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Trening kada smo prehladjeni-da ili ne?🤧
Zagazili smo u široku temu. Sa dosta oprečnih shvatanja. Ali korak po korak otvaraćemo sloj po sloj ove jako kontroverzne teme oko koje se i profesionalci, mislim na kolege trenere i ljude iz branše, često spore.
Prehlada ili nešto ozbiljnije
E sad, kada pričamo o poljuljanom zdravlju imamo bezbroj varijanti. Pojedinac može biti bolestan od hronične bolesti, akutne bolesti i tinjajuće bolesti koja još nije ispoljila sve simptome, laički rečeno. Hroničnih bolesti je bezbroj zaista i samo ako krenemo od dijabetesa preko alergija možemo debatovati satima. U današnjem pisanju osvrnula bih se na takozvane sezonske prehlade tokom zimskih meseci koje dovode ljude u sumnju šta im je činiti. Pogotovo sa dolaskom korone u naše živote, ova pojava se popularizovala i kao vid društveno odgovornog ponašanja pojedinca i to u stilu: ”Šta ako je u pitanju korona sa blagim simptomima i mi odemo u tu našu teretanu pa zarazimo nekog ko će ispoljiti mnogo ozbiljnije simptome nego mi sami.” Hajde da se sada bacimo na konkretne činjenice. Za početak, jako je bitno da smo svesni koje simptome imamo. Da li je u pitanju klasična prehlada sa blagim simptomima u smislu kijavice i blagog curenja nosa ili pak kašljemo, imamo bolove u plućima i mišićima, u krajnjoj liniji groznicu i temperaturu???
Kada je dobro trenirati, a kada ne?
Naučna istraživanja pokazuju da u uslovima kada se simptomi ispoljavaju “do linije vrata” nema potrebe da se uzdržavamo od treninga i možemo slobodno nastaviti da treniramo u okviru svojih mogućnosti. Međutim, ukoliko se simtomi ispoljavaju tako da zahvataju regije ispod nivoa vrata, dakle bolovi u grudnom košu su prisutni, bolovi u mišićima i zglobovima, kašljanje i gust sekret iz pluća, onda definitivno treba da se držimo podalje od teretane. I pogodite šta.., u ovakvim uslovima definitivno nećemo ni biti u mogućnosti da treniramo jer, ,, red ponavljanja, red kašljanja i nije idealan način za postizanje hipertrofije ili povećanje kardiorespiratorne sposobnosti.
E sad, ako uzmemo u obzir moderne alergije i njihovu učestalost, moramo imati na umu da neki ljudi ne bi mogli da privire u teretanu veći deo godine, te stoga moramo razmišljati i o uzroku ispoljavanja pojedinih simtoma i kako ih držati pod kontrolom, a tu već zalazimo na temu hroničnih bolesti.
Jedno je zasigurno, a to i spontano dolazi na svoje mesto, sa temperaturom se moramo držati kreveta, toplog čaja i kvalitetnog odmora, jer će vežbanje biti krajnje kontraproduktivno, čak iako nije u pitanju korona. Dati organizmu vremena da se oporavi ja najbolja stvar koju možemo da učinimo, a ne iscrpljivati ga dodatno, jer u ovim okolnostima nema govora o napretku.
Šta pomaže?
U svakom konkretnom slučaju moramo biti spremni da koristimo zdrav razum i slušamo svoje telo. Gripozna stanja nas sama uvode u osećaj malaksalosti i nemoći, pa logično da nećemo moći da damo svoj maksimum na treningu i zato je bolje odmoriti i napuniti baterije. S druge strane, grebuckanje u grlu, kijavica, blago curenje nosa, može biti neprijatno, ali uz adekvatnu suplementaciju i kvalitetne kapi za nos možemo držati pod kontrolom, jer alergije i stanja koja one izazivaju postaju bolest modernog doba, a ukoliko bi nas to držalo van trenaznog procesa onda bismo sebe osudili na nedelje izvan teretane. Na kraju, uvek treba slušati svoje telo, jer ono zna najbolje! Za sva ozbiljna medicinska stanja treba se kao i uvek posavetovati sa lekarom naročito ako osoba prvi put ili posle duže pauze ulazi ponovo u trenažni proces. I ne zaboravite da uživate u treningu!
Sportski pozdrav!
