snake-spire · 20 days
Alright, I’ve now finished a page in my sketchbook with Lilly! Specifically that for Bella!Verse and she’s already become my new favorite character.
So to explain some things: She transfers from Harper’s Hills to the soup kitchen/homeless shelter that Oscar is the head of where she meets Bella again after the months she went missing after her coma. I have a short comic about their reunion that I’m itching to draw, but I have so many ideas already.
Oscar is technically still around but Bella doesn’t meet him until what would be the end of season 4 in this au. He and Lilly have a very sweet relationship with each other: Lilly is aware of Oscar’s drinking problems and does her best to take care of him after and Oscar is like a mentor figure to her.
And of course, Jane/John is very happy to see Lilly again, but his opinions of the nurse sours because of her jealousy.
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Lilly goes to the worm house with Bella and gets attacked like Oscar, this time, the worms go to her leg and it’s cut from the knee.
(Poorly drawn worm in her leg below +the aftermath)
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The only time Bella meets Oscar would be just outside of Marie’s house when he delivers Lilly’s letter to her.
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a-mossy-amethyst · 28 days
I have multiple malevolent wips to work on... but oh... Bella!verse how you call to me.....
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holywaterzzz · 1 year
bestie we should bring back carmittaria in honor of s1 being so good and me trying to forget how bad s3 is going tbh
yknow what, so true and real.
and on that note we should also bring back aranceo, they haven't stopped their usual clownery i just miss talking about them :)
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drowningparty · 5 months
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Anyway. Bellaverse Sketches Be Upon You
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abellmunsonmovie · 7 months
_________₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊Welcome to the Bellaverse₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊_________ Hi:>┊₊✩ hi, i'm bella I write for stranger things and other fandoms (mainly eddie munson though). I write fluff, angst, and comfort, I don't write smut because im not great at writing it (loll), and i don't write for real people/celebrities just cause it makes me uncomfy. I make mood boards, and spotify playlist aswell! also, I take request, for mood boards and writings! I hope you enjoy my works<3 Fandoms:0┊₊✩ some fandoms i am in are stranger things, glee, deadpool, jersey shore, lana del rey, hozier, jackass, and scream. my masterlist my socials
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miscreantahead · 9 days
Doing the dishes, daydreaming about my little version of malevolent bellaverse that I've been making up in my own head because I got that Bella fixation. I was thinking about how it's never sat right with me that Bella made the same mistake as Arthur with Faroe but with some other fixation because while I like the idea of her being as fallible I prefer it to be in her own ways and I feel that that particular fatal mistake was unique to Arthur's character and I'd hate to just schlep it onto Bella in an alternative universe and so as I asked the question "so what is Bella's grave mistake, the deep regret that has shaped her life since?" and the answer I got back from myself was "she killed her husband in cold blood because he accidentally killed their daughter" which kind of hit like a slap in the face but I absolutely do not hate it.
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papermint-airplane · 2 years
Just some Simblr updates and *cough* other ramblings. Click if you’re interested. Warning: it is long.
It's 5:30 on a Wednesday evening. I am sitting in an uncomfortable metal chair in a church basement. The air smells of mildew and fried chicken (it's a Baptist church). I'm holding a paper cup full of lukewarm water in both hands. It's still full. The bottom is beginning to sag. I stare at it.
"Laura!" comes a voice from my right. I startle, sloshing my water slightly. "It's your turn to speak," comes the voice again, softer this time.
I look up. A large, tight smile stretches across Shelly's face. She probably means for it to look reassuring but it just looks forced. I swear I can make out the faintest twitch in her right eye. I drop my gaze to my paper cup again. All around me, metal chairs creak out a chorus as the other members of the group shift. I know eight pairs of eyes just turned towards me, though I don't look up to confirm it. It would have been nine if Greg had showed up tonight. Fucking Greg.
I open my mouth, attempting to speak, but all that comes out of my dry throat is a strained "u-uh." I raise the paper cup to my lips and down the water like a shot. Some of it floods into my windpipe. I begin coughing uncontrollably, my body's reflexes desperately trying to save me from drowning myself on dry land. Shelly is still smiling at me.
