#bengali langblr
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
A List of "Beautiful" Bengali Words & Phrases
for your next poem/story
Āguna - fire
Amader - ours; belonging; sense of community and collectivism
Ami shobai ke bhalo chai - I want everyone to be good
Āśā - hope
Bolo na janoa kichu - say something, please
Br̥ṣṭipāta - rainfall
Buddhiman - intelligent
Cā - tea
Chokh - (or cōkha) eye
Chomotkar - said when one looks at something in wonder; magnificent
Cirantana - eternal
Diganta - horizon
Ghore - home
Golpo - stories
Haashi - (or hashi) smile; laughter
Kichu na bola jay - don’t say anything
Kotha - words; speech
Moner agun - the burning fire within one’s heart; passion, desire
Mukhosh - mask
Phula - flower
Prem - (or prēma) love
Raag - anger; rage
Samprīti - harmony
Shundor - beautiful
Śubharātri - goodnight
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 ⚜ More: Word Lists
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or send me a link. I would love to read them!
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bongboyblog · 2 years ago
সবাইকে দোল পূর্ণিমার শুভেচ্ছা! 🎨 Happy Dol Pūrṇimā!
Happy Holi to the rest of the subcontinent! 🎨
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tlajtollirambles · 1 year ago
Go watch this video about how language shapes gender by India in pixels.
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salvadorbonaparte · 2 years ago
hi there :) i was just wondering if you have any resources to learn bengali? my bf really wants to learn the language and i am unfortunately quite bad at speaking it myself and we’re struggling to find good resources on it. thank you!
Hi there! My Bengali folder currently has 5 resources in it.
You should also check out blogs like @banglanotebook
I have a Bengali Hashtag on my blog that you can browse for more resources, vocabulary lists and other things I reblogged about Bengali
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kelseythelinguist · 2 years ago
As someone who is interested in and is learning Bengali, and as someone who enjoys linguistics, I love digging into dialects. Also I love languages that are diglossias, for some reason. 😅
I’m this article, I detail some of the main dialects (some of which are controversial as speakers may consider their language separate), and some common differences between them and the standard.
I’m not a native speaker though, so if there are any mistakes, do let me know. 😅
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indigostudies · 1 year ago
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it's been a while—a bit more than six months!—since i first made an intro post for this blog, and since then, i've gained a lot of followers, and my focuses have shifted slightly, so i wanted to make a langblr reintro post to reflect that.
you can call me jiayi (家宜). 2024-2025 is my fourth year in post-secondary education overall, and my second year working on my bachelor's degree.
originally, i was an intended combination STEM-humanities major, but due to a variety of reasons, i am now exclusively focusing on humanities. my majors are chinese, middle eastern languages and cultures, and linguistics. i'm also passionate about translation and sexuality studies and asian languages in general, especially turkic and sinitic languages.
i am west asian and speak english, chinese, and turkish as my mother tongues, and i am more or less functionally conversational in german, at around a B1 level. my current language focuses for independent study are korean and bengali, but i'm also interested in mongolian, vietnamese, shanghainese, and kurmanci.
for my study tools, you can find an ask i answered here that extensively details what programmes, apps, and sites i use to study (slightly out of date currently, but not wildly so). besides that, you can find my collection of resource posts generally under the tag #resources, my chinese-specific posts under #汉语, and answered asks under #inbox.
you can also find me on my writeblr at @indigowriting!
i'm always open to asks and dms! i want to use this account as a resource for other people with interest in learning languages, and i'd love to make friends :)
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languageswithhomer · 6 months ago
❀𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒚𝒃𝒍𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐❀
Hi there! My name is Phi, I’m from the UK and I’m currently studying a Linguistics and Languages degree. My dream is to become a Speech Therapist (also an author, translator and language teacher on the side - I have a lot of dreams, and most of them are about words!) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
why have I made this blog?
Since I am a distance-learning student, it can sometimes be difficult to find the motivation to study so I really hope this blog will hold me accountable and keep me productive.
I also really admire the studyblr & langblr communities and hope to make some friends who are similarly passionate about all things languages! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
what languages will I post about?
Languages I speak/ am currently learning:
♡ English (Native/ C2)
Posts will be tagged #english and/or #english resources
♡ Castilian Spanish (intermediate to advanced/ B2 -> C1)
Posts will be tagged #castellano and/or #recursos castellano
Please note: I refer to the language as Castilian/ castellano instead of Spanish/ español out of respect for the co-official languages of Spain and also to recognise the language’s divergence from its Latin American variants
♡ German (Beginner/ A2)
Posts will be tagged #deutsch and/or #deutsche Ressourcen
⭒ I will make posts expanding on my background with each language soon ⭒
Languages I hope to start studying soon:
♡ Scottish Gaelic
I intend to begin independent study of Gàidhlig in September - October 2024 and I’m so excited!
♡ Russian
My friend and I are going to begin buddy learning Russian in March 2025 and I can’t wait!
♡ Catalan
I’m so excited to learn Catalan but, given its similarities with Spanish, I don’t want to confuse myself. So I intend to start learning it when I have finished my degree in May 2027!
