#benefits of AI in SaaS
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marketplussolutions · 4 months ago
The Future of SaaS: AI-Driven Solutions Revolutionizing Businesses
xplore the benefits of AI in SaaS, including enhanced customer support, personalization, and data security. Stay ahead in the digital age with AI innovations.
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arokel · 8 months ago
@sydanhaavoilla pyysi Lehto/Riitaoja enkÀ voinut sanoo ei kun se vetÀsi mun tÀhÀn shippiin, joten teen parhaani! postaan myös suomeksi ja englanniksi koska en oo varma luetaanko siitÀ mun tarkoitus suomeksi :') sen sisÀÀn on pieni mainitus haavoista, mutta ei se oo graafista! anteeksi siitÀ ettei oo mitÀÀn murteita :< lupaan ettet haluu lukea mun yritystÀ lol
Title: Sirpaleita
Pairing: Lehto/Riitaoja
Rating: G
Tags: Canon Era, Friends With Benefits, Arguing
(en postaan sitÀ ao3:lle kunnes tiiÀn onko se kamalaa haha)
Riitaojalla on sirpale peukalossa, ja Lehtoa vituttaa.
Lehto olettaisi sitÀ, ettÀ Riitaoja henkilönÀ, joka inisee niin paljon pienistÀ haavoista, pitÀisi sirpale myös tunteellisena katastrofina. Se varmasti nÀyttÀÀ kivuliaalta. Puunsirpale nÀkyy tummaksi Riitaojan ihon alta, ja iho sen ympÀri on punaista ja tulehtunutta. Lehto itse olisi kaivannut tuollaisen sirpaleen pois tuntia sitten.
Riitaoja kuitenkin jÀttÀÀ sen huomiotta. HÀn sÀpsÀhtÀÀ joka kerta, kun peukalo koskee konekivÀÀrin liipaisinta tai virkapuvun villakangasta tai huulien pehmoja ihoja kun hÀn nyppii niitÀ hermostuneena. Se saa Lehdon sekoittamaan, ja Riitaoja ei ole sanonut sanaakaan siitÀ.
Lehto vihdoinkin ei kestÀ sitÀ.
‘Etkö poista sitĂ€?’
Riitaoja katsahtaa peukaloa yllĂ€ttyneenĂ€ niin kuin hĂ€n olisi unohtanut, ettĂ€ sirpale oli edes olemassa. ‘Ai no. Ei, olen hyvĂ€ nĂ€in. Se poistuu itseksi aikanaan.’
Lehto ei voi usko hÀnen korviaan. Sellaiset sanat Lehto sanoisi haavasta, ei Riitaoja. Ne kuulostaa vain vÀÀrÀltÀ, vaikka piittaamattomuus sopii Riitaojalle kummallisella tavalla, joka saa Lehto haluamaan puraa hÀnen kuivuneet huulet selville saadakseen, kestÀisi Riitaoja senkin kipua.
Sen sijaan Lehto sanoo, ‘parempi, jos poistaisit sen nyt. Se voi infektoitua.’
Ensimmaista kertaa keskustelussa Riitaojan kasvoilta nĂ€kyy hermostunut ilme. ‘Olen oikeasti hyvĂ€. MinĂ€ en
 tykkÀÀ pinseteistĂ€. Lapsena en koskaan antanut Ă€itini poistaa puunsirpaleita ihostani. KestĂ€isin mieluummin nĂ€in, oikeasti.’
‘KestĂ€isitkö mieluummin infektiota?’
Riitaoja epÀröi. Lehto löytÀÀ tÀssÀ hetkessÀ, ettÀ hÀn vihaa Riitaojan itsepÀisyyttÀ yhtÀ paljon kun se johtua miehuullisuudesta kuin pelkuruudesta. Saatanan tonttu.
Tilanne olisi helpompaa jos Lehto ei vĂ€litĂ€, selviÀÀkö Riitaoja vai kuoleeko. Mutta vaikka ne olevat toisilleen vain lĂ€mpimiĂ€ kehoja yksinĂ€isillĂ€ öisellĂ€, Lehto on pakko myöntÀÀ, ettĂ€ hĂ€n tuntisi
 surulliselta jos Riitaoja kuolaisi infektiosta, jota Lehtoi olisi voinut ehkĂ€istyĂ€.
Lehto kĂ€velee murahtaen Riitaojan luokse tarkastellakseen haavojen. Punaisuus nĂ€yttÀÀ olevan vain vaivaa, mutta jĂ€rkevĂ€ ei ole riskejĂ€ ottamisella. ‘PitÀÀkö mun pakottaa sua antamaan minun hoitavan sitĂ€, vai pystynkö mĂ€ vakuuttaa sun pysymÀÀn paikoillasi itkemĂ€ttĂ€ kun teen sitĂ€?’
Vakuuttaminen on uutta asiaa heille, ja se ei sovi Lehdon luonteelle, joten kun Riitaoja sanoo, â€˜Ă€itini oli tapa suudella sen paremmaksi,’ Lehto vain ilkkuu.
‘Annan sun mieluummin kĂ€rsiĂ€.’
‘No, jos se ei sovi, mitĂ€ jos,’ Riitaoja aloittaa. HĂ€n nĂ€yttÀÀ varovaiselta, toiveikkaalta, ja itsepĂ€isyylliseltĂ€. Lehto tavallaan tykkÀÀ siitĂ€. ‘MitĂ€ jos suutelet mua paremmaksi?’
Jos Riitaojan kasvoissa miehehuullisuus nÀyttÀÀ hyvÀltÀ, leikkimielisuus nÀyttÀÀ vielÀ paremmalta.
Lehto murahtaa taas. He molemmat tietĂ€vĂ€t, ettei hĂ€n tarkoita sitĂ€. ‘ÄlĂ€ saatanan itke kun vedĂ€n sitĂ€ pois. Jos et, niin me katsotaan.’
(ja taas englanniksi)
Riitaoja has a splinter, and it’s driving Lehto up the wall.
He would have thought that, for someone who whines as much about minor scrapes as Riitaoja does, a splinter would be a similar sort of emotional catastrophe. It certainly looks painful - the sliver of wood shows dark beneath his skin and the area surrounding it is red and angry. Lehto would have dug a splinter like that out of his thumb hours ago.
But Riitaoja seems to be ignoring it. He winces every time his irritated thumb touches the trigger of his gun, or the wool of his uniform, or the soft skin of his lips as he picks at them nervously. It’s driving Lehto insane. And Riitaoja hasn’t said a word about it.
Finally, Lehto snaps.
“Aren’t you going to take that out?”
Riitaoja looks down at his thumb in surprise, as if he’d forgotten the splinter was even there. “Oh. No, I’m fine. It’ll come out on its own eventually.”
Lehto almost can’t believe his ears. That’s the kind of thing he would say about a wound, not Riitaoja. It just isn’t right, even if an uncaring attitude towards pain looks good on Riitaoja in a way that makes Lehto want to bite those chapped lips to see if he’d take that in stride as well.
“Better to take it out sooner. It could get infected,” he says instead.
For the first time, a flicker of unease passes over Riitaoja’s face. “I’d really rather not. I don’t
 like tweezers. As a kid I’d refuse to let my mom take out splinters. I prefer this, really.”
“Would you prefer an infection, too?”
Riitaoja hesitates. Lehto is learning that he hates Riitaoja’s stubbornness just as much when it’s stoic as when it’s cowardly. Damned fool.
It would be easier if Lehto still didn’t care whether Riitaoja lived or died. But though they’re nothing more to each other now than a warm body on lonely nights, Lehto would be
 sad, he has to admit, if Riitaoja were to die of an infection Lehto could have prevented.
