#best part of being an artist is drawing shit like this lmao
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backstabber128 · 6 months ago
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Here's some sketches of a random crack Arcane x God of War + Ragnarok AU bc of these ideas-- (Also bc the Norse mythology style is absolutely awesome 👀)
I couldn't resist imagining what little Vi & Pow would look like as mini gods with their adult tattoos like Atreus. Also me being delusional imagining Warwick protecting them as part of Vander's shape shifting ability--
Also headcanon that Odin/Silco has mind control powers, hence Vi and Powder vs Warwick rip. He tears their family apart even in this AU 🫠
+ Jinx gaining Baldur-like abilities through becoming Silco's daughter
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nexternalknowsthingz · 13 days ago
Heya everyone, I have some not so great news. I am (for now) quitting Tumblr. I’m not sure if this is a permanent thing or temporary but I just need a break. I’m unsure if anyone has been able to tell but with my art as of late I’ve been.. lacking. Motivation has been kicking my ass. I just can’t find joy in it anymore.. and as much as I had fun with drawing my valentines gift it was such a struggle to even get it done (I almost didn’t.) I feel like my art has been de-improving while everyone else has been doing well. And I know it’s not fair of me to say that but it’s just really hard posting when you feel so down about your art. I love the outsiders with all my heart but I just haven’t been in it.. for awhile and o think it really shows.
I’ve met some amazing people on here, some of the most kind and supportive people I’ve ever met. I’ve met my best friends @alaskan-aurora , @jasmine145946 , @redfielddoesthings and even more but i just don’t really have it in myself atleast right now, to continue art. You all have been so kind to me, when I’ve felt down you’ve always picked me back up and I’ve always felt so so loved by you guys. Some of you have been looking at my art since I’ve started this account, I love those people so much. and even those who maybe just found my account, I love you too. I think I would’ve quiet along time ago if it weren’t for you.
I’m so sorry that I never finished that one musical drawing of the full cast. I truly truly wanted to but I just couldn’t. And I know some of you could be thinking “couldn’t and didn’t are different things.” And you’re right! I couldn’t *and* didn’t. I just couldn’t find it in me to. I hope you aren’t disappointed or mad at me, and if you are, I really am sorry.
Onto.. more happy notes, most of you have been here for some of my most monumental moments. Just a few being the outsiders movie poster, the outsiders musical playbill, and the outsiders movie cast photo ( <— if you were here for the cast photo.. holy shit I love you, cause that was an OLD drawing lmao) I’ll put my most favorite drawings down below just for a nostalgia moment.
I’m not sure if I’m going to deep into this goodbye, I know I wasn’t anyone’s like.. favorite artist or even a big popular one but I still want you ALL to know just how much I love you! (Btw sorry if this sounds like a depressing note.. I’m okay, I just wanna be like- professional ish about this.?)
I’ll go through some of my (personal) monumental art moments just.. because!
August 25, 2024
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My first drawing that got 100+ notes on it 😭 I genuinely cried when I saw the support for this drawing
(Just so yall know! This is a two part post, so.. if yall really wanna read this whole thing it’ll be below this post 🩵)
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ultrakill-confessions · 2 months ago
No idea if this goes against the rules, I re-read them a bit to make sure, though I'm not 100% confident. This post isn't intended as a vent, although it may read as one. ULTRAKILL has both helped and warped(?) parts of my life. I have a really horrible fixation on ULTRAKILL. I don't tend to scale things because trying to say "I'm a bigger fan than you are because X, Y and Z!!!1!1!" has always pissed me off and generally rubs me the wrong way. However, for me, I do feel like this is in a similar vein (vein like castle v-), and is GENUINELY to a worrying degree imo. Maybe someone else can relate? Unsure.
For context on some of this, I deal with a dissociative disorder, and I'm a split of V1. Even with that, I can only think of one other instance where it complicated an interest of ours this badly. I think about ULTRAKILL every hour on the hour, I'm not even sure if I go ten minutes w/o thinking about it. And I live a healthy (relatively) life! I'm able to do things, go outside, enjoy life to the best of my ability, hold a job, college, etc. and have gotten better w/ socializing (autism really messes w/ this one); I am just fucking insane about ULTRAKILL. This shit consumes a large chunk of my frontal lobe, hand to God. I constantly plan out and/or make fanfictions (though never post em because being an ao3 author is a little spooky, can't lie gehshe), drawings, animations. Dawg I even get GYM MOTIVATION from ULTRAKILL. Body goals? THE MACHINE. I listen to the soundtrack while I work out (my bias to Order, Death of God's Will, Colliding Stars and The Abyss and the Serpent really poke out here). In fact, ULTRAKILL even helped with my gender and sexual (not inherently trying to be NSFW here) identities! Legitimately made me come to the realization that we might align more with being agender than transmasculine, and that we have no idea what our disaster of a sexuality is collectively, so we just say queer! And even though it's still hard to express ourselves, that has helped so much in feeling more .. at comfort? Correct? I dunno. There’s also a lack of need for labels at all now. It feels so fuckin’ goofy to say this because it HAS consumed a part of my life to the point where I feel like I'm peak brain-rotting at times, however it's also really helped, too?? Like in the most oxymoronic way ULTRAKILL has helped me develop as a person. The imaginary scenarios and art I use aids me in my expression and thought and even brings out more of my creativity. Ironically, despite not really wanting to be perceived as a human being, it has made me feel more like a person. I have a love-hate relationship with it only for the intensity of how much I adore it. It makes me upset when I no longer feel like I’m “me” enough, and yet ironically it has helped me to be healthier in other areas. lowkey use it to cope w/ the religious trauma sometimes too haha I will say, though, for a while I thought (and still sometimes do think) it was ruining my mental state. The identity issues, artist envy, missing my source/individuals from it (+ pseudo-memories and heavy dissociation as a whole if I'm being real), and general hyperfixation woes get very heavy at times. Interest so bad I have to look away sometimes when I see voice actor work, SFM's, etc. Not very proud of that. I never express these issues heavily to anybody except my sibling and a few close friends, simply due to the nature of people, especially on the internet, along with the complexity of having to explain an illness that is so severely stigmatized. My current issue is just holding back from spending my money on merch lmao (I may just draw myself with it to cope /hj). I am cringe and I will soon be free! Apologies if this post is depressing and/or repetitive. uhh, I've seen some anons name themselves, so camaraderie anon here?? LOL sorry. (p.s shoutout to the sisyphus likers and people who hate his mischaracterization YOU ARE THE REAL ONES!!!)
