#benefits of having a website for your business
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likeuslimited · 2 days ago
In today’s digital world, having a website is no longer a luxury but a necessity. A well-designed website helps businesses establish credibility, attract customers, and enhance their online presence. This blog explores the top 5 reasons why you need a website, covering aspects like brand visibility, customer engagement, SEO benefits, and more. Whether you're a startup, small business, or a freelancer, discover why investing in a website is essential for long-term success.
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followerofmercy · 3 months ago
Networking/Knowing A Guy: A Guide
This is the autism website. Now, as an extension of the power of love and friendship, there are few things more useful than Knowing A Guy. Knowing A Guy means you have a support network. Knowing a plumber, or a tax accountant, or just that one dude that's really fucking good at finding the information you need when you're really overwhelmed, can be the difference between being able to pay rent and having a fun party with friends to fix your shit.
How does one end up Knowing A Guy? It's a skill you can develop called Networking and it is one of the foundations of society. Unfortunately making those connections with people is fucking hard and nobody makes a tutorial for it. So, here you go:
The golden rule is you scratch my back and I scratch yours
It is necessary for survival to seek out useful people
Great news! Everyone is useful in some form or fashion - including you! When given the opportunity to learn about someone, do it! Extroversion does not come naturally to some people and that's okay. Just take whatever falls in your lap.
Types of usefulness: trade skills, connections of their own, personality you jive with, pleasant to talk to, niche interest in shared hobby, security - the list is pretty much endless. I know a guy that lives in the metro area - no job, no major hobbies, inoffensively annoying to me personally, kinda ignorant, not attractive to me, but you know what? He knows how the fuck to get around the city by foot. My rural-raised ass APPRECIATES the guide.
Remember important information: general personality, background, skillset, likes and dislikes. You can find this information by making smalltalk about their life. There is no such thing as pointless conversation. (Yes, even the annoying smalltalk)
The more people you know, the higher the likelihood that one of them will be useful in a given situation - or will know someone who is.
It is overwhelming. In a given clique/community/workspace/whatever, there is A Guy Who Knows The Other Guys. This Guy is a shortcut. Find them. They're often elderly, extroverted, a little bit annoying, a secretary or in some otherwise forward-facing position. Look for people that are gossipy/talk about other people a lot but not in negative ways. If they constantly talk shit, they'll talk shit about you too. They're still useful but be careful with the information you share
You do not have to like someone for them to be useful.
You do not have to like someone for them to be useful.*
If you have low self esteem, you're going to feel like you're using people. You're not. That's the devil talking. People like feeling valued and the connections you are making are the threads holding community together. Recognize people for their talents. It's only a problem when you're taking advantage of people
So: don't feel scummy about it. You're an animal. You have to claw out your right to survive and people will respect you more for it.
Luckily mutualism is the name of the game in the animal kingdom. Offer something back. The foundation of a Know A Guy relationship is Mutual Benefit
Sometimes that Mutual Benefit is just spreading news of the The Guy far and wide. My plumber friend is my actual friend and I love her to death, but I'm maintaining our backscratch relationship by pimping out her plumbing business to anyone that'll listen
Food is a good Mutual Benefit. People across cultures for all of human history have bonded over food. I have good success asking people for a favor and then offering to buy them lunch in return **
General compensation is also good. Offer a service in return and always do your best to offer financial compensation as appropriate. Having your plumber friend take a look at your drain: doable with a case of beer. Having your plumber friend redo the pipes in your entire house? You need to pay for that.
Being transactional is not necessarily a bad thing. I would advise against keeping an itemized list of things owed, but fish don't seek out cleaner shrimp just because they enjoy their company. Everyone gets something
Unfortunately being extroverted and generally personable is a huge benefit here, but that's the value of the Guy That Knows A Guy. There's someone out there that has consolidated All The Guys so you don't have to be the local expert. Always remember nobody can do everything and you don't need to master every skill
* This is the foundation of a functioning community. I have many acquaintances that I find incredibly annoying. They include doctors, welders, artists, social workers, lawyers, construction crew and random fuckers at the grocery store. I do not hang out with them. I do not have to in order to maintain a civil Know A Guy relationship. I can drop them useful tidbits and fuck right off so I don't have to spend any more time than necessary with them
** People may assume romantic intent. Be prepared for that. I generally denote that it's a friendly/work lunch by calling them bro at some point if they're my age. Otherwise my general demeanor is sufficient to show that I do this with everyone
Source: personal experience, mother's teachings of crime, booth vending and poverty
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theabigailthorn · 4 months ago
We know you were on accutane. Stop lying
not that it would matter if I had, and not that it's any of your business, but I have in fact never taken accutane.
This is a useful teaching moment though, because what you're doing is a well-studied phenomenon in digital media called 'policing fake femininity.' It's a thing people do to women in the public eye, a specific kind of criticism centred around accusations of being inauthentic, fake, or having cheated in some way. Often it's men doing the policing but women do it to each other a lot too, there are whole websites dedicated to it in fact. Often those criticisms centre around our appearances, as yours did here.
It's sometimes a response to perceived inequality, of which there is plenty! Women in the public eye - myself included - do benefit from a lot of privilege. I've always been quite open about that. People who engage in that kind of public bullying often tell themselves that because of the privilege (or perceived privilege) of their targets the fake femininity policing is socially justified, or the fault of the target. But it doesn't really do anything to correct the structural problems that give rise to that inequality.
In their paper "Policing Fake Femininity," scholars Brooke Duffy, Kate Miltner, and Amanda Wahlstedt say,
“The solution to the structural concerns associated with capitalist patriarchy is not, we contend, to label individual influencers “stupid famewhores” and disparage their mental health in ways that invoke the spectre of hysteria (e.g., “batsh*t crazy,�� “delusional,” and “lunatic”). As Chemaly [Rage Becomes Her, 2018] argues, it is necessary that girls and women express their anger, but such a directive “is not an endorsement of unbridled rage, or permission to deliver a swift roundhouse kick to the face of anyone who upsets you, or to regularly fill the spaces you live and work in with hostility and discomfort.” While venting anger at these influencers and their purportedly questionable choices may provide some form of much-needed catharsis, such gender-coded vitriol amplifies the rampant misogyny and toxicity that women already face in online environments.”
If you'd like to know more, I recommend:
Steve Cross & Jo Littler, “Celebrity and schadenfreude: The cultural economy of fame in freefall,” in Cultural Studies
Brooke Duffy, Kate Miltner, & Amanda Wahlstedt, “Policing “fake” femininity: Authenticity, accountability, and influencer anti-fandom,” in New Media & Society
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shiftchii · 5 months ago
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U.A. High in my DR !
Students are separated randomly into specific departments and classes sectioned by the letters A-K.
These departments are:
Department of Heroics (A - B): Students in this department learn everything they need to know in order to become excellent heroes in service to the community. They are trained in battle, first aid, rescue, support, and all manners of heroic-related lessons.
Department of General Education C - E): Students who don’t make it to the hero course are included here. This department supports students aiming for college and other pursuits. It’s also possible for students with good grades and exceptional strength and quirk skills to be transferred into the hero course (And either the support or business course mind you). Basically regular HS but they get to say that they went to UA on their resume.
Department of Support (F - H): Students here focus on developing support equipment that helps heroes out on the battlefield. With a workspace stock to the brim with all sorts of special tools and their own studio to build things, this department provides an unmatched creative environment.
Department of General Management (I - K): This department focuses on all aspects of heroic business, from the founding and managing of hero agencies to the promotion of public opinion regarding heroes. They even do hands-on lessons in venture capitalism. They have a lot of free time.
Each class is usually comprised of 21 students. That means that the total student population at UA would be 693.
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We stay in the same class with the same teacher for all 3 years.
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Since UA is a highly prestigious school, we get a lot of funding and benefits for the dorms and when we go on trips and whatnot. (Food we buy for the dorms is paid for, we get free snacks/concessions in the sports festival, free hero costume updates and renewals)
The school curriculum is way less loaded than here. The school system is much better.
The Hero Teachers are actually good at teaching.
Since U.A. is famous, it has many sponsors with support and hero merch companies, so some hero course students (usually 3rd years) have their own hero merch already. Students are sometimes sponsored and do photoshoots and are invited to red carpet events. (Following the School Festival, Class 1-A gets loads of sponsors and stuff!)
The teachers and students are encouraged to decorate their classes and most of them do so.
U.A. has a popular school website.
Staff and students are recommended to have Twitter to update the public events, the majority of the students obviously don't take this seriously, there's always someone who has beef and makes it public (Monoma) and it always ends up like those MHA Tweets, it’s the funniest thing ever.
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School is Monday - Friday and starts at 8:25 and finishes at 15:10. Regular classes take place during the first half of school, then the afternoon (for the Dept. of Heroics) you will have hero training. Only Dept. of Heroics students have an additional 7th period.
The teachers move between classes while the students stay in 1 class (besides electives).
Wednesdays are half days and only consist of hero training (so no typical school work), though sometimes it's replaced by FHS. You also don't have to wear your uniform on Wednesdays.
We will always have some kind of free time for school despite our somewhat busy schedules.
Not all school days are the same (emergency drills, other schools coming to train with us, etc.).
Core Subjects for Dept. of Heroics
Homeroom: Taught by Aizawa. Acts as a study hall. The class reps will often give a small meeting with the class about important events during this period.
Japanese: Taught by Cementoss. Focuses on reading, writing, and literature.
Mathematics: Taught by Ectoplasm. Covers algebra, geometry, and calculus.
English: Taught by Present Mic. Emphasizes reading, writing, and conversation skills.
Home Economics: Taught by Midnight. Cooking and other aspects of household management.
Foundational Hero Studies (FHS): Taught by All Might, Aizawa or Midnight. Hero related studying: hero laws, safety precautions, first aid, jsl, media training, dividing hero and civilian identity etc.
Hero Training: Taught by various teachers, usually Aizawa or All Might, it changes every week and we are informed about the activities during homeroom. For example: Quirkless Combat, Rescue Training, Combat, Quirk Training etc.
