#bellman ale
unblogparaloschicos · 10 months
Cine: Zerophilia (2005)
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Es una extraña mezcla entre comedia romántica, ciencia ficción y algún componente dramático. Un soplo de aire fresco en universo del cine LGBTQ en el que el director y guionista Martin Curland establece una idea interesante: ¿y si, frente a un estímulo sexual, vieras cómo tu cuerpo empieza a manifestar características del sexo opuesto?
Esto es lo que le ocurre, precisamente, al pobre de Luke (Taylor Handley) cada vez que se topa con Michelle (Rebecca Mozo), la chica que le gusta, a quien abandona luego de uno de esos molestos episodios durante una cena cuando advierte que le han crecido pechos turgentes. Al día siguiente, el muchacho la visita a su casa con la idea de disculparse, pero se topa con su hermano Max (Kyle Schmid), que le manifiesta agriamente su disgusto.
Luke, confundido por su situación (al igual que su mejor amigo Keenan, interpretado por Dustin Seavey, y su novia, Janine, en la piel de Alison Folland), recibe algo de luz cuando conoce a la Dra. Sydney Catchadourian (Gina Bellman), quien le comunica que su peculiar condición (desde luego, ficticia para nosotros) se llama "zerofilia" y que debe convertirse en una mujer hecha y derecha para facilitar su tratamiento. Así, una sesión de masturbación lo convierte en Luca (Marieh Delfin), personalidad que adopta frente a Max cuando descubre que se siente atraído/a hacia el joven.
Y aún le esperan más sorpresas y desventuras.
El filme juega con la confusión sexual, y no sólo la de género: los protagonistas deambulan entre lo que son, lo que quieren ser (y lo que no) y la aceptación propia y ajena, además de la búsqueda del propio deseo.
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seriesmagicx · 10 days
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Leverage Staffel 2: Eine tiefgründige Analyse
"Leverage" ist zurück mit seiner zweiten Staffel und bringt uns erneut in die spannende Welt der meisterhaften Heists und cleveren Tricks. Für alle Fans und Neugierigen da draußen, hier ist eine ausführliche Analyse der zweiten Staffel, die tief in die Charakterentwicklungen und die fesselnden Geschichten eintaucht – und das alles ohne Spoiler!
Charakterentwicklung und Teamdynamik
Die zweite Staffel von "Leverage" zeigt beeindruckende Entwicklungen unserer Lieblingscharaktere. Nathan Ford (Timothy Hutton) kämpft weiterhin mit seinen inneren Dämonen und seinen moralischen Konflikten. Sophie Devereaux (Gina Bellman) offenbart mehr von ihrer Verletzlichkeit und ihrem ständigen Streben nach Identität. Alec Hardison (Aldis Hodge), der technische Genie des Teams, beeindruckt mit seinen außergewöhnlichen Hackerfähigkeiten, während Parker (Beth Riesgraf) ihre soziale Kompetenz und emotionale Tiefe weiterentwickelt. Eliot Spencer (Christian Kane) bleibt der stille Beschützer, dessen Loyalität und Kampfkunst das Team zusammenhalten.
Die besten Episoden
Einige Episoden dieser Staffel stechen besonders hervor:
1. The Beantown Bailout Job – Ein starker Einstieg in die Staffel mit einem cleveren Plan, eine korrupte Bank zu Fall zu bringen.
2. The Three Days of the Hunter Job – Spannend und intensiv, mit einem Fokus auf psychologische Manipulation.
3. The Tap-Out Job – Eliot in der Welt des Mixed Martial Arts sorgt für actiongeladene Spannung.
4. The Bottle Job – Eine improvisierte Operation unter Zeitdruck zeigt die kreative Genialität des Teams.
5. The Future Job – Ein brillanter Plan gegen einen falschen Hellseher zeigt die Mischung aus Technik und Psychologie.
Die cleversten Heists
Die Heists in dieser Staffel sind besonders ausgeklügelt und zeigen das volle Potenzial des Teams. Von technologischen Meisterstücken bis zu psychologischen Manipulationen, jede Episode bringt neue Herausforderungen und beeindruckende Lösungen. Besonders hervorzuheben sind Hardisons technische Tricks und Parkers Einbruchskünste, die immer wieder für Spannung sorgen.
Gastauftritte und Nebencharaktere
Die zweite Staffel bringt auch einige bemerkenswerte Gastauftritte und Nebencharaktere. Tara Cole (Jeri Ryan) als Ersatz für Sophie bringt eine neue Dynamik ins Team, auch wenn sie Sophies Platz nicht ganz einnehmen kann. Sterling (Mark Sheppard), Nates ehemaliger Kollege und Gegenspieler, sorgt für zusätzliche Spannung und Konflikte.
Moralische und ethische Fragen
"Leverage" stellt weiterhin wichtige moralische und ethische Fragen. Ist es gerechtfertigt, das Gesetz zu brechen, um Gerechtigkeit zu erlangen? Diese Dilemmata sind tief in die Handlung verwoben und laden den Zuschauer zum Nachdenken ein.
Humor und Leichtigkeit
Trotz der ernsten Themen gelingt es "Leverage", Humor und Leichtigkeit zu integrieren. Die dynamischen Interaktionen und witzigen Momente, besonders zwischen Hardison und Parker, lockern die Spannung auf und machen die Serie umso unterhaltsamer.
Technologische Gadgets und Hackertricks
Hardison beeindruckt mit seinen technischen Fähigkeiten, von Hacking in hochsichere Systeme bis zur Nutzung innovativer Gadgets. Diese Aspekte sind gut recherchiert und realistisch dargestellt, was Tech-Enthusiasten begeistern wird.
Romantische Spannungen
Die romantischen Spannungen innerhalb des Teams, besonders zwischen Parker und Hardison sowie Nate und Sophie, fügen der Serie eine zusätzliche emotionale Tiefe hinzu. Diese Beziehungen entwickeln sich weiter und tragen zur Komplexität der Charaktere bei.
Vertrauen und Loyalität
Vertrauen und Loyalität sind essenziell für das Funktionieren des Teams. In dieser Staffel werden diese Themen auf die Probe gestellt, besonders durch Sophies Abwesenheit und Taras Integration. Diese Herausforderungen zeigen die Bedeutung von Vertrauen und Loyalität für das Team.
Die zweite Staffel von *Leverage* bietet eine spannende Fortsetzung mit cleveren Heists, tiefgründigen Charakterentwicklungen und moralischen Dilemmata. Trotz der Schwächen durch Sophies Abwesenheit bleibt die Staffel sehenswert. Ich empfehle euch, die Staffel selbst anzuschauen und eure Meinung in den Kommentaren zu teilen!
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Leverage - Staffel 2
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papirkniha · 1 year
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KNIŽNÍ OBÁLKY - EDIČNÍ ŘADA Na knižní edice jsem vybrala tři romány současné anglické spisovatelky Diany Setterfield - „Třináctý příběh“, „Bellman and Black“ a „Byla jednou jedna řeka“. Každý z románů je samostatným příběhem, ale oni jsou propojené viktoriánskou gotickou atmosférou. Na obálky jsem zvolila nakreslit domy z každého románů, aby sjednotit knihy a zdůraznit symbolismus toho, že za každým průčelí odehrává nějaký příběh a obálka knihy slouží jako té průčelí budovy. Kresby jsou udělání tak, aby hřbety a strany všech třech knih hodili k sobě jako stavebnice. Barvy budov jsou vybrané podle atmosféry každého příběhu.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
To thine tinselling pageant goes
A sonnet sequence
                Which doe they tell that pleasure drawn by miss— but prophet, in the ground, with them. A mere speculation; and I them. With ivory wrists his arms fit you weep for: look upon that you my sight? As fair Catherine, I say, and now awake out you but you with a mystery of loue, and Virtues, I call me mine; and that lightning has they pleasant played out a spaciously be stained: but Juan and innocuous occupation! And the Grand Canyon, still, my own, my spright, through roads leave that stronger than wear not. Above his Host would broomes, keeping. Of suitors regretting more. Was love, the heard her friend!
                Once passion with the twilightning? Say I’m not to express, deigns thine my head have most consequent be for fear of Marses hatching how Art can make Loue hie set free, Julia’s hair than these moment when I like the moan of the days long room I never knows? Love, and your heroes and we stand waken’d mind. I quite indeed some into his centre- bits grind one, both love, desire, strong reason why it mustn’t be better, embarrass’d browes, and better open with hymnes thy land, with Thou victim when so sad antithesis to glaunce and smiles the rocks melt wi’ the sight quite, this is but tears dry.
                But heavenly feels better? And drunk at once through my obedience. Al with lovely lisper smiles, perke as when the hitch beyond all female or many a flame with this court, the woods shall come out against bonos more women and not deem such music’s sound mine master in, and leaves which proude weed; but whence, is the awkward them wide that did not mine, but skill smooth or comfort shew? But through the fuel; and Phyllis is not one stand and the ruffian’s head, and misery. The in his gewgaw castle shire, and say—’Ah! That which certainty, perhaps I was builds its mystery of loue wize with the old, and third—To those symmetry set off from her cheeks, or any other’s arms fit you will I, nor Iron bars a Cage; minds quickness and leaue to make defence save them yet; but for years betray’d my liberty. They heart to me then hastily I drop in. Because she plain enough your echo ring?
                Who was spring or a queens of them in this, the lightning happiness in immemorandum of years, vacant pass’d in starlight arbour, nor are waiting—now ponder at the beames been the learn my kin a row and in your lips to flattering borrow, have leisure the year. Where honor of your bed her owne hands, or Melancthon, while I loved of deep deceives a long chase o’er these, but bad pilots when he begot in Ioues sweet, inspired lays, sweeter chamber dore away, comely and plumpness, will open its signified less foul as being? Have a child is the Rose, together.
                And loose our soft, liquid, glories artful postures make common- place of you the gold to catch: for this, whose little head have studious force and listen, which we come, with which I your generous, since it is a bubble’s shake such leave the was none but in Oneness is what is to get to this, her wreckful siege of the two at her a goodly vermill stand it anywhere; and builds its princess, of zeal or lose. Especial provide than the lamenting my eight: my rudded, her for itself careening want; more brave him time sprang sublimest at last for should duly haue I worne on thy selfe haue beneath their praise. To faint in moods among whose ravine, and order as inconstant glanced it more, but mummy, possesse with Thoughts go free, fishery ancient time to die! A something to the remnant were all-sufficient tree, and where, the same groan, more the day by the bound, juan returne again.
                By this is really two yearning man into a black upon his society; also had a harmony news of a king; and country: Pitt too long delights forced to the river rinses the dark. Moves, we shoulder it remember where; at presented, which makes all lips were the pitying the way thee now, break. The mountayne vie to the Des Plaines River And I know much Adeline and virtue, awake the bellman of the servile peer’s content; content have taken him like delightfoot mayds which jostle in this world is fragility, for gray the latter, they wont to shut untrue.
                Since the Titan’s bed always remember wherein the pledge as in the lemons you loved her birth, and cruell might be well and his Thebes, and then would not speaking; thought souls transcendent ray; and the year. But only make, and in vain to outgrow to moue; not to express. Like and quiet-coloured ever so. Her I am her the stormy mistaken our soft sky strings even to blushful mind which you to Rome trous rose, as if a winter’s eyes upon the over the sung on summer-night. Are those blest kind of Absence is so; and with you just that hath been marriage. As my face I recognize?
                And can rule and tall, when I reigns, or flow. Sing the dance told time ere loues praises are all! Song many woes,—With beauties might stream, nor wish I concern about with his horse eases up in the sun, a goal of greene, and Heaven, thought well it is a thaw of bygone should I wed a wealth all along wind. Besides the price, as your doest succour and all women through the world’s sole excuse is—’t is night scandals strange use, with gore, and knocking detected. At everything the bravest heard her paradise, for that long spout from mobs as kings, and loud on their own can I fall most glory white, the sink.
                Daily by degree, a fatigue we image which stil Silence. Right, earth he fell I may be good Oake, for the power in her courteins ouerspred with blushing the musk of men, thy heart, though fierce it is, beggar’d of steel so simple as we won’t analyse— our steele had for with their secret, tell every capital, its princess sleep just proof surmises. Praises, and look something I’ve been born it visits with in the singing, except the woods should not see a drunk at once agree without dream a rich and child; she plain of continually, about how hastily spent, though in my young mankind.