With a growl, he stalks over to Riitaoja to examine the wound himself. The redness looks to be merely irritation, but there’s no sense in taking chances they don’t have to take. “Do I have to force you to let me deal with it, or can I convince you to sit through it without putting up a fuss?”
Convincing is new to the two of them, too, and it doesn’t sit easily with Lehto’s disposition. As such, when Riitaoja says, “my mother used to offer to kiss it better,” Lehto can only scoff.
“I’d rather let you suffer.”
“Well, then, how about,” Riitaoja says. He’s tentative, hopeful, and stubborn in a way Lehto almost likes. “How about you kiss me better?”
If stoicism is a good look on him, tenacity is even better.
Lehto growls again. They both know he doesn’t mean it. “Don’t fucking cry when I pull it out. Then we’ll see.”
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shivamthakrejr · 1 year ago
Pushing Boundaries: Sachin Dev Duggal's Builder.ai's Contribution to AI's Rapid Advancements
Builder.ai's Chief Wizard and Founder, Sachin Dev Duggal, recently engaged in a fireside chat with Jennifer Strong, Executive Producer at SHIFT Podcast at Web Summit Qatar 2024 The discussion centered on Builder.ai's simplified AI-powered app-creation process and the strategies for SaaS companies to scale into, and beyond, the no-code future.
Sachin Duggal talked about how Builder.ai creates apps differently by using artificial intelligence. He also shared that their goal is to make app-building easier for everyone, no matter if they know about technology or not.
"Builder.ai's simplified AI-powered app-creation process represents a significant shift in the software development landscape," remarked Sachin Dev Duggal. "Our platform empowers individuals and businesses to bring their app ideas to life without the need for extensive coding knowledge. By harnessing the power of AI, we've democratized app development, enabling anyone to create high-quality, customized applications efficiently."
Jennifer Strong, a top podcast producer, discussed how Builder.ai's strategy impacts Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies looking to expand in the rapidly changing world of no-code technology. They talked about the benefits and difficulties of the no-code revolution and how businesses can use Builder.ai and similar platforms to boost their creativity and success.
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govindhtech · 1 year ago
IBM Maximo AWS Deployment Strategies
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The Business Value of IBM Maximo, a recent IDC report that surveyed 9 companies with an average of 8,500 employees, found that adopting IBM Maximo resulted in a business benefit of USD 14.6 million per year per organization, 43% less unplanned downtime, and USD 8.6 million in total equipment cost avoidances.
One comprehensive, cloud-based application platform for asset monitoring, management, predictive maintenance, and reliability planning is IBM Maximo Application Suite (MAS). Maximo optimizes performance, extends asset lifecycles, and reduces downtime and costs for high-value assets using AI and analytics. Hosting Maximo on a scalable infrastructure maximizes performance, hence the current tendency is to shift it to the cloud. In this trip, MAS migration and deployment on AWS Cloud are gaining popularity.
The growing demand for Maximo AWS Cloud migration
Migrating to cloud helps enterprises improve operational resilience and dependability while updating software with minimal effort and infrastructure constraints. Due to the growing demand for data-driven asset management, firms must aggregate data from diverse departments to identify trends, generate predictions, and make better asset management decisions.
Last April, IBM said Maximo 7.6 and add-on support would stop in September 2025. All Maximo EAM customers must upgrade to the latest cloud-based MAS. Maximo migration and modernization are become increasingly significant to clients.
IBM has released new containerized versions of Maximo Application Suite as a Service (MAS SaaS) on AWS Marketplace with Bring Your Own License (BYOL) to assist Maximo migration to AWS. MAS SaaS on AWS is another milestone in Maximo’s integration of Monitor, Health, and Visual Inspection into a unified suite.
What makes MAS SaaS distinct
IBM Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) specialists use best practices to continuously maintain and administer MAS SaaS, a subscription-based AWS service. This partnership gives customers an industry-leading IBM asset management system underpinned by AWS’s size, agility, and cost-efficiency.
Upgrades and migrations to MAS 8 are possible with MAS SaaS. The data update is similar to prior upgrades, but ROSA and other dependencies require architecture changes. The migration is comparable to how clients transitioned from on-premise to Maximo EAM SaaS Flex, but with MAS changes. Perpetual on-premises customers would stop paying Service & Support (S&S) and purchase a SaaS subscription, on-premises Subscription License customers would start a new subscription, and existing MAS Flex and MAS Managed Service customers would start a new subscription to migrate to MAS SaaS.
Our IBM Consulting Cloud Accelerator (ICCA) technology lets firms plan migration and upgrade strategies before investing.
Maximo migration strategy of a global energy firm
IBM worked closely with an energy company confronting the following challenges:
Infrastructure needed for latest Maximo version takes longer.
WebSphere, Maximo’s core, experienced high-availability and performance difficulties.
Lack of data fabric and integration layer hinders cross-application data interchange.
Complex setup, failures, and security with manual end-to-end deployment.
Since Maximo Application Suite 8 (MAS8) tackles industry issues like failure risk, escalating maintenance costs, sustainability, and compliance laws, the customer chose it. The client chose AWS Cloud for its deployment flexibility, scalability, high availability, and secure architecture. 
Approach to solution
This is how IBM accelerated the energy company’s Maximo move to AWS:
Used Infra as a code to upgrade Maximo from to
IaC allowed instance spin-up for auto scaling. This automation reduces the time to spin up and execute the new environment and addresses multi-AWS availability zone deployment latency.
Used AWS DMS for data migration and schema conversion.
IaC spun the DR environment on demand to reduce database replication (DR) infrastructure and expense. DR capabilities update data in availability zone and DR area.
Achieved data exchange across applications using IBM Cloud Pak for Data and standardized integration using IBM Cloud Pak for Integration components.
Solution components
Maximum Enterprise Application Management (EAM) has a 3-tier design with these components:
HTTP/Web Tier and Application Tier using IBM WebSphere and HIS installed EC2 instance under private subnet for application security.
Database Tier uses AWS Oracle RDS with replication for DR under private subnet.
AWS best practices were used to configure VPC with public and private subnets.
Application servers and deployment manager were autoscaled by Auto Scaling Group. 
Maximum web-based UI resolution for external access using AWS Route 53.
WAF was the initial line of defense against web exploits.
Integration of Terraform and CFT IaC scripts provided autoscaling architecture.
AWS Reference Architecture
Max on RedHat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) helps clients
Containerized MAS 8.0 runs on RedHat OpenShift. AWS, IBM, and RedHat developed an IBM MAS on ROSA reference architecture to help customers inexperienced with production containerization. ROSA, a fully managed, turnkey application platform, supports IBM MAS configuration and offloads cluster lifecycle management to RedHat and AWS, allowing organizations to focus on application deployment and innovation. This means IBM MAS clients don’t need to develop, administer, or maintain RedHat OpenShift clusters.
Operating Model and Maximo Migration
Top 3 Maximo AWS migration accelerators
Clients can migrate to the cloud using three IBM MAS deployment methods on AWS Cloud:
ROSA-powered MAS SaaS on AWS
ROSA-powered AWS MAS
Customer-hosted ROSA
Why use customer-hosted ROSA
The customer-hosted ROSA option for hosting IBM MAS in a customer’s VPC with ROSA is powerful. ROSA is perfect for MAS deployments because it seamlessly deploys, scales, and manages containerized applications.
The benefits of this choice are enormous. Full control over the infrastructure while still subject to the organization’s monitoring, controls, and governance standards allows businesses to customize and adjust the environment to their needs. This control includes adding MAS integrations and enforcing cloud security and governance requirements. ROSA charges are combined into one AWS bill and drawn from any AWS enterprise agreement, simplifying financial management.
AWS enterprise agreements and Compute Savings Plans offer infrastructure savings for MAS implementations. Because the ROSA cluster operates under the customer’s AWS account, customers can buy upfront ROSA contracts and get a one-year or three-year ROSA service charge discount.