Elective Subjects
Thought by various teachers. This is the only class where students move instead of teachers, these are shared, so you could end up with classmates from other classes. Students get to completely choose what electives they have. If they don’t choose, they are placed in extra training or study hall.
Foreign Languages (e.g., Chinese, Korean)
Art Foundations
Film Analysis
Computer Programming
Animal Work
Volunteer Work
Student Council
Literature Analysis
Study Hall
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Class 1-A Timetable
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Around UA campus
The updated UA security system is really good. The sensors are so good, you don't even need to have your ID out. They can scan it anywhere on your person. If you lost or misplaced your ID, the gates also have facial recognition software, so it's fine. If you're not a student or staff, you NEED a visitor pass or the school will go into lockdown on you.
We can use our school IDs to get snacks and drinks from vending machines around the school hallways. It’s free and they are replenished daily.
UA has a courtyard where we can eat outside. Most of the 2nd and 3rd years get food from places outside of the school campus and eat outside in the courtyard. Because of this, the cafeteria isn't as crowded and when we eat lunch we can sit and enjoy our food comfortably. The cafeteria is also luxurious and looks like a fancy mall café.
The library is huge and has many resources with much to explore. There are many different levels with varying types of quiet floors and study halls. It's also open 24/7 so students who are fighting to finish a project can pull all-nighters.
There’s a little shop that has U.A. and hero merch and school supplies including books for courses. You can also buy the merch on the online website.
UA has extracurricular groups and clubs for those who aren't in the hero course such as other sports and things like cheerleaders, debate, theater, music, cooking, ballet, and much more. I mean, hero course students CAN do those things but they WILL have a hard time doing so all while dealing with said hero responsibilities. As mentioned before, business course students have a lot of free time and general ED students are basically regular HS students who just so happen to be going to UA and for support course students, it really depends on how much work you choose to take on for yourself.
There is a study center where students who need extra help can go. Students with failing grades must go here for a set amount of hours to get the help they need. It’s strictly work, and talking about anything other than school is basically prohibited. It’s usually run by Ectoplasm and his clones or Hound Dog.
Work studies & Internships
All first years do an internship, it’s required. This is usually after the sports festival when students have had a chance to show off their skills.
Work studies are basically experience-oriented off-study programs that allow students in the hero course who have Provisional Licenses to work with pros at their agencies. Students will be able to use their quirks under the guidance of a pro, and can even be dispatched to fight villains and help out in disaster areas. If you do well, you can be scouted to become the hero’s sidekick.
Work studies are a more serious version of internships. They entail helping pro heroes on the streets and with investigations. They are usually reserved for 2nd and 3rd-year students, who usually have their licenses. 1st years didn't do them in the past. However, with the rise of villain activity, the school decided to open up work studies to 1st years as well, albeit a very small and select few of them. If they didn't find a good agency with a proven track record they wouldn't do it at all.
U.A. has seasonal dances and a lot of events, like Halloween, Hero Day and other festivals.
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Color palette
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The uniforms the students receive consist of 4 sets of each clothing (besides the coat and varsity jacket):
Long sleeve
Short sleeved
Long sleeves
Sleeveless (two color variations)
Long sleeved (two color variations)
Sleeveless (two color variations)
Long sleeved (two color variations)
Below The Knee
Below The Knee
Bow Tie
Knee High
Thigh High
Varsity Jacket
Gym Clothing
Tank top
Loose Zip-up Sweatshirt (long sleeves, short sleeves, sleeveless)
Cropped Zip-up Sweatshirt (long sleeves, short sleeves, sleeveless)
Below Knee Shorts
Sleeveless, Short sleeved and Long sleeved
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Uniforms aren’t required on Wednesdays
Students are allowed to accessorize their uniforms however they want and wear their own jackets
Piercings, colored hair, nails, makeup etc. are allowed
The uniforms aren’t gendered - all students receive all versions and are allowed to wear whichever one they prefer
For students with mutant type Quirks, custom made uniforms are made
Button and sleeve/lapel stripe differences between the department uniforms [1-General education, 2-Hero, 3-Support, 4-Management].
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School Bag
Along with the Uniforms the school hands out bags. You can return them and use your own if you’d like.
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A standard deep blue nylon matching the uniforms. The U.A. logo sits at the right bottom corner.
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If you’re standing at the front of the classroom looking out at the desks, the seating arrangement starts at the leftmost side of the room (“A” names), going front to back and then going to the next row to the right, and so on.  keep in mind that the alphabetical order here is based on the Japanese alphabet. My number is 10.
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Here's how I laid out the desks for 21 students:
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Since we stay in the same classrooms for most of the days we can leave out stuff at our desks. They have shelves underneath with 2 outlets and lots of space.
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Class 1-A Friend Groups
Everyone is actually really close, but those are what groups spend the most time together. Of course we hang out in different groups or all together too.
We have frequent movie and game nights, 1-A has a group chat and it’s always active, there’s always someone wanting to do something. Sometimes we invite people from other classes.
Hitoshi (after he joins our class)
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I hope this was helpful! <3
© credits: seating arrangement • basics @/Priicklleshifts on TikTok • uniforms • dividers
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jessiarts · 1 month ago
Was recently reminded by my friend @teeg of just how much info Facebook collects to track you, and I want to share how to make that harder for them with the rest of you.
If you still have facebook/can't get rid of it (for any reason- we're not here to judge today) then you're going to want to clear your off-Meta activity.
You read that right, Meta tracks what you do off it's apps as well. It tracks other apps and websites that you use- whether you connected them to Facebook or not, AND places you visit IRL and when you visited. This includes not just stores and other businesses, but also allegedly includes hotels, schools and hospital/doctors offices. (I'm unfortunately unable to confirm the last three for myself as I didn't look closely at mine before deleting- and it's been years since I've graduated or stayed at a hotel, and months since I've been to a doctor. If anyone cares to confirm in the notes I'll update this post.)
This post will show you how to clear your off-Meta activity. (You'll also want to toggle off Ads data permissions, but I'll make another post about that later.)
First, go to your Profile Icon, then to Settings and Privacy to get to your Settings.
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Once in Settings you're going to click See more in Accounts Center. On desktop it should be in a box on the upper-left of the page.
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Once in Accounts Center you're going to click Your information and permissions, then Your activity off Meta technologies at the bottom of that window.
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Once in the Your activity off Meta technologies window you're going to notice at the bottom three buttons, Disconnect specific activity, Clear previous activity, and Manage future activity.
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You're going to want to first clear your previous activity and disconnect future activity. This will also automatically clear any activity that would be under the Disconnect specific activity tab, as it's just for picking and choosing what activity to delete.
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An added benefit to this is that it will also clear out some of the data Meta uses for its AI programs- not all, but hey- that's something.
Also, even if you can't delete your Facebook account, I urge you to please delete/uninstall the app from your phone as that's the #1 best way to keep it from tracking you everywhere you go IRL and online. That said, if you delete no other Meta app from your phone- make sure to delete FB messenger- it's literally the worst one, but that's another post, which I'll hopefully get to after the FB ads one I promised above.
Stay safe out there, and remember- fuck Facebook.
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pretty-circa006 · 8 months ago
Mystery Man
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Sugar Daddy! Coach! Negan x Cam girl! F! Reader
summary you finally find out who your mystery man is tags online relationship, meeting up with a stranger you met online, making out, almost sex, dirty talk, male masturbation, age gap
wc 3.7k words
part 1
note here's part 2! also thank you so much to all the people that follow me. it makes me really happy to know that that many people like reading what i write! and extra thank yous to the people that leave comments and repost. comments make me so happy, like kicking my feet and giggling happy!
*you are responsible for your own content consumption. if this is something you DO NOT like, simply DO NOT read or interact! :) *
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Ever since her video call a few weeks ago with the man online, they’ve been messaging each other quite frequently. It’s mostly flirtation and nudes, but it has quickly become her favorite part of the day. He even gave her his number so they can communicate outside of the camgirl website, but despite all this, they still haven’t seen each other’s faces. 
“Who’re you texting?” her friend asks as she tries to get a peek of her phone. 
“Nobody,” she snaps, turning her phone away from the other girl’s view. 
“C’mooon, lemme see!” she pushes trying to grab her phone. 
“Britney, stop it!” she urges and she hold her phone away from her nosey friend. Britney glares at her disappointedly, but stops trying to grab her phone. 
“Sorry, it’s just that I wanna keep this relationship kinda private until I know where it’s going, y’know?” she tells her friend half truthfully. 
“Yeah, whatever. I’m gonna go out before Coach Negan starts yelling at us again.” Britney leaves and she can finally resume her texting without any prying eyes. She reopens her messages and sees a picture from the man. He’s shirtless, revealing to her the tattoos on his chest, and palming his erection through his boxers, but of course his face isn’t in it. The text that followed reads Just watched some of your videos. She smiles to herself before typing back maybe one day you’ll get the real thing ;). Before she can get carried away, she shuts off her phone and puts it in her bag before joining the rest of the team out on the field. 
Coach Negan shouts her last name angrily and beckons her over with his hand. She rolls her eyes, feeling irate, and trudges over to him. He stands impatiently with his arms folded over his chest, his hazel eyes glaring down at her. 
“What?” she snaps, coming off a bit ruder than she intended. 
His glare hardens, but he doesn’t say anything about her attitude. “I just thought I’d let you know that this is the third time this week that you’ve been late to practice,” he states the obvious. 
“Okay? I know. Sorry, but things came up. What’s your problem?” she half truths. The things that kept coming up were more messages from her mystery man and she tended to lose track of time when it came to him. 
“It’s actually gonna become your fuckin’ problem because if you keep showing up late, you’re gonna put your track scholarship in jeopardy.” 
“Why is that any of your business‽” she asks defensively. 
“Despite you being my worst student, you are the best on this team, so it does benefit me to keep your rude ass around.” 
She glares up at him, matching the glare he’s already sending her. Shame washes over her, not only from slacking but from having Coach Negan of  all people call her out on it. Her scholarship isn’t something she can afford to lose, literally. Even though it only covers half of her tuition, it still helps a lot. 
“Well if keeping me around benefits you, maybe you should stop being such a dick to me.” 
