#bender kin
pinkcartoonphysics · 1 year
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Items for Bender from Futurama
Be Kind To Your Meatbag Sticker
Bite My Shiny Metal Ass Sticker
Planet Express Rocks Glasses
I'm Probably Not A Robot Pin
Knock it up a Notch Socks
All My Circuits Shirt
Pending for a Bending Shirt
AI Circuit Brain Pin
Binary Code Badge Reel
Trio Keyring
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springfieldianhelp · 10 months
I’m a Bender kin looking to find pretty much anyone from Planet Express. I was closest with Fry and Amy. In my canon I used she/her pronouns mostly.
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leadendeath · 9 months
using squared, angular faces like ¬_¬ and :] to deliberately yet subtly allude to my computerness
this post is always popular so instead of turning off rbs for like the third time *posts my links* also i have a plan for my assessment which i need to add to my gfm page when i can find my phone to login- ask me about it! :]
you’ll reblog this version if you’re not a coward >:]
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Kin server horror story but its happening rn
Since the past owner didnt want the server anymore
Red flag no.1:
Not giving the role to a co-owner, instead a new mod who joined to troll
Then said new owner said: "kin discourse is stupid. kff is allowed." MOST OF US WERE LIKE WHAT?? but many people took their side. THEY TOOK THEIR SIDE.
They also ping @ everyone without permission, the NEW mods. They demoted many mods because they "were too young" (said mod was an older teenager)
There is a DONT SPAM PING role and the SPAM PING everyone.
Also they're weirdly sexual. Its a sever for BOTH MINORS AND ADULTS.
I am THIS close to leaving but i have friends there AUGHHH
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serikyl · 5 months
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rustykorez · 2 months
My intro
Name(s) Rusty/charlie/bowie
Age 14
Pronouns he/they/it
Disabilities adhd, Tourette’s, anxiety, depression, ptsd, autism
Identity transmasc Demiboy demisexual pan
Interests the breakfast club, the outsiders, tpobawf, dead poets society, metal family, creepypasta, dsmp, qsmp, music, moxie, art, kandi, fashion, sallyface, and more
Style: downtown boy, grunge, punk, Xbox older brother, and sometimes emo
Some of my fav bands/artists: Mcr, Slipknot, tx2, icp, mccafferty, modern baseball, Penelope Scott,get scared, dazey and the scouts, the oozes, the smiths, descendants, falling in reverse, pigeon pit, kimya Dawson,Alex g, msi,
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kincalling · 2 years
This is John Bender from the breakfast club looking for everyone. doubles are ok. I’m 24 so no minors. my blog is gimykid, my main is pubbylovee, if you can’t find either of those for some reason my discord is deersnot#4561.
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John Bender from The Breakfast Club looking for everyone. i’m 24 so no minors. Blog is Grimykid and discord is deersnot#4561 doubles are ok too thx
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tuktukpodfics · 1 year
Thinking about how underrated the Foggy Swamp Tribe was in Avatar.
In the show they’re mostly played for laughs. They don’t wear pants, they have thick accents, they don’t seem to know much about the Northern and Southern Water Tribes. But they're a lot wiser than they're given credit for. Not to mention they're big dang heroes.
The Banyan-grove tree
Philosophically, the swamp is fascinating. Their home is centered around a banyan-grove tree, a cross between a mangrove and a banyan—two trees symbolizing life and death.
Mangrove trees are the nurseries of the ocean. Sea life migrates to mangrove forests to lay eggs in the protection of their murky root systems. Bato may look down on the swamp people and make a snide comment about them not wearing pants, but the swamp people are the stewards of ocean life.
Banyan trees are trees of death. The banyan is a parasitic plant that grows by latching onto another host plant, eventually choking the host to death. Banyan figs are also pollinated through death. Wasps crawl into the immature fig, lay their eggs, and die inside it.
So this tree needs death in order to live. And it can’t provide shelter and food for animals without the death of other animals. You can see how this cycle of life and death is reflected in their worldview—which is completely ride or die.
Everything is connected.
The first thing they do once the gaang stops attacking them is call them kin. They bring them home and treat them like family. And I think the swamp people really do see them that way.
They could have comfortably sat out the war. They didn’t. The war might not have affected them personally, but they still felt responsibility to help.
Death is an illusion. 
They’re not even scared on the Day of Black Sun. They don’t seem afraid of death at all. They keep cat-gators as pets! For fun! Katara and Sokka are distraught by the visions of dead loved ones they see in the swamp gas. The swamp people live in the swamp gas all the time. Death is all around and they do. not. care. In fact, they embrace it, treat it like a normal, necessary part of life.
