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insidejovial · 4 years ago
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"लोग क्या कहेंगे, लोग क्या सोचेंगे, समाज स्वीकार नहीं करेगा" और ऐसी ही कई तरह की बातें बचपन से ही हमारे दिमाग में डाला जाता है,
• देर रात तक बाहर मत रहो, लोग क्या कहेंगे...
• दोस्तों के संग ज्यादा मत घूमा करो, लोग क्या कहेंगे ...
• माना कि सिगरेट और शराब स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक है, लेकिन उससे भी बड़ा डर यह है कि लोग क्या कहेंगे...
• तुम अभी नई दुल्हन हो तुम जींस मत पहनो, लोग क्या कहेंगे....
• तुम लड़का हो अपने बाल बड़े मत रखो, लोग क्या कहेंगे...
• अच्छे से पढ़ाई करके जल्दी से एक सरकारी नौकरी ले लो, नहीं तो लोग क्या कहेंगे....
• तुम लड़की हो घर-गृहस्थी संभालना सीखो, नहीं तो लोग क्या कहेंगे...
और ऐसी ही कई बातें है जिन्हें करने से पहले हम यह सोचते हैं कि लोग क्या कहेंगे.. और ये वही लोग होते हैं जो मुसीबत में कहीं दिखाई भी नहीं देते हैं...
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yesafteryes · 4 years ago
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michaeltheexceptional · 5 years ago
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Never give up on your dreams. #nevergiveup #keepyourdream #workyourdream #believeyourdreams https://www.instagram.com/p/CBhok4apzPL/?igshid=ckixbdspewyt
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ingetjetadros · 5 years ago
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This long abandoned railway siding between the old Ghan Railway Line and the Oodnadatta Track is in the middle of almost nowhere. This iconic Australian track takes you along the route of the original old Ghan Railway and Aboriginal trading route. For many years this siding was home to settlers who looked after the railway line between Marree and William Creek. The line closed in 1980. And here we met #katievisco !❣️ If you like to meet or read a story of inspiration, well you must check out Katie’s website. “Starting this July 2019, I will be following a long-time dream of running 2,112 miles from Darwin in northern Australia to Adelaide in the south, passing through the Great Sandy, Tanami and Simpson Deserts. Instead of the ease of using vehicle support, my husband Henley Phillips will be supporting the trek on bicycle, peddling up to four hundred pounds of gear, food, and water at a time. The run will take an estimated four months to complete. My purpose is to show a message to myself and others - let courage win, curiosity is extremely powerful and can be trusted, and to not, for one second, let fear undermine your dreams !💪🏼( words by Katie) https://www.katievisco.com/run-across-australia-2019.html and than that same day we met another ex-military car, which was 😂 so funny. In the middle of nowhere we also found ‘The Bubbler’ a spring fed by water from the Great Artesian Basin, dried Salt Lakes and oh boy what was it windy. Happily we found an old room at the back of this ‘Railway Station’ where we made some lunch. #katievisco #runaustralia #dreamscometrue✨ #believeinyourself #believeyourdreams #runacrossaustralia #desertrun #desert #altrarunning #outdoorsaustralia #goals #humanpoweradventures #sheadventure #dreambig #believeinyourself #mindset #oodnadattatrack #australia #travelaustralia #travelphotographer #travelgram #travelblogger #dametraveler #youcandoit #gewoondoen #nietnaaranderenluisteren @ingetje_tadros (at Curdimurka Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4y6iwRgN-k/?igshid=na0mnv5tch5y
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Trabajamos diferente, sabemos que estamos gustando y lo mejor es que estamos cambiando vidas todos y cada uno de los días, #inspirando #activando #motivando y sacando la mejor versión de tus aspiraciones, tu vida, belleza, descanso, cuidado, moda, deporte, cambios importantes para ti. Además te doy y estoy dando la oportunidad de crecer económicamente a muchos de los que creen en los proyectos que a veces... dan miedo. Porque a veces lo acertado es, Simplemente #atreverse!!! ❤️👠💎💪 Yo me atreví y no lo cambiaría por nada hoy. __ "Salta y si te da miedo, hazlo con miedo"___ Feliz Miércoles Valientes #IsabelVazquez #BelieveYourDreams #NetworkMarketing #Team #BusinessWoman #GirlBoss #Redes #Blog #PanameraFit #EntrenaLoveFit #salto #dreams #wellness #Workout #Atrever #brave #Brava #libertad #emprende #Empoderamiento #Life #instafit #instalike #Instajob #picoftheday #recognition #motivation #InspiraActivayMotiva #Revolution https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs9_kOnFwNW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=41rm2yihhlm7
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goodtherapy · 8 years ago
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It can be done! :) #wednesdaywisdom #proverb #wisewords #wordstoliveby #wisdom #encouragement #inspire #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #motivation #try #justtry #effort #instamood #instalike #instaquote #believe #dream #believeyourdreams
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ceritakatha · 7 years ago
Menjangkau Mimpi
Mereka bilang jangan bermimpi terlalu tinggi, nanti pas ga nyampe sakit kalo jatoh. Mereka bilang jalanin aja yang ada didepan mata, ndak usah ngoyo. Well oh well, bermimpi bagi saya sangat penting untuk terus melanjutkan kehidupan. Bermimpi berarti kita tahu ketika kita terbangun apa yang akan dilakukan, dan apa yang harus kita kerjakan. Tidak menjalani kehidupan sekenanya saja, dan seadanya saja.
