#berserk x oc
marblemoovt · 1 year
Stay - Griffith/Ashe(OC)
Rating: Explicit (Smut)
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Fluff with some reverse hurt/comfort. Smut, Oral sex, Fingering, P in V sex. A bit of a praise kink. Dirty talk. (Let me know if I'm missing anything)
When Guts leaves, Griffith is distraught. He seeks comfort in the only other person who is hurting as much as he is. Guts's sister, Ashe.
She rips the door open and meets the gaze of an equally startled Griffith. His fist hangs in the air before dropping to his side. 
He rushes forward and embraces her. Cold and wet fabric sticks to her skin. Griffith is shivering, raindrops dripping from his pale locks. “You’re still here,” he mumbles, arms squeezing her in disbelief. A shaky breath shudders near her ear, and she turns to look at him, freezing at the unfamiliar expression on his face. “I thought…” —his throat bobs— “I thought you left.” There’s a pause that leaves the sentence feeling unfinished.
My first commission!! Ashe is an OC that belongs to @maid0evil; thank you so much for the commission! She was so pleasant to work with and honestly quelled a lot of fears I had about writing commissions for people. Check out her blog or message her if you want to know more about Ashe!
Here's some helpful background info: Ashe is Guts's younger twin sister and she is an apothecary, a person who makes medicine and other drugs. A healer/pharmacist essentially. She also has the skill set to do spy work.
This is enough to read this fic without getting too confused, but here's a post with all the details about Ashe.
Happy Reading! ヾ(•ω•`)o
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
Quiet. Their—her—house is quiet. No longer will she hear the repetitive swish of metal cutting through the air. He’s not in the backyard anymore for her to scold when he overworks himself. The drawer full of bandages and ointment is now bare. Ashe refused to let her brother leave without it all. 
Now she feels empty. Half of her is missing, leaving a gaping hole that aches with longing. Guts asked her to go with him, but she couldn’t. Ashe’s place is with the Hawks. She told him as much. These people have become her family, and they need her. Her brother can take care of himself now. She reminisces over the days before he hit his growth spurt when she used to tower over him. When she protected both of them during those nightmarish times.
It was hard to watch him go, but the determination in his eyes…. When Guts told her his reasons for leaving, how he promised to return once he could proudly stand beside Griffith, who was she to stop him? So she sent him off from their house with a forced smile. Ashe couldn’t bear watching him leave the town, so she remained inside. That was until she heard the clashing of swords.
Grabbing a bag containing basic medical supplies, she ran to the source of the commotion. She nearly slipped on the frost-covered path when her heels dug into the ground. Someone caught her by the arm to steady her, but her focus remained on the ongoing fight. Griffith and Guts were fighting, and Ashe recalled a memory from years ago. But this time ended differently.
Griffith was left stunned on the ground as Guts turned around and left. Ashe’s lips still sting from when she bit down on them then. He didn’t look back or say anything to her, and she understood why. So she returned inside, unwilling to give him a reason to stay behind. The tears didn’t start flowing until the door clicked shut and the latch locked into place.
She doesn’t know how much time has passed since then. Currently, she’s curled up in a fetal position on the bed, waiting for the sharp pain in her chest to ebb into a dull ache. Moonlight filters in through the window and bathes the room in silver, the only indicator of how long she spent holed up in her room. Ashe shuts her eyes, but the colour induces brief images of a particular general to flash through her mind. Because the walls inside are thin, she can hear when someone knocks on the front door. But she ignores them all, weighed down by the desire to do nothing. And so she listens to the knocks, cries herself to exhaustion, and the cycle repeats until only the chirping of cicadas remains.
Another knock on the door. She remains in bed like usual. The knocking repeats itself after a few beats of silence, more persistent than before. Ashe drags herself out of bed to salvage what’s left of her front door before it’s torn off the hinges. Her stride quickens when the sound becomes frantic, and the creak of abused wood follows. She rips the door open and meets the gaze of an equally startled Griffith. His fist hangs in the air before dropping to his side. 
He rushes forward and embraces her. Cold and wet fabric sticks to her skin. Griffith is shivering, raindrops dripping from his pale locks. “You’re still here,” he mumbles, arms squeezing her in disbelief. A shaky breath shudders near her ear, and she turns to look at him, freezing at the unfamiliar expression on his face. “I thought…” —his throat bobs— “I thought you left.” There’s a pause that leaves the sentence feeling unfinished.
Ashe shakes her head. “My place is here with all of you,” she reassures him. “I love my brother, but he needs to figure out his own problems.” 
“You won’t leave?” Griffith asks in a meek tone. Ashe has never heard him speak like this. What happened to the Griffith that was always certain about everything? Where did that confidence go? She licks her dry lips when she thinks about how it was probably cut down alongside his sword this morning. Caution must be taken to not agitate Griffith further. He looks like a skittish puppy ready to bolt at any sudden movement. She doesn’t know what he’ll do if he storms away from her. 
“No. I’m staying,” she answers. “Now come inside; you’re freezing.” Right now, the safest place for him is somewhere she can keep an eye on. Just until he recovers from the shock. Ashe guides Griffith to the small sitting room by the fireplace. The embers are dying, so she adds another log and stokes the flames. The fire crackles as it consumes the wood, embers dancing across the small stone stage. She retrieves a spare blanket and wraps it around his trembling form. She doesn’t have any extra clothes to offer. Anything Guts left behind would be too big, but it might be better than nothing. Amid her thoughts, Griffith surprises her by raising the fabric and patting the empty spot beside him. Ashe sits down, and he wraps the blanket around them, draping one arm around her shoulders. 
She shudders slightly at the cold contact, leaning into him to share her body heat. He rests his head against hers, an intimate gesture she never thought she would receive from him. “When Guts left, I thought you would leave with him.” Griffith glances at the window, a crease forming between his brows. “My apologies. I know it is late, but I had to make sure.” When he notices her confused expression, he adds, “I had to see for myself whether you were gone.”
Ashe purses her lips in silence before eventually asking, “Why?” Sure, they’ve gotten closer, but she knows her role could be easily replaced. She understands that everyone here is working for the sake of Griffith’s dream.
