#bennedict stark
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Bennedict Stark aesthetic
Bennedict Stark, eldest son of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Stark. Elder brother to Robert Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Brandon Stark, and Rickon Stark.
Bennedict Stark joined Queen Daenerys Targaryen’s side in Qarth and remained loyal by her side. They later on married and proceeded to have three children despite what the witch had said, Rhaella Targaryen, Baelor Targaryen, and Daena Targaryen.
Bennedict gifted his eldest daughter a dragon egg upon her birth, he had to risk his life to find and get the egg. The egg went on to hatch a female dragon which was later on called Helael. Bennedict was unsuccessful in finding anymore eggs for the other two children but Helael went on to have a clutch of eggs rumored to be Drogon’s.
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lovethedanielhd · 5 years
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Meet the Team titan
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panicatthefandomboy · 4 years
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Tom Holland has said that Benedict Cumberbatch had harder lines than him because Doctor Strange had to talk about “all this Quantum Realm.... stuff”. Meanwhile, the Russo brothers have said that Tom only gets his own lines, and that the rest of the script is blacked out and kept from him, and that sometimes he doesn’t even know who his scene partner is (if they’re mostly cgi in that moment). This means that for Tom Holland to know that Doctor Strange talks about the Quantum Realm, Peter Parker must be in that scene with him.
Given what we’ve seen so far from Endgame and the MCU as a whole, it can be assumed that The Avengers will be accessing the Quantum Realm through suits designed possibly by Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Rocket Raccoon, and with input from Ant-Man, as those characters are the most capable of creating such a high tech suit, and are all together and alive as far as we know. For Doctor Strange to have difficult Quantum Realm lines, as Tom Holland said, it can be assumed that he is offering some sort of wisdom/knowledge that would be valuable to the characters and audience and that isn’t already known.
Given all of this, it can be theorised that Doctor Strange gives input into the safety and logistics of the Quantum Realm, either while inside it or while the suits are being made, and for that to happen, and for Peter Parker to witness it, the victims of the snap must come back alive beforehand. In this essay I will..
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marvelouslywhipped · 6 years
Pepperony will forever be my go to OTP for Tony—
But I can’t blame all these people that ship Strange with him.
Like the scene literally was like...
Tony: Let’s have a baby.
Pepper: Nah, fam.
Stephen: Tony, I need you.
Pepper: Don’t you dar—
Tony: Bye hun, I’m runnin’ away to space to have babies with the wizard.
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paulinska44stark · 7 years
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Spiderman. Avengers Infinity War-Trailer two
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sthefystarker · 6 years
My cover for my new story 🌷 (IronStrange Week)
I decided to post all prompts into a single fic, it'll be easier this way.
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(Oh and yeah... Of course I still ship Starker <3 But IronStrange has something as well and here I am 🙌)
Working on second prompt already!
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notcutejustme · 7 years
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Winter's Vow
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pairing: Daenerys Targaryen x OC!Male!Stark
summary: Bennedict Stark has found it most suiting to find the mother of dragons.
Word count: 2,8K
Warnings: Angst, fluff
Bennedict kept his head down as he walked into the inn, he made his way over to one of the many tables where a singular man sat, drinking a cup of what looked like an ale with a whore sitting in his lap. The whore let out a series of giggles as the man fondled her hips. Bennedict sat down opposite the man who looked up confused at the young man in front of him.
"Who are you?" The man asked, his grip on the whore tightening as if he feared Bennedict came here to steal her from him, Bennedict would rather cut his arm off.
Without uttering a word Bennedict reached to his side and pulled out his dagger from its sheath and placed it down in front of him on the table. The man leaned closer to read the words carved on the dagger, 'Winter is coming', and he let out a gasp. The whore was pushed to the side in an instant, she let out a shocked squeal and turned to glare at the man.
"Come" The man stood up and without even sparing Bennedict a glance moved to walk out of the inn. Bennedict sheathed his dagger back and nodded at the whore in a way to apologise before he followed the man.
"What brings you here?" The man asked, the second Bennedict had stepped out into the fresh night air of Essos. Bennedict pulled back his hood to show his head full of curls that had been slicked back and half-tied behind his head.
