#benny blabbers
bennysblabbering · 2 months
Definitely wanna cook something up today, just gotta figure out what
Rubbing my hands together like a fly
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beantomii · 10 months
i think a lobotomy and a good smash in the head from hobie’s guitar could fix me
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regaliasonata · 11 months
Ethan: Sam is like so amazing.
Benny: Mhm...
Ethan: Honestly he's tall, funny, a bit goofy but resourceful.
Benny: Yup....
Ethan: *continues blabbering*
Benny: How do you murder someone without finding them? *Burning jealousy personified*
Castiel: Strike them from the sky.
Sam: You hearing this shit?
Dean: This is why we do jobs separately.
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honey-crypt · 2 months
KEEPER OF THE GLISTENING SEA - a merman!elliott x plus-sized!reader love story
word count: 2.6k
warnings: mentions of shady capitalistic schemes (joja, duh!), one-off mention of psychedelics/hallucinogens
summary: it’s time for you to learn the ways of the lighthouse from willy, the expert of all things sea-related. you befriend a few residents of pelican town and find yourself easing into the groove of the valley. but what’s that flash of red you keep seeing at night?
author’s note: i wrote this like an hour after the prologue so enjoy <3
The incessant gawking of seagulls startled you awake before the crack of dawn. You grumbled a curse to yourself at their volume and tried to fall back asleep. Of course, that was a waste, as the seagulls continued to shriek at one another. Defeated, you kicked the covers off your body and pulled yourself out of bed, the woody floor creaking loudly under your bare feet. You soon dragged your exhausted body into the tiny bathroom and began your morning routine.
Halfway through brushing your teeth after your shower, you heard rapid knocking on your door. You exited the bathroom and opened the front door, revealing an older man with a greying beard and a brown cap, “Ahoy,” he greeted you, “Name’s Willy. Benny informed me that you arrived yesterday.”
“Willy!” you mumbled aloud, pulling the toothbrush out your mouth, “It’s, uh,” you realized that you were still in your pajamas and with terrible bedhead, “Wish we could’ve met when I was more… dressed.”
“No need to fret,” he reassured you, “I’ve seen worse, such as the time I caught the mayor in his lucky purple shorts,” the fisherman jested. He then held out a white box to you, “I just wanted to deliver you yer uniform, I got dear Emily making a few spares in the meantime.”
You took the box from his hands, surprised by its weight. Willy tipped his cap to you, “I’ll see you in an hour,” and walked off towards the nearby docks, where you noticed a small shop perched on it. You waved him off and shut the door behind you, eager to see your uniform. Gently, you unboxed the package, pulled out each part of your uniform, and fully assembled it on the dining table. Your face grew hot at the design of the uniform, a cross between traditional lighthouse keeper's attire and the kind of seafarer outfit someone would purchase for a Spirit’s Eve party.
The top half of your uniform was pretty fine, consisting of a white button shirt with a navy blue suit vest and matching suit jacket. Yet, it was the bottom half that made your palms sweaty. The pants, while appropriate for the warmer seasons, were high-waisted black shorts, adorn with three metallic buttons on each side. At least, the pants were the only real issue you had, the provided knee high socks and sturdy docker shoes not being much of an issue. You looked back at the pants and let out a frustrated huff before returning to your morning routine.
You stood before the wall hung mirror on your bathroom door in your new uniform, trying to break it in a bit before work. It caught you off guard how good it fit you, especially the pants. You adjusted your hat, navy blue with the symbol of the valley’s pride and joy- the Stardrop- in the center. Almost like the keeper’s uniform from hundreds years ago, you fiddled with your uniform, Except mine’s… more twink-ish.
You checked the time on your phone, thankfully able to get service from the one cell tower in the valley, Oh! It’s time.
After double-checking that you had everything you needed for your big day, you made your way out of the cabin and towards the lighthouse, only a few feet away. Outside its entrance, Willy was nursing a cigar, he quickly sniffed its flame upon your arrival, “Ahoy, again,” the fisherman pulled out a large ring of keys and selected the shiniest one, “Thank you for being timely, laddie, I do appreciate it,” he unlocked the door to the lighthouse, “Follow me and do be listening to all my blabbering.”
You followed Willy into the lighthouse, the door slowly closing behind you. A soft whistle escaped your lips at the interior, just as sleek as Benny described it in his letter. Yet, you couldn’t admire its shininess for long, as Willy began reviewing the basics of lighthouse keeping while walking up the spiral staircase, “Usually, it be up to a member of the Ferngill Republic Coast Guard or Navy to man a lighthouse such as this beaut, but given the ongoing war, not many are available to take this job.”
“How come I got it?” you asked, “In all honesty, I have very little experience with this kinda thing.”
“Oh, I’m aware,” chuckled the fisherman, “The mayor wanted me to do it since I’m a retired member of the Navy,” his footsteps thumped against the stairs, “But I already have my hands full at my shop. That’s when yer cousin told us that you had the guts to take it on,” the older man stopped upon making it to the main mechanical floor of the lighthouse, “And the fact that you be the strongest swimmer he knows.”
You raised your eyebrows, “What does good swimming have to do with maintaining a lighthouse?”
Willy cracked a small smile, “You be surprised. When out on these waters, yer ability to swim be the divide between making it home for supper or sinking to the bottom.”
You pressed your lips together, still not comprehending his words. Nonetheless, Willy moved onto explaining the basic functions of the lighthouse and your duties. To your joy, your main responsibilities were cleaning the light and troubleshooting its automated systems when necessary, “Thankfully, ‘is not like the old days where a keeper had to maintain the wicks of the lighthouse,” stated Willy, “The system is set up to do most of the work for you.”
He showcased the various dashboards of equipment, detailing each of their purposes. You made sure to take notes while he explained, not wanting to break any of the obviously expensive equipment. By the time you finished your tour with Willy, you were utterly drained, lighthouse terminology bouncing around your head like ping pong balls. Willy flashed you a toothy grin, “You’re doing well, laddie. This won’t be too hard for you and I’ll be here to train you for the next week and so.”
