#being censored by tumblr ig
kheprriverse · 3 months
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Been needing to give this guy a ref so here he is!! You'll meet him eventually.
Tumblr hasn't been letting me post for some reason, so I've just been doing my thing quietly in hopes I can post again. So hopefully this works :'D
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concerto-roblox · 1 year
i spend a bit of time on twitter for fandom stuff bc there are some really talented artists and writers but oh my god i have to limit my time on that app so much compared to tumblr bc one tiny thing will happen and suddenly there'll be the most despair-inducing discourse ever and i genuinely want to die
#honestly twitter definitely wants people to get angry bc angry people tweet more#this is mostly abt sttwt but ig it applies to other fandoms too#like one person will say one thing and suddenly everyone sees it on their timeline and everyone and their mother is talking about it#when it really isn't that deep#and also some people are just so rude?? like the ship wars are awful and people just make stuff up and say the most horrible shit#and it's so easy to find hate accounts like i'm not opposed to being a hater of things occasionally#but today i found an account called smth like 'why people hate st*ddies' (not censored)#and it was literally just someone screenshotting all the petty drama from one niche subset of the fandom#like i just don't understand how people can have fun on twitter if they use it like intended??#i have to turn on notifs for people i like and use the notifs as a dashboard bc the timeline will randomly show you the most rancid shit#plus i feel like twitter is actively trying to make it hard to see anything older than a day#i hate the way it's all about new new new and content content content oh my god shut up shut up shut up-#obv tumblr can have awful people too but i feel like it's so much easier to avoid stuff like that if you curate ur own experience#like on tumblr i can just block someone bc i don't wanna see their posts but on twitter blocking someone is a personal attack#and someone will write a thread about how you're a toxic bitch making the fandom worse and you hated them bc they drew b*lly h*rgrove once#and that means you're against discussing harmful topics in media and are pro censorship or smth idk#girl maybe i just don't like him and don't wanna see fanart of him ugh#i feel like maybe i'm really sensitive bc seeing people argue abt things really upsets me?? but idk i thought that was universal#but apparently people love being mad??#anyways uh. steve/eddie nation 4 eva yass#how to be cringe 101#i feel like i need a tag for my beef with twitter uuh#twitter hate#there
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genericpuff · 2 months
Public service reminder: I love y'all for your support in what I do here, but (a very gentle but) I want to make it clear that this isn't the way-
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Names are censored for obv privacy reasons and I don't want to put any of my own readers on blast because I trust comments like these are made with good intention. I appreciate y'all for loving what I do here and putting it out there for others to read along, but I don't do it for this. As much as Rekindled is indeed a parody redraw of LO that's trying to "fix" a lot of the original comic's issues, at the end of the day it's still just a Tumblr project that I'm doing here for fun and I don't want to see it used as ammunition in the comments sections dedicated specifically to LO (for clarification, this was in the @webtoonofficial announcement post for LO winning its third Eisner).
Whether or not it's "better" than LO is subjective and irrelevant. I obviously can't pretend like I didn't have my own motivations to "fix" what I felt was broken, but the act of "fixing" was for those of us who saw it as broken, not for those who love LO as is.
I also can't reasonably ask anyone to keep their opinions about Rekindled to themselves, it's a piece of work that is publicly available and therefore that will put it under the lens of public opinion, but from me to you, this ain't the way. I host it on Tumblr and DH precisely to keep it out of the main view of the fans/stans, because this work isn't for them, it's for all of you who share my disappointment in the original series. I want to be able to run this space free of any extreme fandom discourse - this is also why you won't see me using general LO tags on Tumblr/IG - but the only way that can happen is if we all play nice and don't let the heat of the discourse get to us. Rest assured, I will always stand by my work and what I do here because I love it and have found my lost joy in what LO used to mean to me through it as well as a community of amazing writers and creators... but prevention is better than the cure and I don't want any of that heat getting thrown back my way through weaponizing of my work with or without my knowing in the first place.
