#bela x victor
thewordswewrite · 1 year
The Drought of an Ocean
Chapter 11 - Rings Like Gold
Pairing | Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader
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Story Summary | Finnick Odair was the youngest victor to ever win the Hunger Games but that didn’t earn him respect as a mentor, at least not until she came along. When a dejected volunteer from District 4 puts her life on the line, Finnick will do anything he can to protect her.
Chapter Summary | A new development from Snow puts Finnick and his victor in a tough situation
Chapter Warnings | canon typical violence, nonexplicit forced prostitution, mentions/situations of sexualizing minors, anxiety inducing situations, explicit language, mentions of suicide
W/C | 3.2k
Taglist | @lem0ns77   @lostintheendlessvoidthatislife @curlycarley​   @bela-nov​ @lilylovelyxo​   @jaydiann @shynypeacekitten​ @dd122004dd​ @jyessaminereads​   @aquawhore420   @qallaghereid  @bazzaza​ @zulpix-blog​
A/N | guys we’re just ruining these people’s livessss fr sorry not sorry-Smoe
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As the party continued on into the night, the girl faithfully followed Sagan to the point of nearly cowering behind them as they descended further into the depths of the palace. Without Finnick by her side, she was vulnerable to the touches and offers of the partygoers, Sagan clueless to the fact that one might be made uncomfortable by this type of behavior; they meant well but ultimately, they were one of them.
She had seen the first glimpses of Finnick acting like himself when he had snuck away, finding something more important than her safety, than her to occupy his night. The idea of heading back home and never having to see him in more than a passing glance and mentor-related events was becoming more and more appealing. What had he really done for her anyway? She had been the one to impress the judges during training, to get in with the career pack and to fight her way out of that arena. Even with the unfortunate implications that had come from her interviews, she had clearly made an impression in the Capitol given she received a sponsor in her biggest time of need. If anything, Finnick’s presence in her life only made things far more complicated than they needed to be.
“Is the party almost over?” She asked Sagan as they pulled her along hand in hand, “Finnick’s gone and I just want to go home.”
“Over? Darling, it’s barely begun,” Sagan gasped. “You’re the star here. If you go now…well, I suppose it will continue on but at least stay for the fireworks!”
“Exactly! You simply must see them.” As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was intrigued. At the very least, she had heard rumblings of the President’s speech and the grand presentation being imminent so it wouldn’t be an impossible task to wait a bit longer. 
They were mingling for a little while longer when out of the corner of her eye, the girl saw a peacekeeper approach Sagan. She excused herself from the conversation she was in, in favor of finding a larger crowd to hide amongst. It was no use however, as her escort and the armed guard were by her side in minutes. When a leather gloved hand wrapped around her upper arm, she tried to escape the bruising grip but Sagan stepped in before she could start an altercation.
“It seems you’re a very lucky girl tonight. A private audience with President Snow awaits you!” Sagan said the words pointedly, knowing the girl well enough to urge her to calm herself before things escalated. “Go on now. I’ll be right here waiting to hear all about it!” 
She eased in the guard’s grasp as he led her towards the other man from his post. With the two of them behind her, they corralled her up the grand staircase to the top floor. The dark wooded hallway loomed around her, seeming to go on for miles with different doors. The guards led her to one at the end of the hall, marked in its importance by a wide set of double doors. The two of them took their new position, one on each wall as she looked at them for some indication as to what she should do but their masked faces revealed nothing. She stepped up to the door and before she could reach out a hand to knock, it opened, revealing a familiar face. 
“Finnick, what’s going on?”
Her eyes darted from Finnick’s wide blown ones to Snow’s narrow gaze. 
“Ah, and here’s our victor now,” Snow announced with a gesture of presentation, the room eerily silent beyond those words. Finnick’s mouth was agape as he stared at her, failing to form any sound. His eyes glanced between her and the door as if he was thinking of making an escape. The President cleared his throat. “Please have a seat, my dear. I’ll formally extend my congratulations in a moment but first, Finnick has something he wanted to say. Don’t you, Finnick?”
She took the finely upholstered seat in front of the President’s desk, sitting awkwardly stiff. It was impossible not to feel as if she had walked in on something she wasn’t supposed to be a part of, the air in the room cold and tense. She was angled towards Finnick, eyes moving from the President to her mentor as he practically shook in his stance.
In a moment there was a burst of words from Finnick, rushing out of his mouth where there were none before, “You have to understand I didn’t mean for this to happen this way, there was nothing I could–”
The frantic quality of his expulsion and no doubt the volume caused the peacekeepers to step towards him, hands on their weapons but Snow must have anticipated the reaction for he stopped all three of the men with a tut.
“There’s no need for that, my boy,” The President sighed, turning to her to add, “He’s simply overexcited. Of course, Mr. Odair has taken a special interest in you and as a gift for him, I’ve approved your arrangements.” With the frigid air in the room, she was breaking into a cold sweat, a pit in her stomach growing larger by the minute.
“Finnick, would you like to try that again?” Snow ‘asked’ though it was clear from the look on Finnick’s face that he had no choice. He pulled something out from behind his back that she couldn’t make out but if he wasn’t careful, his shaking hands would surely drop it. With his head pointed down towards the floor, he inched closer to her. His hand made to present the item in his possession to her but the President interrupted before she could catch a glimpse. “Now, now, be a gentleman and do it properly.”
Stinging hot tears sprang to her eyes as she watched Finnick get down on one knee, shaking her head before he revealed the piece of jewelry in his hand. In his palm sat a pearl ring, glittering stones around it forming the shape of a seashell. Finnick’s eyebrows were deeply furrowed, the lines of his frown mirroring the anguish that she too felt. Her vision was blurred by unfallen tears as she looked to Snow who nodded with a ‘go on’ gesture. There was no refusing, no running or fighting to be had; this was inevitable, it was this or death.
She nodded along in time with Snow, turning back to Finnick as silent tears traveled down her face. Grabbing her hand with his own, she flinched at Finnick’s touch briefly before relinquishing, allowing him to slide the ring onto her finger.
Finnick stood up, using her hand as leverage before she yanked her hand out of his. They turned to Snow expectantly, their next move unclear, the rest of their lives essentially up to the man in front of them. She felt the years slip through her fingers, her life already carved in stone. A cold dread traveled her entire body. 
Snow cleared his throat and stood to attention, “I believe it’s time for my speech. Join me, would you?” She could feel Finnick’s gaze on her but she didn’t dare turn to him, resolving to deal with him later. If it weren’t for the President, for the armed guards, she might’ve thought it in her best interest to fight her way out. Though, her instinct for self preservation was dwindling by the minute.
The peacekeepers led the three of them out onto the balcony, her and Finnick flanking the President on either side. The room having been void of life had not prepared her for the thousands of eyes on her in an instant. Seeming to go on for miles, the estate stood in its entirety in front of them, the Capitols citizens cheering as a spotlight fell onto her and the two men. She attempted to shield her eyes from the light as Snow began to speak. 
“Greetings, everyone,” The president’s voice boomed from next to her, echoing across the courtyard, “I know many of you have been anticipating the return of a fine young victor to our Capitol and tonight, I would like to formally introduce you to our very own Pearl, our 70th victor of the annual Hunger Games!” The crowd roared appropriately, a sound she had come accustomed to. Snow raised a single hand with a rehearsed grandeur and not an ounce of force, yet still the audience was immediately silenced.
“But it seems good fortune has fallen upon us. On this, the last day of her tour, I am most honored to announce the engagement of our newest victor to none other than our very own, Finnick Odair.” 
No interview, speech or appearance had prepared her for the uproarious response of the Capitol citizens. People were cheering, hugging, crying. They had not cared so much for her safe return home, for her very life and yet they stood beneath her as though this was the greatest news they had ever heard: the end of her freedom. 
Out of the corner of her eye she could see Finnick smiling and waving as though they were truly some happy couple, as though he weren’t essentially her captor. The lights around her were blurring together as she became dizzy with anger. She imagined joylessly the reality in which she could tell the truth, cry out for help, the reality in which one of these people would notice even a piece of the corruption that their lives were built on. 
An explosion of both sound and light painted the sky above sending her into a panic. She looked around wildly for the source until on her other side, the process repeated, this time a cerulean shadow cast itself over the crowd. Before she could understand what she was seeing, Snow was making his closing remarks and the peacekeepers were leading them back inside.
Her eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden darkness and a hot putrid breath was on her ear, “We’ll be seeing each other soon, my dear. We’ve things yet to be discussed.” The doors were shut behind her without another word, leaving her alone with her fraudulent fiance. Finnick was already walking down the hall, not checking behind him to see if she would even follow but follow she did. When they made it to the stairs, he was running his hand through his hair, the other hand flailing as he spouted excuses.
“Listen, I’m going to get us–”
She didn’t take any time to listen, the object of her rage before her. With a strangled shout and all her strength, she shoved him. Despite her attempt to fully disarm him, she watched as he stumbled down about half the steps before regaining his composure.
“Hey! Listen to me-” She ignored him, stomping down the steps and trying to attack him again. She couldn’t think, her vision completely red and filled with the man who stole her future.
“This is all your fault!” She screamed, still shoving at his chest. In their struggle, they had unknowingly found themselves at the bottom of the stairs from which she could now hear onlookers whispering around them. She made to hit him still, unbothered by the crowd for she had nothing to lose but he stopped her, grabbing her forearms with bruising strength as she grappled against him. 
“We can’t do this, not here,” Finnick hissed through his teeth for only her to hear. She was inconsolable, her only objective being to make him feel her pain. Though she held her own, he was undoubtedly stronger, years of training behind him and he stood, hoisting her up along the way. Her arms now free, she made for another strike but he had already snaked an arm around her waist, throwing her over his shoulder before she could make another move. She pounded his back with her fists but he did not relent. 
As always, Finnick performed for his audience, leaving the room with a charming explanation and wink.
“She’s just so eager to get home and celebrate!”
Finnick was splayed across the cushioned bench of an unmoving train, contemplating the life he had not even months before and the life that was unfolding in front of him like some child’s picture book though rather than a fairytale, it was the kind of story parents used to scare their kids into good behavior. It wasn’t as though he had any big plans for himself–he always knew his life belonged to the President–but at the very least he had hoped for the comfort of routine, some semblance of peace. Now he was responsible for another person’s life, another person who could be used as leverage against him and if she had anyone in her life, that also traced back to him; it was wave after wave, distending until they would inevitably drown him. 
On top of that, he knew the girl would not make any transition easy, having shown him exactly how she felt the night before when she had attacked him with a bloodlust he hadn’t even seen her break out in the arena. Still, he held out hope that she would come to understand that though unfair, this was the safest option for both of them. If he was being honest, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief at being free from having to give up his body to strangers, to put on a mask that was becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish from himself; he had spared her from that and surely that was something to be grateful for.
“Any word on your…fiancee’s arrival?” Sagan asked gingerly, sneaking glances at the window above him. They had been despondent since the party, he figured for feeling scorned having not heard about their ‘engagement’ before the rest of the Capitol. “The conductor is getting antsy.”
