#bennie writing
angel-atelier · 3 months
Some random headcanons for my au!:
Zero is old asf, she's not exactly a demon, but she is similar to slender and zalgo. She's a bit similar to Yoru csm in way, where she's less powerful possessing Alice.
Jeff helped build Clockys trust in men again, which is ironic with Jeff being ya know... himself
Kate, Tim, and Brian are practically family. They live together and try their best to protect one another. Sometimes Brian remarks that Kate and Tim even look related.
Liu and Jane have a strained relationship. They used to be closer, they vented to eachother about Jeff and were really eachothers safe place for awhile. They naturally drifted over the years. Recently Jeff and Liu have started talking again. Liu knows why Jane will never forgive Jeff, but he can't help what he feels about his own brother. Liu feels like he's lying to Jane everytime they call, so he has tried to distance from her even further, causing frustration for Jane.
Sally and Ben have a sibling relationship where Ben continuously annoys her over and over. She really doesn't like him too much, while she's still a kid she's been alive a lot longer, so she likes to act mature
Jane doesn't wear a mask, she's just goth and paints her face white
Clocky hates the heat, cannot stand it she burns sooo easy
Jack absolutely hates zero, he's usually not one to hate, he tries to keep love at the center of all his actions. But zero just makes him think about what happened to him. She's using a body that doesn't belong to her, and on top of that she's a real asshole. Plus he's really good friends with Ann
Jeff and Clockwork are exes LOL they both were like "this is too weird" and went back to being best friends. This causes some jealously for both Nina and Toby
Kate was raised to be pretty religious, so she has guilt about her actions and being attracted to women
Sadie is trans!
Dina and Helen have a flirtatious relationship but it's pretty unhealthy. Dina is hunting Helen as a part of her job, but he manipulates her into not killing him using flattery and ultimately tears down her confidence. It's not exactly abusive, but it's definitely not healthy
Korbyn likes most of the creeps, but she really does not want anything to do with them. Liu and her bond over this
Lulu is selectively mute, and was so in life
Clocky likes 90s rock, grunge, and some punk but she also really likes folk and old country, to an embarrassing extent.
Brian and Tim treat eachother like romantic partners, but if they had a normal life they definitely wouldn't be. They're just they only thing the other can count on.
Ann and Jack are companions (platonic), they live together, they sleep in the same bed, and they "work" together. They are really similar in quite a few ways. Jack has a lot of empathy for her, even when she's being a bitch
Jane was in college when her family was murdered, but she did live at home. So her and Jeff have a pretty significant age gap. Jane is about 10 years older, give or take
Nina and Clockwork are roomates! They met through Jeff but have become really close on their own
Lulu, The Rake, Seedester, Sadie, Sally, Slenderman and Smile Dog all occupy the forest. Of course the more human ones go inside from time to time. Zalgo is also there but in a different way
Korbyn is non binary, using almost any pronoun minus it
On the other hand Zero doesn't mind the use of it. She doesn't really care about pronouns but if they were to, she would go by she/it/they
Toby and Clocky are basically a couple in every sense but officially. They have a very domestic life together, go on dates and sometimes kiss each other on the head and cheek. Toby's the kind of guy who practically lives at his partners house. But they aren't official, much to Toby's dismay
While Zero does hate humanity. She can't kill absolutely everyone she sees, it would land her behind bars too quickly so she hangs out with the creeps. She has taken a liking to Korbyn because she knows it makes them uncomfortable to be around her.
Stripes is a masc lesbian
Dina has lots of internalized misogyny from her childhood, but she has worked through a lot of it.
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pucker up buttercup
Yandere florist x reader
Tw: mentions of physical abuse in sexual settings, implied drugging and somnophilia, stalking, implied possessive behavior and controlling nature, mildly nsfw. Not proofread 🌺
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🌷Benny was the quiet kid of your school. You didn't know much about him, except he was a good student and apart of the gardening club. That was all, but Benny? Oh he knew you very well..
🌷you were stunning. You had such amazing hair that he wanted to play with every night before going to sleep, those stunning beautiful eyes that always ghosted over his form in the cafeteria, and your voice that always managed to make him rock hard down there
🌷 recently your family had gotten a wide assortment of flowers for an event. Thinking they were pretty, you asked for the florists name or any social they might have. They handed you a card with the info, and with that you looked up the account on Instagram.
🌷 scrolling through their posts you found a familiar face you'd see every day in the school halls. What was his name again? Benjamin? Beanie? No.. oh yeah! Benny! You didnt know he had such a good eye for aesthetics, especially flower arrangements. But that has to be expected since he spends all his time gardening
🌷the next time you saw him, you walked right up to his table on campus grounds. A bit far from the other outside lunch areas. He froze when he saw a familiar pair of shoes, looking up at you slowly with those big blue eyes
"you're a florist right?"
"how much for a dozen roses and half a dozen tulips?"
🌷you became a regular after that. He'd wait anxiously every day for you in the plant nursery after school. He always gave you such cheap prices, claiming you were his friend and he only did favors for them. You thought he was sweet, so when you heard rumors about him being caught sneaking around the girls locker rooms and stalking a classmate? You shrugged it off,most likely empty gossip
🌷if only you paid attention to the red flags sooner.. you would have realized Benny's real nature. When he asked you out prom night, you agreed, he was sweet and you weren't seeing anyone at the moment. Who knew, maybe this would be the start of a beautiful relationship?
Pros with Benny:
🌹atleast he's a very generous lover. Spoiling you with what he could afford, since he came from humble beginnings he's always wise with the money you both have
🌹 he's completely devoted to you! Never looking at anyone else with love or lust, always worshipping you both in bed and outside it
🌹you learn new things. Like natural remedies, plants and their names, their usefulness to make nearly everything. Even drugs (He's vegan.)
🌹he wants to settle down and raise a family with you as soon as you graduate college! He gets tipsy and love drunk thinking about it too much. He'd make an excellent father. Kind of.
The cons:
🥀 randomly, he'll get very aggressive in bed. Biting you till your skin bleeds, slapping your chest and ass, degrading you with the most vilest words. Not to mention he seems to really like choking you till you almost pass out
🥀he doesn't know how to take no for an answer, he'll go scarily quiet and his eyes will turn dull. A complete contrast to how he usually is. Surely a little intimidation will make you change your mind no?
🥀 he's possessive with your time and love. If he ever notices you staring at anyone a little too long, who isn't friends or family he knows of, you bet there'll be missing person posters by the end of the week
🥀he forbids you from going into the basement. Saying it's his private nursery and you should respect his privacy, even if he doesn't respect yours
🥀 randomly you'll feel sleepy after Eating anything he makes you, growing drowsy and the last thing you can remember is feeling clammy hands hastily unbutton your pants and shirt
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earwig5 · 5 months
it’s kind of crazy that both fallout new Vegas and fallout 4 have the same driving force for the first half of the narrative (find the guy who wronged you and make him pay) but Benny is so much more memorable and narratively interesting than Kellogg.
It’s a matter of a strong character foil versus a weak one, in my opinion.
Benny and the courier are very much alike. They are both ambitious people who are willing to do anything possible to stack the odds in their favour. Honestly, Benny and the courier are the same card, reversed.
The Sole Survivor and Kellogg are also intended to be character foils. The game tries to convince us of this with the scenes in Kellogg’s mind, where we see that he ‘isn’t so different’ from our protagonist after all. But we don’t know anything about Kellogg other than his backstory. How can he parallel the protagonist if we don’t know which traits he has? Which traits the two of them share?
(As a side note, I wish Fallout 4 had touched way more on the ‘Man/Woman Out of Time’ thing. The protagonist being frozen in the past + Kellogg being functionally immortal would’ve been really cool to explore! Especially in the context of grief!)
In the end, I think the reason Benny is a more powerful character foil is that he doesn’t disappear from the world when you kill him. The chairmen can mourn him, House will comment on it, and even NPCs across the Mojave will talk about Benny’s death!
In Kellogg’s case, the protagonist is basically the only person who knows he even existed! Once he’s dead HE’s DEAD! He disappears completely from the narrative! As soon as you leave fort Hagen, the game doesn’t bother looking back.
that’s why Benny is a more haunting force for new Vegas; particularly an independent courier. You are Benny’s legacy because you are what he leaves behind whether he likes it or not. People remember him as the couriers victim. Meanwhile, nobody remembers Kellogg at all. The memory of who Kellogg was dies with you, and you can choose to forget him.
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semperamans · 3 months
benny wants to marry you sooooooo bad that it makes his fuckin’ heart squeeze. he’s never felt this way, not for anyone, so it must be right. he gets the idea the first time he gets you on his bike. you’ve known each other for two hours, but it’s long enough. he loves how you tried to be so proper and hold his belt at first then threw your arms around him at the first rev of the engine. he had done it intentionally and now your vice grip latches above his belly button. he covertly smiles. he loves your giggles. they’re adorable; all high-pitched and damn near insane from adrenaline. they turn nervous once benny rolls to a stop before a red light and says “marry me.” he doesn’t ask. he tells you wants you on the back of his bike forever as if that is more than enough explanation. but you’re laughing. do you think it’s a joke? he doesn’t get angry. he couldn’t get angry with you even if he tried. maybe you just don’t feel things the way he does, so he shakes the thought away. the light turns green and the two of you disappear into in the night. he says nothing more about it until a week later. you’re on the phone having rambled about any and everything under the sun. you told him your nails are freshly painted, bubblegum pink, your favorite, and benny can envision them so clearly in his head and fuck what he wouldn’t give to feel your hands on him. he suppresses a groan. static occupies the silence. you’re too talked out and tired now to say much more but he likes this. likes knowing you’re on the other end and safe. “wanna marry you,” benny says in one breath and you can’t place his accent. southern, maybe? “c’mon, doll.” he drawls and you can hear the crinkle of his cut corrugating at his shoulders. you think about the position he’s likely in. leaning against the door frame, maybe. “marry me.” he says and you wanna say yes, but what would your family think? fallin’ in love with a vandal? you could sense their disappointment already but you are in love. is it too soon? you don’t even really know benny, he’s so damned quiet but your soul feels something when he’s around. warm tears slip down your cheeks as you cry to him. he shushes you like he would a frightened fawn. he tells you it’s gonna be alright, promises even. you believe him. why wouldn’t you? benny waits two more weeks because by now you’ve grown closer, given him your first kiss and god, you’re precious. it’s morning and he’s watching you. your eyelashes splay over the rounds of your cheeks, pert mouth opened ever so slightly. you’d die to know you snore, ever so quietly, so benny won’t tell you. you lied to your family, told them you were spending the night with a girlfriend then hustled down the block, pressing a kiss to benny’s cheek before securing the helmet on your head (he won’t let you ride without one, damn him) and holding onto him tight. he’s happy you’re here. happy you feel safe enough to sleep in his arms and when you blink your bleary eyes open and smile so big upon seeing him, he can’t help it. “gonna get you to marry me one of these days.” he promises, brushing his bruised knuckles so gently across your cheek it feels like a kiss from a ghost. and, eventually, he does.
