#berf’s tags:
berf-a-smurf · 5 months
A letter to my therapist (that I probably won't send/read to them)
It's weird how in the mental field, others help you how they want to help and not how you ask to be helped. I know the "person in a wheelchair" simile is cliche but like... everyone's at least seen someone in a wheelchair (and mental problems aren't visual like that).
So like imagine someone struggling to get up a ramp. Maybe the bottom is buckled and they don't have the strength to roll over the bump. If someone else were to ask them "hey, how can I help?" they could say "oh, just nudge me over the bump and I can push myself the rest of the way" and they'd be believed because they have presumably lived with the wheelchair for several years and know how to prescribe a solution.
It's not like the other goes "hmm actually I know a better way; leave your chair here, put your arm over my shoulders, and we'll go up the stairs."
So why is it, after living with my brain for 26 years, and given what I need to research and consider Autism for 13 of those years, that people keep telling me to take the fucking stairs?! Please just listen to me when I tell you that I need a different type of help. Please!! I mean, literally speaking, I am able bodied and can do stairs, but using the metaphor, I know my brain better than you so if I prescribe a solution please trust that I know what I'm trying to get at more than your "hmm actually I don't think it works that way."
DBT has been helping my confidence, don't get me wrong. There's still a lot I'm getting from the program. But I keep hitting these little bumps in my day-to-day that I need different help with. Suicidality keeps coming back because I'm so fundamentally different from others. All of these little things keep adding up and make me feel flawed and mostly hopeless. But it's so normal to me that I don't catch it in the moment as something to write down nor log in memory for later. I need to pay someone to shadow me all day every day and watch how my behaviours come out and make the notes that I can't so that I can finally get the help I need. For the love of all that is good, please help me explore neurodivergence to some capacity. I know BPD is only a layer on top of more. And that's all you want to focus on. And it makes me feel a bit frustrated. It's not severe frustration, it's more like a nagging hang nail.
And the BPD diagnosis came from a psychiatrist that only saw me for two hours and nurses that had me for two days. I was mostly dissociated and overwhelmed with all the 'new' around me in the hospital. And I coped with my obedience mask. I wish, I wish the BPD thing didn't stick. I wish, I wish someone would care enough to help me pull back the (now automatic) mask and help me with the problems underneath. DBT feels like a step in the right direction and that gives me some hope. But it's frustrating to think about this being as far as I'll likely get.
Does this make sense to anyone? Is this something worth mentioning to my therapist? I would love advice. Thank you 🫶
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wanderingmind867 · 19 days
I wanted to share this comment under one of my posts, because it was really good advice that I know I should take. To deal with my fears of being sedentary and stuff online, I should try to search up more tags. As an exercise in putting myself more into doing stuff.
But even besides this, I wanted to share it. This way, the comment could survive even if the commenters blog vanishes. And also it's hopefully going to help me remember to try and take this advice. I know I'm forgetful and probably won't, but we can hope this helps. And in any case, I want to say thank you to the commenter, @berf-a-smurf for giving me permission to do this.
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kyojinofbraveos · 4 years
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @hanjislefteye , thanks!
Three ships: yumikuri, eruri, mikahisu
Last song: About Monsters - High
Last movie: I am currently really into Stargate, so i watched Stargate: Ark of Truth
Currently Reading: I am a multitask reader, I guess this is the word for people who can read too many things at once... So I am reading Yunus Emre's poems, Through the Language Glass by Guy Deutacher, Tutunamayanlar (This one was translated to English as the Disconnected) by Oğuz Atay and Jean Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract. All at once 😅😅 I didn't realize I was reading this much till wrote it here...
Currently watching: Stargate Atlantis! Even though Stargate is very 90's and very white and military, I still enjoy it. I really think it deserves a better, more colorful reboot.
Currently consuming: lemon soda 🍋
Food I am craving: Hamburgers and fast food! Damn you COVID-19 for making me eat healthier!
Thanks for tagging me again @hanjislefteye 😘😘 I tag @kuchenackerman @leapingtitan @teiichans @super-yumi-me @superjaegerbros @shifter-lines @the-not-so-dark-age @bicozyes and anyone that wants to do this! Consider yourself tagged!
