twistedcatmeow · 11 months
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Reading inspirational things like this is great. It’s important to take some initiative in your growth and progress. But who do you talk to on a regular basis who guides you along your path, who serves as a reality check for you, who helps you see those things that your negative ego has made you blind to?
Who do you ask for help on that level?
It is important to have at least one physical teacher who you consult with face-to-face, who knows you, who can recognize when you’ve made a left turn (and will tell you about it). I know of no tradition that does not recommend that you have a three dimensional guide. This person is not an intermediary between you and the Divine; on the contrary, they should encourage you to have as conscious a connection as possible all on your own. But they will also help you see when the information you have received is really your negative ego or a negative outside influence, rather than Divine information.
The best way to find such a teacher is to ask. Make a sincere request to the Universe that they bring you a teacher, even your perfect teacher for what you need at this time. Be open to receiving such a person into your life. And let the Universe fulfill your request.
 #Teachers #Learning #Enlightenment #BeingOpen #BeingTeachable #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Sky #Dusk
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Supporting Children on the Road to PTSD Recovery
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex and often misunderstood condition that can affect children who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events. The journey to recovery for these young individuals can be challenging, but with the proper support and intervention, they can build resilience and reclaim their lives. By understanding the impact of trauma on children and implementing effective strategies, we can foster healing and empower them on their path to recovery.
The Far-Reaching Effects of Childhood Trauma
Childhood trauma can have profound effects on a child's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. It can disrupt their sense of safety, trust, and overall development. Children who experience trauma may exhibit symptoms such as anxiety, depression, hyperarousal, social withdrawal, difficulty concentrating, and re-experiencing the traumatic event. Recognizing these signs and understanding their underlying causes is crucial in providing appropriate support.
Creating Safe Spaces for Healing
To aid children in their recovery journey, it is essential to create safe and nurturing environments. Whether it is at home, school, or within the community, these spaces should foster a sense of security, acceptance, and understanding. By establishing routines, promoting predictability, and providing emotional support, we can help children feel safe and build the foundation for healing.
Empathetic Listening and Validation
Listening attentively and empathetically is an invaluable tool in supporting children with PTSD. Giving them the space to express their emotions, fears, and concerns without judgment allows them to process their experiences. Validating their feelings and experiences helps them understand that their emotions are valid and that they are not alone. By actively listening and providing a compassionate ear, we can instill a sense of trust and create a solid support system for their recovery.
Professional Guidance and Therapy
Seeking professional help from therapists or counselors experienced in working with children with PTSD is essential. These experts employ evidence-based therapies tailored to the unique needs of each child. Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and expressive therapies such as art or music therapy can provide children with effective coping mechanisms, emotional regulation skills, and tools to process their traumatic experiences.
Encouraging Resilience and Coping Skills
Building resilience is a vital component of a child's journey toward healing from PTSD. Teaching children positive coping strategies, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, journaling, or engaging in creative outlets, helps them manage stress and regulate their emotions. Encouraging healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet, also supports their overall well-being and strengthens their resilience.
Educating Caregivers and Educators
Parents, caregivers, and educators play a crucial role in supporting children with PTSD. Educating them about the nature of PTSD, its symptoms, and practical strategies for providing support is essential. Workshops, support groups, and training programs can equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a nurturing and understanding environment. Collaboration between home and school ensures consistent care and support, enhancing the child's chances of successful recovery.
Promoting Self-Care and Well-being
Teaching children self-care practices empowers them to take an active role in their healing process. Encouraging activities such as engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, practicing relaxation techniques, or seeking peer support allows children to reconnect with themselves and find moments of joy and calm amidst their challenges. By prioritizing self-care, we enable children to develop healthy coping mechanisms and cultivate their overall well-being.
Supporting children on their journey to recovery from PTSD requires a collective effort from caregivers, educators, mental health professionals, and the community. By creating safe and nurturing environments, offering empathetic listening, and accessing appropriate therapy, we can empower young hearts and minds to heal and thrive. Let us stand together in fostering resilience and providing the necessary support for children affected by trauma, guiding them toward a brighter and more hopeful future.
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I really try hard to give you the benefit of doubt. Even when I have to teach you meanings of basic words, I try to look past your lack of background in education. Telling you spellings of everyday words - I try to see it as a learning opportunity for you -- there is no double T in Writing. And Grammar doesn't have an E in it. Few months ago I wanted to quit but decided against switching schools in January. I thought maybe things will get better. Maybe i wasn't in over my head, I thought. Maybe i'm just stressed and things will work themselves out. I have had MULTIPLE naps of the 'I wake up and have no clue where I am or what day it is' variety.