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just picturing benny's girl rocking a red lip one night and benny is just so in awe of how beautiful she looks that later in the night the guys started to tease the shit out of benny and he had no fucking clue what they were on about. so he was starting to get a little broody about it cause they weren't fessing up or telling him nothing until cal spat it out "it's written all over yo’ face benny boy! red in the face!" followed by another roar of drunken laugher.
as he takes the cigarette out of his month to say some shit back, he spots bright marks circling around the bud. it takes a second for it to click in his head, and when his does click, his face slowly softens. whatever words he was gonna say back, were just nothing but mush at this point. he was kissing you so much that night that you're red lips stamped right onto his lips (and a little on his stache) so that's why he had a subtle taste of cherry lingering in his mouth!
he pears over to you chattering with kathy, gail, and betty, and you're just close enough for him to notice that your lipstick looks a little more faded and smeared since you guys showed up to the bar. most guys would try to limit and hide that kind of affection the best they could.. but in that moment benny couldn't have given anymore of a fuck or care in the world, and neither could you. he didn't even make an effort to wipe any of it off, he was too busy biting down hard on his lower lip and the inside of his cheeks to stop the shit eating grin from plastering his face for the rest of the night, knowing that his sweet girl left her own little mark on him.
*sooooooooo this is my first time writing about anyone!! so sorry if it’s shit but i hope you guys like it :)*
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wtftaylr · 7 days
I love Companion Benny. I love the idea that he gets huffy-puffy and “just a little” jealous if you switch him out for another companion. He simply cannot cope with the fact that you’d toss him aside like yesterday’s trash for… what, some scribe in rags? A boring-ass first recon guy? A vaquero ghoul? (ok he thinks Raul is kinda cool actually but he won’t openly admit that)?? Benny has STORIES, baby. Interest. Intrigue. You wanna know all the juicy strip gossip? Guess what, you CANT now because you DISMISSED him. How DARE you.
Benny is VERSATILE, baby. His tagged skills are guns, melee, and unarmed. Good luck finding another companion that can do what he can. Yeah Craig “Frowns” Boone can headshot a cazador from a million yards away or whatever, *mumbling* show-off, he would’ve seen that cazador eventually *end mumbling* but Benny can shoot, stab, AND punch. Hey courier, watch this. I’m gonna punch the fuck out of this deathclaw. He does it (you gotta administer a few stimpaks) BUT HE DID IT. And he was only at half health. 400+ health honeybaby, Benny can take a few whacks from those deathclaw freaks. What was that? Showing off? Benny doesn’t have to show off, sugar plum. He’s just that good.
He also won’t complain that his feet are getting tired. Yeah he’ll complain about minor inconveniences and wants you to do something about them regardless if you realistically can or not, but at least he’ll walk miles upon miles in a day and not complain. He also won’t complain about going back to the Lucky 38. (he’ll just complain about not being able to get in there before the Courier showed up.) What, no one else complains about their feet hurting? Uhhhh BOOT-RIDERS. Silly name. But that’s how they rode the Mojave, dig? On their feet. He’s done this before. Experienced.
AND ANOTHER THING. how many companions shout words of encouragement during a fight. Go on. He’s waiting.
You’re doing great, baby! Show these punk losers what you got!!
I bet all the caps in Vegas you’ll miss that while getting shot to shit by the Fiends or whatever. Grumble. Benny hopes you come back in one piece, of course. He’d just rather see to it himself that you remain in one piece. Uhh BECAUSE HE’S JUST THAT GR-
(The courier left with their choice of companion hours ago. Swank is trying to work but Benny won’t stop gabbing his ear off. Dear god Benny just go be the Head of The Chairmen somewhere else. Swank is trying to do actual work here.)
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murdrdocs · 3 months
blowjobs; sensitive benny; MDNI 18+ w/ BENNY WEIR
blowing benny for the first time and being unsure if it's just his first time getting head from you, or his first time getting head in general. because he's so receptive. he's alarmingly sensitive, just the feeling of your breath against the large bead of pre resting at the slit of his head has him shuddering. you can visibly see a shudder push through his body.
you glance at him, no singular emotion beyond curiosity sitting beneath your lashes. but benny must see something a little judgmental in your gaze because he shifts, crosses his arms over his bare chest, and attempts to appear unaffected. as if the matching flush on the tips of his ears and the tip of his cock doesn't speak for itself.
but you proceed. you wrap your hand around his base and bring your mouth to his dick, and you stick your tongue out and lay it flat along the bead of pre. you lick him clean, ignoring the taste and instead fitting the head into your mouth.
the sound benny makes gets trapped in his throat, but you hear it anyway. he sounds like a wounded animal, and you haven't really done anything. it's cute.
unsurprisingly, he doesn't last long.
you have him in your mouth for only a short amount of time, only long enough to start getting comfortable with the feeling of his length sliding down your throat and his girth opening your mouth, and then his hands dig into the cushion beneath him and his head lolls to the side.
he's swearing under his breath, grunts of "fuck" and whimpers of "oh fuck" and they crescendo, mixing together to create a beautiful symphony you would pay money to hear over and over again. and when he finally cums, hot spurts over your face as his dick twitches in your hand, he's silent, nothing but heady breaths as he tips his head back and completely misses the image below him.
it's not until you're cleaning your face up, wiping away cum from under your eyes and off of the corner of your mouth, that he dips his gaze down.
"have you made it this far in life without having your dick sucked?" you’re smiling when you ask him.
he seems a bit drained when you look up at him, but the accusation wakes him up.
like usual, he gets defensive. "it wasn't my first time! ... just my best time."
your ego inflates just a bit.
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asthedeathoflight · 2 months
Im here as a certified Blade Runner expert to inform all of you that Armand would prefer the theatrical release with the happy ending because deep down hes a scared little kid and he wants to believe that everything is going to be alright for Deckard and Rachael forever and Daniel prefers the director's cut which is obviously objectively the better version and so he would be very caught off guard by Armand preferring the theatrical release, even tho he really shouldnt because he and Armand saw the theatrical version together in theaters and the directors cut didn't come out until after they broke up so of course thats the version Armand has been rewatching all these years.
However because they're both so damn stubborn this would result in their first ever couple fight post-turning which inevitably becomes extremely personal extremely quickly (should Rachael get to live forever with Deckard? Is her life beautiful BECAUSE its short? Does Deckard's love for her mean more if he's turning his back on his long-lived brethren to embrace the ephemerality of her existence?) and results in several pieces of furniture being destroyed. After this Armand has a blu ray of the final cut overnighted bc neither of them have ever seen it (even tho its available digitally) and they have a seven hour long conversation about whether Deckard is a replicant and what it would mean if he was which at some point turns into makeup sex but never stops also being a philosophical discussion of the themes of timeless Ridley Scott classic Blade Runner.
And in late 2018 Armand kept mentioning that there's this science fiction movie set next year to Louis like he expected him to be excited but Louis was too busy manipulating the stock market or whatever and he just didn't really get why it mattered- all scifi movies are set in the future Armand, and we're immortal so we're going to live to see all of those futures, you weren't like this in 1984 Armand - and Armand doesn't quite regret what he did but the loneliness cuts sharper than usual on New Year's 2019.
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moonlight-prose · 2 months
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a/n: all i'm gonna say is this song is so benny coded i'm losing my shit over it. he's absolutely the man to leave you in tears by the end of the night. also someone stop me from writing heaps of angst for him, because i genuinely can't stop making wips in my drafts for him. this is entirely unedited because fuck it and i'm nervous he doesn't sound right, but oh well. the divider is made by the incredible @saradika-graphics.
summary: benny cross was trouble, he was a storm waiting to cause damage, he was everything you wanted. but men like him have a tendency to break hearts without even trying.
word count: 2.6k+
pairing: benny cross x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, crying, benny is a toxic man in this, emotionally constipated men, reader's favorite color is red. stupidity, violence, blood, fixing up wounds, makeup getting messed up, thigh riding, spitplay, he's filthy.
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"He'll get you into trouble honey."
Five months ago you wouldn't have thought anything of the words Johnny said over a glass of whiskey, his eyes trained on the way you looked at Benny. The far off gaze that he'd seen cross his lady's face more often than he expected. At first it meant love—hope that you might finally meet the one you longed for—but reality always seemed to crash down around you quicker than you expected.
You laughed as if he told you a joke, a funny one liner that would be a distant memory on the day of your wedding to the man by the pool table. You thought nothing of his words and found yourself lost in the gaze of blue eyes and red knuckles.
You should have listened.
The door slammed shut with a resounding bang as you stormed through the small house—your jacket discarded over the leather chair Benny claimed belonged to him. Anger burned in your chest at the realization that one day...it wouldn't sit there. One day he'd leave and you would finally have the gall to throw that piece of shit outside. You glared at it as he followed you, shutting the door with a soft click, a distant sigh leaving his lips.
In all the months you'd known him, Benny being scared was unthinkable. He was a man who made more trouble than he sought out, the same man who came home bruised, bloodied and begging for mercy. The man you promised to love forever. Yet when your gaze fixed him with a look that could have killed him if you weren't weaponless, you watched that small inkling of fear cross his eyes.
Benny was scared.
And not because he nearly got killed in a fight. Not because he leapt across the bar, a blade in his hand, and a smile on his lips. He felt terror at the thought that you—the person he found his little inkling of peace in—might finally be the one to turn him away.
Tonight very well could be your last straw in this relationship, the thing that finally cracked you in half, and Benny felt his heart drop to his stomach.
