#bellara banter
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ellie-writes-games · 3 months ago
Spite Wants To Set A Flame
Lucanis (and by extension, Spite) have been helping Bellara with her romance novel. Flowery language and smut metaphors lead Spite to some surprising conclusions.
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╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗ prev Part 8 of Burn After Reading banter series next ╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝ Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request? Part of an on-going series of fan-writings. See the full Masterlist here.
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As someone on the autism spectrum, I remember struggling with interpreting metaphor as a young person A LOT. As soon as it was introduced in Veilguard that Bellara was writing some smutty fanfiction, the first thoughts I had were "Oh, the neurospicy gang is gonna struggle." (Mainly Taash and Spite.)
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This is fanfiction written by me, @ellie-writes-games. These are NOT actual screenshots from the game. Peace, love, and mad props to the DA writers.
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rpgchoices · 4 months ago
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Rook trying to learn about the companions' backstories and personalities like -
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sky--phantom · 1 month ago
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writerfromshikahr · 1 month ago
What If Bellara Had Romance Banter Between Her and Lucanis About Rook?
🐦‍⬛Lucanis: Bellara, you've been staring at me all day and sighing. Is there something wrong?
🌿Bellara: No, everything is fine, but…well…
🐦‍⬛Lucanis: Yes?
🌿Bellara: I LOVE THAT YOU AND ROOK ARE A COUPLE. It's so romantic and sweet. It's like fate brought you together so you could fall in love and…
🐦‍⬛Lucanis: (interrupting her) Fate had nothing to do with it. It's called a contract.
🌿Bellara: (completely ignoring him) Perhaps I could write something. What would I call it? I know! "The Assassin's Surrender" or "Contracts of the Heart." Which is better?
🐦‍⬛Lucanis: (sighs) No Bellara. Just…..no.
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flowersforthemachines · 2 months ago
Some facts about Bellara (and also the Veil Jumpers, and other random Elven things) gathered from the banters
I went through all companion banters on DanaDuchy's channel after playing the game to write down all facts about companions/the world that I haven't seen brought up anywhere in the game as a writing reference (and for funsies).
Note: This list may not be exhaustive. I might have missed some something or didn't write it down because I considered it common knowledge. If you have anything to add, please DM me or send an ask! (do specify what banter the information is coming from, though)
Note 2: Posts from this series (mostly) don't include information from banters specific to quests or between companions and faction members. I plan to do another playthrough to capture more of those and will add any relevant info to the character posts.
Other characters' posts: Davrin, Harding, Lucanis, Emmrich, Neve, Taash. I'm also planning a post about just the Lighthouse some time later
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About Bellara
Family and past:
Bellara’s mother is a woodworker who sells furniture in Orlais, and her father is an herbalist. He taught her about deadly plants (for her own safety)
Bellara didn’t tell her parents about Cyrian’s (second) death
Bellara once broke both of her arms while racing an Aravel 
Bellara learnt magic from her Keeper and later the Veil Jumpers, but she also studied a lot on her own by reading books and just trying things out
When she was little, Bellara wondered what it’s like to settle down instead of moving all the time (just like Davrin did) 
Bellara can better focus on writing when she has background noise (like Rook talking)
Bellara likes tea (but can also drink coffee after she pulls an all-nighter, which seems to happen pretty often)
Bellara liked Lucanis’s grilled fish
Bellara didn’t know any Qunari recipes before joining the Veilguard
Bellara wouldn’t want to be an assassin, but she would be interested in taking lessons from Crows about assassination techniques
Bellara thinks that most people in Tevinter are condescending, even the nice ones 
Magic and life with the Veil Jumpers: 
Bellara once found an artifact that was basically an ancient elven mechanical toothbrush 
Bellara is a Veil Jumper because Arlathan is her home, and she can’t stand by and do nothing. Also, because of the artefacts
Part of the reason why Irelin and Bellara broke up is that Bellara became too consumed by studying/fixing artefacts 
Bellara and Davrin agree that the Veil Jumpers’ odds are even worse than the Wardens’
Bellara thinks that the ancient Elven magic feels cold
Bellara didn’t find anything on the Devouring Storm in the libraries or Circles. Vorgoth and Myrna never heard of it either 
Life at the Lighthouse: 
Bellara owns a bronze candleholder shaped like a fennec
Bellara thinks that the Fade in the Lighthouse is almost too calm compared to Arlathan
Bellara likes her space in the Lighthouse and feels like “it's been waiting for her”
The Archive sometimes stares at people who come by
Bellara eventually suggests that she and Lucanis completely take over the cooking. Everybody except for Harding dreaded any meal not cooked by them anyway and gleefully agreed
Antoine let Bellara borrow his compound for flaming arrows to see how it reacts in the Fade (she doesn’t speak about the results, but she used at least one compound for testing without incidents and later wants to borrow more) 
Relationships with companions: 
Bellara offers Davrin to listen about his findings regarding the Gloom Howler as he searches for the missing griffons, saying she's a good listener
Bellara asks Neve if she can become a Shadow Dragon and is very excited when she hears “Yes”
However, when Emmrich offers her to join the Mourn Watch, she turns him down saying that the Veil Jumpers need her. 