Milica Jovanović-NASM CPT
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Arudha Lagna in the Signs
Arudha Lagna is how others perceive us (especially society/public/media). It is our projected and illusionary personality. Referred to as “the seat of Maya” Maya=illusion/Rahu. Which usually differs from our true personality represented by our Lagna/ Ascendant.
How to calculate Arudha Lagna?
1. Find your Lagna/ascendant the Lord (Aries ascendant-> Mars)
2. Count how many houses from your ascendant Lord to your ascendant. (ex. how many houses mars is from ascendant= 8 houses)
3. Count that same number from Ascendant lord. That is your Arudha Lagna (ex. 8 houses away from mars= Aquarius AL)
Benefics sitting in the Arudha can give a positive public image. Making one appear good and trustworthy, even if they aren’t.
Malefics sitting in the Arudha/or ruling the sign can tarnish one’s reputation, making the public distrustful or critical.
For example- Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu sitting in AL can tarnish one’s reputation
Signs ruled by Malefics such as Scorpio (Mars & Ketu), Aries (Mars), Capricorn & Aquarius ( Saturn) doesn’t have as severe of an effect as a malefic siting in AL. But it does make one appear controversial or questionable to public at some point in time.
AL In Aries- Bold, competitive, intimidating, leader, pioneer, aggressive, action oriented, sexual/ promiscuous
Women tend to be accused of competing with other women or men competing with other men
Ex. Marilyn Monroe, Christina Aguilera, Muhammad Ali, Tyra Banks
AL in Taurus- Stable, grounded, Sensual, refined, gentle, patient, charismatic, trustworthy, noticed for voice, stubborn
Usually seen as harmless or down to earth. Like Libra, Venus ruled, they tend to be known for their sensuality & looks
Ex. Keanu Reeves, Rihanna, Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars
AL in Gemini- intellectual, witty, youthful, curious, versatile, social, communicative, recognition from siblings
Tend to be recognized for their unique voice
Ex. Beyoncé, Madonna, Rita Hayworth, Mariah Carey
AL in Cancer- Sensitive, Gentle, Homebody, Comforting, Nurturing, Proud of country/heritage/family, Protective, intuitive, Caring, Empathetic, Moody, emotional
Home dynamics or family life can be put on the spotlight. Others see them a caring, mother like figure (unless malefic influence)
Ex. Princess Diana, JonBenét, Brandy
AL in Leo- Charismatic, Authoritative, creative, dramatic, Natural Leader, Arrogant, Center of Attention, Performer/arts, fashionable, someone of importance, Extroverted
Spotlight is always on them so they tend to gain fame & attention in whatever they do. Type to feel like all eyes are on you when entering a room.
Ex. Al Capone, Catherine Hepburn, Halle Berry, The Weeknd
AL in Virgo- Analytical, practical, intelligent, resourceful, reserved, health conscious, detail oriented, logical, rational, educated
They come off as controlled and put together. Can’t get them to react easily.
Ex. Prince Harry, Bruce Lee, Jennifer Lawrence
AL in Libra- Charming, diplomatic, balanced, harmonious, sociable, peaceful, intellectual, good at negotiating/comunicating, influential, Justice seeking
Tend to be either known for their beauty, charisma, or justice/law industry.
Ex. Monica Bellucci, Oprah, lady Gaga, Aubrey Hepburn, Barack Obama
AL in Scorpio- Mysteroius, intense, powerful, secretive, magnetic, respected, morally grey, dark, sexual/sexy, controversial, sensual, occultist/witch/astrologer, taboo, hiding secrets, Spiritual dangerous, seductive
Due to malefic Mars/Ketu influence they do tend to be very controversial but despite this they still turn out to be respected
Ex. Angelina Jolie, Sharon Stone, Pamela Anderson, John F Kennedy, Jim Morrison, Bill Gates
AL in Sagittarius- Optimistic, philosophical, adventurous, independent, wise, free-spirited, benevolent, Justice seeking, educated, Humorous, experienced, travels a lot
They are seen as knowledgeable and in-tune with other cultures. They make good comedians, business owners, teachers
Ex. Jeff Bezos, Jacqueline Kennedy, Adam Ant, Demi Moore, Hugh Hefner
AL in Capricorn- Ambitious, disciplined, responsible, structured. authoritative, grounded, serious, mature, dignified, sturn, wiser than age, melancholy, pessimistic, cold
The list is questionable because Saturn influence can, like I said, make one appear questionable depending on other influences. But they make good leaders, business owners.
