#best tips to reduce weight
omie2014 · 1 year
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Do you want to discover the easiest and fastest way to lose weight? Click Here -> https://sites.google.com/view/weigtlosssupplement/home
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10 Ways to Target that stubborn Belly Fat
In fact, when people talk about weight loss, they mean fat loss, and usually the fat they’re referring to is belly fat. Carrying that excess fat around the abdomen puts you at high risk from lifestyle disorders like heart disease, high BP, diabetes and, even, some cancers.
Read the blog to know more: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/10-ways-to-target-that-stubborn-belly-fat/2750
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4theitgirls · 6 months
a beginners guide to pilates
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🎀 what is pilates?
pilates is a form of strength training exercise that focuses on low to medium impact movements to improve muscle tone, stability, endurance, and mobility. pilates also focuses more on the smaller muscles of the body compared to traditional strength or weight training.
🎀 benefits of pilates
including the benefits that exercise generally brings, pilates:
improves mind-body connection and body control
improves active flexibility and mobility
works the core, improving stability
improves coordination and balance
reduces mental and physical stress
works muscles that can be neglected in our daily lives
treats and prevents body pain, including menstrual pain
teaches you how to pair your breath with your body
keeps the joints healthy without putting pressure on them
🎀 where to start
while you can absolutely start with studio or reformer classes, you can also do pilates routines on youtube! i recommend move with nicole and dansique fitness. if you want to get your cardio in as well, i absolutely recommend eleni fit. her workouts are some of the best i’ve ever tried!
🎀 personal tips
keep your core in mind. core strength is a major benefit of pilates because each movement requires at least a mild amount of core work to keep your body stable, so do your best to keep the engagement throughout.
start slow. pilates movements can take a while to fully understand and it can take a while to build the mind-body connection, so don’t push yourself too far in the beginning. your coordination will improve over time!
don’t underestimate it! while the movements are generally slower than other types of exercise, you will work your muscles just as much and in a way they may not have been worked before. sometimes i even find pilates more difficult than hiit or weights!
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rangpurcity · 1 year
Morning walk is not getting benefit, keep 5 things in mind while walking, fat will start melting in a week
highlights The more you increase the walking speed, the faster the extra calories will decrease. You use the uphill turn on the tread mill and walk. Morning Walk Tips: Morning walk is beneficial for health in every way. If you do walking at a fast pace, then it can also be a great cardio exercise. By doing this, the body not only remains toned, you also feel fresh throughout the day. However, if…
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sophiedevine · 1 year
How to Reduce Belly Fat - Exercises, Diet Plan & Tips
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Having a healthy lifestyle is very important for human beings. Due to this reason, several people try out the best diet plans to lose or maintain their weight. But this is not enough! In order to stay fit with all our body parts functioning properly, positive lifestyle choices need to be made early on. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for the majority of us. Most people get caught up in their busy work schedules and personal issues that concentrating on their lifestyle takes a back seat. It’s particularly important to understand that after reaching a certain age, you simply cannot risk deteriorating your health because of the incorrect lifestyle choices you are making.
If you observe the current scenario, a growing cause of concern today for a lot of people is their belly fat. Why so? This is because of all the poor lifestyle choices they are making. A routine with little to no body movement or unhealthy eating habits are the two major causes that contribute to an increase in a person’s belly. The famous ‘paunch’ or protruding belly appears in an individual’s body when there is excess fat accumulating in the abdomen area. For this, you can either try out exercises for reducing belly fat at home or join a fitness centre near you.
In this post, we will talk about how to reduce belly fat and weight loss tips. But before that, we will understand the need to be fit and healthy. Let’s begin:
Why is Staying Healthy Important for You? 
In the daily challenges of life, people tend to neglect their health and well-being in order to fulfil their duties. However, staying fit is very important so that your mind and body can be attuned to each other at all times. Maintaining a balance between your physical and mental health can be done by every individual by inculcating positive lifestyle habits in her/his everyday routine. Besides this, staying healthy also promotes less contraction of diseases such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, early ageing and the like. When it comes to finding the best ways to lose belly fat, you should realise that it will improve your overall health too.
5 Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat
Cult.fit believes in empowering individuals who are serious about making themselves healthy. For this purpose, we have curated a list of exercises for reducing belly fat that you can do at home. Read on to learn more: 
Side Leg Raise 
It is important to realise that the role of your legs in reducing belly fat cannot be underestimated. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, it is wise to start with something simple like a side leg raise! Holding a chair or table, you have to lift one leg up on the side for one to two seconds. Now, the other leg should be lifted on the side and paused for the same time duration. Alternating both legs five times will strengthen your legs, glutes, and lower back.  
5-minute exercises such as plank can not only flatten your belly but also help strengthen your core and improve body equilibrium drastically. In a plank, you just need a mat in your room, office cabin, garden or any other place you feel comfortable! It involves placing your elbows on the mat and then extending your legs. It would be best if you are able to balance with the help of your elbows and your toes simultaneously. In the beginning, it may be daunting for you but do not worry! You will be able to hold this pose for 30 seconds easily. Make sure that your lower back does not droop or pick up too much. Remember, balance is key!
3. Burpees
Burpees is an exercise for reducing belly fat at home that truly works wonders for people with stubborn abdomen fat. Before performing this exercise to reduce belly fat, it is suggested to find an open space in your room, terrace or patio because your body will need sufficient area. Once you are standing in a comfortable position, it is time to get started! The first step is to bend down and keep your hands on the floor. Then, you come down to a push-up position and move your chest to the ground. The final step is to pull your body back to the first position by jumping up. You can start with 30 reps and then keep increasing them eventually. While this sounds like a challenging exercise, it is one of the best ways to reduce belly fat. 
4. Crunches
As far as top-rated exercises for reducing belly fat at home are concerned, crunches are a crowd favourite. This is simply because this exercise is effective and generally does not require external help or assistance. The only thing that you need for it is a floor or yoga mat to lie down on. The first step is to prop yourself on a mat on the floor and bend your knees completely. Once you are in a flat position, it is time to move your abdomen muscles with might! In other words, you need to push your torso towards your knees in this position. While doing so, It is best to keep your arms on the side or behind your head. It may seem like a big task in the beginning but it is worth it. If you start with 30 crunches a day, you will be able to do multiple reps in no time.