“Why indeed?” Griffith muses to himself, picking up a lock of her hair and thumbing it between his fingers. He raises the strands to his lips but drops his hand before they make contact, staring at her like how he stares at a map when planning a battle. “Know that I do not trust just anyone to poison me.” And Ashe is taken back to that night. The night he entrusted his life to her. The night he swept her away on the ballroom floor. The same night she made the startling realization that she sees Griffith as more than her superior and that they can never be more. 
“I’m still surprised you asked me to make and swap out the poisons,” she admits. He entrusted her with his life. The ratio of the poison was fatal. If she didn’t dilute the mixture correctly, the dose would have induced him into a complete-death state instead of near death. One mistake by her was enough to kill him—permanently. Yet he still explained his plan and asked for her help. Guts was the only other hawk who knew of his intentions. 
So Ashe concocted the poison with deadly precision, paying attention to the minutest detail. Griffith placed his faith in her, a privilege not given to many. She would ensure not to betray it. Swapping the poisons was the easiest part. All it took was for Ashe to feign ignorance when bumping into the waiter and act like one of the many naive women attending the ball. The man was too focused on her neckline to notice her deft fingers switching out the bottles. 
Shortly after, Griffith asked her for a dance. It was an excuse to escape the horde of women surrounding him and to inquire about the swap. She’ll never forget how close he was that night. One hand was placed around her waist, and the other holding her hand as he gracefully led her through the dance. They floated across the ballroom floor. Griffith’s steps never faltered, each twirl and turn as confident as the last. 
Occasionally, Griffith would lean in and whisper. He didn’t ask outright about the plan, but they danced around the subject. After the third or fourth time, Ashe could no longer ignore the goosebumps rising across her skin. Griffith’s warm breath tickled her ear, and she found it hard to respond accordingly to their conversation. There was the undeniable urge to run from this foreign feeling, but her desire to remain by his side won. 
The entire time Griffith only paid attention to her. His eyes, which usually carried an unmeltable frost, warmed when meeting her gaze. When Griffith complimented her dress, she failed to return the sentiment, tongue twisted by embarrassment. Griffith only smiled at her lack of a response, and her heart beat so loudly she was afraid the entire room could hear it battering against her ribcage. Ashe didn’t even notice the song was over until Griffith drew back and bowed, kissing the back of her hand in farewell.
Even though she knew beforehand, nothing could prepare her for witnessing Griffith fall. She watched as he accepted the glass from the waiter and took a sip, collapsing a few seconds later. He truthfully looked dead, and despite her knowledge, she was having a hard time believing he wasn’t. Suppose she miscalculated and made the dosage too high. What if she did kill him? She would never forgive herself. Everyone rushed to Griffith, but Ashe could only stand rooted to the ground, weighed down by guilt and mortification. She still remembers how her palms stung as her hands balled into fists. Guts scolded her light-heartedly later as he bandaged her wounds.
Ashe is brought back to the present when she hears Griffith’s voice. She didn’t realize how tightly she was clenching the blanket.
Griffith places his hand over her fists, and they lose their tension. “I am glad I did.” He smiles at her, a rare smile that reaches his eyes.  “You played a vital role. It would not have gone so smoothly without you.” The confidence in his words shakes her. How is she supposed to respond when he looks at her like that? As if she’s the most significant person in the room?
Ashe clears her throat and flits her gaze to the hallway. “I’ll find some of Guts’s spare clothes for you to wear. You can sleep in the guest room tonight.” She stands up to leave, but Griffith’s arms wrap around her waist, and he presses his forehead against her stomach. Ashe hesitantly pats his back, softly saying, “I’m not going anywhere.”
Griffith chuckles; a bitter and dry sound fills the room. “Forgive me, but I am having difficulty believing you. How am I to know that you will not try to leave like Guts?” he asks, arms snaring her in his hold. Like prey trapped in the coil of a snake, she squirms but stills when the pressure tightens. As a gentle reminder, she squeezes his shoulders, and her lungs can breathe again. Griffith doesn’t let go, much to her bewilderment. Would her absence really matter to him? Or is it only because her brother left first?
Ashe already decided to stay, which she’s told Griffith several times. But he just doesn’t seem to get the message. “Everyone here still needs me. Besides, Guts will come back. He didn’t intend to leave forever. Once he finds a dream of his own and can proudly call himself your equal, he’ll return,” she reminds him. At Griffith’s silence, her brows knit together. “Didn’t he tell you that?” she asks, although she already deduced the answer from his reaction. 
“His own dream? My equal?” Griffith chuckles in disbelief, his shoulders sagging as he leans against her. Startled, Ashe straightens up to support Griffith's weight. 
“Idiot,” Ashe mumbles under her breath. Leave it to Guts not to explain things to Griffith. No wonder the duel shook Griffith up so much. “Guts overheard a conversation you had with Charlotte at a fountain,” she explains. His body stiffens, then the arms around her waist go slack. 
“So he did not leave because he wanted to cut all ties with me?” Griffith glances up at her with wide eyes. He takes a deep breath, and it comes out as a sigh. “I am… glad.” The smile on his face wobbles like a taut string pulled in opposite directions. And eventually, it snaps. Ashe catches a glimpse of his misty eyes before he buries his face into her lower abdomen again. His shoulders shake with silent cries, and she bites her lip, unsure how to comfort him. So Ashe does what she would do if it were her brother. She gently strokes his head and speaks in a low, soothing tone. 
“Guts wants to be your friend, an equal. He told me that he’ll return once he finds his own dream. You two can have a proper conversation once he’s back.” She cradles him close to her body,
“And you?” Griffith’s voice is muffled by her shirt, but her excellent hearing picks out the words.
“What about me?” She plays with a lock of his hair. The fireplace and window cast shadows of orange and silver, like a dance between fire and ice. A delicate balance of push and pull where one side does not entirely consume the other. Griffith’s hair glows in the moonlight as if it holds the ethereal light.
“Will you remain with the hawks, or will you eventually cave in from the absence of your brother and follow his footsteps?” he asks. Judging by the tone of his voice, it doesn’t seem like he’s considered other outcomes. 