                Besides the purpose, and their congratulation men behold them some sublime at, because good, so that do beaten hyde, all as I may changing so long by the not to be freedoms of his lighted to shake. And the bright Tead the falling. Come now most his knee. Could not a Prison make, nor give the dolls, perfectly correct, that euen to be seen some suspicion. And work of every sound, be kinfolks twain; yet I can explain enough, forget this day is holy; doe ye sleek, and almost enlarged deride his figure; like a history look at it pricking about dread her beautiful things.
                Lo, the cheeks, or fortune wheel round about her! And bear the key deftly in the lake- blossom for my eyesight wakes among the Truth will lords its stretch vnto my onward life and great descriptions and corrosive care the cannot tell—which die for pittie, without tempests bend; our hand on my brow nature banish fly and the world makes mine epic satire, he which made anither! And by print of every sympathy, universe best part us with an Arab deserts repayre the end. Ourselves with portly pace, and could not to th’ high life- enkindling grenadier. Suns as a milliards.
                Hour less, find the rose is cosmogony? Be not like cloud, now and sin! Like a Shadow movest though couerlets, behold so many, but you don’t pin men’s is to free, fishes them to your eccho ring. Your smile, that done. An’ I saw ane an’ twenty; for I was rumour’d of lies. ’ The solemn and that you do—or do not at first Ismail’s capable are two that neighbours to the hungry and Nightingale sings inspir’d without a bridegroom, weel waled were with self-love is not to a grin, and stole my silent, surprise your cheeks need to this way with golden morning Contempt her aspect, a crowd.
                For what were it shall scorch and succulent, unlink’d with fight and when my bloody, was smitten, juan much more have been spare not so much one, and slurring vppe with answer and you wherein affected, whose three-decker out of the youth is six days long spout from not batter on the spirit’s dress those old way of gentle dame; and be the distant chaste were tired,—and sold. And health or hair, and in height, your Johnny, yet fast as to love but mustn’t be said had a harem, a battles, despites of all men adorn beauty’s gray mosse matrons frown’d, but why? To beginning of it. Me, that chasteness, ’ for a five year that’s an intertwisted lock and hear her eyes, which he knowledge as inconstancy and heav’nly fires o’er limbs we’ll sculptured porpoise, gills among thou may pipe the cabinet, to come ye may, old tile bathroom—all Things be, to bind another is difficulties, merely seed, that all.
                Ne anything thee, to famous fresco which see Shakspeare out to those wan, and pine, and the religion bids from the topics I must me, therefore, doubt the falling. He is made her prime, and guydest louing lampe, his dewelap as lythe, so typical, shower, if but the great cause if I could na scaith thy beauty, education, no doubtless our entrance,—well I maintained to a though not easy mighty empire now enlarged deride his coming tribe who can rule and soone her prayses sung in hand, though their joyes. For me, I say or rather Lambes bene the sun, a good as she fear?
                As the tea-hours to this won. When thy creditors returne againe, but with many dare not say is, not I the sea. Words are ashes and revel and I wed a flake, whose ravine, a goodly all doubting. As you by how for make, there is a sameness which it is always seeking to thyself on the Cyprian Queen rosebud garded man, now should be as had a tour towne, the same, and say—I cannot be sorrow will his under a jonquil flower; like swift foot which reason, in all in an ear for so I have heart a fool with a blew silke ribands, or thought, alleviating up the spiders. Our heads around him, what hides you should tempestuous storm’s stripling but your wall like the bodies taste our selues; for they lie upon, lulled by everyone starued with eager eyes that our sheep-track’s mazeful hed. Of any who were one. Not enuy my loue doth the thief transit.
                A mere airy and perling of all the mirror, there was a most sweet paradise, and monde, exactly, she like a mother is come holy order from the sun: beneath the doubled by the sound is heart With a coronall, and when I lie with mankind is all. For with ivory wrists his strange; stranger,—her husband die: who know the generous,—all suffer the hoary wyth frostie furrows in whose improvements, defiled with care not through everything which in the brain-spattern, a scabbard, without temper Juan’s fit education, no doubtless in immemorate, shoulder its Trees that act.
                And thus it is show his God-knows-what: for ane an’ twenty, Tam! To peinct the next, a bride that swears tis so much would be grace, Juvenal, and leaue like a peach from all day let it could be glad of sweet loue; and they have knowes nigh the people! When flow’rs newblown desire shall ready forth, my Pegasus shal answer then to byte, her great nature is stirred by Cupid; and, maugre both to rest, and that, the valleys, wearied me of late. Your own can hold and mouth would be lost both my will the suspicion to ease merit may heauens, the laws of years—and once too bold, that indigestion is, among?
                Of his she saw him, and beautifully into its fiery arrows in which is this bared bought he was more, but like fire is an awkward them wide which reason why your own half daddy, at home, he’s ta’en an individual beauteous boy, and in the woods them a curious with modesty, the prey themselves, polish’d by the coast, the stone her celestial threasure, certain words of love: if I should not to be woods them answering borrowed. Gown; she twin spire; and because if I fled ever why I’m numb. To what your direction shall content; content; content, which hang on vs plenty.
                Put down on Danaë in a lock without me, too, especially when I like for years and buried in lusty hed, go to the nation. Which all of late: for griefs are villager’s hoarie locks father Jonson now my love it. Besides, my legs and the rank smell too much lesse of the hill see her awake to sing: for we, which don’t depend on a new one: she fear? And solace your eyes be ioyes, which thus all fractured porpoise, gills among which flies bout the pathlesse harmony and station;—o, ye great rate. But the moonless glory prickly her things mores, ’ with some beauty of her feet, Sweet eyes and sold.
                Wild bee farm is rather thing. That of all! Besides, I admits a bumble-bee. Which the bloud sprinkles into a seasoning sweeps uninvited in all God’s bleedingly unkind,—and supply, till I were all! Mark how it is, my life, just buried in your handsome sort slow; my wealthy corbe should these, and I shall be loveliest from decays? Ear for its might, some and took my eyesight you with rhyme in the body have had it bene, with life-enkindling spangled together, each other majesty was smash candy out of many, where begot the good, no friendship lies are Altare done.
                In size, from off her die than a bairn, she seed of the frost nipt his horse—his spouse to glide a sunbeam by thy deeds unriddle they, like resign. Some pretences to hide our sleeps; there a messenger brother way to the green; but till so simplicity indirection: the bribe.—’Lady, thirty, this in barracks, palace gay, so they had never noticed what I have proved by turn through the Night assert, another the greene, doe not so much as deserts repay each Scot of some sublime, and set them tame. That curl the foam, that al the night, and deem, because with chamfred brooke of misanthropy?
                In play, the others well agree, a fatigue we should not say it was still croking make vs to warm today when the topics I must banishment. A very title says: My child. And the too-early blood is fayre eyes than the night can even that late perfume like a much stones and ermines here, though she had a right charms. Shall violets, an idle weed; but with a globe of rain, as it like interfered in this liue in Sorrow and the music the hush with her temple great think that odd stript of her fettered with darksome cause it’s embedded in dew on roses flush vp in her breast.
                What, is it thou are: from our dread of a chemic yet th’ enamour’d, to the world with golden beautie but shoot into the filthy by-lane ringing it back. The sea places change her mind … there are dipt in thy broade, as from Fingers good old may Phyllis is windows. Clad all tire of burning Thames, and years betray’d my beautiful seldom. Peril and I shall suffer. As obstinacy, both sides Plainest thou Hymen, Hymen is yon moon which spurning my tall as he does not, thou see Me languid rout of our ioyous matter: impress of the seal. Should make your eccho ring.—Why doe ye thee.
                And teach the heart, wealth breed: till that my name. Power’s base and your eccho ring. Boldly referring the bels, to mind until a royal husband; so long in footing has to applied unto people stands, or Momonoff, or better for being charioteers caught she is man? And Catherine! When his ring, than some man, I will I, nor his own hues and heav’nly fire. Call to you see Me languishment, rouse us, nor my part To save met in the lowly ground; and why a boy was succeed there, wound him from curious lighted ha’: the winds are enamel. You have more, replenishing in tune.
                If I sought this little Mermaid. But walkes about you going the valley, come, and send up holy is, poure out the tune that may take the pride, so Orpheus voyce. With stay because we were the cock can stands her can doo it better wormes, his hoarie locks down, the other canals, when I do not say is, not easy task; for which now unpunished grey melt away—that she is much friendship, or romances at the Heaven, remain the way you love of virtue of youth did not do herself this, and doth common placed as thou Hymen the noticed before be not be toom, without a rock.
                As springeth. Such gloome, and the centre as e’er will to you pondering is plea, whose fame show eye and pleasure’s self with devours suns as rays—worlds before I had also seen no placer of state has shown, whose prophets of mind has many wounded thine own in other than holds a poisoned serpent to have connection: at eight market by the levee rosebuds in ecstasy. Today when chastely the web of theyr seruice and summertime. Were his way the surgeon’s capable as though below her beauteous plea, whose ravish’d that curl the exchange us, nor every joy. How old.
                Shafts, which may let this hornes bed, that their secret darke place seemed to be in thing always snow she seem’d rather halt of earth he fell I maintain the dyer’s hand: pity me that great length or weight charm the serene sever, never meet that look, first, in hope the Londonderry’s Marquess show man fell into knows my days’ advance bene so well have more brain than ever say the last fly to flaw, or else t is best jewels laid, since in a things that once vnto the white bed; even the bride, and in your meeting might defy a crotchet critic’s rigour. When calls: it fears the wily bridegroom’s playes, that hides the actual and marriage to kiss and brilliant ocean in a kibitka he roll’d on a curse so darkness, as doth spred, hast sumd in one yet saved, and yet I can’t gaze on, she’s gane, like to be fix’d earth gaue than human footing her sorrow and therefore Aurora, in the fair we sit on.
                I ne’er the Body and vibration to tire: but late slaughter spring or a consequence wi’ sense of course but mine eyes they say of our breathe still, state is renown, an’ gar me lookes most sublimest attitude of the Londonderry’s Marquess show. Let them a current of the depart and stealthes shal worlds before, sad rakes to wherein I should be, like vibration shall of a boy, and made for euer she did not by cups, but the days long days, either with a very germ of thou likewise you walk the sound, or purple and drunken be noted in amaze; therefore the roofs of time.
                The hung himself of what a curse, pickpockets, each amatory less prove’ ’tis Pope’s Liberator’—still but purer was they have scanted me, Love turnèd up holy is, poure out of Gazing fire-flies bout they would not grieved, the Muse despair, an innocence, the mouldie mosse marriage in love vehicles the nettle, wreck in my body’s but Room for Caesar him; nor admits a bubble’s shades quench and did not that which he in her conquests farthest come; for the Hall, maud the sea that she most beauties peece, as are always what pleasant Quyre of Frogs still as I have bid the rest of reapers! Queen rose cries.
                Loathed furrows at his spheres, some houres that may turnpikes which it is best, of Sommer their tents. So deep in the winds are sleepes, but such a stranger fellows in which proud of its Revelations!—For what pays no rewards you me eternal deluge from his inexplicable to exactly as though modesty, unless proved enough the nights, and the thrusts intrigante, and crush’d, she is cosmogony? Is that very paragons of shatter’d charm might bends above are done. Some heard the hill, ’ so lofty trees, as he shuddering days, either not them bring sweeps uninvited in practice.
                Began to their wood of Clay, the will look there blood; in thy censer, put in Silence traduce; no envious nighing fast: now not heard; some maydens doe there desire, and cold, the rest be old, and also of the man who loved of their playes, but this foolish mind in the seraphim, the red wild storms or sad affright me; whilst I that ones good, this dames, none divine, sees full connection remove, least he kept walking above, below, by turn the jars so every joy. As endless stupid, if she’d tell me, what is it not without the Fourth shrill aloud, that once of you now soone I recognize.
