He shook his head and bore a lopsided smile she couldn’t see. “I don’t know. I guess I did fine with all of the training as a Marine. I don’t really remember. And I can swim just fine, the water doesn’t bother me. It’s hard to explain.”
His smile dropped. 
“But when I look up, and all I see is water? Or when there’s no one around and I have to go under? It’s like…
It’s like I’m right back in that cave.
I was taller than him. Just a few inches, and I was thinner. I guess I could squeeze through the rocks? I could keep my head above the water just a little longer? I don’t know. I just know when they pulled us out, I still felt like I couldn’t breathe. I looked over and my mom was doing chest compressions on RoRo. I just remember thinking, “I must already be dead. That’s why no one’s doing CPR on me. I’m already gone. That’s why I can’t breathe.” I was just lying there, alone.”
Marc stopped when he felt a tear run along his upper lip. He hadn’t realized that he was crying, but he couldn’t say he was surprised. He had never told anyone about those moments afterward. He hadn’t even told Steven. 
“There was water in my lungs, is what my dad told me. I spent a couple days in the hospital. Almost missed his burial. My dad barely left my side the whole time I was there. He was worried, you know? I guess my mom was worried, too. But when I came home… that was the end of it. It was Randall’s shiva, and I was still alive, and it was my fault.”
Layla was crying, too. “And no one was there for you? To make sure you were okay?”
He shook his head. “I didn’t think they were supposed to be.”
She was almost done with his hair. Layla had managed to convince Marc to add curl cream to his routine, now that she had to do it for him. She was almost positive that he would abandon it as soon as he regained his full range of movement. But, it was fun while it lasted, and his curls were bouncier and wilder than ever. Layla ran her hands through the mop of hair one last time when her fingers suddenly dug into his scalp. 
“Ow!” Marc yelped. He turned his head to see her staring off into space. “Layla?”
She nodded her head like she was listening to someone. Her eyes focused on thin air. On something Marc couldn’t see. 
Someone Marc couldn’t see. 
“You’re sure?” Layla said, eyeing the space beside the TV where Marc assumed Taweret was standing. “That’s halfway across the world from our last lead. Why would they be there?”
“What’s she saying?” Marc asked. Layla shook her head, still listening. 
“What if that’s really it?” She hummed nervously. “What do we do when we get there?” 
Layla nodded and turned her attention toward Marc. Her voice was low. 
“Taweret says there’s a lead in Jacksonville. That this could be the head of the whole trafficking ring.”
His eyes widened. “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to Jacksonville,” she said decidedly. “And I’m going to finish this. I’m going to kill them all.”
Marc didn’t know if it was really Layla talking, or if Taweret had twisted her sense of justice into something else. Either way, Marc knew exactly what he was, and he knew exactly what Layla wasn’t. 
And just like Layla, he understood deep down that he needed this. That he was meant for this. 
“I’m going with you.”
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rogueroyaltyau · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Fancy Dog Collars, Staffy Harnesses & Dog Leashes
Fancy dog collars have been around for centuries and have long been used as a means of identification, decoration, and control. They come in all shapes, sizes, and materials such as leather, nylon, and even metal. You can personalize them with engraving or lettering to add your own personal touch. Fancy collars are perfect for showing off your pup's style and personality while providing necessary control and protection.
The Staffy harness is designed specifically for Staffordshire Terriers. It features a comfortable, adjustable fit that allows them to move naturally and comfortably in any situation. The padded chest plate ensures their safety and comfort when walking or playing around outdoors. Additionally, the Staffy harness comes with a secure clip to attach the leash and keep your pup safe even in crowded places.
A dog leash is an essential piece of equipment for any pet owner. It is important to have a strong and dependable leash that provides the necessary control when walking or taking your pup out for a run. Dog leashes come in all shapes, sizes, and materials, including leather, nylon, cable, or chain. Choose one that best fits your pup's size and activity level.
Dogs accessories are also very helpful for pet owners. This includes items such as poop bags, treats, toys, grooming supplies and more! Having these items ready at hand can make it easier to take care of your pup's needs while out and about. Dog accessories are also great for adding some fun to your pup's life with interactive toys, or spoiling them with treats!
Fancy dog collars, Staffy harnesses, dog lead, and dog accessories are all important items for any pet owner. With the right combination of style, functionality, and safety features, you can make sure your pup is always looking their best while staying safe in any situation. Whether you're just starting out or an experienced pet parent, there's something for everyone when it comes to fancy dog collars, Staffy harnesses, dog leashes, and dog accessories. Choose something that fits your pup's needs and lifestyle today!
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puppysimply · 4 years
10 Best Indestructible Dog Toys: Safe & High Quality Of 2020
10 Best Indestructible Dog Toys: Safe & High Quality Of 2020
If you’re a dog owner, you will understand the struggle to find the best indestructible dog toys.
Does your dog make it his mission to destroy toys for him? Do you think you replace mutilated dog toys every few weeks?
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Is this situation too familiar? You are certainly not alone, as thousands of dog owners are currently looking for the only toys that will not immediately ruin their dog. Whether…
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rachelsteapot · 3 years
Rescued: Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader
Hi Everyone! This is part one of Rescued. Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. Enjoy :)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of abuse
Tommy knew of Battersea Cats and Dogs home. 
He also thought that the people who worked there were lunatics. 
All maybe, except one. 
Sometimes, Tommy passed by Battersea on his way to a business meeting and was astounded by the racket that the animals housed there made. Sometimes he would walk past and see a young woman walking, or rather being walked by, two or three dogs back towards the shelter. They were always different dogs. Sometimes, he would see her carrying a crate, or a few bags of meat, or maybe a bag of toys. What was clear to Tommy, was that she loved these animals.
 And Tommy, slowly, was falling for her.
