#bern bunnings
holmslice69art · 1 year
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virtuahamster · 2 years
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Hello there Bern Bunnings/The Black Knight fans.
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sc0tters · 6 months
Distance Apart | Nico Hischier
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summary: sometimes all you need is your boyfriend, even if that means he has to put his family above his team.
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, like one mention of blood.
word count: 2.78K
authors note: we are back with the Rosie universe! I miss writing for dad Nico and when I asked you guys said you wanted it in this universe so here it is! we have a bit of angst in it but I like how it got to in the end.
pt 1
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You were tired. 
Rosie had decided that she wanted nothing to do with you after you started showing. You were now seven months pregnant with your baby boy and Rosie was hating it. The poor season that the devils were having, left Rosie and you walking on eggshells around Nico who was constantly stressed out. What made it all that much worse was the fact that Nico hadn’t seen you in weeks and now he was on a road trip with the team.
Nico tried everything to convince you to come with him on the trip but as you couldn’t sleep through the night as your back was killing you. To make matters even worse, Rosie was now feeling your nightly pain as she was having nightmares every night. You were running on mere minutes of sleep which was only going to grow less as Rosie started running a fever. 
Yet, still that wasn’t your biggest problem. You were in his cabin in Bern with Rosie as you prepped for the arrival of your new addition. It had been a month since you saw Nico as he came to see you, not hesitating to come during the all star break. But now you were counting down the days until you were no longer a single parent “I know Rosie.” You sighed getting up to hear the sounds of her sobs echoed in the baby monitor. 
Her new favorite thing to do was cry for her father “papa!” Rosie wailed as her lights turned on looking for her father’s face “you know he is home my love.” You ran your hands through your greasy hair that you couldn’t remember when you last got the chance to wash it as it seemed that you had been rocking the messy bun for days.
She continued to cry as her red cheeks meant she wasn’t getting any better “let’s go sit outside.” You offered hoping that her play mat would be enough to calm her down whilst she sucked on one of her old frozen teething toys. The 15 month old clung to your shirt hanging to the faint scent of her father that the shirt still had. You attacked what remained of his closet as nothing from your own seemed to fit anymore “I know I miss him too.” You nodded as you sat her on her mat seeing the picture of her and Nico that sat on the table ahead of you both.
It seemed that the world was on your side as your phone began to ring, causing your gaze to snap from the picture “I will be right back. You announced getting up to grab your phone from the kitchen where you’d get her a teether, hoping it would act like a popsicle. Your phone screen was lit up by Nico’s contact just like he promised to call when he got to Las Vegas. You took less than a second to grip your phone to answer the call “hey schatzi!” Nico shut his door smiling as he got to see your face again. 
You wanted to tell Nico all about the day you had but instead when Rosie let out a cheer you were reminded of who really needed to see him “Rosie I have your dad!” You announced coming back into the living room with both your phone and the frozen toy.
Nico was full of concern seeing how you never even took the chance to speak to him “hi maus.” He cooed sending her a wave as she sucked on the ice piece “papa!” She sent him a toothy smile whilst you held the phone. All the medicine that Rosie needed was her father’s attention. The duo continued this conversation which was primarily just Nico talking to his daughter ass she nodded along like she understood what he said. 
You began to take the moment to shut your eyes falling asleep with your head on the couch as you yawned “maus why don’t you let me talk to your momma?” Nico’s voice combined with Rosie tugging on your shirt it made you look up “hi Nico.” You forced a smile onto your lips.
Being with him for years though Nico knew that you were hiding something “think we should talk about Glasgow.” The Scottish city was in fact where you guys learnt that you were pregnant with Rosie. It was a reminder of the joyous memory, that you now both now used as a code word. Rosie was beginning to want to listen to every single conversation that you guys had, and now used it when you needed to talk about something in private. 
He watched you sit there as you tried to ignore his gaze “schatzi please.” He pleaded as he grew worried for what was going on with you in that moment “play with your toys and I’ll be right back.” You kissed Rosies head as she now seemed content with her practical popsicle.
You made the short walk back to the kitchen wanting to keep Rosie in your sights “how are you?” Nico wanted to drop the team and all of his responsibilities to be with you, as guilt consumed him that he wasn’t with you “and don’t lie to me because I will get my mother to move in there if you do.” The offer was something you then responded with being met with a break up. You did love his parents, but you weren’t going to lose your independence. 
Now though you were a fraction of that strong woman “I miss my sleep.” You began gripping your hand on your stomach as you let out a grunt “schatzi what is it?” Nico was ready to get out soon the next flight to see you.
You raised your hand to wave off his concern “Rosie can’t sleep and my body is killing me.” Your boobs throbbed under your touch as you groaned “you missing our favorite cure for that?” The captain teased, only to quickly realize that you weren’t in the right mood to hear him joke around. 
It was the glare that made him go quiet, opting to regret his sex offer. When you were close to having Rosie you only wanted to climb him like a tree and Nico wasn’t going to stop you as it made you feel comfortable. You groaned again as you were too tired to stay mad at him “I just need this baby out.” Your confession had two meanings, you were done with being pregnant and on top of that you needed your boyfriend back.
Rosie’s rattle echoed as she hit it on the floor “let me talk to my coach.” He could see how drained you looked with the stains on your (his) shirt “absolutely not.” You shook your head refusing to be the reason why he would leave his team “we can survive for the next month without you.” It was clear you were lying and it took Nico everything to keep his mouth shut as he sent you a look of concern.
He wanted to argue but knew that you’d just hang up “there is no harm in wanting a bit of help y/n.” He felt horrible that he couldn’t be there for you, but with your boy coming at the end of the season you both agreed it was best for you to be in Bern. His words made your gaze sharpen “I’m fine.” You snapped making him run his fingers through his hair as he let out a sigh.
The captain hated it when you got all closed up and refused to let him help “just let me in.” Nico pleaded as he watched you shake your head “it is hard to do that when you aren’t here!” You grumbled reminding him of the fact that you were practically alone. Your tone made Rosie cry, causing your head to snap in her direction.
Your fingers rubbed your temples as you groaned “look I need to go get that.” It was the last thing either of you needed as you hung up letting Nico see his reflection in the screen “fuck!” He groaned throwing his phone across his room in frustration.
This time you were lucky that all Rosie wanted was company “papa!” She cried gripping her hands out to hold you “I know honey.” You sighed pulling her into your arms as you began to rock her trying to soothe your upset toddler “I miss him too.” Yelling at him was the first time you felt like you had any kind of control over something in days and now here you were feeling like an ass.
On the other side of the world after sleeping on it Nico was shoving his things back into his suitcase “what are you doing?” Timo furrowed his eyebrows as he walked in to see a disheveled Nico rummaging around his room “I need m-my passport and I can’t.” Nico sat on his bed not knowing much of what to do.
He was grateful that you made him bring it all of his roadies now in case you gave birth when he was gone “but can you breathe for me?” Timo crouched in front of his captain wondering what could have pushed him to this as Nico nodded “then I’m pretty sure you need this if you want to meet your baby boy.” The blonde fiddled with the passport in his hand as he waved it in front of his teammate.
Nico felt his eyes go wide seeing the book he tried so hard to find “it was on the table when I walked in.” Timo explained as he watched the captain get up “my girls need me.” Nico reminded himself of the reason why he was leaving this team “go get ‘em then.” Timo sent the boy a salute as he watched him run out of his room. 
After an argument you and Nico usually didn’t talk until you both calmed down, but now you were sat staring at your phone as you reread the headline Nico Hischier will be taking a leave of absence for personal reasons. Nina sensed your worry as she handed you a cup of tea “I’m sure he is coming here because he wants to check on you both.” You called his sister in tears when you realized you had gone too far in getting mad at him.
You nodded hoping she was right “but what if he just goes back to his apartment instead?” You asked watching Rosie smile at Nina “and it seems like I am the only person she cries around.” You mumbled pushing your head into the pillow behind you.
Nina pulled her niece onto her lap “Nico is in love with you and Rosie loves you too.” She reminded you as she placed her hand on your knee “you are a great mom and don’t forget it.” As you stared at the garden in front of you Nina knew you had every worst case scenario run through your mind as you were a mess. The calmest girl she had ever met was now focused on everything that wasn’t her.
You forced a smile onto your lips as you tried to act receptive to the compliment “look I have to get to work but don’t forget you call if you need anything.” Nina kissed Rosie’s head as she didn’t want to leave you two alone “I will.’ You nodded watching her leave.
After she left you couldn’t shake the fact that you were failing, as a partner, a mother, and even a pregnant woman. So as Rosie went down for a nap you opted for a shower, forcing yourself out of your clothes as you went to shower. As the warm water hit your skin you forgot how great it felt to let the lavender scent of your shower gel invade your nostrils. But not even that soothing scent could calm you down from the pain you felt in your stomach “ahhh.” You moaned running your hand under your belly as something felt off, the water turned a shade of crimson red only making you panic.
Each moment faded into the next as you got out of the shower and grabbed whatever clothing you could find rushing to the door as you picked up Rosie and your delivery bag from the front door. Tears clouded your eyes as you drove yourself to the hospital feeling as alone as ever.
Nico was surprised to see Nina stood at the airport waiting for him, but when he saw the fear in her eyes he knew something was wrong “the baby is coming.” His mom had come to the hospital after she was called with Rosie needing supervision “no we still have over a month.” Nico felt his mouth go dry as he shook his head
Nina nodded as she shrugged “I know but he is coming and has been for two hours now so hurry up.” She clasped her hands together taking his duffle as the siblings pushed out of the airport running to get to you.
The hospital room was quiet as you felt numb, by the time you had woken up again you were no longer pregnant and couldn’t even hold him as he was in ICU “schatzi.” Nico gasped seeing you look up at him “I’m so sorry.” You apologized feeling your eyes fill with tears as you shook your head thinking about how the last thing you did was yell at him.
Nico couldn’t let you continue as he wrapped his arms around you “no baby don’t say that.” He kissed your head as his thumb wiped away your tears from your cheek “I didn’t even get to see him.” All you got was a nurses description of your baby.
It killed him hearing the pain in your voice “been told he is okay and strong.” Nico squeezed your shoulders as he watched you nod trying to calm down “really?” It made you feel like you really did get to see him.
He moved to sit in front of you taking up the side of your bed as he nodded “I really am sorry for everything I said though.” You reached out for his hand honestly glad to see that he really was there “can we agree to never fight over the phone again.”He announced making you quickly nod “it’s far more enjoyable making you sleep on the couch when I see it happen.” Your joke made him suck at his teeth only causing your grin to grow wider.
There was a moment where the two of you were able to just enjoy each others company “I really have missed you.” You mumbled watching him move closer to you “then it is a good thing I have the next three weeks off.” Nico kissed your lips as you furrowed your eyebrow.
As you cocked your head you wanted to point out that he only had two weeks nobody needs to know that you are no longer pregnant.” He shrugged resting his forehead against yours “I love you so much.” You mumbled kissing his lips once more.
Hours had passed and you had taken a nap and were now clear and ready to see your boy “you better not crash me Hischier.” You warned placing your feet on your footrests “would be a funny way to end this date.” He teased making you giggle before you winced “don’t make me laugh you ass.” You groaned gripping at your stomach trying to avoid the stitches from the c-section wound.
He squeezed your shoulder as an apology “you ready to see our boy?” There was a hopefulness in his voice as he looked to the room number in the NICU “you know it.” You nodded failing to hide the grin on your face as he pushed you into the room.
You let out a gasp seeing him laying in his crib “he’s so sweet.”  You pressed your hand against your chest as you cooed “c’mon mama let’s see him.” Nico held his hand out to yours.
The captain helped you up looking around to make sure you guys weren’t caught by any nurses “he is perfect.” You felt your voice break as you smiled “little Elias is all ours too.” Nico watched how your eyes couldn’t leave him.
It was the happiest he had seen you in weeks “so how long until you’re clear for our favorite activity?” Nico smirked as he ran his fingers along your back “I just got the last one out, you are celibate for the foreseeable.” You warned sending him a glare as he laughed kissing your temple.
“There’s my girl.”
