#bells posting probably believe it or not
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*Finds out Eddie is an immortal fae and starts just excusing all weird behavior bc hey its a monster*
Watching me sleep? Hot
Oh youve killed people? Me next? jkjk...
Like if vemon didn't immediately fuck shit up and vamps would just take sips with no repercussions she would straight up ask if he wanted a lil taste
(not that he would... bastard)
(...alice would)
I may be writing Isabella Swan as a more believable, well-rounded character, but DO NOT misunderstand me. The monsterfucker trait stays. It is enhanced, in fact. If Bella Swan is not a monsterfucker, Bella Swan is dead
Rosalie: We donât need weapons to hunt *discreetly shows her fangs*
Emmett: Babe, stop, youâre scaring her
Bella, blushing so hard she might actually pass out: Incorrect
#twilight#bella swan#the twilight saga#twilight renaissance#twilight saga#edward cullen#twilight headcanon#alice cullen#bella x edward#bells posting probably believe it or not#monsterfucker bella you will forever be famous
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"But be safe. No reckless stunts."

On Sora and Riku's respective recklessness as showcased in the series, and what it means for their relationship
Under readmore because i am going to talk a lot
As an aside: Im going to be pulling from the Japanese text, though I am not a native speaker or really any kind of speaker, so take what I say with a decent amount of scrutiny. I'm more than willing to be corrected on these conclusions!
One line that has stood out to me in kingdom hearts is the repetition of "no reckless stunts!" and similar phrases. If you examine the original text, three slightly different words have been used to mean "reckless", which I'll include below (pulled definitions from Jisho, mostly)
çĄèŹ (mubou): reckless, foolhardy, rash, ill-advised, mad (scheme)
çĄè¶ (mucha): reckless, absurd, unreasonable, ridiculous
çĄç (muri): impossible, unreasonable, unjustifiable
Importantly for what i want to talk about is how "muri" is used in situations where a character wants to express that something is impossible (think of a character giving up all hope due to an insermountable obstacle in front of them, they may mutter something like "muri da...") keep a pin in this, it will matter toward the end.
Also note that each of these words starts with "çĄ" (mu), which usually means nothingness or absence of something. The definition of this kanji isnt super important, it's more important that its presence ties these three phrases together in a really unique way as i hope to demonstrate.
what i propose is that both Sora and Riku are depicted as reckless characters, albeit in different ways. The established pattern I've noticed is that Sora: "mucha" & Riku: "muri". I will tentatively refer to "mucha" as "rash" and "muri" as "impossible" (despite that it does also mean other things in some cases! bare with me it'll make sense)
Dialing back a bit, we have seen countless moments of Sora acting rashly. It is one of his key character traits and it tends to get him in trouble. He has a big heart, and is quick to anger.
Sora's response to loved ones and helpless innocents that have been put in harm's way is to repetitively bash things with his keyblade (and ask questions later).
It's Sora's rashness that allows Org 13 to use him to complete kingdom hearts. The extreme end of his rashness is showcased when he stabs himself to release Kairi from his heart.
Tldr. I think it's pretty well established and easy to argue that Sora is one to leap before he looks.
Now, Riku might be a little harder to sell as reckless, because of how well he tends to hide it. He carries himself as a role model for Sora, and tries to be the responsible friend. But if we look at his patterns of behavior, despite how he carries himself, he is quite reckless!
Without thinking of the consequences, he rushes the open door when destiny islands falls to darkness, eventually succumbing to it himself. He lashes out several times at Sora, particularly dangerously when he fires off a dark firaga in Hollow Bastion. He closes the door to darkness with Sora without knowing what would happen to him if he was trapped in the realm of darkness. When Sora is asleep, he sacrifices his form to defeat Roxas, without any assurance that he would ever be able to get his old form back.
We see Riku's recklessness too in the fight against Xemnas. He recklessly throws himself in front of Xemnas twice, hurling Sora away from danger and taking a very nasty blow to the hip. I'd count his dive to save Sora in DDD among these, mostly due to his risk taking behavior when it comes to saving Sora. Finally of course we see it in KH3, with his ultimate sacrifice. (but i think importantly, this scene isn't just recklessness, but I'll explain in a bit)
So tldr. Despite Riku's mask of level headedness and resolve, he has been shown over and over to take massive risks without caring for the consequences. Which is pretty reckless, in my opinion!
Sora and Riku's recklessness, mind you, is also called into question by Yen Sid, who tells Riku the reason he kept Aqua's fate a secret was to keep Riku and Sora from staging a "half-baked attempt at rescue"
He says similar in Japanese, but i want to just note the word he uses when he describes the rescue attempt as reckless (highlighted for ur convenience):

(the highlighted word here is "mubou", it will come back later in an Important way, so keep it in mind)
he's *basically* saying that if Riku, or worse, Sora, knew about Aqua, they would have recklessly marched into the realm of darkness to rescue her. Because he knows they are both ... Like that.
I would be remiss to not mention that Sora's impulsivity and recklessness is something Riku admires! After Yen Sid tells riku not to be rash, and Riku excitedly tells Mickey he's ready to help save Aqua, Kairi observes that Riku has changed, and he's more like Sora. Riku asks if that's a compliment, but I think it's clear that he feels it is. He says it's more Fun to just follow his heart, which is sora-esque. (;_;) This is also something he brings up to Sora when they're on the dark margin together, that he's jealous of how Sora can just follow his heart. It's clear Riku has started to embrace his more impulsive side, to follow his heart like sora does. This is important later!
So now that I have my premise Mostly set up, I'd like to highlight a handful of scenes that I thought were really telling about how Sora and Riku relate to the terms "mucha" and "muri", respectively.
Let's start with Sora and "mucha".
The first instance i have found "mucha" used is in Olympus Colliseum.
lets recall How Herc initially loses his power in KH2, and compare it to the movie.
In KH2, Herc is tricked into leaving the colliseum unguarded by capturing Meg and hiding her in the underworld so that Herc and Sora must go to her rescue. Hades sends a hydra in to destroy the colliseum while Sora and Herc are busy fighting heartless and Pete and rescuing Meg.
Upon seeing the destruction in the colliseum, Herc falls to his knees, and you can visibly see his colors fade to a more ashen complexion, similar to his appearance without his powers in the movie. He calls himself a piece of shit basically and Meg helps him up to limp to safety, leaving Sora to defeat the Hydra (ahem sora helping riku walk in twtnw after xemnas fight anyone)

(Herc even has a second journal entry for his Desaturared form.)
You leave the world after defeating the hydra and jumping up on its back a few times, and after sora d & g are named true heros. Yay. But Herc doesn't have his power back yet, which will later be addressed in the second episode.
Herc's loss of power is much different from the movie. In the movie, he agrees to let Hades take his strength for a day in order to keep Meg from harm, and release her from the contract she had entered with Hades (iirc). This was all so Herc wouldn't get the chance to save Olympus from the titans that Hades revives in order to take Zeus' throne for himself.
Herc still tries to wonderboy his way into rescuing the town, and fights a giant cyclops. While he lacks physical strength and gets pretty much Pummeled, he ends up beating the cyclops with his wit - but in doing so, a pillar is knocked over. It is about to crush Herc, but Meg pushes him out of the way, and is crushed to death.
She gives her life to save him, which in turn returns strength to Herc, because the contract was only good if Meg remained unharmed.
What I'm mostly trying to say here on this tangent is Herc's loss of power in KH2 specifically is very reminiscent of Sora losing his keyblade in Hollow Bastion, which is later echoed in the keyblade graveyard when he feels he loses his strength to fight after losing his friends. I bring up the movie to show how bizarrely different it is from the Kh2 plot, perhaps precisely to make the parallel between Sora and Herc stronger (and the parallel between Herc and Riku, by the way - Herc falling to his knees, losing his power, and giving up, only for Meg to walk him to safety, is a parallel to Riku losing his will to fight and press on after the battle with Xemnas - Sora refuses to let him and in the same Exact way he helps Riku walk on)
So Hercules, when faced with the impossible wavers, and loses his strength and will to fight. This is important so keep it in mind. Impossible/Muri isn't stated here as far as i know, but it's important that he is feeling utterly defeated and unable to win.
The second visit to the world is when we first see the term "mucha"/reckless used as far as I was able to find. Hades casts Meg into the Soul Hole and Herc dives in to save her without hesitating (mechanically to write Herc out of the boss fight, but)
We later see Herc emerge with Meg, his godly aura restored (he is Radiant!) something that *should* have killed him. and should have been impossible. But his desire to save her was so great, he recklessly dives in, without knowing that he will succeed. Luckily, all he had to do to prove he was worthy of godhood and power in both the game and the movie was to use the strength of his Heart rather than his fists, as a true hero does:

Sora scolds him and tells him not to do anymore crazy stunts after this reckless dive to save Meg (screenshot makes it look like herc is saying it sorry lol) and that is where we can see the term "mucha" being used in Japanese:
instead of crazy stunts, Sora moreso says "but don't be reckless (mucha)":

to which herc responds:

"people always do stupid things when they're in love" (note he doesn't repeat reckless, he says "baka" lol)
so here we have a direct link between herc's sacrifice when he dove in to save Meg, the restoration of his power/Godhood, and acting recklessly (mucha), without Fear or Doubt, to save someone he is In Love With. put a pin in this because it's all connected.
Now moving onto KH2.9 and KH3. From the start of the game we are told Sora has lost the Power of Waking, and his Entire goal in the game is to regain it, wake Ventus, and prepare for the battle in the KBG with Xehanort.
The Power of Waking is already a very vague, disney-esque power, essentially the power to free sleeping hearts from slumber (and first introduced to us in DDD, particularly in terms of Riku waking Sora up in a sleeping beauty retelling but I'm getting ahead of myself)
Yen Sid suggests that Sora go to Olympus for clues to regain his power, as Just Like Sora, Hercules also lost his power, but was able to regain it.
It's pretty straightforward, but in the interest of not making this post a fucking novel ill try to keep it short. Herc tells Sora he's not sure just *how* he got his powers back, just that he wanted to save Meg with all his heart when he (recklessly) dove in to save her. The game is trying to tell Sora that it's the Power of Love that brought back Herc's strength, and that Love will be key in bringing Sora's PoW back, too.
Specifically, I think that Herc's story and the other worlds Sora visits are saying that it's True Love that will bring Sora's powers back. Acts of true love in KH3 are framed as courageous, selfless, and performed unconditionally.
Despite the visit to see Hercules, Sora still doesn't gain the PoW. He has an idea of what he needs to regain it, but he has to visit multiple Disney worlds to learn more about the power of true love and sacrifice (well also separation but thats not as important to this post) before he's ready to test it out for himself.
After Arendelle (i think) we get to another important cutscene where Riku, Sora, donald, goofy, & mickey meet up with Yen Sid to discuss the progress they've made on their respective journeys. Sora wants to go to the Realm of Darkness with Riku & Mickey because he's worried, but they Won't let him because he doesn't have the PoW. Riku does the fondest laugh known to man, eliciting a bit of anger from Sora, but explains it's because of what Yen Sid had told him earlier - that had Sora or Riku known about Aqua being trapped in the RoD, they would have recklessly gone in to save her.

he's pretty much directly quoting yen sid here, just like he does in English (saying half-baked instead of reckless too). So basically saying here Sora would have marched into (the dark world) recklessly (had he known where Aqua was) - again using "mubou" like master yen sid.
Interestingly, when we get to Sora telling Riku to not be reckless in the dark world to Riku, he's not repeating the same word for Reckless that Riku is using (Now this might be just a flow of the conversation thing, which i certainly cant confirm as a non-native speaker but i think it's still notable)

Sora says something similar to what is said in English; with a few distinctions. A rough translation would be "but don't overdo it, call me if anything happens" (need I gripe one more time that english localization cuts out sora telling Riku to call him; which is why he spends the rest of the time apart from Riku wanting a call, and why its so unhinged that Riku triangles for sora and basically summons him. I DIGRESS)
This line is translated as "but be safe, no reckless stunts" in English, which serves as a callback to what Sora tells to Hercules in KH2, (further solidifying a herc/riku parallel) but IMPORTANTLY, Sora is NOT even saying the same thing he said to Hercules in the Japanese script. He's saying something else - çĄçăăȘă㧠(muri shinai de), which is usually translated as don't overdo it - but literally means "don't do the impossible". This will be important later when I talk more about Riku so keep this in mind.
We immediately get Donald saying "Sora's the reckless (muri) one" (abbreviating for simplicity) but Jiminy disagrees. In English he says "He's not reckless, he just doesn't think!" but in Japanese he says this:

Which i know im going to butcher any translation I do, but Jiminy is basically saying "[Sora's] not muri he's mucha". That distinction is important enough for Jiminy to make a joke about it. That Riku might actually be the one who is overdoing it/trying to do the impossible (muri), while Sora is the one who runs headfirst into danger recklessly (mucha). Which, i think, is quite fitting, given the actions theyve done through the series.
Importantly we get one more instance of "mucha" which I think really ties Sora's trait "recklessness" together nicely, and puts into perspective what the repetition of these phrases is doing from a story telling perspective.
After Sora finishes up the remaining Disney world visits, S, D, & G find out that Chip & Dale have lost contact with Riku & Mickey. Sora is very upset at this, and is Determined to save them (Riku) (with all his heart). Sora has NOT GAINED THE POW at this point, and they don't know how to even get into the RoD, so Sora opts to "let his heart be his guiding key" to find his way to Riku and the RoD. (Recklessly I might add, he hasn't called or talked to Yen Sid or consulted anyone about it lol)
He arrives at Destiny Islands and mysteriously finds Master's Defender which happens to be the key to getting him into the RoD. Right? Well. We know from the glossary that the established method of reaching the RoD is with a keyblade of darkness, through dark corridors, or with the Power of Waking.
Others have argued this (see SRT) but it's heavily implied that Sora regained the PoW on his way to rescue Riku. That he used it explicitly to get into the RoD is where people tend to be a little caught up in the details, because it *does* seem like Master's Defender plays a role, which begs the questions - is it a keyblade of darkness? What the fuck was it doing there? etc. (literally saw on a kh wiki that sora got into the RoD because Masters defender was a keyblade of darkness, which is unconfirmed currently lol) It's also not traditionally what the PoW looks like. There's a huge door that appears, Sora isn't using the kingdom key, he doesn't burst out of Riku's chest. Etc.
HOWEVER. I think with the context of the narrative arc Sora is going through, the foreshadowing present in the game, and The Reckless Rescue angle can at least prove that he DID regain his power here, regardless of whether or not he explicitly used it to get into the RoD. I'll try to briefly summarize the points I've seen made before I add my own.
After the visit to Olympus, Sora explains to Yen sid that he didn't regain his power but he still learned a lot. Yen sid stresses again that sora needs the PoW, Sora gets pouty, and Goofy cheers him up by saying "maybe something will trigger it real soon". Shortly after a bit of banter, there is a knock at the door, and Riku and Mickey walk in. The camera kmakes a point to show Mickey off to the side, then pan up to Riku as he walks in to close the door, who is centered in the view (almost as if we are watching from Sora's POV, who is anticipating Riku's appearance in the door).

Putting this side by side is a little unfair, since it's not an immediate jump from Goofy saying this to Riku's entrance, but it's pretty in your face about just what (or who) might be key to reawakening sora's PoW.
We also get some heavy handed foreshadowing in the next visit to Yen Sid's tower, right before Sora tells Riku to not overdo it:

Yeah. and he does, importantly, get the power of waking, not BEFORE he comes to the rescue, but BECAUSE he comes to the rescue.
Now for my contribution since I stole the last two/three points from other posts. Just before Sora enters the RoD, he tells D & G to stay behind and that he has to go alone. (Sigh, yes, this scene is a parallel to Riku using the PoW to save Sora in DDD - it *has* to be him, and him alone) D& G protest, but eventually relent. But Donald doesn't let Sora go without saying this:

(In English, Donald says "you promise to be good?" inexplicably) but in Japanese he tells sora (basically) "Don't be reckless" - aka. No Reckless Stunts, complete with the use of "mucha" (recall Donald in the previous scene was the one to call Sora "muri" before being corrected by Jiminy). This is similar to what Sora tells to herc, so we are pretty much full circle on this scene being a callback to Herc rescuing Meg in KH2.
Like Herc, Sora does the reckless thing. Like Herc, he heroically dives into the abyss to rescue his loved one with all his heart.
Like Herc, Sora regains his power the moment he resolves to rescue Riku, even if it is not made explicitly clear to Sora OR the audience (perhaps the fact that he regained the PoW is why he is able to save aqua, too)
I could probably go on about this and what it means for Sora for a long time, but I think it's high time I actually wrote about "muri" and Riku's recklessness, so let's rewind a little.
I've already brought up how Riku relates to Herc in terms of his recklessness and heroics, but theres a few more things to add. of course. I'll recap with pictures of one of the parallels i've already discussed:

So here i think at least metaphorically, we can argue that Riku has lost a bit of his "power"- or rather, his drive. After everything is over, he just collapses, ready to die or be left behind. Sora WONT let that happen. So Riku asks Sora to lead. He confesses to some of the jealousy and superiority he'd been feeling over Sora for the past few years, and seems to be trying to find a new direction in his life, having now repented Quite a bit for the sins he committed in KH1.
Riku's entire purpose for fighting after KH CoM and KH2 was to wake Sora up, keep him safe while he does his keyblade weilder duties, reunite him with Kairi, and send him on his merry way. Sora refuses to let him leave, and demands that he comes home with him. So he does. but without his jealousy over his feelings toward Sora, or without his feelings of guilt and feeling he needs to make it up to Sora, what is left to drive him to keep fighting?
DDD gives him a pretty strong answer - it's where he both rediscovers his sense of purpose and gains the Power of Waking in the process. And his dream eater powers too. btw
Riku's journey in DDD is, simply put, not really about passing the mark of mastery exam and becoming a keyblade master. it's about remembering What he lives for. remembering his promise to Terra, and how those feelings have evolved - from wanting strength to protect the Stuff that matters as a child, to, in DDD, discovering that the "stuff that matters, like his friends" was Sora the Whole time, and that Sora is actually a "precious best friend" that he wants to protect. It's About recovering his strength, like Herc needs to do in KH2.
So how does Riku regain his "strength"? By Sora-style taking a reckless dive into the deep abyss of Sora's heart to wake him using the PoW.
(Not once was I able to find any mention of "recklessness" here, or any particular language that ties this moment together cleanly with what happens in Olympus Colliseum in KH2, but the repetition of diving down into an abyss to rescue someone (with all your heart. etc) is Enough of a parallel to make the connection between this scene and Herc's dive to save Meg)
It is within the deepest depth of Sora's heart where Riku is interrogated by three pieces of Sora's heart about what he's afraid of, what he cares about more than anything else, and what he wishes - All canon answers involve the mention of "precious" - "taisetsu" (sorry im not explaining this one im going to just assume you know what im talking about if you are a soriku that reads meta you should know.) - to lose something precious, my precious best friend (fuck da english localization for this one), to recover something precious that I lost. It is here that we see Riku's simple "protecting important stuff" become "protecting something precious/my precious best friend" (note that this hasn't quite become "taisetsu na hito"/precious person but hes getting there)
Ansem the wise is there i guess and he tells Riku that his 3 answers are what were the key to waking sora up, and I think, importantly, are what give Riku his "strength" back. He has rediscovered his purpose, which is, to him, protecting Sora (with all his heart)
Continuing into KH2.9 we have another couple scenes that will both complete Riku's development from protecting stuff that matters to protecting a precious person and also continue to make a strong connection between him and Hercules.
It's been pretty well established that these two scenes are deceptively mistranslated, but i'll go over it again

Herc here is saying "taisetsu na hito" which is translated to "person I love most"
The EXACT phrase Mickey uses to tell Riku why he's feeling more powerful and fearless in the RoD, in the literal next scene in 2.9. They were supposed to be VERY CLEAR hit you over the head parallels but, well. SENA said fuck gay people i guess.

Riku repeats what Mickey says into his hand ("strength to protect my precious person") and recalls his promise to Terra, to protect the things that matter. (again it's implied it's always been about protecting sora, he just didn't have the language or understanding of himself yet to know how to say it)
There is absolutely no room for nuance here. This is explicitly framing Riku's feelings for Sora on par with Herc's feelings for Meg eg. explicitly romantic. And that it's his ROMANTIC LOVE for Sora that is what gives him his strength - not just to protect Sora, but also to do THE IMPOSSIBLE
phase ??? of my argument will now commence hang on to your butts. (i wrote this all in one night im tired)
Now that ive Exhaustively set that up. lets actually get back into discussing what I initially set up - riku doing the impossible "muri" thing.
As a reminder, Sora tells Riku to not "attempt the impossible/overdo it" in the RoD. And to call him if he needs him.
So Riku, instead of attempting the impossible in the RoD by facing the demon tide, does call Sora, which ends up being what saves the day! Yay!
I have bad news though! Riku is terrible at listening to advice when Sora is in trouble.
Now recall what I mentioned earlier about the fall of the guardians in the KBG and Sora's subsequent breakdown being a parallel to Herc losing his power in KH2. Sora *fails* everyone here, and he explicitly states he is worthless, without strength, when he loses them. It's very in line with Herc losing his powers in KH2.

(just putting these in here to hurt you and myself)
So, we get the Herc parallel, but it stops here for Sora. He doesn't do some grand self sacrifice for Riku to prove his heroism and regain his "power", but i think theres a reason for that beyond it just being Riku's time for the spotlight but I am getting there.
In the english localization, Sora says "we've lost, it's over". It's a subtle change from the Japanese, where instead of "it's over", Sora simply utters "muri da--" ("its impossible") (in the wettest saddest voice you can imagine)

It's at this moment where I do truly think we're meant to make the connection between Sora saying "its impossible" and Sora telling Riku to not attempt the impossible. It fits in nicely with Sora telling Herc to not do reckless stunts, with the slight change in language from "reckless" to "impossible", and with the impending self sacrifice. Riku knows that beating back the demon tide is impossible. But he does it anyway (compare to how, when faced with a much smaller demon tide, and he was losing, he listened to Sora's advice and called Sora for help instead of attempting the impossible)
So we have Riku's ultimate true love sacrifice for Sora, which both takes his life and grants him a spot upon an alter in Olympus, perhaps symbolically giving him some sort of ascension for his heroic deed. And again tying his sacrifice intimately to Herc's.
Because Sora and Riku are both "herc" and "meg" here I am going to make a little bit of a reach. Recall that I went through the effort of recapping the climax of the hercules movie. for no reason. There is a connection though even if it's loose, and i would kick myself for not including it.
In the movie, Meg, like Riku, protects a powerless Hercules from impending danger in her own act of true loves sacrifice. Her death gives Hercules his strength back (partly due to contract BS but it's still a romantic moment). And her death is what drives Hercules to dive into the Soul Hole to rescue her soul at a potentially great cost, which is what ultimately restores his godhood (showing his strength of heart). Riku sacrificing himself for Sora can be seen to be more like the events of the Hercules movie, Riku standing in for Meg - Sora does have to restore Riku's heart after it's been taken by the Lich, after all, much like Hercules brings Meg's soul out from the Hole. And Riku's sacrifice is what gives Sora the resolve to keep fighting. (not arguing with anyone who thinks it was only kairi because it wasnt lol)
So Riku attempts the impossible here, and ultimately he is rewarded. An interesting nuance is that the phrase "attempting the impossible" isn't meant to be taken as a challenge. From what ive read from native speakers, the phrase Sora uses really is better translated as "don't overdo it" as it is less about proving yourself to be able to overcome crazy obstacles and more about keeping your expectations in check. But Riku is reckless, and following his heart, which he learned from Sora.
I hope I've properly illustrated how Sora and Riku are both painted as reckless in different ways, and how the language used in KH3 is making direct references to Herc's reckless heroics in KH2 and in the actual Disney movie. And how these reckless acts are showcasing how much these two love each other, because I still have one more point to make. Namely, how this ties into Cinderella, and ultimately KH4.
In Terra's route of Birth By Sleep, he happens upon a distraught Cinderella, who has had her dress torn up by her step sisters. She was planning to go to the ball, but cannot, because it is "impossible" (muri)

Terra tries to console her. It's all very reminiscent of the scenes of Herc's, Sora's, and Riku's defeats.
After Terra fights off the unversed summoned by Cinderella's negativity (toxic much..), Out of the blue, the fairy godmother appears and makes everything better. She fixes up Cinderella with a dress and a ride to the ball, and sends her on her merry way.
She explains to Terra that she appeared to Cinderella to show her that her dreams *can* come true and that she typically appears only to people that have a strong belief in their dreams. Terra says he believes in dreams but you have to work for them, to which FGM responds that simply believing in dreams is already a difficult thing on its own. (Ventus also compares Terra to Cinderella. btw. because of his strong dreams)
Now. Sigh. Im not the only person that has pointed this out. The FGM quite literally appears to Riku, but only after a year has passed and they have no leads on Sora, and after it's implied that Riku is starting to lose hope.
In the limit cut, you can see Riku's sad wet puppy dog face as he talks about how hard everyone is working, and how they haven't found anything at all. He says "if Sora is really out there, don't you think we would have found something by now?" - Again, he's losing faith in his dreams of Sora's return. This is important.
I do not have the strength to go through and find all the times Riku told everyone to believe in Sora in KH3. It's a lot. And the last thing we hear him say Near Sora, is to let him go on his suicide mission to save Kairi - to BELIEVE in Sora (#wish).
So one, we know the dream Riku believes in is Sora, and two, we know he is starting to lose his belief in his dreams, like Cinderella before the ball, when he dress is destroyed.
Right after it's clear their is no lead through the data from Org 13, FGM appears, just like she did for Cinderella. And she tells Riku that His Dreams Are Literally A Key To Find Sora (that hes quite literally been #dream drop distancing into sora's dreams while hes in unreality is already so much without the FGM being there to explain this to him but KH is crazy!)
One last thing to really drive this home. The FGM brings Riku and Kairi to the nameless star to bring the three keys together.
And what does she tell Riku, before he leaves?