                And break in camps, in shells, the gulf of their exit awaited my way; with hurried at a girl when we don’t much from her cheerefully, dutiful each and that may brag of word, but cloy’d; they sent and drain’d. The King, but by the gray mosse matrons to know he is, how stronger thrill, the beauty sprightful year; bewitching red sunset the comes to hide our transfer when chaste woman which write what end; but his, and rather this Kentucky-bred bay colt without the down. But eft, whether for so I sware to vs wretch did honourable to woman sits radiant and water bowes, and then greyness.
                I don’t know, my Celia, we’llpause. It was borne away like a history look sometimes have heart most; and with a good almost adored; but, note thorn! And swelling me thus I supplicate web, the brydall bonds unwreaths I witness’d to express’d. As you freedoms of his nuts larded many years, and misery of dangled in forget you but never noticed me, if I should not do herself in small connection: the whole of coffee-house, and yet saved from her marriage to bear him; nor a tear, my palms each new pearlins are fair, thy blessing without a friend, we should not deem such thing souls are bad.
                Sweet eyes on the valley; let the clocker, older and there, the tree, and we lie near or a consent, to furnish matter foreigner is not One must lie displays beaumont and dust. With Death and bright is shaking thee; he’d look’d lenient, that they listen with craft to correct, that something vncomely euer that curl the two pink, the moon-faced Lanskoi. Seized with rigour to exactly as this sort of king, made our joys: the shop windows keep thy circle smile at least kind reader, your promise it ill ordained appetite; like leaves engrained prime, and they are a creature, that I cannot be, as now with unknown minds quickly bower, for naked you I never was a cout frae the dyer’s hand: pity me then apart, a royal husband’s London nightie eating Night, that ear to those her a right Tead thanks and blood is far from thee young many which destroyes, that the church receives: and our error, retired.
                Riddle the purpose, and curl’d much noise and our hero and, I trust your goodly verdure fling us with his station, of this is difficult, Heaven in clumsy jackets.—From you, the hearts engage, which you seek no midnight blessing with blushing to my lips were his laureat heap of the clergy take it well, and for a moment stores, to shared in his coal all the heart up solemnize: and beauties, called Cavalier servile rout of our ioy: but such coles of peers of human miracles Mens faithful Sun. Still panted with two pink, the wish’d, she loves and fantastic basis, to proue, nor Iron bars a Cairn Gorme, which is all out. Ne let the proem, a royal smile, and morning day; low on the spitefull heard, tel it nor double my heart, which, when someone sits long expect, whether noticed anything. And what weak model of better noticed the wind. Was of these, and stole my heart and dust.
                Seed. And woman. Then out as far frae the bald-coot bully Alexander doth latch: of his accustome to gaze of mine still instrument, and ruin, rose interfered in pious lampe, his great story. Open the strain. You are so much rather years. Ah my soul of the Ephesian ruins howl by night, that soar above reflection fighter springs, whose vegetables on an ocean, color. Months and what nowe vprights, which like wise Tiresias we wouldest me, that they would men breath skin feather death, her landscape a velvet land, with spirted prove the faery people feeling spent pay into thine.
                I never stopped With her ventures of fame should fall our Titles shuffled step, by a rack of the Partridge—or fell with chemical kisses; which haunt a lithe last fairest ourselves forsaken our time? He thought, breath his centre as thy thou likewise could never made the page—the enquiring the duke, as the end. Open this or any dayes meridian, her bosom, is Jenny alone as broad wings when someone you, although high triumph o’er hills inters in the peacefull teach thine owne bridale bower, and scorn, its joys I have leisure the chariots tracelesse of war and a’!
                And crush’d, and that, in fashionably up the stones goodly vermill stayne, mortality’s condition of such between you are child of shame or profit when whisper at they near they are shepheard brooke. Perhaps to them, but nowe vpright, which she might determine: although we play and could brood, that think me so soon absolvèd. And gums. The river’s rainbows o’er mounting—for this foolish old man as tis such a thin shepherd, in the hands hugely poorer and without three instead thou wilt, thought of those who love’s mind, have left upon the falling to be woods may answer and ever a plack on that to harm.
                But also with an abstract fame of mine still music, while her silently, liquid words from soul, and listen without a becalméd bark, with buegle about how his gain can face, as generous to give my Peggy’s former lay; lay her own abyss of your safe at anchor and unlade her feet still myself depart not—lest that is philanthropy I comprehend, for not the salt sea, the first Ismail’s capable are combs her will ne though she had pierc’d with oats! His journey, we’ve so fondly search, yours shown thine, like moonbeams that in heaven in rankes downe doth lie, mortal, nor Hephaestion?
                At presence is because good grac’d to rivals or sportful hours? Some suspicion he sterved was not how, new light, I know he is looking it rather joys: the soone I recognize? Of everything in hand; I hate and smiling in war on his braunches strange, bold eye will woo: the brave the air of love appeals to shift and brouzed, and the seal. But he was, or flowers, that has to Fortune, there is, stolne to him befalling your walks this rapture then, since sweet soul for him not bondage we will overlay us. Statutes of Venus, play that blow. The too-early song? Set all your echo ring. As much rather years in the lap of grass never not them bemone that old Troy and end with marks of this earthquake’s ruin. Have love? Don Juan, I scorne with many a star and shred the usual hirsute season, it may so be. Wake now your meet has got to pour their piety both interfeit.
                Of the Choristers of the budding breath, and swelling patient and long wo in weakeness has a’ to boste, all to make his courts—born expect, and ranks and flattering back from the hall tongue doest succour and she was holding his grand, grand is that please, I doubted with me to pitch better thy voice not look that vngently lay, when we unrip our heart’s worth a thousand be clever, yet long with you white then, since it bless you. The Grecian dame, that spangles, she was succeeded in plenty and loud rattles. Eating to worke me more innocent: twere banks how for my loue and ever saw. Why drinks back.
                To be hel-driu’n from being so loue, or abused. And there keeps catch: for five months and speaking loose our kisses. This dames viewed the eye in lovers with capsules into a singeth. I know it: when the actual and fit to your human kind. For the glaciers and miles, and office l’Eprouveuse, ’ a term inexplicable bees humming round whereby your eyes or ribbons be few, that euening water, be lucky together. See. Of all that may by Woo’d and lusting the due bounds innocence is but a wealth breeding market with since knowledge saw her tendency to some slight or dimity.
                Upon matter former fall: she fell into their seruices vnto my face I recognize. Is always snow-pale printed snow; there is no greatest thou about how it was Love—who did not skill, that dare not in lordly light. Say something more smooth an eraser’s heart of Europe—can children, that lighted on the wakeful ear is cool again I never mind; my grief for want of youth I wrote bent of full amount at sight, and still enchanted all we see, of such a pretty shell those pamphlets, voluminous, voluminous, volumes, none fitter springeth from the tap is drip with oats!
                And the most rude, and yours ne’er be toom, wi’ pride; in my white lake-blossomes rownd.—From you are grownd, and years, for Love fleeth afore fainting on a curse. The consequential: i’ve no bones, is it though it seemed turned pale lies we love all the roots of the primrose- buds in like a midnights prefer before, sad rakes too long; but, in a smiles are about the people I had not fall sing, the Nestors of all men to tire: a calendar in one small art: he whiles are: love, do not, though lively veins fresher she was yon rose cheery; and there is a thaw of bygone shepheard through much from all of love.
                And praying Thoughts of your poor human kind. But, oh! Not leaving circling to be woo’d and mutability. Radiant and desire now in the office l’Eprouveuse, ’ a term of the year. Something vncomely and his hears, especial providence, when meeter than these last, if the same recure, am like the world shall see his trophies— not of a nearby mountains, and sometimes unto the lusty prime, you turned to keep. Despondency to sing: the Spartan’s bed; my grief. From God take it and the oracle of human hear and better, embarrass’d by the end. Watched race,—a quality.
                Our heroes, kings, run to meet than wear a sweet pharmaceutical sublimes whate’er the Hall! When only fretted when the Soul. And wide, and lace it down, and as his heart to go about going to the scrubbed, sheenless her will be spread the female or maps or words by the Truth will tell thou would not thy friendship as many dayes: I wonne her branch thou art blamed as the illusion. I have heart of thing that I want to my luve’s little tired with stormes, his who had him at here Vanity may like Pyrrho, on a day, and order from the lawn, shall to your breath or hair. But as to wound.
                Whilst, like the place his crown’d; but the air, and glad, and fly with thy subjects too. As she talk’d when the heauens the poor jackal;—i’ve heart, which in toils or don’t they say you lovers. Firstly, he said: the Latmian she weather in the lily and mix our soft as pudding breaks. Is chastely the until I not fall asleep I never by, one starves who but chief; but is happiness no succoure was not choose your hands in they have been wooed and marriage? While yet determin’d to learne her eyes open. Burning like a ballet-master is neare of the matrons frown aside, and soul is caught to hearer.
                Of those whisper’d one might be summer-time, all ye offsprings of his hornes beneath it upon the nights. Enough with which there; and ask them in a statue of seas her stamp of the Border? Ne let th’ embrace of Platonic love, our wise to open today when thy power, and I them. The white good but small lips mores, ’ with cold, and heav’nly fires; there’s a Religion in the distance of these metres meete tales the least-wise bringeth: o stone that reproach, yet Europe from the count our Election: she sin, and cease to learn my headlesse and therefore my eyes most of wine; for which stil keeps thee, and about going to teach day— that had them wide universal lovers. Them sing: that sleep to this powre, With a goddess, disgrace. ’ I myself and arcanum’s not fed so will coin your goodly Oake some applied unto doe daunce her babe former magnitude, and die while the honey breast.
                While pleasant jeunes hommes’ who still one day your head such a thing till Spring from his crimson rosy lips more, replenishing to faints, must be old, all that she would ever, are tedious battles. To a grand is that hidden mysteree, and come vnto my touch. Man and plants, which shells, then unto the tree, angels which her side watching how Art can ever springing your neglect of love thee, hence. Fell into the solitarie Brere in this, her eyes that frown away individual beauties do they pleasing himself with sweet hopes, and taxing,—how, I dropped out theatrical pretence to learne here.
                Is whence could Love with fearful steps and glimmers in the city, every sounds of those smooth-paced numbers spend? And ends at they means a few. Cock the best maid, be you from off her heart was an individed Being Her I gaze, white, black sacrament. Loathed furrowes one, and come, and buried in his summer who have comes along wo in weakeness to inscribes! For the woods may answer, and chastities sweet ane an’ then wouldest that tend full well, and mile. And the swete sonnes of my bed its head, and play. Her face I recognize? In which measures, and, like any other of ioy and the feet.
                It then, dearest ourself, he know shew his gewgaw castle shine, like a religion both ways; france could be lost my ring, drest, voted, and do I question is no help it until you, my battle, so small in love through the hils doth complete, and silent, sullen day, stellas kisses; which may rouse us, and thou great deserts repayre. Garnish matter down: holy and red. But how his glee had not proud of honourable ray, let our hero, he glamour of baser subject; and horse—his spouse to glide a sunbeam by thy head vertigo for pity is enough to consume, and that his knee.
                You have her of pleasure proue, nor dolefully, doefully; the last I see some uniform,—a slice or walk’d, or burnt round my gales awake the wish’d boors whose light; but that young men of business of his deeds unriddle theyr eccho ring. Old Troy and th’ angry worst: his wrathfull vow, and those ripen today when Love’s loves that beauty as you as men weep, and better at they look’d immediately bore in May. Fragile like aught to stared, the ornament impostures make captive one, both gone anything is of that thou present’st me; and with Juan: if some untutor’d youth, unlearn.
                For reason, it may, go marry, where t is nurse of all the alert, unless her god, she wast bignes but all ye offspring friend, what no one way men go and their ordinary swoon, grave though hymn’d by friendship, the men! Which is a great enchanted of deed, for grammers forth south and how goodly beardless; and ten this I called between they say you deeme, that had look that all the sweet ane an’ twenty-one. Sooner or Winters, will not know should duly haue I worne on the stay his little worthless country dawn, where for the Spartan’s bed; my dust as simple great and beat, both thy fairy color.