Bagi saya takut bermimpi artinya tidak ingin hidup kembali, hanya laksana robot yang diperintahkan apa yang ada disekelilingnya. Tidak mau bermimpi artinya tidak punya ambisi dan tidak ingin maju. Karena saya percaya inovasi datangnya dari mimpi. Berusaha mewujudkan mustahil menjadi mungkin dan kian nyata.
Saya selalu suka kata2 yang mengatakan, bermimpi lah kelak alam bawah sadar kita akan menggerakkan kemungkinan2 yang menuju mimpi kita yakini. Mendobrak segala ketidakmungkinan, dan mendobrak segala yang tidak nyata kian bisa dilakukan. Yes indeed, ketika kita bermimpi kita punya harapan untuk dituju dan diperjuangkan. Tapi bermimpi kita harus mengimbangi pula dengan usaha dan doa segenap jiwa raga.
Benar bahwa manusia bisa berencana, dan Tuhan yang menentukan. Tetapi bukankah tugas manusia berusaha semaksimal mungkin, mengerahkan otak dan tenaganya untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik. Maka jangan pernah takut bermimpi. Kejarlah segala impianmu.
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asproductionuniverse · 7 years ago
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Bonne journée à toutes et à tous ! Bom dia para todos(as) #immusic #strongereveryday #onedamoreofwork #behappy #neverforgetwhohelpedyou #believeonyourself #believeyourdreams #neverfalldown (à Asprod)
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groovy14u · 7 years ago
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Sometimes it might not make sense but you have to tell yourself, "self now is the time, you are #justgonnabelieve #believeinyourself #believeinmagic #believeyourdreams #believeintomorrow find your #muse and make #music (at Villano Beach, Florida)
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happy-coaching-4u · 3 years ago
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It all starts with a dream! Then you have to believe that it's possible, create your building blocks or steps and you WILL achieve it! Let me help you! https://happycoaching.es/contact/ #believeyourdream #achieveyourdream #happycoaching #youcandoit
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staypositivestaytuned · 4 years ago
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Don't let the expectations and opinions of other people affect your decisions. It's your life, not theirs. Do what matters most to you. Do what makes you feel alive and happy. Don't let the expectations and ideas of others limit who you are. If you let others tell you who you are, you are living their reality — not yours. There is more to life than pleasing people. There is much more to life than following others' prescribed path. There is so much more to life than what you experience right now. You need to decide who you are for yourself. Become a whole being. Adventure. 😘❤️LIVE LOVE LAUGH❤️😘 Repost @dr.joseph.murphy #mindset #mindsetiseverything #mindfulness #mindpower #subconsciousmind #consistency #discipline #emotionalintelligence #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #lifelessonlearned #dreams #dreamscometrue #liveyourdreamlife #dreamachiever #aimhigh #loveyourself #selfcare #selfrespect #believeyourself #believeyoucan #believeyourdreams #dreambelieveachieve #attitudeiseverything #positivethinking #positivethoughtsonly #positivevibes #vibes #goodvibesonly #drjosephmurphy https://www.instagram.com/p/CJqBmK7nC8z/?igshid=2uulpnkb8c8c
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abillionairedreams-blog · 6 years ago
#TheSecret #DreamComesTrue #ABillionaireDreams #SuccessMantra #Motivation #Inspiration #TheRock #BelieveYourDreams
✅ Never Give Up.