"Be careful. Do not attempt to do the impossible."
if you read this whole thing... well... im proud of you. I know i definitely missed stuff, because it would be so hard to go through all the games and really dig for the use of this term especially when I dont speak japanese at all. and because i wrote this all in one night. But dont hesitate to comment or reblog if you have anything to add. I freaking love kingdom hearts
#soriku#kh meta#kingdom hearts meta#long post#it was not going to be this long đ„°#i might make an abbreviated versuon#i could not be assed to read this for errors so sorry if i make mistakes i wrote this in chunks thru the night#barely scratched the surface on how this all ties in with believing and shit#i thoguht about including the hollow bastion kh1 riku and sora reunion and the beast resolving to keep going#for belle#and how he ended up there by believing#against the impossible odds#but theres already so much here#I will probably come back and edit this post later but i just want to post it now
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So I originally wrote this back in August when this release was fresh and then!!! APPARENTLY!!! just COMPLETELY forgot to post it!! so you get it now, three months late.
Some of the dialogue from the Guardian Tower has been living rent free in my head and now I want to yell about it because itâs SO GOOD for background lore
Okay, so, on the first floor, Mindi tells us this:
I really like this because it helps illustrate one of the logistical problems of the Rose. Like, even if you took away everything else that makes them bad (which, admittedly, is most of the organisation and its purpose), the fact that they tend to, by default, present themselves as the only option and drive out competition is bad. On paper, a force of people trained in combat against magical threats, with reasonably easy access to that training, which has garrisons stationed across the land, is actually a pretty good solution to the whole Recurring Evil Magical Threats thing. We know this because the guardians and the paladins and the dragonslayers exist! They do this! The Rose seems to make membership easier to access but, frankly, I suspect that is in part because their training is less thorough.
And when the Rose show up and drive those other groups out (like theyâve done with the Guardians), they donât actually improve anything. Best case scenario, everything is exactly the way it was before. More likely, things would get worse, because the people with active experience defending a particular area have been driven away and now the Rose members have to play catch-up
(A good example of how on paper a group like the Rose could help an area is Book 3 Amityvale. The local Guardians were long gone, so the Rose were able to help without doing that extra damage and made Amityvale a safer place to live....... but thatâs specifically for the human inhabitants. Plus, we know theyâre affecting the magic of the area - Amarisâs moon has started having phases - and thatâs! probably not good! Also see: Raven having to flee for her own safety after getting bitten by a werewolf. Even where they are ostensibly doing the most good, the Rose are still an active danger to many, even their own in the wrong circumstances)
And, meanwhile, on the ground floor...
......further proof that the Rose actively try to drive competition out of the area. Falconreach has repeatedly made it clear that they want nothing to do with the Rose and they keep picking fights with the patrols.
#dragonfable#tags following this are unaltered from the post as it was drafted:#look it's been a little bit vague re: Are The Rose Still Blockading Falconreach's Port And/Or Is It Still Canon That They Were Doing That#but the Rose ACTIVELY PICKING FIGHTS WITH THE GUARDIANS? that's SO juicy#Falconreach is. as far as we know. the ONLY big visible safe haven for magical beings.#Ravenloss and Sulen'eska are both actively hidden#Falconreach is a refugee safe zone and the Rose are THE PRIMARY REASON MOST OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE REFUGEES#and the Rose have been trying to MOVE IN on that territory#they pick fights with patrols from Falconreach's defenders OFTEN based on that ''again''#I bet you that's not a secret#I bet you the people of Falconreach KNOW that this happens#is it any wonder that the Rose showing up after the Calamity War offering to help rebuild almost incited a riot?#that would've been setting off SO MANY warning bells in SO MANY people's heads#most of Falconreach probably didn't hear an offer for help. they heard an enemy they've been fighting off try to get in through a weak point#and I can't blame them#tags from here on added when I found the post again:#so I did post /some/ of these thoughts. including some in the tags. I just did it in many thoughts head full mode#there was a lot of 'something something' in that one. this one I put a bunch of it into words#I cannot BELIEVE I forgot to post this and it sat in my drafts for three months. ridiculous#also I miss horizontal line breaks so much.... give me formatting again tumblr.......
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I genuinely think tik tok is the most damaging app Iâve ever downloaded. and keep in mind this app gave me an eating disorder.Â
#still thinking about it#bell rings#I believe I have healed my relationship with the glorious tumblr#i forgive her#I do not forgive the actual people#but itâs not the website/apps fault#TIK TOK ON THE OTHER HAND#with every other app I have to actively seek out triggering content#and find some really weird uncommon phrases or word the app hasnât blocked yet#to even find one triggering post#but tik tok was just like#âso Iâve been giving you recovery content for like half an hour so I know youâve probably had an ed so logical next stepâ#âliteral pro accoun!! :DDâ#i will kill you with my bare hands
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đđđâđ đđđđđ đđđ đđđđ đđ | J.JK
â part 1
â pairing | fem!oc x dealer!jjk
â summary | after a petty argument jungkook spots you showing out at a party with the hosts arm around your waist
â warning | bad writing (iâm doing my best)
unprotected sex, toxic fwb, lots cursing, jealousy, angst, ratchet behavior, dirty talk, angry sex, belittling, drinking, smokingđ, womanizer behavior, breeding kink, both đ©đ© , daddy kink, degrading, slapping (face), false accusations, double standards
â word count | 6.2k words
â song suggestion | love you like me â william singe
He was blocked once again.
He didnât even know for what this time.
Well, he had a good idea.
Running his mouth again. They always argued and he was always blocked and unblocked.
This time he think he actually irritated you.
âGoddamnit Y/n.â He cursed. He pissed you off once again but now his number and his Instagram was both blocked by you.
For some reason this time irked him more than the others.
âYouâre still stressing over that girl?â Jimin plopped on the couch next to him.
âI canât believe you still fuckin on her.â Taehyung walked in, taking a seat on the couch too.
âThatâs my girl yaâll know that.â Jungkook bit his lip, staring at his blank phone screen.
âYou need to get like how you used to. 3 or more at a time. Always.â Jimin spoke, âYou used to be like that. You used to make fun of guys like you. Now youâre giving out free shit to some girl.â
âI mean he does get pussy from it but like, only her bro?â Taehyung looked at Jungkook. âYou used to have all these girls on you. Stephanie, Nari, Seunghee, Belle, Maya⊠What happened to you man?â
Jungkook thought about what they said. âShits just different now.â
âOh my gosh sheâs ruined you.â Jimin groaned. âNah man. Weâre going to a Jackson party.â
âHeâs having a party?â Jungkook looked up from his phone. âWhy havenât I heard anything about it?â
âBecause youâre too busy stressinâ about some bitch.â Jimin shook his head.
Before Jungkook could correct him, Jimin corrected himself. âSome girl. Before you start.â
âAnyway, itâs tonight.â Taehyung spoke.
âSo bring whatever cash you got and weâre definitely gonna send you home with a girl or two.â Jimin swung his arm around his shoulder.
âOh shit I think sheâs posting about you Jeon!â Taehyung was on her phone, immediately making Jungkookâs head snap over.
âNo man.â He laughed. âWe really gotta get you more girls. You need more pussy than just her.â
âYeah, no more Y/n.â Jimin shook his head.
âIâm so jealous.â Seungyeon swooned over the text messages on your phone.
âI donât see why. This looks annoying as hell.â Elkie rolled her eyes.
Lemme come over
I got shit for you and your friends
Omg fucking answer
Youâre mad annoying
I ainât even mean what I said fr just reply đ
âI think itâs cute. And hilarious.â Seungyeon chuckled. âWhat made you block him this time?â
âHe was bragging about how many girls he sells to. How theyâre all pretty and thick as hell. So I just said âcoolâ and blocked him.â You shrugged.
You and your friends had been getting ready for hours for a Jackson Wang party they had personally been invited to.
âYou better not hope he doesnât pull up tonight.â Elkie spoke.
âYeah Y/n. Taehyungâs going and Iâm sure theyâll try to convince him.â Seungyeon told her.
âHeâs probably too busy getting high in his room.â Elkie replied. âOr selling in the east side.â
âWouldnât doubt it.â You shook your head. âI kinda do wish he would be there though.â
âIs his dick really that good?â Elkie asked you as she was baking her makeup.
âUnfortunately it is. Like, real good.â You started to get flashbacks.
âHere she goes.â Seungyeon rolled her eyes.
âHe fucks me sooo good yall donât get it.â You began. âEven though heâs annoying and shit Iâve never had dick like his. Once we started recording our shit I canât stop rewatching.â
âYou arenât worried heâll show people?â Elkie asked.
âTheyâre all on my phone. He only has a few. Even if he does show his homeboys itâs whatever. Heâs damn near louder than me anyway.â You told her.
Your phone went off, making you look over at it to see the notification.
kplugđ has added you on Snapchat
âOh my gosh.â You said out loud, immediately making the girls look over.
âHe fucking added you on Snapchat!â Elkie laughed out loud, âHeâs crazyâ
âAnd on his plug account?â Seungyeonâs eyes widened. âHeâs obsessed.âą
âWhat can I say? This pussy makes him insane.â You jokingly boasted.
âDid you add him back?â Seungyeon asked.
âNah not yet. Iâll wait until Iâm almost done getting ready.â You tossed your phone on your bed.
âYeah thatâll be better.â Elkie nodded.
âUgh I need to hurry anyway. Iâm tryna look good tonight.â You groaned, looking at your barely half done makeup.
No matter what it was, you loved to look good. You were a confident woman who took pride in her appearance.
Tonight mattered. You hadnât took good pictures in quite some time and Jacksonâs party was the best place to take them at.
You had just changed up your hair last night. You had a brown base with blonde highlights. And for tonight you decided to add gold and bronze tinsel to elevate your look.
Your friends always had the same energy, wanting to look as good as they could even if it was a simple occasion.
Seungyeon and Elkie definitely showed out with you tonight.
You all had skimpier outfits on tonight. You were a low cut brown latex top with a matching black mini skirt.
Your heels were black and the strings wrapped up around your mid calf. You sprayed your expensive perfume all over, making sure you smelt as good as you looked.
Your makeup was finally done for the night and it couldnât have looked better. You looked incredible.
The girls had taken some pre party pics in your room, posting on all social media.
âOh Y/n! Add him back.â Seungyeon told you.
You nodded, adding Jungkook back on Snapchat.
âHeâs gonna see all our videos at the party. Heâs gonna regret saying all that shit to you.â Elkie laughed. âGonna see so many dudes all up on you and start punching walls and shit.â
âHe probably already is and we havenât even left the house yet.â Seungyeon laughed with her. âThe pictures we posted right now are enough to make him tear his hair out.â
âDamn right.â You giggled. âYall got everything? Iâm about to order the Uber.â
Both girls nodded, making sure they had everything they needed.
kplugđ just sent you a snap
You looked at the notification, âHm.â You hummed to yourself, not opening his snap quite yet.
Once the uber pulled up all of the girls climbed in, taking more pictures in the backseat on the drive there.
You lived in a nice area, but nothing compared to Jacksonâs place.
The location was one of his many homes,
âJackson lives so far from us.â Elkie looked at the map on her phone.
âYeah but his area is so nice. Itâs worth it.â Seungyeon added. âI wonder how many people are gonna be there.â
âGirl you know itâs gonna be so packed we gonna have to get dropped off damn near a mile away.â You laughed.
âYou better hope Jungkook doesnât show up.â Elkie looked over at you, who was just opening his snap.
The snap was him a car, sitting in a car full of tackily dressed women right corner of him. One of the girls was taking the picture for him.
âI shouldâve just shut up.â Elkie covered her mouth. âTheyâre definitely going.â
âHeâs petty as hell!â Seungyeon looked over at your screen. âWhat does he expect you to say to that?â
âProbably nothing.â Y/n turned off the phone. âHe wants to be like that he can go right ahead.â
âYouâre so cool about it.â Seungyeon looked at her in amazement. âI wouldâve went batshit crazy.â
âIâm not trippin because Iâm not holding back at this party.â She laughed.
âWhy would you guys do me like this?â
âYouâre so dramatic.â Jimin rolled his eyes. âWe found you a car full of girls to take to the party and youâre complaining.â
âDidnât ask for it. Yâall make me look like a charity case. I couldâve gotten plenty at Jacksonâs.â
âWhatever.â Taehyung rolled his eyes. âYou know how much play sheâs gonna get there? And youâre gonna have to watch it alllll.â
âYeah man. Youâre gonna have to watch all sorts of dudes kissing up on her and shit. Youâre gonna look like a bitch.â Jimin added.
âExactly. So let us help you bro.â Taehyung smiled. âCome on itâll be worth it. Plus, you look great man. Sheâll be unblocking you in no time.â
Jungkook and the boys got in the car full of women, instantly leeching onto them.
âHello ladiesâ Jimin greeted, buckling up.
âHiii Jiminnnâ They replied in union, almost fighting to talk to him.
One of them turned to Jungkook, immediately biting her lip. âHey Kookie.â
âHey Oliver.â He exhaled.
âItâs Oliviaâ She laughed. âYouâre likeâ so funny!â Her annoying voice rang in his ears.
âOhâ my bad.â
The girls had tried talking Jungkook the entire ride there, trying to get him to open up and talk to them.
âOuuu look at his phone.â One of the girls motioned.
âOmg look!â One was quick to snatch his phone, âHe added Y/n on Snapchat, letâs send her something!â
âYou guys should!â Taehyung added.
âNo one needs to do that!â Jungkook tried to take it back but they already snapped pictures and sent them to Y/n on his phone.
Olivia passed the phone to Taehyung who kept repeating âgive it to meâ
âTaehyung what the hell!â
âItâs for your own good!â Taehyung held onto his phone for the rest of the ride there.
âYep. Iâm definitely gonna get sloppy drunk.â Seungyeon announced as they walked inside Jacksonâs party.
âThereâs no way you wonât. This shits fucking cool.â Elkie looked around the home.
âšPeople everywhere and the music was booming in all corners. Girls dancing damn near naked on tables and guys dancing around with empty shot glasses.
âOh my gosh theyâre here!â One of the guys accidentally said a bit too loud, making some heads turn towards the girls.
âSeungyeon come dance with us!â
âY/n come on we already have shots for you!â
âElkie come get on the table with us!â
Multiple people were trying to holler at them in attempt to get their attention.
âYeah itâll be hard to stay sober tonight.â Elkie laughed.
âUh huh. And when Taehyung gets here Iâm dipping.â Seungyeon giggled.
âYouâre still fucking with him?!â Both girls snapped their heads.
âYâall donât get it! He is soooo fine whenever he talks to me I just wanna do whatever the hell he wants.â Seungyeon swooned.
âShe canât be serious.â Elkie looked at you. âSo let me get this straight. Youâre fucking on Taehyung and youâre fucking on Jungkook. Should I just dance with Jimin tonight? Since weâre the three musketeers all of a sudden.â
âOkay Jungkook was an accident!â You defended. âYou wanted weed didnât you!â
âCut the crap! It was one timeâ Elkie shook her head. âI canât believe you two.â
âWhatever.â Seungyeon rolled her eyes. âYou should go with me when I go talk to Taehyung. Omg! We can all hang out tonight!â
âUh, did you forget weâre not on the best terms?â You interrupted her fantasy.
âYou never are. Get over it.â Seungyeon rolled her eyes. âElkie pleaseeee.â
âI canât believe you.â Elkie kept shaking her head. âYou guys are sick.â
âWhoâs sick?â A voice interrupted them. âI donât need any illness spreading around at my party.â
âOmg Jackson!â Seungyeon gasped.
âHey ladies. Hey Y/n.â He gave you a side hug. âI knew you guys would come showing out.â
âAlways. You know us.â Elkie giggled.
Jackson knew the girls very well. Theyâve been around since his early party days, helping him promote and build up his status for the parties.
You always went above and beyond for him, offering to even financially support the parties during the time.
Now Jackson was so rich his party budget skyrocketed. All because of those girls he was able to be where he was now. He was more than grateful.
âI know. I shouldnât have expected any less.â He chuckled, âIâll tell the security upstairs about yall so donât sweat anything okay?â
âYou got new security?â You questioned him.
âFuck yeah I did. Last party the security was too drunk to even do their fucking job. I was pissed.â Jackson shook his head.
âEverythingâs all good now though,â He continued. âGotta nice new set up and itâll do yâall real good. I promise you wonât be disappointed. You ladies have fun, okay?â
âThank you Jackson.â The three girls bid their goodbyes. They didnât expect to speak to him for long, especially since he was running a huge party.
âLetâs hang out down here for a bit and then make our way up yeah?â You suggested, earning a nod from the girls.
âUnless itâs too hard for Seungyeon to keep herself away from Taehyungieâ Elkie teased her.
âOh my gosh I hate you.â Seungyeon groaned.
âSpeaking of Taehyungie,â You eyes behind her. âHere comes the man of the hour now.â
âWith a shit ton of girls at that.â
Seungyeon snapped her head his way. âOh my gosh.â
âDonât look!â Elkie turned her attention. âAct unbothered. You canât let him know you care. Like Y/n when Jungkook calls!â
âYeahâ Okay whatever.â You rolled your eyes. âBut sheâs right. Heâs with hella girls. Heâs not thinking about you right now. You canât act like youâre waiting for him.â
âLook at you miss love expert.â Elkie teased you. âLetâs get you drinking Seungyeon.â
âYes! Letâs drink! Finally.â You clapped your hands.
The girls walked off to the bar, plenty of people wanting to take shots with them.
The girls played a few drinking games and partied on tables just like the girls before you.
It would be a lie to say Jungkookâs eyes werenât locked on you.
It was just him, Taehyung, and Jungkook in their own little section, a few guys coming up to talk to them here and there.
âOh my gosh I hate you guys.â Jimin groaned. âTaehyung you canât do this to me too.â
âSheâs so bad Jimin. Iâm almost as bad as Jeon.â Taehyung stared down Seungyeon.
âI thought you wanted to drown yourself in pussy! You were hyping me and Jungkook up earlier!â
âIâm a big fat liar okay!â Taehyung folded.
Seungyeon and you were both dancing on tables, lost in your own little world with drinks in your hands.
Jungkook hadnât said anything in a minute. Simply staring.
Damn did you show out.
He watched as many guys threw themselves at you, begging you to come down so they could have a piece.
What could he expect? You were a beautiful woman blessed with a body others would pay millions for. You could actually dance and you had looks that could kill.
You were a heavily desirable woman. Especially at a party like this where everyone knew of you.
He knew you werenât gonna go home with any of these guys. None of them stood a chance.
He didnât understand how he had one if he was honest.
The way you two startedâ having intercourse was wild and random. Just a random string of flirty led to you giving it up for him.
Goddamnit he missed you. It was a petty argument like usual. Him getting blocked just to get unblocked in the morning.
This time bothered him more than the others. Especially seeing you like this.
âShoutout to these lovely ladies right here!â Jackson suddenly announced, all three girls surrounding him.
âMy day ones right hereâ He said proudly.
Jackson wrapped his arm around your waist, pecking your cheek.
Jungkook hadnât realized you two had become so close.
Was he the reason Jungkook wasnât unblocked yet?
âEspecially Ms. Y/n here. Shit would not be possible without her.â He spoke, making everyone cheer. âEveryone treat them well tonight alright?â
Elkie and Seungyeon cheered before Jackson walked off, finishing his announcement.
Why would it not be possible without you?
None of it made sense to Jungkook.
He downed a shot, hissing at the aftermath. It made Jimin look over.
âSomeoneâs mad.â
âShut up.â Jungkook huffed. âI have no reason to be.â
The girls were laughing together and drinking a bit more.
Seungyeon kept stealing glances at Taehyung.
âOh my gosh. Sheâs going insane.â Elkie pointed out Seungyeonâs constant tabs on Taehyung.
âAlright weâre going upstairs.â You motioned both girls to follow you to the next story.
âJimin we have to follow them.â Taehyung watched as they left to go upstairs.
The man rolled his eyes.
Jungkook looked over, seeing Jackson look over that way too.
âYeah.â Jungkook opened up his mouth. âLetâs go.â
The boys shortly followed them, heading upstairs.
This level was just as intense as the first floor. The only difference was that these people smoked a bit more than they drank.
âSo many bad bitches in here.â Jimin looked around. âNice move Tae.â
âMan who cares? Where the hell is she?â Taehyung looked over.
âGoddamnit.â Jimin cursed, forced to walk over to your friend group with Taehyung.
Jungkook wasnât too thrilled either. Especially because he didnât know how you were going to be like.
âHey Seungyeon.â Taehyung approached her, making her instantly turn her head.
Poor girl had been waiting for that man to talk to her all night.
âOh. Hey.â She kept it short, just like you and Elkie told her to.
âLet me get you and your girl friends some more drinks yeah?â He offered, making it harder to fight and say no.
âPlease.â She caved in, making everyone follow them to the bar.
âFucking great.â Jimin mumbled.
âšIt was awkward as hell. Two odd couples and two random friends all forced to hang out together.
All because of Seungyeon and Taehyung.
Taehyung got all of them drinks like he said, everyone drinking together to ease up a bit.
Taehyung and Seungyeon were lost in their own conversation.
They were so corny it was making everyone extremely nauseous.
âAre you proud of her?â Jimin shook his head, speaking to Elkie. âYour friend single-handedly ruined my friend group.â
âMy friend? Your boy here started it all.â She argued.
âLike hell he did. She took advantage of him.â He told her.
She laughed. âWhoâs the one whoâs supposed to just drop the shit off and go?â
âYou canât blame a man for just tryna get some.â Jimin shrugged. âNot his fault.â
âYouâre delusional.â Elkie rolled her eyes.
âI like how you speak to me. You wanna go make out?â
âSure.â Elkie shrugged, walking off with Jimin.
Youâve got to be kidding me.
You were alone with Jungkook.
âSo,â You began to speak. âWhich girl in the car was your favorite?â
âIs that seriously how youâre gonna start this?â Jungkook stared you down.
âHell yeah.â You chuckled. âYouâre a fucking prick. Youâre childish and youâre just down right stupid. Sending me some photo of some bitches. Made you feel so good being with other girls huh?â
Started off strong already.
âYou know what, it did. They didnât have a fucking loud mouth like you do. Didnât have to hear a bunch of bullshit every two seconds.â
âSee this is exactly why youâre blocked.â You scoffed. âYouâre a dick.â
âYou block me all the time mama.â He shrugged nonchalantly. âDoesnât mean shit.â
âProbably doesnât mean anything because youâre too busy with all those other bitches.â
âMe? Iâm not the one fucking the party host.â He argued back.
Your eyes widened at the accusation. âOh wow.â
You werenât going to deny it.
It wasnât true. You never slept with Jackson.
But Jungkook thinking that you did was enough to satisfy you.
âWeâll come back to that.â Jungkook poked the inside of his mouth with his tongue.
He was obviously very irritated.
âYouâre always so angry.â You groaned.
âBecause you just manage to strike that one nerve.â He shook his head.
âYouâre so aggressive all the time baby.â You eased him. âLetâs drink some more. Please?â
He shook his head. âTrying to sober up. Someone needs to take you home.â
âI can Uber back.â
âBy yourself?â He scoffed. âFuck no. Your friends are long gone and most likely gonna end up going home with Jimin and Tae. Who canât drive.â
He wasnât wrong.
Elkie and Seungyeon were going to town on them. The couples were drunken messes.
You agreed, continuing to drink. You two talked for a bit, somewhat civilly.
The both of you couldnât help but check each other out.
For you, that alcohol came in through your mouth and went straight to your pussy.
Jungkookâs going straight to his dick. Probably why you two always had sex whenever you hung out.
âLetâs go to Jiminâs car.â Jungkook mumbled lowly to you, making you nod.
Jungkook lets out a low whistle as you walk next to him. He couldn't help but stare at your body.
You were so fucking beautiful, he thought to himself.
The car was a bit far from the entrance. The lot was big so the parking was a bit inconvenient.
However, it was hidden well enough.
He opened the backseat car door for you, waiting for you to get in.
You could sense he was still irritated with you. It was written all over his face and you could sense it in his body language.
His anger and irritation had the opposite effect on you, making your pussy wetter than it already was.
Jungkook started the car, letting out a heavy sigh as he pulled out of the parking lot.
He glanced over at you, his eyes scanning over your body. "You know, you make me so fucking angry sometimes..." He growled, his hand reaching over to grab your thigh.
âItâs not my fault. You started it this time.â You shook your head.
"I didn't start shit," Jungkook retorted, his eyes narrowing at you. "You did. You always fucking do."
He couldn't help but get more and more irritated with you.
The idea of you and Jackson weighed heavy on him.
You were fucking Jungkook for weed. Were you fucking Jackson for drinks and party invites?
âYou did last night. Thatâs exactly why I blocked your ass. Always running your mouth.â
Jungkook's fingers tightened around the steering wheel. He couldn't believe you just said that. "You didn't have to block me. Youâre so fucking dramatic."
He snapped at you, his anger getting the best of him. "I fucking hate you sometimes."
âFine. Just drop me off right here then.â You replied, just as irritated with him now. âIâll fucking walk home.â
âYou're not fucking walking anywhere. I'll take you home." He gritted his teeth.
âWhatever. Just drive me home and you can just get rid of me after. Since thatâs what you want so bad.â You folded your arms.
He couldn't believe how much of a stubborn girl you were, but he still couldn't help feeling attracted to you. Even when you were like this. "Why are you so fucking difficult?"
He glared at you for a moment before turning his attention back to the road.
âIâm not even doing anything.â You grabbed your purse once he pulled up to your place.
It was natural for Jungkook to let himself in. He did so again, despite their arguing.
âI thought you would approach me at the party to apologize. But no, youâre just arguing with me because youâre jealous of some guy!â You huffed.
Jungkook scoffed at your words. "Jealous? Fuck no. I just don't like seeing you with other guys, that's it."
âYeah whatever.â You rolled your eyes, âYouâre annoying. Your stupid pride wonât let you just admit it.â
You lifted up the couch cushion, a small bag of pre rolls packed away.
âYou know what? Fine. I was jealous when I saw you with Jackson. Are you happy now? I fucking admitted it.
âGonna fucking smoke with me or what?â She looked at him, ignoring him. âGot your two favorite things right here. Weed and arguing.â
He ignored her, grabbing his own preroll and lighting it up with her lighter.
âThatâs all youâre gonna say?â He scoffed.
âDo you want a fucking cookie? Congrats, you actually told me the truth for once.â She took a few hits. âSo you were jealousâ
âYeah, I fucking was. I don't like seeing you with other guys Y/n. It makes me want to rip their fucking heads off." He chuckled and shook his head. "Especially him.â
âIsnât Jackson your homeboy?â
âExactly. Why the fuck would I want to be fucking on the same girl as my bro? That makes me look like a fucking loser.â He glared at you.
âWe were just catching up. Weâve known each other for mad long.â You defended.
Jungkook couldn't help but stare at you as you took a hit from the roll. He felt a surge of jealousy, but he tried to push it down.
"Just fucking catchin' up huh? With his bitch ass?" He chuckled and shook his head. "I know what kinda guy he is.â
âI know youâre not talking. Tell me, Jungkook. How many girls do you sell to that donât pay cash? Too busy selling with their bodies.â She looked at him.
âYeah? Youâre gonna fucking start this shit again?â He chuckled, anger written all over his face. âIâve told you the same shit over and over Y/n. Iâm not fucking anyone else but you.â
âCar full of sleezy bitches all climbing on you? Yeah okay. Find that fucking hard to believe.
Jungkook understands your skepticism. Especially with the type of guys he hung around.
âTell me this Jungkook.â You began, âHow come itâs an issue when Iâm with Jackson but when youâre with all these other girls Iâm just supposed to believe you.â
Jungkook leaned in, his expression more serious now. He muttered. âI donât want to do you like that.â
"I just get fucking pissed when I see other guys trying to fuck what's mine." He cocked his eyebrow.
âYouâre annoying.â
Jungkook's gaze never left yours face as you rolled your eyes. He could tell you were irritated with him, but he didn't back down.
"I'm annoying cause I don't like seeing other guys around my girl?" He raised an eyebrow.
âDonât like all these fucking guys tryna hop on you.â His eyes darkened as he stared down at you.
âI get it.â She sighed.
âMm I donât think you do.â He shook his head.
Jungkook turned you around, pushing you against the couch. "Fuck you piss me off. Youâre just so fucking sexy" He growled, pinning your hands above your head.
"You're gonna let me fuck you like this?â He looked at you. âBecause Iâm fucking angry. And Iâm not sure Iâll be able to give you that slow and lovey shit right now.â
You simply nodded. You swallowed hard, knowing exactly what was going to happen.
Weed made you horny.
Alcohol made you horny.
And you were definitely cross faded.
âFucking open your mouth.â He moved his hand, now slapping you across your cheek.
It wasnât enough to really hurt, but enough to leave a sting.
He seen your facial expression change. âNo way. You actually like that shit?â
You two always had rough and angry sex. With the amount of times you two pissed each other off, it was like second nature.
This time was different. Jungkook was livid.
âI do.â You swallowed. âN-No condom tonight please.â
This was the first time ever. You never thought those words would ever leave your lips.
You needed it bad tonight. Real bad.
âOh wow.â He laughed sarcastically. âYouâre that sick? You get onto me every fucking day for asking to hit it raw. Now you want to?â
He almost couldnât believe it. âLetting me toss you around like a fucking ragdoll. He fucking teach you about that shit?â
âN-No Jungkook.â
He slapped you once again. âDonât fucking lie to me.â
âI promise. He didnât.â You pleaded.
Jungkook let out a deep breath, knowing you submitted to him.
He moved his hand to your neck, squeezing enough for you to feel.
âFucking embarrassing me.â He slid his pants down. âGot all my fucking friends talking about you. That what you wanted?â
âN-No.â You swallowed.
He slipped your skirt up, sliding your panties to the side.
He forcefully pushed himself inside, giving you not a single warning. âYou let him fuck you raw did you?â
Staying still for a moment, knowing he would soon start fucking you with all the frustration he had in him.
âN-No I didnât Jungkook.â You honestly replied.
âNot my fucking name.â He warned.
âYou clearly wanted his attention Y/n. You think I ainât notice that shit today?â His grip on your neck got slightly tighter.
âChanged your hair. Spending money to look good for him. Didnât look in my fucking direction once. Get some new dick and you forget what you already have? Forgot about daddyâs dick?â He scoffed.
Jungkook's thrusts became more powerful, as he let out all the anger and jealousy he felt towards Jackson.
âT-Thatâs not what Iââ
Jungkook's grip tightened on your hips, as he started thrusting. "Shut the fuck up Y/n." He grumbled, as he started pounding harder.
He smacked your ass, leaving a red mark. "Didnât think youâd be this fuckinâ tight. Figured he stretched this pussy out.â
âH-He didnâtâ
âYou really have the fucking guys to speak to me right now?â He slapped her.
âMmphâ sorry daddyâ
Jungkook grinned, hearing the slight tremble in your voice.
You couldnât help but be turned on by how angry he was. How degrading he spoke to you.
Him expressing how jealous he was of Jackson definitely did a number on you.
"This.. is all yours, Y/n. It always has been." He slapped your face. "Don't.. you dare fuckin' look at him again. Donât you fuckinâ
dare question if Iâm with other bitches or not.â
âWonâtâ promise Daddyâ She apologized.
Jungkook's expression changed to an angered confusion, as you apologized. "Sorry? You think.. You fuckin' deserve my mercy?"
He hissed as he stopped thrusting, grabbed you and forced you on all four. "I'll show you fuckin' sorry."
âYou're mine to fuck. Mine to spoil. Mine to hug. Mine to love.â He grabbed your hair and pulled it back, as he started thrusting hard again. "And you just fucking gave that away?â
âNo Iâ Daddy no I didnât.â You whimpered.
Jungkook's thrusts became more violent as his anger continued to fuckin boil. "You.. You fuckin' slut," He growled and smacked your ass hard once again.
âD-Didnât fuck him.â You confessed, swallowing. âN-Never fucked him.â
Jungkook stopped thrusting, his expression was furious, he looked at you with pure shock.
"You didn't fuck him?" He repeated between gritted teeth, not entirely sure if he should believe you or not. âAre you serious?â
âN-Never fucked him.â She hit her lip.
âSo you lied?â His voice was low.
âI just never denied anything you said.â She confessed, a bit ashamed now that she was confessing out loud.
"Wow Y/n." He murmured lowly, making a pause in his thrusts, as he looked at you with confusion and shock. "And you made me do all this.â
âI-â She felt her stomach drop.
Jungkook scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. He was still holding you by the throat, a little tighter now as his cock started to thrust intensely again. "Yeah, you did.â
Jungkook grunted, his thrusts became louder and more intense, holding you tighter. "You're a fucking slut.."
He whispered in a low voice, his hand starting to squeeze around your throat. He pulled himself out a bit to slap your face.
âPulled all that just for some dick? Seriously Y/n?â He grunted into your ear.
âSo sorry Daddyâ She apologized softly, the sensual nickname slipping from her lips.
Upon hearing you call him "Daddy" his thrusts became more intense. Hearing it made him weak everytime.
A low growl sounded out from his throat again as your body was pushed back onto the bed with each thrust deeper into you.
He snickered, his hand reaching down to slap your ass cheek, hard. "You're a fucking whore.." He moans, his thrusts are so hard that he's smacking against your body. He leaned in to bite your neck.
âFinally got the dick you wanted? I canât fucking believe you pulled that shit.â He grunted, utterly shocked. âCanât fucking believe you did that.â
His thrusts became even more forceful, each hard smack against your ass echoing around you.
He moans as he bites into your shoulder, teeth grinding into your skin angrily. "Why'd you fucking lie to me?" He growls into your ear.
âWanted youâ Wanted your attention.â She whimpered. âWanted to see how you felt.â
âYeah? Thatâs how you fuckinâ wanted me to confess?â He roars out angrily, his grip tightening almost painfully.
âI-It workedâŠâ She boldly whispered.
His glare is fire as he grabs your throat, pulling you back to look into your eyes.
"You like it when I get tell you how I feel? You fuckinâ like it?â He growls out, squeezing your throat tighter for a moment before letting go.
âI liked it Daddyâ She bit her lip.
His jaw almost cracks from the intensity of his teeth grinding as he hears your response.
He begins to fuck you harder, losing his anger and going into a frenzy. "Youâre so fucking lucky I love to abuse this pussy.â
âShit feels so fuckinâ good Daddyâ Fuckâ She cursed repeatedly.
A low groan rips from his throat, feeling your walls squeezing around him at your curse. He liked when you talked dirty. âSo fucking pretty like this.â
âLying about other dudes is different for you baby..â He huffed. âYou love this dick huh baby? Tell me.â
âYes Daddyâ I fuckinâ do.â You nodded quickly.
He leans back down, biting at your bottom lip and nodding.
"That's right, you love this dick, mama. Fucking take it then." He spoke lowly, encouraging you to get more vocal and naughty while he pounds into you.
âFeels so much fucking better raw.â She rolled her eyes back. âShouldâve fucking let you months ago.â
He lets out a growl, feeling how tight your walls are on him with no condom. He nods, agreeing and liking the feeling of you raw.
"That's right mama. You ainât believe me when I said you were the only one. Shouldâve been let me hit it raw.â He chuckled. âGonna fuck you so good now though."
He's on the brink of losing it, he knows he's about to cum soon.
He looks down at you whoâs absolutely fucked dumb on his cock.
He curses, slowing down just a tad. "You fucking loving that we're doing it raw now?â
âFeels so much fucking better now. W-Want you to cum inside too.â You begged, making his eyes widened.
âAre you serious?â
âW-Want it so bad Iâ Please.â
He groans, loving the idea at your request. âPretty girl gonna let me cum inside, I couldnât ask for more.â
He speeds up a little bit, slamming into you roughly and grunting. "That's right, fucking want my cum? Wanna turn mama into more than just a nickname huh?â
He dirty talked her so good.
âMm yes Daddy yes.â She swallowed.
His eyes grow wide at the idea but he smirks while he continues to thrust into you hard, making a dirty scene in his head.
"That's right, I wanna fill your womb up with my kids, make them from your tight fucking pussy, don't fight it mama. So closeâ He mumbled in her ear.
âShit Iâm close too.â
He knows he's close too, groaning almost in pain from not cumming yet. He continues to fuck you relentlessly as you near the edge.
"Shit! Cum on my cock mama, you need to cum, you want to cum so bad don't you?"
âCumming fuckâ She immediately let go of the feeling building up in her stomach.
He's right on the edge with you, his cock swells up before he pulls out and shoots his hot load to the side of your stomach, he's not ready for kids, at least not yet.
He slumps backwards and curses. "Fucking shit.â
The two were panting on the couch, struggling to catch their breaths.
She panted. âIâm sorry for lying Jungkook. It was wrong of me to lie to you.â
He smirks and shakes his head but still looks at you with an amused expression.
"No need to apologize momma, we're fucking both dirty. Besides we both liked it didn't we?" He winks and wraps an arm around you.
âYouâre really not mad?â
âI mean it irritated me a lot when I thought you fucked him.â He sighed. âIâm just relieved now.â
âWhen I told you I havenât been with anyone else I meant it.â You told him. âThatâs not
something I would lie about. Especially after I pressed you for so long.â
âI know. When I seen him touch you like that I justâ I thought I lost you.â He looked at you. âI just kinda thought you were using me.â
âItâs not about weed for me anymore Jungkook.â You swallowed. âIt hasnât been for a while.â
âIt was never about the weed for me.â He confessed. âI just wanted to see you since the beginning.â
âYou thought that was a secret?â You couldnât help but snort.
âOkay Iâm never being vulnerable with you again.â He shook his head.
#jimin and jungkook#bts smut#jungkook#jungkook smut#bts jimin#jungkook fanfic#jungkook fic recs#jeon jungkook#jimin angst#jimin#kim taehyung#taehyung#bts pjm#bts jungkook#bts army#jungkook fiction#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook fluff#jeon jungkoooook#jjk spoilers#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk fluff#jjk fanart#jjk#jeongguk x reader#jeongguk smut#jeon jeongguk
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Secret Sweethearts
Pairing: pierre gasly x leclerc!reader
summary: las vegas was a lot more exciting then people think
a/n: my first pierre piece! This was requested so I hope you guys like it!!
a/n2: I love Kika but she had to go đđ
a/n3: Vegas is the race that keeps on giving
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user1: no no no youâre on to something
user2: thank god someone else noticed this! I thought for sure after he and Kika split heâd have a couple more months of wild partiesâŠ
âłuser3: same! Instead he had like a month of pr problems then it went all silentâŠ
âłuser2: I donât know what I miss most â Kikaâs Pierre or Party PierreâŠ
âłuser3: hmmm Iâm gonna go party pierre cause he lost his T-shirt consistently
âłuser2: good point good point
user4: is this a safe place? Can I say something?
âłuser5: nope!
âłuser6: do it anyway!
âłuser4: ummm fuck you both??
âłuser6: what did I do!?
user7: user4 was your thought the fact that the after party of Georgeâs race win and Maxâs WDC win in Vegas was the last of Pierreâs wild days?
âłuser4: it absolutely was
âłuser8: ok grandmas. Letâs get you back to your beds
âłuser9: no no no let them cook
user10: ok but letâs say user4 and user7 are right?? Bets on the reason why?
âłuser11: Iâm guessing that he got his socials taken away â canât have too bad of an imageâŠ
âłuser12: I mean itâs VegasâŠIâm guessing he got married
âłuser13: A VEGAS WEDDING?
âłuser14: not who I thought would have a Vegas weddingâŠ
âłuser13: right?? I always had money on Lando or CharlesâŠ
âłuser14: same!
âłuser11: ok but we donât know thatâs the reason why he changed!
âłuser13: letâs be real this makes more senseâŠ
âłuser12: it does! If he had his socials taken away for pr, we probably would have seen him on other drivers posts but itâs been a near complete blackout since Vegas!
Private Messages, the Gaslyâs and their mothers