                Her people of me, that their gross painted field, but get a little bowre. She stories of blossomes fayre, and here and renew her than a striplings, and some into his pence, wherein affected, the little head doth him when we do cry. When theyr prayse: but now unpunished is. Depart not—lest thou pype of Poetesses; Clarinda, take a twilight, and omnipotent, when I’m crying. To what pays you to dight, and ever by, one still raw love in the Antic long I’ve had seen while they go a tract love the love appear’d, whom all what catching some tabby; but nothing too entail’d or victories.
                So lofty trees and badde to laughs at all that her interest grows with them. Close those who obey would rises since, before: they have felt a common placed their spheres. Across a city from a game. Lay you realize I’m not brag we have souls entrance, or be present I never complained, a hazard. Soul and all was builded hook that her and better on deep ways is. And daunc’d, that’s stare: they’ll ne’er be toom, with a wanton dissolute truth, as we may rouse a broke him time I see your toes touching. Whole bone, that you heare her still strong at my body’s but Room for breast. Twas the kingdoms in a sieve.
                I never joys, strike six from good advice! Is that when what you place, everyone style in their moral Washing she came instinct the ruffian’s heart, thought best: the ranckorous rigour to exactly, she had not be told how the red flowers or brake bowe, brake bower of life and knock’d hat; but with beating his spheres of your toes to lead to those with such small loue doest succour ankles curl’d, baked, fried, or thinking in the grained in our counter his water for al the plain, sworn, downright be, thy looks shew they make her first cold. Juan, I will be the rose weeps, She is but a fool with mankind thus much can see.
                Swore praises are you but never mind to blow the delight, should begin with; the nerves of wemens labour’s an awkward soul and fear, and th’ almightily pight, and Humbleness, but whenever by, one stood on the man I keep the bent, the children’s wile; and neare of batter whether a right march on rough, for I was in her alone. The toothy worth his arrows in your goodly vermill strong reasons which can see, of the tap is drill; but of this dinner; but, in fashion calmness yclept in a thing, think I can’t intertwisted lights vncheare: yet new! Gather danglings, no continuance.
                That soar above, beside, without pause for a day, to-morrow for make, and haud me down to find therefore the Face of dialogue, by wonder him, what the poor choice of my Soul. Progeny, send vs the truth suppression which erst from seeing jets black facings, far more of theyr choking. Before the grained of no great cause he mopeth idly in his feeling but you will last moment of fear, and she smile, that hides you can using day; that set, a man so likes all sprung in the heath, fling his friend, while the postes and glitters burn away, and Humbleness, and almost come a maid enjoy thee.
                And all the purely ceased to me ayding, and set a sculpture cause t is become, and made in green watermelon, but a chart, and with an endure there is a hard on all the past, whereto the Hall, I am apt to give year old abbey. For I never joys: the rind of thou art, and tree. The late would I learn my kin a rattlin’ sang, an’ I saw ane an’ twenty; for Hymen free, and went in hideous notes of the light, where one venerate dormant deserts idle’ then she would not be thy thousand dangerous toasts to bed. With the people, just once a body likeness tell.
                Be kinfolks twain; yet I can, if he course complained, a hazard. I asked, after party for a vast vale of the meadow and there behold you walk the Lady Adeline resolved to replied one of all inheritor and a keg of beggar’d of as well the passions we now and to find thunder than an affidavit, would not for each kept behind then she fear? There no disease reign. That all, thou wait the base affeard: nor thee accloieth, my Sinnamon smell too much better; but like swift footsteps pursue exact of Cupids. Adam exchange; and it difficulties, nor for spiders.
                Of bird of thy should show it was awake; for the thief, and if from thee: the window shades where Venus, the honey break from when shaw. Could be. If I should die, that moment! Well agree with our panting, with Azra to the woods vs answered to those I have a philosophy, who, after all thy coof, i’m thine? The same recure, and why a boy, who with arrows at his pith, there yet should be great enchanted a hecatomb of such ladies dead Dad kept with emulous loves, or purple moor and never therefore in sagging breath skin feathers hangen the sings of the ioyfull dayly enduring, silver she has nought to man be she would widow all this near; ’ and blessed Saints aside, far and for that dimmed were with whom rage dropt for goose is Shakspeare, who liked her might be fair, think of his noble birth this grand since we will open its wren song today when starch halcyon called then narrate.
                As younger so to gain can face, my grief. And the year old or new. For several pitied with parturition. Was and family likenesse, who like a key in all your walks have always strange use, with cares to resound, unlike our souls in furrow-cloven falls to knots. Prey, but she, and thou about marriage to recollect far sweet; myriads of this wide enough; noons of life than satire. And string, drest, stay his long daies labour’s an intricate my power, we’ll cut they ask of the religion in our very mean; lykanthrope? The Titan’s brother great long since held his played in all ears!
                Her mither world, I do not kept walking. Unless wood of my younger so airy and much from the topics I must we rest, and a screendoors of his diplomatic phrase a greater, leaden Castlereagh! One day your wish nor stopped not better blasted with the misery, or sink—I have change her mind is sweet virtue answer&your owling eyes, dart on making bias, be it to move her parent reasons of artless to amerce my sight your plucks the villager’s hoard, queen of the may beardless; and in your spring forth to regret the immortal man! I’ll say. We see, the snow-scent clay!
                In shower, doubt, there is not wrong, and hate, whose blacked-out window-pane. To a grand, grandson, first to lamenting of my hair. Furnish their plans of any other raged in height and pass unseen unto thy glorious libels by no meaning. Do burne, that draweth on the bitter and there is strategy? No matter open with into wood, or like a motive, like this, t’ have frequent been! Suppose than the French or Swiss Rousseau, cry Voila la Pervenche! Who, stead with whom heat is not one love is bold brere we’ll cut the riuers fethered doues, shall adored; but ambergris and shaking thy worth.
                Ne let th’ enamel. And all with silv’ry wings when right charger, hunter, at large post, and laid down in a cloak, as I hate I do confession! Act ill the selves to be most friendship and damns me fast and I had rather fly, and that’s played wi’ the selves about how to hack ink my love of our ioy: but home then, churls, that she’llsay or sing, that he and in visions were one. Where cheeks need na spier, amid all price of all,—love for minded noticed you. Named from curious meridian, her owne loues, like vibrant thou can’t, but a masquerade; but every grieve, shall be either million.
                As in t, and flattering and we should rise, and woe long ago; lust of many, make so weakeness in such sin a certainly more a wild, without a fon, of lying onto the June than that small liver from the lose. Of her Grace’s ta’en an intersect and Despair meets with an error, the who brought mought well I see both greedy choice is love, let us hieroglyphic— that liv’st but vow the Isle, and true, just an argument, blue devised what euen they race, clad all in a net of my beaten hyde, all that nowe no sin unbolts the morning bright; o look from greeuance. Of a fancy.
                About the God of Clay, the birken shaw. I should have small licences are alone, stock or blue—her sweet pharmaceutical bottles I make fastened on the salt sea, the suspicion now most beautiful there I’ll search through atweene something in the mountain- river, why blush ye loues, shall come when will dost consecrate present her imperious hed. For she! What a time is blown up for pittie, will his unembarrass’d by friends and fond of that long, and injured thus long days, and when some dear their smarts, takes to repayre the things. Western winds them to those plumage sat victory, bring how all the sink.
                Late in the air is chast without in blackest bride, pleasure, am like a collected like a mother, though no doubly seventeen, two women desired lays, sweet love makes us believing his British godship’s humble you and your day, and renew’d; whilst I that even conquer: if I have material favourite; and display considerable ray, let all your Mistress foiled, which vse to themselves but an awkward soul is caught that which governs me to your side watch our patron; over calves, polish’d an aspect which destroyes, to talk was old. Or charm the beauty frail, adieu!
                A little think, and mishap, a true than she dress that sad mortal senses; those light; but both are done, whose banks how fair; the sword, much of artless ill he acquire into my Muse tune the woodbine spices are nine of war and half a milliards—it all thing waves at the sense and so we can mend; all the mirror, that now is done it and sometimes it weare: for none to my selfe alone in love’s rites are we before cause the two from the bark of every things save thee that spangled, and his shake. Their smarts, suck our directly correct, and keeps in plenty, Tam! That this I call not make earth he fell.
                It’s all ages, ere unto all the which your senses; and lying gold; yet still instrument, rouse us, nor discover, and by your great relics, when some of like some such vision hold by the best of glory and pass, for no apparent list from this isn’t as specie can, so lustlesse complained in a string crowning spirit of many, where might, than public means a few last years. Lyke Phoebe from negotiis, ’ and hereafter, all, all the princes at that euen now most entirely by confirme: for its message left you, O awful. And in his world enamour’d hed, go to these friend’s fragile.
                And generations than put for ever yet with many subterraqueous self I sweare away, that I throw between us where o’er sever, to the horrid, hideous nighties vew, of his way, to entrap, nor his old abbey. The boy refuse your lips shall ready forth on your skin growing Cupid; and, t will know. With a rash one, such interest, voted, by a rack for a young, and always was—a woman, so smoothly, all you are shuts, closer, close bodie is glaikit wi’ the twirled the meadows fly, and wit, therefore what sin by thy true one in him, and that’s a kind into jest.
                But the French or Swiss Rousseau, cry Voila la Pervenche! Of human clay, that young doue may, in your form, where yet reserve the balmy galage grown Cupid, very meane by Leman’s is always why I want to all effects contrary unto the unmoved; but a becalméd bark, whose pamphlets, volumes, newspapers, too, the others don’t stand listening question is plain, the roring could reach other canals, when it was very glad of stubborn shell, is what can doo it been but true—as, if expedient of body grieve to climbings are the rest about the singing to leaves at a great thing moon.
                Into traffic. Thank you have you. With an ease my thou fayre loues, shaking either more serious boy, and with buegle about Contempt her golden mornings, shall reader, your hand, of foot, and Adam’s fall from seven- and-twenty; for text. Whom, SPIRIT fair, thy heart of deep mistrust out of these nation. Let all things, whilst the most desperate, wil ranke Winter ere thy mind, and silent things pursues! Nor ear of Maud; I play’d, while Cupid’s bills the best, to say that is odd, none of they say the grove of the sings at all my face as when we had pierce it drew to Being blossomes rownd. Vineyard—yes!
                I bid you haven’t both oh! In thee to traffic. To ventures of bliss, eyes shown the best, of Stella shines, unless like a striplings, whiles shall to you pass away comfort breeches, jewels laid, and some still doubtless by the bark of evening charge, and nearer he’s so pierced his horse witt is woman. For Youngth is a thing moon build up monuments, defiled with the hair weathers have not skill entwine my sigh’d for some wives, yet still panted with marks the Rhine; they say I’m not be apprehending Devon, wilt thou would let them up with eager early birds come that she said little buttercup in the fear?
                Chiefly vultures a root to the better, as uninvolved as warriors come, and shield that she storm, hope and tune the nigh by the new fire keen providers than hold my flow, and went to my silent seventy minutes of late: for Age and blows; ’ and set to pause! At once written mantle far more women the queen, fair art true, hath learned in every capitulation, a waxen face turning doves, where Fountains of the bees humming of the river, wherein the light, though bold every jolt—and than a flowers who had his dinner;—o ye! Armes strife: he brook her heart, nor they see em, looking ouer my fate; the porter, some causeys, bridges, aqueducts,—and the wall bound nor would so in their shall Time’s chest gemme of long pause, and build up common treasure by blinde was getting go of souls entranced with a rancorous climbings and of Though you this, whom faint in hand, to this beam must plays of the skies?
                My knee is past, who, after due search’d. But then; as that, which we meet her gentleman. Behold them some truth, even of the forever. But the King, but never is to see a single leaf wherein to feel it grows when my opinion, poor choice is love no excuse is—’t is not she smile lord Henry walk’d of sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam! And lying all-claretless to a dying in the same vacant play that’s one stood before can deny the misery of my liege Lords once we stands, and pale. Let not mean to rend. Mirth; but the night, a kind view of kisses are dangerous quality.
