#benefits of dates for women's
mrnewspro · 2 years
benefits of eating dates
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foursaints · 11 months
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iceyrukia · 1 month
i really think some "feminists" were very shortsighted with the whole "oh i split the bill and pay for my man because I'm an independent feminist that doesn't need a man and I feel like I owe him something if i don't pay".
Like I'm sorry to tell you this but a man isn't gonna respect you any more or is inherently more "feminist" if he always you to pay. In fact it just gives men another thing to benefit from women without them even doing the bare fucking minimum of even addressing serious issues that actually affect women's lives like sexual assault, rape or even other actual oppressive gender roles like being expected to do domestic labor or "sexual labor" for men. Men are not oppressed for paying a bill on a date because that transactional relationship that they complain about as "oppression" was their own doing so please stop trying so hard to prove to men that you're not a "gold digger" because I promise you that a lot of men will TAKE AND TAKE AND TAKE from you without any fucking shame or self-awareness because of their male entitlement. Your feminism doesn't owe men shit and your only goal should be to liberate yourself from male control and any man who tries to tell you otherwise in just another self-serving moid.
This is not me advocating for gender roles or hyper-gammy btw I'm just trying to highlight how men use feminism for their own gain.
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elizabro · 2 months
man I dated once asked "why do you think about being a woman so much?" as in why do I constantly think about sexism. I mean, I don't know. it's not like I want to be reminded. I've told men, specifically, at the beginning of relationships, I don't like to be reminded I'm a woman. and they're always sort of confused but still kind of get what I mean. like I don't want to be treated as delicate and demure. but somehow it always comes back into the equation. men want to dominate me in bed, hold me down, call me good girl. I tell a man who unprompted calls me daddy's girl in bed that it's a major turn-off for me; he still says it from time to time. we break up. this man had told me he's enlightened in feminist terms; he grew up with sisters yadda yadda. I doubted it from the get-go, but remained optimistic. a man I dated tells me he likes skinny women (like me). I have a little bit of a babyface. people often mistake me for someone younger. he insists that this is not part of the appeal, while being 7 years my senior. "how old did you think I was when you started hitting on me?" I ask him. he doesn't have an answer. why do you think about being a woman, and I'm trying to shop for clothes but struggle to find a shirt that's not too low-cut or too sheer. my brother complains during a family dinner that women's soccer is too boring. I look up scenes for the movie "into the wild" because my parents are watching it. there's a scene where the main character refuses a girl's advances because she's 16. most men in the comments are calling him stupid; saying they would have had sex with her anyway. I like em skinny like that, a man says. a shame kristen stewart had to go gay and shave her head. what a waste. we're only valuable if we cater to men's pleasure, I suppose.
why do you think about being a woman so much? a man cooks dinner for us at his place and says, you know, I'm not the kind of man who wants women to cook dinner for him all the time, and I say, congrats on having moved beyond the 19-fuckin-50s. we break up. I make a mental note to start lifting, become muscular. cut my hair really short. I like my long hair, though. and yet I can only think of how men like it. how cutting it would free me of so many unwanted sexual advances. I think of men pulling women's hair in porn; men trying to replicate that in their sex lives. men replicating a lot of things they see in porn. porn being overarchingly violent and degrading towards women, and what that means for women's sex lives. how come you think about being a woman all the time, as men stare at me on the street and in bars. a man I date tells me, every man in the bar was looking at you. undressing you with their eyes, as if it's supposed to be a compliment, and clearly more to stroke his own ego. I tell him this makes me uncomfortable, and he shrugs and says sorry, but it's true. I wonder why he is so comfortable reminding me that to most men I'm an object, delights in it even. why do you think about being a woman so much? I think of telling men that I'm kind of not entirely a woman, but this means jack shit to them, who are happy as long as I look the part. anyway I think I'm gonna stop dating men for awhile
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madtomedgar · 2 years
just saw the assertion that “radfems in the 70s” invented having a “gender policy for events” by which the poster means only allowing a single gender at an event and um. idek what to say to that. look up what year ivies started admitting women. look up what year professional orgs started allowing women to attend their events. in many of these cases it was a lot later than the 70s. and in case this needs saying they also didn’t allow out trans people! so like. c’mon.
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ladynoirist · 1 year
"FAMILY STRUCTURES WHERE EVERYONE TOOK CARE OF EACH OTHER" tell me you've never met an asian woman without telling me you've never met an asian woman
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aquarri · 1 year
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I also dislike this “bisexuals have a genital preference” language: it’s far too close to saying we pick a side for my taste. Additionally, framing it as a *genital* preference specifically puts too much emphasis on the idea of sexual intercourse or sex organs as opposed to us being attracted to a whole person (body and personality) which IMO leans into this incorrect and harmful idea that we are hyper-sexual. I wish people — including bisexuals themselves — would be more thoughtful about how they talk about bisexuals as a class.