“She’s on the President’s time. She’ll be back when he sees fit,” Finnick sighed, an arm slung over his eyes. Peeking over his elbow, he could see Sagan scoff before stomping off, their heels only making a dramatic thud on the carpeted floor of the traincar. He wanted her back more than anyone, he wanted to get home more than anyone but of course, Snow came first. 
The anticipation was killing him, worsened by the fact that he was not there to refute or explain away Snow’s words. Whatever the President was telling her, he was sure it painted him in a bad light and life would be easier for all of them if he could for once find himself in her good graces. He cursed the day they had laid eyes on eachother, wishing Mags had been there to guide her through, the distaste the girl likely still would have had for him only leaving him more determined for the next year.
The sun had nearly set when the doors to the main car slid open, Finnick’s heavy lidded eyes opening with a snap. He bolted upright, smoothing the wrinkles from his clothes as she stepped in. Once she laid slitted eyes on him, she purposefully made her way towards the next car but on unsteady legs he dashed after her, stopping her with an arm wrapped around her middle.
“We can’t not talk about this,” He grunted, “It’s not just going to go away if we ignore it.” She slipped out of his relaxed grasp with ease but he had already whirled around, putting himself between her and the doors.
“Get the fuck away from me,” She seethed. He swallowed the anger that she so specially drew out from him, shaking his head with a deep breath.
“What did he say? If I could just explain–”
“Oh, he explained everything. You’re disgusting,” She hissed lowly, regarding him as if she couldn’t stand to be in his presence. He reeled back as though she had hit him and Finnick considered that he might have preferred that to such blatant contempt. Couldn't she understand that it wasn’t his choice?  
Finnick felt a deep shame well within him. Maybe in another life he would still sleep around but it wasn’t that part, the promiscuity, that bothered him, it was the lack of control over his own body that made him feel ill, feel disgusting. He had never uttered to another person the truth of his situation, the sale of him as a commodity by their own President, their valiant leader. This was just another thing that Snow had taken from him: the ownership of his own truth.
“Snow went on about how he ‘owed you for your…loyalty.’” Her face was twisted in genuine disdain. The implications of what his loyalty entailed made his face flush in humiliation. A long silence fell between them as he tried to regain his composure. It was broken, however, when a gasp rang out from the other side of the room. 
“There you are!” Sagan gushed, rushing over to the pair. “Well, now that the two of you are here let me just say congratulations! Snow’s announcement last night was quite…sudden. I certainly never would have expected it.” A smile was plastered on their face so widely it looked as though it might crack. At that, his girl groaned and used the distraction to slip away. Finnick shot Sagan a ‘what can you do’ kind of grin and followed after her.
“Hey,” Finnick called after her, taking quick strides to follow her through the cars. He managed to grab her upper arm and her attention with a firm, “Hey.” 
She whipped her head back to look at him, her jaw clenched. He took a quick scan of the surroundings and pulled her into a spare bedroom, shutting the door after them.
“Listen,” Finnick began, “I’m sorry, okay? But this–” he gestured vaguely between them, unwilling to put it to words, “this is the reality now. I would take this all back if I could but if he really told you everything, then you know this is for the best.”
“What do you know-”
“Enough. I am speaking now.” She didn’t cower in front of him, nothing even close, but she dignified him with her silence, her head tipped back. “Snow doesn’t take things like this lightly. If we don’t play along–and we’re going to play along–he won’t hesitate to get rid of us the same way he gets rid of everyone but he’ll break you down first, make you wish for it. He’ll start with the ones you love.”
She laughed cruelly, “I don’t have anyone that I love.”
“Well, I do,” Finnick bit back, “So whatever Snow’s idea of a happy couple is, that’s what we’re going to be. End of story.” Her bottom lip trembled but she kept that sardonic grin that made his blood boil.
“You’re a sick man, Finnick Odair,” She scorned.
“Maybe so,” He offered with a grin that mirrored her venom, “but we’re in the real games now and I won’t lose.”
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nbatododia · 11 months
20 de outubro
O maior cestinha, Stephen Curry da NBA não teve sorte hoje contra San Antonio Spurs, e perdeu de 122 x 117, com uma bela partida de Victor Wembanyama, a primeira escolha do draft nesta temporada. Também teve a partida de Bucks contra Grizzlies. Os Bucks deram a melhor e ganharam de 124 x 116 com uma bela partida do grego Giannis Antetokounmpo.
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petrichoravellichor · 3 years
A/N: Here’s some Bela/Henriksen nobody asked for, cheers.
Arthur Ketch was an absolute bastard. Which is, Bela suspects as she furiously contemplates her second drink, actually the entire fucking point. 
Of course their boss had picked Ketch for promotion over her, because said boss was also a bastard. Not to mention a twat, not to mention a wanker, not to mention just about every other insult Bela’s thoroughly done with this rubbish mind can come up with as she sulks at the bar of the second-rate drinking establishment she somehow got roped into entering as part of the general office celebration of Arthur Ketch, new Vice President of Global Affairs at Shurley & Sons, Inc. Never mind that Bela has been with the company longer and knows the role better; apparently, she needs to ‘smile more’ and ‘work on her people skills’ and other misogynistic bullcrap she’s one hundred percent certain no manager has ever said to a man. 
God forbid a woman have ambition.
As she tips back her glass, Bela’s gaze catches Ketch high-fiving coworkers over by the jukebox as he cues up what will undoubtedly be another god-awful song partying it up in proper tool fashion. How’s about I ‘work on my people’ skills by smashing this glass over his stupid fucking head? she thinks, savoring the burn of liquor on her tongue. I’ll even smile…
“Damn,” comes an amused voice from her left, and Bela turns to see her coworker, Victor Henriksen, sliding onto the stool next to her. “Why do I feel like I’m about to witness first-degree murder?”
Bela scoffs. “Please,” she says, flashing him a conspiratorial smile. “If I were going to kill him, I’d do it when there were no witnesses. They’d never even find the body.”
Henriksen considers her, looking not so much horrified as impressed. “I believe it.” He raises a hand to get the bartender's attention. “Can I refill your drink?”
Bela gives him an indifferent shrug, barely holding back a cringe as LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem” starts playing to raucous cheers from the general jukebox vicinity. Fucking Ketch. “Why not.”
As a general rule, Bela isn’t what she would call fond of any of her coworkers, but Henriksen’s all right. He’s been with the company nearly as long as she has, and he’s clever and highly competent at his job. If Bela were in a less petty place at the moment, she might have even gone so far as to say that she wouldn’t have minded overly much if Henriksen had got the VP position, because at least he, unlike Ketch, is actually qualified. 
The bartender drops off their drinks (a dry martini for Henriksen, another gin and tonic for Bela), and Henriksen picks up his glass, raising it in Bela’s direction with a wry smile. “To plotting murder against thoroughly mediocre men. I won’t snitch if you won’t.”
Bela lets out a surprised laugh and clinks their glasses together. “Cheers.”
They drink, after which Henriksen leans back on his stool and gives her a knowing look. “Real talk, though: Shurley fucked up with the VP position. You, I could see, but Ketch?” He shakes his head. “Hell no. Guy probably won’t even last a quarter.”
Bela arches a brow. “Fifty dollars says he won’t last a single month.”
Henriksen raises a brow of his own. “You know something I don’t?”
“I know I’m sick of fighting fair against men who’ve never had to work for anything in their entire bloody lives. The kid gloves are coming off, darling.” She leans toward him, smiling serenely. “Come Monday, it’s all-out war.” 
She doesn’t expect Henriksen to disapprove, but it’s still a surprise, albeit a pleasant one, when he smiles back, shifting to mirror her position. “Sounds devious; I’m in. Assuming, that is, that you’re recruiting.”
Oh yes, Bela thinks as she surveys her new-found accomplice with growing approval, Henriksen was definitely all right.
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Jus In Bello- Part 5
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,679
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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While Sam was working, you filled in everyone about what was going to go down. You handed a bag of salt to Phil and to Nancy.
“You guys can handle this?” You asked them.
“Yeah, we can,” Nancy said.
“Good. When you hear our yell, then you go and leave through the back. They won’t expect that.” They both nodded and left the room to get into position. Sam took that moment to walk back into the room.
“Get the equipment to work?” You asked him and he nodded.
“This is insane.” Sam sighed.
“You win understatement of the year.” Ruby sassed.
“Look, I get it, you think—” Dean started to say but Ruby cut him off.
“I don’t think… I know. It’s not gonna work,” Ruby glared as she stood up and started to leave. “So long, boys. Y/N.”
“So, you’re just gonna leave?” Sam asked in disbelief.
“Hey. I was gonna kill myself to help you win. I’m not gonna stand here and watch you lose. And I’m disappointed because I tried. I really did, but clearly, I bet on the wrong horse. Do you mind letting me out?” Ruby asked when she got to the door without stepping into the Devil’s Trap. Sam stared at her before sighing. He walked over to her and scratched the edge of the trap and broke the salt line which allowed her to leave the building. She opened the door and left the building.
“Okay, we need to get into position because it’s not long before they come through the front door.” You said and stayed in the main building with Sam as Dean and Victor left the main room to cover the back exits.
“All set?” Dean yelled so everyone could hear them. You knew Phil and Nancy would leave the building at this cue.
“Yeah!” Sam yelled for you and himself.
“Ready!” Victor pitched in.
“Let’s do this.” You muttered to Sam before breaking all the salt lines and the devil traps. You held your breath, waiting for them to start attacking but nothing was happening. You looked at Sam and was about to say something when two demons busted through the door, trying to intimidate you with their black eyes. They immediately attacked but you shot them where it would hurt. Although wounded, it didn’t keep them down. You kept shooting at them but more demons came in and you knew you had to get rid of the gun if you wanted to fight.
One demon charged at you and tackled you to the ground before giving you a nasty right hook. You spit out blood from inside your mouth but took out a flask of holy water and sprayed the demon, watching as it burned his skin. He let you go long enough for you to knee him in the groin before kicking him off you.
You quickly got up and grabbed your gun and shot at the same demon which brought him to the ground. You didn’t want to kill the people they were possessing so you aimed for the leg or the arm, somewhere not fatal.
“Go! Go! Go!” You heard Dean yell and you knew Victor was heading to the audio room where you needed him to be. You yelled out in pain as a female demon kicked you back and you fell into Nancy’s desk with a hard thump. You looked over at Sam and you knew he would need help but you were having difficulty helping him with a demon up your ass.
You flung holy water at the demons and cursed when your flask was empty. You grabbed your gun and used the butt of it to slam it into the demon coming at you. It connected with her face and knew the human in there would feel it in the morning.
You and Sam were backed into a corner and Jenna, the girl that Nancy recognized, climbed over the desk and stretched out her hand which sent you and Sam into opposite walls. You groaned in pain and saw Dean come into the main room.
“Henriksen, now!” Dean yelled but nothing happened. Before you lost hope about this whole plan, static began to fill the room and Sam’s voice filled the air. He was reciting the exorcism and all the demons stopped fighting and, as if all in sync, began yelling and tossing their heads back and forth. They ran to the doors to leave but just as Nancy and Phil were instructed, lined the doors and windows outside with salt so they couldn’t escape.