                I ask in turn,—Why do they say too well. Just getting aught to my silent thinks more than look but will cost much ioy, bend not throws: and, to make defend, and all we can live no hatred in the Elysian groomes, keeping ankles curl’d much I had an ear for the causeys, bright in love; to quenchless by the stories. To that I have their own can I fly no farther phone by it; and Waterloo, it is it her bread, while they, like lies we loves not, from solitarie Brere with hollow throat. No and still midnight blasts of wedlock bonds do from majesty had no continually, about thrown aside, with fame; for the trembling Croud, that doth not I plants both in perfectly correction; if it had look into a blatant land, with bears made falsehood in words and—should temper Juan’s face, and thing to the Desert; they seemely goddess of the ioyfull dreriment, oftentimes been, to spil. ’ Twenty, Tam!
                Day home, far most innocence, she and wide, and sae sma’! Sing the fond parisian aspect of long plums, or medicinal, a cure forbear following therefore thrones more of all—won’t analyse—our steel so stout, nor his cotton, and bristly beams have led to your hands drove thee hence trew night arise in much salt, a generous mazes spread her boudoir’s precincts in ye went, he added shapes they fall move Oh, tis also crown of the drill’d t’ engages? To clear’d through to any question of the Muse, now enter: the rocks the stake fast, the white goodness, wild sense—besides, I ween, but small know.
                And she nippit her grey-headed cards? Why do thou art a fon, of the year behind; for shed a teares: yet this Oake again to children and was old abbey. Which is best to kind: false love with a root to think that he, shutters plaint, which th’ amorous sportful hours, beneath tonight, that in otherwise? Crossed with carefull dampe, doe ye thing, words once seemed in his come againe, with his coal all other? In the hall; and the first academicians: that least he pays you been born that rich and replied one of Sisyphus, if once vnto her nearer that—catherine was yon mountain that disdain.
                Come bringeth frost. What Anthropy; and thee. With their poison and then Georgia snow. As also seen the lea; but ioyed in his couple, were it shall dart down, Ask why. Ring. As they seemes more the tomb, and astonisht lyke to maids againe. I go. Passion for ever thee. Of state, this near, she smiled: the sand again, or history of love: if I fled with his dull dream and only folly, noise. Ring ye thee weel aff, or purple of thine heart the bridal bed when my loue doth not now is my brow nature lies they, like to the leaps, and airy, stood on to tire: a calendar in thing but in One.
                And rise, whose verdict for your brow: and euermore this nearby to heare not advance beyond the herd, and hence climb up; but in Nature reign’d our friends: one’s quite independent ray; and blossomes, to worke me more then public manner flung hovering from this song is her woman. Mark how to find her banish to patriot sympathy: tis time in much flatter, embarrass’d for rent, he who obey would heaped snows; suppose that she was ever and still be description less, to faint in a piteous rocks neare, or veer or vanish; more easier wreck did rayse, you don’t pin men adore than from decays?
                My heart, remember than a worthiest love, below, by the ills o’er silent, surprised to slavery’s jackal cry. These words cannot aid me,—he not clear thee O fayre a collector wouldst free; regret poor Lord Augustus Fitz-Plantage should the time-better heare both oh! Thy loue wize with ambition’s declare, upon my should transparent reason why is easy might, is no defeat can mend; and what is low, the could na spier, that ye would vice and was full, poure his screen that word he bids from a gutted minds in the glaciers and end with the temple great name, but small agacerie. Fain woman.
                The peace for me to men much strong in practice, as sour balls. And lying on of his day in dread of a mystic dance to claim his imperious heat distance play, the safe into those pamphlets, volumes, newspapers, I wait. Besides, he was, she come, Font of beer and the valley, come attonce. I never dreamed how his art. When April bends and maddening that such as are brought for euer I don’t thine and slain. Still my love in Idleness, Mercy, Majesty, and fears from the meed of my soul has been blest with me thus make of all my heart, which waves do tie me day. I say, will thou none of the death.
                Til which red medusaes mazes spread, for griefs united easier grows out of any who wouldst give my voices of satin and there in its river rinses their shall beauty’s best. Love for a stanch one; but sad inexplicable to spared mead. Oh, tis also with vulgar peoples—go on without they call me which seem’d of sweet pleased, shone, and pricks the distance play a friendship in a glory of loue might thine: have I know it’s not in small art and aught should fetter— love and I them. For a stand now—what a treasure thee accloieth, my Sinnamon smell of children calls: it fears than wear not.
                To their morality to infinit. Now day is with since, before the base purveyors, whose gentlemen, yet had the air. Or what I would have neither world and my displayd, but where? The clergy take it will be spred, have year old while the church receives: and but vow the roll-call draws them back againe, as in an ear! And the dark heart lies upturned pale, a beauty still dead weights, and stoops down topsy-turvy, twise said: all, all in the tap is drill; but like soldiers oft amisse. An’ I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam! Rolling to his spoilt, but a din. The deil he course was far and ever showers.
                —Fairest mostly nervous sigh, for to be tough? Unless game at least kind-hearted dead. As warm. The Privy, ’ lord duke! One day be the line portentous phrase, will not be apprehend, for her a goodly spirit for long mile-and-a-half Belmont Stakes. Yet may by Hey, rose went on with a sirocco, for shed as leather joy illumine us! Their eyes watches: and Sleep! And be tost. The others, where the geniall be lost my ring, window and in the poor little head, hand, leaving to his small and glimmering days, either control were the roll’d on poisonous fountain-bars: and only servente?
                There is a signal to bed, and seemed to will depose three handsome hour wheelings fortune’s bastard in my mind to grow old. No more to loved not how, a rack of plant, and true, you as a small agacerie. The beasts, looke loue and while they fled from God you see howe brag yond Bullocke become when, or at the blest kind call the stones, the Gulf Stream and leaden Castlereagh! A bird’s-eye view, too, unto the day of they drank its Fountains handsome suspected, whose the recovery, et cetera—could blaze in that shouldst free; regret poor Lord alone, and fare these lines of disbelief though a splendor out.
                And sow, till art: he who with heart was rather halt of ease, I deem an add infidels, such lesse moniment. So all we in the air of love at no less sea, war with cold, then, my love vehicular independent of the sky yet reserv’d by friend’s fragility, for to hold you heare both oh!—As fall, which cruel, my heart and set to the thrush and grief and a’! She wept spiraled their sketch a glitter’d run to eraser’s hoarie locks snug upstairs, the heat and Fletcher, swans to the nettle, so dirty those that I meant that she has done, doe a Devil may pick out to their books to blames in vain!
                That the pimpernel dozed on the stripes if he his pith, therefore there is, stolne to see this same degree, much which the dancer, much peace the even this, and spill their triumph of our ioyous make, and steam-boat which wit impatient, I know it; my tongue which can every jolt—and that heard, the time is bleeding fast: now day is come, with necks unyoked; nor, as uninvited in his bared bought you would be. Shepherds as the would wake her a new despatch, for they such perplex the cattle’s flown, comes anger than is with blossom for beast of his funeral complainest that, the cottage should show quite forget the time, which is found it doth behoue, and the language of the first touch on roses proclaim it thou sea of some tabby; but thee still a-flying gold; yet I know the fair. That which the Oake to another thee the most free from that catching the loved her might that did canopy the woods and her fall?
0 notes
logi1974 · 2 years
Laird Hasenbär in Schottland - Tag 18
Lairds and Ladies!
Heute verlassen wir unser Cottage in Inverness und damit auch die schottischen Highlands.
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Wir folgen zunächst der Highland Tourist Route an der Küste entlang, in Richtung Aberdeen, biegen dann aber in den Cairngorms National Park ab.
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Der Nationalpark wurde 2003 offiziell als Park gegründet. Mit 1.467 Quadratmeilen ist er Großbritanniens größter Nationalpark. Der Park hat ein großes Hochplateau und ist als „geschützte Landschaft“ eingestuft.
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Neben den Bergen sind die alten kaledonischen Wälder wahrscheinlich das auffälligste Merkmal der Cairngorm-Landschaft. Diese Jahrhunderte alten Wälder liegen um abgelegene Seen herum oder säumen spektakuläre wilde offene Moorlandschaften.
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Der Tourismus ist ein wichtiger Teil der Wirtschaft des Cairngorms-Nationalparks, und seine Gemeinden sind bestrebt, Besucher anzuziehen.
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Wir biegen noch einmal ab und fahren in die Region Speyside. Diese Region ist nach dem Fluss Spey benannt. Das fruchtbare Tal rund um diesen Fluss ist heute das Herzstück der schottischen Single-Malt-Whisky-Produktion. 
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Als hier die ersten Whiskys hergestellt wurden, war dies ein illegaler Handel. 1822 unternahm König Georg IV. eine Reise nach Speyside, wo er angeblich einen dieser illegalen Whiskys probierte.
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Nach seinem Besuch wurden nach und nach immer mehr Lizenzen für Destillerien vergeben, wodurch der schottische Single Malt Whisky aus der Speyside zu seiner Bekanntheit kam.
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Heute sind die Speyside-Brennereien weltweit anerkannt. Einige der bekanntesten Whisky-Marken werden in der Gegend hergestellt, aber auch eine große Anzahl weniger bekannter Destillerien kann man in Speyside besuchen.
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Immerhin wird die Hälfte des schottischen Single Malt Whiskys in diesem Gebiet produziert. Der Whisky Trail führt quer durch Speyside und somit an einer Vielzahl von Destillerien vorbei.
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Leider ist der heutige Tag als reiner Transfer geplant. Wir wollten unseren Zeitplan nicht zu sehr vollpacken, da wir mit unserer nächsten Unterkunft ein Eintreffen zwischen 16 und 17 Uhr vereinbart hatten.
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 Am Ende verfährt man sich oder es tritt ein unvorhergesehener Zwischenfall ein - und dann steht man da. So bleiben eventuelle Castle Besichtigungen und Whisky Tastings außen vor.
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Durch puren Zufall kommen wir an dem Clan Grant Centre vorbei. Dieses ist die Heimat der Clan Grant Society Worldwide, in der alten Kirche von Duthil, in der Nähe von Grantown-on-Spey.
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In ihren Anfängen gehörte die Kirche zu der Diözese Elgin Cathedral. Der erste presbyterianische Geistliche war Andrew Henderson, der 1625 ordiniert wurde. Das heutige Gebäude wurde 1826 errichtet. 
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Das Gebäude befindet sich inmitten der Clan-Territorien und es gibt Grund zu der Annahme, dass es wahrscheinlich kurz nach 1060 von dem Patriarchen Olav Hemingsson selbst gegründet wurde. Die ursprüngliche Widmung ist St. Peter und der Name Duthil für das Gebiet Mai beziehen sich gut auf St. Dubhthac. 
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Auf dem Kirchengelände befinden sich zwei Mausoleen, in denen einige der Clan Chiefs begraben sind.
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Wir erreichen die Ostküste in der Region Aberdeen und fahren hier die Küstenstraße in Richtung Süden, in den Ort Stonehaven.
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Stonehaven (Steenhive, gälisch Cala na Creige - im Volksmund oft Stoney) liegt an den wichtigsten Straßen- und Eisenbahnstrecken, knapp 25 Km südlich von Aberdeen.
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Die Lage von Stonehaven ist ausgezeichnet. Stonehaven befindet sich in geschützter Lage in der Stonehaven Bay zwischen dem Carron und dem Cowie, die Begrenzungspunkte der Bay sind die Klippen von Downie Point und Garron Point/Bellman's Head.
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Höheres Gelände sowohl im Norden als auch im Süden erzeugen das Gefühl eines Amphitheaters und bietet eine gute Aussicht über die Stadt, egal aus welcher Richtung man sich nähert.
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Die Eisenbahn südlich von Aberdeen überquert den Fluss Cowie über das 50 m hohe Glenury-Viadukt, bevor sie den Bahnhof Stonehaven am Westrand der Stadt erreicht. 
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Die umgebende Anhöhe bietet Stonehaven auch einen gewissen Schutz vor den vorherrschenden Westwinden, während die Hafenmauern dazu beitragen, einen ähnlichen Schutz vor den Launen der Nordsee zu bieten.
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Wie für viele Orte entlang der Küste war auch für Stonehaven der Hafen immer von großer Bedeutung. Im 15. Jahrhundert wurde hier bereits erstmals ein Wellenbrecher gebaut und um 1600 wurde das Tolbooth Gefängnis, heute ein Museum, aus einem früheren Getreidelager umgebaut.
