vilandel · 6 months
Black Clover Next Generation III ♣️💘
Family Tree of House Vermillion
Fire Vermillions
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Plant Vermillions
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I've already talked a bit about Mimosas and Langris children here, so I won't go too much into details yet (that will be for the profiles).
Just so you know, Kirsch is actually an excellent uncle and to Mimosas surprise, well loved by her children. He also became an uncle for Finrals and Finesses children.
As for the Fire Vermillions, Esclarmonde and Yogan are the oldest of their generation.
Yogan is the only son of Mereoleona and Yosuga (their marriage/bond/whatever is rather special in many ways I'm still figuring it out^^'). He is actually as calm as his parents are wild.
Yosuga and Mereoleona can have their most fierce, devastating battle training and he can just sit unbothered in the middle of it with a book.
Just so you know, he is very powerful magic-wise, in fact he is double as powerful as his parents... Him being such a calm boy was a relief for EVERYONE. Yogan also gets along great with his uncle Fuegoleon.
Yogans birth is quite the story, because Mereoleona was fighting an herd of powerful Magic Beasts and some renegade noble bandits WHILE giving birth to her son. Come on, this is Mereo, of course she would give birth during a battle or something.
His parents are still very proud of him.
Esclarmonde is the calmest one of her siblings. She has a romantic soul and the story of her parents underlines this trait even more.
She also wants one day to become Wizard Queen, learns and trains hard for that. This includes also doing charities and learning no-magic first aid. Plans already to make this a basis for Magic Knights training and has talks with her father about it. She and Fuegoleon are really close, a true Father-Daughter trust.
Is determined to join the Crimson Lion Kings and also to become their captain one day.
Orion is wilder than his older sister, but still calm. Let's say that he is calm but with passion.
Doesn't talk much, but shows more. Not very stoic, though, as he smiles often.
Aliénor is much younger than her siblings, another kind of surprise child.
Personality-wise, she is like auntie Mereo.
Leopolds wife is another OC of mine (I'll made a profile one day for her). To sum up, Venus is a peasant, a member of the Green Praying Mantises and rather crazy (she can cut with her Foam Magic).
Their daughter Eleonora is as loud and wild as her parents. She has a soft spot for volcanos, much to auntie Mereos delight.
Their son Espumaleon is practically the shy baby. Was very sick when he was a baby, so his parents are protective about him and his big sister even more.
Unlike Eleonora, Espumaleon prefers calm and fluffy places, especially with pillows and blankets. Or a bubble bath. He also doesn't want to become a Magic Knight.
Yogan as straight and long dark red hair, which he usually wears in a low pony tail, his mother's blue eyes with the Vermillion red eyeliner and he has powerful Lava Magic (Don't make him angry, as he doesn't yell, remains calm but his lava quickly runs wild).
Esclarmonde, Orion and Aliénor have all their mother's nacreous eyes and their father's red Vermillion eyeliner. Esclarmonde has wavy waist-long hair, red has Fuegoleon's and also has inherited her father's Fire Magic. Orion has dark purple hair like his mother, but shoulder length and soft just like his father, he also got Litals Star Magic. Aliénor has a wide curly mane like her mother, the color is a redish purple (a mix of her parents hair colors) and got Seafire Magic, a powerful one at that. Noelle one day almost got a heart-attack when little Aliénor accidentally put her Sea Dragon's Roar on fire^^'
Eleonora has long and slightly curly red hair, her mother's jade green eyes, with typical Vermillion eyeliner and got her father's Fire Magic. Espumaleon has black hair like his mother, grass green eyes and red eyeliners from his father, with Venus' Foam Magic.
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hankhill420 · 7 months
OUGH my god. Oh
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Characters so complex and layered and more OC (of @seidanguard ‘s) than canon characters tbh. Tbh I think the best art comes from the accidental all nighters
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artsyaish · 6 months
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Very quick and very ugly doodle of my beefy warrior, Yogan. Drew him for a friend of mine.
💪🏻 Muscles and beef but close to zero brain yay!
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extraliga-related · 2 years
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Brio posing with Andrew
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itsthenull · 5 months
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Meet my OC, Hoshi!!
