If you don’t let loose, if you are always controlled, you never allow for the possibilities. I’m not suggesting that you go tearing through the neighborhood covered in purple bubble wrap; but it might be a good idea to let down your guard every now and then, and try something new.
When was the last time you were spontaneous? Spontaneity allows room for Spirit to come in and guide your actions. Sometimes it ends in interesting ways, but sometimes, something truly inspirational can happen. Why not try it?
#Spontaneity #Creativity #PracticalSpirituality #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #LightShow #GiantDiscoBall
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The most effective way to create something in your world is to believe that you can. You must have that hope that allows you to see what has not yet been created, and to feel what it would be like. That sends a clear message out to the universe, which then helps you create it.
Start small. Pick something you want to manifest or create. Allow yourself to see it, in all of its detail. Allow yourself to feel it, to feel what it would be like to have that thing. Spend a few minutes every morning feeding the image energy, and see what happens.
#Hope #Creation #Manifestation #Magic #PracticalSpirituality #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Lights
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You have a choice about how you interact with your life, how you view your life, what you do with your life. It is, after all, a free will Universe. If you view things as magical, spectacular, amazing, miraculous, your attitude in life will be very different.
Here’s a little secret: energy follows focus. If you focus on the miracles in your life, you will attract more miracles. If you focus on the magic, you will have more magic.
Or would you rather have a mundane life?
#Miracles #Magic #Focus #PracticalSpirituality #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #TropicalCave #Cave #Maui
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The sooner you accept the changes that happen in your life, the sooner you will see the new opportunities that have awakened for you. Regret does not serve anyone, it only gives power to the past, which no longer exists.
When something in your life changes, evaluate it. Look at what you have learned from it, both positive and negative, thank the experience or opportunity, and move on. In this way, you keep your focus in the present and maintain control over your power, instead of giving it away with no regard for yourself or your needs.
What parts of your past are you still holding on to?
Have you done an evaluation of those experiences?
What was valuable about them and what can you release?
#Regret #BeHereNow #BeingPresent #LearningFromThePast #ImportantQuestions #PracticalSpirituality #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Beach #Kaanapali #Maui
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i do not want to live in a world where a pathetic, evil loser like OJ Simpson can murder two innocent human beings (one of which was his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, whom he abused their entire marriage), and have all evidence pointing toward him + an audio recording of him confessing to the double-homicide, yet he still escapes life in prison and leads a long, free life… but a modern day Robinhood like Luigi Mangione that (allegedly) popped a monster who made billions off denying people healthcare (killing thousands), can’t also be let free.
seeing the people in power scramble to villainize Luigi and paint him as a danger to society, try to convince us that we should be scared just bc they are? babe, it isn’t working. use your brains. that billionaire shitass was shot IN DEFENSE of us bc he was diabolical. how detached do you have to be to not understand how every day people are not going to be afraid of someone who (allegedly) murdered a billionaire making his wealth off our demises?
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Most of us have been taught, at a very young age, to fear change. As a child, a certain amount of stability is called for in one’s upbringing, but no one ever thinks to help us adjust to the fact that change does happen and, as an adult, it is a desirable occurrence. This is likely because no one remembered to teach this to the people who raised us.
Regardless, change does happen, so we should find contentment in it. Frequently, change brings about the opportunity for new and better things, so embracing that change might even be warranted.
If we want our world to be a more supportive place for us, if we want to put an end to war, if we want to have inner peace, accepting what is and then working to change it (instead of fighting to keep things the same), will get us there.
#Change #Acceptance #PracticalSpirituality #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Blackboard
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When your work gives you that surge in your heart, that is your Higher Self saying, “Yes, this is your path!”
If you are having problems finding joy in your life, if your work leaves you feeling bored or fills you with dread, then you are not fulfilling your life’s path.
When you work for the Universe, you will always have exactly what you need.
What makes your heart sing?
What sort of work would bring you a sense of meaning?
What have you done to move yourself into a position where you can accomplish that?
#Work #Passion #Boredom #HeartSong #ImportantQuestions #PracticalSpirituality #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #MauiCoastline
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If you want something in life, you’ll have to ask for it. More importantly, though, you’ll have to act on that request.
When you make a request of the Divine, do you allow that request to influence your actions, or do you continue on with business-as-usual? This is a free-will Universe, and you send a message to that Universe through your actions as well as your prayers.
When you are in alignment within yourself, your actions themselves become a form of prayer.
#Prayer #Power #HowTo #Action #PracticalSpirituality #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #FirePots #Desert
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Do you ever go along with the flow, even though it makes you uncomfortable? Stop.
Have you put things off on other people, or even God, instead of owning up to your actions and taking responsibility? On the flip side, do you beat yourself up for things rather than learning from them and moving forward? Stop.
Do you choose what you know is right, or what your negative ego wants? Stop choosing the negativity.
Do your best today to be completely in your integrity. Say no when you need to say no. Allow yourself to be in awareness of the truth. Do the right thing. If you are just starting out, this will be new to you and will take practice. No one said you had to do it perfectly, at least not right away. But do it anyway. Don’t give up just because you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. That’s part of being human. Keep moving forward; don’t let your negative ego derail you.
#Integrity #Courage #DoWhatsRight #MovingForward #PracticalSpirituality #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #DirtRoad #CenturyLake #MalibuCanyon
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I will be teaching a goal-setting and goal-getting workshop on Thursday 1/2/25 (after the wake of Mercury Retrograde is over) at 7pm Pacific on Zoom.
Capricorn Season is the best time to set goals.
How you go about setting those goals will influence your level of success.
in this workshop , we will look at what gets in the way of our success, as well as what mindset can foster success, and we will go over techniques that will absolutely help. We will also do a meditation that will help you achieve your goals.
we will also hear from one of my Experiential Kabbalah students about their experience with working on goals within the framework of the year-long course.
If you want this year to be different, come join us!
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