Ashe grimaces. “Why do you make it sound like those are my only options?” She flicks his forehead lightly when he looks up at her again. “I’m a human being with free will, Griffith. I’m not limited to the two choices you’ve presented.”
Griffith chuckles, “I did always admire this quality of yours. You see humans as nothing more than that. Human. No Gods or superior beings. Human.”
Ashe hums and takes in his ragged appearance. “I think you need some rest.”
“You did not answer my question.”
She sighs, “But I did, multiple times. You just never believed my answer.”
Griffith stares into her eyes, holding his gaze for a few seconds before looking away. “Perhaps I am starting to,” he whispers.
Ashe guides him to the guest room, promising to return with some spare clothes. While he’s no longer soaked, he’s still damp and can easily catch a cold. She makes a detour and grabs her medicine bag. Knocking on the door, she waits for confirmation to come in. She enters when there’s only silence, worried something terrible has happened to him.
Griffith is still in the room, half-dressed. His shirt falls to the floor, and their eyes meet. “I-I’m so sorry!” she apologizes, slamming the door shut. She buries her face in the clothes she’s carrying and lets out a scream. Luckily the fabric does a decent enough job at silencing the sound, but she doubts Griffith missed it. The hinges of the door creak open, and her back straightens. “I also brought you some medicine in case the rain made you sick,” and she hastily shoves everything into Griffith’s arms before rushing back to her room. Ashe pauses in her steps and mutters a quiet “goodnight,” the burn on her cheeks spreading across her body.
The sky rumbles, shaking more droplets out of the clouds as they beat on the roof tiles. At least the storm provides some distraction from the chaos plaguing her mind. She curls up in her bed again, confused and embarrassed. Ashe doesn’t know what to do with her feelings; bury them? Will she end up like Casca? Forever pining after a man who will never look at her the same way? But she’s noticed lately that Casca’s gaze has been slowly redirecting towards someone else. 
Thunder growls outside, and she shuts her eyes and imagines that her brother is here to keep her company. But the more she pretends, the larger the ache grows. Loneliness is a relentless beast. Once it sinks its teeth into you, it’s hard to shake off. It claws into your chest and carves your insides until you’re hollow. Quiet gasps leave her trembling lips as she struggles to hold in her cries. The tears burn and leave hot trails as they soak her pillow. It takes a few minutes for her to notice that not all the noises are coming from her. Besides the storm howling, another set of sobs fills the house. Ashe can pinpoint the guest room as the source.
She exits her room, wrapping her blanket tight around her shoulders. Heading to Griffith, she knocks on the door. The crying stops, and footsteps shuffle close. Ashe loses all function over her tongue when she sees him. Red-rimmed eyes and a complexion paler than usual. He sports similar tear tracks to hers. He also stares in silence, taking in her dishevelled appearance. 
“I’m sorry to bother you. It’s just… I… the storm—can I stay the night with you?” she stutters, wrangling her words to form a coherent sentence to no avail. “The storm is loud, and I’m not used to dealing with them alone.” Ashe avoids his gaze, fidgeting with her fingers. She hopes he doesn’t think of her as a child for being afraid. The loud noises bring back memories she would prefer to never think of again.
Griffith nods and steps aside to let her in. Ashe enters the room and sits on the bed, leaning her back against the headboard. She hugs her knees to her chest and watches him hesitantly sit beside her. A slight draft breezes through the room, and Ashe wraps the blanket tighter, clenching her teeth to prevent them from chattering. Another blanket drapes over her, and her right side is pleasantly warm. She turns her head, sucking in a breath at how close Griffith is. He’s pressed against her, and she can feel his hot breath tickling her face. 
“Thank you,” he says. 
“Don’t worry about it. Guts should have told you why he was leaving,” she responds, shrugging. 
“Well, that too. But I mean thank you for staying… by my side.” Griffith smiles, and Ashe can no longer tell if the drumming in her ears is the thunder or her heartbeat. “If I had known the reason, I would have told him I see him as a friend. Your brother is the only—no, he’s one of the few people who can rival the importance of my dream,” he confesses. 
Ashe lifts her head, mouth running dry. One of?
“But at least you are still here,” he says, looking down at her fondly. “I never thought we would have so much in common.”
“Griffith, what am I to you?” Ashe asks. He stares at her again, trying to decipher her.
“I would say a friend, but you are much more special than that.” Griffith frowns as he contemplates. “I cannot call you a comrade or any similar title. None of them express what I feel.” He hums, mulling over the thought. “…A partner, perhaps?” he whispers, staring at her with wide eyes. Ashe leans in close, and his gaze flickers to her lips. “May I kiss you?” he asks. 
She laughs breathlessly, “Yes, please.” He cradles her face and kisses her languidly. His hand slides down and cups the nape of her neck, pressing her closer to him. Griffith trails down her jaw and along her throat, chuckling when he hears her gasp. He runs his tongue over her pulse and grins when she tilts her head back to expose more of her neck. When he moves on to her collarbone, Ashe places her hands firmly on his chest. “Wait,” she says. “I want to please you first.”
Griffith smiles softly and strokes her hair. “Not to worry, we will get to that.”
But Ashe shakes her head. “No. Let me lead for once,” she insists. He bites his lip but relents. “Sit back,” she commands. Griffith leans against the headboard and removes his shirt, lifting his hips when she tugs on his pants. The lack of undergarments is a surprise, but her face flames when she remembers she didn’t provide him with any.
“Your expression is adorable. Is this your first time?” Griffith jokes, but his jaw slackens when she bashfully nods. “You should have told me sooner,” he says. It comes out harsh, and Griffith softens his tone. “If I knew earlier, I would have gone to further lengths to ensure the best experience possible for you.”
Fuzzy warmth blooms in Ashe’s chest. She licks her lips and glances down between his thighs. “It’s alright, Griffith. Please tell me what to do,” she says, trying to ignore the red pendant dangling around his neck. But the damn thing stares at her. “If it’s not too much trouble, could you remove your necklace? It’s… distracting.” Ashe doesn’t want to admit that the inanimate object is creepy since he wears it constantly.