He swallowed thickly around words that would never leave his mouth, a cold sweat beginning to form along the back of his neck as you stayed silent. There was nothing either of you could say to fix what broke tonight. He threw the first punch and felt satisfaction at the crack that followed when his knuckles met bone and blood stained his skin.
"I'm s—"
You huffed, fingers curling into fists. "I swear if you so much as say a single word I will break your nose."
The grin that crossed his lips wasn't helping your anger—merely fanning the flames of something catastrophic—but he couldn't stop the thrill that nearly flipped his heart at your threat. His girl, so pretty and dolled up, ready to send a fist flying towards his face. Maybe he should talk to someone about why that made him smile. Why he wanted to kiss you senseless all of a sudden, until neither of you could breathe.
He should have realized it was fucked.
Instead he licked his lips and yearned for more.
Exhaling a deep breath, you closed your eyes to the image of him with blood still smeared across his knuckles and a bruise forming on his cheek. Johnny warned you. He told you Benny Cross was trouble. Yet even now, you found yourself unable to unravel the tangled thread that tied him to you. That set in stone your future with this man. You gave your heart over without thinking about the consequences. But wasn't that supposed to be what love is?
Weren't you meant to fall fast and quick and pick up the pieces later?
"Go sit down, I'll get the bandages," you muttered.
Thankfully, he didn't give you a fight on that front. He nodded silently, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, as he took a seat in his chair. You half expected him to let your jacket fall to the ground. Instead he folded it gently, placing it on the couch with enough care to break down a small bit of your anger.
He wouldn't speak. Not until you asked him to.
But he could show you he loved you in ways that went unnoticed by others, yet meant everything to you.
You returned silently, handing him the first aid kit as you poured alcohol on the once clean towel. A feeling he often fled from began to eat at his insides, clawing up his throat, as you bent down to evenly wipe at his open cut. He didn't flinch, barely even registered the sharp sting of pain. His mind was reeling, heart pounding, with the knowledge that he felt guilty.
"Johnny warned me," you sighed, seeing the beige towel begin to turn red.
Benny hummed, blue eyes meeting yours—that soft gleam of an apology shining through. You tried to avoid looking at him, knowing your resolve would break. Not even you could deny how irritating his gift for softening you up was. Yet somehow...you always let him get away with it.
"He said you were trouble."
"Johnny says that about everyone," he sighed. He wanted to touch you, to place his hand on the back of your thigh as you stood between his legs.
The harsh and final swipe at his cut sent pain down his face. Enough to have him reaching for you blindly, a soft grunt falling past his lips as you began to clean his bruise. You should have pushed him off, maintained your level of anger, but with Benny things became complicated. Anger bled into your love until you couldn't discern between the two.
Love and hate toed that invisible border between the two, but with him...the line simply disappeared.
"I asked you to stop fighting." He handed you the bandage softly, still trying to meet your gaze. "I don't like you coming home broken. Bloody. Do you think this is fun for me Benny? Stitching you up every time?"
His breath washed across your wrist, eyes falling shut as the guilt practically ate him alive. You could see the conflict on his face. A struggle he didn't know how to win. Fighting was all he knew, all he could count on most days, and whether you liked it or not, it helped him keep the control he desperately needed. The one thing in his life that remained unwavering.
"No," he murmured into the skin of your wrist.
"Then why?"
"I just gotta do it baby."
Bullshit always sounded prettier coming straight from his mouth. More often than not you took it without a second guess. You let him be the wild man they needed—the person who would fight without question. But tonight as you watched him pummel a man into the ground, you caught a glimpse of your future. Of the path that you willingly said yes to.
And it terrified you.
"I know the club needs you," you sighed, cupping his face and finally meeting his soft gaze. "I know Johnny needs you. But so do I."
The sting of tears wasn't unfamiliar when it came to Benny, but you wanted it to be different. You didn't want to cry over his mistakes anymore, you didn't want him to be the reason you were like this. He let out a breath, his hands reaching for hips with a gentleness that gave you whiplash. There was no resistance in your body left, no arguments to be had, because this was just how things were.
Benny Cross remained himself at the end of all of this.
Even as you broke in his hold.
Tucking your face into his neck, you allowed your worries to slip into the background. What more could you do? When you loved a man so reckless he barely remembered to breathe before jumping headfirst into danger. His hand ran down your back, lips finding your temple, as the night began to settle, and you found yourselves back in the same spot. In a position that felt familiar.
"You've got me," he murmured, feeling the collar of his shirt grow damp with your tears.
"The club comes first though."
"I don't know what you want me to say—"
You shook your head and pressed your face into his palm, his thumb running along the top of your cheekbones. "That's just it Benny...you can't say anything I haven't heard before."
A flicker of something foreign creeped along his face, peeking its head out before sneaking off again. A part of him that he'd never share with you. The trepidation, the grief, the worry that he barely let himself feel. How could he give that to you? How could he let you see it all without scaring the shit out of you?
Keeping that to himself was what kept him there. It stopped him from running at a moment's notice. And you knew that.
You figured it out the day you met him.
"C'mere," he mumbled, gripping your chin with the softness of a lover who yearned to apologize but didn't know how.
So you fell into his touch and let his lips slide along yours. You kissed him back with a worn out sigh of pleasure, your hands creeping along the neck of his jacket—until your skin pressed against his. Benny didn't kiss you with passion or fervor. He kissed as if he had all the time in the world to do nothing but. To tease out every manner of sounds that might be trapped in your chest.
His tongue dipped into your mouth, hand gripping at your hip as his breathy grunt was swallowed by your lips. By the moan you fed him—the need that echoed from your chest directly into his.
"You taste like me," he groaned, his hand finding the back of your neck at the same time he gripped your ass, pushing you a bit closer. Until no space remained but the clothes you wore.
You smiled, stealing a quick bite to his bottom lip he felt right down to his cock. "I taste like cigarettes."
"My cigarettes."
"You all smoke the same cigarettes baby."
He mumbled something you couldn't hear—not because you didn't try, you did—because he chose that moment to press his thigh between your legs, catching you in a kiss before the sound could escape. What you might have recognized as a soft warmth that spread through your stomach, suddenly burned you on sight. A whine spilled from your mouth, your fingers tangling in the hair at the base of his neck, and yet he merely smiled against your lips.
Whatever argument that might have continued long into the night, died in the back of your mind the second he guided your hips along his leg. The rough fabric of his jeans catching along the seam of yours. You wanted to focus on him, to see the slightest bit of crimson dust his cheeks, but the haze of bliss began to bleed into your vision. Blurring anything but him and his thigh and the open mouth kisses he tracked along your throat.
The squeeze on your ass let you know he was listening, and perhaps you were too far gone to realize how your heart fluttered at the touch. Maybe he knew that this was too much for you to give up on. The unconditional pleasure he was willing to give you.
The ache he could fill with ease.
"That's it," he mumbled against the corner of your lips, gripping your chin in his large calloused palm. "Ride it. Take what you want."
Soft panting breaths was all you could get out with each stunted grind of your hips along his leg. With any other person you might have felt ridiculous. Like you were the show they were paying for. But with Benny...you existed beyond whatever this was; you were the person he'd ride to hell and back with. The person who gave him a reason to come home.
He watched you with awe in his eyes, his thumb rubbing along the eye makeup that you cried off. The mascara that you'd later have to remove with his help.
"How do you feel?" he finally said, his voice a low rumble in his chest.
If he wanted coherent sentences, he wasn't getting them. And some part of him knew. He could see the effort it took to even keep your eyes open as blinding pleasure began to course through your body. Ripping at what anger might have remained and replacing it with want.
His name was a soft sigh on your lips, eyes glazed and begging for that final push. When it came to you, he willingly gave in, gave you the need that he could feel in his own body.
"What do you need?"
He knew what would push you over the edge; could practically see the plea in your eyes. And his lips curled at the sight. Your hips dragged along his thigh in short stunted thrusts, working yourself past the point of feeling that blistering ache in your legs. Pulling your face closer, he pinched your cheeks slightly, silently waiting for you to follow his move. He wasn't a patient man, but when it came to you...he'd endure centuries if it meant getting to have you like this.
"I know," he murmured, sliding his nose along your cheek. "Lemme give it to you."
With a soft moan, your lips parted open, fingers grabbing onto the front of his vest in the hopes that it would stabilize you. He dipped down licking into your mouth with a groan, before the all too familiar sensation of his spit landing on your tongue sent heat flaring towards your stomach.
"That's a good girl." Your eyes fluttered, body trembling. "Swallow."
Few things existed that made him feel that flutter in his chest. The sight of your eyes rolling back as the release you'd been aching for finally spilled over and down your spine, was at the top of his list. He'd watch it on repeat without ever tiring of what he could bring you to. A feeling that if taken away from him, would bring a sane man to madness.
"Benny," you sighed, feeling his forehead press to yours, his chest heaving with deep breaths as he tried to settle his body. You needed a moment to gather yourself before he dragged you back to that comfortable bed you made him find the first week you began dating him.
"I'm sorry."
The words weren't a promise, nor a confirmation that a future spent with him would change. Or even be easy. But you took what little he could give. The pieces of his heart he let you have, even as he fought everything screaming at him to leave.
"I know," you whispered, giving into his hug, and soaking in the affection he offered.
You came to the conclusion that this is where you differed. You loved with everything, all that you could give of yourself. And Benny loved like the wind. There for moments of the day, but gone by the time the moon began its ascent into the sky. You never knew when you'd finally catch him for good—perhaps you never would.
His hold tightened, lips finding yours, and it was then you finally settled on the answer you'd been searching for. You didn't want to find out the future, because this right here...this was enough.
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angel-atelier · 4 months
Alice & Ann
I was refamilarizing myself with zero since I only remembered some of her backstory, and I found out that her best friend was named Ann, which got me thinking...
⦻ So, in my AU Alice and Ann are college roommates who have a very love-hate relationship. They're eachothers only friends but they don't particularly like each other. They wouldn't be friends if they weren't roomates.
⦻ Ann took a gap year so she feels really behind compared to her peers, she doesn't know how to connect with other freshmen and people her own age seem unapproachable. They're so much more mature, they have this college thing all figured out meanwhile Ann's left in the dust.