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ladyaldhelm · 2 days ago
Get to know your mutuals!
Thank you for tagging me @bilbotargaryen! 💖💖💖
What's the origin of your blog title? I am replying from my sideblog, which I use as a dumping ground. My main blog is @lord-aldhelm and I think the title needs no explanation lol! I made it to be a repository for all things Aldhelm. This side blog (which functions as a main I guess) is like, Lady Aldhelm, as in Aldhelm's wife.
OTP(s) + Shipname: Aethelflaed x Aldhelm (Aldflaed)
Favourite colour: So I have two: purple and green/teal. It depends on my mood and how it is being displayed. Like for clothes I prefer purples and blues. But greens: turquoise, jade, teal, seafoam, sage, forest, emerald, these colors soothe and calm me.
Favourite game: A toss up between Chronotrigger and Zelda: Ocarina of Time. (and yes I realize I am aging myself here lmao)
Song stuck in your head: Right now, U2 - "One"
Weirdest habit/trait? As @bilbotargaryen said listening to music and daydreaming. But also something that I used to do A LOT and haven't really done in a long time is walking/running and daydreaming.
Hobbies: Drawing, painting (although I do this as my job too), writing fic and poetry/prose, making gifs, collecting things (seashells, stones, pine cones, stamps, coins)
If you work, what's your profession? I am a full time professional Pet Portrait artist. Although with everything going on right now I need to pick up a part time job very soon.
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Realistically? I would love to be paid to make gifs lmao! Seriously I think doing animal rescue and rehabilitation.
Something you're good at: I am so ridiculously and meticulously organized it amazes everyone around me. I cannot be any other way so just deal with it lol
Something you're bad at: Socialising (I'll keep that prev), anything society related honestly (same)
Something you love: Writing, reading, drawing, making gifs (same as hobbies I guess)
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: Animals, veterinary medicine, Aldhelm, The Last Kingdom
Something you hate: So so much wrong with the word rn and ever day I wake up something new and scary is happening and I feel like I may have to leave my country.
Something you collect: I listed these under Hobbies but: stones, pine cones, shells, animal figurines (especially wolves), stamps and coins (although I have not added to those collections in many years)
Something you forget: PEOPLE'S NAMES FFS
What's your love language? I know that the love language model is deeply flawed and one needs all love languages to thrive. (<PREV) But quality time and acts of service are big for me.
Favourite movie/show: I have a few and cannot decide which is my absolute fave so: For TV show it is hands down The Last Kingdom. For movies: Lord of the Rings (trilogy), Princess Mononoke, and Dark Crystal. Don't make me pick between them.
Favourite food: This changes depending on my mood (and my dietary intolerances), but right now it is Orange Chicken from Panda Express.
Favourite animal: Wolf! 🐺
What were you like as a child? Weird, imaginative, creative, loner, marching to the beat of my own drum.
Favourite subject at school? Biology and art
Least favourite subject: History... I love history but HATE HATE HATE how in school they make it so DRY with memorizing dates and place names and people, like. So many interesting things happened and we have to memorize like Battles and shit. So boring!
What's your best character trait? That I am very optimistic and usually do not hold a grudge.
What's your worst character trait? I can be impatient
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be? Financial stability...
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? No one honestly. If I could travel back in time I would want to see animals that are extinct right now, like the Thylacine, Dodo Bird, Carolina Parakeet, or Falkland Island Wolf.
No pressure tags:
@gemini-mama @thelettersfromnoone @thenameswinter99
@bagheerita @solinarimoon @errruvande @paula-in-dreamland @aneurins-barnard
@waterfallsilverberrywrites @holy3cake @whitedarkmoonflower @lady-wyrd
@grinningkatz @ladyinred2248 @hikaruchen @st-eve-barnes @alexagirlie
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 6 months ago
I'm late to the party and just catching up but can you IMAGINE if someone pulled up to Feysand week and started shading artists for UTM art or something? "Hmmm seems distasteful to depict Rhys abusing Feyre :))" I mean he did, obviously, but they would scream and shit their pants if someone did something like that to them
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i’m actually cackling this was the best thing to wake up to. lmao the chaos that would ensue, cuz like fr two can play this game.
set scene the prompt is love, an artist submits a drawing of them utm saying he did all that cuz he loved her or something, enter stage right me vaguing their art like “ah yes drawing a victim being forced to dance under her abuser’s will is the best way to depict love.” end scene. <- so that’s insane. i would probably think that about the art but i would also bitch and moan about it to my mutuals in our private messages because i do not know that artist personally and all they were doing was sharing their interpretation of a fandom week prompt, a fandom i’m not even part of at that. given my filters, the post never would’ve even crossed my dash, and even if it did, i can scroll away you know like a normal oerson
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kooki914 · 2 months ago
Which part of the Undertale/Deltarune fandom do you just hate?
Part of me doesn't want to spread hate in an already divisive community, and a different part of me loves complaining. So, readmore added for the sake of a "warning" aka if you don't want to read my entitled whining just scroll past this.
TL;DR: petty bullshit that's hardly even relevant anymore.
I kinda see the Undertale and Deltarune fandoms as two separate entities at this point. From the original Undertale fandom, what it was all the way back when the game first came out and before Deltarune was a thing, god I hated the moral policing. "You can't do this" or "you have to do that" and the fact that something as small as Drawing A Character In A Dress caused an artist to nearly get chased off of tumblr? Fucking insanity. And the constant character assassinations? What they did to Asgore? What they did to SANS? If I ever get started talking about all my gripes with that old fandom I'd never stop.