Am I pissed about the comic's third win? Absolutely. And as much as I feel it isn't worth anyone's time or energy to get into bickering matches with the stans in these comment sections, those opinions regarding the comic pre-exist my participation in this fandom and would have, one way or another, hit that boiling point regardless (and it's been wild to watch that comment section go down, I can't lie lmao) But this is not the way. Rekindled is - to me, and hopefully to you, too - a reclaiming of the love and passion people like myself used to have for LO, and a celebration of Greek myth and transformative fiction as a genre, above everything else it stands for or could be interpreted as. It's not a weapon meant to be used in discourse. Let's please do our best to be mindful of that so we can keep having fun in this special little space we've carved for ourselves and not make ourselves into the monsters we're often made out to be just for critically discussing and transforming a piece of media that, in spite of all its flaws, brought us together in the way that it did. Let's keep being the best for each other instead of turning ourselves into the worst over others within this massive fandom who we were never going to agree with in the first place.
Thank you all, much love 💖 Do no harm, take no shit ✊️
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blautitlewave · 10 months
It’s funny to me that a certain portion of tumblr hates tiktok. For good reason, I acknowledge, but the way some people hate it would make you think it has no redeemable qualities.
Tiktok is the reason why so many Gen Z are tuned into what’s going on in Palestine, full stop. Facebook is shit, IG has never been good for activism, Twitter is full of gaslighting bots and cocksucking blue checks thanks to Musk, youtube is severely censored, who honestly depends on Reddit for news, and tumblr is frankly a place that isn’t really seeing a flood of new users.
Fact of the matter is that Tiktok is the new ideas network for better and for worse. It has huge problems but the amount of unedited, unfiltered, uncensored footage we’re getting on Tiktok from the Palestinian POV is literally revolutionizing how we as civilians are experiencing war. We are getting 1st POVs of children and parents of people digging through rubble, of children being operated on without anesthesia, of doctors on their forty eighth hour without sleep trying to save as many people as they can. And what’s more important is that these videos are being reposted and shared and engaged with like wildfire. Not to mention that with tiktok people are essentially able to transcribe what would be a 10 page tumblr discourse essay into a 5-6 minute video, as well as shitpost on Zionists with just as much effectiveness as a tumblr post.
Of course we need to also read actual literature, but that is obvious. What tiktok did to help boost BLM it’s helping to boost #FreePalestine.
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discluded · 2 years
Build Jakapan, Daemi's Poi, and other individuals stepping forward
I like my peace, but this situation is very serious and deserves to be documented clearly for the international/English-speaking fanbase, which was my original goal of archivism on Tumblr. Some of the posts have already been deleted and others will be washed away with the sands of Twitter time.
Please do not talk about this in terms of "drama" or "tea" because that does a disservice to the victims and people here on Tumblr who may have lived through these experiences watching you treat their trauma like nonsense.
I have no stake in this and do not claim to know the full truth. However, rather than seeing everyone vague about what's happening, I want to provide an account of what people on Twitter are seeing above the noise. I will try to keep this post updated with important developments when appropriate.
My only ask is please don't comment to my inbox about this post. I understand your anger and hurt, but I need to take care of my own well-being. Make a dummy account if you want to talk about it; I will not censor the comments section of post as long as you are reasonable and not victim-blaming.
Finally, please be kind to each other, including Pond (as long as he is doing the right thing) and [Jan 23 update: lmfao fuck Pond] the other actors in BOC given that Poi specifically said she hid this from the cast, and also especially fans who loved Build and were blindsided. There is no "deserved" to be upset, people who invest their love and free time into something are allowed to be hurt... the only thing that matters about a person's integrity is how they choose to act with this information.
tw: domestic violence, intimate partner violence, abuse, threats, photos of bruises, rape, miscarriage
On approximately Jan 19 2022, right after the BOC line-up announcement), Daemi announced they would be breaking up as a writing duo, which prompted fans to speculate about the future of Kinnporsche season 2. Daemi as a writing duo is made up of two members: Yok and Poi.
