#best online piano classes
rohanschoolofmusic · 17 days
Why Rohan School of Music Offers the Best Online Keyboard Classes for Aspiring Musicians
In today's busy world, learning to play a musical instrument is more accessible than ever with the convenience of online classes. If you're looking for the best online keyboard lessons, Rohan School of Music is your top choice. Whether you're just starting out or aiming to sharpen your skills, our comprehensive online courses are designed to help you reach your musical goals right from the comfort of your home.
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debbiedeane · 1 year
Website: https://www.debbiedeane.com/
Address: Brooklyn, New York, USA
Debbie Deane hails from a musical world without boundaries, where singer-songwriters and top-tier jazz musicians breathe the same creative air. Born and raised in Brooklyn, Debbie grew up listening to Carole King, Stevie Wonder, Joni Mitchell, and Steely Dan. As a teenager she explored the fertile ground of the Great American Songbook. Introduced to folk, funk and fusion by her older brother, she studied the great divas of the jazz and pop worlds developing an intense interest in jazz harmony. Music was the ultimate refuge.
After earning a degree in English Literature from Harvard, Debbie embarked on a career in music. She studied jazz intensively at Boston’s Berklee College of Music, honing the piano skills that she continues to display as a singer-songwriter. At first her songwriting and singing came as an afterthought, but then took center stage.
In her performing and recording life, Debbie had the good fortune to work with  acclaimed jazz musicians who share her interest in quality songwriting — people like drummer Brian Blade and the late, great bass player Jeff Andrews.  Moving back to Brooklyn, she lived in a ""jazz den"" with some of the city’s most promising jazz musicians, including saxophonists Seamus Blake and Terry Deane, drummer Marc Miralta and pianists John Stetch and George Colligan. ""Everyone came through our place,"" says Debbie. ""The people I’ve played with, they’re all my friends and they’ve known me, they’ve been my roommates and people I went to school with."" Their presence on Debbie’s recordings and at her live shows is a powerful endorsement.
Debbie continues to gig extensively in New York and beyond.
Piano Lessons:
Debbie Deane has been a piano teacher for over 20 years. She teaches out of her home in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn, specializing in kids ages 6 and up.  
She teaches the fundamentals and basics - scales, reading music, music theory, and playing by ear. Her students play a lot of songs. Each student is different, and she tailors lessons accordingly. As a result, she teaches all styles of music. She does have a soft spot for Bach and Beethoven, so everyone has to try classical, which is great for technique.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DebbieDeaneMusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/debbiedeanemusic/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@debbiedeane8771/
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musiclounge · 3 months
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musicalacademy · 8 months
Elevate your guitar skills with Private Guitar Lessons at RockTone Music. Our personalized approach ensures that each lesson is tailored to your individual goals and abilities. Experience rapid progress and reach new musical heights with our expert guidance.
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musichouse · 1 year
Private Brass & Woodwind Lessons at Music House
Music House School of Music offers woodwind and private brass lessons at our Overland Park, Lenexa, & Prairie Village locations. Our instructors are highly experienced and knowledgeable in all aspects of music theory and performance. Our Woodwind & Brass lessons are scheduled weekly, for 30 or 60 minutes. We focus on providing a fun and supportive learning environment with personalized instruction to help each student reach their highest potential.
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hermajestyimher · 2 years
This Is How We Will Own 2023:
We're less than a month away from the New Year, and as such, it is important that we begin to set the foundations and plans we have to not only succeed, but make 2023 a memorable year.
Regardless of how 2022 went for you, regardless of how many goals you were able to achieve, a new year marks a new beginning. Do not beat yourself over how things went, focus on how you can improve them moving forward.
In 2023 we're:
Spending less time being passive scrollers online. The pandemic is over, the world is back in action and so must we. It's time to stop letting our minds be consumed by the opinions of thousands of people on the internet. More often than not, the things we read online come from the psyche of mentally unwell individuals, and given social media's tendency to prompt out the voices of the most unhinged, it gives people that shouldn't have a platform a false sense of authority. In 2023 we're getting off the grid as much as we can and reconnecting with the real world. We will not allow this online façade to swallow us into its void any longer.
Spending more time learning and engaging in high-end activities and hobbies that can elevate our social circle and our taste. Things like polo matches, pilates, ballet, opera, piano classes, poetry, political forums, martial arts, and high-intensity sports, among other things. It is crucial to cultivate a persona that engages in a variety of fulfilling activities that can bring us joy but also help us grow as individuals.
Prioritizing our health and fitness. No more excuses, it's time to cut down on added sugar and refined carbs, time to eat more nutrient-dense whole foods, drink plenty of water daily, invest in vitamin injections every other month, take supplements to improve our body's collagen production, and overcome feelings of laziness by pushing ourselves through fitness goals. 2023 we will make of the gym our sanctuary.
Living below our budget and investing as much as we can. If you haven't already, get a financial advisor, develop long and short-term financial goals and get organized with your income. It doesn't matter if in the past you've felt like your financial habits have not been the most adequate, it's never too late to take control of them and be responsible. We owe to ourselves to spend wisely to have the peace of mind financial security brings. Never go broke trying to impress others.
We're no longer entertaining inadequate men. I must admit I'm guilty of this myself. After years of not dating, getting back into the dating scene has felt extremely disappointing and tiring. Most prospects are simply not up to par with the standards I have and what I want out of my life partner. Sometimes we allow ourselves to become desperate to build these types of romantic relationships that we begin to overlook the things that we really want deep down. In 2023, we're refocusing our attention on living our best lives and being as active as possible in real-life events as touched upon previously, and trust that the right dating prospects will present themselves when we least expect. We attract, we don't chase.
Finally, we're overcoming negative self-talk patterns that hinder our growth. We're investing in therapy, we're unlearning the limiting beliefs that keep us in bondage to people, routines, and views of the world that are not good for us. We have to put an end to the insidious lie of the scarcity mindset, overcome past traumas, and look forward to the good things that are yet to come.