“Not the most romantic accessory, is it?” Griffith smiles and removes the necklace, setting it on the bedside drawer. “Let us start with something easy. Take your hand and stroke slowly. Make sure not to squeeze too hard,” Griffith instructs. Ashe wraps her hand around his cock and gives it a few experimental pumps. She pulls away when he hisses through clenched teeth.
“Did I hurt you?” she asks, observing his expression.
Griffith shakes his head, chest heaving with shallow breaths. “No, dear. You were doing wonderfully. Please keep going.” So she resumes stroking, gliding her hand up and down his shaft, watching as the head of his cock swells to a dark red. Spurred on by Griffith’s sighs, she swipes her thumb across the small hole at the tip, smearing precum onto her hand. Ashe glances up, meeting Griffith’s hooded gaze. “Use that to ease the friction.” She marvels at how easy it is to move her hand once it’s slick. 
The tip of Griffith’s cock continues dripping, and Ashe’s tongue darts out to lick along the slit, curious about the taste. He groans, hips bucking into her hand. “Did you like that?” Ashe asks, noticing the heightened sensitivity around the front of his cock near the tip.
“I loved it. Do it again,” he commands, and she carries out his orders, lapping and stroking simultaneously until she’s drowning in his musky scent. A salty tang coats her tongue, but she doesn’t mind the taste. When she glances up again, Griffith’s head is thrown back, eyes shut tight. Ashe feels his cock twitching in her mouth. “Love, I need you to stop. I will not last if you continue,” he begs. 
Ashe furrows her brows and draws away. “Don’t you want to climax?”
“Not yet. I want you to lie down first,” Griffith says. So she lies on her back, shuddering when her nightgown is pushed up and the night air brushes against her exposed skin. He parts her legs and plants a kiss on her inner thigh. “A gentleman always returns the favour.” His boyish grin sends a jolt that sparks a flame in her lower abdomen. 
“Griffith—I…..” She can’t think of anything to say, fixated on how she can feel his breath against the damp fabric of her undergarments. 
“Is this too much for you?” He pauses and waits for her answer. 
There’s a heat in her body that’s begging to be soothed. An ache that lingers and drives her mad with every passing second. “No. It’s not enough. Please touch me,” she says.
“As you wish.” Griffith pulls down the fabric to unveil her glistening cunt. A heady musk fills the room, and he dips his head for a taste. He licks a stripe through her folds, lapping the arousal dribbling out of her entrance. 
“Griffith,” Ashe moans, electricity tingling through her veins. There’s a sudden hunger for more. She wants him to douse oil on the fire raging inside her and become consumed under his touch. Something flicks her clit, and she yelps in surprise. Ashe glances down to see Griffith circling his tongue around the throbbing area, never touching the center. She shudders when one of his fingers probes her entrance, sliding in slowly.
“That’s it, love. I can feel you squeezing around my finger. You can take one more. I know you can,” he says, adding another digit inside her. She groans at the slight burn from the stretch, bucking her hips when he resumes teasing her clit. He curls his fingers, wagging his tongue over the swollen bundle of nerves. Ashe feels something building in the pit of her stomach, a swirl of energy that grows stronger and threatens to swallow her whole. “You are doing so well for me. Let go. Let the pleasure consume you.” She climaxes at his words, feeling the waves crash and roll off her body as she grinds against his face, babbling incoherent pleas for more.
Griffith slows down, moving just enough to trigger the aftershocks that spread from her core and ripple through the rest of her body. He places soft pecks along her puffy lips and removes his fingers, licking them clean. She watches his tongue through hooded lids, remembering how they looked between her thighs earlier. A throb surges to her cunt, and she clenches around emptiness. Griffith chuckles and pets her clit gently with his thumb, the rest of his fingers splayed on her lower abdomen.
“Ah! Not there!” she cries out, jerking away from his touch. His hand pins her to the bed. The pleasure teeters on pain, but her body aches for more. 
Griffith shushes and strokes her thigh. “I will be gentle. I am starving to taste you.” Ashe shudders and avoids his gaze. The flames beneath her skin blaze on her face and neck. He hooks his arms underneath her knees and tugs her to the edge of the bed, where he’s kneeling on the floor. “Oh? Did my words excite you? How cute.” He doesn’t waste any time digging in. His tongue feels different from his fingers. It doesn’t reach as deep, but her cunt still greedily sucks him in. 
He occasionally praises her, telling her how delicious she tastes. But her mind is foggy, and most of the words never reach her. All she can focus on is his mouth around her clit and the obscene slurps that fill the room, mixed with Griffith’s groans. He draws out another orgasm from her, not as intense as the first one. He takes great care in slowing down and drawing out her high.
Ashe sighs, head buzzing as her vision refocuses. “I’m ready,” she says.
“Ready for what?” Griffith taps his cock against her clit and grins when she shivers. “I cannot understand what you mean if you remain vague.”
If her brain was functioning normally, she would be upset. But she writhes her hips, and her eyes nearly roll into the back of her head when she comes in contact with his cock again. “Please make love to me,” she begs.
Griffith rubs his cock between her folds, lubricating himself with her arousal. “Let me know if it is too much, and I will stop. I want you to enjoy this.” He lines himself up with her entrance and eases in. Ashe sucks in a breath, releasing it with a hiss. The burn stung more than when he used his fingers, but it was bearable.
Ashe watches as his cock disappears into her inch by inch. She feels him rub against her walls until he’s buried deep. “More,” she pleads.
“Whatever you desire.” He pulls out and slams back in, hitching the air in her lungs. He repeats the process, waiting in intervals until the next thrust. “My dear, you should see the mess you are making.” His laughter fills her with warmth. Griffith cups one of her breasts, brushing his thumb over her hardening nipple. “Forgive me for neglecting such beauty.” He lowers his head to suckle and nip, overwhelming her with stimulation.
Ashe rocks her hips to increase the rhythm, eager to feel the head of his cock brush against that sweet spot inside. “Fuck, Griffith,” she whines. She can already feel the pressure in her stomach about to burst. 
He slows down, and she almost cries, fingertips digging into his shoulders. “Lie on your side, dear. I promise it will feel better,” he says, guiding her into position. He lies beside her, and his blue eyes are breathtaking up close. His cock slips into her, and he sets a regular pace this time. The repetitive stimulation is enough to bring her to the brink of orgasm. Her walls clench hard, and he grunts in response.