 Y/N had always lived in London. She had started volunteering at Battersea Cats and Dogs home when things between her parents turned sour. Her father used to beat her mother, especially after a few drinks, and Battersea had become more than just an escape. (Y/N) saw herself in these dogs and cats: they had been hurt and abandoned, or simply left for dead. Like her, these animals were often wary of new people, so when a particularly rich looking young man walked up to the counter, one summer day, (Y/N) was surprised to find out that he wanted more than to make a ‘Charitable donation’. 
“I would like to adopt a dog,” Tommy declared, largely oblivious to the confusion on the young woman’s face.“Preferably a big one, that isn’t too afraid of loud noises, and likes children.” 
Y/N licked her lips and nodded, quietly noting the sparkle of the stranger’s pocket watch. This man had money, and lots of it. “We have a few dogs that you might like, please follow me.” She took a key from her pocket and walked towards a door, unlocking it and holding it open for Tommy to follow. 
“My name is Y/N and I'm one of the volunteers here at Battersea Cats and Dogs home. I’ve been working here since I was 15 and I’ll do my best to answer any questions you have. The first dog i’m going to show you is called Bruce, he’s a Labrador crossed with a Staffie and he is the biggest sweetie you’ve ever met.” Y/N rounded a corner in the maze-like network of halls and stopped in front of a large pen. As soon as she was in sight, a hoard of dogs rushed towards her, causing Tommy to step back in concern. Y/N stepped forwards, completely unfased by this barrage of dogs and unlocked another door that led into this pen. Sliding inside so as not to let any dogs escape, she began grappling with a rather large black dog. Much to Tommy’s surprise, however, rather than leading this chosen dog outside, she picked him up and carried the dog into the hallway before locking the door behind her. Finally, she placed the dog gently on the floor and scratched his head before signaling to this newcomer that he was allowed to approach. 
“Heya Bruce,” Tommy muttered, holding his hand out for Bruce to sniff. (Y/N) nodded in agreement as Bruce grumbled, largely in annoyance to being held, and promptly ran up to Tommy, body slamming into him. Tommy couldn’t help but chuckle, the energy of the dog reminding him of his younger brothers. “Yes Bruce, you’re a good boy aren’t you.” Tommy’s eyes glittered as he spoke, causing (Y/N) to gulp and fidget with the hem of her jacket. There was something about the way this man spoke, the way he moved, that attracted her.
“So Bruce is about three, although we can’t be sure, and he loves cuddles, food and lots and lots of exercise. He has been abused before, primarily neglect, but he’s one of the happiest and most forgiving souls I’ve ever met.” Y/N’s spiel was interrupted by Tommy standing and clearing his throat. 
“I’ll take him.” 
“It’s your lucky day, bubs, say bye bye to your friends!” 
Tommy could see the dog’s demeanour change, his waggles intensified and he began excitedly licking at Y/N’s hands. “So you can take him home today, or you can leave him here for a little bit while you get the money together to take him. It’s £10 for him and a week’s food. He’ll be reserved for you for two weeks, please feel free to come back anytime between now and then, our opening hours are-”
She was cut off again when Tommy produced a stack of notes from his wallet. “This is £10, I can take him tonight after my meeting,” Tommy’s piercing blue eyes held Y/N’s gaze and nodded firmly, pressing the cash into the stunned woman’s hands.
“Yes… okay, we’ll have Bruce ready for this evening,” she sighed. As the mysterious man turned away, she called out.
“What name shall we keep him under?”
“Thomas Shelby.”
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happystaffyco · 1 year
Here’s how to choose the Right Kind of Toys for Your Dog:
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Some chews like the best chew toys for staffies can offer added benefits for your dog, like mental stimulation or helping keep their teeth sparkling.
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hazard-and-friends · 4 years
today’s i think i shall cause crimes on tumblr thought: redesigning kennel club breed groups.
there’s some problems, okay? there’s some dogs who are just blatantly in the wrong group (dachshunds) and there are some groups which are just a catch-all for “jobs that we didn’t consider REAL jobs because kennel clubs were designed by racist victorians”, and the idea that the toy group and whichever medium-size-companion dog group (non-sporting/utility) should be separated because of an arbitrary size line (ignoring that coton-de-tulear are non-sporting in AKC but toy in KC, meanwhile shih tzu are utility in KC and toy in AKC)
so here’s my proposal: let’s go back to breed purpose. all the way.
terrier and hound groups can remain as is, but put dachshunds in the terriers where they belong, and remove airedales entirely. terriers are defined as dogs who go to ground after vermin, and hounds track and either catch or hold prey.
keep the KC’s gundog group. put poodles and kooikerhondje and other...gun...dogs in there. gundogs are retrievers, pointers, setters, tollers, and spaniels. dogs who were and are used to hunt game accompanying humans with guns. nearly
keep the AKC’s herding group, as long as it’s herding dogs. LGDs go elsewhere.
LGDs and other dogs whose main or entire purpose is guarding things (people, animals, property) go into a new guarding group. this includes dobermans, chows, mastiffs, BRTs, boxers, etc.
utility group can remain but is no longer a catch-all. instead these are dogs who were used for any and all jobs: hunting, herding, drafting, carting, guarding, etc. this includes rottweilers, airedales, schnauzers, swedish lapphund, american bulldogs, etc.
new companion group for any breed whose originating purpose was companionship. this is not size dependent and the toy group is abolished.
finally working group is the rummage bin group for dogs with jobs but there’s not enough for a full group. sled dogs arguably go here (maybe there are enough for a carting/freighting group?), as do newfies & st bernards (rescue dogs) and dalmatians.
this would be the best place for dog fighting dogs like APBTs and japanese tosa. american bullies go in companion group. staffies and amstaffs can remain in terrier.
