#best hand cream
greatermood · 7 months
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mvskintherapy · 10 months
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Experience Luxury: MV SKINTHERAPY's Shea Butter Hand Rescue
Indulge in luxury with MV SKINTHERAPY's Shea Butter whipped to perfection, blended with nourishing ingredients like camellia, calendula, rosehip, tangerine, sandalwood, vanilla, benzoin, and more. Let the results speak for themselves – real feedback from real people. MV SKINTHERAPY's Hand Rescue is the ideal Christmas stocking filler. Treat your hands with the best hand cream for ultimate skin care and massage therapy. Elevate your skin therapy experience. Discover the difference with MV SKINTHERAPY.
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aaranyaaskincare · 2 years
Acne-prone and sensitive skin requires special care and attention. Astringent toners are a popular choice for those who suffer from these skin types as they effectively cleanse the pores and control excess oil secretion. But the benefits of astringent toner don't just stop there. In this blog, we'll explore the various benefits of using astringent toner for acne-prone and sensitive skin, and how it can help you achieve healthy and clear skin.
Everything Started Here
Aaranyaa represents a wide range of skin care and hair care products which have been evolved by fusion of modern technology and ayurved after extensive research. We at Vedic Natural Care Pvt Ltd. strive to make aaranyaa products effective, skin friendly, and natural
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asifthoughts · 2 years
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You breathe with your hands! Use WBM Care Hand Cream to provide them with the hydration they need and deserve. It is enhanced with the helpful nutrients you require to maintain beautiful, healthy skin. Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are part of the natural and nutritious recipe, which also provides a thick layer of hydration to keep your hands healthy all the time.
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chalkrub · 1 year
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made a little linocut for pixie <:^) miss her so much
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thwackk · 2 years
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people underestimate the comedic potential of eobard’s existence and his extreme petty hatred for this one (1) dude
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bonus because i just feel like barry would think he’s just hallucinating or something but came up with the WORST way to tell his mom that
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m1ssunderstanding · 8 days
nothing intelligent or helpful to say about it really but we had SUCH a good time at One Hand Clapping. Everyone should go if they've got the chance.
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docnukes · 1 year
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anjasitdown · 5 months
I think Jujutsu Kaisen sets itself apart from the other shonen anime/manga. Yuji's not like any other shonen protagonists. Sure, he's strong, runs around, and kicks ass, but Yuji and the other male characters are not just strong. I love how they show a wide range of emotions, from childlike excitement to their innermost feelings of frustrations and vulnerability (e.g., Nanami lamenting on his dream retirement that he never got to live.) And I also love how the female characters aren't sexualized and one dimensional.
But I think what I reeeeaaaally love about the series is how it shows brokenness. The world is broken, the system is broken, the humans and sorcerers are broken, and relationships are broken. But despite all that there's still love. The characters still have love for each other. In the Shibuya Incident, everyone's not fighting for themselves, they fight to keep everyone safe. All of them put others before them, even to the point of death. And we don't do that anymore, we don't love anyone to the point of self-sacrifice.
I remember after Suguru committed mass murder, Satoru couldn't kill him. Satoru couldn't bring himself to kill the only friend he had. He may hate Suguru, but under his hatred lies the love he always had for his friend. And he couldn't and probably never will kill Suguru.
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aaranyaaskincare · 2 years
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Without a doubt, our hands serve as the most amazing tools that make our day to day activities and life easier. But do you not believe that we neglect our hands more than any other portion of our body? Yes, indeed!
While the truth is that we regularly expose our hands to a variety of substances and basically use them for every primary function, we tend to forget to give them the extra care it deserves.
It's obvious to forget to moisturize your hands at the same level as the rest of your face, neck, and body given our busy lifestyles and habits. However, throughout the day, our hands come into touch with irritants like hand soap, hand sanitizing gels, alcohol-based cleaning products, etc. in addition to being continually exposed to the outdoor environment. When you use your fingers to scroll and type while working or studying, it can leave your skin dry, red, and flaky, which can be very unpleasant. 
Assuming no one is truly looking at them, many people concentrate more on their faces and less on their hands. But because we often communicate through our hand gestures, taking care of them with the appropriate hand cream can improve both our outward appearance and inner confidence. Best Hand Cream, please!!