⦻ Alice is a psychology student and Ann is in nursing with a psych minor, so they have a few over lapping classes which doesn't help with their tension. They feel they can't branch out and make new friends because they other one is "holding them back." This isnt true of course, they both just don't know how to make friends lol
⦻ Despite this, they do really love and care for eachother, they just aren't that emotionally developed to express their issues without being petty or getting in big fights. They are all each other has, they can't afford to not be friends.
⦻ Alice also has her own hangups that exasperate her mental health. Alice's uncle and caretaker lives nearby, so she visits him on some weekends. Before college, her mental state was the worst it's ever been, and it seems to suddenly stop when she goes to college. She does get better briefly, but it does it last for long. She never put in the work to better herself or even acknowledge the issues she had pent up for so long. She begins talking to Zero again. She's her only real friend, she tells her. Ann is just holding you back, pretending to be your friend. You can't trust her.
⦻ So after months of struggling with her mental health, Zero infecting her, and growing resentment towards Ann, she snaps.
⦻ Halloween night 2006, Ann prepares to go to a party. This will be her big break! She'll make some friends, maybe hookup with someone, who knows what the nighy will bring. Ann's costume is a black dominatrix-esque nurse outfit. She thinks the outfit is a bit funny, but she hopes it will bring some attention her way.
⦻ Alice, now Zero, had gone home earlier that day to see her uncle and get her. Unbeknownst to Ann, Zero had gone home and murdered her uncle, alongside burning down her house.
⦻ When Zero gets back to the dorm, Ann is finishing up her makeup, back turned away from the door. "Oh hey. Where've ya been? Thought I'd have to go without you." Zero doesn't respond. Ann turns back to look at her. She's bloodied with white skin and hair.
⦻ Frowning, Ann put down her lipstick."You're wearing that? Don'tcha think it's a little bit intense for a college party? It's gonna scare away anyon-" Before Ann could finish, Zero hit her over the head repeatedly, killing her. She dismembers her body, leaving a horrific display of blood and gore inside their small dorm.
⦻ As Zero escapes into the night to continue her reign of terror, Ann's body begins to reconnect itself on its own.
There's other changes (to zero) too but that'll be for a different post!
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groovyangelkisses · 3 months
johnny loves a girl who asks for a "kissy!!!" like if johnny is sitting doing the bills for the bar, and you stroll in with your big 60s hair and long pretty nails and cute dress & heeled mary janes and stare at him and ask "kissy?" he's dropping everything and motioning to you with his hand "c'mon gimme one baby" and once you do lean down to give him a sweet, loving smooch, he's cooing "love you, love my pretty girl, gimme some sugar, give johnny some sugar" until you kiss him again, and again and again & he has to send you off with a light lil tap to your butt and a "g'head peach, g' sit with benny while i work. but hey, i'm watchin' you pretty girl, ya hear me? no "kissy" for anybody but your old man, you understand?" because he knowssss how much you love lookin' at benny & his pretty lips, a request for a quick kiss always on the tip of your tongue. but if johnny's being honest..... he'd be okay with it.... maybe even stop his work & take a quick peek......
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frnchgirls · 2 months
okay hear me out because regency!artrick is absolutely bonkers.
you meet art for the first time after your mother notices you spend far too much of your day with your cheek pressed against the glass of your bedroom window, watching the donaldsons play croquet and enjoy afternoon tea as a family in their yard. she tells you it’s rude to spy on your neighbors and that you should be practicing pianoforte or latin instead, but then you’re pouting and expressing your loneliness and she arranges for you to go over the next day.
the moment he introduces himself you are in awe, not only because he’s even more handsome up close but because he’s so kind and he reminds you of the princes you’ve read about in the fairytales you’re forced to study. funny enough, art’s never been fond of the frilly dresses worn by the girls of the ton, but he thinks you look like a princess in yours. soon you’re chasing each other around the lawn and he’s teaching you how to catch bugs with your bare hands and he becomes the friend you’ve always wanted.
things get complicated when art comes tumbling out the back door in his fencing gear. he’s accompanied by a stranger with broad shoulders and dark hair, and you could have sworn the blonde told you he was an only child so who is this? you learn his name is patrick and he’s been art’s best friend for years and speaking of fairytales, pat always looks at you like he’s the big bad wolf and he’s starved. you’re not sure why it makes you squeeze your thighs together under your skirt, but it does, and art doesn’t like it one bit.
when the three of you are on the swings in your garden and you tell them you’re debuting at lady debret’s ball next week, patrick is quick to ask if he can take the first spot on your dance card. you laugh and jokingly oblige, because art had pulled you to the side a few days prior and told you not to take him too seriously, but then when the ball comes around patrick is the first to lock eyes with you and meet you on the floor, and suddenly art’s feeling dizzy. you were his first and so was patrick and is he really losing you both at the same time right now?
he blinks back tears and grips his champagne flute so hard it might shatter in his hand as he watches you two fuckin' grin at each other and it makes him physically ill. patrick's gotten everything he's ever wanted, and he wants to kick himself because things might be different if he had enough balls to just tell you how he felt. art frantically searches the room for a distraction, but little does he know pat's watching him over your shoulder while you dance, wondering when he's gonna catch onto the fact that he's doin' all this just cause he'll never get to marry him.
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semperamans · 3 months
benny is back home n'he's missed you so much he may just have to fuck you over it!!!
benny is toxic! unprotected sex! benny is toxic! i didn't proof read it!!!! so there are probably so many mistakes!!!! n' this is LONG, so read at your own risk <3
despite its stillness, there is something deafening about the july air. there's nothing more to hear than night bird song as it falls over the slumbering city. gone are the rumbling engines on i-90 n'the chatter of women parading down the sidewalks. there are no babies gigglin', no ice cream trucks wailing, no sirens squwakin'. there's nothin' stirrin' in this humid night besides the rapid beat of your heart because, well, you shouldn't be here. you know that jus' as well as i do. you should be at home, sprawled beneath the ceiling fan, eyes closed, blissfully disconnected from the world, n'you're a good girl, so i'm sure that's what you would be doing had the shrill urgency of benny's call not woken you.
"hi baby," is what he breathed over the line, and despite the distance you could smell the jack daniels on his breath. "m'home." he had been home for a few days now. johnny had called you n'made you aware the second benny's wheels crossed the county line. and then you waited. and waited. and waited. and were your feelings hurt when benny didn't call? absolutely. by day three you were going insane. like mosquito-bitten legs, it was painfully hard to ignore the absence of his voice through the receiver. every purring engine had your head whipping 'round. every blonde head had your heart hammering, but it was never the right engine. never the right head. never benny. johnny'd tried to get you to come down to the clubhouse, but you didn't wanna look desperate (even though you were). it was just so hard to think about. all you could see in your mind's eye was benny splayed across a bar stool, lap empty, hand wrapped around a whiskey glass when it should've been around your throat.
"m'missin' you so much." you wouldn't have assumed he missed you much at all with how radio silent he'd been since leavin' over a month ago. your girls told you that if benny really cared he would make more of an effort - wouldn't run off whenever things other than his dick got hard - an' yeah, you knew this was likely true, but he was enigmatic and enticing and everything.
"wan' you to come see me."
you should've hung up the phone right then, but you didn't. and you definitely shouldn't've pulled a sleep shirt over your nightgown n'sneakers on your bare feet, but you did. now here you stand - peerin' up at benny's front door - tryin' to tell yourself it's all right. nothin' to be nervous over. but you were nervous, so you counted the steppin' stones - 14 - and then there he was.
he looked good, there was simply no denying it. when it was particularly hot, benny wore nothing beneath his colors n'tonight you could see his bare chest glistening with sweat from the glow of the porch light. moths and june bugs spun themselves dizzy 'round him, but he didn't flinch. his sights were set, smile wan and excited and focused on you.
"c'mere." benny's voice had a medicinal quality about it - you figured that out some time ago. his voice was a salve on sunburned skin. it was a cool mid-day rainstorm. it was enough to have your eyes flicking upward, your body moving forward, your mouth forming the shape of his name. "look at you," he practically purred. he seemed more coherent, which was great. you didn't like fuckin' benny when he was drunk - always fearin' it never meant the same as when he pressed himself into you sober. he held you at arms length, eyes traipsing the familiar paths his fingers and tongue had mapped repeatedly. "y'know, i could travel from here to fuckin' the ends of the universe n'never find a girl s'pretty as you."
"s'that what you're lookin' for when you leave?" the words escape your mouth before your brain can register the impact they will have, but benny doesn't seem all that deterred. he just shakes his head; half-hearted guilt tugging at the corner of his mouth as he lets ya go n'invites you inside. benny would never apologize for leavin'. that just wasn't his forte, but he'd make up for it. he always did.
the interior of benny's place is nicer than you'd expect n'it's all because johnny outright fuckin' refused to step foot in the place when benny'd first moved in. it was terrible, but now the trailer actually looks decent. s'not much: a small livin' space with a couch, a tiny kitchen, an even smaller bathroom, and a bedroom big enough for a few pieces of furniture, but it smells like benny: like motor oil and sandalwood and smoke and body wash and you wish they sold the scent in department stores because you'd buy up every bottle. it's the aroma you miss terribly when he runs. it's the scent you wish lasted just a bit longer on your bedsheets. it's now overwhelming as benny plods over, stubbing his cigarette out in the ashtray. hands unoccupied, he has nothing better to do with them than wrap 'em 'round your waist, tuggin' you into his slick embrace. his chin fits so nicely atop your head n'he's always told you that you were meant to be. "fuck soulmates. i think god s'got a big ass puzzle n'he just, tears it up. throws the pieces here n'there. but me'n'you, baby? we're always gonna fit together. m'always gonna find you." he wouldn't need to find you if he didn't run but when you're pressed so snugly together like you are now - well - he could say anything and you'd agree.
"look at me, darlin'. wanna see those eyes again. missed 'em so much." n'when you do look at him, you wish you hadn't. he looks better (somehow) than the last time you saw him: skin so clear, eyes so bright, smile taken from a fuckin' toothpaste commercial. it's unfair how good god made such a bad boy look. "there's my girl." and damn if his voice doesn't sound even better.
a half-hearted hum rolls from the back of your throat. you want nothing more than to be his girl, but he'd never really allow that. never really allow you to get close enough and the hurt must register on your face because benny's takin' your cheeks between his palms, eyebrows furrowing.