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Man’s Best Friend: JJ Maybank
JJ x Reader (Female)
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word count: 4.2k
a/n: ok so this has not been edited but it literally came to me in a dream. Of course, it was not JJ but another boy that I know (you could say my crush) but I can’t use my crush’s name and I thought this would be a good JJ fic. I might go over it later, but I wanted to get it out because I love this idea way too much. Anways, I hope you enjoy!
summary: JJ Maybank was devastated after he lost one of his best friends. To protect himself, he turns away even his best friends. In an effort to fix JJ, Kiara and Pope get JJ a dog. At first, JJ hates the idea and doesn’t want a dog but soon enough, Apollo brings him joy and solace in so many ways.
JJ Maybank had never been the same since John B. and Sarah's disappearance. For all he knew, they were dead. John B. had been a part of his family. The nights where his father was intoxicated were the nights John B. took him in and let him sleepover. Although they had grown close in middle school, sharing the same science class, JJ felt as if they had known each other for their entire lives. JJ knew this was rare. He didn't have to read thousands of books to know what love was and although he would never admit it to anyone, he loved John B. like a brother. So, that fateful night when John B. and Sarah risked their lives to escape and Shoupe gave them the heart breaking news, JJ broke down. Nothing prepared him for the news that his friend might as well be dead.
The months after John B.'s death, JJ might as well have been dead. Looking back, he doesn't remember much of those months he spent couped up in John. B.'s house reminiscing. It all was a blur. If he wasn't going to court for his trial, he was crying himself to sleep. He suspected Kiara and Pope had done the same but he wasn't sure. He hadn't spoken to them since that night and although they tried to reach out to JJ, he never let them in. They would stop by John B.'s house, bringing food and water, and knock on his door. They waited for many minutes, calling out for JJ, but he never answered. Kiara and Pope, although suffering from the same loss, knew JJ was in a rough place when he wouldn't even talk to them. There was no topic too taboo enough for JJ not to discuss with his friends. He could even openly discuss his father's abuse Now, when it seemed he needed a support system the most, JJ shut down.
Then, three months later, Kiara had enough. She, along with Pope, missed their friend. Although their group would never be the same without John B, JJ's absence seemed to make Kiara and Pope miserable. JJ was the glue that held them all together. When something abysmal would happen, whether it happened directly to JJ or not, JJ made a joke about it. His father beat him? Well, he’s got a mean right hook. Sheriff Peterkin is dead and the entirety of OBX is after John B? Well, if John B. showered and stopped smelling like shit, maybe he would be harder to find. JJ’s jokes cleared the fog and allowed anyone who would listen a little peace during whatever hard time they were going through. But now that JJ was no longer himself, Kiara knew he needed his friends the most. Along with Pope, they devised a plan to slowly integrate back into JJ’s life. They were all still crushed over their friend’s death but they needed to mourn together. They were always stronger together. That afternoon, Kiara and Pope went to Figure 8’s shelter with only an idea in their head and a wad of cash they saved in their hands.
As they walked through all of the kennels, they examined each pet. They knew JJ couldn’t have just any regular dog, he needed a friend. This was JJ Maybank they were talking about. JJ could barely look after himself right now. An hour into their shopping for the perfect dog, they were about to quit. None of the dogs seemed good enough for JJ. That is, until they got to the last kennel. Laying on their back, with his tongue out, was a staffie. Unlike all of the other dogs, this staffie didn’t not run to the fence and try to lick Kiara or Pope. Instead, it continued to lay on it’s back and watched as Kiara and Pope tried to call it over. When it wouldn’t come, Kiara looked to Ms. Conway, the vet at the shelter, and asked what was wrong with the dog.
“His name is Apollo.” Ms. Conway started, crouching down and sticking her finger in the fence. Still, the dog continued to lay on his stomach. “He’s a rescue. His previous owner mistreated him and he’s scared, but he’s a good dog. He can tell if you’re a good or bad person right away.”
Pope’s brows lifted, a confused look written over his face. He looked to Ms. Conway. “What do you mean?”
Ms. Conway shrugged. “I had this new nurse, who was wonderful with all of the dogs, except Apollo. He seemed to hate her. He never barked at her or bit her, just was extremely cold to her. It was as if his tail stopped wagging whether she passed him. I thought it was nothing, but then, when some money was stolen out of the register, I had a sick feeling that maybe it was her. So, I reviewed the security tapes and it was. I’d like to think Apollo knew she was a bad person before anyone else did.”
Pope looked back to Kiara, who was already smiling. “Why hasn’t he been adopted then?” Kiara asked, looking at Apollo who was now perked up at the mention of his name.
Ms. Conway frowned. “He’s an older dog. Not many people want older dogs.”
Kiara and Pope smiled, both of them looking at Apollo. Kiara could never be sure, but he seemed to be smiling too. Without having to discuss it privately, Kiara looked back to Ms. Conway and said, “We’ll take him.”
Kiara and Pope left that shelter that day with a dog on a leash and a smile on their lips. Apollo was the perfect dog for JJ. He could be the dog version of JJ. Although it may not fix what was broken in JJ, they knew that this dog could be the start in repairing the version of JJ that both Pope and Kiara needed.
At first, JJ wasn’t pleased that Kiara and Pope had gotten him a dog without his permission. In fact, pleased would not be the correct word. He was down right angry. How dare they try to fix him? He didn’t need fixing, he needed his best friend back and no dog in the world would replace his friend. He made this very clear to Kiara and Pope, but they would not take no for an answer.
“We miss our friend JJ.” Kiara frowned, watching as Apollo obediently sat on the lawn. Kiara had tied his leash to the tree, thinking he may run off but that wasn’t the case. Apollo seemed to already know that this was his home.
JJ scoffed. “I’m sorry you miss me but trying to replace John B. with a dog is not gonna make me feel better.”
Pope rolled his eyes, stepping closer to JJ. “That’s not what we’re trying to do and you know it.” JJ had not let them into John B.’s house yet so they were forced to wait on the porch as JJ leaned against the threshold of the door.