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link4eva · 2 years
Kiro’s My Heart Jumps for Joy Mind’s Quest Translation [CN]
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Hello, thank you for patience! The translation of this masterpiece of a date has arrived!! 😍
💛 A few things to note before you begin reading 💛
If you haven’t seen it yet, you can find the Exclusive Radio for this date here!
This translation was done with the help of Google Translate and @keliosyfan​!
I’m going to be including links to videos about certain moves and exercises that are described/mentioned in the date if you would like a little more detail. I’ve been classically trained in ballet ever since I was 5, so I’m going to leave little tidbits here and there throughout. My bun head self was so giddy while reading through 🤩 
I am going to give a slight TRIGGER WARNING in regards to the theme of weight loss in this date. The content of the date doesn’t really revolve around this topic, but it was mentioned enough times for me to feel that I should say something about it. Having been in the dance scene, I know it can be a sensitive topic.
So without further ado, enjoy!
*Spoilers for future content below!*
[First Part]
??: Dear passengers, welcome to Loveland Airlines flight LY0521 from Loveland City to Bern…
Accompanied by the gentle broadcast sound, I quickly finished the work email. After closing the file, I click to open the top chat box–
“Hey, I’ll take off right away~”
The moment the message is sent, a typing indicator pops up with a round-headed bear bouncing around.
Kiro: “Great! See you in seventeen hours and seven minutes!”
After the message arrived, another bear popped up and blew a pink heart kiss to me.
After we “blew kisses” back and forth several times with joy, I turned on airplane mode and looked at the blue sky outside the porthole. *CUUUUUTE*
In order to star in a literary film with a professional ballet dancer as the main character, Kiro decided to go to France for further studies despite the training he had when he was young.
Because this stay is for a month, we agreed to celebrate New Year’s in France so that he could study without apprehension.  
(Flashback to MC’s bedroom)
One week ago, Kiro unexpectedly sent a message adding additional plans–
Kiro: “MC, I’m going to Bern to find the teacher who taught me back then to take ballet lessons. See you in Bern!”
(Back to present)
MC: Phew… finally arrived.
After getting off the plane, I pulled the suitcase and walked quickly to the exit while rubbing my sore shoulders.
After walking through several passages, I finally saw the pick-up area. However–
The area was densely packed with golden heads occupying my field of vision. My ability to “spot the blond at a glance” is completely lost here. *I’m hoping this is what the text meant to say. GT made it sound really strange lol*
MC: Hmm…let’s use the power of technology.
Just as I was about to take out my phone, a brown colour appeared in the corner of my eye at a distance, shaking left and right midair in the crowd.
I looked closely and found that it was a little bear hand puppet!
It is wearing a beret and a plaid suit. It is obviously a gentleman’s outfit, but it is waving its bear paws excitedly, and its round head is also swinging back and forth in a rock-and-roll style.
After I waved to the Little Bear with a knowing smile, I quickened my pace.
At the same time, Little Bear also quickened his pace. *Changed some wording*
As I crossed the boundary line of the exit, I finally saw the person I had missed day and night for the past half month.
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MC: Kiro! 
I let go of my luggage and threw myself into his arms. He tightened his arms, and a laughing voice rang in my ears.
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Kiro: It seems that Kiro is also very lucky today. 
Kiro: It was supposed to take seventeen hours and seven minutes to see you, but only sixteen hours and fifty-three minutes have passed. *The fact that he counts down the minutes until he sees his beloved again 😭*
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MC: Pfft, are you so easily satisfied? It’s just ten minutes early… 
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Kiro: But for those of us who haven’t seen Miss Chips for half a month, we should cherish every moment we can earlier. 
MC: Us?
He raised the Little Bear with a smile, and it leaned down to me in a gentlemanly manner and kissed my cheek.
Kiro: Bear Ro-Ro misses you so much that he told me to kiss you when we meet~
Kiro: But I made an agreement with him a few weeks in advance. He can only kiss cheeks, and I–
In the next second, a softer touch lands on my upper lip and leaves a touch of sweetness.
Looking at the cunning he had in his eyes, I stand on my tiptoes and rubbed my nose with his.
MC: This big star Kiro really has a bunch of tricks up his sleeve. *Changed some wording. GT was giving something about 108 minds and I couldn’t tell you what it meant. I searched forever and couldn’t find anything 🥲*
MC: Even “stealing relatives” needs to find a high-sounding reason~ *This, too...*
Kiro: Don’t you like it? It’s not impossible to omit this step next time…
Just as I was about to smile and pinch his palm, my phone sounded with the company’s notification tone.
MC: …Give me one sec.
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Kiro: Is it still busy during this time? 
MC: It’s okay~ In order to have a happy New Year with Superstar Kiro, I have already dealt with most of the stuff at work.
MC: Now we are waiting for an overseas company’s cooperation intention to reply.
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Kiro: So that’s it…and there’s a lot of time for me? 
After pressing the send button, I took his arm with a smile.
MC: Well, almost 70% of the time is yours. The rest I can leave to work~
Kiro: Not bad, I’m accounted for more than half of your time.
He rolled his eyes, took my hand and walked towards the parking lot.
But after walking a few steps, I suddenly felt something was wrong and squeezed his palm.
Like realizing something, I took two quick steps forward, then turned around to face him, carefully observing him as I walked backwards.
Perhaps because of the sunlight, his jawline was more defined, and even his eye sockets became somewhat deep.
Although I knew that in order to meet the requirements of the role, he needed to be thinner. But now that I actually get to see him in person, he was much thinner than in the video call a few days ago.
MC: …
I feel a surge of tears beginning to rise, making my eyes feel a little hot.
Kiro has made such an effort for this role. I want to affirm him more than feel sorry for him.
I sniffled hard, pretending to be cold, and gave him a big smile.
MC: Kiro, you did it, congratulations! You have lost a lot of weight! Now it is very in line with what you showed me before the appearance of the protagonist was set. *Changed some wording*
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Kiro: Really? Is it that obvious? 
MC: Of course! My Kiro now has a thin and lean beauty.
He opened his eyes slightly and smiled triumphantly.
Kiro: With your words, I seem to have the courage to insist on eating salad for a month again.
MC: You want to lose more weight?
Kiro: Well, after showing the teacher the premise of the character I’m playing, he thinks that the upper body needs to be thinner.
I froze for a moment and reacted belatedly.
MC: Are you talking about the ballet teacher you came here to take lessons with?
Kiro nodded.
MC: It seems that this mentor is really serious, otherwise he wouldn’t have made you willing to “toss” back and forth like this.
He seemed to be lost in thought, and after a while, he grinned wryly. 
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Kiro: It’s better to say...that he’s a devil teacher rather than just a teacher. 
[Second Part]
After returning to Kiro’s temporary residence in Bern, it was already dark.
First, he studied the script for two hours according to the plan, and after half an hour of exercise…
We finally lay down on the sofa and chatted while resting, listening to the stories about him practising when he was young.
MC: What?! Even if you practice until late at night the day before, you have to get up at 5:30 in the morning the next day to practise again? *Can confirm this is 100% true. Had some practices until midnight sometimes and then had to go to school bright and early the next day. Rip 🥲*
Hearing this, I couldn’t help raising my head from his arms in surprise.
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Kiro: Well, there are benefits to waking up early, too. You can take your time and have a hot breakfast. Otherwise, you can only just bite a piece of bread and run to class. 
Kiro: But what impressed me the most was that if we fell below his expectations even just a little bit, he would force us to stand on our heads.
Kiro: Ah— At that time, I was dizzy every day and often saw stars in front of my eyes in the room.
He paused and poked my nose triumphantly.
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Kiro: But under such strict training, I was accidentally trained to be a pro “One, two, three wooden man”! *If you’ve heard of “Freeze Dance”, it’s pretty similar to what I believe he’s saying here (except that it’s not a punishment lol). The goal of the game is to only dance when the music is playing. When the music stops, everyone freezes. If you’re caught moving even just a little bit, you’re out. Whoever is the last one remaining wins. For an added challenge, there’ll be certain poses that the players have to freeze in such as a tree or flamingo.*
MC: Pfft… why is this such a game? Is it some kind of trick to avoid the devil teacher?
Kiro: Hmph, that’s right! As long as I am punished to stand on my head, I will try to “idle” while he is not looking at me~
Kiro: If I don’t, my head will be filled with blood and I will pass out, and I don’t want the ambulance to “wee woo, wee woo” me away. *He actually makes the siren sounds LOL*
MC: …
Listening to him joking about his previous experience, I felt a bit of a tug at my heart.
Even though I know this is typical for professional training, I still feel that this is a bit “wicked” for a ten-year-old child.
MC: Damn, I didn’t expect it to be so “devilish”!
Faced with my belated dissatisfaction, Kiro just smiled, his eyes reflecting the colours of flickering stars.
Then his fingertips wove between mine as if absorbing their warmth and began caressing them gently.
Kiro: I didn’t care about those things long ago, but now that I’m hearing Miss Chips’ cry of injustice…
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Kiro: I am still very happy. 
I couldn’t help hugging him and leaning my head gently against his chest.
MC: …Then the reason why you came to him for mentoring is that this teacher has an irreplaceable strength?
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Kiro hugged me tightly, closing the distance between us silently. 
Kiro: That’s right. But at the beginning, I didn’t have such an idea, but when I was training in France some time ago…
Kiro: I found that although the teacher in charge is very professional, he just encouraged me to get used to things slowly whenever I made a mistake. *Changed some wording*
Kiro: But…I don’t have much time to get used to it.
Kiro: I have to practice every movement to the extreme as soon as possible so that I can take on more difficult skills. 
MC: Have you communicated with him? Ask him to be stricter?
He paused, his eyes flickering with a complex expression.
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Kiro: Well, he said that it was because I have missed the best age to practice professional ballet… 
Kiro: So even if one were to follow the requirements of professional dancers, it may not be enough.
He let go of me slightly, the deep sea in his eyes filled the night with more profound emotions secretly surging.
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Kiro: But even though he said that, I still can’t accept it. 
The classical music flowing continuously from the record player in the room became extremely clear in the “pause” at this moment.
Kiro got off the sofa silently and walked towards the centre of the terrace alone–
Looking at his sudden actions, I seemed to know what he was going to do next, but I also didn’t. 
I can only watch him quietly.
After he slightly raised the corners of his lips to me, his body swayed gently to the melody.
*Bear with me as I give some terminology. GT isn’t the best at giving exact details for movements, so I had to get creative to make the steps make sense in word format 😅*
Soon, he seemed to enter the state. Kiro took a round step, jumped into the air and twirled lightly. *It looks like here he is doing a piqué turn en dehors and then going into a tour en l’air. You can watch it here (start at 1:30)*
The moonlight spread across the area, dyeing him bright and clean. His slender arms seem to touch the stars, stretching with supple grace.
Several times, he made difficult moves in the air that I couldn’t put a name to, just like an angel who strayed into the mortal world. *(Video) The text doesn’t say which moves but this link will give you an idea of what is being described here* 
He danced like this in the moonlight with the specs of dust, flowing in my unmoving eyes.
I don’t know how long it took before Kiro put down his lightly raised arms and turned to look at me.
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Kiro: MC, this is the only episode that was approved by that teacher when I was ten years old. 
Kiro: Although I didn’t study with him for long, I still remember this part even now.
Kiro: …Every moment, height, and angle I never forgot.
Looking at the man who was still panting slightly, I couldn’t help sitting up from the sofa and staring at him sincerely.
MC: Kiro, although I don’t know much about ballet, I think the part you just performed was awesome.
MC: Just like the professional ballet dancers I see on TV.
Kiro: Really?
Kiro: But this is not enough.
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Kiro: Because I want to play the protagonist who is dancing in the presence of thousands of people on stage. 
Kiro: For this reason, he has put in a lot of hard work. He has been practising day and night since he was five years old. In the past twenty years, he never slacked off a single day.
Kiro: And there’s this kind of distance between me and that person that I can’t catch up with.
Kiro: I can only keep practising, keep running forward, and walk through every road he has experienced.
Kiro: Only in this way can I empathize with him and interpret this role more realistically.
Kiro said this softly, his eyes slowly falling back on me.
Kiro: Therefore, his skills must not be treated “according to” Kiro’s own conditions.
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Kiro: It is to be worthy of the stage of ten thousand people. 