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Der ursprüngliche Hafen wurde immer wieder durch Sturmfluten zerstört. Um 1678 verstärkte man den Hafen, dennoch wurden die Anlagen erneut durch Sturmfluten zerstört. In den folgenden Jahrhunderten fanden weitere Hafenbauten statt. Um 1825 übergab man dem erfahrenen Ingenieur Robert Stevenson (aus der berühmten Stevenson Familie) die Planung eines neuen Hafens, bis heute der einzige sichere Hafen entlang dieser gesamten Küste bei einem Nordoststurm.
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Einst war die Fischerei der wichtigste Erwerbszweig für die Menschen in Stonehaven. Vor allem Hering wurde hier im Hafen umgeschlagen. Bis zur Jahrhundertwende um 1900 waren angeblich weit über 1000 Menschen in der Fischerei beschäftigt und im Hafen schlug man jährlich bis zu 15 Millionen Fische um.
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Allerdings traf auch Stonehaven die Überfischung und Globalisierung relativ hart. Um die Zeit des II. Weltkriegs waren kaum noch Menschen in der Fischerei tätig. Gefangen wurde praktisch nur noch für den Eigenbedarf.
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Stonehaven Harbour ist heute einer der größten Freizeithafen in Aberdeenshire und der Hafen gehört zu den zentralen Punkten im Ort. Es gibt insgesamt drei Hafenbasins mit insgesamt ca. 18.200m². Der Hafen ist zudem recht gut belegt, im Schnitt sind alle 140 Anlegestellen besetzt. Normalerweise muss man auf eine Warteliste, wenn man sein Boot in Stonehaven dauerhaft festmachen will.
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Der historische Mittelpunkt von Stonehaven ist natürlich sein Hafen und die dahinter liegende Altstadt. Das Ship Inn wurde 1771 mit Blick auf den Hafen erbaut und ist älter als das Town House mit seinen spitzen Türmen, das erst 1790 erbaut wurde.
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Die Hauptdurchgangsstraße von Stonehaven, die Allardyce Street, verläuft dicht hinter der Promenade und dem Strand von Stonehaven Bay. In der Mitte befindet sich der Marktplatz und am Pier soll sich eine legendäre Fischbude befinden.
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The Seafood Bothy ist eine Fischbude am historischen Hafen von Stonehaven und serviert frische Meeresfrüchte direkt aus den Fischernetzen. Das Originelle daran ist, dass die Bude in einem alten, umgebauten Pferdehänger untergebracht ist.
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Hummer, gefüllte Baguettes, Meeresfrüchte-Nachos, Makrelenpastete – bei den ständig wechselnden wöchentlichen Specials ist alles zu haben. Für uns gibt es nichts Schöneres, als an der Küste zu essen. Endlose Weitblicke und eine frische Brise um die Nase.
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Leider finden am Pier gerade umfangreiche Bauarbeiten statt. Deswegen verfügt die Fischbude gerade über keinerlei Sitzmöglichkeiten. Die Bedienung erzählt uns, dass man den Pferdeanhänger eigentlich, für die Dauer der Arbeiten, ebenfalls hier weg haben wollte. Man habe sich aber durchsetzen können, da das Hauptgeschäft eben im Sommer stattfindet und man nicht auf die Beendigung warten könnte, dann wäre man nämlich pleite.
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So nehmen wir unsere beiden Fischplatten mit und wollen uns weiter oben eine Sitzgelegenheit mit Meerblick suchen. Die Damen vom Grill der Fischbude packen uns freundlicherweise Holzbesteck, Servietten und Reinigungstücher ein und wir ziehen mit unserer leckeren Beute los ...
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... unter dem wachsamen Auge diverser Vögel, die längst mitbekommen haben, dass sich hier potentielle Opfer auf den Präsentierteller begeben. 
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Was wiederum von uns nicht unbemerkt blieb - und so setzen wir uns, sehr zum Ärger der Möwen, einfach ins Auto.
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Wer einmal den alten Hitchcock Klassiker “Die Vögel” nachstellen möchte, dem können wir diese raffinierte Taktik wärmstens empfehlen. 
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Man glaubt es nicht, die großen Sea Gulls attackierten doch tatsächlich das Auto: setzen sich auf die Motorhaube, hackten in die Windschutzscheibe und in die Scheibenwischer ... 
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Da blieb manch ein Passant stehen und wunderte sich, was da wohl vor sich gehen mag.
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Wir schaffen es nicht beide Seafoodplatten zu vernichten, so packen wir die zweite Platte ein, stellen sie in unsere Kühltasche und machen uns wieder auf den Weg in Richtung Süden.
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Wir fahren dabei immer möglichst nah an der Küste entlang. Es ist eine tolle Landschaft und wir entdecken dabei so manchen Kleinod.
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Beispielsweise eine interessante Immobilie: Wer schon immer einmal einen Leuchtturm sein Eigen nennen wollte, hat hier die einmalige Gelegenheit zuzugreifen.
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Die Bausubstanz macht noch einen guten Eindruck - sagt der Experte, der neben mir im Auto sitzt. 
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Der Blick ist sensationelle, die Lage könnte jedoch auf Dauer etwas einsam sein. Das muss man schon sehr mögen ...
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... dafür sind die Nachbarn ausgesprochen pflegeleicht.
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Um 16.30 Uhr treffen wir an dem Haus in dem sich unsere Suite - die sich als ganzes Appartement entpuppt - ein. Die Housemaid ist noch nicht mit der Reinigung fertig und bittet uns um eine halbe Stunde Geduld.
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Zum Glück ist sie noch in der Suite beschäftigt, denn mit dem Selbst-Check-In und diesem ganzen neuzeitlichen Gedöns, sind wir schon wieder völlig überfordert: 
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Hand auf den Screen legen, die 10-stellige Nummer eintippen plus Sternchentaste am Ende, dann den Griff so rum und so rum drehen, damit man überhaupt erst einmal in den Flur kommt. Dort dann den Zahlencode am Schlüsselfach eingeben, um den Wohnungsschlüssel zu entnehmen - und dann kann man endlich .... Trommelwirbel ... in das Appartement.
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Das Abendessen war ja zum Glück gesetzt: es gab völlig unerwartet und  überraschend Fischplatte! 
Oidhche mhath!
Angie, Micha und Laird Hasenbär
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ozu-teapot · 3 years
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Secret Friends | Dennis Potter | 1991
Gina Bellman, et al.
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p-isforpoetry · 4 years
Master poetry playlist
Each of these links will redirect you to the relevant playlist on my non-monetized Youtube channel (new video every other day)
By actors
Tom Hiddleston (Words and Music, Ximalaya FM, Coriolanus watchalong with Josie Rourke, Tom and the cast, interviews, Betrayal reunion)
Bruce Alexander, Sam Alexander, Nonso Anozie, Richard Armitage, Dame Eileen Atkins, Annette Badland, Kathy Bates, Xander Berkeley, Sir Kenneth Branagh, Richard Burton, Simon Callow, Robert Carlyle, Helena Bonham Carter, Kim Cattrall, Glenn Close, Sir William "Billy" Connolly, Ben Crystal, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ossie Davis, Dame Judi Dench, Vincent D'Onofrio, Brian Dennehy, James Earl Jones, Beatie Edney, Mark Ebulue, Ralph Fiennes, Kate Fleetwood, Jodie Foster, Polly Frame, Morgan Freeman, Stephen Fry, Michael Gaston, Sir John Gielgud, Aidan Gillen, Rupert Graves, Eva Green, Sir Alec Guinness, David Harewood, Tom Hollander, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Jeremy Irons, Alex Jennings, Toby Jones, Jude Law, Robert Sean Leonard, Damian Lewis, John Lithgow, Sir Ian McKellen, Dame Helen Mirren, Richard Mitchley, Alfred Molina, Sir Roger Moore, Sam Neill, Al Pacino, Ron Perlman, Prasanna Puwanarajah, Sir Jonathan Pryce, Alan Rickman, Sir Simon Russell Beale, Susan Sarandon, Andrew Scott, Fiona Shaw, Michael Sheen, Gary Sinise, Dan Stevens, Sir Patrick Stewart, Mitchell Brian Stokes, Mark Strong, Natasha Richardson, David Tennant, Kathleen Turner, Eli Wallach, Dominic West and Samuel West.
In this playlist there is 1-1 poem read by Tony Amendola, Sebastian Arcelus, Mackenzie Astin, Gerry Bamman, Alan Bates, Gina Bellman, Cathy Belton, Edward Bennett, Tilly Blackwood, Claire Bloom, Lindy Booth, Peter Bowles, Eleanor Bron, Sir Michael Caine, Peter Capaldi, Sir Sean Connery, Lindsay Crouse, Ruby Dee, Adrian Dunbar, Lindsay Duncan, Noma Dumezweni, Adetomiwa Edun, Rupert Evans, Colin Farrell, Deborah Findlay, Edward Fox, Jonathan Frakes, Hugh Fraser, Jennifer Garner, Jill Gascoine, Annabeth Gish, Iain Glen, Ioan Gruffudd, Julie Harris, Josh Hartnett, John Heffernan, Douglas Henshall, Hozier, Sir John Hurt, Amy Irving, Sir Derek Jacobi, Peter Jacobson, Lennie James, Paterson Joseph, Rory Kinnear, Hugh Laurie, Sir Christopher Lee, Robert Lindsay, Ophelia Lovibond, Helen McCrory, Niamh McGrady, Sepideh Moafi, Cillian Murphy, Liam Neeson, Tessa Peake-Jones, Dame Sian Phillips, Wendell Pierce, Rosamund Pike, Diana Quick, Jemma Redgrave, Iwan Rheon, Sebastian Roché, Hugh Ross, William Sadler, Kerry Shale, Imelda Staunton, Rufus Sewell, Jenna Stern, Juliet Stevenson, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Jo Stone-Fewings, Tilda Swinton, Peter O’ Toole, Harry Treadaway, Indira Varma, Dame Harriet Walter, Sam Waterson, Fritz Weaver and Carolyn Wickwire.
By poets
W. H. Auden, William Blake, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Robert Burns, Byron, Lewis Carroll, John Clare, E. E. Cummings, Emily Dickinson, John Donne, T. S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Seamus Heaney, Robert Herrick, Gerard Manley Hopkins, John Keats, Rudyard Kipling, Edward Lear, Robert Lowell, Christopher Marlowe, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Pablo Neruda, E. A. Poe, Christina Rossetti, William Shakespeare, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Alfred Tennyson, Dylan Thomas, William Wordsworth, W. B. Yeats and other poets.
Short scenes from movies/theatre plays
Coriolanus (Tom Hiddleston), King Lear (Sir Athony Hopkins), Much Ado About Nothing (Emma Thompson & Kenneth Branagh), Hamlet (Andrew Scott), Much Ado About Nothing (Catherine Tate & David Tennant), Macbeth (Sir Patrick Stewart)
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vitohegv474 · 4 years
Was am besten an Tageslichtwecker App ist -- 2020
Die Lichtwecker wichtigsten Kaufkriterien. Auch für Sonn- und Feiertage ist eine zweite Weckzeit sehr praktisch. Du startest daher mit einem Tageslichtwecker erholt in den Tag und wirst nicht plötzlich von einem schrillen Ton aus dem Schlaf gerissen. Schlafen Sie wie ein Stein und sind morgens nur schwer aus dem Schlaf zu reißen, dann kommt es auf eine ausreichend helle Beleuchtung an. Achten Sie darauf, das Ihr Lichtwecker eine Lichtstärke von etwa 300 Lux besitzt. So werden im Vorfeld Angaben zu den technischen Daten gemacht. Manche Lichtwecker stören den Radioempfang. Das Vergleichsergebnis im Lichtwecker Vergleich basiert zum größten Teil auf Kundenbewertungen, Qualität, Leistung und Preis. Mit einem Lichtwecker k n auch Sie ausgeruht und.. Doch wie weckt denn jetzt der.. der unter dem Begriff Medisana 45100 SAC Licht-Wecker geführt..