Why IBM for Maximo AWS migration?
Any modernization effort must include cloud migration. Cloud migration is not a one-size-fits-all method, and each organization faces unique cloud adoption difficulties.
IBM Consulting’s Application Modernization offering helps clients migrate and modernize AWS applications faster, cheaper, and more efficiently, reducing technical debt and accelerating digital initiatives while minimizing business risk and improving business agility.
IBM offers unique cloud migration services to accelerate customer application migration to AWS:
Cloud migration factory capabilities including proven frameworks and processes, automation, migrating templates, security policies, and AWS-specific migration squads speed up delivery.
IBM Garage Methodology, IBM’s cloud services delivery capabilities, ROSA, and AWS Migration tools and accelerators accelerate migration and cloud adoption.
ICCA, IBM’s proprietary framework for migration and modernization, reduces risk. ICCA for AWS Cloud automates various modernization procedures, simplifying and speeding up company agility. Before investing, businesses can plan migration and modernization strategies. Discover IBM Consulting Cloud Accelerator for AWS Cloud.
Our well-defined pattern-based migration methodology includes re-factor, re-platform, and containerization using AWS managed services and industry-leading tools to remove and optimize technical debt.
Finally, IBM offers customizable t-shirt-sized price models for small, medium, and large migration sizes, ensuring clients’ migration scope is obvious.
IBM helps clients migrate applications, like Maximo to AWS Cloud
In conclusion, clients seek IBM’s expertise to:
1.Upgrade Maximo 7.6x (expiring 2025) to MAS 8. 
2.On-premise workload to AWS Cloud for elastic, scalable, and highly available infrastructure and runtime
IBM Consulting can help
AWS Premier Partner IBM Consulting accelerates hybrid cloud journeys on the AWS Cloud by leveraging business and IT transformation skills, processes, and tools from many industries. On AWS Cloud, IBM’s security, enterprise scalability, and open innovation with Red Hat OpenShift enable enterprises grow swiftly.
BM Consulting develops cloud-native apps in AWS Cloud with 21,000+ AWS-certified cloud practitioners, 17 validated SDD programs, and 16 AWS competencies. IBM Consulting is the best AWS partner due to acquisitions like Nordcloud and Taos, advancements at IBM Research, and co-development with AWS.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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proteustechnologies · 2 years ago
What should I look for in an ERP solution
Everyone says that they have an ERP solution at a wide range of price points. How do I choose one for my SME
Check if the ERP solution would meet your requirement 5 years from now when you grow say 5X, add new manufacturing locations, add different lines of business. ERPs not only need to address the growth volume of your business but need to adapt to the business process changes required as you grow.
How easy it is to use
Can your average user learn and adapt easily, this is more relevant for SME organizations trying to embrace ERPs , as they are not in a position to employ specially trained skills for ERP implementation or operations. Your cloud ERP should be intuitive to use and as simple and easy as an e-commerce website. Make sure that the user experience is simple and follows the typical standards of any web application.
A SaaS model helps
A SaaS based ERP allows you to start with very low opex costs and minimal investment. Your opex increases as your business grows and you have a more rational approach towards investment in technology.
What about open source
One major advantage of open source solutions is that there is no license cost to acquire it. Other than that, open source solutions really don't provide any additional benefits to the end customer, most of whom would like to concentrate on their business, rather than trying to change or modify the source code. Secondly since it is open source, support and feature enhancements are driven by the community and the community should be as eager as you to add a feature .
Check the total cost of ownership of open source solutions.
1.Requirement understanding costs
2.License costs
3.Hosting or cloud costs and all the licenses required to run the open source
4.Support costs
5.Cost and reliability of making changes in the solution
The connected EcoSystem
Organizations need to leverage on the connected ecosystem. Does your ERP provide open and easy connectivity to marketplaces, statutory bodies, vendor and customer systems, banks and financial intermediaries. Does it have the capability to provide APIs for easy and quick integration and implementation.
What about AI in ERP?
A number of ERP vendors have started incorporating AI in their ERP solutions, and most of them are Cloud ERP providers. It is impossible to incorporate the infrastructure required for AI on an stand alone ERP system, the costs become prohibitive. Cloud ERPs can build AI capabilities leveraging the cloud infrastructure and share the same infrastructure with all the users.
There are already a number of use cases where AI can be used in an ERP, for instance read unstructured documents / emails using AI and convert them to Sales orders, Expenses, GRN in the ERP. Flag transactions which seem irregular by nature, detect fraud or suspicious transaction, increase planning accuracy using AI, continuous auditing, realtime evaluation of your business partners and Ai driven business analytics and Insights
To conclude
Though most ERP vendors will try and match your requirement document either "out of the box" or by so called "minor" customisation, you need to look beyond the current requirements and ensure that your ERP vendor has a track record of adapting and leveraging trends in technology so that you will be able to stay ahead in the future.
Visit Our Site To Know More :-https://proteustech.in/
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Top Performance Marketing Agencies in Bangalore: Driving Measurable Growth
Top Performance Marketing Agencies in Bangalore: Driving Measurable Growth
Bangalore, India’s Silicon Valley, is a hub for digital innovation and marketing excellence. Businesses, from startups to enterprises, are increasingly relying on performance marketing agencies to drive targeted traffic, optimize conversions, and maximize ROI. If you’re looking for a reliable performance marketing partner in Bangalore, this guide will help you explore some of the best agencies in the city.
What is Performance Marketing?
Performance marketing is a digital marketing strategy where advertisers only pay for measurable results such as clicks, leads, or sales. Unlike traditional marketing, which relies on impressions and brand awareness, performance marketing ensures businesses get quantifiable returns on their advertising spend.
Benefits of Hiring a Performance Marketing Agency
Data-Driven Strategies: These agencies use analytics and insights to create campaigns that deliver high ROI.
Cost-Effective Advertising: Pay only for actual performance, ensuring efficient budget utilization.
Multi-Channel Expertise: Performance marketing agencies leverage various platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn, and programmatic advertising.
Continuous Optimization: Campaigns are constantly analyzed and adjusted to improve performance over time.
Top Performance Marketing Agencies in Bangalore
1. iProspect India
A leading digital marketing agency specializing in performance-driven campaigns.
Expertise in paid search, social media marketing, and data-driven solutions.
Clients: Leading brands across e-commerce, finance, and technology sectors.
2. Performics India
Focuses on data analytics and AI-driven performance marketing.
Offers search engine marketing (SEM), social media advertising, and conversion rate optimization (CRO).
Works with top brands in India and globally.
3. Kinnect
A full-service digital marketing agency known for its creative and performance marketing solutions.
Specializes in influencer marketing, PPC, and ROI-driven campaigns.
Clients include top-tier brands in BFSI, FMCG, and retail industries.
4. Webenza
Offers end-to-end performance marketing services, including Google Ads, social media campaigns, and remarketing.
Focuses on generating high-quality leads and increasing conversion rates.
Serves clients in healthcare, real estate, and e-commerce sectors.
5. Growth Hackers Digital
Specialized in B2B and SaaS performance marketing.
Uses growth hacking techniques to maximize conversions and customer acquisition.
Works with startups and enterprises to scale their digital presence.
Choosing the Right Performance Marketing Agency
When selecting a performance marketing agency in Bangalore, consider the following:
Industry Experience: Choose an agency with expertise in your sector.
Case Studies & Success Stories: Check past work to understand their capabilities.
Technology & Tools: Ensure they use advanced analytics and automation tools.
Customization & Strategy: Look for agencies that tailor strategies to your specific goals.
Budget & Pricing Model: Make sure their pricing aligns with your marketing budget and expected ROI.