In the next day or so, Poi insinuated that Build had stolen the idea for 4 Minutes from her and given it to Sammon, who then helped cut her [Poi] out of involvement in the new series. Build responded to this by publicly crying and issuing a statement, going above BOC's management. Pond was with Mile in Pairis at the time/flying home and responded to Instagram comments that they would investigate fully before issuing a statement.
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Approximately the next day, on Jan 22 2022 local time, Poi came out with a statement and chat logs with proof that she used to be in a relationship with Build, and he had cheated on her, financially manipulated her, physically abused her, and threatened to kill her.
The original translator is a ManUtd fan and had no involvement in the fandom but took the time to do the translation since it was blowing up on Thai twitter and known fandom translators were not doing them. They then deleted those tweets after being harassed by Build's fans, but has continued to tweet about the situation.
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(please click on the image for the full translation of the chat, I stacked them to save space)
Here is an additional Thai summary of Poi's claims and an english translation of that.
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Some people noted that in the original IGS where Poi references this abuse on approximately Jan 19, she used stock images from Pinterest. Those claims included that she had a miscarriage due to the fact he had hit her so hard. Poi again confirmed that she had a miscarriage and noted she had hospital documents to back up her claim. She also addressed the comment that she used stock images due to the fact that Instagram is a visual social media.
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Poi also confirmed that the legal process was already started. Given her history with the BOC cast, she might have also felt the need to get the story out of accusations of her lying and starting "drama" about the situation by posting her chat logs and photos.
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Subsequently, Build shared messages that Poi had sent him regarding a situation with a sponsor in an attempt to make her look like a "crazy" woman, but incriminated himself and deactivated on Jan 22 2022 (possibly temporarily).
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During this time, additional people came forward about being a victim of Build. One Thai fan came forward about knowing another of Build's former girlfriends, who was the victim of gang rape. However, the OP is getting permission from this individual to tell the story first and so the story may not be released to the public. Update Feb 10: Most likely false. (leaving text here for honesty that this rumor existed and debunked)
Another one of Build's ex-girlfriends, who was previously silenced and shamed by his fans, confirmed again that she was physically assaulted by Build 8 years ago.
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I will not add the tweets with evidence of Build cheating on Poi/involvement with other women while supposedly dating one of them as while cheating on a partner is bad, it is a personal indiscretion and not a crime unlike the situations highlighted above.
As for the fact that both authors in Daemi sexually harassed other actors in KPTS, I am not excusing those actions. People, notably WOMEN, should not have to be perfect victims to be believed. You don't have to like Poi or approve of her past actions to think she does not deserve to be abused.
Additionally, if you believe that Poi's past actions are indicative of her character, I want to clarify why people were upset with him in summer 2022 since that was not documented on Tumblr either. Having bad opinions online is not a crime, but they do show a pattern of behavior from him from attitudes to actions. Build's comments/attitudes from that situation are consistent with his abuser behavior that is documented above. (1) (2) (3) (4)
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Any additional documentation from past victims will be a link to the reblog since I will run out of image space on Tumblr. I will not document things like BOC suspending Build for the time being since those are widely seen and have an English translation.
Final update update as of Feb 10, 2023: Updated on the false allegations about rape and this being debunked since it's important. Please do not ask me for updates about him; I don't care about him, he makes me miserable, people whose careers I do care about don't have to deal with him anymore. Please do not make me responsible for your mental health.
Jan 28, 2023: Build has left BOC. At this point, there's nothing else I can provide as context in English that will change people's minds so let's respect that this will be processed in a court like it should have been in the first place. Take care of yourselves friends.
Final notes: Genuinely fuck Pond.
Jan 25 2023: link to the latest post with evidence from Poi and Mynk
Jan 23 2023: Kind anonymous provided IDs which have been added. Clarified position on Pond, with link to latest comment. I have more posts with translations from Thai twitter and will update another day.