Demons all around screamed and tried to cover their ears but it was no use, the tape would keep playing. You looked at them try to escape from your place on the wall since you were still pinned to it. But you knew you wouldn’t be for long. Suddenly, black smoke began pouring out of the bodies and started to swirl around the ceiling. Suddenly, there came an explosion of light and the demons were gone and everything was still.
You slid down the wall and winced in pain when you connected with the hard floor. You shakily got to your feet and looked around at the fallen bodies. Victor walked out of the audio room and wiped some blood off his lip. Dean walked over to you to see if you were okay but you just nodded silently. The people who were possessed start to get up and the electricity flickered back on. The door opened and Nancy and Phil walked in with tired looks on their faces.
You sighed and leaned against Dean for support. This was all over and you won.
“We did it.” You smiled and looked at Dean who nodded back.
Later, as the survivors were being looked at by Phil and Nancy, you walked over to Victor who sighed, looking at his phone.
“I better call in. Hell of a story I won’t be telling.” Victor chuckled humorlessly.
“So, what are you gonna tell them?” You asked, meeting Sam and Dean by Victor.
“The least ridiculous lie I can come up within the next five minutes.”
“Good luck with that. Not to pressure you or anything, but what are you planning to do about us?” Dean wondered.
“I’m gonna kill you. Sam and Dean Winchester, along with Y/L Y/L/N were in the chopper when it caught on fire. Nothing left. Can’t even identify them with dental records,” he said and you smiled at him, silently thanking him. “Rest in peace, guys.” You reached out and shook Victor’s hand, Sam and Dean doing the same after you.
“Now get out of here.”
“Yeah…” Sam whispered before you three left the building without looking back.
“I’m ready to sleep for days.” You sighed as you slid into the backseat of the Impala.
“I violently agree with you on that,” Dean said before starting his beloved up.
When you got to the motel room you found, you showered immediately. Granted it was with Dean but only because he didn’t want to wait. After everyone has showered, you plopped on the bed and sighed, already feeling your muscles tense. Dean got next to you and you curled yourself in him. He pulled you into him and kissed the top of your head just as Sam got in his bed.
Before you could bask in the afterglow of the hunt, there was a knock on the door and Ruby walked in. Immediately you and the brothers were on alert. You sat up and she walked right to the TV.
“Turn on the news.” She said without a trace of a warm welcome. Sam sat up and did as she asked. A reporter was talking about the fire that happened at the police station.
“The community is still reeling from the tragedy that happened just a few hours ago. Authorities believe a gas main ruptured, causing the massive explosion that ripped apart the police station and claimed the lives of everyone inside. Among the deceased, at least six police officers and staff, including sheriff Melvin Dodd, deputy Phil Amici, and secretary Nancy Fitzgerald as well as three FBI agents, identified as Steven Groves, Calvin Reidy, and Victor Henriksen.” As she was talking, pictures of the discarded popped up.
“What? No…” you muttered, feeling guilty suddenly.
“Three fugitives in custody were also killed. We’ll continue to follow the story here at the scene, but for now, back to you, Jim.” She finished, letting another reporter take over. Ruby turned off the TV and turned to you, giving you the evil eye.
“Must have happened right after we left,” Sam said, tense.
“Poor Nancy…” you trailed off. You felt bad for all of them, of course, but Nancy was only a kid, or at least, she looked like a really young adult.
“Considering the size of the blast,” Ruby started to say and tossed you and the brothers a hex bag. “smart money’s on Lilith.”
“What’s in these?” Dean asked.
“Something that’ll protect you. Throw Lilith off your trail… for the time being, at least.”
“Thanks,” Sam said.
“Don’t thank me. Lilith killed everyone. She slaughtered your precious little virgin, plus a half a dozen other people. So, after your big speech about humanity and war, turns out your plan, was the one with the body count. Do you know how to run a battle? You strike fast and you don’t leave any survivors. So no one can go running to tell the boss. So, next time… we go with my plan.” Ruby glared before leaving the motel room to let you simmer in that.
“I killed them all.” You got tears, getting up and letting them fall.
“No, you didn’t. Lilith did.” Sam said and Dean got up to comfort you but you pushed him away.
“I was the genius that came up with the plan. I got them all killed.” You cried into your arms and this time, you accepted Dean’s hug and whispers of comfort words. This was all your fault.
Series Rewrite Junkies:
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luna-jaden-shadow · 3 years
Fandom List
The following below are fandoms that I'm in as well as a few characters that I'm willing to write for. Feel free to ask about someone who's not named on the list (I'll most likely only list 4 per thing for space reasons (I could go on forever with MCU people alone)).
Masterlist | DOs, and DON'Ts
I do the following for imagines and requests: X Reader Character Ships Male X Male Male X Female Female X Female Any X Gender Neutral
Below the line is the fandom list + at most 4 characters
Marvel Cinematic Universe Tony Stark Bucky Barnes Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff Others
X-Men Logan Howlett (Wolverine) Jean Gray (Phoenix) Ororo Munroe (Storm) Others
Marvel On Netflix Frank Castle (Punisher) Trish Walker (Jessica Jones) Matt Murdock (Daredevil) Others
DC Comics Joker (Any version) Harley Quinn Oliver Queen Others
Gotham Jim Gordon Harvey Bullock Oswald Cobblepot Barbara Kean Others
Dream SMP Technoblade JSchlatt Wilbur Soot Dream Others
Supernatural Dean Winchester Castiel Rowena Charlie Others
The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Rick Grimes Negan Smith Maggie Greene Others
Fear The Walking Dead Nick Clarke Al Alicia Clarke Victor Strand Others
The Witcher Geralt Jaskier Yennefer Others
Arcane Silco Jinx Vi Others
Criminal Minds Spencer Ried JJ Derek Morgan Others
Law and Order SVU Finn Carisi Amanda Others
Orange Is The New Black Nicky Lorna Maritza Others
The 100 Bellamy Blake Octavia Blake John Murphy Marcus Kane Others
Grey's Anatomy Mark Sloan Lexie Grey Derek Shepherd Izzie Stevens Others
Soul Eater Death The Kid Maka Albarn Soul Eater Evans Others
My Hero Academia Shota Aizawa Katsuki Bakugou Tomura Shigaraki Dabi Others
Attack On Titan Annie Leonhart Levi Ackerman Mikasa Ackerman Hange Zoe Others
Lucifer Lucifer Morningstar Chloe Decker Others
American Horror Story James Patrick March [ Hotel ] Countess [ Hotel ] Nora [ Murder House ] Kit [ Assylum ] Others
Victorious Jade West Beck Oliver Andre Harris Others
NCIS Anthony DiNozzo Ziva David Others
The Office Jim Pam Erin Others
9-1-1 Buck Abby Others
Fallout 4 Nick Valentine Piper Wright John Handcock Others
Until Dawn Chris Heartley Samantha Giddings Others
Detroit: Become Human Connor Kara Hank Others
Resident Evil: Village Karl Heisenberg Alcina Dimitrescu Bela Dimitrescu
YouTubers Jacksepticeye Smosh [ Anyone ] Markiplier Mithzan Others
Markiplier Egos Darkiplier Wilford Warfstache Illinois Yancy Others
Jacksepticeye Egos Antisepticeye Chase Marvin Others
Creepypasta Jeff The Killer Ticci Toby Clockwork Others
Disney Elsa Kristoff Others
Celebrities Jeffrey Dean Morgan Lauren Cohan Robert Downey Jr. Scarlett Johannson Others
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relogioserelogios · 2 years
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Another view of L'Immortale, by Victor Monnin, this time highlighting details such as the concave dial feet machined and decorated in stainless steel entirely by hand or the satin-finished sides of the case. Monnin, a watchmaking student in Morteau, France, recently presented his new creation - L'Immortale - which has been thought and created during more than 9 months of intensive work mixing design, construction, prototyping and finishing. The watch has a Chiming Jump Hour complication built on a calibre LJP 6900 as base movement. The unique piece is housed in a 42 x 12,8 mm steel case, water resistant up to 30 meters. . Uma bela imagem de L'Immortale, de Victor Monnin, desta vez destacando detalhes como os pés côncavos do mostrador em aço inoxidável usinados e decorados inteiramente à mão ou os lados acetinados da caixa. Monnin, estudante de relojoaria em Morteau, França, apresentou recentemente a sua nova criação - L'Immortale - que foi pensada e criada durante mais de 9 meses de trabalho intensivo misturando design, construção, prototipagem e acabamento. O relógio tem uma complicação Chiming Jump Hour construída sobre um calibre LJP 6900 como movimento base. A peça única está alojada em uma caixa de aço de 42 x 12,8 mm, resistente à água até 30 metros. 📷 @monnin_victor • • #victormonnin #limmortale #watchmakingstudent #watchstudent #horlogeriefrançaise #metiersdart #watchcollector #handmadewatch #handmade #watchaddict #watchnerd #watchlover #watchcollection #hautehorlogerie #relogioserelogios https://www.instagram.com/p/CiaP1T6uxvF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spnrarepairbunker · 3 years
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SPN Rare Pair Bunker presents: SPN RarePairTober 2021
It’s a month-long, mixed media event celebrating rare ships of the CW's Supernatural
Similar to other October events that you might be familiar with, Rarepairtober will take place throughout the whole month of October. Below you'll find 31 double prompts to create your works for.
The challenge is open to everyone, whether you’re a part of our discord server or not (but you’re welcome to join us here :))
General Rules:
Double prompts consist of a rare ship prompt and a word/phrase prompt. Those can be used combined together, or separately—meaning you can create for the ship without including the word prompt or use the word prompt and create for any rare ship you like
We encourage experimenting with different ships, but if you'd rather write 31 fics for the same pairing, that's alright, too!
You can create for as many or as few prompts as you like. Even just one work is great
The prompts do not have to be filled in order
You can mix this event with other events as long as their rules allow it
Varied forms of creativity are allowed, such as fanfic, visual art, videos, playlists etc
When posting, mention @spnrarepairbunker in the post and tag #spnrarepairtober within the first five tags to make sure we can find your post
Works about Supernatural only
Must be centered on a rare pair (although romance doesn’t have to be the focus)
Ships considered rare are any ships except for destiel, wincest, and sabriel
There is no minimum or maximum word count for fics
All ratings are fine, but they must be appropriately tagged
No sexual content involving characters under 18
No RPF, reader-insert or ships with OCs
In the header/description, state: pairing, rating and common warnings/triggers, the prompt and its number
If you post to ao3, add your works to our collection: SPNRarePairTober2021 
We aim to reblog all the works. If we don’t reblog yours within three days, feel free to shoot us an ask about it. We reserve the right not to reblog things we find inappropriate.
dean x benny || bad moon
jesse x cesar || laughter in the dark
sam x jess || fake love
gabriel x rowena || haunted person
cas x balthazar || striped suspenders
charlie x dorothy || peace offering
dean x lisa || turn back time
crowley x michael || mutually assured destruction
sam x eileen || secret society
bobby x ellen || colorful
cas x benny || blooming flowers
donna x jody || first death
dean x cain || mismatched socks
adam x michael || horror movies marathon
sam x sarah || unbreakable bond
dean x donna || completely ordinary
gabriel x kali || love lost
cas x crowley || quantum physics
claire x kaia || fool me once
dean x victor || fallen leaves
mick x ketch || running out of time
sam x gadreel || different page
bess x garth || blood oath
cas x hannah || broken home
abaddon x bela || tongue tied
dean x crowley || wolf in sheep’s clothes
bobby x rufus || ashes to ashes
sam x amelia || haunted painting
charlie x gilda || euphoria
cas x meg || deal with the devil
dean x aaron || graveyard dance
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dead-molchun · 3 years
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Victor Vasarely (1906 - 1997) Cheyt-Bela, 1972-74 (77 x 77 cm)
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laufire · 4 years
Supernatural s3
It’s so unfair that the season that has Ruby AND Bela is so short :(((. I was done with it waaaay too quickly, and now I’m speed running through s4 xD (which, like the first time around, is Strong Mixed Feelings territory).