Kiro: I have to be worthy of this pride.
Kiro spoke firmly against the night as if nothing could shake him.
At the same time, a gust of evening wind blows, and the raised hem of his clothes outlines his emaciated body.
The already distinct collarbone is getting deeper now, and even his shoulder blades are clearly protruding.
The emotion called “distress” turned into a thin rope at this time and it slowly twisted, making my breathing more rapid.
I silently walked behind Kiro and hugged him proudly but gently.
MC: Kiro, if you work hard, you will definitely make it through.
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MC: And I will always be with you. 
He turned around with a smile and rubbed my head.
Kiro: Then I will prepare you in advance. *Changed some wording*
Kiro: I may practice without sleep or food, and may even have some small abrasions on my body…
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Kiro: You can’t stop me then. 
Hearing his coquettish tone, I couldn’t help smiling and leaning into his arms.
MC: Of course, I know that. After all, you are Kiro who pursues perfection.
MC: Besides, I’m by your side now.
MC: If you feel tired and out of breath because you are too involved in doing something…
MC: I will hold you firmly like driftwood in the water so that you can find support as soon as you reach out. Reach out and I’ll be there.
MC: Let me help you find your breath.
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MC: So you can rest assured do your best. 
[Memory Silhouette]
It was late at night and light snow fell outside the window.
Kiro sat in a corner of the terrace, quietly watching the world being gradually dyed into a pure white.
He originally thought that the chat tonight was just a shallow recollection of childhood trivialities.
But the sleepless heart lying on the bed seemed to prove that his emotions were not as relaxed as he had thought.
Although he has long forgotten how painful it is to stretch his legs to the right degree. *Changed some wording*
He could still vaguely see a picture in his mind with transparent ink stains dripping on the smooth floor.
It’s just that no one can tell whether it’s tears or sweat. *From experience, probably both 🥲*
Kiro exhaled lightly, stood up on his tiptoes and jumped again following the fluttering white snow.
But even so, he still likes it all.
Whether it is music or dance, they can make one’s heart calm.
And even more so when he was a child.
Apart from KEY’s home, he likes to spend time alone in the practice room.
You can temporarily isolate yourself, and then devote your full being to the melody of each stanza. *Changed some wording*
It’s where no one can bother him, it belongs to him alone–
A secret base.
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Thinking of this, Kiro couldn’t help raising the corners of his lips. 
He hummed softly, and in the ever-changing dance steps, he caught flakes of white snow with his palm.
It wasn’t until a cloud slowly blows away that the obscured stars finally appear.
Kiro looked at the sky and couldn’t help but speak softly.
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Kiro: Miss Chips, the stars are out. 
After a brief silence, Kiro looked back at the girl who was already asleep and walked quietly to her side.
The girl fell asleep peacefully, the laptop was still on the quilt, and the screen was covered with program budgets.
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Kiro: Trying to work with jet lag must be hard, right? 
Kiro picked up the laptop while talking, and after pressing the save button, he closed the screen and put it aside.
Just when he was about to get into bed, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stayed in place. 
Kiro: …
In the next second, Kiro began to rub his somewhat cold hands to warm them up and then on the clothes and trousers that were penetrated with cold air.
It wasn’t until his body became warm that he lifted the quilt and lay down slowly.
But before he could find the most suitable sleeping position, the girl suddenly rolled over and hugged him.
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Kiro: Are you a koala? You found the right place in one go. 
Even though he said this, he still gently took the girl into his arms.
Just as he closed his eyes contentedly, he suddenly opened his eyes as if he had forgotten the most important thing.
Kiro smiled, leaned over and kissed the girl’s soft lips. *This is a reference to his first Exclusive Memory in his Mini House where they agreed to share a kiss in the morning when they wake up and before they go to bed 💛*
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Kiro: Good night, my Miss Chips. 
[Third Part]
The morning sun gleamed leisurely on my eyelids. I opened my eyes and found that the other half of the bed was empty, only covered with residual warmth.
Thinking that Kiro had already woken up, I also took out the laptop beside the bed and started working.
There is a seven-hour time difference between Loveland City and here, so I can only start work in the early hours of the morning and at midnight.
In order to finalize the cooperation intention with the overseas “TN” company earlier, I have been organizing online meetings with Anna and optimized the planning proposal and budget table many times.
It’s just that the other party hasn’t expressed its intention and my heart is beginning to sink.
After another reminder to keep the staff on track, I got off the computer and walked out of the bedroom in my nightgown.
(Cut to courtyard)
The morning sun shines in through the leaves in the courtyard, casting a peaceful moment.
I walked lazily until I noticed the empty yogurt bowl on the island in front of me and a banana peel in the trash can.
This scene reminded me of the thin frame dancing in the moonlight.
I pursed my lips, stepped forward and opened the refrigerator–
At a glance, there are only fruits and vegetables and unsweetened yogurt on the side door panel.
MC: He’s been eating these every day…there’s not even meat.
I continued to rummage and finally found a steak in the small and exquisite freezer with a sticky note on the sealed bag–
Kiro: “I’ll eat you on Thursday!”
Kiro: “What’s Kiro, who’s had meat for only two days, going to do? Can’t stand it T_T *Changed some wording*
Just seeing the words on the sticky note, his tone of grievance and bitterness filled in my mind.
Feeling sad, I picked up a pen and wrote a cute little sentence–
“I promise that when you accomplish the weight loss, we will find an authentic hot pot restaurant in Switzerland, so come on!”
After closing the refrigerator, I sighed and walked toward the living room. My gaze continued to search for Kiro’s figure.
As if responding to me, after turning a corner, I heard soft piano music playing slowly.
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I followed the sound and saw a figure standing against the light. 
Kiro stepped on the green grass with bare feet and stretched his slender arms toward the blue sky as if he was stroking something.
His fingertips touch the tree trunk, one arm stretched over the other as his leg extended up in the air.
The close-fitting clothes trace out lean lines and the light is like a paintbrush, leaving traces of lustre. *Once again, GT wasn’t very clear, but it sounds like he is doing an adage which is slower-paced to focus on lines and extensions of the body. The video here will give you an idea.* 
Under the shadowy backlight, that unreal figure seemed to make me really see the dream-chasing boy in the script.
The sky and the earth are his audience, the grass, trees and sunshine are his feathers, and the sound of rustling leaves in the wind is the uninterrupted applause.
And like a noble prince standing under the sunlight, the immediate everything is calmly captured in his eyes.
I never made a sound, unwilling to destroy the eternal moment in this “picture frame”. It wasn’t until the sound of the piano subsided that he finally stopped and sat on the soft bed next to him. *It’s interesting that “picture frame” is mentioned because this is one of the techniques used in dance. You can use it for any sort of dance but adage is one where it’s super important to remember. Basically, imagine that as you are dancing, there is a photographer who is taking pictures of you throughout. As these pictures are being taken, you want the photographer to capture each and every position you go through to get to the next. While you want each position to be clear in the picture, you also have to remember to have your body flow rather than have it be rigid.*
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I don’t know what he is thinking as he waits for his panting breaths to calm down. Only then did he reach out and lace his fingers into his hair gently, lifting it out of the way. 
My gaze was following his movements, and when I found that the zipper was reaching his waist, I opened my mouth in a strange way.
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MC: Do you need help? 
Hearing my voice, Kiro paused slightly. He stood still for a moment and then looked sideways at me.
The moment our eyes met, the deep blue sea begins to secretly surge.
It’s as if it’s going to drag me into the tide.
Kiro: Well, help me undo it.
His voice was slightly hoarse. I walked over and slowly undid the zipper.
With the movement, the tulle of the shirt slid to the sides, revealing the thin neck and slightly protruding spine.
Perhaps the sunlight was a bit dazzling which made me involuntarily put my fingertips on his.
It is a different touch from the past because it is not so smooth. It is also a little cold.
I pursed my lips and continued to pull down the zipper. Looking at the gradually revealing spine, I finally couldn’t help blurting out my silent emotions.
MC: Kiro, I’ve made up my mind, I want to accompany you. Let’s start with a salad.
MC: I know it will be very hard for one person, so let’s work together to resist the temptation of delicious food. Just consider it a challenge!
MC: But you have to promise me that when the shooting is over, you will eat all the meat that is hidden away.
MC: If Savin disagrees, I will help you to intercede.
MC: Otherwise…you might as well take on some characters that need to gain muscle so that you can eat delicious foods freely–
Without waiting for these words to pour out, he suddenly turned around, put his hands on my lower back and kissed me.
The sudden kiss made me feel overwhelmed, but the instigator just kept silent as he breathed with me.
Slowly, his cold body embraced me and we sank onto the soft couch together, as if immersed in a clear spring in winter.
I opened my eyes slightly and found that the eyes of the person close at hand were still shut, his eyelashes trembled slightly with his breathing.
But soon, he seemed to notice my gaze and opened his eyes.
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Kiro: … 
Now that his eyes were no longer closed, he looked at me quietly, his fingertips wandering around my lower back.
His fingertips were “cascading”, slowly running over my back and continuously rolling upwards until finally sinking deep into my hair.
The fingertips that kept rubbing made me shiver slightly.
Kiro: MC…
MC: Hm?
I murmured indulgently, but not even a moment after my breath was released, he seized me again.
At the same time, the nightgown was easily untied.
His kiss slowly moved downstream, leaving a ticklish feeling everywhere he went.
Although my body trembled slightly, I couldn’t help but want to do something… I raised my chin and caught his eyes which were as muddled as mine.
MC: Kiro…
MC: Hold me closer.
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Kiro: Mm. 
Even though I said this, I was the first to wrap my arms around him, making sure to leave no extra gaps.
In this way, we roamed each other’s bodies in this clear spring surging with tides, letting the temperature slowly boil.
Until the sun rises and completely covers the spring–
Only fine layers of sweat were left in the silence between each other which seemed to confirm something.
He finally let me go, but his warm fingertips were still caressing my collarbone.
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Kiro: You know what? Before you came, I thought this morning was going to be a repeat of the previous few days. 
I lay in his arms, a little confused by the sudden conversation, but he just raised the corners of his lips and continued talking.
Kiro: After repeating the exercises over and over again, my brain began to empty, and I imagined myself coming to the seaside. My feet were no longer touching green grass, but rather soft sand.
Kiro: It seems that you can float in the clouds with just a light jump.
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Kiro: At that time, I was thinking, what could be better than now? 
He stopped slowly, looking down at me.
Kiro: Then you stopped me.
Kiro: At that moment, all the bubbles of my fantasy disappeared little by little until there was no sea or beach.
Kiro: I came back to reality and saw my favourite scene.
At this moment, looking at those blue eyes that only reflected me, my heart began to softly surge.
MC: Is that what’s best for you?
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Kiro: Well, there is no other scenery like yours. 
I buried myself in his chest with a smile. We tacitly enjoyed the tranquillity at this moment and felt each other’s breath.
Until some sudden sound came from my stomach.
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Before I could explain myself, Kiro poked my stomach with a smile. 
Kiro: It seems like Miss Chips’ stomach has started to eat itself. 
MC: I…
He smiled brighter and lowered his head to rub the tip of my nose.
Kiro: But it’s mainly my fault that I didn’t prepare breakfast for you in advance.
After he finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the kitchen. Halfway through, he suddenly thought of something and turned to look at me.
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Kiro: By the way, come to class with me after eating. I already let the teacher know in advance~ 
[Fourth Part]
In the afternoon, I ended up in a sunny classroom and met the rumoured “Devil Teacher”.
He is warming up at the barre. Although his hair is white, his face is thin and his eyes are as sharp as an eagle’s.
From the slender limbs and elegant posture, it is not difficult to see that even in his sixties, he still has the ultimate pursuit of art.
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Kiro: Bonjour, professeur. 
Kiro looked at me, wrapped an arm around my waist and continued speaking in French so that I couldn’t understand–
It wasn’t until I caught my name that I realized he was introducing me to the teacher.
I hurriedly nodded to the teacher and wondered whether I should also greet him in French, but my tongue was tied when I opened my mouth.
MC: [In English] …Hi, nice to meet you.
Teacher: Bonjour.
The teacher nodded calmly, and with a wave of his forearm, gave way to the position of the barre as if signalling the start of class.