I dismissed teaching as a whole. The very idea of it. But then i didn't. I couldn't.
Like an epiphany, a mother of one of my old students called me to tell me that her child had had his poem published in his school magazine. It might not sound big to you but the child was an F grade student in English who pushed himself to an A within a year. Only because he said, "meiny miss maleeha ka favorite student ban'na tha." He had to leave before the final term two years back. The kid remembered. His mother remembered. I had done nothing more than what i was supposed to.
I couldn't leave then.
I keep looking back at a few things to keep myself sane. To not quit my job. Gifts I’ve received at school that matter more than others:
- A note from a student about how he now knows “writing is a process,” and ending it with “I love you Miss Maleeha. You have always been the teacher i needed"
- An old student's gratitude notes: received every year. Only on teachers' day.
- My favorite super hero - a canvas painting
- My favorite chocolate from a student who told me he remembered it from a random conversation we had about 2 years ago.
- A cake because they thought i had resigned.
- A mother's call from Saudia who told me she mentioned me to the Lord sitting in His House.
- Being tagged in favorite teacher memes.
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celotehanpeyempuan · 4 years
Menjadi Pendidik
Mengulas tulisan yang pernah aku tulis dulu (lupa kapannya), tdk pernah terpikir untuk menjadi pendidik. Dimasa pandemi covid19 ini, semakin membuat aku merasa kyk, “oh ya saya bertanggung jawab dengan mereka”
Pembelajaran online ini banyak memberikan pelajaran. Lebih komunikatif dengan anak, lebih peka terhadap masalah anak, memahami kondisi anak, mencari tahu lebih banyak ketika anak tdk mengikuti pembelajaran hari itu. Wah, pokoknya banyak banget yang aku rasain. Dengan kondisi aku yang belum berumah tangga dan otomatis belum ngerasain dong gimana punya anak. Hehe. Aku sibuk menghubungi anak-anak yang tidak hadir tanpa kabar. Semua ku coba, mulai dr mencari tahu lewat teman, menelfon orang tua (sudah pasti), jika orang tua tidak bisa dihubungi aku putar otak untuk mencari taunnya dengan cara lain, seperti lewat tetangganya (karena 1 sekolah) wkwk. Ya, sampai sperti itu. Aku rasa semua orang tua juga melakukan hal yang sama, jika mereka kehilangan komunikasi dengan anaknya. 
DUH! Pembahasan ku berat ya. Tapi itulah, aku merasa BERTANGGUNG JAWAB terhadap mereka. Padahal kalau dipikir-pikir, “kenapa juga sih harus repot-repot cari tau, anaknya aja gak peduli”. But, I cant! Ada aja pergerakan hati untuk mencari mereka.
satu lagi yang membuat aku bahagia menjadi pendidik. Ibaratnya tidak ada bekas orang tua atau bekas anak, begitu juga guru. Tidak ada bekas guru. Atau bekas siswa. Mereka yang sudah lulus masih sering menghubungi aku, tanya kabar atau sekedar curhat masalah percintaan. Yang paling mengharukan, setiap lebaran pasti selalu ada saja yang datang ke rmh, untuk silaturahmi dan pastinya minta THR hahaha. Menjadi pendidik mengajarkanku banyak hal tentang anak dan oranng tua, sebelum aku menjadi orang tua yang sesungguhnya:) 
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busrateacher · 3 years
Iyi ki öğretmenim 😊
#ogretmen #beingteacher
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sreepriyamnn · 4 years
Back to school - not like the olden days
Back to school – not like the olden days
A new year starts again..but no need for school bags..and no school bus nor the school benches. No shared lunch No lunch Gupshups. Only virtual interactions… Things are changing..and we are adapting to new technology-oriented classroom sessions. It all new to all. Let’s help each other… Be it parents or teachers..or even our kids..let their burdens be reduced with every lil help offered.