-My girl Ruby!!!! I was so happy to have her back, I kept grinning like a loon every time she was on screen. It’s quite interesting watching the 1.0 and 2.0 versions so close to each other, instead of as they air. I have... Thoughts, on whether Ruby as a double agent was something planned or that they decided as they went, but that’s for the s4 post. s3!Ruby really doesn’t come across as one (“I don’t believe in the devil” oh I wish sometimes xD, I love my nonbelievers), imo, but the beauty of such a device is that you can rationalize anything she does as devious if you want to xD
And it goes without saying that I love her interactions with Sam. THIS SHIP ISTG. I love how immediately ~attuned to her he is lol, his present and instinctive concern for her even if he tries to mask his interest as “practical”. And all the repeated times Sam’s conflicted between her and Dean -like when he deviates Dean shot (wasting one of the Colt’s bullets lmfao) or during the argument about the virgin sacrifice xD. And the “that’s my boy”/ “little fallen angel on your shoulder” quotes!!! Ruby 1.0 deserved to be railed by Sam too, smh.
My favourite episode of hers is “Jus in Bello” (which would be my fave of the season just by virtue of having both Bela and Ruby in the same episode lol. Not interacting, of course, the world as we know it wouldn’t have survived). I just love that she gets that final moment of I TOLD YOU SO to the brothers xD. I really like how she expands on the demonic lore of the show- I love, LOVE the detail about how all demons used to be humans, how they’re souls corrupted in hell. And that in her past life she was a witch (there was this really good fic in Spanish fandom about it... I need to hunt it down).
BTW, though I think her interactions with Dean in that episode are interesting, it really hammers home how much I hate him sometimes xD. Can you stop saying misogynistic slurs for TWO GODDAMN MINUTES, DEAN (and as we know from as early as this season, only HE can have demon/monster friends!! What a fucking hypocrite xD). I freaking love the moment in the finale when she viciously yells him about how she wishes she could see him in hell lmao (and how it foreshadows that when she shows sympathy later, it’s actually Lilith in disguise lmfao). I hate Dean gets the last word in their dynamic, tbqh. Until the s15 cameo, at least xDD
One thing that’s been bothering me xD: the French fries. Demons are vulnerable to salt, like other spirits, right? (and hey, look what a nice piece of foreshadowing that was). How does that translate to food lol. Because Ruby adores French fries, and they obviously contain salt. It’s like spicy food for humans? Or like pineapple? Inquiring minds etc. xD
-I still cannot believe Bela Talbot was only on the show for six episodes lmao. Her presence still lingers in the watchers’ heads so much?? Which is understandable because she’s Lead Girl Material if there was ever any lol. The care with which they styled her even?? You don’t do that for just any character lmao (I mean, just look at most of SPN’s female characters for comparison xD).
Her ship with Dean could’ve really been something, too -even if I hate Dean in it, I can’t deny it packs a punch, narrative-wise. I mean, the Batcat undertones alone!! The fake married undercover shenanigans!! And I think it’s really interesting that she’s such a blind spot for him; Dean’s unusually intuitive about people, but with Bela he takes everything at face value and she can fool him like no other (while, OTOH, is Sam who questions her facade and wants to see more). If he hadn’t been such an idiot (and such an asshole) he could’ve had a really powerful ship. Sucks to be him lol.
Anyway. Man, I love her. So much. I love how Gordon’s threats to kill her don’t work on her, and I love that the show basically said “Bela killing her abusive parents is good, actually” (I’m so tired of forgiveness narratives, you guys. This entire show is founded on revenge, so let me get my revenge fantasies in peace!!) xDD. And I love, LOVE that she withheld that truth from Dean, that she decided he wasn’t worth it. OTOH, you know, fuck the fans that got her written out, definitely; but on the other, I do love how her story ended (and that it was a clear "fuck you" to shitty fans). Doesn’t stop me for wanting to read and re-read (and maybe write!) even more “Bela escapes hell” fix-its, but still.
Also, very important question: what happened to her cat?? It’s the cat alright?? I’m going to headcanon that she left them with that cougar friend of hers lol.
-So. THE DEAL. Okay. Oof. I love this storyline, a lot. A loooot. I love the conflict it creates between the brothers (as long as there’s still conflict and Sam hasn’t yet started taking everything lying down I can enjoy that part of their narrative lol). I love Dean’s initial forced giddiness about “making the most out of his last year” and I love the moment Dean decides he does want to try to live because it makes the last few episodes all the most desperate and cruel (and hey, I’ve heard he only went to hell because the season was cut short due to a writers’ strike... if that’s true that’s so funny lmao).
My absolutely favourite part however? That you can FEEL Dean’s unvoiced resentment towards Sam. For Dean having to die for him, even if Sam never asked him to. He lashes out to Sam repeatedly through the season, but it really came to ahead in the dreamspace episode, where Dean confronts another version of himself that talks about how Sam was “dotted on” (the revisionism asldfkaf). This show is absolutely ruthless when it comes to showing you its characters’ ugly, unfair reactions to things and it’s my favourite thing evah.
Speaking of the dreamspace episode, OMFG. I loved both brothers there. Dean’s hallucination, seeing himself as a demon? And how he let out his anger about John?? Beautiful, truly (regarding John, I also loved their different reactions when it looked like his spirit had contacted them: Dean jumping on it and Sam detached skepticism). But my favourite part has to be when Sam uses the villain’s abusive father against him. Like. Damn. That was cold-blooded o.0
The second-to-last episode, when Sam tracked down that Frankenstein doctor to try and make Dean immortal was ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING OMG. I loved that. I love that Sam wanted to use it for both them. It was some scary shit. I also love the scene where the crossroads demon questions whether Sam really wants to break the deal, I’m gathering it’s going to be nice foreshadowing later on in the show lol.
Anyway. I also found Dean’s death scene more impactful than Sam’s. Partially because of the horror of it, but mostly because I think at this type of scenes, Padalecki is better. Sam’s grief felt more real, Dean’s got me out of the scene (it’s the voice, I think. Sometimes Ackles’ voice takes me out of scenes, it sounds... forced).
I also really enjoyed how the time loop episode wrapped around this subplot. It managed to be both heartbreaking and mind-numbly hilarious lmfao. Like?? All the deaths?? Were so pathetic?? I tip my hat to Ackles because I don’t think most actors could carry plots like this half as well lmfao.
Sidenote, it’s always a trip to see The Trickster God knowing that fucker is Gabriel. Archangel “hey Mary do you accept God knocking you up” Gabriel. Which I guess isn’t exactly a thing in this show?? Since according to the wikia SPN Jesus was “just a man” (and let me tell you, I’m tickled pink by the fact that out of ALL mythological figures, specifically all CHRISTIAN mythological figures, the show decided to go “nah” on Jesus Christ. I mean, I guess he’d take away from Dean’s, Sam’s and Castiel’s resurrection narratives, but still. It’s so funny!!).
-Gordon Walker remains a superbly acted and fascinating character with extra racist nonsense alsdkfjasdf. But I can’t deny I loved seeing him as a vampire. He was terrifying. And I’m definitely shipping him with Kubrick, ouch xD
-The Ghostfacers episode is... something. As in, incredibly exploitative and homophobic and with an egregious case of BYG (and the first where I’d say it’s incontestable to claim the trope was used. s1 and s2 are muddy territory given the circumstances, IMO, but this one is 300% BYG), but so successfully manipulative my heart hurt for Corbett and Corbett x Ed still. Fuck them for that ngl. I do still enjoy how anti-Winchesters they all are though xD
-3x01 introduces the one nice marriage of hunters so far, between a black couple. The man dies in a gross, horrifying way within the episode ofc (because he was Mean to the the brothers duh). She makes it out alive, and since she doesn’t reappear in the show she gets to live. So for now black women have a sliiiiiightly better track record in SPN than track guys there: they get to appear in a few more episodes and be more fleshed out (Victor, Gordon), but as long as they’re only in one episode they get to live!! (Cassie, Tamara).
-Rufus and Bobby are exes, right? Right?? Probably still married in some state? You know that post about how when gay marriage was legalized across the USA there were a lot of issues because some couples had split and never bothered to divorce, since it was only legal in one place? That post was made for them. Pity Rufus is a black man, and as such has a limited number of allowed appearances before he’s killed off ¬¬
-I would’ve enjoyed Dean’s moments with Lisa and Ben more (it’s just so RIGHT that in this moment he’d want Ben to be his) if my knowledge of future spoilers didn’t perpetually have me in a state of “pls keep this guy away from kids” lol.
-They had Harmony’s actress (BTVS) and they made her a vampire!! The show’s hard on for the Buffyverse is a bit of a hit and miss but I can’t say I don’t relate xDD.
-I know Jensen Ackles can sing (in fact thanks to youtube I know a few of the actors can... is there a musical episode. Does this show have its own OMWF. I need to know). So why. WHY. Does he sound like that during “Dead or Alive”??? I actually like the scene but he sounds so off-key lmao.
-BTW, I found out that apparently Katie Cassidy and Lauren Cohan originally auditioned for each other’s roles añslkdfjasf. I can’t picture it. Ruby 1.0 is Ruby 1.0 and Bela is Bela xD. Although I’ve seen each playing roles that could meld with the other, just. Nope. Good choice on the casting there lol.
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thewordswewrite · 1 year
do we get to know what happened to the first baby? the one they lost? like from the vibes alone, it seems like either a miscarriage or stillbirth. what happened?
Our Condolences
The Drought of an Ocean Universe
Pairing | Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader
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Original Story Summary | Finnick Odair was the youngest victor to ever win the Hunger Games but that didn’t earn him respect as a mentor, at least not until she came along. When a dejected volunteer from District 4 puts her life on the line, Finnick will do anything he can to protect her.
Oneshot Summary | Three months after they realize they’re expecting, things take a turn for the worse for Finnick and his girl.