“Oh, that’s good to hear,” you relaxed your posture, relieved to hear that you weren’t being thrown to the wolves- or sharks, in this case- already.
“Report here tomorrow by dawn, laddie. We got a lot of work on our hands! Other than, you be free to enjoy the rest of your day,” Willy laughed, giving you a gingerly pat on the back before making his way to the bottom of the lighthouse. You copied his move and headed outside, grateful that you could change out of your uniform. Back in the cabin, you swapped your uniform for a comfy muscle tee and some shorts, collapsing on your bed. You checked the time again, that took FIVE hours? you gawked at the change in time. A groan fell from your lips, “It’s not even noon and I’ll already tired.”
Not wanting to succumb to your exhaustion, you switched your focus on unpacking your belongings. It only took an hour or so to fully unpack, you didn’t bring that much with you. For the final touch, you placed your photo frames on the dresser; one of you and Benny as kids at the beach and another of your mother holding your toddler self. You weren’t sure why you kept those photos for all those years, but you were now grateful that you did.
A knock on your door suddenly caught your attention, “Willy?” you questioned when you opened the door.
“Nope, it’s me,” your cousin greeted you, “I take it you wrapped up your tour with dear old William, huh?” they were covered in dirt and reeked of something tangy but ultimately nasty.
“Yeah,” you pinched your noise, “Why do you smell so… so putrid?”
Benny sniffled his shirt, “Sorry, I’ve gotten nose blind to the smells of the farm. You might be smelling my homemade fertilizer.”
“Yeah, that’s,” you tried not to gag at the smell, “That’s probably why I’m smelling.”
“You’ll get used to it,” snorted Benny, “The whole town has,” he gestured to the pathway to the community you came to know as Pelican Town, “Speaking of the town, I thought I’d swing by and get you acquainted with the residents!”
You grimaced, “Are you sure that I have to talk to them?” They didn’t seem so welcoming.
Benny crossed their arms, “Yes, yes you do,” before offering you a hand. Hesitantly, you grasped it and allowed your cousin to drag you off to Pelican Town. It appeared to be a busy day, as groups of people wandered about the main area of town. Benny, the extrovert of you two, waved at the group closest to you, an elderly couple, “Hi Evelyn! Hi George!”
The woman, Evelyn, wore her smile like it was made of pearls, absolutely radiating positive joy, “Oh, hello, dear! It’s so nice to see you!”
The man, George, on the other hand? He seemed to be the exact opposite of his counterpart, sporting a bitter frown, “Mmpf! Ben, it’s too early for your hollering!”
“Sorry, George,” your cousin placated the grump with a bowing nod, “I want to introduce you two to my cousin, (Y/N).”
“Oh, goodness!” proclaimed Evelyn, “I remember you! You were just a munchkin the last time I saw you, oh how big you’ve gotten, my dear.”
You winced a bit at the word big, but promptly shook it off, knowing that she wasn’t referring to you by your weight but rather your overall growth. Evelyn resumed her chatter, “I used to bring homemade cookies and lemonade to you both when you would stay with Charlie for the summer. I’m so glad you’re well, sweetie.”
“Thank you, Evelyn,” you gave her a small nod and an awkward smile. Meanwhile, George huffed and commented, “I remember you, too. You were quite the troublemaker, you nearly destroyed my TV set!”
Benny concealed a snort of laughter and you did the same, thinking back to the time you visited the Mullners’ house and nearly ran straight into the TV while being chased by Benny and the Mullners’ grandson, Alex. I wonder if Alex’s alright, you thought to yourself; you’ve seen him in years, surely he was off in a city somewhere doing something.
“It’s nice to meet you, uh,” you held back a playful snicker, “Again, George.”
“Well, we should be off!” your cousin diffused the situation and whisked you off to another group of townies before George could run you down with his wheelchair.
Throughout the afternoon, Benny introduced you to the various residents of Pelican Town, from the carpenter Robin and her family to the general owner Pierre and his family. Everyone in town had such a bizarre energy about them, but you found yourself most comfortable with Robin’s son Sebastian and Pierre’s daughter Abigail. They were the closest to you in age and you could relate to them as a fellow “weird” person, as you were quite a fan of the occult like Abigail and of Solarian Chronicles: The Game like Sebastian. Soon, you were introduced to Sam, another member of the “weird kids” clubs in Pelican Town, who fancied himself a musician. You spent the remainder of the day getting to know the three of them, as you all longued about the rec room of The Stardrop Saloon, owned by a kind moustached man named Gus.
“It’s really cool that you moved here, (Y/N),” mused the purple-haired girl to you, “Don’t get me wrong, your cousin is cool and all but they’re too focused on their farm work to really hang out like this with us.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” you acknowledged, “Kinda glad I didn’t inherit the farm then.”
“Oh yeah, what’s with that?” Sam piped up, “Is it like an age thing that determined it?”
You unknowingly shifted your body away from the trio, “Yeah, something like that.”
“You don’t seem like the farm type, anyway,” stated Sebastian. You tensed up, “You think so?”
“Yeah,” he sunk deeper into the couch, “You seem like you don’t give a rat’s ass about the boring logistics of it all, I know from Benny that being a farmer requires you to wear too many professional hats.”
“You’re totally right about that,” you laughed, letting go out of the tension in your body, At least he didn’t call me too fat for manual labor. Trust me, I’m more than capable of doing it. you kept your thoughts to yourself.
“I’m gonna grab us some drinks!” the blond next to you exclaimed, “What does everyone want?”
“Joja Cola,” was Abigail’s order.
“Beer,” replied Sebastian.
Sam looked at you curiously, “And you?”
“Oh, uh,” you squeezed the loose ends of your tee, “Just water will be fine.”
“Okie dokie, be right back!” the musician skipped off to the bar to grab the drinks. Sam returned shortly after and passed out the drinks, having gotten himself a Joja Cola. With drink in hand, he raised it to the ceiling, “I propose a toast!”