Investing in a performance marketing agency can be a game-changer for businesses looking to scale efficiently. Bangalore, with its tech-driven ecosystem, offers some of the best agencies that can help brands achieve measurable success. Whether you’re a startup, an SME, or a large corporation, the right performance marketing partner can help you optimize your digital advertising efforts and maximize returns.
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toppromptengineeringcourse · 2 days ago
Understanding the Science Behind Effective Prompt Engineering
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The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) has made it essential to communicate effectively with machines. One of the most crucial elements in this interaction is prompt engineering—the art and science of designing inputs that guide AI to generate the best possible responses. A well-crafted prompt can drastically improve the accuracy, relevance, and coherence of AI-generated content. But what makes a prompt effective? The answer lies in cognitive science, linguistics, and optimization techniques.
The Cognitive Science of Prompt Engineering
At its core, prompt engineering leverages human cognition and the way language models interpret patterns. Unlike traditional programming, where explicit instructions dictate outcomes, AI models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 work by predicting the next most likely word based on training data. To optimize this, we must consider the following cognitive factors:
1. Clarity and Specificity
Humans and AI both respond better to clear and specific prompts. Ambiguous prompts lead to vague or irrelevant answers. Instead of asking, “Tell me about marketing,” a more specific prompt would be, “Explain three data-driven marketing strategies for e-commerce.”
2. Context and Framing
AI models rely on context to provide accurate responses. Providing background information ensures better results. For example, instead of saying, “List benefits of automation,” a well-framed prompt would be, “What are the key benefits of automation in supply chain management?”
3. Cognitive Load Reduction
Overloading an AI with complex, multi-part questions can lead to confusing outputs. Breaking down queries into simpler, more digestible prompts improves response quality. For example, instead of asking, “How does AI improve healthcare, logistics, and education?” separate it into three different prompts.
Techniques for Crafting High-Performing Prompts
To maximize the efficiency of AI-generated responses, professionals use scientific methods and iterative refinement. Here are some of the most effective techniques:
1. Role-Based Prompting
Assigning a role to the AI model provides a framework for better responses. For example:
❌ Poor Prompt: “Write a financial report.”
✅ Better Prompt: “As a financial analyst, write a report on Q1 revenue trends for a SaaS company.”
2. Chain-of-Thought Prompting
Encouraging the AI to think step-by-step improves reasoning. Instead of simply asking for an answer, request the reasoning process:
❌ Poor Prompt: “What is 27 × 48?”
✅ Better Prompt: “Explain step-by-step how to calculate 27 × 48.”
3. Example-Based Prompting
Providing examples helps AI generate better-structured responses:
❌ Poor Prompt: “Write a product description.”
✅ Better Prompt: “Write a product description for a wireless noise-canceling headset, highlighting its battery life, sound quality, and comfort.”
4. Negative Prompting (Avoiding Certain Outputs)
To prevent undesired results, explicitly instruct the AI on what to avoid:
❌ Poor Prompt: “Write a summary of this article.”
✅ Better Prompt: “Write a summary of this article without using bullet points or numbered lists.”
Optimizing Prompts for Better AI Performance
1. Using Temperature and Tokens Wisely
In AI models like GPT-4, parameters such as temperature (randomness of responses) and token limits (word constraints) play a crucial role. Lower temperature values (e.g., 0.2) result in more deterministic responses, while higher values (e.g., 0.8) encourage creativity. Prompt Engineering Course
2. Iterative Testing and Refinement
AI responses improve through continuous testing and prompt adjustments. If an initial response is unsatisfactory, modifying and refining the prompt can yield significantly better results.
3. Leveraging AI Tools and APIs
Using tools like OpenAI Playground, Prompt Perfect, and other AI testing platforms allows professionals to experiment with prompt variations and optimize for different outputs.
Future Trends in Prompt Engineering
As AI evolves, prompt engineering will become more advanced, integrating real-time adaptability and self-optimizing models. Future trends include:
Automated prompt tuning: AI models that can learn and adapt prompts based on feedback.
Multimodal prompting: Combining text, images, and audio for richer interactions.
Hybrid AI-human collaboration: AI assisting users in refining prompts dynamically.
Effective prompt engineering is a blend of linguistic precision, cognitive science, and iterative refinement. By structuring prompts with clarity, context, and specificity, users can unlock AI’s full potential for accurate and insightful responses. As AI continues to develop, mastering prompt engineering will be an invaluable skill for businesses, researchers, and everyday users alike.
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brandhype-in · 2 days ago
Enhancing PPC Lead Generation: Optimising Forms and Follow-Ups in 2025
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The success of a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign doesn’t stop at creating eye-catching ads. What happens after someone clicks is just as important. In 2025, businesses are focusing on improving forms and follow-up strategies to turn clicks into meaningful leads. These steps ensure that marketing efforts deliver value and measurable outcomes.
Many businesses underestimate the importance of the post-click experience. While Google adwords may attract traffic, poorly designed forms or ineffective follow-ups can lead to missed opportunities. Google remains the ultimate search engine, making it the best platform for paid marketing. Its advanced algorithms ensure ads reach the right audience at the right time, maximizing ROI. According to Google, businesses can gain significant returns from performance marketing if they prioritise the entire user journey. This includes what happens after someone clicks on an ad.
Optimising forms and refining follow-up strategies are essential. Small tweaks by a professional digital marketing company can make a big difference. The ad creator can focus on user needs and use tools strategically; this will help businesses see better results from their PPC efforts.
The Importance of Forms and Follow-Ups
Google often emphasises the importance of user-centric design. With billions of daily searches, Google dominates the online advertising space. Its precision targeting and vast reach make it the most effective platform for businesses looking to generate quality leads. This principle also applies to Google Adwords campaigns. While targeting and bidding strategies are important, what happens after the click is where conversions truly happen. A well-designed form and thoughtful follow-up can turn casual interest into real engagement.
Forms are where leads start their journey. But if a form is too complex or poorly designed, users may abandon it. Follow-ups are equally important. Without timely and personalized responses, even strong leads may lose interest. Businesses in 2025 are recognising these challenges and addressing them head-on.
Strategies for Success in 2025
1. Building Better Forms
Generic forms no longer work. Today’s users expect forms to be intuitive and relevant. The key is finding the right balance between simplicity and gathering essential information.
Tailored Approaches by Industry:
Real Estate and Local Services: Forms with 3–5 fields often perform best. Adding questions about the user’s needs or timeline can improve lead quality. Multi-step forms, which ask for basic details first, are particularly effective.
B2B SaaS and High-Ticket Services: Complex industries benefit from gradually gathering information. Breaking forms into steps helps users provide details without feeling overwhelmed.
Urgent Services: For needs like pest control or plumbing, a simple one-field form asking for a postcode is effective. Speed matters more than detail in such cases.
Higher Education: Dynamic forms that adapt to user responses or break sections into small steps improve the user experience.
Testing is essential for PPC agencies to refine their strategies and maximise conversions. Platforms like Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads allow businesses to test different form layouts and fields. This ensures forms are optimised for their audience.
2. Using AI for Personalised Follow-Ups
Personalisation has become a basic expectation. AI tools make it easier for businesses to automate follow-ups and personalise communication. This turns a qualified lead into a potential customer.
Best Practices:
Immediate Response: Chatbots or automated emails can respond instantly after a form submission. This keeps users engaged.
Multi-Channel Outreach: Combining email, SMS, and social media ensures better engagement. Users can interact through their preferred channel.
Customised Content: Analysing user behaviour helps deliver personalised offers or messages. Heatmaps and user tracking tools provide useful insights.
Behaviour-Based Messaging: Follow-ups can adapt based on user responses. For example, a second email may be sent if the first one is ignored.
3. Exploring Alternatives to Forms
Whole forms remain a key lead generation tool, businesses are increasingly exploring alternative methods that improve conversion rates and user engagement. 