5. Squat to a Chair 
The next exercise on the list is “Squat to a chair.” Yes, you read it right. Slowly lower your body on a chair while bending your knees. It is suggested to hold the position for a few seconds before standing back up again. It would be a little difficult in the initial period but once your core body strength is regained, try to only hover on the chair without actually sitting down. This is one of the best exercises for making your core stronger and reducing your belly fat as it provides stability in the knees. 
5 Ways to Improve Your Diet for a Fit Belly 
We all know that the best way to lose belly fat is to focus on our eating habits. But how many of us really do that? If you are a serial dieter, then you would know how difficult it can be to find the best diet to lose weight around your belly. Here are some ways to improve your diet and get that flat stomach you have been dreaming about: 
Reduce Carbs
If you check out weight loss and belly fat reduction tips online, this is the first thing that will pop up on your screen. This is because it is one of the most effective ways to flatten your belly. Your meals should be planned in such a manner that the intake of carbohydrates is in a balanced way. It is highly recommended to consult a professional to manage your macros and portion control. This will ensure that you get sufficient carbs for energy production without risking overconsumption. 
Increase Your Fiber Intake
Fibre is your best friend to lose belly fat in ways that you cannot even imagine. The more you consume fibre-rich foods like oats, cereals, fruits, and vegetables, the faster you will be able to make your belly flat. Your gut will love you for it too! Fibrous foods ensure that your colon is able to remove toxins and unwanted materials from your body in a smooth manner. Thus, it is highly recommended to keep your fibre intake high on a daily basis. 
Protein Is Necessary 
Fish, eggs, chicken, paneer, milk, lentils, and soya-based foods are the best sources of lean protein that you should consume every day. This is mainly because you will be able to feel “fuller” and satiated by eating protein-rich dishes without increasing your calorie intake.
Have Smaller Meals
It is a widely known fact that your metabolism tends to improve if you have small meals at regular intervals of time throughout the day. From having a portion of fruits after your protein-rich breakfast to munching on some nuts, every meal counts! 
Track Your Diet 
Nowadays, there are a number of ways in which you can keep yourself on track. The best way to lose belly fat with a diet plan is to keep track of it. Make sure to note down your meals every single day so that you know how much calorie intake you managed to maintain. A few hiccups are alright! All of us are humans and making a few errors of judgement is completely normal. It would be best to learn from your mistakes and move forward with a positive attitude. 
4 Tips for Reducing Belly Fat Quickly
Here’s a look at the top tips that can fasten the process of achieving a flat tummy:
Do Not Have a Lethargic Routine 
One of the most rewarding tips for people who are interested in weight loss and reducing their belly fat is to avoid a lethargic daily routine at all costs. If you slouch on your bed all day long, the chances of your metabolism lowering will increase a lot. Walking for a couple of kilometres will help you stay active. Moreover, including yoga in your daily routine would also help in maintaining your health. 
Connect With Fitness Enthusiasts
A lot of times, people get self-conscious about their belly fat. It even affects their self-esteem. Due to these emotions, their mental health may get disturbed leading to depression, anxiety, etc. We encourage you to interact with a strong community of fitness enthusiasts, be it online or offline. Not only will this boost your morale but it will also give you a lot of motivation to keep yourself healthy and fit.
Give Up Unhealthy Habits 
For a long and healthy life, giving up unhealthy habits is imperative. For instance, you should not consume anything that contains tobacco in it. Restricting alcoholic beverages to a bare minimum can further help in keeping your liver in shape. If you follow these small but important health tips, your belly fat is bound to reduce. Following these tips hold equal importance as the exercises to reduce belly fat.
Pay Attention to Your Sleep 
Having a proper sleeping schedule is as important as exercising or eating a healthy diet. This is because when you are sleeping for seven to eight hours, your body is in the process of healing and rejuvenating itself. As your body heals at night, you will be able to focus better on your fitness goals and achieve a flat belly sooner!
Now that you know some of the best ways to lose belly fat, it is time to gear up and make your fitness regime! There’s no better time than today to make your belly toned and in shape. Follow our actionable tips and say hello to a fitter you! You can also join cult.fit to take your fitness to a whole new level.
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zae-heeyyy · 25 days
Summary: You are Arthur's angel. Pairing: Arthur Morgan x female!reader Word count: 2,222 Tags: smut, high honor Arthur Warnings: 18+ MDNI
a/n: Whew 😅 I'm a little nervous to post this one. 🫣 Been sitting on it for a while (no pun intended) I've read and reread it a million times, and I'm ready to share. Also, we're pretending like Arthur's tent actually closes. Anyway thanks for reading!
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Seraphic: something angelic or celestial in nature, often suggesting purity, beauty, or holiness.
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By 1 a.m., the sounds of camp had reduced to the songs of crickets and the crackle of the fire. While everybody else slept, you waited up for Arthur, reading a book under lantern light in his tent. He arrived eventually, keeping his greeting short and joining you on his cot with slouched shoulders, seemingly exhausted. When he took his hat off, the grimace on his face became all the more apparent. His expression and tense body language told you all you needed to know; whatever happened out there wasn't good.
You handed him a match and a cigarette from his nightstand, and he thanked you with a nod. Using the heel of his boot, he struck the match and lit the cigarette, holding it with his thumb and index fingers. Flickering lantern light and the burning ember tip illuminated his bruised knuckles.
"Should I ask?" You traced a gentle finger over the bruises, and he shook his head.
"Best not," he replied, exhaling a ribbon of smoke.
"Well, I'm glad you're still in one piece," you said, looking him over. His shirt had seen cleaner, less wrinkled days, and sweat plastered his hair to his forehead. "Well, mostly in one piece."
He let out a gust of air, a failed attempt at a laugh, before pinching the bridge of his nose and groaning.
"Headache?" you asked, and he confirmed. The discomfort came with the life he lived. Loud gunfire, the rush of adrenaline, and focusing on his shots all combined to leave him in pain afterward. You exited the tent momentarily and returned with a bowl of warm water, a cloth, and a bottle of miracle tonic.
"Here—for your head." He took the medicine and snuffed his cigarette. Rejoining him, you sat on the cot and dabbed his face with the wet cloth, wiping away dirt and sweat. A soft kiss on his temple prompted him to lean into you, the tension finally dissipating. You wrapped your arms around his big frame and held him close. Obviously, he was your safe space, but oh—were you his. Eyes shut, he rested his head on your bosom.