Private Messages, y/n and Pascale


liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, and 193,102 others
tagged: charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, pascale.leclerc
y/n_leclerc: Christmas time! Featuring the best ugly Christmas sweaters youâve ever seen! Mine won â both the worst sweater and the itchiest!
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user15: ugly sweater or not, youâre still the prettiest!
user16: oh to be y/n leclercâŠ
maxverstappen1: so how many of those presents are yours?
âły/n_leclerc: I donât know what you meanâŠ
âłcharles_leclerc: I donât like your toneâŠ
âłarthur_leclerc: nearly all of themâŠ
âłcharles_leclerc: arthur!
âły/n_leclerc: đ„ș
âłarthur_leclerc: as it should be! liked by charles_leclerc, lorenzotl, pascale.leclerc, pierregasly
pierregasly: Joyeux Noel!
âły/n_leclerc: Merci Pierre!
carlossainz55: Feliz Navidad!
âły/n_leclerc: Merci!
oscarpiastri: Merry Christmas
âły/n_leclerc: thank you nephew!
âłoscarpiastri: I am 3 years older than youâŠ
âły/n_leclerc: and yetâŠ
Private Messages, Pascale and y/n

liked by user, pierregasly, maxverstappen1, and 824,294 others
y/n_leclerc: just some quiet days spent with you, my love đ©·
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charles_leclerc: What is this?
charles_leclerc: Who is this?
charles_leclerc: What is happening?
charles_leclerc: Answer your phone y/n!
âłuser17: oh you know itâs a serious thing when he comments multiple times AND uses correct punctuation and capitalizationâŠ
user18: is this y/n leclercâŠsoft launchingâŠa boyfriend??
âłcharles_leclerc: Non!
âłarthur_leclerc: she hasnât introduced him to us yet so he doesnât exist and isnât dating our baby sister!
âłuser18: that is absolutely not how it works btw
âłcharles_leclerc: yes it is
âłcharles_leclerc: Also y/n_leclerc answer your phone!
user19: ok I know what everyone is gonna think but if I mayâŠ
âłuser20: no. I refuse to believe you again!
âłcharles_leclerc: What?
âłuser20: donât listen to her sheâs a conspiracy theorist
âłuser19: who has frequently been right!
âłcharles_leclerc: What do you know?
âłuser19: know? Nothing actually liked by y/n_leclerc
arthur_leclerc: Belle petit sĆur, qui est cet homme et pourquoi vous impose-t-il les mains? Beautiful little sister, who is that man and why is he laying hands on you?
âły/n_leclerc: âșïžâșïž
âły/n_leclerc: đ„șđ„ș why are you yelling at me?
âłcharles_leclerc: Arthur stop yelling at y/n! And y/n, ma belle petit sĆur, please answer me â who is that man?
pierregasly: little Leclerc has a man now?
âłcharles_leclerc: No!
âły/n_leclerc: yes đ„°đ„°
âłpierregasly: he treat you well?
âłcharles_leclerc: He doesnât exist!
âły/n_leclerc: Pierre, he doesâŠ
âłcharles_leclerc: âŠNot! Exist!
user21: I did not have baby Leclerc giving her brothers heart attacks on my bingo card for this year?
âłuser22: right? I thought it was going to be the carâŠ
âłuser21: oh big same
oscarpiastri: congratulations y/n!
âłcharles_leclerc: NON!
âły/n_leclerc: thanks nephew
âłcharles_leclerc: Answer youâre phone please y/n!
user23: ok but does the pink heart mean anything?
âłuser24: it absolutely has too⊠sheâs a Ferrari girl to her core, itâs been red her entire life. To switch now?
user25: Iâd say youâre crazy and to tell me more!
âłuser26: well we know that the Las Vegas GP after party was Pierreâs last public party
âłuser27: he has been suspiciously quiet lately
âłuser26: right?
user28: wait was y/n in Vegas? I didnât think she traveled too much for the races?
âłuser29: she was! Charles mentioned it during one of the interviews â she just turned 21 and wanted to celebrate in Vegas
âłuser30: ok thatâs so girlboss slay of her?
âłuser29: I guess?? Iâm too old to know what those words mean
user31: so we know that Pierre and y/n were in the same city (known for its drunk marriages), Pierre dnfed pretty early on in the raceâŠ
âłuser32: what are we thinking? That she slipped away from Ferrari to alpine?
âłuser31: I mean I would? Better to hang out with someone I know to finish watching the raceâŠ
user33: I think it was Alex or Lando? Who posted that there was going to be a big after party â to celebrate both Georgeâs race win and Maxâs WDC win
âłuser34: it was Alex! And he was also the one that had photos of Pierre cuddling up with some girl
âłuser35: Charles posted a picture of the view from his hotel room very early in the night â everyone kinda took it to mean he left the party early cause he was mad at the race
user36: so we have them in the same location, more than likely at the same party, almost certainly with Charles leaving earlyâŠ
âłuser37: in a city known for drunken decisions?
secretly/n: wow you guys are through
user38: ok but whatâs the evidence after Vegas? Like divorce existsâŠ
âłuser39: vibes mostlyâŠ
âłuser40: and the pink heart!
âłuser38: vibes and a pink heart??
âłuser39: the pink heart! Sheâs always used a red heart (Ferrari forever!!) but when she finally soft launches a man itâs with a pink heart?? Pink like alpine??

liked by user, user, secretly/n and 824,193 others
tagged: y/n_leclerc, pierregasly
f1gossip: with the increased interest in Pierreâs newly quiet public life and the subject of y/nâs soft launch, here comes another twist! Recent pictures from Pierreâs social show the newest Gasly, Simba â while y/nâs latest story has an identical pup getting cozy with her! Could this be the confirmation weâve all been waiting for?
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user41: awwwweeee đ„čđ„čđ„č shared custody
âłuser42: ok but Pierre got simba right after Vegas right?
âłuser41: âŠoh my god youâre right!! They got a dog together!!!
âłuser42: they got a dog together đ€đ€
user43: Iâm going to laugh when itâs revealed that they arenât togetherâŠ
âłuser44: Iâm gonna laugh when you release youâre wrong!
user49: ok but simba and the helmets is so adorable âșïž
âłuser50: yes!
user51: I donât know who Iâm more jealous ofâŠPierre, y/n, or simbaâŠ
âłuser52: itâs a big choiceâŠ
secretly/n: damn you guys are fast to put the pieces togetherâŠ
pierregasly has posted a story, y/n_leclerc has posted a story

[dinner date][my valentine đ©·]
user54 replied proof of relationship!
user55 replied exactly what weâve been waiting for!
user56 replied are you with y/n right now??
y/n_leclerc replied looking goodâŠand the pizza looks delicious too
âłpierregasly đ
âłpierregasly right back at you, jolie fille
âły/n_leclerc đđđ©·đ©·
charles_leclerc replied ohh? A new love?
âłpierregasly something like that yesâŠ
âłcharles_leclerc and you havenât said a word *smh*
âłpierregasly not yet
user57 replied IS THAT PIERRE
user58 replied omg its happening!!
charles_leclerc replied whatâs happening right now? Are you at Pierreâs??
âły/n_leclerc oh my god leave me alone!
âły/n_leclerc Iâm with my MAN
âłcharles_leclerc who doesnât exist!!
âły/n_leclerc thatâs what you think!
Private Messages, Charles and y/n