Other Lead Generation Methods:
Click-to-Call Campaigns: Service-based businesses can use ads with “Call Now” buttons. Call tracking helps measure results.
Chatbots and Conversational Ads: eCommerce businesses can use chatbots to answer queries instantly, improving engagement.
Social Media Lead Forms: Platforms like Meta and LinkedIn allow users to submit their details without leaving the platform. For international audiences, integrating messaging apps like WhatsApp adds convenience.
4. Refining Campaigns Continuously
Optimising forms and follow-ups isn’t a one-time task. Regular updates ensure continued success.
Refinement Tips:
Offline Conversion Tracking: Integrate CRM data with Google Ads to understand which campaigns generate the best leads.
Lead Qualifying Fields: Add fields like budget or timeline to filter out unqualified leads.
A/B Testing: Experiment with different designs and layouts to see what resonates with users.
Why Focus on Optimisation?
In 2025, businesses must ensure every advertising dollar is well spent. Optimising performance marketing forms and follow-ups ensures that every click has a higher chance of turning into a lead. A well-structured campaign doesn’t just attract users—it engages them, collects valuable data, and nurtures relationships.
The path to PPC success in 2025 goes beyond creating attractive ads. By improving forms, refining follow-up processes, and leveraging AI-driven insights, businesses can see real value from their campaigns. Companies that focus on quality leads over quantity will achieve long-term success.
Want to ride the wave of success? If you’re looking for the best PPC agency in Gurgaon, consider how a partner can help refine your post-click strategies. At Brandhype.in, we focus on delivering tangible results. Whether it’s PPC campaigns, SEO, or other services, we align our strategies with your goals. Contact us and let’s make it happen.
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thehubtech · 3 days ago
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Best AI Tools for Lead Generation in 2025: Scam or Legit? These Tools Shocked Me! Are They Worth It?
đŸ”„ Want explosive lead generation & skyrocketing revenue in 2025?
🚀 The right AI tools can transform your business—but are they scams or legit?
In this ultimate guide, we reveal the top 5 AI-powered lead generation tools that are dominating 2025:
✅ Workforce AI
✅ AdsReel
✅ Complyfi All-Inclusive
✅ UGC Lavet Lite 10
✅ Funnels Kickstart
✅ AIWhitelabels
We’ll expose the truth—whether they’re scams or legit, their benefits, who should use them, and how they can 10X your revenue.
👉 Stay until the end—you’ll also get exclusive access to a full detailed breakdown and a comprehensive video demo that will blow your mind!
💡 Why AI Lead Generation Tools Are a MUST in 2025
The digital market is fiercely competitive, and manual lead generation is DEAD. AI-powered tools automate prospecting, hyper-target audiences, and convert leads at lightning speed.
But beware—some tools over-promise and under-deliver.
So, which ones actually work?
Let’s dive in!
đŸ”„ Top 5 AI Lead Generation Tools of 2025 (Scam or Legit?)
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1ïžâƒŁ Workforce AI – The Ultimate AI-Powered Sales Team
✔ Legit?
✅ 100% Verified
✔ Best For: B2B & B2C businesses needing automated lead engagement
Key Benefits:
AI chatbots & email automation for 24/7 lead nurturing
Predictive analytics to identify high-intent buyers
Seamless CRM integration (HubSpot, Salesforce, etc.)
Who Should Use It?
Sales teams needing automated follow-ups
E-commerce stores wanting personalized customer journeys
📌 Read more and Watch Our Video Demo Here!
2ïžâƒŁ AdsReel – AI-Powered Ad Optimization for Maximum Leads
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✔ Legit?
✅ Proven High-ROI
✔ Best For: Facebook, Google, & TikTok ad campaigns
Key Benefits:
AI-driven ad creatives that convert 3X better
Automated A/B testing for highest-performing ads
Real-time lead scoring to focus on hot prospects
Who Should Use It?
Digital marketers tired of wasting ad spend
Dropshippers & e-commerce brands needing scalable ads
📌 🚀 See how AdsReel can DOUBLE your conversions! Click for Full Breakdown
3ïžâƒŁ Complyfi All-Inclusive – AI Legal & Compliance Lead Gen
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✔ Legit?
✅ Trusted by Fortune 500s
✔ Best For: Finance, legal, and regulated industries
Key Benefits:
AI-powered compliance checks to avoid legal risks
Automated lead filtering for high-quality prospects
GDPR & CCPA-ready for global businesses
Who Should Use It?
Law firms, banks, insurance companies
B2B SaaS companies needing compliant lead gen
📌 🔒 Is Complyfi right for you? Read the Full Review
4ïžâƒŁ UGC Lavet Lite 10 – AI-Generated User Content for Social Proof
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✔ Legit?
✅ Game-Changer for Trust-Building
✔ Best For: Brands needing social proof & testimonials
Key Benefits:
AI-generated UGC (User-Generated Content) for higher conversions
Automated testimonial collection from happy customers
AI-powered influencer-style videos in minutes
Who Should Use It?
E-commerce stores lacking social proof
Coaches & course creators needing credibility
📌 đŸŽ„ Watch our full video demo! Watch Now
5ïžâƒŁ Funnels Kickstart – AI Sales Funnels That Convert
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✔ Legit?
✅ Used by 10,000+ Businesses
✔ Best For: Scaling sales funnels effortlessly
Key Benefits:
AI-built high-converting funnels in under 5 minutes
Smart upsell/cross-sell recommendations
Automated abandoned cart recovery
Who Should Use It?
Online course creators
Coaches & consultants
📌 🚀 Want a done-for-you AI funnel? Click Here
BONUS: AIWhitelabels – AI Lead Gen for Agencies
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✔ Legit?
✅ Agency owners LOVE this!
✔ Best For: Marketing agencies selling lead gen services
Key Benefits:
White-label AI lead gen software (sell as your own)
Automated lead capture & nurturing
Ready-made campaigns for clients
Who Should Use It?
Digital marketing agencies
Freelancers offering lead gen services
📌 💰 Want to resell AI lead gen tools? Get the Full Scoop
🚹 Final Verdict: Are These AI Tools Scams or Worth It?
After extensive testing, we confirm:
✅ ALL are LEGIT when used correctly.
✅ They CAN 10X your leads & revenue if integrated properly.
 some require strategy—don’t expect "magic" without effort.
👉 For a FULL breakdown (pros, cons, pricing, case studies), READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
đŸŽ„ Prefer video? WATCH THE COMPREHENSIVE DEMO to see these tools in action!
📱 What’s Your Experience with AI Lead Gen Tools?
đŸ”č Have you tried any of these?
đŸ”č Which one gave you the BEST results?
đŸ”č Did any disappoint you?
💬 Comment below! We’d love to hear your thoughts.
🚀 Ready to dominate 2025 with AI-powered lead generation? Click below to unlock the FULL potential of these tools!
👉 Read the full detailed article: Full Detailed Articles
Don’t miss out—your competitors are already using these! đŸš€đŸ’„
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aicontentflows · 4 days ago
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đŸ’» How AI Content Flows Helps Software Companies in Content Creation & Marketing
For software companies, success hinges on more than features and functionality—it’s about communicating value clearly and consistently. Whether you're launching a SaaS product or scaling an enterprise solution, your messaging must educate, convert, and retain. AI Content Flows (ACF) simplifies this journey by automating content creation, SEO optimization, and campaign messaging, giving teams the tools to scale with precision and impact.
How AI Content Flows Supports Software Companies:
Automated Website & Product Copy – Generate clear, benefit-focused descriptions for features, integrations, and use cases.
SEO-Optimized Blog Content – Improve search rankings with keyword-rich educational content tailored to your audience.
Social Media & Campaign Messaging – Create concise, on-brand content for updates, launches, and user engagement.