Hoshi's race is called Yogan, and they live on a planet called Planet Fogo. it is an extremely hot planet, but they can live just fine on it. they even thrive there compared to others who would in incinerated upon touching the surface. but that comes with them being hot-bodied creatures. the species are all naturally short, just barely going over 5ft and mostly staying around 4ft. They are also an extremely kind race and heavily rely on each other since they're all they have while out in a very empty area of space. visits never happen, so they try to cherish each other's company. Yogan's also have an extended life span, going to about 2 thousand years old. (but this is just an idea, it's not solid yet.) but with Hoshi what makes her so special is her ability to absorb energy from her opponents and manipulate the ki to be her own, copying move sets and even the behaviors of the person she takes the energy from. the ability is only seen in 1 out of 1 thousand. so she got lucky with it. but she does have her limits. being greedy and taking too much takes a heavy toll on her body and can actually be lethal. but slowly over time as she ages she can take in more and more and it has no heavy repercussions.
now with her lore established, I will show cute pictures of these two <33
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This piece was made to show how he breaks free from Paragu's control. She did it. She was convinced to take the crown off of him, and after that- well, it all plays out as normal. with them all fighting, but she is spared by him.
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I literally love these goobers so much, they have my whole heart and soul <333 This post is just a love letter to them and a time for me to gush. I just love them so much. OKAY HAVE ONE MORE SILLY THING WITH HOSHI'S OLD DESIGN OK BYE <3333
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foxundermoon · 7 months
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This is another oc from my oc world
Name:Hikamari Yogan
Fire magic.
She's kira's friend
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playburo · 11 months
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Yogan Müller
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tokillamockingbird427 · 4 months
yo, how do you just… post things?? bc i have some ideas and drafts for Yogan and Heshie and even Merrick (in notes app exclusively) but how do i get over internet social anxiety T_T you’re one of the Ghosts fandom overlords in my eyes n i admire the following you’ve cultured and circles you’re in, and how you add to the fandom, i don’t think i could be like that
I'm going by the motto that I'm just here to have fun and talk about my silly guys and if people think that's dumb or stupid that's their problem. I'm here to babble and find people to babble with, and people who don't wanna (Or who don't like the stuff I babble about) don't have to engage with me.
With this blog I didn't go in with the expectation that I needed people to like my stuff, because *I* liked my stuff. And then by happy coincidence other people showed up who also liked my stuff! Nice bonus; Not necessary.
This mentality has also had a positive impact on me irl as well. I do have anxiety and I'll never really be free of it but it's helped me that I try not to go into everything going "I need to be likable." and instead go "This is me. You can deal with it or leave me alone."
I still do have anxiety and I still do have moments where I'm like "Ugh but what if they don't like this?!" but I just do my best to ignore the everloving fuck out of that.
(I do also think some of the anons do use me as a mouthpiece for things they're too nervous to post themselves, which is fine by me. So there's an avenue for you, though there is absolutely no guarantee I'll answer it.)
TLDR: You have to say "Fuck it." and do shit.
(Also; I'm an overlord..? News to me! Nice bonus!!)
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dorky-stars · 1 month
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Name: Yogan Bakugou
Alias: Obsidian
Birthday: April 13th
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5
Eye Color: Green
Quirk: Magma Hair
Ship: Katsuki x Daichi
Description: Yogan is the biological daughter of Katsuki Bakugou and Daichi Jishin (OC). Sweet yet bossy, Yogan can often be seen displaying the same attitude as her father. Her inspiration for becoming a hero has always been "because the people need it, not because she wants it". She has always thought of her magma hair as a burden, burning things or people around her which results in Yogan sometimes wearing a fireproof bonnet. Not to mention, having everything she owns fireproof as well. Her quirk has made it hard for her to make friends.