Arthur found comfort in his typical role as protector and provider. But in these moments, when roles faded, he could feel the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders—a crushing weight he didn't even realize he was carrying. Being with you like this made him wonder if heaven was real because you were godsent.
To Arthur's dismay, you unraveled yourself from him to tie the tent flap closed, sealing the two of you away in the dark. Walking between his legs, you untied his neckerchief and dusted his soiled shirt.
"—Needs a wash. Your blood or someone else's?" you questioned, fingers undoing the top button.
"Not mine," he answered. Peeling the shirt off and tossing it aside, you studied him for a second time tonight. He'd seemed more relaxed than when he arrived, but his brow stayed brooding. Still positioned with his legs on either side of you, you caressed his face, one of your thumbs stroking the hairless scar on his chin.
"What else can I do?"
"You done enough; I'm fine." He gave your hand on his face a reassuring squeeze.
Leaning forward, you kissed him tenderly. His arms wrapped around your waist, drawing you nearer until your foreheads touched. You spoke low against his mouth, a playful grin forming on yours.
"You gotta stop getting yourself into so much trouble, Arthur Morgan."
Your demand was met with a chuckle, and he replied, "I'll do my best, darlin'." You peppered his lips with loving, tender kisses, making him smile against them and squeeze you tighter in a hug. You would do just about anything to see that man smile at you the way he did, all soft and endearing.
Your kisses subsided, but Arthur's affectionate gaze stayed fixed on you. The slight smile on his face had straightened, his expression mirroring the intensity of the one he wore when he first confessed his love for you.
"Got that look on your face," you told him, and he just blinked slowly, awestruck. Though he often swore he was a man of few words, he could fill volumes with his devotion for you. You loved it when he got like that, entranced and overwhelmed with love.
The way he watched you set a fire within you that warmed the most intimate parts of your being. He was surprised when you let yourself fall heavily into him, trying to get as close as possible. Maybe he was going to say something or make a noise, but he didn't have the time before your mouth was on his again, your tongue pushing through his lips to tangle with his. You only pulled away when you needed to breathe.
Instead of pressing your lips to his once more, you dropped to your knees in front of him. Eyes widening, he tried to bring you back up to your feet, shaking his head, once again astounded by you.
Still on your knees, you patted his cheek and looked up at him with doe eyes. "Shhh, let me take care of you, Arthur." His hand found yours on his face, and he turned to kiss it, nodding placidly. Both of you managed to keep your volume low as you helped him strip down to his union suit. You began working at the buttons of his neckline, doing more ripping than unbuttoning, shoving the fabric down his shoulders.
As more clothing fell away, you trailed sweet kisses down his abdomen. At the same time, his hands roamed wherever they could. The rough pads of his fingers lightly tracing your skin mirrored a faint electric charge. Despite being a brute of an outlaw, he was overly careful with his hands when it came to you; your body was fine china and deserved to be treated as such. Goosebumps formed in a wake left by his touch.
As you kissed down the trail of hair under his belly button, his rapid breathing hitched, and the bulge between his legs strained against the flannel fabric, begging to be unleashed. You tried to find his eyes as you groped him through the underwear, but his head was tipped back, his mouth agape.
"Look at me." You whispered, and he snapped to attention like a soldier following commands. Eyes locked on his, you unclasped the last button, and his length sprung free, the pink head of his cock primed with anticipation. A teasing laugh crept up within you as you trailed soft kisses from the base of his shaft and left one long lingering peck on the tip. The loud, rhythmic thumping of his heart was music to your ears. Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer, you took his entire length in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down, taking him deeper until your nose touched the curly hairs at the base.
Then he couldn't hold it in anymore; a deep, guttural groan escaped him.
Your mouth was the warmest, most intoxicating blanket he'd ever been wrapped in, and he never wanted to leave. He gaped at you, seeing your mouth full of him, his pupils dilated with pure lust. The blunt tip of his cock pressed to the back of your throat, making it constrict around him. His whole body shuddered.
"Look whatchu' do to me, woman," he rattled, tangling his hands in your hair. Despite his eagerness, you withdrew from his aching sex, a string of saliva joining your lips to him. Something reminiscent of a whine exited him when you stepped away, but his open mouth fell shut at the sight of your bloomers slipping down your legs. You kissed him, savoring the salty, bitter taste of his arousal mixed with the tobacco and herbs of his mouth.
"Lay back," you murmured in his ear. Obeying your command once again, he let out a grunt as he felt your weight on top of him. You straddled him, and he held you up, his fingers digging firmly into your sides. Bending at the waist, you kissed longingly, your hips undulating against his. He pulled your nightgown up around your midriff, one of his hands gripping the flesh of your ass while the other one went between your legs. His index finger sank painstakingly into your weeping cunt, then brushed over your clit, making you shiver. He raised himself on his elbows, reaching for the hem of your sleep dress.
"Take this off; let me see you." You raised your arms and let him yank the garment away, leaving you completely exposed on top of him. "Beautiful," he breathed, using the back of his hand to graze your skin. Breathy sighs escaped you as he traced delicate circles around your nipples. His eyes bored into you, absorbing every detail like you were the most captivating thing that ever lived. Hyperfocused on your body, he fondled your breasts before gliding his hands down your torso, ogling, taking all of you in.
Freezing, his stare intensified as you massaged the tip of his cock up and down your glistening slit. Touching his lips to yours, you pushed him into your wet folds. Neither of you could contain the sounds building with you. He split you open, stretching you, making room for him, filling you. You held yourself up with your hands braced on his chest, but you went weak as he bottomed out within you, brushing against that deep, tender spot. You would've fallen if he wasn't there to hold you up, a thought mirroring one he had about you so often.
"I got you," he whispered into your ear. It took every ounce of restraint he had not to snap his hips up into you, the warm embrace of your center clearing his mind and driving him mad all the same. Finally, you started to ride, surging and sinking into him. He was a simple, agnostic man, but being with you like this made him believe in all the theocracy of angels, soulmates, and divine intervention. This was his bliss. This was his heaven, and you were his seraph. He'd go through hell every day if it meant coming home to this—to you. Hypnotized in the rhythm of you, a new thought crossed his mind every time you bounced.
She's so goddamn beautiful.
So perfect.