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Kiro: I’m ready to start, so you have to keep looking at me. 
He leaned over slyly and looked at me, tilted his head and pecked my cheek lightly.
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MC: Kiro…the teacher is still there. 
Kiro: Don’t worry, he’s a “devil”, but he’s also a romantic French man.
As he spoke, he took out the dance shoes in his bag and changed into them. After taking off his jacket, he revealed the clothes he wore for practising from not long ago.
Watching him walk quickly to the barre to start warming up, I also went to the corner and sat down quickly.
The piano accompaniment sounded quickly and the classroom is gradually filled with dancing and Bu Bu’s main theme.
Teacher: Non, non, non…!! (No, no, no…!!)
Although I don’t understand French, from the teacher’s passionate tone sounding again and again, I also noticed that the atmosphere is tense and strict.
In just ten minutes, Kiro’s clothes were soaked with sweat, his cheeks were flushed, and he gasped for breath.
But he never stopped. He took a step back onto his left leg with his arms held to the side and bent his knees–
After a burst of momentum, he began to rotate round and round.
Sweat drops were scattered onto the ground following the inertia, and the only sound left in the whole classroom was the sound of the rotation… *(Video) From the sounds of it, Kiro’s doing pirouettes or fouette’s, but I’m leaning towards pirouettes.*
The corrections sounded continuously along with “Non”. *Changed some wording*
Suddenly, the picture in front of me gradually overlapped with a thin golden figure following the story I heard last night.
I thought that when he was a child, in the face of such a “vicious spirit”, he would be trembling.
But looking at it now, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Even if the nay-saying voice is louder, he held his jaw up high and proceeds to jump up in the air, one smooth movement after the other. *(Video) Possibly grand allegro?*
His face stays determined throughout as if nothing could defeat him.
Looking at him like this, the little golden portrait I built in my mind was stroked with “pride”.
Involuntarily, I took out my phone and silently recorded the picturesque scene.
After an unknown amount of time, the light was dyed red-gold by time and afterglow slipped in.
I straightened my body slightly, and the moment the devil teacher stepped out of the classroom, I quickly walked in front of Kiro.
At this time, he was sitting on the floor stretching his muscles. I squatted down, handed over the water bottle and kissed him lightly.
MC: Kiro, thank you for your hard work~
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Kiro: It wasn’t hard, I’m just a little tired– 
He pouted coquettishly, opened his arms, and lay back on the floor.
MC: The floor is so cold, you’ll catch a cold like this!
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Kiro: Then you should come and warm me up. 
Kiro smiled and tugged me lightly so that I fell into his lap and open arms.
As if he wanted to rest for a while, he closed his eyes, his fingertips caressed my shoulder restlessly.
Kiro: Miss Chips, how did I do in class?
MC: Do I really need to say? You did very, very well, of course.
Kiro: Hmm…could this be the encouragement of love?
MC: Wrong. To be precise, it is the encouragement and affirmation of love~
MC: If you don’t believe me, take a look at the dance you just did. It was just like a dynamic oil painting~
As I said that, I took out my cell phone and played the video I just recorded for him.
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Kiro: Sigh…It seems that the jump is not high enough and the feeling of staying in the air isn’t either. 
Kiro: And when controlling the legs, the insteps are not very straight, and it seems that the muscles are subconsciously relaxed.
According to his comments, I carefully observed every frame of the screen for a second and finally poked him with my elbow helplessly.
MC: …Are you sure you’re not nitpicking? *If there’s one thing that most dancers hate, it’s watching themselves dance in a video. It’s like “Omg, not the sickled foot! 😫” “ What is that leg doing?!” LOL*
MC: Or maybe it’s because I’m an outsider, so I can’t see things the same way you do.
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Kiro: Maybe both? 
Kiro: After all, in the eyes of the professional, you can see at a glance whether the movements are in place.
Kiro: So I still have a long, long way to go before reaching that level.
Kiro: It just so happens that there is no class tomorrow, so why not spend the whole day in the practice room, trying to improve the instep situation…
Even though he said that, his tone was not the slightest bit discouraged. On the contrary, there is still a bit of eagerness to try.
I couldn’t help but prop my head sideways, stretch out my thumb and poke his cheek like a stamp.
MC: Kiro, you are really amazing.
He also imitated me and turned his head sideways and touched the tip of my nose.
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Kiro: Huh? Did you just find out that I’m amazing today? 
MC: …Seriously?? I’m praising you!
Seeing me pretending to be serious, he smiled and narrowed his eyes like the corners of his mouth. The little bear dipped in honey obediently waits for “praise”.
MC: Because I saw you in class today, I realized that this process seems to be more difficult than I imagined.
MC: It is simply a double tempering of the mind and body…but you seem to be enjoying it, so that’s what makes it amazing.
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Kiro: Hearing you say that, I don’t seem to be bad~ 
I smiled and winked as I handed the microphone to his mouth.
MC: In this case, I want to interview Superstar Kiro. What tips can you pass on to me in this regard?
MC: I also want to have fun on the journey of training~
He rolled his eyes and laid down again with his head on top of his arms.
Kiro: It seems that there is no trick, I just often see things that make me stick to it when I practice. *Such a dancer thing to say haha*
I looked around the classroom, tilting my head in confusion.
MC: But isn’t there just a barre and a mirror here?
Kiro: Not quite, maybe it’s because our perspectives are different?
Kiro: For example, in your eyes, what you see is that I keep dancing and practising.
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Kiro: But in my eyes, besides the barre and the mirror, I also see many different things. 
MC: What is that?
Kiro: …I’m trying to figure out how to describe it to you.
In the end, his eyes lit up. When he came close to me, his sweet breath stopped at the tip of my nose.
Kiro: Let’s see, how about you practice with me tomorrow?
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Kiro: So that you can see what I see. 
[Memory Silhouette]
In the evening after Kiro and I got back from class, we began eating a salad.
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Kiro: Miss Chips, are you sure you don’t want to add any salad dressing? 
Kiro: You know you don’t have to follow so closely.
I nodded with firm eyes, put a vegetable in my mouth and chewed.
MC: No need, I said I want to be with you.
MC: And eating a healthy salad is good for me, too. It’ll help to remove the buildup of the greasy food I ate before~
MC: If I’m really gluttonous, I’ll use the “self-deception method”--
As I said this, I picked up a piece of tofu, closed my eyes and put it in my mouth.
MC: This is meat, this is meat. Just chew this tender and fragrant meat.
Kiro: I’ll try it, too.
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Kiro: What I’m eating now is tender beef and eggs. 
I couldn’t help but secretly open my eyes halfway and smile after Kiro had followed my example and closed his eyes to eat.
MC: So? Does it work?
He opened his eyes and shrugged his shoulders with a helpless smile.
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Kiro: No, it’s just plain white tofu. 
Kiro: Ah– I can’t wait until tomorrow to eat that steak.
Hearing this, I suddenly thought of something and opened my mouth while picking up some beans.
MC: By the way, you said that there is no class tomorrow in the afternoon and you can only practice by yourself.
MC: So when is your next class?
He rolled his eyes and bit into a vegetable.
Kiro: Next Monday.
I froze for a moment and couldn’t help being a little surprised.
MC: Is there always such a long time between classes?
Kiro: Well, he has so many students to teach, so the queue is very full.
MC: Ah..that sounds so hard having to teach classes all day long.
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Kiro: He doesn’t find it hard. Since he retired from the stage, he has been teaching students who also want to be on the stage. Kiro: In this way, day after day, twenty or thirty years have passed.
MC: Amazing… *I’ve had a couple of professors who were in their seventies. One of them even performed occasionally, too.*
Before I could finish speaking, Kiro took out a tissue, wiped the corner of my mouth lightly, and continued to eat with a fork.
Kiro: Mm, but being able to maintain his fierce character for thirty years is something that is special about him…
MC: You never really talked about his gentle side before. Is it the encouragement method? *Changed some wording*
Kiro thought for a while, smiled and shook his head.
Kiro: He himself said that he can gently praise and encourage just like other teachers.
Kiro: But to do so would smooth out the edges of genius.
Kiro: If ultimate perfection is desired, then indulgent compliments should be an afterthought. 
MC: …Hold on.
I bit the fork lightly, pretending to look at Kiro seriously.
MC: Could it be that your perfectionism was nurtured by this teacher?
Kiro: That’s not true, it just happens to be the same idea.
MC: Really…you already had such an awareness when you were ten years old?
MC: At that time, I would only cry and complete all the holiday homework the day before school started…
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Kiro put down the fork, smiled and rubbed my head. 
Kiro: Of course, at the time I didn’t know what the term perfectionism meant.
Kiro: I just simply wanted to be the best, to be first.
Looking at his smiling eyes, I couldn’t help pinching his nose.
MC: A very ambitious ghost– *I don’t know what this was meant to be*
Kiro: As you said, being a workaholic is not bad~ 
He pinches my nose in return and then puts the two empty salad bowls in the sink and starts cleaning.
I blinked and ran to help him clean up the table.
MC: After washing, I’ll help you with the lines, alright?
His soapy hand paused slightly, and after a while, he quickly pecked the side of my face.
MC: Pfft…Are you that happy to practice lines with me?
Kiro: Of course, with your sweet self by my side, I’m jumping with joy. *Changed some wording*
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Kiro: So how can I be unhappy when I am soaked in a honeypot~ 
[Fifth Part]
On the second day, wisps of morning light were hidden behind the classroom door. I pushed it lightly and the sun enveloped my whole body at once, making me feel marvellous and causing my eyes to narrow.
MC: Sure enough, a beautiful day starts by being greeted by the sun.
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Kiro: That’s right, today’s practice will definitely be “distinction”. *Changed the word at the end because one of the highest levels of marks you can get in a ballet exam is called “distinction” (at least in RAD)* 
Thinking about what Kiro said yesterday, I smiled and wrapped my arms around the nape of his neck.
MC: But before starting, let me say this in advance!
MC: If I look stiff and have two left feet, you must not laugh at me. *Changed some wording*
He looked at me who was close at hand, leaned in and pecked the side of my lips.
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Kiro: Okay, but before that, go and change your clothes, alright? 
MC: …Clothes?
I followed his gaze and looked back to find a brand new dance skirt on the stool in the classroom.
Kiro: You should know that in addition to office supplies and daily necessities in your suitcase, there are only Spring Festival-themed clothes to be worn here.
Kiro: I don’t have any close-fitting sportswear, so I had to ask someone to buy some overnight.
I walked over curiously and picked up the dance skirt. It was like a cicada’s wings, the thin lace looked gorgeous and comfortable.
MC: Why is this different from the practice clothes in my memory, it looks like a performance costume–
Kiro slightly shrugged his shoulders, cunning in his eyes.
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Kiro: Maybe that’s because it was bought for the “princess” I talked to on the phone? ….She’s both cute and fascinating. 
MC: ……You really didn’t say that, did you? 
He smiled and took off his coat and the practice clothes he had changed into were inexplicably matched with the skirt in my hand.
Kiro: Miss Chips is so silly. Actually, I ordered this skirt online myself overnight.
Kiro: It’s just that my eyes are too picky, so I finally chose the one that I think is best.
Kiro: Of course, the prerequisite for choosing is that it has to match my clothes.
After changing clothes and walking into the classroom, Kiro’s gaze fell on me and he laughed.
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Kiro: It’s so beautiful. Now it’s time to invite my Princess Chips to warm up with me~ 
As he spoke, he led me to the barre and I imitated his movements and put my leg on the barre.
In an instant, I felt my muscles being stretched.
Kiro: Does it hurt?
Kiro walked behind me and lightly stroked my lower thigh with his fingertips which made me tremble uncontrollably.
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MC: …No, but it’s a bit ticklish. 
Kiro: Then just try to bear it? Your body is left vulnerable to injury if it’s not properly warmed up. 
Seeing me nodding my head, he also suppressed his smile a little and helped me warm up earnestly.
His cold fingertips moved from my thighs to my waist and then my butterfly bone. After a while, sweat beads began to appear.
His fingertips are no longer cold, almost as if they were absorbing my increasing body temperature.
It wasn’t until the sunlight shifted after a few minutes that I exhaustedly leaned on his shoulder.