"Take your time," she says. I continue to choke. Jennifer, on my left, half-heartedly pats my back.
After what feels like an eternity, my airway manages to clear itself and I am no longer dying. I only wish I were.
"Uh," I say again, even more hoarse than before. "I-I'm Laura and I can't--"
"'Don't'," Shelly corrects me. "We don't say 'can't' here."
"Right, uh, I don't finish things," I say. Shelly nods her approval. "Uh..yeah."
"Hi, Laura," eight voices drone in response.
"It's been two weeks since I posted the last part of Denizens of Woeford," I continue. I know that I should--"
"Ah ah ah!" interrupts Shelly, wagging a finger at me. "We don't 'should' ourselves here."
"Right. I know I sh--I mean, I need--I want to post another part but..." My voice trails off. Sentences are another thing I struggle to finish, apparently. Shelly's eye twitch becomes a bit more pronounced. "You know what, I have to go to the bathroom," I blurt out, holding up my empty paper cup as if it is exhibit A in my legal defense.
"Of course," coos Shelly. "We'll still be here when you get back. Unless it's after 6:00, because the ladies have to set up for prayer meeting."
I scramble out of the room as fast as my legs will carry me. To my credit, I do stop at the ladies' room to toss my cup into the wastebin. I flush one of the toilets, hoping the sound will drown out my footsteps as I bolt down the hallway towards the exit. Greg had the right idea ditching tonight. Fucking Greg.
I won't be back.
So. If you’re wondering what that was all about, me too, fam, me too. Ever get a shower thought you can’t shake until you write it down? This was that. I’m so sorry I put you through all that.
That was just my round-about, extremely convoluted way of acknowledging my faults. I have started like three stories on here that I’ve dropped already because I didn’t have time to do a good job or I was bored or *dismissive hand flap* whatever else. I do have a hard time finishing things, I admit that. I have limited time to play because of my full-time job and when I do play, I tend to prioritize my own enjoyment (as I should, as we all should) so if I’m not enjoying something, I drop it. That’s what happened to Bellaverse.
Bellaverse was going to be a multiverse-spanning story about Bella Goth née Bachelor in several different iterations just...just going through it. I actually wrote like 90% of it. All I had left to do was set up pictures for it. Problem was, due to my limited time, I kind of ended up half-assing the pictures in the prologue. I wasn’t really happy with any of them but I didn’t feel like I had the time or attention span to redo them. So I dropped the story rather than putting something out I’m not happy with. Maybe at some point, I’ll take another crack at it. Like I said, I do have most of it written and I don’t want a story to go to waste. 
All of this is to say I feel bad when I drop something else or I don’t feel as excited about something as I once did. And that’s dumb. This is a game that I play for fun on a Simblr I maintain for fun. I shouldn’t be making myself feel bad for only focusing on stuff I enjoy and dropping what I don’t. But, this isn’t really about the Simblr. I have trouble finishing things in other areas of my life, too. I have mental health problems and I tend to put too much pressure on myself and get too overwhelmed and...things just don’t get done. I’m working on it in therapy. My therapist is not Shelly, thank God. He’s actually really good and he’s helping me get over a lot of self-inflicted guilt.
So I’m not dropping Denizens of Woeford. However, I am changing it. 
My original plan was to play every family in Woeford in a rotational save, posting their stories one part per rotation and continuing on like that, tying each family’s story into each other. Ambitious, you say? Nah, not really. The intertwining narratives were always going to happen with what I had planned, so that wasn’t my issue. My issue is this stupid game doing what it does and making life difficult for me. I found Pleasant Sims’ detailed instructions on how to play Sims 3 rotationally and I followed them. to. the. letter. And it didn’t work. Even after I set up castes, even after I added everyone to them, even after I installed a mod to enable Sims 2-style aging, even after I set lifespans on epic, my unplayed Sims decided “hey fuck Laura, let’s just do what we want!” and aged up without my input anyway. It was really annoying trying to focus on one family when I had to go jump into other households real quick to fix people. 