Sometimes I wonder what happened to the swamp people after the Day of Black Sun. They surrendered along with the other adults, buying the children time to flee. The swamp people have their own section in the crowd at Zuko’s coronation, so presumably they were released. But released from where? Were they locked in a prison for water benders like the horrific one Hama was imprisoned in? What happened to them in Legend of Korra when Kuvira harvested the banyan-grove’s vines? Where was their kin when they needed help?
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allpiesforourown · 1 month
I'm gonna throw a cruveball and say you're exhibiting Liu Qingge energy, and not Luo Bingge.
Those posts of yours are clearly another can of worms, and it's often the quiet ones who are the craziest.
I'll admit I've been on a bender for the last few days and over the course of this time period I have been accused of being
- Luo Bingmei
- Luo Bingge
- Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky, fucking his hater
- Shen Jiu
- Liu Qingge, theorized to secretly be insane
- Xin Mo the sword (???)
I'm actually starting to enjoy being kin assigned by Tumblr because I never know what to expect next
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the-muppet-joker · 4 months
I must admit, though shamefully, that I didn't believe you at first. What an ignorant heretic I was. How silly, I thought, that the second first man born unto God would choose such a humble place to spread his sermons. I've been so jaded in this awful life that I've rejected the one true light twinkling out past the darkness. This all-consuming black hole inside me...((Like a muppet hole)) No, no, no, no not like -((Are you so dissimilar to a toy? A muppet with a hollow inside where his creator's hand fits? I'm puppeting you right now and I'm telling you dude - there is a whole lot of empty in here.)) Why do I feel so ashamed? These thoughts are horrible.
((You know what's happening. You're just in denial.))
I remember the first time I saw the Muppets like I remember the first time my father hugged me (9). It shocked me to my core and I had this indescribable feeling- a feeling I can now put words to; This show was going to change the course of my life. I watched in awe as the be-felted people sung and danced. The songs felt like gospel in my young mind. I even tolerated the female Muppets because they were funny. All except one it turns out. Kermit was performing on stage and my life was reaching a peek. My soul was ablaze and my hole was being filled. And then this PIG walks on stage. Ms. Piggy was the definition of a 10/10 femoid in the looks department. Then this bimbo pig walks right up to Kermie and starts flirting with him. I think I must have blacked out the second she open her shrill mouth because the next thing I remember I'm staring down at my bloodied hands. The TV laid in a parking heap on the living room floor. I thought I could hear something coming from the TV, a whisper beneath the sparking and the now growing fire...muppet hole. The TV was undeniably glitching out and repeating the words muppet hole. No, it wasn't just the TV, it was a particular voice. Kermit.
((You saved Kermit from Ms. piggy)) No I didn't. I broke down, caused property damage, and had to skip summer camp for therapy. ((You were chosen)) For what? Almost burning down my house. Half of my hometown thinks I'm an arsonist. ((It is your role to burn every trace of pig flesh. Like a hog on a spit, rotating before the eyes of hungry horrors that lay just outside the fire's haze. She will know what it means to sacrifice your flesh to a smiling God)) Ok I understand.
Last night, laying in a puddle of congealing orange Faygo (huge bender), this memory came rushing back to me. I asked myself if my hole was filled. I checked and couldn't tell. After cleaning up I tried asking God if my hole was filled. He told me the answers I seek lay within my own mind. As a Maid of Mind I can dive really deep into my own mind. I used my ascended god tier powers to travel to the farthest recesses of my subconscious and find the answer for myself.
The further I descended the darker everything became.I panicked and tried to escape but hit a wall. Oh God, is this how I die? Trapped within my own mind, forced to suffer my sick, evil thoughts until my physical body perished? ((Keep moving)) I suddenly felt completely calm. I turned and kept walking. I soon realized that I was in a hallway. I could see a figure emerge in a sudden flash of light and I ran towards it for what felt like millennia. This invader of the mind had a dominant stance, with arms straight out to the sides as if to say ((come at me bro)).
Suddenly I was face to face with. Oh. ((Now do you understand?)) I do. Before me stood God, ie Dirk Strider. (If you're a monotheist Homestuck kin I'm sorry for the exclusionary language as Homestuck *can be read as a monotheistic work. I am just trying to express my religious views so my interpretation of the scripture is limited to my own experience. Sorry (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•). God fist bumped me like a real bro and popped open a fresh bottle of orange Faygo to wash my feet with.
I can't write out the feet washing scene because I have a foot fetish. Let's just say it was very enjoyable for both of us although I don't think it was sexual for him. Was hard to tell through God's trademark dark sunglasses.