Please take care of yourselves and your mental health. 🙏
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vryivs · 2 years
pointers for writinys moving to tumblr ig
censoring isnt a thing here
you can upload 30 images a post, so you can do one whole socmed au update in one single post
you Can post your fic on here, but put it under a read more
no one cares if u block them
make use of the tag filters (they actually work) to avoid content u dislike (eg. ive blocked #ateez x reader)
tag things so ur followers can avoid them !!! just a plain simple tag, because most people wont have variations of every tag accounted for (eg. #yunhwa)
use a custom theme (@theme-hunter has great ones) so that you can have a separate page for your about and dni and stuff
use desktop when you can. the mobile app is not very good and doesnt have as much functionality
dont try to start discourse. you will be mocked
you can use tags to search your own blog! so tag things you like with #save or #bookmark, or have a #reference tag! 
spamming reblogs is not the same as being a rt bot. if you never reblog the posts you like, people will think ur an asshole bc likes are private and provide no materail benefit to the op
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tragedyposting · 4 months
Lesbian friends I have a question. I’ve always avoided it out of deference to those who prefer I not use it, but how do you feel about bi women using the d-word— not as a self identifier but either affectionately (ie “I love d*kes”)** or as an identifier for those who identify with the word (ie “I know a d*ke who…”). I’m sure there are mixed opinions but I’m curious to hear what they are. Also not making this rebloggable bc I’m asking a question in earnest and on tumblr that tends to get taken out of context, read in bad faith and leads to me being attacked so. Feel free to reply or if you want to make your own post feel free to repost me anonymously ig?
*im censoring the word bc at least back when i was a teen the prevailing opinion was that bi women shouldn’t use the word
**i do love em 🩷🧡🩷💜💙
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jess-moloney · 1 month
If anyone was wondering (because they may happen to find it) I now own the domain Jess-Moloney.com
The reason I did this was I thought that with my IG being locked as it was, it could potentially happen to my tumblr as well. Though I think it probably would have happened if it were going to, I don't want to take any chances. I am using the website to archive photos, some of the posts I write here, and other information.
You don't have to visit the website if you don't want to but it's something that can remain up since it's my domain now and much harder to censor. Thank you for your understanding.
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the-old-mayhem · 9 months
maybe censoring the ‘white’ part of white supremacist on instagram wasn’t the best idea cause my first thought was “whore sadomasoc[h]ist????” bc i couldn’t figure it out 😭 oops. better safe than sorry censorship-wise on ig tho
also i love how he apparently tries to backpeddle the venom shirt statement later on by saying he was also Only wearing it bc he was 1) selling them along with 2) ‘needing to represent black metal’ or whatever his end-goal was. i think he said that in an interview somewhere? maybe on his old youtube. adds another layer of irony bc iirc he insinuates that he listened to venom but didn’t like it, not that he’s ‘never listened to venom’ <— but i could be misremembering 🤷🏻‍♂️
The other admin made the post and censored the words as she saw fit, and I think she chose to censor "white supremacist" heavily because, lately, instagram has become even more restrictive with *forbidden* words, and I had my comment removed "what a c*nt", even when it was censored like that, as did other people.
Censorship is insane on social media and tumblr is the only safe haven. Unfortunately, we can't do anything about it.
As for Venom, I am almost certain that Varg said how he never liked Venom. He spoke about Pelle and how, if Pelle knew that he didn't like Venom, Burzum would have never ended up being signed by DSP.
It's also important to mention that Varg wore Von and Morbid Angel shirts but claimed, years later (in M.A case, at least) that he never listened to those bands.
What a fucking poser.
