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yesimmortalspiritblog · 2 years ago
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We are in the times that we will see and hear of more and more people coming out of the woodwork to share the memory of who they are, why they are here, where they come from and where they will return. This is going to help the collective to regain their own memory of who they are as well. Life is bigger than I ever imagined! Now that I see through the perspective of Spirit, life gets boring for me and I am frequently homesick! But, then again, I have always felt homesick since childhood. However, the feeling is more intense than ever! Note: It is said that the cycle of moving out of the age of Pisces, currently brings us into the cusp of the age of Aquarius. Some people say that this event took place in December 2012, when the Mayan calendar came to an end. Some Astrologers argue that the Age of Pisces ends and the calculated launch of the Age of Aquarius should be in the 22nd century, the year of 2160. However, 2021's seven-planet stellium in Aquarius led others to believe that we've arrived. (Google) I agree with the "others" because I have already been informed by my Spirit Guides that the 26,000 year cycle is now and brings us into the Age of Aquarius. It is also said, and this, I have already been told, as well, by my Spirit Guides, that at this time, there is a collective shift in consciousness towards higher frequencies as we enter the ascending half of the cycle. In other words, Mother Gaia is ascending and as a collective, we have the choice to no longer descend and ascend alongside of her. The ascension brings us out of the medieval “dark ages” and commence to rise again with the Renaissance. Of course, it is your choice to ascend into the majestic wonders of you and your brethrens. You can keep descending if you choose, but that will only keep you chained and shackled in misery. Ascend, Ascend, Ascend and be completely happy and free! Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊💞💞💞🕊 #life #mothergaia #ascension #behappyandfree #ageofpisces #ageofaquarius #26000yearcycle #riseandbefree #riseandbekind #riseandbloom #ascendconsciousness #higherfrequencies #universes #godzillionplanets #lifeiseverywhere #memorygain #whoareyou https://www.instagram.com/p/Co4SSpOO3WV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amani9188 · 4 years ago
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10,000 Followers. Much Appreciated & Much Appreciation To Everyone Who Supports & Shows Love To Me And How I Live My Life. ☮️&❤️ To This 🌎🌍🌏 With The 🌓☀️🌌 For ♾. #TenThousandFollowers #IAppreciateEverybody #LetsStayHealthy #Music #Exercise #EnoughFoodToEat #WaterToConsume #LoveYourself #LoveYourLife #Infinite #ChaseYourDream #BeHappyAndFree #NoRegrets #OneEarth ☮️🌎🌍🌏🌓☀️🌌❤️♾ https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5XfY7hdyP/?igshid=rdg3rap8iwr6
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littlewanderingspirit · 8 years ago
Aaaaand 2nd post back to back sorry!! Lol - -- - Day 7 of the #AshtangaYogaChallenge @kinoyoga @omstarsofficial @daughtersofculture Follow my girl @mzilla for her beautiful practice ❤️💜💙 - -- - #UtthitaHastaPadangusthasana #ExtendedHandToBigToePose As you can see, my left side is a lot tighter than the right, I have a hard time keeping my standing leg tall and my spine long... This is practice. One side will always be different. Forgive :) - -- - #levelupson #riseup or #vibrateout #worthy #strongwomen - -- -#loveyourself #begrateful #GratifyYourself #gratitude #yoganation #lovelife #yogistatus #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #torontoyogi #sisterhood #yogilife #freespirit #behappyandfree #wanderlust #SaltyYogi #wildling #selfpractice #selflove #devotion #spiritedyoga #spirit
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anitaeseussonhos-blog · 7 years ago
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Como uma "simples" mudança de perspectiva alterou a minha vida por completo. 💜 Vale a pena tentarem esse esforço! 💪 #enjoylife #behappyandfree❤ #loveyourself #nevergiveup
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mundopoesia · 7 years ago
¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito en el mundo?, ve allí y BEHAPPYANDFREE
Quien de ustedes se ha sentido consumido por su trabajo ?,una empresa?, la familia?.quien ?
que tu  respiras y sientes simplemente que te asfixias que te  ahogas en un baso de agua , tu sientes que todo se esta acumulando y no has mas salida en vez de la vida ayudarte mas bien te ahoga mas por que descubres que tu novio te a engañado o que tus amigos no son del todo tus amigos que el prof la tiene agarrada con tigo o te molestan en el colegio ?,quien no se ha sentido asi alguna vez?.Pero sabes que? una de las mejores formas de pasar el mal rato el agonizante y frustrante dolor es estar en un lugar que te guste ya sea nuevo o viejo el lugar.