((You are my son, my child, my blood. Skin and bone but just as precious as the hand-sewn Smuppets. I have built from the clay just as my maker has built me from mud. We are Earth, we are space, we are transcending the roots. Together we will seed the universe and live out our Godhood.)).
How will we seed the universe?
((We must destroy Ms.Piggy so she can't hold Kermit down with her dumb feminine ways. Every snort from her is like a vast oink that pulls the threads of the universe apart farther, and farther. She is a force of chaos and having her so close to Kermit is limiting his potential to ascend. Kermit is one of my splinter selves and if he can't ascend I might lose narrative relevance altogether))
WELL THEN HOW DO I HELP YOU! PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU REACH YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL BY BRINGING DOWN THIS HOG. But I have one concern? How do I do it? My abilities aren't primarily combat based. How can I bring down nigh infinite incarnations of this foul swine?
((Muppet hole))
I woke up(?) in a puddle of sweat building over the now fully congealed Faygo puddle. I felt a purpose in my limbs as they moved easily like the wooden arms of a marionette. I felt full, fulfilled. I have found my purpose and my master. I HAVE FOUND SALVATION.
I've spent the past week going to every store on the bus route, 1 by 1, and defacing any evidence of Ms.Piggy. I cross out her name in big black sharpie and write religious seals on the pages of the magazines. I steal the dolls, replace the heads with different heads, and put them back. I even go to the grocery stores and cross out all the ham/pork labels on the meats. I've been replacing them with labeled that say things like "smile at your true god" and simply "flesh".
I do this all in the service of a god that is now crystalizing in my mind. And the sharper the image gets the closer it looks like Kermit's crusty hole. Amen.
Finally someone fucking understands
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batcavescolony · 6 months
ATLA!AU where the Gaang leave the Northern Water Tribe cus they wouldn't teach Katara so they end up in the swamp a bit earlier. Now unlike the North the swamp benders are happy to teach their cold water kin and her avatar friend bending! (+added spirit stuff with the tree)
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unhingedkinfessions · 11 months
Being a bear therian is so chill There’s no bad instincts, Just salmon berries and sleepy time. Now I’ll get to the unhinged part….
My roommate was commenting on my weight because it was winter and I usually end up that way. I just ignored them for the first week of this happening until one day they got on my nerves and I randomly yelled “IM A BEAR” and they apologized, not understanding what I meant and the next day I saw a gay bear flag in the mail as some sort of apology
They…They got the spirit
hey that's hilarious. entire mod team loved this one.
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kyoshi-lesbians · 7 months
and another thing *gesture to a white board with the words FOGGY SWAMP written at the center and various lines & shapes coming from it* the Swamp benders recognize Katara & Sokka as kin thru waterbending. their cultures are not alike, they didn't know the other tribe existed, bending is the only connecting point. water bending is so endemic to the culture of the water tribes that millennia can go by but as long as they keep waterbending alive they are one people. no bending and they aren't a people . Katara isn't just carrying the last of their unique cultural art, she is the last tie connecting her people to their identity.
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simplegenius042 · 6 months
Late OCs as Horror Themes/Tropes, Ships as Tarot Cards, and 15 Lines or Less Tag
Tagged by @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @inafieldofdaisies @voidika @direwombat and @g0dspeeed
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @softtidesworld @strafethesesinners @strangefable @adelaidedrubman @wrathfulrook @corvosattano @cassietrn @derelictheretic @shellibisshe @florbelles @cloudofbutterflies92 @starsandskies @onehornedbeast @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @afarcryfrommymain @megraen @turbo-virgins @minilev @carlosoliveiraa @shallow-gravy @titiagls @thewanderer-000 @snake-in-the-garden @purplehairsecretlair @chazz-anova @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @skoll-sun-eater @yokobai @bitchofedensgate @deputyash @ec-10 @foofygoldfish @gaeadene @henbased @vampireninjabunnies-blog and @trashcatsnark
You can find the OCs as Horror Themes/Tropes quiz here and the Ships as Tarot Cards quiz here. One OC for the first quiz, Two Ships for the second quiz, and three OCs for five lines each for the 15. The results and lines are below the cut:
DISCORD, THE MAD KIN OF CARNAGE (A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore and the Unnamed Original Works Trilogy)
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Discord was a second-generation reality bender (or more commonly known as "Kin"), and one of the most devastatingly powerful as well. His very presence was capable of reverting anything and everything around him back to its basic essential form/s (until it became rusted, rotten, and/or dust and eventually nothing at all). Had technically been killed during the Extermination Purge War, however, Arcane Urias' Chapter of the Occult, a group of warlocks, liches and dark magic users that aimed to preserve ancient magic (regardless if it was forbidden or destructive) and bring back the Old Kin (which mostly consist of the extinct first, second and third generations, as well as some fourth) to rule over the Multiverse once again, had found a way to bring back Discord, in a universe where Earth had been ravaged by nuclear war. NOTE: This result kind of describes how Discord's second death more-or-less is like.