There are many more things I could add to this list, but for now, these are the things I and I know many of you will find helpful on improving on for the year to come. These lists can come out as intimidating to some people, but we have to remember that we are not expected to become the ideal version of ourselves overnight. Growth is a marathon, not a sprint, and it requires consistency. Each day that you wake up and choose to do one or two things differently you're making stride towards that better you. No improvement is ever too little.
Let's make 2023 a memorable year, and every year afterwards.
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
How would the Cullens react when they meet a human with their last name who physically resembles them too much? And when they investigate it they realize that it is some kind of granddaughter or niece, And who is your only living relative?
I really love your writings!!!
The Cullens with a Relative! Reader
Thank you so much for the kind words!
This story is obv going to be with a platonic reader so just know that. And don’t come at me for the ages or specifics for family relations. I did not think about it so uhm… just get creative!
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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His original name was Edward Anthony Masen Jr
Masen is not an incredibly common last name
So when the Cullens show up to a new school and he sees you, reddish hair and defined jawline with his last name, he gets a bit suspicious
He starts combing through every newspaper article and obituary he could
He eventually traces you back to his mother’s cousin
He has no clue what to do with this information
Eventually, he gets closer to you, helping you with school stuff, inviting you over to the Cullen house
After a while, he tells you about how you’re related
Which also means telling you about vampires
You take it all surprisingly well
Your family never knew what happened to Edward
The story had always been that him and his mother had died in the hospital but his body had gotten lost somewhere in the process
You’re also so happy to find another “living” relative
Y’all become best buddies
He’s happy to find out that you also love to play the piano
Family bonding ❤️
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Her name was originally Mary Alice Brandon
So it’s not like a super uncommon last name
She’s met people with the same last name as her before
But none of them looked so similar to her as you did
The small stature, dark brown hair, and striking similarity to her personality
She had seen a vision of you not too long ago
It was nothing special, just you and Alice going out shopping and hanging out
She didn’t know who you were at the time or what your significance was, but now she’s sure that you have to be related somehow
She talked to you for a bit, pretending to just want to make small talk
Eventually, you got to the part of your family tree where your great-great-great grandma was Alice’s sister, Cynthia
You, again, had heard stories about your great-great-grandma’s sister who went crazy and eventually died
And here she was, right in front of you, definitely not crazy
You two became inseparable
Going shopping together, watching movies, going to every class together, everything
Alice is so happy to finally have a piece of her family
She’s always been so upset that she can’t remember any of her human life
Being around you makes her feel more connected to that part of herself that she can’t remember
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His name is definitely one of the most original ones
Jasper Whitlock (no middle name mentioned sorry yall)
He has never, in his almost 200 years of living, ever met someone with the same last name as him
So he’s already a little sus when he hears your name
And then of course the blonde hair and the piercing (scary) eyes, the resemblance is uncanny
He’s more hesitant to talk to you at first
He does all of his research online
He starts with his younger sister, and from there he follows her bloodline and finds you at the very end
He also sees that everyone else in your family is dead
Your parents died not too long ago, and you’re living with some family friends now
He feels really bad, so even though he knows he shouldn’t, he starts to get closer to you
You start to get your own suspicions when you start to notice how similar he is to you, too
The more quiet, reserved personality
The love for Alice
Alice ends up being the one to tell you that you guys are actually related
You’re so happy to have someone from your family again, even if he is your great-great-great-great-great granduncle
Your favorite thing to do with Jasper is just to sort of coexist
He sits on the couch reading a book and you sit on the other side crocheting while a movie plays
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Her name was originally Rosalie Lillian Hale
She’s one of the few who kept her last name while pretending to be human
She might have met a couple of people with the same last name as her
But to be honest she does not pay attention to the humans at the school
She’s not too fond of them anyway so why would she care
But one day she passively noticed the sub teacher call your name during attendance
And then she really looked at you
Blonde hair, strikingly good looks, beauty mark, and a constantly annoyed look on your face
Instantly, you reminded her of one of her little brothers, and when she got home that night she did some digging
She hadn’t thought about her family in so long, it was very bittersweet for her to look back through all of the obituaries, marriage licenses, birth certificates, everything
Everything she was supposed to be a part of
But now you’re here, and she wants to get to know you
Instantly, she takes on the older sister role for you
You two hit it off instantly
Bonding quickly over your hate for stupid people and your love for cars
She asks you so many questions about your family, what everyone was like, how everyone died
She’s so sad that she didn’t keep up to date with any of this stuff
But of course, before the internet it was really difficult to
When she learns that the rest of your family is dead, she begs Carlisle to take you in
She feels such a maternal instinct for you, even if you’re the “same age”
She wants you to be safe
And she wants you near her
You’re family after all, and that’s all she’s ever wanted
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His name was Emmett McCarty
Again, not a super common one but not like super uncommon either
He has never noticed if anyone else had the same last name as him
And he didn’t even really notice you either
Rosalie was the one who pointed you out, and that’s when he saw the similarities
Same last name, dimples, dark brown reddish hair, super tall
He just approached you straight up
“Hey. McCarty was my last name before Dr Cullen adopted me and we look pretty similar, who’s your dad?”
Just super blunt about it
He’s curious, so why would he beat around the bush?