And that’s when I realized, hey, I don’t want to do this. The only households I was really enjoying playing were Aiden’s and Eleanor’s, in that order. So, instead of my grand rotational plan, I’m going to focus just on Aiden and Eleanor. I’m still going to post introductions to the other Denizens of Woeford (because I worked hard on those, dammit), and you’ll still get to see their stories play out, albeit in the background of Aiden’s story. It’s just better for me this way and I think it’s better for anyone who wants to read this mess, too, because not only will it be less confusing, it’ll be more fun. And I’ll be having fun instead of wishing I was playing with Aiden instead of whoever I’m posting about. I know my feelings would show through, and that’s no good for anyone. 
So, Tl; dr, I will be posting Denizens of Woeford once more. I scrapped all my initial plans and screenshots, and moving forward, I’ll just be focusing on Aiden and Eleanor instead of everyone.
More than likely, I am literally the only person on the planet who cares about any of this, but I wanted to get my thoughts out there anyway. If you are reading this, holy shit why?! But also, thank you, and if you learn anything from this, prioritize what you find fun over what you’ve made yourself think you’re obligated to do. Because at the end of the day, nobody is going to care anywhere near as much as you do, so you might as well stop making yourself stress out over nothing. Nobody is forcing you to do anything except you. And maybe Greg. Fucking Greg.
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I posted 1,548 times in 2022
That's 1,454 more posts than 2021!
270 posts created (17%)
1,278 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,543 of my posts in 2022
#alt reblogs - 1,222 posts
#alt rambles - 244 posts
#scp - 117 posts
#dr bright - 91 posts
#art goals - 89 posts
#tips - 86 posts
#stardew valley - 70 posts
#aesthetic - 67 posts
#alt draws - 63 posts
#jack bright - 61 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#and your colleagues are watching you losing braincells and me having the time of my life shaking the bells on my bastardly clown shoes
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Bellaverse Canon has Bright as a fucking GOD and their name is Abirt and they literally judge the sinners who died I'm fucking losing it oh my god-
SCP Pantheon real I'm fucking- holy shit- I can't believe this-
We have so many canon variations of Bright now we have Monke Bright, Fish Bright, Flesh Pit Bright, Flower Bright anD NOW A LITERAL DEITY BRIGHT
123 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
20 Random Personnel HCs no one asked for but I'm giving it here anyway because why not.
I'm bored and I want to think about the clowns. I also want to talk about the clowns.
Glass doesn't like it when he comes to work and sees something wearing the same shirt as he is. That being said, he keeps a few extra sweaters in his office to change into when someone does wear the same shirt as him
Bright has a collection of different types and designs of canes. She invests in it a lot because it's the one familiar thing- aside from 963 which she actively hates, in her body hopping problem. Her favourite is the hotpink offset cane with spikes.
Kondraki carries condiment packets in his pockets all the time. No one knows why. No one sees him restock it. He just always have it. "That bastard Clef always need them," is his answer everytime he's asked.
Gears carries an antique watch in his pocket. You can see the chain from his labcoat. He wants to give it to Alison one day.
Yoric also has a pocket watch given by Jack. It doesn't work anymore but he still keep it on him at all times. Says it's his lucky charm.
Jack completely disowned Yoric's parents. They're no longer part of the official Bright family tree too. Most the family shuns them. They're wary of Yoric most the time because of that.
The pocket watches were definitely matching for Gears and Jack as a sign of their friendship. It's also viewed as an heirloom.
Yoric can play the guitar and sing. He's also knows how to tap dance. No one knows where he learned it or when.
Clef's hawaiian shirt are all special and unique. Some even had extra stuff added to it- much like Mabel's sweaters from Gravity Falls. He definitely has one hawaiian shirt with led-lights sewn into the pattern.
In case of a blackout, Clef is a really good glowstick/source of light because for some reason all his shirts glow in the dark.
Diogenes definitely has tampons and pads at their desk/bag/pocket at all times and will whip them out when someone starts bleeding (not from injury).
Diogenes and Lament are pretty close and they have lunch a lot together to bitch about stuff and gossip. They're also drinking buddies. Also, they're up to date with the latest workplace drama and tea.
Iceberg met Lament once and they had an office chair race down the hallway. There was a really big betting pool on who would win. Jack was the one who started it.