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While Nadi and John have this "loyally serving the other while yearning for each others love but beating around the bush due to bad timings and stuff and still caring and possessive of the other to an obsessively unhealthy degree"... I will have to say that Nadi's affection isn't John's only priority; Joseph and his family plus the project is John's focus and is probably what he would choose over Nadi. Nadi though views John as the person who gave her something to believe in again, to put her skill and faith in (especially after losing faith in the military and governments after the events of Call To Arms), so to her, Eden's Gate' faith is personified by John. But if either lose each one another, it will greatly impact the other's life.
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Ah yes, another main LGBTQ+ couple I made to add to my collection alongside Sonya and Jennifer. Haoyu (Non-Binary, 25) and Icarus (Male, 23) fit each other well. At first both thought the other was a jerk. However, both got to know each other, related about their experiences with distant, long-lost and/or found family (Haoyu with their father, mother and Monika plus the Literature Club, and Icarus with his parents, siblings, alters and the Dupain-Cheng Family), coming to terms with their personal lives (Haoyu with their ability to open portals and travel through reality breaches, and Icarus plus his alters with the ability to switch dimensions with this magic fungus dude named Hatter whom one of the alters had eaten inadvertently on a dare), as well as near-death experiences (Haoyu with the Ruins of the Midnight Rise, and Icarus with Evermond Scowlzka trying to dissect him and his alters to get Hatter) plus their encounters with Sir Enigma Malvolio (Haoyu is Malvolio's foil and therefore targeted as a rival, and Icarus, while never meeting Malvolio until much later, had seen the aftereffects of Malvolio putting the essence of the Court King into a close friend of his, Marinette Dupain-Cheng). They also manage to work through each other's flaws; Icarus was reserved and arrogant but self-sacrificing (hence the requirement for his alters, Hatsukami Hinode and Xavier Tulip), and Haoyu was bold and selfish yet unambitious. Icarus teaches Haoyu how to be driven, pointing them towards a goal beneficial to not only them, but everyone, while Haoyu taught Icarus how to listen and take care of himself more, as well as be open-minded. Wherever they end up after the fight with the Ruins of the Midnight Rise, know that they're both at least together.
Calvin Darling (The Perfect Storm saga)
"Ah, back in this shit again?" He grumbles, getting up.
"Haven't you learned by now? "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall"," Calvin quoted, "Try to checkmate that, you pompous dick."
"I need a drink," Calvin pauses, reminding himself of another task, "But first I shall pray."
"Mario! I'm a cartoonist, not a mechanic."
"...I'm simultaneously impressed by how smart you can be but also disappointed in how stupid you are."
Rick Thompson (The Omniscience Rule saga and The Ender saga)
6. "I don't remember hunting down clowns to be part of the initiative...?" 7. "My dream came true Ma... I am IN a Musical." 8. "Ms Darling, if I may compliment outside of regulations, you're stunning beauty is increased tenfold by the stellar addition of grime and demons blood." 9. "I may be an agent, but I'm no where near professional." 10. "Ian Graveheart is the kind of man Pa described as the worst combination you can give a loaded weapon without safety on... legs and batshit insanity."
Urijah Calaghan (The UnTitled Stories (from The Omniscience Rule saga) and The UnTitled Ventures saga)
11. "You don't matter. Nothing matters. Nothing except this mission." 12. "How cruel are our lives where we must live out a path hostile to our treading feet as the unknown entities above and beyond mock and degrade us? And what fate awaits us then? Release? Freedom? Death? A second round for your soul to enter the world again and go right back into the cosmic mechanism that grinds us down again and again and again like a broken carousel? Or a decrepit record stuck spinning on the same tune? But that's only if you're lucky enough to die." 13. "My mission is to release us, painlessly and mercifully, from the one who holds onto us; the Hand at Fate's Table, one abhorrently callous and cruel enough to take pleasure in the suffering he puts us through." 14. "You must find this tiring. For a man to commit himself against an endless stream of challenges for what is ultimately a short speck of time in our universes must come at a great unnecessary cost to your body. Do you not wish to rest, Joaquin? Wouldn't it be best to live the final minutes of your life resting? Taking a moment to hold your family one last time before our Peace?" Urijah softly questioned. 15. "That doesn't matter," Urijah softly breathes out with a smile, hot air colliding against the cold breeze as the countdown reaches its conclusion.