“A toast?” you adjusted you grip on your glass of ice cold water.
“Yeah! To you moving to the valley,” elaborated Sam. Abigail smiled and held her drink up, followed by Sebastian. You did the same, all four drinks pointing at the ceiling.
“To (Y/N), may they find success in the valley!” Sam toasted.
“To (Y/N)!” Abigail followed.
“To (Y/N),” Sebastian add on.
“To me!” you exclaimed.
The four of you clinked glasses and cans together; feelings of joy and peace bubbled in your stomach, as dusk passed and the night went on. You didn’t have many friends back in your hometown and you most definitely didn’t have any in ZuZu City so this was a nice change of pace.
A new beginning, your cousin’s words crossed your mind. You smiled to yourself, A new beginning.
You found yourself back on the shore outside your cabin, nursing another cup of melatonin. Your new friends unfortunately had to depart for home sooner than expected, Sebastian and Sam having work in the morning and Abigail having to study for a class of hers. Nonetheless, you were beyond grateful to have befriended them, happy to have a chance to socialize with like minded peers. Like your first night in the valley, the ocean waves were almost hypnotic in their movement, you felt yourself grow sleepy just from watching them.
Then it happened, you noticed a flash of red, just like the night before. You rose from the ground and walked closer to the shoreline, squinting out into the distance to see if you could locate the possible buoy responsible for the flash of red. Yet, much to your confusion, there was no buoy in sight. You looked down at your cup of tea, “Do I need to switch brands?” you muttered aloud. It was Joja Doz-ja Melatonin Tea and Joja was known for their shady shortcuts, it wouldn’t be that much of a shocker if their tea contained psychedelic or hallucinogenic ingredients.
Another flash of red darted across your eyes, earning an exasperated grunt from you. You downed the rest of your tea and stomped to bed, not wanting to entertain the potential hallucination you were having. Thankfully, with the magic of Joja Doz-ja Melatonin Tea, you were out like a light and sleeping the night away.
In the midst of twilight, your supposed halluncation was perched upon a nearby rock. Long ginger hair clung its form like seaweed, as it flapped its tail against the rock.
“Come back soon,” the creature whispered into the darkness, its deep seafoam eyes twinkling like stars in the sky.
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theewokingdead · 1 year
The Best One - Benny Miller x f!Reader
Pairing: Benny Miller x f!Reader Summary: You and Benny are best friends, but one night together changed everything. Protecting your own heart, you decided it's best to forget. Problem is, Benny doesn't want to - and truthfully, neither do you. Word Count: 3.5k Rating: Explicit Content: Language, Santi is an asshole, idiots in love, friends to lovers, PiV sex, public sex A/N: I listen to "Best Ones" by Garrett Hedlund way too much, sparking this idea. I present...my first Benny Miller smut. Enjoy!
“Then she took my dick in both her hands and sucked the soul out of my body.”
Benny rolls his eyes and shifts in the booth, arms crossed stubbornly over his chest. He cannot bear to look at Santi, but he is stuck here, listening to his nonstop blabbering about his recent sexcapade. His eyes drift upwards to the light fixtures in the ceiling as he desperately tries to focus on anything other than Santi and his stories. But one thought springs into Benny's mind before he can push it away: her…down on her knees. It's a memory he had vowed to bury and never uncover again, but that hasn't stopped him from thinking about it - especially now.
She broke their hungry kiss by pushing against his chest. He tried to pull her back, but she shook her head and slowly dropped to her knees, keeping her gaze locked on his. She was too impatient to do more than tug his jeans down far enough to get what she wanted. His cock sprung free and she wrapped her delicate hands around the base before rubbing the head across her luscious lips. Fuck, she looked so beautiful. When she opened her mouth and took him in, he groaned with pleasure, her cheeks hollowing as she hungrily sucked him. He threaded his fingers through her hair and fucked her greedy little mouth, her name the only thing on his lips as he-
“What about you, Ben?”
Benny is pulled from his memory by the sound of his name. He looks to Santi, realizing he was asked a question.
“What about me?” he asks, feigning ignorance, not really in the mood to satisfy his curiosity.
“You gotten laid lately?” Santi asks.
“Well, no… I mean, yes. I mean, I’ve gotten some,” he stutters, his face going red as the words escape his mouth. He realizes he sounds like a teenager lying to his friends about having had sex.
“Oh, really?” the older man questions, his brows raising in surprise. “When’s the last time you got laid?”
“A few weeks ago, I guess,” Benny says, shrugging his shoulders.             
First, he had Santi’s curiosity. Now, he has his full attention. The man sits back in his seat, watching him with interest, as if he doesn't believe him. “Does she have a name?”
Of course, she has a name. Her name is the perfect complement to her delicate beauty, sweet and gentle. He wishes he could speak it aloud now - the sound of her name on anyone's lips is music, a beautiful melody that sends shivers down his spine.
But he can't.
Nobody at the table knows a thing about his secret encounter with her, and he promised himself that he wouldn’t tell anyone what happened between them. Not even Will. If anyone has their suspicions, Benny is oblivious to it. Besides, there’s nothing to talk about. It had been a single night of passion fueled by alcohol and desire that now belonged in the past, best left as it. She had made it clear that she wanted nothing more. In fact, it sounded like she regretted that anything even happened.
"I'm sorry, Benny. Just forget this ever happened."
Perhaps it would be easier that way; it’s already been several weeks, and it seem she has moved on. He realizes how much he had overestimated her feelings for him. She's always flirted with him, but maybe it was just innocent. That realization kills him. To him, she is everything, but to her, he's just a man – a friend.
Maybe it's best if he moves on and never speaks, never even thinks, of the night again.
But it's impossible - especially when she walks through the door right then.
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You slip into the bar and look around, hoping to easily find the boys somewhere in the crowd. As expected, they’re sitting in their usual booth, beers in front of them as they seem to engage in some sort of conversation. A smile spreads across your face as you move toward them.