⭒ If you have any questions or advice for me based on these languages, please don’t hesitate to drop me an ask or a message ⭒
Other languages I’m interested in (warning: there’s a lot):
♡ Irish, Welsh, Scots, Cornish, Manx, Greek, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Dutch, Italian (especially Sicilian), Cherokee, Navajo, Guarani, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Korean, Yiddish, Hebrew, Bengali, Basque, French, Monegasque, Portuguese, Arabic, Ladino, Old/ Middle English, Hawaiian, Cantonese
What are my other passions?
♡ Books and poetry (I have a book blog @phireads if you’re interested)
♡ Writing
♡ Fibre arts (mainly knitting, crochet and sewing - though I really want to try embroidery and beading)
♡ Baking
♡ Reading
♡ Language conservation
♡ Wildlife (especially British, especially birds)
♡ Period Dramas
♡ History (with a focus on fashion history)
♡ Classics (as in Greco-Roman, my study buddy is a marble bust of the Greek poet, Homer, who is the namesake of this blog)
⭒ That’s all for now, I’ll be regularly posting study content at the end of September with the start of the academic year. So excited to meet you all! ⭒
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langblrwhy · 5 years ago
Me: Okay, I need to be fluent on esperanto in 2 weeks, maybe on this vacations I could watch some french movies to practice, and I want to study more russian
Me after a single post on Tumblr.com: I wanna start bengali
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banglanotebook · 6 years ago
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| muslim bengali bride appreciation
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matrahin · 6 years ago
ভূগোল [Geography]
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ভূগোল (bhūgōl) – geography
উচ্চতা (ūcchōta) – altitude
খাল (khāl) – canal
বদ্বীপ (bōdīp) – delta
মরুভূমি (mōrūbhūmi) – desert
হিমবাহ (himbāhō) – glacier
উপসাগর (ūpōsāgōr) – gulf
পাহাড় (pāhāṛ) – mountain
সমভূমি (śômōbhūmi) – plain
মালভূমি (mālbhūmi) – plateau
প্রণালী (prôṇālī) – strait
উপত্যকা (ūpôtôkkā) – valley
অক্ষাংশ (ôkkhangśō) – latitude
দ্রাঘিমা (drāghimā) – longitude
গোলার্ধ (gōlārdhō) – hemisphere
উত্তর (ūttōr) – north
দক্ষিণ (dōkkhīn) – south
পূর্ব (pūrbō) – east
পশ্চিম (pōśchīm) – west
মাধ্যাহ্নিক (māddhāhnīk) – meridian
মহাসাগর (môhāśāgōr) – ocean
সমুদ্র (śōmūdrō) – sea
পুকুর (pūkūr) – pond, lake
নদী (nōdī) – river
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bongboyblog · 1 year ago
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শুভ বিজয়া!
To all my wonderful readers, I wish you a very auspicious and happy Bijôyā Dôshomi/Dussehra/Dasain/Dasara!
May the Goddess bless you with prosperity and joy!
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tlajtollirambles · 1 year ago
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currylangs · 6 years ago
Bengali sentence structure
Today we’ll learn three sentence structures in Bengali for three commonly used expressions. 
to be:
  subject pronoun + amount টি/টা/ জন  + noun.  *টি /টা refers to anything nonhuman জন refers to a human 
          আমি + একজন + ছাত্রী 
            এটি + একটি + কলম 
 same rule applies for plural pronouns: 
       subject pronoun + amount টি/টা/ জন  + noun    *you can either say the        number or use কয়েক (some)
      আমরা + চারজন + স্বেচ্ছাসেবী                  
     ঐগুলো + কয়েকটি + পাখি 
to have:
  possesive pronoun + amount টি/টা/ জন + noun + আছে 
             আমার + দুইজন + বোন + আছে 
            উনাদের + তিনটি + ছাগল + আছে 
to not have:
 possesive pronoun + কোনো (any)/ amount টি/টা/ জন  + noun  + নেই 
      আমাদের + সাতটা + গাড়ি + নেই 
      উনার + কোনো + সময় + নেই 
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notetaeker · 2 years ago
Knowing 5 languages with mediocre skill is not enough I need to be rlly bad at a 6th one
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normalweirdoboy · 3 years ago
My great grandfather was so freaking coooooool
He knew English, Hindi, Urdu, Odia and possibly Arabic, along with Bangla!
And that's a big thing for someone coming from a tiny village in Midnapore (plus we're talking about pre-independent India!). It seems he'd call the wandering fakirs and beggars home, feed them, and ask them to teach him how to read and write the Arabic and Devanagari scripts. English was the then official language and Odia, I'm guessing he learned it from the locals (big Odia diaspora in western Bengal).
Never felt proud of my family like this before lmaoo
Guess I take after him heheh 😌
Edit: Oh wait, he knew some Sanskrit too!!! 'Cause he was a great fan of reading religious texts and stuff (another interest we both share lol)
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southasianlanguages · 3 years ago
Resource List for Learning Bengali/Bangla
Hello! Do you want to learn Bengali/Bangla but don't know where to start? Then I've got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its link below! Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. Here is what the resource list contains;
"Handmade" resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning the script.
Websites to practice reading the script.
Documents to enhance your Bengali vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Bengali.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of Bengali grammar!
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