For the Deltarune fandom though, at least what it is now, god I hate the hype. I'm not subscribed to the newsletters because I hate the general culture around waiting with baited breath for new breadcrumbs, as that just manifests as Dread for me rather than positivity. Like if I start thinking too hard about Deltarune's potential release dates I start biting people's heads off. (No offense Salt lmao) It sucks because even when I DO get somewhat excited (like I did with the latest newsletter) it's immediately followed by the fandom running everything from the newsletter down into the ground, which... on the one hand is understandable because we're all starved for UT/DR content but on the OTHER hand it really feels like we all need a new hobby, like collectively. I'm happy for you if this brings YOU joy but personally I'm a little tired of seeing the 1000th artist interpretation of yet another scene that's literally best conveyed through text.
Also if I can be EXTRA petty, I dislike a lot of "making my own tenna" or "my own deltaswap" things rattling around in the fandom right now. This is entirely Being A Whiny Little Baby™ syndrome from me because I do the EXACT same shit, I just don't have anything good enough to post don't follow fandom trends when it comes to that sort of thing. You know that meme about two wolves inside a person? One of my wolves is like "cringe is dead and this is a harmless creative activity that gets people together and talking about things they love therefore its Good™" and the other wolf is like snarling and barking like "but it doesn't appeal to MEEEE" Like if I see one more TVhead Tenna I'm actually blacklisting his tag. If I see one more deltaswap that entirely misses the mark on what I like in role-swaps I'm gonna start killing.
So, yeah, I guess I just hate things that feel like they're outside of my control/don't appeal to my extremely hipster contrarian tastes. Aka petty bullshit no one cares about go figure
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celestie0 · 5 months ago
Hii! This is my first time messaging any fanfic author (I'm an extremely anxious person and tend to be more of a lurker LOL) I'm so sorry but this might be a long one lmfao
First of all, the way you write in general? Absolutely phenomenal!! The way you characterise and describe scenes is honestly so incredibly immersing. I've always had a relatively easy time imagining scenes in my head when reading, even with relatively little detail, but the way you word everything puts the scene straight into my head and it's such a wonderful experience!
Your characterisation of Gojo (in all your works!!) is probably my absolute favourite out of any fanfics I've read of him (trust me I've read an embarrassing amount :sob:). The way you actually capture what he feels like in canon, without making him feel super mean or cold, but still retaining that side of being emotionally repressed is absolutely chefs kiss!!
I also really love y/n in both kickoff and ihm so much. I relate to both of them in different ways, but probably more so ihm reader personality wise (might also be because I'm around the same age as her lmao). As someone who is very emotionally repressed due to trauma (especially of loved ones leaving you), the way you've portrayed those sides of reader in ihm is VERY spot on!! And I would like to add that I, for one, LOVE slow burn, so I don't mind the pace ihm is going at right now personally!
Chapter 12 of Kickoff?!?!? Holy shit I was literally sat there blushing, kicking my feet and giggling. It was absolutely hilarious and super cliché in the absolutely best way possible (I absolutely love clichés if they're well used!)
I could honestly wait years for anything you write. Never feel any pressure to churn out your writing and take it at your own pace!! My genuine first thought after finishing the latest chapter of Kickoff was that it was sooo worth the wait haha.
Personally I have an extremely hard time writing anything but angst, because I like making myself sad I guess who knows LOL But I'm sooo excited about your next work!! I absolutely love the song you're basing it off of <3
AND did I also see some talk about a potential Spider-man Gojo fic in the future??? Cos I would honestly probably scream (in a good way lol) if you ever did that, he's my alltime favourite superhero!!
Okok this is getting really long, but I found this photo of four football players a bit ago and thought I absolutely HAD to draw them as Gojo, Geto, Choso and Nanami from Kickoff (adding the art at the bottom)! But I haven't gotten around to colouring it yet (or cleaning it up considering it's just a sketch lmaoo) cos I'm stuck on how to do the jerseys. So I have two questions! I know you've explained the colours of their jerseys, but do you have any particular idea in mind of what the design on the jersey itself looks like? As in where the colours are placed specifically etc? And we know Gojo's signature jersey number, but do you have numbers for the rest of them too? (I may or may not also have a wip of a drawing of just Gojo from Kickoff too!)
I'm sorry there's A LOT of different plot points in my message??? The most important part was just to convey, hey, I love the way you write and you should definitely give yourself some more credit cos you are genuinely a really good writer!! <3 (Though I know us artists tend to be our own worst critics LOL)
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hi love i’m so sorry this took me a sec to respond to!! first off thanks you so much for sending me such a sweet ask :’’’) i literally gaspeddd when i saw it
aaa i’m so happy the scenes feel immersive!! and that you enjoy my characterization of gojo aaa i’m so happy to hear that. and yes i totally relate to ihm reader’s suppression of her emotions due to trauma and lack of trust so it’s been very…cathartic yet challenging to write for her, but i wouldn’t have it any other way hahah
i’m so glad you enjoyed kickoff ch12!! i totally agree that chapter was so cliche, honestly it made me cringe while i was writing it because i typically hate cliches esp when they’re corny rather than on-the-nose, but i posted it anyways bc i figured maybe i just hate it bc i’m the author xd but it seems my readers enjoyed it so :’’0 perhaps i made the right choice
oh you are too kind. i really appreciate you looking out for me <3 tbh i’ve been feeling really overwhelmed lately, and it’s been really hard to deal with the emotions, but coming on here and seeing sweet works n ppl interacting w my stories brings me lots of happiness n i can’t thank you enough :’’) yes i will definitely take my time bahahha that i can assure you LOL and i’m so happy to know you’re looking forward to more of my works!! you’re so right about artists/authors being our own worst critics. i swear no one has been as mean to my writing as i have LMFAOOO but alas i think i’ve gotten better in trusting my direction n kinda choosing what i think is best soooo. progress i suppose? hahah
ok. now. i can talk about. THE ART?!?!?!?!? HELLO!!!!!!! OH MY GODD?!?!!?!?! ok i KNOWWW that’s it’s just a sketch so far but tell me whERE MY PANTIES HAVE GONE?!?!?!? WHERE MY CLOTHES ARE AT?!?!??!
the expression on kickoff gojo’s face has me reeling he looks so focused n sexy and THE HEADBAND PUSHING HIS HAIR UP OUT OF HIS FACE YES YES YES 100% THAT’S HOW I PICTURE IT WHEN I WRITE AAA and kickoff geto’s expression too pls i could cum (sorry i hope this isn’t weird to say lmfaooo i am also very respectfully looking at your artwork as well aaa) nanami’s hair looks so nice too
as for the uniforms hmm i know i said like gold and blue colors, i believe actual real-life UTOKYO has more of a yellowish color but i actually like gold better hence why i chose gold. but…i can imagine the whole jersey being blue and then with gold accents then white numbering?
