rossorubinotv · 2 years
Fuori di Blend: 3 appuntamenti per scoprire le simmetrie enoiche firmate Bellenda
A Vittorio Veneto vini d’importazione abbinati a prelibatezze gastronomiche per tre serate dedicate agli appassionati della buona tavola. Il 10 ottobre l’evento riservato agli operatori. Fuori di Blend dunque spin-off della rassegna enoculturale Blend.
Tre appuntamenti all’insegna del gusto tra le colline del prosecco di Vittorio Veneto: giovedì 29 settembre, martedì 4 e giovedì 6 ottobre arriva Fuori di Blend, il triplice evento aperto al pubblico che accompagna la rassegna enoculturale Blend, organizzata da Bellenda e dedicata agli operatori di settore e alla stampa. Semprequeo, Trattoria alla Cerva e Bar Lux saranno le location che…
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jamesthewineguy · 5 months
Bellenda Prosecco Wine Review (Point Scores in Description)
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cloudwine9 · 2 years
Bellenda: serve una certificazione di territorio, i Consorzi ne diventino i promotori
Bellenda: serve una certificazione di territorio, i Consorzi ne diventino i promotori
BELLENDA: SERVE UNA CERTIFICAZIONE DI TERRITORIO, I CONSORZI NE DIVENTINO I PROMOTORI Gli alti costi delle certificazioni impediscono ai piccoli produttori di dotarsene. Per superare l’empasse, il team di legislatori deve essere composto da chi lavora ogni giorno in vigna Parte da Blend, rassegna enoculturale ideata e realizzata dall’azienda agricola Bellenda di Vittorio Veneto, la richiesta di…
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haybug1 · 2 years
Drink These 5 Wines to Toast June!
Drink These 5 Wines to Toast June!
Happy June! June is one of my favorite months of the year as it is my birthday month, so let’s celebrate! Pop and pour one of these beauties to toast the start of summer. I have such an adoration for bubbles. Flirty and fun, every day is a day to enjoy a sparkling wonder. From the rolling hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene with Veneto’s Prosecco region, Bellenda San Fermo Prosecco Superiore DOCG…
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adjani · 2 years
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#アルポルトクラシコ横浜 #アルポルトクラシコ #perrierjouet #bellenda (そごう横浜店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcquMRaPnuSW-hHKt5vCjnr-dnF2ga9ugnwoBc0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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biogeorgi23-blog · 5 years
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#lovwine #vinitaly #vinuri #vinitaly2019 #aquiladeltorre #orestiadi #barberis #laraia #chiusagrande #ceretto #chionetti #nuovacappelletta #grosjean #biondelli #angoris #sancassiano #bellenda #tamburnin #vignedeimastri #anzivino #belcolle #castella #pace #bosio #ritterhof #eggerramer #morisfarm #colonnara #donnaclara #marrycristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/B5zaZdxicQ0/?igshid=1nt9m0m7m2ztx
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myvinespot · 7 years
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Next up: Bellenda San Fermo Prosecco. #Bellenda #ItalianBubbles #Prosecco #NationalProseccoDay #wine #myvinespot
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burde · 5 years
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Grande Umberto Sei (veramente) Uno speciale! 🍾🙏💥 #Bellenda • • • • • • #verona #vinitaly #gstw #godsavethewine #duetorri #prosecco #metodoclassico #friday #fridays #fridaynight #glera #valdobbiadene #treviso #wine #sparklingwine (presso Due Torri Hotel Verona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKDtI5nCp2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u6h0a5mig7ko
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probably one of the funniest things ive been a part of is being in the twitch stream of an actual Brit playing Pokemon Sword and when asked what to call the Bronzong he caught being told "Bellend"
Unfortunately the pokedex apparently knows thats British Slang and didn't allow it so it became Bellenda instead but just. yknow. an attempt was made.
I mean it just gave me the headcanon of the canon characters also being like "oh it wont recognize this British Slang Term- lmfao what. it does? Awwwwh thats a shame."