Some people seem to legitimately believe that we approach sexual relationships based on whether we desire dick or pussy more - that we're incapable of having long-term romantic relationships because we're just so indecisive/sexually insatiable/unfaithful.
It's so dehumanising (and it's no wonder so many bisexuals adopt micro-labels!).
I wish radblr could critique genital preference discourse and its impact on LG people without throwing us under the bus (and that they could take 'we're attracted to more than just genitals!' in good faith).
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champagnemoon · 1 year
As a former Bad Girls Club enjoyer…The Winter Blanco thing is so interesting to me because she won’t admit the reason why people don’t see her as a biracial black woman is that she spent the 2010s downplaying her blackness when it wasn’t in fashion lmaooo
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3nn-express · 5 months
What are the top 10 health benefits of Dates?
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Dates are nutritious fruits with a variety of health benefits. Dates are packed with vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. They also contain antioxidants that contribute to their health benefits. Dates help maintain healthy digestion and fight against constipation since they contain over 7 grams of fiber every 3.5-ounce serving. 
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justaboutsnapped · 3 months
Why you shouldn’t support the upcoming game Black Myth: Wukong
Simply put, the creators behind Black Myth: Wukong are raging misogynists.
Founders and creatives of the studio have:
Joked about former female employees hypothetically doing prostitution
Used suggestive/objectifying/derogatory imagery & phrasing in their hiring flyers (under the cut), e.g. “In addition to hookup buddies, we promise to provide more thoughtful services” , “fatties fuck off”, etc.
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Written entire think pieces on how video games don’t need female players or developers, how women are biologically inclined towards “softer” modes of gaming than men (there’s also a bit of homophobia mixed in through language such as “fuck sissies”), how some things should just be made for men, etc. “Fuck sissies, fuck tragic love stories, fuck moon-lit peach blossoms and flute-playing scholars! You don't need the reverse motivation of female players, you don't need to take care of those worms who just want to date chicks. Some things are just for men, their depression, their anger, their pain...”
Made numerous sexually explicit (& honestly incel-like) comments including ones about a female character in Black Myth: Wukong, e.g. “once you get used to this [character design] you can jerk off to it”, etc.
Boasted about how they’re losing followers, who must be women
To no one’s surprise, when people criticise the studio online, they’re met with vitriol about how they’re hypersensitive feminists, too politically correct, etc.
Chinese women have been YELLING non-stop on social media about how bad it is so it’s pretty depressing to see that a lot of non-Chinese gamers, even after reading an IGN article covering the situation, are apathetic. I get that a lot of people are excited about the novelty of a soulslike game based on Chinese mythology, but do you really want to support a studio that actively contributes towards and benefits from misogynistic gaming culture?
Talking about separating the artist from their art is bullshit if you're financially supporting them. Boycott! Pirate!
Here are some sources if you want to see detailed translations, learn more about the situation as well as the misogynistic gaming culture at large China:
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damdaarnews · 1 year
Energy की कमी महसूस हो रही है? महिलाओं में Iron के स्तर को बढ़ाने के लिए ऐसे 5 Nuts
Nuts सबसे अधिक पौष्टिक पदार्थों में से हैं जिन्हें आप अपने आहार में शामिल कर सकते हैं। उनमें स्वस्थ वसा होती है, जो हृदय के लिए आवश्यक है और खराब कोलेस्ट्रॉल को कम करने में फायदेमंद है, और बालों के विकास को बढ़ावा देने और त्वचा को पोषण देने के लिए बेहतरीन पूरक हैं। जैसे-जैसे महिलाओं की उम्र बढ़ती है, उनके आहार में अधिक पौष्टिक भोजन शामिल करने से उनका ऊर्जा स्तर बरकरार रहता है। यदि आप अक्सर थका…
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financeprincess · 2 months
“high value men” “feminine energy” “dark feminine” “wife material” “hypergamy” “providers” “rotational dating”
blah blah blah blah blah whatever. It’s a farce. I knew this day would come when feminine level up content would become derivative and soulless and full of opportunists using buzzwords trying to sell courses.
All I can say is keep centering yourself every single day, get your bag, get your education, network, workout, eat healthy, sleep right, rest as much as you can, get your water intake up, get your skincare on, whiten your teeth, only let men near you who benefit you (note I didn’t say sleep with!), pay off your high interest debt, get your investments up, and cut out all the bullshit and noise. don’t even worry about “how to get a husband” “how to dress like old money” because honestly, that stuff will come naturally when you don’t have to fake it anyway. Do you really think actual “high value” (I don’t like this terminology) women are stressed about finding a husband? Do you think actual wealthy people care about appearing wealthy to others? Just get after it and you won’t have to worry about faking it at all. It will all come naturally.
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girlitfeelsgood · 1 year
the daily mail article... that guy needs a new publicist
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been reading "the girls of slender means" by muriel spark and i need one of my friends to read it immediately as well
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