"what's goin' on, baby?"
baby. the word sounds so good rolling off his tongue. you wanna be his baby more than anything, but you say "nothin'" cuz that's all this will ever be.
"doesn't seem like nothin'. tell me." you think about it. could you, rather, should you tell him? the words are there, right there. right on the tip of your tongue; i miss you. i've missed you. i so badly wanted to see you. i want to be more than the girl you call when you want to fuck. the words are so hot you want to spit them out, but you can't say those things n'likely will never be able to. the words are toxic. poison. those words would assassinate this arrangement n'as much as it hurts, you know deep down you'd rather have pieces of benny than none at all so instead of speaking you rise on your tip toes and press your lips against his.
kissing benny is something you could never tire of. it's the delicate bite of his perfect teeth on your pillowy lip that has you opening your mouth - inviting him in - begging him to take. it's the taste of mint and cigarettes and liquor that lingers on your tongue that makes you long for more. but benny pulls away first - always does - n'that's when you notice the wrinkle in his brow is gone because he is no longer concerned about what's racketing around your brain. no. he's had a sample, and now he wants the whole thing.
"c'mere." it's an impossible command. you're already so close - any closer and you would - benny dips slightly, circling your thighs with his arms, pushin' you atop the high-backed couch where you wobble and clutch onto him which makes him smile but then everything changes because "want another kiss. missed that mouth so much." and you collide in a spit-soaked show of affection sure to bruise the flesh now scraping so deliciously against his beard.
this is familiar to benny. he knows where to touch you. knows how to caress your skin as he peels the shirt from your flushed torso and pushes the thin straps of your nightgown down. you're soft. he's always loved that about you. your voice. your hair. your skin. so supple. and there are times benny's gotta stop himself. he's gotta repress that primal urge to take, to claim, to mark but it's hard so hard because you are so soft. his agile fingers float down your neck, relishing in the plume of perfume that billows out as your body contorts closer and closer and closer. you're so responsive: gasping in the right places, arching into his hands so perfectly. your dainty inhales fuel him. he wants to do more. wants to hear more.
"you're gonna let me fuck you right here, aren't ya?" benny asks, pulling back to gauge your reaction. "missed me so much you're gonna let me fuck you on this couch, eh?"
"you're the one who called me." you say, smile wide and knowing as you feel benny's cock twitch. his eyes turn molten lapis. he had called you. he had missed you. but he wouldn't say it. couldn't.
"awfully mouthy," he clucks, pressing his mouth into yours for another taste. "why don't y'use it for somethin' else?"
before you, benny'd never been a fan of oral sex. i mean, he'd come around to enjoyin' it thanks to johnny but, it wasn't high on his list 'til you started suckin' him off any and every chance you got. for a mouth belonging to such a precious gal, he never would have expected the sinful things you could make him feel. n'now, knelt before him, he can barely fight the urge to shove his dick in your mouth.
"s'pretty. always so pretty." you hum. you got him out of his jeans in record time and thank god because it's probably a million degrees in the goddamn trailer. now he's free; cock out, dripping precum and he can see the pride puffin' up your chest. no other girl could get 'em like this - could rile him up 'til his cock was thick and heavy and veiny and hot to the touch - no one but you n'at the first whisper of your fingers, his head rolls back. his precum is good lubrication, but you need more. could always use more, so up you come, crossing your cute little feet under your bum, and then - fuck - you lean forward and spit on his heated skin. yeah, benny thinks he may cum from that alone.
"touch me, doll. c'mon."
"shh," your fingers form a loose circle 'round the base of his cock. "i've got you."
"jesus christ," its the feel of your lips on his thighs and your fingers on his dick that makes him squeeze his eyes shut. he's got one fist balled at his side, the other tucks its way into your hair because he's gotta do something. anything.
"y've still got your christmas tree up, so, y'know, could be insensitive what with the holidays n'all. chirstimas in july." and despite the fact that you've got his pulsing length so wet and hard in your hand - benny fucking laughs.
"you're so -" but whatever adjective he had planned to use flies from his mind the moment your mouth covers him. all he can think about now is not cumming. you don't need to know that he hasn't fucked another woman since the last time he was balls deep in you. you don't need to know that he hasn't jerked off in god knows how long in preparation for this night. the only thing that you need to know is that he fuckin' loves this. he just lets you work. just relishes in the feeling of having you there. of having your mouth on him. it's so heavenly. cavernous yet tight. wet and warm and "fuck - oh fuck - stop."
and you do with no hesitation. you pull away so quickly that strands of saliva trickle down onto your tits. okay. maybe not jerking off wasn't the best idea, benny determines.
"did i do something wrong?" your voice is husky, eyes wide and slightly frightened and benny thinks he may love you.
"no." he shakes his head, grabs your arms, pulls you up. "no. fuck - i wanna fuck you." he brushes his palm across your cheek, wiping the spit and precum away. "want to fuck you right here. on the couch. c'mon," he maneuvers you around, makin' it to where his bare ass is on the couch and you're hoverin' above him, smiling so cutely at him he's sure he's gonna explode. you're so fucking cute that it nearly suffocates him.
"gimmie another kiss." he breathes, cupping your cheek once more. your lips meet in a cacophony of sighs. relief slackens your shoulders and now anticipation builds because you know what's coming.
"unless you have rubbers tucked in the cushions," you have to fight through his kisses. "you can't fuck me here."
the words marinate. the ceiling fan bats them around like a cat does to yarn and then benny finally responds.
"let me fuck you raw."
there are a hundred good reasons why it's a horrible idea, but you can't conjure a single fucking one as your head bobs in agreement.
"yeah?" perhaps christmas miracles are still valid in july because holy shit. "yeah?"
"come 'ere then."
you're obedient. benny loves that about you. seconds later you're spreading your legs, shimmering with sweat as you fight to maintain your balance n'you look so hungry - so eager to please - so pretty n'he can feel your wetness seeping onto his bare thigh as you pepper tender kisses along his chest. you want this. you want it just as badly as he does. he can tell. those preening noises comin' from the back of your throat and the bite of your nails into his shoulder are the only things grounding him to this moment. he feels so light - like he could fuckin' float if you weren't sat atop him - but there is work to do. a certain set of things that need to be done before he can spear you on his cock.
"gonna stretch you open first," he tells you, pushing your hip back but you don't budge. your head shakes, lower lip juts out. no.
"i wanna feel it." you say, voice almost a whine. you're tired of waiting. tired of playing this game so you propel yourself onto your feet, nearly toppling as the cushion gives under your weight, but you've got this. you sweet capable being. "wanna feel you now." your right hand circles his cock. "just want you to be in me benny. jus' you." it's a confession spoken like gospel. n'with your help, his gushing head probes your wetness and benny's thoughts spiral recklessly. "ready?"
it's cute. the way you ask him. the way your pretty little head cocks to the side. it's even cuter the way your pussy so greedily takes his cock once benny gives you an answer. yes. a singular nod. then everything is hot. he's too close to the sun, but the burn is delicious.
every bump. every vein. every groove on his cock awakens something within you. your eyes are closed so tightly - you may rupture a vessel - but you don't care. you're full. so full n'he's only halfway in. it's never felt like this before. you're in uncharted territory so the first roll of your hips is exploratory. the second is more confident. the third is a plunge and benny is drowning.
"god. fuck." words to form coherent sentences have long since vanished from benny's vocabulary. and you? usually so deft with language, you're somewhat embarrassed at the foolishness of your grunts, but benny loves it. he watches you move from squinted eyes. you're fascinating; body shifting with ease up and down up and down up and down. the muscles in your stomach tighten and wan as his cock disappears deep in your cunt only to reappear seconds later dripping and glistening with remnants of your wet. it's hypnotic n'benny thinks you're magic and sweet and good but dirty - oh so dirty. his balls and heart squeeze simultaneously n'it only gets worse when you toss your arms around his neck. benny can feel your cool breath on his throat - it adheres to the damp indications you lips left behind - and your tits, god your tits press against the material of his colors and rub and rub and rub. it's intimate. it's too much. too long like this and benny knows he'll be spillin' his secrets and his seed and that's not how he wants this to go, not yet anyway.
the change in position catches you by surprise, he can see it on your face. those puffy lips part in confusion, but he silences your questions with a shattering kiss. your teeth gnash and spit slips down your chin as he bites your inhibitions away. he's got you beneath him now. missionary. his favorite because he just likes lookin' at you. likes being close, so close. he's in his element; forehead pressed against yours, mouth open, grunting obscenities as he pushes harder and harder and harder into your sobbing pussy. you're slowly disintegrating. the way your ankles lock around his spine perfectly aligns your clit with his pelvic bone and my god nothing has ever felt quite so good.
"benny," your voice is a dark whisper that grows brighter brighter brighter as he thrusts into oblivion. you want more. want it harder. and benny is happy to oblige. the sound of his nuts slapping against your soaked center reminds him of a fuckin' metronome. your pitiful little moans could put pornstars to shame.
"you're so fuckin' tight." and it's true. he's said it to other girls before out of courtesy, but he means it with you. "when i cum you're gonna take every drop, mm?" benny's ability to say such delivish things so close to your face drives you insane. it's as though he's tellin' you what the weather is gonna be tomorrow, or sayin' his favorite color. "s'my favorite pussy to fuck. no one feels like you." he should stop, but he can't. it's too good. you're so good. "only girl i wanna fill. only girl i wanna give my cum to."
if pride were a flower you'd be a fuckin' garden. confidence flourishes like ivy as he keeps. going. it's in this moment you know it's worth it. the hours waiting for him. the lonely nights. it's all worth it. benny is worth it.
"are y'gonna cum in me?" at the sound of your voice, benny's forehead crashes down on yours. his eyelashes are so long they kiss the tops of his round cheeks.
"fuck - yeah."
"yeah?" you angle your pelvis, gasping at the new sensation. n'benny knows what to do. knows how to send you over. snaking a hand down, his index finger rubs circles around your clit, dipping down, pullin' your shared juices up. you're not gonna last much longer n'as much as he wishes he could keep you here forever his fucking nuts are so tight. he's so close.
"fuck - baby. shit."
"do it deep. wanna have you leakin' out of me for days. want somethin' to remember you by." you've never spoken like this before - his sweet darling - where did this mouth come from? one hand squeezes your jaw. something to remember him by? he'll give you something. he pushes your head to the side, latching his teeth into the side of your neck. the rough yet delicate suck and soothing stroke of his tongue add another element to the amalgamation of pleasure, and now you feel like you're drowning.