"Is this how you greet an old friend?" Bennedict grumbled, his deep voice would have left any man shivering in his boots but not the man, the man's eyes brightened once they met those of Bennedict's.
"I have missed you dearly, friend" The man grinned showing his perfectly healthy teeth, unlike many men Bennedict has encountered on his journey to Essos. The two men embraced tightly, each one having more stories to tell the other than they count but the man could sense the urgency in Bennedict and pulled away.
"I believe this is not a mere visit, is it?" The man quipped pulling away from Bennedict brows knitted together as he nodded his head.
"I fear I need your help Edwyn" Bennedict sighed, one of his hands moved up to push back his already slicked hair.
"What is the matter, Lord Stark?" Edwyn asked, one of his hands wrapped around Bennedict's biceps and pulling him to move. Bennedict followed blindly, he had known Edwyn his entire life and trusted him more than anyone.
"My father was executed" Bennedict spoke lowly, the hurt and bitterness were evident in his voice. Edwyn froze in his place and turned to look at Bennedict's face horrified.
"My Lord-" Bennedict stopped Edwyn before he could kneel down in front of him. Edwyn looked at Bennedict confused by his action.
"My brother Robb has claimed himself king of the north, rebelling against Joffrey for killing our father" Bennedict explained, his sigh alone sounded like it was heaving with the weight of the incidents that has happened.
"But you are the eldest" Edwyn's scratchy voice held shock. Ever since they were children Edwyn like anyone else had known that Bennedict and Robb Stark were the closest siblings that Winterfell has ever seen, they were always stuck to each other's sides, helping each other and teaching each other and with the small age gap they had even attended the same lessons alongside Edwyn himself.
"We had a falling out, he wishes to gather an army to march to King's Landing which I find foolish considering the Lannisters would never let that happen" Bennedict and Edwyn seemed to have finally reached Edwyn's home, Edwyn stopped in front of a blue colored house with a green door. He pulled out the key and opened the door letting Lord Stark inside his home. He scrambled to light as many candles as possible.
"You have a beautiful and humble home, suits you" Bennedict joked touching the sword hung on the wall for display. Edwyn's old sword, the one he used to use when he was still in Winterfell before having decided to leave the entirety of Westeros and moving to Essos out of heartbreak.
"What do you think then? Why are you here?" Edwyn ignored Bennedict's words and remained fixated on the topic. Bennedict sighed and plopped down on one of the chairs in what seemed to be the kitchen.
"I am here in search of Targaryen girl" Bennedict answered truthfully. Edwyn hummed and moved to pull some bread and cheese from another room and brought them to Bennedict, the wooden plates made a small thumping noise as they landed on the wooden table. Bennedict nodded in gratitude and began eating, he was basically starving after days of travels and barely any breaks for him to find food and eat.
"Why? Is it her dragons you seek?" Edwyn sat opposite Bennedict and looked at him suspiciously. Bennedict chewed quietly contemplating how much of his plan he should tell his old friend.
"In a way, yes, I seek an alliance with her. After all, she is the true Queen, Targaryens for all their faults were mostly peaceful rulers except for a few runts in the litter" Bennedict's deep voice rumbled out like a true wolf's voice. The sound of scratching on the door interrupted the friends. Edwyn's hand snapped to his belt in search of his dagger but Bennedict held out his hand stopping him.
Bennedict got up from his chair with a grin and moved to open the door. A grey wolf strutted into the room as if it owned the house and moved closer to Edwyn who sat frozen in shock at the sight of a direwolf so many years after they had gone extinct from the inside of the wall.
"Meet Azure, she is one of the few Direwolves left, each one of us Starks has one, even Jon" Bennedict bent down to scratch behind her ear making her huff and sit down in front of him. Bennedict reached over for a piece of cheese and gave it to her which she munched on happily.
"Now, where is the Targaryen girl?" Bennedict asked looking up at Edwyn, who shook himself back to reality but his mouth remained slightly open in shock.
"Qarth" Edwyn whispered, his eyes never leaving the wolf's form as she finished her cheese and walked over to him, her azure eyes remained on his face, now he knew why Bennedict had named her Azure, her eyes were the perfect shade. Edwyn felt a surge of bravery hit him and he reached down to per the wolf who grinned showing him her sharp fangs.