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jjinomu · 7 years
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Happy birthday dear <3
AHHH baka aklsdjaslkdj thank you so much!!! this is so pretty???? meichan is so pretty??? u are so pretty??!?!?!?!?!? thank u wOW i think i legit might cry
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pandoraborn · 4 years
Requested by @dmnfox because it’s her birthday and I both hate and love her. Hap Berf, Fexeroni.
Warnings: angst, ego shipping, major character death, jackie-as-a-demon from: Anon server, as a story ending.
“My earring!” Jackie’s frantic as he tears the room apart, trying to find it. They’re still at the ball, just in the room upstairs where Jackie had confronted Anti. “Marvin, it’s missin’!”
Marvin’s still sipping on wine, though the expression on his face is one of concern, eyebrows furrowed as he scans the room himself, trying to spot the tiny black earring that Jackie had only worn until recently, when he’d used it to seal a ritual to bind Marvin to him. Jackie’s swearing a little too loudly, as if it’d block the music still coming from the ballroom.
“Help me!” Jackie snaps, whirling around to face Marvin. His eyes are jet black out of panic, and Marvin heaves a sigh, setting the wine glass down.
“Jackie, it’s a small black piercing, Are you sure you didn’t drop it downstairs?” “I’m positive I didn’t drop it downstairs. Anti stole it, I know he did!” Jackie tosses a couch cushion to the floor, before stomping on it angrily. “Why the fuck would he even want it? It’s a stupid-”
“Jackie, you’re a demon. You used that earring in a ritual, it carries power now. Why else...” Marvin trails off as his eyes widen. There’s only a handful of reasons why powerful trinkets would make their way into the wrong hands, and Anti has plenty of reasons to come after Jackie. Or rather, after all of them. He’s not going to say that out loud.
Marvin doesn’t even get a chance to, because Henrik and Jameson are running in, looking disheveled and panicked. The sudden appearance from them has Jackie glitching back by Marvin’s side, gripping his arm tightly.
“Sorry,” Henrik pants. “We have a problem.”
“Oh, great,“ Jackie snaps, throwing his arms up. “We’re trying to enjoy a masquerade ball, Anti steals my earring, and now he’s missing.”
{Anti stole your earring?} Jameson wears a puzzled expression on his face, the panic momentarily gone. {What would he want with your earring?}
“I used a ritual to bind Marvin to me instead of Anti, but nevermind that, what’s with you two?”
Henrik and Jameson look at each other, both clearly engaged in a silent debate. Jameson almost looks like he doesn’t want to trouble Jackie, but before Jackie can prod either of them for answers, Henrik finally sighs.
“Anti took the watch.”
Marvin lurches forward at that moment, poking his head out of the doorway and glancing around, before he slams the door shut, closing the four of them in the room. “Okay, that isn’t good,” Marvin says. “If Anti has both the piercing and the watch...” 
“We’re boned,” Jackie pipes up, not at all helpfully. “We’re going ‘ta die.” At least he doesn’t sound casual. Marvin shoots him a glare before rubbing at the sides of his head.
“We can still try to track him down. Jackie and I both could, or something...”
“Wouldn’t you want our help?” Henrik asks. “There’s got to be something we can do.”
“Oh, there is.”
It’s Anti’s voice. All four egos whirl around to face Anti, who’s standing in the middle of the room with a smirk on his face. His his hands are the watch and piercing, which has Jackie nearly lunging forward to snatch both out of his hand. Anti snatches them back, holding them out of Jackie’s reach.
“You should have thought about what you were doing before using my powers, Jackieboy Man. Everything comes at a price, and I’m going to deliver that to you now.”
{Please don’t.} Jameson looks heartbroken. Jackie spares a glance over at him, feeling a new heated rush of anger. Jameson and Anti had been friends once. {Anti, please don’t do anything rash.}
“It’s too late for that Jameson. If you all want someone to blame, look at him.” Anti waves a finger in Jackie’s direction. “He’s the one who make the unanimous decision that I’m the bad guy. Always speaking for everyone else, always making the decisions he doesn’t have to. I’m going to change that.” He starts using both items, simultaneously.