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here are some options!! like w the first one, probs sky blue fabric with the white stripes as gold instead, and then the numbers/brand sponsors or whatever are in white? they would probs have like “UTOKYO” in large print somewhere too, maybe underneath their numbers or sumn. tbh i think the middle one is the nicest, i can picture the stripes of blue and gold, and then accents in white. but the third one also works too!!
as for numbers hmm. ok yes gojo is #10, geto is #7, choso is #4 and nanami is #24 :0 that sounds…about right! LOL i hope i don’t have it somewhere in the other chapters that they are different numbers although i don’t think i’ve assigned the other boys numbers before
so much loveee <333
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townofcadence · 1 month ago
booming voice
I want ten of these ♡ or else.
Pointless Mun Facts!
you asked for it!!!
Naoto is my favorite character in Persona 4 because of you :3
I really like Dungeon Meshi. That's one of only two mangas I've read and i have the supplemental books and the nenderoids hehe
I draw sometimes :3
When i was a kid my best friend gave me a flygon he sculpted. I used to touch the wings a lot because you could see his fingerprints where he shaped the red parts and I liked thinking about how it was a mark that showed he made it, and made it for me djdjdj
When I play vidya, my favorite two things to be are a sneaky character (who is nice....mostly) or a healer fighter paladin type lol.
When i had money coming in my favorite thing to do was support small artists by buying prints or getting commissions. one day i'll do it again!!!
I have a lot of friends and while I suck at initiating conversations a lot, i adore them with my whole heart my gosh how many people exist that are just amazing and i'm so lucky to know some of them??? wild! And you're on that list before u say anything bites you
I've only ever received flowers three times in my life, but I have a couple of pressed and dried flowers from each time!
As a kid i was shit at naming plushies. My two favorites were Puppy, the small black lab that my grandfather gave me, White Cat, the white cat plush i got from my aunt, and Fox, the fox [origins unknown] lol.
I once tried to read Homestuck but I couldn't figure out how to progress from the guy trapped in his room at the time, so I didn't ever manage and my brain chemistry was never altered fundamentally. I also wasn't allowed to watch spongebob growing up so all this weirdness is adhd and being on tumblr lmao
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daphwritesworld · 2 months ago
sorry mate i have to vent this to someone but no one that i know listen to me and invalidate my feelings, idk what is wrong with me
i draw, a lot in fact, but lately i have a huge art block at the point that i feel like i cant draw anymore, literally it’s terrible i didn’t sleep tonight for this, i tried and tried and tried to do something, but it all came wrong and ugly in my eyes, it’s like i don’t know who i am anymore, my art style feel empty, i can’t draw like i did before summer, i feel like i’m going downwards, i tried to ask to my friend that also draws some help but they just dismiss me, and my family that doesn’t really get it keep saying “what do you mean, ur still good” but i feel like everything i do is empty and horrible 😭
my god i live for drawing i can’t do it anymore, i’ll keep trying but damn this shit is tiring
i’m so sorry. i know exactly how you feel. well not exactly, but with writing i get it. i suck at art. like really really badly. i’d show you my highschool art projects from school, but id rather not embarrass myself LMAO. but i understand being so good at something and then struggling with making anything up to par with what you know you’re capable of. that’s how i was with poetry. i love poetry and it’ll always hold a special place in my heart, but i can’t write it anymore. i’m not as good as i was a year ago— hell not even a few months ago. so after i wallowed about for a while, i started getting inspiration for long form content again. which i haven’t written in years before now lol. so i practiced and then after a couple months i posted on here. i still don’t think my work is as good as it use to be, but im slowly getting comfortable and building my confidence back. so this could be super shitty advice and ignore it— but maybe try switching up styles? play around and experiment with things you might not of thought to before. maybe go back to the basics and just practice those until you feel completely comfortable again. artists of all kinds burn out and need change all the time. i’m not saying that’s what you need or is happening at all!! i just know it was the last thing i ever thought id wanted to do, but now I’ve found the best community i could ask for! and i’ve found an even bigger passion for writing then i ever did before. so while i can’t give you actual tips on drawing because my art skills makes van gogh roll in his grave— i can give my advice from a writers perspective. idk if that helped at all, but i am so sorry about this. i felt like my world was ending when i couldn’t write good poems. like the one thing that made me— me…was gone. i had a literal identity crisis for a while. (the breakup did not help that was happening at the same time lmao.) but just know i’m rooting for you. trying is always better than giving up. hard times are a part of life— set backs too. we just have to be strong enough to push through them. and if you ever need anything i’m always here to listen. sorry if this is long and you just needed someone to listen to and did not want a response lol. i just felt a personal connection to it is all, and i wanted you to know that i believe in you and your art 🩷
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krysmcscience · 1 year ago
Get ready for Amogus Spam!!!
Characters belong to @crinklytinfoil - I just came up with the designs and outfits~ All appearance details are taken directly from either the fics themselves (which, as always, approach with caution and MIND THE TAGS) or the comments sections of said fics, though I have also relentlessly poked Crinkle IRL for additional details, such as each character's name and individual fashion sense...or lack thereof (Finnegan) XD
(If you want to read the fics, keep in mind that you will need to be signed in to an Ao3 account first! And again - MIND THE TAGS! Shit gets dark FAST.)