"m'gonna cum." benny’s choked voice rasps in your ear.
"cum in me."
"fuck im gonna cum in you."
he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to. there's no willpower strong enough to allow him to extract his cock from your pussy. he's sure of it.
"need you to cum with me." his index finger circles around and around and around. "gotta cum when i tell you. yeah? gonna be a good girl n'listen to daddy?" your toes fuckin' curl, digging into the cushion. "use your words." he doesn't know - doesn't care - that your words have magically turned into alphabet soup; there are letters and sounds but no coherence, but it's no excuse. benny, devilishly, begins to slow. "use. your. words." each syllable is punctuated with a sharp thrust n'the head of his cock is wedging so deliciously against your spongy center that you nearly cum, but you don't. you're good. so good.
"m'gonna listen." you wail. "gonna be good." your reward is a kiss and the continuation of benny's deliriously fast pace.
"knew you would." it becomes hard to speak with you squeezing round him like that. his pleasure is melting into an unidentifiable mass. he knows nothing of isolation. his body no longer belongs to him. he can't tell where you start and he ends but he knows where you will finish. "gonna need you to cum, pretty baby." he's unable to do much more than whisper. "ready?" you nod. "ready?"
you couldn't hold back even if you tried. the first spurt of benny's cum is so warm you make a surprised little gasp. he's so deep, pumping his load so deep that the lower part of your abdomen has stretched in accommodation. your bodies flounder together; fingers pressing, lips melting, legs tangling. benny thrusts once, twice, three times more before he's spent. his body begins to still - his weight slowly pressing upon you before collapsing. your thundering heart could lull him to sleep if he'd allow it, but he can't allow it because unlike with other women; the lustful haze refuses to dissipate. post-nut clarity doesn't exist when the woman you fucked looks and feels the way you do and it scares benny so much that he collects you in his arms n'moves you off of him.
"i'll bring you somethin' to wipe off with." he doesn't look at you as he rises. instead he chooses to focus on how his legs don't feel like his legs. how the hot water won't warm up n'he can't give you a cold rag. his disappointment grows when he returns to find you already shrugging back into your nightgown. the pair of you tend to yourselves. you wipe benny's cum off your thighs and toss the rag into the dirty clothes pile on the floor. you try not to linger. you know it only makes things harder, but benny's gazin' at you with those eyes. he's fixin' your necklace and opening the door for you.
"gimmie a hug?" his bravado is gone. his voice is quiet, his arms are welcoming. you fool yourself into thinking he's gonna miss you too. you've got his cum dripping down your leg and he's got your heart in his hands but nothing has changed. things would never change. n'you wanna stay here - wanna stay with him for eternity - but if history repeats itself you will only have another minute in his embrace. he who holds your pieces together is the one responsible for their fractured state n'maybe you're a masochist. maybe you're in love with the wrong person. maybe none of it is supposed to make sense anyway.
when you part, you want to cry. benny kisses you. it's soft, a delicate kiss you wanna bottle and keep forever next to his scent. you worry that one day you will unknowingly have a last kiss with benny, but for now you allow yourself this moment. he won't promise to call n'you won't say goodbye. you'll just slip out into the night - probably call johnny usin' the payphone down the street and spend the rest of the night sobbin' into his neck.
but it's worth it. somehow even after it all, benny cross is still worth it.
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katiscrying · 2 months
Sweet as a peach ୨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋆˙
Benny Cross x f!Reader
18+ MDI
cw: PWP (?), f!reviving oral, smoking, fingering, cum eating, not proofread
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You hadn’t even thought of showing yourself up in a biker bar until Kathy insisted on you coming with her. Never once did you assume you’d be getting fucked by a random biker boy let alone falling in love with him.
𝑰’𝒎 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒍
The night started settle over the sky and the neon lit sign of the bar that the Vandals claimed lit barely anything but under where it hung and your caught eye. Kathy looks over at you as she pulls into the parking lot, noticing your leg bouncing. She let out a scoff of laughter as she looked over at you. “Nervous?” You nodded before quietly speaking; “a lil’ bit.”
“What for? It’s just like any other bar, ya’ overthinking it.” You knew she was right, you’re overthinking what could go down in such a place, nothing good in your mind. You both got out and she handed you a cigarette and you just tucked it in the pocket of your jeans while she lit hers after offering to light it. You both walked in but you trailed behind, taking in the sudden sight of all different builds of men who were either shitface drunk or getting close to the goal.
Kathy lead you back over to where Johnny usually sat with Brucie and where she did as well with another friend as they usually drank or smoked through conversations about anything. After feeling countless hands smacking your ass, you finally sit next to Kathy and once more, continue to take in the surrounding. Quite a few were staring at you but your eyes wandered off to the pool table where it was like an erotic movie scene; the tan and toned arms of an unknown man supported his body as he lifted his head up.
You couldn’t help but just stare, it was almost natural in the way you did so. Your eyes traveling his arms, taking in the sight of his tattoos and then up to his face where you could practically feel the heat rising to your face and southbound of your body.
You lean closer to Kathy and with your eyes still fixated on him as you nudge her. “who’s that guy over at the pool table?” She almost couldn’t hear you over the noise surrounding all around but she caught what you were asking. “Him? Tha’s Benny. P’robly the youngest since Danny.” You nod, but Kathy could see the unsure expression on your features.
“Here,,” She starts, propping her elbow up on the table and point over at a black haired guy guy with sideburns and three guys next to him. “That’s Cockroach, left is Cal, and right is Corky.” Your brows contort as she says this but she turns to her left pointing once more. “That’s Johnny, he’s the leader and next to im’ is Brucie.”
“..okay” you nod slowly, just taking it all of the rapid fire names in. Kathy turns her attention back to her previous conversation with her other friend. You knew you could smoke in the bar but, you always had the habit of walking out to. So you did. You went under a dimly lit orange light on the side of the bar’s wall. You picked the cigarette out of your jeans, praying it wasn’t snapped in half.
“Son of a bitch-“ you cursed yourself as you pulled the snapped filter from your pocket, huffing as you dig around for the other half. The door to the bar opens and closes swiftly but you assumed it was some drunk fucker on his way to potentially kill himself on the road. Oh how wrong you were.
“Ya’ need a cigarette, Peach?” a low yet gravelly voice spoke, causing you to jump. You look up from the two halves of once one whole cigarette to see his face. “You— you?” You question, noticing the cigarette tucked between his vermillion lips. He nods, taking the cigarette between his long pointer and middle finger. “Is that yes?” His rough voice spoke again. But you couldn’t react. Not a head shake or sound escaping you.
He takes a step closer to you, now invading any personal space you had. His other hand taking your chin, tilting it up to meet his gaze as his thumb pulled at your chin; pulling your bottom lip down. You still couldn’t react. You were starstruck by this man and his astonishing looks. He took the cigarette and tucked it between your lips, gently letting your chin go.
“There.” He says with a sense of pride that you didn’t fight him. You pulled the cigarette from your lips to flick the ashes. “Thank you—?” You say back, returning the politeness.. if that’s how he showed it. “Here alone?” He asked. The sudden question almost made you cough on smoke but you silently composed yourself. “Nah,, I’m here with a friend.”
“Kathy?” He questioned as you nodded, exhaling the smoke, handing it back to him. He followed with the same manner as he inhaled and exhaled two times before offering it back but you declined. “Y’know her?” you gave him a look, was Kathy setting you up with this guy? No way. “Barely.” He stubs the cigarette out on the wall, letting the bud drop onto the gravels.
You had never had a conversation so awkward with another guy but here you were, nodding in silence, basically showing your submission to him even if you had just met him.
“Yer a quiet thing ain’t ya’ peach?” He observed your behavior very closely but it oddly wasn’t making you uncomfortable. Might as well not lie so you just squeak out a “yeah” with a softer tone. “You’ll be broken out of it after we’re married.” Wait. What? Marriage?
“Marriage..? I’m sorry, I don’t know you at all..?” You could feel that you weren’t recovering quickly from that whiplash. “Ain’t got to. We got time after.” God. He’s persistent. “I don’t even know your name! Why the hell would I wanna marry you!?” You protest. “Benny cross. You?”
… “y/n. And I’m not marrying you Benny.” You firmly said but you could clearly see it in his eyes how he wasn’t budging. “Mhm. I’m sure you’re not, Peach.” You give him a look, one he found adorable while in your mind it was intimidating.
It went quiet. But the look on his face was still, he clearly want backing down from his claim of marriage over you but he’ll play into the whole “no I won’t” response.
“I can change yer mind, peach.” He was persistent but that only made you curious in what he’d do to “convince” you otherwise. “I don’t believe you can Benny.” You are also persistent and you weren’t letting up so easily.
You’re quickly caught off guard by benny taking your soft hand in his and guiding you to his bike. He looks at you and without saying anything, the gaze from his eyes spoke up You wanna come with me? And you just nod on response as if he actually asked. Just like that, he slings his leg over and kicks the stand down before kickstarting the bike, beckoning his finger. Like gravity never existed you found yourself floating towards him and hesitating to sit but that inner curiosity of him “convincing you” took over, basically screaming at you to get on. And so you did.
It’s new to you but it’s like a second nature that your arms snaked his waist and held tightly onto him. As you felt the rumble of the engine between your thighs it only made you grip him tighter.
You are nervous, you’ve never been on a bike before as you’d explained to him but with his eyes giving gentle commands, you just couldn’t say no. You hadn’t even thought of leaving without a word to anyone or any eyes witnessing but that doesn’t matter at this point. You’re far too curious and far too willing to follow him like an obedient puppy.
As he pulls away from the bar and onto the road that lead to the expressway you can feel the wind comb through your hair despite the criminal amount of hairspray you used to keep it down. You’re trying everything to not rest your head on his back, that’d prove him right, that he’d get his way. But he’s so warm. A contrast from the cool night wind.
He’s like a magnet just making you gravitate closer and closer to him before your chin rests comfortably on his back as your arms remain around him. Every turn he makes he notices how you hold him tighter like he’d let you fall but in reality he’d never do anything like that. Not to you.