The change felt is instant. The four egos know something big is happening. It’s not a world-crumbling event they have to run from. It’s probably not even effecting anyone down in the ballroom. It’s effecting three egos in this room. Three egos fall to their knees, weakened by a massive power drain that keeps going and going, going and going.
Jackie doesn’t notice much else in the world around him. Distantly, he can hear Henrik sobbing and begging for Anti to stop, begging for Jameson to come back to him. But Jackie’s world is darkening, and it’s taking all his energy to get to Marvin’s side, even more to reach out and grasp his hand. He doesn’t know what’s happening, he doesn’t have the strength to get up and fight.
“I’m taking you all away. Jackie doesn’t get to be better than me, and I’m going to make sure it stays that way. In my world, I’m in charge, and you’re going to remember that.”
Anti’s voice seems to fade away, along with the distant sounds of music. It’s almost quiet, too quiet. No static hum of the electricity running through the building, no music, no sounds of conversation and laughter. It’s as if they’d slid into a dark void. Jackie can still hear Henrik begging for Jameson to come back, but Jackie’s focused on Marvin. Only Marvin.
“Jackie...I can’t feel anything.” Marvin’s voice is a whisper. Faint, and filled with all the tiredness that comes with dying. Are they actually dying? Will they come back?
“I can’t either,” Jackie whispers back. He’s fighting to keep his eyes open. Fighting to keep Marvin in his vision. “Stay with me, love. Please...”
“I don’t want to lose you.”
Tears fill Jackie’s eyes as he tries to pull himself closer. It’s as if the ground has him pinned in place, gravity weighing too heavily on the pair. There’s so many things Jackie wanted to do with Marvin: they were supposed to get married. They were supposed to live for eternity with each other. They were supposed....they....
“Jackie, I have to tell you something.” Even Marvin’s voice is coming from too far away, being lost to this void. How are they still holding on? Jackie can’t even hear Henrik anymore.
He doesn’t have the strength to respond, but he clings to Marvin’s hand. He wants to wrap his arms around the magician and hold him close, but this is the best they can manage.
“Jackie, I l-”
Marvin’s words are cut off as he fades from view. Jackie can’t hear anything, can’t see anything. It’s an inky blackness that stretches on forever, taking all the air, all the life out of it. He’s alone. He’s alone.
He lets out a sigh, knowing this really is the end. Anti had finally beaten him. Finally, with a prayer in his heart and nothing left to hold onto...
He lets himself go too.
The reign of the egos is no more.
also tagging: @10th-no-name-person, @anon-jameson, @anon-marvin
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fruitless-vain · 5 years
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So we had an adventurous night we weren’t expecting...
Our neighbours (young kids) rang our doorbell with a dog in their hands wondering if it was Yoshi (hot tip it wasn’t). They were too young to really know what to do/ what to look for and kind of just went “hey you’re a person we know has dogs so here! Dog!” So we went down the list to try and find his home.
He was super friendly, naturally uncomfortable with what was happening but otherwise very patient and responsive. ID tag was so worn down all you could read is the name so we called the license number. The city called the owners who didn’t answer their phone, the city gave us a reference number for the report and asked if we were capable of holding on to the dog for a while.
At this point we’ve got both dogs leashed and separated in the house cause Jackpot (lost dog) was shaking in the cold. Yoshi was actually doing really well, just two short “ my house” berfs before she settled and was actually really wanting to say hi. So we said yeah we can hold him until need be.
Once he warmed up Jackpot was actively wanting to go outside so we decided to take him for a walk and see if he happens to take us to his house. (Yoshi came along for the walk and was so good, really playful, wanting to sniff whatever he sniffed, awesome responses from her honestly). Five minutes and four blocks later he walks us right to a front door which ended up being his house!
Turns out they brought him skating at the outdoor rink with them and somehow he got left behind. (Apparently they don’t usually bring him but last minute decided to so when they packed up to leave the dog was not typically on their list of things to remember). Poor guy had been in the cold for 45 minutes, thankfully were in a warmer spell right now (only -3 instead of our standard -25) so he was totally okay.