A writing inconsistency. Probably. 
Neve once saw Bellara poking around Assan, trying to figure out if he was real or some clever mechanical contraption 
Bellara wants to make pillows out of Assan’s molted feathers (but Davrin refuses because he finds it weird)
Bellara made dog biscuits for Assan (that Davrin accidentally ate the first time). The next time she brought a batch, she left them in a box labelled “Assan biscuits inside, do not eat.” Assan liked them!
Bellara once covered Assan in olive oil thinking it could improve his wind resistance and let him fly faster. Didn’t work. 
Bellara offers Emmrich to co-author a paper about ancient elves after they find out elves came from spirits
Bellara asks Emmrich about vampires multiple times. According to him, when a Hunger Demon possesses a corpse, the resulting abomination can seek out blood, sort of resembling a vampire. They can't turn into bats though
According to Neve, some magisters in Minrathous have tried bonding with Hunger Demons which resulted in them having immense power but also a craving for blood 
Bellara and Harding swap books for reading
Bellara gets into lifting using Harding's rocks
Bellara doesn’t think she needs to threaten Lucanis when she finds out he and Neve are dating because Neve could wipe the floor with him herself if she wanted (Lucanis agrees) 
Bellara is fine with Lucanis taking on Ghilan’nain’s contract (“Whatever we were worshipping, it wasn’t her") and cheered him on at Weisshaupt
Bellara asks Neve to beta-read her story
(If Neve and Rook are in romance) Bellara thinks that solving cases together is romantic
(If Neve leaves after Rook chooses to save Treviso) Bellara kept notes of everything that happened while Neve was away to help her adjust after she’s back
About the Veil Jumpers:
Bellara mentioned that a certain elf camped in some ruins, and one day woke up stuck in the clouds. The Veil Jumpers haven’t figured out a way to get them down, so they just send them food and water
Veil Jumpers use some of the artefacts they have recovered as weapons. However, they don’t use them often, since most of them need to be charged after one use, and nobody really knows how to do that 
Veil Jumpers eat whatever Arlathan Forest provides
Though Bellara also mentions she doesn’t forage in the forest anymore. Strife does, however, he always finds something edible
It’s hard to say how many Veil Jumpers are out there because people die/go missing/leave too often to keep a proper count
The Veil Jumpers once found an artefact that caused whoever activated it to get sucked into the Fade. One guy got trapped inside because he used it even if the others told him not to. Bellara is weirdly nonchalant about that whole thing
The Veil Jumpers once found something like an entrance to the Deep Roads on the Southern Edge of Arlathan Forest. The group that found it sealed themselves inside and destroyed the entrance, leaving a note telling the others not to enter. Davrin hypothesises it could be one of the pools similar to the one we saw in the Horrors of Hormak
Ritsivas from the Veil Jupmers is non-binary (mentioned by Harding in a conversation with Taash)  
The power crystals are called “June'suledin'bellanaris'ena'ghilan'lasa'shiral”. You may infer the reasons everybody just calls them 'power crystals'
Not all traps in Elven ruins were originally meant to be traps, but their magic is old, so it doesn’t recognise modern people and can backfire. And sometimes magic just degrades over time and accidentally rips the Veil, summoning demons
Andruil’s Gauntlet is an ancient site meant to test hunters who want to wield the mightiest weapons. It’s filled with traps, and no one has made through it in ages. It was made by Andruil’s priests to test the warriors of Elvhenan 
Clans Nuvenis and Sabrae live in Ferelden. Harding’s village traded with the Sabrae in the past
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ilikedetectives · 16 days ago
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Taash and Bellara processing grief together *cry*
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invinciblerodent · 4 months ago
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[A subtitle saying "Taash: Doesn't matter how sad you are about doing evil crap if you keep doing it."]
Man, the literal kind isn't the only kind of fire that Taash spits. That's probably the most succinct summary of how I feel about Solas that any character has ever given in this story yet.
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rook-laidir · 1 month ago
Rook Banter part whatever!
Welcome to my twisted mind
Bellara: I’m trying to restock the pantry, but I’m a little lost - where did you get those chocolates?
Rook: The fancy ones? Minrathous. Don’t worry about restocking those, they were really expensive.
Bellara: Really? Then how did you…Oh.
Rook: Venatori were using it as a front, they could afford the hit.
Rook: Did I see you punch a Venatori in the face yesterday?
Neve: Probably. They’re like roaches, it’s hard to keep track.