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Bennedict's horse was running at full speed, no one could keep up with him even Edwyn who was panting as he urged his exhausted horse to follow the Lord of Winterfell. Azure however was an exception, she let out a loud howl as she raced the horse thinking this a game.
Bennedict sighed at the sight of the golden doors at the end of the desert greeting him. He knew he needed a way to go in for the people in there would not let him in easily. When he reached the doors he stopped his horse who dropped down in exhaustion. Bennedict gave him an apple before moving to the doors and knocking, much to his shock the doors opened wide and there was no one standing there, no one at all.
"What in the world?" Bennedict walked in and looked around, it was as if the place was empty of people, he did not know what was going on. But as if a grace had been sent to him by the gods what looked like a servant passed by and Bennedict ceased him before he could leave.
"Where is Daenerys Targaryen?" Bennedict asked. The servant's eyes widened at the sight of Bennedict inside the city.
"Where is she?" Bennedict demanded, he grabbed the servant by his collar and heaved him up making his feet dangle below him.
"Tower" The servant pointed. Bennedict followed where he had pointed and pushed him away. With a hand over his sword Bennedict sprinted, he felt the end of this journey at his fingertips, he was finally going to meet this girl who had King Robert so scared and wishing to kill.
Bennedict was heaving by the time he reached the tower but what he saw made his heart drop. There stood what looked like a knight and a Dothraki soldier. The two of them turned to him with their weapons at the ready.
"Calm, I am here in peace" Bennedict pulled his hand away from his sword and held his arms up. The Dothraki and the Knight looked at each other skeptical.
"I am Bennedict Stark, of Winterfell" Bennedict introduced himself. The knight gasped and dropped his sword in horror. The Dothraki although he looked confused still held his ground with his weapon at the ready.
"What are you doing so far away from him, Lord Stark?" The Knight asked. Bennedict sighed and looked up at the tower in front of him, his eyes squinting in the sunlight.
"It is a long story, where is the Khaleesi? Is that not how you call her now?" Bennedict asked, he wished to step closer but the Dothraki was still in a fighting stance. The knight reached over and pushed his arm down while muttering something in Dothraki. The Dothraki grumbled but let his arm down.
"We came here after her dragons were stolen and while searching for the entrance she disappeared" The knight explained. Bennedict walked over to the tower and touched the stones, they were smooth and very hard to climb, no way anyone would make it up without falling.
Suddenly the stones where Bennedict's hand was touching began to morph and he stepped back confused. The knight and Dothraki soldier stepped over to him watching with fascination as an entry way appeared and a blonde woman stepped out with three dragons. Bennedict's eyes widened and he looked her over and over not believing his eyes.
She paused and looked at him confused, not knowing who this was. Bennedict gulped and made the hard decision, he was the one seeking her help not the other way around and although she was an exiled woman, she had dragons and she was the rightful queen.
"Queen Daenerys" Bennedict closed his brown eyes as he kneeled down in front of the woman. She let out a soft gasp and watched his every move.
"I am Bennedict Stark, rightful Lord of Winterfell, here to pledge my alliance" Bennnedict spoke softly. She looked behind him as if searching for something but found nothing.
"Lord Stark with no soldiers or bannermen?" she sounded as if she was mocking him, he looked up at her and could see the playful glint in her eyes, she meant no harm, she was teasing him.
"My brother had decided to proclaim himself king of the north and the people had followed him, they have had enough of the rule of the Lannisters" Bennedict explained, his head fell down in shame, he had come here alone. He found himself feeling foolish to think she would even glance at him when he had nothing with him except the fur cloak on his shoulders and his weapons.
"Rise Lord Stark" Her smooth voice sends shivers down his spine. He pushed himself to his feet and looked upon her, letting himself now admire her and not the dragons with her. He would be a madman to not see how truly beautiful she was, a goddess he dared say.
"I have some unfinished business I need to attend to, then I will speak with you" She passed him followed by her knight and Dothraki soldier. Bennedict turned around and watched as she walked away from him with her dragons and two soldiers, he felt shivers run down his spine.