He laughs sarcastically, exposing the dimples on his face along with his perfect teeth, before his face returns to a deadpan. 
“Or you can just get your shit together. Now go warm up with the others before you piss me off any further.” 
“Ugh!” she screams before leaving to join the others. 
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As soon as she gets to her apartment, she tosses her bag aside and flops down onto her couch. She pulls out her phone and checks her messages with the mystery man to see if she has any new ones. When she sees that she doesn’t, she opens the camgirl website to see if maybe he said anything there. Disappointment swells in her chest when she sees that there’s none there, either. She almost feels dumb for being so hung up on this stranger. The stranger she’s never met in real life and doesn’t know what he looks like. But talking to him makes her feel good, like someone actually cares about her. Even if their conversations were purely flirtatious and sexual, she can’t help but feel something for him. So she sends him a message. 
@ virginesque hey 
@ BigBadWolf Miss me already?
@ virginesque yes actually how was ur day?
@ BigBadWolf It was alright. How about yours baby? 
@ virginesque kinda shitty tbh. school sucks but talking to u makes my day better :)
@ BigBadWolf You must really want another tip, huh lol 
@ BigBadWolf sent $100.00
@ virginesque no, i rlly just wanted to talk to u :( 
@ BigBadWolf Well aren’t you just the cutest. What do you wanna talk about baby?
@ virginesque idk i kinda been wanting to get to know u better. u seem interesting 
@ BigBadWolf Well what do you want to know?
@ virginesque what do you look like???
@ BigBadWolf I don’t even know what you look like haha
@ virginesque fair. how old are u??
@ BigBadWolf 45, you?
@ virginesque 20 but i’ll be 21 soon 
Their conversation strayed away from the usual exchanging of risqué photos and flirtatious banter and instead they got to know each other by taking turns asking questions about one another. It’s almost two in the morning on a week day and their conversation is still going. 
@ BigBadWolf Do you accept gifts? I want to send you a gift
@ virginesque ooooh what is it???
@ BigBadWolf You’ll have to be patient and wait until you get it
@ virginesque fine :( u can send them to my PO box
@ BigBadWolf When you get it, I wanna see it in your next stream 
@ virginesque oh? no private video just for ur eyes?
@ BigBadWolf You can send me a few pictures ;)
@ virginesque cant wait :D
@ BigBadWolf Goodnight babygirl, it was nice chatting with you 
@ virginesque night! ♡♡
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Almost every day since the mystery man said he’s gonna send her a gift, she’s been checking her P.O. box on the way home from school. She’s gotten mail from her subscribers before, but it was usually weird stuff like disgusting fantasies about her, cumsocks, and other depraved things. But she knows her mystery man is nothing like those weirdos, which is why when there’s finally something in her P.O. box, she’s excited. 
As soon as she gets to her apartment she tears open the box and inside is a package from an expensive lingerie company. She tears open the package and inside is a quarter cup bra in a sheer white color with little flowers embroidered on it and a matching g-string. She hurries to the bathroom and changes into it. The bra doesn’t cover anything and even if it did, you could see right through it. What surprises her most is how perfectly each garment fits. She puts on some natural looking makeup before standing before the full length mirror in her bedroom. With her phone, she snaps a few pictures, each one a different pose. 
@ virginesque sent 6 attachments 
@ virginesque u like?
@ BigBadWolf Wow, it fits you perfectly. You look so fuckin sexy
@ virginesque thanks, i love it ♡
@ virginesque im gonna go start my stream now, maybe we can call after ??
@ BigBadWolf Can’t wait :) 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ 
“You looked so sexy on that stream, doll,” her mystery man compliments. This video call is a lot like their first one. Neither one of them showing their faces with only their bodies in the camera’s frame. 
“Don’t I always?” 
“Of course you fuckin’ do. Every picture you send me tightens my pants.” 
She giggles, smiling like a fool, but luckily he can’t see that. 
“I wish I could be there to help you out. I’d let you fill any hole you wanted.” 
He frees his cock from his sweatpants and from what she can see he doesn’t have any underwear on. 
“What else would you let me do?” he asks, his hardened dick in his large hand. 
“Hmmm, I’d be wearing a cute little dress with nothing underneath…”
“I’d never be able to keep my hands off you.” His hand begins pumping his achingly hard cock. 
“And I wouldn’t want you to. I’d let you take me whenever and wherever you want. Over my kitchen counter, the backseat of a car, the back of a movie theater, anywhere.” 
He lets out a grunt as he urges himself to his peak. “I’d love to fuck you on my motorcycle.” 
“You have a motorcycle? You just got even hotter.” 
“Sure do. I’d be happy to take you for a ride sometime.” He curses as he increases the speed of his hand, successfully making himself cum. 
“I…I know it’s all just dirty talk and fantasies, but would you really wanna take me for a ride?” she shyly asks. 
He pauses for a second, but the anxiety she feels during that pause makes it feel like an eternity. 
“I…I mean, yeah of course, baby, I’d love to,” he stammers. 
“M-maybe if we do…we can make all these fantasies reality,” she seductively suggests. 
“You are getting me hard all over again just thinking about it. I know you live in Virginia since that’s where your P.O. box is and lucky for you, I do, too.”
“I’ll text you my favorite restaurant and we can meet there!”
“How’s this weekend sound?”
“I’ll be there in my little dress with nothing underneath.” 
“And I’ll be there ready to take it off.”
“Five o’clock?” 
They agree on the time before wishing each other a good night and ending the call. 
Saturday felt like it took forever to get here, but when it finally did she started to feel nervous. She stands in front of her closet and looks at the few dresses she has. Deciding on a lavender colored mini sundress, she upholds her promise to her mystery man and wears nothing underneath. She even paints her nails and does her hair and makeup nicely. The reality of the situation dawns on her. She’s really about to meet up with a random man she met online, but for some reason, she trusts him. He’s nothing like the weirdo fans that have sent her weird shit or left creepy, almost threatening comments on her posts and streams. He’s charming, generous, and has a huge dick. What more could she ask for? 
It’s a quarter til five once she gets to the restaurant since she likes to be early. She grabs a table by the window and sends him a message telling him that she’s here and sitting by a window. Someone calling her name causes her to flinch and look up from her phone. 
“Coach Negan? What’re you doing here?” she asks rudely. 
“It’s a goddamn restaurant. I’m obviously here to eat.” 
She sighs and rolls her eyes. “Okay, whatever, bye.” she shoos him away with her hand and pulls out her phone to text the mystery man and ask where he is. He texts back that he’s here and asks where she is. She replies by telling him what she’s wearing. Coach Negan comes back over to her table, but this time he looks shocked and pale. He sits at the table, across from her and looks her in the eyes. 
“You…you’re not virginesque…are you?” he asks dryly. 
As she looks into Negan’s hazel eyes, it feels like her entire world came crashing down around her. Her stomach turns into knots and she’s not hungry anymore. 
“Y-you’re big bad wolf!?” she says shakily. Tears prick at her eyes due to the realization that the mystery man she’s been crushing on is her mean track and field coach. 
He sighs and runs a hand over his face. “Holy fuckin’ shit.” He holds his head in his hands and refuses to look at her. She can’t look at him, nor can she hold back her tears. At the sound of her sniffling, Negan looks up at her. 
“I can’t believe my coach has seen me naked,” she sobs. 
“This isn’t easy for me either. My student has seen my penis!” 
“Why didn’t you tell me it was you!” she asks incredulously. 
“I didn’t know you were you!” he argues. 
“Oh my god, I’ve masturbated in front of you…to you! I…I’ve sent you nudes a-and videos,” she cries into her hands. 
“I’ve sent you dick pics and thousands of fucking dollars!” he bemoans. 
Through their bickering, neither of them notice the waiter approach. “Hi, my name is Tyler and I’ll be your server for tonight,” he places menus, napkins and silverware on their table, “Can I get y’all started with anything to drink?” 
“Not now, Tyler!” she shouts between sobs. He looks at her, offended, before walking off. 
The atmosphere is incredibly and awkwardly tense. Now, Negan has not only seen her naked, but he’s also seen her cry. That man she met on her live stream was nothing like Coach Negan and to see that they’re the same person almost makes her nauseous. Coach Negan is a mean, foul mouthed dick who makes her contemplate dropping out of track and field every time she goes to practice. Her mystery man is caring, charismatic, a gentleman even. 
“Look,” he says, grabbing her attention, “I know this is weird as shit for you because it’s weird for me, too. But the attraction we felt to each other was fuckin’ real.” The more she hears him speak, the stupider she feels for not realizing how similarly he and the mystery man spoke. 
“Yeah,” she agrees, “and I appreciate all the money you’ve sent.” 
He sighs as if he doesn’t want to say what he’s about to say, but says it anyway. “And I do enjoy our late night chats and video calls.” 
“Me too. Talking with you was my favorite part of the day,” she admits, trying not to cry again. 
“I don’t want this to end just because we already knew each other,” he confesses. 
She looks away from him and down at the table, nervously biting her lip. “But you hate me and I’m not the hugest fan of you either. How could we possibly not end this?” 
“I do not hate you. You only know me when I’m your coach. Outside of that, I promise you I am the man you’ve been talking to.” 
She mulls over his words for a moment before taking a chance and letting her worries go. “Good, because I really like him.”
Negan waves the waiter over and they order their food. The atmosphere is less awkward when the food comes and she’s starting to feel comfortable with him being Negan. They finish eating and he covers the bill. 
“Y’know I wasn’t kidding about takin’ you out on my motorcycle,” he tells her with a smirk on his face as they walk out the restaurant. She follows beside him as he takes her to his motorcycle.  
“Wow, it’s nice,” she comments unsurely. 
“What’s wrong? I thought you wanted me to take you for a ride?”
“I do, it’s just that I also wasn’t kidding about wearing a little dress with nothing underneath…” 
He stops in his tracks and turns to look at her. His hazel eyes scan her body and a smirk spreads across his face, bringing attention to his dimples. 
“You are way sexier in person,” he compliments, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. He takes off his leather jacket and ties it around her waist. 