A warmth floods you when you notice Benny looking at you, his blue eyes shining even in the dim lighting of the bar. You bite your lip and push the memory of the night the two of you shared away. You can’t think of that right now. You can't think about that ever. You can’t think about the way his hands felt on your body, holding your wrists down…and you definitely can’t think about the way his lips felt against yours as his cock shoved every thought out of your head.
You break your gaze and push the thought out of your mind as you walk to the table, forcing yourself to remember that there will never be anything between the two of you, that you two are friends – that you’ll never be anything more than just friends.
“Hello boys,” you say, slipping into the booth next to Frankie, careful to avoid catching Benny’s eyes again. “What did I miss?”
“Benjamin here was just about to tell us about his latest encounter with some saucy señorita,” Santi informs you.
Your heart sinks as you think about Benny with another woman. All color drains from your face and your stomach twists. You know he doesn't have feelings for you, but did he really move on from that night with you that quickly?
“Oh,” you say, feigning interest, trying to keep your best poker face.
“Negative,” Benny replies harshly. “And I sure as hell ain’t about to allow this conversation go any further with a lady present.”
You furrow your brows in confusion. Sure, Benny isn't one to strut around like a peacock - that's more of Santi's thing - but he's also not one to keep tight-lipped.
Santi laughs. “A lady? Her mouth is just as filthy as yours, Ben. So, go on. Tell us more of your adventures. I’m sure she’d love to hear them."
Benny rises from his seat quicker than you’ve ever seen him move, not even in the ring, his face flushed and angry as he glares at Santi. “Back off or I swear-” he growls, tone hard and threatening
Will stands between the two men, looking at his younger brother, holding up a hand to stop him from advancing further towards the other man. “Don’t finish that sentence."
“Can we drop whatever this is, please?” you suggest. Things have been awkward enough lately. The last thing this group needs is strife between Benny and Pope too.
You watch Benny's chest rise and fall with every measured breath. You ache to reach out and touch him, to feel the warmth of his skin. He catches your eye and you quickly look away, feeling embarrassed and allowing your hands to sink into your lap.
“There's no story to tell,” he says, and you feel his glance on you before turning and walking away.
“Fuck,” Santi sighs, breaking the silence before raising the bottle in front of him and taking a sip. “He needs to save that shit for fight night.”
Frankie gives Santi a sharp whack on the back of his head, making the latter sputter out out his beer.
“Cabrón!" Frankie hisses. "No es obvio, o estás ciego?”
Fortunately, you don't catch the words. Otherwise, it would become obvious that everyone but Santi has picked up on the awkwardness between you and Benny. It really shouldn’t be a surprise that Will and Frankie suspect something happened between you two. You both have been quieter than usual lately, talk to and about each other less, and whenever your eyes meet, you both quickly look away, a telltale sign that something is amiss.
“Excuse me,” you utter before rising from the booth, moving to follow Benny outside. You open the door and search for him, spotting him making a beeline towards his car.
“What the hell was that?” you demand, trailing close behind him.
“Nothing that concerns you,” he replies harshly without losing stride.
“Really, Benny? How can that not be my concern?"
“It’s not your concern because it’s none of your business,” he snaps, whipping around to face you.
You're taken aback by his sudden hostility toward you. “How can you say that?” you question, stepping toward him. “You’re my friend, which means you're my business."
Benny rolls his eyes, which sets a fire in you.
"You’re my god damned business, Benny," you reiterate. "You always have been. I know you better than anyone, and I can tell when you’re upset. So, talk to me.”
His eyes are filled with a mixture of emotions, his face an expression that is a cross between exhaustion, hurt, anger. “I can’t talk to you about something that never happened. I mean, that’s what you want, right? To pretend it never happened?"
You freeze, his words striking you like a punch to the gut. The realization stings you, the reality of what he’s saying finally clicking in your mind. The reason he didn't want to talk about his last sexual encounter was because it was with you.
“I didn't mean it like that,” you reply, crossing your arms protectively.
“Then, can you tell me what you meant? Because clearly, I'm confused.”
You hesitate before speaking, unsure why you said the things you said the morning after. It’s clear that you can’t forget what happened, and you don't want to, but you also don't want to risk ruining your relationship with him and the others, even though it appears that you have already made a complete mess of things.
"Benny, our friendship means a lot to me and I don't want to-"
Benny snorts. “Friendship? Does this look like a friendship?" He's referring to the way things have been the last few weeks. "Our friendship changed the moment you kissed me...and it was destroyed when you ran away, my come still dripping from between your legs.”
Your mouth falls open, Benny’s harsh words hitting you like a slap across the face. You’re not sure if he’s ashamed of what happened, or upset that you’ve been denying it. Either way, you know he’s right: your friendship is fucked.
"I was scared," you confess, tears forming in your eyes. "Terrified that it would ruin us. I had to be the one to put a stop to it, to set boundaries for our friendship, because if you'd been the one to say we should just be friends, it would've broken me.” You take a breath, trying to maintain some control of your emotions. “I'm sorry, Ben. I know things will never be the same between us. If I could go back and change what happened, I would. Please. Can we at least try to move on from this?”
"No," Benny ultimately answers after a moment of silence. His voice is choked with emotion, the gravity of his words heavy in the air.
You look away from him, trying to hide your hurt, but it's too late - the tears streaming down your face speak for you.
"That night was…,” Benny begins. “It's been playing in my head every single day since then, like a movie I can't stop watching." His breathing is ragged as he continues, the intensity in his eyes growing with each passing seconds. "I know I should forget about it, and I know you want me to forget-"
"Ben, that's not-"
"But I’d kill to live that night just one more time," he speaks, his eyes wet and filled with emotion.
Your lips part in surprise as Benny's admission sinks in, and for a moment, all you can do is stare at him. The way he’s looking at you though makes you feel like the most wanted woman in the world. It's making it impossible for you to keep your walls up. You’ve wanted him for so long, it’s hard to tell how you could ever turn him away. But you were so afraid that he didn't feel the same way you do.