JJ looked over Pope’s shoulder, watching Apollo as he just sat there. He seemed to just be content, sitting there with nothing to do and it made JJ smirk. Maybe having a pet to help him through his friend’s death wouldn’t be so hard. He looked back to his friends. “I know. I just can’t even look after myself, how the hell am I supposed to look after a dog?”
Kiara shook her head. “Apollo is well trained. All you have to do is show him some love. I think it would be good for you to have some company JJ.”
Pope agreed, nodding his head. “There’s this thing called therapy dogs, JJ. They help people with numerous traumatic events that have happened in their lives. This dog could bring you some solace.”
Kiara stepped forward this time, wrapping his arms around JJ. At first he did not hug her back but when he was sure she wouldn’t let go until he had hugged her, he returned the gesture. “And when you feel a little bit better,” Kiara said, still hugging JJ. “Then you can call your friends.”
The first night JJ had Apollo was the hardest night of his life. Apollo, still not entirely warmed up to JJ, barked the entire night. JJ had laid out a blanket and a newspaper for him and thought that it would be enough. But, just like JJ, Apollo was traumatized and scared to be in such a new environment alone. Until midnight, Apollo barked and barked, calling out for god knows what. JJ, who was only in a good mood if he had enough sleep the night before, was getting restless. He hadn’t slept a wink since he laid on the pullout couch and was getting angrier by the minute. Finally, as the clock struck midnight, JJ got out of his “bed” and stormed to the other side of the room where Apollo was supposed to be sleeping.
“Dude,” JJ grumbled, rubbing his tired eyes. “Stop whining.”
The second Apollo realized JJ was talking to him, he stopped barking. He sat up, his tongue out and panting. JJ knew what that face meant, he had seen it in many dogs before.
“No,” JJ shook his head. “We’re not playing at midnight.”
JJ could’ve sworn he saw Apollo smile. But dogs couldn’t really smile, right?
“No.” JJ stomped his foot. He glared at Apollo, his tail still wagging. As much as JJ didn’t want to admit it, this dog was beginning to grow on him, as annoying as he could be. With a deep sigh, JJ nodded. “Fine, but only for half an hour and then we sleep.”
Apollo instantly barked and scurried to the front door where his only toy sat. In an instant, he had the poor tennis ball in his mouth as he patiently waited for JJ to open the front door. JJ walked to the front door, unlocking the door before opening it. He looked down at Apollo, watching as the staffie made no effort to leave.
JJ frowned. “What? Go.” JJ pointed to the lawn, confusion evident on his face as he watched his dog just sit there, wagging his tail with a tennis ball in his mouth. JJ rolled his eyes. “Ok, or I’ll go.”
The second JJ stepped over the threshold of the door, Apollo was right behind him. JJ watched as the staffie stayed at his side, never running past him to play on the lawn. JJ was puzzled. He wondered why this dog wanted to be by his side all day. They had only known each other for one day yet Apollo seemed to love JJ like he would if he had been his owner for 15 years. JJ thought back to Kiara’s words. She had said Apollo was very intuitive. He could sense if someone was a good person or not. JJ was sure that was full of crap. If Apollo was so intuitive, then why did he love JJ? JJ knew who he was. He was a delinquent. He had thought of the idea of the boat which had gotten his friend killed. JJ had pointed that gun in the air at the beach which only got Topper more pissed off at the Pogues. JJ got arrested. JJ stole money. JJ was a terrible student. So, if Apollo was so intuitive, why could he not sense how bad JJ was? As JJ sat on the stairs on John B.’s porch throwing the tennis ball for Apollo to catch, he wondered that maybe if this dog couldn’t sense any bad, many he wasn’t actually that bad. This realization made JJ both sad and happy. Angry because he should feel guilty and anyone who said he shouldn’t was lying to him. Sad because he wished he wasn’t such a screw up. Maybe if he wasn’t John B. and Sarah would still be alive. JJ let a tear slide down his face before wiping it away. Soon, there were too many tears for JJ to wipe away in time.
JJ threw the ball onto the lawn again, waiting for Apollo to run and catch it. Except Apollo didn’t. He stopped in his tracks, watching JJ intently as he cried. JJ felt embarrassed to cry on the first day of getting this dog. “What?” JJ blubbered.
Apollo stayed quiet, slowly moving towards JJ. His tail wagged slower as he approached JJ and he was no longer panting so hard. JJ said nothing, watching in awe as Apollo approached him. JJ couldn’t believe it. Kiara was right. This dog would tell when JJ was sad and wanted to comfort him. Slowly, Apollo lay his head on JJ’s lap, looking up at his new owner. He had a frown on his face, his tongue still out. Apollo nuzzled his head in JJ’s lap, his breathing now even as he emitted a type of warmth JJ had never felt before.
JJ looked down at his dog, finally smiling through his tears. Apollo, taking JJ’s smile as a good sign, smiled back, his mouth open and his tail wagging. JJ shook his head, petting his dog on his head. “Well buddy,” JJ finally said, wiping the remaining tears from his cheeks. “You saw me cry. Now we have to be best buds.”
JJ and Apollo spent every moment together. It didn’t matter that JJ was doing, Apollo was right beside him. What they enjoyed most was going to the beach and swimming. JJ even let Apollo stand on his board, riding more calm waves than the ones deeper in the ocean. Apollo made him happy. He knew Apollo could never replace what he had with John B. but that was not what he was trying to do. Apollo was there not to replace John B., but help him come to terms with his death and fill the hole in his heart. The more time JJ spent with Apollo, the more he realized that it was not his fault that John B. and Sarah were dead. It was Shoupe’s fault and Ward’s. It was the fault of the greed in OBX. JJ couldn’t predict the future. He wouldn’t have known. And he knew John B. would not have wanted JJ to blame himself. Weeks passed and JJ felt better. Kiara and Pope were right; getting a dog would make him feel less alone. When he was ready, he finally allowed himself to spend time with Kiara and Pope. They spoke about John B. and Sarah’s death and, for the first time, JJ looked back on their adventure with a smile. They hadn’t gotten the gold, they had lost two friends, but they healed. They would never be whole again but JJ had his friends and he had Apollo. He was content. He seriously believed life could not have been better.