Cimmerian hates store-bought butter and makes his own butter. Yes, it's more expensive. No, he doesn't care.
Finding Iceberg in summer clothing is very common during the winter months as he does not get cold. Hot Girl Summer got delayed. It's Depressing Incel Winter for Iceberg. Also he wears crop tops. I will not change my mind
Jack and Gears are childhood friends. Gears is almost as old as Jack is- if not perhaps a year or two older.
Jack is surprisingly a good cook. In fact, she enjoys cooking a lot. It's one of the things that they like to do to shift their focus away from depressing thoughts.
No one really notices but Gears' love language is feeding people. If he likes you, he buys you lunch and brings you snacks a lot.
Glass definitely once tried baking pot brownies. He says it's for the science but it was actually beacuse he lost a bet with Jack and Clef and had to bake it for them.
Clef smokes weed and definitely has a stash in his office, car and home. Kondraki joined him once. Never again.
146 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
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See the full post
149 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
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251 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
SCP memes because I can. And also because I was given the idea.
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Ice boi commits Arson
See the full post
321 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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snake-spire · 10 days
A little sketch dump from last night of my sillies
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I need more love for Lilith, I can’t be the only one who loves her potential and her deadbeat dad (we all know Kayne was a shit father. She and Bella have so much in common)
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Jane/John and Bella, I miss you dearly (created and drew the au in the first place)
And Dollins. I should draw more of them.
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littleli0nheart · 6 years
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[Social Media AU - Bechloe Takes LA]
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panlight · 2 years
(My asks about the covens are separate so that they get all the focus whenever you come across them.)
Next coven: the Romanians. Their role, what they matter to the story (and why they may not actually matter) or if they do/don't why/why not? What do they do all day and night besides grumble over everything they lost, imagine burning the Volturi alive, sit around, and feed? Or is that really it in your view?
I LOVE the Romanians, mostly because finally--FINALLY--we have some characters whose motivations have absolutely nothing to do with Bella or her kid or even the Cullens generally. They literally DO NOT CARE about Renesmee or this gathering or whether the Cullens get wiped off the face of the earth for their supposed crime. And I love that for us, and for them. It’s like they somehow broke through the Bellaverse bubble. It’s almost meta how they show up uninvited, like SM herself might have been like “where did these guys come from?” 
“Vladimir” as a name throws me off. I mean it’s not unheard of in Romania but it’s much more strongly associated with Russia. I would guess her thought process was:  Romania = Transylvania = Dracula = Vlad (the Impaler)  = Vladimir  
But the historical Vlad was not a Vladimir.
I suppose it’s a modern adoption anyway; they’re so old that they’re actually from ancient Dacia, not the much more modern entity of Romania, and probably adopted the names “Stefan” and “Vladimir” more recently. He should probably just be “Vlad” though rather than “Vladimir.”
I love that they don’t care and aren’t friends and are just there because they want to be there if the Volturi go down. I love how Carlisle’s like “no no we’re not going to fight them” and they’re like “lol okay if you say so but we’ll hang around JUST IN CASE >:) “ And I suppose that’s their narrative purpose, to FINALLY bring in some outside perspective, to show that there ARE some vampires who just want to take the Volturi out for their own reasons. 
They are a big example of why SM’s handling of the language issue is clumsy, though. Bella, the narrator, only understands English, so all these characters speak English and like, sure, okay. I guess I can accept that. But why would the Romanians be muttering to each other in English? 
Unless they are doing it on purpose because they want to be overheard, which is also hilarious. 
I sort of imagine them as Wile E. Coyotes who are constantly coming up with plans to take out the Volturi, and they always fail, but then they get right back at it. But I do think if they ever DID somehow get the throne back they’re feel totally lost. It’s like the dog that was chasing a car finally catching it. NOW what? Revenge had been their motivator for so long it became their identity. If they achieve it . . . now what? There’s also a bit of Sleeping Beauty’s “bad fairy’ in them in that they showed up uninvited but everyone tolerates them because making them mad would probably just make things worse.
I do think it’s a bit disappointing that SM went out of her way to give them mates/wives in the guide. I liked it better to think they were just pissed about losing their throne and their power vs the “I lost a mate!” stuff. 