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wineeveryscene · 7 years
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プロセッコ・スペリオーレDOCGプロモーション記者発表会 日本では初めての単独公式プロモーションで、試飲会、セミナー、GALA dinner、プレゼンランチ、アペリティーボと盛り沢山のプログラム。1カ月のレストランプロモーションも。11の生産者のプロセッコ・スーペリオーレは、どれも繊細でエレガント。日本食に合いそう。 #proseccosuperioreDOCG#Bellenda#Bortolomiol#Contecollalto#Collidelsoligo#Fossmarai#Anticaquercia#Vignedialice#Valdoca#Colle#Villasandi#Vedova#Japanpromotion#イタリアワイン3000年
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momjuiceblog · 7 years
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I'm a woman...therefore I have needs. I always need an Italian Sparkling Prosecco! If you are out shopping at @costco today do yourself and your woman a favor and pick up a #Bellenda Prosecco. The Bellenda Brut Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore San Fermo Vintage 2014 made the top 100 values via @wine_spectator which means every wine on this list is $20 or less. Flavors of nectarine, kumquat, Ginger, and white cherries. Bright, tangy, balanced, and creamy. Thank you for sending me these beautiful Sparkling wines! They flew to me all the way from #Italia! #MomJuicePicks #Prosecco #YourWelcome . . . . . #momjuice #mywine #winepicks #100topvalues #winespectator #bellenda1986 #italianprosecco #brut #conegliano #coneglianovaldobbiadenedocg #docg #seiuno #proseccotime #proseccosuperiore #SanFermo #sparkling #popthebubbly #sparklingwine #italianwine #extradry #treviso #wine #winetasting #sparklingprosecco #wineblogger (at Newport Beach, California)
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mywinepal · 7 years
Pairing Japanese Dishes with Italian Wine?
Pairing Japanese Dishes with Italian Wine? #Veneto2017 #Amarone @proseccoCV @C_Valpolicella @MikuRestaurant
Miku Restaurant (Image courtesy mikurestaurant.com)
We have heard about fusion cuisine; mixing elements of French dishes with Mexican spices, for example.  But have you considered fusion also as the pairing of cuisine from one region with the wine from another region?  Recently I and a few other wine and food writers sampled the pairing of Japanese food from Miku Restaurant in Vancouver, with Val…
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cloudwine9 · 2 years
Fuori di Blend: tre appuntamenti per scoprire le simmetrie enoiche firmate Bellenda
FUORI DI BLEND: TRE APPUNTAMENTI PER SCOPRIRE LE SIMMETRIE ENOICHE FIRMATE BELLENDA  A Vittorio Veneto vini d’importazione abbinati a prelibatezze gastronomiche per tre serate dedicate agli appassionati della buona tavola. Il 10 ottobre l’evento riservato agli operatori Tre appuntamenti all’insegna del gusto tra le colline del prosecco di Vittorio Veneto: giovedì 29 settembre, martedì…
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shibasommelier · 7 years
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Bellenda Sei Uno Brut
Sometimes you just gotta nurse a bottle of prosecco and call it a day, amirite? Peaches, apples, green herbs, and stone on the nose. Peaches and golden apples on the palate. A bit like Spanish apple cider. Stony on the finish.
3/5 bones
Glera (Prosecco)
11.5% abv
Prosecco (Veneto), ITALY
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simonettaramogida · 4 years
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syrahqueen · 5 years
Prosecco Elevated – Sipping Prosecco Superiore DOCG
Prosecco Elevated – Sipping Prosecco Superiore DOCG
Prosecco is the perfect drink for hot summer days, girls night out, festive celebrations, Sunday brunch or to sip on the beach.  Americans have been drinking Prosecco for years and sales are at an all time high, and why not, it is light, refreshing, festive and wallet friendly.
As American appetite for Prosecco rises, it is time to understand this category in greater depth.  Not all Proseccos are…
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