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The next thing Bennedict knows is he is on a ship in a room with Edwyn and Azure. He sat on a chair with Azure perched beside him as he petted her to keep her calm in the closed scenery they found themselves in. He could hear the screeches of the dragons from outside but he had preferred to remain in the room that was provided for him and Edwyn.
"Do you reckon she will throw you out soon?" Edwyn asked, munching an apple. Bennedict glared at his friend for such a suggestion but he knew deep down anyone sane would, he had nothing, no land, no army, or money at the moment. He had been abandoned by his men in favour of his younger brother who they claim is the king in the north.
"Perhaps" Bennedict took a deep breathe to calm his nerves down. The doors to the room opened showing the beautiful Targaryen woman, she had a neutral face on not showing any feelings.
"Your grace" Bennedict and Edwyn immediately jumped to their feet and bowed to her. She hummed looking around the room before pausing on Edwyn.
"Leave us, please" Edwyn bowed and left without a second thought. Bennedict had a feeling that Edwyn was afraid of the dragon queen but he remained silent on the matter.
"Tell me Lord Stark, why are you here?" She asked as she glided to the other side of the table, her hand touching the wooden surface as she moved. Her hands looked small and smooth and Bennedict found himself wondering what they would feel like against his skin.
"I came seeking your help in return for my help" He cringed thinking how foolish he may have sounded. He was a man with nothing to his name now.
"I have heard of your father's passing and your brother's betrayal" She sat herself down on the chair Edwyn had sat on earlier. She nodded at the chair signalling for Bennedict to do the same. Bennedict sat down and reached for Azure but she turned her back to him and walked over to the queen, her nose twitching with curiosity. Daenerys held her hand out and waited patiently for the wolf to take a whiff of her scent before she started to pet her head.
"Then I have nothing more to say, you know everything" Bennedict sighed, his eyes turning to look out the small window with a look hard to read on his face. His eyes glazed over as if he was flying to a different place in his head.
"Yes, I do know" Daenerys pushed her chair back and stood back up. She walked around the table almost as if she was flirting with her movements.
"Tell me why I should let you join me?" She questioned, her hand reached up to touch his chin and forced his head up so he would look her in the eyes. His stubble tickled her palm earning a small smile from her lips but her eyes were strong still, she was a powerful woman and he knew it.
"I never break a vow" Bennedict mumbles, his heart leaping out of his chest at the touch of her hand. He swallowed thickly and her eyes followed the movement.
"Then vow to me, to serve me, to never betray me" She ordered. Bennedict pushed his chair forcing her hand to drop back down to her side, he almost sighed with disappointment. He slid down on his knee and looked up at her, straight into her eyes.
"I swear to you, Queen Daenerys, I shall never serve anyone but you. I shall never betray you and I shall always kneel only for you. I shall choose you above all else" Bennedict bowed his head once he was done speaking and awaited her rejection, he could feel it in his bones.
"Even above your family?" Daenerys wondered. Bennedict's head snapped up to look at her confused.
"You said you would choose me above all else, would you choose me above your family? You are a Stark and Starks are loyal after all" She remarked. Her words had taken Bennedict off guard, his eyes widened and his body had stiffened. He had never expected her to say such a thing, he had never expected her to ask such a thing.
"Would you?" She snapped him back to reality by touching his chin and raising his head up so he would look her in the eyes, so she could read every emotion rushing through his eyes, hurt, betrayal, anger, confusion, conflict.
"We will see in time, won't we" She smirked down, patting his chin. She sidestepped him and moved towards the door.
"You will let me stay?" He asked, he felt shocked. He turned around watching as she paused at the door. She turned to face him as well.
"I would be heartless to let you go after you traveled so far to see me" She responded. Bennedict's chest contracted at her words and he nodded his head while still on his knees.
"Welcome Lord Stark" With that said she opened the door and stepped outside, leaving him alone in the chamber. His eyes wandered up to the sky through the window and he sighed at the sight of the blue and pure skies above.
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Bennedict Stark aesthetic 2
Bennedict Stark face claim: Ryan Corr
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Daenerys Targaryen Masterlist
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Kinktober 2023-2024
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Daenerys Targaryen: Bennedict Stark
Bennedict Stark aesthetic 2
One Shots:
A Winter's Vow
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The process of watching Infinity War.
as told by Tom Holland.
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