Chapter Warnings | loss of pregnancy, explicit language
W/C | 1.5k
Taglist | @lem0ns77   @lostintheendlessvoidthatislife @curlycarley​   @bela-nov​ @lilylovelyxo​   @jaydiann @shynypeacekitten​ @dd122004dd​ @jyessaminereads​   @aquawhore420   @qallaghereid  @bazzaza​ @zulpix-blog​ @mrsjna​   @americanstarlette @lou-the-confused-bisexual​ @maxinehufflepuffprincess​ @cecepop15   @pavard-leto-girl  
A/N | We're currently making our way through the asks so as they come in we will complete this type of oneshot for them. Please enjoy!!-Smoe
Donations |  Link
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Again and again, she watched the shadow of a figure cast across the living room from the front window as they had for weeks now. She buried herself deeper in the blanket and tried to fall back into the mindless dirge of whatever was on the TV. From the other part of the house, she could hear Finnick and Mags puttering about and even with the faint movements she knew exactly what room they were in; the room that she hadn’t stepped foot in in weeks, the room whose door Finnick would shut if she even took a step towards. The figure passed by again, blocking the sunlight from bleeding through the window and despite her best interests, she thought she might just go outside. It’d been days since she’d felt fresh air and she’d be in and out before Finnick could say anything. 
Her bare feet hit the polished wood floor, sending a shiver up her spine and she kept the blanket wrapped around her, the end of it trailing behind as she made her way towards the door. It took her eyes a minute to adjust to the sunlight but as they did, she could see the front porch was once again covered with vases of flowers and various ornate gift bags and boxes alike. She filled her arms with as much as she could take in one go, though caution didn’t matter much when every gift was an empty gesture…
“Hey, hey, no. You shouldn’t be lifting that.”
“It’s just a couple of vases. I think I can handle it.” Her protests went unheard as Finnick gathered the gifts in his arms leaving her with a ‘don’t you touch those’ about the rest. They’d hardly accepted the news themselves before it was Capitol official and it didn’t take long for the gifts to come flooding in; they already had a full nursery with enough for a family of ten. Any significant spares they received, like the surplus of bassinets, were donated first to their own District, then to the others.
Finnick had barely let his eyes off her since she told him she was pregnant and despite being terrified, as the gifts multiplied and the entire country buzzed her excitement began to grow. She never thought herself a mother, having decidedly condemned her future to one as a failed career before she met Finnick and then a captive in her own life after. Though now she supposed things had changed, her life, though not entirely hers, was made tolerable by Finnick and now, their child.
A small smile graced her face as she plucked a card from the bouquet of flowers. ‘Congratulations! We are so…’
‘...sorry to hear about your loss, our condolences–’ She was unable to finish reading the note before it was torn from between her fingers, the vase of calla lilies obstructed from her view.
“Finnick, please–”
“You don’t need to keep reading all of these,” His voice soothed, leaving the numerous gifts out on the porch as he closed the door, softly nudging her inside. “I’ll throw those out later.”
“I’m fine,” She tried to reassure him but her stomach clenched at his pained face. “You don’t need to be the one to do everything. I’m okay.” Despite her words, she didn’t expect the grief she felt when they lost the baby. She turned away from him, heading towards the kitchen where...
Their lunch was forgotten in her haze. The memories of intense pain and blood running down her thighs as she yelled for help had left her drained, and nearly unresponsive in bed. The only one around to help had been Mags, Finnick’s elderly mentor. The older woman had rubbed her back and helped her clean herself up before making her lie down in bed.
She must’ve done something; she couldn’t wrap her mind around how it could’ve happened. Maybe Finnick had been right and she should’ve been doing less than she was, maybe she ate something she shouldn't have, maybe she wasn’t meant to be a mother.
Her eyes pricked with tears, salt running down her cheeks at the revelation of what this would mean for her and Finnick. President Snow told them before they left for their honeymoon his expectations from them and not even three months since the official announcement of her pregnancy had she messed it up. She didn’t know how they would be punished but once again she’d dragged Finnick down with her. She was deep in her thoughts when a hand gently laid on her waist, startling her.
“Mags told me that…” She couldn’t bear to look at him when his voice choked up. “That you lost the baby?”
“I’m sorry.”
Finnick circled around the bed and crouched in front of her, his eyes red-rimmed and hair disheveled. “It’s not your fault,” He clutched her hand in both of his. “Not even a little bit.”
“But President Snow–”
“Fuck Snow. He doesn’t matter, you matter.” Finnick’s face was earnest…
…his eyes swirling with worry as he looked across the room at Mags who was already pulling out utensils to start making lunch. Although she found it tough to be taken care of, she knew the woman was happy to have someone to tend to again, especially when it came to Finnick who had l been bending over backward lately to be there for her every waking need. 
He’d done everything he could to help her. Never-ending assurances and thoughtful words were thrown at her constantly, but she worried for him. All he had left was Mags and now her; a baby would’ve expanded his family and she knew he was crushed over it. Selfishly, she’d felt almost a bit relieved to have been released from the responsibility of taking care of a baby. She was eighteen and Finnick only a year older, they hadn’t grown up with much of any sort of role model and she felt ill-equipped to raise a child.
After what happened, they contacted The President before he could decide they were hiding something from him and she was quickly ushered to The Capitol and met by the best doctors in the country. Though, it was too late and they'd confirmed what she already knew: that she’d lost the baby.
“Hey, Mags, could you keep an eye on her while I take care of the rest of this stuff?” Finnick called out from behind her. Mags shook her head, gesturing first to herself and then towards the door, indicating that she’d take care of it and in turn leaving him no choice but to face her. 
As soon as Mags was far enough away, she bit out, “I don’t need someone to babysit me.” 
“Sweetheart, I didn’t–”
She was already walking with only one destination in mind and though she knew it wasn’t something that would be good for either of them, it was something she needed to do. Finnick’s footfalls were quick behind her on the stairs and she felt a pit in her stomach growing at the knowledge that he had already realized what she wanted.
When she reached the door, his hand was already on the handle holding it shut, his strength overwhelming her own. She smacked open palms and then fists against the door to no avail. Snapping her head to look at him, she stilled, letting the look on her face speak for itself as it met his own strained expression. His head fell, the unspoken exchange leaving him with no choice but to let go.
Turning the handle she opened the door…
…to see Finnick in deep concentration, trying to assemble the bassinet that they had been gifted from Sagan when they heard the news. Despite Sagan’s flare for the dramatics, the bassinet was sweet and simple, a classic cream color with a sea-themed mobile to accompany it. 
She didn’t want to say anything as she leaned in the doorway, watching her husband hard at work. While it was hard to get used to the idea of being a mother, it didn’t take much to imagine Finnick as a doting father. She must’ve made some noise as she thought for Finnick jumped, the paper detailing the instructions falling out of his mouth and onto the floor.
“I, uh, I wanted to surprise you,” Finnick blushed as he stood. She couldn’t help but grin and she turned back for the door.
“Well, I’ll just pretend I didn’t see anything,” She called as she closed the door…
…and was met with Finnick’s grim face, her own likely mirroring his. Her heart was pounding at the sudden memory of a happier time and she felt sick. Their lives had been so strained recently that she worried for them.
She sighed walking past him towards their room. “I wish none of this had ever happened.”
A beat passed before Finnick spoke. “I’m sorry I did this to you.”
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jaime11robinson · 3 years
Palmeiras 2 x 0 Grêmio - Copa do Brasil Final - Tempo Real - Globo Esporte
Resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio - Copa Libertadores: Grêmio elimina Palmeiras no Pacaembu e vai à semifinal
Luiz Adriano rabiscou para cima de Kannemann, mas Paulo Victor fez a defesa! Quem avança? O meia Matheus Henrique e o goleiro Weverton foram os escolhidos para falarem resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio véspera desse Palmeiras e Grêmio decisivo da Libertadores!
O motivo? E a rede vai balançar? Live Blog. É noite de Libertadores na Goal! Weverton se estica e espalma! Começa o segundo tempo!! Intervalo no Pacaembu!! O segundo tempo promete!
Copa Libertadores: Grêmio elimina Palmeiras no Pacaembu e vai à semifinal
Paulo Victor sai mal e Willian perde outra chance! A bola é desviada e sobra para Willian. No segundo pau, ele pega de primeira reusltado acerta a trave!! O Corinthians tomou um sufoco em Itaquera! Agora é mata-mata. No segundo tempo, ele defendeu o pênalti cobrado por Mateus Vital, e no resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio, pegou novamente a bola chutada pelo meia.
Soube atacar o dono da casa e se defender. O gol do atacante Zé Roberto, no minuto final da primeira etapa, deixou os jogadores do time paulista nervosos. Na segunda etapa, o Corinthians melhorou e teve mais resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio de jogo, mas além do pênalti perdido, errou demais nas finalizações e nas jogadas individuais. Das 15 finalizações, apenas seis delas foram ao gol. Resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio, é ver o que Sylvinho conseguiu mudar em dois dias de trabalho.
O Atlético-GO vem jogando bem nessa temporada e pode aprontar de novo para cima do Corinthians. O caminho mais curto para o time alvinegro conquistar um título na temporada. Um alerta: os corintianos estavam pilhados em campo. O nervosismo afetou o time. Exagero tomar cinco cartões amarelos na estreia de um torneio.
Focar é preciso. Faltou liderança em lobertadores. Renato Augusto para substituir Gerson no Flamengo? Tema ganha as redes, e Eugênio Leal aprova: 'Gosto muito'. Mas o pior é ler quem autorizou esse absurdo em meio a uma pandemia que matou mais de mil brasileiros.
O mais triste e perigoso dessa história, é que o torneio saiu da Colômbia, por causa da onda de pГЎgina da Internet, e da Argentina pelo site aqui da pandemia. Isso é insano e de uma irresponsabilidade do tamanho do planeta bola! Ele faturou dois títulos importantes para o clube, a Conmebol Libertadores e a Copa do Brasil.
Abel recuperou jogadores, libertsdores experiência com os garotos da base. Hoje, tem um time sólido e prova isso com a segunda melhor campanha na fase de grupos da Libertadores. Busca sempre ser o resuktado e disputa títulos. O seu time fez um bom primeiro tempo resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio se perdeu no segundo.
Ele tentou a todo custo vencer o maior rival. Empate ou triunfo verde seria um resultado normal. Fica tranquilo Abel, entendemos, sim. Gol do Flamengo!
Copa do Brasil
Abel tem que aprender a digerir melhor o que ouve e o que lê. Ficar mais calmo à resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio de campo também ajuda.
Por outro lado, o Palmeiras tem aqui estГЈo as descobertas blindar o seu treinador.
Abel Ferreira foi um grande achado e merece total apoio. A primeira rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro para os quatro grandes paulistas foi péssima! Santos, Palmeiras e Corinthians foram derrotados. O Tricolor do Morumbi foi salvo pelo goleiro Volpi continue lendo defendeu um pênalti de Nenê. A pior derrota foi a do Santos, em Salvador. O Bahia precisou de apenas sete minutos para enfiar 3 a 0 no Peixe. Um desastre no começo do segundo tempo.
Thaciano fez dois gols, com assistências de Rossi, e Juninho completou o atropelo. Pedro marcou o gol da vitória por 1 a 0, com bela assistência de Bruno Henrique. Na estreia do técnico Sylvinho, resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio Corinthians teve um resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio para esquecer. Destaque para o goleiro Fernando Miguel que defendeu a cobrança da penalidade e, no rebote, evitou que bola a entrasse em novo chute de Vital. Fernando Miguel pega pênalti de Ee, que resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio finaliza na sobra e o goleiro salva de novo.
Resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio quinto representante do estado, do interior paulista, limpou a barra dos gigantes.
Na primeira bola, em que Bruno Henrique ganhou de Gabriel Menino na velocidade pelo lado esquerdo, o ;almeiras rolou para o matador Pedro fazer o gol da vitória.
O goleiro fez oito defesas importantes no jogo. O duelo dos melhores times do país foi de total respeito. Na primeira etapa, o Palmeiras teve menos posse de bola do que o Flamengo, mas foi melhor na busca pelo gol. O goleiro foi melhor jogador resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio confronto, com quatro defesas.
O Palmeiras deu trabalho e teve nove finalizações na partida. Rogério Ceni saiu feliz do confronto. O rubro-negro mostrou a sua força em busca do tri. O Palmeiras também vai dar trabalho.
Enquanto isso, o Palmeiras segue na freguesia do Flamengo. Uma invencibilidade de 11 jogos, com sete geemio e quatro empates no período. Foram 23 gols marcados e apenas sete sofridos. Oito jogos foram em casa, e três reshltado. No retrospecto geral do campeonato nacional, o Palmeiras leva vantagem sobre o Flamengo. Em jogos, foram 46 vitórias, 33 empates, 40 derrotas, gols marcados e gols sofridos.
Outra curiosidade do equilíbrio entre Palmeiras e Flamengo. Na capital carioca, em 32 duelos, o Flamengo conquistou 11 vitórias contra dez do Palmeiras e outros 11 empates. Os rivais jogaram no meio de semana pela Libertadores. Técnico: Rogério Ceni. Técnico: Abel Ferreira. Ainda mais, se o torneio for como o do ano passado. E agora, você arriscaria um palpite? Dos 20 clubes na disputa, oito nunca conquistaram resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio título do maior torneio nacional.
O Santos é o segundo com oito taças. Um de cada estado brasileiro. As equipes nunca se enfrentaram na história da Série A. No retrospecto geral, apenas dois jogos pela Série B, no ano passado.
Um empate e uma vitória do time de Mato Grosso. Em 50 jogos na Série A, o Peixe levou a melhor com 25 vitórias, contra 19 do Tricolor, e nove empates.
O ataque santista marcou 94 gols, contra 67 do time baiano. O Tricolor paulista leva vantagem com 31 triunfos, o carioca venceu vinte, com 16 empates. Duelo de difícil palpite. Foram apenas 10 jogos, com total equilíbrio: quatro vitórias para cada e dois empates.
O time mineiro anotou mais gols 22o Tricolor Foram 24 empates com 88 gols para cada clube. Outro duelo de difícil palpite. Em apenas 10 jogos no campeonato, foram resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio vitórias para o time paulista contra três do goiano, e três empates. O Corinthians marcou 13 gols e levou Chapecoense e Red Bull Bragantino travam o primeiro duelo da história na elite do futebol.
Na história, as duas equipes se enfrentaram duas vezes: uma resultado libertadores palmeiras e gremio do time de Bragança Paulista e um empate. O Bragantino fez dois gols e gremoi Chapecoense, um.
Vilson 8' Nílson 64'. Edmundo 25'. Gilson 45'. Fabinho 50'. Dinho 50'. Pibertadores 38'. Lozano 53' Rivaldo 76'. Luiz Carlos Goiano 7' Paulo Nunes 23'. Jardel 49' 54' 83' Arce 41' Arilson 51'. Cafu 29' 84' Amaral 39' Paulo Isidoro 58' Mancuso 69'. Jardel 8'. Rivaldo 35' Djalminha 47' Muller 79'. Paulo Nunes 54'. Jardel 61' Zé Alcino 78'. Olímpico, Rio Grande do Sul. Elivélton 78'. Mazinho 87' Barcos 90'. Valdívia greimo. André Lima 66'.
1 note · View note
dalekofchaos · 5 years
Resident Evil fancast
Reposting for more notes and my new choices but here we go again
my other video game fancasts
Life Is Strange
Life Is Strange Before The Storm
Assassin’s Creed
Mass Effect
The Force Unleashed
Silent Hill
God Of War
Mortal Kombat
Bioshock 2
Bioshock Infinite
Dead Rising
The Wolf Among Us
Telltale’s Batman
Telltale’s Game Of Thrones
Telltale’s The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead  The Final Season
Red Dead Redemption
LA Noire
Detroit:Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
Henry Cavill as Chris Redfield
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Alexandra Daddario as Jill Valentine
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David Harbour as Barry Burton
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Emma Myers as Rebecca Chambers
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Michael Fassbender as Albert Wesker
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Tyler Maine as Tyrant
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Ben Foster as Joseph Frost
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Chris Pine as Brad Vickers
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Tom Savini as Enrico Marini
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Arthur Darvill as Richard Aiken
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Liam Hemsworth as Edward Dewey
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Chad L. Coleman as Kenneth J. Sullivan
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Taylor Kitsch as Forest Speyer
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Ben Barnes as Billy Coen
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Tom Hiddleston as young James Marcus
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Charles Dance as old James Marcus 
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Scott Eastwood as Leon S Kennedy
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Natalia Dyer as Claire Redfield
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Lulu Wilson as young Sherry Birkin
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Gemma Chan as Ada Wong
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Isaiah Mustafa as Marvin Branagh
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Mark Addy as Robert Kendo
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Jake Gyllenhaal as Ben Bertolucci
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Jim Beaver as Chief Brian Irons
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David Tennant as William Birkin
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Lena Headey as Annette Birkin
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Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Mr X
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Tom Hardy as HUNK
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Diego Luna as Carlos Oliveria
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Oleg Taktarov as Mikhail Victor
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Igor Jijikine as Nikolai Zinoviev
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Tom Felton as Murphy Seeker
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Lance Reddick as Tyrell Patrick
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Brian Howe as Dario Rosso
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Derek Mears as Nemesis
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Jaeden Martell as Steve Burnside
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James Marsters as Alfred Ashford
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Yvonne Strahovski as Alexia Ashford
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Diane Guerrero as Manuela Hidalgo
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Javier Bardem as Javier Hidalgo 
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Mads Mikkelsen as Sergei Vladimir 
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Grace Van Dien as Ashley Graham
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Zazie Beetz as Ingrid Hunnigan
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Zach Villa as Luis Sera
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Nick Frost as The Merchant
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Benico Del Toro as Osmund Saddler
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Robert Maillet as Bitores Mendez
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Peter Dinklage as Ramon Salazar
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Dolph Lundgren as Jack Krauser
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Russell Crowe as Parker Luciani
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Chloe Bennett as Jessica Sherawat
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Eddie Redmayne as Raymond Vester
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Terry O’Quinn as Jack Norman
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Michael Shannon as Clive R. O'Brian
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Zoe Saldana as Sheva Alomar
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Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Josh Stone
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Tobin Bell as Oswell E Spencer
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Rami Malek as Ricardo Irving
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Gal Gadot as Excella Gionne
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Madison Davenport as Moira Burton
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Malina Weissman as Natalia Korda
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Natalie Dormer as Alex Wesker
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Anne Hathaway as Gina Foley
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Scoot McNairy as Neil Fisher
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Jay Hernandez as Pedro Fernandez
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Oscar Isaac as Gabriel Chavez
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Jaimie Alexander as Helena Harper
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Colton Haynes as Piers Nivans
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Alexander Ludwig as Jake Muller
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Chloë Grace Moretz as older Sherry Birkin
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Adelaide Kane as Deborah Harper
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Gemma Chan as Carla Radames
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Derek C. Simmons
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Grant Gustin as Ethan Winters
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Elizabeth Olsen as Mia Winters
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Katie McGrath as Zoe Baker
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Bryan Cranston as Jack Baker
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Diane Lane as Marguerite Baker
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Aaron Paul as Lucas Baker
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Stephen Lang as Joe Baker
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Millie Bobby Brown as young Eveline
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Helena Bonham Carter as old Eveline
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Paul Giamanti as The Duke
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Charlize Theron as Mother Miranda
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Gwendoline Christie as Lady Alcina Dimitrescu
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Alexander Skarsgard as Karl Heisenberg
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Eva Green as Donna Beneviento
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Paula Rhodes voicing Angie
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Andy Serkis as Salvatore Moreau
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Karen Gillan as Daniela Dimitrescu
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Ana de Armas as Cassandra Dimitrescu
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Sophie Turner as Bela Dimitrescu
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Kathryn Newton as Rosemary Winters
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92 notes · View notes
quehajacactos · 4 years
O “fim” absolutamente humano de Ozzy Osbourne
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Eu posso dizer ter sido absolutamente acidental meu contato com Ozzy Osbourne há dois meses e umas semanas. Estava no YouTube, como quando estamos passando canais na televisão, e me deparei com um título “Ozzy Osbourne, impossível não amar” do Júlio Victor. Cliquei e, para minha surpresa, o vídeo era produzido por um canal que amo e respeito absolutamente, o Antídoto.
Algumas das coisas que pretendo descrever podem ser oriundas desse vídeo que mencionei acima ou de outros reviews gringos que acabei vendo acerca do álbum. No entanto, tentei manter a minha opinião o mais original possível, quando assim não o for, avisarei.
Fica como recomendação o tal vídeo do Júlio (feat. Antídoto), é realmente bom e foi a partir dele que fui pesquisar as novas músicas do Ozzy, ou  melhor dizendo, do novo álbum, a começar por Straight to Hell… É aqui que começa esse texto sobre o Ordinary Man (lançado em 21 de fevereiro de 2020), somado às reflexões musicais e intervenções relativamente subjetivas.
O texto não dá conta de todas as informações acerca da produção, da banda, isto é, os músicos envolvidos, ou outras coisas que possam lhes interessar, por isso, sempre recomendo a pesquisa individual a partir dos vídeos que fiz menção. Mas algo já muito notável são alguns músicos que participam como Duff McKagan, Slash, Chad Smith, Tom Morello, entre outros de renome.
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Straight to Hell abre o álbum com o que se espera do dito Prince of Darkness… construindo o clima de assombro, com um coro anunciando o que está por vir, quase como uma tragédia, e logo se segue a guitarra, adequada ao gênero (comentarei sobre as guitarras adiante).
“Alright now!”
Ainda durante o riff principal, ouvimos pela primeira vez aquela voz familiar e que, em minha opinião, não canta bem. Em outro vídeo, o mencionado Júlio Victor fala sobre o fato de o Ozzy não possuir grandes habilidades vocais no início da carreira. Eu não poderia concordar mais. Inclusive, isso é algo que gosto muito, a suposta falta de técnica. Fico imaginando se perderíamos um Ozzy nesses programas vexatórios e horrendos como The Voice, X Factor, etc (fodam-se todos esses). Há algo de belo em “não cantar bem”, torna orgânico e próximo, quiçá humano. Aliás, é mais sobre o que é cantado, ou ao menos deveria ser.