When you shared that one night together, you told yourself it was the alcohol, the adrenaline, the emotion of the night that pushed you into it. You told yourself a thousand different excuses for why he hooked up with you. You told yourself you both were just caught up in the moment. You told yourself it wasn’t real. You told yourself that Benny could have any woman that he wants - there was no reason for him to choose you. But now, standing before him, watching him stare at you, seeing the look in his eyes, hearing the tone of his voice, you wonder if you’ve been blind to the truth all along.
Despite all the fear and uncertainty between you two, there was something real that happened that night - something neither of you can ignore or deny any longer.
“What are you saying?” you whisper, needing to hear him speak his true feelings, plain and clear.
“I want you,” he tells you. “I’ve always wanted you. You’re beautiful and smart and funny…and you drive me fucking insane. I can’t be in the same room with you without feeling like I am seconds away from taking you right there. I can’t think about anyone else. You are it for me. You are my person…and it fucking kills me that I’m not yours.”
As you look at him, perplexed, it dawns on you that the two of you are both harboring strong feelings for one another, yet completely oblivious to that fact. Has it been this way the whole time? The flirting, the touching, the constant need to be near one another. All these years of friendship...
Laughter bubbles up within you in disbelief, spilling over and out into a fit of giggles.
“What’s so damn funny?” he questions, staring at you like you're crazy - and maybe you are.
“Don't you understand, Benny? You are mine,” you reveal, wiping your eyes in an attempt to compose yourself.
“I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember,” you reveal. “Apparently we’re both too damn stupid to see what’s been right in front of us all along.”
Benny's eyes widen as he looks at you, processing your words. You can almost see the sense of relief wash over him, knowing that his feelings are reciprocated. A smile spreads across his face.
He takes a step forward, the softness in his eyes quickly turning dark. He’s standing mere inches in front of you, the heat from his body taking you by surprise as it washes over you. Your stomach whooshes, and you ache as you wait for him to kiss you, but no kiss comes.
“Say it,” he commands. "I need to hear it. Please."
You take a step closer to Benny, your eyes never leaving his. You grab hold of his button-up shirt, pulling him toward you. Meanwhile, his hands fall to your hips, as if by instinct.
“I love you.”
Benny pulls you closer to him, his lips finally meeting yours. A fire sparks inside of you and you open your mouth to meet his tongue. You’re positive that you only imagined the way his mouth felt on you before, but it can’t be anything like this. It’s like your lips remember him, yearning for him even though several weeks have passed. You moan against his mouth as you cling to him, your body desperate for his touch.
A low growl escapes Benny's lips as his mouth grazes your neck. You lean against his car, feeling intoxicated from the sensations in your body, as your hands explore his shoulders. You feel a giddy thrill, unlike anything you've ever experienced before. His kisses move from your neck to your shoulder, and his hands wander lower. But before things get too carried away, Benny pulls away suddenly and stares into your eyes. He then reaches behind him and opens the back door of his SUV.
“Get in.”
You smile, biting your lip as you slide into the back seat, Benny close behind. As soon as he closes the door, he pulls you onto his lap, and kiss you soft yet urgent. His hands journey down your body, lightly tracing down your arms, across your thighs, over your shirt. He doesn't unclothe you; instead, his palms rest on the curve of your ass as your hands push up against the fabric of his shirt, feeling the heat radiating from his skin. You grind against him, pressing yourself down onto his lap as you feel for his arousal. A groan escapes between his lips, and it turns more primal when he clasps your butt tighter. Your mouth moves hungrily against his for several bewitching seconds.
You take the initiative, starting to open his jeans. Your fingers fumble with the button and zipper before you pull down his boxer briefs and free his cock. Benny tilts his head back in pleasure as soon as a hand wraps around it, and he looks down for a moment to watch you stroke him before looking back up at you as your lips press against his. Benny whimpers into your kiss as he reaches out to find the center of your legs, caressing you through the fabric of your pants.
“Baby, please,” he begs.
You lift up and pull your pants down, just enough to expose yourself. Benny follows suit, pushing his jeans down until they are around his ankles. He wastes no time, running a finger through the folds between your legs before you can sink down on him.
“Benny!” you gasp, clutching onto his shirt.
“Now who’s the fucking tease?” he asks before sinking two fingers into you, eliciting a gasp from you. “Fuck, baby. You’re so wet.”
“Benny,” you plead, leaning your head forward until your forehead touches the top of his hat, the texture of its fabric rough against your skin.
“Tell me what you need.”
“Fuck me.”
He nods and grins. “Alright. I’m going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before."
His straightforwardness causes you to gasp. You can feel yourself dripping for him in anticipation. How could he possibly fuck you better than he did before?
"Then I’m taking you home. We'll spend the night together, make love until we pass out. When sunrise comes, I won't let you go. In fact, I plan on making love to you all over again. Got it?"
You nod vigorously, your mind whirling. Somehow, you manage a reply. “Okay.” It’s simple, but a promise that you'll never leave him again.
Benny pulls his fingers away then positions himself at your entrance. He eases himself into you, your eyes rolling back for a moment before finding his. His lips meet yours again as he slowly pushes deeper into you. You moan against his lips. His movements are smooth and slow, gentle but still raw and powerful.
Your movements match his, rising and falling, your breath in sync. You moan, Benny’s lips finding your neck. He buries his face against you, laying desperate kisses all along your skin as you ride him, faster and faster, letting the intensity build.
“You’re mine,” he rasps before nipping your ear.
“I’m yours.”
He slides a hand up your body, lifting your shirt and your bra with it, exposing your breasts. His mouth latches onto one of your nipples, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud. You gasp, feeling your body tense. You feel that familiar tingling sensation start to consume you.
Benny unlatches then looks down at where your bodies join before looking back up at your face. "Look at you," Benny says, his voice low. "Look at you taking my cock. You're gorgeous."
You can't see yourself, but you don't have to. His gaze is burning into you, and it’s like he can see every inch of you. His eyes devour you with hunger, desire, and admiration. You feel beautiful in that moment; dirtier than anything you thought possible.
“I want to watch you come on my cock,” he tells you.