✅ Think Big. Dream Big.
✅ Keep doing what you love to do.
✅Have faith. Believe your dreams.
View On WordPress
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letradeanjo · 6 years ago
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É muito mais que boleto . . . . . . . . . #letterart #art #photography #dreams #believeyourdreams #letteringbr #creative #arte #fé #pray #letter #acredite #foco #goodtimes #sonhos #believe #type #tipografia #instalettering #mensagens #versos #bomdia #boatardinha #umpapel #tumblr #textos #sp #bh #vida #trechos (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Blbabv8n45U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=njs44l25px4q
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Primero hay que hacer lo que añoras, lo que te hace feliz, vivimos una sola vez y la vida pasa, simplemente... pasa⏳ . . . . La mayoría de las personas vivimos una vida que no queremos vivir, hacemos muchas cosas que NO queremos hacer, muchas no nos hacen felices, y no hablo de #economías, hablo de lo que nos paraliza por miedos y sobre todo por lo que brindan los estereotipos. . . Vivir mejor, apuntarte a ese curso, invertir en ti, trabajar un proyecto, tener un hijo, cambiarte el look, hacer ese viaje, empezar a correr, romper esa relación, salir a pasear a diario, prometerte mimos, romper estereotipos, decir más te quiero, saltar charcos, decir NO, comprarte ese bolso que dirán muchos que feo pero a ti, te enamora... cumplir esa meta pendiente, decir SI a un sueño, etc . Es tu vida. RECUÉRDALO⬇️ #Hoy_No_Se_Volverá_A_Repetir . A mi lo que realmente me hace feliz es vivir y hacer lo que deseo, vivir lo que quiero, trabajar duro cada día para ello, es mi misión. Que la gente piense lo que quiera... siempre va a ver quien te juzgue mientras "el juzgador" estará perdiendo su tiempo y sus sueños, mientras tanto tú... consigues los tuyos 😉❤️ No será fácil, pero merecerá la pena. Me enamora... http://bit.ly/2G7i3Sy #IsabelVazquez #NetworkMarketing #Team #BusinessWoman #GirlBoss #Redes #Blog #PanameraFit #HeartConnectionRevolution #Revolution #transformatuvida #emprende #MotivationRevolution #NoDiseñoSonrisasDiseñoCrearlas #socialmediabusiness #wellness #Workout #gym #BelieveYourDreams #EntrenaLoveFit #transformatuvida #NoEstereotipos https://www.instagram.com/p/Btf1KGTlH5c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iudhtsrtf13h
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cbeyondenterprises-blog · 6 years ago
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. . . 🔝🌐PROFESSIONAL SPEAKING SERVICES🌐🔝 . . . Do not give up so easy just because you are a little delayed or not where you want or thought you would be by now. If you are still moving towards accomplishing your goals then you will achieve success. . . . If your goals and dreams do not intimidate you then it is time to aim higher. It is so easy to lose hope or motivation in continuing towards your goals and dreams when you think of how much work it will take for you to make them happen. You must remind yourself that your vision for achieving success is not in vain and was given to you for a bigger purpose. . . . If you do not do anything today, then do something tomorrow, if not tomorrow then the next day. Do not give up -- you need to keep moving no matter how slow or fast. You will reach your destination but you cannot stop. Keep Driving! . . . Inspiring individuals to believe in themselves, pull on their potential and take action towards accomplishing their goals and dreams is a deeply rooted passion for Cebien Alty as a Professional Speaker. Visit cbeyondenterprises.com 🔝(Link In My Bio)🔝 to book Cebien for your next event. . . . #keepmovingfoward #donotstop #believeyourdreams #youwillwin #itsmywinningseason #publicspeaker #motivationalspeaker #inspirationalspeaker #corporatespeaker #publicspeaking #keynotespeaker #millenialspeaker #truthspeaker #speakerforhire #speakinglife #eventspeaker #speakintoexistence #followyourdreams #lifespeaker #wordsoflife #wordsofpower #wordsofinspiration #wordsheal #corporateevents #schoolevents #staffretreat #stafftraining #cbeservices #cbeprograms #cbeyond2018 (at Book Professional Speaker Cebien Alty) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoysfjTl45o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a1lwfrea3bd0
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