My girl.
My girl, my girl, my girl, my girl.
My angel.
I love her so much.
So wet.
So warm.
So danm tight.
And before you could come back up again, he squeezed his eyes shut, halting your hips with all the strength he could muster, fighting the damn-near irresistible urge to cum inside of you. Sweat had built up on his brow, and his stomach rose and fell quickly with each panting breath. You folded to kiss him, your hard nipples grazing against his chest.
"It's okay," you whispered, patting his face and grinding antagonizingly slow against him. You wanted him—needed him— to come undone for you. With that goal in mind, you picked up the pace and rolled your hips relentlessly, moaning your every thought into his ear.
"You feel so good inside of me."
"I need you."
"I love you."
Your climax was building fast, and you reached to give relief to that sensitive bundle of nerves atop your center. Arthur pushed your hand away swiftly, replacing it with his own. Always a giver, he'd do anything to feel useful while you were treating him like royalty.
While one hand worked your clit, his other gripped the meat of your hip, rocking you in time with his upward thrusts. His head tipped and hit the pillow, and you could feel his thighs tensing and shaking beneath you. Lips parted, he stared up at you. You felt him twitch inside you, and his brow finally relaxed.
That did it for you.
You were wordless as your orgasm ripped through you, your head swirling, and your veins on fire. Arthur's guiding hand on your hip didn't stop, and he fucked you through your climax. Hugging your body close and nuzzling his face into your neck, he growled as he painted your inner core with his own release. You stayed like that, glued to each other as you came down from your highs.
"You're too good for me," he finally said. You clasped a hand into his, kissing the long-forgotten bruises on his knuckles.
"Shut up." You responded, and he didn't say another self-deprecating word. It was the least he could do.
You cleaned up and redressed, nestling into the small, one-man cot. Finally settled for the night, you resorted to your regular bedtime positions: your head on his chest, his arms wrapped securely around you, your legs tangled in one another's.
He rose before you in the morning, perching himself on the cot's edge while you slept behind him. He wrote in his journal, his thumb leaving a smudge on the page:
"For a long time, I believed I could not live a bad life and expect good things to happen to me. Yet somehow, this woman of pure goodness entered my life, and it is clear now that I have been a fool."
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sinkovia · 5 months
Coffee shop
Simon Riley x Fem!Reader
You work at a small cafe that Simon starts visiting when he’s not deployed.
Coffee Shop Masterlist
After months of deployment, Simon was finally discharged, and the decision to settle down took root within him. Years of moving between apartments during deployments led him to the conclusion that it was time to have a place to call his own, a familiar haven to return to. He opted for a one-bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood of a small town—a space he could truly call home.
What appealed to him the most about this place was the convenience of having many things within walking distance, reducing the need for constant driving.
One of his newfound discoveries was a small cafe just five minutes away from his house. After finishing his workout in the afternoon, he grabbed one of the many books he had ordered and walked down. As he entered, the cozy atmosphere embraced him, and there were only a few patrons inside, eliciting a small sigh of relief from him.
It felt like the perfect place to unwind and delve into his books, a quaint spot where he could enjoy the simplicity of life after the rigors of military service.
When you saw him walk in, you took in his appearance and greeted him with a welcoming smile. Standing tall, he was a behemoth of a man, and you instinctively assumed he would order a straightforward black coffee. However, as he approached the counter and confidently stated his order for black tea in a strong Manchester accent, you nearly froze.
"Is something wrong?" His deep voice resonated, and you softly smiled, "Not at all, sir. I'm sorry. Would you like any sugar or milk?"
He grabbed his wallet and placed a ten-dollar bill on the counter, "Plain is fine."
Walking away, he took a seat near the front of the cafe, affording him a clear view of everyone entering and a pleasant sight through the nearby window. Your brows furrowed at the ten-dollar bill.
Where on God's green earth did he ever pay ten dollars for a cup of tea?
After making his cup, you retrieved his change of six dollars and approached his table. He seemed deeply engrossed in his book, you almost felt bad for interrupting him.
"Here's your tea, and the tea is only four dollars. This is your change." He glanced at the money on the table before looking up at you. His gaze lingered, taking in your features; you looked only a few years younger than him.
You were pretty too.
Shifting your weight from one leg to the other, you felt his eyes wandering. "Keep the change, love." His use of the endearment caught you off guard. People around here never spoke that way, but then again, based on his accent, you knew he wasn't from the area.
"Oh no, that's too much. Please, keep it." He picked up the cup, bringing it to his lips. After taking a sip, his eyes slightly widened. It was the best cup of tea he had had in years.
"Consider it a tip then. You know how to make a good cup," he said, and you smiled, feeling proud that this giant man appreciated the way you made tea.
"Thank you. That's very sweet of you to say." He hummed in response, and you took it as a sign to let him go back to his book and read in peace. You gathered the cash on the table and tucked it into your apron as you walked away.
After taking off your apron in the back, you made yourself a cup of tea before settling down in the corner of the cafe with a book. Simon glanced up at you, noticing an older man standing in your place at the register.
Were you on break?
His eyes returned to the pages of his book, and he continued reading until he heard you get up after about thirty minutes, standing back at the register with the book still in your hand. The only customers to come in were an older couple who chose to sit in the back, away from Simon.
A small timer on his watch beeped quietly, and he turned it off. Having spent around an hour and a half at the cafe, he thought it was a good time to head back home. Your eyes went to him when you heard the quiet beeping, observing as he tore a small piece of the napkin and used it as a bookmark. You smiled to yourself, recalling how you used to do the same before you started doodling on strips of paper to use as bookmarks.
As he got up from his seat, you smiled and called out to him, "Have a nice day."
He responded with a gruff "you too" before walking out and heading back home. Simon appreciated the quiet and emptiness of the cafe and decided he would definitely be returning tomorrow.
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justanothervoreblog · 2 months
From Bro to Brotein
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Steven and Michael have been Bros since 7th grade. They found a mutual love of working out and it soon blossomed into a full nurtured gym bromance. They kept each other accountable, they pushed each other, and they wanted to be the same size. Their target weight, the 250 lbs club. A club that was so prestigious that both men busted their ass for it.
Yet for all their dedication, Steven and Michael couldn't find a way to break into that illustrious weight category. That was until, Steven discovered a way to put on mass bulk researching weight gaining tips. To eat someone completely and utterly, digest them, and add their weight to yours. A ridiculous notion, right? It was until Steven finally put it into action.