The owner was so shocked and confused that 1). We had her dog she didn’t know was missing and 2) we knew where her dog lived (he knew where he lived).
But all in all lil guy found his way back home and is nice, warm and cozy!
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samsi6 · 6 years
brille - radio - taschentuch
stofftier - lampe - taschenbuch
für alles platz was ist mein wille
solang ich ihn nicht überfülle
mein nachttisch ist mein reich im kleinen
steht ganz solid auf seinen beinen
erwartet mich mit viel geduld
gibt dafür niemandem die schuld
ist tag und nacht an seinem platz
ein treuer liebevoller schatz
persönlich und sehr subjektiv
vielleicht ein kleines bisschen schief
doch anspruchslos und funktionell
des nächtens dunkel - tags ganz hell
sehr leise und vielleicht apart
so huldig ich ihm hier ganz zart
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20 Questions Tag
 Thanks to @bookslanguagesandlife for the tag *-*
NICKNAMES: Befo, Berf, Metal girl (this one’s rare tho)
HEIGHT: 166 cm
ORIENTATION: I’m not sure
FAVORITE FRUIT: Watermelon, strawberry, pineapple
FAVORITE FLOWERS: *I know nothing about flowers
DREAM TRIP: Iceland and Faroe Islands
RANDOM FACT: I’m people friendly on the internet but in real life, I hate people
Tagging: @lysvenska @languagesandshootingstars
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myaj89 · 6 years
letzter tag in 2018-falls weiterlebe-was ja von Gott her soll inkl überfälligem GUTEN LEBEN sowie Konsequenzen für alle die bisher schuld warums nicht war-muss es nun jeden tag u jede nacht funktionieren!
konditionskonform,menschenrechtsgemäss...hier nur kurz möglich da via öffentl.pc!ausführlicheres folgt wohl die tage...
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armyofchefs · 7 years
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Braised beef, parsley root, chestnuts, thyme and watercress 🌱 by @kokkeriet ・・・ Tag your best plating pictures with #armyofchefs to get featured. 🔪❤️ ・・・ #berf #parsley #chestnut #thyme #watercress #rind #thymian #muskat http://ift.tt/2p8PKet - more on https://armyofchefs.com
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berf-a-smurf · 6 months
Jealousy is haunting me
So bad I'm biting my tongue
It gets so hard to breathe
Wish you were mine from day one
Don't mention any other name
That doesn't sound like mine, yeah
I don't ever wanna know who you've been with before
Burn all your old photos, they don't exist anymore
You know I'll never be replaced 'cause I satisfy, yeah
'Cause your smile tells me everything I need to know
You need to know that
It never ends
Look at the shade of my eyes
And I won't pretend
And I won't apologize
I gotta have you, gotta have you to myself
Why would I want anybody else?
In my defense, jealousy's my best friend
People like to shame me
You think that I care at all?
So bad at sharing
You know you infect my soul
Don't want it any other way 'cause it gets you high, yeah
I know I can't change your past
Better believe that I tried
Never meant to last
Makes me so happy inside
Come on, my baby, time to play
'Cause you set me on fire, yeah
It never ends
Look at the shade of my eyes
And I won't pretend
And I won't apologize
I gotta have you, gotta have you to myself
Why would I want anybody else?
In my defense, jealousy's my best friend
It never ends
Look at the shade of my eyes
And I won't pretend
And I won't apologize
I gotta have you, gotta have you to myself
Why would I want anybody else?
In my defense, jealousy's my best friend
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berf-a-smurf · 16 days
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berf-a-smurf · 23 days
Stub my toe on the sofa
Call that a couchie
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berf-a-smurf · 20 hours
Streaming another Chat’s Pick!
Come hang out with me for a while 😊
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berf-a-smurf · 3 days
COME JOIN ME ON TWITCH! I’m currently playing Hollow Knight but am taking chat suggestions to help me get through my unplayed backlog.
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berf-a-smurf · 4 days
Going to work on my Beat Saber campaign again in about 20 minutes!
Come join me here:
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