twistedcatmeow · 2 days ago
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When we think of courage as not being afraid, we miss the mark. Courage is doing things in spite of fear. Fear is a fact of being human. Not letting it affect us, not letting it deter us from action, that is the spiritual act. Courage is listening to our hearts, listening to Guidance, listening to our calling, and moving forward. Courage is deciding that the fear messages your negative ego sends you are irrelevant.
 Pick something today that scares you but could help you move forward. A phone call you need to make, a letter you have been putting off writing or sending, a person you’ve been too shy to approach. Take a deep breath, know that the fear is merely your negative ego trying to keep you from taking chances and growing, and take the action. Allow yourself the room to grow. Each time you do it, it gets a little easier, because you start to realize that the fears are telling you lies.
 #Fear #Courage #DoThis #MovingThroughFear #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Desert #Clouds #Sky
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twistedcatmeow · 2 days ago
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Mugshot of a teenage girl arrested for protesting segregation, Mississippi, 1961.
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twistedcatmeow · 4 days ago
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Problem solving frequently requires looking at a situation from a different perspective. The solutions that work the best are sometimes viewed as insane (until they work), because they aren’t something that had been thought of already.  Allowing your mind to wander and play with challenges, to view them from different angles, to find the innovative approach, is one of the best uses of your time I can think of.
It is in allowing your mind and spirit to fly free, to remove the fetters of societal construct, that you open yourself up to inspiration and guidance.
Unless you are convinced that you have all the answers, why not try it?
#Solutions #ProblemSolving #Creativity #GetOutOfTheBox #Perspective #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Oahu #NorthShore
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twistedcatmeow · 7 days ago
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If you are having a disagreement with someone and you find yourself letting things get heated, take a moment and assess your stance. Are you getting heated because you feel like you don’t know as much as you should? Are you getting self-righteous because of insecurity? Are you taking things personally rather than standing on the facts?
There is nothing wrong with having a disagreement with someone… until it gets personal. The moment there is actual anger, you have given away your power. The only thing you have control over are your actions and reactions, and that control comes from self-awareness. Practice investigating where your reactions come from and you will gain more self-control.
#KeepingCool #TakingThingsPersonally #StayingCalm #SelfControl #Empowerment #DoThis #Control #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Birb #Flight #LookUp
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twistedcatmeow · 9 days ago
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You are a co-creator of your reality. You are capable of limiting yourself in innumerable ways.
From a psychological point of view, you limit yourself by believing that you have limitations.
From an emotional point of view, if you allow yourself to feel limited, nine times out of ten, you will act limited.
 From a spiritual point of view, the Universe is more than happy to fulfill your requests; if you put the energy out there that you have limitations the Universe will make sure you have limitations.
There is a flipside to this.
You are a co-creator of your reality. You are capable of granting yourself every opportunity in the world. Simply by allowing yourself to be excited about the potential of the day, you call in opportunity. Simply by holding an image of your success, you call in the circumstances necessary for that success. Simply by being grateful for all of the abundance in your life, you call in more abundance.
Let your affirmation for today be: “I open myself to receive all of the gifts of the Universe, which come to me freely and easily.”
#Elohim #CoCreator #SelfLimiting #SelfExpanding #Affirmation #Practice #DoThis #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #CopperBarTop #HighSierra #MiningTown
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twistedcatmeow · 19 days ago
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twistedcatmeow · 19 days ago
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Each day offers us the gift of being a special occasion if we can simply learn that as well as giving, it is blessed to receive with grace and a grateful heart. -Sarah Ban Breathnach
When you are offered or given something, how do you receive it? What do you say? Does it make you uncomfortable? Does it make you squirm? Do you brush it off? What if it’s a compliment?
Practice receiving today. Accept those gifts that come to you, from others and from the Universe. Accept compliments as sincere and valid, regardless of what your negative ego says. If you are uncomfortable, say, “Thank you,” and leave it at that. Give no explanation. Do not diminish it.