Solo corre !!! no importa en donde estes con quien estes , si es tu mejor amigo invitalo a que tenga esa experiencia con tigo pero si no solo deja atras todo corre o camina como te sientas mas comoda lo importante es que no  te sientas precionada si no feliz y contenta LIBRE !!! , y cuando estes en ese lugar no pienses por que no es una materia que tengas que pasar o reglas que tengas que cumplir es tu lugar solo tuyo nadie puede decidir por ti obligarte a hacer algo que no quieres por que es tu derecho como persona es tu derecho sentirte bien con tigo mismo. A si que solo has lo que te plasca si quieres gritar aslo!!! si quieres llorar haslo si quieres acostarte haslo es tu lugar no te limites a sentir cosas que quieres sentir en tu lugar por que es tuyo y de nadie mas. A si que te recomiendo que cada vez cuando estes mal estresada ahogada frustrada o siplemente cansada tomate tu tiempo un aire ,a toda la realidad,ponle pausa e imaginate que no existiera nada solo tu o tus seres queridos que quieres que esten alli con tigo solo con tigo y que estes feliz  si quieres imaginarte hadas duendes o magia haslo quien te limita ?? no van a creer que estas loca !!! o si?,jejeje solo recuerda nunca pierdas tu muchosidad : como diria Alicia en el pais de las marabillas.que significa nunca pierdas tu felicidad , la capacidad de ser feliz el algo que te hace ser diferente tu unico  en el mundo ,por que aveces un tiempo en la realidad te puede llevar a perder la cabeza y a pensar demasiado tanto que dejas de creer que puedes divertirte ser feliz creer que eres espectacular, a si que haste una promesa de ahora en adelante por favor CADA VEZ QUE SIENTAS ESA AGONIA solo busca tu lugar feliz en el mundo y te encontraras a ti mismo te lo prometo enserio funciona te acordaras de mi.
pd:mi lugar favorito en el mundo si preguntas es ver una ciudad de noche por un valcon ,sientes que tu alma respira profundo y se llena de inspiracion y de cosas bonitas (sientes que TU eres infinito y que NADIE puede con tigo te sientes FUERTE e INVENCIBLE, a si que cual es el tuyo? ah y dsifruta !!!! BEHAPPY AND FREE
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magicartanddesign · 6 years ago
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Dreaming ,by behappyandfree
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theglamfemme · 7 years ago
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It's not always a bad thing when people tell you that you've changed. We are all constantly evolving so to not change, at least a little bit, would mean to be stagnant. As we learn from life's lessons, they change us in ways we wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. However, if you are changing for the sake of another person, and not for yourself, you run the risk of changing in an unhealthy way or, even if it is a positive change, it is only temporary since it did not come from within. Take a moment to reflect on the ways you have changed over the years or even in the past year and determine which changes were healthy and which were not so healthy. If you discover some not-so-great change, don't beat yourself up, just take inventory of it and see how you can do a reversal. Luckily, constant change allows you room to forgive yourself and continue to become the best version of you - happy and free. 🤗🙌🏾👑 #selfcaresunday #transformation #evolution #dontbestagnant #behappyandfree #liveforyou #theglamfemme http://ift.tt/2wuiK2I
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anitaeseussonhos-blog · 7 years ago
A meu ver, o Halloween só serve para isto: Fazer palhaçada sem olhares de desagrado. Vá... É tipo Carnaval onde tudo é permitido ou quase tudo! 🎃 🍫 🕷 🍬 🕸 🍭 #halloween #halloween2017 #havejoy #behappyandfree❤
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littlewanderingspirit · 8 years ago
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"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined". - - - #boracayisland #henannregencyresort #beachbum #views #loveyourself #begarateful #GratifyYourself #gratitude #lovelife #torontoyogi #freespirit #behappyandfree #wanderlust #SaltyYogi #wildling #selfpractice #selflove #devotion #spiritedyoga #spirit
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littlewanderingspirit · 7 years ago
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"open your eyes, here I stand beside you ... Open your mind, take me where our love collides" ❤️🌇🌌 - -- - #thefeels #imu #openheartopenmind #realtalk #levelupson or #riseup #vibratehigher #higherfrequencies #goddess #warrior --#loveyourself #begrateful #GratifyYourself #gratitude #lovelife #ganjayogi #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #torontoyogi #yogilife #freespirit #behappyandfree #wanderlust #SaltyYogi #wildling #selfpractice #selflove #devotion #spiritedyoga #spirit