“We won’t go too far, so that should hold you over.” He puts a helmet on her head before putting one on himself. She gets on the bike behind him and he grabs her arms and wraps them around his waist. 
“Hold on tight, baby.” 
He takes off, causing her to hold him even tighter. She watches the scenery pass by as he drives by the coast. The full moon shines beautifully over the ocean as the waves crash along the sandy shore and it soothes her. He stops at an overlook that has an even better view of the beach and climbs off the bike and takes off his helmet before helping her off. She unties his jacket from around her waist and hands it to him, but instead of putting it on, he drapes it over her shoulders, which she's grateful for considering the cool weather. 
"Wow, you really are different when you're not coaching," she teases. He lets out a laugh and wraps his arm around her shoulders and guides her to overpass' railing so they can get a better look at the view. She watches the waves and Negan stands behind her, watching the scenery too. He hugs her around her shoulders, holding her close to his chest. It's an oddly intimate position for people who just met, but when she's not thinking of him as Coach Negan, it feels right. 
"Any other fantasies you wanted to live out tonight?" he whispers in her ear. The feeling of his facial hair and soft lips brushing against the shell of her ear sends tingles down her spine. With his teeth, he gently nips at her ear before pulling away. She turns around to face him and smiles seductively. 
“If I remember correctly,” she bites her lip and slides her hands up his chest before holding onto his broad shoulders, “you said you wanted to fuck me on your motorcycle.” His tongue seductively swipes across his bottom lip before a smirk grows across his face. His big hands slide down her body before cupping her ass. 
“Oh, baby, I was hopin’ you’d say that.”
“Really? Even after you found out I’m the girl you were talking to?” 
“Doll, even before I found your cam girl account, I always thought you were undeniably sexy.”
Warmth spreads across her face at his admission, even though it contradicts the way he treated her during games and practices. 
"Yeah? Well, I can't say I'm disappointed to find out someone as good looking as you is my mystery man," she flirts back. 
He grabs her by the back of her head and pulls her in for a kiss. Having been caught off guard, she gasps, but wraps her arms around his neck and deepens the kiss. His tongue forces its way through her soft lips and she welcomes the intrusion. He picks her up by the backs of her thighs and she reflexively wraps her legs around his waist. She can feel his hard-on through his jeans against her bare pussy, causing her to moan into his mouth. The need to breathe forces her to pull away from him. 
“Negan,” she pants, “I want you to touch me, please!” 
“Patience, baby,” he urges. She pouts and grips his shoulders tightly as she grinds against his clothed erection. Negan lets out a repressed grunt, suddenly regretting asking her to be patient. He carries her back over to his motorcycle and sets her down. He pulls his jacket off of her and hangs it on the handlebars. 
“You look so goddamn delicious in that little dress,” he states as he ogles her. 
“Wore it just for you.”
“I can’t wait to unwrap my present.” A cheeky, dimpled smile lights up across his face as he unzips the back of her dress and peels it off of her body, revealing her naked body to him. Eagerly, she undoes his belt, then his jeans, then pulls his hard cock from his boxers. 
“Wow, it looks bigger than it did on video call.” 
“Just wait til you feel it filling that pretty little pussy.” He sits on the seat of the bike and pats his lap. 
“Wanna ride me on my motorcycle,” he jokes. Her eyes drop to his cock before smiling up at him and eagerly nodding. 
“Go grab a condom out of my jacket pocket.”  She does as he says and hands the condom to him to which he rolls it on. Excitement had filled her mind up until this very moment because now nervousness is taking over. He helps her climb onto his lap and positions her over his dick. He teases her slick folds with his tip, causing her to tighten her grip on his shoulders. Her heart pounds wildly in her chest once she feels him line his tip up with her entrance. 
“You okay?” he asks, his hazel eyes filled with concern. The tense look on her face didn't go unnoticed by him.
“Baby, we don’t have to do this.” 
“No! No, I want to. It…It’s just that this is my first time.”
He pauses and rubs a hand over his face. She can’t read his expression as he stares into her eyes. 
“You’re a fuckin’ virgin?” 
“Uh, yeah? It’s kinda in my username on the cam girl site.”
“Yeah, but it’s virginesque, which kinda implies that you’re not really a virgin,” he explains. 
“I know, that’s the point.” 
“I don’t get it…” 
“Well, I’ve never had sex before, but with all the toys I’ve used and stuff I’ve done as a cam girl, I don’t really feel like a virgin." 
“Oh my fuckin god,” he sighs as he urges her to get up. She grabs her dress from off the ground and puts it back on as Negan fixes his pants. Her heart’s still racing, but this time, instead of awaiting Negan’s dick, she’s waiting for his next words. 
“I-is that a problem‽”
“Kinda, yeah. I can’t fuck a virgin on my bike at an overpass in the middle of the fuckin night. Isn’t your first time supposed to be special and with someone you love or some shit like that?” 
“Well what if this is how I wanna have my first time?” 
“There’s better ways!” He argues. 
“Like what?”
The look in his eyes is dark as a smirk spreads across his face. He steps closer to her, his tongue salaciously gliding across his bottom lip. He leans down to whisper in her ear, his lips gently brushing against the shell. 
“What if I fucked you on your livestream. Showed all those pathetic excuses of men you have for viewers that their tiny little cocks could never please you the way I can. Show them that I’m the first man to ever fuck you.” 
Her face blooms with heat and her stomach flutters at his words. She was afraid he was going to completely turn her away, but instead he embraced it. 
part 3 ➢
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brandgurus · 1 year ago
Convert Images Between WebP and PNG Formats for Free
As someone who runs a small business online, I'm always looking for ways to optimize my images without sacrificing quality. That's why I was excited to find webppng.com, a free online image converter that lets you quickly switch between WebP and PNG file formats.
For those not familiar, WebP is an advanced compressed image type created by Google that can drastically reduce file sizes compared to PNGs. The only catch is that some older browsers don't support WebP.
That's where webppng.com comes in! Their free WebP to PNG converter lets me upload my WebP product photos and download optimized PNG versions compatible with more websites and apps. And when I have PNGs, their PNG to WebP converter lets me benefit from the smaller file sizes of the WebP format.
I love that webppng.com offers:
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Being able to seamlessly switch between WebP and PNG has been a huge help for my small online store. I can have smaller WebP files for modern browsers while still supporting PNGs for maximum compatibility across platforms.
If you work with lots of product images like me, I'd definitely recommend checking out webppng.com's free WebP and PNG converter. It's an easy way to optimize your site's images for speed and performance.
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payblogs · 6 months ago
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In today's fast-paced digital landscape, privacy and security have become paramount for individuals and businesses alike. Enter DarkSMS, your ultimate solution for secure, reliable communication. With a focus on providing virtual phone numbers for SMS, DarkSMS empowers users to maintain their anonymity while effortlessly receiving verification messages and engaging in private text exchanges. Our state-of-the-art text message service ensures that you can communicate confidently without compromising your personal information. Whether you're looking to streamline your business communications or protect your privacy during online transactions, DarkSMS offers a virtual SMS number tailored to meet your needs. 
Virtual Phone Number For SMS
A virtual phone number for sms is an innovative solution that allows users to send and receive text messages without the need for a traditional phone line. This service is especially beneficial for individuals and businesses aiming to enhance their communication strategies while maintaining privacy and flexibility. With the advent of digital communication, virtual phone numbers have become increasingly popular for various applications, including verification SMS and marketing campaigns.
One of the primary advantages of utilizing a virtual phone number for SMS is the anonymity it offers. Users can keep their personal numbers private while still engaging with customers or verifying accounts through text message services. This is particularly important for maintaining security in today’s digital landscape.
Furthermore, a virtual phone number can cater to global communication, allowing businesses to reach customers in different countries without incurring hefty international charges. Users can receive SMS from any carrier as long as they have an active internet connection, making it a cost-effective option for startups and established enterprises alike.
Additionally, many providers offer a range of features with their virtual SMS numbers, including message scheduling, automatic replies, and integration with third-party applications. These features enhance user experience and streamline communication efforts, making it easier than ever to engage with your audience.
In conclusion, investing in a virtual phone number for SMS can significantly improve your communication strategy. Whether you require it for sending verification SMS or for managing your text message service, the benefits of increased privacy, cost-efficiency, and advanced features make it a wise choice for both personal and professional use.
Verification SMS
Verification SMS is a crucial aspect of today's digital landscape. These messages are typically sent to users to confirm their identity, ensuring security and privacy during online transactions or account creations. Utilizing a virtual phone number for SMS can enhance this process by providing added layers of anonymity and security.
When a user registers for a service or needs to verify their identity, they often receive a verification SMS containing a unique code. This code must be entered into the application or website to complete the verification process. Employing a text message service that utilizes virtual numbers simplifies this procedure, allowing users to complete verifications without exposing their personal phone numbers.
One of the significant advantages of using a virtual SMS number for verification messages is that it prevents unwanted spam on personal devices and keeps personal communications confidential. Additionally, businesses can manage multiple virtual numbers, ensuring efficient handling of verification messages for various purposes—from customer registrations to secure transactions.
In conclusion, utilizing a virtual phone number for verification sms is not only beneficial for user privacy but also essential for maintaining the integrity of online interactions. Ensuring a seamless verification process with reliable text message services can significantly enhance user experience.
Text Message Service
A text message service is an essential tool in today's fast-paced digital world. It provides users with the ability to send and receive SMS messages efficiently, ensuring seamless communication at all times. Whether for personal uses, such as keeping in touch with friends and family, or business applications, where sending alerts, reminders, or promotional content becomes crucial, a reliable text message service can enhance connectivity.
Among the various options available, using a virtual phone number for SMS has gained popularity. These virtual numbers allow users to send and receive messages without the need for a physical SIM card, offering flexibility and privacy. Moreover, they are particularly beneficial for verification SMS when creating accounts on online platforms, as they help protect personal phone numbers from potential spam and unwanted contacts.
Another significant advantage of a text message service is its scalability. Businesses can easily manage bulk messaging campaigns, automating responses and engaging customers effectively. Such services often come with features like message tracking and analytics, which provide insights into the performance of SMS campaigns and help to refine messaging strategies.