“Griffith….” She can’t say anymore, head empty as the throbbing of her cunt climbs rapidly. 
“I know, love. You are taking me so well, such a good girl,” he coos, bringing her into another kiss. She cums with a wail, walls spasming around his cock, milking him. The tight knot in her stomach snaps and unleashes a tidal wave of pleasure that drags her underneath into its depths. Her clit throbs in tandem, and a rush of wetness pools between her legs, earning a loud squelch with Griffith’s next thrust.
When her cunt stops fluttering, Griffith pulls out and strokes his cock, spilling his release into his hand. Only the sound of their ragged breathing can be heard. He exits the bed, fetching a damp cloth from the bathroom and wipes her body. A trail of kisses follows, her skin trembling at the slightest touch. He is more careful when cleaning between her thighs, murmuring into her shoulder about how well she did. Ashe allows her body to sink into the bed, watching Griffith return to the bathroom to clean himself.
She doesn’t know how much time passes, but the mattress dips beside her and a kiss is pressed on her forehead. “Sleep, and we will discuss things in the morning,” Griffith says, covering her with the blanket. Ashe nods, and her eyelids droop. Strong arms pull her closer, and she snuggles into his warm body.
Maybe she should thank Guts for leaving.
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
End Note:
I thought I would struggle with the smut, but something happened and my fingers were flying across the keyboard lmao. Something about Griffith providing oral sex just does things to me 😳
Ngl, after writing this, I kinda want to write more Berserk stuff. I did have an idea for a Guts smut so.... 👀 It involves a waterfall.
Anyways, I love Ashe. I think she's a very interesting character. I don't know much about canon post-Eclipse so I'm curious how she affects the story. I'm honestly interested in seeing what maid0evil comes up with! Please check her out if you're also interested :D
If there's anyone else who would like to commission me, send me a message and we'll work something out!
I'll see you guys at my next hyperfixation! (。・∀・)ノ
Reblogs are appreciated!
Taglist: @lovecats123451
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pfpanimes · 4 months
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⌕ naruto - sasuke.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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bighitfics · 1 month
⤷ kinda wanna harleys in hawaii with a certain jeon jungkook ✧₊⁺ ⭒
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bunnykitty13 · 26 days
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omg i forgot abt this super self indulgent doodle i did for my bf and i the other day. brain rot
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trustywukkiii · 29 days
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So.. oc x canon isnt cringe anymore right? I thought Laios with my three personas would be kinda cool ngl.
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Three Connected Souls -
Part 1: Two Souls
Griffith x Oc x Guts
Just a quick warning! This series will have smut, sexual @ssault and the alluding of it, cursing, toxic/controlling behaviors, obsessions/possessiveness, non-con, blood, and violence.
Warning for this chapter: SLIGHT VIOLENCE
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"Little princess, where have you gone? Princess Daphne! Why must you make everything so difficult for me?!"
A lady with black hair ran through the halls in search of the young girl who watched the lady from above the second floor. The woman seemed close to yanking out all her hair out of frustration with the child she lost. The missing young girl had light brown hair that was braided up and soft hazel eyes that followed the women as she searched the halls. The girl remained silent and bent down to hide her small figure from the woman while her hands gripped the poles of the balcony.
Once the woman was out of her eyesight, she stood up and walked towards the stairs. She slipped off her heels that looked rather plain. As a matter of fact, so was her dress. It was mainly white and yellow and had no special patterns or a single jewel rested upon it. She might have been able to pass as a maid. Daphne was never one to wear expensive dresses as in her mind there were "better ways for money to be spent" given the midlands' current state. Most ten year old princesses and nobles didn't have the same mindset as Daphne, which would explain why her father spoils her rotten in any way he could.
The princess ran down the steps, pattering her feet on the cold material with a stern face. She was upsets, very upset nonetheless. One thing Daphne hated most in the world was when promises were broken. While running through the halls, she held her dress slightly up to allow more movement for her small legs. Her hazel eyes were set on a large door engraved with golden designs. There, her father, the king, and his loyal commanders often discussed war and political issues. These were most important for the survival of Mindland, but Daphne did not care. She was a child, after all, and her mind was set on bursting into the doors demanding for her father to take her to the festival the towns people had every year on the same day. It was clear that Daphne could be mature at times, but she still acted like a child on other occasions.
This festival wasn't just any kind of festival, not to the princess. It was a festival that was meant to ask for the King and Midland to be blessed with good fortune during these hard times. People sell all kinds of sweets, dress in costumes, dance, and sing, but the princess's favorite time of the festival was when they lit the fireworks. Sure, she could watch that from the balcony of her room, but it was more fun to watch in person and see the common people smile. She could see that the festival was a few times people seemed to forget about the death and fighting outside the walls. It also helped her to forget.
Before the princess had the chance to create further rumors about her unladylike manners, a young boy emerged from the room. He had long white hair and blue eyes and was dressed like a nobel's son, though he was far from it. Rather, a playmate for the young princess who made a first good impression in front of the King when he was found roaming around in the courtyard. No one knew how he got in, but he did. He was described to look quite rugged, and he was skin and bones. He managed to avoid alerting any guards that interested the King. The man always enjoyed being surprised by people who proved to be of some use and so this young boy that came from the war room, was a boy full of undoutable potential, but potential isn't always enough to reach your dreams, your desires so at what cost would someone like this chose to pay?
"Griffith!" Daphne waved one of her hands up to catch his attention.
Daphne was fond of Griffith without a doubt. He never spoke behind her back like other children and adults did. He was someone who made her feel safe, and she felt that he was the only one in this castle she could share her secrets with. Of course, she was a girl so it was safe to say she had a bit of a crush on him as most young girls did when they met him, but in the eyes of adults the princess was merely happy to have someone to play with. The boy's eyes pierced the princess, but without any malicious intent. He always had that look in his eyes, like he was always chasing after something he couldn't quite reach. The smile that came after suited his face, Daphne felt the room brighten with his presence and brought a soft red hue to her cheeks as he closed the door softly, behind him.
"Princess Daphne, what brings you here?"