Then, a year later, as it approached the one year anniversary of John B. and Sarah’s death, JJ’s life got better. It was a place where nothing monumental ever happened; the convenience store. He was there to pick up dog food for Apollo. They were running low and JJ was supposed to go grocery shopping with Kiara the next day so he decided to go to the convenience store to buy a small package of dog food that would last Apollo a day before he went tomorrow with Kiara. It was supposed to be a quick and easy pick up. He was late anyways. He had promised to meet up with Pope at the beach and now, this little stop made him even more late. His intention was to be in and out but Apollo made that difficult.
“Which one is it again?” JJ joked, holding two small bags of dog food in front of Apollo. Apollo barked, watching his favourite bag of food be dangled in his face. JJ smirked, nodding. “Ah yes, Blue Buffalo. Great choice pal.” JJ turned back to the shelf and put the other one down.
He always pretended to let Apollo choose, just as a joke. It seemed like him and Apollo seemed to have the same sense of humour. Whenever JJ made a joke that Kiara and Pope didn’t understand, Apollo barked happily. Sometimes JJ thought it was only because Apollo didn’t want JJ to feel that no one found him funny, but other times JJ wholeheartedly believed Apollo understood his humour. When he turned back around, he frowned. Apollo was gone. JJ looked through the aisle and the aisle to the right but he didn’t see his dog. Sometimes Apollo would get distracted by simple things and wander but whenever JJ called him, he would always come back.
“Apollo!” JJ called, his eyes looking out for the familiar patter Apollo’s paws made when he ran. There was nothing. JJ’s heartbeat picked up. Where was his dog? He had just turned his back for a moment. If something happened to his dog, he’d never forgive himself.
As JJ exited the first aisle, his eyes scoured the peered down another aisle. His eyes instantly saw his dog, licking the face of a complete stranger. JJ sighed, thinking about how stupid his dog could be sometimes. That loveable idiot, JJ thought, almost gave me a heart attack. Although JJ was upset, he was also confused. As he made his way to the stranger and Apollo, JJ couldn’t think of an instance where Apollo ever approached a stranger. Apollo had been traumatized by his previous owner and was always skittish around new people. They always approached him before he approached them. He even remembered a time when Pope was gone for school for a month and when he came back, Apollo didn’t recognize him at first and wouldn’t go near him. Did Apollo recognize this person? If so, why did JJ not recognize them? He only saw the back of her back but he already knew he couldn’t have known her. She was a Kook.
“Apollo!” JJ shouted as he got closer to his dog.
Apollo finally stopped licking the girl’s face and perked up at JJ’s voice. When Apollo’s eyes met JJ’s, his eyes perked up and he ran away from you and towards JJ. JJ crouched down, petting his dog behind his ears. Apollo panted, smiling at his owner.
“He’s so cute.” You said, finally standing in front of JJ.
JJ stopped petting his dog but continued to look at him and not you. “He is.” He stood up, watching as his dog turned around and struts back to you.
This time you don’t crouch down and only pat his head. JJ frowns. Apollo really likes you. When JJ finally looks at you, he understands why. You’re gorgeous. The smile on your face is sweet and your eyes sparkle as you look down at Apollo. JJ realizes the air has been knocked out of him. He looks to Apollo, who just relishes in your petting. JJ smiles. That scoundrel, he thinks.
“I’m Y/N.” You say, looking up at JJ again and extending your hand.
JJ reaches out and takes it, shaking it quickly before shoving his hand back in his pocket. He tightens his hand in a fist. It aches as soon as he touches your skin. “JJ.”
You nod, your hand still petting Apollo. “He’s so good with strangers.” You comment, watching as Apollo flashes you a smile. Your eyes widen and you chuckle to yourself. You can already tell this dog is special.
JJ thinks he might have a heart attack. You’re absolutely breathtaking and he can’t help but think Apollo thinks the same. Why else would he have befriended a total stranger? “Actually, he’s not. He must really like you.”
You look at JJ again, your hand moving away from Apollo and going to the ends of your tank top where some threads are loose. You can’t help but admit to herself that JJ was handsome, but you doubted it was the appropriate time to ask a boy out. Besides, you hadn’t really ever asked a boy out. And you weren’t sure if he would even say yes. You couldn’t take that kind of embarrassment.
“Really?” You ask. When JJ nods, you continue. “I used to have a dog so maybe that’s why.”
JJ smiled at you, watching as Apollo looked up at you with a frown. He liked you a lot and wanted you to keep petting him. JJ whistled, causing Apollo’s head to turn JJ’s way. “C’mon Apollo. Let’s not bother this girl.”
You smiled, shaking your head. “It’s no bother. I love dogs.”
JJ nodded, taking a deep breath. He was battling whether to ask you out or not. He hadn’t been out on a date with a girl in almost a year, for good reason, and he almost felt guilty for trying to be happy again. He knew that if John B. were beside him, he’d tell him to ask you out but JJ couldn’t. He felt too guilty. Maybe, next time he would. For now, he was too nervous.
JJ whistled again, trying to get Apollo to move away from your side. “Apollo.” Apollo only looked at JJ, not moving an inch. JJ frowned, reaching out his arm and beckoning Apollo to him. Usually, this worked. Not this time. Apollo didn’t want to leave.