#Grace #Receiving #DailyPractice #HowTo #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #AfterTheRain #Clouds #Sunset #GoldenHour #ArizonaDesert
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twistedcatmeow · 23 days ago
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How many different types of love have you experienced in your life? How many types of love are present in your life right now? The more you can focus on love, the more you can categorize love and name it and realize that it exists in your life, the more love you will have. Not only that, but the more love you allow yourself to experience in your life, the closer you bring yourself to the Divine.
 Make a list today of all of the types of love you have in your life. How do they differ? How are they the same? Who fits into which category?  Bless yourself and those in your life through your conscious acknowledgement of your love for them (and theirs for you).
 #Love #Priorities #Gratitude #AttitudeAdjustment #WritingPrompt #DoThis #DailyPractice #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #DTLA #MarineLayer #Sunset #View
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twistedcatmeow · 23 days ago
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twistedcatmeow · 24 days ago
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We are so conditioned to be doing things, to be finding solutions, to appear useful (or at least busy), that we frequently forget to stop and take a breath. We don’t recharge our batteries. We don’t allow the space for guidance to come in and advise us on our next, most helpful, step. We don’t allow ourselves to stop and be in our joy.
Today, let your first step in any crisis, challenge, or drama be: Do Nothing. That is to say, don’t automatically assume that there is something to be done, at least not by you. Just stop. Take a breath. Take a few, deep breaths. Focus your energy on the soles of your feet so that you are grounded. Take a few more breaths. Now, take an impartial look at the situation. Is this your problem to be dealt with? Are you sure? What would the harm be in not doing anything about it for a little while? Are you sure? 
This is not avoidance. This is allowing yourself the space to fully and completely evaluate a situation to see if it yours to deal with and to let guidance and inspiration in. And possibly even to hook you back into your joy.
#Joy #Pause #Stop #Breathe #BePresent #Mindfulness #DailyPractice #DoThis #Guidance #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #SandThroughWater
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twistedcatmeow · 26 days ago
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You agreed to be here now. On this planet, in this body. While you are not your body, you are certainly affected by its efficiency (or lack thereof), its optimization (or lack thereof), and what you put into it. It is your vehicle in your daily life and should be at least as well-maintained as your car. While you shouldn’t obsess about it, you should certainly pay attention to your body. When you are ill, it affects your mood.When you are out of shape, you produce fewer of the good brain chemicals and have a poorer outlook on life.
Part of your spiritual program should be to maintain your body.
Eat well according to your needs and means. Well-balanced, small meals tend to work the best for most people. Avoid starving yourself or stuffing yourself, going instead for a constantly well-stoked furnace. If you feel poorly after you eat, you are not eating the right foods for you. Avoid fad diets and create a sensible food program instead.
Have a health care practitioner check you out regularly, and follow their guidance.
Work to reduce your stress. Avoid overwork. Schedule down time if you have to, so that you can recharge your batteries.
Exercise a little bit every day. Don’t go full-bore one day and do nothing for the next two. 30 minutes every day is generally enough to elevate your mood and keep things flowing. Check with your health care practitioner if you need help developing a program that works for you.
Make sure you are getting enough sleep, so that your body can repair itself and so that you are well-rested. Lack of sleep is a major factor in overwhelm and depression.
When a problem comes up, get it taken care of.
You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel, how much more hope you have for the future, when your body is well-maintained.
#YourBodyIsYourTemple #SelfCare #DoThis #Practice #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Maui #Rainbow
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twistedcatmeow · 26 days ago
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twistedcatmeow · 30 days ago
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The things of the heart are more weighty and more powerful than the things of the mind. They carry more energy, they demand more focus. It has always been so. The seat of the soul is in the heart, not in the mind. Matters of the spirit outweigh those of the physical.
So where should your focus be?
Let go of the focus on the physical. Worrying about money will not bring you more money. All money is a physical representation of an exchange of energy. Focus on the energy itself. Where are you putting it out? Where are you allowing yourself to receive? Where are you blocking the energy by fighting the Universe or denying what is?