Together, you two trace your family tree back to one of Emmett’s younger brothers
And of course, he has to drop the news that he’s a vampire then
You two are attached at the hip after that though
You both love to go outside and run around, he loves to play wrestle with you
You’re like having one of his siblings back
It’s nice for him
Canonically, he watched over his family for a while after he was turned and asked Carlisle to drop some money off for them
So he obviously cared about them a lot
So he’s happy to have a piece of them back
He’s not happy that the rest of your family is dead, though
He is moving you into the Cullen house instantly
You’re his family, family watches out for each other
No way he’s letting you live in a foster home or orphanage
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Her name was Esme Anne Platt
Another one that’s pretty uncommon
But when she first sees you, he mind doesn’t immediately go to you maybe being related to her
She sees the similarities, the dark brown hair, the nose shape, the face shape
But she doesn’t necessarily connect it
After all, she didn’t have any siblings or any kids, so realistically her blood should have ended with her
But after a while of getting to know you, the similarities just become too much
She ends up looking into her father’s side of the family and finds that he had a brother she had never met
And of course, it traced back to you
Making her your seventh cousin or something
She doesn’t know what to do with this information
Similar to Rosalie, she’s always wanted a family
She was never able to have that, and as far as she knew, the rest of her family died a long time ago
She’s stuck between wanting to be close to you, to tell you the truth, but also not wanting to put you in danger
She remembers all too well the danger that Bella was in just because she was close to the Cullens
The idea of putting her own flesh and blood in danger scares her
I feel like it would have to be extreme circumstances for her to do anything
Maybe the foster family you’re staying with is pretty abusive or you’re about to die or something
Only then would she tell you
Selfishly, she wants to turn you
She loves you so much, you’re like a sibling or niece/nephew to her, she just wants you to be safe
And she can’t imagine living without you anymore
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His name is just Carlisle Cullen
Keeping it simple
Cullen is not a very common last name, but at the same time, he’s been so many places and met so many people
The chances are pretty high that he’s met someone with the same last name as him
But he can instantly tell there’s something different about you
Blonde hair, blue eyes, square jaw, and affinity for helping people
Not to mention that you remind him so much of his aunt on his father’s side
It’s easy for him to do the research into your past
He’s pretty good with that kind of stuff
He does end up tracing you back to that aunt, and he’s so happy
He never had any siblings (that we know of), his mother died during childbirth, and his father would have been more than ready to kill him
So he never got to feel very close to his family
He sees you as an opportunity to do that
He doesn’t tell you outright who he is to you
He prefers to just hang out with you
Showing you around the clinic, taking you into town, giving you life lessons that your father might have not done
I can see him taking on a fatherly role for you
He would be perfectly content with never telling you
The only time he would would be if you were on the verge of death and he turned you
He would be secretly so happy
He has come to love you over the months/years since he’s known you
You are his family, flesh and blood, and he doesn’t want to leave you
Yippee for family
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Vampire! Bella:
Isabella Marie Swan
Talk about a weird last name
She’s never met anyone else with it
Admittedly, she hasn’t been around for too long, but still
So she’s shocked when she sees you for the first time, dark brown hair, brown eyes, perpetual look of discomfort
She almost doesn’t believe it
But then she does the mental gymnastics
Charlie’s brother who died forever ago, his kids, you’re probably one of their kids
Making her your second cousin
The smallest age gap here tbh
Nice change of pace
She also doesn’t know what to do now
She’s socially awkward enough as is
She can’t even begin to think of how to approach you with this
“Hey, did you have a grandpa who died before you were born in a motorcycle accident? Cause if so then I’m your cousin!”
Like yeah no she’ll pass
She can’t stay away from you for too long though
You guys are so similar
Similar tastes, dislikes, personalities, senses of humor
She loves hanging out with you
She doesn’t want to tell you about her being a vampire or about her relation to you, but eventually it just comes out
Oh well
She’s not mad about it
Now she can spend forever with you
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melpherno · 6 months
Hihi!! Can I request some Lovebrush headcanons please?
How would MLs deal with a little painter who’s usually always bright and happy but is suddenly withdrawn and quiet. (The horrors)
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♡
All the boys x reader .
A/N: thank you for the ask, anon! This was kinda fun to imagine.
Note: the reader is referred to as "the little painter".
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• Alkaid is a perceptive fellow, it doesn't take him long to notice the difference in the little painter's behaviour. He might as well catch it as soon as he sees the painter's smile droop a little; he also tends to notice how her smile feels more forced, or more ingenuine, or perhaps slightly out of place.
• He reacts coolly on the surface. He is concerned, yes, but he shows it via his actions. He'd tactfully ask her questions about her day, or how she was feeling – trying to get an idea of what was bothering her before giving her advice or trying to help her alleviate this issue flashing a kind smile.
• He suggests the little painter take a break. He either takes her out on walks or a quick trip around the island. He's going to go on a bike ride with her or go bungee jumping, maybe try out a new restaurant, or even watch a new movie together – or perhaps they could stargaze together, that would be the best. After all, he's happy if she is happy with him.
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• Ayn is going to pretend like he didn't see that, while he definitely did. He takes in how the little painter simply smiled and waved at him when entering the practice room, sharing a few pleasantries before she quietly sat down on a chair, listening to him play the piano in utter silence. He does appreciate the silence, but this... This is concerning.
• He won't directly ask her in person, but he will send her a message after a few hours when she will probably be resting at home. He won't panic or anything, but he will be very concerned – spamming her with messages. And if he just notices her being online, ignoring his messages, then he will spam a little more. Just a little...
• He will suggest the little painter come over and listen to him playing the piano. And if she is unable to come over at the moment, then he'll happily record himself playing the piano and send it to her via text. Also, he might suggest playing games together; that'll be fun.
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• When Clarence starts caring for the little painter, he becomes the second most perceptive person after Alkaid. He picks up the little painter's mood when she walks into the Student Council Office and greets him with a wry smile. She seems rather tired this morning, has she been staying up late again? Has she been working too hard? Has she gone out of her usual routine again? His brain would be rattling with all these questions, raking around to find an answer and come up with a practical solution to them as well.
• He finds the perfect opportunity to ask the little painter about what has been bothering her as of late and then reassures her that he'll help her out with whatever she wants. He'd always keep a calm and collected mind, never panicking.
• He suggests the little painter make lists of her issues and start working on them one by one. Efficient and methodical as always, Clarence provides the little painter with a new schedule to tackle her hobbies, classes, and other activities with ease. Also, he reminds her to take care of herself and take breaks when needed; he also sneaks in a little "date" day in the schedule, expecting the little painter to go all flustered if she ever notices that.