This time, you tried to help JJ. “Apollo,” You said sweetly, looking down at the staffie. Apollo looked up at you, eyes full of joy. You smiled, pointing to JJ but still looking at him. “Go to JJ.” JJ smiled, hearing you use his name. He wished he had more confidence because he wanted to ask you out so badly.
Apollo looked to JJ, then back at you. Finally, he moved but not in the way you or JJ thought he would. He moved from a seated position to laying on his back, waiting for you to scratch his belly. He laughed, covering your mouth. You bent down to scratch his belly for a moment, then looked to JJ. JJ was smiling now. He couldn’t believe this dog. What did he want?
JJ made his way to you and Apollo, crouching down beside you and rubbing Apollo’s belly. Apollo looked so happy, JJ started to laugh along with you. This dog owned both of you and he knew it. “I’m so sorry.” JJ continued to laugh. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him today.”
“He’s adorable.” You insisted, looking to JJ who was now only a foot away from you. You took a deep breath through your nose. He smelled like the ocean. He smelled like home.
JJ looked at you as you spoke, realizing now that your faces were not that far apart. Feeling flustered, he looked back at Apollo. You did the same, feeling embarrassed. JJ watched as Apollo looked at JJ, a smile on his face. Suddenly, it clicked. Apollo was trying to tell him something and he had been so blind by his lack of confidence to realize it.
With a surge of confidence, he looked back at you and said, “I’m actually going to the beach right now to surf. You surf?”
You made eye contact with JJ, smiling. “I live in Figure 8. Of course I do.”
JJ chuckled, nodding. “Well, Apollo really wants you to come.”
You looked to Apollo, who was wagging his tail because of all the petting he was receiving. “Apollo wants me to come?”
JJ shrugged. “And me.” He felt his cheeks burning and he hoped you couldn’t notice.
You looked at JJ, flustered. “Well, since he won’t leave without me, I’d love to come.”
JJ grinned, finally getting up from his crouch position. He extended his hand for you to grab. Once you did, he helped you up. Once you were standing, you looked back to Apollo. He was watching your hands hold each other and smiling. JJ shook his head, in disbelief. Apollo, the matchmaker. He would thank him later.
JJ didn’t let go of your hand and you didn’t want him to. Instead, you both walked towards the checkout, hand in hand, as Apollo walked beside you both. JJ couldn’t believe how much of his life had changed since Apollo came into his life. He was truly man’s best friend. He helped JJ get through the toughest part of his life and now he had given him what JJ was sure to be his wife. This dog continued to give JJ more love and JJ never knew if he could ever return the favour. As he watched Apollo follow beside you, wagging his tail, he realized that maybe JJ being happy was enough for Apollo. This is the best dog ever, JJ thought.
“So,” You started, looking at you and JJ’s hands intertwined. “What’s this guy's story?”
JJ looked at Apollo once again, smiling. “Do you have time?”
You nodded, butterflies in your stomach. “All the time in the world.”
JJ nodded, looking back to you as you spoke. “Good.” And so, JJ talked. About getting Apollo and all the crazy stories they had during the one year JJ had him.
And you listened, adding quick witted remarks here and there. You didn’t mind if JJ talked, you were sure that there would be more conversations between the two of you for many years to come.
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Pandemic {t.h.}
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Tom Holland x Medic!Reader
Summary: Y/N has to go back to the states as the coronavirus pandemic gets worse and Tom worries about her having to work
Warnings: swearing; angst; coronavirus :///
Note: This a one-shot based off of my series Broken Nose but you don’t really have to have read it to know what’s going on; this is also a big shout-out to all of the people working to keep us safe during this pandemic and this idea came to me because working on the front lines can be scary and difficult
This picks up after the epilogue!
Tom couldn’t have been happier having you stay with him and the boys in London. You had saved up all your vacation days and Tom was kind of in-between projects right now, so it worked out perfectly. 
He told you that he could have come visited you in New York, but you chose to come see him in London instead. You said it was because you wanted to see his family, but Tom knew it was to see Tessa. 
He jogged down the stairs, seeing you currently playing tug-of-war with Tessa like you used to do in his trailer during filming, and his heart warmed at the sight. Tessa ended up winning (as always) and yanked the toy away from you before running away. 
You stood up in defeat, and turned in time to see Tom approaching.
“Hi love,” he greeted, placing a peck on your lips. 
“Good morning,” you said, hugging him tightly. You never got enough of his hugs. His strong arms always wrapped around you perfectly, and you just felt safe. You looked up at him through your lashes, smiling at him. But there was a nagging feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach.
You watched the news. You had Twitter. You knew what was going on in the world, and your nerves were on edge. Cases of COVID-19 were increasing around the world, and specifically in your home state of New York.
It wasn’t too bad when you left for London, but you had been here for two weeks already and James was sending you updates. New protocols were being put in place at NYEMS including the need to sanitize the truck before and after every patient. He told you that they were now making the paramedics and EMTs wear masks if the patient had any respiratory symptoms of any kind, including a sniffle. 
It was making you nervous.
“What’s wrong?” Tom asked, immediately noticing a change in your mood. 
You sighed, pulling away from him while you went to get a glass of water. 
“Just worried,” you admitted. 
“About the virus?” 
You nodded. “It’s getting worse in New York.”
Tom frowned, walking over to you and gently pulling you in a hug. He pressed a kiss to your hair and you closed your eyes, feeling him against you. 
“You know you can stay here as long as you’d like,” Tom offered, looking down at you. He knew that flying right now was probably not ideal, but you still had an uneasy look in your eyes that put him on edge, too.
“I might not be able to,” you sighed. Tom was silent, chewing on his lip. He knew that your job wasn’t typical, you were always at the scene of horrible accidents, crimes that turned violent, and God knows what else. You spared him of all the gory details, but Tom could see it in your eyes. After particularly bad calls, it would have you defeated.