Ex. Lana del Rey, Adolf Hitler, Charlie Chaplin, Angela Merkel, Brad Pitt
AL in Aquarius- Innovative, unconventional, intellectual, humanitarian, forward-thinking, eccentric, unorthodox, friendly, good with media/technology, rebellious, cares about welfare of society/world, leader, influencer
People usually say their style, ideas & attitude are ahead of their time, due to Rahu.
Ex. Steve Irwin, Cher, Tamera Mowry
AL in Pisces-Spiritual, imaginative, empathetic, dreamy, otherworldly, artistic, siren like, mysterious, gentle, kind, serious, spiritual/devoted, adventurous, open-minded, philosophical, interested in higher learning/knowledge, introverted, emotional
Seen as creative, artistic (music, art, acting etc). Inventing/creating something new. Emotional imbalance/mental illnesses might get public attention
Ex. Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Elon Musk, Picasso, Ariana Grande
Disclaimer- some of the people I listed have two Arudha Lagnas (ie Scorpio Asc or Aquarius Asc) ex Princess Diana Cancer & Aquarius AL
I tried to find both positive & negative representations
Astromartine has a very knowledgeable playlist; going more in depth for each Arudha Lagna & Arudha houses
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A quick info(?) to understand dynamics:
Venus, Jupiter and Sun are abundant and giving.
The rest of the planets are receptive in one way or another.
Saturn receives and limits/crystalizes
Mercury receives and manipulates
Ketu receives and absorbs completely
Rahu receives and projects outwardly
Moon receives gives back the smoothed mixture of what it recieved
Mars receives and builds/protects.
Out of these, Mars and Rahu look active, but they are not energetically abundant. Mars can sometimes be tho, depending on how much of the energy is left in them, but it's still not giving, it's protective.
The three giving plantes do not give in the same way either.
Venus only gives to whom and what it considers worthy but then, when it chooses, it gives its all.
Jupiter gives to everyone and everything, especially to those who it thinks need it most.
The Sun does not give out of love or dependency per se, but it's natural for it to spread its influence, like the Sun can't help but shine its rays on everyone and everything, without encouraging exchnage(like with Venus) or dependancy(Jupiter).
#vedic astrology#astrology#nakshatras#astrology observations#sidereal astrology#astro notes#astrology tumblr#benefics#malefics#lunar nodes#venus#jupiter#sun#astroblr
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Boston and Ray running into each other during booty calls at Nick and Sand's shared room
#only friends the series#ofts#it's gonna be so funny it HAS to happen#''heyyyyyyyyyy i'm here to see my favorite friend with benef— OH SHIT SORRY. UH. BAR SINGER GUY. DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD COMPANY.''#''wait ray?? hey man what's up. you're sleeping with the bar singer now?''#''lol yeah i— wait why are you here?? ARE YOU ALSO—''#''oh‚ no i'm banging the phone repair guy''#''oh good i thought— THE PHONE REPAIR GUY??????????''#thai drama#lgbt drama#thai bl#theo.txt#100#500
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Day/Night charts and understanding their difference is key, to understanding anybody
Today, if you haven’t paid attention yet, I want you to pull out your chart and see whether you have a day or night chart. This will really help you understand not only yourself and why you are the way you are, but also your life.
in a day chart, the diurnal planets are going to be more influential, whether you want it or not. Think: Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. the power of the moon, Venus and mars is less potent, unless perhaps one of them is your chart ruler.
in a night chart, it is the nocturnal planets that have the upper hand: the moon, Venus and mars. The sun, Saturn and Jupiter not as much, (again unless one of them is your chart ruler)
the reason why I think this is so important to address is because, it can really help you understand a thing or two about yourself, or your loved one. I’ve seen these two charts manifest in completely different ways, which is really interesting:
one out of many examples:
my mother and I both share a Saturn in the 6th house. however, she has a day chart whereas I have a night chart. You already see where this is going
Her Saturn in the 6th house played out much more apparently than mine, as it showed up in her physical and perhaps even mental health. (this is not an age thing either, this problem has been an ongoing issue since her younger years).
my Saturn in the 6th house manifested completely differently and less potently for sure, since I have a night chart, therefore Saturn as a malefic isn’t as powerful. my Saturn is also not terribly placed (+ it’s my chart ruler and my amk). This is also a matter of aspects surely, but the concept of day and night charts also plays into it majorly.