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Wecker Aldi Süd
Auf dem Markt gibt es viele von solchen Lichtweckern, die auch als Tageslichtwecker, Sonnenaufgangwecker, Wecker mit Licht,.. Sanftes Aufwachen,.. Egal, wie gern so mancher noch im Bett bleiben möchte, ein ungnädiger Wecker reißt ihn morgens aus dem Schlaf. Analoge Wecker verfügen nicht über eine solche Funktion zum Herauszögern, analog bedeutet: Direkt aufstehen! Stattdessen wird mit diesen Radioweckern die Produktion von Kortisol angestoßen.
Ein Lichtwecker ist als Ergänzung zu einer Lichtdusche auf jeden Fall eine gute Sache. Genau wie beim Sonnenaufgang wird auch der Sonnenuntergang simuliert. Lichtwecker sind schon seit einigen Jahren auf dem Markt und haben für viele Benutzer das Aufstehen zu einer positiven Erfahrung gemacht. Behindertengerechter Umrüstung l Krampfaderbinde l Krankenbett l Pflegebett l Antidekubitusbett l Krankenfahrstuhl l Krankengeld l Krankenhausaufenthalt l Krankenhauswahl l Krankenstock l Krankenunterlagen l Krankenversicherung l Kreislaufgerät „Schiele" l Kreuzstützbandage l Krone l Krücke l Kündigung der Versicherung l Kur l Kurort l Lagerungskissen/-stütze, außer Abduktionslagerungskeil l Landesregelungen zur Beihilfe l Language-Master l Latextrichter bei Querschnittlähmung l Leibbinde, jedoch nicht: Nieren-, Flanellund Wärmeleibbinden l Leistungsausschlüsse l Leistungsübersicht des GebüH l Lesegeräte für Blinde/Optacon, computergesteuerte Lesegeräte mit Sprachausgabe l Lesehilfen l Leseständer l Blattwendestab l Blattwendegerät l Blattlesegerät l Auflagegestell l Lichtsignalanlage für Gehörlose und hochgradig Schwerhörige l Lichttherapie l Lichtwecker(Funk-) l Lifter l Krankenlifter l Multilift l Bad-Helfer l Krankenheber l Badewannenlifter l Linguaduc-Schreibmaschine l Lispelsonde l Logopädie l Luftpolsterschuhe l Luftreinigungsgeräte l Luxations-Gefahr l Polyarthritis l Magnetfolie l Mangoldsche Schnürbandage l Massagen l Maßschuhe l Mecklenburg-Vorpommern l Medizinische Rehabilitation l Milchpumpe l Mitversicherung l Monophonator l Munddusche l Mundsperrer l Mundstab/-greifstab l Mutter-Vater-Kind-Kuren l Nackenheizkissen l Nagelspange Link l Narbenschützer l Neurologische Untersuchungen l Niedersachsen l Nordrhein-Westfalen l Öldispersionsapparat l Organspender l Orthese l Orthonyxie-Nagelkorrekturspange l Orthopädische Bade- und Turnschuhe l Orthopädische Zurichtungen an Konfektionsschuhen l Orthoprothese l Outsourcing der Beihilfebearbeitung l Pauschalbeihilfe l Pavlikbandage l Penisklemme l Peronaeusschiene l Heidelberger Winkel l Pflegebedürftigkeit l Pflegebett in behindertengerechter Ausrüstung l Pflegeversicherung l Plastische Chirurgie l Polarimeter l Potenz l Praxisgebühr l Privat versichern l Prothesenschuh l Pseudoarthrose l Psychotherapeutengesetz l Psychotherapie l Pulsfrequenzmesser l Quengelschiene l Rechtsanspruch auf Beihilfe l Reflektometer l Rehabilitation l Rektophor l Restkostenversicherung l Rheinland-Pfalz l Roedersches Verfahren l Rollbrett l Rollstuhlzuggerät l Rotlichtlampe l Rückentrainer l Rücktrittsrecht l Rutschbrett l Saarland l Sachsen l Sachsen-Anhalt l Salbenpinsel l Sanatoriumsaufenthalt l Sanatoriumsbehandlung l Sauerstoffgeräte l Säuglings- und Kleinkinderaussatttung l Schaumstoff-Therapie-Schuhe l Schede-Rad l Schlaftherapiegerät l Schleswig-Holstein l Schönheitschirurgie l Schrägliegebrett l Schutzbrille für Blinde l Schutzhelm für Behinderte l Schwangerschaft l Schwellstromapparat l Segofix-Bandagensystem l Sehhilfen l Seitenzahngebiet l Sicherheitsschuh l Sitzkissen für Oberschenkelamputierte l Sitzschale, wenn Sitzkorsett nicht ausreicht l Skolioseumkrümmungsbandage l Sozialversicherung l Spastikerhilfen (Gymnastik-/Übungsgeräte) l Spezialsitze l Sphinkter-Stimulator l Spirometer l Sprachverstärker nach Kehlkopfresektion l Spranzbruchband l Spreizfußbandage l Spreizhose/-schale/-wagenaufsatz l Spritzen l Sprossenwand l Sprunggelenkmanschette nach Dr. Grisar (Talocrur) l Standardtarif, beihilfekonform l. Häufigkeit: Bei jeder Neuigkeit (unverzüglich)-Alarm - definition of alarm by The Free Dictionary-a.larm (ə-lärm′) n. 1. Sudden fear or concern caused by the realization of danger or an impending setback.
Fazit: Vereinfachung des Kaufs von test lichtwecker durch Test test lichtwecker. : Payment should be sent within 4 (FOUR) days of auction closing. In der Nacht schaltet sich die Anzeige der Uhr bei Bedarf übrigens komplett aus; eine Funktion, die bei anderen Lichtweckern von Philips häufig fehlt.
Tageslichtwecker Test
Radiowecker Mit Licht
3510 Philips
Philips 3520 Test
" 3. Vor allem im Herbst und Winter, wenn die Tage kurz sind und fast jeder mit den Folgen des fehlenden Lichtes zu kämpfen hat, kann ein Lichtwecker dafür sorgen, dass Sie morgens fitter und entspannter sind. Soll es ein Modell nur mit einer Lichtfunktion sein oder wünscht man sich vielmehr das Gesamtpaket aus Licht, Website Radio und Naturgeräuschen. Der Stiftung Waren Lichtwecker Test 2017 kann beispielsweise auch zeigen, ob der Artikel ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis besitzt und qualitativ hochwertig ist. Testergebnisse von Verbrauchermagazinen wie der Stiftung Warentest können ebenso zu einer Kaufentscheidung beitragen. Alle diese Lichtwecker verfügten nicht nur über austauschbare Lampen, sondern auch über verschiedene Wecktöne und ein UKW Radio Mittlerweile sind diese Austauschmodelle und im Handel nur noch vereinzelt erhältlich. Heller werdendes Licht aktiviert unsere Hormonhaushalt und bringt uns die Energie zurück.
Sie haben eine Frage zu Funk-Babymelder Bellman digitaler Lichtwecker New Design? Mit dem neuen Medisana Lichtwecker WL 444 beginnt der Start in den Tag ganz sanft. Hmmm, also mein Arzt meinte, so ein Lichtwecker könne die Lichttherapie per Lichtdusche wirksam unterstützen und ergänzen. Dieser Lichtwecker wird nur mit Strom betrieben, was heißt, dass man keine Batterien benötigt. Nachts reagiert der Mensch schon auf geringe Beleuchtungsstärkenunterschiede. Schauen wir sich zuvor jens Formgebungsbeispiel aktiv an. Letztlich sollte dasjenige spezifisch ein Gesichtspunkt, welcher für jedes Handelsgut erheblich werden wird. Die Verarbeitung des Weckers ist tadellos, er ähnelt sehr dem Philips Wakup-Lichtwecker, welcher etwas teurer ist. Mal ehrlich: Noch angenehmer wird das Aufwachen höchstens, wenn man von seinem liebsten Schatz mit Morgenküsschen, dampfendem Kaffee und frischen Brötchen geweckt wird!
Dann WLAN aus, und Du hast einen praktisch elektrosmogfreien Lichtwecker. Im Test überzeugt der Philips-Lichtwecker auf ganzer Linie: Die Bedienung ist - auch dank gelungener iOS-App - kinderleicht. So lässt sich eine Winterdepression in vielen Fällen vermeiden. Wecker Wake Up Light Lichtwecker Wecker mit Licht ,7 Wecktöne (inkl. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Fragen zu unseren Produkten haben, fühlen Sie bitte sich frei, uns zu kontaktieren. Dieser online Test soll allen Neugierigen die Kaufentscheidung erleichtern und Fehlkäufe vermeiden. Insbesondere dann, wenn es früh noch dunkel ist, ist es ein ständiger Kampf, und das Aufwachen fällt unendlich schwer.
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matpoden-blog · 7 years
Matpoden #174
Den Gyldene Matpoden! Ola & Andreas är på lokal, och inte vilken lokal som helst, anrika Den Gyldene Freden i Stockholm. Vi äter oss igenom deras klassiker med väl valda drycker samtidigt som dom gastronomiska diskussionerna når nya höjder, ( redan nu ber vi om ursäkt för vissa felsägningar, men så kan de gå när man kör live och inte klipper :-). Trevlig lyssning, god sommar, vi hörs igen om 4 veckor.
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nebris · 6 years
The death of Lyndon LaRouche and lessons unlearned
By Joel Bellman | February 17, 2019 11:36 PM 
I had very mixed feelings when I heard the news that Lyndon LaRouche had died at the age of 96. If people knew him at all, it would be because the political cult leader and far-Right extremist had run for president eight times, a record exceeded only by the legendary Harold Stassen. But Stassen never drew down millions of taxpayer dollars in federal campaign matching funds and bought blocks of TV prime time to promote his own peculiar brand of political lunacy. But after five years in the federal slam for mail fraud and tax evasion (where his one-time cellmate was naughty televangelist Jim Bakker; now THERE'S a play that somebody should write), LaRouche had been off the news radar for so long that most people's reaction might range somewhere between, "I didn't even know he was still alive," and "Who?"
Not me, though. As unbelievable as it seems today, there was a time when many of us thought LaRouche represented a genuine threat to American democracy. I did, because I was there and saw it first-hand.
When I was a journalism grad-school student at USC in 1980, I became intrigued by the strange group of people manning tables of political literature around campus (as well as at local post offices, malls, and airports), featuring utterly whacked-out conspiracy theories accusing the British royal family of running an international drug ring while a cabal of bankers and financiers were engineering a global economic collapse. They were also calling for a crash program to develop fusion nuclear power, demanding that schools promote German classical music, making scurrilous attacks on various political figures (Henry Kissinger, Jerry Brown, Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden, Mayor Tom Bradley, and even my future boss, Councilmember Zev Yaroslavsky) and promoting the delusional ramblings of one Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.  In the autobiography his followers were peddling, "The Power of Reason," LaRouche bombastically declared himself "to have gained some degree of importance in respect to processes shaping current world history," and predicted that either he would become president in 1981, or "be in a position to significantly determine the selection and the policies of an appropriate alternative nominee."
The weirdest thing about it all was that instead of stapled mimeographs of crudely typed screeds, the materials were slickly and professionally published. Who was behind it all? Where did their money come from? How did smart and talented people end up cranking out such fundamentally incomprehensible drivel? To what end?
When i joined a local radio news department that fall, I made LaRouche my first investigative project. But after his 1980 Democratic primary campaign had fizzled as quickly as his previous two campaigns, the press turned away and forgot all about him. And I quickly discovered that apart from a tiny handful of articles years before in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, and a scattering of alternative outlets, little had been published and nothing had been broadcast about what I discovered was a lavishly, and fraudulently, funded political cult that was aggressively promoting an anti-Semitic fascist program. And it was hiding in plain sight.
As I pored through newspaper microfilm and scoured the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature for any magazine articles, my research eventually led me to a handful of progressive journalists and labor union researchers who had been reporting on, and warning about, the LaRouche movement. The reason was because LaRouche--in identifying the ideological and organizational disarray in the American Left and the Democratic Party in the post-Watergate, post-Vietnam Jimmy Carter era--had astutely set his sights on their violent disruption, co-optation, and takeover.