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The Skeld bois! The fucked up crew that started it all~ Only like five actual decent human beings on this crew, and all but one of them fukken DIED, lmao. (Congrats on surviving, Devon, you used to be Kind Of An Asshole but you got better. XD) Clark is such an Obvious Dad - it's why he had to die first, he was the only thing keeping shit together, True Facts, sorry you had to find out this way. <:/ Adam is so Fishing, I bet he fantasizes about having a trout boyfriend girlfriend in his spare time. :) Brown is Babby (stabby-babby), but we all knew that already. And then there's wannabe High Class Fuckboi Purple and his emo "boyfriend", yaaaay, can't wait to find out how Purple dies or anything like that, noooo... All that aside, White's outfit makes me want to die inside, why would anyone want to mix hippie and ouji lolita aesthetics??? White, please, no, even your fashion sense is torturous! D:>
(Full-size here, in case tumblr fucks it up)
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Corpatch babbies! Everyone on this crew is certified Babby. (Yes, even you, Skylar. Sorry I had to separate you from Pink in the final image, it was too wide and I hated it, please I'm sorry, put the wrench away-) Love that I got to mostly copy-pasta Devon, made my life so much easier after the artistic nightmare that was Stacy's outfit. Fun Fact: That dress is one of over a hundred jellyfish-themed lolita dresses I've designed! This one has a box jellyfish on it, along with other pretty deadly sea creatures, and is called 'Killer Cuties'~ Wilhelm gets to have some matchies with his platonic girlfriend as a treat, also (Fun Fact: he absolutely wears those novelty glasses to Serious Events). Skye's outfit upsets me personally but it's not as bad as fucking Finnegan's so they get a pass. Pink is, of course, The Best One, and let it be known that the little leaf pin is a reference to Bay~
(Full-size here, in case tumblr fucks it up)
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Doncaster folks! Such a long image...I blame Vance. Because I always blame things on Vance for some reason. It's just fun, okay? And also I'm bitter about how long it took to draw his damn Bobblehead mech. Him and Aurora both took what felt like a million years to finish, so now Vance has given me additional Drawing Wires trauma, and Aurora somehow seems Too Expensive for me to afford looking at her. Obviously the best part of all of this was everyone's favorite polycule of Brown, Green, and Red (I dare you to suggest they are not Precious), but I also enjoyed trying to come up with an outfit for Umber that screamed 'I think I'm the main character'. XD (If anyone can guess what's supposed to be on Black's shirt, meanwhile, they get a Gold Star!)
(Full-size here, in case tumblr fucks it up)
And, as a bonus, a goofy scribble comic of the Doncaster AU, which I threw at Crinkle after initially requesting (read: attempting to commission) a What If Scenario where Brown never got brought along with White to the Corpatch, and so never met Pink, thus ensuring Brown remained Terrified of impostors. Because my brain wouldn't stop going hog wild over the concept for some reason. 8|
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Finally, a WIP of the Parmenides bastards- uh, I mean, Totally Normal Crew of Fine Individuals who are Not At All Terrible. (Apologies to Danni, Marek, and Ashley for getting mixed up in all this, y'all deserved better.) Bet no one was expecting Johnny to be a certified Gamer Catboi, huh? But I bet everyone was expecting Kyle to look like a Born Republican, and possibly Mitch McConnell's estranged half-brother - cuz that's just how the guy is. So Delightful. Also I was totally not salty about having to look at Purple's stupid smug face again while modifying the copypasta of it, No Sir, why would that ever be the case? He's just so great and not the most hateable character ever or anything. (eyerolling intensifies) In other news, Kage's head is way too small and it's driving me crazy but I'll have to fix it later for the finished full-body chibi+bust piece and I'm D Y I N G. Anyway, no icon spoilers for this one - the fic itself is meant to make the readers wonder who the impostors are, so I'm not going to reveal anything on that front.
(Full-size here, in case tumblr fucks it up)
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ulabewriting · 10 months ago
Karter Foreman-McGuire.
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TW : mention of smoking, bad relationship with parents and coming-out(going good tho)
– Nigerian, adopted in Benin City.
– Capricorn.
– Transgender / AFAB.
– Tattoo artist.
• part of the “don’t give a fuck about being rich” duo. (skyh’s bestie<3)
• rejects every single one of his parent’s “beliefs” and morals.
• will never forgive them for the poor treatment of Liz. (clearly the sibling he’s closest to, jokingly calls her his “favorite”.)
• chillest person you’ve ever met.
• until the topic is his parents. he gets very tense.
• somehow knows everything about everyone. (that means he’s the best to gossip with ;] )
• is insanely scared of love and getting into a relationship. (he freaked out soooo bad when he realized his feelings for you–)
• loves people very deeply though. There are no words to describe the intensity of his feelings for his siblings, friends and you.
• a skater guy. (the cliché one listening to some mean linkin park, yeah, yeah, yeah.)
• loves drawing and painting. he regularly adds little drawings on his skateboard.
• one of the most creative people you’ll ever meet.
• becoming a tattoo artist has always been his dream.
• would go into mind break if you ask him to tattoo you. He’d be so touched and flattered you’d trust him with something such, he could cry.
• doesn’t have any tattoos himself though.
• wears long sleeves all the time, no matter the season and temperature.
• « You ever think about, like, how… . . damn, I forgot what I was saying. . . .Anyway, you hungry ? »
• LOVES to have movie night dates with you. both of you, cuddles, coraline playing in the back. perfection.
• random guy with a random sense of humour. definitely the type to find elaborated jokes unfunny but will be cry-laughing because of a goofy horn noise.
• is into urbex. loves to find and explore the most rannndom, weirrrrd places. it kind of freaks you out sometimes but it makes him happy so oh well. :)
• « I swear ! I found the coolest place; apparently it’s an ancient hospital where patients used to summon evil spirits. We haaaave to go tonight ! Imagine if we hear like… weird laughs and little voices and shit. That’s so sick??? »
• absolutely hates alcohol. grape juice though ? he needs it to function.
• he's the jealous type. (but won't everrrr admit it; he'll pout and whine if you mention it.)
• writes lyrics of his favorite songs on the sole of his shoes.
• Oliver and him, as the « only bros of the pack », love to roleplay as exaggerated dudebros/toxic masculinity fucks from time to time and they always get cut short by Dominic and Liz’ disapproving glares, which only causes them to giggle stupidly and exchange knowing glances. dudebros in their own bubble i guess–
• draws little hearts and stars on your skin. (would definitely color your tattoos if you have some!)