! However, don’t think that just because you have a night chart, Saturn can’t have shit on you baby, no
It simply means that mars is your dominant malefic. take a look at your mars, what house it’s in, its aspects.
I have an ashlesha mars in the 7th house, conjunct mercury for example. that’s a conversation for another time (not as bad as you think, promise), so maybe my Saturn doesn’t do a lot of damage but I have to keep an eye out for my mars to not crash me out (dramatic way of putting this quite frankly, but yeah.)
In a day chart, your benefic, the planet you’ll profit from the most, will be Jupiter, watch out for the house its in, even the nakshatra, its aspects
In a night chart, look at Venus to understand your benefits (house,nakshatra,aspects), it will explain a lot of things.
Ex.: my mother has a jupiter in the 7th house, she got lucky in her second marriage, got married to a successful foreigner blablabla which is all I’ll say. Me on the contrary, with my Jupiter in the 8th house I can’t complain either you know but my jupiter isn’t THAT strong. it came through a lot of the times in my life, when I needed it, but it was always a “last resort” kinda situation. what I mean, is jupiter isn’t very present in my day to day life as a benefic, I don’t profit from it regularly. but only when it “truly matters”. it’s just watching out for my ass kinda.
however my 5th house rohini Venus, is much more expressive and present. I benefit from my Venus placement regularly and in my day to day life. It is very present and puissant.
think of Jupiter in a night chart as the guard outside your house who watches out for robbers, you don’t see him much he does his job though. Venus, think of her as your partner who is with you daily in the house and outside, and pampers you based on what house and nakshatra she’s in.
In a day chart, logically, Venus is gonna be the guard outside that comes through when she hits the fan from time to time, but it is jupiter who you truly spend time with and benefit from.
Interesting, right?
Last but not least
if you have a day chart, then chances are your sun sign resonates more with you. In case of a night chart, you’ll act more like your moon sign.
My mother is a purva bhadrapada sun, her shatabhisha moon is recessive.
I’m a punarvasu sun, rohini moon. Rohini is far more dominant, and people tend to guess my moon sigh rather than my sun sign.
Much love, let me know what you think
#astrology observations#astrology#astro observations#vedic astro notes#vedic astro observations#vedic astrology#rohini#girls listen#day chart#night chart#malefic#benefic#sun#6th house#ashlesha#purva bhadrapada
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venus opposite jupiter (rx)
this opposition is to be warmly welcomed in the midst of, simultaneously, a mars-pluto opposition. courage and a strong will and a willingness to face destruction are thus to be coupled with love, beauty, and generosity. this is how we are able to regrow a paradise after an utter reset.
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The beauty in malefic and benefic ideas in astrology is it helps us understand not everything can be positive all the time within the practice/subject.
The problem with malefic and benefic ideas is that it leaves little room for complexity or gray areas.
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I'm musing on the rulers of tarot cards and Mercury ruling the Ten of Pentacles just makes sense because Mercury is the planet of commerce and business.
The same with the Sun ruling the Ten of Swords considering the Sun burns whatever it touches. In the heart of the Sun, planets are reborn, like how the Ten of Swords can symbolize an ending to a painful cycle.
Saturn ruling the Ten of Wands is so obvious. There's some gems in it for sure.
But Mars ruling the Ten of Cups sometimes stumps me. Sometimes the Ten of Cups comes across as almost illusionary to me. Valens does list marriages under Mars. Mars isn't harmonious in the way that Venus is, but Mars does represent strength and the Ten of Cups is a card of community. Mars reminds us that betrayal can only come from someone we know and love.
Mars is a strong representation of childbirth, too. Like the cutting of the umbilical cord to separate the child from the mother. Abu Ma'Shar said Mars signifies pushing a child out (100% can co-sign this).
#astrology#astroblr#astro community#tarot#tarotblr#tarot community#no benefic rules the Ten's#how interesting
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What are benefic and malefic planets?