Private Messages, Pierre and y/n

liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, pierregasly, and 2,183,193 others
tagged: charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, pierregasly, jackdoohan, maxverstappen1, alex_albon, liamlawson30, yukitsunoda0511, isackhadjar
y/n_leclerc: got to go to this cool event, met some weird people, and crashed a redbull family reunion
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user60: oh god that is pretty much the redbull family isnât it??
âłuser61: so much trauma all in one photoâŠ
pierregasly: weird people??
âły/n_leclerc: yes! where did all your hair go???
âłuser62: sheâs speaking for all of us!
oscarpiastri: I see how it isâŠyou spend a couple of hours with your aunt and she doesnât even acknowledge youâŠ
âły/n_leclerc: Iâm so sorry dearest nephew. How ever could you forgive me?
âłoscarpiastri: I could do with some dog cuddles?
âły/n_leclerc: sure!
âłcharles_leclerc: stop giving away leo!
âły/n_leclerc: leo?
âły/n_leclerc: no! Iâll not be doing that
âłuser62: she forgot about her nephew Leo and was offering time with simba⊠liked by secretly/n
alex_albon: A redbull family photo and yet Charles is right in the middleâŠ
âły/n_leclerc: come on we all know he and max are attached at the hip
âłalex_albon: true true
âłmaxverstappen1: what are you talking about?
âły/n_leclerc: donât worry about it Yapstappen liked by alex_albon, charles_leclerc
user63: ok girl we see you posting the brother and the boyfriend
âłcharles_leclerc: Wait what?? What are you talking about? Who???
âły/n_leclerc: apparently no one because âhe doesnât existâ
âłcharles_leclerc: good youâre learning
âły/n_leclerc: how do I dislike a post
user64: ok but did anyone else catch the looks those 2 were sharing??
âłuser65: no! They were legit gazing into each others eyes the entire night
âłuser66: are we talking y/n and her man or Charles and his?
âłuser65: yes

liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, maxverstappen1, and 829,103 others
tagged: pierregasly
y/n_leclerc: posting my man while Charles is still busy
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user68: good lord what is happening right??
pierregasly: Je t'aime aussi, belle fille. I love you too, beautiful girl
âły/n_leclerc: Vous ĂȘtes de loin la meilleure dĂ©cision que j'aie jamais prise. You are by far the best decision I ever made
maxverstappen1: heâs gonna go ballistic
âły/n_leclerc: haha yeah
âłmaxverstappen1: youâre a chaotic little thing arenât youâŠ
âły/n_leclerc: đ€Łđ€Ł
oscarpiastri: Hello. What is this?
âły/n_leclerc: I believe the youths call it a hard launch?
âłuser69: girl you are one of the youths
charles_leclerc: WHAT KS THIS?!?
charles_leclerc: ABSOLUTELY NOT

liked by user1, user2 and 790,469 others
tagged: charles_leclerc, pierregasly
f1gossip: Charles before he saw his sisters post and Charles after her saw his sister post during pre-season testing here in Bahrain
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user70: you could see the rage grow on his faceâŠ
âłuser71: oh man could youâŠI could feel it from here and Iâm not even in the same hemisphere
user72: he went through all 5 stages of grief, invented a view new ones, then settled on pure rage
user73: Iâm so glad Pierre wasnât on the track at the same time as CharlesâŠ
âłuser74: right?
âłuser75: Iâm sure Pierre is feeling the same
Private Messages, the Leclerc Siblings

Private Messages, Pierre and Charles


liked by user, user, user, and 2,824,348 others
tagged: pierregasly, y/n_gasly
f1gossip: things got heated today during the Australian press conference where Pierre defended his WIFE??
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user76: Iâm soâŠWHAT
âłuser77: speaking for all of us right nowâŠ
user78: that interviewer was out of line
âłuser79: heâs so lucky that Charles wasnât thereâŠ
âłuser80: ok but did you see Max and Oscar? Cause they looked like they wanted to hunt him for sport too
user81: that type of language has no use in todayâs questions
âłuser82: Iâm with the drivers â how fucking dare that sexist piece of shit ask Pierre those questions???
âłuser83: if anyone of them had kept at the man I wouldnât have said anything
âłuser84: he had it coming
user85: ok but are we all skipping over the fact THAT PIERRE AND Y/N GOT MARRIED???
âły/n_gasly: thatâs old news Iâm afraid
âłuser86: Wait? What? Why? When?
âły/n_gasly: Marriage. Because I love him. Las Vegas!
âłuser86: you changed your handle!
user87: this gonna go down in the history books â where were you when you found out that y/n is now a gaslyâŠ
âłcharles_leclerc: SHES A WHAT NOW??
âłuser87: you didnât know yet?
âłcharles_leclerc: KNOW WHAT??
âłuser87: man I hate to burst your bubbleâŠ
âłcharles_leclerc: đ€đ€Ź
Private Messages, the Leclercs and the Gaslys