• the funny introvert of the group.
• laughs very easily. he looks scary until he flashes you the whitest, largest, most genuine smile eveR.
• kind of has fangs. cute little fangs. (and he bites to show his love, so yeah, prepare yourself–)
• obsessed with belts. He has a whole collection and it’s quite impressive–
• his love languages ? quality time and acts of service.
• plays guitar.
• calls you ‘precious’.
• it was his dream to join a band when he was in high school.
• sings you sweet lullabies when you can’t sleep – he has a beautiful, soothing voice, so it never takes you long to fall asleep.
• he was scared to death about coming out. Naturally, the first person he confided in was Liz, when he was 17. She had the sweetest, most supportive reaction and it really encouraged him to fully step out of the closet. By the time he was 20, he was out to the whole family, including his parents.
• has a special spot in his heart for Oliver. After all, he’s always been his ‘masculine role model’. (cause it sure as hell wasn’t his father lmao)
• remembers everything about you. even the smallest, ‘stupidest’ details.
• jokes about hating men all the time, and blames everything on them. The dishwasher not working ? Yeah, probably some man's fault. One of Celestia's designer bags missing ? Random dog barking in the streets ? Global warming ? MEN.
• very supportive. He’s the fondest about anything you do; he's always hyping up Mickayla’s brand and still wears her first pieces, he always showed up to Skyh’s plays even though he hates theater…No matter how uninterested he may seem; he deeply cares about what is going on around him and his loved ones.
• only wears silver jewelry, and you won’t ever catch him running around in the streets without a choker on.
• loves matching with you. phone cases, necklaces, bracelets, nail art – anything. anything as long as it's you.
• likes pda. Holding hands, hugging you, squeezing your waist, locking an arm around your shoulders… there’s no way you two go out and his hands are not everywhere on you.
• never smokes when you’re around. (unless you smoke as well, in that case; he will insist to light up your cigarette, it always brings a little smile to his lips when he does it.)
• wears strawberry chapstick 24/7. He can’t live without it.
• draws you all the time. He has lots of random sketches on the corner of his notebooks’ pages and big ass paintings of you hidden under his bed – he’s scared you’d find him too obsessive and creepy if you found out how many of those he has.
• a sucker for cartoons. If you wait for him on his bed, ready to cuddle, an episode of teen titans on the tiny TV in his room, he’ll wrap himself around you like a blanket and never let go–
• reserved, but very vocal about his dislikes. Like if someone says something he has a problem with, he’ll say it. He won’t be rude about it, but he’ll definitely make it crystal clear.
• one of his dreams is to have a matching tattoo with all his siblings. Something discreet and meaningful; a symbol for the unique, disconcerting experience that being a Foreman-McGuire is.
• « You look like a whole ass museum all by yourself, precious. I could look at you forever… and as a matter of fact, I will. »
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katyspersonal · 2 years ago
hello again, i'm the anon from the waifu/blorbo thing just checking in. it was quite surprising to see the ask i made when i was feeling sorta petty would spiral in all that lol
to answer why i stay anon, its because I'm just a "filthy lurker" tbh. im not really sociable or talented enough that i feel like interecting directly in the fandom, and i'd rather avoid the headaches that come from exposing myself to its more annoying parts lol. i understand its different for artists tho, you guys do us a great service
but Holy Shit your situation was quite bonkers. it is kind of funny that i might have helped you out with this apparently lmao. all it took was the right ask at the right time, crazy how that works
best of luck to you and thank you for being based lol. it isn't easy with such persistent haters but i hope you keep it up
Thank YOU for being based, the moment I read what you said I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about! And yes, it is a reliably stable way to piss that person off enough to 'act' by poking the holy dogma of "Maria is a masculine lesbian and everyone with a different interpretation is a bigot" with a stick in any way shape or form. Imagine being easily caught just because you can't stand bisexuals or women that can combine badassery and tenderness?
I'll have you know though, that fanart or fanfics are NOT a "rent" you have to pay to be considered a "valid" part of the fandom! You say you don't feel like you belong here... but you do, as long as you love BB and want to interact with other fans and support them. I am not the most fantastic artist either; my anatomy is still a long way to go and I finish my works very slowly, but it is my passion why I am here! :)
As for the annoying parts of the fandom,...
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Honestly, you don't need to worry, at least not on Tumblr. Redditbros tend to stay away in their own circles and all you have to do is to not go on Reddit for sharing things like headcanons, drawings, ships etc. As for the bullies (oh, pardon, the completely civil people that are not encouraging harassment but simply spread "awareness" in order to excile people they dislike from the safe wholesome fandom uwu); they will typically do you a favour if they drop your name as "yiiiikes this person is nasty for [reason] block them girlies!", since this way the fake ones will self-isolate from you as a result and YOU won't see THEIR bad takes! And toxic Maria fans usually function by one 'main' guy vs their simps that got easily influenced. Before the current guy (you know who by now) it was someone else spreading bad takes about "misogynist" Gehrman and "violated masculinity" of Maria, boasting about how they ignore all lore and (mis)translation evidence against their One True interpretation. That person matured though, and the simps they influenced dissolved and became nuanced. The current guy is chronically unable to mature, learn and admit mistakes; but at the same time, popular accounts popularised a "compromise" take that portrays Gehrman as missing the mark but having good intentions that get way more traction and toxicity is overshadowed by them 🤔
What I am saying is, you can avoid annoying parts reliably easily! You probably are seeing like same two people starting controversy every time from your "corner"... and it is BECAUSE there are not that many. They are just loud. If you are in the room with 20 people, 19 of which are adults minding their own business and 1 is a screaming baby, who will you pay more attention to? I'd love to see you make an account, tbh, but if you really don't want to.. Well, still feel free to send me asks, gripes or headcanons or questions or whatnot!