Both men had gotten done at the gym, still slightly sweaty underneath their gym clothes. They were going to their usual post protein snack spot. Michael was hungry, but Steven was starving himself for gains. As they got out of their car to enter into the restaurant, Steven pounced. His mouth opened wider than what seemed humanly possible and wet "GLOMLP" sound was heard around Michael's ears. Michael's head had been devoured in just one gulp. Michael struggled, but Steven clamps Michael's arms by his side.
Steven swallowed Michael's head and neck, it bulges on Steven's throat going down. He could hear Michael's muffled shouts through his bulky neck. He paid them little mind as he turned his best friend into a snack. Afterwards those wide and beefy shoulders came into Steven's mouth. Steven was soaking Michael in his saliva. It draws out the taste even through the layers of fabric that Michael had on. With the widest part of Michael's body now headed down his throat, Steven knew that his meal was all but accomplished.
Steven fed his mouth Michael's chest and drooled as if this was his first meal. Steven remembered all the progress pics that Michael had taken. All that beef, it belongs to him. With another swallow, Steven can feel the bumps of those rock hard abs even through Michael's hoodie. Those delicious bumpy muscles are explored as Michael's hoodie lifts to expose them. Soon after, Steven opens his mouth to nibble and chew on those muscular globes. Michael had always had a dumpy truck ass, but tasting it now made him question himself in a few places. This temporary confusion causes Steven to slap Michael's ass a few times. Steven ignores his temporary confusion to power down the rest of that delectable bubble butt.
Michael was curling up more and more behind Steven's powerful abs. Although they were giving away to Michael's bulky and muscular form. As sure as the day is long Michael's body bulges Steven's hoodie from underneath. His long athletic legs are slowly reduced. Those hefty thunder thighs don't last long against Steven's ravenous hunger. Neither do those herculean calves, doubled up like a couple of turkey drumsticks. Steven's tongue snakes out to collect those socked feet, Michael's slides falling and clattering to the ground. With one final, hungry and triumphant gulp, Steven bellies his best friend.
There is an audible bounce when Michael truly lands inside of Steven's belly. It's cramped, squishy, and hot inside. There's barely any room to move. On the outside, Michael's form was clearly visible. Steven runs his hands over the bulge that Michael made. Every twitch of Michael's form sent pleasure to Steven, including down south. Steven leans back for a moment, his belly acting like a counterweight. At first he thought he was feeling bout of indigestion from such a hefty meal. However a rumble in his belly races up through his chest and out his mouth.
The burp shakes the entire parking lot. A pile of Michael's soggy clothing comes flying up landing neatly next to his slides. Steven proudly rubs over his belly and fingers his belly button. As much as he valued his friendship with michael, he valued his relationship with his body much more. Satisfied after smacking his lips, tasting Michael's delicious flavor again, he waddles back to the car and heads home. Once home, Steven takes a couple of before pictures in the mirror. Various poses of him holding his titanic gut in front of him. All the while his heavy belly gurgles as it begins to break down the stud trapped within. Steven flops on his bed, a possessive hand over his belly with a smile. Then he drifts to sleep while his belly works overtime on his Michael.
A few days later, Steven goes to the scale after completely digesting Michael. He was a little anxious. Steven had waited until Michael had completely digested. He hoped that digesting his best friend was going to be worth it for all of this. After stepping on the scale, Steven smiles down at the number between his feet.
250 lbs
"Thanks, Mike." Steven smirks before stepping off the scale and heading to the gym. As he drives, a new goal weight was set in mind and he knew just how to get there.
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 month
Wet Beast Wednesday: hermit crabs
There are some animals in this series that I relate with more than others. I kind of envy hermit crabs. I would love to have a hiding place I can carry around and retreat into to avoid social interaction. I'd keep some books and headphones in there. Hermit crabs are also an example of the internet's favorite part of evolutionary biology: carcinization, the tendency for many animals to evolve a crab-like body plan. Contrary to what some people seem to think, carcinization is something that happens in crustaceans only.
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(Image: a hermit crab. It is a crustacean with a bright red exoskeleton with white spots and spikes. The head (with antennae and eyestalks), pincers, and two pairs of legs are emerging from a mostly white, conical snail shell. End ID)
Hermit crabs are over 200 species of decapod crustaceans of the clade Paguroidea. They are more closely related to squat lobsters, king crabs, and porcelain crabs than they are to true crabs. What sets hermit crabs apart from the other decapods is their asymmetrical bodies and soft abdomens. the soft abdomen is a major weak spot as it leaves the body vulnerable to predators. In order to protect themselves, hermit crabs have adapted to live inside of the shells of other animals, usually snail shells, but the shells of other molluscs have also been used. A few species have evolves out of the need for snail shells, such as the terrestrial coconut crab. King crabs (which are even more crablike than hermit crabs but still aren't true crabs) may also be a subset of hermit crabs that became even more carcinized and lost their soft abdomens. The relationship between hermit crabs and king crabs is an open question and a source of some pretty fierce debate. The abdomen is flexible and curls up, but is asymmetrical, usually bending to the right. This is so it can fit in the curling shell of a snail. At the tip of the abdomen are appendages called uropods that grab onto the inner column of the shell. The front part of the crab, including the head and legs, do have a protective exoskeleton. Of the 5 pairs of limbs, the rear two remain within the shell and hold onto it, the next two are used for walking, and the frontmost pair are adapted into powerful pincers. When a hermit crab retreats into its shell, it can use the pincers to block the entrance.