MC: Why…is warming up so tiring. I feel that it’s even more energy-consuming than Pilates. *Between the two, Pilates rocked me omg. My body wouldn’t stop shaking after 😖. But ballet warm-ups can be hella intense, too. I had one teacher that used to say that if you’re not pouring sweat after the first exercise, you’re doing something wrong 😅*
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Kiro: You can’t stop now, this is just the beginning. 
Without waiting for me to make a bitter face, he rubbed my cheek.
Kiro: Or do you not want to feel it?
MC: Of course I do, what should I do next?
At this time, there was a vibrating sound which seemed to be coming from my cell phone on the bench.
I glanced at Kiro, walked over suspiciously and picked it up to find it was Anna calling.
Anna: MC, TN, which had been wanting to talk about cooperation before has finally agreed.
Anna: But the profit they proposed is far worse than our expectation. We don’t even have the authority to plan the programs we cooperate with…It feels like the company has exhausted all its options.
MC: Is there room for negotiation?
Anna: Probably not. After all, TN is an experienced overseas media company, and many domestic media companies want to cooperate with them even after paying money.
My heart sank. Facing this “favourite” in the eyes of the media, I was speechless, so I had to end the call first.
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Kiro: What’s the matter? Your expression doesn’t look good. 
I don’t know when but Kiro came to my side and rubbed between my brows.
I took a deep breath and briefly explained the incident.
MC: I thought it was good news, but I didn’t expect it to be a sum of money that would almost erase our profits besides increasing popularity.
As I said that, I buried myself in his chest with some distress.
MC: But in the long run, this is a very important step in the strategy of “occupying” overseas markets.
MC: So is it better to agree to cooperate?
Kiro: So you’re conflicted about which option to go with?
MC: After all, it is a matter of choice. No matter which option we go with, I won’t feel very reconciled…
Kiro gently stroked my hair, his eyes filled with light.
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Kiro: I don’t think there’s anything to be worried about. 
He said this and took me to the barre and put my hands on top of it.
Kiro: MC, in order to achieve our goals, we have to accept that no trade-offs can be made.
Kiro: But it’s not a once-and-for-all decision. Sometimes it’s only an illusion that confuses you.
Kiro: Let you mistakenly think that giving up important things will give you better returns in the future.
MC: Kiro…
Gazing into my perplexed eyes, he just moved closer to me, breathing lightly by my ears.
Kiro: I still remember the teacher telling me in my first ballet class–
Kiro raised my chin with his fingertips, making my breathing stop.
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Kiro: Never bow your head so easily. 
His eyes are clear and bright in the sun, but also a little fierier.
Kiro: Everyone has their own pride.
Kiro: So we need to continue to maintain it to keep it fulfilled.
No matter how slow I was, I realized that Kiro seemed to care about what he was referring to.
Kiro: And, if you want to let your every move be relaxed and controlled.
Kiro: Then you yourself must first have strength.
In the next second, his fingers moved between my legs. Within seconds, tremors spread all over my body.
Kiro: Squeeze your legs.
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Kiro: The strength runs through from the feet to the head, so this way you can stand more firmly and not be easily shaken. 
A low but undeniable voice sounded in my ears. I took a light breath and tried to squeeze my legs together according to his words.
I gradually felt his fingertips being squeezed and restrained by my legs, but I still let his fingertips climb up calmly.
Kiro: Your inner strength is not enough, I can still do whatever I want. *Just want to add that this is something that dance teachers stress to their students. Having inner thigh strength is one the most important things to maintaining good balance, along with core strength.*
As if to prove his words, he pulled out his hand and easily picked up my leg with one finger and slowly tightened his palm.
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The sudden move made me want to look in the mirror ahead. 
He seemed to sense what I was going to do and gently held my jaw. *The position that MC is in is called arabesque*
MC: Kiro…?
Seeing that I was a little surprised, those quiet eyes finally turned into a small smile.
Then he leaned closer and rubbed my shoulder.
Kiro: Miss Chips, remember what I said yesterday?
Kiro: About what exactly I saw in my vision.
MC: Mm…
He smiled lightly and looked into the distance.
Kiro: I’m not actually watching myself in the mirror doing one movement one after another.
Kiro: Nor am I looking at every person and thing in this classroom.
He paused and slowly retracted his palm that was tightly holding my waist.
Kiro: I will look to the end of the distance. *YASSSS!! This is another thing that is taught in dance. You don’t want to just aim your focus at the audience or at an object, you want to project it outside the venue and beyond.*
Kiro: Sometimes there is the sea, the green grass, and the place where I shuttle between cities.
Kiro: They are all my stages.
Kiro: And when I perform on my stage, how can I feel bitter?
Kiro: I just feel satisfied, and I just want to stay on this stage just a little longer.
Looking at the vast sea in his eyes, my heart also ripples like the waves.
It surges endlessly, pushing me to the bright place again and again.
Kiro: Now, do you still feel stuck on which decision to make? 
I looked and him and shook my head slightly.
MC: It seems that I no longer am. I know what I should do now.
Seeing that I had an answer, Kiro laughed.
In the next second, he held my waist with both hands like in a classic ballet pas de deux and lifted me into the air.
Kiro: MC, I have one more thing to ask you.
He said this while supporting me to turn and face the window.
Kiro: Can you tell me what the scenery is in your eyes right now?
Following his voice, I looked at everything in my field of vision and my heart began to surge softly.
MC: I…
MC: I see the grass, the sky, and the distance…
MC: I see many beautiful sceneries.
Even though it is an all-too-common scene in front of me, I dare not blink at this moment.
I don’t want to spoil a single bit of it.
Kiro: You said before that if I feel tired, out of breath or frustrated…
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Kiro: You’ll be the driftwood that’ll always hold me up. 
Kiro: So that I can do whatever I want to the best of my ability.
Kiro: And I’ll be yours. 
Kiro lowered me slowly while talking and we were attached to each other without any gaps.
His eyes were shining brightly as if this fine light is enough to light up my whole being.
I couldn’t help but hold his cheeks and smile brightly.
MC: Kiro, you have always been doing something like this for me.
MC: I know you will always be by my side, encouraging and supporting me. So no matter what happens, I won’t be timid.
MC: You have always been my strength. *CRYING RN*
Kiro shook his head lightly with a gorgeous smile on his face.
Kiro: Just this is not enough.
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Kiro: I want even more of you. 
After speaking, he gently held my head and kissed me tenderly.
His breath is so soft, but it seems to be able to invade my whole world, leaving only the surging sea.
I just lay in the blue ocean, letting it move my body with the tides.
In his arms, I also slowly closed my eyes, feeling his temperature, feeling being surrounded by light–
Because my heart has already crafted the brightest and most beautiful scenery.
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allyphase · 10 months
( og source link ) (thank you N for the inspiration!)   
NAME. Mark
GENDER. Female
AGE. 21
HEIGHT. 5’4” 
BIRTHDATE. 1st of the Pegasus Moon
CLASS. Golden Deer Student
AFFILIATION. A wanderer of Elibe. 
BIOGRAPHY. A girl born to nothing, destined to walk history unnamed. Began her life in Bern, but abandoned one army for another when she followed Lyndis’s radiant light. Fought alongside Lyndis, Eliwood, and Hector for a new dawn. Enrolled in the Officer’s Academy to finish her tactics education formally. 
INTERESTS. Chess, birdwatching, ballroom dancing LIKES. Old books, Sacean striped warblers, strawberries, rescue strategies DISLIKES. Pranks, too many people talking at once, the sicilian defense, ambush reinforcements STATUS. Former tactician to Houses Ostia and Pherae  CLOSE ALLIES: Sain, Kent, Lady Lyndis
LIKES. Beast meat teppanyaki, grilled herring, saghert and cream, sweet and salty whitefish saute, sweet bun trio, fish sandwich, daphnel stew 
DISLIKES. Small fish skewers, sauteed jerky, cheesy verona stew, country-style red turnip plate, cabbage and herring stew, fried crayfish
“Oh, this smells delicious! Thank you for offering me a place at your table.” 
“Food is food, I suppose...” 
FAVORITE TEAS. Rose-Petal Blend - A faintly floral, sweet and elegant drink with the bitter bite of black tea behind it. Perfect for academics with a bit of a soft side. / Honeyed Fruit Blend - This tea is almost overwhelmingly sweet, more a dessert than anything. The lack of caffeine makes it a perfect evening treat. 
CONVERSATION TOPICS.  A new gambit... Evaluating allies... Someone you look up to... Equipment upkeep... Plans for the future... Shareable snacks... The last battle... Strange fish in the pond... Mighty weapons... Our first meeting... Books you read recently... The ideal professor... Your ambitions... Things that bother you... Close calls... Capable comrades... You’re doing great work... Exploring the monastery... Thanks for everything... A word of advice. 
“Thank you for inviting me here.” 
“This is my favorite! How did you know?” 
“What a nice blend... Are you sure you want to drink this now?” 
1. “...hmhmhm...”  Answer: Sip tea
2. “Sometimes I think the theory of chess is more interesting than playing the game.”  Answer: Nod, chat
3. “Do you believe I’m doing well, professor?”  Answer: Commend, nod
4. “Do you believe in love, professor?”  Answer: Laugh, agree, disagree
5. “I think there is value in keeping your ideas close.”  Answer: Sip tea
“I’ve always thought my face was very forgettable.”  “My uniform looks like my tactician’s clothes, doesn’t it?” 
“Thank you for the gracious invitation. I hope I can return the favor sometime soon.” 
FAVORITE GIFTS. Tasty baked treat, stylish hair clip, lavender, board game.
DISLIKED GIFTS. Hunting dagger, dapper handkerchief, training weight, ceremonial sword.
“Thank you.” 
“You’re sure you have no need for this? Thank you!” 
“This is for me? How did you know...? Thank you, so much!” 
FIELD GUIDE. A guide to birds from a faraway plain. Each profile has a small watercolor drawing of the bird as well as a pencil sketch of its silhouette. It probably belongs to someone with an interest in birdwatching. 
FOLDING CHESS SET. A small chess set, suitable for travel. The pieces are mismatched from being replaced or lost. It probably belongs to someone who studies tactics. 
LAVENDER CANDLE. A candle burned down halfway, scented faintly of lavender. It probably belongs to someone who has trouble relaxing. 
“Oh, you found it! I’ve been retracing my steps all day trying to find where I left that...” 
“Sorry, that’s not mine.” 
“Ah... I must have missed something... I must fall back now. I’m sorry.”  ( Byleth specific  ) “You are truly a wonderful tactician...! I must ask you... later...” 
“...so this is how it feels...” 
(1)  “I’m not a singer, but I will do my best.”  (2)  “I- don’t know if I can be louder...” 
(1)  “I can do my part, but nothing fancy.”  (2)  “Are you sure this is the role you want me to fill?” (3)  “I’m much more used to cooking over a fire than a stove.” 
BAD.  ✧
“Oh... An embarrassing mistake.”  Critique:  “I see. Thank you.”  (AFFECTION UP) Console:  “I don’t need your pity. Show me what I did wrong.”  (AFFECTION DOWN )
“As expected.” 
“That’s it! It must be!” 
PRAISE.  “Thank you, professor. It’s all thanks to your guidance.” 
“With how many cavaliers I’ve known, you think I’d be better at this...”  (With Kent or Sain)  “Will you show me what your horses like?” 
“...oh! Sorry, lost in thought...”  “Do you know this plant? I haven’t seen it before.” 
“...I don’t think I’ll be very helpful here...” 
“Oh... I was so close, I’m sure...” 
“More knowledge is always a blessing.” 
“I would like to do more than stand at the back and watch. I’ve always been afraid of another arrow being shot my way, and I’d like the chance to fire back. Would you teach me to defend myself and my friends?” 
“Perhaps a better strategy to protect myself on the battlefield is to not be hit in the first place. Lord Hector’s resilience is truly something to behold, and I would like to try to emulate him somehow. Will you help me learn how to move in that armor?” 
“Lady Lyndis and Lord Eliwood are both more than proficient with the sword. I admire them, and would like to learn something like them. Will you teach me the sword?” 
0 TO 2 STATS UP .  ✧
3 TO 4 STATS UP .  ✧
“I need to do more.” 