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pixlpxie · 2 months
i know this is like so random but i’ve tried going back to twitter/x after only using tumblr, ig, and youtube as like overall updates on ateez and it’s just so much better over here. it’s like it’s (mostly) mature fans over here it’s so nice (also it’s way easier to curate imo) 🙏🏽
Younger fans tend to go for twitter now, but tumblr has always been that unhinged community app like the idea of being a community is more established here so people know how to act here unlike on Twitter, i mean yeah there are really good communities there too but because it's more of an open platform you can get targeted a lot more easier. So i find the main community (like the ones with larger followers etc) to be more cautious with their reactions like the nsfw part there is heavily censored there bc most of the fans just despise hard stans like even that yunho is a head pusher convo is barely happening there now but it's been talked here way before lmao twitter has a lot to catch up with
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thebrainboys-co · 1 month
Hello Internet B) Welcome to our ask blog. We're a group of Introjects from/related to The Boys YT channel (Not the show pls don't ask abt the show idk anything about the TV show 😭)
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Just as extra info, an Introject is an alter from a system who is based off a fictional character (Fictive) OR a real existing/previously existing person (Factive).
Anyway, lol, here's us:
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(Names with stars next to them are from our friend's system :} Also, more of us may be added whenever they show up ig)
Some extra stuff for context:
Important thing! You may see doubles of people like Dub and Josh, or Kevin and Dez. This is completely normal! Sometimes with systems, you get two of the same people. It doesn't make one any less of a person than the other. 🫶
Those with Brushes next to them have two forms they can appear as, but will usually look like the Brush, as that's their default.
Please censor the words c@ndy and n3€dle, they're triggering to Mully and Dub respectively. Try not to mention c@nd!es in general too, unfortunate as that is. (ik it sounds silly as shit but we're so serious.)
Most posts will probably be more light hearted, cause this is just for fun.
Guess I should also add that we DO actually have commissions, so there's the info. :p
NOO FAKECLAIMING!!! Please for the love of whatever fruity ass fucking god is in the sky, be respectful. :( Again, this is for fun, and is also a safe space, so we really don't want any kind of discourse or invalidation here. Though, it's not wrong to ask genuine questions! This IS an ask blog, so if you're curious about something, ask away!
No racism, homophobia, transphobia, bigotry, etc. Kinda obvious :/ don't come in here being a big fat fucking jerk.
Do not use any slurs! Some are heavily uncomfortable with them, so just keep 'em out of the asks.
NO NSFW. Please keep these asks SFW, idk how many of you grimey Tumblrs are minors.. >_>
Posts will be tagged appropriately :p Asks for certain people will have their symbol and/or name. Normal posts will have #BoysPosting or #BrainTalks.
Anyway, welcome lol (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ Enjoy
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meongppangz · 9 months
every month of 2023!
got tagged by @euijin and @seungs to do this thanku friends… not sure if i even giffed for the whole of the year but let’s see!
i’ll tag: @yangjeongin (mary on this side), @hyunsung, @cowboybin and @chrisbangs <3
all will be under the cut 🫡
january: popular / favourite — popular is to be expected… minho taking inspo from stays breakups for limbo… yea, favourite was hard to choose tho so many things happened. ultimately decided on bokseungah, they are so cute can they go live again. honourable mention, at the start of the year i was like let me try giffing more skz mvs! that did not happen! but i liked the way this turned out.
february: popular / favourite — popular being the seungin that tumblr couldn’t handle so they censored it… sad that it wasn’t showing up in the tags i worked hard on him 💔💔💔💔 honourable mention is this one being the first and last time mora giffed this year 💛 we love u mora 💛
march: popular / favourite — hyunjin bday being the most popular of march is deserved… i agree but also jeongin live was good too…
april: popular / favourite — i am ground.. but i’m i.n? real. deserved. but also have u considered seungmin with headband.
may: popular / favourite — hyunjin photoshoot… speaks for itself… flower dog flower fox is one of the best sets ive made this year id like to thank seungin for doing this challenge. honourable mention is jeongin on lee mujin service… he made it.
june: popular / favourite — popular being jisung tummy. as per. omg fav was between this and ssamkkura and changbin… first interactions between lsfmskz 🤩 seungmin being weird wins tho!