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kafus · 2 years ago
hrmmm le vocaloid ask game... let's go with yukari
LET'S GOOO i wanted to talk about yukari
this isn't related to the ask but i wanted to say i own yukari's hoodie in real life. it's not the highest quality but i got it when i was 14 and it's a precious article of clothing for me. somehow despite being 23 now i still fit in it. i had to talk about this before i started talking about yukari i'm sorry. i can't find a picture of it rn and it's downstairs and i don't wanna get up but let it be knownJSDFKSFD ANYWAYS
favorite song: i died to someone's song/誰かの歌で僕が死ぬ by 36g! it is not the most polished vocaloid song, far from it, and it's rough around the edges but i got really attached to it when i was younger and for some reason it's just never left me. i love its roughness and awkwardness in full (honorable mention to cruel and pure by nejishiki because i am all about that mirror image shit babey!! and dueting two different software voicebanks of the same character is so cool)
ships: this sounds random but hear me out. flower. but specifically flower talk. why you may ask, do i ship flower talk and yukari (the vocaloid). WELL. there's this artist i used to be OBSESSED with (they dont draw vsynth that much anymore but their new art is still great!) and they drew this image of yukari and flower talk and that's it. sold immediately. i have never looked back i would die for them. this image still makes me so emotional FUCK AHHHSDFJfsdk
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in childhood i shipped yukari with IA and mayu (sometimes as a poly, sometimes separately) and i still really like those ships too :]
favorite part of design: i genuinely think yukari (her original vocaloid design) has like. one of the best designs out of any vsynth period. there's just something about her man it's so good. obvious choice but my fav part is the hoodie. love the ears lmao
random headcanon: yukari doesn't smile often to the point where it's like. a privilege to have yukari smile around you. she's insecure about it and just naturally doesn't smile often in the first place so if she smiles at something you say or do, she probably really trusts you and is in a Really good mood
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blupengu · 1 year ago
All righty I’ve finished science brofist’s route and that means more rambling! (Seriously though everyone sees his name as that right?? How the hell else am I supposed to pronounce Scien Brofiise??? It sure as hell ain’t how they say it in Japanese! 😂) spoilers under the cut as usual
Hmm… overall while I liked it, I think I’ve been so thoroughly emotionally and mentally broken by Mathis and Lucas that Scien’s route seemed pretty… tame in comparison LOLOL 💀 or maybe I’m still on residual WTFs from Lucas and should’ve waited another day to let it settle oops
The pain meter from these first three to me is Lucas > Mathis > Scien
The ending was definitely still a big oof and a little yikes though 😬. But with how dubious the “science�� is in this game, part of me was wondering why Scien couldn’t just make a clone from Ceres’s body and then stick the memories he had into her after? Like people save memory backups of themselves prior to dying so why couldn’t he have saved her memories on whatever constitutes a USB stick in this world lmao
The science in this game in general honestly I just… can’t think about too deeply or it all falls apart LOL, being in like the medieval ages where you still gotta hand wash clothes but then suddenly having shit like electric cars, headset phones, touch-holograms, and perfect cloning with memories but not emotions is such whiplash 😂
The final CG was super pretty though, oof the expression on his face, my poor babygirl 😩 but… why are all the kiss CGs… not super great LOL, is the artist bad at drawing kisses? Because so far they’ve all looked a little uhhhh in each route? 😬😂
I very much appreciate the fact though that Scien’s best CGs are hands down the ones where he’s posing like a lil slut lmaooo, the jigsaw puzzle one?? Bitch he’s practically twirling his hair!! 😂
And his interactions with Ceres were very cute, especially the whole sandwich thing! But when she was like yay I’m so happy I’ve been promoted from maid to a sandwich dispenser! I was like girl… are you okay…?? Well clearly not but still 😂 like dang, never been happier getting told by a man to make me a sandwich lmaooo
Anyways! Back to the route in general - the whole thing of him being an oh no evil science man was so… meh to me? Maybe because I work in the sciences so I have a different view but like, I was perfectly fine with him experimenting on criminals? That’s pretty much what clinical trials are in the real world?? Of course you need to test shit on a few people before giving stuff out to the the general populace??? Why are people upset at this????
It was nice learning a bit more about Salome (though tbh I thought her backstory and relationship to scien would be… more significant LOL). And kinda weird that they left her mumbling when they were in hiding as “…” instead of maybe just quickly forcing the text to go through, because my limited amount of Japanese from anime let me understand the gist of what she was saying and oh. Gives a bit of a different vibe knowing what she said vs it having to be explained
Also, my face when they just decapitated Adolphe but then Ceres TOOK HIS HEAD WITH HER? HONEY NO, GIRL PUT IT BACK HE’S DRIPPING
FUCK THE ROYAL FAMILY, ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE ROYAL FAMILY 🔫🔫 The reservoirs or repertoires or whatever the hell they’re called can eat my ass and die 😂
The way I hollered when Lucas went in and shanked their asses, MY MAN!! … every other time he showed up though was a big aw shit Lucas we’re not in your route anymore go away please!! You’re causing the despair end nooo!!! 😂 very conflicting emotions when I see him now lmao
Same with when I see Jean… like you’re still so pretty and I love you but uhhh, hey Mathis maybe come over this way instead 😬
Side note, kinda sad we didn’t get to see Ankou in the second half of the route…
And finally - I love you Dahut, I was so worried you’d be evil but oh, thank god we have someone that’s just like a good friendly person (I think), you are so pure I love you please show up in every route to ease my fears (Hugo doesn’t count because I’ve still got my eye on him LOL)
Aight I think that’s it! In summary, Scien is this meme:
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Literally just look at him
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I wish I looked this sexy doing a jigsaw puzzle 😂
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magpiemirroring · 10 months ago
Every time I see someone argue that AI is making art accessible, or making art possible for disabled people or whatever, I'm just....
Well, first: have you talked to any disabled artists? Some of whom were artists before they became disabled? Because I've yet to talk to any who would be content with a machine making art for them. The part folks yearn for is not really the idea magically being on the paper, it's the time spent making the piece. And artists can be very clever and very determined to find a way to make art in spite of any limits their bodies may have.
But really: Why are you so ashamed of being an amateur artist?
Like, I've been putting work into getting good at art since I was in preschool and paused while eating my crayons to consider that it mattered to me how many legs a horse had and I was damn well going to attempt to get it right!