5 STATS UP .  ✧
“Perfectly average.” 
6 STATS UP .  ✧
“I have reached the summit, but I cannot pause here. Onward!” 
“I could never see myself mastering this!” 
“This new talent will serve me well.” 
“A new role for me to play? I will do my best.” 
“Guide me as I guide you.” 
“Watch my back.” 
LOW HP .  ✧
“Pull me back!” 
“Not now!” 
“Checkmate!” “You are known!” “Textbook example!”  “Fade away!” 
“With me!” 
“Like this!” 
“I’m sorry.”  “You were in my way.”  “...it shouldn’t be me.” 
“Excellent work.”  “Just as I predicted.”  “Let’s keep working together.” 
“Thank you.”  “Appreciated.”  “I can keep going.” 
“I must- retreat... tend my... wounds...” 
“Sometimes... a piece must be sacrificed...” 
“I fear that I am purposeless. My former position no longer exists, and I fear that without it, I’ll lose sight of what I want to pursue. Is there any way to keep myself going on this path without it being set for me?” 
> Self motivation is key!  > You can be more than one thing at a time. (affection up!)  > Try to get your former position back. 
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roraruu · 1 year
YOTO: April
Ignatz/Dorothea. Canon divergence/“no I’m not dating your brother”.
Derdriu was the last place Ignatz thought he’d ever seen Dorothea Arnault.
It was a momentary glance, as he left a client’s business on behalf of his parents. The gold jingled in his pockets, hitting against his thigh. His eyes trained to the ground, he focused on the salty, sour scent of the nearby sea, the cool winter air, the sounds of merchants advertising their wares and people passing and—
The softest, sweet tone took to the air. He listened harder. He knew that voice.
A pair of jade eyes looked back at him, pleading and overjoyed.
Dorothea is as charming and bewitching as she was in the academy. And she eats—her manners impeccable and conduct befitting of a lady—like she hasn’t seen food in a month.
The restaurant is warm and bustling. After noticing the cut of the dress Dorothea wore and her pale complexion, Ignatz requested a table closest to the hearth and speedily ordered a pot of tea.
She is all graces and thank yous, gentle inclines of her head in which her bangs fall into her eyes and she continuously pushes it behind her ears to stay away from her lovely mouth.
She explains, between a delicate sip of her tea that she had helped with the dispersal of the Enbarr Opera House and the Mittelfrank Opera Company, her alma mater.
“I wanted to help people.” She murmurs. “But…”
“I understand.” Ignatz says as another bowl of bread arrives, and with it another refill of the teapot with hot water..
“My finances aren’t exactly liquid. I managed to find a way from Enbarr to here. Bern was kind enough to convey me, without her father’s knowing, but she couldn’t come with me.”
“Why the Alliance?” Ignatz finds himself asking.
Dorothea’s face takes on a grave countenance. “I love Edie… Loved. But I cannot stand by while she murders innocents.” She says softly. “And the Kingdom did not seem much better.“ She forces, what he expects was to be a chipper giggle, but it’s a defeated chuckle. “I’d probably freeze passing over the border.”
“So you came here.”
“I had the pleasure of taking tea with Claude once or twice, and unfortunately, Lorenz too. They made this place sound beautiful.”
“It is quite breathtaking.” He says, glancing out the far-off window. If he squints, he can catch a glimpse of the grey sea.
“I crossed the Bridge of Myrddin and came here. Most of my funds are gone, but…” She forces a smile. “I’m here.”
“Are you going to stay with Claude?”
“My housing situation is… it isn’t fixed.”
“Well then you must stay with us.”
Ignatz nods. “My family.” He explains. “My brother is studying beneath my father to inherit the business—the Victor Trading Company—and he sends me out on small jobs.” He makes himself sound brighter. “Like today. I had just finished a commission before crossing paths with you.”
“I couldn’t impose.”
“Dorothea,” Ignatz says firmly. She meets his gaze. He notices that she’s grown thinner, her face pale. “I must insist.”
She heaves a sigh, reaches across the table and pats his hand. He feels his face heat. “At least… At least let me ask.”
Ignatz smiles. “Whatever you please.” He agrees and encourages her to take the last sweet bun.
A plan is worked out over steaming cups of tea. It takes a little lying—but with Ignatz’s newfound confidence—it is nothing more than a bent truth.
With his cut from the commission, he puts Dorothea up in an inn for the evening—specifically the Kristen Cottage run by his best friend, Raphael. When the jovial brawler sees Dorothea and Ignatz he pulls her into a bear hug and twirls her around. His little sister, Maya, almost drops her dishes upon seeing the famed Mystical Songstress herself.
Raphael closes the tavern, insists that Ignatz stay for a drink while Maya helps Dorothea upstairs and tends to her. They talk, and when Dorothea returns, she relays her story to the Kirsten siblings. At the end, Raphael asks the crucial question:
“So, what happens now?”
“Well, Raphie, that’s where you come in.” She says. “I need work. Have you any need for entertainment? I can sing, dance, I’ll even help in the kitchen!”
“But what about…” Ignatz falls silent as Dorothea grabs his hand beneath the table.
“Of course we do!” Maya exclaims happily.
“My, Grandpa hasn’t approved—”
Maya turns back to Raphael—she’s tinier than him but just as loud. “Raph! A former opera star in our joint? That would drag! The! Customers! In!”
Dorothea smiles softly. “It would…” she says. “I remember all of my best roles!”
Maya turns to Dorothea, eyes wide. “R-Really? Oh, even as Marguerite?” She asks. “She’s my favourite one of your roles… The songs were all so sad, I cried buckets!”
“Well I hope you have a pail,” says Dorothea with a wink. “if Raphie has me, I’ll sing them all for you.”
“Please?” Maya whines.
Raphael gives in. “Alright, of course.” He says. “But we can only put you up for a while. It’s sorta packed in here tonight. You could stay with us, we’re downstairs in the basement.”
Dorothea’s eyes grew glassy. “It’s more than I could’ve ever hoped for. Thank you Raphael.”
As the night drew to a close, Ignatz begins to say his farewells, promising to check-in on them the following day. Dorothea, unexpectedly, throws her arms around his neck and hugs him tight.
“Thank you Ignatz. For everything.” She whispers softly.
He feels himself blush again and promises anything for her.
Over the course of the next few days, in between Dorothea working tirelessly as the new—and showstopping headliner for the Kirsten Cottage—and Ignatz’s own duties keeping up client communications and other duties, they met a few times in the warm tavern.
It was after close and Ignatz comes for a sole glass of wine. Dorothea sits beside him, humming softly under her breath.
“Do you still draw?”
His ears grow hot. Guiltily, he replies. “W-When I have a moment of privacy, yes. But those moments are few and far between.”
“That’s sad.”
He remains quiet. “It must be gratifying to do what you love as a career.”
“I mean, look where it got me.” Dorothea muses. “Getting into Enbarr during the military lockdown was a nightmare, and then to break up my family… It was hell.”
Ignatz inclines his head. “I’m sorry Dorothea. I should’ve been more prudent.”
“It’s fine.” She says before tapping her nails across the table. “But…”
He looks at her encouragingly. She leans closer, glancing towards the kitchen where the Kirsten siblings clean up for the night. “Somedays I wished I never sang at all.”
“Mmhm.” She nods. “It’s… I love it, but constantly singing over and over… It takes all the meaning out of it.”
“But you do what you love.” He asks, surprised.
“Yes, and I get tired of it.” Dorothea says before hastily adding, “but I’m eternally grateful to Raphael and his family for giving me the work… I just wish… I wish I weren’t so tired of singing.”
“You…” Ignatz murmurs before meeting her gaze. “And it isn’t like you can afford to take a break.”
“No.” She confirms. “Unless I make up a paycheque in another way.”
Silence falls between the two.
“I still… I can’t believe you don’t love singing anymore.”
“I do it so much, the joy is stripped from it.” She confesses quietly to him.
The words stalk him all the way home and up to his room where he gazes at his painting tools before succumbing to sleep.
Ignatz’s mother—Cressida—and his younger sister a year his junior named Celeste—are more shocked when he says he’s met someone.
Cressida’s eyes widen and she lowers her teacup very quickly. Ignatz has always known his mother to be refined and ladylike: calm, quiet, watchful. He feels her brown eyes—the only thing he got from her—on him as Celeste prods him.
“A lady friend?” She smirks, at the age of 19, and still as annoying as she was at seven. “When do I buy a new parasol and lace and welcome a sister?”
Quickly, he insists, “She’s an old friend from Garreg Mach.” Ignatz explains, watching Celeste’s mischievous look.
“Probably some baron’s daughter. You could do worse, I suppose, Brother.”
“She’s passing through Derdriu.”
“Where to?”
“Gloucester. She will be singing for the Count and his son.”
Cressida studies her son’s face. He’s gotten too good with lying; for years, he’d fidget with his hands or look away… A small tic that would render him guilty. “She is a singer?” She inquires.
“Formerly of the Mittelfrank Opera Company.”
Cressida looks intrigued. “Oh. I recall seeing the company when they were in Derdriu before the war and when you were at the Academy.”
“You would have missed her. She was one of my classmates.”
Cressida remains silent.
“So why’s she talking to you?” Celeste prods. “If she’s some big opera star…”
“She confessed that she always enjoyed my company.” He lies. “And I enjoyed hers, so we have spent a little time together.”
Celeste smirks, then murmurs under her breath, “here comes the bride…”
“Celeste.” Cressida says quietly. Celeste stops humming and turns back to her eggs which are now cold.
Her brown eyes fall on Ignatz, encouraging him to go on.
“I would like host her for a meal.“
“Very well.” Cressida agrees. “Your father and Atticus will be dining out tonight, so bring her around.”
Ignatz tenses. The plan was to have both his father and brother around. Without him, his mother will never offer accommodations, at least not without a push.
So Ignatz, for the first time in his life, pushes.
“Might she stay the night?” He asks, his face reddening. Celeste’s eyes go wide as if she’s about to snort at him. “I would like her to meet Father.”
Cressida narrows her gaze on him. “Why?”
“I think they would get along, Mother.”
Cressida pauses, sips her tea and then acquiesces. “Very well. Bring her to the manor at five and no later.”
If there was ever any doubt as to Dorothea’s charms, it was dispelled in the moment she met Cressida.
Ignatz had always known his mother—like his father—as hard-to-please, but Dorothea was the most satisfying creature to her ever. Even Atticus, who had always been her favourite, was quickly forgotten when Dorothea engaged her in conversation.
As Celeste serves the coffee, she murmurs to Ignatz, “Okay, maybe I doubt you, but never again.” She promises. “She’s gorgeous.”
Ignatz acquiesces. “She is. And she’s quite kind.”
Little lies and bent truths are shared that evening. Dorothea explains that she’s passing through to sing for Lorenz and his father—the name drop impresses Cressida—and then she details her roles, and as they sit in the drawing room, Cressida insists that Dorothea sing for her.
“Oh, that’s not necessary,” Ignatz insists, turning to his mother nervously. “We wouldn’t want to impose on our guest…”
“No,” Dorothea says gently. “I’d love to sing for you.”
Ignatz thinks back to the conversation in the tavern. How she began to loathe singing. But as she sings her bars and warms her voice up, Ignatz cannot help but long to paint her. Those jade eyes, that chestnut hair, the willowy frame and ruddy cheeks… She is an artist’s dream, walked off the canvas.
She sings beautifully for almost a half hour. Cressida is highly impressed and gives her ready approval, and even Celeste is shocked when Dorothea proves not only to be witty, beautiful and talented, but also kind.
Cressida insists that she will stay the night and tells Ignatz to set her up in the east wing of the house, prefacing that she may see the lovely sunrise that pales in comparison to her beauty. After they say goodnight, Ignatz offers her his arm and leads her up the staircase.
She reaches for his hand and smiles at him. She gives it a reassuring little squeeze, and he gives one back. As they reach the top of the stairs, Dorothea whispers to him:
“Will you show me your paintings?” She asks quietly. “I know art’s a personal thing… I don’t think I could ever show a half-finished song to someone else…”
“Y-Yes…” He finds himself taking her hand and leading her to his room. The moon streams into through the lone window of his sombre little room.