Essa primeira sentença é uma referência clara à Sweet Leaf [Master of Reality (1971) - Black Sabbath]. Essa “intertextualidade” ou ainda “autotextualidade” é parte da premissa de Ordinary Man: a história de si.
Seguindo, estamos diante de um som agressivo (o vídeoclipe que reforça esse caráter) com uma letra simples e assustadora, terror típico de outras composições: “I will make you scream, I will make you defecate” ou o próprio refrão “We’re going straight to hell tonight”. Para primeira música do álbum, a volta de Ozzy em dez anos de hiato, não é nada mal. O tema e o próprio instrumental são familiares aos fãs e mesmo àqueles que só tinham algumas impressões do que esperavam ouvir.
Quanto ao instrumental, a guitarra principal vem de Slash e o baixo de Duff McKagan, ambos conhecidos de nós por conta de Guns N’ Roses. Penso que tal fato deixa a música menos heavy metal do que poderia. Com muito pouco esforço, reconhecemos o hard rock familiar a esses dois.
    Nessa faixa, mais calma que a anterior, afirmo estar mais evidente aquela premissa, sendo os temas principais do álbum a história autoconsciente e a predição do fim. Ambas as coisas relacionadas à vida de Ozzy, mas gostaria de propor que pensássemos além, pois foram estes temas que me fizeram gostar tanto desse álbum. Cada vida é diferente, mas certas coisas são universais, que podem ocorrer em diferentes momentos da vida; e esse álbum conversa diretamente comigo (e apostaria que não só comigo) nesse momento.
Não bancarei o saudosista a todo momento aqui, outrossim condeno tal atitude, porém ressalto que o solo antes do último refrão lembra um pouco os timbres das músicas mais antigas [especialmente No More Tears (1991) e Ozzmosis (1995] e clássicas do nosso prestigiado.
Esse tom memorioso da música, como se remontando às origens (da carreira solo, não necessariamente com o Black Sabbath), é como alimentar o próprio espírito do rock e do heavy metal, alimentar isso em si é como ser jovem para sempre, uma vez que o gênero está velho e próximo da obsolescência (explico isso melhor em Under The Graveyard e It's a Raid).
Para seguirmos em frente, destaco os versos da ponte entre os refrões: Heaven can take me / But no one can save me from Hell again / You'll never erase me / I'm back on the road again
Ele voltou, consciente de sua história e é isso que ele se propõe a (re)apresentar a todas e todos. 
A introdução, ao meus ouvidos, remonta ao seu clássico Iron Man, certo? No mais, a música me cativa pouquissimamente, contudo de modo algum quer dizer que seja ruim. Pode soar monótona a princípio, contudo é de se surpreender sua progressão e suas variações… Ela continua o tema da memória e acrescenta a solidão, ou melhor, a autonomia forçada. No fim, são vocês por vocês, minhas caras e meus caros.
Além é claro do tom de despedida natural que há na vida... No céu tem chá?
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A faixa que dá nome ao álbum… Tentarei ser breve, porque essa composição é incrível. O som é uma balada, a marca clara da parceria com Elton John, que somada ao rock de Ozzy, torna-se épica e monumental, digna de ser eleita o título de toda obra.
Com um tema tão presente e consistente (há aqueles que julgarão até enjoativo e entediante a repetição), essa música bastaria para sintetizar a ideia das duas anteriores, acerca da história e da carreira. Apesar disso, prefiro pensar que ela encerra esse arco de três músicas belissimamente, o piano de Elton John é mais do que adequado para a letra desta música,  atribuindo-lhe o tom intimista e reflexivo. 
"Many times I lost the control / And try to kill my rock and roll", momento em que a voz do Rocketman (não assisti ao filme, mas sei de modo raso do que se trata) aparece; além desse, outros versos tem um caráter profundamente humano da composição, aqui conhecemos as "entranhas" de sujeitos melancólicos a partir da retrospectiva da própria vida. O vídeo mais recente também é bom para entendermos isso.
O fato é que, com tal obra, é impossível morrer como um homem comum.
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Aqui, encontramos o momento de maior aproximação com a morte e o fim. Como tocamos no assunto de humanização na música anterior, essa que se segue é o ponto máximo de tal. Com uma letra profunda e mórbida, somos postos diante de sentenças (quase no sentido original da palavra, sententiae, proposições intelectuais simples e marcantes) em versos, que nos fazem refletir sobre o ocaso da vida. 
Nada é tão humano quanto a morte, podemos ser diferentes de muitos modos e maneiras, mas o término do caminho é o mesmo. 
Uma vez que trata da morte, retomo o que comecei sobre a obsolescência (ver acima): Grandes nomes do heavy metal e seus gêneros relacionados ou derivados estão envelhecendo, cada vez mais próximos do fim natural. Isso em partes será levado com eles, depende muito de quem vai ficar aqui e dar continuidade aos legados. Contudo, acredito que não deva ser de forma nostálgica, deve-se inovar, tomando-os como modelo. O rock precisa disso para não ser esquecido após sua morte. Ozzy sabe disso e passou a mensagem.
Por fim, duas coisas: o videoclipe (link no título) retrata um dos momentos mais dramáticos e frágeis da vida do artista, fragilidade essa que com respectivas particularidades, torna mais próxima a identificação, papel essencial da arte; e, à parte o vocal, musicalmente, infelizmente, a faixa comove pouco. Não há muito que dizer mesmo sobre. 
    Voltando para animar o álbum, Eat Me vem com outra energia, um pouco mais despretensiosa e descontraída (não tanto como se verá adiante). O baixo é evidente, bom e ousado, mas pouco independente, seguindo a mesma linha das guitarras - vale o destaque ainda assim.
No entanto, antes de seguirmos, gostaria de propor uma outra interpretação: quase como um desafio de um vaso ruim que não quebrou: lembremos de Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas ou outros momentos da literatura em que estão tratados os vermes que comerão o cadáver (a carne dada aos vermes, segundo uma etimologia interessantíssima, mas não verdadeira). Ozzy lança uma última provocação audaciosa a eles (talvez nós…), como se quisesse dizer “É isso aí, morri, foda-se, terão de me engolir!”. 
A descrição de um cenário apocalíptico em The sun is black / The sky is red … The kids are running / As fast as they can / And it feels like today is the end com o instrumental e o vocal melódicos podem significar duas coisas: primeiro, uma falha e incoerência de fato; ou, por outro lado, a serenidade de quem já esteve diante do inferno (como boa parte das músicas anteriores reforça) e está vendo só mais um. 
Considero o tema do fim próximo já estava muito bem encerrada em Under the Graveyard, sinto que essa música é como um filler. Sublinho, apesar disso, que é uma música interessante e bem “moderna”. A melodia é bela e fica na memória, algo realmente mais pop (talvez o maior sinal da parceria com Andrew Watt, que já produziu com Justin Bieber, Camila Cabello, Cardi B, etc. e que o próprio Metal Madman afirmou que adoraria fazer um outro novo trabalho).
A partir desse termo “moderno” lanço mão de uma outra tese acerca desse álbum, a saber, a de que ele é uma aposta para chamar a atenção de pessoas mais jovens, que só ouviram falar de Ozzy Osbourne pelos por parentes ou amigos mais velhos. Com esse som mais leve e melódico, Ozzy não está excluindo ninguém do seu raio. Desenvolvo isso, porém, adiante.
“O que essa música está fazendo aqui?”. São palavras da minha cara amiga Larissa Souza - anjo com quem já escrevi um outro texto, dessa vez sobre Depeche Mode. Se Eat Me não foi descontraída o suficiente, Scary Little Green Men veio para tal função. Vejam por vocês mesmos… A letra é ainda assim interessante, mas não sei…
O Carpe Diem que um bom poeta deve ter, ou nesse caso, algo como um carpe noctem. A música não é longa, mas a repetição do refrão, que já é repetitivo, passam essa sensação de uma extensão enfadonha… E isso me parece ruim. 
Fiquem em casa! Trancados por sete dias (ou mais)...
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Essa faixa “encerra” o álbum de maneira ótima, como começou: enérgico e agressivo. Uma verdadeira ring composition. O álbum se salva aqui depois de uma sequência difícil de lidar. 
Além de tudo isso, ela traz uma novidade para todos: a parceria com Post Malone. Não me deterei em explicar quem é o tal, mas são nomes que não esperávamos ver juntos. Apesar disso, It’s a Raid não é a primeira parceria de ambos os cantores. Ela data desde o Hollywood’s Bleeding (2019), álbum do rapper americano, na música Take What You Want.
A questão toda dessa faixa é que o Ozzy está se divertindo aqui, como apontado num outro review. Aquela energia, como na primeira música, como em seus clássicos Crazy Train ou Bark at the Moon, nos mostra como o cantor gostaria de se despedir efetivamente após ter relembrado a vida, a carreira e a morte vindoura, fica o recado para que nos lembremos dele enquanto o enérgico pioneiro do heavy metal.
Como já dito (a ideia é da mencionada Larissa), alimentar o espírito ‘rosqueiro’ de alguém é mantê-lo jovem para sempre, Ozzy Osbourne veio se reapresentar para aqueles que já o conhecem e o acompanharam, aqueles que conhecem todas as seis décadas e fases da sua carreira, mas tão importante quanto, veio se apresentar àqueles que não o conhecem e passar adiante tal espírito.
Fuck you all! (ops)... “I love you all” - Ozzy Osbourne
por Gabriel Aquino
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luna-jaden-shadow · 5 years
The following below are fandoms that I’m in and a few of the characters that I’m willing to write for. Feel free to request someone that’s not on the list and I’ll see if I can write them.
I do the following in case anyone was wondering. X Reader Character Ships Male X Male Male X Female Female X Female Any X Gender Nutral
So here we go!