A beginning…
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merajkazi-blog · 7 years
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Official photo with my students from new batch of Professional Graphic Design Course at SR Institute of Design. Everyone was so much excited to learn. Hoping for a wonderful journey with them. #beingTeacher
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knimra · 7 years
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#workmodeon #beingteacher #research #productboard #inmaking #DesignFoundation #Textiles #IU #IndusUniversity #NK #NimraK
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MIN|兒童工藝坊-寒假營 小朋友不止自己做作品,還自己做菜👏👏👏。#cooking #child #children #workshop #metalsmith #coolkids #beingteacher #teacher #jewelrydesigner #jewellerydesigner #jewelry #fashion #designer
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twistedcatmeow · 3 years
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Reading inspirational things is great. It’s important to take some initiative in your growth and progress. But who do you talk to on a regular basis who guides you along your path, who serves as a reality check for you, who helps you see those things that your negative ego has made you blind to?
Who do you ask for help on that level?
It is important to have at least one physical teacher who you consult with face-to-face, who knows you, who can recognize when you’ve made a left turn (and will tell you about it). I know of no tradition that does not recommend that you have a three dimensional guide. This person is not an intermediary between you and the Divine; on the contrary, they should encourage you to have as conscious a connection as possible all on your own. But they will also help you see when the information you have received is really your negative ego or a negative outside influence, rather than Divine information.
The best way to find such a teacher is to ask. Make a sincere request to the Universe that they bring you a teacher, even your perfect teacher for what you need at this time. Be open to receiving such a person into your life. And let the Universe fulfill your request.
#quote #teachers #learning #enlightenment #BeingOpen #BeingTeachable #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Clouds
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twistedcatmeow · 4 years
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Reading inspirational things is great. It’s important to take some initiative in your growth and progress. But who do you talk to on a regular basis who guides you along your path, who serves as a reality check for you, who helps you see those things that your negative ego has made you blind to?
Who do you ask for help on that level?
It is important to have at least one physical teacher who you consult with face-to-face, who knows you, who can recognize when you’ve made a left turn (and will tell you about it). I know of no tradition that does not recommend that you have a three-dimensional guide. This person is not an intermediary between you and the Divine; on the contrary, they should encourage you to have as conscious a connection as possible all on your own. But they will also help you see when the information you have received is really your negative ego or a negative outside influence, rather than Divine information.
The best way to find such a teacher is to ask. Make a sincere request to the Universe that they bring you a teacher, even your perfect teacher for what you need at this time. Be open to receiving such a person into your life. And let the Universe fulfill your request.
#quote #teachers #learning #enlightenment #BeingOpen #BeingTeachable #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Clouds #Sky
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twistedcatmeow · 5 years
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Reading inspirational things like this is great. It’s important to take some initiative in your growth and progress. But who do you talk to on a regular basis who guides you along your path, who serves as a reality check for you, who helps you see those things that your negative ego has made you blind to?
Who do you ask for help on that level?
 It is important to have at least one physical teacher who you consult with face-to-face, who knows you, who can recognize when you’ve made a left turn (and will tell you about it). I know of no tradition that does not recommend that you have a three dimensional guide. This person is not an intermediary between you and the Divine; on the contrary, they should encourage you to have as conscious a connection as possible all on your own. But they will also help you see when the information you have received is really your negative ego or a negative outside influence, rather than Divine information.
The best way to find such a teacher is to ask. Make a sincere request to the Universe that they bring you a teacher, even your perfect teacher for what you need at this time. Be open to receiving such a person into your life. And let the Universe fulfill your request.
#quote #teachers #learning #enlightenment #beingopen #beingteachable #practicalspirituality #personalgrowth #selfimprovement #dailymessage #365daystoenlightenment #Ayamanatara #cornucopia #crystals #thanksgiving #abundancealtar
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twistedcatmeow · 6 years
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Reading inspirational things like this is great. It’s important to take some initiative in your growth and progress. But who do you talk to on a regular basis who guides you along your path, who serves as a reality check for you, who helps you see those things that your negative ego has made you blind to?
Who do you ask for help on that level?
 It is important to have at least one physical teacher who you consult with face-to-face, who knows you, who can recognize when you’ve made a left turn (and will tell you about it). I know of no tradition that does not recommend that you have a three dimensional guide. This person is not an intermediary between you and the Divine; on the contrary, they should encourage you to have as conscious a connection as possible all on your own. But they will also help you see when the information you have received is really your negative ego or a negative outside influence, rather than Divine information.
The best way to find such a teacher is to ask. Make a sincere request to the Universe that they bring you a teacher, even your perfect teacher for what you need at this time. Be open to receiving such a person into your life. And let the Universe fulfill your request.
#quote #bodhidarma #teachers #learning #enlightenment #beingopen #beingteachable #practicalspirituality #personalgrowth #selfimprovement #dailymessage #365daystoenlightenment #Ayamanatara #waterfeature
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