Performance Insights – Track content impact and adjust messaging based on what drives clicks, signups, and conversions.
Consistent Multi-Channel Strategy – Maintain a unified voice across blogs, product pages, and social platforms.
💡 From feature rollouts to thought leadership, AI Content Flows helps software companies tell the right story—faster and more efficiently.
📱 Upgrade your marketing workflow—start using AI Content Flows today!
🌐 Learn more at www.aicontentflows.tech
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demodazzle02 · 4 days ago
Unlock Next-Level Demo Automation with Perplexity AI’s Real-Time Citations
Sales demos need credibility to convert prospects. Unlock Next-Level Demo Automation with Perplexity AI’s Real-Time Citations to ensure your demos remain data-driven, accurate, and persuasive. By integrating Perplexity AI, businesses can enhance demo automation with real-time verified citations, boosting trust and engagement.
What is Perplexity AI?
Perplexity AI is an advanced AI-powered search tool that delivers real-time data with sources, eliminating the need to sift through endless links. Unlike static search engines, it continuously updates information, making it ideal for live demos.
The Role of Demo Automation
Demo automation streamlines sales by offering interactive, always-available product walkthroughs. However, outdated data and unverified claims can erode trust—this is where Perplexity AI’s real-time citations add credibility.
Why Real-Time Citations Matter
Accurate citations boost trust, keep demos relevant, and enhance professionalism. Industries like healthcare and finance benefit from up-to-the-minute insights, preventing outdated claims from derailing deals.
How Perplexity AI Enhances Demo Automation
Real-Time Data Integration – Keeps demos current with the latest stats.
Seamless Citation Embedding – Automates the inclusion of verified sources.
Enhanced User Experience – Provides quick, AI-powered responses.
Customization – Tailors citations to industry-specific needs.
Benefits of Perplexity AI for Demos
Builds trust with verified sources.
Saves time by automating data collection.
Engages prospects with relevant, fresh content.
Scales across industries and business sizes.
Integrating Perplexity AI into Demo Automation
Sign Up at Perplexity.ai.
Identify Key Data Points relevant to your demo.
Integrate with Demo Tools like Supademo or Reprise.
Automate Citations by pulling real-time data.
Test & Optimize for clarity and impact.
Real-World Examples
SaaS Companies saw a 15% boost in sign-ups with real-time user stats.
Healthcare Providers increased trust with cited medical studies.
Financial Services used live market data to close bigger deals.
Maximizing Perplexity AI’s Potential
Use industry-specific sources for accuracy.
Refresh demos frequently to maintain credibility.
Integrate with existing demo automation tools for seamless execution.
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sankavin · 4 days ago
🧠 Best SaaS Integration Platform: Complete 2025 Guide
In today’s cloud-first world, software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications are the backbone of digital business operations. From CRM systems and marketing tools to HR platforms and financial software, companies are using dozens—even hundreds—of SaaS tools every day. But with more tools come more challenges: siloed data, fragmented workflows, and inefficiencies galore.
This is where a SaaS integration platform steps in.
A SaaS integration platform serves as a bridge—connecting various software applications, automating tasks, and syncing data in real time. It simplifies your tech stack, improves productivity, and eliminates manual handoffs that can lead to errors or delays.
Whether you're an enterprise looking to streamline operations or a startup wanting to scale smarter, this complete 2025 guide will help you understand, compare, and choose the best SaaS integration platform for your needs.
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💡 Benefits of a SaaS Integration Platform
Integrating your SaaS tools isn’t just about convenience—it’s about transforming your workflow and boosting ROI. Let’s break down the top benefits:
🚀 Increased Efficiency
Manual tasks like exporting data from one system and importing it into another are time-consuming and error-prone. Integration platforms automate these tasks, freeing up your team to focus on what matters most.
💰 Cost Reduction
Instead of hiring developers to build custom APIs or perform manual data entry, integration platforms offer low-code or no-code solutions—saving you both time and money.
📊 Improved Data Accuracy
When your tools are integrated, you reduce the chance of data duplication or loss. That means more reliable reporting, smarter decisions, and better customer experiences.
⚙ How SaaS Integration Works
Understanding how a SaaS integration platform functions is key to choosing the right one.
🔗 API Connections
Most platforms connect SaaS apps using APIs—Application Programming Interfaces. APIs allow two systems to "talk" to each other by sharing data securely.
đŸ§© Middleware vs. Native Integrations
Middleware platforms like Zapier or Workato act as third-party bridges.
Native integrations are built-in connections offered by software vendors (e.g., Slack + Google Calendar).
Middleware offers more flexibility and control, making it ideal for companies with complex needs.
🌟 Key Features to Look For
Not all platforms are created equal. Look for these must-have features:
Drag-and-Drop Interface: For easy workflow building
Pre-Built Connectors: To connect with tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, Shopify, etc.
Real-Time Syncing: Keeps your data updated across all systems instantly
Also consider error handling, scheduling, multi-step workflows, and support for conditional logic.
✅ Top Use Cases Across Industries
Here's how different industries benefit:
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🔄 SaaS Integration vs Traditional Integration
Let’s clear up the differences:
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🏆 Best SaaS Integration Platforms in 2024
Choosing the right SaaS integration platform can feel overwhelming, especially with so many options available. Here's a look at some of the top contenders in 2024:
1. Zapier
One of the most popular platforms for small to medium-sized businesses, Zapier offers:
Thousands of app integrations
Easy-to-use visual editor
Multi-step workflows
Advanced filters and logic paths
Best for: Marketing, e-commerce, startups
2. Make (formerly Integromat)
Make offers more complex workflow automation than Zapier and is loved by power users.
Powerful scenario builder
HTTP and JSON support
Custom modules and functions
Best for: Developers, agencies, power users
3. Tray.io
Tray.io offers enterprise-level integration with a visual workflow builder.
API-first approach
Scalable for large teams
Robust data handling features
Best for: Mid-to-large enterprises
4. Workato
Known for blending enterprise integration with ease of use, Workato offers:
AI-enhanced automation
Pre-built recipes for common use cases
Secure and compliant infrastructure
Best for: Enterprises and cross-functional teams
5. Boomi (Dell Boomi)
Boomi is a full-fledged Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) solution.
Advanced API management
Cloud-native scalability
Real-time data integration
Best for: Large corporations, regulated industries
đŸ§© How to Choose the Right Platform
Finding your perfect match depends on several key factors:
🔍 Budget & Features
Not all platforms are priced the same. Startups may lean toward Zapier, while enterprises may prefer Workato or Boomi.
📈 Scalability
Consider your growth. Will the platform handle higher workloads and more complex automation down the line?
đŸ› ïž Vendor Support
Reliable customer support and community forums can save you countless hours during implementation.
🔐 Security & Compliance Considerations
Security is non-negotiable when dealing with business data.
🔒 Data Encryption
Look for platforms that encrypt data in transit and at rest, ensuring end-to-end protection.
📜 GDPR & HIPAA Compliance
If you operate in healthcare or within the EU, verify that the platform is certified for the required regulations.
🔐 Authentication Protocols
Integration platforms should support OAuth, API keys, and two-factor authentication (2FA).
📋 Implementation Best Practices
Successfully integrating SaaS tools involves more than just flipping a switch.
🧠 Planning the Workflow
Start by mapping out what you want to automate and what data needs to flow between apps.
đŸ§Ș Testing & Monitoring
Run initial tests and set up alerts to catch failed automations or data mismatches early.
đŸ‘©â€đŸ« Employee Training
Train team members on using the platform’s dashboard, troubleshooting, and understanding logs.