In summary, a good text message service can bridge communication gaps, ensure authenticity through verification SMS, and enhance user experience with virtual SMS numbers. Investing in a robust text messaging solution is vital for anyone looking to improve their communication channels.
Virtual SMS Number
A virtual SMS number serves as an essential tool for individuals and businesses that require a reliable means of sending and receiving text messages without the need for a physical SIM card. These numbers are increasingly popular due to their numerous advantages, especially in a world where communication happens rapidly and often through digital mediums.
One of the primary benefits of utilizing a virtual SMS number is the privacy it offers. Users can keep their personal phone numbers confidential while still being reachable for verification SMS or text message services. This is particularly useful for online transactions and registration processes where sensitive information needs protection.
Furthermore, virtual sms number can be easily managed through various platforms, enabling users to organize and track message exchanges more efficiently. They come with scalable options, allowing companies to manage multiple virtual numbers for different purposes, such as customer service, marketing campaigns, or even personal use.
In today’s fast-paced environment, having a virtual SMS number can enhance communication strategies. It provides flexibility to engage with clients and stakeholders across the globe without racking up excessive costs associated with international messaging.
In summary, adopting a virtual SMS number can streamline communication, boost privacy, and increase operational efficiency. It is a vital asset, especially for those utilizing a virtual phone number for SMS-related services, creating a seamless experience in today's interconnected landscape.
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beesmygod · 2 years ago
we can all look back on and laugh at this when im wrong, but it seems like social media in its current incarnation is dying an undignified and overdue death. it turns out throwing all of humanity into one room and expecting everyone to develop a single ethos was beyond insane conceptually and the artists who built their following on social media are probably in a tail spin right now. people jumping to bluesky are insane lol. did you forget jack dorsey is the idiot who got us into this mess in the first place. why would you choose to subject yourself to this shit again. for what purpose?
the stock answer i got was that "for discoverability/audience" and if that's true thats a problem. i've been hollerin about this to anyone who would listen prior to this but the customer base of twitter (and all social media) is its advertisers. they have not been shy from the start about that fact because its the only way they generate income, as far as i know. YOU (the user) are the product. YOU (still the user) are also what draws people to the site. there is not a social media website on earth that has figured out that making a good website (which would require hiring and paying for quality labor over an extended period of time) is more likely to result in economic success than exclusively courting the businesses whose interest is in making the website worse to use with ads. at no point were our interests ever a factor.
in fact, imo, the number of people following you is not an accurate representational sample of your audience. the reasonable assumption you should make is that the vast majority of numbers involved with any website (esp those with a vested interest in showing off big numbers to VC investors or advertising execs) are inflated or just outright fake. the numbers exist solely to drive you insane and make awful people happy. the numbers cause you and everyone around you to start spontaneously spawning myths about a beast called "the algorithm" that possesses the incredible traits of being both something you can game for success or blame for your failures. it coerces you into enacting out nonsense superstitions to try to counteract or appease it in the hopes of, let's be honest, breaking it big and going viral. this way, you, the creator, do not have to do the hard work of building up a rapport with an audience. none of this goes anything but adds more numbers for the ceos to look at and nod approvingly or disapprovingly at.
the people running the world today are, without exaggeration, cartoon villains. they are deeply stupid, devoid of empathy, and open about their intent to do deeply evil acts in order to further their economic interests. trying to derive some kind of financial benefit from the creations of these unapologetic losers was always bound to be a wasted effort. the best thing i can say about twitter, a website i was banned from countless times and returned to out of stubborn desire, was that i got to make some great jokes with friends and cause some chaos lol. letting people know i have a web comic was always a secondary function once the realization of what social media was turning out to be set in like 7 years ago. any artist who insists that you have to do this or that on this or that social media site is trying to drag you down into the quagmire of online numbers poisoning.
run away!!! children heed my advice!!! the joy of creation does not lie on a path that encourages you to cater to the lowest common denominators while casting your net. just fucking have fun with it. if its not fun then it wont even be fun to do financially anyway. and isnt that, like. the point.
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jymwahuwu · 9 months ago
(This is about Aventurine + Ratio x You!! Note there will be polyamory here)
cw: dystopian au, forced breeding policy
"Insufficient credit. Please add a new balance."
On a sultry summer day, the burning air seems to condense around you. You quickly ran to the station and scanned it with your phone, and you got this result. You were stunned for a few seconds, frowned, and let the passengers in line behind you get on the spaceship first. what happened? Your wallet has been linked to the Universe Bank account, and the credit of the wallet will be automatically added. You stand aside and log in to your bank account, and a message that it has been frozen pops up. What the fuck. What happened-
You quickly scanned the account freeze prompts. "According to the law, you have exceeded the appropriate reproductive age for Beta citizens and have been punished by freezing your bank account. Please conceive within three months or you will be sent to a breeding facility." As if anxiety slapped you in the back of your head, knock Your mind is melted and cold. Damn it, they really mean it. What the fuck kind of planet is this.
Fifty years ago, the planet's fertility rate had been declining, prompting this government to introduce forced childbirth. In the past few years, you have been perfunctory with the government's Citizens' Fertility Bureau. They focus more on Omega and Alpha, after all. The poor Omega citizens are much earlier than Beta's breeding age. They enjoy paid vacation benefits throughout the estrus period, but that's just the surface. The benefits provided by labor laws have resulted in most companies being reluctant to recruit Omega…
As the passengers watch, you dig out a few vintage coins from the bag and plead with the driver to take them. ("Physical currency..." The driver sighed.) Finally passed, and after returning home, you browsed interstellar dating websites in despair.
"Beta female. 32 years old. Interested in cooking and reading. I hope to find a spouse who shares common topics with me."
"Omega male, 21 years old, hoping to find a humorous spouse (need to have a nest!)
Coordinates: a nest-like planet. If you are interested in knowing more details and getting to know me, contact me <3"
You held your chin with one hand, pouting unhappily, and pressed the big data pairing button, but there was only one result. Just when you were about to close the page, your eyes were caught by the introduced information.
“Alpha Male & Alpha Male
Career related: Education and business^^
We hope to meet a suitable spouse and have a baby^^”
Your eyes light up, you are looking for people like this! Ugh, but why are two people recruiting spouses at a time…Is this how relationships are on other planets…It would be great if they agree to a short-term marriage .
You pressed the contact button.
… Is anyone interested in this story?
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mothman-etd · 2 months ago
hello 👋🏼
first loving the twiyor 😌
second I have a tech question I was hoping you might be able and willing to answer: are the 'we send you a link to your email to log in instead of using your password' actually more secure or are businesses just being mean to me personally?
hope your day is kind 😊
Ok so Authentication (going to call it auth going forward) is a very large topic and there is some baseline info I want to convey before answering you question.
First, auth breaks down into 3 methods. Confirming what someone knows, confirming what someone has, confirming what someone is.
What you know: this is the traditional password method, do you remember your password you made for us? Do you remember your username? great you can get in if you know those. Stealing these creds is very straight forward, you either guess until you are right or you steal them from where someone has them stored/written down. This is why you should NEVER store your password in a browser and use a password manager instead. I would rather see people write passwords on post-it notes then store them in Google Chrome or Edge. Seriously, it is incredibly easy to steal passwords from Chrome.
What you have: have ever been asked to put an MFA pin into a phone app? that's this method, they are putting predictable generated numbers on your phone that you can then turn around and use to prove you are in physical possession of your phone. This is much more difficult to steal and usually requires physically accessing a phone or infecting it in some fashion to steal the generation algorithm. PS: If a site uses a text message instead of an app to send a pin that is less secure because SIM duplicating is easier then both the above methods for theft (i dont know the details on how to sim dup but I know no good security team takes sms pins seriously)
What you are: This is stuff like Apple's face id, windows hello, finger scan. Anything that is unique to your physical body that can be scanned to confirm who you are. This is either incredibly difficult or super easy to break depending on how the program is written. for example Face ID had an issue where it could not differentiate between particular ethnicities, also someone (the police) can just hold your phone up to force the unlock. This is usually a good method to use in conjunction with one of the others to make Auth more difficult.
So which one is better? Well each one has its pros and cons which means the most secure method is using more then one. This is called Multi Factor Authentication or MFA for short.
So lets go back to your question, is getting a login link more secure then say remembering a password. Well how secure is access to your email? if your email just requires a username and password to get into, then it is the same security level.
If you have your email setup with MFA where you need to password and pin into it then it is probably more secure then some random sites username password pair.
Also we need to ask questions about the links themselves, do you get the same link each time or is a new one created each request? How are they generated? how long until a link expires? is the link email sent via TLS? Which version of TLS? How are they stored or Are they stored? Is link generation predictable, if I had enough info could i just make my own links for any user?
Honestly I think the biggest benefit of this auth method happens on the website side and less the end user side. This requires less development to create, also they do not need to figure out how to store and keep your passwords, and if they get hacked there are no passwords to be stolen since they literally don't use them. Having passwords stolen is when law enforcement needs to get involved (Law enforcement needs to be contacted in the event any Personally Identifiable Information or PII is stolen). So if they do not use passwords that is one less PII they have in their possession.
Overall passwords are shit and anyone trying to make an effort to not use passwords or to not allow just passwords is at least making an effort to have a better security posture. But if it is actually more secure really depends, passwordless is new territory for a lot of people so its going to have growing pains.
hopefully this answers your question! if you want more clarification let me know.
Oh and Spy Family is life
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princesssukunalover · 11 months ago
Smiles for the camera
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Terushima Yuuji thinks he's going insane when he sees his cute little college crush on a porn site.
Terushima Yuuji x Camgirl!reader
CW: NSFW, enemies with benefits -> enemies to lovers, sex, oral sex, dick and tongue piercing, masturbation, porn, praise kink, hair pulling, creampie, camgirl!reader, college/University AU.
wc: 4320
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You're halfway through your first year of college. It seems to be going relatively well, excluding a couple of irritants. The early classes. The busy hallways. The monthly bills. The noisey hallways. But worse of all. Terushima Yuuji. You’re not particularly sure when your little feud began. Maybe it was when he irresponsibly found a way to spill his entire energy drink all over you in the first week. Or maybe it was when he’d completely ruined your spring project with him as he refused to work properly. It could’ve been that he would always ask you for stationary, only to never return it. You don’t know, and you don’t care. One thing you do know is that Terushima Yuuji was not your friend.