july: popular / favourite — minho knowing only one word beginning with s and it not being stray kids. minho flop. i also agree but i did like this minho log set i made…
august: popular / favourite — the battle of the jeongin lives… i like the cb more bcs of the filters i added… i made so many gifs, one day i will gif his later cbs too 🙏
september: popular / favourite — most popular being that. ok i get it… ig. the jeongin heart hair has been in the planning for ages im glad i finally did it this time 🙏 honourable mentions are a. (super duper cute!!!) and b. bcs i just got my hands on that juicy bluray…
october: popular / favourite — i get it but also it’s incredibly in-cohesive so it bothers me. so i put minjeong as my fav instead.. two silly guys.
november: popular / favourite — hyunjin sets always being most popular it is what it is but he is pretty in this. u would THINK i put jeongin and eunchae as favourite. i was so close to but i really like how megaverse turned out. honourable mentions tho are a. (u guessed it!) and b. (what can i say i just like minjeong)
december: popular / favourite — both being jeongin yes. nothing much to say he’s just a rly cute guy! also honourable mention since i didn’t think we’d get more skzfm…
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If I can add to your other anon about Alex addressing the re-recordings, I agree that he seems to only acknowledge the hate. He doesn't even acknowledge the constructive criticism. It really only ever seems to be just the hate.
I'm 50/50 when it comes to their reddit being so modded as well. I understand that we all have opinions and some of them aren't as nice, but I also feel like grown men don't need to be babied and they should be able to hear the truth from fans.
I'm not their biggest fan and I don't always agree with what they do, but so many opinions are hidden from them online where they're active. Clearly, they don't stop by Tumblr anymore and this is the safest and most anonymous way to state opinions like this, but there's no interaction from the band or anyone associated. Twitter isn't worth it by any means. Reddit has the potential to be the most exceptional platform to communicate things to the guys since they're active on there IF we were less censored.
I understand deleting straight-up bullying or explicit fan art. But we should be able to say Alex's hair looks stupid or Rian's address was apparently leaked or that whoever planned their Forever tour is clearly a loyalist from 1775.
I know this was mostly rambling and maybe it didn't make sense, but it made me feel better. To see Alex acknowledge the fans only when he needs to justify a decision...it's getting old.
omg "loyalist from 1775" is so fucking funny lololol.
Reddit has the best potential but IA with everything you said. I dislike 1) the lack of chaos from strict modding and 2) it's a space entirely about them so Alex can't free flow weird ass thoughts
We used to have SO. MUCH. ACCESS. to this band and now it's like welp, maybe Alex will like your ig comment. Cool.
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lecoindecachou · 8 months
Don't forget Totally Super Famous Actress (according to twitter) Melissa Barrera, who was fired from Scream for saying Jews control her Instagram feed and sharing posts from alt righters while going "tee-hee, silly goose, it's the (((Zionists))) who are the problem."
I'm gonna be real with you, anon, I did forget about her bc I barely know who she is. But yeah I looked her up and that IG story where she said western media suppresses information (as opposed to Qatari-owned media who would never right?) but then added "Why they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself..."? That is a dog whistle if I've ever seen one. People who make inflammatory statements looove to talk about how they're being censored. Actually the IG post I found about this had all sorts of comments saying how she's right and Jewish people DO control the media and it's not antisemitic to tell the 'truth'...Just goes to show she knew exactly what she was saying and to whom imo.
I haven't found any info on her sharing posts from alt righters though. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't but like I said I'm not as familiar with her and unlike most of tumblr I don't usually like to spread misinformation if I can help it so I can't comment on that unless you give me a source.
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cursedpinterest · 2 years
ed tw
i'd argue that the waifspo/coquette stuff is more of a branch off of thinspo/edblr than a reincarnation, if only because it's almost the exact same posts, photos, memes, etc, just with different tags. argubly, its even an evolution of it
unfortunately, I was on edblr for a long time (2014--2020), so i sorta witnessed the gradual evolution from triggering posts in self-contained tags to triggering but #aesthetic posts that were cross tagged. at first it was relatively mild--like cross tagging 'grungy thinspo' in the main grunge tag, etc.