“I’m s-so close.”
Seeming to sense what you need, he moves a hand between your legs, his thumb finding the spot where you’re pulsing.
As you rock on top of him, his eyes never leave you, and the intensity of his gaze is nearly enough to send you over the edge. You can feel yourself getting closer, the anticipation building up inside you until it explodes in a shuddering climax that almost makes you forget who you are or where you are. You cry out, your breath coming in pants.
Benny presses his lips against yours as he slows his movements, and draws out your pleasure until you collapse against him, utterly spent.
You feel the heat of his body, pressed against yours, and the pleasant sense of fullness with his cock still buried inside of you. The air is filled with the smell of sex and sweat as the two of you stay there together in blissful silence for several moments before Benny speaks.
"Fuck, that was amazing," he says softly. “You're incredible. You’re perfect. We just…we have to work on our communication a bit. if we want this to work.”
You chuckle, snuggling against his chest with a contented sigh. This is what happiness feels like - warm and comforting, completely enveloping the two of you in its embrace.
As Benny's breathing begins to settle, he tightens his grip around your body slightly and whispers into your hair:
“In case it wasn’t clear… I love you too.”
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badkitty3000 · 3 months
That was so interesting. Do that for Viktor and Ben too. They were pretty close to Five. What do they think his type is?
I don't write about Viktor or Ben much, but I'll give it a shot!
For Viktor, I'd say he's probably another observant one, like Klaus, and would kind of hone in on the type of person Five would want to be with. But I also think he'd be more subtle about it. At least to Five's face. Whereas Klaus would outright tell Five "No, she sucks, find someone else", Viktor would sit back quietly and watch. He would know, too, just like Klaus, that Five deserves someone special and smart that can match wits with their genius-level brother. Unlike Klaus, he would not want to get involved in any of Five's sexual preferences, so anytime that subject would come up he'd probably cover his ears or leave the conversation. But I could see him trying very hard to get along with whomever Five was with, even if he thought they weren't right for him. And maybe even introducing Five to a mutual friend or acquaintance that he could see being a good match with. If the girl was a total dingbat, though, he might take her aside and "gently" let her know she's not really in his league and maybe use his powers to shatter a glass or two for effect. 😂
Ben would be kind of funny. Especially since Umbrella Ben and Sparrow Ben are so different. And yeah, Umbrella Ben is dead, so he doesn't get much of an opinion on things, but I could totally see him hovering over Klaus's shoulder, yelling about some girl he saw that he thinks would be perfect for Five. Except in reality, she would not be perfect for Five. She would be some quiet, nerdy, shy girl that Ben thinks is cute but that he really wants to hang out with, so he just uses Five as an excuse.
Klaus talking to the air: "What are you blabbering on about? Her? Are you kidding, she looks like she lives in a convent"...silence..."I don't care if she's cute, she probably doesn't swear, drink, or bang and who wants that besides you? She'd have a heart attack after one conversation with him"...silence again..."No, I am not telling him that. Tell him yourself."...more silence..."Ugh! Fine!"
He turns to Five. "Benny boy here thinks you need to ask that girl out. The one that looks like a Sunday school teacher and whose idea of getting crazy is talking too loud in the library." Talking to the air again: "Yes she does! Fivey doesn't want to hit that!" He turns back to Five. "Do you?"
Five is just staring blankly at Klaus and the general direction of where Ben might be. "I hate this family," he mumbles before blinking away.
For Sparrow Ben, he would be a totally oblivious asshole, and not have Five's interest at heart in the least. He would not understand that different people have different tastes, and so he'd just be dumbfounded if Five didn't agree with him on women. If they somehow found themselves hanging out together, probably where there was plenty of alcohol and being sort of chummy, Ben would try and pressure Five into hooking up with someone.
Ben comes stumbling up to Five with a girl on each arm, all of them equally drunk. "Five! Look...look...these girls..." He whispers in Five's ear, sloppily spitting on him as Five pulls away in disgust. "They're twins! Twins!"
Five snears at him. "Yes, I see that. I can tell because they are identical. What is your point?"
Ben giggles. "They said they are up for anything..." he leans in again, this time yelling directly in his ear..."ANYTHING!"
Flinching from Ben's booming voice in his ear, Five closes his eyes and sighs heavily. "Well, then it looks like you have your hands full. Have fun." He throws back the rest of his drink and gives the girls a smug smile, "Ladies." Then disappears in a blue flash.
I pulled all of this out of my ass, by the way, so if none of this makes sense, that's why 😂 In all actuality, they may have their opinions on who Five should be with, but at the end of the day he's not going to listen to them anyway. He's a grown man, older than all of them, and he's not going to give a shit what anyone says. 😉
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I set notifications on your stuff just so I don’t miss any Twc posts. Anyway it’s been a rough month and this week is gonna be a nightmare for me so any fun and romantic Benny x Lu lil tidbits you could share if you’re up for it would be such a mood booster. ❤️❤️
Some Benny x Lu thots:
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Sorry I am just now seeing this so it’s not exactly a “tonight” gift and response but if I can in any way lighten your day/hour/week, I will be delighted to do so. ☺️🥹😘
I’m pathetic at these things compared to some writers on tumblr, full warning. These are the sorta asks where I miserably look around and wonder if I’m even the writer of the story because my mind goes blank. I think it’s in part because I don’t have things chronologically and entirely thought out. But this is for funsies so I will start blabbering in that happy vein, and hope for the best. Nothing but a ramble ahead. ☺️
OK, so while a little undecided regarding how they eventually get together, I can confirm the entire vibe is that of the well worn Grandma advice, “if your man gives you nothing but butterflies, run, but if he gives you the sense of complete security and a peaceful sense of being known, never let him go”.
When discussing her wants and desires for relationships with men, -most likely with Maureen because that is her big sister/wine aunt friend who she can feel free to talk about these things with- I can see Lu voicing her confusion and frustration with really wanting to experiment but always freezing up with strangers, which is obviously an utterly natural thing to do with the levels of trust required.