It was one last turn until you finally looked up and he had brought you to what seems like the middle of absolutely no where. The engine slowly dies down and then eventually off as he puts his feet to the ground to stop any movement entirely. “Ya’lright back there?” He says as he stabilizes the bike. You take a moment to observe your surroundings to realize it was far from the small town and looks like no one would be out here for miles.
“Yeah, I’m fine” you say as your arms unwrap from his waist. He slowly stands up from the seat and then slides his leg off from the other side to kick down the kickstand as his rougher hand met your much softer hand to help you off. You��re quick to steady your balance with a “thank you” out of impulse and just general habit.
Your eyes wander around the secluded area and you admittedly do feel weary but he doesn’t seem like he’d hurt you. “Where are we..?” Your eyes lock onto his but he doesn’t say anything, but instead he steps closer to you, invading any personal space you had previously as two fingers of his come up to lift your chin. “I told ya’, peach. I’ll convince you.” His words send shivers down your spine; the thought of what he’d do to you is almost exciting with the lingering thought of the dangers that could be potential.
“do y’trust me, peach?” you just met him.. how the hell is he asking this so soon..? But you nod in agreement. “I— I trust you” your voice is damn near weak but you’re genuine. Your arms wrap carefully around his neck as his plump lips meet yours, pulling you into a sudden, deep, passionate kiss. Your mouth opening up to him as his tongue doesn’t hesitate to slide in and map out every bit of your mouth.
You can’t help the little breathless and choked out whimpers and whines that escape you. This only causes him to wanna continue, to go further with you. And that’s what he’ll do.
You break the kiss to catch your breath but you see the look in his eye that clearly shows no signs of being done with you. Not now. His arms carefully warp around your waist and carefully guide you onto your back directly on the leather seat of his bike, sliding himself on the seat as well to steady the bike. Your eyes lock onto his icy blue ones, your lips parted yet no words are formed.
His calloused hands trail down to the waistline of your jeans, his ringed fingers hooking onto them. “Can I take em’ off?” his gaze is still locked onto yours, his eyes clearly hungry for more of you. “Mhm” you hum, but that’s not good enough for him. He needs you to say it. His hand gently grabs your chin, bringing you closer to his face “ah ah, I need an answer, peach. Can I take em’ off?” He repeats;
“Yes, yes, you can.” You give him a real response this time, your voice dripping with need and underlying desperation for him. “atta girl,” he praises you as he unbuttons your jeans, the zipper coming down with no effort to it at all. He skillfully tugs your jeans off of your frame, slowly sliding them down, drinking in every inch of your pale, smooth skin.
The cool breeze hitting your lower half causes little goosebumps to form all across your thighs, shivers running down your spine and blood flowing to your face from the embarrassment of being pretty much half nude in front of a man you hardly know. All thoughts in your head calm as his warm palms run over your thighs, carefully approaching your inner thighs with much caution. He can see you’re all embarrassed over him, and he is reveling in it.
His touch is warm and tender and you’re practically melting under him. “Benny-“ you say softly but he quickly cuts you off; “shh - peach. Patience.” His voice was sultry yet tender. His fingers trace your panties, feeling how damp you’re he’s making them. His fingers carefully map out what makes you squirm, what makes you whimper, anything that’ll give him a reaction. His fingers graze over your clit just to keep you on edge.
“Already so needy f’me, hm?” He’s toying with you. You enjoying the way you react as his fingers toying with your clothed slit. His pants growing uncomfortably tight just watching you react to what he’s doing to you. Tonight isn’t the night to fully claim you, though he’s already claimed you as his wife.. though you won’t wouldn’t let him.
He gets you on edge, close to making you cum yet he’s holding out. Listening to how pretty you sound when all he’s doing is barely teasing you, dragging his fingers up and down your slit. You can only sound better. He brings his finger that is covered in your slick up to his mouth and sucks it clean off, all with intense eye contact. His hands then grab your panties and gently tug them down your thighs and around your ankles, then off completely.
Despite the still setting sun casting shadows and darkness around, the slick pooling your cunt is very obvious; as if it already weren’t. He lowered himself down, eye level with your glistening cunt. His calloused hand wraps around your thigh, almost holding you up dangerously close to his face. You manage to prop yourself up to fully gaze down at him and observe what he’s doing to you.
His tongue slowly guides out as he carefully lick up your slit, your sweet slick collects on his tongue doesn’t make it easy for him to be gentle but, nonetheless, he manages. His skillful focus on your clit makes your eyes roll back in pure ecstasy, your moans are desperate and needy even when he’s giving you what you didn’t know you wanted.
A sharp gasp escapes your parted lips as two ringed fingers slide down to penetrate you, carefully pumping in and out of your heated flesh as he continues to swirl his tongue around your sensitive bud. You can feel the heat pooling in your stomach, your orgasm slowly building. “Benny — I —“ you stutter, earning a rumble of laughter against your cunt, sending vibrations through you which only enhanced your pleasure “y’taste so sweet..”.
Through desperate moans and hushed curses fill the now dusk filled sky all around. Your hands tangled in his hair, tugging and pulling at it, as if you’re trying to pull him off but he’s restless. His fingers continue at a now relentless pace, his tongue still lapping at your swollen bud. You know you can cum at any minute and he can tell from your walls clenching around his fingers. Your moans turning into choked cries and squeals.
“Benny m’ gonna cum — !” You cry out, he takes this as a cue to continue but at his relentless pace. “Go ahead, cum f’me, sweet peach” you were already holding back but now that you’ve got the green light you just let it spill.
Your head throws back as you let out what can only be described as relief and hellish ecstasy. He slows the pumping down from his fingers before they come to a grinding halt, letting you ride out the pleasure. After you’ve stopped shaking as much, he carefully removes his cum coated fingers and grabs your chin with the hand that was previously clasped around your thigh, your eyes open as he smirks, guiding his pointer finger in between your lips, making you taste yourself. As your tongue swirls his finger and you suck your own secretion off of his finger. He follows in suit by sucking his middle finger clean, crashing his lips against yours. Forcing you into a heated kiss.
As he pulls away from the kiss, observing your spent and weak body underneath him he asks,
“Did that convince you, peach?”
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rebelliousstories · 2 months
In Your Arms Is What I’m Cravin’
Relationship: Benny Cross x Reader
Fandom: The Bikeriders
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Suggestive Themes, Brief Strong Language
Word Count: 981
Main Masterlist: Here
Austin Butler Masterlist: Here
Summary: Returning to his house and loving that it feels like home.
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The low rumble of a bike was heard all up and down the street as Benny pulled back into the driveway. He had spent the better part of the day riding out on the open road wherever it took him. Those solo rides were special to Benny. Of course, he loved taking his old lady out with him; the feeling of her arms tightening around him and her laughter in the wind. But the times where he gets to ride by himself and clear his head? Those were very much needed from time to time.
Benny made his way up the stairs and dug out his keys. Taking one last drag from his cigarette, he flicked the butt of the stick off into a bush as he opened the door. Inside, the air was still. Nothing was out of place. Everything was exactly how it was supposed to be, right down to the room spray of flowers that she insisted on.
“Baby? Hello?” She yelled through the house as he started crossing off rooms. The living room was definitely empty, as was the kitchen. There were muffled footsteps coming from the back part of the house, and then a squeal.
“Benny! You’re home, baby!” A body slammed into his as he tried to get his bearings. Wrapping an arm around her back, and another under her butt, he held her close.
“Hey, my little lady. I missed you.” Benny buried his nose into the crook of her neck, and breathed in deep.
“Oh, I missed you more. Did you have a good ride?” She asked, pulling away enough to see his face. Benny’s eyes were tired, but retained a bit of light in them as he scanned over her face.
“I did. Did you have a good day at home?” She nodded before leaning in and planting a kiss on his lips. Both sets of eyes slipped shut, and he maneuvered them over to the couch in the living room. Sitting down blindly, Benny let himself get wrapped up in the soft touches of his lover as she kept kissing him.
“What’d you do?” Benny asked, pulling away with a raspy voice.
“Well, I went and got my nails done in that rosy color you love on me so much.” Said nails scratched through the base of his scalp and through his hair. Benny groaned and leaned his head back into her hands.
“Then I went to go watch that new Elvis feature in town called ‘Tickle Me’. You know, you kinda look like Elvis a bit.” The look that the man shot her was enough to send her into a fit of giggles. She was nearly bumped off of his lap because of how hard she was laughing.
“Now why would you ever think that, little lady? Ain’t got no black hair or eye black on.” Benny countered, readjusting the woman so she was sitting more comfortably across his legs. She looked like she was thinking intently which is when Benny put a finger to her lips.
“And no. You ain’t allowed to put any on me.”
Her lips pouted around his fingers, which made him smile. Pulling the appendage away, he quickly replaced it with his own lips once more. Both of them melted into the kiss. For several minutes, the couple just existed together. Almost as if they were one body; they did not know where one began and the other ended. Benny, reluctantly, pulled away as she tried to chase his lips.
“We should probably go to bed. But I wouldn’t mind continuing this in the bedroom because I have missed this.” His hands ran over her waist and thighs as they caught their breath. She nodded, and tried to untangle her body from his. But Benny was having none of that. He simply scooped her up in his arms, and stalked up the stairs to their bedroom.
Her giggle prompted a small smile to come across the man’s face. It was not often that he allowed himself to be soft. But there was just something about her that caused him to melt on the inside. Dropping his girlfriend on the cushioned bed beneath, Benny spent a good minute just tracing his eyes over her body. These were the times that they both cherished. When it was just them, late at night, and not a worry or care on the mind. These were the times that gave them hope on those rough days. These were the times that kept them coming home to the other.
“Whatcha thinking about, Benny boy?” She teased, running her fingertips over his face while he still stood over her.
“Just how lucky I am that you put up with me and all the shit I get into.” He murmured, with his voice just above a whisper.
“We’ll come to bed, baby. You must be tired after riding all day. I’m feelin’ awfully lonely without you under here.” Pulling back the covers, she wasted no time in getting comfortable. Benny chuckled, and went to go get out of his outside clothes before hoping into bed. However, the feeling of her eyes on his body made him slow down and put on a little show as he stripped out of his clothing.