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• Being the guardian of the little painter, Cael is the most knowledgeable about her mood and how she's feeling. He notices the little painter's mood being down sooner than anyone else.
• He always keeps a calm mind and asks her what's bothering her, lending an ear to her and listening to her troubles – giving her advice now and then.
• He discusses the issue with the little painter and decides how to make her happy. Oh, the little painter wishes to go on a trip to relax? Sure; he'd plan out an itinerary for her. Or perhaps the little painter wants to be left alone to her thoughts? Sure; he can do that, but he will still keep an eye on her, doting on her until her energy is rejuvenated. Oh, does the little painter want to spend time with Cael? Sure, he'd be more than happy to spend the afternoon accompanying her. (He might even cuddle the little painter if she ever manages to persuade him perfectly)
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• He'd be excited at first; greeting the little painter happily when he gets to see her. But then he notices how the little painter responds with less energy than usual – then he concludes that something is wrong.
• He immediately asks the painter what's wrong. He seems slightly panicky on the process as well, waiting for the little painter's response.
• He'd plan a trip for the little painter, or take her out on a little date. He'd do anything to make the little painter smile: buy new art supplies, buy new merchandise or whatever she wants – he'd be more generous and loving than ever; because he'd give away everything just to see his sweet little painter smile and regain her energetic nature again.
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anteroom-of-death · 8 months
Teacher's Pet part 1
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Synopsis: The Doctor notices a student. She notices him.
a/n: thank u to the moots for sticking with me. Yall are the best. This is going to be a series. Somewhat of a dark!doctor ish fic maybe. I haven't planned this far. I have ideas. Will switch between a 3rd party but doctor centric POV and a 2nd party student centric POV.
The sun drew itself in on the cold day, light filtering through large windows in the lecture hall. It caught and reflected the motes of light swirling around. First day of the Spring term. Lots of new students trickled in and found their respective seats. Of course, the syllabus was now online and such. But the Doctor still preferred to give a paper one. He felt it helped students focus if they had it real and tangible…unable to forget.
Just like he forgot so much. A lingering pain….
He started up his usual dazzling spiel. Enough to keep them from dropping out, but not enough to rile them to madness. He learned that lesson early on in this particular charade he was distracting himself with. All he had to really do was keep Missy in the Vault and attempt to rehabilitate her. Humans were such a delicate group to keep balanced. Too much stimulation and they would self destruct. Not enough? The same but in a reverse spiral.
Or just fall asleep.
He preferred it if a few actually did fall asleep.
Allowed him to build a reputation as a teacher. Keep the act up.
He didn’t notice the young woman intently staring, writing down the key phrases from his opening statements. He was enraptured in the normal routine he has become familiar with.
The hour came to a close, and he did a bow. He was to visit Missy again some time soon. Just a cursory check. See if she’d calmed down from her last temper tantrum, where she demanded a saxophone and stated that Billy Clinton was also a war criminal, but made some sweet jazz.
He could hardly agree. She already was a mediocre piano player. And the drum set she demanded earlier lay in tatters in her cupboard.
Being her keeper and therapist was rotten work, but it warmed him. Gave him a gram of hope that she may get better and he may have his friend back once more.
Though, he knew in both is hearts, hope could be a fragile thing for a man to hold onto.
But, especially in this body, he believed in redemption and change. They both had forever to change. They had forever.
A few weeks had passed, and he noticed that keen eyes were burning the back of his neck as he scrawled on the chalkboard. It felt different than the usual glazed-over focus of people trying to write or type out his valid points. It was hot and felt more personal. Less trying to pass a class.
He paused his sentence and raked his eyes over. It was a student with large gold hoops and a few tangled gold necklaces. The Doctor recognized two or three of the symbols used on some of them from his travels through Earth’s history. She was chewing hard on her pen. He could see flecks of her tinted chap stick clinging onto the sides of it. Her eyes were squinted slightly and a slight patch of blush rested on her checks. He couldn’t tell if it was a make up look or some feverish feature of her human body. Perhaps she was in the first phases of getting sick!
He went back to his lecture. Some misfocused student was the least of his concern.
But he still felt her eyes bore into him. Intent on something. He trudged on.
He came to a close, reminded everyone of their upcoming projects and let the day start to rest. The Doctor announced that his office hours were changing to represent the spring coming soon and to “Allow you all to feel the sun on your faces, you don’t know how long you’ll have. Humans usually only live once!”
He scanned the audience and saw her shoving her notebook and that well-gnawed on pen into her bag. Big purse with a rhinestone buckle. Resembled something that Rose or Jackie would have had, he mused.
She slung that and a tote bag that seemed overstuffed and ripe for the breaking over her shoulder. She audibly groaned under the weight. He pitied her. The stressed look she had on her face was oddly enchanting in the light just starting to sink.
He knew she was struggling in the class. She did good work, yes. When he opened up questions and debate, she usually had such pointed takes that verged on mind-racing. Sometimes others would bristle against what she said on the more provocative topics he offered up. Essays and tests? Not so much. She floundered.
She had accommodations for some diagnosis or whatever. He could tell her mind was making connections in a far more tangential way than the other’s either couldn’t or wouldn’t make. And for that he did like her. Enjoyed what she brought to the table. Although, even his brains had difficulty making some of the leaps her brain did.
But why was she staring at him like that today? It was almost reverent. Very off putting.
She came forward to his desk and clicked open her notes app .
“Erm…Professor.” She cleared her throat and started up. “Uh, I was wondering if I could see you sooner rather than later. For office hours. I’m sorry for my late essay last week. I don’t know what’s going on with me. I can’t focus and I feel like I’m losing my mind half the time lately. May I have some insight or whatever you want on how I could do better. I know I’m doing…like, so bad.” She confessed and exhaled on the final note of her punctuation.
She turned a new type of stare towards him. Less intense and personal and more of a thousand-yard death grip.
Her entire demeanor in this moment was very lamb like. A confused air of innocent need to do well, to pass her classes, clouded her.
A weaker man would have felt more predatory, he noted.