It’s not exactly a job for a boy to undertake.
But the normal thing to do would be to meet someone around her age, so she keeps trying, and it’s not always horrible, especially as she enjoys the “giving” aspect of intimacy and enjoyment of dates and parties and being someone’s special someone.
I think this leads to a little annoyance on her part, when Maureen or Ida will ask her who she is most comfortable with, and it always has to be an admission that it’s the men of the 100th. Even though she still sometimes feels like the baby with them, she’s utterly comfortable with them. And I think she thinks of it as something she needs to outgrow for a very long time, until finally accepting that it’s more about them being a remarkable group of men than a complete trauma bond.
And Benny might be the most comfortable of all. He wasn’t witness anything awful and yet he already knows everything, he has repeatedly been her superior in camp, but almost always in a caregiving aspect or in organizing a way to care for those under them.
Benny is familiarity, satisfying expectations and unobtrusive goodness. She’s a full fledged being to Benny and when he asks about how her college experience is going, he asks it with all the understanding she’s not sure she has herself.
Benny also is also a horribly handsome man, whose scruff in camp she always found very confusingly nice -like a doughty pirate out of one of Pyle’s paintings. That’s really beside the point but she’s thought about it too often for comfort and it’s made her angrily toss in bed a few times. Bewildered by a crush that’s not a full crush at all.
Once together, I think the difference between a man and a boy is so obvious:, not in a way that screams age gap between these two, but on the contrary, it’s like she finally found an equal, yet also someone who will not age her.
Of course that takes a lot of different forms. We’ve talked about them being adrenaline junkies, loving nature and adopting pets. Massive road trip aficionados, and they probably have a spectacular memorabilia collection from their cross American journeys. They are utterly supportive of each other’s businesses and careers, and while some may think it discordant that they are in different fields, they don’t see it that way at all.
The adrenaline junkie aspect should not make you assume that these two are not also spectacular at the quiet sort of companionship that a friends-to-lovers can boast the best of. They love a good cuddle on the couch, or laying on the floor of the forest, or sitting and watching the fireflies.
I think Benny is the sort of man who leaves a single love note somewhere in the house every day, and Lu has to find it, that’s the rules. I think they have tiny little wagers, over the most inconsequential things, and Benny always ends up paying up – he has to buy her anything she wants. Which is usually the most tiny, sentimental trinket, and it’s something she could’ve easily bought herself, but they both like him buying it for her.
I think he’s obsessed with her type of beauty, like the fact she is a native American is not something he overlooks or is inconsequential, he absolutely revels in it. He thinks she’s gorgeous, thinks her scars are so utterly attractive due to her resilience – obviously, after a lot of context and healing – and comes up with all sorts of compliments praising his bronze goddess. Wants to make pitch black haired babies with her, and says it with the far off dreamy look in his eyes that tells her it’s not about the breeding that’s making him haze, no, it’s the little mini Lu’s that he wants and is picturing. At her own pace, of course.
He totally makes possibly politically incorrect jokes about it being the ultimate immigrant success story as an Italian man to be with a true original American. 🙄🤭
This man totally does most of the cooking, and as I have said before in a previous answer, it’s a bit of a joy to them when she comes home grubby, and in her work clothes, after a day of environmental engineering, 🤪 (if we go with that) and he’s in his business suit, And they can have a good giggly laugh and love session just like that. In other words, they just really love each other for who they are. It’s utterly comfortable, and don’t let anyone ever tell you that’s a lesser sort of love. 🥹
Interviewing these two as old folks would be the most precious thing. I’ll just leave ya with that
Xoxoxo and best wishes for you next week and this rough season: all things must pass
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benny-the-spaceman · 4 months
Breaking down my tlm aus that ive been focusing on the most lately because i need to blabber more
oni emmet: this one's a ninjago au, it mostly centers around emmet, wyldstyle, and benny but metalbeard, gcbc, and mayhem are there often as well. Basically, rex is emmet's twin in this au and he and the other oni are planning on destroying ninjago. emmet doesn't want this, so he finds a way to get to ninjago so that he can find a way to stop the invasion. he meets benny, a well-known but eccentric inventor who works under cyrus borg, and wyldstyle, the valiant and cool headed leader of a biker gang with a massive crush on up and coming model mayhem, who just so happens to be her friend and just so happens to not know about the biker gang (also theyre both painfully oblivious, the lesbian curse lives on). together they do a bunch of stupid shit (mostly to hide the fact that emmet is an oni) but theyre trying their best to not let the entire continent die, rooting for em. also in terms of the other minor characters, mayhem is an aspiring model who's been friends with wyldstyle since they met at a clothing store 3 years ago. she's like painfully in love with lucy and considers her very dependable, trustworthy, cool, and pretty. gcbc are a security guard at borg tower and benny's closest confidant (take this as romantic or platonic if you wish it isnt explicit in either direction). they were fast friends after gcbc was hired at borg tower and they usually eat lunch together on work days. finally, metalbeard is a dragon. he's a dragon. im could elaborate on this further but im leaving it at he's a dragon. also also the ninja still exist here but this au is a little canon divergent (it's mostly because I axed some of the minor character elemental masters because i wanted to give their powers to other people)
cape space: this one is a lot simpler, and it's specialspacecops centric (starts as purely coppernauts tho). it's kinda a crack au but basically benny is a super famous aerospace engineer in Cape Space, gcbc are his personal guards turned husbands. emmet moved to cape space because his firm offered him a pretty sick gig helping manufacture rocket parts in Cape Space, however he was not aware that the designer of said rockets and his husbands would take a liking to him and bother him constantly (he warms up to it...eventually).
florist emmet: my child. my beloved au. the one that i pin to my wall and light candles under. im planning on maybeee writing a fic on this so i wont give too much aside from the basic summary away but emmet and the gang live in a quiet seaside town (think like everyone knows everyone) named bricksville where emmet works as a florist. however, this all changes when the foreboding mr. business comes to town and tries to overrun the local economy with his corporate conglomerates. everyone in the town needs to work together to find a way to get mr Business out of their town before their businesses go belly up! the cast is much larger in this one and includes cowtaur emmet, unikitty, owl gcbc, the carpenter bees (jenny benny and denny), albatross metalbeard, weasel vitruvius, dog wyldstyle, and butterfly mayhem (ill give individual details about characters if asked but if i gave them all we'd be here for a while)
merge au: it's literally just the merge in ninjago but if tlm was one of the realms. i can elaborate more but much of it self explanatory (this one is also more canon compliant than oni emmet)
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trashbag-baby666 · 2 months
Based on my own silly brain and this song!!!
mota masterlist!