But maybe that's not you. Maybe you haven't found the right art form for you yet. Maybe you haven't been willing or able to throw yourself at the challenge of getting better at any form of art.
There's lots of things I'd like to be good at, but I'm not. I didn't have it in me to throw myself at dance or music. I took music lessons twice in my life. Once with violin through my school, and once private piano lessons with a nice lady who taught piano in her living room. I murdered the violin. I was passable at piano. I wasn't passionate enough about either to practice frequently.
Any hope of dance or sports would have been nixed by my body. I'm flexible in the wrong ways and I have shoddy proprioception, so I would have inevitably torn something or broken something important in the process. And I didn't love either enough to sacrifice my body to them. (I love art like that and I am so careful of my hands and wrists and shoulders and I still have times where I can't make art or I have to make art slowly.) But I love to dance for fun, just for myself.
I'm an amateur chef and baker. I have a bare minimum of skill in sewing. I dabbled in making websites but coding gives me a headache. I love so many kinds of science and still do, but got burned out on trying to get my math to the necessary levels. I love history, but if you ask me to write a proper research paper I will probably cry from academic burnout but I will ramble about history if you give me an opening. I am frankly shite at any sport that involves running and the only sport I ever daydreamed about getting good at was archery. I love playing video games, but I despite the many many hours I have put into some games, I always play on easy mode and have no interest in Getting Good because that's not fun for me. I can't sing, I can't dance, and my acting skills are rusty at best. I used to do whatever theatre I could. I took theatre electives 3 years in a row in school and did summer school one year to make room for theatre. I sang and danced badly as required. I'm naturally shy, but I liked acting. A lot. But I didn't like it as much as I liked drawing and painting and digital art. I didn't want to throw myself into the grind to try to make acting work for me and I decided I didn't even want to devote my time to local theatre. It took so many hours that I would rather spend on art. But I exercise my dormant theatre kid muscles by DMing D&D when I can cram that into my schedule, lmao.
I am bad at so many things that I enjoy doing and I still enjoy doing them. Doing the thing is what's fun and fulfilling.
So when folks claim they need AI so they can make art, I'm kinda flummoxed, but that seems like you're letting the AI do the fun part, the important part, the part where the art is actually made. Do you actually like art? Do you actually want to make art?
Why are you so embarrassed and ashamed of not having professional level skills in something you never put professional level effort into? Look at all those things I'm shit at! There are professionals I can and will pay for if I need a thing professionally done with professional skill. But messing around with food, with learning, with video games, with theatre and improv skills, and making all sorts of things in areas of art and crafting that are not my focus? These are my side projects. My fun times with friends. They don't need to be good, just pleasing to do.
Why do you hold art to a different standard? Why is art all about the finished product's value in someone else's eyes and not the experience you have in making it?
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justfor2am · 2 years ago
ONE LAST ASK .i cant sleep so i finally read the first ssk i sent tsht u answered and i want u to go in2 more depth w the songs n playlists n shit u mentioned in there .this is separate from the other music ask yea 👍 gn for real probs. btw its so sad that my parrot emoji used to be mostly red like whatever the coloring people draw grian w idk names of any birds but owls but they changed it
^ idk what kind of phone u have but i have android .before my ohone updated he was a lil red guy n now hes GREEN .i had this fucker in my old discord theme thank god i changed it before it changed for me bc this HURTS goddamn i want my red fuckign bird bsck
ok gn 4 rral the whiplash of my music going from stray kids to stevie nicks is enough to make me pass out (do not let my listing of artist names fool u i only know one stevie nicks song n its edge of seventeen .the skz song was sunshine tho Btw)
AOUGH what did they do to my parrot boy.....
i don't know any songs by stevie nicks so tbh you've got me beat either way LMAO OKIE so analysis time uhhhh lemme see the post
It's Never Enough by we are the dirt: this song is thematically about an individual with rapidly declining mental health, seeking out a gruesome end to escape the bottomless emotions associated with a terrible breakup. it's melodramatic, it's way over blown, it's delightfully obscene in its depictions of bodily gore, it's soooooooo scarian.
as far as a fic goes, i would want to lean heavily into the vex cannibalism aspect that's canon to scar, with the setting being third life. a rotted corpse walking around the living with red in his eyes and barely contained inhuman hunger roaring in his ears? held only at bay because of "he" whom is now indebted to that corpse? who pledges him his first life and watches scar fall into insanity and in the end, strikes him down himself, that love which was the only thing keeping scar alive, not enough to save him in the end? sounds like a good hurt/no comfort fic to me.
some lyrics that i think especially apply: "‘Cause if I can't taste your lips just let me taste blood and nothing else." "They'll be with me in life and death and after I take my final breath, they'll crawl in through my rotting flesh and eat away my skin." "He said “don’t trust your eyes they always lie they always lie, only trust what you feel” but I feel you in my dreams and you're next to me and you're never real."
now, actor au!
grian: Don't Assume What You Don't Know by Grace VanderWaal -a song about being blindsided by an industry that promised you riches and fame, only to be cast aside at best, taken advantage of at worst jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo -a song about being jealous of people who aren't competing with you, nor are they trying to make you feel inferior, but letting yourself get carried away with self-inflicted negative emotions You Stupid Bitch by girl in red -lightly tsundere grian my beloved. this is what he wants to scream at scar, if only he could admit to himself that he actually cares about him beyond a superficial, physical level.
scar: SCOOP by Lil Nas X feat. Doja Cat -a song about constantly being one step ahead of a ruthless industry that is just waiting for you to fail. Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High by Arctic Monkeys -a part of grian and scar's relationship that i haven't been able to explore yet, but i definitely will be making space for. -in short, grian's deadset on the rules in their "arrangement", but scar's already in love with him. being told that their private meetings are primarily contingent on them hooking up, and nothing more, isn't exactly easy for scar to process. Boyfriend by Dove Cameron -the person he pretends to be: suave, charming, a smooth-talker. while scar is capable of being all those features, in truth he wants to be this person to grian only. he wants to sweep grian off his feet and be able to say that openly.
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