Relax into the flow once again and the flow will happen. The flow is a constant force that you occasionally choose to take yourself out of, usually by brute force. Relax. Breathe. Reconnect with the earth and the sky and the air and the spark of the Divine that resides within you and know that all will be right with the world.
#Relax #Flow #LetGo #Release #Allow #DoThis  #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #GriffithPark #HikingTrail
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twistedcatmeow · 1 month ago
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Look back at the past only to learn from it. Don’t dwell on things that you cannot change. Do not allow yourself to be a victim to those things that no longer actually exist. See what the past can teach you and then let it go.
Be here. Now. Do your best today to be present to every experience, to be in the full experience of your life.  Get into it. Get your hands dirty. Revel and wallow in your life, as it is, right now. You’ll be amazed at where that takes you.
 #BeHereNow #BePresent #PersonalGrowth #PracticalSpirituality #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #CenturyLake #MalibuCanyon #SouthernCalifornia
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twistedcatmeow · 2 months ago
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A family is supposed to cushion and protect its members as they learn life skills. A community is supposed to cushion and protect the family unity so that it can do its job. Sometimes the families we are born into fail to provide the appropriate support; once we become adults, however, we can choose new families, both official and unofficial. And we certainly have a say in what sort of community we are a part of.
Who fills the role of family in your life today? Do they cushion you and support your growth? Do you cushion and support them on their life’s path?
How do you define your community? What are its components? Does your community cushion and support your family unit, both official and unofficial?
If you are dissatisfied with your answers, what are you going to do to create positive change? Sometimes the answer is simply to be more supportive yourself; it’s amazing how changing our own approach changes the approach of those around us.
#Community #ChosenFamily #Belonging #Support #ImportantQuestions #PersonalGrowth #PracticalSpirituality #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Sky #SunThroughTheclouds
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twistedcatmeow · 2 months ago
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Do you allow adventure in? If not, why not? What stops you? What fears come up that keep you from living your dreams? Are the worst case scenarios of those fears really as bad as knowing that you will be disappointed in twenty years that, when opportunity knocked, you didn’t even open the door?
Life is an adventure and should be lived as such. Get it under your fingernails. Enlightenment does not have to consist of sitting in a room, quietly meditating all day. Life itself is a meditation, if you approach it right. Go out there and get it under your fingernails! 
When the fears come up, think through them as opposed to letting them rule you. If you took the action, what is the worst thing that could happen? And how bad is that really?  What is the best thing that could happen? Do you really want to risk not having that in your life if you could?
Remember, fear is the illusion of the absence of the Divine. The Divine is everywhere, even in you. Fear just makes you forget that. The Universe really does have your best interests at heart, as long as you do. Get out there and live a little! Heck, get out there and live a lot! Stop letting an illusion stop you from going after your dreams.
#Adventure #BePresent #ImportantQuestions #SelfAwareness #MovingThroughFear #FearIsAnIllusion #PersonalGrowth #PracticalSpirituality #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #ZaphodTheWonderDog #AdoptDontShop #BlueNose #Pibble
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twistedcatmeow · 2 months ago
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Cheerfulness is a choice. It has to do with how you carry yourself, the smile on your face, the optimistic outlook you share with others, and the choice to not say things that are pessimistic. It does require you to be mindful and to make conscious decisions about what to say and what not to say. If you are being present, however, it’s really not all that difficult.
When you are cheerful, you lift people up out of their doldrums and offer them the opportunity to be cheerful as well. You shine light into the lives of others. You can literally change their reality.
More than that, though, you can change your own reality. When you carry yourself with cheerfulness, your life improves. Simply by changing how you project yourself out into the world, you change how you feel internally. Yes, your external experience is a direct reflection of what you are going through internally, but it works the other way as well. This is not a matter of being in denial and pretending everything is fine when it’s not; this is making a conscious choice to be cheerful and positive about how you approach life on life’s terms.
Try it for a day and see what happens.
#Cheerfulness #Happiness #Joy #Attitude #PersonalGrowth #PracticalSpirituality #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #BigSur #MeditatingOnTheBeach
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