Tiredly, you sigh as you take your glasses off, trying your hardest to ignore the pest beside you. A handsome one at that. “If you rub your eyes like that, they’ll get damaged.” Terushima warns you. You roll your eyes, looking down at your watch eagerly. “Why so agitated, cutie?” Yuuji teases. You gag. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop with these pet names?” You complain. Terushima only smirks. “What? You don’t like that one either?” He asks you, fiddling with the hem of your cardigan. “How about my actual name?” You ask.
“Where’s the fun in that baby?” He jokes. You groan in response, practically slamming your head on the desk in annoyance. Terushima only smiles in adoration. Anything and everything you do seems to please him. In reality, he obsesses over you. Every name you call him, every time you slap him, he loves it. He loves the attention. He can’t help it. Not when it’s you, the cutest girl he’s ever seen. But why can’t you realise that?
The end of the day approaches fast. Soon enough, you’re in your dorm, studying, as Terushima is in his, although, he is not quite studying. His delicate fingers slightly tremble as he types into his phone. He feels guilty. Sexualising you like that. But he can’t help it as he searches on whatever porn website, “Girls with glasses..” “College girls..” “Nerdy girls..” He scrolls lazily in slight anticipation. Suddenly, he scrolls back up, his heart stopping immediately.
No way.
No fucking way.
He thinks he’s dreaming.
He thinks he’s crazy.
He thinks he’s officially lost the plot when he sees the girl of his dreams, on Pornhub. Pornhub of all places. He almost cums when he sees your pretty face in the thumbnail. Your pretty body is set in a very compromising position. The first thing he does is screenshot what he’s seeing, to save it for later. The next thing he does is the beginning of your interesting relationship with Terushima Yuuji.
Still in shock, Terushima, so nervously, clicks on the video. It’s only a minute or so until your erotic moans are playing into his, now blushy, ears. His mouth falls open, amazed. The throbbing in between his legs is unbearable. But despite that, he can’t bring himself to move. Not when he is watching you fuck yourself with some sort of dildo. Not when you’re moaning like that. The image of your angelic body will forever be burned into his restless mind. He could never complain. Terushima stares in awe as you grind your hips fluidly, rolling your eyes through your trademark glasses. He can’t help but wish it was him beneath you. The next 16 minutes are discourteous. He strokes his dick slowly, trying to hold himself for whatever reason. Maybe it’s because he’s imagining you. Imagining what you’d feel like riding his dick. In a matter of seconds, he begins to wonder what you sitting on his face would be like. He spends the rest of his evening going through your content, tipping all kinds of bills under a fake name.
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As you stroll on through the rowdy hallways of the college, you spot Terushima in the corner of your eye. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you catch him walking with the smallest limp. Oddly, you of all people notice it. Curiously, your mind wonders. Did he trip over? Did he do something stupid and irresponsible again. Your eyes scan his face and you realise he seems awfully chipper about something. You then sigh. The idea of Terushima having sex with other girls irks you. You’re not sure why it makes you angry. Maybe it’s because you’re supposed to hate him. Or maybe it’s because you’re jealous. Who knows? Your mind couldn’t come close to figuring out just why Terushima is acting like this on such a boring day. Not even an inch close.
You avoid sitting next to the boy in your next class, instead opting to sit near a friend. Regrettably, you fail to see the way Terushima’s eyes fault in distress as he is under the impression that he has done something wrong. Yes, he did stalk your entire account the day before, going 4 or 5 rounds before he called it a day. But you didn’t know this. What could possibly be the issue? Eventually you are distracted from all and any work at the buzz of your phone. You move to switch it off until you see that the notification is from a recipient by the name of Terushima Yuuji. Inquisitively, you turn your head to look at the blonde boy, a questioning look on your innocent face. He only shakes his phone, signalling for you to read the message. ‘Did I do something?’ The message reads. ‘What a stupid question!’ Is all you can think. You ask him what on earth he is on about, to which he responds explaining how you’re not sitting with him. This has you puzzled. Since when did he care?
In time, the conversation gets to a point where you ,so boldly, state, ‘I’m not interested in being one of your fangirls or flings.’ When he asks you what you mean by that, you bring up his subtle limping. The conversation stops for a minute. You look around the classroom confused, only to see him smirking at his phone before he’s typing again. What is he up to? Yuuji is quick to clear up the miscalculation as he explains that the reason he is limping is because he was up all night fucking himself to you, attatching the screenshot before sending the message. After reading the bombshell of a message, you turn around to see Terushima smirking slyly at you, pure confidence in his dark eyes. You’ve never looked back down at your desk so fast, stressing out as your heart rate increases.
At the end of the lesson, Terushima apprehensively follows you out of the lecture hall, his light footsteps echoing behind you as you speed up. He calls your name tauntingly. He does it again. When you’re further away from the crowds, you turn around, your precious eyes locking with his own. Yuuji is left in a duel state of excitement and shock after you slap him across his smug face. “Fucking pervert.” You complain. You couldn’t fully complain when the idea of him getting off to you is all you can think about. “My bad, sweetheart, I was under the impression that you wanted people to masterbate to you.. Especially if you’re a camgirl.” Yuuji responds, gracefully taking your hand and lowering it. You cannot help but become flustered at the statement, and the fact that he is holding your hand lightly. “But if you wanted to be pleased, you could’ve just asked me.” He jokes. Although, he most definitely isn't joking. And you are very much aware of that.
Enough of his constant fooling around, you decide to bite back. “I don’t know Teru, I wasn’t under the impression that a boy could please me the way I need to be pleased.” You tell the boy. Terushima’s eyes widen. “Well that’s just because you haven’t tried me yet.” He argues. He’s desperate and you both know it. You take a step forward closer to him and look him directly in the eyes. “Hmm..” You falsely begin to ponder. “Who knows, maybe you could put that tongue piercing to use.” You suggest, sliding one of your fingers onto the shiny ball sat on his tongue. Yuuji blushed tremendously, surprised by your unexpected gesture. “I’ll see you around dumbass.” You mock him, walking off into the distance. Belatedly, Teru pieces everything together, baffled that he could’ve made such a huge mistake of thinking you were a sweet, innocent girl. He recalls how you would always seem to have new clothes and expensive things, wondering where you could have possibly gotten the cash from. You were going to be the death of that poor boy.
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Terushima is doing some last minute studying when the clamorous sound of an untimely message alerts him. He sighs, picking up his phone, only to relax as your name flashes on his screen. He reads the message. Simply put, it’s your dorm room and an instruction. Bring condoms. That evening, his homework is neglected and so is his self respect and composure when he practically runs across the campus to your dorm. He couldn't care less about the strange looks he receives on the way. You almost jump as you hear an urgent banging at your door. You roll your eyes bitterly and stand from your sofa to open the door angrily. “Terushima what the hell is wr-” You’re cut off with the feeling of his soft lips on yours. The door slams behind him as his hands slide down to your waist, gripping the sides of your body. You shudder as the metal ball of his piercing slides off your tongue.
As if this story wasn’t cliche enough, he bends down slightly to grab onto your soft thighs, lifting you up to press you against the pale walls as the two of you kiss lustfully. Small moans escape from both of your mouths in anticipation, only yours become more frequent as you feel the rock beneath you. Terushima has never felt so hard and needy in his life. His dick, which is covered by pesky clothing, rubs against your clit, which is protected by the thin layer of silky underwear. It’s only until you feel an odd, ball shaped structure roll against your throbbing clit when you are brought out of your daze. “What is that..?” You question in a slow mumble. Teru only chuckles against your lips as he carries you towards your bed, gently laying you down on the soft sheets before he moves to kiss your neck sweetly. You run your gentle fingers through his blonde hair, gripping onto it tenderly as he smells the sweet perfume radiating off of your chest area.
The boy wastes no time taking off your clothing, careful not to rip them. You fail to see when Yuuji sneaks the silky pair of panties that you were wearing into his trouser pocket. He lowers himself back down to cover your breasts and stomach with kisses, very affectionately. Finally, his face is between your legs, and you feel him smirk against your supple skin. Terushima sticks his tongue out, licking the wetness from your pussy. You relax in exhilaration as his piercing glides up, down and around your throbbing clit. Your graceful hands make their way back to Yuuji’s head as you pull him closer towards you and tug at his hair. “Teru..” You begin to moan. A small creak of the bed echos throughout the room as he rubs his hardened cock on the edge of your bed, moaning into your wet pussy. “Just like that..” You whimper.
It doesn’t take long before you cum onto his tongue, gripping his hair harshly as he continues at a faster pace. Your thighs begin to close around his head as it starts to become too much. But that’s when the fun begins. Terushima forcefully pushes your thighs apart and grips them lovingly. He goes right back into your pussy, lapping up your cum with his tongue as if he was starving. You begin to think that he’s not doing this for your pleasure. And you’re right. Just the act of you whimpering beneath him is enough to get him gone. He begins to thrust his hips towards the edge of your bed, hoping for some sort of stimulation as his dick throbs painfully. “Oh, God! Yuuji that feels so good.” You burst. You feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as your hips jerk up and down his tongue while he overstimulates your sensitive clit. Your glasses are now starting to fog up from the heat and pleasure coming from your body. At last, he finishes eating you out when he leans upward to give you a kiss on the cheek. “Do you wanna continue?” He asks you. You nod undeniably.
Teru steps away from the bed to undo his jeans. The sound of the buckle on his belt has you rubbing your thighs in anticipation as Yuuji undresses before you. When he finally lets his hardened cock free, your mouth widens slightly. His dick is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, you think. It’s perfectly long and thick, with a few veins here and there. But that’s not what you’re focused on. It’s hard not to stare at the bold piercing at the tip of his dick. “Teru.. I didn’t think you’d actually pierce your dick.” You mutter in surprise, referring to a joke he’d made a couple months back. Teru only chuckles in response, focussed on the task at hand. You sit up as he crouches onto the bed before your lips meet for yet another makeout session. This time around, you’re sat straddling his toned thighs, which feel hard beneath you. “Let’s see how big you can get for me.” Teru groans as you tease him, jolting in pleasure as you feel the veins from Yuuji’s dick rub against your clit. While you’re busy kissing the boy, your hips automatically begin to grind on the boy’s lap, causing him to bite onto your soft, cherry-red lips. “God, I've been waiting weeks for this..” Terushima confesses as he pulls away to breathe. This suddenly gives you a brainwave.