She wasn’t unattractive for a human, not like past companions he worshiped the ground of. Of course. He was drawn to them for their natures, often ignoring their faces wholesale.
She started to chew and rip at her pinky nail and lower lip simultaneously…
“Of course,” He said. “I have to go help a friend with something, so I have to talk and walk.”
She nodded eagerly and gave such an appreciative smile. “Thanks!” The words came out so quickly, almost breathlessly.
She trotted along side him.
Once outside, they started discussing her options. She had to work nights, she stated, she said so they were arranging a time to work in a little extra help and tutoring.
He genuinely enjoyed her company and led her to a bench.
“What about your friend?” She asked.
“Oh, Nardole can handle himself.” He smiled. “He’ll not miss me for an extra four or five minutes.”
She laughed a bit.
She plunged her hand into her purse and started rifling around. It was a chaotic sight.
She produced a pack of cigarettes and a tiny green plastic lighter.
“Do you mind? I’m trying to quit, but it’s been hell lately.” She grimaced.
He shook his head, no, he didn’t mind. It wouldn’t affect him. Her, yes. But one little luxury, especially if she was trying to quit.
“So long as it’s your last for a while.” He took the teacherly route.
She lit up and took a huge drag. Closing her eyes he noticed that deep look of exhaustion had given her dark purple and almost black under eye circles. She had apparently tried to cover them up with some make up products and some mascara and smudged eyeliner. She held that breath in for a few seconds. It was almost beautiful.
She exhaled and fluttered them open. The smoke wisped and flew away quickly in the gentle breeze.
“Yeah, thanks. People get so weird about smoking. But they’ll vape? Like, indoors. All the time.” She rolled her eyes at that mildly hypocrisy.
They planned for her to meet up with him in his office on Monday just before the lunch hour. Then turned the conversation to some topics in debate that another student, a male who irked her with his constant urge to play Devil’s Advocate. She had some very often-overlooked viewpoints and a very bizarre way of describing things. It was enchanting.
“Thanks.” She ignored a boundary and squeezed his hand. He felt a holy jolt of electricity go up his arm from the small touch. “I gotta go…you’ve got a friend. Works been slow and I have some…appointments. So I have to make sure I’m perfect.” She elaborated with an almost tic-like shake of her head.
“Yes, my friend is probably going insane dealing with our little issue.” He responded in kind. Missy had probably caused Nardole to melt down or malfunction.
He watched her leave towards the bus stop. Her bags hitting her back as she rushed. Her coat barely covering her bottom and the belt caught in the hem of it. He felt himself feeling almost physically unable to leave the bench. Something tugging at his gut was preventing him from doing so. It felt akin to what River and Clara evoked in him but different.
River and Clara were strong and capable, avant-garde. Self-confident. Cocky. But this student was seemingly the inverse. Very vulnerable and nervous to the point of a near imperceptible, even to him with his keen Time Lord senses, shake and a heart that was audibly racing in its cage. Coupled with her addiction to cigarettes and minor tendency towards self mutilation via near-constant picking and chewing…
Something dark, but heartwarming rushed through his core and took root.
He felt himself deeply looking forward to Monday.
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Professor Benevientos notes cuz I spent way too much time thinking about this AU
- sticks mostly with @shortstrawberry’s AU which originally inspired this
- Botanist and Toxicologist professor, teaches both undergrads and grads
- Still a doll maker that does it as a hobby, takes commissions at her own leisure online for extra cash
- In charge of the greenhouses, she designs the labs in there too
- She’s also conducting her own research in there for her PhD
- Is usually very on-top of students, she’ll reach out to students she notices not doing well in the class and do her best to assist in their success
- Surprisingly prefers teaching toxicology, but that’s mostly because she gets to work with Claudia for those lessons
- Workaholic, she’ll drown herself in grading papers or reading research papers and needs constant reminders to eat
- Most students are intimidated by her lol
- Trauma surgeon and a licensed family doctor, she works these during weekends and holidays
- She teaches Anatomy and Physiology, as well as Biochemistry every other year
- Also an instructor in the organic chemistry labs if she can fit it in her schedule
- In charge of the cadaver labs
- Mostly teaches undergrads
- A pretty laid back professor, she definitely has the belief of “you’re paying for this, you’re choosing to be here, and you choose to do well or not”
- That doesn’t mean she’s an unfair professor. She is constantly reworking and reorganizing lessons and exams to make them as fair and educational as they can be
- Tells the best stories if class finishes early. She has the most students that remember her and bond with her out of the sisters
- Sews in her free time, loves making outfits when she can find the time
- Loves bothering the fuck out of her younger sister in staff rooms and meetings (Donna secretly loves it)
- Psychology and Neurology professor, works as a licensed therapist
- Helps with Donna in the greenhouses
- Mostly teaches grad students
- In charge of the Anatomy and Physiology labs
- Has a fair approach with students, she’ll reach out to those who are struggling but doesn’t pursue them
- Use to be on the board but has stepped down since then to make more time for her family
- She will take runs on campus between classes, sometimes Claudia joins her
- The heaviest tea drinker between the sisters, almost always seen with a bottle or flask
- Donna often weaves flowers into her hair and she’s not taking them out for the rest of the day, she’ll rather spread dirt and petals and insects around campus than throw out a flower her baby sis gave her
- human in this one! Claudia’s daughter
- She’s studying music at the campus, hoping to make it big like movie scores or video game soundtracks
- The building the classes she takes are close enough to the buildings her mom and aunties teach in so she often stops by to visit them
- Definitely privileged- she gets access to back offices and free stuff- especially when Donna is around
- Knows the guitar from her mom, got taught the piano by Bernadette, and both her and Donna learned the violin together. She’s self teaching herself the drums.