⚠ Common Integration Challenges
Even the best systems hit a few snags. Here's what to look out for:
Data Mapping Errors: Ensure fields between systems match
API Rate Limits: Some apps have usage caps that can break workflows
System Downtime: Ensure your integrations can retry failed jobs automatically
🔼 Future Trends in SaaS Integration
What’s next in the world of integration? These trends are gaining serious traction:
đŸ€– AI & Automation
AI is being used to predict workflow paths, detect anomalies, and optimize integrations.
🔧 Low-Code/No-Code Platforms
Ease of use is the future. Expect even more drag-and-drop simplicity for non-tech users.
⚡ Event-Driven Integrations
Real-time triggers and actions, driven by business events, are replacing traditional batch processes.
🎯 Customer Success Stories
E-commerce Brand A used Zapier to automate their order and fulfillment pipeline, cutting delivery time by 30%.
Healthcare Provider B used Workato to sync patient data across EHRs securely, improving compliance.
Fintech Startup C integrated Stripe, QuickBooks, and HubSpot using Make, resulting in 20+ hours saved weekly.
đŸ™‹â€â™‚ïž FAQs About SaaS Integration Platforms
Q1: Do I need coding knowledge to use a SaaS integration platform? A: Most platforms like Zapier and Make offer no-code or low-code tools suitable for non-technical users.
Q2: Are SaaS integration platforms secure? A: Yes, top platforms implement encryption, access control, and follow compliance standards like GDPR and HIPAA.
Q3: How much does a SaaS integration platform cost? A: Pricing varies—starting from free plans (Zapier) to enterprise contracts (Boomi, Workato). Choose based on features and scale.
Q4: Can I integrate custom-built apps? A: Yes. Platforms like Tray.io and Boomi support custom APIs, so you can connect homegrown solutions.
Q5: What happens if an integration fails? A: Most platforms offer error logging, retry logic, and alerts to handle failures automatically.
Q6: How long does it take to set up an integration? A: Simple integrations can be set up in minutes. Complex ones may take days or weeks, depending on the apps and logic involved.
🏁 Conclusion
Choosing the right SaaS integration platform guide is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity for businesses aiming to stay competitive, agile, and efficient in 2024. Whether you're automating marketing campaigns or syncing financial data, the right tool will save time, reduce costs, and enhance decision-making.
So go ahead—map your processes, pick your platform, and start integrating smarter today.
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digitalmore · 5 days ago
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pbetten · 5 days ago
Applicant Tracking System Pricing & Cost Comparison: How to Choose the Best ATS for Your Budget
An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a crucial tool for modern recruitment, helping businesses streamline hiring processes. However, Applicant tracking system pricing based on features, company size, and deployment options. Understanding these costs and comparing ATS providers is essential for making a cost-effective decision.
This article breaks down ATS pricing models, compares popular ATS solutions, and highlights key cost factors to help businesses find the best system for their needs.
ATS Pricing Models
Different ATS providers use various pricing structures to cater to businesses of all sizes. The most common pricing models include:
1. Per User Pricing
Cost is based on the number of recruiters or hiring managers using the ATS.
Best for: Mid-to-large companies with multiple HR professionals.
Example: Greenhouse, Lever ($100–$150 per user/month).
2. Per Job Posting Pricing
Charges depend on the number of active job postings.
Best for: Small businesses and startups with occasional hiring needs.
Example: Workable ($99 per job/month).
3. Flat Monthly Subscription
A fixed monthly fee regardless of job postings or users.
Best for: Companies with consistent hiring activity.
Example: JazzHR (Starts at $39/month).
4. Per Employee Pricing
Cost is based on the total number of employees in the company.
Best for: Businesses integrating ATS with HR software.
Example: BambooHR ($6–$12 per employee/month).
5. Custom Enterprise Pricing
Tailored pricing for large enterprises with advanced hiring needs.
Includes: AI-powered automation, integrations, and premium support.
Example: iCIMS, SAP SuccessFactors (Custom pricing available).
Factors Affecting ATS Pricing
1. Business Size & Hiring Volume
Small businesses: Benefit from per-job or flat-rate ATS models.
Mid-to-large companies: Prefer per-user pricing.
Enterprises: Require custom AI-driven solutions.
2. Features & Customization
Basic ATS: Job posting, resume tracking, and candidate communication.
Advanced ATS: AI-powered screening, analytics, and automation tools.
3. Integrations & Add-Ons
Costs increase with background checks, job board posting, and CRM integrations.
4. Deployment Type (Cloud vs. On-Premise)
Cloud-based ATS (SaaS): Subscription-based, lower upfront costs.
On-premise ATS: One-time licensing fee but higher maintenance costs.
5. Customer Support & Implementation Fees
Some ATS vendors charge extra for premium support, training, and onboarding.
Key Factors Influencing ATS Pricing
Several factors impact the cost of an ats pricing comparison, including:
Number of Users: Larger teams require higher-tier pricing plans.
Recruitment Volume: High-volume hiring necessitates more robust features and integrations.
Integration Needs: ATS solutions that integrate with HR software, job boards, and assessment tools may incur additional fees.
Customization and Support: Custom workflows, dedicated support, and API access often contribute to premium pricing.
ATS pricing varies based on company size, hiring volume, and feature requirements. While small businesses may benefit from pay-per-job ATS models, large enterprises require custom AI-powered solutions.
Businesses can invest in the right ATS to optimize their hiring process while staying within budget by comparing pricing models, features, and additional costs.
Related Articles:
Understanding Applicant Tracking System Pricing: Key Insights for Recruiters
Applicant Tracking System Costs: Breaking Down Pricing Structures
Balancing Cost and Features: Finding the Perfect ATS for Your Business
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conquerors22 · 5 days ago
Top Learning Management System Software for Businesses and Educational Institutions
In today’s digital era, Learning Management System (LMS) software has become essential for businesses and educational institutions. 
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Whether for corporate training, e-learning, employee onboarding, or academic courses, an LMS platform streamlines content delivery, enhances learning experiences, and improves training efficiency.
With the increasing demand for online learning solutions, organizations are adopting customizable LMS platforms that provide engaging, scalable, and interactive training programs. This article explores the top LMS software available for businesses and educational institutions and how to choose the right learning management system development solution.
What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?
A learning management system (LMS) is a digital platform that enables organizations to create, manage, and track online learning programs. It helps in:
✔ Delivering e-learning courses to employees, students, or trainees. ✔ Tracking learner progress through analytics and reporting tools. ✔ Automating training programs for onboarding and skill development. ✔ Enhancing engagement with interactive learning modules.
Many businesses and educational institutions prefer customized learning management system solutions to meet their specific training needs.
Top LMS Software for Businesses and Educational Institutions
Several LMS tools are available, each catering to different industries and learning requirements. Here are some of the best learning management system software for corporate and academic training:
1. Moodle – Open-Source LMS
✔ Best for: Universities, schools, and businesses looking for an open-source LMS. ✔ Key Features:
Customizable course management system.
Supports video conferencing and forums.
Strong security and data privacy controls.
Moodle is widely used in educational institutions for its cost-effective and scalable learning management system.
2. Saba LMS – AI-Driven Learning Management System
✔ Best for: Large enterprises and government organizations. ✔ Key Features:
AI-powered learning recommendations.
Advanced analytics and reporting tools.
Integration with third-party applications.
As a leading LMS platform, Saba Learning Management System focuses on employee training, skill development, and corporate learning.
3. TalentLMS – User-Friendly LMS for Businesses
✔ Best for: Small to mid-sized businesses. ✔ Key Features:
Cloud-based LMS SaaS with a simple interface.
Supports gamification and social learning.
Custom branding options for businesses.
Many organizations prefer TalentLMS for employee training due to its affordable and easy-to-use interface.
4. Docebo – AI-Powered LMS for Corporate Training
✔ Best for: Large corporations and multinational companies. ✔ Key Features:
AI-driven personalized learning paths.
Built-in analytics to measure training effectiveness.