"A-ah, is my father inside?" Griffith's smile widened at her shyness. Griffith knew of the princess's feelings towards him. If he had to, he'd use those feelings for his own use. They belonged to him in his eyes to begin with.
"I'm afraid he is busy, princess. I do hope you do not plan to create a big ruckus. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble," Griffth walked closer to Daphne, who was pouting her lips.
"Father promised we'd attend the festival like we always do."
"I don't think that will be possible this year, princess. Your father won't be finished anytime soon." Griffith's eyes traveled down to Daphne's feet to see her barefoot were missing then to the heels in her hand.
"Princess, why aren't you wearing your heels. The floor is cold. What if you were to get sick." Griffith bent down onto one of his knees and held his hand up for Daphne to hand him one of her shoes. She furrowed her brow and hid the shoes behind her back.
"Griffith, are you my friend?" The boy stared at her slightly confused.
"Yes, of course, princess."
"Then, from now on, stop calling me princess. It just Daphne."
"And stop acting like you're some servant. You shouldn't do this for anyone, not even me. I can take care of myself," the girl sat the two shoes down, then slipped her feet in one by one while holding her dress up for a better view. She held her hands on her hips and held her head slightly up.
"See, this is nothing."
Griffith chuckled while he stood back up. Daphne felt her cheeks burn up worse than it did before. With him being so close to her, she never noticed the slight difference in their height.
"You're right, my mistake. From now on, I won't coddle you as mush. I'm sure you already deal with that enough from everyone, but if there is anything you ever need from me, I'll always be there for you, Daphne."
Things like this were the reason Daphne was so close to Griffith. She couldn't see a life without him. Anyone else would have told the princess they couldn't do what Griffith because of the difference in their 'class'. A large smile grew on Daphne's face, and without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his waist. Griffith patted the innocent young girl's hair and rested his head a top of hers. He fond himself getting more use to the girl. He promised the moment he met her that she would br nothing more than a pawn for his dream and while that steal might the case, he was getting attached to the girl to the point he'd do anything to keep her at his side. He never met someone so unselfish, unlike himself. Her uncle would have been furious at the sight. He never liked Griffith. He always saw him as another one of his problems to deal with.
The young children could hear someone yelling from the distance. Griffith took the princess's hand, and they both shared a thought together, and without saying a single word, they ran out to the garden.
"It's so pretty, Griffith." Daphne admired the wooden bracelet that was delicately carved and carefully tied around her wrist. Daphne and Griffith wore hoods as they walked the streets.
"It doesn't compare to your jewelry collection, but I'm glad you enjoy it." His fingers grazed her cheeks softly, having the same smile he always had when looking at her.
"I'm glad you carry that with you. It suits you," Daphne pointed to the sword hidden in the scabbard on his hip.
"Does it not scare you?"
"Why would it when your the one who's wearing it? The only people who should worry about you with that sword are the evil people in this world. Besides, you've been training a lot lately. I'm sure your an expert and... soon you could... possibly teach me to use one some day."
"I could have sworn your father said no," he spoke with an amused smile knowing Daphne's intent with the subject.
"My father is an overprotective old man who doesn't understand that I'm growing up. You never know when I'll need to use one, and it's better to be safe than sorry," the princess continued, "I should know how to protect myself. What if you are not around? Would you really trust my life with just anyone?" Griffith spoke his head, the same smile remaining.
"I suppose I wouldn't."
The two swiftly moved their heads to the direction of the noise, and there they saw the beautiful fireworks that lit the sky. Along came from cheers and praise from the townsfolk. Daphne found it fascinating that someone found a way to light the sky with festive colors. It seemed like something that would take up a lot of time to create, but she could never grew tired of watching them. She grabbed a hold of Griffith's arm and rested her head on his shoulder, keeping her eyes on the fireworks.
"Do you remember what you told me when we first met? About you having a dream?"
"I do," Griffith responded as his eyes went from the fireworks to the castle in the distance.
"What is your dream?"
"What I want...." he paused for a long second before breathing out a soft sigh. "That's a secret, little princess."
"Ha? Friends are supposed to share secrets with each other. You know all of mine."
"Mm, I'll tell you one day when the time is right, so don't pout."
"You promise to tell me?" Her eyes stared up at him wanting reassurance.
"I promise. Just be patient. Haven't you heard that patience is-"
"Key? Yeah, yeah. I've heard this all before. You're starting to sound like my father now. I think it was time for you to stop joining them in that war room. You might end up becoming like him,"
"I'd could never. I fear you might grow tired of me," he gently poked her nose. Happiness smeared all over her face from his touch.
"And what about you, Daphne? What are your dreams?" He asked curiously.
"....I want to help the people of Midland in any way I can, but as of now, I can not do that as I know too little," Griffith flinched slightly at her words. Most girls her age would speak of marriage, having a family, or keeping family content. Yet the princess is more concerned for others rather than herself.
"I will become Queen no matter what. I will learn until my brain hurts, I'll even be willing to ride into battle so everyone knows how serious I am. People are always worried about the next time their families eat or what war will take their children away from them," The princess pulled away from Griffith and held a fist to her heart. "When I become Queen, it will be the last thing they have to worry about."
Griffith held his head down as he stared at the ground with wide eyes. This was something he truly didn't expect her to hear. He knew the kind heart she held, but he didn't think she had that much kindness. In a way... she was reminding him of himself. The princess didn't stop there. She continued to talk further about her dreams, but the more she talked, the more Griffith zoned out into his own thoughts. How could he ever let someone like her go? She was exactly like him, no... maybe even better... different? The mere thought of it brought a devilish smile to his face that was covered by his long hair.
"You are truly delightful, Daphne,"
The princess turned towards Griffith who was mumbling. "What was that-" before she could finish her question she felt a strong force push her down.
"Hey, can't you see!" Daphne yelled at the perpetrator who had a scrunched up face. He was a young boy who had short hair that stuck up. His hair almost reminded her of a raven. He had a noticeable scar on his nose and he seemed to have the look of someone who knew not a single bit of happiness. Oddly, he held a sword on his back that seemed way too big for someone his size and height.