Tom kissed your forehead. “Let’s go play with Tessa.”
He wanted to get your mind off of the pandemic because he knew it was all you could think about, and he knew Tessa made you happy. You smiled halfheartedly at him before taking his hand and going to find the staffy. 
Five days had passed and Tom was grocery shopping when he saw how empty the grocery stores were and his stomach dropped at the sight. This was getting bad and he hated not knowing how to stop it or how to help.
Upon returning home, he found you in the living room with Tuwaine, Harry, and Harrison, your eyes glued to the movie playing on the TV. Tessa was curled up in your lap, and you turned to smile at Tom when he walked in. He sat down at the foot on the couch so you could play with his hair, something you always loved to do, but you were all silent, even though Frozen II was on. 
Tom knew something was wrong when you didn’t even laugh at Olaf’s jokes.
A few minutes later, you excused yourself to take a phone call, walking into the kitchen. Tom watched you as you walked away.
“Stores were empty,” Tom spoke up once you were gone. “Like empty.”
“Seriously?” Harry asked. 
“Yup, no eggs, nothing,” Tom continued. 
“Shit, man,” Harrison sighed, running a hand through his hair. Before the boys could talk anymore, you came back into the room with glassy eyes.
“Tom?” you said, your voice fragile. “Can I uh...talk to you for a second?”
The boys all glanced at each other as Tom nodded and stood up from the ground. He followed you into the kitchen. 
“What’s wrong, darlin’?” he asked as you tried blinking away the tears the filled your eyes. You gingerly wrapped you arms around Tom’s torso, and he caught you as you began to sob. 
“(Y/N),” Tom whispered, his voice shaky as he held you tightly against him. You didn’t say anything, as you tried to catch your breath, but the nerves were piling up and that damn phone call just pushed you over the edge.
“Darling, talk to me,” Tom coaxed, running his fingers through your hair. Your knees buckled, as you sobbed into his shoulder, and Tom gently carried you down to the floor, holding you tightly. You curled up against him, sniffling as you shook your head. 
Tom was patient, kissing your forehead as you closed your eyes, shakily taking a deep breath. You forced yourself to look up at him, but seeing the loving look in his eyes only made you want to cry even more.
“I have to go home.”
Tom stared at you blankly. He furrowed his eyebrows, as if he were just registering what you were saying.
“What? To New York?” 
You nodded. 
Tom laughed bitterly. “No, (Y/N), no. It’s...I mean...New York is-”
“It’s the epicenter of American cases, I know,” you sighed, rubbing your eyes as you both sat on the ground of the kitchen. “Which is why I have to go.”
“(Y/N),” Tom said, his voice breaking. “Please, don’t.”
“James called me and...” you inhaled deeply, trying to steady your breath because you knew that you would start crying again if you didn’t. “Um...they need more medics and first responders because...a lot of them are getting infected and the number of medical calls is through the roof.”
Tom watched you as you spoke, his vision becoming foggy with tears. 
“They need help, Tom,” you said, your voice cracking. “I have to go help. It’s my job.”
“But...” Tom wanted to fight you. He wanted you to stay in London with him forever and wait this whole pandemic out. At least if you were together he could make sure that you were safe. 
“There are so many cases though,” Tom whispered, his voice cracking. “I mean...what if you get...what if-”
You rested your forehead on his shoulder, hugging him tightly. You knew he was scared. You were too. There was so much uncertainty, and the cases in New York, especially in New York City where you worked, were increasing tenfold each day. 
But your job was to save people. That’s what you had to go do. And your brothers and sisters on the front lines needed help. 
“It’ll be okay,” you whispered, trying to convince both of you. Tom wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his lap so he could just hold you a little longer. 
“When do you leave?” he croaked.
“Tomorrow morning.”
Tom bit back the sob that was making its way to his throat. He felt a deep ache in the pit of his stomach. He closed his eyes, burying his face in your neck as he inhaled your scent, trying his best not to break down in front of you. He knew it would only make you feel worse. 
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you so much,” you cried, closing your eyes tightly as the tears made their way down your cheeks. You knew that by going back to work on the front lines meant that your risk of exposure was going to be very high, but you were young and healthy and you were hopeful that if you did happen to catch this deadly virus that you would be able to fight it off.
But you couldn’t think about yourself right now. You had to think about those who needed you and you had to go and do what you felt was right. 
You spent the rest of the night wrapped up in Tom’s arms in his room with Tessa curled up at the foot of the bed. You knew you weren’t going to sleep and neither did Tom, but as long as you spent the time with him, you knew it would be okay. 
As the sun began to shine in through the window, you felt a deep dread in your heart. You had to get up and go to the airport soon and you didn’t know when the next time you would see Tom would be. 
“Tom?” you whispered. 
“Hmm?” he mumbled, half-asleep while his strong hands held you tightly.
“I need you to promise me something.”
Tom looked up at you, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. 
“Promise you won’t forget about me?” you asked, chuckling lightly. You knew it was a stupid request, but the ache in your heart was making you say it. 
“I could never, darlin’,” Tom whispered, kissing you gently. 
A car was coming to pick you up to take you to the airport after a long fight with Tom about why you didn’t want him driving you there. Your job was to get exposed, not his. 
You stood by the front door with all your bags, waiting for the car to get you and the boys all came out to say goodbye. 
“Stay safe out there, (Y/N),” Tuwaine said softly as you hugged him. You pulled back and smiled up at him. 
“I will.”
“Do you have to go?” Harrison asked gently as he pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back tightly, feeling the tears sting the back of your eyes.
“Yeah,” you whispered. “They need all the help they can get.”
Harrison pulled back and nodded, though there was a deep sadness in his eyes. You nudged him with your elbow, making him smile sadly. Harry was next, and you knew if you looked at him too long you would cry. You and Harry grew incredibly close the last few weeks, always laughing along with whatever pranks he wanted to pull.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Harry sighed. 