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(Image: a mostly white hermit crab without a shell, seen from above. Normally hidden in the shell are two pairs of small legs and a long, soft abdomen that curves to the right. End ID)
The availability of shells is of vital importance to hermit crabs. They not only need local snail species to provide shells, they rely on the snails dying naturally or being killed by the type of predators that will leave the shell intact. A crushed shell is of no use. The availability of shells acts as an upper limit to the local hermit crab population. If there aren't enough shells to go around, those without them will die. The crabs don't just wear the shells, they remodel them. Through the secretion of chemicals and physically scraping at the shell's interior, the shell is hollowed out. This reduces the weight and increases the available shape in the shells. Remodeling is usually done by young hermit crabs. The shells last much longer than their inhabitants and the same shell can be used by generations of crabs. As the crabs grow, they will need to replace their shells. A shell that is too small stunts growth and can prevent the crab from retreating into it. A shell that is too large can be too heavy to move. Hermit crabs will fight each other over the best available shells. They will also attempt to steal good shells from other crabs. The attacking crab will grab onto the defender's shell and ram shells together. This continues until the attacker gives up or the defender leaves its shell. Hermit crabs have been known to form a chain of vacancy. When a crab finds a shell that is too big, it will wait for others to show up and do the same. Once one crab fits, it will abandon its former shell. The process will then repeat with the newly vacant shell until many crabs have traded. Shell fights and vacancy chains usually happen with the same species, but will occasionally occur between different species.
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(Image: a pair of white and brown hermit crabs engaged in a shell fight. One hermit crab has climbed on top of the shell of the other one. End ID)
Hermit crabs are known to associate with other species of animal. Some species have a mutualistic relationship with anemones who grow on their shells. The anemone gets a place to live and transport while predators for the crab are warded of by the poisonous anemones. A genus of hydrozoans (tiny, anemone-like animals) called Hydractinia has evolves to live almost exclusively on hermit crab shells and are commonly called snail fur. On the other hand, barnacles or too many or too large anemones, can make the shell to heavy or too lopsided for crabs to use. Some species are known to tolerate the presence of small worms or amphipods who shelter in their shells.
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(Image: a white and brown hermit crab in a large, white shell. On top of the shell is an anemone, which is a red, fleshy, flower-like animal. End ID)
While the vast majority of hermit crabs are marine species, there is a freshwater species (Clibanarius fonticola) and 17 land-dwelling species. These species spend their lives on land and only return to the water to mate and lay their eggs. All of the terrestrial species are members of the family Coenobitidae. 16 of those are in the genus Coenobita. The other one is Birgus latro, the coconut crab. While the other terrestrial species still wear shells, the coconut crab has a totally different lifestyle. This giant can get a legspan of 1 meter and weight of 4 kg (9 lbs), making it the largest terrestrial invertebrate. Their name comes from their habit of climbing palm trees to knock down coconuts, which they eat. While mostly herbivores, coconut crabs will hunt small animals and scavenge meat. They are also known for being curious and for stealing shiny objects, which gives them the nickname "robber crabs". Juvenile coconut crabs do wear snail shells, but as they grow, their abdomens harden, allowing them to live without shells as adults. Also, despite the meme, Amelia Earhart was probably not eaten by coconut crabs.
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(Image: a coconut crab climbing a tree, with its head facing down. Its anatomy is similar to a hermit crab, but the abdomen is much shorter and has an exoskeleton. The crab is a dark brown color. End ID)
Hermit crabs of many species are kept in captivity as pets and in public zoos and aquariums. Terrestrial hermit crabs are more commonly kept as pets due to their easier care requirements. They are often promoted as easy pets that don't need much care, but misinformation leads to a high death rate and poor quality of life. Many species are marketed as living only for a few months when they can actually live over a decade with proper care. Hermit crabs are also notoriously difficult to breed in captivity, so they are usually harvest from the wild. This is leading to population crashes among popular pet species. Outside of the pet trade, there isn't a major fishery for the crabs outside of use as fish bait, though coconut crabs are edible and sometimes caught for food. Major threats to them include habitat loss, bycatch, and snail deaths resulting in fewer available shells. There has been a recent rise in wild hermit crabs using bits of trash such as glass bottles, plastic waste, and even light bulbs. These substitutes are less effective than shells and can injure or kill the crab as it tries to move in or out of them. Dead hermit crabs release a chemical signal that alerts other crabs to the presence of an available shell, which can result in the same piece of trash killing multiple hermit crabs. As of February 2024, 10 of the 16 non-coconut crab terrestrial species have been seen using waste instead of natural shells.
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(Image: a brown hermit crab. Instead of a snail shell, it is wearing a plastic pipe elbow connector. End ID)
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thejadesdiary · 7 months
♡Some Tips & Tricks♡
Drink Water I know this is heard and read everywhere, but if it is, it's because it's really important. Many people consume less than 2L of water per day, or their intake is around 500ml or none at all. But drinking at least 2L helps you feel satisfied, hydrates the skin, and the best of all, doesn't contribute to weight gain at all. If you don't like the idea of drinking planty water, you can opt for drinking tea (natural ofc, no commercial) or even flavored water (made w/ fruits). Food? Yeah, but with control A rookie mistake is wanting to start strong, with water fasting, consuming less than 300 kcal a day or having only one meal a day; which in most cases leads to overeating or the rebound effect. That's why instead of completely eliminating food, it's better to REDUCE the portions of your meals so your body gradually gets used to consuming fewer foods without going into alert due to their absence. By following this simple step, you will condition your body to the decreasing intake of food that awaits it in the future, without triggering an emergency response due to lack of food or fainting. Keep your mind busy Avoid thinking about food at all costs, because the psychological effect it entails will make you hungry, and you may end up overeating. To distract your mind, try watching a movie or series, joining a group to chat, exercising, playing a video game, drawing, reading, writing, going for a walk (without money for obvious reasons), or anything else that comes to your mind.
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10 Ways to Target that stubborn Belly Fat
When people talk about weight loss, they mean fat loss, and usually the fat they’re referring to is belly fat. You may want it gone for aesthetic reasons, but belly fat is also a dangerous health condition. Carrying that excess fat around the abdomen puts you at high risk from lifestyle disorders.
Read more: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/10-ways-to-target-that-stubborn-belly-fat/2750
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requiemfordreams · 1 year
Some tips that helped me lose weight while having an ed and preventing dizziness, fatigue hair loss, and brain fog.
For some reason eating after 2pm has reduced my cravings alot.
Chewing sugar free gum helps alot. Most of them contain sorbitol for the sweet taste and consuming sorbitol in a large amounts can lead to it acting as a laxative.
Coffee. To keep you full and again another laxative. But it can only be had hot for it to work.
Dry fruits. They contain little to no calories and prevent you from feeling dizzy.
Some junk foods are considered empty caloric foods because they do not provide any sort of good calories that your body can use, which can lead to your body storing them. So if you can find a low empty calorie food, you can sometimes eat them to keep yourself full. I should note this might not work for some people but it has worked for me.