"Daphne! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Griffith touched the young girl's face as he scanned her body. "You should be aware of your surroundings. You could have easily hurt her." Griffith stared up at the rough looking boy who seemed to care less as he searched his surroundings.
"Maybe next time she shouldn't be in the way," he spoke coldly before running through the crowd. Daphne was stunned to see the boy run off without even apologizing and she couldn't stand how rude he was towards them.
"I'm going to kill that jerk!" Daphne stood onto her feet and began her chase as Griffith started his after to princess.
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wanologic · 2 years
woop woop have some faves
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wobspots · 1 month
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can i be brave .
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prpfz · 2 months
eighteen+ only. 🥛🍓 seeking a few (preferably) long-term canon x oc roleplays! i'm doubling friendly. here are the fandoms i'm looking for:
berserk / persona 5 / death note / fire emblem / castlevania / honkai star rail.
i have an adv. lit. writing style & am a big proponent of befriending partners, headcanoning for hours, doing multiple threads for different aus or fandoms, etc. so it'd be great if you were the same way! we won't mesh well if you're not willing to communicate ooc. please also be comfortable with writing nsfw (i'm super flexible in terms of how frequently it occurs in our threads, but please okay with writing switches) & dark themes. i write on discord only! :]
like this post if you're interested & i'll reach out!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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the8thsphynx · 2 years
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Here’s the batch of suggestions from the comments of this post!
(Click for captions)
Thank you again to @zayzl, @yarrayora, @quetzshusband, @nayuren, and @mintgalaxia!
The Quetzalcoatl sketch design is also inspired from @/rainbow-illness’s design here! Please go show her support for her beautiful art, too!
Please do not repost any of these w/o my permission.
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yamshit · 6 months
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I want to do this on digital, I need to do this on digital, I HAVE TO DO THIS ON DIGITAL LAZINESS AND INSECURITY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LEAVE ME ALONE
If you were wondering yes it’s Griffith…. And my Tsubaki :D (oc)
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oc-heaven · 1 year
TW: Very dubious consent and slight breeding kink
Summary: Guts gives into the Beast of Darkness
"Damn it, it's getting late, we'll have to camp out here," Guts grumbled as he and Nori came to a stop. "I'll keep watch, you sleep, okay Nori?"
"Yeah, sounds good," Nori murmured as he stretched and yawned.
"Okay." The two built a fire before Nori laid down to sleep. Guts watched as Nori shuffled around a bit before stilling, his breathing evening out.
"He's so helpless right now." Guts stiffened as the shadows began to shift and take shape. "You could take him right now, breed him like a bitch." The beast said as it slinked forward.
"Why not? You know he'd like it. You know he'd forgive you." It continued as it turned to Nori, hovering over the sleeping man. "You've dreamt of him, to taste him the way the Hawk has." Guts clenched his fists.
"You're… you're wrong!" Guts glared at the beast. 
"Am I?" The beast lowered its head, opened its jaws, and positioned its head so that its jaws were around Nori's neck. "Taste his flesh, taste what the Hawk has tasted. Tear him to pieces and rebuild him in our image."
"No!" Guts lunged forward and grabbed Nori away from the monster. 
"Guts?" Nori looked up at him, confused and disoriented. "Is something wrong?"
"Make him yours, mark him, cum deep in his womb." 
"I-I… Nori… I-I'm sorry..." Guts muttered as he pinned him down.
"Good, show him that he's yours, not the Hawk's." Guts glanced at the beast before sliding his hand under Nori's shirt and groping his breast. 
"E-eh?!" Nori looked up at Guts with wide eyes, but couldn't get more of a reaction out as Guts roughly kissed him. Nori gasped but didn't fight back. It made Guts feel better as he roughly pinched Nori's nipple.
"His body is made for us, see how he reacts?" The beast was right. Nori whined into Guts' mouth and arched his back as he continued to roughly grope him. "He could be perfect, we just need to push him in the right direction. Fuck him. Break his mind."
Nori's mind began to slightly clear, enough for him to register that something was wrong with Guts. A spirit must be possessing him. That thought sparked fear in Nori. Was he going to die? With that thought and a silent apology, Nori bit Guts' tongue.
Guts jerked away with a sharp cry of pain. Nori tried to scramble away but Guts, without thinking, grabbed his ankle and yanked him back towards him. 
"Face down ass up. Then breed him." Guts' eyes widened at this. "Use him! He's meant to be bred! Use him the way he's meant to be!" Guts yanked Nori's pants down. He swallowed hard at the sight of Nori's glistening cunt. “Taste him, take what’s yours.” Nori squirmed as Guts spread his lower lips.
“G-Guts, wh-what are-” Nori gasped as Guts licked the length of his cunt. He wasn’t sure how this would end, but he hoped that it would only be Guts fucking him, or rather, whatever was possessing Guts. Nori jolted when his tongue slipped into his hole.
Guts gripped Nori’s thighs as he pushed his tongue as far as it could reach, groaning whenever Nori clenched around him, but he was getting impatient. Guts’ cock was throbbing in his pants. He roughly pulled his pants down freeing his cock, before getting up and lining it up with Nori’s dripping cunt.
“T-too big! It’s too big!” Nori tried to shake his head as he felt the blunt head of Guts’ cock against his entrance.
“Don’t worry, it’ll fit, you can take it,” Guts growled as he thrust in without warning. “Fuck! You’re tight. No wonder he liked you so much.” He set a rough pace, pinning Nori down by planting his hand firmly on Nori’s upper back. Somewhere, deep down, Guts felt bad for causing Nori pain.
"Ngh, Guts," Nori whimpered as the pain began to fade to pleasure. He felt so full. Guts was the biggest he’d ever taken, and at first, Nori was convinced he was going to split. 
"Hear that? He likes it, his body knows it's meant to submit to you!” Nori had started to rock his hips to meet Guts’ thrusts. “The Hawk took him like this…” Anger bubbled in Guts’ chest.
“Say my name louder!” Guts snarled as he somehow got rougher. He didn’t want to think of how Nori had taken Griffith’s cock.
“Guts! F-fuck!” Tears spilled out of Nori’s eyes as he grabbed at the ground, it felt good, but he was still afraid. Afraid for himself and Guts.