- Knows the loopholes around campus rules and abuses the shit out of them
- If there’s a new rule that’s added to campus, it’s because of her
- Doesn’t dorm, she lives with her family- it’s free food, rent, transport, and she doesn’t have to do chores most of the time- why wouldn’t she? (The real reason is that she loves them too much to leave but you won’t hear it from her)
- But she does have a group of friends who are all musicians and all dorm together so when she’s not home she’s with them
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en-girls · 2 months
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ENGIRLS, also known as ENHYPEN GIRLS (엔하이픈 소녀들), is a fictional sub-unit of the ten-member co-ed group, ENHYPEN, which was formed through the survival show, I-LAND. The unit consists of the three female members of the group: Aiko, Blake, and Ruruka. They debuted on November 30th, 2020, with the song, 'Really Bad Boy,' as a part of ENHYPEN's debut EP, 'BORDER: DAY ONE.'
Despite their victory on I-LAND, ENGIRLS had a challenging debut because they were the only three girls out of the twenty-four female contestants to make it to the debuting team. Many fans, international and domestic, accused MNET of voting manipulation or stated that they should have debuted an all-boy group by choosing three other male contestants to take their place. This only increased when their debut EP was released, and they were introduced as a sub-unit, with both the girls and the boys having their own unit songs.
Regardless, ENHYPEN went on to have a successful debut and remain one of the top artists of their generation.
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Kobayashi Aiko was born on January 17, 2002, in New York City, New York, to a businessman father and a stay-at-home mother. She is the second eldest of four children and the only one of her siblings pursing a music career. From a young age, she has loved music and can play different instruments, including the piano, violin, guitar, and drums.
Later, when she was five, Aiko and her family moved to Osaka, Japan, due to her father’s job relocation. While in Osaka, Aiko continued to pursue music, picking up vocal lessons and later being scouted by SM Entertainment in 2014. Despite her parent’s disapproval, she went on to train under SM for four years, becoming an SMROOKIE and later participating in the survival show Produce 48. She was eliminated in episode 5 of the show and continued to train at SM until leaving at the end of 2018 to join BigHit Music.
After that, she had a fight with her parents, who wanted her to come home to continue her education, but Aiko stood firm and begged for another chance to prove herself. She later joined I-LAND and made it to the debuting team.
BIRTH NAME ; Calista Kobayashi
JAPANESE NAME ; Kobayashi Aiko
BIRTHDAY ; January 17, 2002
ZODIAC ; Capricorn
BIRTHPLACE ; New York City, New York
ETHNICITY ; Japanese
YEARS ACTIVE ; 2018 - present
GROUP POSITION ; vocalist, dancer, leader (ENGIRLS) 
DANCE CLAIM ; Soojin (soloist/ex-(G)I-DLE)
HEIGHT ; 167 cm | 5’5
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Blake Akiyama was born on December 18, 2002, in Houston, Texas, to a surgeon father and model mother. She is an only child because her mother had complications after Blake was born, which led to her being doted on by her family as the only female granddaughter. Despite this, Blake is a very humble girl because her grandmother, her father’s mother, taught her the importance of hard work and appreciation for those around her.
Blake has taken dance classes since she was four and excels in many different genres. She has a deep passion for dancing and has won many awards for local competitions. Her dance teacher at the time had nothing but praise for her and has stated that Blake is one of the best pupils she’s had the honor to teach.
Blake’s parents later divorced when she was eight, and her father received full custody of her because her mother wished to pursue her modeling career. Since then, her mother has been in and out of her life. At fourteen, Blake was scouted as a model and took on some gigs despite her father not wanting her to. Still, he allowed her in order to make her happy. Blake later stopped due to the mental and physical toll it took on her.
She was scouted online due to a dance cover she posted on her Instagram and joined SOURCE Music in 2018 until she joined I-LAND and debuted into ENHYPEN.
BIRTH NAME ; Blake Akiyama
JAPANESE NAME ; Akiyama Chinatsu
BIRTHDAY ; December 18, 2002
ZODIAC ; Sagittarius
BIRTHPLACE ; Houston, Texas
ETHNICITY ; Japanese
YEARS ACTIVE ; 2018 - present
GROUP POSITION ; vocalist, rapper, dancer, face of the group 
FACE CLAIM ; Harvey (XG)
DANCE CLAIM ; AleXa (soloist)
HEIGHT ; 173 cm | 5’7
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Nishimura Ruruka was born on December 9, 2005, in Okayama, Japan. She is the twin sister of Nishimura Riki, also known as Ni-ki, and has two other sisters. Like her family, Ruruka has a passion for dancing and has been dancing alongside her siblings for as long as she can remember. 
Ruruka has taken gymnastics classes since she was four, alongside dance classes, and originally wanted to pursue an athletic career. However, when she and Riki were eleven, they joined the group SHINeeKIDS and performed with SHINee for many stages. Through that, she learned that she loved to perform in front of a crowd and wanted to become an artist like SHINee. When she and Riki left SHINeeKIDS, Ruruka picked up vocal classes.
Between the time of her departure from SHINeeKIDS and her auditioning for BELIFT, Ruruka did some modeling gigs and was the backup dancer for other artists. Later, both Ruruka and Riki decided to audition for BELIFT and joined I-LAND, both succeeding and joining ENHYPEN. 
BIRTHNAME ; Nishimura Ruruka
BIRTHDAY ; December 9, 2005
ZODIAC ; Sagittarius
BIRTHPLACE ; Okayama, Japan
ETHNICITY ; Japanese
TIME TRAINED ; 8 months
GROUP POSITION ; rapper, vocalist, dancer, visual, maknae 
FACE CLAIM ; Cocona (XG)
DANCE CLAIM ; Chungha (ex-I.O.I/soloist)
HEIGHT ; 175 cm | 5’9
templates i used was created by @enchanthings link to template
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rohanschoolofmusic · 2 months
Rohan School of Music: Best Online Piano Classes
Experience excellence in piano education with Rohan School of Music's best online piano classes. Our renowned instructors offer comprehensive lessons tailored to all skill levels, delivered conveniently through virtual sessions. Whether you're starting your musical journey or honing advanced techniques, our personalized approach ensures effective learning and progress. Join Rohan School of Music today and discover the finest online piano education from the comfort of your home.