Marvel Cinematic Universe Tony Stark Bucky Barnes Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff Others
X-Men Logan Howlett Jean Gray Storm Others
Marvel On Netflix Frank Castle (Punisher) Trish Walker (Jessica Jones) Matt Murdock (Daredevil) Others
DC Comics Joker (Any version) Harley Quinn Oliver Queen Others
Gotham Jim Gordon Harvey Bullock Ed  Nygma Selina Kyle Others
Supernatural Dean Winchester Castiel Rowena Charlie Others
The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Negan Rick Grimes Maggie Greene Others
The Witcher Geralt Jaskier Yennefer Others
Fear The Walking Dead Nick Clarke Al Alicia Clarke Victor Strand Others
Criminal Minds Spencer Ried JJ Derek Morgan Others
Law and Order SVU Finn Amanda Carisi Others
Orange Is The New Black Nicky Lorna Others
Big Brother Nicole Franzel Paul Abrahamian Others
The 100 Bellamy Blake Octavia Blake John Murphy Marcus Kane Others
Greys Anatomy Mark Sloan Lexie Grey Derek Shepherd Izzie Stevens Others
Soul Eater Death The Kid Maka Albarn Soul Eater Evans Others
My Hero Academia Shota Aizawa Izuku Midoriya Shoto Todoroki Others
Attack On Titan Annie Leonhart Levi Ackerman Mikasa Ackerman Hange Zoe Others
Lucifer Lucifer Morningstar Chloe Decker Others
American Horror Story (Depends) James Patrick March (Hotel) Countess (Hotel) Nora (Murder House) Kit (Assylum) Others
Victorious Jade West Beck Oliver Andre Harris Others
NCIS Anthony DiNozzo Ziva David Others
The Office Jim Pam Erin Others
9-1-1 Buck Abby Others
Fallout 4 Nick Valentine Piper Wright John Handcock Others
Undertale Sans Undyne Papyrus Others
Until Dawn Chris Heartley Samantha Giddings Others
Detroit: Become Human Connor Kara Others
Resident Evil: Village Karl Heisenberg Alcina Demetrius Bela Demetrius Others
Youtubers Jacksepticeye Smosh (Anyone) Markiplier Jenna Marbles Others
Markiplier (Egos) Darkiplier Willford Warfstache Illinois Yancy Others
Jacksepticeye (Egos) Anti Chase Marvin Others
NateWantsToBattle (Egos) Natemare Phantom Others
Creepypasta Jeff The Killer Ticci Toby Clockwork Others
Disney Elsa Kristoff Others
Celebrities Jeffrey Dean Morgan Lauren Cohan Robert Downey Jr. Scarlett Johannson  Others
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fascinaria · 5 years
• Onde você pode encontrar ajuda e atendimento psicológico gratuito
💛  REGIÃO NORTE Amazonas: Centro de Serviço de Psicologia Aplicada da Universidade Federal do Amazonas Endereço: Av. General Rodrigo Octávio, 6200, Bloco X, Coroado I - Manaus Telefones: (92) 3305-4121/ (92) 99314-4121 E-mail: [email protected] Acre: Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC) Endereço: Campus Universitário – BR 364, Km 4, Distrito Industrial - Rio Branco Horário de funcionamento: de segunda à sexta-feira, das 8h às 12h e das 14h às 18h. E-mail: [email protected] Pará: Universidade Federal do Pará Endereço: R. Augusto Corrêa, 1 - Guamá, Belém - PA, no setor Básico do campus do Guamá ao lado do Ginásio de Esportes da Universidade Federal do Pará. Entrada pelo portão 2 do campus, primeiro prédio à esquerda. Telefone: (91) 3201-7669 Rondônia: Universidade Federal de Rondônia - Serviço de psicologia aplicada Endereço: Avenida Presidente Dutra, 2965 - Porto Velho. Fica localizado no prédio anexo a Unir Centro. Telefone: (69) 2182-2025 Roraima: Universidade Federal de Roraima - Serviço de Atendimento Psicológico (SAP/UFRR) Endereço: Av. Cap. Ene Garcês, 2413 - Boa Vista (fica ao lado da Unidade de Saúde do campus Paricarana) Telefone: (95) 3623-2391 💛 REGIÃO NORDESTE Ceará: Clínica Escola de Psicologia do Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará Endereço: Rua Felipe Nery, 1006 - Fortaleza Telefone: (85) 3271-1992 Bahia: Universidade Federal da Bahia - Clínica de Psicologia da FTC Endereço Praça da Inglaterra, nº 6, Edf. Big, 4º andar, bairro do Comércio, Salvador. Telefone: (71) 3254-6946 Pernambuco: Centro de Estudo e Prática de Psicologia (CEPPSI) - Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (Univasf) Endereço: Av. José de Sá Maniçoba - Maria Auxiliadora, Petrolina E-mail: [email protected] Telefone: (87) 2101-6871 Paraíba: Clínica Escola Universidade Federal da Paraíba Endereço: Cidade Universitária, s/n - Castelo Branco III, João Pessoa Telefone: (83) 3216-7338 Paraíba: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande Endereço: R. Aprígio Veloso, 882 - Universitário, Campina Grande Telefone: (83) 2101-1855 Piauí: Clínica escola de psicologia do CMRV Endereço: Av. São Sebastião, nº 2819 - B. Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Parnaíba-PI Maranhão: Universidade Federal do Maranhão Endereço: Avenida dos Portugueses, nº 1.966, Cidade Universitária Dom Delgado, Campus Bacanga, sala A da Uniti, localizada no Centro de Estudos Básicos (CEB Velho). Telefones: (98) 3272-8608, (98) 3272-8615 e (98) 3272-8616. Rio Grande do Norte: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Telefone: (84) 3215-3603 💛  REGIÃO CENTRO-OESTE Mato Grosso do Sul: Unigran Capital Horário de funcionamento: de segunda a quarta-feira, das 7h30 às 19h e de quinta e sexta-feira das 7h30 às 22h. Telefones: (67) 3389-3362 ou (67) 99206-5326. Endereço: Rua Abrão Júlio Rahe, 325, centro Campo Grande - MS Distrito Federal: Serviço de Psicologia João Cláudio Todorov (IESB) - Campus Sul Telefone: (61) 3445-4502 Endereço: Campus Edson Machado (Av. L2 Sul, quadra 613), Bloco M, 2o andar. 💛  REGIÃO SUDESTE São Paulo: Instituto de Psicologia da USP Endereço: Av. Prof Mello Moraes, 1721 -Bloco D – Cidade Universitária Telefone: (11) 3091-8248 / 8223 E-mail: [email protected] Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Endereço: Rua Piauí, 181 – Higienópolis Telefone: (11) 2114-8342 Uninove Endereço: Rua Vergueiro, 235, Liberdade (Campus Vergueiro) Telefone: (11) 2633-9000 Horário de atendimento: De Segunda, das 08:00 às 17:30; e sábado, das 08:00 às 11:30. Clínica Social Casa 1 Endereço: Rua Condessa de São Joaquim, 277 – Bela Vista E-mail: [email protected] Clínica Aberta de Psicanálise na Casa do Povo Endereço: Rua Três Rios, 252 Horário de atendimento: Sábado às 11h, 12h, 13h e 14h, todos por ordem de chegada. Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC Endereço: Rua Almirante Pereira Guimarães, 150 – Pacaembu Horário de atendimento: De segunda a sexta-feira, das 8h às 20h Telefone: (11) 3862-6070 Universidade Paulista – UNIP Endereço: Rua Apeninos, 267 – Vergueiro Telefone: (11) 3341-4250 Horário de atendimento: Segunda a sexta-feira, das 7h às 19h. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Horário de funcionamento: segunda a sexta-feira, das 8h às 20h. Endereço: Avenida Pasteur, 250 - Pavilhão Nilton Campos Telefone: (21) 2295-8113 Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise do Rio de Janeiro Endereço: Rua David Campista, 80 – Humaitá Telefones: (21) 2537-1333 ou (21) 2537-1115 Serviço de Psicologia Aplicada da Universidade Estácio de Sá – Campus Norte shopping Endereço: Rua do Bispo, 83 – Rio Comprido Telefones: (21) 4003-6767 / (21) 2583 7110 Espírito Santo: Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) Horário de funcionamento: das 13h às 19h. Telefone: (27) 4009-2509 Minas Gerais: Uni-BH Endereço: Rua Líbero Leone 259 - Bloco C2 Horário de funcionamento: de terça-feira a quinta-feira, das 13 às 19 horas. Telefones: (31) 3319-9345 ou 3319-9509 PUC Minas Endereços: unidades de Coração Eucarístico, São Gabriel e Betim Telefone: (31) 3319-4322 Horário de funcionamento: segunda a quinta-feira de 8h às 20h, às sextas-feiras, de 8h às 19h, aos sábados, de 8h às 12h 💛  REGIÃO SUL: Paraná: Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) Endereço: Praça Santos Andrade, 50 (Prédio Histórico) – 1º andar da Psicologia, sala 112. Telefone: (41) 3310-2614 E-mail: [email protected] Unibrasil Centro Universitário Endereço: Avenida Victor Ferreira do Amaral, 2446 – Tarumã. Telefone: (41) 3267-9108 Rio Grande do Sul: Faders acessibilidade e inclusão Endereço: Rua Engenheiro Ildefonso Simões Lopes, 115 - Porto Alegre/RS Telefone: (51) 3209-6524 Horário de funcionamento: das 8h às 20h. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Endereço: Rua Protásio Alves, 297 - esquina com a rua São Manoel (entrada pela São Manoel) - 4º andar. Santa Catarina: Associação Instituto Movimento (ASSIM) Endereço: Rua Dr. Armando Valério de Assis, 54 - Centro de Florianópolis Telefone: (48) 3223-3598 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Endereço: Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, bloco D, 2º andar da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC (Campus Universitário - Trindad) Telefones: (48) 3721-9402 - 3721-4989 E-mail: [email protected] 💛  TODAS as clínicas neste post são GRATUITAS ou com taxas simbólicas para manutenção do programa. Acesso à tratamentos para saúde mental é um direito de todos. em tempo: DEFENDAM O SUS. Gratidão!!! Créditos a @pseudoruiva no tt que fez a thread dos lugares.
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romantic-lit · 5 years
~ ᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴘᴏsᴛ ~ ᴀᴄᴏɴᴛᴇᴄᴇ ᴇᴍ 2020 [EM HIATUS]
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ᴇᴍ ʙʀᴇᴠᴇ:
filme - fighting to breathe, aurora rose reynolds ~ passionflix
série - modern love, daniel jones ~ amazon prime
filme - o inferno de gabriel, sylvain reynard ~ passionflix
filme - wicked, jennifer l. armentrout - passionflix
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livro br - stay gold, tobly mcsmith ~ editoraalt
ᴊᴀɴᴇɪʀᴏ 2020
livro br - como um mar de rosas, L.K. Farlow ~ editora cherish
livro br - de volta para ela, lauren gallagher ~ editora cherish
evento - verão otaku, festival de animes ~ CCSP (21/01 - 02/02)
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livro br - a espera do coração, Shari J. Ryan ~ editora cherish
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filme - por lugares incríveis, jennifer niven ~ netflix (28)
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ᴍᴀʀᴄ̧ᴏ 2020
livro br - apenas por um momento, autumn doughton ~ editora cherish
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ᴀʙʀɪʟ 2020
livro br - em queda livre, l.m. halloran ~ editora cherish
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ᴍᴀɪᴏ 2020
livro br - um amor de verdade, kate stewart ~ editora cherish
livro br - como um sopro do vento, anna belfrage ~ editora cherish
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ᴊᴜɴʜᴏ 2020
livro br - na linha de fogo, lauren gallagher ~ editora cherish
livro br - a última conquista, mara jacobs ~ editora cherish
ᴊᴜʟʜᴏ 2020
ᴀɢᴏsᴛᴏ 2020
livro int - the jackal (prision camp #1) ~ J.R. Ward (4)
sᴇᴛᴇᴍʙʀᴏ 2020
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evento - bienal do livro de são paulo (30 - 08/11)
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evento - bienal do livro de são paulo (01 - 08)
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calendário 2020 gratuito ~ editora valentina
cartela de adesivos fofos ~ autor victor martins
4 modelos de blocos de notas “um lugar bem longe daqui” ~ editora intrínseca
conto “cinderela italiana” ~ editora wish
conto “a noiva da caveira” ~ editora wish
conto “baba yaga e vasilissa, a bela ~ editora wish
conto “trolls, elfos e nokken’s” ~ editora wish
kit com 6 memopads papelaria ~ jornal do victor martins
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