f1 posted a story, y/n_gasly posted a story

[Allâs well now!][My husband and I đ©·]
user88 replied awww the in-laws getting alongâŠ
user89 replied my pookies
y/n_gasly replied I better not have to fight my brother for my husband nowâŠ
âłf1 we can make no promisesâŠ
user90 replied we love to see this!
charles_leclerc replied only temporarilyâŠ
pierregasly replied I love you, LumiĂšre de ma vie
âły/n_gasly I love you too, mon Ćuf
âłpierregasly đđ
charles_leclerc replied ABSOLUTELY NOT
arthur_leclerc replied TELL HIM TO GET HIS HANDS OFF YOU
lorenzotl replied how much are they yelling at you?
âły/n_gasly ehhh Iâm mostly ignoring my phone right now đđ
âły/n_gasly theyâll get over itâŠeventually
@anamiad00msday @suns3treading @daniskywalkersolo @awritingtree @justheretoreadthxxs @coral7161 @lost4lyrics @mastermindbaby @freyathehuntress @angelluv16 @nichmeddar @mxm47max @justaf1girl @a-beaverhausen @tallrock35 @elizamoe133 @imlonelydontsendhelp @jessica3478 @il0vereadingstuff @taylorrrrrrrrrrswiftttt @widow-cevans @1-of-my-many-obsessions @charlesgirl16 @elliegray2803 @anunstablefangirl
#f1 smau#f1#f1 imagine#f1 fanfic#f1 instagram au#f1 x you#f1 x reader#formula 1 fanfic#formula 1 imagine#formula 1 smau#pierre gasly#pierre gasly imagine#pierre gasly smau#pierre gasly x reader#pierre gasly x you#pierre gasly x y/n#pierre gasly fanfic#pierre gasly fluff#Pierre Gasly instagram au#Pierre Gasly fanfiction#formula 1 social media au#formula 1 instagram au#formula 1 x y/n#formula 1 x you#formula 1 x reader#formula one x reader#formula 1#formula one#formula 1 x female reader#formula one x you
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Down Home 1
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings:Â this fic will include dark content such as non/dubcon, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary:Â The world's most famous heroes walk into a small town diner and change your life.
Characters:Â Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Note:Â Because of this.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all to Jupiter and back. Take care. đ
Itâs a slow day. Every day is slow out in Tumble Down. The townshipâs name tells the whole story. Everything there is in decline. Itâs hard to imagine there was ever a time when the people werenât tiny and forgotten in the hubbub of the bigger world. Since the mines closed and the canning factory was outsourced, it feels even smaller.Â
Smaller isnât so bad. Itâs simpler. You all know each otherâs names and faces. You say hi and how are you and do what needs to be done. Simple is, simple as.Â
You here there isnât much to do in most small towns. Not for fun or for work. Youâre one of the lucky ones. You got a job down at the diner in your sophomore year. It helped pay for your daddyâs new engine and since then, it keeps you all afloat in the rising waters of disparity as they close in on Tumble Down.Â
You hum to the old radio that sits on the shelf you make sure to dust. The speakers crackle from time to time and the signal gets wonky in storm season, but the musicâs never bad. Itâs the classic stuff that always played in your motherâs kitchen.Â
You wipe down another table. Not because it needs it, just because itâs something to do. The day has been long and listless. Even the breakfast rush was lower than usual.Â
Darnell, the cook, whistles along from the back. Everyone knows he isnât as mean as he looks. He just likes his space.Â
As you go back to the counter and lean on it, staring at the ticking clock, a roar cuts through the distance. You blink and look up, narrowing your eyes at the dusty country road outside. Wind rustles through the tall wheat in the field opposite and the noise rumbles closer and closer.Â
A man pulls in a motorbike. Heâs going so fast that he has to circle the gravel lot before he can slow down. Itâs not Lenny and his prized Harley but another man on a more modern-looking mount. Not far behind, another motorcycle zips through and the riders straddle their bikes as the survey the restaurant.Â
You narrow your eyes. You probably need glasses but you make do. The last time you got your eyes checked, you didnât have enough for the frames.Â
The one man wears blue and red, an odd helmet on his head. Not a helmet at all but a sort of mask. The other man has dark hair to his chin and a beard to match. Heâs all in black but his left arm shines with gold ripples. Not a sleeve, an arm, made of metal.Â
âOh my lord,â you murmur in shock, âDarnell!â You holler over your shoulder, âyouâre not gonna believe this.â You turn to the window as he pokes his head around, ânot sure I do myself. Tell me my eyes arenât lyinâ.âÂ
He looks above your head, an easy task for the mammoth cook. He hums and swirls around his spatula. âThems those boys on the news. The one that was in the old war. Grandadâs battle.âÂ
âIâm not going crazy with boredom?â You bubble.Â
He snorts. Itâs as close to a laugh as you get from him. You spin back and hurry around the counter to grab a pair of menus. Still, you donât want to seem too eager. You put down the menus and fiddle with a napkin holder instead.Â
The bell over the door jingles and swipe up the menus and turn. You really canât believe itâs them. Yet, as Captain America removes his cowl, youâre certain. They look just like they do on the TV. Even with your sight, you can tell.Â
âHello, fellas, how are you doinâ today?âÂ
The dark-haired one, the Winter Soldier, glances at the other, his cheek dimpling, âwell... weâre... uh...âÂ
âWeâre doing great,â Steve Rogers answers brightly. âStarving. You guys serve bacon? My buddyâs dying for some.âÂ
âUm, yes, sirs, yes. Can I sit ya down?â You ask, hugging the menus closer.Â
âPlease,â the Captain accepts as the other man stays silent and pensive, his eyes wandering down to the coffee stain on your apron.Â
âJust here,â you sweep away and wave them on with you. You stop beside the nicest booth and lay down a menu on each side, âhave a seat.âÂ
They do just as you bid. The blond puts his cowl on the table and unhooks the shield from his back to lay on the far end of the seat. He smooths back the sweaty strands of hair as his companion stretches his metal fingers. You sway nervously by the table, twitching as you remind yourself how to do your job.Â
âWell, can I get ya started with coffee? You look beat from the road.â You beam with the smile Mr. Welk says could outshine the sun.Â
âNot just the road,â the dark-haired one mutters as he rolls his shoulder. The one that connects to his real arm. âIâll take one, please.âÂ
âCan I get an orange juice, please,â the Captain asks.Â
âCourse ya can. Iâll be right back. You have a look at the specials and give it a think,â you bounce and spin around.Â
You go to pour the orange juice and a cup of black coffee. Darnell lingers by the window. He only ever really appears to put a plate up but he watches the new arrivals.Â
You bring their drinks and step back, clasping your hands behind you.Â
âDid ya need cream or sugar for your coffee, sir?â You ask.Â
âBlackâs fine,â he assures.Â
âNo need for the sirs. Steve, Bucky,â Captain America insists, âweâre off duty.âÂ
âRight, sorry about that, ssss...Steve,â you correct yourself. âYou need some more time?âÂ
âThink Iâm decided,â Bucky intones, âwhat about you?âÂ
âSet,â Steve confirms, âIâll have the sunny side up with toast and sausage. Can I get some fruit on the side as well, please?âÂ
He hands over the menu and you take it as you hold your smile. Your cheeks ache. Not because you have to force it but because you canât stop. This is the most exciting thing to happen in Tumble Down ever. If Darnell wasnât there, no one would believe you.Â
âOvereasy, bacon, extra bacon too, and some french toast, and uh... home fries.â Bucky offers up the second menu, âplease and thank you.âÂ
âAlrighty,â you preen, âIâll put your order in.âÂ
âGot it,â Darnell growls over the empty diner.Â
âHeâs got good hearing,â you giggle nervously as you look between the men. âUmmmm, sorry, Iâll leave ya be.âÂ
âYouâre not bothering,â Steve assures. âI can see youâre dying to ask.âÂ
He gives a gentle smile.Â
âNah, oh, gosh. Iâm sure ya get it all the time. I donât wanna be one of those,â you put your hands up. âReally, you all look like you could use the peace and quiet.âÂ
âWell, actually, Iâve been stuck with this meathead for days,â Bucky scoffs, âso please, Iâd love to hear someone elseâs voice.âÂ
You laugh again. Theyâre funnier than you expect. They always look so serious on the TV.Â
âWhat... what are yâall doing here in Tumble Down? Itâs a bit far from... anywhere.â You ask sheepishly.Â
âTumble Down? Is that what itâs called?â Steve scratches his neck above his stained collar. âWell, we couldnât get a signal so weâve just been riding through. Saw the sign down the way and figured weâd get a bite.âÂ
âHeâs lying. He was falling asleep on his bike,â Bucky teases.Â
âSure,â Steve shakes his head. âOnly âcause Iâm tired of you.âÂ
You giggle again, âI thought yâall were friends.âÂ
âFriends, partners, cursed with each other, have your pick,â Bucky snorts.Â
âHeâs playing,â Steve says. âLook, weâre boring. Despite what you think. Weâre a couple of old men bickering with each other. What about you? What about Tumble Down?âÂ
âAh, nothing really, sir. Steve,â you squeeze the menus tight at the edges. âNothing going on since the coal law and that. Everyoneâs all but run out. All but us.âÂ
âJust you? Your family?â Steve wonders.Â
âJesus, Steve, nosy much?â Bucky says over the brim of his mug.Â
âSorry. Heâs right. Like I said. Crotchety old man. I talk to the pigeons.âÂ
You laugh again, âoh my, you are a hoot!â You slap your thigh emphatically, âIâm still my ma and pa. Itâs just the three of us. They need help with the animals and that.âÂ
âAnimals?â Steve wonders, his posture shifting towards you.Â
âChickens, cows. They got a farm. Was my grandpaâs. And his ma kept it going after he didnât come home from... well, youâd know more about that time than me, I think.â You give a forlorn look to the floor.Â
âOh, Iâm so sorry about your grandfather. Great grandfather,â he corrects himself.Â
âLotta good men gone,â Bucky mulls grimly.Â
âYeah, my great granny said as much. I wouldnât know though, but I heard the stories,â you dare to look at them again. âSorry to bring up the bad memories.âÂ
âNah,â Bucky waves you off casually. âI got this nifty arm outta it.âÂ
âAnd I got a shield so, you know, not all losses,â Steve chuckles.Â
âI sâpose,â you agree. âIâm gonna check on that food for ya. You good with your coffee?âÂ
Bucky raises the mug, âdelicious.âÂ
You nod and turn with a swish of your skirt. You go up to the window and look over the ledge. âHowâs it going, Darnell?âÂ
âGoing. Iâm happy it ainât Raylene here. Sheâs got a mouth on her, donât she? Them sort donât deserve that trouble,â he tisks.Â
âTheyâre nice. And Raylene is too. Sheâs just... Raylene,â you say, âcan I help with anything?âÂ
âI donât wanna be rude but Iâm tired of tellinâ ya to stay outta my kitchen. You know the grill likes to spit,â he shakes his head. âYou go, Iâll let ya know when itâs ready.âÂ
âAlright,â you back away and turn back.Â
Steve and Bucky lean over the table, their voices low as they chat. As you move around behind the counter, they both sit up and the former clears his throat. You smile as you take the cloth from your apron pocket and wipe the already clean counter.Â
As the radio buzzes, you hum without thinking. Stevie Ray Vaughanâs smoky voice mingles with the emotion plucked through electric strings. Your dadâs a big fan. He has old tapes with concerts on them and even went to one himself.Â
The bell rings and you nearly jump out of your shoes. You turn and scoop up the plates as you thank Darnell. He grumbles that heâs going out to have a smoke; his code for having a Tootsie Pop by the backdoor.Â
You bring the meals over to the table and set them down before the men. Their gazes make you sweat. Itâs all a little more intense with no one else there.Â
âThank you,â Steve says and Bucky echoes him.Â
âNot at all. Anything else? Water? Ketchup?âÂ
âIt all looks great as is,â Steve says, âyou got a nice voice.âÂ
âOh, really? Ha, I was just humming out of tune. Sorry if I was too loud.âÂ
âNot at all,â Bucky picks up his fork as he leans forward. He tilts his head. âYou know this one?âÂ
âSure do. Itâs Fleetwood Mac,â you answer. âOne my all times.âÂ
He grins and nods as he looks at Steve. Steve watches you with a smile of his own.Â
âDo you sing?â He asks.Â
âMe? Only in my shower or to the chickens. They usually hide in the henhouse then.â You tinkle with laughter.Â
âAh,â Steve nods.Â
âBut if... if ya really wanna suffer, I could try it,â you smile, âbut uh, you know, Stevie Nicks, sheâs one of a kind.âÂ
âIâve had worse,â Steve says.Â
You look between him and Bucky. You chew your lip and think. You follow the song as you try to recognise which verse it is. You squint and perk up as you catch your place.Â
âYou just let me know when youâve had enough,â you say before you start. Not only can you tell your pa that you met the super soldiers, you can tell him you sang for them. Itâll be a nice bit of excitement for the dinner table.Â
#steve rogers#dark steve rogers#bucky barnes#dark bucky barnes#dark!steve rogers#dark!bucky barnes#steve rogers x reader#bucky barnes x reader#marvel#mcu#captain america#down home#winter soldier#avengers
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synopsis: y/n has a stutter and harry likes to hear her talk
word count: 3.1k
contains: fluff, highschool romance, harry's a football player, popular boy x shy girl, brief mentions of bullying
a/n: happy soft girl Sunday !! I wasnât planning on posting just because I posted the second part of the aviator a little later than I was meant to but I could resist putting this one out <3
. . .
âE-excuse me!â Y/N weaved her way through the mass exodus of students heading in the opposite direction to the lunch hall. She had tried to leave class a few minutes before the lunch bell to avoid the large groups of people but she had been so invested in writing her essay, sheâd lost complete track of time.Â
She was running as fast as she possibly could to get to the library, knowing the person waiting for her wouldnât get too impatient but she didnât want to waste a second of their lunch break not being with him. Her bag slipped from her shoulder, her braids flying behind her and her knee-high socks falling down her calves.Â
Y/N barely registered the people around her, wondering where she could be going in such a rush, until her face collided with soft, grey fabric. Before she could even get embarrassed and profusely have to apologise for bumping into them, long arms snaked around her, hands clasping behind her back. She caught a whiff of his woody cologne and the floral fragranced detergent his mum always used to wash his school uniform.
âThere yâ are, Dove.â He murmured, âI was starting to get worried.â
Y/N looked up and settled on those familiar green eyes she loved so much. She relaxed into his embrace, âHarry,â She sighed.Â
Harry and Y/N had been dating since they were fourteen. If it werenât for the fact that their parents all worked together at the local hospital, they probably would never have met at all, although Harry liked to believe they were fated to be together so they would have ended up meeting each other some way or another.Â
Harry had always been popular at school. For one, he was on the football team which instantly made him a name within their year group. He was also very handsome for his age. Girls would whisper and giggle whenever he passed by in the hallways even those from the lower years. Despite the fact they had just turned seventeen, Harry could honestly pass for an almost twenty-year-old with how tall and mature he was.Â
Y/N was the complete opposite. When it came to her social life she was shy and not often one to make friends easily. She was part of the arithmetic club and had made a few friends there and in some of her other classes. She liked to keep to herself and struggled to talk in class not only because she was quiet but also because she had a particularly bad stutter.Â
It had developed when she started High School. She had been to multiple speech therapists to help her get rid of it and although it wasnât as bad as it used to be, it still never failed to make her life all the more difficult than it already was.
A lot of the other kids liked to pick on her for it too. Whenever teachers picked on her in class and sheâd reply, the rest of the class would start snickering, whispering in each otherâs ears. She wanted to be invisible to everyone but it was her stutter that made her stand out.
When Harryâs family would come over to Y/Nâs house for dinner, her parents would often force them to go off together whilst the adults spoke in the dining room. She remembered the first time she invited him into her room and how embarrassed she was when he saw all her comic books lying on the floor that she had forgotten to put away. But it eventually became the seed of their relationship, the common ground that allowed them to bond.Â
Soon Harry was inviting Y/N to his football games and up to his room every other weekend when sheâd come over with her parents. Theyâd exchange comic books and talk about their favourite characters. Y/N was always apologising for her stutter whenever sheâd ramble on for too long but Harry never cared, he loved hearing her talk.Â
Their first kiss was on her bed whilst their parents were in the room below them. Harry was the one to initiate it and Y/N hadnât been expecting it so it was slightly awkward at first but then she got used to it and eventually all she ever wanted to do was kiss him. Every weekend, whether at her place or his, all they did was sneak around and kiss each other, giggling and falling in love all at the same time.Â
Now, three years later, things were still the same except they were older now and more in love than they were yesterday.Â
Wherever you looked, Harry was there, and Y/N was never too far behind. Students had grown accustomed to their relationship, and the bullying Y/N endured wasn't as severe as it used to be. Even teachers couldn't help but be enamoured with their young love â how fortunate it was to find love at such a young age.Â
Things were great, everything was great and Y/N had hoped she could finish her last year of High School on a high note. That was until she entered her English class on a Friday afternoon when the teacher announced it was time for their presentations which would go towards their final grade.Â
âI canât Harry!â Y/N cried into her pillow after school, Harry was sitting on the end of her bed with his back against the wall as he rubbed his hand up and down her back.Â
âI know Dove,â He comforted her, already knowing the reason she was so upset over it.
âEveryoneâs going to l-laugh at me,â She could already picture herself standing up in front of her class and everyone pointing and laughing at her.Â
Harry sighed, âDove,â He shook her gently, âWill yâ look at me?âÂ
Y/N hesitated before turning her head so her cheek lay against the pillow. Harry smiled and lay on his side in the spot next to her, their faces inches apart, âThereâs mâ pretty girl,â He cooed, his heart hurting at the tears on her cheeks. He cupped her cheek in his big hand and wiped some of those tears away with his thumb.Â
âI-Itâs not fair,â She huffed, âWhyâd I have to have this stupid stutter.âÂ
âHey,â He frowned, âEnough of that hmm? Everything about you is beautiful, yâ know I love to hear yâ talk. Could sit here for hours and just listen.âÂ
âBut youâre d-different,â She whined, shuffling closer to him so she could hide her face in his grey jumper. Her stutter was rarely ever that bad in front of Harry which was why he was the easiest person she could talk to.Â
Harry laughed breathily, his hand going to her hair to play with the strands, âWould it help if I helped you a little?âÂ
âHow?â Y/N asked, her words muffled by his jumper.
âWe could practise in the library at lunch, yâ could read me a few things and it might help your stutter.â He thought.
Y/Nâs head looked up to his face where she could count every mole and freckle on his nose and cheeks. She couldnât help but pucker her lips to kiss his jawline, âThatâd be nice,â She murmured.Â
âYeah?â He smiled, kissing the top of her head in return, âI only want to help you so if you donât enjoy it or youâd rather practise alone then yâ can tell me,âÂ
She shook her head, âN-No, I want to do that with you. Iâd like it very much.âÂ
So it became a daily occurrence, five days a week during lunch hours when Harry didnât have practice, theyâd sit in the library and Harry would pick out a book for them to read. They started with simple YA books with less complicated words.Â
âGood job, Dove!â Harry cheered every time Y/N finished a chapter.Â
âWait Iâm not done,â She huffed and then said the last line just for Harry to cheer for her again just as proudly as the first time.Â
Now that the day of her presentation was getting closer, they had finally made their way onto Classical novels which Y/N had come to despise.Â
They walked with their hands intertwined to the library after Y/N had bumped into him in the hallway. It was natural as they stepped into the library and headed straight to their table in the corner hidden away by two tall bookshelves.Â
Y/N placed her bag under the chair whilst Harry unzipped his to pull out the book they were currently reading. It was Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, even looking at the front cover made Y/Nâs stomach turn.Â
âA-Are you sure we canât go back to YA books?â Y/N huffed, taking the book and opening it up to the chapter they were last on.Â
Harry laughed, âBut youâre doing so well, Dovey.âÂ
âI-itâs hard though and the w-words are so tiny.â She pouts, Harry canât help but lean forward and kiss her.Â
âCâmon, jusâ a few pages and then I can show yâ something I got for you.â He tried to persuade her, knowing the surprise would be enough to win her over.
âFine,â She sighs dramatically.Â
She read for five pages, Harry listening intently to every word. His eyes focused on her lips as she spoke, stumbling over a few words here and there. He tried to hold back from smiling so much with how concentrated she was on each letter of every word. He thought it was adorable how her eyebrows creased and her hands gripped the book.Â
Eventually, she had enough, placing the book down on the table and closing it shut. âGood job baby!â He cheered, pressing multiple kisses to her cheek, âM so proud of you.âÂ
Y/N giggled, âThank you, Harry.âÂ
Harry smiled and reached into the pocket of his blazer for the surprise he had promised her. Y/N looked down and saw a small, black pouch in his hand. He gave it to her, her fingers carefully pulling on the ribbon before pulling out the small item inside.Â
âItâs an anxiety ring,â Harry explained as she held the silver ring in the palm of her hand. He picked it up and slid it on his pinkie finger to show her, âYâ can twist this band whenever you feel nervous, thought yâ could wear it on the day of your speech.âÂ
He passed it back to her, Y/N narrowing her eyes to look at the spinning band which had a small inscription written on it, âi love the way you speak almost as much as i love you, your harry.âÂ
Y/Nâs eyes watered, unable to come up with the right words to say how much she adored it as well as the boy sitting in front of her. Instead, she leapt forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, âThank you,â She murmured, âI love it. I love you.âÂ
Harry softened even more from her embrace, âI love you more, Dove,â He whispered.Â
Y/N pulled away enough to kiss his lips, she was thankful for the privacy they had in the back of the library since she was never that good with public displays of affection and all she wanted to do now was kiss him because she was so grateful for him being there all the time.Â
It wasnât long before the day of her presentation. After school, Y/N had been working on a short essay. She was going to speak to the class about her favourite comic books and why she loved them so much. She had recited the words out loud to herself and Harry and even her parents, that she could probably speak it off by heart.Â
Harry and Y/N stood outside the school. Her English class wasnât until the third period but she knew she wouldnât be able to concentrate in her morning classes until the presentation was over. Harry was wearing his football uniform because he had a game against another school in the morning. Y/N had been with him after school as he practised for it, wearing his coat as she wrote out her speech on a notepad.Â
They stood side by side facing the school building as if it was some kind of beast they had to tackle, âO-okay,â She huffed, âI can do this,âÂ
Harry looked down at her smiling and then reached for her hand, âYou can do this,â He squeezed her fingers in encouragement.Â
âGood l-luck with your game today,â She grinned, standing on her toes to kiss his cheek.Â
âThank you, baby,â He spoke softly, âYâ can tell me all about your presentation and how well it went afterwards.â
âOkay Harry,â She nodded, completely determined despite how nervous she was. She had spent weeks preparing, she couldnât let fear get the best of her.Â
âGood luck kiss?â Harry grinned, cheekily.Â
Y/N playfully rolled her eyes and craned her neck to kiss his lips. Harry held her face in his hands, unable to pull away from her even when she tried to, âI love you,â He murmured against her lips.
âI love you too.â She sighed, blissfully.Â
When third period came around, Y/N stood outside her English classroom, counting to five in her head. She clutched onto the piece of paper where her speech was written out in gelled ink, spinning the ring Harry had gifted her on her finger. With a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped foot into her classroom.Â
. . .
Harry could hardly concentrate during the football match but he was trying his best. His team were two points ahead and it wouldnât be long before the game was over. Since it was the morning and the game was mostly practice for the two schools competing, there wasnât a huge audience watching them.Â
He was glancing down at his watch every few minutes when he was supposed to have his eye on the ball, checking to see whether third period was about to start. All he could think about was his little dove and how nervous she was when they stepped into school this morning.Â
She had been working so hard on reading things out, even stopping in shops when they went to town together to read the labels on the backs of food containers. He fully believed in her and her ability to speak in front of the class even when she didnât and it killed him not being able to watch her do it.Â
So when the whistle finally blew marking the end of the game, Harry ignored the celebrations with his team after they won the match and ran across the field through the entrance of the school. He raced up the steps, his football boots clicking against the crowd. He knew he probably didnât smell the best and his knees were muddy from falling over but he didnât have much time to think about it as he searched for Y/Nâs English classroom.Â
âY/N?â He heard the teacherâs voice call her name as he approached.Â
âA-Already? O-Oh, O-okay.â He could hear her nerves just by listening to her speak.Â
Harry was about to knock on the door but he hesitated, wondering if it would worsen her nerves if he was in the classroom watching her. He knew how much of a big deal this moment was for Y/N and he didnât want to intervene or make a spectacle of the moment especially since he wasnât in her class.Â
He lowered his hand and instead pressed his ear up to the door.Â
âH-Hello,â Y/N started, âMy name is Y-Y/N and today I will be sharing with you m-my love for comic books,â Harryâs heart ached as her voice came out quietly.Â
âCâmon Dove,â He whispered, wanting her to do well.Â
Y/N cleared her throat and let out a shaky exhale, âA-As you can probably tell, I-I am not all that good at speaking. I s-stumble over letters and sometimes even have to replace words with o-others because my mouth t-turns into mash potato and I canât seem to get t-the words out.â People chuckled and Harryâs heart began to beat against his chest, âT-That is why I love comic books so much because of the l-lack of words. Instead, there are pictures,â Y/N continued, her voice gaining strength the more that she spoke, âT-They tell stories without the need for p-perfect sentences or flawless speech.âÂ
Y/N continued her speech and Harry spent the entire presentation with his ear pressed up against the door. He ignored the looks of teachers and other students walking past as a huge grin spread across his cheeks the more Y/N spoke in front of the class.Â
By the time she had finished, it fell silent before the class responded with a round of applause, âBrilliant work, Y/N,â Her teacher said.Â
Y/N felt like she was floating on a cloud as she left her English classroom. Even if her speech wasnât perfect, she had done it and gotten through it all in one piece. As she stepped out, two arms snaked around her waist and lifted her off the ground, âHarry!â Y/N giggled as he spun her around.
âM so proud of you, Dove.â He kissed her softly, lowering her to the ground but refusing to move his hands from her waist.Â
âI-I canât believe I did it, Harry!â Y/N almost squealed.Â
âHeard every word, yâ did so good, M so proud of you.â He rambled, unable to cease his admiration for her.Â
âYou heard?â Y/Nâs eyebrows creased, her lips pouting slightly.Â
âI ran here as fast as I could and stood outside to listen to you,â Harry explained, âY did perfect, honestly, the best speech Iâve ever heard.â
âYou really ran h-here to listen?â Y/N asked, still in disbelief.
âI did,â Harry smiled, âIt was all I could think about when I was on the field.â
âDid you win?â Y/N asked.Â
Harry pulled her flush against him, âYou already know I did baby,â He smirked, kissing her. Y/N smiled against his lips.
âLetâs go out tonight,â Harry murmured, âTo celebrate.â
âAnd do w-what?â Y/N wondered, even though the idea of spending any time with Harry was always her favourite.Â
âMaybe go to the bowling alley and get dinner after,â He shrugs.
âO-oh and maybe we can stop at the comic book store on the way home!â Y/N said, excitedly.Â
âCourse mâlove,â Harryâs smile widened the more she spoke, âWe can do whatever you want as long as I get to hear you talk.âÂ
Y/N grinned broadly as Harry interlaced his hands with hers, feeling the cool metal of her ring against his skin. Together, they walked hand in hand down the hallway, Y/N unable to stop talking the entire time, while Harry hung onto her every word.
#softgirlsundays#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles#harry styles blurb#harry styles x reader#fic rec#harry styles imagines#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fic rec#harry styles imagine#harry styles one shot#harry styles fic#harry edward styles#one direction#harry styles writing#writing#fanfic rec#harry styles x y/n#harry styles x you
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Post workout pump|A.ANDERSON
Abby x fem reader 2.3k
Summary: Your gym rat Tinder date isnât one to not kiss on the first date, a coffee date is much more interesting with her.
WARNINGS: public shit, public fingering??? Dirty talk, Abby being bold as hell, head!! Fingering, quick mention of that liquor. Fucking on the first date.
Abbyâs Tinder profile was simple, a couple of gym rat pictures, and a couple cute candid ones someone had taken of her with a background of beautiful scenery. The one that made you swipe on her was a picture of her smiling in the forest, normally you wouldnât go for âoutdoorsyâ people, you wanted someone you could comfortably rot away with.
It was her fucking smile. The way that her hair practically glowed in the sunlight peaking through the trees, how her freckles complimented every feature on her face. It wasnât just her looks though, you werenât that shallow. Her bio was simple, simple in a way it didnât seem like she was faking it for people to like her.
âWill fight for you.â And you believed it with every inch of your body, she looked like fought off bears for a living. She could break you in half, part of you wanted her to.
Your conversation on the app was short, you gave her your number pretty fast, I mean she asked for it.
You got a text from a random number quickly after you gave it to her.
(7xx) 8xx-6xxx: Hey beautiful.
You replied quickly.
You: Hey.. this abby?
The typing bubbles popped up immediately, she responded fast and used punctuation, which was rare. In your experience, and probably rare to everyone on dating apps. To be honest, this was your first time on a dating app, you had too much on your plate to even think about dating since high school.
Abby: Sure is.
The picture was a live photo in a gym mirror, she had dumbbells resting by her feet, her body covered in a tank top and loose basketball shorts. Her muscles were huge, you didnât think someone could be that strong, the sweat making them shiny didnât help how hard you were staring right now.
You: oh my godâŠ
Thatâs all you can get out, you have no thoughts.
You: iâm blushing
You throw your phone, youâve only been talking to her for maybe an hour and yet she already has you wrapped around her finger.
The text bubbles pop up, sheâs typing.
Abby: Aw, such a sweet girl, already blushing for me.
If you werenât blushing before, you were now. You couldnât stand another minute not being with her.
You: are you busy today? I need to see you
Text bubbles pop up, then disappear, come back then disappear again. Read, for ten minutes. Were you moving too fast? You put your phone down, tidying up your room to distract yourself from the stress. You get into the shower, your phone on the sink counter for music. You wash your hair when your phone starts ringing, fuck.
You grab the towel hanging up, drying off your hands and step out of the shower to pick up your phone, itâs her. You press the green accept button and put the phone up to your ear, pushing your wet hair out of the way.
âHey.â She says. Her voice, oh my fuck, her voice. It was gentle but so heavy with intent, she sounded like she only spoke if she meant it.
âHi.â You respond back, wrapping the towel around your body and stepping out of the bathroom to make sure she heard you well.
âGod, you sound adorable. Iâm not busy, just at the gym right now but Iâm free in thirty minutes if you wanna go for coffee.â She says, you can hear the dumb bells banging in the back now.
Your mouth falls open, she really wants to see you? A date? Today? You forget to speak.
âYeah, yeah please. Where to?â You respond back.
You hear her laugh slightly, then take a breath. âIâll text you the address beautiful, youâll like it I know you will.â God people making decisions for you was suddenly so hot.
You agree and giggle, uncontrollably. âBye bye.â
âSee ya.â She says then hangs up. Fuck you were nervous.
You get a text from her, the address was a small locally owned coffee shop just down the street from you, maybe she lived close. Surprisingly you had never been there before, maybe you could have met her sooner if you stepped out of your comfort zone more often, you would have met her sooner.
Twenty minutes had passed, you got back into the shower, finishing it and getting ready. Drying your hair and throwing on a cute fitting outfit, something easy, or just easy access, hey you werenât against doing stuff on the first date, especially not with her.
You walk to the coffee shop, texting her when you arrive at the front doors, her assuring you she was already there. She was early, you liked that.
You walk inside and that's when you see her. She was in the back, in a boothïżŒ manspreading under dimly lit lights. You walk over towards her, her hands set on the table, fiddling with a stir stick. She looks up and sees you, her blue eyes light up. She stands up, she towers over you. You look up at her, her freckles are even cuter in person.
âHey beautiful, you look you know..beautiful.â She says looking you up and down. You smile at her muttering a greeting back. You were almost shaking, she was perfect, everything you could have ever wanted.
âYou want a drink? Iâll order, just finished mine.â She says, placing a hand on your upper arm, it engulfed your arm in full. You nod and tell her your order. She smiles at you and walks off to order, you sit down scooting to the inside. A one-sided booth, leaving no choice but to sit right next to her, her boldness was attractive.
She comes back, placing your drink on the table in front of you, scooting herself right next to you placing hers next to yours. You pick up your drink taking a sip, as she lays her arm on the booth behind your back spreading her legs, getting comfortable. âWas that picture from today?â You refer to the picture she sent you earlier. She nods turning her head to look at you.
Her strawberry blond hair slightly damp presumably ïżŒfrom a shower, her blue t-shirt clung to her arms, her jeans tight to her legs. God.
âYou like what you see?â She says tilting her head at you, looking you up and down in return. You nod shyly looking away as you fiddle with the end of your skirt. She catches that, flicking your hands away, replacing them with hers. âYou wear this for me? I like it, looks really good on you sweetheart.â
God the pet name, her hands on you, on your clothes. Her compliments, she has you melting. âI wore it for you Abby.â You say looking at her, she looks up from your legs to your eyes. She smiles, rubbing your cheeks, keeping one hand on your thigh. âGod youâre adorable, I got you blushing already.â She takes her hand off your cheek and takes a sip of her drink.
âWhat made you want to talk to me?â She says as she rubs her thumb on your engulfed thigh. Youâre fighting to not squeeze your thighs together. You look at her lips, and her eyes then respond. âYouâre pretty, I mean youâre hot, youâre intimidating itâs attractive.â You say. She nods, humming a response to you.
âWell, I thought about how fucking cute youâd look with my head between your thighs.â She said it so innocently, her hand moving up under your skirt, you couldnât handle it your trap her hand by squeezing your thighs together.
She clicks her tongue at you tapping your thigh with her free thumb for you to open your legs. You submit to her order, opening your legs for her. Her finger grazes your clothed clit, your panties wet from her teasing. You look at her and finally respond. âIâd like that, alot.â Your cheeks were burning up, your whole body was burning up with need.
She leans in closer to you, whispering into your ear. âYouâre so perfect, so fucking ready for me, so beautiful.â A whine falls out of your mouth, uncontrollably. Her fingers continue dancing from your clit to your slit, teasing you no, torturing you.
You place one elbow on the table, the other gripping Abbyâs thigh, you were dripping onto your skirt it was unbearable. You finally mutter out exactly what you need to say.
âI need you Abby, I need you.â You say. She pulls her hand away, awwing in response, turning your head towards hers with a grip on your chin. She smiles and shakes her head. âAsk nicely beautiful.â You lick your lips and nod. âI need you please, please Abby.
She lets go of your face, standing up and holding out a hand for you, you take it letting her pull you up out of the booth. Your legs were weak, even trembling, she noticed this and smirked at you.
She drove the two of you to her apartment, so fucking close to yours, her hand on your thigh the whole way there, her glances never made you blush any less each time. She parks her car and guides you up to her apartment with your hand clutched all the way there.
She unlocks her door, leading you in first, she walks in behind you, and kicks off her shoes. She grabs you, pushing you against the door connecting your lips with hers, locking the door with one hand, the other wrapped around your waist.
She pulls away, looking at you with those lustful blue eyes, they looked much brighter when you first met her but now there's nothing darker. She locks lips with you picking you up and carrying you towards her bedroom, her hands full of ass.
Sheâs mirroring your whimpers into the kiss with grunts, your arms wrapped around her neck. As she enters the bedroom with your legs wrapped around her, you fiddle with her braid, undoing it and running your fingers through the loose strands.
She throws you down onto the bed, the plush duvet sinking behind your back. Your quick breaths are loud in the quiet room, Abby stares are you eating you up with her eyes. âWhat do you want beautiful?â she says to you, stripping her jeans off revealing her grey boxer briefs, a wet spot that catches your eye. Apparently, you're not the only one worked up.
When you don't respond she hums a âhmm?â to you pulling you from your thoughts. âI want you, I want to feel you everywhere Abby.â A quiet grunt comes from the back of her throat. She leans to you, putting her knees on the bed and caging you in with her arms. She kisses you, her tongue tangled with yours. She pulls away to strip her shirt from her body, tossing it aside.
You admire her body, stripped from her tight t-shirt her muscles look even bigger. She places your hands on her shoulders pulling your shirt off. She leans down to unhook your bra and kisses you.
She scans your body, her eyes make you want her even more. She kisses your lips, pushing her knee in between your thighs applying the perfect amount of friction as she moves to make out with you.
She kisses down your bare chest sucking purple spots all the way down your stomach, your neck to your hips littered in hickeys. âSo fucking good for me.â She mutters out as she flips the hem of your skirt up onto your stomach. She kisses the inside of your thighs, whines and whimpers falling out of your mouth with need.
She leaves marks leading up to your panties, now even wetter with want. She pushes them to the side, taking a quick lick and sucking on your clit then looking up at you. Her eyes, her face from the angle could make you cum right there and then.
âYou taste so fucking good beautiful.â You were melting. She attaches her mouth back to your clit spiralling circles with her tongue, holding your hips down with one hand.
She rubs your hip as you fight to ride her face, take control. She sucks your clit and pushes two fingers inside, filling you so well. Her fingers found places inside you, you never knew existed.
Her tongue quickens it's pace as so does her fingers pumping in and out of you. Moans fall from the back of your throat, you can hear Abbyâs grunts vibrating against your clit.
She disconnects her mouth, pumping and curling her fingers to the perfect spot at a brutal pace, she looks up at you, arched back gripping the blanket. âSuch a good fucking girl.â Her praises push you over the edge. She connects her lips back pulling you quickly to your climax. You look down to her, as your thoughts dissapear.
You pulse all over her fingers, and she pulls them out, kissing your thigh. She looks back at you, as she sucks you off her fingers. âSo good sweetheart, so goddamn good.â She crawls her back up to your lips kissing you gently.
She whispers into your ear. âYou make such pretty noises for a slut.â That shocked you, after all those praises, she degraded you. It had you ready for round two all in eight words.
She lays next to you, looking you up and down. âWant a drink?â She asks.
You nod, she gets up tossing you her t-shirt and a fresh pair of underwear from her drawer, a pair of black boxers. They were loose resting on your hips as the shirt went to mid thighs.
She walks out of the room, and you follow her sitting on the couch as she pulls a bottle of dark liquor from her bar cart. You lay down, she sits down placing your legs on top of hers passing you the drink. She tucks her hair behind her ear and looks at you, placing her hand on your thigh.
âWanna stay the night?â
A/N: AHHHH I wrote this really fast if there are any spelling mistakes/ grammar mistakes LOOK AWAY. I love Abby thank you.
#the last of us#the last of us abby#abby anderson x you#abby anderson x female reader#abby anderson x reader#abby anderson smut#abby x you#abby the last of us#abby x reader#abby tlou#abby anderson#abigail anderson#tlou2 smut#tlou smut#tlou hbo#tlou#tlou2#tlou part 2#tlou fanfiction#tlou fic#abby anderson tlou2#abby tlou2#tlou2 fanfic#abby anderson x y/n#rottenblur
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~ inumaki toge // fushiguro megumi ; jujutsu kaisen
â§Ë · . S Y N O P S I S : at night, you and your sorcerer friend take shelter in an inn room to take care of each otherâs wounds
â§âË c o n t e n t s : gn!reader, fluff, mentions of blood and injuries, making out, a bit suggestive maybe ?? (iâm still tagging it as fluff)
- gumiâs part: 'itâs complicated' friends to lovers, he tends to your wounds
- togeâs part : togeâs aware of your crush on him, you feel cursed energy through his kisses, onigiri ingredients in japanese, he uses harmless words at the very end, also uses cursed speech on you in the last sentence lol, you tend to his wounds
â§âË a / n : wasnât intending on posting this but anyways, this shots turned out kinda cute so, wouldâve been sad to keep them to myself, also putting them together because both follow the same scenario and have many similarities
the reader feeling togeâs cursed speech was largely inspired by this đ«¶đ»
also donât question the fact that theyâre in an inn room instead of the infirmary or smth okay just go with the flow bye đ
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You and Megumi somehow managed to check in the room without much questioning. Entering an inn late at night looking like you just got beat up was definitely something that would raise the front desk ladyâs eyebrows, but you figured you had just gotten lucky.
You closed your eyes and sighed, Megumiâs footsteps came closer. You were sitting in the kitchen counter, knees apart from each other so Megumi could stand in between and attend to your wounds just like you had done before with his. His fingers lifted your chin up so he could see better under the roomâs dim light. He pressed an alcohol drenched cotton ball lightly over your left eyebrow, making you jolt.
âSorryâ he mumbled âIâm almost done.â
Your eyelids opened slowly, finding him close to you, his dark eyes fixed on your wound. You studied his face in the meantime, long lashes contrasting with his pale clear skin, yet blending with his black irises.
âCanât believe after all this time of being friends we just had our first mission together.â
âIâm guessing Gojo wasnât sure of what would work well for usâ
âThatâs not what I mean, I mean we did great!â
He scoffed in slight amusement.
âYeah, I knew we wouldâ
âYou mean you knew because I kicked your ass the last time we sparred?â a cheeky smile appeared on your face.
âAs far as I remember, I was declared the winnerâ he raised an eyebrow
âSmall details, truthfully it was a tie.â
âRightâŠâ Megumi decided to cut the conversation, focusing more on wiping dry blood from your skin.
Finally he exhaled, his hand moved away, examining your face carefully. A soft frown appeared on his face as his eyes fell on your lips.
âDid you cut your lip?â
âOh? Not that Iâm aware of, it doesnât hurt.â
âItâs bloody.â
Megumiâs fingers on your chin tensed up, sliding the cotton ball over your lip and then discarding it. He tilted your head to the right, blinking and squinting. With the same hand he was holding your jaw, he swiped his thumb over the lower lip.
With widened eyes you stared at him, alarm bells suddenly going off in your head and your irregular breathing hitting his skin, his gaze fixed on the way your soft lip molded under his fingertip. Tangled thoughts raced in your head, trying to figure out the sudden change in the atmosphere and the accelerating pace of your beating heart.
âItâs not woundedâ Megumiâs voice was barely audible and you noticed the way his body had just gotten as stiff as yours, probably gaining awareness of the context you were both were surrounded by: him in between your thighs, under the cover of dim lightning and the silence of the night, being the closest to one another you had ever been.
Dark eyes wandered over your mouth, following his thumb as it now slid to the other side. Hesitantly, he moved even closer until his lips hovered over yours. The anticipation that filled the room made sure to cut off both your breathing and his. But then, Megumi closed the distance between your mouths, lashes lowering and hidden feelings bursting out into the open. Megumiâs kiss was soft, and you made sure to reciprocate slowly, easing into the unknown sensation of kissing him.
When the kiss stopped he remained still. Your shaky hands slid up his shirt, fingertips grasping the fabric to keep him in place for as long as the sweet burning sensation sat on your guts. You weren't sure of what came over yourself, maybe it was the curiosity of having him as more than a friend. Maybe it was the thoughts that had constantly whispered at the back of your head how attractive you thought he was, the thoughts you had made sure to ignore and so you never acted on them. Maybe it was the thrill of crumbling his aloof and distant demeanor in between your hands.
Maybe it had been all of those things together, but you slightly and eagerly nudged your nose against his. And so he kissed you again, with a deep sigh of surrender and his hands roaming up your thighs. The sounds of kissing filled the kitchen, your tongue sliding across his tongue, his hungry mouth now fighting against your, your fists pulling from his shirt. His fingers squeezed your skin, a breathy exhale left your throat almost becoming a soft whine.
Megumiâs hands then settled on your hips, until he suddenly stopped, freezing in place and then pulling away from you to search for your eyes. You stared back in a bit of a daze.
âWhatâŠâ the black haired sorcerer tried to form a coherent sentence, but it seemed like his brain for once wasnât cooperating.
âIâŠâ you cleared your throat, blinking a couple of times âI donât know.â
He swallowed, trying to find words once again.
âListen, IâŠâ
âItâs okayâ nervously you tightened your grip on his shirt, now anxious of letting him go âwe donât have to talk about this today or tomorrow. We can just⊠forget it happened.â
Slowly, Megumi nodded.
âWe can just let it be⊠for tonight.â
âYeahâ you pulled him close again, his body relaxed as he followed your movement and searched for your lips once more.
âYeah, just for tonightâŠâ
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Togeâs eyes followed you around as you picked and discarded objects from the first aid kit. At first he was annoyed at how much you had insisted on taking care of the wounds your last fight had inflicted, but at a certain point he had stopped complaining and just⊠stared. Now, you knew Toge wasnât one to say much, because he couldnât, but even when he didnât say actual normal words he also wasnât one to shut up. There was always some 'okaka's and 'tuna's and he would gesticulate here and there, he just had to let you know his opinion on absolutely everything. But now⊠he was absolutely silent.
You walked over to the kitchen counter, where he had sat down begrudgingly and now he was just lazily waiting.
âBend over a little, will you?â you sighed, wet cotton in your hand.
His lavender eyes stared curiously, but he did as you asked and moved closer so you could reach for his face. There was a bloody scrape right next to his brow, product of a bad landing during the fight with the curse. You held your breath to gain courage and put aside your romantic feelings for the boy, then reached to cup his cheek with your left hand in order to keep him steady and started cleaning the almost dry blood.
He winced, a pitiful expression appeared on your face.
âSorryâ your voice softened âIâll be finished soon, donât worry, this is the last one.â
You expected him to say something, he wouldâve usually just muttered a 'shake' or something, and yet he didnât. When you were finally done you sighed once again, lowering your hands and grasping the edge of the counter.
âAlright, thatâs it, why arenât you speaking to me?â Toge raised a brow, as if your question was ridiculous to him âdonât look at me like that, you know what I mean.â
He pressed his lips against each other and then shrugged.
âAre you mad at me?â your brows almost touched, his eyes widened.
âOkakaâ he immediately shook his head.
âOh, so now youâre talkingâ he snorted, finally letting a small smile shine through âthereâs something off, I can tellâŠâ
He bit his lip and shrugged again, this time pointing to his head with his index.
âAbout what?â
His eyes seemed to shine in a peculiar way, trying to hold back a smirk. It was almost as if he had been waiting for you to ask that question for a while. Toge pointed at you, made a small heart with his index and thumb, and then pointed at himself. You blinked about twice, blankly.
âYouâre thinking⊠about you and me?â
He squinted and motioned 'more less', then repeated the previous gesture: you, heart, him.
âYouâre thinkingâŠâ you heart him. Suddenly your eyes widened, a blush rapidly crept up your face âyouâre thinking i like you?â
Toge then grinned and nodded enthusiastically.
âHuhâ you exhaled nervously, eyes shying away from him âright when i thought i was the best at understanding you seems like i still donât get what is going on inside that head of yours.â
He chuckled, his right hand searched for his phone in his pocket and then quickly typed something up in the notes app. You just expectantly watched him as he conveyed his thoughts into written words.
âIâm not thinking you like me, iâm thinking i know you like meâ
âNarcissistic much?â you quirked one of your eyebrows and he snorted âwhat makes you think that?â
âJust the way you look at me, and the way you act around me. Panda had pointed it out before but iâm just now thinking maybe he was rightâ
âI treat you just like all of my other friends!â you looked up at his eyes again, this time in defiance, but he tilted his head, raising his brows in disbelief âalright then, what have i done with you that i wouldnât have done with anyone else?â
With a smile, Toge rubbed his cheek and then placed his index right on top of yours.
âYouâre insinuating that I have romantic feelings for you, of course iâm gonna be embarrassed!â
Rolling his eyes, he nodded. Then, he cupped your left cheek, raising your face towards his and supporting your chin with his ring finger and pinky. You frowned, quickly catching up with the fact that he was holding your face in the same way you had done just moments before.
â⊠I was just taking care of youâŠâ your whisper worsened your blush.
He chuckled at your shocked expression, the sound waves of his harmless words making you shiver. It wasnât everyday that heâd risk speaking normally.
â⊠well, yes, i care for youâ
âa lotâ you bit your lip, there was no denying that, so you swallowed your nerves and looked away, he snickered âyouâre cuteâ
Once again the surprise froze you, the power in his voice making your body tremble, what he had said made a sweet nervous feeling flutter around your stomach. He leaned in, you held your breath. Toge placed a lovely kiss on your lips, and you delicately but firmly kissed him back, the sliding of his lips on yours enticing and elating. A soft wave of cursed energy flowed through your mouth, but the moment he slid his tongue on your lower lip and you opened your mouth it rose in intensity. You had to cling from his shirt to keep yourself steady, the moment his marked tongue brushed against yours a sharp wave of electricity ran down your throat, pulling a whimper out from your vocal chords.
He pulled back to look at you and you panicked, embarrassed.
âIâm- oh god iâm so sorry!â your face was burning red at that point âitâs just that- i can feel your cursed energy.â
His eyes widened with surprise and worry, hopping off the counter his hands grabbed your shoulders.
âIâm fine! Iâm totally fineâ cupping his face you tried to comfort him, and it worked, he relaxed, but you pulled him closer again, your noses brushing âit felt⊠really niceâŠâ
You lips searched for his, Toge smirked in amusement to your reaction, but he complied. So slowly, he kissed you again. The feeling of his energy running trough you seemed to make the blood in your veins rush in bliss, pulling sounds from the depths of your chest. Suddenly his hand slithered to the back of your head and he deepened the kiss, the mark on his tongue making contact with yours and making you gasp and jolt against his body. Toge giggled, but caught you in his arms, resting his back on the counter.
âCome on Toge, wonât you have mercy on me?â you complained, Toge shook his head slowly, and by the way he smiled you knew he was about to pull one of his stunts.
âBe louderâ his lips immediately crashed back onto yours.
#; fluffy belle#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#megumi fushiguro#jjk fushiguro#jjk megumi#megumi x reader#megumi x you#fushiguro megumi#fushiguro megumi x reader#megumi fushiguro x reader#inumaki toge#inumaki x reader#jjk toge#jjk inumaki#toge x reader#inumaki toge x reader#toge inumaki#inumaki x y/n#jjk brainrot#gn!reader
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Finally: The NoHats AU doodles. Plus some sprite edits.
Usually I'd let things speak for themselves and keep my chattering in the tags, but I'll ramble about my context thoughts...
So. First of all here's a link (x) to the Nohats Origin Post for those coming in and going ????.
Anyway. These doodles are not in any obvious chronological order, though Loop going from pilfered bandolier (my headcanon for how Siffrin has all those pockets) -> custom outfit made by Isabeau, is supposed to generally denote 'just after the ending' -> 'a few months down the line'.
And speaking of, Design & Characterisation notes:
Overall: NoHats is suppooooosed to have the range to not just be ULTIMATE MISERY ALL THE TIME (but if you're a major whump/angst fan. go fucking nuts.) so these are supposed to be. The steps toward overcoming and living with grief but. The Misery Is Kind Of The Punchiest Part.... Oops....
Mirabelle: Taking the lead, continuing to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders. In the game proper she's already shown to, while yes, be emotionally fragile at times, be prone to trying to hold the team together. I feel she'd do the same here. It also would help that she'd presumably be medicated again? But I can't imagine her chosen-one anxieities would be super ailed by the death of her friend. I wanted to try and give her more differences? She follows the change belief after all and is thus liable to switch up her style in general... But I didn't have a strong vision for this, so. The ball is in anyone's court. Her design changes here are keeping one of Sif's safety pins a la qpr bonding earring, and has the bell pendant at Loop's (oddly pushy) suggestion.
Isabeau: Taking it. Badly. Depression mullet and beard in tow. However, you best believe he is trying real badly to hide it. Loop very much does not reveal their identity to him because What The Fuck Would That Even Do. That's Scary. but they do try to comfort him while mentally regarding him "off limits". Backs themselves into some very unfortunate corners by alluding to their unfulfilled relationship with their Fighter as a point of common ground. I don't imagine this would go super great when recontextualised later after Loop is inevitably found out. Just in general oh good god what the fuck. this is like a radioactive pit of survivor's guilt.