“Oh yeah?” You change the tone in your voice, questioning the needy boy.
“Fuck yeah..” He admits. You smirk, raising your hand to meet his pretty face. The look of confusion on Terushima is adorable as you push the boy down onto your bed, his head slamming softly against your pillow. “Well you’re gonna have to wait a little longer.” You reveal. “Come on.. please don’t do this to me, baby.” Yuuji begs, tears in his eyes as he feels he can no longer hold it in. He gushes internally as you giggle before climbing onto his face, your soft, plush thighs hugging the sides of his head as you straddle him, your pussy directly on his mouth and his nose pushing into your clit as you set out to ride his face. This is Terushima’s dream come true. The boy refuses to complain as his hands find their way to your thighs to support you as you, so elegantly, ride his face. You hold onto Terushima’s strong-built, muscular thighs for support as you grind yourself on his tongue, becoming addicted to the feeling of his silver piercing exploring all over your wet pussy.
Head thrown back in pleasure, you moan in ecstasy as Yuuji licks everything you have to offer down there. You fail to see as Terushima’s hips jerk upwards, his dick DESPERATE for any kind of stimulation, which he has yet to receive. By now, there is plenty of cum already seeping out from the tip of his huge cock, which is ready to cum all over himself. His dick is twitching in agony as he slowly gets off to the act of eating you out. Your thighs completely crush into Teru’s head below you as you cum for the third time that hour. Your hips slow down drastically as he laps up the remains of your cum. It isn’t long before you feel an abrupt wetness on your hand, as you turn around to see that Terushima Yuuji has cum from simply having you sit on his face. “No way..” You fawn. Finally, you climb off his face, sitting down next to him to regain your breath. You look at Yuuji to see him blushing in embarrassment. He is about to explain himself before you interrupt him. “You’re so fucking cute.” You tell him before grabbing his face and kissing him.
“Please.. I just wanna feel you.” Terushima begs. You take his pleading as a sign to straddling his thighs for the nth time of the evening, lowering yourself onto his cock which is already smothered in his own cum. “The condom..” Yuuji winces.
“Forget about it.” You order, as you start to bounce onto his cock and wrap your fingers in his hair and hold onto his precious face. The idea of Yuuji fucking you raw has the two of you feral. Yuuji is already whimpering as you bounce on his cock, your beautiful tits flaunting themselves right in his face. He takes the opportunity to lick on your nipples before accepting your breast into his mouth as he sucks on them. The pleasure that Yuuji’s dick is feeling is barely explainable. It doesn’t take long for him to fall in love with the warm feeling of your wet pussy, which is tight, despite all the pleasure you are feeling that makes you relax around his perfect dick. There is still some pain from the sudden thrusting but you’re quick to forget about it, your mind only focussed on one thing.
Tears threaten to prick from Teru’s darkened eyes as he’s overwhelmed with unknown pleasure. Being with you is new to him and he’d like to get used to it. The feeling of his tongue piercing rolling against your hardened nipple has you feeling like you’ve never felt before. You swear to yourself that nobody has pleasured you like Terushima has. It only gives you a bitter feeling as he must have fucked several women before to obtain such skills. “What’s wrong?” Yuuji chokes out as he manages your change in expression.
“Nothing..” You stutter before grabbing onto his face and kissing him. Teru’s soft hands wander around your body and settle at your waist, bringing you closer to him. The warmth that he’s feeling is just right and he promises himself that he’ll do things right this time around.
The two of you are close to orgasm, which makes Yuuji’s body act alone as he begins thrusting hard into your pussy, shocking you in the process. He leans back against your headboard and he grabs the bottom of your thighs, lifting you upwards to fuck you himself. You fall slightly onto him and hug him close, your head resting on his broad shoulder as he brings himself close to cumming. “You want me to pull out?” He asks you, concerned.
“I’ll just get plan B.. Yuuji I’m gonna cum.” You respond, your arms wrapped around his neck as you hug him tightly. That’s all he needs to hear before he’s fucking himself at a godly pace, ready to cum inside you. You moan erotically as you cum for the final time of the evening all over Yuuji’s dick. The sounds are what brings Terushima Yuuji to his orgasm, feeling a small sense of pride as he cums all inside your throbbing pussy. He slows down to ride out both of your orgasms before you completely fall onto his chest and he relaxes back, his cock still buried inside you. He takes a few moments to recollect himself, as you calm down.
“Oh fuck me..” Yuuji sighs angrily.
The sudden shift in mood has you confused. “What’s wrong?” You ask Yuuji, confused, to which he responds, “I forgot to complete my assignment that’s due tomorrow and I’m fucked.” You pull away from him to face him.
“What topic was it?” You ask him, equally concerned as him.
“Literature..” Terushima mumbles. Literature happened to be your shared topic in your sociology and liberal arts course. It also happened to be your strong suit.
“Well, if you want I can help you finish it tonight? I did mine already and it wasn’t too hard.” You suggest. Terushima lets out a quiet sigh of relief. He looks you in the eye before thanking you. You lean in and provide a final kiss on his forehead before easing off his dick. It’s at that point in time when Teru realises his feelings for you are not just lust, but love. Terushima Yuuji is in love with you. And you still can’t realise it.
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The two of you have been going at it for a few weeks since the moment he found your little collection online. You’ve tried out new things, recorded some things and shared quite interesting moments between the two of you. However, it is still strictly a frenemies with benefits situation and Terushima cannot help but die internally. He cannot seem to find a way to confess his undying love to you or figure out exactly what you want from him. Maybe that’s what happens when you have a reputation for being some kind of fuckboy. Since your first sexual encounter, Teru’s feelings for you have only grown stronger and more secure. He’s never been more sure of anything in his entire life. As the days go by, Terushima watches as boys from your class start to take a liking to you. He watches with a heavy heart as you give them small bits of attention, despite knowing that you’d never give them a chance. It puts him at ease to know that it’s his face you’re sitting on every week, but he simply wants more. It’s starting to eat him up inside. He never thought he would be in this predicament. As opposed to searching up your name online, he starts to search for answers.
How to ask a girl out? How to make her know you want her? How to know if she wants me?
Terushima Yuuji is down bad.
And you’re not helping him as you flirt with him like it’s nothing.
At the end of the week, Yuuji is at his limit. You, on the other hand, are only beginning to realise your feelings for the blonde. He’s grown on you. After a couple weeks, he stays on your mind 24/7, but this time, it’s out of love. Terushima’s presence used to irritate you and inconvenience you, but after many interactions, it’s made you feel safe and happy. Which is why your heart aches when you hear Teru’s voice coming through your speaker, not sounding as cheery and excited as per usual. “Can you come over?” He asks, trying to hide the pain in his voice. “Sure.” You respond, thinking it’s just a casual fuck you’re in for.
You’re quick to finish up your work and get changed before heading to the boy’s apartment. The door is already open as come in and make yourself at home. Yuuji is found on his bed, lying down lazily.
“Morning loser.” You joke, despite it being the afternoon.
“Good afternoon, beautiful.” He tiredly responds. Something is definitely not right here. You calmly remove your soft jacket before you go to straddle Yuuji’s tired legs. You’re confused when he doesn’t sit up or aim to hold your waist. “Did you not wanna fuck today?” You ask him.
“Can we just lie down?” Terushima nervously asks.
“Sure.” You sweetly respond before moving upwards to rest your head on his chest, covering the two of you with his blanket. You wrap your arm around his toned, naked abs. He’s only wearing pyjama bottoms. Teru gently runs his slender fingers through the hair at your scalp and strokes your hair.
This is nice.
At least for you. Yuuji is dying on the inside as his brain searches for ways to start the conversation and confession of him wanting more than to be friends with benefits. Something wrong is confirmed when you hear his heartbeat increase as he grows nervous. Just as you are about to ask what’s wrong, he speaks up. “I can’t do this anymore.” He claims. You start to worry. It's probably not the best conversation starter. You sit up to face him, your hand resting beside his body for support. “What do you mean?” You ask him, making the most uncomfortable yet heartwarming eye contact. “Not like that..” Yuuji corrects himself. “I can’t take this anymore, woman! I am in love with you for fuck's sake. I don’t wanna be your fuck buddy anymore. I wanna be your boyfriend.” He finally confesses, an evident blush on his face. You feel your face heat up, and your stomach does flips while your mouth opens in surprise. Yuuji realises you are silent. “Sorr-” He starts.
“How long have you felt this way?” You interrupt nervously.
“Months.” He answers shortly. Suddenly it all makes sense. The reasons for him making you avoid certain boys. The reason why he’s barely seen talking to other girls these days. The reason why there’s an unexplained look plastered on his face whenever you flirt with another boy. “Teru..” You start.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way.. I just had to get that off my chest.” Yuuji calms down, at ease as he’s confessed it all. “Shut up.” You mumble before leaning in to kiss him.
“I love you.” You tell him when you pull away. He is shocked for a split second before he accepts your affection and returns it seconds later. “I love you too.”
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not edited :(
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sgiandubh · 10 months ago
Although MPCs website clear about bring a business which contributes a portion of profits post admin costs, Sam regularly in videos and in print interviews misrepresents. He's says my charity abd he says 59% of signup fee goes to charity. If there is a problem l, it's on Sam, who according to original members, basically sold MPC control, in 2017. Your statement of knowing what he's doing with his MPC, is questionable, post corporate change of MPC. It's not just his alone. MPC has sketchy history, since Alex's involvement, and the rumors, look more as truths that a good portion of the administrative costs go to Alex pre-whisky, for a working, guaranteed salary before sales came in. It also begs the question, if Sam is interested in supporting charity with a portion of income sales, why hasn't 10% of whisky sales went to charity partners? The whisky is part of the GGC, Sam and Alex's business. Why wouldn't he plug a Newman Products design? Maybe he's not as interested in charity?