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"Okay, okay, guys watch." Benny fished his cart from his pocket before using his syringe to collect up more milkshake into it.
Ken leaned his head against Rosie's car seat, bringing the sonic milkshake back up to his lips. Normally, It wouldn't have been Ken's first pick but Sonic was one of the few kosher fast food places around. And he was interrupting his and Bennys date...
Curt had inconveniently called Rosie after he dumped Ken and now here he sat silently thankful his best friend was home from college.
"Don't give yourself a brain freeze!" Rosie began fussing as Benny screwed the syringe onto the feed port of his ng tube. His hands skillfully brought the cart up to his mouth as he emptied the syringe into the ng tube.
Ken smirked around his straw watching as Benny let out a large cloud of cart smoke and began to cough. He continued to try and force himself to feel better. No matter what the two did he couldn't shake his brain of his around the clock thoughts of Curt.
He loathed Curt right now. Or at least he was trying to...he wanted to be angry at him but anger wasn't something Ken really felt. His anger always dissipated into sadness fast...his parents didn't give him the time of day so he retreated into himself.
"Want some?" Benny croaked, holding out the pink, dispo cart. Ken just nodded and took the cart from him.
The skittles flavor didn't bring him much inner peace as he just thought about the days of Curt shotgunning cart hits down his throat. Or when his breath tasted of berry vape, not that Ken would've ever admitted to his fondness of it.
"Here, I know what will really cheer you up!" Benny sighed and fished his phone out of his pocket.
"Bernard. No you're not playing that god forsaken song again."
"Hush! Hush! I'm cheering him up, see!" Benny pointed back at Ken. Benny's efforts didn't go unnoticed, Ken did have a small smirk on his lips watching the two bicker.
Benny pressed play on his phone and the crackly android speaker came to life and began what was right now, Benny's favorite song.
"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Benny sang along putting his arms up in the air, "Hands up! hands up! hands up!"
"I'm the baddest bitch in this club!" Benny bopped his head and Rosie mouthed it out, because he'd probably heard this song eight times already today.
Ken let an ear splitting smile spread across his cheeks and he let out a croak of laughter. His drink got dropped into the cupholder. Benny sang along all the way up until the chorus.
"Ready? Hands up! Hands up! Hands up! Hands up! Let's go! I'm the baddest bitch in this club! Who's the baddest bitch in this club?" Benny pointed at Ken to take the lead and he did, his curls bopping with him.
"I'm the baddest bitch in this club!"
"Who's the baddest bitch in this club?" It was now Bennys turn to point at Rosie.
"I'm the baddest bitch in this club!" Rosie snickered singing along to Benny's song of the week.
Truthfully, their little late night trip to Sonic did make Ken feel better. It also brought a distraction for Ken, the other two blabbering out stories from college had him all caught up in Rosie’s seemingly very dramatic music education course. He was distracted and that's all that mattered.
Taglist: @austeenbootler @coastiewife465 @executethyself35 @slowsweetlove
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bennysblabbering · 2 months
Man I am so tired of how every double-dicked sukuna x reader fic has him putting both in the reader's pussy when there's literally a second hole right there
Am I gonna have to be the first person to write vaginal/anal double penetration sukuna x reader smh
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beantomii · 10 months
my god i passed the midterm but i was so high the whole weekend i forgot to say anything 😂
it was a stressfull week and i wanted to party (read: build miniatures)!
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martchives · 3 months
Hello! This account is just for putting all of my art in one place because I was tired of scrolling through all my blabber for old references. Basically my main account but without all the random chatter.
Said main is @benny-the-spaceman (:
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ghostlymongoose · 6 months
Favorite Jellystone Ships
Lippy The Lion x Hardy Har Har
El Kabong x Bobby Louie (just seems so very natural. And definitely only boosted further by the works of @acapellax and @femalesonicexe2 )
Cindy Bear x Me/My OC
Brain x Fancy Fancy
Super Snooper x Blabber Mouse (once again thx to @femalesonicexe2)
El Kabong x Me(or my OC)
Yakky Doodle x Augie Doggie
Jabberjaw x Loopy de Loop
Mr. Jinks x Huckleberry Hound
Mr. Jinks x Doggie Daddy (Thanks to @artpro86 and their lovely art 🧡🧡)
Squiddly Diddly x Bobbie Louie (@pattehrose is to blame on why I fell in love with this one 💜 🤎)
Snagglepuss x Mildew Wolf
Boo Boo Bear x Benny
Winsome Witch x Her Broomstick (c'mon they're supposed to get married)
Yippee x Yappy x Yahooey (Polyamorous Threesome in a non-open, committed relationship)
Least Favorite Ships:
Mildew x Shazzan (Mildew, bro, stop wasting your time on someone who's clearly not interested. You deserve a man who will truly love you)
Hadji x Johnny (I'm all for male x male ships but this one is just downright lazy, with characters that are mostly used as background jokes or punching bags)
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riphimopen · 3 years
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OK UMMM (redesigns you and your boyfriend and your boyfriends crew) snooper is literally some dude. tc his crime guy keeps committing crimes with his little fucked up gay besties and snoop keeps getting pulled into deez escapades..... also MONSTER SHINDIG throwback thursday god frankenstein literally whore moment
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paint-music-with-me · 2 years
Benny and hopper were friends! 🥺🥺🥺
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joyfulminds · 6 years
almost every ELP album has that one short honky-tonkish song on it
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