Momo Yaoyorozu was used as a base. This oc belongs to my partner ❤️
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nobrashfestivity · 2 years
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Juichimenkan Nonzo Eleven-faced Kannon statue
1 width, colored silk, hanging width, middle width, left and right, half width, length 169.0, width 90.0,
Heian period, 12th century
The eleven-faced Kannon is the most popular deity among the Henge Kannon, and has been actively created since the Nara period. This image is the only eleven-faced Kannon worship image on silk dating back to the Heian period, and is in an extremely good state of preservation. It is a masterpiece that represents Buddhist paintings in Japan, with its rich colors and large yet delicate kirikane pattern. At present, eleven faces are drawn above the head, including the Buddha face at the top, but near-infrared photographs and other sources have revealed that one face was altered during the production stage, and before the alteration, there were statues from the Nara period. It was a statue of ten faces above the head, which is common in Japan. In addition, unlike other Buddhist paintings in the late Heian period, the image of the principal image of Esoteric Buddhism is drawn diagonally to the left, unlike the usual front-facing image, and the special Yogan-in, with the palm of the right hand facing inward. It shows a distinctive image that cannot be seen. These iconographic features are thought to be based on the old iconography inherited in the land of Nara, and more specifically, there is a high possibility that the iconography established in the Nara period is the source. Another distinctive feature of this image is the strong vermillion kumadori applied to the Kannon's flesh, which is also thought to be a continuation of the tradition of old Buddhist paintings from the Nara period to the early Heian period. The Nara revival elements seen in this image can be said to be a common characteristic of Buddhist paintings related to Nara produced from the late Heian period to the Kamakura period. It is known from the ink inscription on the mounting that during the Edo period, it was considered the honjibutsu of Tatsuta Shingu, the guardian shrine of Horyu-ji Temple in Nara, and that it was also transmitted to Hoki-ji Temple near Horyu-ji Temple for a period of time.
Nara Museum
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appelsider · 6 months
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Trails OC - Sothe Yogan
for @/dezombieslayer7 on twt!
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dromik · 10 months
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Yogan Muller.
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extraliga-related · 2 years
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Could've put a bow on it and called it a present.
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mailontumb · 8 months
Hello! I have been requested a fanfic about Mizu from Blu Eyed Samurai!
The person who asked the fanfic wants to stay anymous
Any who heree is the fanfic!
Note blue: mizu !! orange:ringo !! Purple:Mr Yogan !! Pink: butler
Mizu’s Father?
Mizu was wandering around at the market in the London. She was pretty hungry as she just got to the country known for the British monarchy. After wondering around she found a place to exchange her yen’s to pounds and decided to get a ride to go to a place to eat. She decided to eat at a small cafe, as she went in she ordered some fresh bread and tea. After the food arrived she burnt herself a lil trying to take a small sip of the tea. As she finally ate the last piece of her bread sand decided to continue her hunt to find the 4 white men that went to japan
Mizu decided to go find them but ultimately got lost for 3 hours in the woods…but during the 3 hours she heard a rustling noises coming from one of the bushes. She drew her blade out getting ready to attack but it was just but it was just ringo. “ ringo…why the hell are you here?…didnt i told you to stay in the hut and dont follow me?” “Uhh…sorry I just wanna follow you….” ringo replied awkwardly “whatever just stay away from me.” After that encounter with ringo she finally found her way out and ask around if they have seen the 4 men that went to japan and stayed there illegally.
After no success a man came from out of nowhere and gave Mizu a letter saying she looked exactly like the man in the picture. Mizu at first didn’t believe it before looking the picture and was shocked to find out she does and asked the man where he found it and who the person in the picture was , the man gave her a little envelope with an address written on it. As the man left Mizu gazed on the address wondering if she has found her dad.She decided to go and find a ride to take to the address which later on she found out was a mansion.
After finding a ride and going to the mansion , she gazed at it for a while and finally going to the front door and l knocking on it. A butler appears and asked “hello and good morning, please state your business & reason why you were to see Mr Yogan.” “Uhh…im here to see him to…interview him?”“Hm…I guess you’re the reporter, alright then come in…” the butler assisted Mizu to a living room and serve her a cup of tea which did not burn Mizu this time. She ask the butler if the Mr Yogan is gonna come home anytime soon. “Soon my dear pls be patient” the butler said firmly.
20 minute of waiting later a man who is appear to be in his mid 60’s looking worried walked in the room the butler who was sitting across Mizu this entire time introduce him as the Mr Yogan wich Mizu had so long waited for… the man who politely said hi to Mizu then said “so are we ready to begin to interview?” “Uh..yes Uhm sorry…let’s start?…” Mizu replied nervously”alright hit me with the question!” “Do you recognise this person in the picture?” Taken it aback the man inspect the picture and said…”oh…sorry what is your name?” “Mizu,why?” “Mizu,if your are trying to find this man im sorry but he was my late brother who was a terrible criminal and was executed not long after serving a couple of years in the famous prison of London, The Anastasia Prison… but you can find his grave at the High Gate cemetery it’s just around the block” Mizu who was surprise to found out that one of the 4 men she was searching for had passed away. She later then asked “im sorry but did he ever had a secret child back a japan?” “Oh yes he did! He told me before he was executed,why?” “Heh…nothing but Uhm that is all of the question! I got to go now! Hehe bye?” “Oh Uhm that was fast but alright? Bye.” Mizu quickly left and decided to head to the cemetery.