“He’s like a songbird,” The beast snickered. “Though, the Hawk has left his mark on this one as well as that woman… No matter, leaving your own mark will be easy.”
“Gonna cum in you, and you’re gonna take it all, yeah?” Nori froze. 
“He still thinks he belongs to the Hawk… erase the thought of him from his mind!” If he were more rational at the moment Guts would’ve realized that the beast was wrong, but in the moment the thought of Nori belonging to Griffith had Guts’ blood boiling.
“I can feel you milking my cock. I know you want it,” Guts snapped, pulling out and forcing Nori onto his back before pushing his knees to his shoulders and driving his cock into him. “Good, take it!” Guts rumbled as Nori’s walls fluttered around his cock with each hit at his sweet spot.
“H-hah, Guts, f-fuck… ‘m close!”
“Go ahead and cum on my cock! Show me how much you like it when I fuck you like this!” Guts pushed himself to fuck Nori harder. He could feel he was close too as Nori came with a shout, his body shaking underneath Guts.
“He wants this! He wants you to mark him!” The beast chanted as Guts pressed himself into Nori’s cunt and came. “Let’s hope it takes.” The beast’s voice was sincere.
“Shit…” Guts froze and as he looked down at his cum leaking out of Nori the gravity of what he had done flooded in. “Nori, are you okay?” Guts shakily pulled him into his chest.
“I-I… I’m fine… a-are you okay?” Nori looked up at Guts, searching his face for an answer. 
“Yeah,” Guts felt sick, he could tell Nori thought an evil spirit had possessed him, but he had given in to his own desires. “I, um, I’ll clean you up…”
“Thank you.” Nori couldn’t know Guts decided then and there. It was best for him, he didn’t want Nori to know another person he trusted betrayed him.
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(Also happy be yourself month)
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sir-nori-the-mild · 8 months
White Hawk Timeline Hcs
Part 1
Tw: mentioned sexual assault
A lot of Griffith’s men are sick, so he stops in a town in search of a doctor. In town, he senses the brand of sacrifice as well as something he can’t place, so he follows the pull until he comes to a clinic. In the back of his mind, he knows that the brand belongs to Nori. Griffith feels his heart start to beat, just as he did on The Hill of Swords. Excitement.
Griffith’s mere presence is too much for Nori’s body. He’s unable to register the sound of the people around him panicking. He can only feel the pain and fear because Nori knows that whatever the brand was reacting to was a bigger evil than he could fight. Not only that, but he’s scared for himself, his son, and the people of the town. Then, all of a sudden, the pain is gone. There's a hand on his shoulder, and he hears that voice. His voice. Griffith. The people around them seem to disappear, and as Nori looks up at him, it's like it’s only them in the room. Like a stoat in a hawk’s claws.
Griffith tells Nori that he’s glad to see he is well, and he really is. Nori just looks away from him. Griffith knows he can’t lose Nori again, so he tells him that his men are sick and that he needs help. Nori, much to his detriment, is a compassionate man and decides to help.
After agreeing to this, Nori is told by Griffith that he’ll be safe from the evil spirits if he stays by his side. He agrees, but is hesitant. When Griffith goes to leave, Nori stops to bring a boy. To which Griffith realizes the boy is not only Nori’s child, but was a product of him being raped by the king. He also realizes that this child was tainted by the Eclipse, and he had been sensing him alongside the brand.
Now, Griffith feels nothing towards Cassius. The boy may be the product of the abuse he had witnessed Nori go through, but Griffith only feels for Nori and Guts. He doesn't care about Cassius outside the fact that he is a potential way to the throne. Outside the shop, Nori, Cassius, and Griffith are confronted by Mule and Sonia. The two are curious about Nori and his son. Sonia is quick to ask questions, while Mule tries to stop her.
At the camp, Nori instructs his doctors and nurses as they take care of the sick men. He also has to sleep in Griffith’s tent at night, or at least have an apostle with him to protect him from evil spirits. Nori himself takes care of the sick as well, causing him to end up sick himself. Griffith panics slightly when he hears this, but is unable to go to Nori at first. When he does get to him, Griffith finds Nori in the tent of his closest doctor James, and he’s not pleased.
James is far too close to Nori and even tells Griffith that he needs to leave. Griffith eventually gets James to back down and takes Nori back to his tent. Where, in his mind, Nori belonged. Griffith spends as much time with Nori as he can. He’s reminded of just how human and vulnerable the man is.
Griffith hates seeing Nori whimpering and crying in his sleep. He does relish that he can hold him. When Nori’s fever breaks, he tries to go back to work, but Griffith forbids him from doing so. Griffith keeps Nori from working up until the sickness passes.
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roaringflamesyt · 2 months
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fuck it. BerserkAU! drawing because ur epic
story in a nutshell: Charlie saves Amber from bad guys who broke her weapon. Charlie gives her an upgraded/better weapon. they fight the bad guys together. then they kiss and become a couple.
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mzannthropy · 1 year
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Would you like an apple? (Sam Claflin as an original character x reader)
His eyes haunt you. The deep pools of green and grey, the intensity with which he looks at you, those eyes see you, the whole of you.
You’ve been drawn to him ever since you first met. Every time he smiles, something stirs in you. Smile as seductive as it is dangerous. You know what he is, you have no illusions. It’s only harmless fun, you reassure yourself. You’ll be able to stop when you’ll need to stop.
But now you dream about him every night, you carry with you the sound of his voice everywhere you go. When you’re together, it’s as if a new dimension opens, a world that you had no idea existed. You tread carefully, allowing yourself to see mere glimpses of it, you pull away before you get in too deep. But where is the line?
Then comes the day when you come to his place, he’s casually leaning against the doorframe, an apple in one hand, and in the other—a knife. The sharp blade glistens in the setting sun, almost blinding you. He smiles at you, as he always does, as he cuts a slice of the apple. He places the slice on the blade and extends his hand, the hand that holds the knife, towards you. “Would you like an apple?”
You look at him and your eyes lock and you know he can see deep inside you, deeper than anyone else ever has. You can say, no thanks and walk away. Or—
You take the piece of fruit, slide it off the blade, and bite into it.
And you know now that there’s no going back…
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