Because the skin on the hands and the rest of our body is naturally different in texture and thickness, they require different care. Hand creams have higher concentrations of oil and are absorbed faster than body creams as the top of your hands tend to dry out quickly due to their continuous exposure and lack of any oil glands. 
Look for best hand cream that contain vital fatty acids and oils; avoid anything too oily, such as petroleum jelly, since it will make your hands too sticky to handle. The best way to increase hydration and pack as much moisture into the palms, nails, cuticles, and top of the palms is to apply hand and nail cream at the back of your palms, under and along the tips and edges of the nails, and cuticles and gently massage it in circular motions. It is advised to use it before going to bed to yield maximum benefits.
Advantages of Using Hand and Nail Cream:
1. Boost up the hydration content:
Working all day long makes your hands more likely to become dry, rough, and chapped. Most hand & nail creams have two categories of substances - the occlusives and emollients, that lock and seal moisture while forming a physical barrier on the skin which help to achieve well moisturized skin for your hands.
2. Cut your age some slack:
With time the skin loses its radiance and elasticity. The first signs of ageing, such as wrinkles and age spots also show on your hands. In addition to strengthening nails and moisturizing cuticles, hand creams with oils that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fatty acids will leave your hands moisturized, looking gorgeous, youthful and healthy.
3. Metamorphose into satiny soft hands that look and feel better:
If dry and flaky hands and cuticles are your concern, opt for a hand cream. You can achieve silky smooth nails, cuticles, and hands with the help of a hydrating hand cream that provides intense moisturization with the vitamin-rich oils present in them. Rubbing in a generous amount of hand cream after washing your hands or at the end of a busy day will transform your dry skin into soft supple and beautiful hands. 
4. Keep the sun damage at bay:
Hand cream is not only effective against dry skin, nails, and cuticles, but it can also protect your skin from the sun. It creates a barrier on your skin against environmental aggressors, protecting your hands every time you go outside.
5. Give your hands an instant facelift:
Whenever possible, opt for chemical-free, all-natural alternatives that are packed with extensive hydrating and moisturizing actives that help clear pigmentation and dark spots and bring back the natural glow and luster to the skin.
- Moringa Oil: A very large tree native to North India, Moringa oleifera has been hailed for its health benefits for a very long time. It contains a lot of beneficial antioxidants and seven essential amino acids are all found in the oleifera seeds.
- Manuka Oil: Manuka oil, which contains 22 essential amino acids, is one of the finest moisturizing and antibacterial ingredients and is referred to as a superfood and natural wound healer. Its source is Manuka honey, obtained from the same-named New Zealand plant.
Stay away from soaps and cleansers that contain chemicals which can be harsh on your skin. Since you wash your hands multiple times daily, choose a natural alternative.To keep your cuticles moisturized every day, use cuticle oil or hand cream for the best results 
When you go outside, remember to apply sunscreen to your hands to prevent tanning and sunburn. Long nails may be attractive, but neglected nails can break easily. Keep your nails clean and trimmed if they tend to break off easily. Exfoliate your hands frequently to eliminate dead skin cells and other impurities.
Use only the highest-quality nail polish to avoid damaging your nails when caring for your hands. Additionally, occasionally skip the polish and give your nails a rest.
It's best to wear gloves when gardening, using strong-smelling ingredients, or working in the kitchen to protect your hands.
Does hand cream make nails stronger?
Hand creams with all natural ingredients and oils like moringa oil can help make your nails stronger and prevent breakage. 
What is the ideal time to use hand cream?
It would help if you used hand cream when your hands feel dry and rough.
Aaranyaa Hand and Cuticle Cream with Moringa and Manuka Oil recognizes nature's power and holds the answer to all of your skin's problems. The amino fruit extracts render it a delicate, comforting texture that absorbs right into the skin, leaving your hands feeling soft and smooth in no time.  
About the Brand (Aaranyaa):
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“Aaranyaa is renowned for its herbal, amino acid-based skin care products & Hair Care Products. We obtain the best raw materials from all regions of our own nation.”
Aaranyaa represents a best product for skin care and hair care products which have been evolved by fusion of modern technology and ayurved after extensive research. We at Vedic Natural Care Pvt. Ltd. strive to make Aaranyaa products effective, skin friendly, and natural.