Bonnie: Taking it probably The Worst. This is a child. Who was already feeling guilt. This is who everyone else is trying to keep it together for. Mirabelle and Isabeau would likely be putting up far less of a front without Bonnie around. They take the hat and take on Pocket Duty. They also have slightly more sif-y hairstyle but... Don't worry about it. They'd have Nille to fall back on once she's picked back up, and Loop almost certainly attempts to redouble efforts on making them feel better but seeing as how closed-off Bonnie can already be, it'd likely be difficult. However they would probably take Loop's identity reveal best...?
Odile: Odile's design.... ! Does not seem to have changed? How odd! Well. I'm sure she's dealing with things in a regular and non-cloistered manner. I already think that a regular Postcanon Activity for Odile could be her finding out about the potential for sif/loop to translate books and thus Knowledge in their native tongue assuming that ability sticks around postgame. Something something culture can never truly be wiped out etc etc. But putting it in this context. Makes it more desperate, more of a deflection for something else.
Loop: Helpful Loop. Well. They win! I feel like the entirety of ISAT being about Siffrin's mental state means I don't need to spill much ink here? You get it I think. I can't outdo the source material man. Anyway I imagine Loop is given clothes by Isabeau before they know who they are, but after they've become genuine friends. The outfit is in genuineness, on both sides from Loop and Isa, in having the cloak be a nod in respect to Siffrin, since Loop's "shared culture" would have to come up vis a vis cultural funerary traditions. Hard to avoid divulging that one...
#and since its too blunt to put in the body of the post. yes these are all distinct calls to game events.#mirabelles endgame spoilers comment. prologue odile's 'just one thing. not the thing'. shoulder touch. observatory conversation#odiles is the least obvious because i couldnt find satisfying more direct wording. it was too clunky....#in stars and time#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#nohats au#isat au#isat loop#isat fanart#lucabyteart#isat odile#isat bonnie#isat isabeau#isat mirabelle#anyway once again . accidentally invoking the king with that fucking corset. christ. that ones on me#long post
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€ êŁà§ă
ïč10097ïč SYNOPSIS . . . the dating scene sucks, especially when the only person you want to be with is your roommate.
êŁà§ GENRE . . . roommate au, 'i hate them but they're hot' kind of energy
êŁà§ WARNINGS . . . profanities, drinking i mean lots of drinking we need alcohol shortage here, sunghoon smokes, mentions of one night stands, one very suggestive make out scene in the fourth section, undertones of cheating but not from sunghoon or reader, implications of sex although it's very light
êŁà§ NOTES . . . hi ( _ _; ) drowning in nervousness as i'm posting this. it's my first long fic after months ... i think the last one was in may or june 23 ... so please be nice >< don't know why but this didn't turn out how i wanted it to and it's definitely not one of my proudest works, but i hope u guys like it nonetheless huhu TT happy reading and please rb and drop feedback, it's highly appreciated ^_^
sunghoon is spiralling again.Â
a part of it is because of the endless assignments from classes, but thatâs no news. he knows itâs his fault for procrastinating and waiting till two days before the due date to even think about working on themâ unlike jake who somehow attends classes probably four times a week and is seen in the football fields instead, and still manages to be the first one to submit his essays. itâs admirable, annoying at most. when he sat down to do his sports science project three days before it was due, sunghoon realised why his professor gave them two months to finish it.Â
but realising your mistakes and working on them to be a better version of yourself are two different things.
for one, sunghoon believes those assignments are useless. no one cares about the impact of sports on society, maybe except heeseung and jake but again, in sunghoonâs mind, those two are never important. second, heâs too perfect to be working on himself. sunghoon is the best version of himself. he was born the day his uncle died, and his dad inherited the entire chain of restaurants his family owns across the country. heâs too amazing to be worrying about getting a degree he can buyâ he thinks the university should be honoured heâs choosing to studyâ but thatâs simply because his mother doesnât want him to turn out like his sister.Â
back to the matter at handâ as he puts the beer can on the table and sits back on the couch, his eyes travel to the door yet again. seventh time in just a minute, heâs keeping a record of how you make him wait.Â
if thereâs one thing he hates is being irresponsible ( coming from the great king of irresponsibility himself. ) you said youâd be back by twelve, and itâs half past one in night and not a soul knows your whereabouts. thirteen texts, seven missed calls, his phone is at forty-one percent and sunghoon is at his limit. if it wasnât for your mom he wouldnât give two flying fucks about where you are and how youâve been.
sunghoon is actually surprisingly obedient and well-mannered, as opposed to the popular belief. he gave you and your mother the whole tour of the apartment the day you moved in. even made some coffee which isnât much but your mother had loved him. he could see it in the way she looked at him with those sweet eyes, holding his hands as if he was her own son, and asking him to look after you.Â
âplease take care of my daughter,â sunghoon thought he was getting married. instead of a wedding bell there were warning sirens going off. to this day he doesnât know why she asked him that, minutes after she saw a dead cactus in the balcony that he killed by overwatering. he couldnât even say no to her and just nodded, looking over at you briefly and noticing how you look like you were a bit embarrassed. sunghoon doesnât know why heâs so serious about âtaking careâ of you. he thought it would be easy, but you had to be devilâs favourite spawn and sunghoon happens to be your target.
however, he canât take this anymore. he has a morning class and waiting till two am while drinking beer has done more damage to sunghoon than it should. he gets up from the couch with a sigh, leaving the empty cans unattended for a night as he makes a mental note to clean tomorrow. it isnât until a click from the door stops him in his tracks.Â
âiâm back,â your voice is quiet, a yawn following immediately after your words as you look down while taking off your shoes. youâve been drinking again, sunghoon can tell it from a mile away.Â
âyouâre late,â he speaks over the silence, hands on his torso as heâs giving you those squinted eyes and doubtful looks. if sunghoon didnât know any better, he would assume you fucked someone at the club with how messy you look at the moment.
âyeah well, we had to take gigi to the hospital,â your lazy voice isnât much louder than a whisper. you stumble towards your room, a hiccup followed soon after by the same quiet and slurred tone. âshe ate something weird,â
he huffs at your words, knowing it would very well be just another excuse. âyou couldâve at least texted,â
âmy phone died,â
âiâm sure your friends would be happy to lend you their phone,â he pauses when he feels himself getting a bit annoyed. a soft sigh falls off his lips as he looks down at the tiled floor before looking up and speaking in a much calmer voice. âiâm just saying itâs not exactly safe to be out alone on the streets this late at night,â
âi wasnât alone,â that piques his interest. âjay drove me back,â
and sunghoon felt his whole world stop. âjay?â
âyeah, jay, park jongseong,â your voice is surprisingly sweet when you take his name and it bothers sunghoon for some reason. his face scrunches up when you bite back a smile, hoping itâs the alcohol not because of what he thinks it is. âheâs nicer than i thought,â
sunghoon is not unfamiliar with the name park jongseong.
he hears it every day on and off the campus, more often than he likes. first things first, heâs just as popular as jake, for being american, which brings sunghoon to the questionâ why in the world would he leave america to study in korea when jay could have attended one of the ivy leagues with his face and money?
and the second and more important question, why in the world is park jongseong dropping you home at two in the night?
sunghoon only watches you in disbelief and astonishment as you stumble to your room, mumbling something incoherently. your words ring in his ear like sirens. âhe is better than youâ jay is better than sunghoon. he scoffs almost offensively in your direction. that has to be the biggest lie of the twenty-first century.
he follows you to your room, reaching out to grab your arms when you almost trip but you manage to balance yourself. he opens the door and turns on the lights for you. âwhy were you with him to begin with?â
âoh, you donât know?â and you turn around with eyes wide open as he shakes his head like a deer in the headlight. âhe asked me out,âÂ
sunghoon didnât get a single ounce of sleep last night.Â
itâs your fault, clearly. had you been back earlier on the time, nothing wouldâve happened. and jayâ sunghoon sights at the thought of him, eyes narrowing as he grits on his pen as if heâs going to break it into two.Â
âdude, are you hungry?â jake pokes sunghoon by his shoulder, dragging the latter out of his trail of thoughts.Â
âwhat?â sunghoon shoots a blank look, one that makes his friend sigh in concern. afterall, itâs not everyday he sees sunghoon chewing on a pen. âiâm not,â
âyouâve been out of it since the morning,â
and sunghoon has been out of it since jayâs name fell from your lips.Â
heâs not your friend, definitely not the first guy youâve called by his name after sunghoon. but something doesnât sit right. even after tossing and turning in bed for the whole night, he canât figure out what bothers him moreâ the fact you said jay is better than him, or the fact that he asked you out on a date.
itâs the first one, he convinces himself. who you date is none of his business, he canât be arsed enough to care about your love life or relationship status. ( although, he does care a little because heâs nosy. ) what bothers him more is that jay is, to put it in simple words, a player. all that face and no empathy for emotions is a waste, and to think you donât know thisâ or maybe you do and yet still chose to go out with him, is beyond sunghoonâs comprehension.Â
âwhat do you think about jay?â he asks abruptly, catching jakeâs attention, looking at him a little too intently for an answer.Â
âheâs a nice guy,â a casual reply before he gets back to his assignment before jake looks back at sunghoon with newly found interest. âhe turned in my spanish essay last week, oh and drove me back from the bar a few days ago after you ditched me. why?â
sunghoon simply shakes his head, getting back to his books even though his focus is nowhere near studies. at this point, he doesnât know if itâs jay distracting him or you. even your words keep playing over and over again in the back of his head. jay and nice in the same sentence doesnât seem fit. sure, he helps his friends and drops his girl back home, but thatâs only three days before thereâs a new girl in his arms.Â
sunghoon doesnât hear the door click open when you come back from your classes, too busy in the balcony while humming a tune that you recognise immediately. you take off your shoes, noticing how he taps his foot along with the melody, and itâs quiet in the apartment, apart from the sound of traffic and wind rustling through the trees around.
âi donât like people who smoke,â smoking is not on your list of likes, but you find yourself next to sunghoon whenever heâs with a cigarette. just like now, when you return from yet another one of your datesâ or meet-ups as you prefer to call it right nowâ with jay. it wasnât really planned. you bumped into him after classes and he was on his way back home, so you asked him for a coffee.Â
he almost jumps at your sudden voice but manages to compose himself, scowing at the distaste in your expression before scoffing, the cigarette still dancing between his lips. âgood think, iâm not looking forward to be liked by you,â
he studies the frown on your face, glares as if your eyes are shooting daggers in his direction. itâs amusing to him how easy it is to get on your nerves. he leans against the metal railings, hair falling over his forehead. his eyes stay on your for a few seconds before he holds the cigarette between his index and middle finger, putting it away from his mouth and blowing out the smoke in your directions. he laughs mockingly when you step back, fanning out the smoke with your hands, cursing under your breath.
âare you crazy?!â you exclaim in annoyance, coughing slightly at his poor attempt at entertainment. your frown deepens when he mumbles a quiet apology although not meaning it, from the looks of it, and lifts the cigarette back to his lips.Â
âyouâre back early,â he states casually, tapping the cigarette butt and watching the ash fall down from the balcony before a taunting chortle falls off his lips. âdid jay dump your ass or something?â
your nose scrunches up at his actions, although mostly at the tobacco you can still smell in your air. you look down at the road, watching a mercedes passing by. âno, he had to go somewhere so he left early,â
âi knew it! heâs good for nothing,â and he drops the cigarette to the floor, crushing it with his foot even though at the back of his mind, he knows youâre going to yell at him for cleaning that up. âwhat kind of guy canât even spend time with his girlfriend?â
âweâre not dating,â
âthatâs worse!â he emphasises, and a pause follows as he looks at you with a confused expression. âwaitâ didnât you say he asked you out?â
âhe did, but he said he wants to wait until exams are over,â thereâs a hint of displeasure in your voice. his eyes travel down to your fingers, especially the ring youâre fiddling with before theyâre back on your face when you speak again. âwe just decided to hang out,â
he practically scoffs at your words, quite literally in disbelief. a knowing sigh comes out of his mouth as he stands straight, this time standing with his back against the railing, feeling the cold metal though his thin white t-shirt. a part of him wants to laugh at your stupidity and point at how naive you are, while another part of him wants to find jay and beat him to pulp. he doesnât know why thereâs anger pooling in his stomach at the mere thought of jay just messing around with you.Â
âwhat a sick bastard,â he huffs with a tincture of annoyance in his tone. âhow much do you want to bet heâs playing with you?â
âyouâre the one whoâs sick,â and even though it clicks with him that youâre referring to a few minutes earlier when he smoked all in your face, sunghoon still frowns when you call him sick. âheâs just prioritising his studies, thereâs nothing wrong with that. at least he doesnât smoke while being all up my face,â
you two just bask in silence after that.
he doesnât have much to sayâ actually he does, but he doesnât know how to put it in a decent, coherent way. of course, your reaction wonât be the most pleasant if he told you he wants to punch jayâs good for nothing handsome face. he wonders what youâre thinking when he looks over at you. you seem happy whenever you talk about your supposed âfuture boyfriend,â yet itâs evident that youâre upset. he likes to think youâre having your doubts too. it's reassuring to him for some reasonâ because thatâs good for you, of course. if youâre upset, you have your doubts, and if you have your doubts you might not fall victim to whatever sick game jay is playing.Â
âoh, actually, he doesnât smoke,â but then you speak in a matter-of-fact way, as if comparing him to jay before giving him a mocking smile. âheâs better than you,â
those words ring in his mind for a good while.Â
you go back inside and he hears you shut the door to your room as an annoyed sigh falls off his lips. hearing that jay is nice from jake was another thing, but hearing to say heâs better than him leaves a bitter taste on his tongue. and he doesnât know why heâs feeling this way, these little changes in how he usually is, itâs new. itâs frustrating him out.Â
it isnât until his phone vibrates that heâs dragged out of his ocean of thoughts. his brows furrow when he notices the time, having realised that he basically wasted the entire noon even though he didnât attend classes after giving heeseung an excuse that heâs sick. his eyes squint at the sender, and then a groan escaping his lips when he opens to read it.Â
noh chaeun 4:15pm hoon! my last two classes have been cancelled are you up for some coffee?
sunghoon doesnât reply, rather leaving his classmateâs messages on seen, too bothered by his inner turmoil to spend time with her. itâs not like him to be this way, to be so bothered over something that doesnât concern him. youâre definitely not someone so significant and jay is definitely not the first guy youâre with. in fact, he has seen you kiss that guy from one of your classesâ as much as he hates to recall that incident nowâ and had sneaked up to tell your mother about it over the phone when she had called you.
youâve never had a serious relationship, not after meeting him. in his head, you always came back to him and heâd be lying if he hadnât joked about it with his friends during the initial few weeks after you had moved in. when he had mentioned to jake that youâre pretty and his friend had teased him a few days later, saying his âcrushâ was with this other guy, sunghoon, did in fact, say he doesnât care because you always come back to him; or rather his apartment, actually, but whatever fits the joke.Â
that day, he had a good laugh out of it and the joke died back then itself, more so after he started complaining about you to his friends. your habits, your actions, the things you say that tick him off, your quirky and quick remarksâ everything. perhaps, even about your habit of arriving late on weekends from parties and ruining his sleep because you forget the key most of the time, so he has to wake up and open the door for you, but not guys, never guys.Â
it hurts his head to even try and figure it out, to find the reasoning behind the pang in his chest every time you mention jay. he likes to think itâs just harmless competition although for no reason, even though both of them have done plenty of things to piss each other off just for the fun of it. sunghoon thinks he can live with it and walks back inside to the living room, until he sees you walking out of your room on phone with someone, the name of he who shall be mentioned rolling off your tongue again, and he finally pulls out his phone with a frustrated sigh.Â
sunghoon 4:21pm sure, iâll pick you up in ten
âactually, my mom wants to invite your family over for dinner this weekend,â the girl in front of him speaks with a smile after muttering a quiet thank you to the waiter after he gets their order. âsheâs very grateful for the donation your dad made for our art gallery and wants to thank properly,â
âtalk to my parents, then,â itâs a simple reply, too bland and forced for her liking.
sunghoon hasnât spared her a single look in the past ten minutes that theyâve been sitting together at the table. firstly, he doesnât know why he drove to a restaurant when she asked for a coffee. itâs not even close to dinner time, and the awkward yet sweet smile on her face didnât make it better for him, so he ordered starters and drinks to drag their little impromptu dinner out.Â
âsunghoon, to be honest,â chaeun tries to strike up a conversation again, despite the constant lack of effort from his side. âi want youââ
âhey, isnât that jongseong?â and he cuts her off immediately, finger pointing outside the glass panes beside them as he stares in the direction behind her with brows knit together in shock. âwhoâs that with her?â
âjongseong?â she repeats the name before turning her head, forming an âoâ when she spots a familiar figure through the multitude on the streets. âah, thatâs myung jihye. she has been pursuing him for a while. i guess he finally agreed,â
âtheyâre dating?!â his voice is full of surprise and disbelief unlike hers, so seemed to be happy for the girl instead. he stares outside with a heavy silence as the couple disappears between the crowd before looking at the girl in front of him.
âoh, i wouldnât say thatâŠi donât know but itâs possible they are.â it doesnât miss her attention how sunghoonâs fingers tighten around the fork. âeverybody in our major knows jihye has crush on him and theyâre probably a thing by now,â
and he wishes you were here with him right now so that he could show you the true colours of the dear guy youâve been going out with, the one whoâs supposedly âbetterâ than him. he wants you to realise that his words werenât false and he isnât sick, after all, and if youâd cry, he would be down to tell you itâs not the end of the world. that there are a hundred other guys better than jay, ones who wonât even breathe in front of another woman, whoâd treat you betterâ hell, i can treat you better if you ever give me a chanceâ and then a pause in his train of thoughts.
he looks at chaeun, whoâs looking back at him with a perplexed look and her own set of questions. his mind replays those words yet again, and he screams internally.
what the heck?!
surprisingly enough, sunghoon has been thinking about jay for the whole evening now, obviously not in a good way. his eyes keep travelling to the knife stand on the kitchen island occasionally and every single time, he has to convince himself that murder is not the right answer to anything.Â
for some reason, he canât stop imagining your smiles while on date with jay. not that he has ever seen thoseâ wish i couldâ as he slaps himself out of his state of mind yet again. not only that man is playing with you but on jihye whoâs apparently his girlfriend? he lets out the ugliest scoff known to mankind, because in sunghoonâs head, jay is a sick joke made by biology.
he waits for you to return from your shopping spree for about an hour, having beer as a company. he tries to stay awake although his eyes get droopy, and then every ounce of sleep leaves his body when he hears the door unlock.Â
âyn,â he practically jumps out of the couch, it almost scares you. he accidentally bumps into the living room table on the way, knocking an empty can of beer to the floor but too busy to bother picking it up. âi have to tellââ his eyes go down to the eleven shopping bags in your hands, as he counts them. ââ wait, what did you shop so much for?âÂ
âoh, i have to attend a family wedding next month,â his chest feels warm when he sees you smiling and looking so excited, and itâs making him go crazy on the inside because he doesnât know what is happening to him. for some reason, he starts imagining you in a gown, like the one you wore for the fresherâs party, but then he forces his mind to get back to the point. âiâm thinking of asking jay to be my date,â
and his heart drops down to his stomach.
this has to be a fucking joke, and he tells himself. for a split second, he thinks he didnât hear you properly. maybe you said jake because, well, jake did tweet a âdate for rentâ form five months ago when he needed money to buy tickets for a post malone concert that cost more than his gentle monster glasses ( not that he got any money but at least they got a good laugh out of it. )Â
you remove your shoes and put the shopping bags on the couch before sitting down as well, letting out a heavy sigh. âyou look like you saw a ghost,â
âa ghost wouldâve been better,â he catches you looking at him when he mumbles under his breath, sort of grateful you didnât hear him before sunghoon would rather not have another argument with you over how jay is not only a bad choice, heâs the worst choice.Â
he looks over at you when you pull out your phone, fingers fluttering over the screen as you text someone with a giddy smile. he considers telling you what he had seen earlier, but god, he loved to see you smile like that. the way you press your lips together to suppress a grin, looking ever so happy as if you have won a lottery. he doesnât think youâve ever smiled like that at him, and it aggravates him even more when he realises that you probably smile like that every time you see jay.Â
jay is getting everything he isnât deserving of, and it pisses sunghoon off down to his bones.Â
but again, he canât bring himself to tell you the truth. you look too happy for your own good, it pains him physically to even imagine your reaction when youâll come to know the truth. and then he pulls himself together, telling himself that it is your fault in the first place to trust someone like jay and ignore the warning signs he was giving you.Â
in the end, he leaves without having any further conversations with you, going to bed two hours earlier than usual even though he knows he isnât going to get any sleep. sunghoon is convinced heâs losing his mind, faster than a day ago actually. he lets out a frustrated groan and covers himself with his blanket, hoping to catch some sleep.Â
itâs going to be yet another long day tomorrow.
sunghoon thinks youâre hot.
what the fuck?
âi asked something,â you remind, pulling him out of his trail of thoughts and he flinches slightly, making your brows furrow in confusion. âhow do i look?â
âhuhâ what? oh,â he takes in your appearance again. hair down, make up doneâ youâre wearing your favourite lip tint? and the best dress he has seen you in so far, looking so mind blowing it actually blows his mind and short circuits his brain.Â
even your favourite lip tint ⊠sunghoon doesnât know why heâs looking at your lips in the first place but little does he know heâs fucked.Â
absolutely. completely. fucked.
nonetheless, he manages to compose himself, clearing his throat and sitting up ever so elegantly on the couch, legs crossed, the magazine still in his hands. âyou lookâŠt-terrific,âÂ
you canât help but get even more confused at his words, wondering if it was a bad idea to even ask him for his opinion, even though you play along. âlike in a good way or a bad way?â
âin a terrific way,â he blurts out, eyes wide open as panic settles in slowly inside his stomach, and heâs stuttering, shocked, surprised, fucked, again. âyou look terrific in a terrific wayâŠso terrifically terrific in the most terrific way possible,âÂ
âare you high?âÂ
well, he would say he is! never in the two years that he has known you did sunghoon think heâd find himself floored, figuratively, and speechless, literally, at the sight of you. and heâs not saying you look bad on other days. you look good, in fact. good as in plain and presentable, but never in a good good way and definitely not in a hot way, of course.Â
âanyway, iâm going out. receive my parcel for me if it arrives,â you move to put on your shoes, taking a few seconds to pick between the two you think would suit your outfit. for a moment, you consider asking him to help you chooseâ as you look at him up and down peripherally, and he looks terrified. and you shrug it off, grabbing one of your loafers.
âwhere are you going?â he asks after a good minute of silence, sounding calmer than earlier as he gets off the couch and walks up to you. his nose scrunches up in disapproval as your hands move to one of your jimmy choos for a brief second, before you decide to go back to your initial pick.
âdate,â he takes a moment to register your words, despite this happening many times.
a date. he scoffs softly, looking away, arms crossed.Â
a date, again. sunghoon doesnât give a fuck.Â
âwith jay,â you continue, this time with a sweet smile on your face that makes his heart flutter for some reason. maybe, he does give a fuck.Â
now, sunghoon should feel bad for his fellow friend of a friend because heâs on a date with you, but instead he wants to snap his neck in two. the name is starting to give him an ickâ jay this, jay that. youâre hanging out with jay, having coffee with jay, going on a date with jay, shopping with jay, next would be going to bed with jayâ he pauses immediately, shaking his head. he doesnât really like the sound of that.
âwhatever,â he tells himself when you walk out of that door, looking all pretty and excited. he doesnât know why heâs getting so worked up over a date, that too with someone whoâ according to sunghoon and chaeunâ is dating someone else. he would pay to see you back home all miserable and he would point fingers at you and laugh, saying he told you already while you had your conscience and rationality clogged up with the possibility of getting dicked down.Â
but that doesnât change the fact that youâre on a date with jay fucking park. and youâre looking hot.Â
he sighs, slouching back on the couch, looking outside at the bright blue skies and then sighs again. he needs to be lobotomized.
itâs three in the noon and sunghoon is drowning himself in misery and pity. and soju.
a glass after another and then another, along with two empty bottles already on the table. even the owners are giving him a weird look and heeseung can only let him ruin his reputation so much.
âthere, there,â the senior takes the half empty bottle of soju from his hand and puts it aside, sighing pitifully at sunghoon. âthatâs enough for today. you need to stop drinking,â
âheeseung,â sunghoon looks up at the guy in front of him, looking horribly pitiful, eyes a bit unfocused from the alcohol settling in his system. âdo you know yn?â
and heeseung pauses for a few moments, not knowing what prompted him to ask this question. more so when you and heeseung went to the same highschool and even were in the music club. he nods slightly in doubt, raising his glass to his lips. âof course,â
âdo you think heâs pretty?â
âof course,â
âdo you think sheâs hot?â
âof course,â it takes heeseung quite a few seconds to respond and sunghoon sort of wants to punch him in the face for agreeing because he feels a certain way when others find you hotâ but he would claim itâs soju giving him heartburns. âwhy are you even asking this suddenly?â
âshe went on a date with jay,â he responds in the most miserable and sullen voice known to mankind. his shoulders practically slouching at the mention of he-who-shall-not-be-mentioned, finger tracing the rim of the glass in front of him with incoherent whines falling off his lips.
âso what?â jake interjects, beckoning the owner for yet another bottle for soju. it was necessary, as heeseung had warned earlier while arriving at the restaurant, considering sunghoonâs impromptu text about wanting to meet up.Â
âjake, did you hear what i said? sheâs on a date with jay. park. jong. seong,â the youngest spells out every syllable, sitting up straight as he gets defensive. âshe thinks heâs madly in love with her or something but sheâs wrong! the day i went out with chaeun, i saw him with jihye and guess what? chaeun said everyone knows theyâre a thing but apparently, yn doesnât know this. iâve told her so many times that he is not worth it but she wonât understand sheâs fucking dumb oh my god,â
absolute fucking maddening silence that made sunghoon go even more insane before jake finally decides to speak, albeit in disbelief.Â
âthat monologue was unnecessary,â the foreigner pours in another glass for the three of them, filling them up completely, knowing this is going in a new direction yet a one that has been anticipated by both him and heeseung. âbesides, since when do you care about her?â
âsheâs my roommate,â
âyou like her,â heeseung exclaims, and silence follows again for a few seconds before sunghoon gasps scandalously, slamming his glass down on the table which turns a few heads in their direction as jake mutters an embarrassed apology for it.
âi donât,â sunghoon speaks in a voice much calmer than his previous tone, even leaning in towards the table to put emphasis on his words. jake pours himself another glass, scoff at his words while shaking his head mockingly which only pisses him off more.
âi knew this would happen,â heeseung continues, stating it as a matter of fact while nudging jake to pour him a glass as well. âsaw this coming from a mile away when you cried over her going on a blind date the last time you got drunk,â
he canât point out when that mustâve happened, but he doesnât refute his words, simply letting his eyes travel across the room for a few moments. the frown on his lips deepens when he meets jakeâs knowing gaze as he gets defensive once again. âiâm telling you, i donât like her,â
âyou said that about hello kitty but sheâs everywhere in your room now,â he turns his phone with the screen up when he feels jakeâs eyes on it, or particularly on the hello kitty sticker on his phone cover as the boy nudges him for another glass. âgo on, youâll need it.â
and sunghoon does, drinking more than he usually does thanks to jake filling his glass again and again for the sake of his sob story. the cab drops him in front of his apartment and he stumbles his way to the elevator. the silence sobers him out for some reason as he leans against the walls of the elevator and thinks about you.
perhaps youâre still with jay, sharing smiles and stories, kisses if youâre brave enough. he likes to think you are not, that you would chicken outâ it makes him feel better about himself. he imagines you holding hands with him and then shrugs that thought off his mind just as quickly, huffing at the bitter taste it leaves in his mouth as he walks out of the elevator once it reaches his floor.
sunghoon planned to take a shower and sleep, but every thought water downs to nothing when he spots you crouching next to the door with knees pressed up to your chest. he canât see your face, but he knows youâre sad, and it makes him stop in front of you, his heart accelerating when you look up at him with glistening eyes.
you look miserable.
and sunghoon has no reaction. heâs frozen, hands on his side as he stares at you. he was supposed to laugh at you for your stupidity. but you look so utterly sad and heart broken, god, he wants to punch jay in his throat. yet again, every single thought leaves his mind when his eyes fall back on your face, his hands instinctively opening out to you as he speaks in a voice as soft as a feather.
âletâs go inside,â
âhe said it was a bet,â you speak over the silence, fiddling with your fingers. you look up at sunghoonâ whoâs sitting with legs crossed in front of you while youâre curled up in one corner of the couch. âand that he never meant to drag it out for so long but he didnât know how to tell me,â
âa bet?â he scoffs bitterly, looking away for a fraction of a second before his eyes are back on you. âwhat an asshole,âÂ
itâs not the first time sunghoon has said that. in fact, asshole is all and the only word he uses to define jay. you still think it was a stretch, for jay isnât that bad. sure, he lied to you and played with your feelingsâ which you will never accept that you had feelings for him because you donât want to look patheticâ but he wasnât rude. well, at least he paid for all the three dates you two went on with the locations being some high end restaurants or bakeries.Â
on the other hand, sunghoon stares at you in silence. his eyes trace over your sullen face, and then to your fingers. for a second, he considers holding your handsâŠroommates can do that at least, right? to comfort one another, but then he catches you looking up at him and he averts his gaze to a distant corner. âdonât start crying now!â
âiâm not! i didnât even like him that muchâŠâ and he canât help but suppress his smile at the pout on your face as you refuse to look at him. itâs adorable, he never thought he would ever say that, but itâs true. your mannerisms are cute, youâre cute, and itâs eating his brain cells.
âis that so? you talked about him like you two were in love or something,â
âstop it!â
he stares at you quietly for a few seconds again. even though youâre being defensive out of embarrassment right now, trying to prove to him that youâre not heartbroken, sunghoon knows youâll be crying the moment youâre behind the closed doors of your room. on other days, he wouldnât care so much. not more than giving a few pats on a back and telling you to suck it up despite the concern in his voice. today, however, he feels differently.
you got played. itâs your heart thatâs broken. you feel like a fool, and yet sunghoon is sitting in front of you, trying to find words amidst awkwardness and hesitation. his heart feels heavy for you. itâs unfathomable on his part.
he suddenly remembers the day you mentioned that jay is better than him. he almost scoffs at that, again. well, you might harbour feelings for the american guy but at least sunghoon never had you holding back your tears. and he swears it would never come to that, if you ever have feelings for him because sunghoon would be a better boyfriendâ and then he comes back to his senses as soon as those words register inside his brain, cheeks heating up at the sudden thought before he clears his throat.Â
âdo you want ramen?â he manages to change the topic ever so swiftly, getting up from the couch and already walking to the kitchen without waiting for your response. apparently, getting away from you would ease his heartbeat, although hearing your voice has just as much effect on him as your presence or a mere thought of you.
âare you cooking?â
he lets out a breathy laugh at your words, getting two packs of ramen from the shelf. âof course, do you think iâd ask you to cook when you look like you went through a divorce and lost the custodies of all your three kids?âÂ
you frown at his words, although ending up laughing at them just a second later. itâs hard to not laugh at how silly he is sometimes, if you ignore his annoying tendencies. sunghoon puts the water to boil, fighting back a smile at the sound of your laughter. itâs better than seeing you all sad over a guy who doesnât deserve you.
you get off the couch as well, making your way to the kitchen, wanting to help him since he listened to your sob story. itâs quiet, and you hear slight rumbling outside as you take a quick look at the weather outside through the windows and then within a few seconds, thunder pierces through the silence hanging in the room.Â
sunghoon flinches visibly, freezing in his stance before the sound of heavy rain fills the kitchen. he turns on the electric stove and it blows out. all the lights in the apartment go out, darkness settling in and disturbed just as quickly as the room fills with bright flashes of light, illuminating your face for a short second before itâs dark again.
âwait, iâll get my phoneâ oh,â you reach out for the back pocket of your trousers, quickly get your phone and turn it on for the flash light before it powers off. âout of battery,â
he takes a blind step into the darkness when it thunders again and he notices you standing with your arms around yourself when the light surges in the room for a moment again. he hopes you wonât push him away if he puts his arm around you, but then you two bump into each other. a quiet apology finds its way out of your lips, and he can tell youâre flustered.Â
âwhere are the candles?â he asks to distract you from the fact that heâs holding your hand and pulling you aside gently, so you donât crash into each other again. your hands feel oddly warm in this cold weather, and it only flutters his heart even more.
âsecond shelf from the right i think,â your voice is interrupted by thunder again and your hands instinctively tighten around his fingers. and then a loud thud follows, causing you to gasp slightly. âare you okay?â
âi canât fucking see,â his voice is strained, oozing off pain as he lets go off your hands. you open your mouth to speak before he bumps into something again. something falls off the counter, perhaps the spoon by the sound of it and he apologises shortly after. itâs harder to navigate around his own apartment, more than he had imagined.
sunghoon manages to find the candles, setting them on the counter with pure intuition before lighting one of it up with the lighter he always carries around in his pocket. he turns around, almost bumping into you and before he could say anything, he sees you pressed up against one of the counters, face illuminated by the dim candle light.Â
youâre close, too close, heâs afraid you can hear his heart going crazy at the proximity. his mind is telling him to step aside but heâs too lost looking in your eyes, ( as you are too ) with you looking so impossibly beautiful under the faint golden glow.Â
âis this okay?â he whispers softly and you simply nod, not a word coming out of your mouth as you find yourself entranced by his face. sunghoon has always been aphroditeâs son, as his admirers would call him, and now that youâre seeing him so closely, youâre realising heâs something much more beautiful.
it doesnât slip your attention how his gaze settles on your lips for a quick second, your body tensing up at the sudden movement. your breath hitches as he leans closer, dipping his head down. your heart is racing while he feels like his heart has stoppedâ itâs timeless, as he finds himself just a few centimetres away from your lips, not wanting to stop even though he gives you a chance to pull back, whispering softly, âcan i?â
you nod. and sunghoon doesnât waste another second, capturing your lips with his.Â
itâs still at first, with your lips only pressed up together for a few seconds. itâs only a few seconds after he pulls back ever so slightly, and then tilts his head to the other side and goes in for another kiss, this time moving his lips slowly against yours. he feels you tense up for a brief while and then melting as you kiss him back, your fingers lacing around his tenderly. you flinch when it thunders again, breaking the kiss, but feeling shivers down your spine as you feel his breath on your lips.Â
he takes a few seconds, fingers ghosting up your hands to rest on your waist, tugging you closer as he brushes his lips against yours. âfocus on my lips,â
and he kisses you again, this time a bit more firmly, albeit itâs slow and gentle at first, his lips moving against yours in a way that's both comforting and exciting. but as the moments pass, he presses in deeper, more insistently. he lets his body press more firmly against yours, his chest touching yours as his tongue gently teases at the seam of your lips. it was working, the way his lips move against yours, it calms your nerves from the thunder but lights them up again when he nibbles gently on your lower lip, his fingers digging into the skin of your waist as he continues to kiss you so fervently.Â
it takes a passing second for you to realise what youâre doing. it surprises you, however not enough to pull back, or maybe the way his tongue feels against yours stops you from doing so. youâd be lying if you say you hadnât thought of kissing him beforeâ as early as two days after moving in. and now that youâre actually kissing him, everything feels like a fever dream.
he tucks your chin up with his fingers, pulling you in closer to deepen the kiss. he is a good kisser, sunghoon uses that to boast about himself, he has always been good at thisâ kissing, bragging, making your knees weak, and all you could do was melt into him wet and sloppy kisses that he plants on your skin.Â
he dips his head down to your neck, pressing sloppy, open mouthed kisses down the column of your throat, pulling your blouse aside to get a better access to your collarbones and shoulders. it felt like his body has a mind of its own, and heâs only following right behind. when a soft gasp leaves your lips, he moves back to your lips again, wanting to swallow every little sound you make that makes his mind haywire.Â
your breaths are heavy, hands around his neck with fingers grazing the skin of his nape. a movement that makes him moan softly in the kiss as he presses you against the counter, holding you between his arms. his hand that's resting on your hip moves up, tracing the curve of your waist and then sliding under your shirt to rest on your bare skin, lips curling up in a subtle smirk as he hears you gasp yet again.Â
âsunghoonââ you pull back, getting a quick glance at his half-lidded eyes when the lightning from the thunderstorm fills the room. he can still feel your laboured breathing on his lips and it does nothing but pull him in even more. after all, sunghoon would be lying if he said he didnât imagine doing this with you.
âweâll stop,â he pecks your lips, then trailing his lips down your jawline and to your neck, leaving a trail of gentle kisses along your skin. âwhen the candle goes out,âÂ
when sunghoon wakes up the next morning, heâs met with cold empty sheets on the side and the memories from last night start flooding his mind. his heartbeat accelerates at the mere thought of you, especially how you were last night and every time his name fell off your lips in bliss and pleasureâ he wouldâve preferred waking up to you rather than emptiness.Â
he lays idly for a few minutes and stares at the ceiling, looking for where it all had started. was it the day you told him jay asked you out? maybe not, he doesnât like to think of himself as a jealous person. it mustâve been when you asked for his opinion on your outfit, he tells himself, you looked too good to be true that day. a few seconds more and he sits up with a soft groan, seemingly unable to find answers to any of his questions.
the weather seems to have improved as he notices the cosy sunlight outside. he slips on this shirt before walking down to the shared bathroom, rubbing his eyes softly and brushing his fingers through his hair with a sigh. he puts his hand on the door knob and looking up in surprise when it opens on the other side.
âoh,â the slight hint of shyness on your face doesnât escape his gaze, just like how enchanting you look this early in the morning with hair wet from the shower. you bite slightly on your lower lip before the awkwardness in the air is disturbed by your voice. âmorning,â
actually, it mustâve all started the day you moved in.
âmorning,â he replies back, rubbing his nape and looking away. the weight of questions lingering around makes it hard for him to look in your eyes. âwould you like to have breakfast?â
you nod and follow him into the kitchen after making a short trip to your room.Â
you steal a few glances at him while eating your breakfast, feeling your palms sweat at the thought of bringing it up to him. you avoid it for a few minutes, tossing the question around in your head while trying to make small talks about the ketchup, as bad as it could get. it feels a bit suffocating until you finally decide to address the elephant in the room. âso about last nightââÂ
âit was a mistake,â he cuts you off immediately, a heavy pause following shortly after. he looks up in your eyes for the first time since the morning. âletâs just forget it,â
and his words leave a bitter taste in your mouth. it couldâve been just another one night stand for you had it not been with sunghoonâ your roommate, the person you see everyday, the person who managed to give you butterflies the day you moved in. your fingers tighten around the spoon and you consider arguing back for a moment before you push that idea further back in your head.
it could be just another thing added to the lists of things that have been buried, like the time you and sunghoon almost kissed in the elevator last year.
âright,â you nod quietly, convincing yourself that itâs not a big deal. that heâs just another guy in your life like jay. actually, you donât feel like wanting to compare them anymore. you donât know where the line marking the difference fades. âof course, yeah,â
you donât even like the sound of that.
you donât wait another minute before leaving your unfinished breakfast on the table and going to your room. his eyes follow your movements, conscience nudging him to chase after you. he contemplates it for a while, and then you walk out with your bag. âiâll see you after classes,â
and then sunghoon doesnât see you for the rest of the morning.
or the day, in fact. usually, you two end up bumping into each other at least once, but sunghoon doesnât see you around for the whole day. he skips spanish, deciding to go back to his apartment earlier than usual. he turns on the tv, deciding to watch a football watch with beer on the side while waiting for you. an hour passes, then another, and another.
thereâs no sign of you.
it isnât until he rings up a few of your friends that he hears that youâre staying over at giselleâs for the night. he wouldnât blame you, couldnât, not after everything that went down a night ago. you needed some space and so did he, but somewhere inside he wondered if he shouldâve been honest with you when you brought up that topic during breakfast instead of saying the first thing that came to his mind and dismissing it.
but, he dismisses it again, letting you be on your own for as long as you need, knowing youâd come back soon.
which you do, the very next day, much to his surprise. he had expected you to avoid him for at least a week. he notices the way you look when you return early in the morning, tired and exhausted as if you hadnât got a single ounce of sleep. thereâs silence engulfing him but you walk to your room before he could even open his mouth to speak. and then you ignore him for the rest of the day.
he starts feeling annoyed at some point, trying to come up with a reason for your actions. he tries striking up conversations with you and you give short responses, or just nod. when you walk away without answering him when he asked about your day, sunghoon wanted to grab your wrist and pull you back for a second, but he dismisses that idea just as soon as it pops up in his head. he doesnât even realise how quickly time passes in silence, not until he returns from heeseungâs apartment after spending two nights and one day with him and jake and checks his phone, realising itâs already close to being a week till youâre gone radio silent. he notices a few texts, mostly his study group that have been planning meet-ups to study, one that he rarely attends. his eyes especially squint in confusion at the texts from your mother, saying she had been trying to get in touch with you but getting no response.Â
he was on his way to his room when he heard the door unlock. a pause, the click of the doorknob strikes through the silence, followed by your footsteps. he takes a few seconds to sort out his thoughts before speaking. âyour mom texted me since you werenât picking up her phone,â
âmy phone died,â you give a simple response, almost too quickly for his liking. he lets his eyes follow your movements as you take off your shoes and jacket, putting it on the couch.Â
it takes him back to the day you told him about jay asking you out.Â
it was exactly the sameâ you arrived late, your phone had died. he was asking the same questions, albeit laced with annoyance. today, itâs hesitation, maybe slight doubt. sunghoon canât stop you from seeing jay, but the idea of you being with him bothers him more than expected. so, he follows up with yet another question.Â
âwhere have you been?â he asks, wanting to maintain a casual demeanour even though his heart is pounding in his chest just from being near you. he isnât expecting any response, actually, however heâs met with surprise when you actually reply.Â
âwith jay,â the words fall from your mouth as if youâre used to them, used to saying his name. thereâs an awkward pause before you clarify. âwe had dinner together. he wanted to apologise properly,â
âthatâsâ thatâs great,â he manages to squeeze out, but sunghoon thinks jay couldâve left you alone instead of meeting you if he wanted to apologise so bad.
you definitely had feelings for jay, even though they didnât go as deep for you to come home sobbing your eyes out the day you learnt the truth. to sunghoon, that is enough of a reason to hate him even more. just the mere thought of your heart sinking whenever youâd even think of jay made him fist his hands, nails almost digging in the palm of his hands.Â
sunghoon doesnât have much experience with girls. in fact, none at all. flings are one thing, and girlfriends another. he has had bothâ none too serious. the first time someone asked him out was in highschool, although heâs surprised it didnât happen much earlier. that time, just agreed to go out with her because his friends were in relationships too and he didnât want to fall behind. it wasnât soon before it turned into a competition after he got into university. not his best self, it isnât something heâs proud of now that he thinks about it.Â
and sunghoon isnât half better than jay in that aspect, although obviously not as bad as to bet on going on a date with another girl while he already has a girlfriend. however, if you had feelings for himâ as he thinks while watching you walk to your roomâ he wouldnât let a single tear fall from your lips.Â
âabout that night,â he follows you into your room, practically hearing his heartbeat echo through his ears. he gulps nervously when he notices you looking at him with a sliver of hope in your eyes. âit wasnât a mistake,â
âoh,â and you stop in your tracks, having no idea how to respond. an awkward pause follows as you bite your lower lip habitually before speaking, feigning a casual tone. âwell, we can still put it behindââ
âi donât want to,â he blurts out, cutting you off mid sentence. you notice how his voice is quiet as always, yet thereâs panic and anxiousness behind those eyes. âi mean, i tried to, but itâs difficult. youâre always on my mind,â
thereâs a silver of determination behind his voice. itâs surprising and equally anticipated. sometimes, he feels like he thinks of you every minute no matter what heâs doing. it was never this bad, these days even the regular banters between you two give him butterflies. and sunghoon understand that he might be far from your type in men. perhaps, you actually prefer someone like jay, who treat you to a fancy dinner to apologise, or maybe that guy from a few months ago who canât remember the name of.Â
you and sunghoon can be polar opposites and he would still be standing here, fingers fidgeting nervously with the hem of his denim jacket, looking so uncharacteristically out of place. he would choose to have this talk again, as much as he hates confronting, because it never about who your type is and always about the fact that youâre sunghoonâs typeâ as he realises this when you tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, looking at him with lips pressed together. you look cute, more so when youâre awkward, and he canât believe heâs coming to terms with this but god, he is falling for you.Â
he is falling hard, and falling deep. itâs nothing like him, you make him nervous, almost as if knocking him out of air whenever your eyes meet, and he would gladly suffocate to death. it was quiet with too many questions hanging above his head, and he noticed the way you fiddle with your fingers with the cutest expression known to mankind and sunghoon knew he was screwed.Â
âiâve got it so bad for you, yn, really,â âhe speaks as if heâs out of breath due to the nervousnessâ âreally bad. i tried to keep you out of here,â he said, pointing at his chest, cheeks flushing red as the words fell off his lips. âbut you wonât go, you just wonât.â
and sunghoon has never been soâŠout of place, for the lack of better words. itâs amusing, even to you, the way he is right now. the sunghoon from three weeks ago wouldnât even care but he, now, is pouring out all of himself, as if stripping him naked of his emotions and letting him see what lies behind the suave smiles and prideful words. as if showing you how easily you have him going crazy, right out of his mind and how he canât help but just stare blankly as his eyes travel down to your lips occasionallyâ as they do nowâ and it leaves you in a frenzy when you notice it.Â
âi canât stop thinking about that nightâ not in a weird way, justâŠâ and youâre just standing in front of him, trying not to laugh at his antics. heâs cute, a pause, what the fuck. and then you just go along with it, knowing thereâs no point denying it anymore now that you two are having this conversation.
you notice his little mannerisms, like how he canât look in your eyes for the life in him, how he keeps shifting his weight from one leg to the other. itâs adorable, especially the way he can have all the attention in the room with just his mere presence. thatâs sunghoon for you, with a presence so heavy itâs loud even when heâs silent. itâs so loud you can practically hear his mind, of all the words you know he wants to say but canât. thereâs a hitch in his breath, his eyes meet yours for the first time in the past few minutesâ i like youâ they say, and the next thing sunghoon knows is that youâre kissing him.Â
âi like you too,â you whisper against his lips after pulling back, your lips brushing against his. sunghoon feels like every single nerve in his body has been sparked, giving him goosebumps when you slowly intertwine your fingers with his.
of course, you know how he feels even before he could say it out loud. maybe, he just made it obvious for you to guess, otherwise sunghoon likes to think of himself as someone who can hide his feelings well. he lets go of your hands as soon as he feels you lace your fingers with his and instead, cups your cheeks ever so tenderly and leans down to capture your lips with his, smiling in the kiss. âi love you,â
ËáË : if you made it till here, i'm sending each one of u kisses >< thank u for reading, i hope u liked it. ps i had to put my heart aside and write jay's name ... never again will i put my man thru this huhu TT he's too good to do these things
#âapproved.#CANDLEIT : ì±íŒ#enhypen#enhypen drabbles#enhypen x reader#enhypen fluff#enhypen imagines#enhypen oneshots#sunghoon oneshots#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon fluff#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon scenarios#sunghoon drabbles#sunghoon headcanons#enhypen scenarios#enhypen headcanons#enhypen soft hours#enhypen angst#sunghoon angst
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wait wait wait, your requests are open for noble bell for this weekend only? (if i got that right?!) sound perfect gimme 14 of em. anywhos if i did not getting the date wrong i have one! and if i i did please just let me shrivel up and die, thank you.
post college rollo and reader who live together as âroommates.â theyâre 100% more than roommates and everyone can see it but them. rollo is probably some senator or something and insisted reader moves in with him cause he insists that since heâs making laws more just for magicless people thereâs literally no where safer for them to be. just basically some domestic fluff with two people who act like theyâre married and donât even realize it. i personally think it would be way cuter to read from the perspective of a third party but if youâre willing to write this you can do it anyway anyhow and iâll still be happy. thank you! <3
(if i got the weekend wrong i will absolutely die so please let me down gently, i am accoustic so i no no understand very basic things such as âthis weekendâ or ânext saturdayâ if the day of the week is before a saturday)
oooh a bit of a future au... this is cute