He turns to the closet and pulls from it a few sketches and his tiny easel which has a half-finished still-life of the view outside his window. Blushing and embarrassed, he practically throws them at Dorothea, hurriedly insisting that he knows they’re not good, that they’re nothing special.
“Ignatz…” Dorothea barely breathes. “These are beautiful.”
He looks up in shock. “B-But…” He scrambles for words. “I was so insensitive to your feelings about art!”
Dorothea smiles gently and touches his hand reassuringly. “Ignatz, I’m not me, and you’re not you.” She says gingerly. “We’re different people with different outlooks… You want to become a painter, right?”
He nods sheepishly.
“Then I hope, with all my heart, that you can become one someday.” She turns her eyes back on a sketch of Saint Cethleann. “You’d be a wonderful artist. I’m certain you would be.”
Ignatz blushes softly and moves closer as she asks a question about the next sketch—of Saint Cichol, his wife and their daughter—and he explains the details. His hand brushes against hers, their fingers intertwining briefly—
“And who is this?”
Ignatz jolts at the deep voice, his blood running cold. His face goes red. In the doorway is his elder brother, Atticus. Dorothea glances his way and smiles softly, curtseys and introduces herself as the evening’s guest and her credentials.
Atticus studies Dorothea before making a comment beneath his breath about his “useless drawings” and leaving the two. Dorothea’s smile fades.
“He’s exactly the type of man I’d hate to be with at the opera…” She whispers to him. “And exactly the one who’d pay for a dinner with me.”
Ignatz’s stomach rolls with anxiety.
Dorothea steals a glimpse at his expression and laughs softly. “Don’t worry, I’m not dating your brother.” She promises.
“Thank the goddess…” Ignatz whispers.
She hugs him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
He hugs her back and smiles. “Anything for you.”
He shows Dorothea her room, and upon returning to his, takes charcoal to paper and attempts to sketch the likeness of her face, falling asleep in his art before long.
Ignatz’s father, Augustus, makes quick decisions. It is, perhaps, what has kept him in business for so long, and flourishing for just as long. And that morning, when Ignatz nervously introduces the two, he immediately takes a liking to Dorothea.
She turns on the charms quickly, and as she’s about to collect her bags and return to the Kirsten’s Cottage, Augustus asks to see her in his study. She winks at Ignatz and he waits nervously outside, in the drawing room with Celeste as the plays the piano.
When Dorothea emerges, she wears a self-assured smile. Ignatz quickly gets up and meets her in the hallway.
“Your father says the garden is pretty. Will you show me?” She asks.
“Of course.” They go outside to the frosty garden and walk a few paces away from the windows.
“Your father… he asked that I shadow you. He thinks that we could be a good selling team.” Dorothea says. “What do you say, Iggy?”
“You needed a nickname. Your name, though it is handsome, is a bit imposing and long.” She says. “You okay with it? You can call me Thea, if you’d like?”
“No no,” He declines respectfully. “Your name is too beautiful to be shortened.”
She smiles softly. “You think so?”
He nods. “I do. And as for the partnership, I don’t think I could ask for a better match.”
Dorothea smiles, and then stands on the tips of her toes and pecks him on the cheek. Ignatz goes bright red.
Gazing at her, he smiles and confesses, “I don’t think I could either.”
In Imperial Year 1185, on the day of promised meeting, Ignatz Victor and Dorothea Arnault arrived at Garreg Mach Monastery together. The three years since their reunion in Derdriu had proved fruitful: Dorothea joined the Victor Trading Company as a sales agent, working alongside Ignatz. She easily used her wit and charms to seal deals with particularly hard-to-please clients. She’d also passed on that charm and confidence to Ignatz, which his former classmates noticed immediately.
In addition to his newfound confidence, Ignatz had gained a deeper reverence for his artistic side. After being found one night attempting to paint Dorothea’s likeness, she modelled for him. His parents, finally understanding the depth of his talent, allowed him time off—though minimal—to study and paint.
In their moments of peace, it was said that Dorothea and Ignatz would share their talents together—Dorothea, who had retired from the stage, would sing only for him, and Ignatz would happily draw anything she wished.
After the war, when Dorothea completed an opera—called the Crimson Flower, based upon her late, dear friend—Ignatz was the one to paint the posters and served as creative consultant. While not singing, Dorothea directed the opera to critical acclaim, and acted as a guardian to the new talent she selected for the show.
When the two had grown tired of the stage, they departed for new lands. Ignatz’s work, which grew in popularity thanks to the production and his own skills, was in demand and often peddled by Dorothea. It was often remarked, by friends and complete strangers, the couple were an odd, but well-suited match.
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words-words-worlds · 1 year
Hetalia Capital OC: Bern
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Song I Associate With This OC: Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles
Questions For This OC: Open!
A/N: Big brother figure to literally (almost) everyone :3
~Name~ -Noah Heim [Capital Representative of Bern]
~Age~ -21
~Gender/Pronouns~ -Cis, He/Him
~Sexuality~ -Poly Omnisexual
~Appearance~ -5'8 -Green eyes with short dirty blond hair, somewhat pulled into a bun -Cargo pants, a black tank top, a brown jacket, and combat boots
~Personality~ -Cannot make decisions on the spot -He just hates being picked for anything -Can be flirty when he wants to be -It's not the best idea to go to him with any decision making -He's not completely neutral on everything -Tries and fails to not show emotion -Very emotionally available
~Extra Not Mentioned~ -Dating Filbert (Berlin) and Katarzyna (Warsaw) -Can play a multitude of instruments, with his favorite being the omnichord -Likes playing other instruments solo for bars and clubs -Very musical in general! -Has a herd of goats, none of them are named
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leopoldainter · 4 months
I'll take the stairs up
Some kind of knob
What whose there Katie are you ok
Katie are you ok
Berne A zema Donna
So Eric your parents
It's zema
There's to many no faces
Your father thinks he's impressed
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Rat king yeH we have subways and leap year I work out
Your in line again
Youcan choose to stare or ask for a receipt
I know how to get to buns
I wanted the to hot dogs like on the show
Wats the bun for
0 notes
higaneion · 1 year
GENDER. Female AGE. 16 HEIGHT. 160 cm BIRTHDATE. 4th day of the Wyvern Moon (October 4th) CREST/HOLY BLOOD. None CLASS. Black Eagles student AFFILIATION. Territory of Ostia, Lycia BIOGRAPHY. Daughter to the late Marquess Hector of Ostia. She has enrolled in the Officer’s Academy to pursue new heights and challenge herself so that when she returns to her homeland, she is ready to rule properly. Though she is gifted at magic, she knows there is much she has not yet discovered let alone mastered. She has a long way to go and hopes that the academy will serve as one step toward a path of greatness and peace. 
~984 years after the Scouring: Born as daughter of the Marquess of Ostia
~1000 years after the Scouring: Bern forces invade, accompanies Roy throughout his travels ~Loses father in war against Bern
~1001 years after the Scouring: Acquires title of Marchioness and responsibility for Ostia’s future
Imperial Year 1180: Enrolls at the Officer's Academy at Garreg Mach
INTERESTS. making friends, reading, history LIKES. learning about & observing others, sweets, board/card games DISLIKES. dishonesty, hitting a plateau STATUS. heritor of ostian territory CLOSE ALLIES: roy, cecilia, gwendolyn
LIKES. saghert and cream, fish and bean soup, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish, sweet bun trio, garreg mach meat pie, cheesy verona stew, peach sorbet, gautier cheese gratin, vegetable stir-fry, daphnel stew, sauteed pheasant and eggs, scrambled eggs with vegetables, bourgeois pike, super spicy-fish dango DISLIKES. beast meat teppanyaki, small fish skewers, sauteed jerky, fruit and herring tart, fisherman’s bounty, fish sandwich, pickled rabbit skewers, two-fish saute, gronder meat skewers, cabbage and herring stew, fried crayfish, deirdriu-styled fried pheasant, country style red turnip plate, grilled herring, spicy fish and turnip stew, pheasant roast with berry sauce, pickled seafood and vegetables
"How did you know? This makes the meal that much better."
"...Would you be opposed to having my portion? I think I may grab something else from the dining hall…"
“Hehe, this is just like… back home. Do you miss the food from Lycia, Roy?”
“Getting to eat with you like this is… well it’s something I will be sure to treasure.”
FAVORITE TEA. southern fruit blend, honeyed-fruit blend CONVERSATION TOPICS. favorite sweets / tell me about yourself / the library’s collection / classes you might enjoy / books you’ve read recently / a word of advice / strange fish in the pond / the view from the bridge / hopes for your future / monastery mysteries / a place you’d like to visit / overcoming weaknesses / reliable allies / exploring the monastery / things you find romantic / thanks for everything / heroes’ relics / the existence of crests / gifts you’d like to receive / cats / someone you look up to / your ambitions / potential training partners / first crushes / school days / magical innovations / fhirdiad’s school of sorcery / past leaders of fódlan
(1) "I wasn’t expecting this but thank you for the invite." (2) “One of the classes they teach back home for young ladies is dining etiquette. I trust this will not be nearly as strict though.”
“I don’t drink tea often, but I really enjoy this blend.”
“O-Oh. I hope you didn’t break the pouch for this, but I appreciate it.”
(1) "Um… is something the matter? Do I have something on my face?" (2) “This hat? I had it custom made, it keeps my hair out of my face. I used to wear a headband when I was younger that served the same function.”
"It needs more sugar…" “(Laughter)” “Ah! It’s still hot…”  “Mm.. tasty.” “Hm?”   “I agree.” “You think so?”
"That was fun, I hope we can do this again in the future."
(1) I think you would like Ostia, once it is a little more recovered of course. I could show you around my favorite places! ANSWER: Nod, Agree (2) I know I am young, but I cannot help but sigh at some things… That feeling of helplessness, I never want to feel that way again, which is why I must work to get stronger, more sure of myself… ANSWER: Nod, Commend (3) I have an interest in exploring dark magic. Why? Well… I think it has a negative stigma around it, truly. And I think we shouldn’t rule it as… completely bad. ANSWER: Sip tea, Chat. (4) In my free time, I actually enjoy activities such as board games, maybe you could join me sometime? ANSWER: Laugh, Nod. (5) What do you think of spies? Ones that work under castle orders sound strange, right? That’s what my father uses and they are quite helpful in finding information. Plus, they are quite a lively and kind group. ANSWER: Sip tea, Chat. (6) I enjoy the summertime, basking in the sun makes me feel stronger, more energized. Embarrassing as it is to admit though, I do get burnt easily…  ANSWER: Laugh, Sip tea. (7) Crests… Hm. The idea is interesting, I’m more interested in the history behind it. The only comparable thing we have are the Eight Legends and the legendary weapons. Maybe I’ll be able to find a book to lend out to you. Answer: Nod, Sip tea. (8) I must study and learn all that I can before returning to Ostia. That includes making new friends. Having international connections will be beneficial to my role, don’t you think? I didn’t have many friends my age growing up. ANSWER: Sigh, Agree. (9) Do you know of Roy or my father? They have something of a reputation built up for themselves, a name in history. Do you think that I might be able to do the same? Will I be able to carve my own path and create a future with as little suffering as possible? Hm… I wonder how lofty that is, but I want to believe it is possible. ANSWER: Nod, Commend, Chat.
FAVORITE GIFTS. the history of fódlan, monarch studies book, book of crest designs, expensive accessories, letters and poems
LIKED GIFTS. tasty baked treat, owl feather, sunflower, board/card games
DISLIKED GIFTS. fishing float, training weight, coffee beans
"Well… it’s the thought that counts."
"Oh, for me? Thank you."
“Wow! Are.. are you sure? Well, thank you, I shall repay you in kind.”
HISTORY OF MAGIC IN FÓDLAN. A well worn book rented out from the library and notes sticking out between the pages. It probably belongs to someone who is interested in history. Location found: Pond
LEATHERBOUND JOURNAL. Pages filled with poems, doodles, and someone’s name written over and over. (Just don’t let the owner know you’ve looked through it.) Location found: Black Eagle classroom
BRACELET. An expensive-looking piece of jewelry with engraving on the inside. It probably belongs to someone who is from a foreign country. Location found: Training grounds
OWNER.   ❂
“This is… Where did you… You have my thanks.”