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ateez-ana · 5 months
Park Ana
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Stage Name: Ana
Age: 25
Height: 156cm
Position: Vocalist, Main Dancer
Nicknames: Annie, Nini
birthday: december 13,1998
zodiac sing: sun: Sagittarius moon: cancer
birthplace: Ulsan, korea
Mbti: ISFP
languages: english (fluent) korean (native)
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claim: lisa
Bright and cheerful
Energetic and enthusiastic
Kind and caring
Determined and hardworking
Exceptional singing and dancing abilities
Strong stage presence
Ability to connect with the audience
ᡣ𐭩Likes, interests and hobbies ᡣ𐭩
Singing and dancing: Ana has been singing and dancing since she was a child. She loves to express herself through music and movement. She is always practicing her skills and trying to improve.
Playing the piano: Ana is a talented pianist. She can play by ear and loves to improvise. She often plays the piano to relax and de-stress.
Watching anime : Ana is a big fan of anime, her personal favorites are jjk where she has a masive crush on gojo and she always said that jjk is her roman empiere she is always on the verge of tears when she sees something from jjk, she also loves aot, yuri on ice, given, banana fish, and Spirited Away
Ana is a determined and hardworking person. She never gives up on her dreams. She is always striving to be the best that she can be.
ᡣ𐭩Ana's Miscellanyᡣ𐭩
Lucky Charm: Ana always carries a small, silver seashell necklace for good luck that yeosang gave hem before their debut
Pre-Performance Ritual: Before every show, Ana listens to a specific upbeat song on repeat to get pumped up and focused. The song is a secret amongst the members, adding a touch of mystery to her pre-stage routine.
Stage Snack: Ana has a peculiar craving for spicy rice cakes before going on stage. The other members find it amusing, but she swears the kick of spice helps her feel energized and alert.
Hidden Talent: While known for her singing and dancing, Ana secretly harbours a talent for drawing. She enjoys sketching portraits and fantastical creatures in her downtime, a creative outlet beyond music.
Fashion Inspiration: Ana loves mixing bold colors and statement pieces in her everyday wardrobe. She admires fashion icons known for pushing boundaries, like Rihanna and G Dragon.
Sleep Talker: Sometimes during intense schedules, Ana admits to sleep-talking. The members have heard her mutter lyrics, practice dance moves, or even order takeout in her sleep, much to their amusement.
Volunteer Work: When time allows, Ana secretly volunteers at a local animal shelter. She has a soft spot for animals and enjoys spending time with furry friends in need.
Secret Hobby: Ana enjoys playing video games, particularly rhythm games and puzzle adventures. It's a way for her to unwind and challenge herself outside of the K-Pop world.
Language Learner: Driven to connect with international fans, Ana is secretly taking online language classes in Spanish. She hopes to surprise fans with her foreign language skills in the future.
Bucket List: One of Ana's biggest dreams is to travel the world and experience different cultures. She longs to perform for fans internationally and learn about their traditions.
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ngc7009 · 1 year
one summer evening me and @how-very-salty made a Steven Universe au in Danganronpa setting. i guess we called it Danganverse? anyway, i finally drew some character sprites, so let me introduce the main cast.
[ Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 ]
Lars Barriga. Ultimate baker.
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local loser.
prickly, gloomy and unsociable.
the only two people he kinda trusts is Sadie and Ronaldo. still doesn't consider them friends.
well, he actually has some good friends online. but they live very far away.
trying to act like he has no hobbies or interests, but in fact obsessed with space.
starts speaking Tagalog when he's really upset, angry or excited.
he and Buck once were best friends, but something went wrong. Lars has no idea what, tho.
plays piano. it’s the only thing his parents insisted on learning.
Sadie Miller. Ultimate scriptwriter.
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very insightful.
basically non-conflicting person, always trying to find compromise.
took hundreds of classes from drawing to boxing.
doesn’t like spicy food.
wants to be a singer, but too shy to sing in public.
likes to write scripts for horror films and thrillers.
Ronaldo Fryman. Ultimate conspiracy theorist.
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is right more often than everyone thinks.
ridiculously smart actually, but his obsession with conspirology makes a bad impression on people.
truly considers Lars and Sadie his best friends.
has a girlfriend. very real girlfriend.
hates anime and manga?
adores rats, because they’re the smartest animals.
only eats junk food.
Buck Dewey. Ultimate popular guy.
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the second person in class after Garnet. his talent also makes him sort of a leader.
always calm and collected. on the outside at least.
better not ask him about Lars.
half Japanese. fluent in both Japanese and English.
actually gay, but has to hide it for various reasons.
has a super secret crush on guess who.
his dream is to go to medical school. but his dad wants him to follow his steps.
cares a lot for Jenny and Sour Cream.
Jenny Pizza. Ultimate designer.
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problem child.
she’s dating Buck, but actually likes him more as a friend.
in love with Sour Cream since high school.
her twin sister Kiki is her muse and favorite model. she says it's like making clothes for herself but even better.
hates the smell of pizza.
Sour Cream. Ultimate DJ.
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kinda aloof, head in the clouds.
madly in love with Jenny, but stood aside when Buck asked her out, believing that he is better for her.
has a lot of daddy issues.
lactose intolerant and has other various food allergies.
knows sign language.
adores his little stepbrother Onion. at the same time believes he's a Satan himself.
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skwpr · 10 months
How to Have Fun while you Study
Here are 20 ways that you can use to have fun while you study.
Reward yourself
One of the best ways to have fun while you study is to reward yourself. This makes your studying take some sort of game effect. Studies show that people enjoy things better when they feel rewarded. Set an intention to reward yourself when you finish studying.
Have snacks
Eating snacks while studying can make everything so much fun. You can also reward yourself with snacks. Be sure to eat non-greasy foods so you don’t get your books messy.
Use colors
What better way to have fun while studying than to use all the colors out there? Use colors to have fun while studying. Colors have a way of brightening everything up. they inspire fun and joy.