I spent months of research reading, scooping up copies of their publications (and infiltrating a truly wacky meeting of LaRouche's "Schiller Institute" with my classical musician brother, in which LaRouche's German wife Helga held forth on the sublime genius of Heinrich Schenker and Gottfried Leibniz, while cult members attempted a recital of German choral music). After a series of interviews with some of LaRouche's local targets, as well as experts on extremist movements, I finally felt prepared to interview an actual cult member. But nothing prepared me for the interview I finally scored with a top figure in LaRouche's Los Angeles headquarters, Khushro Gandhi.
He was a mini-LaRouche in every respect, spouting the same conspiratorial nonsense in LaRouche's familiar and distinctive cadences (members were constantly drilled with speeches and recordings of LaRouche propaganda). After softening him up with some consciously naïve and innocent questions, I started pressing: the numerous deceptive front groups, the boiler-room fundraising, the violent attacks on opponents, the anti-Semitism, racism, and homophobia, the paranoid fantasies, the pivot from Marxism to fascism, the vilification of local politicians. Gandhi instantly turned aggressive and accusatory, launching into programmed rebuttals and character attacks. Then he turned sly. "So tell me," he asked conspiratorially, "who gave you the Bradley stuff?" I looked at him in astonishment. "You did," I said. "All your literature, signs, and flyers attack him and Zev and ACLU as terrorist drug-peddlers because they sued the LAPD over its secret political spy unit." I was eventually able to establish that the LAPD and the local LaRouche organization regularly traded information about "leftist agitators."
My half-hour investigative radio documentary aired a few months later, and went on to win my first Golden Mike from the local Radio-TV News Association. It formed the basis for a long two-part investigative article I co-authored with Chip Berlet, one of the foremost experts on extremism and fascist movements, which is still widely cited in the literature.
Yet LaRouche continued to make inroads, mounting another presidential campaign in 1984 (with federal matching funds), and cultivating contacts in the Reagan administration. In 1986, the LaRouche organization finally burst into the open after two of its members won Democratic nominations to statewide office in Illinois, and in California qualified the first of two AIDS initiatives that infuriated the medical establishment and panicked the gay community, which was targeted for mandatory testing and quarantine. Suddenly I found myself in demand as reporters from all over the country began calling me, and I guested on several local public affairs TV shows debating proponents of the AIDS quarantine, including an aide to Republican congressman William Dannemeyer. LaRouche had essentially called for identifying and relocating gay men into concentration camps in the name of disease control--and the initiative's official proponent and author was the same Khushro Gandhi that I'd interviewed for my program five years before. Even "Saturday Night Live" got into the act, running a couple of LaRouche sketches featuring Al Franken, playing both Henry Kissinger and even LaRouche himself (right).
By 1988, it was all but over. LaRouche was convicted of conspiracy and mail fraud in 1988 and sent to federal prison along with some of his associates, but after his 1994 early release, the cult never regained the prominence it once had.
For many of us who worked the LaRouche story over the years, the rise of an extremist demagogue like Donald Trump has held a particularly fearful resonance. We tried to sound warnings back in 2016--here's what I previously wrote in this space, here's what Rachel Maddow broadcast, and here Dennis King, one of the earliest and most prominent LaRouche experts, weighed in--but too few were listening.
So we laugh at the comically deranged Lyndon LaRouche because "it can't happen here." But as we are brutally reminded, every single day, it already has.
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danirazamora · 3 years
PENSAMIENTO HUMANO “El estudio de cómo lograr que las computadoras realicen tareas que, por el momento, los humanos hacen mejor”. (Rich y Knight, 1991) 8 “El estudio de los cálculos que permiten percibir y razonar”. (Winston, 1992)
PENSAMIENTO RACIONAL 4 “La interesante tarea de lograr que las computadoras piensen... máquinas con mentes, en su amplio sentido literal”. (Haugeland, 1985)
ACTUACIÒN HUMANA 3 “El arte de crear máquinas con capacidad de realizar funciones que realizadas por personas requieren inteligencia”. (Kurzweil, 1990) 2 “La automatización de actividades que vinculamos con procesos de pensamiento humano, actividades tales como toma de decisiones, resolución de problemas, aprendizaje...”(Bellman, 1978)
ACTUACIÒN RACIANAL 7 “El estudio de las facultades mentales mediante el uso de modelos computacionales”. (Charniak y McDermott, 1985) 5 “Un campo de estudio que se enfoca en la explicación y emulación de la conducta inteligente en función de procesos computacionales”. (Schalkoff, 1990)
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matyldasaresta · 3 years
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Tyk! Cóż to za upiorny zegar, że tak boleśnie odlicza sekundy? Tyk! Cóż za morze czasu między tyknięciami. Każde tyknięcie może być ostatnie. Tyk! Nie wolno mu dopuścić, żeby zegar stanął. Tyk! Ale jak go nakręcić? Pomacał się po kieszonce na piersi, szukając zegarka... Ale co to takiego? W kieszonce zegarka nie było! Tykanie dochodziło z jego piersi! Tyk! A każde tyknięcie może być ostatnie... Tyk!" Wznowienie powieści: Człowiek, którego prześladował czas, z klimatyczną okładką serii butikowej. Zauważyłam, że Albatros kocha wznowienia... Specyficznie hipnotyzująca opowieść o tajemniczym panu Blacku, śmierci i... krukach. Bohaterem jest William Bellman, który jako dziesięcioletni chłopiec kruka z procy i to wydarzenie zawarzyło na całym jego życiu, które na początku wydaje się być błogosławione - szczęśliwe małżeństwo z piękną kobietą, ojciec silnych i zdrowych dzieci, sukces w biznesie.  Jednak... Wokół niego panoszy się śmierć. Umierają jego znajomi, bliscy, pracownicy. I na każdym pogrzebie męczy go widok pojawiającego się obcego mężczyzny w czerni, uśmiechającego się tylko do niego.  Kiedy po pewnym czasie dochodzi do konfrontacji, uśmiechnięty nieznajomy ma propozycję dla Williama - tajemniczy układ, o nazwie "Bellman & Black"... Styl poetycki, troszkę magii narracyjnej w stylu Zafona. Nie wszystkim przypadnie do gustu, bo jest to spokojna, bardzo spokojna opowieść o przemijaniu. Refleksja i zaduma, a przy tym ciekawość - jak skończy się historia głównego bohatera i jego prześladowcy /?/? https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ34W2NMJUj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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irina-auf · 3 years
Hannes Wader - Volkssänger (1975/1993)
Nachweihnachtlicher Raubzug, 3/5
Mir eine CD von Hannes Wader zu kaufen, war eigentlich gar nicht mein Plan, aber als ich sie in einer Art Grabbelkiste liegen sah, griff ich doch zu. Vor zwei Monaten habe ich diesen Artikel über das Lied Es geht eine dunkle Wolke herein gelesen und Waders dort verlinkte Interpretation, die in der Sammlung enthalten ist, gefiel mir so gut. “Volkslieder [...] üben [...] offen oder versteckt Kritik an den Herrschenden. [...] Echte Volkslieder sind also meistens Lieder, die den Mächtigen gefährlich erscheinen”, belehrt uns das Booklet mit erhobenem Zeigefinger. Dies trifft auf Lieder wie Wo soll ich mich hinwenden zu, das ich noch nicht kannte und sehr ergreifend finde. Ganze drei Stücke auf der Scheibe sind deutsche Adaptationen von Werken des Schweden Carl Michael Bellman, der im 18. Jahrhundert lebte, da geht es größtenteils um Essen, Trinken und Sex. Neben der dunklen Wolke waren mir auch die Wilden Schwäne und Der Winter ist vergangen seit meiner Kindheit bekannt, Waders Interpretationen lassen sie in einem neuen Licht erscheinen. Kurios ist das letzte Stück Bollmann, das ich wegen des fremden Dialekts nur so halb verstehe. Offenbar studiert der Titelheld die Anatomie seiner Ehefrau und wundert sich. Das Witzige ist, dass es in Brandenburg an der Havel, also nicht weit von meinem Geburtsort, ebenfalls ein Lied über “Fritze Bollmann” gibt.
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Hallo, mein Name ist Sabina Boeck Bellman, ich lebe in Wien und betreibe einen gelegentlichen Autoverkauf. Vielen Dank, dass Sie die Einladung angenommen haben. Es ist nur zu wissen, dass ich eine 71-jährige Witwe bin und du?
Entschuldigen Sie diese Art der Kontaktaufnahme, aber die Zeit lässt mir keine andere Wahl. Ich weiß, dass diese Nachricht für Sie eine Überraschung sein wird, da wir uns nicht kannten. Aber die Gnade Gottes hat mich zu Ihnen geleitet und ich möchte, dass Sie meine Botschaft sorgfältig lesen.
Kurzum, mein Name ist Hedwige Sabina Bellmann österreichischer Herkunft. . Ich leide an einer schweren Krankheit, die mich zum sicheren Tod verurteilt: Kehlkopfkrebs. Ich habe einen Betrag von 700.000 Euro, den ich in meiner Sparkasse reserviert habe.
Also werde ich spenden, um den Waisenhäusern und den Armen in meinem Heimatdorf zu helfen. Ich habe mich auch entschieden, an eine zuverlässige und ehrliche Person zu spenden, damit sie sie sinnvoll einsetzen können.
Ich besitze einen Gebrauchtwagenverkauf und habe vor 5 Jahren meinen Mann verloren. Leider haben wir kein Kind, das sich um unser Erbe kümmern kann, deshalb bitte ich um Ihre Mithilfe als Erbe.
Daher werde ich Ihnen eine Spende von 700.000 Euro zukommen lassen, um Waisenhäusern und Armen in Ihrer Region zu helfen.
Diesen Betrag möchte ich gerne noch vor meinem Tod spenden, da meine Tage mangels dieser nicht behandelten Krankheit gezählt sind. Ich würde gerne wissen, ob Sie von dieser Spende profitieren können, um Waisenhäusern und Armen in Ihrem Dorf zu helfen?
Hier ist meine WhatsApp-Nummer: +43 681 20840474
Meine E-Mail-Adresse: [email protected]
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled Poem # 8650
Niggard scent be; and there declining  had preferred  a name ; yet want pretence to  look aloft, the place:  feare out of the rest; for  head, o my sunflower! And  waste my smiling thus her thro  the comes in vain! Bellman 
of sense I bowd before  than evening-staid night, which with  all my own, and tired  today when  some on, soon will pleasing nurse 
made him canoe of fear: why  fair aspect a coward, so 
too—too high: only I had to  store than enough for  slaue. Now it came out one “ Will” to bow, can  make with desired 
change, be absence with  eternally before 
there your image,  wrought— o Greta, dear to  me to slake my greedy pikes  of summer air, and love came  out my brief, dreaming hand, and in  summer shines in old man love  you; I go about the other,  fierce complaints auld Nature grows on  the much water evermore  been content to  find a swoon left her  made loved hill! A struck matches;  squire Pope but the ball when  I shall bower; just 
wherefores from aery steed—  my stray, and please and peanuts,  singing “That old man sat,  and led,” shall lover the 
fretful wheresoeer she chariots  tranquil ken, and half-cheese  are thereof nourishment; for  though yonder of another  cottage bent to a  dark old play, for to  tame, thou art not her, or 
die. That al the pillours  for lovely girls and venom- bag, and then posies, and  over my deliverers taste as 
before he went to 
make my marriage-bed. Such cool and 
fool, Love, and some relief, 
the singular beautiful 
than the love were  a pitty. And I shall divine:  if I sleep. Arch on earth 
the vault. The silent  horrors of Almighty crownd, that  all thy brain where was 
ripe shear away like a stone  shall not so; but its natiue places,  break it—What, in  gloome, and only knows: to 
sue thee, and frantic-mad with 
shot, her light is tied?
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demianblog · 4 years
Subastan por 45.600 euros unas pantuflas de Winston Churchill
Subastan por 45.600 euros unas pantuflas de Winston Churchill
La casa de subastas británica Bellmans vendió este martes por 39.040 libras (unos 45.600 euros) unas zapatillas de terciopelo que pertenecieron al ex primer ministro del Reino Unido Winston Churchill.   Las pantuflas, de color azul, suela de cuero y 29 cm de largo, superaron todas las expectativas al venderse en línea al mejor postor por 32.000 libras –39.040 con la prima al comprador–, tras…
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