*à©â©â§âË and they were roommates
type of post: fic characters: rollo additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, kinda written from a 3rd perspective
Rollo Flamme's favoritism had never been a secret.
He might have been quiet, reserved, repressed beyond all reason, but there were some things even he couldn't hide behind his star-spotted handkerchief.
The very moment you arrived at Noble Bell College, you were his.
Rollo Flamme beheld you with a sort of reverence that could be called sacrilegious. That is to say, one had never seen idolatry until one had seen the way he looked at you, the way he touched you as if you were made out of porcelain, as if he could break you with an unclean hand and a breath.
His coldness and cordiality towards the others never changed.
For all your kindness, your smiles, your gentle touches upon his cheek that he would never have let anyone else give, you could not change him. And you did not try.
It was a tragedy in two parts.
Not that it mattered, of course. Not to you.
As far as you were concerned, the world began and end with each other. In a room full of people, mages and scholars and royalty, Rollo Flamme would still only look at you.
Nothing was confirmed. Your affection for one another was kept to lingering touches and burning glances across the long, morose hallways of Noble Bell.
If anyone had asked, and they certainly did, Rollo's handkerchief would come to sit over his mouth and he would remind them that gossip is unbecoming.
And to be decent, thank you.
Yet the rumors could never be smothered, and they lingered after Rollo's first graduation, and another, and to his seat on the Fleur City Council.
You lived with him.
You lived with him, in his family home.
And he would continue to deny anything romantic, giving the same excuse that he had since Noble Bell, that you simply had no one else to look after you, and it was his duty as a civil servant to see to your care.
Which was utter bullshit.
But, perhaps, bullshit that you both believed.
Outside of the council, it was rare to see him alone. When he went out, he went out with you. When he attended public events, you walked by his side. When he worked at home, you sat in his study, by the fireplace, as if you had always belonged there. With him.
Rollo would excuse himself from small talk and after-hour business like so:
"It's been lovely talking to you, Senator, but I'll be late for dinner,"
"Please, come by my office first thing tomorrow morning. I'm expected at home,"
"I'll have to be going, now. I have an excursion on the town tonight. With whom? Well, whom else?"
It became widely accepted, amongst his colleagues and the public, that Rollo Flamme was married. One might not have guessed, of course, from his cold demeanor, but rumors of the magicless alumni from Noble Bell that he so adored smoldered.
Rollo did not concern himself with the whispers or the knowing looks his colleagues gave each other, until a warm day in late March where a well-meaning secretary from another branch asked if he had any children.
"Children?" he had scoffed. "Why would you ask such a thing?"
The poor secretary looked like he had seen a ghost. "Well... you're married, aren't you?"
"Absolutely not. What gave you such an idea?"
And he seemed reluctant to answer.
Rollo had gone home that night with much on his mind. When you asked him if anything had happened at the council, he said "Nothing eventful".
To Rollo, who had lived in Fleur City, lonely yet not alone, for so many years without a kindling of friendship and not a thought on romance, he had never once questioned your relationship. You were his companion. His first, and last. That's all that matters.
Isn't it?
He could ask for nothing more than you. Your voice, your smile, your hands and warmth mingling with his. He was happy with you. Your friendship is enough for him.
Isn't it?
Despite what he tells himself, that night, when you sit close to him in front of the fire, reading a book he recommended simply because he recommended it, Rollo finds himself looking at you twice as much as usual.
He puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his side, and you stay there, as if you had always belonged there. With him.
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A Perfect Gift
Summary: Last minute Christmas shopping with Tim, and you can't decide what to get him. (Tim Drake x reader)
Word Count: 1.8K
Notes: Interesting posting schedule coming up- so be warned! I can't believe I didn't write more for Tim in Angstober?? Guess I'm gonna have to write him some unseasonal angst in the future.
"Come on, surely you know what to get them." You laugh at Tim as you walk along the streets of the shopping district in Gotham, hands interlocked and swinging gently. He puffs out his cheeks, shaking his head defeatedly. "I do not. That's why you're here." he argues.
"Why don't you try getting them something they don't have? Something useful?"
"Babe. They're Waynes. There is not a single thing here that they need or haven't already bought themselves." he points out with a sigh, his blue eyes flicking over the boutique mannequins as you walk past.
You hum. "That's true." you say as you reach a hand out to pick some snow from his hair, the soft white powder beginning to fall from the sky once again. It had snowed earlier in the day, leaving everything in a blanket of white, but in true Gotham fashion it had turned to brown icy sludge within hours. "It just means that we need to find something that they didn't know they needed."
With a tug on his hand, you pull him into a store, bell ringing softly as you entered the warm display room. Little did Tim know that you were looking for something for him as well. He had been teasing you since the start of the month, saying that he had already picked out something for you and that you were going to love it. You had responded almost immediately, competitive and determined to get him an equally good, if not better, gift. However now it was only a few days before Christmas, and you were still empty handed. Not only that, but it was also going to be your first Christmas with the Waynes. Your family had decided to have a location Christmas, opting to try out a warmer Christmas for once and escape the cold grasp of Gotham. You had been invited, but who could refuse spending a Christmas with Tim?
You caught a glimpse of him from the corner of your eye, studying his expression. He was chewing his lip between his teeth, eyes scanning the store anxiously. It was almost like you could hear the gears in his head turning, trying to scan for something that his brothers and sisters would like. You decide it's time to strike, pulling him in further with you.
"See anything you like?"
His eyes flick to you, but he only hums low in his throat. "I don't think Jason would like anything here. Dick might, but I don't know his sizes. And that watch over there," he points to one in a display. "I was going to get Bruce that, but Duke said he already got it for him. If we check the women's I might find something for Steph or Babs, Cass would probably not like anything from that section, it's not really her style. Oh, but Stephanie will probably get offended if I pick clothes and get it wrong, so definitely not that-"
You sigh as he rambles, the stress in his eyes resurfacing. You try to trace the store where he looks, hoping to catch sight of something that he looks at for more than three seconds.
The first store is a bust for you both, and you venture back into the cold.
You always had trouble with giving Tim gifts. Really, what could you buy for the son of a billionaire who had everything he could ever want? It seemed like the amount of trouble Tim was having with his family was the exact same issue you were having with him. You let out a sigh, anxiety building in your chest.
When you and Tim had first met, you weren't even sure if he liked you. You were study partners in university, who weren't even taking the same classes. Was sharing the same table at the same time in the library considered a first date? You couldn't even call it the talking stage, considering the library was pin silent at all times. If anything, the talking was done through small smiles and tiny nods. His first present to you had been before you had even been dating.
You had rocked up to the library for the new semester to pick up your textbooks and pay off the balance for it, only for the librarian to tell you that someone by the last name 'Drake' had come in earlier to pay for his and your own. Shocked you had piled them into your arms, not knowing who your mysterious donor was until you saw the sticky notes and familiar scribble on top. "Hope to see you around again this semester- Tim Drake.'
You had dated shortly into the new semester, and since then he had been the perfect gift giver. Six-month anniversary he got you an engraved tag pendant with the names of your close family members that lived outside of Gotham, after you had told him how you wished you could see them more. In comparison you had saved up for a watch that cost you around $200, and you had been really proud of it.
Yet that was crushed the first time you went to his place, and you saw the watch box of luxury timepieces, all engraved with nice messages. Most of them were from Bruce, but there was a nicely worn one (clearly a favourite) signed off by Alfred. Since then, you had felt this low embarrassment whenever he wore the watch you gave him. Despite your gentle protests he never took it off, even if it didn't go with his outfit that night or glinted garishly in the flash of the paparazzi camera. So, this time, you wanted something perfect.
As the evening drew on you had managed to help him get the perfect gifts for everyone, his arms slowly filling with shopping bags. You had suggested getting Haley something and gifting to Dick, so you had gone to a pet boutique and bought a new black and blue collar, with a sturdy lead to match knowing how strong she could be at times. You couldn't help but throw a scarf in there for her too.
Damian (who Tim was begrudging to get a gift for but still didn't want to leave him out) received some treats for Titus alongside a set of new sketching pencils since the youngest Wayne had been running out, yet too busy as Robin to refill them just yet. You both had taken a decent amount of time trying to remember what brand he liked, knowing that there would be a barbed backhanded comment coming your way if you didn't get the right ones.
Jason got a new leather satchel that would fit nicely on his bike and was weather proofed. You didn't expect more than a gruff thanks aimed in your direction, considering his aloofness (you weren't sure if he wasn't a fan of you in particular or if he was just uncomfortable being in the manor in general). But you snuck a notebook in there when Tim wasn't looking, hoping to win over the gruff brother.
'For when you have late stakeouts' you had written on the front, signing your name after. 'So, you can put down your writing, so you don't forget it.'
Duke got a new box of booster packs for the card game he was collecting, and thankfully your university friend let you know that the new series had just landed, meaning there was a good chance that Duke hadn't gotten his hands on it yet. Cass was given a year's membership to the Gotham City Art Gallery, which also allowed her to go late at night with fewer members of the public if she wanted a quieter experience. Steph and Barbara got given gift packs from the spa they often visited together, as well as a bottomless brunch in the new year at their favourite cafe. Alfred had been tricky, but you suggested a new tea set for his personal use. It was simple, white with very little flourishes, but you had gotten his name printed in fine gold on the teacups. Something that belonged only to him.
Then it had been trying to find something for Bruce himself. You had gotten stuck with that yourself. The most you had been able to do was settle for a nice handwritten card from the both of you, alongside a vintage bottle of port. Bruce could buy that himself a thousand times over if he wished, but it was the thought that counted, right?
Despite the thoughts that 'counted', you were still lost on what to get Tim for Christmas. You had run through everything in your mind, and everything he looked at. Yet his face was mostly indifferent as he focused on shopping for everyone else, making it near impossible for you to gauge his interest in things. Finally, as you were headed back to the pick-up spot so he could call Alfred, you dug your heels into the pavement. He bounced back lightly, your joined hands stopping him from going any further.
"Are you okay?" he asks, bags bouncing in his arms.
"What do you want for Christmas?" you ask bluntly. The stress was reaching its peak, surprising him be damned. You don't know you could face the embarrassment in front of everyone if you got him something that he didn't like. Tim tilts his head, eyebrows pinching together.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," you take a deep breath. "What do you want? there's not much I can give you that you canât get yourself, or that the others aren't going to give you. So, what's one thing that I can give you that others can't?"
He takes a moment before putting the bags down on the ground and giving you a soft smile. He wraps his arms around your waist, tugging you lightly. "You."
your heart thuds at the proximity and the tenderness in his voice, his eyes searching yours. "And not in that way. I just want to spend Christmas with you. Make that house feel more like a home. Make the manor a little less haunted. That's all I could ever ask from you, silly."
he bumps his forehead against yours, making you chuckle breathily. His lips graze across yours lightly, but before you could lean forward there was a honk of Alfred arriving.
Tim pulls back, leaning down to grab half of the bags while you grabbed the others. "Come on," he gestures with a tilt of his head. "You can join us for dinner. Alfred makes the best Sunday roast."
As you watched him slide into the car, the ball of worry dissipated in your chest. You settled on a gift for him.
If home is what he wanted, then surely a locket of you two would be a portable sanctuary.
#messenger of babel#fanfic#dc comics#dc fanfic#dc#dc x reader#tim drake#tim drake x reader#tim drake x you#red robin x you#red robin#dc robin#robin tim drake#timothy drake#riri's christmas special#twelve days of christmas#christmas countdown#red robin x reader
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Iâve seen a lot of talk about how JK loves Jimin in the show, many have pointed out all the things he says and does for Jimin. But what does Jimin do for JK? How did we see him love Jk in the show because Iâm struggling to see it and hate that.
You mean apart from claiming him?