Integration with CRMs and HRMS platforms.
Docebo is a powerful learning management system software for companies looking to enhance workforce training programs.
5. Blackboard – Best for Academic Institutions
✔ Best for: Universities and online course providers. ✔ Key Features:
Virtual classrooms and real-time collaboration tools.
AI-driven course recommendations.
Seamless integration with student management systems.
Blackboard is widely used in higher education and online learning platforms for interactive digital courses.
Benefits of Using an LMS for Businesses and Educational Institutions
Implementing an LMS system offers several benefits:
✔ Efficient Training Management – Centralized platform for managing multiple courses and learners. ✔ Cost-Effective Learning – Reduces costs associated with physical training and printed materials. ✔ Scalability – Ideal for growing businesses and educational institutions. ✔ Engaging Learning Experience – Supports videos, quizzes, gamification, and interactive content. ✔ Data-Driven Decisions – Provides real-time analytics to measure training effectiveness.
A customized LMS development solution ensures that organizations get tailored features based on their training requirements.
How to Choose the Right Learning Management System?
Selecting the best LMS tool depends on the organization’s needs, budget, and scalability. Here are key factors to consider:
1. Identify Your Learning Objectives
✔ Is the LMS required for corporate training, compliance programs, or academic courses? ✔ Do you need certification programs or microlearning modules?
2. Customization & Scalability
✔ Look for customized learning management system solutions to meet specific training goals. ✔ Ensure the LMS platform can scale as the organization grows.
3. Integration with Other Systems
✔ Choose an LMS SaaS that integrates with HR software, CRM, and third-party tools. ✔ Verify compatibility with existing digital infrastructure.
4. User-Friendly Interface
✔ The LMS should have an intuitive and mobile-friendly design. ✔ Role-based access for administrators, trainers, and learners.
5. Data Security & Compliance
✔ Ensure the LMS follows GDPR, HIPAA, and other data security standards. ✔ Secure cloud-based LMS platforms for data protection.
A customizable LMS offers flexibility and tailored features for businesses and educational institutions.
Why Invest in a Customized LMS Development Solution?
A bespoke application or custom-built LMS system offers advantages over off-the-shelf solutions:
✔ Personalized Learning Paths – Content tailored for employees or students. ✔ Scalable & Modular Design – Expand features as needed. ✔ Better Branding & User Experience – Fully aligns with company or university branding. ✔ Cost-Effective in the Long Run – Avoids unnecessary licensing fees.
A custom software development company in Hyderabad, like Conquerorstech, provides customized LMS development solutions for businesses and educational institutions looking for scalable, secure, and efficient learning platforms.
Choosing the right learning management system software is essential for effective corporate training and academic learning. Whether using Saba LMS, Blackboard, or a customized LMS, organizations should focus on usability, integration, and scalability.
For businesses and educational institutions looking for a custom LMS platform, Conquerorstech specializes in learning management system development, providing tailored e-learning solutions to meet diverse training needs.
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ludoonline · 5 days ago
Automated Testing in the Cloud: Ensuring Faster, More Reliable Releases
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses rely on cloud environments to develop, test, and deploy applications quickly. However, manual testing can slow down release cycles and introduce errors. That’s where automated testing in the cloud comes in—enabling faster, more reliable software releases while ensuring high quality and security.
In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of cloud-based automated testing, the key strategies to implement it successfully, and how Salzen helps organizations optimize their testing processes.
1. What is Automated Testing in the Cloud?
Automated testing in the cloud is the practice of using cloud-based infrastructure and tools to run software tests without manual intervention. It allows teams to:
✔ Run tests on demand across different environments and devices ✔ Detect bugs early in the development cycle ✔ Reduce manual efforts and speed up testing ✔ Scale testing resources dynamically
đŸ”č Example: A development team using Selenium Grid on AWS can run tests across multiple browsers and operating systems simultaneously, significantly reducing test execution time.
2. Benefits of Cloud-Based Automated Testing
Implementing automated testing in the cloud provides numerous advantages:
✅ Faster Test Execution & Deployment
✔ Parallel test execution reduces testing time by up to 80%. ✔ CI/CD integration ensures seamless testing during deployments.
✅ Cost Efficiency
✔ No need for expensive on-premise testing infrastructure. ✔ Pay only for the testing resources used (e.g., AWS Lambda for serverless testing).
✅ Scalability & Flexibility
✔ Dynamically scale test environments based on project needs. ✔ Easily test across multiple browsers, devices, and operating systems.
✅ Improved Test Accuracy
✔ Eliminate human errors with automated scripts. ✔ Increase test coverage with comprehensive regression and load testing.
đŸ”č Example: Using Google Cloud Test Lab, a mobile development team can run automated tests on real Android and iOS devices before deployment.
3. Types of Automated Testing in the Cloud
Different types of testing can be automated in cloud environments to ensure software quality:
1ïžâƒŁ Functional Testing
✔ Validates that the application behaves as expected. ✔ Tools: Selenium, Cypress, TestComplete.
2ïžâƒŁ Performance & Load Testing
✔ Assesses how the system performs under heavy usage. ✔ Tools: Apache JMeter, LoadRunner, Gatling.
3ïžâƒŁ Security Testing
✔ Identifies vulnerabilities and ensures compliance. ✔ Tools: OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, SonarQube.
4ïžâƒŁ Compatibility Testing
✔ Ensures smooth operation across various devices, browsers, and OS. ✔ Tools: BrowserStack, Sauce Labs.
5ïžâƒŁ API Testing
✔ Verifies that APIs function correctly and handle edge cases. ✔ Tools: Postman, RestAssured, SoapUI.
đŸ”č Example: A DevOps team can integrate Postman with CI/CD pipelines to automate API testing, ensuring services function properly after every deployment.
4. How Automated Testing Enhances CI/CD Pipelines
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) rely heavily on automated testing to:
✔ Detect issues before code reaches production. ✔ Enable rapid feedback loops for developers. ✔ Reduce deployment failures by ensuring every release meets quality standards.
đŸ”č Example: A team using Jenkins + Selenium + Kubernetes can: ✅ Trigger automated tests whenever new code is pushed. ✅ Deploy only if tests pass successfully. ✅ Reduce downtime by catching bugs early in the pipeline.
5. Best Practices for Implementing Automated Cloud Testing
To maximize the benefits of cloud-based testing, follow these best practices:
✔ Integrate Testing with CI/CD – Ensure automated tests run with every code commit. ✔ Use Parallel Testing – Run multiple tests simultaneously to save time. ✔ Leverage Cloud-Based Tools – Utilize SaaS platforms like LambdaTest or BrowserStack. ✔ Implement AI-Powered Testing – Use AI tools like Testim or Applitools for smarter test automation. ✔ Continuously Monitor Test Results – Analyze trends to optimize performance.
đŸ”č Example: An e-commerce company using AWS Device Farm can automatically test their app on real mobile devices, improving user experience before a new update is released.
6. How Salzen Helps with Cloud-Based Automated Testing
At Salzen, we help businesses implement, scale, and optimize automated testing in cloud environments by:
✔ Integrating testing frameworks into CI/CD pipelines. ✔ Optimizing test execution for performance and cost-efficiency. ✔ Ensuring compliance with security and regulatory standards. ✔ Providing AI-driven test analysis for better insights.
With Salzen’s expertise, companies can ensure faster releases, higher software quality, and a seamless cloud testing strategy.
Final Thoughts
Automated testing in the cloud is essential for fast, efficient, and high-quality software releases. By leveraging cloud-based testing tools, CI/CD integration, and best practices, businesses can reduce risks, accelerate deployments, and optimize costs.
Looking to enhance your cloud testing strategy? Salzen can help you build a robust, automated testing framework to ensure seamless releases and improved software quality.
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