Rook: You’re a mage. Why the punch?
Neve: You can take the girl out of Dock Town…
Rook: I’m bringing you with me the next time I go to the Hall of Valor. We’d make a killing.
Emmrich: I fear the answer, but I simply have to ask - what are you doing with Manfred so late at night?
Rook: Teaching him to dance.
Emmrich: How lovely! And Assan is helping?
Rook: He’s the backup dancer.
Emmrich: I look forward to seeing it!
Emmrich: Rook, I’ve received complaints from Isabela about Manfred’s presence at The Hilt.
Rook: What? Why? The Lords love him!
Emmrich: Yes, that would seem to be the problem. Apparently, someone taught him a dance distracting enough for a certain person to start picking everyone’s pockets.
Rook: What? Who would make poor, innocent Manfred an accessory to a crime like that?
Emmrich: Your outings with Manfred will be supervised.
Rook: Fair.
Taash: So how’s your…gender?
Rook: Fine? How’s yours?
Taash: Good.
Rook: Great!
Taash: There are some things I liked doing when I thought I was a woman. Can I still do those?
Rook: Who’s stopping you?
Taash: No one. I just don’t know how to do all the gender stuff yet.
Rook: There aren’t really any rules. It’s like the Lords - as long as you’re not a dick to anyone who doesn’t deserve it, you’re probably fine.
Taash: ‘Kay. I can do that.
Lucanis: We have a very well-stocked pantry, you know.
Rook: Ok?
Lucanis: Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. I’m also awake most hours of the night. I can make you a snack if you need one.
Rook: Thanks, but where’s this going?
Lucanis: I saw you eating shredded cheese out of the bag at three in the morning.
Rook: Oh.
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dellamortethelesser · 1 month ago
SCREAMMMM bellara saying that the number of veil jumpers is hard to track bc some go missing, get killed or leave...
davrin: who signs up for those kinds of odds?
bellara: grey wardens have better odds?
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hyperions-light · 3 months ago
hey no I’m not done obsessing over Bellara and Lucanis’ banter!
When she asks him why his family is just him, Illario and Caterina, and he says everyone else is dead and she feels SO BAD that she apologizes in a follow-up banter, but he brushes it off. And the way he says it, he really isn’t upset she brought it up.
AND THEN LATER, she’s talking about how dramatic the whole thing with Illario was, and he makes a flippant comment about how Antiva is just like that, and she starts going on about how it’s just like her serials and what if one day Illario dramatically sacrifices himself to protect Lucanis—
And THAT’S what gets him, that’s when he asks her to stop.
HIS VOICE ! He just says, “Bellara,” in the most pained tone ever ! And she apologizes and stops but like
EVEN THOUGH Illario did all of that to him, THAT’S what gets him. The thought that his brother might die for him.
(Thank you for getting all of the best reactions out of him Bellara, my love)
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ellie-writes-games · 3 months ago
Bellara's Other Book
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Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request? Part of an on-going series of fan-writings. See the full Masterlist here.
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A headcanon I'm developing for a longer series of banters including Bellara, Lucanis, and Spite. I love the idea that Lucanis is super chill with accidentally stumbling upon Bellara's smut fics because he's a canon Romance book stan and her stuff is actually really tame by most standards.
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This is fanfiction written by me, @ellie-writes-games. These are NOT actual screenshots from the game. Peace, love, and mad props to the DA writers.
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dellamortal · 19 days ago
Harding: Y’know, back in the Inquisition, I knew a Dalish elf who always denied being a mage. She insisted her staff was a bow. Even when she was casting magic from it. It’s funny how you have your gauntlet that turns into a bow that wields magic.
Bellara: You must miss your Inquisition friends a lot, Lace.
Harding: I do. But we write. And I have new friends. Like you.
Bellara: I’m… your friend?
Harding: Well, yeah. (Chuckles) What else would you be?
Bellara: …
Bellara: I’m really glad I’m your friend. You’re my friend too.
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sky--phantom · 1 month ago
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oh god, they were left alone
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im-on-fire-today · 21 days ago
Bellara: Rook fell asleep in the library again.
Emmrich: The poor thing. I think we should let them be for now. I doubt anyone has any pressing matters that require Rooks attention.
Neve: When was the last time Rook actually slept?
Davrin: When was the last time anyone of you did?
Lucanis: We have our reasons.
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thesummerstorms · 2 months ago
Bellara : Oh! Thanks for picking up all that stuff from the market for me, Lucanis! What do I owe you? Lucanis : Don't worry about it. Bellara : No, I have to pay you back! You're the one who always says, "What you do is work, and you should get paid for it?" Lucanis : Bellara, every time I don't eat Neve's cooking, it counts as owing you my life. The grocery bill is a small price to pay.
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ilikedetectives · 3 months ago
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Bel wants to be a Shadow Dragon awww
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