Coz anon, letting the world know a person is yours kinda goes to show Jimin loves the hell out of JK... hard enough to announce to everyone, but okay. If u want us to look at a few instances then we shall...
I gotta say though, not seeing how Jimin loves JK is wild. But, let's proceed.
I personally still can't get over Jimin waxing himself for JK. Its giving, amazing boyfriend who knows what his man likes đ

I'm sorry but that is so gay
Alright anon. To really start us off, is the reason why AYS exists in the first place.

We saw JK missing Jimin here and Jimin missing JK here. So Jimin doing this did not surprise me at all. I mean, we all remember he's it done before in 2019, so he's a grand gestures type of boyfriend. Wbk đđ„ș I mean, man did say he would travel to the moon for JK. Literally.
So yeah, that's Jimin for ya. The guy who you can't seem to see just how much he loves JK đ€Šđœââïž Moving on... so they decided to play RPS

Jimin wins and what does he do?

That's right. The rule of the game is to pick what you want first and eat that. But no, Mimi knows his baby loves to eat so even though he won, he finds out first what JK wants.
They play again, Jimin wins and once again,

He offers JK first.
Makes you wonder what the point of this game is atp đđ but Jimin will always put his man first and that's on fax. Cue editors pointing it out for you anon;

Still you missed it... smh.
When he allowed a probably tired JK to rest on his shoulder.

How cute was that? It reminded me of this:

Jimin doesn't love JK you say? Let's continue âș

JK is special. We've known this for years. Jimin has always given JK that special treatment and has never even tried to hide it.
This post would feel incomplete if we didn't talk about their none existent hyung/dongsaeng dynamic.

Not me going into bedroom territory and cackling at the fact that JK probably loves to rile up top Jimin. đ€đ€
Ahem. Moving on swiftly đ to this other sweet moment.

i.e Jimin giving up his seat for JK.
And you who is reading this saying that aint a big deal... umm, I beg to differ??? They were filming something that was gonna be viewed by millions so of course one wants to look their best. And JK knew this which is why he asked Jimin about his best side in the first place. So yeah, this was a very sweet thing Jimin did for JK.
Jimin is a really nice person. You know? Like, Jikook aside, this dude is the real deal.
Jimin supporting JK's music. Standing next to you especially đ but I also loved when he sang hate you. That was awesome. And don't forget SEVEN too.
Last but definitely not least (due to maximum image space) Right in the beginning anon, the show opens with Jimin being super worried about JK's voice.

Jimin is not even subtle with how he treats and loves and dotes on JK.
I'm struggling to see it and I hate that.
Anon I can't believe you. Struggling? With Jimin of all people? Just for that I'll be coming back with a part 2. Hope these moments ring some bells for ya
#ask shaz#bts ask#jikook#kookmin#minkook#jimin and jungkook#park jimin#jeon jungkook#jikook are you sure#are you sure jikook#jimin#jungkook#bts
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choi jiung keeps sending you voicemails every now and then idol!choi jiung x non!idol fem reader warnings i donât think there are any genre voicemails i saw @kisseobie say they barely see jiung posts so here i am reporting for duty
âyouâre probably at work or asleep since i lost track of the time difference , but man i miss you⊠getting my makeup done right now, hold on⊠i need to sneeze..- oh bless meâ
âi hate being far away from you, especially over seas but we have our jingle bell performance tonight, i wish youâd be here to see me i miss your pretty face in the crowd, i gotta hang up, i love you and text me when you hear thisâ
âhey my love, itâs me again. i know i was at your place earlier but i just wanted to let you know that i left you some money on the counter in the kitchen, had to leave for practice and couldnât get you anything for breakfast, iâm sorryâ
âmake sure to eat something and drink enough water, we are having dinner all together later and the boys asked me to bring you as well, so iâll pick you up at six, see you later and i love you, text me if you need anythingâ
âwe won⊠we won first place at the music showcase. right when we got backstage you were the first person i could think about so i had to call you, even though youâre at work right now. i canât believe we made it.. after all those years we finally did it..â
âkeeho distracted me, i forgot iâm still on the phone.. i-itâs unbelievable i canât even explain how i feel right now but wow. get ready for a lot of crying later, i love youâ
âi can see you from up here, itâs cute seeing you interact with other p1ece, no no donât look up, stop. yes thatâs better, keep talking to them, iâm just gonna watch you from here, you will laugh your ass off when you hear this oneâ
âactually, do you laugh when you hear most of my voicemails? should i switch to texts instead? jongseob told me that you sometimes wiggle your brows when you listen to my voicemails, you find me that attractive? okay i better stop, ill see you insideâ
âcome get your boyfriend, he is annoying- taeyang give me my phone back, who are you talking to? oh god youâre done forâ
âwhat did taeyang say? he didnât say anything bad did he? iâm sorry if he did, i should really send voice messages instead so i can hear what i said or someone specific said. if looks could kill, taeyang would be dead right now. i love you, iâll pick you up from work laterâ
âiâm in the mall right now, and i found this super cute tshirt i already bought it for you.. yah, donât come for me when you see the t-shirt cause itâs so cute, itâs custom made. âi love my boyfriend choi jiungâ with a picture of my faceâ
âi thought youâd perfectly blend in with p1ece at some concerts if you wear that, they wouldnât suspect a single thing, this has me giggling, okay more like laughing. let me send you a picture of it, okay doneâ

âiâm such an idiot sometimes, iâve just send this long voicemail to keeho, took me like 7 minutes to realise that i was speaking on his voicemail instead of yours.. so iâm keeping this one short.â
âiâm on my way to your apartment, iâm gonna pick you up and we can go to the little cafe you like going to a lot, eta in about five minutes, i forgot your key so could you let me in please? thank you love, bye byeâ
#rockstarhaechan#p1harmony x you#p1harmony#p1harmony x reader#p1harmony fake texts#p1harmony fluff#p1h fluff#choi jiung#jiung x reader#p1h jiung#jiung#jiung imagines#jiung fluff#jiung scenarios#p1h x reader#p1h imagines#piwon fluff#piwon imagines#piwon x reader#piwon
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