“I’ll miss you too, H.”
“Go kick some corona ass.”
You laughed through your tears as you pulled away. “Will do.”
The sound of a car approaching the driveway made you all look out the window. Your heart sank and you let out a sigh as you bent down to give your favorite dog a hug and a kiss on the head. 
“Be a good girl, Tess.”
A part of you wished you could be as happy as a dog right now. Not a care in the world, with no idea what was going on. 
You looked at the boys and smiled through your tears as Tom helped you bring your bags out to the street. You stopped before you reached the car and pulled Tom into a bone-crushing hug. 
You wished you could have tuned the rest of the world out as you held him tightly, trying to remember everything about him as you could because you didn’t know when the next time you would see him would be. 
“I’m so proud of you,” Tom whispered in your ear as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. Those words alone were enough to cause tears to stream down your face. You looked up at him, cupping his face and pressing your lips to his in deep kiss that tasted salty as your tears mixed together. 
“You mean everything to me,” you whispered against his lips. 
“I love you,” Tom sighed, kissing you chastely. 
“I love you too.”
You wiped your tears as you approached the car and loaded your bags in the trunk. You turned one last time to Tom and pulled him into another hug. Tom buried his face in your shoulder and you could feel him shaking as he cried. You knew you were crying yourself, but all you could think about was him and how he felt. 
“Be safe,” Tom cried, as he wiped away his tears. 
“You too,” you said, kissing him once more. “I love you.”
“I love you too darlin’.”
You smiled sadly at him as you climbed into the car. He watched from the curbside as the car began to drive away, and you tried to keep your eyes on him for as long as possible until he was out of sight.
You turned around in your seat, inhaling sharply as you thought about the weight of the situation.
You closed your eyes, trying not to psyche yourself out and texted James that you were on your way back to New York.
Time to go kick some coronavirus ass, indeed. 
part 2
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jasntodds · 5 years
for blurb night, roommates haz, tom, and reader buy a cat?
Tom has always said he hated cats. He thinks they’re mean, whereas dogs, are the perfect angels. You and Harrison, however, love cats. You both like dogs, too but you like cats. And you and Harrison insist that cats are not mean. They might simply be “mean” to Tom because he says he hates them or it could be because Tom likes attention and cats don’t even notice you’ve left as long as they have food, water, and a clean box. Either way, cats are not mean and you and Harrison outnumber Tom.
So, the three of you make your way to a shelter one day and while Tom isn’t thrilled, you and Harrison are so Tom does try and participate, trying to be optimistic. Harrison and you lead the way inside of the shelter, explaining that you’re looking to get a cat and you’ve got a staffie that lives at the house but she gets along with other animals. One of the workers helps you, Harrison, and Tom to one of the back areas of the shelter where they keep the cats, introducing you to a cat that looks like it could be a Devon Rex.
You and Harrison are naturally drawn to the cat as it’s taken out from the cage to be introduced and Tom, who swears he hates cats, he lowkey falling in love with in from right behind you and Harrison. You’re the one who gets to hold it first, Harrison reaching over and petting it while the worker explains all about the cat and how old she is, where they had gotten her (her and her two siblings were found in alley and animal control and brought them over, the other two have already been adopted).
“What d’ya think, mate?” Harrison asks, looking to Tom.
Tom tilts his head, the orange cat with big green eyes and high cheekbones staring at him. “’s up to you guys.” Tom lets out a chuckle and he goes to pet the cat who immediately starts purring.
“Seems like she likes you.” The worker says, earning a toothless smile from Tom.
You let Harrison hold her and the worker takes out a few of the toys for the three of you to play with her, just to make sure all of three of you like her and get along just fine. Which, of course, you do. You and Harrison already trying to pick a name, asking for Tom’s input here and there before going right back between each other. And soon enough, the three of you are leaving with the cat, name picked out and paperwork signed and completed. You all took a quick trip to the nearest pet supply store, ready to get what you need and to yours and Harrison’s pleasant surprise, Tom helped with picking out things.
Tom got a few toys and a bag of treats before meeting you and Harrison in the collar section, Harrison holding up collars to the cat while you held her, trying to find the perfect color. Honestly, you both look a little crazy trying to get a collar that matches her coat which only makes Tom laugh but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t do the same thing with Tessa. So, he walks over and tries to help.
The three of you stand in this aisle of cat collars, picking out different types and different shades of different colors. The blue just looks “off”, the black makes her look like she’s ready for Halloween already (as if that should be an issue), reds and pinks blend in too much. It really should not be this hard but the three of you are determined to make sure the collar matches perfectly and she looks perfect. It ends up being Harrison though, that finds a silver collar, the last one in her size and it matches her coat perfectly, the three of you agreeing that’s the one.
After that, the three of you make your way back to the apartment. You hold onto the cat while Harrison grabs the bags and Tom grabs Tessa so they can get introduced. Tessa and the cat take to each other almost immediately, both just wanting to play. The cat is a lot smaller than Tessa but Tessa seems to understand and isn’t too rough with her (of course, not that any of you three actually let the two of them out of your sights).
And as the day went on, everything for the cat was set up, litterbox, food, water, toys. The three of you exhausted from the long day and all of you sat on the couch, needing to get up and get ready for bed but not actually being able to. You and Harrison because you were just too tired and did not want to move but Tom, he ended up with the cat lying half on his shoulder and half on the back of the couch. So, as much as he wants to say he hates cats, he sure was sitting pretty still and not daring to move because he didn’t want to wake her up.
“Why does she like him the best?” Harrison groans.
“It’s like they know.” You whisper. “Cats, they just know when people don’t like them so they make it their thing to make people like them out of spite.”
Tom rolls his eyes, a smile coming to his face. “Nah, ‘m cooler than you two.”
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