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asifthoughts · 2 years
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You breathe with your hands! Use WBM Care Hand Cream to provide them with the hydration they need and deserve. It is enhanced with the helpful nutrients you require to maintain beautiful, healthy skin. Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are part of the natural and nutritious recipe, which also provides a thick layer of hydration to keep your hands healthy all the time.
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mythicalartistx · 1 year
Soriku in Novels Part 2 -
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
As Sora looked at them together, he noticed his vision growing blurry.
"Sora..?" Goofy set a hand on his shoulder.
Donald peered into his face, "Crying for joy?"
"I'm not crying!" Sora turned away and scrubbed his eyes. He was not. There was no reason to cry when he was glad. Riku was alive.
I want to see him. I have so much to tell him.
In the land of dragons, Sora sees himself and Riku when he looks at Shang and Mulan. It's the cutest thing ever. This actually happens in game too.
Though I want to point out how in the manga Riku ask Shang to give a papou fruit to Sora and Immediately Sora knows it's from Riku cause... "only Riku would do something like that" well umm... I don't know about you but that seems kinda.... 🏳️‍🌈🧐. So he tells Shang to give it to Mulan fully knowing the meaning behind the fruits and sees them as a romantic couple who both like each other, hoping their destinies will intertwine forever.
Also this is why Sora realizing he's alive in reunion scene doesn't make sense because he already knew from several other moments.
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"Riku..." Sora looked up, holding tight to his friend's hand. "It's Riku... Riku is here. He knew that it was Riku's hand he clasped. It was bigger than the one he held a thousand times before, but in his heart, Sora felt it.
A knot of something he could barely define filled his chest. Clinging to that hand, to Riku's hand, Sora fell to his knees. "I was looking for you...!" Tears spilled all over and flowed down his cheeks as he pressed Riku's hand against his face.
As much as it is cute in the game, the novel adds so much more. It shows inside feelings. And Sora knew it is Riku's hand cause he felt it in his heart ahkshshshshsh— A HAND HE HELD THOUSANDS OF TIMES BEFORE!? He could have said he held it before or several times— but no he had to go with thousands of times.
And then he gets some sort of knot in his chest he could barely define??? I don't know ummm it kinda sounds like Sora might like him....
Then later he presses Riku's hand to his own face.... Um Sora, you are so cute when you interact with Riku that it's so obvious he likes him but He is so oblivious about it..... Man Riku must be really having to contain himself and make sure he isn't going to get flustered.
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The next few are around a similar moment,
He thought he heard someone calling his name. Sora call me to, eventually pushing himself up. The first thing his eyes focused on was Riku—collapsed on the floor.
"Riku..!" Sora scrambled over to him and knelt down, perring into his face.
It belonged to a silver-haired boy.
The first person he pays attention to is Riku and then he peers into his face. Then the moment after this is just crazy.
Riku!" Sora flung his arms around the other boy, looking up into his face.
Far up. I know we haven't seen each other for a year— but Riku's so much taller! No fair!
Listen, he immediately flings his arms around Riku. That's so cute. I love how cute he is when he realizes Riku got so much taller. I think it's so funny how he wants to be taller but never does because Riku always growing. It be funny if he managed to get taller like one day and then Riku ends up surpassing him AGAIN.
That word from him had a terrible certainly to it. Sora's brows drew together and he moved closer to his friend again, staring into the face he'd missed so much.
"Seriously, Riku!" Sora grabbed his collar.
This is the lines, after the eyes couldn't lie/ myself scene. And oh ho we got some stuff. This scene in general is sad and you just want to hug Riku for all he's been through because he's clearly upset at himself for it and feels so much regret. Then Sora grabs his COLLAR. I bet he said the I'm not a sap line to hide the fact he was flustered. He's so close to him.
With that, Riku threw off his black cloak. In his hand was his own Keyblade— the Way to the Dawn.
"Yeah..." Sora agreed, seeing that the other boy was already leaving. He was only too happy to follow, "Riku!"
These two are so cute especially how Sora acts around him. Like he so happy to be with him. It's just so wholesome and great. I love their relationship, their friendship is also the cutest.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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B'Elanna in 'Maneuvers'
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barbieyaga · 10 days
everyone give it up for the body shop hemp hand cream!!!!!
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yardsards · 1 year
found in a yearbook from the 1950s
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they're having 50% off sale if any of you have wanted to try there products...
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