Benefic planets are ones that bring more benefits to our life and malefic planets show us the more challenging aspects of our life
Just because a planet is malefic does not mean there’s 0 benefits to it. There is always benefits and challenges to each planet but these are the MOST malefic and MOST beneficial planets
The benefic planets: Venus & Jupiter
The malefic planets: Mars & Saturn
© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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It's kinda wild that some of the UK couldn't even vote me and my parents included because for some reason half of the country didn't get there postal votes, ours literally arrived late in the evening yesterday and I had a friend that just got there's today 💀 and yet the Tories still lost in the worst loss I've seen in my life
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I personally don't think that an offensive Saria represents a bad end, but rather a good end, where she stops relying on only herself, and trusts that after all this time that the people she's trying to protect can actually protect themselves, that she's not the only one wanting to correct the mistakes they made with Rhine. That she doesn't *have* to be the lone shield protecting everyone.
It would depend on the context of the alter then, either she goes bersek, either she learns from it
But an entirely offensive one, like a DPS Guard? That feels too stubborn even if it's that she realized she can trust the ones she cares about, Saria is naturally someone who is strategical and always think in battle rather than throwing hands without thoughts
Something like another kind of Defender (Dualist for exemple) or a Supporter/Specialist would, I think, fit way better for that kind of scenario. Something that would allow her to have a synergy and gives buff/boosts to other operators, maybe just Rhine Lab operators. She doesn't have to be the only one to protect everyone, yes, but she doesn't have to fight alone neither! The best possibility would be if she can have a perfect niche along other Rhine Lab operators
#Im mostly thinking about how NoriZC describe her relationship with Silence and Ifrit as “emotional symbiotic”#also I think we don't have any talent benefic to Rhine Lab operators#just Saria's one with her module I think?#like she gives extra SP to them. not that amazing jfjgk#but that's all#i'd love a more Abyssal Hunters like gameplay#with ACTUAL support from each other#tldr none of them have to fight alone#they can all fight together and support each other#family wins!#arknights#askiwi
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In Vedic astrology, Saturn, known as Shani, is traditionally considered a malefic planet, but its influence is multifaceted and deeply nuanced. Saturn is the planet of karma, discipline, and perseverance, often associated with hardships, delays, and life lessons.
However, its role is not purely negative, and under certain circumstances, Saturn can act as a benefic force, bringing structure, responsibility, and long-term rewards.
Lets understand Saturn in both of its malefic and benefic aspects and the conditions under which it exerts its influence IN GENERAL.
Saturn as a Malefic Planet
1. Symbol of Hardships and Discipline: Saturn is often seen as a harsh taskmaster, symbolizing the challenges and difficulties one must face in life. It governs limitations, delays, and restrictions, compelling individuals to confront reality and learn life’s harsh truths. Saturn’s influence can manifest as obstacles in career, relationships, and personal growth, often requiring immense effort to overcome.
2. Karmic Retribution: In Vedic astrology, Saturn is the planet of karma, delivering the results of past actions. Its malefic nature arises from its role in bringing the consequences of negative karma to the forefront. This process can result in suffering, setbacks, or failures, which may feel punitive but are meant to correct one’s path and encourage spiritual growth.
3. Planet of Delay, Not Denial: Saturn’s energy is slow-moving and deliberate. It often delays rewards or achievements, testing an individual’s patience and perseverance. For example, Saturn’s transit through key houses or during periods like Sade Sati (the seven-and-a-half-year transit over the natal Moon) can bring significant challenges, fostering growth through adversity.
4. Association with Fear and Detachment: Saturn governs fear, detachment, and isolation. It often compels individuals to face their deepest insecurities, making them feel lonely or unsupported. This sense of separation can be distressing, contributing to Saturn’s reputation as a malefic planet.
When Saturn Acts as a Benefic Planet
Despite its challenging nature, Saturn can play a profoundly positive role under certain conditions. Its benefic influence often arises when it is well-placed in a natal chart or during favorable planetary alignments.
1. Favorable Signs and Houses: Saturn performs exceptionally well in its own signs—Capricorn and Aquarius—and in Libra, where it is exalted. In these placements, Saturn’s disciplined and structured energy manifests constructively, leading to success, stability, and authority. For example, Saturn in the 10th house (the house of career) can signify a strong work ethic and professional accomplishments.
2. Role as a Yogakaraka: For certain ascendants, Saturn acts as a yogakaraka, a planet capable of delivering auspicious results. For Taurus and Libra ascendants, Saturn’s rulership of both a kendra (angular) house and a trikona (trine) house makes it highly beneficial, promoting material success and spiritual growth.