What also has worked for me is make the same lunch to take to school, which is really low cal and because it is my comfort food and it helps me not think about food and since I spend 9 hours at school, not counting the 40 mins it takes me to and fro from school, I'm able to spend an ample amount of time not eating and that works wonders
and if my parents asks me to eat, I just say I shared my friends' lunch and I'm full.
I m like to distract myself from eating everytime I have a craving by chugging alot of water, which is first good for your health and keeps your belly full for longer.
I take multivitamins to keep up with all the necessary nutrient needs.
I also drink like 30gms of protein powder with water to help with my muscles, and also because protein helps in losing calories.
Fruits. Especially watermelons. They are so full of water, a cup of watermelons contains 46 kcal and can make you feel full really fast and they are packed with the good kinds of carbohydrates, vitamin A, C, and B6, full of potassium and absolutely no fats or sodium.
Cucumbers. Again, water based with almost little to no calories to them.
If you are having hair loss problems, biotin is a great supplement for hair and so is protein.
Try as much as you can to make sure you're not alone too long. Because when nobody is there around you, you're more prone to giving into your urges. So if you see that in you, try being around as much people as possible.
Coconut water is a great drink to help balance your electrolytes and keep your nutrients to the level.
Coconut oil and if you're Indian, ghee is great for your hair because it makes your hair more healthy and strong. It would be best if you kept your hair oiled overnight before washing and not just a few hours.
If it helps, because it has worked with me, even though I look fat, I tell everyone around me about how little I eat or how healthy I eat. And sometimes if I have to eat with other people, I will only have half of the food I ordered and ask if anyone can finish it because I'm not used to having so much food. Or I already had such a big breakfast that this seems too much. The little lies, that make you feel accountable into not eating so much even when you're alone.
I like to avoid sodas and energy drinks even if they're diet soda or not, because they honestly have way too many calories that your body can retain.
Masturbating. It's weird but five mins of it can lead to losing 400kcals and that's worth a bit of something.
Studying. It doesn't feel like it but you use alot more calories when you're concentrating on your work.
Sitting up straight. The will of keeping your shoulders straight and your spine straight, it takes up alot of calories because your body is not used to you doing that.
Doing chores around the house that require you to be on your feet.
Drink alot of water. But not too much.
Make a habit of waking up at a certain time in the morning and sleeping at a certain time. This makes way for a more disciplined mind, and more will power and honestly, not only do you not get so much fatigue or dizziness, it cultivates good sleeping habit. Which is not only good for the body, it also helps you stay focused in classes.
There is a certain set of yoga called the suryanamaskar which promotes good cardiovascular health and if you do 12 sets of it everyday, helps in losing calories. And they are so simple and easy for you to do if you don't feel like you have much energy.
I don't have more but if I do, I'll reblog and add them.
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helioselene · 2 years
so youve migrated from writing twt to writeblr -> what now?
the following is my masterpost on the ins and outs of navigating the writeblr landscape! while it can be scary to deep-dive into the world of writing on tumblr for the first time, there are a few actions you can take to make it a lot easier to interact and share your writing.
psa: this is neither an extensive nor complete list of writeblr tips! but i hope it can help :)
interacting with others is one of the most important aspects of writeblr. im going to be splitting this section into a number of sub-sections because there are several topics relevant to creating a system of communication with other writers on here.
likes and reblogs; unlike twitter or other social media sites, likes do not hold the same weight on tumblr. as well as liking a post, the most important step you can take is to REBLOG. reblogging will share a post to your blog and thus your feed. in doing this, your followers and anyone who checks out your blog are going to see the post, rather than if you just like or comment. reblogging allows more people to interact with a post. content creators (including writers) can be motivated to continue posting when their posts are reblogged because it shows there are enough people interested in their works. the same goes for you! the more you reblog other people's works, the more likely your own posts will be reblogged, thus gaining more traction for all your hard-earned efforts.
taglists; you might be asking: what is a taglist? a taglist is usually featured at the bottom of your post when you share your writing. it includes people who have shown interest in your works - all you do is simply @ them. it means that people who are keen won't miss out on seeing the things you post about your wips! it is essentially an opt-in type deal, where people can choose to be added or removed from being notified about updates, excerpts, and the like.
don't abuse your taglist. don't tag them for every little thing you post about your wips - try to keep it to major posts like excerpts or new art, etc.
**** A HANDY HINT: writeblr etiquette states that you should never just add people to your taglist. only add them if they specifically ask.
tumblr tagging system; the tumblr tagging system is going to be your best friend as a writer. tags allow you to manage your posts + can act as a navigation system for your blog.
when tagging, make sure to not replace characters if it's for a trigger warning. 'assault', for example, should never be replaced with '@ssault'.
if posting an excerpt from your wip, i would suggest the following tags as the bare minimum: 'WIP NAME', 'WIP NAME EXCERPT'. if you're posting it as part of an event, you may also wish to include 'EVENT NAME'. you can also have a specific tag for things your friends write, for resources you may find helpful, etc. the possibilities are endless. a hint: the first five tags are the only tracked tags. the most important tags you want to add should be your FIRST FIVE TAGS on a post. furthermore, only the first twenty will show up in the search function.
tags are a good way for you to interact with other writers! when you reblog a post, OP will be able to read your tags where you can add how much you loved their work, etc.
do; - add trigger warnings to your posts if they contain sensitive topics. - add a plot, characters, etc. other writeblrs want context for your wip beyond just a number of dot points about tropes. - put your post under a 'read more' if it is a long post. - tag any nsfw content. - add a transcript of any photos/images under a 'read more'.
don't; - use any sort of fonts beyond the regular when writing a general post. using the 'chat' font, for example, reduces accessibility to your posts and makes it difficult for people to read. - just post dot points of your wip. - plagiarise. - use other people's posts as a place to self promote.
this is one of the biggest differences between tumblr and other social media sites: pinterest is. not. an. art. source. the truth is that people aren't going to care if you post a moodboard with nothing beyond a few random photos of a castle and a knife, etc. sure, they may look pretty, but don't do it for a number of reasons.
first, you should always post art directly from a credited source (e.g. unsplash or picrew).
second, it doesn't show enough about your wip! people want context! not just random photos!
thirdly, most photos or art on pinterest do not CREDIT their sources. this is theft and this is bad. which leads me onto the next topic.