Listen to study music
You can make everything a lot more fun by listening to music. I’d recommend piano, or the famous lo-fi beats that are popular everywhere now. Be sure to choose music with no words for the most efficient study session.
Watch youtube videos
Studying doesn’t have to be boring. You can learn things better than your teachers taught you on youtube! Youtube is one of the best ways to learn new things online. if you miss any class, you can go on youtube and for sure you will learn what you missed.
Take breaks
Hard work is only as fun as taking breaks. Taking breaks is very essential to have fun while studying. if you don’t take regular breaks, you stand the chance of frying up your energy and crashing. I have prior experience with not taking breaks. A study break can be as simple as standing up and stretching.
Wear comfortable clothes
When I was a kid, I had this awesome dress that I imagined was a doctor’s lab coat. I’d wear it to feel like I was doing some important doctor work! If you want to have fun while studying, be sure to wear clothes that make you feel inspired and motivated to change the world!
Create to-do lists
Studying gets boring if all you do is stare at your books. Be sure to start creating and using to-do lists. This is simply a list of what you expect to accomplish within that day. I divide my to-do lists into two parts. These are: the least productive things I can do, and the most productive things I can do.
Do what makes you happier
Make sure to make yourself happy every single day. Find out what boosts your happy hormones and do a little of that every day. For me, that would be painting, reading a good book, or listening to great music. Do what makes you happy so you can boost your mood and enjoy studying that day.
Draw mind maps
Mind maps are a great way to have fun while you study. A mind map is something you draw to connect all your ideas together using lines. I love to use mind maps to connect my facts together. Draw mind maps with markers and colored pens for a little extra fun.
Use different study techniques
Reading all day can get boring. I have a few study techniques that you can try in order to have more fun. These are:
Writing down important points
Summarizing all your notes into tiny bite-sized chunks of information
Recording your notes on your phone
Making up questions
Studying old exam questions
Using online study tools
If you have any degree of artistic talent, it’s time for you to shine! Drawings are great to make studying a lot more fun. Make funny drawings based on information in your notes. Even a simple doodle will do. If you’re feeling crazy, make some comics.
Use cool fonts
Using cool fonts is a great way to be more artistic. Go on websites that let you download fonts and study them. I like to use creative market to get inspiration for my titles. They have some awesome fonts that you can re-create for your study sessions.
Use flash cards
Flash cards are a life saver. If you aren’t using them, then you are missing out. A flash card is a piece of paper where you write down important points. It sounds pretty basic but it promotes visual learning, and boosts your memory. Be sure to create loads of flash cards and shuffle them, all the while reviewing your notes.
Make a study video
What better way to have fun while studying than to pretend to be a youtuber! Test your videography skills by creating a time lapse of your studying. remember to use markers and colors of all sorts to make your video awesome!
Make up songs
Making up songs sounds silly, but it’s the perfect way to make studying fun. In fact, making up a song about your history notes can help you when you need it the most during exams!
Create infographics
If you fancy yourself a graphic designer, create some awesome infographics using graphic design software. Infographics can be as easy as just typing out your notes in awesome fonts. Canva is a great app to use. You can print all your infographics and use them for reviewing at a later date. Remember that by making these infographics, you are helping your brain create more connections to remember faster.
Duolingo for languages!
Everyone knows of Duolingo. If you don’t, then let me enlighten you: It is an awesome app to help you learn a new language. I’m currently using Duolingo to learn Japanese. よろしくお願いします。
Use quizlet.com
Quizlet is an online study tool to help you create flash cards. It’s a great site, and rumor has it that teachers use it to make tests! That means you can go on quizlet an find your next text, or at least related questions.
Go on memrise.com
Memrise is another online study tool that helps you to study and have fun while you’re at it. It’s a memorizing platform, and let’s add all sorts of images and audio. You can literally learn anything on there. You can also create your own course and use it to study.
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Anime I think each of the Host Club members would like:
Tamaki - Your Lie in April - Classical music, young love, the focus on the piano, and the touch of devastation? He’s grabbing the tissues and holding Haruhi extra tight the next time he sees her. He watches it every April.
Kyoya - Death Note - It’s secretly a partial autobiography, but the ending had to be changed with Light getting caught because if he wasn’t, then people would be on the hunt for Kyoya, and between Tamaki, the Host Club, and being the best in class, he doesn’t want the Japanese police force annoying him too.
Haruhi - Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san - This is a very lowkey and chill anime based on the real life experiences of the author. I think Haruhi would jive with the low intensity, big bookworm vibes, “are you shitting me right now?” experiences. Haruhi could probably relate on some level with being in the Host Club. It’s her favorite series to have on in the background while cleaning.
Hikaru - Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun - Hanako-kun is a little shit, and so is Hikaru. The colors are bright, the antics are funny, and there are also a few intense moments he would get wrapped up in.
Kaoru - Sword Art Online - Kaoru would enjoy the initial video game/virtual reality setup of the anime, and would get sucked in by the characters passing levels and moving through the game. He can describe in detail every arc to anyone who dares ask, and by less than halfway through, the person doesn’t bother to ask him if there are any other anime he likes. (Which is all according to plan, because he’s also a big romance fan, but he needs to keep up his image. He’s obsessed with Toradora)
Honey - Attack on Titan - Is it cute and cuddly? No. But does it feature a badass short guy who absolutely wrecks everyone’s shit and is known for being the World’s Strongest? Yes. Dispel the thought that Honey is only into cutesy things.
Mori - Demon Slayer! - The animation and the colors are insaaane, add to that all of the different fighting techniques? Mori’s hooked. He has a crush on the butterfly girl, Shinobu Kocho (but honestly, who doesn’t).
Bonus - Renge - Fruits Basket - She envisions herself as Tohru, though this girl would NOT be able to survive outside in a tent, bathing in the river. But all the male characters and very few female characters? Yaaaah, she’s happy with this show. Bonus x 2 - her favorite is Ayame.
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