After entering she quickly searched for anyone who had the last name Yogan as she knows that Mr Yogan was the brother of one of the 4 men she was searching for. Suddenly she saw a grave with the last name being Yopgan and the grave wich appear to have a withered rose right next to and a stone wirtten on it ‘James Yogan, Born at 1578 and Died at 1613, was a beloved brother & a horrible criminal.’ “Yeesh…i didn’t expect to meet you here dad…i hope you ended up in hell after making my whole life themed after it. Goodbye and im glad you died”. She quickly left the cemetery and told ringo to stop hiding in the bushes. Ringo appeared and asked her how did she noticed him “ringo you are way too easy to predict. Now come one let’s go back home”.
The end.
I hope you guys enjoyed this fanfic! I had fun writing it and i hope to post more fanfic of your request! And Here i am out tap out have a great day byeee!
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vilandel · 4 months
1, 2, 13, and 17 for Daminato's daughter (I forgot her name😭 but I really love her based in the description you gave)
Her name is Esperanza and I'm really happy that you ask about her, dear Anon <3
Who makes up your family? How close are you to them? I'm really close to my father! I know he seems distant to many others, probably to you as well. But he is a great father to me and I'm happy to be his daughter! Can't sadly say the same for my mother. It's like I only see her a few times a month, at best. People say that I look a lot like her physically, but every time I look in the mirror, I don't see the cold and the distance, so I'm not so sure about it. My aunt Rosette Silva was the mother figure I had growing up. I'm close to her and I actually see her more often than my own mother! It seems crazy, I know. I'm also close to my cousins Eis and Nanthilde. They're younger than me, but it never really mattered for us. Uncle Solid is a bit off, but he is kind to me. When it comes to my more distant relatives, I always feel welcomed within the Vermillions and the Silvas. As for king Augustus... I still wonder how he is king and not someone capable like my father. But father also decided to not take over the throne. I'm actually the next heir to the crown. And it seems that it won't be long, given that Augustus makes so much nuisance lately that there is a law in the making to dethrone an incompetent ruler when it needs to be done. Which would mean that I'll be queen probably the day I'll get my grimoire. I'm a bit nervous, and I'm not sure that I'll be a good queen for Clover. But I learned a lot for that and Father promised me that I won't be alone, that a lot of people would support me. Wish me luck.
Who is your best friend? Tell us about them! My best friend is Yogan Vermillion, the son of Mereoleona Vermillion and Mushogatake Yosuga, one of the Ryuzen of Hino. Given his parents, he has immense mana and magic, plus his lava magic is scary and fascinating altogether. Thankfully, he is not as wild as his parents, on the contrary, he is very calm. Given his feet into two countries and his will to study, he knows so much and actually helps me to understand leadership and politics. We love to read together or to talk, but also to train. I'm grateful that he isn't as fiery as his mother, otherwise I don't think my glass magic can handle his lava magic, despite both of us being royal. Plus, he is very good-looking and so sweet, a true gentleman... Shoot, have I said this out loud?
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want! What do you build and where do you build it? I would love to build many things that could help the kingdom. Orphanages and schools, libraries even in the Forsaken Realm because everyone deserves knowledge, more infirmaries even for the most far away villages... There are so many things I would love to do to help my country. Maybe I will be able to do it once I'm queen? As for only me, just a small cottage with a garden, maybe in the Common Realm or in the Forsaken Realm, just to relax and rest when royal life becomes too much. It happens more often than you think.
What makes you laugh? King Augustus. Do I need to explain?
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ronunknown0413 · 2 years
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Sakkushi Yukiharu Midoriya (Vanguard Hero Commander: Seikatsu Seishin)
Age: 24 (December 13th)
Illusional Life- He can create illusions obviously, but what made this quirk different? He can make them real or had them effect the opponents mindsets, from happy, funny, or harmless or to sad, scary, or painful. This quirk can also create objects to his liking and point of view, when he first discovered it he thought about a rose that would never wilt, then poof it magically appeared! He also a healing ability, rapid regeneration and a small telekinesis ability .