"That doesn’t belong to me, but did you try asking…"
“So there is much left to learn…”  ( Byleth specific ) "Thank you for this opportunity, Professor. I will use it to grow."
"I… am sorry. I hope you find peace."
"I do enjoy singing a great deal. H-Huh? You want to listen? If you insist…"
COOKING.   ❂  
"I am… not the most familiar with the kitchen, but I will try to help in any way I can.”
BAD.   ❂
"Why can’t I get this right…" Critique: Thank you, I shall take this into consideration. Console: I appreciate your words but let me try again.
GREAT.   ❂
"I think I’m starting to get the hang of it." “Practice makes better.”
"Did you see that? Hard work is starting to pay off." PRAISE. "Oh, that’s not necessary, but thank you, nonetheless."
“You know, I have a pony at home. I wonder how he’s doing…”
WEEDING.   ❂  
"So I see… Even small tasks like this benefit the community, the plant community that is."
“Are you certain I cannot just watch from down here…?”
"And after I studied so hard for this… What a disappointment."
"Phew. That’s a weight off my shoulders. What next?"
REASON.   ❂  
“Anima, or Reason, is my specialty. Even so, I think I still have a ways to go, there are so many uncovered mysteries of magic, wouldn’t you agree?”
AXE.   ❂  
“My father and uncle were both great axe users. I cannot help but feel it must run in the family… for everyone except me. So that is why I must work to grow. I know it will be long and difficult, but I am willing to put forth my best effort, for them, my people, and myself.”
0 TO 2 STATS UP.  ❂  
“I could do better.”
3 TO 4 STATS UP.  ❂  
“I must keep going.”
5 STATS UP.  ❂  
“This is starting to get me fired up, I’m ready for what’s next.”
6 STATS UP.  ❂  
“With this, I can help everyone!”
“I thought I was alone at one point, but with my friends’ and allies' support, I couldn’t have gotten this far. I must use this newfound strength for peace.”
“I can feel myself growing stronger in a different way.”
“I’m sure this will have plenty of use in the future.”
(1) “This is only the beginning.” (2) “I am one step closer to achieving my goals.” (3) “I will use this to be more helpful to everyone.”
“I’ll break through.”  
“It’s as you say.”
LOW HP.  ❂  
“Let’s… give it our all, to the very end.”
“I must stay alert.”
“I mustn’t fail!” “This is the end!” “The power of flame!” “I’ll reduce you to ashes!” “I call upon the red fire!”
GAMBIT.  ❂  
“With your support, let us end this now!”
“I will help!”
“I’m sorry, there was no choice.” “It is done now.” “May the Saint guide you on your way out.”
“I should learn from you.” “I should try my hardest too.” “You are quite impressive.”
“Thank you.” “I hope I will put this to use.” “My sincerest gratitude.”
CASUAL.  ❂  
“I’m sorry, I’m of no use to you like this.”
"So… this is the end for me. Father… wait for me."
"My book pile is starting to stack unreasonably high. I wonder if I’ll be able to read everything. What should I do?"
>Stop buying books. >Set up goals to read through your current list. (Correct answer) >Read multiple books at a time.
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icesanimecaps · 7 years
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 Shaft might be famous for the head tilt, but nothing can compare to the sunrise slap. 
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holmslice69art · 1 year
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charlesreeza · 5 years
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Bäckerei - Bern, Switzerland
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whentheychirp · 6 years
phoenixtheoverlord replied to your photo “yup, that’s certainly him”
Actually, considering Ryukishi's tastes, I'd bet Oyashiro-sama is a female deity despite being called a "god" and not a "goddess". If I remember correctly, at this point in the anime, you'd already have seen the statue and it looks female. But then again, you shouldn't look for it as it could lead to major spoilers about their "existance".
hmmm according to my sources, gods are genderless anyway also, my Oyashiro-sama IS SEXY
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so considering Ryukishi’s tastes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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a-natural-mess · 6 years
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Just some random pseudo-norse syllables
Perhaps just take two random syllables to create a nordic/scandinavian inspired name. Serndul, Binfern, Varslyn...
bal bam ban bar barl barm barn barr bars bart bas bel bem ben ber berl berm bern berr bers bert bes bil bim bin bir birl birm birn birr birs birt bis bjal bjam bjan bjar bjas bjel bjem bjen bjer bjes bjil bjim bjin bjir bjis bjol bjom bjon bjor bjos bjul bjum bjun bjur bjus bol bom bon bor borl borm born borr bors bort bos bral bram bran brar bras brel brem bren brer bres bril brim brin brir bris brol brom bron bror bros brul brum brun brur brus bryl brym bryn bryr brys bul bum bun bur burl burm burn burr burs burt bus byl bym byn byr byrl byrm byrn byrr byrs byrt bys dal dam dan dar darl darm darn darr dars dart das del dem den der derl derm dern derr ders dert des dil dim din dir dirl dirm dirn dirr dirs dirt dis dol dom don dor dorl dorm dorn dorr dors dort dos dul dum dun dur durl durm durn durr durs durt dus dyl dym dyn dyr dyrl dyrm dyrn dyrr dyrs dyrt dys fal fam fan far farl farm farn farr fars fart fas fel fem fen fer ferl ferm fern ferr fers fert fes fil fim fin fir firl firm firn firr firs firt fis fjal fjam fjan fjar fjas fjel fjem fjen fjer fjes fjil fjim fjin fjir fjis fjol fjom fjon fjor fjos fjul fjum fjun fjur fjus fol fom fon for forl form forn forr fors fort fos fral fram fran frar fras frel frem fren frer fres fril frim frin frir fris frol from fron fror fros frul frum frun frur frus fryl frym fryn fryr frys ful fum fun fur furl furm furn furr furs furt fus fyl fym fyn fyr fyrl fyrm fyrn fyrr fyrs fyrt fys gal gam gan gar garl garm garn garr gars gart gas gel gem gen ger gerl germ gern gerr gers gert ges gil gim gin gir girl girm girn girr girs girt gis gol gom gon gor gorl gorm gorn gorr gors gort gos gul gum gun gur gurl gurm gurn gurr gurs gurt gus gyl gym gyn gyr gyrl gyrm gyrn gyrr gyrs gyrt gys hal ham han har harl harm harn harr hars hart has hel hem hen her herl herm hern herr hers hert hes hil him hin hir hirl hirm hirn hirr hirs hirt his hjal hjam hjan hjar hjas hjel hjem hjen hjer hjes hjil hjim hjin hjir hjis hjol hjom hjon hjor hjos hjul hjum hjun hjur hjus hol hom hon hor horl horm horn horr hors hort hos hral hram hran hrar hras hrel hrem hren hrer hres hril hrim hrin hrir hris hrol hrom hron hror hros hrul hrum hrun hrur hrus hryl hrym hryn hryr hrys hul hum hun hur hurl hurm hurn hurr hurs hurt hus hyl hym hyn hyr hyrl hyrm hyrn hyrr hyrs hyrt hys kal kam kan kar karl karm karn karr kars kart kas kel kem ken ker kerl kerm kern kerr kers kert kes kil kim kin kir kirl kirm kirn kirr kirs kirt kis kjal kjam kjan kjar kjas kjel kjem kjen kjer kjes kjil kjim kjin kjir kjis kjol kjom kjon kjor kjos kjul kjum kjun kjur kjus kol kom kon kor korl korm korn korr kors kort kos kral kram kran krar kras krel krem kren krer kres kril krim krin krir kris krol krom kron kror kros krul krum krun krur krus kryl krym kryn kryr krys kul kum kun kur kurl kurm kurn kurr kurs kurt kus kyl kym kyn kyr kyrl kyrm kyrn kyrr kyrs kyrt kys lal lam lan lar larl larm larn larr lars lart las lel lem len ler lerl lerm lern lerr lers lert les lil lim lin lir lirl lirm lirn lirr lirs lirt lis lol lom lon lor lorl lorm lorn lorr lors lort los lul lum lun lur lurl lurm lurn lurr lurs lurt lus lyl lym lyn lyr lyrl lyrm lyrn lyrr lyrs lyrt lys mal mam man mar marl marm marn marr mars mart mas mel mem men mer merl merm mern merr mers mert mes mil mim min mir mirl mirm mirn mirr mirs mirt mis mol mom mon mor morl morm morn morr mors mort mos mul mum mun mur murl murm murn murr murs murt mus myl mym myn myr myrl myrm myrn myrr myrs myrt mys
nal nam nan nar narl narm narn narr nars nart nas nel nem nen ner nerl nerm nern nerr ners nert nes nil nim nin nir nirl nirm nirn nirr nirs nirt nis nol nom non nor norl norm norn norr nors nort nos nul num nun nur nurl nurm nurn nurr nurs nurt nus nyl nym nyn nyr nyrl nyrm nyrn nyrr nyrs nyrt nys pal pam pan par parl parm parn parr pars part pas pel pem pen per perl perm pern perr pers pert pes pil pim pin pir pirl pirm pirn pirr pirs pirt pis pol pom pon por porl porm porn porr pors port pos pul pum pun pur purl purm purn purr purs purt pus pyl pym pyn pyr pyrl pyrm pyrn pyrr pyrs pyrt pys ral ram ran rar rarl rarm rarn rarr rars rart ras rel rem ren rer rerl rerm rern rerr rers rert res ril rim rin rir rirl rirm rirn rirr rirs rirt ris rjal rjam rjan rjar rjas rjel rjem rjen rjer rjes rjil rjim rjin rjir rjis rjol rjom rjon rjor rjos rjul rjum rjun rjur rjus rol rom ron ror rorl rorm rorn rorr rors rort ros rral rram rran rrar rras rrel rrem rren rrer rres rril rrim rrin rrir rris rrol rrom rron rror rros rrul rrum rrun rrur rrus rryl rrym rryn rryr rrys rul rum run rur rurl rurm rurn rurr rurs rurt rus ryl rym ryn ryr ryrl ryrm ryrn ryrr ryrs ryrt rys sal sam san sar sarl sarm sarn sarr sars sart sas sel sem sen ser serl serm sern serr sers sert ses sil sim sin sir sirl sirm sirn sirr sirs sirt sis sjal sjam sjan sjar sjas sjel sjem sjen sjer sjes sjil sjim sjin sjir sjis sjol sjom sjon sjor sjos sjul sjum sjun sjur sjus sol som son sor sorl sorm sorn sorr sors sort sos sral sram sran srar sras srel srem sren srer sres sril srim srin srir sris srol srom sron sror sros srul srum srun srur srus sryl srym sryn sryr srys sul sum sun sur surl surm surn surr surs surt sus syl sym syn syr syrl syrm syrn syrr syrs syrt sys tal tam tan tar tarl tarm tarn tarr tars tart tas tel tem ten ter terl term tern terr ters tert tes til tim tin tir tirl tirm tirn tirr tirs tirt tis tol tom ton tor torl torm torn torr tors tort tos tul tum tun tur turl turm turn turr turs turt tus tyl tym tyn tyr tyrl tyrm tyrn tyrr tyrs tyrt tys val vam van var varl varm varn varr vars vart vas vel vem ven ver verl verm vern verr vers vert ves vil vim vin vir virl virm virn virr virs virt vis vol vom von vor vorl vorm vorn vorr vors vort vos vul vum vun vur vurl vurm vurn vurr vurs vurt vus vyl vym vyn vyr vyrl vyrm vyrn vyrr vyrs vyrt vys wal wam wan war warl warm warn warr wars wart was wel wem wen wer werl werm wern werr wers wert wes wil wim win wir wirl wirm wirn wirr wirs wirt wis wol wom won wor worl worm worn worr wors wort wos wul wum wun wur wurl wurm wurn wurr wurs wurt wus wyl wym wyn wyr wyrl wyrm wyrn wyrr wyrs wyrt wys zal zam zan zar zarl zarm zarn zarr zars zart zas zel zem zen zer zerl zerm zern zerr zers zert zes zil zim zin zir zirl zirm zirn zirr zirs zirt zis zol zom zon zor zorl zorm zorn zorr zors zort zos zul zum zun zur zurl zurm zurn zurr zurs zurt zus zyl zym zyn zyr zyrl zyrm zyrn zyrr zyrs zyrt zys
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