Dear MPC Anon,
It has always been 50%, which is logical. 59% sounds like a demented Asian astrologist suggestion - but you might be unfamiliar with Burmese recent history, so I shall give you a pass, on that one.
Who are the 'original members' who told you MPC was sold? To whom was it sold? When did that happen? I need paperwork to support this statement: the current corporate documents still list ONE officer - pay away from your wallet to find out it's very probably SRH: I am not doing it for you.
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Like it or not, Norouzi's involvement in MPC is a reality since at least its creation. You will have to prove me the 'sketchy' part with much more than a stinking grenade thrown by Anon or fandom illiterate gossip.
I will have to see contracts between MPC, AN, SH proving that pre-whisky launching costs of The Sassenach were drawn from the MPC accounts. I will also have to see bank and accounting documents proving so. According to US law, I would also have to be a Court and have enough reasons to subpoena these people and entities to show me those. Stop spreading the shite written by Pufflander once upon a time and ask Puffy, in her retreat, what the fuck did she do with the crowdfunded money for the Harassment PI Report (you know, *urv and co). Now that would be a really interesting question, right? No answer? Bad day, baby. Bad day.
Whisky sales under the umbrella of Great Glen Company LLC, a different legal entity with no charitable mission, were never designed to represent a charitable endeavor. I think you know the difference between a charity and a company, right? Suggesting he should give 10% of all his earnings to charity is akin to a church tithe. This argument is, of course, ridiculous, in the business world, unless there is an explicit and public vow to do so, with a particular company's benefits.
Newman's Own and the Newman's Own Foundation represent Paul Newman's personal commitment to give away 100% of Newman's Own LLC profits to charity: the Foundation serves to direct the funds to the projects its trustees deem the most appropriate, according to the Foundation's values.
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This is a different story and I also hope you know the difference between Great Glen Company, a business who wants to remain a business and a ground-breaking CSR commitment like Paul Newman's. Great Glen Company and MPC are separate projects - AN's loud involvement in both does not help, though, especially with an uneducated bigot, such as yourself, Anon.
Assuming he must give 100% of all his profits to charity is absolutely ridiculous, Anon. Why don't you give away all the profits of your lemonade stand to charity and set a blazing, luminous example in this fandom?
Unless you quickly substantiate what you wrote in anger on your phone, with links, facts and names, I am forced to tell you to kindly, slowly, but surely...
[Later edit:] Should I start a US Tax Law 101 course for you, Anon? To me, this rather crude company/charity montage sounds legit. Also, MPC is not a charity, as shown in my previous post.
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evilsoup · 3 months ago
i'm currently locked out of my debit card (put in pin wrong three times) so i'm cash-only right now. and in london, in the touristy bits, loads of stuff is card only? it's insane. like these businesses prefer to pay a transaction fee. in [mid-size regional uk city] half the restaurants prefer you to pay in cash, to avoid the transaction fees and presumably for tax evasion purposes.
I guess the benefits of card only are like:
keep homeless beggars out of your shop
it's faster - important if you have lots of footfall
you aren't holding cash in the shop which can get robbed
you don't have to worry about staff stealing out of the till
since few people pay by cash now, making change is becoming an obsolete skill (so it slows things down even longer as the person behind the till needs to whip out a smartphone and open a calculator app)
relatedly, i've been staying with my nan & have had to help her out setting up an account on her local government website so she can buy visitor parking vouchers. You used to be able to go into the council office and pay in cash for this. like there was a bureaucratic process obviously, but it was you go and talk to someone at the council. She's in her eighties, she's not going to learn how to use the internet lol.
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tailschannel · 1 year ago
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A tentative agreement has been officially reached between Hollywood's actors' union and studios, ending the historic labour disruption.
SAG-AFTRA's tentative deal with the AMPTP secured "above-pattern" minimum compensation increases, provisions for consent and compensation to protect members from artificial intelligence, and streaming participation bonuses.
Dear SAG-AFTRA Members: We are thrilled and proud to tell you that today your TV/Theatrical Negotiating Committee voted unanimously to approve a tentative agreement with the AMPTP. As of 12:01 a.m. PT on Nov. 9, our strike is officially suspended and all picket locations are closed. We will be in touch in the coming days with information about celebration gatherings around the country. In a contract valued at over one billion dollars, we have achieved a deal of extraordinary scope that includes "above-pattern" minimum compensation increases, unprecedented provisions for consent and compensation that will protect members from the threat of AI, and for the first time establishes a streaming participation bonus. Our Pension & Health caps have been substantially raised, which will bring much needed value to our plans. In addition, the deal includes numerous improvements for multiple categories including outsize compensation increases for background performers, and critical contract provisions protecting diverse communities. We have arrived at a contract that will enable SAG-AFTRA members from every category to build sustainable careers. Many thousands of performers now and into the future will benefit from this work. Full details of the agreement will not be provided until the tentative agreement is reviewed by the SAG-AFTRA National Board. We also thank our union siblings — the workers that power this industry — for the sacrifices they have made while supporting our strike and that of the Writers Guild of America. We stand together in solidarity and will be there for you when you need us. Thank you all for your dedication, your commitment and your solidarity throughout this strike. It is because of YOU that these improvements became possible. In solidarity and gratitude, Your TV/Theatrical Negotiating Committee.
The contract, valued at one billion USD, has yet to be ratified, but the union announced that the strike will end this Thursday, 9 November 2023 at midnight PST.
Sonic movie screenwriter Pat Casey acknowledged the announcement late Wednesday night on X, the social media website formerly known as Twitter, and said that he's "excited that everyone in this business, cast, crew, everybody, can finally get back to work doing what we do best - entertaining people!"
No word from Paramount as of yet, or the studio's upcoming production plans for the third Sonic the Hedgehog film, currently scheduled to debut in 2024.
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madlittlecriminal · 9 months ago
[06] Secret Ingredient⥓ Mafia!Miguel O'Hara × Female!Baker!Reader
Warnings: mention of vomit (kind of), is this short? possibly & im sorry
series masterlist | miguel o'hara masterlist
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The offer; it occupied his mind after the meeting to the point where his lunch was climbing back out of his stomach.
The last thing he wanted was to marry Dana.
Miguel had no love for her.
Especially, not now when most of the time his thoughts were occupied by the pretty baker, and his heart raced a marathon when he saw you.
God, he wanted to hug you right now. He needed your reassurance. He needed you.
But you weren't his.
And he wasn't yours.
He took a deep breath as he rubbed his temples. Miguel had to find a loophole for this arrangement.
He didn't want his first marriage to be forced or with a woman he didn't love. No, he wasn't going to learn to love her either because he did once, and it ended with them breaking up because she got greedy.
He couldn't imagine what she would do if she had the money from his family. He wouldn't be surprised if she tried to gain control over his businesses like she once did.
Miguel couldn't bare it.
Dana didn't deserve his money, his businesses, his mind, his heart, or his body.
But you...
He relaxed as your face flashed through his mind.
He hardly knew you, but his gut said you deserved it all.
You could ask him for anything, and he'd get it for you without a second thought; everything that was his, would be yours.
He loosened his tie before running a hand through his hair. He wanted to find a way out of this, but didn't know how to do it.
I mean, he couldn't say he got a girlfriend within a few hours when he was speechless for the meeting, and didn't mention anything about it. Right?
Miguel grabbed his phone.
You flipped your sign as your day finally came to an end with a sigh. To say the day was rough was an understatement.
After you came back from your break with Patrick, he left for an interview, and your day was busy with last minute orders that customers came to order in a rush.
You were confused as to how a son forgot his mother's birthday, he, unfortunately, wasn't the first son to do so; you don't necessarily keep track of how many, but you knew he wasn't the first person to forget their parents' birthday, let alone the first son to forget his mother's birthday.
You wouldn't blame him since you knew it was normal. Plus, you gave him the benefit of the doubt since he remembered her favorite color was periwinkle.
You grabbed the box of Danish pastries and headed to the club to deliver them.
Surprisingly, it was a request; they never requested anything, so you happily made them
When you entered the club, you raised a brow at how empty it was.
Even if the day wasn't the busiest, there would always be people here.
"Sorry. I had to talk to you."
Your eyes darted up to the balcony of the club that you knew was a private section; more private than the VIP lounge downstairs near the bar.
"Ruby," you acknowledged with his nickname you gave him, causing him to chuckle.
"Please, Miguel is fine."
You shrug. "Ruby is better." You tilted your chin up to the ruby colored glasses, one of its arms tucked into his breast pocket.
The music was playing faintly in the background, as he scanned you. You tilt your head to the side as you placed the box down on the bar.
"Where's everyone else?" You asked, still feeling his eyes on you.
"I gave them the night off and closed the club."
"Is it really closed?"
He snickered. "I unlocked it when I saw you closing up. Plus, Lyla put out an announcement on our website that we were closed. Word goes around pretty fast."
You gave him a glare before he made his way down the staircase and towards you.
"Did you purposely want to meet with me?"
He gave you a nod. "I did. This is about your bakery."
"My bakery?"
Miguel doesn't mix business with pleasure.
"So, you closed your club, requested Danish pastries, and waited for me to have a business meeting?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, when you put it like that, I guess so."
Was it just a business meeting? Not for him.
"Fine," you sighed out. "Next time, don't be so mysterious about it and ask me, okay?"
He gave you a nod before taking a Danish pastry. The milk glaze of the pastry decorated his lips, causing you to pluck a napkin from the bar and handing it to him.
At this moment, he wished it was your thumb or even your lips.
Screw the business or pleasure.
He wanted both with you.
He wanted all or nothing with you.
@deputy-videogamer @barbiecrocs @deepinballs @faimmm @wakeupr41 @bubblegumfanfictions @smartyren @kimmis-stuff @latenightcravingz @youcantseem3 @corpsebridenightamare @thedevax @cicithemess @diannana @itsameclinicaldepresssion @hwasoup @migueloharasbbm @vkumi
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