CREDIT ALL ARTISTS. if you use any sort of artwork, i swear to all things holy, give credit to the ORIGINAL sources. pinterest, as mentioned, is not an art source. most artwork on that site is stolen or posted without credit, which, funnily enough, is a form of theft. if you're going to post any form of photo or art, please give credit. it doesn't matter what form it takes; link to the original artist or photographer in a way that is not hidden.
one sad truth about being on tumblr, as with a lot of social media sites, is that your posts will gain a lot more interaction if you use some form of graphic or photo along with your writing. graphic making may seem daunting but it doesn't have to be! they don't have to be complicated or anything more than a few photos - as long as they have relevance to your wip. moodboards are not necessarily a bad form to take when making graphics for your posts. however, if it just features a random collection of photos that tell your audience nothing about your work, they're not going to care. writeblr is all about actually imparting information about your wips, rather than just vibes. ****as mentioned, any form of artwork or photography needs to be credited to the original source. however, etiquette is also to not repost art without express permission from the artist. if you don't have permission to use someone's art, DO NOT put it in your moodboard or graphic.
tumblr is a really great site for expressing yourself through your blog, especially if you use custom themes! if (like me) you're terrible at javascript and any form of http coding, there are a number of blogs you can search for to find custom made themes that are easily adaptable for your needs.
but why use a theme beyond expression?
one of the best aspects of using themes is the navigation aspect. most writeblrs have some form of navigation page (beyond just simply using the tumblr tagging system) to allow their audience to find information about their wips, writing resources, and the like! it makes going through your blog easier for both you and others.
also: make sure to include information about yourself on the blog (but of course, not to the point of doxxing yourself). most tumblr users, especially those on writeblr, will think you're most likely a bot if you dont include at least some things about yourself. the most common things to add are name, age and pronouns! also a dni can be used.
titling your wips by @crtalley
plot structure by @nouveauweird
how to blurb by @yvesdot
notion templates for writers by @atelierwriting
the tropes guide by yours truly
so you're missing a plot by @seasteading
novel length by @serpentarii
thank you to everyone who helped me in writing this post! love you all <3
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nickybloodhead · 5 months
oh my god your recent post was so good. could you expand/write something about literally dominating james in bed though!! please and thank you you’re the best <3
Oh yeah, let's make James a bitch now, shall we?
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James was lying on the bed with you on top of him holding his wrists, you smiled smugly at him having him speechless and with flushed cheeks.
"What's the matter handsome, cat got your tongue? You teased him with a sly look, he was sighing shakily as watching you take control was doing things to him, he gulped and shook his head. You chuckled and moved up to his face to steal a quick kiss accompanied by a playful bite on his bottom lip, James' hips moved up a little and bumped against your crotch.
"Baby, come on…" His voice was huskier than usual, with his eyes begging for mercy to finally feel some pleasure as you had been playing with him for too long. You smiled mischievously at him and released his wrists, of course not before giving him a warning look to keep his hands to himself.
Slowly you moved down to spread kisses along his neck, chest and abdomen, you wanted to make him lose his mind with pleasure. You fiddled with the waistband of his shorts and pulled it down to reveal his fat, throbbing erection, you licked your lips at the sight of that delicious cock standing proud and erect that you would soon have in your mouth.
"Shit, I always forget how huge you are" You spit into your hand and wrap it around his girth so you massage up and down as you look into his eyes, James gasps and drops his head back with a big shuddering sigh.
"You're going to kill me if you don't do something now, please" His voice falters as he tries to pronounce the words correctly, his abdomen contracting with each caress. You pout derisively and chuckle at the sight of him reduced to a panting mess.
"Aw, aren't you cute when you beg like that?" You kiss his inner thighs without breaking eye contact with him, James can't help but moan this time as his cock twitches. You bring your mouth to his length and lick a path down it to finally put it between your lips and suck his tip, massage his balls and squeeze lightly as you love watching the mighty Hetfield squirm like a little slut. James has the cutest moans as despite his deep voice, they come out higher pitched than necessary plus his face contorts into a grimace that makes his lips look deliciously fleshy and pink. You suck him for a while, taking as much of his cock as you can, lick and jerk him off for a while until you know he's close, then you stop suddenly causing him to moan in desperate whimpering.
"Fuck, don't stop" He mumbles completely gone in his cloud of ecstasy to the point where his hand moves to grab his cock, of course you don't allow it and slap his hand away.
"Hands still, remember sexy little thing?" You reprimand him and climb onto his lap, his length rubbing against your dripping wet slit. "Ask nicely and I'll be sure to ride you good, I might even let you cum this time" You raise your eyebrows and look at him condescendingly as your hands roam his chest in a tantalizing caress.
You felt his body shudder under your weight, his eyes glistened with lust. You knew he could throw it all away and just turn you over and fuck you wildly, however James was enjoying watching his girl take control over him too much, he was really turned on so swallowing his pride, he decided to beg.
"Please pretty girl just…let me have you" You tilted your head in pleased at his words so you lifted up a little and lined his cock up in your hole to let him sink into you, you closed your eyes and moaned his name as you felt your walls accommodate to the large size of his girth, rested your hands on his chest and as promised you started to ride him.
You both moaned in complete pleasure as you rocked your hips to create friction against your clit, you were leaking all over his abdomen with every bounce as your pussy swallowed every inch of his cock, his hands gripped the sheets tightly as watching you take him so well was driving him crazy. The sound of splashing echoed throughout the room, you were both making a fucking mess but it felt so good that you didn't really give a shit; your thighs clenched around his hips as you were on the verge of orgasm.
"May I?" James was so lost he could barely utter these two words, he was fucking cute as he asked you for permission to dump his load on you. You weren't much better, you nodded granting him your permission to cum as you slammed into him faster.
With what little strength he had left he sat up and wrapped his arms around your waist to hold you down and fill you with his cum, he grunted as he spilled his release deep into you, that caused you to clench his cock as you cum with a satisfied squeal.
Then with his arms still holding you, you both fell to the bed completely sated and exhausted, your pussy still fluttering around his length milking every last drop of cum out of him.
"How good you were to me, you definitely earned the right to breed me, handsome" You whispered with breath still hitching, making James to chuckle softly and cradle your face for a languid, lazy kiss.
Imagine calling James sexy little thing 🤭
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