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Weasley Siblings As Firebender Types
In honor of returning to a convention again, after so many health issues stopped me, let's get self-indulgent!
For the sake lore wise, lets say this is in a modern setting
William 'Bill'
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Obviously, mans will have that burned up face situation. Given, but in a setting wise he would be up the ladder and given the designated duty to study the history of the past. One of the few people who are trying to recover the airbending culture, and in charge of helping with items tampered with by bad karama/spirites. Meaning he is very close to the spiritual side, and more than likely using his bending as a means to mend things. Such as heating broken metal. An almost pacifist life style, which could have been influnced by how much hes learned through trying to help recover ancient history. Almost, A Pacifistic lifestyle. Recover what was lost. It would even be seen in his bending style, as he would be more intuned with air and water. Connected to the spirits, and it’ll show. You mess with him, well. Be careful next full moon buddy. Wouldn’t be a surprise if he pulled a Blue Spirit to steal back stolen artifacts
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He is the reason why the dragons have not gone extinct . He was specially chosen by the very dragons to help protect them. Running a special santuary on a island to keep them away, as to repair their nature. By this manner, he would have rainbow sparks in his flames. A sign that he is intuned with the dragons. Rasied by them, eats with them, he is much dragon as he is a bender. Having any visitors is esentially impossible, unless absolutly needed. Well, the weasley family would be allowed. Kin to their kin after all. He also would be extremely warm to the touch. Like I mean you throw a snow ball at him, it’s gonna start steaming. Mans a dragon. That would also mean he’s connected rather close to the spirit world. Not like Bill, but to say they haven’t been able to communicate through such a way is a lie. Just because he’s built like a jock doesn’t mean he’s dumber than a brick. Boy will he use that underestimation to his advantage in battle
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Sorry guys, we know its true. He would climb the ranks, and get a bit intense. He will take pride in his nation, and need to have his family bring him back to earth alot. He would even be able to learn how to produce blue flames, in order to show his strength and determination to show the pride of his nation. Keep a close eye on him. He may be soon joining the Ozai Cult! A high ranking man he would be. Not in the military setting, but certainly working close to whatever lord is at attention at the time. Perhaps in charge of strategies for war, or works as a royal advisor. He’s important, but his own ego will cause some rifts. His connection to the spirit world is very weak, and that will be his down fall
Fred and George
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They would have mastered combustion, and lighting bending. What do they do with such extreme skills? Cause mischief. They would more so run a fire work shop, and show you the beauty that fire can offer. Obviously they gotta be a dynamic of red and blue as well. Duh. They are always inventing, and would certainly be friends with everyone they can. Probs have Ty Lee genes in there somewhere even, and that’s how they are so charismatic. They can literally see your vibe, and know how to match it. As stereotypical as it is, they would have an extremely strong connection to the spirit world. As being identical twins. Which was perhaps how they were able to tap into such deep potential so young. They certainly are people you go to for advice. Be lucky they have that Ty Lee energy and are vibing. instead of being the next Azula
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100% knows how to Lava bend. ((And of course the cliché that he would be teaching the next Avatar Fire bending/Helping master the element because duh)) But genuinely, he has a very earth bender personality. It would translate in his bending style, and a beautiful way to show he’s not like his siblings. He is just as much special, and different. He can handle his own, and out right manipulate a middle ground element. Earth benders better look out, he’s going to show you why you don’t mess with Weasleys. As for his spiritual connection, it’s faulty. Until he bonds with Hermione, and gets grounded again. He’s no where close like his older siblings, but his will to learn is what gives the realm a special place in their hearts for him. He’s trying, and that’s all that matters. In the end
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10000% Takes it to the levels of sportsmanship. Along with Jet Projection, and can manipulate her fire to help her fly. That sure startles her opponents. Though, but proxy it means she isn’t as spiritually connected as she should be. Hey, that’s what Luna is for anyway. She knows how to kick ass, even with out her fire bending. She wanted to know how to defend herself after all. Wouldn’t be a surprise if she had a Kyoshi Fan in her back pocket. She loves to learn any way to fight, and certainly learned different elements fighting styles. Able to keep her opponents on their toes, and understand how they move and work. She is proud of her power, but her connection to the spirits needs work. But, that’s where family comes in. Luna, and her brothers, will always have her back. And she will have theirs. You can count on it, that’s for sure
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