#behind the curve
nikkinelson1313 · 4 months
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I’m waiting
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fictionz · 11 months
The Hard Way is the only way I know how to do anything and embracing that has been critical progress.
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ghelgheli · 24 days
if trans people ought to receive whatever reconstructive medical procedures they desire, and indeed they ought, then this cannot be specifically because they are trans, nor even specifically because they are the gender that they are—first, because this would reify transness as a medical status that demands treatment, which is an unacceptable concession to the authority of pathologizing narratives; and second, because there is no tenable argument that can be given for helping a trans person receive the medical intervention(s) they may desire that would not spill across the boundaries of both whatever gender the intervention is "supposed" to be for (why shouldn't a cis man be given a breast augmentation if he wants one?) and what are considered "gendered" physical traits in the first place (why shouldn't a trans woman get to have a surgically produced tail if such technology exists one day INSHALLAH).
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peachellaa · 9 months
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Coming to clean your house
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corneliaavenue · 2 years
reblog and put in the tags a lyric that absolutely cuts you. im so curious to see what makes everyone hurt
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bernard walking into tim's kitchen and touching the counter the way someone in the future would touch the ground of an abandoned nuclear waste site: something terrible happened here
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morethannakd · 1 month
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It's about more. Its about the art!: Archive (tumblr.com)
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beggars-opera · 2 months
Today I got the side eye from a bunch of teenagers while playing retro music in the car. I consider this a badge of honor
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nikkinelson1313 · 24 days
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spank here
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doctorsiren · 1 year
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The man behind the slaughter
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peachellaa · 9 months
you open the bathroom door and this is your view… thoughts?
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ingravinoveritas · 4 months
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Gorgeous picture of David and his long legs in a Doctor Who parody on the Friday Night Project.
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matchbet-allofthetime · 6 months
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More Raiden screencaps as I replay MK11! He looks wonderful in the Fire Gardens.
There's many more screenshots of him (and others!) to come soon, no doubt.
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this is me trying by taylor swift is the ultimate kevin day anthem
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russilton · 9 months
Are you normal or are you staring at George Russell tucking his head into Lewis Hamilton’s neck that George himself posted
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daily-sifloop · 2 days
Ok but. flat ass Loop or fat ass Loop?
Any Loop ass is good ass.
Siffrin would love them either way.
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