They both knew that nothing was going to happen as they were both far too tired, but there was nothing wrong about admiring each other. Benny stayed in his white undershirt and boxers as he crawled into bed. Opening his arms, she launched herself into them again and sighed deeply. Sticking her nose into the crook of his neck, she inhaled the wonderful scent that was her Benny Cross. It only took a few minutes for them both to drift off into their dreams, but they were content to be snuggled up in each other’s arms. This was exactly what they needed. The low rumble of a bike was heard all up and down the street as Benny pulled back into the driveway. He had spent the better part of the day riding out on the open road wherever it took him. Those solo rides were special to Benny. Of course, he loved taking his old lady out with him; the feeling of her arms tightening around him and her laughter in the wind. But the times where he gets to ride by himself and clear his head? Those were very much needed from time to time.
Benny made his way up the stairs and dug out his keys. Taking one last drag from his cigarette, he flicked the butt of the stick off into a bush as he opened the door. Inside, the air was still. Nothing was out of place. Everything was exactly how it was supposed to be, right down to the room spray of flowers that she insisted on.
“Baby? Hello?” She yelled through the house as he started crossing off rooms. The living room was definitely empty, as was the kitchen. There were muffled footsteps coming from the back part of the house, and then a squeal.
“Benny! You’re home, baby!” A body slammed into his as he tried to get his bearings. Wrapping an arm around her back, and another under her butt, he held her close.
“Hey, my little lady. I missed you.” Benny buried his nose into the crook of her neck, and breathed in deep.
“Oh, I missed you more. Did you have a good ride?” She asked, pulling away enough to see his face. Benny’s eyes were tired, but retained a bit of light in them as he scanned over her face.
“I did. Did you have a good day at home?” She nodded before leaning in and planting a kiss on his lips. Both sets of eyes slipped shut, and he maneuvered them over to the couch in the living room. Sitting down blindly, Benny let himself get wrapped up in the soft touches of his lover as she kept kissing him.
“What’d you do?” Benny asked, pulling away with a raspy voice.
“Well, I went and got my nails done in that rosy color you love on me so much.” Said nails scratched through the base of his scalp and through his hair. Benny groaned and leaned his head back into her hands.
“Then I went to go watch that new Elvis feature in town called ‘Tickle Me’. You know, you kinda look like Elvis a bit.” The look that the man shot her was enough to send her into a fit of giggles. She was nearly bumped off of his lap because of how hard she was laughing.
“Now why would you ever think that, little lady? Ain’t got no black hair or eye black on.” Benny countered, readjusting the woman so she was sitting more comfortably across his legs. She looked like she was thinking intently which is when Benny put a finger to her lips.
“And no. You ain’t allowed to put any on me.”
Her lips pouted around his fingers, which made him smile. Pulling the appendage away, he quickly replaced it with his own lips once more. Both of them melted into the kiss. For several minutes, the couple just existed together. Almost as if they were one body; they did not know where one began and the other ended. Benny, reluctantly, pulled away as she tried to chase his lips.
“We should probably go to bed. But I wouldn’t mind continuing this in the bedroom because I have missed this.” His hands ran over her waist and thighs as they caught their breath. She nodded, and tried to untangle her body from his. But Benny was having none of that. He simply scooped her up in his arms, and stalked up the stairs to their bedroom.
Her giggle prompted a small smile to come across the man’s face. It was not often that he allowed himself to be soft. But there was just something about her that caused him to melt on the inside. Dropping his girlfriend on the cushioned bed beneath, Benny spent a good minute just tracing his eyes over her body. These were the times that they both cherished. When it was just them, late at night, and not a worry or care on the mind. These were the times that gave them hope on those rough days. These were the times that kept them coming home to the other.
“Whatcha thinking about, Benny boy?” She teased, running her fingertips over his face while he still stood over her.
“Just how lucky I am that you put up with me and all the shit I get into.” He murmured, with his voice just above a whisper.
“We’ll come to bed, baby. You must be tired after riding all day. I’m feelin’ awfully lonely without you under here.” Pulling back the covers, she wasted no time in getting comfortable. Benny chuckled, and went to go get out of his outside clothes before hoping into bed. However, the feeling of her eyes on his body made him slow down and put on a little show as he stripped out of his clothing.
They both knew that nothing was going to happen as they were both far too tired, but there was nothing wrong about admiring each other. Benny stayed in his white undershirt and boxers as he crawled into bed. Opening his arms, she launched herself into them again and sighed deeply. Sticking her nose into the crook of his neck, she inhaled the wonderful scent that was her Benny Cross. It only took a few minutes for them both to drift off into their dreams, but they were content to be snuggled up in each other’s arms. This was exactly what they needed.
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Loved your Benny Gross story!
Could you maybe write something about him protecting the reader from someone who bothers her. Taking her with him for a ride and ends with fluff/smut? 🤞🏼 (love me a protective man)
Can I first of all say: thank you! I've never had a request before, so I'm humbled. Anyway, before I went to sleep this came to my mind and it was on paper so quick, I surprised myself😂. I tweaked it a bit, so I hope you don't mind. Enjoy!🧡
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With clammy hands you grabbed the box of cereal and looked out of the corner of your eye. A silent curse slipped your lips as you saw him standing there, again.
You were just doing some groceries, when you had a sudden feeling of being watched. Quickly you spotted this clean shaven, black haired guy who subtly - but also not so subtly - eyed you down and started to follow every aisle you took. After the third time you knew it was no coincidence and an unpleasant feeling spread throughout your body. A weird and irksome aura radiating from him.
Even though you weren’t finished yet, you wanted to get out. Not wanting to be in this stranger’s unpleasant energy any longer. With just some cereal and donuts, you made your way to the register. Glancing back you loosened a breathe when you didn’t spot the man immediately. Finally, he left you alone.
Quickly you placed the two items onto the belt and reached into your purse for some cash. A loud thud behind you made you jump. Suddenly the stranger was standing right there, dropping a soda on the conveyer belt as he looked you up and down with this weird look in his eyes.
“Hi there, darlin’. How are ya?” Even his voice gave you the creeps, and you couldn’t withhold the shiver from running down your spine.
Though you didn’t want to, you responded to him anyway, just like how your parents had raised their submissive and civilized girl.
“I’m good,” you answered curtly and gave him a quick fake smile, returning your attention to the cashier and handing her some cash.
“Let me take ya out t’night.” It didn’t really sounded like a question, and the implication made your skin crawl. You swallowed thickly. 
Just when you wanted to open your mouth, you were interrupted by a loud roaring engine from outside and watched how a handsome, blond biker stopped in front of the store.
Without giving it any more thought, the words already flew from your mouth. “No, thank you sir, I’m already taken.” As you answered him and nodded to the biker outside, before swiftly grabbing the items and clung them to your chest.
The stranger’s eyes narrowed, clearly not buying your lie. But before he could respond, you walked - or more like ran - outside.
Your heart hammered in your throat as you took some shallow breaths. Normally you’d never dared to approach a member of the motorcycle club, but your brain short-circuited before you could think this through.
“Excuse me,” you breathed and the biker just swung his leg over the seat of his bike. “I know this sounds really weird but uh— I— he—“ you quickly glanced over your shoulder and saw how the stranger exited the store. “Could you maybe pretend to be my boyfriend for just a second? T-this guy is following me and giving me the creeps and—“ 
“C’mere.” The biker’s deep voice interrupted as he beckoned you with a wiggle of his ring-adorned fingers. Already putting one and one together, you took a step forward as he casually leaned back against his bike. 
A gasp left you when you felt his hand on your lower arm, pulling you more towards him as he took the donuts you were holding.
“These are jus’ the ones I’ve been talkin’ about. Thank you, baby.” The biker said loud enough for the stranger to hear and casually took a bit from the donut. Your heart was pounding so loud, your ears were buzzing. 
“I know, honey,” you replied and were surprised by how steady your voice was. “These are your favorites!”
The stranger stopped in his tracks and watched the two of you, contemplating what he beheld before him. You needed to be more convincing.
You turned your back to the creep and focused on the biker. Goodness gracious. This man up-close was undeniable gorgeous with his piercing blue eyes and full lips. Lips which were now covered with a bit of glaze from the donut. Before you could comprehend what you were about to do, you reached out.
With your thumb you swiped the sugary substance from his lower-lip and brought it towards your own mouth. But before you could lick it clean, the biker got hold on your wrist. Your eyes widened slightly and asked him a silent question. What are you doing?! 
His piercing blue eyes bore into yours, suddenly the atmosphere getting tense, but not unpleasant. No, just the opposite. 
The biker guided your hand back towards his mouth and you couldn’t stop the sharp intake of breath when he took your digit in his mouth. Swirling his tongue around to remove the glaze and even sucked at your finger, releasing it with a pop.
A totally different feeling pounced through your veins at the sensation. A blush crept onto your cheeks as butterflies fluttered around in your stomach. Whatever what was going on suddenly felt very intimate and exhilarating at the same time.  
For a split second, a smile tugged at the biker’s lips but was gone with one blink. His gaze and demeanor getting darker as his eyes moved towards the stranger. 
“What y’lookin’ at my girl?” He challenged and the stranger flinched. If looks could kill, he’d be six feet under.
“No.. no! She— I didn’t know s—she was your g—girl!” He stuttered and quickly made his way to his car before driving off with a panicked glance.
The sight of the stranger leaving, made you relax your tense shoulders and releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You quickly turned back to the biker.
“Thank you! And I’m sorry!” You rambled and let out a huffing laugh. This whole situation was insane.
This time the biker didn’t hide his smile, flashing you his perfect teeth before his eyebrows scrunched. “I’m sorry that happened t’you. Are y’okay?”
You nodded as you stared at your hand which was still evolved is his. The rough skin somehow pleasant against yours.
“Yeah,” you replied. “I’m okay.”
A pause stretched between you. Both of you just taking each other in and reveling in the comfortable silence, before you continued.
“You can keep the donuts, I need more groceries anyway, but didn’t want to spend any second longer with that creeper.”
He pursed his lips and hummed. “Lemme help y’with that”.
You blinked and fluttered your lashes at him. “That’s really kind of you…”
“Benny,” you parroted. “But I think I can manage. Don’t think there are other creeps inside.”
Benny tilted his head and squeezed your wrist before releasing it. “Please, I insist.” Without waiting for you response, he reached for the cereal and placed it on his bike, offering his arm after.
You bit your lip as you sighed, but looped your arm through his and looked up at him. “Okay.”
He gave you another breath-taking smile and winked at you. “Okay.”
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