I’m indifferent about whether I want them to be a romantic couple or not. As I’ve said before, I’m not shippy, so I don’t really care, although I get WHY people want them to be. Finishing each other’s sentences? There’s obviously a deep bond there but whether it’s from a shared desire for revenge, or desire for each other (or why not both?) makes no real difference to me personally. Although we all know SM didn’t intend it, and probably added the “they had mates! FEMALE mates!” to the guide after the fact to try and tamp down the “They’re in love!” fandom interpretation. 
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finiffy · 2 years
Sorry for the shift in subject (not much into the Bellaverse AU, i'm more with the Church of Doctors Au 😀)
Say I wonder if you have a list of all the HC about the relationship between Gears and his Dad? Maybe things you didn't go over too? I love how you present their relationship and I'm trying to piece out a few part of -your- canon 🥰
Thanks for your answers! They make my work shifts a bit easier (yes i am on tumblr at work xp)
Well I am glad that you are liking these guys! Though I am sure I pretty much talked about everything I had for Founder and Gears but I kinda forgot what I had said but I will toss out what I currently have in my mind
Founder lets say wasn't the best dad to Gears but wasn't the worst
You can imagine the random information and skills Gears picked up as a kid thinking it was a normal thing but it wasn't (like Founder reading the whole book on mechanical movement and things as a bed time story)
Founder did not know the first thing on how to take care of a tiny child and it was a wild ride and since he raised Charles by himself (with the help with the other o5s) it was a rough learning experience. He basically treated Charles as just a tiny adult than a literal kid
I do believe that Founder pretty much had in mind to have Gears take his position as an o5 when the time comes
The amount of sass Gears has towards his dad is alot, there is a switch that he does when talking to Founder as a professional employee and as a the son of a weird ass man
I do think they somewhat care about eachother but mostly it is just, "You have your life and I have mine" and don't butt in too much
Except the time Founder was looking for an assistant to give to Charles, he looked at so many different personnel files to find the best one to assign his kid, he appointed Iceberg to him
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holywaterzzz · 2 years
yooo bellaverse carmen real :000
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ateneawrites · 3 years
WIP tag game
thanks for tagging me @junosjukebox 💖
Rules: Post the names of all the files in you WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them most and then post a little snippet/tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
oh god lmao here we go, you'll be familiar w some because i am unable to not pester you about stories and i am terrible at names
vampire doctor cherry
mermaid tayce 1
mermaid tayce 2
sisterhood of the traveling books (aka don't let [redacted] find this)
fairy bosco
bellaverse yulelog
kissing things 1, 2 and 3
'kiss me' leading to
'kiss me' aftermath
between stitches
i tag @inthehytes @nickysjaida @morningmissgoode @dawningofdrag @diana-prince-s @goodemethyd and anyone else that sees this and wants to play along lol
(not rpdr) a vague trembling of stars
rosenali vs culture clash
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papermint-airplane · 2 years
The Bellaverse: Prologue, part 1
Landgraab Industries Science Facility, Sunset Valley
Claudia Shepherd’s Sloppy Jalopy wheezes as it struggles to crest the hill towards the lab. Ordinarily, the knocking sounds from under the hood would cause Claudia some concern, but tonight her mind is elsewhere.
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One last job...and then I'm out for good.
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Where have I heard that before? Oh...right...It's what I said last time. And the time before that. And the time before that...
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This one is different, though. At least that's what the boss said. He called it "the score to end all scores". I like the sound of that. No more breaking into houses. No more pawning TVs for a few simoleons to pay the bills. If this score is as good as the boss says, I'll be set for life. Then it's bye bye Sunset Valley, hello Isla Paradiso!
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Let’s hope whatever these nerds cooked up really is that valuable.
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The Bellaverse Canon has Bright as a fucking GOD and their name is Abirt and they literally judge the sinners who died I'm fucking losing it oh my god-
SCP Pantheon real I'm fucking- holy shit- I can't believe this-
We have so many canon variations of Bright now we have Monke Bright, Fish Bright, Flesh Pit Bright, Flower Bright anD NOW A LITERAL DEITY BRIGHT
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