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littlewanderingspirit · 7 years ago
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I'd say I'm pretty obsessed with my nightly views - -- - #mysanctuary #greenliving #thegreenhouse #levelupson or #riseup #authenticity #becourageous --#loveyourself #begrateful #GratifyYourself #gratitude #lovelife #yogistatus #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #torontoyogi #yogilife #freespirit #behappyandfree #wanderlust #SaltyYogi #wildling #selfpractice #selflove #devotion #spiritedyoga #spirit
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littlewanderingspirit · 7 years ago
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"As you are shifting, you will realize that you are not the same person you used to be. The things you used to tolerate have now become intolerable. Where you once remained quiet, you are now speaking your truth. Where you once battles and argued, you are now choosing to remain silent. You are beginning to understand the value of your voice and there are some situations that no longer deserve your time, energy, and focus." - -- - #realtalk #levelupson or #riseup #human #vibratehigher #higherfrequencies #wakeup #lightworker #goddess #warrior --#loveyourself #begrateful #GratifyYourself #gratitude #lovelife #yogistatus #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #torontoyogi #yogilife #freespirit #behappyandfree #wanderlust #SaltyYogi #wildling #selfpractice #selflove #devotion #spiritedyoga #spirit
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littlewanderingspirit · 7 years ago
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In other words.. #findyoursensitivitychip - -- - #realtalk #levelupson or #riseup #human #vibratehigher #higherfrequencies #wakeup #lightworker #goddess #warrior --#loveyourself #begrateful #GratifyYourself #gratitude #lovelife #freespirit #behappyandfree #wildling #selfpractice #selflove #devotion #spiritedyoga #spirit
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littlewanderingspirit · 7 years ago
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Be couragous. - -- - #realtalk #levelupson or #riseup #human #vibratehigher #higherfrequencies #wakeup #lightworker #goddess #warrior --#loveyourself #begrateful #GratifyYourself #gratitude #lovelife #yogistatus #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #torontoyogi #sisterhood #yogilife #freespirit #behappyandfree #wanderlust #SaltyYogi #wildling #selfpractice #selflove #devotion #spiritedyoga #spirit
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littlewanderingspirit · 8 years ago
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SURRENDER- Giving up what we think should be happening for what is actually happening. - -- - Day 8 of the #AshtangaYogaChallenge hosted by @kinoyoga and @omstarsofficial. Check out my babe @mzilla for her post! - -- - #ArddhaBaddhaPaddmottanasana #StandingHalfLotusForwardFold - -- - This posture really made me feel vulnerable and almost anxious... I haven't practiced half-lotus in a very long time and opening up my hips really released this rush of emotions. I realized that I needed to let those feelings flow and surrender to them. I was already in the fold. I couldn't just unravel myself. I had to just take it in and breathe. Surrender... It's transformational. - -- - #levelupson #riseup or #vibrateout #worthy #strongwomen - -- -#loveyourself #begrateful #GratifyYourself #gratitude #yoganation #lovelife #yogistatus #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #torontoyogi #sisterhood #yogilife #freespirit #behappyandfree #wanderlust #SaltyYogi #wildling #selfpractice #selflove #devotion #spiritedyoga #spirit
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littlewanderingspirit · 8 years ago
"The only difference between you and me is that I practice forgiving myself all day long". --- #YogiBhajan - -- - Aaaaaaaand right now im forgiving myself for posting late and for my next post coming right up after this bahaha... 🤣😂 Day 5 of the #AshtangaYogaChallenge hosted by the beautiful spirit, @kinoyoga and @omstarsofficial. Visit my girl @mzilla for her posts on this challenge ! - -- - #Parsvottanasana #PyramidPose Again heavy stretch for the front leg so make sure you keep your calf flexed to prevent blowing out your knee! Shoulders always stay down and back, bound or not bound so find your flat back in this fold and hold your posture. - BREATHE. - -- - #forgiveness #forgiveyourself #transform - -- -#loveyourself #begrateful #GratifyYourself #gratitude #yoganation #lovelife #yogistatus #yogalove #yogaeverydamnday #torontoyogi #sisterhood #yogilife #freespirit #behappyandfree #wanderlust #SaltyYogi #wildling #selfpractice #selflove #devotion #spiritedyoga #spirit
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