but weirdly with the kpop boom of the late 2010s (esp 2018 and 2019) there was a big explosion of cross tagging into kpop fandom tags, and then into anime tags, and other """delicate pastel stuff""" as well as other aesthetic tags, esp dark academia and instagram it girls
there was always an uh 'market overlap' so to speak. like a lot of people would use anime characters or k/jpop stars as thinspo, but they never crossed tagged them before. they'd tag it like #anime thinspo or whatever, but not the name of over character along with it, yknow? i know right before the pandemic there was a migration from edblr to edtwt, plus since the beginning of tumblr edblr got a lot of their thinspo from pinterest. since cross tagging is more common on those sites maybe some users assumed it'd work that way on tumblr too?
so maybe the coquette nonsense is just a congealing of all that that leaked elsewhere online. that's just a guess though
sorry if this is too long. im not even sure why im telling you all this but ig since you have to deal with it a lot of the time you deserved some context. anyway, i love your blog
first i just wanna say im sorry you went through all of this, and i genuinely hope you are doing well 🫂
& yes i think you are correct with it being an evolution more than a reincarnation, i just couldn’t really think of a way to promptly describe it in the tags at the time. i luckily escaped from proana/ed spaces before i got onto tumblr, so i didn’t know much of edblr apart from the weird shit that escaped containment, for a lack of a better word, but once i started using pinterest more often after polyvore died, as many young people (esp girls) did, i saw a kind of rise in the “aesthetic” side that was probably, looking back, just thinly-veiled thinspo.
now i feel that the shit im seeing on tumblr with the coquette girls and the whisper pinterest girls is much more blatant, like im getting flashbacks to when i trolled proana forums, back before tumblr or pinterest were popular. although, im sure that kind of brazenness always existed, i just wasn’t as aware of it as i am now, probably bc i avoided that shit as much as possible, and now i kind am more perceptive to this shit i guess.
i know that waifspo is used instead of thinspo since it isn’t censored like thinspo is, so i feel like “waif” and “coquette” are recent labels that are attached to stealth ed content. pinterest has been trying to crack down on thinspo lately, but it’s just relabeled now to post about it sneakily. it’s sad that there are so many little thinspo dog whistles floating around since most social medias have cracked down on the obvious terms. i fear for the young people just now getting on the internet and potentially being brainwashed into this shit.
and re: the kpop thinspo, i made a post about that like a month or so ago but it’s truly darksided… like i got into kpop during the pandemic like a lot of people and every so often when i would look up content about groups i liked, i would see pictures of idols with captions like “omg weight goals” with proana hashtags. the saddest thing is that a couple of these idols have opened up about being forced into extreme diets by their companies, or how they developed eds bc of the industry, and ppl are still tagging pics of them looking unhealthily thin with “body goals” like it’s just such a blatant disrespect, they aren’t fans they’re fetishizing these idols suffering.
sorry for getting into it lol… i just have a lot to say, as im sure a lot of ppl who have also lived thru this do as well. but don’t apologize for this ask i really really appreciated it!!! i honestly think there needs to be more discussion about eds, specifically re: the online communities garnered around them and how they promote people to basically self harm, so yea, thank you for the ask💞
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
sorry to add fuel to the fire, but idk if you're aware if vaspider got into a ton of shit last year for using his monetized/connected to his business blog with a large-following to publicly shame another queer person w less than 450 followers by posting private DMs, and misrepresenting the facts (changing timestamps) to make himself look better. he really doubled down and got extremely defensive and his followers were given free reign to harass this queer person into a suicide attempt and he continued to play the victim and not claim responsibility, despite deliberately deciding to paint a target on this person's back by choosing not to censor their URL.
so ig this kind of behavior is par for the course for him? if you search vaspider here on tumblr and wade through some stuff about proshipping, you'll land on posts from may last year that talk about the situation. totally fair to not post this publicly, but i thought you should know in case you aren't already aware
i don't really know anything about that situation, and i avoid shipping discourse, but yeah the harassment really doesn't surprise me at this point. seems like they really only care about Being Right.
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