Mimic and Create- This Quirk is the mixture between his "secondary" parents quirks, he can give, take, copy, and keep quirks in his "mimic side" while create, edit, splice, delete quirks with his "create side".
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Tenko Tomura Midoriya (Vaguard Hero Lieutenent: Gensui Yogan)
Age: 19 (April 04th)
Decay- He can turn anyone or anything into dust with five fingers, So he needed to train so he can control it.(thankully he did) he also have a telekinetic ability to control things he destroyed. (But he doesn't do humans though)
2. Mimic and Create- This Quirk is the mixture between his "secondary" parents quirks, he can give, take, copy, and keep quirks in his "mimic side" while create, edit, splice, delete quirks with his "create side".
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Izuku Mikumo Midoriya (Vanguard Hero Cadet: Dekiru Insai)
Age: 15 (July 15th)
Telekinesis(S rank)- This is a high ranking one but its inferior to his father's(Inko), He can lift and throw heavy object OFC, But he can make telekinetic slashes, and make the opponent hallucinate in the most painful way possible and use it to increase his strength and speed.
2. Mimic and Create- This Quirk is the mixture between his "secondary" parents quirks, he can give, take, copy, and keep quirks in his "mimic side" while create, edit, splice, delete quirks with his "create side".
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Inko Shi Shimura Midoriya ( Vigilante Psychic shooter: Psy-kai/ Vanguard Hero Leader: Shi-Tekai)
Age: 45 (July 04th)
Telekinesis(SSS Rank)- This is one of the highest rank telekinesis quirk due to the motive call "quirk improvement". He can lift and throw stuff OFC, But he can make telekinetic slashes, and make the opponent hallucinate in the most painful way possible, and he can use it to completely destroy an object or a building, he can use it to increase his strength and speed and power up his weapons mostly guns though
2. Shi-Creation- He can create and delete quirks, and give it to the person in 12 mile radius due to his telekinetic quirk, He first used it to modify Hisashi's quirk to make it safe and to keep him safe.
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Hisashi Yuki Shigaraki Midoriya (Villain Project 001: All For One/Vanguard Hero Leader: Prime Jinsei)
Age: 234 (December 21)
1. Heal- He can heal himself and other people, from little scraps and bruises to life threatening wounds or poisons, internal or external. The drawbacks is when he heals himself it leaves scars while it didn't on the other people he heals, and because of this quirk he's immortal.
2. Give and Take- He can give and take quirks and also keep them in his arsenal, but with the help of Inko, He now can keep the copy of the quirks while giving back the originals.
-Inko is a male here and he's completely different from Female Inko.
-Hisashi is actually shorter than All Might
-The name 'Shigaraki' was actually the name of Hisashi's ADOPTED parents and 'Midoriya' is his REAL Parents name.
-Inko was a Shimura, but he LOUTHE the name because Nana wasn't a good mother to him.(MY AU)
-Hisashi's villain name 'All For One' was actually an experimental name cause he was experimented on(NOT BY THE GOVERNMENT!!!) So he was a FORCED villain.
-Inko was the number 1 vigilante and he and his friends was the one who save Hisashi and his friends from their tormentor.
-Hisashi and Inko's marriage was like a vow to the government that they work for them and gave them normal lives while also becoming heroes .
-Their hero and normal lives are very well balanced.
-Hisashi is a special type of male, so he and Inko can have children despite having the same gender.
-Hisashi is EXTREMELY fertile and due to the experiments his pregnancy last 5 months
-Sakkushi is the first born son
-Tenko is the middle son
-Izuku is the youngest son
-Tenko is not adopted so he is not a shimura.
-Because of the experiments Hisashi went through, his sons has unusual traits no other kids have.
-Sakkushi has a very unusual birth mark of a special flower within the family's home estate.
-Tenko has dry skin problems.
-Izuku hormones are really high so his emotions are very strong.
-They also can see and hear things that nobody else can.
-Inko is the dominant husband while Hisashi is a submisive wife.
-In their normal life their very very rich because of their quirk knowledge.
-In their hero life they are know as the Vanguard.
-Hisashi has mental and emotional health problems but he has his family and close friends to help him.
-They took the name Midoriya to honor Hisashi's late real family.
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