3. Rewards of Hard Work: Saturn rewards persistence, discipline, and integrity. Those who embrace its lessons and put in sustained effort often experience long-term benefits, such as financial stability, career success, and personal growth. Saturn’s rewards are slow but enduring, emphasizing the value of delayed gratification.
4. Spiritual Growth and Maturity: Saturn’s influence fosters introspection and spiritual development. By forcing individuals to confront their limitations, Saturn encourages humility, resilience, and inner strength. These qualities are essential for achieving spiritual enlightenment and self-realization.
5. Transformative Periods: While periods like Sade Sati or Dhaiya (Saturn’s two-and-a-half-year transit over key houses) are feared, they can also be transformative. These times often lead to significant personal growth, helping individuals overcome ego, build character, and align with their higher purpose.
Saturn’s Dual Nature: A Balanced Perspective
Saturn’s classification as a malefic planet is rooted in its role as a disciplinarian and enforcer of karmic justice. However, labeling it purely as malefic oversimplifies its complex nature. Saturn operates as both a judge and a teacher, delivering lessons that are tough but ultimately constructive. Its energy is essential for fostering discipline, responsibility, and long-term success.
The dual nature of Saturn can be summarized as follows:
As a Malefic: Saturn brings challenges, delays, and hardships, testing an individual’s resilience and patience.
As a Benefic: Saturn provides structure, rewards hard work, and fosters spiritual growth, leading to lasting achievements and wisdom.
Factors Influencing Saturn’s Role
1. Placement in the Natal Chart: Saturn’s influence depends on its sign, house placement, and aspects with other planets. A well-placed Saturn can mitigate its malefic effects and enhance its positive traits.
2. Dashas (Planetary Periods): During Saturn’s dasha or antardasha (sub-period), its influence becomes prominent. Whether this period is beneficial or challenging depends on Saturn’s position in the chart and its relationship with other planets.
3. Transits: Saturn’s slow-moving transits can significantly impact life events. Favorable transits can bring stability and success, while unfavorable ones may lead to delays and obstacles.
4. Individual Karma: Saturn’s role is deeply tied to an individual’s karmic baggage. Those with positive karma may experience Saturn’s energy as constructive, while those with unresolved negative karma may face greater challenges.
In Vedic astrology, Saturn is a complex and influential planet, traditionally categorized as malefic but with the potential to act as a benefic force.
Its energy is challenging, compelling individuals to confront their limitations and embrace discipline, hard work, and perseverance. Yet, Saturn’s lessons are ultimately aimed at fostering growth, maturity, and spiritual evolution.
By understanding and respecting Saturn’s dual nature, individuals can navigate its influence more effectively, transforming challenges into opportunities for lasting success and fulfillment.
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Mini post🤍
I think the thing that ppl get twisted about venus and jupiter nakshatras(and planets in general) is how opposite they are in many ways. The titles "the greater benefic" and "the lesser benefic" do not fully convey what their essences are.
Venus is not "lesser" in a sense that it's "less than" Jupiter. Ofc you cannot compare planets like that. What I think it means is that Jupiter is boundless expansion, everything about it is "great", in many senses. That limitlessness is the real danger with Jupiter. If you don't limit something, you fail to define it and so it ceases to exist. Venus, however, bases its results, "blessings" and manifestations on the limitations_the limitations that are based on truth, the truth that is based on love and desire.
Just compare the birth nakshatras of these planets_ Bharani and Punarvasu and I think it will be clear how the two planets are different and similar. Probably the simplest way to look at them is limitation/definition/grounding vs openness/permissiveness/freedom.
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Guys look at the pretty Moon in between Venus and Jupiter 😍
#that dumb street lamp always gets in my way when i try to snap sky pics ugh#but still#super pretty#this is a good election time#you know moon between two benefics#really noiceeee#random#astrology
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venus trine jupiter
any trine of benefics is supercharged with good vibes and and good fortune. lucky and beautiful things simply happen, without your striving and effort. the potential downside is exorbitant appetites. this is not just literally, either, especially with the trine being in air signs. you may have the desire to talk too much, laze about excessively, or spend a lot of money against your better judgment. so the only effort to apply is a little bit of reasonable restraint. don't deny yourself the pleasures and developments of this lovely trine.
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